1T1HUE no am- 2 in "GHTeacher.-.ClaM in jugra obv come forward. What is jographj? First Pupil A description of the Uuiled States and Mexico. ... . Teacher What is said of the inhabitants ofibe U. States ? Second Pupil. Tis said they'ie licking the Mexicans. Teacher Where is Mexico? Thi'd Pupil Down by Gen Taylor. Teacher How it bounded ? Fouith Pupil On the noilh by the Amer ican army, ou the east by the yellow lejer and Com. Perry, on the south by earthquake and burning mountains, and on the west y Coin. Stocktou. ' , . ? Teacher-What is the chief productions ? Fif.h Pupil -Revoluiion and changes of Government. ? Teacher-What is the Government J Pupil-Lunar. It changes monthly. Teacher What are the inhabitants remark- makable lor ? Sixth Pupil Locomotion. Teacher You can dodge. Anecdote with a Moral. When Charles the Secoud chattered the Koyal So ciety, it is narrated ofhirn that he was dis posed to give the philosophers a royal, but at the same time a wholesome lectuie : "Why is it my lords and gentlemen," said he, " that if you fill a vessel with water to the very brim : so that it will not hold another drop more, yet, putting a turbot into the water it shall not ove.flow the vessel?" Many were the sage conjectures: that the fish would d.ink as much wt.ter as compen sated for hU own bulk-that he condensed the water to that amount-that the a.r bhdder had something to do with the pheno.nenon and a hundred others, which were propounded and abandoned in their tu.n, much to the amusement of the merry monarch. At length Mr Wren, (afterwa.ds Sir Christopher,) inod- esllv asked, , . Dut is your majesty sure that such would be the case.?" , , "Aye there!" exclaimed his majesty, laugn in2 you have it : always, gentlemen, hnd out whether the thing be t -tie, .before you proceed lo account for it-then I shall not be ashamed of the charter I have given you. Some wag wrote the following capital epigram on a pale faced lady : Why is it that on Emma's cheek The liliy blooms, and not the rose ? Because the rose has gone to seek A place upon her husband's nose. A enmrn lm.k.no Lieutenant, under the ten recimeut bill, asking a friend what he n..ll l tlzn for without his eoauletts, was answered that he would be " taken for debt. warranted It cures tlist-ase -aithout sickening or debilitating the DR. TOWNSENirS SARSAPAKILLA THK MOST EXTBAOftDINARY ME m,.ivp in THE WORLD. This Extract put P in a,,art follies. I is nix times cuci r . superior to any sold voiniiins, purlin?, ft pitient. , ennerioritv of this Sarsa- ptril.'a overall other remedies is, whiltt it eradicates disease, it invig the budv. Itas performed more than 1 5,UO0 cures this year. lOOO Cuies of Kheiirnatiam, 1,000 Cures of Dyspepsia, 2,500 Cures of General Debility, and want ol JNervous energy, 3,000 Female complaints, and over 7 linn rurianrriiapiiai-sofllie niotd. viz: Ulcers, Scofula, Erysipela, Salt Rheum, Pimples on the face, &c. &c. together with numer ous cases ot consumption, liver compiiin, rpo.ai -r. Tki. iv nrpaware must aDDear in- auciiirii0 v. - ... . " - . credible, but we have letters f om Physicians and our agents from all parts or the Uuited-SlaUs, in forming us of extraordinary cures. R. Van Bus kirk. Esq .one of the most respectable Druggists in INewaiK, iew jerscjr, hwiui. refer to more ihan one hundred and filty casrs in Tlire arc thousands vf cases in the city of New York which we will refer to with pleasure, ana to men oi cnaracier wen nuun nTIPTTYI ATISM. ivfm-o Vi- n ..no thousand eases of Chronic Rheu matism have been cured by the use of Doctor Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Nrw York. Dec. 14. 1816 To Dr Townsend Sir: I think it my duty . . ou n cinrpre thanks for the ben- I U iui ii j jm - v - . . - ....... - efits I have experienced bv the use of your lixtract of Sarsaparilla. 1 was afflicted for many months U T? Umiinlir wa na anil nln I Ilfla OI3 tlOfl oflhf Tllli -ll,J,,'", . Liver, the sufferings which 1 wndured from tbese diseases rendered my lit a Duru n io me. in ...na r.iw-i ih'd for me. from these of the best physicians in the city, buMyitn.at ..o. vnr anv nr-rinntir-nt oeneui. i .,v.m.. " - - . t . A CTJ I Ilk strength. I it auiy give jou of my case to publish if you please. PETER BUOWW,47 Littlest., Brook!o. Great Female Medicine. Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy fe for incipient consumption, barrennes:.. leucorrl.ee, or whites, obstruct. dor ditbcult men struation, incontinence ot unne, or nvolumary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system ; uo mutter whether the resell oi inberut caiise or causes, produced by irregularis, illness or accident. - , . lutkm rnlii more Fiirnrisine : . : ff"..t n the human frame. Persons, all weakness and lass'tude betoretaRing .at once become roboa and full ol energy under us "'"""l It imm. diately conteracts the nerytlessness oi uie female frame, which is the great cause ol barren- nef.? :n t Prnwtfd of US in CnSfS cf SO II Will " i - . - . .- . ovhihit rllfif-alt-c if CHTCS per- cleticaic a naiuic i " . . . - formed, but we can a ure the affl cted, hun dreds of cases have been reported to u?. uf?everJl cases when families have been without children ; alter usirira few boltu soitne invaluaose in have beenblesscd with luaithy oflVprins: ilvdistressed lr i un nctii") ''j r j by weakness aiid general debility, and sutlering continually by pain and a sensation f !rinS down, falling of the womb, and with other dimcu -ties ; and having known cases where your medi cine had . fieded great cures, and also hearing it n comnv nct'd lor tucli oiseases as l naveu.a . 1 obtained a bottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla, and followed the directions you gave m'. in a short period it removed her complaints and restor ed her h.'th. Deing giattlol f r the benefits, she received I take pleasure hi thus sicknowU-dtng it, and recommencing it 10 ine pinuic. . , . 1 IT ..la o crt M T MUUllt, corner oi ijrana anuujuiu. Albai y, Aug. 17, 1844. Dr Townsend . , . . . rrt it 1 !,: ,vnr fmnm." llll? M IO J. O Mil WI1UI" IIHO mm ij . "J- - certifi that my wife used one b5tile of your faarsa- pariHa previous lo nvr connnemcni, umn i --v v i..rrv,;rr o.i.i .ttKnntn i n iinisia nci s. being trou- hied willi tho dropsy, swelling of the f e", nervous ill c'ions,ani vety mocu " , receiving any permaiif-m. - persuasion, and the rrc mmenuauo.ii o. iu-c myself incurable, hut by the advice of a riend she wag n(Jui:t.d totr3 it, wilh little iuducdio try vour Compound. I had but taint hopes of sOcccss, hut I am happy to say, I bad not h:lf a hoitlf; b fore I expenenc: d r lief- this induced me to persevere in its use, and two bottles have fleeted an entirecuie. It is now ,i.t. a n. I ncr-fi vour rcmeflv. ani i -.im points iiiuin" . " .7 w rateful and happy to say I never enjoyed better health. . , i D!,n tnL-o irPiit n ensure in recoinmenuri" u ! ' ' IT, I , .. to the afflicted, for by its ue 1 firmly beluve my i:r. .....o a.vc.l Willi the "realest reaped, allow lilt; nuo aiiv. " - - -" f- ' ma to subscribe myself vour grateful liiend, .... t tt. r . ivr wi . . tivi r. iiiumjrnii, 43 Cedar street, corner of Broadway. Miniature Painting, Corner Gillespie and Kussell streets, the re el ! i'iipf nf Iter brother. Prices range from $10 lo $0, ccoraiiS June.26, 1847. IKtU MOru II) u, - r "... or no faith, and si.fTice it to say, -the lmdicir.e had the happy and desired enecr, no; om m mc f .nfinpmrai hut nl'tr r the expiration of a week of its use, the dropsy and nervousness gave way . .1 ir f i it1 nil1 nun nt'i iiciiii.ii i -- knimr iimn it .is fnr loio time previous. UVI 1 L 1 IIIUH . - " If tnis will be ot any service o you, or a... flint t nuhts the tilCHS OI una uivuit.iu. ju entirely welcome to it. 1 subscribe my sell your most oue.ucn. """ li-ed servant. . SS.JAMWu:. CUJSWEUS MAGICAL. PJIIJV X- The marvellous cures which have been jrought by this all-healing ointment and the almost in credible arrant of suffering whic b ed by ir, sreroo well known by the pubf.c toad mitof.oy doubt of its wonderful properties in subJuinall paii. or -ruflring from bums n-or scalds. a"d always healing in. an ineicdible short lime and never leaving any scar. If applied to broken limbs they heal without pam, or soreness. Com.tock & Co., New York, sole Proprietors i os Pvirrinr i. enuinw unless it nas UIIU I1U M. UIH O . . D . their signature on the wrapper of each box. Price 25 cents, 50 cts. and i per oo. w., .. supplied gratis. Tii!.,i.pf!l, AienL isoM in r ycueviue uj - - February 13, 1847. RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CONTRACTED CORDS, MUSCLES, ETC ARE PREVA LENT AN D COMMON DISEASLfe. Ttow imimr.ant that a remedy to check, control. and eradicate Rheumatism and Gout, lo streng then and extend shrivelled and knotty cords and muf clcs, till nature and health again have sway and control. Such you may reiy, n. flewe's Nerve and B.ine Liniment, and Indian Vegetable Elixir, sold by Coimtock & Co., and trueonly when have their fac-simile Kinatureon them. Bvtheuseot this J.tni.n- in; weaiv um.a are strenathened, contracted cords re.axed, all swellinss reduced, nift;iinin:ition exttrminaieo, and Ibos.jwho are lame are euaoitu io wain. aan.. Com lock & Co.. 21 Couillandt street, en- York, sole proprietors. I iie aouve ;iruc:es aru soiu uj -j. Fa v lleville. February 1 3, IS47. TO ALL AFFLICTED W I 1 ri I tln. fciiiv. HEADACHE. Dr E. Soohn's Keinedy f-r this coinp'aint is . . trt it.. I. j . . s . an . eiJeclual in most cases. w n.n int.- inun ingon.a sin?ledose ol this palatable ttixerwui produce immediate :r. lief, and it persiMcd in wi I eir-tt a radical cure. Cleygymen, and others, who have for years fuffeied trom the most distres- sinr attacks of headache so as to irequeimj blethem, have b en cured by using it lor a short time. For sa!e by Comstock & Co., N w Yoik, 21 Courtlandt.si.,sole Proprietors, wh re also may be had, gratis, a m.re pari'cuiar s.ccoimi oi in- etlic s. Sold lv S. J- Hinsdale iu l aye' leviue. ! ICE! FOR SALE. On and after the 1st day of Ju'v, three cents per ..., I ho ehar-ed lor Ice at my -i.r'-. j erms, cash. ER AM CERT. June 20, 1847. This splendid lamp will be .ightid upiii Eram i i "... ..t. virv f:veillliT. It is a Uei I 9 ICC Ulaill ui-iuvii - - J o splendid article. cur vMnin !LDTTEIB.IE S . q To b.- drawn in July, 1S47. ' (Successors to J. G. Grrpory & Co.) ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 40. for 1S47. Tobo drawn at Alexandria, or. Saturday, the 17lh ot Juiy, ioik 14 drawn numbers in each package of 25 tickets. GRAND SCHEME United Str.tes Officer. r-v.t rt vv AfT.on mpmWr tf'the New Jersey Legislature, late of the U S Navy, has kindly sent us the following certiticate. ii lens ns onu . Rahwav. Jan. 25. 1847. it K the ihflueiizi onrl mv whnln vstin 1 ft in a debilitated st-ite. 1 aim m'j " v - - was induced to trv IT. lowuscna s oarsaparnia iinrl alter t.iklllf two Or tnrce Oulliea 1 was vei .......i. . l : o.l i. r,.l triliiitH it enl ur: v to tr.e ?:i Kl III1IVII IVIH.H.W.UIIM --- - - tf Sarsaparilla. I have continued taking it, anil hmi that 1 improve every nay. i oeneve n suvm iu life, and would not be wiinouc u anaer any cuumu- eration. I- VV. AicL.12.Ai. To I he Editor. FMiior nf ilie Rahwav Re publican, published the above certificate, and re- mnrLa in ii n (li I nri:i 1 n 1 1 1 1 ! n V r Tim ciiw.u.u ,.e rr IVwnspnil'a nrena ration of ' ... . . . I . . I " . Sarsapaiilla appears tooo 01 ine mosi exirarom.ir r. ii'tir we miit iisii lo-tiiiv i wo cen i neu ii. o in its holi-iif niip from Cant. McLean, of this town. and one from Itev.Mr White of Staten Island, a miiiLmuii well kniiwn in Rahwav. Cant. Mc Lean believes the medicine to have saved his life. and 1 r White seems to entertain an equally snon" ... . CV Y..1. ... . . n lib A j-rklllllli.lt. ,11 1 1 M fllll.i:V 1 llCUI"l.lll l.ll. i.n ihese would not. praise so stionly what they dul not tulty oe.ieve ueserve n. Great Reduction IN FREIGHT, ON THE CAPE FEAR RIVER. Comparison in a few aiticles o( the former and prcsum lain. Box goods, cubic foot, Salt, sack, , stalt, coarse Liv., bus., Iron, ton, Coffee, per sack, Sugars, per 100, Castings, per 2W0 lbs., Passage, $3 up and down. This arrangement took effect after 20th inst Thankful for past favors, we solicit a coutinu. ance of public patronase. ' . , ' . JOHN H. HALL, Agent Henrietta S. B. Co. Jan y 30, 1847. 415-tf.- Former. Present. -9 7 30 25 10 ' 8 3 00 t 50 3 25 I7J . 15 5 00 4 00 NOTICE. At March Term 1847, of the Court of Tleai and Quarter Sessions for the County of Cun.bcr land, the Last Will and Testament of Thomas L. flybart was admitted" to probate, and Ictfrs tes tamentary mere granted to the undersigned, the 1 Executors therein named. AM persons indebted 1 t the Estate of the d ceased, are requested tot make immediate payment.' Tliufc holding claims against the Estate, are requested to present tin in to the Executors as early as r. raiticable. . . rt r n r. ri -r c -r r . vrtn J. G. SHEPHERD. Executors. March 13, 1847. 421 -tt 100,000 A JOHN C. LATTA Commission Merchant . 9 V71 GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prize of $50,000 do 10,000 do do do do 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,500 1 10 10 12 25 300 v ize Pi izea do do do da or $1,740 of 1,000 750 500 300 150 Sar. Tickets 810 Shares in proportion. Certificates of Packages 25 whole tickets Do do 25 half do Do do 25 quarter do Scrofula Cured. ti.:. . urcn.-ntc u -si's liandfd into UrTownsend's it..... .1.; j ii pnt :iiwl i oiieln..i vol v Droves that his I . - - - - . - , ...... J I rSarsaparilla has perfect control over the most ob tin .te diricases of b!ood. Three oersons cured in one house is unprecedented. Three Children. Dr Twn-end. Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to inform you thai three of my children have been reil ot the Scrolitla iy tue use oi your exceneui heme. l n y wtc amicieu vrry awrivij I li!ivp fnkpn nnlv tniir bottles: it took theui awav, for which I IVt-l myself und. r deep obligation, Yours lespeettnllv. - a k l ans Iff . M. ISAAU iv . uuAiii, i yt Ttvoosierssi. New York, March I, 1347. Rheumatism und The Piles. S' pieinber 16, 1S46. Tnurriepnil Dpnr si r t M. v wife h..s b en for several vears afll cted with rheu i.atism, Sue has tr.ed many din'orent renudies to obtain some . . J Cll . II- 1 reli-ji, but all to no purpose. one w a? uranj in duced, bv seeins vour advertisement, to give our J .. ... . i:.r . Sarsaparilla a trial. v e procureo some oi n uom your aent (Mr JJuskirk) and 11 givisme piuasnre .i.tp .ftpr iwimi it .she eToerieneed r at r lief. and was in a very" short lime perfectly cured. I a nio iinwincr wnn a man in mv uimpiui iuu- lt irnhlet i-h oiles. and bv usinr a small J . . v. I . .. . .....litn nfiAiir S.niinnrilli) our t'Oinolaint Was 11 rim j ... j v - ' i - j w . 1 conmletetv cureu. i consiaer 11 one w ure medicines, and would advise all woo are nnncieu to eivc il a trial. GARRIT GARRABRAiN i", 123 Market-st., iSewark. D.w'non of Phmicians. nlmnst dailv receiving orders .i.,-i"i..;nnj .n dirTfront narts of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned Phy sicians of the city ot Albany, nave in in . m t O m-il I and cases prescribed Ut A on usenuoiiiajpai...., ' . . l....kln v-ti&' a-1 tions of the Sarsaparilla, and belicicit to be one of tho mot valuable preparationsol ibe Sarsapa- II P Pullin", M !.; J VVHson, fti U.;t iv Bri2.s, M D.; P E Etmendorf, M D. Albany, April 1, IS45. Thp following is from one of the mi st respec table physicians on Lonjr Island. r t .... T..i. in iQ.tit vji reenpoi i, j n, T..wnBnd Dear Sir. Il is with sat isfactton that 1 say loyou.that I have rciiit!y witnessed, in feveral cases, the most ben ricial effects bom your Extract t earsapariita. itinr 10.1' " the practice of ill' dieine, Uiave prescribed it in several ca?es, and never without benefit. In the removal of diseases art'i'ig tr m a ueianeu tua of the dijrestive-oran? jaunder, n. tar execeo any hi nir of the kind ever btf re cff. rul 'he nub ic. Yon will please send ine iwo uutui, Respeciful.y yours, tJ n, ii Prineii al Otlice, 126 Fulton Street, Sun Binl.l- in,lN Y.; Reailinr & Co., .S... 8 State st, l.oston; Dr-Dyott & sons, 122 INorth f.iond St., t'liiiao.; SS Hance, Diug.ist, Baltimore; Duroll & Co., nicbmoi d : I'M Uoben, Uliailes.on ; o..u..3i. principal druggists sen. rally ihrou-boiii me Uiiitid States, VV est inuies aim ine m..u.is. N..11R "e.niine. cxcrol tnt up m the lare .square bottles, which contains a quart, aid signed with the written signature ot 5 v 1 uw woe.wu, his na.ne blow n on t lie jrlas. KOLMSTOCIy'S VEB V1IFUGE " A DEAD SHOT FUR WOU.MS." A highly cone ntrated and eli niically combined preparation, capable, from the promptitude ot its action of ileal jug the" system in a few hours "f every w-rin, or of affording a complete test of their existence. It seldom needs to be repented and never lo be followed by any other purjre. Prepared and .o'd by Cooistock' &. Co, 21 Conrtlandt street. New York. S.jld bv S. J. Hinsdale. February l '5, I 347. TO FARMER?. & ALL WHO USE LEATH ER IN ANY FORM, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. No Farmer should r st a si i-b- day, until he e ciirtnli iil vv ;tb b.itt'o of the cclcbiated Oil of Tallin or Great Leather Restor. r. It is in the form ol a Liquid, and is a compound of Oil with the extracts ot certai-i barks. 1st ap- t.. I iilli. r inimediatel V r. Il'lers it Soil and u.iuiitr'ii - ,-11 ..M .ble an.l lu.st eoual to new. tor boot ann sho-s and carri.iire tops, it is in its eff rets u isur ..a..l nn,t lb "softness. o!i ibilitV. anc latlil" n.iHlit e-- it imparts will Umtold pay its cost. I . . . .1. . ...I ". -...r,ti...l tn It is well Known nisi "cn; . - ort.... u leafier, it evidently becomes ra'ucid, and ;orms a cuni up-ill the surface, a id th rcby r -.-t- it ; tin. is entirely remedied by the use of ibis Oil ol Tan in, an it possesses anti3 ptic qualities, si. id its use will universally double the w ear of sill lesiiher. The "iMiiiiit- h is tho t'lc-similc ol Coin-toet & Co., Now Yoik, upun the labels. Pr.ee 2j cnts, 5 cuts, and 75 cuts pr B tlle. Sold on :y by S J Hinsdale in F.yetteville. Acres .Valuable FOJK SAILilB. TUP QuKqc iber bus mire, based all thi LANDS belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dee'd., lyinpriocipally in Robeson county, and on both ides of Lumber Rtver, the difF r -nt surveys con taining over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND At"! RES r a larire part finely Timbered, and con- 1.. 1 i.mhpr liivrr where a lame ouantitv f CIIIVlll -3 M- ' ' " of Timber is now rarted to the Gcorgetottti mar ket. These lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a Iare part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentineyields more, abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low nriee. and in nun nities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be obtained by applinsrto the Ho:. Robert Stra:ie, James C Dobbin, Lsq., AAt Sonitn, ti.sq., iviiorneys ai Law.) I understand therearo many t respassers or. thesr lands, to all of whom not ice is hereby Jl'iven, that the law will be enforced against all such offenders. Application f-r any part of the Lands csn . be made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale .f the same. TWOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C, March I, 1815. 314-tf. A. M. C AMPBELL, AUCTIONEER, ' May b found opposite his old siand, at the ttore formerly occupied by Mr McCalluin. July 25, IS46. Cncotirase Home Manufactures For sale in Fayetteville by June 12, 1S47. S.J. HINSDALE. 3 34 - v. -FIRE. WORKS For 4tll Of July, ad a f,esh supply of TOYS of all k nds, just recei ved at Jnnc 5, 1347. 11. ERAM CERT'S CUMBERLAND- a tf ' i iz m v. ne 1 1 17 ...;., aa.iin of ibis lnstiiuiion will commence on Thursdav, the I si dav ofJuly next. DAZS1C.L. JU:nioe, i.-nnciJ.i. June 5. 1347. 4M-4w. FISH. 23 Barrels Halitax Herring, No. 1, superior, 2G do Yarmouth do No. 1, do Foraleby OFO. McNEILL. April 17, IS44. . POP S120 60 30 ALEXANDRIA. LOTTERY, Class No 44, for 1847. To be drawn in Alexandria, on Saturday the Slfct Jnlv. 1847. 75Numher Lotlerv II Drawn Ballots SPLENDID SCHEME! Piizeof $40,000 do 15,000 do S.000 do 6,000 do 4,150 Tickets S10 shn'e ill nfinortioll. Certificate of Packages Ot 25 whole tickets fl40 1 1 1 1 1 5 . 5 75 75 Piizes of $1,500 do 1,250 d; 1.000 do 500 Do Do 1 !o do 25 half do 25 quarter do 70 35 fiO Pri7 ol i n Uill.irs ! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No 42, for 1847. To b drawn ii Alexandria, on Saturday, July 13 Drawn Numbers out of 78 ! CAPITA! . - Pi izo of $30,000 50 P,izea of S LOOO 1 1 1 1 do do 500 300 do 12,000 5o do 7,000 1S2 do 3,270 T-I-.U Cll! T-tnlvrR rt Quart. m A:iwcf0 4p.v - w- . ia l Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets SI30 ll "v 03 Do lo 26 quarters do d Certifx-ato. ( Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will re ceive tho most prompt attention, and an official ac count of each drawing sent immediately after it i overto all who order from us. Address. J. &.C. MAURY, Aaeiits for J VV MAUR.Y& Co, Managers. (Successors to J Q Gregory & Co.) v Washington City, D. C D.- Townsend Sir: Having for some time past been afll.cted witha pulmonary nflcctionon mv lungs, and a cool I hum pain in my me,- in to t'vning exposure in iravciung aorr 1 rraimng, and fiudinir my disease to incteise, with n:uch difficulty of breathinsj and other alarming symp . 1 :. ndviaml bv a cl- rrrvirtau. a friend 1 1, . -. ..;...- in trv vmir -?:iiriitea rarsaoaruia. 1 " iiiiiiv. 1 7 . .... . 1 t 1 .... .itpr t ikinu iwo or inrt-e ooses 1 hmihu mysolf relieved. My appetiie has been restored. I find myselt mocrr stronger, ano nope vrry hwmi la rveume mv osnal duties. I have tieen so ffreat- . J- ... 1 - . f . : . tv bonrtited by vour excellent ineoicine, 1 reei 11 mv diitvtnmn :f kunwn Inc. I n Is lor the le neBt of others ho may be laboring under the same diinculties that 1 have been for some time past 11 . r..'i .. . Hiji' tMu iY, yiiurs. SAJiutL win r is. Haslor ot Uantist Uhurcn. M. 90 I QIC Sli.l.n lal.ni) ifAinsT a Aim uri p Read the following, and doubt if vou can, that consumption can be cured. This is only one i f the several liundrcu cases that townsend's Sar saparilla has curea. ' urooKivn. oeot. 14. iao. Tt. Tnuncand Dear Sir I wit ILpn x little 1 v " - over a year ago, with a severe couh and pain in 1 f !.ABaMl An mo VOW foal injluul I HI V COV M J I I ! 2 a I l .A.Mk.x.4jii nv n nvHii'iaiiM iib iihvh i.ip nuirK WHO UIUIIU'i- f " J - ' - j ciMisumplion. i raised larpe quanunes ot bad m,tirr h.1 nicht swfais inu was emwins ry r - . .ltr enicl hn rmi!fi ltl Rolfr fl r or Die ; "'v' -- --- - , I went to the hospital m nope i ocmg oenenucu, nn . . m .1 1 rtrr mciirau c. m. aa vf.v DUi WIS jnwiuu""'- 1 , , ., Greatly distressed at the luns and could hardlv to die ; was confined to my bed and was obliged to have watches ; indeed, I cannot give joa any 1 1. v f iDAiilrl lll.lirR 1(1- UIV .ue V w. wim " j -t if .-inirnrn n'riTFL. nt Libert v Point P..c,.sion i.o. lie first day of June. Apply immediately to WILL. S. M ULLlftb. . ay 15, If 47, MARBLE FACTORY. IMPORTANT HO L CIIKISS' Vertical Water Wlicel. Til P! .iihs-. iibors liavi i"' witnessed tlic succcs- r..i... ... .iw.L i.l'rlis.- w!ii:ls. were induced to -nr- iui r - . chase the right of usiiiir them in t .i.- state ol J.rili Carolina; ami thev now oner mr saio n.n . rights, at FIPTY" do lars, or rights lor a wliole county, on reasonable 1 nns. Ee-fi'ls hems -eneraiiy aiui' u m k ..h...... Sisile-- tlie.e wheels are e 011111-4 into general u in I h: sou' hern St.ites. We have sold about I lihts. SO of which -are in succ ssiui operation 111 Cumberland county. " These wheels are more dura'e, an-t inor- easily kept i 1 order when pnperly put t-g tie r than the flutter wheel. They will save one-: bird of the water, and ruu w 11 "in back wter, whn th-re is aheadabvc. The sp-t-d of the saw is increased to more than dou'.dettie strokes per minute. Wo relor, am n others, to the fo'lowin i -gentle, men, some of whim h ive 'had the wheels in opera tion 'l 2 months or more; and -from many of them, and others, weh iva receiv-td certificates expressing their hi''i -approbation of the nperir alyantae? of Ihese over tne nuiter wn.-ei, anu mS' ih their saws will cut 250 3i)!)H, 3500, and even as hih" as 5 0' feet per day, an.l save one-tlilrd of 4 I. A .m I 1 IUC ..... , . With such a deservedly luffta character, tne CsiiO scriher feel justified iiiofT-:rin ihese Wheels to the public, tlo-v will keep on hand a supply of - '. ...... 1 1 J.-.CV. ...-n.. wheels anoiucd ro msn or lowHPaus-'irajuucoirc Wilmington, iNewbern-ana wasnmeion. no Mr JameT. Dolson, of Caswell, has ih -m for sale. We caution all persons throuiih the estate against pa vie 5 any person hut ourselves, or our authorized agents, for the ri,ht of usie; these wheels. vnTIPir. P.") Vlll.l.WaiGHTS.-lfvon wi.-h ,li mont :ti.nii:iint vour:Ives A'itfl Duttinirin 1 . . these Wheels, as we now wish to employ at least ... . -1 TT . - I . I 0. . 00 in this business in oiuereni pans oi ine oiaie. DUNCAN MeNEILL. ARC 'I'D McLAUCHLIN. A A McK ETHAN. Favetteville, Januart 31 1846. 363-ff Gardner & McKethan, HAVEIalely made -.onsiderabit: ioiprovcm- nt in theirtyleof vVork .anil have now on baud a G lill A L ASSORTMENT, . 01113' in of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, GigsSulkeys, Waggons, x:c. Which for elegance til shape a;ivl finish, and dura bility, will ciunpure itii any made f t the U Sliite.-. Persons wishiun to luiv, would do well 'to eaU aviiMi'in mr ivuric :l v . hii VP il e eilll i n id to .. .,......- ...... - - - - - - 7 sell LOW for Ca-h. oraporovcu note". I laving in our employ fir-.t rate Smi:lis, we are prepar-! to do any lion work in the above linu oi .moderate ' erios. We warrant all our work to be of -rood :uid Hilth ii I wm kni in?hip and io:iteri;i 1, f r one yoa r. REPAIRING faitliinl y exeenl'-.l at short not it e, and mi reasonable terms . e'a veUeville, Fetm.ary S, 13 10. y. Hardware & Cutlery BSgABLISaiCBlTg WM. C. JAMES & CO. ARE now r ccivinj; a nit olb r lor saic, w.i.. saleand retail, .sn exti n-iie i ssoitiih in i ,, w and m!1 se'fcted Fen inn ami Dmi.tsln- tapv anH Km cv 1JKY COOUS, IIAKI) AHL i ITTLEUY, the whol coutbinin a s-trtk,.i c:nnnanlinr cbnracttr rartf u;ii!id in il.j. countrv 'i Ii Iiane in-en puiuiiiscii in - . .- rfi 1 .1 .1 ? . ... . 1 ik iiir.iMi, -11 -o ri uerv is, in .n;n 1 1 pi ivate sale, will be s. Id al it.eap u.ti.-, 1 j im 1. ihants, fumilies and ctl.crs. The ftock b. ing intirely nw, niul v ri n ral. compreh' nds tar loo no.nv artiiles l. be nirn tinned in a single adveilist meul; it i ! in. il mh ticient to state, that alunt eciy defji; Mil',, tvill be 1(11 id at. Ilu ct'ablil 11, tn. In the selection and ureba-c ol tlie Mink hi w offered lo the public, more than a nn ti'li'.- oiisi;n,: aboi has bt en c-xpcridid, ai.d 110 ain. Ik.vi I spurcil to btain evir aitit Ic on tie ln.-liim. Count l-d as lln'V are wilh off 1111 oi'i iu old st tine be st lioisi s in HieLiubo ttab?, wilh every means of pr etiiine eoed-on 1 Ii. irrm, V 111. C. James & Co. f-el pcrMiailul can ofler teryirreat indiicemeots lo ll.i s viin -lo (oirehase, such ind cd a. apnot tail to Nev supplies ot ' yoods will be c ntta i . t !j ;ui! inijaslhev are wanted. " " Fayetteville, N . C , ll.i v s'r el. Nearly opposite Ibe niw L.ilae:!e Hi t. I. Aprils, 1847 " 1-1 it K. 15. Ahvitys en 1:;ii!, s Iiti?- assortinenl f sinn.e :'iil d nl-le lu;riei til from cottiinon te rn fine, w ih all ll nm n-o efjuipniei'ts. .C. J. ". il In! '.! NEW SPRING AND SU31MER ; & oj q a s J. WILLIAMS, lla-j'st no ivi (I liis Mink i.l Spring and. Sum mer sti. pl- and fancy dry :oods ; ;iinong bich arc for ladies" irnr', white 'and black watered :-i!k; plaid und .tripel lo; si'k and worsted baieye, xlaiiie assormeiit); Frenehaiiil En;li.-h muslins and lnvns; eiievre 'us' res; in;liams and jjtnbam l.insa"d mus lins; embroider, d ami printed cv niiii diei f ; Frei.ch, En ;' ish :iil A oiei jean prints; Look, Sm is and jaconet iii'islins; bish. p and lot " lawns; lin en cambric ; linen cambric hand'erc'iiels ; rever ed and hemstitched lo; French worked c liars, (a I a rue assortment; fair kiit flov- s and flippers; ..l..tli :inil Londvin hoetin s: s-lieias am! eolore.l i nmbr'n s ; coided and ra-s ki Is; shrll, tuck aiid sile combs ; a larjre and line -so:iment of silk and barege sear's, bombazines and ulpaccas For gentlente7s ware: Fine French 'brown and black broadcloths ; fine F.oolish brown, blue, invisible sreen, and black do; Fre-.ch doe skin, and English black ami f am y m - t ored cassim r. s; Ameiiean fancy striped plaid and j plain do; cbeeketl ami plain -mens ; orapo.i s Croion coat nir; Vitnnaai.d suuimer cb th-; plaid stiped, satin while striped, and brown linen drill ings; fine vestinsrs and cravats, suspend, rs; Pan I -.m i T.iir!mm. and fine fur hats; line boots ; goat and calf skin shoes; together with a large .assort, meni" of goods suited to the country inHHtfrant's trade. ' The public generally arc invited to all aj ex amine styles and prices. ' The und. rsizAfd Hatters hims If that bis stock will compare vej favorably, as to sty'ea and final ity, with any irf Je market, and is determined not to" be undersold v anv that sell good-for a profit. "it ivn r wit 1 tJM March 27, S j. 4z:t-tt. VKW BOOKS, STATIONKKY. .Vr. R . W , II A R I) 1 E HAS lust received ll Sinn Iv ol New L5. oks, s o.l - ....I .. . L- I'..inu ive . u il Ii stat iiiin r . 1 'I .IIO " . " " . - - . " - "-1 " - fancy ai tn I s. Jaimary 23, IS47. WillS IE? 3 imi'iI icsecloily We ri tin; i-.itiv.t ns ol !'. el ii nv and t lo 1 eli! ic in 1 ,. ,1 '1,. lie lias 1..U 11 tie j-I it 1.1! 11 C lit V cup '1 U I i 1'.. J ('talk, on Li .-1 e i' I 00 ha nil a n ns ti M..H .1 ill III. II COIirt. l l' 5 doi-rs t-inil n -l 11 na I w here i I niacin re a nil k t- I1 oi't no nt -.!' I IN AND SHEET 1HON WALT. Persons e. i - hi n to pnriha.-e would do ' " '" ca'l and examine ''is 'o k before pun bani'i 1 w here, as he s l teiinim d to fc!I '.(ap " ) e.thei tiiaiiiila 1 ii! er in tin- ta'e. . I Vxtking Slo ves of a n rious j)all( n always on band, and sold low for a.-b. , Jaii'.v U, 18 17. 4 12 . .t r- FOR SALE. Bv George Lauder, mh.P.i. ttie Post OrKce. .- vai 1 j rr t1 - - - Jan3'. 1347-ly - -. Fayetteville, IN . tt w V1 p H XX .t"ETTV ma v 'be found, w hen r..e;Arkollv nrraaA. al his ofKcc near lc iiui uiuh-cciuiimj pied by tne Hon. James v. uouum AUgUSl 23, 13. jr. n. jbahko, Graduate of the Jlaltimore College of DENTAL SURGERY: wa7 sppoSed by my friends to be past recovery Respectfu, .0 -Tt Ac Lik. Tli. iittui-.ikr r ih rtfairriiifl ot" .!lino Kill t bi ri 1 .l - tion on the east-side of Saddle Tree Swamp, seven - a . I . 1 . .1.... I mi. S aoove liiimiienon. 11 coniama tirniuuu dred aen s, and has on it a good Dwelling, and all . I fl.i . J 1 c- 1 necessary oumonses. x nas a great ocui ui gone Timher on it, lying .wiiiun nauiing distance ot good navigation. Applications will be promptly attended to by the subscriber living near Davis' Spring P. O., Robeson county. JUriN d. AIcNAI"r. June 19, 1847. 435-1 It. TO SHOEMAKERS. I lia cllt.a r.lA l a fn Bute aami .1 a. a aa f firlnmi fVir m-UlIT fltO .Knr-m.tr inn V.t(alnBC such as boot and shoe trees, and lasts, of all kinds. 1- 1 1 J : r .1 . i . - r . t rae win uipuse 01 mem rcasonamv 10 one oi me traae. . u. ii, UUMftlKbl . Daguerreotype Apparatus. The undersigned has also for sale a complete I shal' S' U at the Court House door, in Fayette ville, on the first Monday in September, (being the first day oKCumberland Counly Court,) 160 Acres of Land, ; more or less, levied on as the property of Theophi lus Parker, Miies Parker, and others, to sat sfy a judgment in my hands fur collection, against said 1 henphilos t'arker ano others. ARTHUR MELVIN.Cte. June 12, 1847. 434-3'. KEW AND nrEAP SPRING GOODS. JAMES KYIJ lias i list rcccivctl bv the late i i vals from the North, a large and gei i r;il ass. rtinent of c-oors. ' AllMII'l' Whtl'll SI 't New- tle Griiij;h-iliis and Gingham Lavns. abi oes, well asoited. Bal.orines and Printed Lawns, Gintliuin Muslin llobes, Tarlton do i!i Silk and Mus'in Scarfs, " Irish Linens, Lawi.s. ami Drapers, Ditto She ting, 3 yards w iie, 350 pieces pantaloon sfnflj assorted. Superfine (Jlolbs, Cass-ino-xes, pud Satlinl!, Anker Po'ting Cloths, No. 1 to K, cases Doois and Shoes, -3- lo I J-4 bleached and brown Domestics, ' Alnaeas, silk and c -lion w..rp, ilh many other Go-dsnll of which b i purchased for cas'i by the psn kage, w-ill be cllc:"1 by wholesale or retai', as cheap or clu aper 'I' 1,1 the same qualrtv ofGoods can be l.a! in this fc'la!'. April .3, I?47. r i . . I . I (.ii u' in mav rpni ir io KFrvippc no ouroose. 1 read ot some most rxira-irui --j nr r .i K..r w,prtieinp and to tell tie deems it . . . '. . 1 U n jm tne truth, I suspecieu mere wa? snuic iiutito.., in ihcm. But I was induced to try it: I did p, and am very thankful that I die?. I cannot say tnat I am cntirelv wll ' hut mm so far recovered sa to be about my business, and hope to be entirely Wt io a fVw U n - Vl. and nain in the side, and night sweats, have lelVrae, I raise I but very littltblood, and m fast saining mv usual . Ho ! ho ! You-re getting bald, are you.--Well, that is a misfortune and not a crime; but Vyemain bald, when so fine an opportunity oners torestore your hair, by faithful "d liberal use -. . . . m J. ... k: iA cix.rt ot crime. ot Jane's llau ionic, I uu-. - - - - - - This valuable preparation exc.t lb ' P a new and heal.hy dandrun. prevents tue n . those elusive diseases which often appear on the bead, and in a majority of cases, produces a fine grow tb ot new nair. ' ' t - u Im Thit Medicine " We exclaimed the other day, on tasting some of r. : Vjrmifiie. It crrLiinlv Jim nnnrnl jayne- - --; -- j the nauseous flavour, which one associates With the idea of physic. Children consider it quite a .ml in iikinw it their : nat.it are omlitirH V,lVmZ Z .V 1. 1?Te and their health restored at the same time" Jay ne's in the most beaiitiiiil Btvlo Ha wall also .a e tne ' ' ... J on an wno may reipmo ma cervices. i- - v - , Tonic Vermiinge not only destroys worms, but He deems it unnecessary to enter into a long nf,ri,CT,ons lo ine P" carries offthe muens in which tlieyare imbedded, t - .: i i : .i i . Ark a I June 1A47 43a-U VJ V. wa " f - W " - - J mon his operations, they being the best test of his capability. Dr. B-"returns his sincere thanks for the liberal oatronagc he has heretolore received . . ii i. r. . .1 Til 1MIM i?ns! mi WlM i On na II" fl rift mia t;t R..,((tAiic. and the irons ft! rOII C ll UH!J IM6IVMMV I'VIIHU, I - ..... IJ'IBIJ .'U. - ' " ' . . - '.1.. r nM limoc l.a Cmwl in C" j not I e-v it If. I a nd veui ri n a n( a flnrin t mill.' Complet. OT sale when not professionally enoagrd out. . I by GEO McNEILLi. March C, l6i. pm i , io. . - : - ' t. il. I ..ir.,,., i i :. moiner Knows ine prominent sy mpicms oi worms, such as voracity ,leanness, fetid breath, grinding of . i . t. Ji ; i r . i. i- Lot: Lcrui uui 1 11 jii-kit uaiciitraa 01 mc nus. l . eoi o v r r. r of tne noae, Etc , Profkat-d nnl7 litr T)r Ft. Iarn Piiiladidnhia. J ij i. o t u;..i . i. anu awiu wu ajjeucy uj o. tiitiiuiuaw. TI A ftlIP.ll R EOT YPE mis i'.ky All nav n? I't'ni uroieaionai nnTfl in ih countrv. has returned ana in ', H !" ni:,i i. and will lit hai'iiv to w ait on all who i'.' favor him wilh a call. He deems it unnei-e-ir' to enter into a toil" detail ol bis aooroved l -m ' oneratiii"-. coilfidenti v reiving on bis soeciue"s "! t i the best criterion of his ability. t i . . . -i .i - . . i . ., i ' ' j iir ii- returns lotne puixic ins sincere l! a j i . for the liberal patronage heretofore n ceivcil. ?J farttcular attention will be gtvi n to m n" who mav wish to pnnoe in this beautiful ait. ' ' . .. j r. (, . structtons, with all the latest impri vi in 1 1-4- T . i. tr -i i I.I.. filllr. . f . paratus ano s-ock turnitneo on rcuson.nor r tor turther inlotmation inquire at his iww," doors west of Briggs' Hotel. Tlic moH approved jjas"11 reotypc Apparatus, improved German cer j . it- . t i. I : i... c the o' c reiicu . anu Ainciitau nu uiii-i" - , . nualitv, with plate, cases, chemicals, poIish r maiertais, etc., Kept conmanny on o" - ,.pC ol tl.o tntvool nrii-K fur i-imh at the D2" Tr': F k rooms ot - . j.t-- ,r t April 17,1917. I ANTIOCH ACADEMY. THE Exercises of this Institution win oe . ed on Monday. July the 5th, under the char, the former Instructor. a H CURRIE Sec V. n j-i?.2 june 19, tot i. 1 1. if junc I a, ioi. - AeMuleorale June 19. IS47