Jl . 1 4s. l I; 4 -4 .V. -It V-, O 3 f5 is.." In advance, per year Not paid m advaiic Not paid until 51X' months have t-X;';r" cd, Not paid till the year hiis expired, 2 i 3 3 J'o subscription received i or a less time than a year, I unless the price be paid in dvmce. a ' " , ' 00 j - - --- I ; - 50 1 tt Ok" 4 ?4T 'j CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS I AND THE GLORY OF THE, STATE, IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS, 5 ADVERTISIMO;c One square of twenty-one lines or less, for one inser tion, GO cents ; every sub sequent insertion, SO cents, except it remain in for sev eral month, when it will tbc charged S3 lor two llmoiiths, 4 for three, &c,' 10 for twelve months. I FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, MiBCH 18, 1818. ! - Ccj- Liberal deductions or large advertisements VOLb 9 ICO. 43T4.ljby thc year OT six month8- L. & VV. McLAURIN Have just received their Spring and Summer pibracing a great variety of staple and fancy vhU, which they will sell at low prices. May S, IS 17. " 529 r MH (Do LW COMMISSION MERCHANT GENERAL. AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 100,00 Acres Valuable TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. flllK Rub-tsriber has purchased all the Lands i belonging to the estate of Abram Dubois, lyin principally in Robeson county, and ooth sides of Lumber river, the different sur v, containing over ONE HUNDRED THOU SD ACKES; a lare part finely timbered, aiconvcnient to Lumber river, where a larire qiitity of Timber is now rafted to the Geore toi market. Tliese lands are very valuable hi for Timber and Turpentine, for which pur p a large part is well suited, beinjr in a region r,-re the Turpentine yields more abundantly tl a;iy other section of the St ite The lands vle sold at a low price, and in quantities to si purchasers. forrn-ition respecting tlie title can be obtain roy lpplying to the lln. Robert Strange, J. C. Jjin, Esq., A. A. T. Smith, Esq., Attorneys at I. understand there are mny trespassers on te lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given t the I iw will be enforced against all such of fers. p plication for any yart of the lands can be ie t myself,' or to John Winslow, Rsq.,-ww i be duly authorized to make sole of the same. THOMAS J. CURTIS, trch 1, IS 15. tf. JSt .OW FOR THE CLOTHING ! i ArcyN Huildings, on OUlcsple Street. U XV. cheapest assortment ever offered iu Kayetteville. Consisting of -fine' dress ci, frock coats, vests and pantaloons, of all ele ctions, suitable in price to any purchaser, ocks, suspenders, handkerchiefs, shirts, col- 1 e assures those who wish to purchase that clothes are as'wcll m.ide as any articles of tkin.l in the country. Any person who buys abill of goods from him, which do not prove as as represented, are at liberty to return them, ne has taken pains in Philadelphia to nuike tn up himself, and he Hatters himself his taste ii good as any one's. I. SAMSON, pt. IS, lb-17. 4 ly-tf. ER AGENCY. undersigned will attend to the selling ofTiudier in Wilmington; and whenever re is a " u;lnt" in tlie market, .1. C. Ulocker give it his personal attention at other t-s, orders for the sale of Timber will prt-mpt-e despatched by addressing W. & T. Love, will act in my absence. If punctuality in dug returns will ensure patronage, then they e to receive a share. J. C. BLOCKER &. CO. Vilmiktotox, Sept 23, 1M7. 4 ll'-ly. is opened a large and NEW stock or cip iiy GROCERIES, ARDWARE AND CROCKERY, With a neat assortment ot DRY GOODS, en ne win s ii mi im,- hi,jk i'mo pt. t, 1-17. HG-tf. E. (J LOVER . just r.--i-ivol a Ni w .t"ok of iils in liis lino, eon - nf (iniil aifl Silvtr W:ilolu'! uiiiU kimls; tJol.l . haiiis Vv.h; Mll:nil ilv r .- t.ult'S ; (Jold anl JSilvor i.l'.-s ; ;.l l anil Silvrr IVm-ils ; Mr.nst Tins an.l Kin- n-s tf all kin.l: IrfH-kofcs; Slu.N: Lraot-W ts; M. t-vo ns"; 15uttT Knives; Silver 'iiiUs; &.e. &c; toeUier conoral assortment of Uoiwl.: all of wliioli w ill lie 11K VT. KDW1X llLDVEK. nary 15. 1S4S. 4G")-tf. irccNT(Tx3i i :nt, inks fresh imslaeked Thomastown L1MK, for .:tle liy JS(I. J. WILLIAMS, lary 15. 1S4S. 4G5-tf. Observer. IRISH POTATOES. , tbls. yellow riantinc; rotator. so. 20O0 11)8. pure extra a id No. 1 "WHITE LEAD, in Oil. intOil. rdigris- in .rro U Scina aud Umbor. For sale by COOK St rOWELL. y 20, 1848. 471-3w E AND MARINE INSURANCE. i Civnicien Insurance i 0111 pnnjr of N. J. NKAR PHILADELPHIA . BUCKLY. Set'-y. 11. -IV. OGDEN, rr?8-t. undersiuned. Arint of this Company, has receired .. xces that this Ctntay is conducted by sonic of the ealthy and influential Jersey men, and is second to i the Union of the same capital. He wilt take fire '.riue risks vu as favorable terms as any other Cou 4 JNO. M..IIOSE. Agent. ' .ttcTUlc, March 4, 1848. 472-tf (Mney wanted. , . tliose indebted to the Subscriber by note or account, lly those whotiave suffered their accounts or notes in unpaid for more than Vi months, are earnestly ed to settled the same without delay, as further nee cannot be given. oeo. w. Mcdonald. h 4. 1848. 472-5 w Fine Brussels Carpet Bags, 4i " Incrain ' Ladies Satchels, for sale I y R. A. STUART. jst 11, 1S17. BLAKE & BRIGGS TTJI AVE removed to the old stand of .bmw fl jU.1L Cook, on the south side of Hay street, and uuui ueiuw n. jl.. Myrover & Co., where they are now receiving their Fall and Winter supply of GOODS, Comprising a general assortment of Groceries, Hardware, STAPLE DRY GOODS. CUTLERY, DRUGS, HOLLOW-WARE, &c. &c. Which they offer on favorable terms, for cash of course to regular customers, as usual or ex change for country produce. Sept. 25, 1S47. 419-y. For Dyspepsia it. F. UIBBARI) &CO-S WILD CHER RY BITTERS. This preparation is a certain Sedative allaying all Nervous Excitability and calming Nervous Irritation Palpitation of the Heart Dizziness of the Head Faintness, and all diseases arising from a Sympathetic Affection of the Stomach, are entirely relieved by a very few doses of these JilTTKR?. It h;is already become a favorite with many Me dical Practitioners. The Rev. J. N. Maffit, who has used it, speaks of it as follows : Brooklyn", Jan. 1S17. Gentlemen; Having suffered for years from the effects of sedentary habits and close applica tion to study, I was induced to try your prepara tion of Wild Cherry. Its beneficial effects were soon apparent, and I take great pleasure in re commending it as an excellent medicine especia- iiy auiipiea to excitable temperaments, and one tliat should be generally known and patronised. Yours. J. NEWLAND MAFFITT. TheLnng iWd Otf. .Y.) Farmer, a paper prin ted at Jamaica, L. I. gives the names or person s that village who have been benefited and cured by its use The following named persons have been bene fitted by their use in Jamaica: 1VL S. Huntting, James J. I?renton, Charles Welling, Hendrick A. Hendrickson, J. L Allemand, Mr Manwaring ; Daniel Higbie,"Springfield. HibbariTs IVild Cherry Hitters. Three obstin ate cases of Fever and Ague, have been cured re cently by the use of Hibbard's Wild Cherry Bit ters. Mr Watts, at Springfield, says that it cur ed bim after other remedies had been tried in vain. B. F. Hibbard's Bilious Pills, should be taken, s.iy a dose or two, before using the Bitters. Tw o of these pills are a dose, and are equal to 4 or 3 pills of any other kind. Mr Ward, of the firm of Gales Stout & Ward of this city says that he has found it very beneficial in a severe attack of fever and ague. The number of persons that have been cured and bene fited in Jamaica alone, would establish the reputa tion of the article. S. J. HINSDALE Agent for Fnyctrevillc ; P. Fl Pescud, l;leigh ; P. J. Brown, Louisburg; B. Howard, Tarburo; Dennis lie at, Hillsboro. R. F. Hibbard & Co. John street, N. Y., sole proprietors. Oct-ber U, IS17. WM. G. .MATTHEWS HAS removed from Green street to thc North Bido of Hay Ftreet. (in the Hybart buildings.) ono door above Win C James it C, -where he would be glad to see his old custom ers and the public panerally, who are in want of CHEAP WOODS, both in the Dry Ooods and the Grocery line. FeVy 5, 1848. 4CS-tf 1500 lbs Fresh Candy, Ju"t received at Pec IS. II. EKAMBE11T-S WAC5(iOiT! A Virginia built road Waggon, for sale by Kffcy j. GEO. McNEILL DENTISTRY. S. S. GXLCHRXST, DENTAL SURGEON, Informs the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity, that he has located In Fayetteville for the purpose of attending to his profession. lie has poncd an olliee adjoining the Lafayette Hotel, where hn will bn ready at all tunc to wait on those who may favr him with a call. Dr. Gilchrist having had a successful practice for the last six years. Hatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. Ladies attended to at their residences if requested. January 1, 1848. 40o-3m. TEAS ! JIGKJVCY OF TJIF j'EIV YORK CANTON TEA COMPANY. VVic oldest Establishment in Jlmcrico! T1IF. CANTON TEA t'OMPANV has leen popularly known for many years This is the largest and oldest Tea Kstablishuieiit in America. The public have had full proof uf their integrity and responsibility. They possess facilities, iu relation to the Tea Trade, in a very abundant decree, "and doubtless, superior to any other Tea Concern in America- Their scrupulous regard to all principles that tend to elevate the character of a large house, is well understood, and lias alreaday secured thein a connection, probably, larger than all other Tea Kstablishments united, and they consequently are deter mined to sell Tear purer, more fragrant, and perfect for the prices in the aggregate, than any house iu thc world China excepted. They inort zealously invite the attention of flie in habitants of this town and vicinity to their Agency" where complete assortments arc always ou hand : tlicy feel no hesitation in stating that wherever a single tral is made, a verv decidtl preference is given to thc celebrated 'l eas of the CANTON TKA CO. QZf- Header . make the experiment! Subject in all cases to Ik- returned of not approved of. These superior teas arc put up in oue pound, half pound, and quarter pound packag-s. ad purfeetly secured from li.-lit. :.o.l air. SAMLJ(6j. HINSDALE. Agent. December 4.1S47. 409-tf. FOR KENT, The Brick Dwelling and Store one door north oflluske &. Son. on Green street. Apply to Dec 24. 1S17. D. & W. McLAURIN. , r3y LIBERTY POINT MOTjEIL. ill FAYETTEVILLE, N. C The Subscrtt.cr having leased the House formerly known as the Jackson Hotel, aud more recently as the Oregon Hotel, in the town of Fayetteville. gives notice to the pub lic iu general, that it is uow open for the accommodat ion of boarders and travellers. His table wiil be supplied with the best fare which our market affords, and his bar room with the most choice liquors in short, every exertion will be made to render his patrons comfortable. Particular at tention will Ve paid to horses of those who may favor him with a call. From his determination to please all. if he csn. he hopes to gain, as well as merit, a share iT public patronage THOS. U. - MASSE Y. rebruary 19, tS43. ALL persons indebted to the Subscriber will call and P4.Y UP their old accounts, as money is wanted- Find ing the profits on a small business will not justify paying a book-keeper and collector. CASH will be required in aU tascs for goods sold after this date, as no book or accounts willbekopt. It takes cash to buy luxuries . HENRY EHAMBERT, Agt. I have just received, by steamboats front Wilmington, fresh Itaisins. Lemons. Cocoanuts. and 10 boxes fresh CANDIES, i5 lbs each; which 1 will Pell as high as pos sible, FOR CASH. - , Fcb'y 26, 184S. 471-3t MEDICINE. Saml. J. Hinsdale DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Corner of Market Square, HAS on hand a fnll supply of Fresh and Genuine DRUGS, 3Iedicines and Chemicals, Which he offers to Physicians and the public at the lowest prices. His medicines are of the best quality that can be purchased in the northern cities, and his chemicals are from the first laboratories in London. Philadelphia, and Paris All the Pharmaceutical compounds sold by iJ. J. II. are prepared by himself with accuracy. Medicines sold to go into the country will be put up with care and despatch. Feb'y 5, 1848. CHEAP WATCHES A net Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, At the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 9G North Se cond street, corner of Quarry. Gold Lever AVatches. full jew elled, 18 car. cases, $33 00 Silver do. full jewelled, 18 00 Silver do. 7 jewels. 16 00 Silver lepine watches, jewel'd Jill I Fine silver Spccta- liuaners. good quality, 7 cles, 1 f,o Imitation, 5 I Gold Bracelets 3 0O Gold Spectacles, 7 Ladies cold noncila 1 75 Silver Tea Spoon set. 5 j v Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder. 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 37 cents to $80. Watch Glasses, best quality, plain, 12f cts.; Patent 1S?; Lunet 25. other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be wbat they are sold for. On hand some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines. still lower than the above prices. O. CONRAD. Jeweller and Manufacturer of Silver "Ware. Watch Maker and Importer of Watches. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of all articles usually kept in similar establishments, of good quality and February 5, 843 -i CHcouragelpfeg liome Manufactures. A. A. McEE THAN Will continue to carry on the business of the late firm of Gardner and McKethan, in all its branches. He had now on hand, and intends to keep, a general assortment, consisting of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, Buggies, G-igs, Sulkies, WAGONS, &c. Which, for elegance of shape and finish, and du rability, will compare with any made in the U. States. Persons wishing to buj', would do well to call and examine his work, as he lias determined to sell low for cash, or approved notes. Having in his employment first rate smiths, lie is prepared to do any iron work in the above line, on moderate terms. He warrants all his work to be of good and f.iithlul workmanship and materials, for one year. C1 Impairing faithfully executed at short no tice, ami on reasonable terms. January 15, ls-l. . DEFINITIONS. Absorption, the power or act of imbib- ; a fluid. Acetic Acitl, the accidifying principle of in"; a common vinerar. Acicular, having; sharp points like needles. Action, the etiort by which one Dotiy pro duces, or endeavors to produce, motion in another. Adhesion, the tendency which dissimilar bodies have to adhere or stick together. Aeration, the saturation of a liquid with air. 'Aeriform, having the form of air. -Aerostation, primarily, it denotes the science of weights suspended in the air: but, in the modern application of the Term, it signifies the art of navigating the air. Affinity, relationship, the force which causes dissimilar particles of matter to combine together, so as to form new mat ter. Albumen, an important animal principle. The white of an egg is albumen, mixed with water. Alkali, a soluble body, with a hot, caus tic taste, which possesses the power of de stroying acidity; the term is derived from kali, the Arabic name of a plant, from the ashes of which one species is obtained, and the article at. Amalgam, a chemical term, signifying the union of any metal with mercury, which is a solvent of various metals. Amorphous, not possessing regular form. Analysis, the separation of a whole into parts. Angle, the inclination of two straight linos to each other, which meet together, butVre not in the same straight line. Alilivurtius- coiiraiiujXttn-M1"--- 4-s7nr6n, that which goes up, a substance which in electrolysis passes to ,the anode. c, Anode, the way which the sun rises; the surface at w hich the electricity passes into a body, supposing the currents to move in the apparent direction of the sun. . Antiseptic, possessing the power of pre venting putrefaction. Approximate, having affinity with ; bor dering upon. Aqua Regia, i. c., Regal Water, a mix ture of nitric and muriatic acids; so called from its propcrtv of dissolving gold, held Jhythe alchemists, to be the king of the metals. Aqueo, when prefixed to a word, de notes that water enters into the composition of the substance which it signifies. Arc, a part of a curved line, as of a cir cle, ellipse, &c. Armature, a piece of soft iron applied to a loadstone, or connecting the poles of a horseshoe magnet. Astatic Needle; a double magnet needle not affected by the earth's magnetism. - Astronomy, the science which treats of the heavenly bodies, their motions, pe riods, &c, and the causes on which they depend. Athermanous, that through which heat will not pass is said to be athermanous Atmosphere, the sphere of air which sur rounds the globe. Atom, a minute particle not susceptible of further division. Attraction, the tendency which bodies have to approach each other. Austral, southern. Axis, in geometry; the straight line in a plane figure, about which it revolves to produce a solid; more generally, the right line conceived to be drawn from the vertex of a figure to the middle of the base. COME AND TAKE A LOOK. The subscriber has now on hand, and receiving from time to time, a well selected assortment of Goods in his line, which will he sold low. In part as follows : Gold pens, silver pencils and thimbles, spangles, fine pocket knives, scissors, razors, steel nut-crackers, cork screws. d collars and calls, tweezers, cake cutters, fish hooks, lines and poles, egg boilers, pocket books, purses, watch jinnnls. common breast pins and rings, needles, coral ami glass bead, baskets, brooms; hair, flesh, tooth, comb and shoe brushes: pocket, dressing, side. tuck, and chil dren's round combs; card baskets, conversation and play ing cards, pipes, snuff boxes, violin strings, battledores, violins, flutes, tamborines. harmonicans. picolo flutes, cologne, lavender, rose and orange water, fancy soaps, ex tracts, cassada. Ix'.irs. macassar and antique oils, ox mar row, pomatum, powder and powder pu Its, percussion caps, shot, canister powder, babv jumpers. &c &c. besides a great variety of CH1LDUF.N S TOYS. .Also. nuts, raieins, figs, dates, prunes, tamarinds, cur rants, citron, cloves, mace, nutmegs, cinnamon, camphor, ground pepper and ginger, ftarch. .salaratus. chocolate, sperm caudles, pickles, vinegar, lobsters, anchovies. Guava jell y, chewing and smoking tobaccd. scgars. matches, butter and Boston crackers, soda biscuit, crushed and powdered sugar, brown sugar; young hyson, imperial. English break fast. Oolong. Mohee. and Ninyong Teas: Scotch and macco boy smilr. of An assortment makers use. February 19. 1S4S MALEABLLE IRON. W. for carriagc-PRIOR. FOR RJSNT, The STORE on Market Square, now occupied by H. H. Ellis. Possession given on the 12th of February. Inquire at BelPs Book Store. January 22. 1S4S. 400-tf 100,000 Ave 11 burnt . BltlCKS, extra size, now ready for delivery. Apply to Feb y5. 408-Ct WM C MATTI1EWS CHEAP HATS I have on band, of nay own manufacture, fine Black. & Drab. Beaver HATS: smooth coon and brush do.; fine lamb's wool do.; and now receiving from some of the feest manu- I lacturers In IV ew 1 ork. sapernne fasnionaoie x caver: super moleskin: line Silk; cloee Beaver- and almost every kind of men's and boy's Hats. Silk velvet turbans for children. Super Otter. Shetland Scat. Nutra. Muokmt and Cloth CAPS, of every description, which 1 will seU from 10 to 25 per cent less than fanner prices. . DAVID GEE. November 27. 1847. 40-tt Cuitious Love Letter. A young woman had lived as servant at a respect able farm house, at the village of L -, in Northamptonshire, (England,) whose sweet-heart was an honest rustic of the some place, but whom cruel fate had des tined to remove to a distant part of the country, which, instead of diminishing, only served to increase their muttfal re gard. They were now, of course, ob liged to have recourse to correspondence; but, alas! how was this to be carried 011? for poor Mary could not w rite. It was not long before she. received a letter from her lover, in which he declared the 'in creased ardor of his love, and implored her to marry. She was now compelled to have resources-to a confidential female friend to assist her in reading the letter, and who readily offered to write an an swer; but no Mary could not, even to her friend, impart the main secret, and declined thc proffered service. Yet, as true love is seldom at a loss for the means of invention, Mary adopted the following concise method : Having procured a sheet of writing paper, with the cntl of a burnt stick, from oil the hearth, she formed the little dotted i, and enclosed a small piece of sheep's woolr which comprised Mary's significant answer, i?oo', Her friend wrote the superscription, ami the letter sent off; it was well understood, and re ceived with as much real pleasure as any belle's letter could have been.' They were soon after married. gigantice scientific discoveries of Profes sor Swcdenborg, are doubtless aware that, previous to the annexation of the Moon to this republic, the inhabitants of that remote province were entirely destitute of water there being not a drop of that exciting and damning liquid, poison in the whole territory. Since the annexation,- however, the inhabitants of the new state have shown the usual tendency of barbarians to imitate the vices of civilization, and have rapidly acquired a taste: fur thc expensive soul and body destroying vice of cold water. From moderate drinkers," thc Lunatics have becomca nation of confirm ed cold-water sots; and the Man in the Moon, who has heretofore been-regarded as rather a quiet sort of person, with no very marked features, has suddenly come out strong, as the Father Matthew of Moon land, ami has effected an incredible amount of good by his peregrinating lectures on the evils of cold w ater. But these are only a few of the evils of cold water. Were Ave to attempt a com plete list of them, the trade-sale catalogue of "valuable standard works ' would be nothing to it. One, however, is so wide spread, and has produced such frightful scenes of death and desolation, that we must allude to it especially. It seems that the rowdies and fire-runners of the Mogn, who used in the good old days of the republic, to put out quietly with lamp oil, such craters as . accidentally caught fire from the Man in thc Moon's cigar, have ftftf lnTH T Vl a KoVklf f licinf fnf- I",.- title v. w .nv iiuuii. n u jui . tvtiivi iui 111 1 a purpose and the consequences, as will readily be imagined, have been truly dread ful. No sooner is a fire extinguished, than jMirnt companies, w hich all bear appropriate names, such . as Good-Will, Unity, Peace and Fraternity, &c, &c. fall to fighting in thc most furious manner. beating each other's brains out with ai instrument one degree longer than a span. as u is caiieu a spanner tearing the en gines to pieces, and, tickling one another's catastrophes with the fragments. Some times pistols and guns are discharged of ineir contents among the crowds ot specta tors who always assemble on these occa sions, doing immense execution among the women and children. Various efforts have ostensibly been made by the Mooni cipal authorities to suppress these riots, but they were all a flam, as the city con stables are not verv marshal men, and are ... supposed to be in conspiracy with the era ter people, to promote fights and conflagra tions. At all events, the riots continue to grow worse; and if the supply of water 1 ill nr .9 1 snouiu oe suincientiy increased, there is no doubt it would ultimately produce the final conflagration and day of judgment. John Donkey. Great Temperance Movement in the Moox. We have received some very im oortaut and interesting intelligence from the Moon, which we have hesitated to lay before our readers. Bat the present tremendous crisis in the price of putty has decided us to break through the cruel restraints of coW and careful policyand rush to the rescue of the human race, re gardless of the sneers of pretended friends, or the reckless assults of open foes. Our readers, who are familiar with the Extraordinary Case. In the year ly'J a young lad 18 or 19 years ot age, residing in the western part of the State,- Avas arrested Avith two others, on the charge 01 stealing a grindstone iroin a man in this town, and carried before a justice of the peace, Avho fined each of them one dollar. The young man referred to declared his innocence of the crime, and appealed to the Court of Common Pleas; but, before the sitting of the Court, M as induced to settle the matter, rather than be arraigned as a thief, the justice giving him to under stand that no record would be made ot the case, and that it would probably never be thought of. It was subsequently well as certained that the lad was in fact entirely a ." a innocent, another uoy navingacKnowledged that he himself committed the olltriice. The young man greV up and has ever since re sided in the same town, sustaining a most exemplary character", lie has held sever al offices of trust and responsibility,- has served many times as a juror, antl has been worthy member ot a; LOogregational Church for thirtj' or forty years. A leAr weeks since, having brought an action of debt against one of his neighbors, it became necessary to make an-oath folds account ; but being about to take the oath, to the utter astonishment of the gentleman and all present, the record of thc convic tion before the justice of the peace, allud ed to above, Avas produced,- ami read by ths opposing party, into whose hands it had by some means come, after the death of the justice. Here was an old gentle man, sixly-six-"ycars of age, who had, from his boyhood deservedly enjoyed the reput.ition of an honest and virtuous citi zen, held up to the community as a con victed felon, and deprived of the rights of citizenship, for an offence which, if he were really guilty was committed nearly half a century ago! We can hardly conceive of the degree of meanness arwl malignity which could prompt such a proceeding. In this state of the matter application was made recently, to the Executive, for a restoration of his civil rights to the orthy old man as le did not wish to descend to the grave with this stigma resting on him and upon the testimony of his ex cellent character for more than forty years, during the whole of which time one of the witnesses had known him, his rights were promptly restored", Satiem Mats Register. A good assortment of ridiinr SinMl.. A I stil VAnn fiml- f dies. f..r sale by JNO. Al. RObE. March 11, 1S48. Lessons for vfut young persons. X , hope my dear boys, that you al-ways o-bey -your pa-rents; and not on-ly your pa-rents, but al-so your mas ters and teac-ners and un-clcs and grand-fath-crs and grand-mo- thers- T.et me tel 1 you a-bout Da-vy Wil mot. Noav, Da vy was a lit-tlc boy, a very lit tle boy, wholiv-cd with his dot-hip; grand-mot h-cr. At first, he bt-hved " pret ty well, and his' grand-mother lov cd him, and pet-ted him ver-y much. But Da-vy took to play-ing with naughty boys, and learn-ed bad hab-its. He grew. worse, and worse ev ery day, till at last! he turn ed thief. One il.iv he went and stolo n lit tle can-non Avhich made a loud noise, from a lit-tie col-or-ed boy cal led Black t)an. His fa-vor-ite com-pan-ion, a bad lit-tlc fel-l ow cal-lcd JoliifnC Van Bu-ren, brought the can-non home to his grand-. V moth-cr's house, and be-gan fi-rihg it ofTat the great-est rate. His poor grand-mother was fright-e.n-ed al-inost to death, and ex-pect-ed ev-cry min ute that the house would come dAvn up-on her head. So she cal led out as loud as she could to Da-vy, '' , and told him to carry the can-non right back to Black Dan,- or throAV it in-tothc.- liio (irande, a riv-er Avhich ran at the low cr end of the yard. But Da-vy did not r mind Avhat she said, but com-menc-ed fi ring the can-non oil'wftrse than ev-ei. -So thc next inorn-ing she or der-cdTa-ry to pack up his things, antl quit the house. Da-vy was o-blig-cd to do this, though he did not like to leave thc nice thingsHvhich his grand-moth-er has for good chil-drem and iioav, poor boy, he has no home to go to. lie has slept with John-ny Van Bu-s ren ev er since; but John-ny Can-not kecjfj y him always, and what will be-comc of him .y I can-not tell. John Donkey. . t 4 i r r. II. A. KENNEDY, D. D. S. Graduate or the Bnltim6rc College oT ' ' f if"' DENTAL SURGEIiV, ttcspoctfuUy tenders his profi.ssioB.1 'SerVicea to' the citl nH of h y-tt..vlle and surroundin eomtry. Hw la pre. pared to perform on the latest and most approved prioci pics all operations in his nror.awt. i.,..- .:i cud teeth inserted on gold plnto. froht one to an eutir ael He is also prepared to insert Whole upper sets ofleeth on the atmospheric pressure principle, without tho aid of clasps or sr.VJncs: bavin" made inserting teeth, he confidently recommends it as answerim; ' the purpose of mastication, &c &c.s aud cannot be detect ed lrom the natural teeth. JUJ.in.g Prac.t,e1 a number of years in fh? lower part of this State, be fee s confident he will be fcbU to phise all who may favor him with their t.j.tronMjre ttfT-Ladies attended at their residences if required Aiarch 11, 1849. 6m. TIN WARE, Wholesale a.nd Retail. T" . T1. WAIM) Informs lils old customers that he is still manufacturing Tin, copper, and sheet-iron v are, u ms oia sutuu ou ttiuespie street. CHEAP FOR CASH. Ho will eell att- articles' fot cash at tho lowest prices. CANS FOR FACTORIES. He Would inform Companies and others. ton or woollen inanufniHurinr. lluit he U ikrftnr..i I manu facture all kind of work used in a factory, nuchas repairing cylinders, makiug cans, drums. &c. (frj- He will guarantee to make cans as cheap as they can be had at the North counting thc expense of jrett ing them here. ' Rooting, guttering, and all kinds of jobbing done at the j-lHirtest notice. A.arch 11. 184T. FRUIT! FRUIT!- 750 Strtily Oranges. ' ' 500 West India, do. ' '; Juo Cocoanuts, 4"i0 Plantains, 4M) II ananas. f0 I'ino -Aiiles. lut received and for sale at the Fruit and Toy store of " W. TRIOR. 2,00G PAIUS SHOES, Ot all sizes aud descriptions, for sale by JNO. M. ROSE, -.;arch 11. 1843. 47:j-tf. Next door to Brlggs' Hotel '-'4 ' -X & - ' f Tlin co-partnership heretofore existing between Jacob Su:idh:.emer and Joriah Maultby, is hereby ao J henceforth dissolveil by mutual consent. ' J. SL'AUIIICJIER JtiSI.AII MAULTSBY. - I.umbcrton, March 3, 1S4S 4Jgjj.f-- - The undersigned- having purcliased the entire stock of poods from 1. Sundheinit.T k C..atd associated tliemsrlv fttr the purpose of transacting a general mercantile hn ness in this place, under the slrle and ririn of J. T. rope Co.. would rcspcctful'y inform their friends, former P"" rowua.lthepablle generally, tUat they hav. taken the NKW BRICK STOat; where they are determined to sell CHEAP for cash, or on time to punctual customer. UIT us a call dout charge anything for looking. v(ypr --"' ' ,' ' ' ' ' ' H. T. POPK. Lumherton, N. C, Xtec 11- 47Wt. II H. 1X1 3- CANCER. .An Interesting Case t" ue. By Dr D. Jayne's Alterative. In the spring fl31.a t ancermts tumor appeared in the right breast of Mn PIio-l. wife of Peter Stretch, of Salem. N. J. It was examined by many physicians, and was considered by all sut cancerous, and besiilea bore all the characteristic uuurlu of one. All proba M means of removing it were need without the slightest benefit. It continued to increase both in size and painfulnesa, until all hope of savin? her life, but by a painful operation, was abandoned, which-after consultation of eminent physi cians, was performed, Jan. 1st. 1832, by Dr John Rhea JBartou. assist-d by Ir Redman, Dr Jayne, and two other medical gentlemen. The whole and entire right breart was removed, and after examination of tho tumor, was pronounced ly all present a Cancer of the most malig nant character. In about three months, after endur ing incredibl Bufferings, she was enabled, though broken in spirit, to get about again. She remained feeUe. and her general health was exceedingly had, as indeed it had been for several years before In the spring of 1S37, ' upwards of five years after her breast had Iieen removed, a painful tumor made its appearance on toe right aid. Immediately over the part formerly occupied by . the nipple of the right breast, previous to iU removal. This tumor steadily increased for several months, and be came so painful as to deprive her of rest. The glands un der the right arm ere humsto. uu orinuu - a a. A S sa a i h 4?m m 1 4 h n a v a at ika myl a n n Ja irregular, ana " vuu. mVy.m. U-tL breast. No operation eould now in the arrest the disease Th- erneriment was now made with this Alteratve. It wm at trt given in small doses, three times a day. and the rtes very gradually, but steadlv increased daily as long mm j. took it. which was about six months, and the skin over and around the tumor was wet night and morning wi th a strong solution of Iodine and Hydriodate Potash. The tu. tor continued incre!-tng in sixe for about six we-xs, and was at time, very painful, when the jn rodOenly ceased altogether, and the tumor swelled out at the base, an J ?a.ue ft.!and then began to dunisb continued gradually decreasing until every vestig w rented. The tumor in her 1,1 breat, and those lath right axUla were also dispersed. iiTven a T V For sale ia Fayetteville by S. J. HINSDALE.