- .A' . .. 7 SATURDAY i i i 1. - -l if "fance, per ycar,-2 JJ -Jaid in advance, 'J LlVpaid until six 7.OHths have expir- ed, 3 1 ' Jrt paid till the year " :V?hMB expired, 3 -. ' 4? flfoaubscription received , ; -,o s i less time than a year, ' ies the rice be paid in "advance. 1 "& D. & W. JVIcLAURIN I 00 j , ' 1 " r.o '! JF 0111 fl acmif ttltllfiit, S , III -V 9 S -WW- X "X.- "X.- V-mX. I V VB. I linn fill .,rtts .. . , v v nw- -s- y CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS J AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON' PROPERTV OF ITS CITIZENS. WOT. XZ. BAYNE i FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, MARCH One square of twenty -one lines or less, for one inscr- f inn tC n t o aap .nk S-.vaay w vr -J .0 CI CJ J JUL' sequent insertion, 30 cents. j)!, n jruiain in ior sev ere months, when it will roe charged 3 for twu months; $4 for three, &c. Jfiu ior twelve months, fty Liberal deductions !for l-irce advertisements by the year or six months. Have just received their 3pring and Summer GOODS. Embracing a rcat variety of t:pIo and fancy , goods, which they will sell at low prices. May S, 117. 529 v JJ(D)MH (Do EJkTTJk. COMMISSION MERCHANT GEXKRAL AGENT, WIliNINGTOX, !f. C. I .1 100,000 Acres Valuable TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. f Mil IK Subscriber has purchased all the Lands H. bebinsirv to the estate of Abrain Dubois, decM, I v i 1 1 principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber river, the different sur veys contai :ii w over ONE JIUNDIiED THOU SAND ACItKS; a lar-e jiart fun ly timbered, and convenient to Lumber river, where a large quantity of Timber is now rafted to the George town market. These lands are verv valuable i .i. . rini i i . - oulii ior i iiuiht anu i urpeniine, tor winch pur pose a large pari is well suited, teing in a region where the '1 u r pent i no yields more abundantly thin any "ther section of the State. The lands win ue sol i at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchaser. Inform jt ion respecting the title can be obtain ed by applying to the limn. Robert Strange, J. C, Dobbin, Esq., A. A. T. Smith, Esq., Attorneys at Law. 1 understand there are many trespassers on these 1 uid-i, to all of whom notice is hereby given that the 1 iw will be enforced against all such of fenders. Application for any part of the lands can be made to myvlf, or to John Winslow, Es., who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. THOMAS J. CURTIS. M uch I, 1-1. tf. BLAKE & BEIGGS Jin AV r. removed to the. old stand of James G cook, on the south side of Hav street, and one door below H. L. Myrover &. Co. where they are now receiving their Fall and Winter supply of GOODS, Comprising a ereneral assortment of Groceries, Hardware, STAPLl DRY GOODS, CUTLERY, DRUGS j HOLLOW-WARE, &c. &c. Which they oiler on favorable terms, for cash of course to regular customers, as usual or ex change for country produce. epr. D, 1-V17. . 4-jy-v. FOR SALE. T HIE Subscriber, desirous of chansinc his business, now oilers for s :le his FARM, in this county, on the east side of Cape Fear, imme diately on the river, to J miles from the Clar endon I'ridge, containing r5t acres: the greater part of the tract is very rich bottom land, though a portion of good ridges suitably for cotton, to bacco and whe .t. There is enough id" open land (s.iv 201) acres) to work U to 15 hands, and is now in a fine state of cultivation. There is a very line barn, and besides feed room ami double, set of stables, with cribs, kitchen, &.c, as well located asny on the Cape l-'ear. The terms for payment can be made very ac- COmwtl.i-init , . i . - ttj v'eiuises every iuy, mm wm ue srlad to show it to anv one wishing to purchase. S " V. S. LATTA. An?. 5, 117. 4 1o-tf. For Dyspepsia- it. F. IIIBBAR0& CO'S WILD CIIEIl- ItV BITTERS. This tireparation is a certain Sedative allavinr all Nervous Excitability and ml Irritation Pahitation of the Heart Dizziness of the Head Faintness. and all disease nriino- from a Sympathetic Aflection of the Stomash, are entirely relieved by a very few doses of these Bitters. It has already become a favorite with many Me--dical Practitioners. The Rev- J. N. Maffit, who has used it, speaks of it as follows : RllOOKLYN, Jak. 1817. Gentlemen; Having suffered for years from the eflects of sedentary habits and close applica tion to study, I was induced to try your prepara tion of Wild Cherry. Its beneficial effects were soon apparent, and I take great pleasure in re commending it as an excellent medicine especia lly adapted to excitable temperaments, and one that should be generally known and patronised Yours. J. NEWLAND MAFFITT. 1 vox. 8-aro. -172. . TZ " . . . 1 - - A . J m S . "V ' - . . 9Hie 01 m . varomia uDiutriauu couiiiy. In Eaulv. WM. tf. MATTHEWS HAS removed fra Green street to the North Milo of Hav street, (in the Hj bart buildings ) one door above Wm C James ii Co. where he Amid be glad to see his old custom ers and the public genera,', who are in want of CHEAP WOODS both in the Dry (Jood3 and the Grocery line. Feb y 5, 185. 409-tf MEDICINE. Saml. J. Hinsdale DRUGGIST 5c APOTHECARY, Corner of Market Snuare. HAS on hand a full supply of Fresh and Genuine DRUGS. iccliciiies anil Cliemicitl. Which he offers to Physicians and the public at the lowest prices. His medicines are of the best quality that can be purchased in the northern cities, and his ehemic.-iU from the first laboratories in London. Philadeluhi.i. xnd Paris All the Pharmaceutical compounds sold bv fi ' J H are prepared by himself with accuracy. Medicines sold to go into the country will be put up with care and despatch. Keb'y 5. 1848 John Darroch vs. Malcom Mclherson. Administrator of Will. Mclntryrt dee'd. The Bill fileXMedges that cotiplainant is the next of km and distrirti of defendant' intestate, and prays for an acceuut amMUciDution. am lor an injunction re straining defendanVrom collecttig the balance due upon decree of this Court in his fare vs. David Gillis ami incus Kay. It appearing upon aadavit that the tlefi-ml.int is not an inhabitant of this State:lnotice is hereliv civen lv orutr ui nis nonor. .i t. .vianiy. ic six weeks in the ZVortu Carolinian, a newspaper publish"! in the town of Fayette ville. en joining the defendant, hiinpent and attorney, from pruwrcuiu;; coneciany amounwiue upon the Kiid decree until tne further order of this Cant: and the said defend ant is required to appear at the irxt term of our said Court of Equity, to be held for the couiiy of Cumberland at the ourc nouse -in hayettevillc, ouhc 6th Monday after the muuunj in .uren next, injn ana there to plead, an swer, or demur to the said Bill, fr the same will be taken pro comvuo ana set for hearing x parte. ?Vtice is also Riven to the defctlant. Malcom McPheraon. tnat on the 23d day oflebrua instant, at the house of jonn nay. sen., in . umtMTland county, the complainant will proceed to take the depositing of John Ray and F.ffie M eG ill. de bene esse, to be read ii evidence in this causxi Witness. Arch 'd AT Smith, (irkand .Vaster of our said Court of Equity at office, the 8t day of February 184S AllCH I A T SMITH. C. M. E. Feb-y 12, 1S43 4C9-6t pr adv $S 25 JliblartTs IViltl Cherry Bitters. ite cases of Fever and Ague, have CLOTHING! tfOW FOR THE In Arn's Huililing, on Cillcspie Street. ill IF. rlieaiu'st. assoftinent ever onereti I i i i Kavetteville. Consistin; coats, froek coats, vests s:- ri 'iri ins. suitable ill 1 St'ek. suspenders, I irs, Ho-4iin: thosi who wish to purchase ..i..,i,j o ,-..ll m.irlp as anv articles the kind in the country. Any person who buys anv bill of noods fromhim, which do not prove us pj'od as rejiresented.areat liberty to return them, as he his taken iains in Phil idelphia to make them no himself, and he flutters himself his taste The Long Island (N. Y.) Farmer, a paper prin ted at Jamaica, L. I. gives the names of person in that village who have been benefited and cured by its use The following named persons have been bene fitted by their use in Jamaica: M. S. Huntting, James J. l?renton, Charles Welling, Hendrick A. llendrickson, J. E. Allemand, Mr Manwaring ; Daniel Iligbie, Springfield. Three obstin- e been r tired re cently by the use of Hibbard's Wild Cherry Hit- :rs. Mr Watts, at Springfield, says that it cur ed mm alter other remedies had hppn trior! in vain. 1L F. Hibbard's Hilious Pills, should h taken, say a dose or two. before usinsr the Hitters Two of these pills are a dose, and are eju-.l to i or o" pills of any other kind. Mr Ward, ot the iu m of Gales Stout &. Ward of this city says that he has found it very beneficial in a severe attack of fever and ague. The r ntimfcl! Ih'Atf'soTiw ftJiaSC Tsv I.-c?ii cured and twetie tion of the article. S. J. HINSDALE Agent for Fayetteville; P. F. Pescud. Raleish; P. J. Brown, Louisburg; 15. Howard, Tarboro ; Dennis Heart, Hillsboro. R. . - -w . a -XT 1 F. Hibbard &. Co. 'J- Joiin street, in. x., soie proprietors. Oct-bcr i, 1 17. CHEAP WATCflES And .Jewelry, lVholesale and Retail, At the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Se cond street, corner of Quarry. Gold Lever Watches, full jew elled, 18 car. cases. $33 00 Silver do. full jewelled, 18 OO Silver do. 7 iwlu in rwi Silver lepine watches, jewel'd $11 Fine silver Specta- guuu quaoijrj i i cies. 1 50 Imitation, ft I Ool Gold Spectacles, 7 I Lniliea o-i.lri r.n. i tn. Silver Tea Spoons set, 5 -oia rens, witn fencil and Silver Holder. 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 37i cents to $80. Watch Glasses, best quality, plain, 12cts.; Patent 1S: Lunet 25. other articles in proportion. Ail pooas warranted to be what they are sold for. On hand some Gold and Silver Levers ami I.-nini .till ower than the above prices. O. CONRA D. Jeweller and Manufacturer of Silver Ware. Watch Maker and Importer of Watches Constantly on hand, a large assortment of all articles usually kept in similar establishments, of good quality and fashionable styles. February 5. 184S 2m WASjCOMMlTTED to the jail ofCumberland county, on the 14tljnst.. a negro man calling himself Wjliain. He is five feet Si inches higbof a dark chesnut com plexion, aniwell built. He has high cheek bona and face very tapering towards thichin ; appears to be be tween 35 ail 40 years of age. He says he belongs o a negro trader named TVniplemai of Richmond. V . mil was purcna8ed by Templeman Robt. Richardson Had on when taken up a black woll4 coat, and light blue pan taloons, and bUck hat. Williafis an intelligent looking and apparently well disposed nfro. The owner of said slave is hejuy notified to come for ward Jdentify lis property, pay fiarges and take him away or he will be dealt with as the v directs in such cases. Feb'y 19, 1848. TjM.L. CALLAIS, Jailor. LIBERTM POINT MO neck and bodv with a iin. hut ... .V 1 7 IIUl the slighest leeluig; nor did even his lips ixl.il.tt . Al I - . -. . caiiiuii niui e mail u convulsive twitch lien tliejr were likewise punctured. His pupils ciu uuaieti. uis puise was dibtuict though weak at the jaw, and was not in the hrst instance accelerated, though it rose considerably altenvards. Not more than t. l r i i r... .i uii .i iniiiuiu ciancu auer me sponges were pressed against his nostrils before the . . . . - animal showed himsell nttected bv the chloroform; and in tlie next half minute he was in convulsions. In conscnuence of the muzzle bavins come oft" in tlu art of GOING TO UED; Going to bed wc have ahvavs consider ed as one of the most sober, serious, ami soiemn operations which a man can be en gaged in during the whole twcntjr-foiir hours. With a young ladj it is altogether a different sort of thine. When bed-rim arrives she trips up stairs with a candle in ncr iiantl il she has had nleasant cum. pany during the evening with some n w... able ideas in her head the candle is placed on the toilet, and her luxuriant hair speedi ly emancipated from the thraldom of reeling, total insensibility did not continue combs atjJ P,ns- " she usually wears . I k A .... I . " longer than alwiut a couple of minutes L ari. curia. - or uses the iron," her rapidly increased in Ireti becomminr CO. 100. and the time consciousness and sensibility were soon ni" ,n "uerable bits of paper. This it unnatur- task accomplishetf, a night-cap makes its pie of minutes. . "a.ier -curls' or uses the iron," her ;c gradually but ha,r I8.brusltd carefully frorrt hjbr forehead, pjencv, tjuickly afn" t,le "v,10,e mass c6mpactly secured; I 120; while all ,f no1t. w,,v then her lovely tresses arc fJEIi. OOLONG S0CCH0NO TEA. More of this superior Black Tea. for sale by February 5, 1848. SAMUEL J HINSDALE Ladies7 Curls. A fine selection of fine CURLS for ladies, of all shades nnu coiors. at H. ERAMBERT'S. ebruary 5, 1848. GARDEN SEED. From Long Island, a largo assortment, warranted of the growth of 1847. for sale at 5 cents per paper t ebruary 5. 1848. by S J HINSDALE FAYETTEhLLE, n. c The Subscriber having leas the House formerly known as the Jackson Hotel, and m e recently as the Oregon Hotel, in the town of Fayette le. gives notice to the pub lic in general, that it is now en for the accommodation of boarders and travellers. 1 i table wiil be supplied with the best fare which our mark affords, and his bar room with the most choice liquors-p short, every exertion will be made to render his pairom comfortable. Particular at tention will be paid to horses those who may favor him with a call. From his determination to please all, if he can. he hopes to gain, as Wkius merit, a share of public patronage I 1HUS. 11. MASStr I'ebruary 13, tS4S. "rom the N. Y. True Sun. EFFECTS OF CHLJROFORM ON THE SE. of fine ilress ;ui1 pantaloons, of all ite rice to any purchaser. h.indkerclnols, shirts, coi- that ot is as 'nxl as any one's. Sept. 1, 1M7. I. SAMSON. -MS-tf. TIMBER MiEMCY. ill attend to the selling riinhiM- in Wilmington; and whenever ' .tint" in the market, .1. C. J.iocker it lii-i ii-riini;il attention -it other prompt 1 . 1-ovc, If imnctuality m rnmr: JL of t lii-re is a wil! five t imi-s, orders for the sale of Timber will 1 1 I... i!..in itcho.l bv addressing W. &. who will act in my absence. If punctuality in.ikin returns will ensure patrona hope to receive a share. .l.C. r.LOCKBK U'ii.mi.k;tos, Sept J", 1M7. 41J e, then they CO. lv. 1500 lbs Fresh Candy, Just received at Doc 18. II. EE ,VMBERT:S .Drugs, DjP-stufl. Medicines, Paints, Brushes. Soaps. Perfumerv. Pn 3LnA ViLrnirili. fur juIa Lv - v a mi. uw wha . HO Every body lias hi ellects of chlorotori of insensibility to eu with several it Jui use a. ttl it enects 20.0W Flour Barrel Staves ; Jan. 15, 1848. 10.000 Hoops. gko. McNeill pain, ot the Encourage Home Manufactures. WAGGON f A Virginia built road V: FeVy a. , for sh1 (i by KU. McNKH.L DENTISTRY. S. S. QILCHRIST, DEN TAL SURGEON, Informs the citizens of FayetteTille and Ticinity. that he has located in Fayetteville for the pnrjwse of attending t. his profession, lie has pened an olTice adjoiuii:n the Lafayette Hotel, whore he will be ready at all times to wait on those who may favr him with a call. Dr. Gilchrist having had a successful practice for the last six years. HattuM himself that l e can tr've general satisfaction. - Ladies attended to at their residences if requested. January 1, 148. 4iKl-3m. d of the astonishinir inTproducing a state We are acquaint- .... Ii Wve ii!mIhI mplete paral'zation m. oeveral expen- n tried ou the horse will be bund returninjr, and alonir with al heat of skin over every part of the bodv. n about five minutes alter sensibility had returned the animal appeared and proved suthciently recovered to have his bridle and cavesson adjusted, and to be walked lowly round the school. In hall an hour tterwards he had returned to his stable nd was eating with his wonted aimetife his noon feed; nor did he appear aught the worse in any respect whatever 'from the experiment that had been practised on him An interesting and most successful ex periment with this beneficial agent was also tried on a lame horse, belonging to Mr Reid, of Nast Lothian. I)r Robertson and Mr P. Imlach, from Edinburgh, Ur Lorimer, from Haddington, and others were present. About two ounces of the clilorolonn were poured on a piece of a i i . i i i - iiaunei cioui, oeiow wiuch was a spun ire. appearance, edged may be with plajn mus- un, or may be with lew hire- ulih all4 save her own sweet countenance. As soon as she ties the strings, nrtihnl.lv CL , , VV ner giass ana nail smiles nan uiushes at what s ip sees 'n. 'S, : """""i ndi sue bees. 1 he li"-lit- is out her fair, delicate form gently pres. ses the couchand like a dear innocent:" lovely creature as she is, she falfs Kcntly sweet smile on her still wAM oft 1 man, vi tuurse. uminr into sleep, with a sweeter face. A the same circumstance, acts nuite dim.ronj ly. Every movement in his chamber indi cates the coarse rough mould of his fallen' nature. When all is read v. he snin ffk th candle out with his finger like a cannibal; and then jumps into bed like a savp For a few moiiients? he thinks of all The peccadilloes he may have committed through the day vows a vow to amend the whole being placed in a tin case, wluch "! groans turns oyer sti efches him . ' I Call thnn nil - . . I A d I A I . I NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. I.. xMclvIiLLAU would announce tn the eitizens of F:.v. tt. viUi' and surrounding country, that he has r-pened a "store on Hay street, one door east of Mr T. S. Lutterloh. where he is now riH-eiiii!r his stock f J)ry Cootls, (iroceries, Hardware, Cut lery, Crockery, Olass, lVmts, Oils, Dye JSturt's &c. &c. Whi. hhewill sell low for Cash, or exchanse for country produce. November 1.1. IS 17. 45Vr.m - in a any h. 2r.iTsqiT,tt. Has opened a large and IE STOCK OF rrincipallv HARDVRE AND CROCKERY, ith a neat assortment ot DRY GOODS, .1(!EJCY OF TIIK JSTEUr YORK CANTON TEA COMPANY. The oldest Establishment in America! THE CANTON TEA COMPANY has been popularly known for manv years 1 his is the largest and oldi st 'I'm Establishment iu America. The public have had full prof ..ttli.tir intotrrilr flTid rOPOOnsibil it V . They possess facilities, in relation to the Tea Trade .. i.i.ra-. i,- ,lnrB. nnd doubtless. suieri r to other Tea Concern iu America- Th. ir ;rupulous l. -ard to all principles that tend to elevate the character ot a lar-'e house, is well understood, ami lias air. auaj t- . . them a connection. proKibly. larger than all other Tea Establishments united, and they consequently are deter mined to sell Tear purer, more fragrant, and perfect for the prices in the apcregate, than any house iu the world China excepted. They most zealously invite the attention of the in habitants of this town and vicinity td their Agency" wh re complete assortments are always on hand ; they feel no hesitation iu stat n that wherever a single tral is made, a very decided preference is given to the celebrated 1 eas of the CANTON TEA CO. ., (pj- Header . make the experiment ! Subject m all cases to be returned of not approved of. These superior tas are put up in one pound, half pound, and quarter pound packages, and purfeetly secured from li-ht and air. SAML. J. HINSDALE. Ajrent. "December 4. 1S47. 45tt-tf. A. A. McKETHAN Will continue to carry on the business of the late firm of Gardner and McKethan. in all its branches, lie has now on hand, and intends to keep, a general assortment, consisting of "carriages, barouches, Buggies, G-igs, Sulkies, WAGONS, &c. Which, for elegance of shape and finish, and du rability, will compare with any made in the U. States. Persons wishing to buy, woulJ do vell to call and examine his work, as he has determined to sell low for cash, or approved .notes. Having in his employment first rate smiths, he is prepared to do any iron work in the'duve line, on moderate terms. He warrants all his work to he of good and fiithful workmanship and materials, for one ear. a- llepaiiing faithfully executed tice, and on reasonable terms. January l's 1 IS. at short no- State of county Which he will sell for the lowest prices 446-tf. el E. GLOVER ' Has just received a New stock of Goods In his line, con sisting of Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds; Gold Chains and Keys ; Gold and Silver Spectacles ; Gold and Silver Thimbles ; Gold and Silvr Pencils ; Breast Pins and Fin cer Rings of all kinds; Lockets; Studs; Bracelets; Sleeve -?tUns; Butter Knives; Silver Combs; ke. Sic; together ' wit.. a general assortment of Goods; all of which will be wll lEAP. . EDWIN GLOVER. JanUwy 15, 1S4S. 465-tf. North Carol iiji Robeson In Lqmly. William Alford vs. John W. Alford. Wiley Alford. War ren Alford. Jacob Alford. Pavid W. Paul. Samuel Paul. Eli Deas. John Q. Fulmore. Alexander Blue. James Ful more and John Dickerson. Original Bill. The complaisant in this case maketh oath that the de fendants, Jaius Fulmore and John Dickerson. resi. be yond the limit of this State: the said James Fulmore and John Dickerson are therefore hereby notified to be and ap pear before the Judge of the Court of Equity, to be held for the county of Robe.son. at the Court House in Lumber ton, on the fourth Monday in March next, and then and there plead, answer or d-mur to complainant's bill, other wise the same will be taken pro confesso as to them, and set fvitae. lUchard C. Rhodes, Clerk and" Master of the rrt of F.ouitv of Robeson county, at office in Lumber- ton, the 24th day of Juury .A. D. 1S48 RICH'D C. OK consignment, casks fresh .nslacked Thomastown LIME, for sale by t ,.,. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. January 13, 1848.--405-tf. fjrj-ObswTer. - . Jany 29, 1S4S. 467-6t. RHODES. CM. E. pr adv 3 25. HOUSES, WAGGONS, AND SULKY, AT ATTCTIOKT. If not previously disposd of at private sale, will be sold at the Market House in this place, on Thursday of next County Court, an improved' tract of LAND. 8.? miles from town, on the Murchison road, containing 150 acres, a part of which is cleared and unier cultivation; a Saw Mill with Hotebkiss' inrpTcfred- water wheel; Grist Mill on most ap proved plan. This place is admirably adapted to a summer residence, being a healthy location and supplied with pure epring water; an it eligibly situated for a Factory . At same time will be sold, one Timber Waggon; two road Waggons: four Horses; Sulky, ploughs, fco. For further particulars, apply to Wm T Nott. Jofctl Cook, or A. M. CAMPBELL. Feh'y 12, 1S4S. iQQ-t COMK AND TAKE A LOOK. The subsi-iber has now on hand, and receiving from time to timo a well selected assortment of Goods in his line, which wJl be sold low. . In part as follows : Gold pens. silver pencils and thimbles, spangles, fine norkct knives, scissors, razors, steel nut-crackers, cork screws, doa coftirs and calls, tweeiers. cake cutters, fisl hK'ks. lines an poles, egg boilers; pocket books, purses. watch truards. nmmon breast pins and rings, needles, coral and glass beads, iasfeets. brooms: hair, flesh- tooth, comb and shoe brushes pocket, dressing, side. tuck, and chil dren's round comb; card baskets, conversation and play ig cards, pipes. taulT boxes, violin strings, battledores, violins, flutes, ttaborines. harmonicans. picolo flutes, eolocne. lavender. re and orange water, fancy soaps, ex tracts, cassada. bea. macassar and antique oil, ox mar row, pomatum, powter and powder puffs, percussion caps. shot, canister powdek baby jumpers. Sec Sic. besides a great variety of CHlLDRtN'S TOYS. Also, nuts, raisins,-igs, dates, prunes, tamarinds, cur rants, citron, clove, nee. nutmegs, cinnamon, camphor. frround pepper and tieer, starch, aalaratus. chocolate. sperm candles, pickle. Vinegar, lobsters, anchovies. Guava jelly,, chewing and smokiig tobacco, scgars. matches, butter and Boston crackers. sodV biscuits. Crashed and powdered susar. brown suiar: youm hvson. imperial. fc.ngli.h break- fast4 Oolong. Mohee, and fin yon g Teas; Scotch and ma ceo Dov snun. An asortntent of MALtABLLE IRON, for carriage makers use. - W. PRIOR. February 1 9.1S48. " - FOR lENT, v The STORE on (arket Sfllare. now occupied by II- H Ellis. Possetsion'giTen on tht lith of February. Inquire at Bell's Book Store. January 22. 1S4S- . 4-tf - . , IS CD IB yAllffio 100,000 well burnt BRICKS, extra sie, now ready for delivery . Apply to iVb'vS. 468-61 VM 8 MATTHEWS was leu at once iourli naturally a nervous sys meats have lately in England, with gtt success, as seen by the followiiiiextracts : The cxpeiimentlupon a horse of Mr Goodwin, veterinarsurgeon to the Queen, vas made at the Rofal Hiding School, in presence of Messrs Vil kinson, A. Cherry Henderson, and PtcivaU. The experi ment was of an unutally interesting char acter. The animaa tine sleek looking bay carriage horse, Evidently lame, come snorting and prancg out 01 ins stable, lull ot health and vigoif ana IILU VIItT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LL ' 1 1 V ' quiet and gtiod-teipered, still, from his present buoyancy ot spirits, it recpuireu some courage on tl part of the strangers present to approac! him. Such being the case, it become a jucstion how or what manner tiie chlorokm ws to be applied, so mat ne mijriiT. wiciuaiiy uuiuie us va por. After some ko ami con observations and suggestions, ivas determined to send for a common leatjB rn muzzle; and to af fix to such parts if it as were (when the muzzle was on tlidiead) directly opposetl to the nostrils, tvf pieces of sponge, each of siiflicient magniude to imbibe an ounce or more of the liaiid chloroform. This was done, and thd muzzle so htted up. lung being adjusted hloroform liquid from first upon one sponge, e other' by MrJ?ercivall, chitairTing three ounces of was tied over the horse's nose, and cur- rounded with a flannel bag. In three and a half minutes the animal fell over, and in five minutes it was perfectly insen sible. When in that cond ition, Mr Cock burn, veterinary surgeon, Haddington, performed the usually painful operation of cutting the nerves of sensation in both ofits fore feet. On cutting the second nerve the poor beast made a slight move ment, showing the chloroform was beginn ing to lose its effect; but a second applica tion of another ounce, allowed the other two remaining nerves to be cut without a QUI VCr. In twiiity.naiaiHnute from the commencement tne iMnmi "i Um BrC&IJr3w4ft self then all is silent ami heavy breathing of the slumber. then' the getting mnt wa. ntn on 1 an JJui-r.. In an laughable inci- c ml ni" put on. Kvery alxut the head, a b)ttle was pour alttrwards, upon out of a bottle . . . . i . . - .... t he fluid, until aUut two-thirus oi tne en- tirequantity, an tince upon each sponge, had disappeared. The operation of pour ing finished, the. 'room, who had hold of the cavesson by tiich the animal for fear ofaccident had btjn secured, with a view of rendering the iihalation more effective, of kis own accord at this time pressed the mutele upwards, nd so forced tne sponges agawst the nostri s, a compression which caused the liquid to drop out from below ; scatcely, howev r, had this been done twite, when the inimal, who had that mo meit been inanfesting some increased vivacity, all at o ce threw up his head, becime veriiginois, staggered from side to s'de, and in a i lotm-nt afterwards reared up, and, in conv Ision, reeled backward froik tbe middle uf tlie school, where he had been standing, against the panelled srdeot it behindj him, striking bis head against the pands with a force truly tre mendous, frightening every person around him. '1 he fooil, holding the rope ot the cavesson. exirted himself to safe the ani mal, and in lis efforts fortunately perhaps for the horseW the moment, hauled caves son. and bride' ami muzxle together oft" the animal's had. the only hold rerrrainin being the retention of the snaffle bit within the mouth, ati that was owing to the clenching of tr jaws At this period the horse had the Wpect of one momentarily struck with tetiius. There was the wild, senseless, ghastv stare? the stiff outstretch ed limbs: the bo j remaining supported by its hind quarteu against the boaros. PltANKS OF A MKXICA interesting letter to the Philadelphia North American, dated I uebla, 5th August, we find the following humorous account of an impromptu 4bull fight:" About a week since, Generals Scott, Twiggs, and Shields, with an escort of dragoons, and the 2d and Tth infantry, made an excursion to the ite of the. an cient Aztec citv. and I joined it. About mi ' two miles from Puebla a dnt occurred, thouirh it came near in tragedy. The infantry were ascending an easy slope, when two Mexicans came along with a powerful bull which one of them held by a lasso over the horns, while the other urged him along with a goad. The animal became restive as the soldiers passed, and finally breaking away from those who held him, charged the left Hank, carrying a soldier through the ranks on his horns, and landing him iu the mud on the opposite sitle of the road. The two men finally got hold of the lasso again, and were getting him along veiy well, w hen four of. us civilians came along on horses. Then he began to plunge and paw the ground, and one of the Mexicans who got in front of the beast to beat him still, was tossed clear over the bull's back. The infuriated creature then pitched in to the other, and throwing him in about two feet of mud and water, gored and ducked him for several seconds. All the horsemen rode up and succeed in driving Tme New Ueatitudf.s. Blessed arc they that are blind, for they shall see no glH'OlOt Blessed are the that are deaf; for thev never need lend an'y money, nor listen to any tedious stories.' Kft'ssed are they that are afraitl ot thffrr- d?rj for they shall hesitate about married. Blessed are they that are lean; for there is a chance to' grow fat. 'UltiS!ioI are tLey tt get.noutuce undtai government for hve hunured &m uVty-Vwo reasons not given on nctouiu 01 tnethori' Jlfessed ire tieV thai arc ignorant,' for they are fiappv in think in r that tfrev know everything. ? Blessed is he. who is ugly f in form and features .for the girls shan't molest him. Blessed is she that would get married, but can't ; for the consolations of the gospel are hers. Blessed are the orpharr diildrcrr for they , have no mothers to spank them. the animal from his prey, when he turned and put after us, more furious than ever. As we had no arms and uitl not choose to have our horses ruined, there was some pretty tall walking" for some distance. 1 he animal ran down the column tut near the 7th Regiment, and then charged again. makin" a pretty wide breach in the rinks. i- satisfvimr himself that the 7th was Mw to Man. A person by the name' of Mann, in his walks, used frequently to meet a gentleman wlio was known' to be disordered in his' intellect,' but whose con duct had always been inoffensive. It happened that the madman met him on a narrow Causeway, and having a large stick in his hand, when he came up to Mr Maim he made a sudden sop and. sternly pro nounced, 'Who" are you, sir?" The other not at all farmed, and willing to soothe his assailant, with a pun, rcglied, " Why, sir, I am a double man, Man A by name and man by nature." 'Are"you so,- sir?'' says' the insane.' Why, I am a! man beside myself and we two will fight you two." L'ptm which he knocked Mr Mann into the ditch and deliberately walked off. ITeXtic n'y dkoiiees. A physician who attended Fontencllc, once foiind him thinking coffee,- "Mygood sir," said this sage uesccmlant ol Ualen, 1 am astonish ed to see vou swallowing the juice of that pernicious berry ! Coffee is a slow poiton." ' I should think it must be slow saidF.' 44 for I have drank it with great persever ance for more than forty years.5' Aftei no where ' when he was about, he made a rush on me arti. mc uoys rruu umu iu fix their bayonets, however, and met our friend so coolly,- that after receiving five or six bayonet wounds, he hauled off and gave up the battle. In a few moments 1 saw him lassoed by a horseman, and pulled along towards the city, bleeding profusely and looking quite ' rest lallen fie nau evidently been deceived in his first charge, and seeing no bayonets, probably did not reckon on finding any on hrs second splurge. But he can (if the butchers have not kTlled him, which I strongly suspect,) console himself with the fact that he made more consternation among two regiments of U.-'S- Infantry than a thousand two- I prrrr cd Mexicans totiM have done. Chloroform is Said to he a good remedy against scolding wives. A frrend of ours, the Providence 1 ranscf ipt, keeps it kfc no family proper time for the husband to take it is when he sees the "squall coming up," and by the time it strikes him he will be roving througi savS constantly on hand, and says, should be without it." The fields of unalloyed bliss. This certainly And I is a triumph of science, and the discoverei Indw the animi was pricked about the J will receive the thanks of every community ALL persons iuIbtel to tho Subscriber will call and PAV I I their chl accounts, aa money is wanted. Mnd- nsr the profits on a small business will not justify payiug a book-keeper and collector. CAJSH will be reonired in all Ciises for goods iold after thU date, as no books or accauota will bo Lupt. It takes casn to buy luxuries llt-lii tllAMULKJ, Aft. 1 have just received, by steamboats from WilmintftOTl, freU Raisins. I.eioous. Cocoauuts. and 10 boxes fresu CANDtKS, 2i lim each: which I will seU as high as pos sible KOU CASH. Keb y Ui, 14S. 7I-3t THE MAGISTRATES of Cumberland county, are re quired to attend at tbv Conrrt House in Kayettevilt. on THURSDAY, 12 o'clock:, of Marck Term, next, of umberland County Court, for the transaction of public buines. BKNJ. ROBINSON, Ch'n. Feb. 26, 1S43. 471-2t Ct7-t.9crvfcr. IRISH POTATOES. 50 bbW. yellow Planting PolaUo. AUo. 2-JUU lbs. pure extra id No. 1 WHITE LEAD, in Oil. Paint Oil. Verdipris. in Oil. . . Terre d Seina and Umbvr. For sale by COOK, fc POWELL. Feb'y 28, IT. 471-3w ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The Sulwttlrbter rftrrioa; boen awpoioted Administrator, de bonis non. of John Selph. dee d, will proceed to gen at the Market Houw. on the 6th dsy of March, at 12 a'clock, a Pew In the Presbyterian Church. No. 16, on the ground floor. Terms made known at sale. iwnc.an McNeill, Feb. 19. 1S4S 470-St. A m. de bonis nou. FOirRENT, The Brick DwpUinK and Stcre one door north of Ilurke ic Son. on Cireen trctt. Arr'y to Dec 2; 147. D. U W. MeLAURIN.