p.,-- 1 - Ak. sflR CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AlD THE GLORY Of THE STATE IS THE COMMON f AOPERTT OP ITS CIT-IEN9. BY WM H BAYNE J VBL.WSHEM EVERY SJtTUMnJtW TERMS t In advance, per year, If not paid i adyjncp, 2 If not paid till six months have expired, 3 If not paid till the year has expired. 3 00 50 HO 50 TC. an bite riot inn taken fnr tt-inn - 7 -r " . " J , un less the price be paid in advance. No paper will be sent out of the State unless the subscription price be puid in ad mi nee t TERMS OF ADVERTISING t One square of 21 linos, orb-as, I insertion, 60 cents ; and for each subsequent insertion. 3n cts., except it remain in for several months, when it will be charged 33 f'r two mouths, $1 for three mouths, and so on ; for 12 months $10. CZF Liberal privileged given to ycury adver tiser. COMSTOCK ' S SJlRSJlPJlRlLLA. Of superior qu.ili!, and hall the price of any other. For t'ie cure of scrofula, general debility, scaly eruptions of the idti n, pimples or pugtu'es on the fdc, l)i en from an impure habit of the body, pain aud swellings of ihe hodv, nod al! diea-es arit-in fro n an impure state of the b'ood, chronic rhetuoa-initi.-m, cutaneous (lipases, letter, mercurial or syphiloid disease, ulcerations of the throat and I s, liver aff ctions, exposures and impiudcnce in lite, excesses in the use mercury , Jtc. Sold only by S J Hindale in Fa yetteville. DEAFNESS DR. McN AIR'S ACOUSTIC OIL The deaf from inf.uicv, oflen reteie in a most miraculous manner theii hearing when they least expect it, by the use of this Oil, hu h showt tin ni how aily they might inn ;li Dnuiirr havo had llieir hearing and s.tved themselves and their friends the pain ot conversing in a loud tone, with. ml pleasure, or of b'-ing nejjeclcd and s mined, to ayoid that ili.strcr-j whii.h is felt muluilly by the.dcaf perton and his hearers. How sucred a tluf 3 therefor' it i, that wo use all nceessary means to 1 emove Mich an alii elion, and ei j y the ."octal qualities imnlant ed in our natures ! This liar Oil has the eTccI so to relieve the tension, and bung into use the natural action of he parts, a to restore the hear ing when lost or imp 'ire I. This is moved by so miny wc'l known cases, that where known, it iicct'a lit praiec. The gr at virhof the proprie tor j., that ench may speak to ot lor- of iis un common virtues, lib MifT rers m-iy know and be relieved and rcs'urcd by its use! Known by my signature on Ihe flask. Trice, $1 perfl.sk. DONALD Me IS AIR, M. D. C'tui-toek Co, New Voik, art. the whole salers ot this (.hi. Sold in Fayettcville by S J Hinsdale. .'I Boon to all Families and Sufferers. Prool too plain lo be doubted and too strong to be denied, is obtained that nil the following are cur- . I bv LIN'S BALM OF CHIN A, nam Ix : Barns, chilblain-, tett-r, ulcer, cuts, sore throat, b itber's itch, sore eyes and lids, lie dolorcu.x, dd .car, S'ire nipples, Vi hile s w iling, scalds, chafe, pim, de, fistu'u. bruises, whitlows, carbuncle, sore 'b, aue in face and breast, prickly heat, ronh h mils, ent-raf or'S, trift&i part.", chaps, felon, erysipelas, strain, piles, eruption, ihcoMialisio, le ver sore-, broken br.ast, blij-f red Mirla ts. For U.irns it is a !p-ciCie. Q.i sji.n Will any hum mi man ris'.x lh'. lives ol 1L ehihlreu by ne deet to keri) this balm always at hand? It is good f..r n manv thinifs ibat no .house t-hould be with out it. Ltt all bt.ed this Marinni:. lVu ' 50 c-ts, or K bottles for $'' 50. Selil in Faettevillc by S. J. Hi isdale. Hay's Liniment for the Vila. Pile eff etually cureil by this certain remedy. The falc ot this article is steadily increasing, 110M withstanding the many onnlerf; i1 got up in jniil.il on ol 11. Person troubled with this tlistn s sit'Z complaint, declare that they would not be without this preparation in their houses for the price of ten boxes. The public will r collect that this is only remedy i tTtrd ihem that is in nahiy of any value whatever. In places nlure it is known, every faniify has 11 in their hou.-e. I c priet: is not coi.iibsrcd at all. It is above all price. Comstock & Co., -23 Court landt frtri f,N w York, sob- pioprit fors. SrthJ only by S J Hinsdale in Fa yetteville. Oldrid, re's Balm 0 Columbia for the flair. lis poitiV''qiialMies are as follows: I st For infants, keeping them free from scurf. and can sin ' a luxmiant rowth ot the bait. '2d - For I idles after child -birth, . r stofl fS ski 1 t- its usimI strengtiih ami fn mm ss-nd p;T: v 1 1 11 the la lm; oui. til tnc n air. - 3 I F r ii;iy. person reeov rni fi o n any debili t, the -ame ir.el is protlnci d, " 4i li l!" used in infancy ii!l a ;ood growth is started, it may be preserved by aitcnli-n to the latest period of I fe. Stu I: frees the head from dandrutf, strength ens the roots, imparts health aiiJ vigor to the cir culation, and prevents the hair from changing col or or getting i;ray. . Gih-li causes the hair to curl beautifully ohm done up ihe over night. . . 1 No ladies' toilet shouui ever ue matte wi'hout if. 7tii Children who hive bv any m-n- contract ed vermin in th head", aie immediately and per fectly cured ot them by its use. It is infallible. . SolJ only by S. J. Hinsdale in Fayttteville. Sfollicr a 'Relief Indian Discover Ail expecting to become mothers, and anxioeg to avoid ths paiin, distress, and dang, rs child bearing, arc earnestly entreated to calm their fears, allav th'-ir nervonsiic-s, and soothe. 1 heir way by the use of this most extraordinary vegetable pro duction. Th se who will candidly observe its virtues, must approve of it in their hearts; every, kind and alTeclionale husband will feel it ; h a in tst solemn duty to allvi ite the distress his wife is exposed to, by a safe and certain method, which is th use ot Mother's Relil. Further particulars in Pamphlets intended fui thi Fcm.d- Eye, to be had gratis where this hu man Cordial is to be found. The Mothet's Relief is prcpar !, and sold, Jby the now sole proprietors, Con.stoik &. Co, ISAAC S. SMITH M D. Graduate of the New York State Medicul Col lege, and Public Lecturer on the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Orders may be addressed to ihcm, 21 Court tandt street, IN cw York. Certificates, and further paiticulars, can be seen w here the Rcli' f is sold. Sold only by S. J. Hinsdale in Fayctln illc. Jl Certain and Permanent Cure for Salt Rheum, ifc. DrCHURCHILL'S ITALIAN WHITE WASH Wilt Cure Salt Rheum, Trtters, Riug Worms, and all Diseases of the Skin. - It excels all other medicines, producing a con stitutional and lasting cure by acting on the bo wels by absorption through the pores of the skin, and happily combining a local and general effect. Directions with each bottle, sold at 50 cents, by the Druzzists generally Comstock & Co, New York. Sold only by S. J. Hinsdale. February 6, 1847. BLACKSMITH SHOP, At the Junction of Bridge and Person Streets. THE undersigned would beg leave to return his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their patronage heretofore, and would now inform them that he h. s engaged the services of Mr Amos Williamson, under whose superintendence the work will be conducted, and in whom the public will find a competent workman, always ready to serve them with good substantial work, at pi ices to -uit the times. The horse-shoeing department will have partic ular a itention, and will he executed bv that re nowned colored wn ol Vulcan, DavidPookam.who as a horse ehoer, is not surpassed by any workman in the place. He Solicits from his old customers a continuance of their patronage ; to all others he desir s only an opport unit y to secure their custom. Boat yvork p:irtit ular'y attended to, as well as all kinds of job work. E. C. HALL. Fayeltevillc, March 27, 1817. 423-11. Ttie Cheapest "Wm. G-. Matthews, WISHING to change his business, has re duced the price of Goods, and is deter mined to s-ell LOWER than Ihev can be bought elsewhr", viz: Colored and half mourning Lawns and Muslins at 15, I7J, 20, 25, 30 and 40eCiils ; Calzorines and Bera es from 2)to yocts per yard; E'i!lisli, French aid' American Fiints n w style) from G to 20 ct ; Knlish, Fn nch ar.d American Ginghams, 18 to 30 cts ; colored and half mourn ing Gingham Muslins. 20 to 35 ets ; Grass Ch th for skinst, 9 e's: skirls ready much- $ I 15; Swiss ami Book Muslins from 25 to 5;l c-nis pt r yard ; plain jaconet and plaid Cambrics from 15 10 40 cts ; silk and beragc Scarfs lioui $1 25 to $6; e'uk Iringes for 8 cents ; .ilk buttons for ladies dr-sses from 3 fo " els per n zeo ; eorueo Limp p t-A yard; thread and bobbin Ldji'nss from 6 to 25 ets per yard; eollon do. at I, l and 2J cts per yard, by the piei c; Worked collars, single and double, Iroin 45 ets to 2 50 ; superior kid Gloves, all colors from 65 to 75 cts ; cotton hose, S ; hose from 10 to 25 cts. prime ; "HoweV volid-headtd Fins, the hi st article made, all sizes, 7j cts per paper ; New York' do. do. Pins, at 5 ai;d cts per pa per. A sreat varity f new style Bonnets, and children's bounds and flowtrs, at low prices ; a 1 w ready trtmimd, &e. te., itn every otlier ar ticle you may call tor in the Dry Goods line, both for rtent- and Ladies wear, in proportion with the above price-. Call and see ihe Goods and we'll make the prices suit. No. 3 Green stret. May I, 1847. 428-4t. The Gracfenberg Vegetable Pills. 30,000 Boxes Sold Kacli iifl Kvcry Weeli THE Gil A EFENf KEUG COMPAN Y Hereby ive notice that iheir General A-ntfor the S.ate of North Caro ina is Col. WAL JONES, Louisiuirg, Frarik'in county, N. C. Tlie General Aenf is fu:y prepared to nppoint sub-agents wherever there is no brunch ot the Company; either mi e'rsonaI application, or bj' mail, pos-t-paitl. The rapid sab- of I hese celt bra ted pills, aod the extraortlinary cores they are con stantly i (Tet V'ui2, render them, by far, the most po pular pill of the age. An Agency w ill consequent ly be very valuable. Th-: GraefenhtT" Pills are inconceivably superi or to anv ever In-fore i'i-tovere-1. In all bilious j complaints ; m general derangement of ll'e sys- j tern; in all disorders wl.jeh result fi run a bad state of the blood, these pills are a sovereign remedy. j In the elaj-s of diseases ralbd chronic, the Gmc- ; fenb r Pills achieve their highest triumphs. Here , they d fv all competition. Entering within ihe! hidden recesses nf ihe system, they qu etly but ! surely puiity the b'oed, root out diseat-e, a' d give tone and vinr to the hodv. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EFFECTED By those Pills, in ca-es u here every oMn r means h;il utterly faib d The most abundant proof of this could be given, but a trial ol one single box will convince the patient. Tin y can be ord 1 cd and sent by mail, at tr fling expense. The pri.e is 25ienna box. Where twodol'ais worth are ordered and l lie money remitted, Uie Coiep iny will pay the postage on ihe Pills. Remittances at the Compan3-'s'iii-k. Whereer there is no Ag n cy ol the Company they can be ordered by mad. Theoe Pil's are takinjr the plaee of all others, n should be without them. 'tnnc- r-rvirr AivTe orn Sints. fjonstipiition, juyspepsia, Fver and toe. Headache, Jaundite, Liver Comphiinls R hnatisin, all Stomach Coinpla ints. sGreen Sicknes: MlcSlc, yield at once to these PiUs. Tney pi weawav oflen-ive humours, arrrst tho proffress if toiscase. and at the san e time progress r-storr tone a Vigor to'lhe sa st In -a?e of general tit-ran? jirtit of the health. 1 f Aeiii ci me neaiin.x ti lct"'"'1 cien. By their us he. weak w ill becoV ong; the iale aivitJ(V' Yeomplcxion be re p to a pcr jMlthy color ; all tb symtoms Hsappear f 3 frfi JrW5, 184 CRI2AM S'AtOON isnowonened. v he?t3 tsand en can be accommodated vrituece CreamuP4Lcmo May 15, 1847. - t . nade. State of 9Tbrth Carolina Robeson county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Jllfly . V;; 7Viin. iS47v Sarah Pdman vg,- Win, R.Lesc,t and others. ' '" Petition jVtr distribotive share. It appearinrto the satisfaction pftheCourt, that Jesse Pit mar, one of tlie defemfa'nts in this case, icsidcs beyond the limits of this State, it ie ther -lore ordered that publication be irtade for six weeks in the North Carolinian, a paper publish d in Fay etteville, for the said Jesse PilmaH to appear al the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Robeson, at the Colfct House in Lumbcrlon, on the fourth Monday of August next, and plead, an swer, or demur to this pcfition, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard expartc as to him. Witness, Shadrach Howell, Clerk of our said Court at office the 4th Mouday of May, A. D. 187, and of American Independence the 71ft y ar. S'D'H. HOWELL, Clerk. July 2, IS47. 437-6t. Pr. adv. S3 25. JUST RECEIVED, 30 Dozen blue and black INK, in 2. 4, 6, and 8 oz. bottles. Castor and Sweet Oil in all sizes cf bottles. 36 Do. Essence Lemon, Cinnamon, and Pepper mint. JNO. M.ROSE. July 2, 1847. ON t fMIGNMEkJ , A fine trotting i-AKE in harness. - Apply to a- Jrfc : kson johnui FAYETTETILLE, CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Nearly Opposite liberty Point. The subscriber having taken the stand lately occuFed by Simpson &"McLaughlin, respectful ly returns hi thanks for the liberal patronage here tofore extended lo him, and hopes by unremitted attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. I have on hand several vehicles: Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Rockaways, Wag-sons, &.C., of the most approved stylt which, for lightness and durability, will compare with any made here or elsewhere. , Peisons wi-hing to purchase will do well to call and examine them, a I am determined to sell very low tor cash, or approved notes. Having had several years experience in one of the largest establishments north, I am prepared to manufacture Carriages of any description, at Ihe short e.-t notice. All work warranted for twelve months ; and repaired, free of charge, should it fail in point of workmanship or material. REPAIRING neatly executed at the shortest notice and most reasonable charge. Orders thank fully received. A. C. SIMPSON. Fayetteville. April 3, 1847. 424-tt. From Boston Direct. 1 Drum Codfish, 3 bb!s Salmon, 5 bbls each No I & 2 Mackerel 27 bbls No 3 Mackeral 60 bbls Massachusellts, Large No 3 Mackerel. 5 eases palm leaf hats 2 cases bonnets 29 cases SHOES, Comprising a general assortment, and will he oflep d t heip by the case. A'soa lar;e and iieneral assortment of DRY GOODS, &C, For sale this day. y ' WM. MclNTYRE. Liberty Point, Fayett viIIe, April 21, 1847. 427-3m. Howirs UNITED STATES Patent Water "WlieeJL- THE subscribers having Purchased of the Unit ed States Water Wheel Company, the exclusive riidd of making, vending and uainv S. B. Howil's Patent Cast Iron Direct-acting Water Wheel, in that portion of Virginia Iving south of the James River, and east of ihe Blue Rid", with North Carolina This, ther lore, is to inform all persons that may be interested in the Wafer Wheel within said territory, that Ihey hold themselves m readi ness to accommodate all persons that woubl wish their water power improved upon the most liberal t rms. Our patterns have been so improved, that a competent Mill Wriht could soon, put the wh.i 1 n .pnmtion. x lie spout and tjrate. tor the small Wheels, are all of Iron and fitted at the shop; the shaft and wear are al.o of iron, and of suitable s'renirth lo answer the purpose desisto-d. As rejrards the utility of the Wheel, we refer to the certificates attached. There are huudr'-ds of them running at the north, and a few in Virginia. Some of the Virginia certificates are here attached the northern will he sent to anyone that may wish to see them. These Wheels have displaced all ol!icr wheels known to th subscribers. IRA STANBROUGH, who has been engaged for the last seven years in putting fhem up, feels competent to undertake the most important Jobs. The price of the above named Wheels has been reduced about one-third since the purchase bv the subscribers, and we feel confident that we shall be ab'e lo give satisfaction to all that order our wheels. For further part iculars, address either of ihe sub scribers, at Petersburg, Va or Mr A. P. HURT, our Agent, Fayettcville, N. C-, who will attend to all orders with despatch. URIAH W ELLS, IRA STANBROUGH. June ID, 1847. 335-3m CERTIFICATES. Mr Ira Stanbrough, of the Stale of New York, has put in operation for ihe Bat ersea Manufactur ing Company i n -this place, one of Howd's Patent Water Wheels, 7 feet in diameter, with 18 inch buckets, under the following cireumstanees: The mills contain 2,700 Throstle and Danforth Spind le. 5)0 Looms and all necessary preparations, which have been driven by two Breast Wheels, each 12 feet lonjj by 3 diameter, ui.der, a head and fall of ahoufJ tcet, but the location being sulijectto backwater, thege wheels did not work to ndvantajyV Mr Stanbrouh having great von-fide-ice iri V'J Wheel, not only that it would ob viate the 'drflieulty with back water, but he was willi.ijg io guarantee that it would drive all the macliiTavry and save one-third the water then used ; and having executed to the company a bond in llOll for tK.it nutnnw. it va determine I to ltt tl him mike the trial, which I am happy to say has resulted very satisfactorily, and that he has fairly and fullv fulSHed his contract, and I would recom mend bis wheel to public mt'ee. J. B. VARNUM, Agent for the company. Petersburg, November 17, 1845. Petersburg, Oct. 1845. This certifies that the Howd Wh el I put in my mill eighteen months since, that ground, upon tnal. SO bushels of corn per hour, has woiked so wi II and convinced me so f est :jr that it is the best wheel driven by th force of water, that I have de termined to put up another Ihe pressnt season- uiimu iuni!t?AV W ILLI A M MDKRA Y. Seadwell Mills, Albemarle co., Va , ) March I. 1847. This is to certify that I have had put in at my cotton mill, at the place aforesaid, containing 040 spindles, 3 d. zeo Looms and one section of woollen Machinery, one ofS B Howd's Patent Water Wheels, 5 feet diameter, IS inch depth bucket under a head ol 20 feet : that the said wheel ba lw in iteration &bout six months, anil from the improvement so lar made,T regard it a valua ble acquisition to the establishment. JOHN TIMBERLAKE. Tli oKcerihcrt Sa abfln a very laro Machine o nrt Iron Pnnndrv eninlovin" daily BlXty liinfU .-.nd is w ell nrrnared to execute, to order. all kind-, of Mill Geann-vTobftCco Prrsres, Flstn- ing &c. Mills, fcteam Enemee. Farming linplemenis URIAH WELLS. D. & W. Jcinmiu Have just leceived their Spring and Summer K10 O JD IS . Embracing a great variety of Staple and Fancy Goods, which they will tell at low prices. May 8th, 1847. 529- SATURDAY, JULY 175 1847. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as undertaker and buikler.to the citizens or otheri.disposed toeontract for building r jobbirg 1 erms liberal. NEW DRY GOODS. CASH BARGAAS STORE Sare 25 per cent ! Save 25 per cent ! T fi 1 H E subscriber having established himself on JO. Hav street, for the ouroose of conducting the Dry Goods bu siness, on ihe CASH principle, would respectfully invite the attei.tion ot Ihe in habitants of Fayett vide ai d surrounding country, to bid well selected stock of FRESH SPRINCi Ashe is desirous of making Fayettexi Ie his permanent place cf residence, it is to his advan tage to keep only such Goods as will, by price and durability, lease, and thereby insure a share, at least, of the custom of the community: Having been transacting business at the North, which caused him to be constantly in ihe market, purchasers can rest assured of having shewn them such goods only as have latent made their appear ance. His stock consists of ladies and gentle men's dress, white, Muslin, and housekeeping Goods; Shawls; Handkerchiefs; Gloves; Mitts; Hosiery; and Nero Clothing, together with a lot of Notions, making in all a stock too tedious to enumerate. COUNTRY MERCHANTS wi 1 be supplied on terms so liberal as will, we think, obviate the difficulty of going further. Call and sec for your selves. JOHN EASTER, Jr., Hay street, north side, a f w doors west of the Market, nearly opposite the new Latayette Hotel. May I, IS47. 428-tf. Johnson's Military Walnut Oil Shaving Soap, the best article in use for t having a new supply just received ant for S ile by. S J. HINSDALE February 13, 1847. State of North CarollnaSumpson county Court of Plr.as and Quarter Sessions JIav Term, 1847. Moses Cox vs. Daniel Strickland. Attachment 20 acres of Land levied on. In this case, it. -appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Daniel Strickland, has absconded or so conceals himself that personal service of not ice can not be made: it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, published in Fayettcville, directing the d fendant to appear at the next term of tl Court of Pleas and Gtuarter Sessions fo be held for the county of Sampson, at the C jurt House in Clinton, on Ihe 3d Monday in August next, and answer the complaint cf the plaintiff ; otherwise the judgment below will be affirmed with coats in this Court. Witness. Thomas I. Faison, clerk of our said Court, at office in Clinton, the 3d Monday of May, A. D. 1SI7, and 72d year nf-Anvriean Indepen dence. THOS. I. FAISON, Clerk. .July IO, 1847 43S-6t. pradv$3 25. CAPE FEAR LANDS FOR SALE. " ti'J OubpvuUn hirrr po.mnneitll y tl It-tL in W r ren County, and now offers for sale his Tract of Land in Chatham county, on the South side ami immediately on the Cape Fear River, one half mile above A vent's Ferrv, and three miles bdow Haywood, containing between eight and nine hundred acres. The greater part of this Tract is rich bottom land, adapted to tobacco, Cotton. Corn, Wheat, and Oats, &c. There is cnougl open land to work twelve or fifteen hands to ad vantage, the most of which has beeo, resting for the last five ears, and is now in a fine state for making ood crops. Terms will be made accom modating, and possession given in time for sowing fall crops. Mr Obadiah Farry, who lives on the land, will show it to anv person who may bo disposed to purchase, and I can be addressed at Warrt nton, North Carolina, on the suhjett. M. T. HAWKINS, Jr. July 10, 1847. 438-1 f. State of North Carolina Sampson County. Court of Pleus and Quarter Sessions JWay Term, 1847. Moses Cox vs. Daniel Strickland. Attachment 20 acres of Land levied on. ' In this ease, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Daniel Strickland, has absconded or so conceals himself that personal service r. notice cannot be mdc: it is ordered that pub'ieat:un be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian published at Fayette ille, directing the defendant to appear at the next term of the Court of Pleus and Cluarfer Sessions to be held for Ihe county of Sampson, at the Court House in Clinton, on Ihe third Monday in Auust n xt, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff; otherwise the judg ment below will be affirmed, with costs in this Court. - -Witness, Thnma I. Faison, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Clinton, the 3d Monday in Ma AID. 1817, and 72d year of American Indepen dence. . THOMAS I. FAISON, Clerk. 'July 10, 1847. 433-fit. pr adv g3 25. iJln important cure by Dr Jayne's Jlltera tice. We hiv been informed by Mr Malta 11, (a ranl-da nghter of old Gen. Wayne) that she suffered for a numbrof years from the growth f a large Goitrous Tumor, yvhjch besides great de f .rniity, produced both a difficulty of deglutition, and of breathing. Indeed, the says, the pressure upon the wind-pipe was so great, as to prevent her from sleei ing in a recumbent position, arid often suffocation appeared inevitable. She also laboured under st vere indisposition from Liver Complaint and Jaundice, with a horrible train of nervous af fections, for which she used Dr Jayne's Alterative, which she took regularly for six or seven weeks, with occasional doses ot his Sanative Pills, and her general health was thereby completely re-established. Every yestijre of the painful Tumor waa entirely removed. Public Ledger. Prepared only by Dr D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by S. J. Hinsdale. The King and the Reaper. In one of his excursions during ha vest, tho Kins of England passed a field where he saw onf?"ld ftom the ur,Mk and Pced the toot one woman working. Hi Mniestv asJceflafeit. H was said by some one present, that working. Ill Maj where her companion tveie. j They have T gone fo see Ihe -king," 4e replied. "And why did you not go with tbem ?" added the king. I would not give a pin to see him!" replied the woman; "besides, the fools who have gone to (be city will loose a day's otk, and that is more than I can do, for I have five children whom I most give bread." "Very good," said ihe kiug, putting some money in her hand, "you cnti lell your comrades who went to see the king, that the king canoe to ee you." SNAKE BI FES. As this is the season when we frequently bear of fatal result from the bite of snakes, tfe following article from the Burlino-ton Wisconsin Gazette will not be without in terest for many of those who live In exposed situations, and who, in the course of their business, cannot know at vthal moment they may require aid to guard them against the effects of one of the most subtile poisons that can act upou the human system. As the rattlesnake is found in no pari of the world but the continent of America, and as it possesses severa temarkable neru- a m iiarilies, it has frequently been captured, placed in a cugeand exhibited as a cuiiositv. 1 he exhibitors of this dangerous reptile have frequently lost their lives by being accident ly bitten, while others have perished from the bite, believing that they possessed nn antidote to the swift circulatrng pen-son Several years ajjo, one of the keepers of the New England Museum, in the act of lousing the den of rattlesnakes, which are there ex hibited, in connection with the thousand and one wonders of that establishment, met with very alarming accident. Having intrej- duced a feather brush, bv raising the lid about an inch, and cettinir them sufficiently' roused lo set their ratiles gtiing like tlie buz of a cotton factory, a bysfjnder at his elbow asked him a question which he did not precisely understand, and turned his head towards the gentleman and at the same instant one of the largest snakes ran his head through the opening, and thrust hi fangs into the Tittle finger of his right hand, with such prodiirious force, as to reach the bone at one of the punctures. I he sufferer had presence of mind enough to cord the? finger immediately ; in a short lime an ext i- mi t I -l . sion 01 the ilesn, including me wounds, was made by a physician, who also prescribed a dose of spirits of turpentine and sweet oil. Not only the finger but the whole hand swelled exceedingly, accompanied ith a Prickling sensation, or, as commonly termed, Ihe sensation of being asleep. About eijrht o'clock in the evening, there was a partial stricture about the lungs, and difficulty of taking' a free inspiration, togeth er with the prickling sensation over the whole system, and an ague fit that gave fearful indications of a fiee diffusion of the poison through the circulation. A large dose of opium relieved the patient of tho spasm and a continued use of it overcame the tendency of such paroxysms. An appli cation of salt and vinegar, constantly applied to the hand and arm, kept the inflammation under subjection. Tlie limb was very much swIJeii be tongue -coated, and a. sliirt degree of fever existed, but a hnppy recov ery was accomplished. We have been particular in the narrati-m of this case lor the benefit of others hoping that the mode of treatment so successful, may he adopted by other sufferers. It should be recollected that caustic was inserted as soon as the Hesh was cut nut. On eine occasion the keeper referred to, put a rat into the den on purpo.se lo wi'nes the result. Nearly every snake gave the affrighted animal a thrust with his fang?. In about six mnrutes, the rat began to trem ble violently, and died ins'anlly. A master millright who was at work on a saw mill in Sullivan county, New-Yerk, some yea's ag"o, one day during the dinner ho ur,ji4 before his men had resumed their WQrkVJtas sitting alone on one of the floor tifubers, carelessly swinging his naked foot ; tie felt something strike it, and on looking down saw a large rattlesnake in the act of diving into the brook below. He immediate ly started for the house, but had gone but a few jards when a severe pain or spasm brought him to the ground, ami tendered himiuc?puble of proceeding; his fries brought his men to his assistance, who carried him up to the house- They were all strangers in that country, which was then a wilderness, almost without inhabitants, and none knew what to do to relieve the bitten mail, whose agony appeared to be extreme when the spasms were on' which occurred about every minute, and which he said "struck him from his foot to hi heart, and would take his life.' No sweet oil ivas to be hnl in that wilderness But hog's lard, a'fter melting it till it became liquid, was .administered,- about two thirds ot a common sized tea cud full, reneatintr a r- the do-e 3s frequently as his stomach would ret-jin it. In a short time perhaps less than fifteen minutes, the spasms were less fre quent and less Mrong thnn they had been, and in about an hour ceased altogether, and he was free from pain except , in hi foot. No other remedy was used internally. All the outward applications were as folio vs : Previous to lard lieing administered, and while getting it ready, his f eot was washed and examined for the wound, but none could be found ; there appeared a very slight scratch, scarcely perceptible on the spot he pointed out. It was then scarified a little, with a penkurfe, so as to produce a raw ap- Jkefrfsnce. tine d the men procured a buck if a bandage of white ah btrk wa placed around the limb above the bile, it would not swell above. This was procured and n liga ture of it placed above the knee. The bite was n the top of the foot just above the two middle toes. '1 he loot was swelled greatly ana ensngcu io various cuiors, una lie was deprived of its use for some time : In the year 1750, a slave in South Caroli rQdiscovered another remedy for ihe bite of the rattlesnake, for which the legislature of the state obtained his freedom, and granted L Volume 8 Number 439 him one hundred pounds in money. Mis remedy is as follows : " Take of the loots of Plant ant or Jfore hound (in summer, roots and branched togeth er) a sufficient quantity, bruise them in a mortar, and squeeze out the juice, of which give as soon as possible, one large spoonful; il it Is s. veiled, you must force it down the throat.' This generally will cure ; but if the patient finds no relief iu an hour after, you may give another spoonful, which never failed. But if tl.e roots are dried, they must be moistened with a little water. To the wound may be applied a leaf of gooJ tobac co, inoi tened with rum." Since .selecting the above, we' notice a statement copier! from the M-icon Messenger, which speaks of alum as a simple and effec tive remedy for the cure of the bite of the rattlesnake. A piece of the size of a hickory nut. dissolved in water, and drank or chewed and swallowed,, is sufficient. It has been iried many limes, on men and doge, and they hive invariably recovered. The writer says, I know of some planters whose hands are excised to he bitten by rattlesnakes, who always have themselves provided with it in their pockets, and they have sometimes found use tor it. We tnke thn following extract firn ihe Richmond Soothe' ncr, which is fiom the pen of it intelligent correspondent in North Car olina. It will be pmused with pleasure by every liuu-heaiied son of the old North Slate. " In a leceut let'er from Pete-sburg, I complimented the patrinti-mt of the Virgiuia laaies in reierence in a I ? f case of sacrifice pro- posed by one of the fair daughters of that town. I now wish to b'ing to tho notice of your render an incident which transpired in thai town a little prior lo the Revolutionary war. One evening a number of ladies (twelve or fifteen, had accidentally met at n house It upend a social evening, uud when tea handed round, one ef the ladies remarked, th it for one she w mid be willing not to tate drop often a. long a England should con tinue to oppress them by heavy taxation, &C. This, proposition was unanimously responded to. Iho tea wa thrown overborad, (as at Boston) and resolution were passed tint to" touch the article until the grievances com plained of should be renewed. Some years since, Vile Conimodore Rogers was on ft cruiso iir the Mediterranean, iu the hip-of-the-line . North CrdiiiH," tppiug at a town on the cos-t ho stepped , into n shoe-maket's fhop, and on looking around noticed a paint ing on a piece of glass set iuframe, represent ing ihn paity of ladies iu their 'tea meet- ing,'' figure f ll th Jut lies were there, and also n eh'-fl of tea. The Commo- dor whs delighted iu meeting w if hlh is re membra nre of other day, nud purchased it.- He brought it to Washington, and the citi zens OfEdenton, through one of ihe number, addressed a letter to the proper department at Washington asking for it for their low nr. This request was promptly complied with But the painting suhsequedtly became bro ken, much to the regret of the citizens. This painting is supposed lo h-ive be err taken by an English officer as a caricature of the meeting, and yet, though taken as a burle-que, faithfully represented the parties' concerned even the countenances of some of ihe ladies could be distinguished. One of the number, Mr Sarah Morgan and the last survivor of this tea meeting," died a few years since, aged 88. This meeting is sup posed lo have been some months previous to the throwing the tea overboard at Boston. During the Revolutioniry war the Rritish enteied the hat hour after nightfall, on one occasion, captu'ed several sail of vessels and made piisoners of those found on board. On the next morning, the vessels being miss ed, the citizens fitteil oui a vessel, (manned- by officers and seamen then in port, com manded by Capt Nehemiah Bateman.) and made chase down the 3ound after them. They were overtaken, captured, and brought into port, and among them wa the officer who drew the ' tea party" caricature. This incident of the Revolution has never before appeared in print." Dreadful Catastrophe! Almost. -Kit English paper says that al Wombell's Men- a.. rf a nge ie a oori time since, n insnionaoiy aressed hdy, while standing near ihe deu of a roya Bengal tiger, turned suddenly round and wat seized by the ferocious brute. Amidst the shrieks of the belle and by landers, he tore eifTa he well expected, a luxurious meal, but the next moment Ihe poor dupe fouud that be had been nicely taken lo, being half suffo cated with bran. the stuffing of the lady' bustle." Agricullure, -ays Socrates, is an employ ment the int worthy ibe application of man, the mo-t ancient and, the most suitable to his nalue; it is ihe com mo u uurse of all poisons, iu every age and condition of life; it is the source of hteallh, strength and plenty aod riches; and of a thousand sober delights and bone! plea-urea. It is the mistress and -hoo of S'dirietv. temperance, justice, reli gion ami in abort of sll virtues, civil and military. A Yankee down east bus invented a ma chine that will reap, ihrash, winnow and grind. Another Yankee inventor, determined not to be outdone, bas invented a machiue that will spin cotton, scrape potatoes, rock he cradle, da'n stockings, pair nails, whitle shingle, whittle Yaukee Hoodie, aud puff itself in the newspaper. ft

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