f 7 Si n -i i i i 9mm i bb i i v . .v - n i n i t mm i ti i &-i.i :t -v. . i 'w-: . i a i .mrni mm n i i i i a m m i i i i ij --. i - m. m v i i aa i i r i "V ". i i h m Hi i mm i i r.iw. v. t. w ' j 1 m m i i jww t m m i i i i - . a n. i - i t 50 i "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS j AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS." j 7n advance, per year,$'2 ;.Not paid in advance, 2 tf$ot paid until six - months have expir . ed, f Not paid till the year f i- has expired, 3 ' No subscription received for a less time than a year, Hi'.ess the price be paid in advance. WIG. K. BiVSfltfE i FATETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY , 1848. VOX. 3 -ETC. 469. TJEHJtiS OJ-" One square of twenty-one Iine or less, tcr one inser tion, 00 cents ; every sub sequent insertion, iiO cenu, except it remain in for sev eral months, when it will be charged 3 lor two months, 4 for three, &c. 10 for tw elve months. Liberal deductions or large advertisements by the year or six months. D. & W. McLAtJRIX Have just received tlieir Spring and Summer Embracing a preat variety of stiple and fancy goods, which they will seil at low price?. M:.y S, lS-lf. COMMISSION' 3 1 K n I . X T (JKXMUAL AGENT, )29 '3 r fi f 00,000 Acres Valuable 'IMBER LAND FOR SALE. h is purchased Ul the Subscriber !ih purcha.-.l uil tne Lmaa 'in r to the estate f Abf.un Du'j. i.i, itv and sur- wiiere a lare to the Georre- ,i i iviir orin-i:) dlv la Iiobedun coun . i. .ti At-i of Lu.nber river, the different vev'-coatini:v over ONE HUNDRED T1IOU-AClll-I-J; a l.ire part ii.nely timbered, -a -l.l convenient to Lumber river, mi mtiiv of Timljer id now rolled t jv in trket. The-e lands ore very viduable 1) .t'n for Timber and Turpentine, for which pur pose .i 1 trje part u well suited, being in a region whore the Turpentine yiel Is more alnind.tntly t!i m :nv .otl.er section of the tate The lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information reoectin the title can be obtain ed bv aoplving to'the lUn. Robert Strange, J. C. Dobbin,' t:l., A. A. T. Smith, Es.j., Attorneys at Law. I understand there ore m -ny trespassers on tbe.e lands, to all o wli in i-.tirc is hereby triven fi t th- 1 .w uill bcenfor-e I nv.it ; 11 such of fender.. . . n!t ot TiiC Annlication for anv m ide to mv-stlf, or to .Kn.i N will !)( duly authorised to m ike THOMA March 1, IS 1'). tf. la low : If J. d.s cn be , Es ;., who ( f the s nr.e. CURTIS. .Civ FOR SALE. rpiHE Subscriber, desirous of chaTiirinr lii Jl. business, now ofVrs for s h- his FARM, in this counTv, on theeist side of Cipe i 'ear, imme di.t.'tv on "the river, :2J to .'! miles from the Clir eal.ii" ii.i Ue, containing on I acres ; the -letter part of the tract is very rich hot lorn land, thong!. ., oorii ,.i of -rood rid'es sustdd for cotton, to- haVcn and wl.c.t. Tiierc i s v 'JO J acres; to work ID t i;i a line state of cultivation. There is a verv iine barn, ai:d besides feed rocm and double set of stables, with cribs, kitchen, &c, nH well located as any on the Cape Ke.ir. The terms for payment can commodating. i r.r th nn"iuM everv u.v l .Till v.l 1 . ,' . " . ie v is tuns? w purem.sf. V. S. LATTA. 1S17. o-tf. e.iou :h of open land lo h uids, and is now uc made very ac- md will be idad to show it to any o. Am: NOW In Are ' . '! h LLUllll:Va 's KluiMiug?, on ;i;lespie Street. oiU-i eit I -". rm'ancst assortment ever -RL i.i F;ivetteville. Consisting of fine dres. co" t , frock" conts, vests and pant .loons, f idl de- s.:ti,tons, suit.. Die in price iu .m jmhv .. 4 Stocks, suspenders, handkerchiefs, shirts co 1- 1 ir-i, &-c. lie assurer 4 1 lose who wish these clothes are as well made the kind in the conatrv. Any anv to purchase thai as anv articles oi i erson who Inn v bill of goods fiv-mhim, w h:ch do noi :iv.c :.d ;-s rercsented,are;.t liberty to return them he has t vken p.iins in Phil nit lj mii up himself, and he tl as pood an any one s. Sept. 1', 1 17. iia t' muk tiers h;in.;cl! i:is i.it 1. .SAM "ON. I 1-tf. w. rm j--v r rfv ni Z B1 ,'r. JEW m: a . . MlI BLX Lrw. if- M 1 EaE a. fl-it ."7 &! a - vs. fjlllE nndersigiud will attend to the celling M. of Timber 'in 'Wilmington ; and whenever there is a slut" in the mulct t, J. C. 1 lockei will give it his personal attention at other tiou-s,' orders for the sal . of Ti mbur will prompt ly be dfsp. itched !y addtessing W. T. I..f, u-ii n-lll-irt in inv'abs.mee. If punetudity in miki'ir returns w:U ensure hope to reeeive a .share. e patron vge, then th. WiLMi.vinuN', Se; J. C. RLOCKER ?.", 117. I IU CO. lv. NEW S A I) W 1,. MeKKLIAs voulil nnnoiuico t.i tlio cilizcns of Kiiycttevilte nu.l surronnjinp country. ih.it ho h.n iir,nl a .toro on flay strict, one il.wjr cast 1 .Mr 1". S. l.utt'. rl.'h. where h.- is now rc euii in;; U:.- stock uf Dry (Joods. (irocenes, ilatnlwate, Cut lery, rofke i'V Dye .tuiVs. T.'ch lie will sell low for t'ash tucc. -Nuvciaber 1.".. 1S47. (ilas. Paints Oils or excliansre f r con rf.-.'i::i 1 NEW J Has ODctubl n luiiic am STOCK GI Principally GHOOERIBS, HARDWARE km CROCKERY itii A neat asoriment ol DRY (MODS, Which he will sell for the lowest prices. Sept. 4. IS 17. 4 10-tf. FOB MissrF, The Brick Dwelling anl Store one door uorth of Iln.-".;c St Son. on Ureon street. Apply to lK-c 21, 1S4T. D. &. V. Mcl.AVIUX. FOIl UK NT, The STORK on Market Square, now occupied by H. II. F.llis. Possession triven oil the 12th of February. Inquire at Bell's Book Store. January 2i IS-; S. 4oo-tf ALL. persons indebted to T. D. ATKINSON, will please call nud nettle their acouuts by the lath of Feb ruary, or their accounts will be placed in the band of an officer for collection. January 15, 184S. 40j-0t Wanted to Hire, A Waggoner to driy.o a timber wagon, also a timber hand, i n th Ticinity of Prospect Hall. Bladen county. A liberal price will be grvea. Apply to Mr James Alanine, Fnyette ville, or to Mr Alex. Johrason, Centr&JJ ridge, near Prospect Hall. ' January C2. 40(2t BLAKE &.BRIGGS AVE removed to the eld stand cf James G. Cook, on the south side of Hay street, and one door below II. L. Myrover & Co., where they are now receiving their rll and Winter supplv ol GOODS, Comprising a general assortment of Groceries, Hardware, STAPLE DRY GOODS, CUTLERY, DRUGS, HOLLOW-WARE, &c. ic. Which they offer on favorable terms, for cash of course to regular customers, as usual or ex change for country produce. Sept.' 23, IS 17." 4-iO-v. It. F. Hill HARD & COS WILD CHER RY H ITT 15 US. This preparation is a certain Sedative allaying ill Nervous Excitability and calming Nervous Irritation Palpitation of the Heart Dizziness ol the Head Faintness, and all diseases arising from a Sympathetic Affection of the Stomach, are entirely relieved by a very few doses of these llii ri its. It h.'s u'lreaJy become a favorite w ith many Me dical Practitioners. 1 jf it lc rtcv- J. N. M-lTit, who hss used it, speaks as follows : Erooklyx, Jan. 1347. Gentlemen; Having suffered for years from the effects of sedentary lu'bits and close applica tion to study, I wras induced to try your prepara tion of Wild Cherry. Its beneficial effects were soon apparent, and I tke great pleasure in re eoMini iding it as an excellent medicine especia lly ad :pted to eM'-it .ble temperaments, and one t nat should be generally known and patronised. Vours. J. NEWLAND MAEFITT. The T.o Island (N. Y.) Farmer, a paper prin ted ;-t J.unaic.:, L. 1. gives the names of person in that vill ;ge who have been benefited and cured by it-? use The following nsnicd persons have been bene iitted by t!,dr use in Jamaica: M. S. Huntting, James J. Btenton, Cliarles Welling, Ilendrick A. Hendrickson, J. E. Allemand, Mr Manwaring ; Daniel Hig'oie, Springfield. I Tabard's Wild Chrrry Bitters. Three obtin jte cases cf Fever and Ague, have been cured re cently by the use of llibb jriTs Will Cherry Bit ;rs. " Mr Watts, at Springfield, says that it cur ed hirn after ether remedies had been tried in vain. B. F. Ilibbard's Bilious Pills, should be taken, s y a dose or two, before using the Putters. Two of these pills are a dose, and are e jultod or r pills of any other kind. Mr Ward, of the firm of Cdes Stout & Ward of this city siys that he has found it very beneficial in a severe attack of fever and ?gue. The lmve been cured and bene- number of persons tn fited in J.un ..ie -. ; lor.i tion of the iu ! icle. S. J. II IN. -i DALE Arret F. Pescud, 1 leigh ; P. J. 1 How.inl, T-rboro; F. Hibbard c- Co proprietoj s. Octeber 9, 1S!7. would establish the reputa- f r Fryetteviile : P. owo , I.oiir,burg ; B. Dennis lle af, iiilisboro. K. 98 Jha street, N. Y., scle Ju"t : I'cc is. rceived tit II. Kli-A.'.IBP.i S 1 A EW YORK SPRING TltADK. TO COUNTRYMERGHANTS. THE undeniamej Merchants, Manufiictercrs anl Im ponei, respectfully invite the attention t.f Merchants visit ing the City, to their extensive stocks of Good, which will be found unsurpassed in this r any other market, and will be offered at the lowest maiket prices. Gas Fixtures, Lam'.is, &c. J. & I. COX, No. 15 Maiden Lane. New York. Manufac turers of silver ware iu ail its branches. Kngli.sh and -American Gas Fixtures of every variety. Importers and dealers in Lamp. Ciirendoles. Mantle Clocks, t aud Li bras. Lanterns, table tu;lery. Silver Mated Ware; Forks ar.d Spoons plated on German silver ; Polished Steel Fire Irous, Britannia V are. &.c. fcee, Sliirt Stock., Cravat ami Hosiery AVareliousc, Removed to 05 William St.. opposite Tlatt t , New I'oik DAVID A. IIEKIIICK would invite attention to his ex tensive assortment of Gents' Furnishing Gcodj. embracing ev ry variety of style and quality, t hirts, Stocks, Cravats. iloves. t ollars. Bosoms. Hosiery. Suspenders, Undergar ments, OJed bilks, Umbrellas. &.C. &.c. &c. which will be sold at the lowest prices. David A. licrrick, 05 William Street, opposite I'latt Street. General Trimming EstablUIuncnta "WILLIAMS BROTHERS. Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Fringes, Gimps, Cords and Tassels. C phols tcrtrs' 'x rimmingg of every description .Regalia Trimm ings, Zephyr W orsted. t anvasa. Patterns. Steel Beads. Tassels, &.C., No. 52 John Street, opposite Dutch, New Vork. Orders executed with despatch. British Ilatc Glass AVarehonsfi NO. 6 SPRUCE STREET New oik. Polished Plate GlusK of superior quality, for Store and Ilouee Windows. Show Cases, &c. Also, Looking Glass i lates of all sizes, and of great brilliancy and beaut y. constantly on hand and fur dale. 13 j ISAAC L. I'LATT. JoeeIi GiHott's Steel Pens. Manufacturers' Warehouse, 91 John street, corner of Gold. New-Vork, HEN KV OWEN, Agent. A large stock and complete assortment of these well known Feus con stantly on hand, together with holders of u.11 kinds for .sales to thu trade. Sliirts, Collars ami llosoins only. STEP. II. PKO VOST, manufacturer of Shirts. Col'.ar3 and Bosoms, Stamford, Conn. Warehouse, li0;j Pearl st.. New ork. As the .subscriber bus superior advantages and pays exclusive attention to the aiove articles, he is enabled to offer to purchasers an unusual assortment at low prices. "Wliolcenle SHlrt AVarelioTise. JOHN WOOLSEV, 34 Piatt ' street. 2d door from Will iam, where may be found a large assortment of shirts of every quality, made in the latest styles, and of superior workmanship. Dealers are respectfully invited tocail be fore purchasing elsewhere. Piateri ware ail lleplatinf . SPALDING &WATT, 239 Broadway, New York, Im porters of Tea Setts Waiters. Castors. Spoon.?, Forks, &c. Sec. These goods are all on the Albata or hite Aietai, and trebly plated with Silver. 1 hey also replate Spoons. Forks, Candlesticks, Castorr, Urns, and re-gild Watches, Tea Setts. &c, in the niUot permanent and beautiful style and on ehort notice. Phrenologists and Publishers. FOWLER St WELLS. No. 131 Nassau street. New Vert, publish at wholesal e and retail, works on the Sciences of rhreuology, Fhysiology. 1 hysiognomy and J;agnctism. Trofessioual examinations made when required, 'l he Cab inet or a. Bfcum is open and free to visiters day and even iug. C linton ilall. lol Nassau street. Els-.nlc Caois, Fapcrantt Stationery. FRANC IS & LOUTREL 77 MaidcnLane; Manufactur ers and Importers, will sell at unusually low Cash prices, all kiadi (1 Account Books. Writintr and Wrapping Pa p i-?. Gold Pens. Copying i resses Croion ink Y:aiitold Let ter ' "v riterst. Euv-iop:s, Books suitable for .(. ere haute, l;Haks, t ountry C lerks, and for Southern and vv estern "i rade ; alo, i aper uuU stationery Articles of cvry kind, at 77 ...aiden Lane, New i ork. uinc patent double and single Salamander Safe. N. B. Second hand Safes of other makers for sale at less than one half of first cost. Salamander Safes. C. RICH & CO. having purchased of Mr B O. Wilder the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Wildor'a Pa tent a lamander Safe, in all the States south and west of New York. They offer for sale their improved single or double Salamander Safes, (being a decided improvement on the original Wilder's Patent) warranted t ire Proof and free from dampness and secured with the most approved locks, at the following places. New Orleans, by Isaac Bridge. Mobile, Barney & Brothers. St. Louis. . Houseman & Lowry. Galveston, ' Edward S. W ood. Charleston, S. C. - Lewis W. Hatch. Chicago. Raymond. Gibbs &. Co. C incinnati. Lowell FL-ctcher. New York. - A.S.Marvin. General .Agent. 13Sti Water Street. These Safes have been tested in the great Fire, July 10th. 1S45 in New York ; in Vicksburgh, Miss ; Benton, .Miss; Marion, Ala: Cen treville, La.; undhavein all cases preserved their content. Ii vili ssl on. Wells &. Co. Forward, samples, parcels, orders, goods. See. from the city of New York, to all the principal towns of Europe, by tho French, English and American Steamers, and receive consignments from the game. Office, 10 Wall Street, N. York. Commission Merchants. J. PLANT 8c CO.. No 6 Burling slip and 126 Pearl steet, for purchasing Dry Goods. Groceiies, Hardware. Crockery. Saddlery,. Carriages. Stc. for orders. Being particularly acquainted with the Southern and Western Trade, their special attention is given thereto. References .Viessrs D. Perking & Co., Storm &i Hughson, A. J. Allen & Co., New-York. Cracker and Biscuit Machines. KIRTLAND'S celebrated Cracker and Eiscuit Machines, manufactured by Hvm-y McCollum. 40 Eldridge Street, New York, are now used by nearly all the principal Bakers of the States- Descriptions forwarded by mail. The miniature Solar Lamp for Lard or Oil, Will burn but one quart of the cheapest Oil in 24 hours or one pound of Lard in 20 hours, giving a brilliant light without smoke or crust ing the wick l or sale by KN UI COTT St SUMNER. 105 Elm Street near Cantd, Manufac turers of Britannia ware, Candlesticks, Castors, Tumblers, &c. Rust's Patent Lamps. S. RUST. Factory 42 Gold Street, New York, is now pa tenting a Lamp that cannot leak when used in the most careless manner, and even turned upside down when burn ing. It is applied to the common round tube and to his Patent Railway Lamps : and also to the Solar Lamp which he now is patenting, which vill burn common Whale Oil. at 50 cents per gallon. Lard or Tallow, and make the most clear and transparent light ever seen in a Lamp. All are invited to see this wonderful Lamp. Gas Lamps also made. Looking Glass and Picture Frames. DOWNS St JENKINS, Manufacturers. No, 119, Walker street, 5 doors east of Centre street. New York, solicit the attention of southern and western Dealers in Looking Glasses. Picture. Portrait, and Daguerreotype frames, as we feel confident it would be to thvir decided advantage in ex amining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Stoves Rolls, &.e HICEOK & CO., 239 Water street. Wholesale Dealers in Stoves and Castings. A large assortment of the various Patterns not used, on hand; among which is Atwoods cele brated Empire jfook Stoves, Cauldrons. Sugar Mills, and Ketilev t.'ivch Factory steamboat Bells, of all sizes. W . Lt'Andnidi..i , 300 ca.-Us fresh unslacktd Jar.uarv .. 4f." hoiiia?town LI ' E. for rslo y JNO. 1. W1LL1AM.5. tf. -Observer. WANTED ! 20,00") Fi--.nr Barrel St-ivos Jiin. 15. IMS. 10 000 Hoops. Gi.o. McNeill Kii:-rp eerie cdr. A Large nsfortmcnt of Hollow-warr. consistirg of Bake and Circuit Ovens. Pots. SklltU?. covert d and uncovered spiders. .' lso revolving aflh s. Bronze, fire dogs, wagon l.i'Xcs. all sizes, .c. iic. January S. JNO. M. EOS'i. DENTISTRY"" M-Sl sd Infjrm the citizens of Foyettcville and vicinity, that he h.i.s l.icuo d i.i i'ayet trvllie f r the purpose ot attending to his pr"t"essi':. lie has opened an oince adjoiuing the Lr.f;iveU'- Motel, where he will be ready at all times to wait on those w'i may favor him with a call. Dr. Gilchrist having had a s:ieces.-ful pract'ec for the last six yenrs. l'.attcrs'himsclf that he can give geuiral satisfaction. Ladies attend-'! to at their residences if requested. Jr.nuo.rv 1. IS IS. 4u;-2iti. jJIusical "UerchaixUze . FIT" TIT, & CO., No. 1 Kr-'-nklin Square, (successors to tirtli t iittll ) Importers and Dealers m ail kinds of i usi cal instruments, a", annfacturer of liana fortes with the Patent ibraling Ovtr-'drlde." Giiitais., t lutes. Clarinets, FlageolcttB. Kent iiugles. acfws, -J-lso Publishers and Importers of .;usic. Dealers. Seminaries and iilitary Bauds supplied at the lowcbt rate. .. S :'. - -n . -' ," . Pianos ?In?ic r.nil HSiisIcal Instrtxincitts). v. Notice ' he firms of Firth & Hall, Frahklin,sq'nare.5a-nd Filfl H, II ALL fOMJ, -o9 Broadway, having dissolved V'V mutual consent, tlie subscribers have formed anew lirm to conduct the same business, under thu name of W"I L L AM 1 1. LL St SON. and have opened their store at the old establishment, corner of Broadway and Park place, op posite th" I hi k. VILLl.V-.i HALL, : JAMES F. HALL...-, . -. -:"".- WILLIAM HALL St SOX, 239 Broadway, corner of Purk Place, New i ork. will continue . the manufacture of piauof.ivten. with tlie patent vibrating over-bridge, Antes, guitars. clarionets, fiageoiets. ;c. Stc; alo the jmblication of music, and the importal ion of ail kinds of musical in struments and music. 1 hey have secured the agency from the Loudon Sacred .Vufic vVarehousc of J. Alfred Novt Uo. for the sale of all the standard musical works pub lished by that house. .All the above will be sold at prices much less shan could lie procured by direct importation, v usic imports! to order. New music received from ail parts of the L nited States, as soon as published. Biglcy's Celebrated Gold Pern. A.G. U (i LEY StCO., L3 Broadway, N. Y.. manufac turers of their Ever-pointed Gold Pas. Patent Extension Cases f n- pen and pencil, and pencil Cases. The trade sup plied at tho lowest rates. Printing Inli MTamifactor y J. G. LIGHTHOD V. No. 38, Rose street, corner of Duane LEx'.ra Fine Card, Fine Black New, and colored Inks, of a superior quaiiey. lor saie on me most reasuuaoo; berins. j n orders from any part of the United States will be promptly attended to. CANTON 'IT. A' COMPANY.. D. U-:-oiili(ni i"'-tal Instrxzracsits. T.'F.l"!. 1S4 Broadway. New York, would in aud '.V'estern Dentists, that he puts Uj Dental Instruments for Jlf.O to $4UU. and Soda Water Apparatus. J. MATTHEWS, No. 131, Third Avenue, corner Four teenth street, New York, manufactures every description of modern Soda WTater Apparatus, either for the manufactur ers, bottling, or drawiug of Soda or other Mineral Waters. A lithographed plate with printed directions, giving every information in relation to the putting up of the Ap paratus, the making of the Soda Water, and tho Syrups, &c. accompanies each apparatus Dr. Hull's Trusses and Abdominal Supporters. 1 he superiority of Dr. Hull's instruments over all others is acknowledged by the most eminent physicians in Europe and A merica. Oliices. 4 Vesey street, Actor House. A female iu attendance in the Ladies' Department. , Artificial limbs. WM SELPIIO. 20 Spring Street. New York, solo Manu facturer in America of the Anglesey Leg. alo. Selpho:s artificial Hand, an entirely new article for a lost hand. Further information on application, or by letter, postpaid t't'ltei i J t I ! ' lie..i'it- t t l jr.riwi THE CANTON TEA COMPANY has been popularly known fur marry years 1 his is the largest i'.el cliUst '1 en I'stH'lNhnx-nt m America. - he public have had fuil proof t-S tlieir ie.ie-rily and r.-i ti ibih.y. i lu y J..-S-..-.-S facilith s; ii v- I:, lion to the Tea Trade, in a very abun-.Li:it degret. an I doubtiess. superior to any other Tea Concern m America- Their rupmo-.is regard to a 11 principle that tend to elevate the cr.aiactiir of a large house, i J well un.l. rstocd. and has alreaday secured them a connection, pr-.babiy. larger than all other Tr t stablishinents united, and they co:.seHuently are deter mined to scil Tear purer, m je frae-ra .t. and perfect for lh ;;riees ia the aggregate, than any house iu the world bir.a except' lI. '1 hey most icaloUFly invite the retention cf the- in lu.bit.ints of this town and vicinity to their Agency' where complete assortments are alwr.ys on hand; they feel no hesitation in staling thit wherever a single tral is made, a very decided preference is given to the ctk-trated Teas of tho CANTON TEA CO. Header . make th experiment! Subject in all cases to be returned of not approved of. These superior taas are put up iu one pound, halt pound and quarter pound packages, ana puriectiy l.ght and air. December 4. 1S17 SAML. J secured from HINSDALE. -Agent. 439-tf. 2" Gross, very superior, received and for ?ale by i 'cci. 1S47 W. PRIOR. s?tate of North C crol ti n iiouesou county Li Lyldy- William Alfo-,1 vs. John W. Alford. Wiley Alford. War ren Alford. -lacob Alford. David W. Paul." Samuel Paul. Eli Deas. John l-'ulinoro, Alexander Blue, James Ful more and John Dickerson. , . Original Bill. The complainant in this case maketh oath that the de fendants. James 1 ulmore an. I John Dickerson. re-side be yond the limits of this State: the sail James f- ulmore and John Dickerson are therefore hi-rebv notified to be and ap pear before the Judge cf the Court of fc quity. to beheld for the county of Robeson, at the lourt House in Lumber ton, on the tourth Monday in March next, and then aud there plead, answer or omur to complainant s bill other wise the same will be tak-n pro confesso K8 to them and set for hearing ex parte. Witness. Richard C. Rhodjs, Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity of Roboson county, at office in umber ton, the 24th day of January, A. D. 1S4C Rl II i C. RHODES. CM F Jan'y 20. 1S4S 4'"7 - " " The Pranltlin Type Foundry. WHITING St TAYLOR, "successors of Roar. Tati.or) No. 59, Gold street. New York. The type manufactured at this foundry is all hand cast, and cast in new matrices, .with deep counters of Scotch cut. Printing materials of every el"cription constantly oa hand and for sale on most reasonable terms. ".- . From the N. . True Sun. ENGLISH WRITERS AND AMERI CAN HEADERS I t lias been the' case for some years that a certain class of writers in England have raised an abusive clamor -against the pub lishers and publid ''of the United States, for renrintins and reading English' writings without paying ;tfi-b"ate to England lor the privilege of doing . so.'" Foremost among these clamorous preenders . stands lilack wood's Magazine.- The whole policy of the English govern ment, as well in respect to publications as f .rw.-Jrdf them lo anv desired point at his own risk, if tho ' tl al I Other articl CS, "iS tt keep the prices .puehrfui I In?, i" -der that the readers may be few of : i.e oia cjuituai.-d Dentist.. in Vue iiouth aud u est. J and select. Newspapers, lor instance, by "-.ovi'i-miit'iit i-to-u !;i t inns aie krrvt aliove the : means of most people a Lotidon daily r paper costing some 3.3 ier annum to the subscriber. In England, wiien a person ' wislies to jiublis'i, he must go to the stamp ! oiVice and make aladavit oi" tlie names d j printers, publishers antl proprietors, their : place of abode, sliares in tlie publication of i building in which it is to be printed, and ' git e security in S!0! fi'oin both princi i pal and sureties. When this has been j done he may issue, tiling within six days ! a copy of the i?sue in the stamp office, un ! der penalty of S-500 for. each oiience CIec7 I-n, " KMJOi) sai i Ai:ii!ial!y. B Tt i & BTTOTHETl. MsniifwtttVTS of eiebr.-.trd I Diamond Pointed OoKl lVus. Gold and Silver Pencil Ca-es. j lii: rem received tho hii Vcst I r iiiium at the late I Fair ef tiie V,a.-s it-'!i!-ietts t h iritabio Mt chanic . s'oc-.-t- t .on. ana nave L-.el pr.-imuiie-e-ii e; e-umpeie-m juuen mo best manufactured. At wholesale at the Manul'ictories. 1 Court Avenue. Boston. 10J Willi.-.m St., New i ork. Cjrtntrj- Jlcrchnntsa word ivlth yon ! A. TRAVEKS Si CO., f 4 Mr.idcu Lane. oLr you CO (M0 V.cU? of Taner Hr.ngin'rs.froin 5 to 6 cents per Koii. '1 rans rarer.t Oil'Window shades, at from 0s. to Ss. p-r pair. I Cap and Letter Papf-r 5-1 00 to 1 S'J per ream, aud ether i roods in the same proportion. W"e don't want you to take our word for it. but call and see tor yourselves. Kcuiemwr the number. HI Maidoa Lane, New x ork. To Tailors. The Spring and Summer Fashions for 1S43. published by ! h,verv Copy IS Subject to tile Stamp dutv. T. OLl EL, 87 Cedar Stree t. New York, will be ready j , " . . ' J .. , t . . for sale by the 1st day of March. accompanW with a varie- j eei itu c I uniiii-iii i a irt.x, muui ty of patterni. explanations. &c. Price 50. His new a ro-er lan the pf ice chargetl 1)V the printer : completed and ready for sale. Trice 510. anv person circulating a paper without the name and place of abode of the printer may be arrested on the spot and cau ietl be-fore ml iurown into prison. All a magistrate Canton and Feliin Tea Company. Wholesale and retail dealers in genuine and frj.CT.int j t ii : t . . 1 Ai' ....I -' l.,.'t . . .. t i New York. We intend to sell cverv variety of lea at five : tlllS Constitutes the f rCCltUM OI the Ellglisn percent, less than it can be purchased for in any other i Thf pp'prt nf tlieie lirovisintlS with place. Country dealer would do well to call before pur- I V1 e"' 1 ne t . . . , , sl0,li'' V chasing elsewhere. Our facilities are euch as will enable i many more, IS to diminish the number Ol us to t il auy orders that may be sent us from any.part of j , i j - . : 1 1 i i 1 itdefpn- the United States with promptness and despatch. I periOll icais, aiiU it la ailCOgetl D llJCUeieil Steam ders ot the system to increase tne wipor- Refincd, Choice anil Vnadwlterateel ; tfliiCC, respect ability and UiSCJtUlieSS VI I lit Confectionery. I publication. 'I he meaning ot this is that Loaf Sugar . Candies. Sugar tluma. and a general variety bv iaking the price high it keeps all pub of prime lirst quaiitv loat ugar goods, equal to the very - . o r. o r r be-t on hand and constantly manufactured prices low) j McatlOIlS mostly 111 the hands Of gentry antl r1V.1cr I nobility, and prevents them from ecu at- Iron Safe Warehouse III No. 1G7 and 130 Water street, cor. Deneyrter, ing among the people who would not relish the high tone of the prints, but would de mand more radical doctrines. Hence the Nev,- . - . .... ... r . I I . . - ... I . . .... , I Mn,. t I Ol'K. .ll.. ur.u ii.o. uraier in ii Mima e- . r 1 1 r 1 1 I 1 i I Safe; and Menrv luMs, Mauuf.ict urer of Wilder' Z?n- tloWiltall Ol ai ISiOCraC V WOU Id be hastened. It has been reported that in Great Britain there are 483 periodical papers, and the population is 2"0G0,C00. In the Uuited States there are periodicals and 20,000,000 population. These facts show the effect of the two systems. Black wood's Magazine, as we have said, is the most strenuous advocate of this system, the object and result of which is to make publications too high for popular circula tion. In the United States works can be published at one fourth the English prices, and as the number of English residents, here and in Canada is very large, and thev have a natural desire for English publica tions, the enterprise of the American pub lisher, under our free laws, enables them to buy Blackwood at $3 per ami. instead of $C0. This cheapness of publication create a market that otherwise would not exist, and because that market is so creat ed the English publishers have the impu dence to charge its creation as a piracy npon their works, ami attempt indirectly to pick the pocket of the American pub lisher. The English charge on a magazine similar to Blackwood (--ay tne Democratic Review) on going into England is 8s. or per number, antl as sucii a work cannot be reprinted in England at anything like its American price, it cannot . circulate there at all. Here the reverse is the case. English periodicals can be sold atone fourth the English price. Hence those English buy them here who would never think of doing so at home. A few years since an enterprising Ame rican publisher, now of Ann street, carried a number of New York .papers to Liver pool to sell. Under the law above cited, he was arrested, put tn prison, unci his pa pers confiscated for the crime of selling American newspapers English agents, by every packet sell any quantity of Eng lish papers here without molestation. HOW THEY DIED IN BATTLE. The following extract from some re marks made by Gen. Pierce, of New Hamp shire, at his public reception in Concord on the 26th ult., shows how many of our brave soldiers died in Mexico: And Concord, too, was well represented among them. There was Henry Carswell one of the bravest and determined sol diers in the army." 'There was sergeant Stowell, -who was shot plump through the heart at Churubusco. As his last breath flowed, he whispered to me, ' Do the boys say I behaved well if I have, write home to my people." Then there was sergeant Pike, who had his leg shot off in advancing alone on a causeway swept by three bat teries. Two amputations, which did not answer the purpose, were performed, and a third was deemed hopeless. Die he must, it w-as thought. I know better than they do,5' he said. "I'll try another; and when they cut it again 1 hope they w ill cut i so that it will stay cut." A, third amputation was performed,- and he lived through it- He and the others named were printers. In the new levies, the printers exceed by 20 per tent those of any other vocation; and on account of their in telligence and high spirit thev have proved the most efficient soldiers in the field. Gen. Pierce also named Brown and Swett of Concord, as particularly distin guished, and Capt. Cady and Lieuts. Poter and Dana, of the old line. Nor did he for get Sergt. West, of .Manchester, who fell T o ' at the head of his column, antl was always there when there was any fighting to be thine. But in mentioning the men of New Hampshire, or of New England, he would claim for them no superiority over others. The present army was made up of artillery, cavalry, the old army anil the new levies, representing everv state of the Union, antl it was not in the power of man to say which had done the best service. Ti many it had been a matter of great sur prise, that the new leties should have fought as thev had done. But it is in the race. He would take from the audience before him a regiment who wo'ild do the same. In executing, manoeuvres and in forming combinations in front of an enemv. bv wheeling, countermarching. &c, old soldiers are undoubtedly better ; but when it came to close fighting, as in storming or charging, it w as the man that did tlie work, and not the manoeuvring ; and in such work, the men who had never before been under fire, or handled a boyonet, stood well side by side with the long-trained soldier Another cause of the success of our troop", new and old, was the conduct of tiie othcers, who, Irom tne highest to tne lowest, led ami cheered on their columns. Hence the loss of that most brave and ac complished of the olticers of the ten new regiments Colonel Ransom. He kept pressing up pressing up till he was shot dead at the head of his column. The same was tiuc of Col. Martin Scot, the first shot in the army a son of New Hampshire. He raised himself above tlie protection of a wall- A brolher officer begged him not to expose himself unnecessarily. He re plied, Martin iScott has never yet stoop ed.' The next moment a shot passed through his heart. He fell upon hi- back, deliberately placed his cap upon his breast and died. Col. Graham, after receiving six severe wounds, continued on at the head of his men, and upon receiving a seventh, through the heart, slowly dropped from his horse, and as he fell upon the ground, said Forwad, my men I my word is always, Forward!' And so saying, he died. Machine foh mxkinc F.mfhv ah Sand Pafkk A machine has been projected by Mi Gilbert Gorries, of Troy, N. Y., for the rapid and economical ' manufacture of " sand and einery paper, 4t embraces the whole process of grinding the sand, glass, antl emery and applying it to'the making of the paper in one machine. It will, there fore, be f great advantage to manufactur ers to have the whole apparatus thus con nected and combined together lira neafaml. compact manner. , There is one thing to which we wouVd desire to direct attention in the grinding of such substances a2 sand, plaster, snuff", glass or emery. for.manufac tunng purposes, viz, some pe'rfect appara tus to prevent the fine dust from destroy ing so many lives of operatives attending to the machinery. New Last M a chine. Mr E. Webber, of Gardiner. Maine, has inventad a new machine for turning irregular surfaces and duplicating copies of lasts, &c, upon a principle entirely different fron those in common use. This machine has not a pat--eru to take merely a duplicate, hut has simply a block of wood or iron as gauge for a cone of saws by which the last is cut out m a very simple and perfect manner. Machines for turning irregular surfaces are not new-.as may be seen from some of the., old Encyclopedias, but there is much about the arrangements which makes Mr Webber's machine new, at least in the manner in w hich the principle is applied. New Mitre Box. Mr Arthur Huston, of Bristol, Maine, has invented a very sim ple and convenient Mitre llox most excel lently adapted to saw bevils correctly ami quickly to any angle. It will be a" good companion to th joiner antl Millwright anil Cabinet maker, and can be got up at a small expense. Imphovment in the Turning Lathe. -Mr Joseph Willard. of Grafton, Mass., has made a very ingenious and simple improve ment in the Turning Lathe. It consists of a collar to be attached to- the arbor of the. pulley to hold and adjust axletrees for turn ing, and which operates very correctly and beautifully. Scientific Jlmerican. nous u: t i o r ijl for saul mm A very coinf .rtable residence, on Russell street, conveni ent to business- Terms liberal- HECTOR McMILLAN B&arof s jo,., WM. U. MATTHEWS HAS removed from Green Ftrect to the North Fide of Hbv street, (in tlie Jlylm i t building.) one door above Wju J James it ... ! re' lu would be glad to see hi old ri,t.-.,. crx and tne public generally, who are in want of tilt l" OOU.S. b-nh iu tho Dry (,ood-t and tho Grocer r lino Ieby.3. ISiS. ,'.,, MEDICINE. Saml. J. Hinsdalo LDKUCUHST cv Ai'OTJIECARY, Corner of Market Square, has on Uancl full supjjjT ol Freeh and Jenuin'' DTIL'O-' Atwlici . ;tntl Clu'itucjils, W Inch he offers to Physician and the public at tin- lower! prices. His medicines are ot the best .juality that can b purcli.-ixed in tho northern cities, and bin chemicals are irom the lirat laboratories in London. I hiladelpbia. and I ariM All the Pharmaceutical compound Hold by S J H arc prepared by himself with accuracy. .' Medicines sold to jro into the country win be r ut nn with care and despatch. Fcb'y A 184S CHEAP WATCHES I - TV ' - -7, r -V And Joivflrv. If 'holes-ale and Retail. -At the Philadelphia Watch sad Jewelry Store. No. !' North Sc- V l.Tr runei fireci. forucrui iurry. , n '&3t!z. Ciold Lever tt a telle, full jew- xV J WftoA elled. lScar. case. $33 00 t.OJJV--'541 Silver do. full j.-wlled, 1H 00 Silver lepinn watchcn, jewtl'd $11 j r irie silver Spccla Qnurier goj quality, 7 I cle. 1 f,q Imitation. old Bracelet '3 0 fiold Sp-ct;icl.', 7 t Ladies gold pencils 3 "5 Silver 'I ra jx.ons. ret. j I i"id Pens. w:tb Penc.l and Silvrr Holder, 1 CO ;oM Finder fiin ST1; cents to SSO. Watch iiU. b'-vt quality, plain. 12V ct. ; Patent 18, Luuet 2j. other articlef iu proportion. .Ml Roods warranted to be hat they are sold for. tin ha'i.l omo (Joll and Silver Levers n.l Lepin, still lower tlin the above prices. O. CONRAD. JVwflier and Manufacturer of Silver War. Wntch Maker and .'inpsrter of W'atcho Constantly cn bind, a 1 .rse aortment of nil article uu--.l';y kept in siniJUr t-t-ilUahiaeuU, of gjOX quality anJ fanhicnable ?t y'i"? l ebi uary 0. 184S 2 OOLONG S0UCH0XG TKA. Mere of th'.s Fupexior Elack Tea. f jr sale by February 5, 1 54. S.lMUEL J HIN'SDALS Ladies'1 Curls. A f.ne -lrCliou of fine CURLS far lad'.oa r-r lt .l-.rft and color, ot n iiuMnKiirs. February 0, 1S43 GARDEN SEED. From Lonir Island, a l-irpro a.ortmcnt warranted of th grow th of 1M7. for sals at 5 cents per pip-r 1 ebruary.',. 1S4S. by S J HINSDALE FOK HIRK, Afia,lfyuto107tar3oM Te b y 5. 403-St WM. G. MATTHEWS VVAGGOXT A Virginia built road Waggon, for sale by Keb'y5. GKO. McNEILL FOR SALE, CHEAP A second bsnd BUGGY GIO. Apply to Hb'y 5 4C8-3t WM O MATTHEWS !00,000 well burnt BRICKS- extra eizc. now ready for delivery. Apply to Keb'y 5. 4oS-ft WM i MATTHEWS Drugs, .Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-stulTs. Brushes. Scnps. Perfu-aery, Tat ?at MniWa's, aniVaTnlsh, for sale by SAML J HIKCrAL

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