w , " . ' ' OPELE NOETH CABOL JMIAK ... BURNS' POEMS. HERE'S A liEALTH to THEM THAT'S AW A. The first three verses of this excellent patriotic song were first published in the Edinburgh Magazine for 1S18, from a manuscript in the hand-writing of Burns. The remaining two verses appeared sometime after in the same Periodical, with a note by the editor, proving their authenticity. I he first complete copy of the song was printed in a little volume en- 1 a , mi -ma- rf T t iiiieu, 1 ne cynciYiuse ot uonert jiums, pub lished in 1S19, by the late John Smith, book seller, Montrose. Here's a health to them that's awn, And here's to them that's awa; Andwhawinna wish fpiid luck to our cause, May never guid luck be their fa' ! It's guid to be merry and wise, It's guid to be honest and true, It's guid to support Caledonia's cause, And bide by the bull' and the blue. Here's a health to them that's awa, And here's to them that's awa ; Here's a health to Charlie, the chief o' the clan, Altho' that his band be sma'. May liberty meet wi' success ! May prudence protect hejtoevil ! May tyrants and tyranny And wander their w badges of mitre. union": them. ny tn mist, ay toV Here's a health to them th And here's to them that's awa Here's a health to Tammie.the Norland laddie, That lives at the lug o' the law ! Here's freedom to him that wad read, . Here's freedom to him that wad write ! There's nane ever fear'd that the truth should be heard, But they wham the truth wad indite. Here's a health to them that's awa, And here's to them that's awa; Here's Maitland and Wycombe, and wlia does na We'll build a hole o' the wa like 'em. Here's timmer that's red at the heart. Here's fruit that's sound at the core ! May be that would turn the buff and blue coat, " Be turned to the back o' the door. Here's a health to them that's awa', jAnd here's to them that's awa'; Here's chieftain M'Leod, a chieftain worth gowd -Though bred amang mountains o' snavv! Here's friends on baith sides o' the forth, And friends on baith sides o' the Tweed, And wha wad betray old Albion's rights, May they never eat of her bread. ed even the institutions of superstition for good. ABBOT, the chief ruler of a monastery or abbey. At first they were laymen, and subject to the bishop anil ordinary pastors. Their monasteries being remote from cities, and built in the farthest soli tudes, they had no share in ecclesiastical affairs, but, there being among them sever al persons of learning, they were called out of the deserts bv the bishops, and fix ed in the suburbs of the cities; and at length in the cities themselves. From that time thev degenerated, and, learniug to be am bitious,aspired to be independent of the bishops, which occasioned some severe laws to be made against them. At length however, the abbots carried their point, and obtained the title of lord, with other the episcopate, particularly the Hence arose new distinctions Those were termed mitred abbots w ho were priviledged to wear the mitre, and exercise episcopal authority within their respective precincts being ex empted from the jurisdiction of the bishop. Others w ere called crosiercd abbots, from their hearing the crosier, or pastoral staff. Others were styled secumenical or univer sal abbots, in imitation of the patriarch of Constantinople, while others were termed cardinal abbots, from their superiority over all other abbots. At present, in the Roman catholic countries,the chief distinctions are those of regular and commendatory. The former take the vow and wear the habit of their order; whereas the latter are secu lars, though they are obliged by their bulls to take orders when of proper age. THE BEARER OF THE TREATY. From the N. O. Delta. We had the pleasure yesterday of greet ing our well-beloved correspondent, Mr James L. Freaner, well known to the country under the nom de plume of "Mus tang," as the most correct and authentic historian of the war in the valley of Mex ico. Mr Freaner is the bearer of despat ches from tiie government at Washington, to the commander of our forces in Mexico, and within a few hours after the issue of this paper, will be on. his way back to Vera Cruz, tin the steamer Edith. The L.AUDAT10N EXTRAORDINARY. Honor to the body which has the courage to stultify itself. We stupid as we are never dream of practically unsaying all that we have said and though we do write ourselves like Dogberry a John Donkey, we nevertheless conceal as much or our ears. Not so with our free and indepen dent congressmen. iney nespise an the restraints of reason, and the dictates of common sense; bray loudly and long, but wisely retrain Irom using their heels. Honor say we to the Congress, in gen eral, and to the House of Representatives, . " w 1 . i f in particular. rov what other omiy oi men than the last would have voted a war to be unconstitutional in its commencement and The best Medicine m the orld. PILES CURED FOR LIFE. BY DR UPHAM'S VEGETABLE ELECTUARY. 'An Internal Remedy for the speedy and per maaent cure of Piles, Inflammation ot the Liver, Bowels, Spleen, Kidneys and Bladder; Chronic " Dysentery, Severe and Habitual Costiveness, and all diseases of a similar nature, which are frequently found in ' conjunction with the Dr Upham's Electuary is an Internal Remedy, not an external application, and will cure any case of Piles, either Bleeding or Blind, Internal or External, and is the only medicine that will. It is a positive cure, speedy and permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take and im proves the general health in remarkable manner. The following is one of the 20,000 Certificates given in the course of a few years, of the superior efficacy of this medicine in the cure of Piles, and Inflammatory Diseases. Rochester, Sept. 11 1S1G. Messrs. Post & Willis Gents : It is with no ordinary feelings of pleasure that I am enabled to inform you of the cure I have experienced by the use of Dr Upham's Vegetable Pile Electuary, which I obtained from vou in case of riles with which I have been afflicted. My sufferings have been almost beyond endurance, and cannot be known or imagined only by those who have ex perienced like afflictions. Having been so long and sorely afflicted, I am induced to address you, that through you I may make known to my friends and neighbors the tru ly wonderful virtues of Dr Upham's Electuary, which I shall hereafter keep on hand, as I find it beneficial in other respects, removing obstinate costiveness, morbid accumulations in the stomach and bowels, and to purify the blood thus remov ing the cause of Piles' when a speedy cure must follow. It is needless to add, that previous to obtain ing the Electuary of you, I had consulted many of our best physicians to but little or no benefit. Should you know a case of malignant Piles, please refer them to me, at my residence, in the town of Gates, where I shall be pleased to give them much more particular information than I am able to in this communication. JOSHUA BEAM AN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Wyatt & Ketc ham, 121 Fulton street, New York, and by Drug gists generally throughout the United States. Price Sil a box. Notice None is genuine, unless signed with a pen thus, A. Upham, M. D.) lhe hand is also done with a pen. S. J. HINSDALE agent for Fayetteville. ALLEBASIS' MEDICINES forsale as above. Pills, Plasters Stdve, and Toothache Drops. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. Call and see our very handsome selection of HATS and CAPS, and men's, ladies' and misses' Boots and Shoes. J. &. T. WADDI LL. Oct. 10, 1S47. 452-tf. , 1847. AND .WINTER NEW FALL GOODS, JAMES KYLE HAS just received by the late arrivals from the North, a large and general assortment of GOODS. Among which are Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, Merino Cassimeres, Cassinets, and Ken. Jeans, Satin, "Valencia, and other Vestings, Exrta superfine Satin striped Silk, Colored Silks, plain striped and figured. Satin striped Thibet Cloth, new style, Gros-do-Swiss and Gros-de-Nap, Merino, Silk and Woollen Shawls, Rich needle-worked Collars, Flannels, Blankets, and negro cloth. Calicoes and Ginghams, Tarlton and Woollen Plaids, Pongee and other silk Handkerchiefs, Alpaca, Silk and cotton Warp, Irish Linen, Lawns and Diapers, 65 packages Boots and Shoes, Anker Bolting Cloths, Nos. 1 to 10. With many other articles which will compare with anv assortment in this State ; and bought for Cash by the Package, will be offered at re duced prices by wholesale or retail. Merchants and families will please call and examine the troods. October 9, 1S47. I CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY MARBLE FACTORY. continuance; denounced the President as ;uilty ot an impeachable oftence; and then very coolly made itself particeps criminis by voting sixteen millions to carry on that whose coinnencement and continuation was a high misdemeanor, if not a positive crime? All the vagaries of the Parliament of Fools are as nothing compared to this. It was consistent in its folly at least. Our wise Solons care nothing for consistency, and sleep with folly, like Tyler did with liotts "two in a bed." Honor then to Congress more honor to the Senate most honor to the House. Politicians frequently call it the 44 Lower House;" but judging by this last action, we should call it the lowest house, we ever heard of. Voting a large loan to sustain an unconstitutional war is not only carry ing out a piinciple, but it is buryiug the principle at the same time, with the lion ors of war. John Donkey. manner in which Mr F. has performed the tluty confide Uii hy Air Trist, in bear ing the treaty of peace to Washington, elicited from the President, the members of his cabinet, and the distinguished men . . . at Washington, the warmest eulogiums. Indeed, there are few men who would have incurred the perils, and endured the fatigues, which have been so bravely en countered and overcome by our gallant friend. His journey was full ot danger, and abounded in stirring and romantic in cidents. On the 2d February, Mr Trist, having concluded with Messrs Couto, Cuevas and Atristrain, the negotiations which had been pending between them since the 9th December, went out to Guada lupe, on the anniversary of the Purification of the Holy Virgin, and there, within the consecrated limits of the Holy Cathedral, which is held in such sacred veneration by all good Mexicans, on the golden altar of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, a treaty of peace was solemnly signed by the parties. Immediately upon its being signed, it was brought to the city of Mexico by Mr Trist, and early on the morning of the 3d Feb'y, Mr Freaner beinr entrusted with the car rying the treaty to Washington, left the Nov. 'Zl, FOR RENT. A comfort- hie : Jlwel 1 i nsL Uqusc op Dick s t. 1S47. 458-tf. DAVID GEE. Extracts from Buck's Theological Dictionary. An urji, a monastery, uoverncti oy a superior under the title of Abbot or Abbess. .Monasteries were at nrst nothing: more than religious houses, whither persons re tired from the bustle of the world to spend their time in solitude and devotion : but thei soon degenerated from tlieir original institution, and procured large privileges, exemptions, and riches. They pi evaded greatly in Britain before the refcrmation, particularly in England: and as they in creased in riches, so the state became poor, for the lands which these regulars possess ed could never revert to the lords who give them. These places were w holly abolish ed by Henry VIII. He first appointed visitors to inspect into the lives of the monks and nuns, which were found in some places very disorderly; upon which the abbots, perceiving their dissolution un avoidable, were induced to resign their houses to the king, who by that means be came invested with the abbey lands; these were afterwards granted to different per sons, whose descendants enjoy them at this day : they were then valued at 2,8J3, 000. per annum; an immense sum in those days. Though the suppression of these houses, considered in a religious and no- iiiicui iigui, was a great oenent to the na tion, yet it must be owned, that, at this time they flourished, they were not entire ly useless. Abbeys were then the reposi tories as well as the seminaries of learninc: many valuable books and national records have been preserved in their libraries: the oniy places wnerein they could have been safely lodged in those turbulent times iiiucL-u, me maim idiis ui uus countrv are chieuv uehoiuen to the monks lor the knowledge they have of former national events. Thus a kind Providence overiul- city. escorteil by a company of the Mount ed Itillcs. He had not, however, travelled far, before he found that his escort, on ac count ot its numbers, could not keep up with him, so he left them behind, and travelled some distance ot the road alone. Overtaking a company of Illinois Horse, Mr F. accompanied them some distance, but soon finding that they were too slow, he again tried it alone, until he came into the vicinity of a place where he knew guer rillas were lying in wait, fortunately, he here met a detachment of Capt. Iewis Rangers, under that able and energetic ollicer, Lieut Lilly, and with their escort, he was able to reach Puebla in safety. Thence he proceeded without interruption, sometimes alone and sometimes escorted by cavalry, until he reached Vera Cruz, being less than three days on the way. Arrived at Vera Cruz, the Iris steamer was immediately got ready and in thirty hours after his arrival at Vera Cruz, the steamer was ploughing the gulf, on her way to Mobile, with Mr Freaner and the des patches aboard. It was five days before the Iris reached Mobile. Without taking an hour's rest, Mr Freaner immediately proceeded on to Washington, where he arrived in six days, delivered his despat- ches, and delaying only until the Treaty was sent in to the Senate, returned with important despatches from the. government tor the armv. lie expects in eiMit or ten days to be in the City of Mexico, when he will have performed the most remarkable journey on record, having, in the space of thirty days, travelled, nearly 4000 miles, much of it alone, through a hostile coun try, at incredible labor and danger. He has performed double the labor and travel of the various messengers and bearers of despatches sent out by the government, and occupied me time usuauv renuireu for a train and escort to inarch trom Cruz to the City of Mexico. HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Naplitlia. not only positive but a warranted cure for con sumption and all other diseases of the Lungs ! M. A. F. HARRISON, 147 Greenwich st., N. Y. SOLE AMERICAN AGENT. This medicine has decided the dispute about the cura bility of Consumption ; and satisfied the medical Faculty, and all wno nave uscu . umi onsnmpuon. au aiunnuus of the lungs can not only be cured, but that they are as easily and as simply cured as almost any of the disorders to which the liuman irame is liable, l tic operation oi a single bottle which costs but one dollar is sufficient to satisfy any patient, if not altogether too far gone in the disease.of this fact ; aud eveu a single doesgivus evidence of its extraordinary influences, in arresting, and eradicat ing the malady, by the immediate relief which it affords This is no quack or secret remedy. Dr Hasting?,' its dis coverer, is one of the most eminent physicians of the age, and has made a full disclosure of its history and all its component parts to the -world; not wishing to incur the responsibility of confining to himself (for the sake of protit) a secret which was calculated to do such universal good. And such have been the wonderful results of its operations that the London Lancet, Medical Times, and the most emient physicians of both hemispheres are anx iously calling upon sufferers, to have immediate rooourse to it. and proclaiming that of all known medicines it alone has positively established its efficacy by undeniable proofs of curing Consumption and all other diseases of the lungs. The great celebrity of Hastings' Compound Syrup of i ,v t ..ii : . - .1.:...- : t; i-. . ixapjiLua. ooviaLcs tut; ijceccBii.jf iumupiuu i.cituitabva of cures. In fact, so far as can be ascertained it has cur ed, or is fast curing almost all who have used it. and pro bably no person who has taken a bottle but would be will ing to give a warm certificate in its favor, as hundrcils have already done without solicitation (pj- Price one dollar a bottle. Six bottles for fi vc dol lars. The usual allowance to the trade, For sale AVholesale and Retail by M. A. F. Harrison, sole American Agent, 147 Greenwich Street, New York, Nearly Opposite Liberty Point. The subscriber having taken the stand lately occupied by Simpson &. McLaughlin- respectful ly returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by unre mitted attention to business, to merit a contin uance of the same. I have on hand several vehicles : Carriages, Barouzhes, Buggies, Rockavvays, Waggons, &c, of the most approved style, which, for lightness and durability, compare with any made here or elsewhere. , Persons wishing to ptrrchiHe will do well to call and examine them, as I am determined to sell very low for cash or approved notes Having had several years experience in one of the largest establishments north, 1 am prepared to manufacture Carriages of any description, at the shortest notice. All work warranted for twelve months ; and repaired, free of charge, should it fail in point of workmanship or mater ial. REPAIRING netelv executed at the shortest notice and most reasonable charge. Orders thank fully received. A C. SIMPSON. Fayetteville, April 3, 1S47 424-tf. IMPORTANT TO MILL OWNERS. HOTCHKISS' Vertical Water Wheel. THE Subscribers having witnessed the succes ful operation of these wheels, were induced to purchase the right of using them in the state of North Carolina. Besides being generally adopted in the North ern States, these wheels are coming into gener al use in the southern States. We have sold about 200 Rights, 40 of which are in successful opera tion in Cumberland county. These wheels are more durable, and more easi ly kept in order when properly pu together than DR TOWKSEND S SARSAPAKILLA. The most extraordinary Medicine in the world. This extract is put up in quart bottles. It is 6 times cheeper pleasnntcr. uud warrsmted mpcrior to any sold. It cured disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating -the patient. ... The great, beauty and snp riorit y " ' Sarsaparilla over all other r. nM dies is. whilst it eradicates disease, tt invigor ates the body, j- . . ? It has performed more than 15.008 eurea this year. ? , . 1.000 cures of Klumm.-itiMn, 1.000 cures of Pyspepsia, , , 2.500 cures of General want of Nervous Energy - ,- 3.00Ofemak- complaints, and vcr r tuKi .-,.-of cl-aeases of the Wood, Viz: Ulcers, scrofula- erysipelas, saltrbeum, pimple the face; &c, together with numerous casws or conmmptiong, liver complaints, spinal affections, fee- "is we are aware must appear incredible, but we have letters from physiciaeg and our agents trom au pans oi me u. "'nning ui of extraordinaryures. R. Van jJuwlurK. -q, one ot the most respectable Druggists m wewnra. j., iniorma us that he can refer to more than 150 caw' that place akm. There are thousands of cases in the city of N. ork which wc will refer to with pleasure, and to men of character well known. RHEUMATISM. More than one thousand eases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by the use of Doctor Townsend's Sarsaparilla New York. Dec. 14. 1846. To Dr. Townsend. sir: I think it my duty to return you my sincere thanks for the benefits I havo experienced by the use of your Extract of Sarsaparilla. 1 a afflicted, for many months by Rheumatic pains, and ahjo inflammation of the liver; the sufferings which I endured from these dis eases rendered my life a burden to me. I tried every rem edy that was prescribed for me by some of the best physi. cians in the city, but without receiving any permanent qeuefit. I considered myself incurable, but by the advice of a friend was induced to try your compound. 1 had but faint hopes of success, but 1 am happy to say, I khad not t.nken more than half a bottle V.efore 1 experienced relit. I this induced me to persevere in its use. and two bottles have ' i effected an entire cure It is now some months since I used your remedy, and I am grateful and happy to Fay I never enjoy d better health. 1 shall take great pleasure in re commending it to the afflicted, for by its u?e 1 firmly be lieve my life was saved. With the greatest respect, allow me to subscribe myself your grateful friend. WM. B. MORGAN, 43 Cedar street, corner of Bioadway. UNITED STATES OFFICER Capt. O W McLean, menilxT of the New Jersey Legislature, late f the U S Navy, has kindly sent us the following certificate. It tells its own story : Rahwny, Jan. 25. 1847. A year since. I was taken with the influeuxa. and my whole system left in a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla. and after taking two or three bottle 1 was very much relieved, and attributed it entirely to the said Sarsaparilla. I have continued taking it. and find that 1 improve every day. I bclieTe it saved my life. t- W. McLEAN. TO THE EDITOR. John Jackson. Esq. editor of the Rahway Republican, published the above certificate, and remarks in an editorial as follows : The success of Dr Townsend's preparation of Sarraparilla appears to be of the mo?t extraordinary character. We publish two certificates iu its behalf, one from Capt. Mc- SAML. J. HINSDALE, Agent for Fayetteville. FcVy 19,1848 470-Cm rERSONS AFFLICTED with PULMONARY DISEASES and all those who have had the Influenza, and have been left with a bad cough, will please road the following : Last fall, I. the subscriber, had a bad cough and pain in the breast, which continued until March, when I had a se vere attack of intiamation of the lungs. After this had continued six weeks, it left me with a bad and distressing cough. I had a seated pain in my chest, attended with op pression. It would be impossible for me to describe the violence of my cough, which was incessant both night and day, and at nights I would cough so hard as t disturb the rest of my neighbors, who were all very much alarmed for my safety. I coughed so bad that I began to feel that un less something was speedily done. 1 would soon be incura ble with pulmonary consumption. I commenced using Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, and I soon found it to ripen the matter in my breast, and I began to raise freely. After I had used the Syrup awhile. I could rest well at nights, without any disturbance to the family. I continued- to raise freely until after the corruption was discharged from my lungs, and I then felt as well as ever my cough all subsided, and my breast felt strong. It hns been some time now since I have had any cough, and I feel as if the Tulmonic Syrup has removed every vestige of pulmonary disease from my system. 1 nave great confidence m its virtues, and cheerfully recommend its use to all persons afflicted with a pulmonary complaint. CHARLOTTE EVANS, Dated Jersey city, Aug. 9, 1S43. For Sale at BELL'S BOOKSTORE. 18-41. NEW FALL & WINTER ZJ& v era A black man, in Jamaica, some time ago was taken up by his master for bujinj; goods, knowing them to be. stolen. , He was tried, found guilty, and sentence pas sed upon him. The judge pronounced "Take and flog that biack rascal." The prisoner begged to be heard, which was granted. &ays he, It white man buy tolen goods, you will order white rascal a flog?" "Yes, to be sure,1 said the judge. "Darcis my massa; he buy tolen goods; lie know I was tolen when "he bought mc; hold uui fast." The word bother was first used by a ser geant, who, being exposed to the volubility of two Irishmen, one at each ear, cried, 4Dont both ear mel'9 Hence the verb to bother. Wm. C. James 8c Co. ARE now receiving anil for sale by wholesale and retail, their large ami extensive stock of Kail and Winter Goods, embracing almost everv article that is usually kept in the Dry Goods, Hat, Shoe and Hard ware and Cutlery line, All of which have been recently purchased in the Northern M.irkets, at auction and private sale under the most favorable circumstances, and many at much below what they could now be bought for. They respectfully solicit a call from their friends and the public generally, to give their stock an examination before laying in their fall supplies, as great pains have been taken and much time consumed in order to obtain every article at the lowest price, so as to offer every advantage that would be gained bv going further North. New supplies will be received throughout the season as they are wanted. Hay street, nearly opposite the new Hotel. r ayetteville, N. C, Sept. 4, 1847. N. B." Aiwavs on hand a larse assortment of uouoie and Single Uarrel liUNS, with all the necessary equipments. W. C. J. & Co. Nearly opposite the Post Office. Jan. 30, IS IS y FAYETTEVILLE, N. C THE PLANTERS PILL ! ! ! Jl. F. Hibbardi Anli-Bill ions Pills These Pills having got into general use at the North as a family pill, are offered to the South as the very best pill that can be used in warm - - ' season. For all diseases of the head, for Fever and Ague, Jaun dice, Bilious Colic, and Flatulency, they are not surpassed by any other Medicine known.. The minuteness of the dose (only two Pills) their simplicity and energy, together with their great convenience, happily adopt them to the use of families, travellers, emigrants, seamen &c. FOR FEVER AND AGUE. Perhaps there never was a remedy that has done more to eradicate from the system, that peculiarity of Bilious Affection accompanied by fever called Fever and Ague, as these Pills when taken according tc directions, they never fail to perfect a cure The Pills were made by the original proprietor, Rev. B. llibbard, about 50 years ago ; B. F. Hib bard, son of the Rev. 15. H., is the present pro prietor, and still continues to manufacture in his own name. BILIOUS COLIC. Patients find relief from a single dose of them. I have known individuals attacked with Bilious Colic, and so severe was the griping, painful sensation, that they were unrble to straighten themselves ; they have t-.ik-ken a large dose of the Pills, bruised to powder and put in brandy, that in fifteen minutes were able to sife up and converse. The great truth, that preventive is better than cure, should be regarded as truth rather than fic tion, and the first symptoms itI" disease should be promptly met by a dose of Pills; and by thus much of care we should find ourselves rid of a ihousand troubles. The cheapness of the Tills, their convenience and their certainty of j-ction, lender it very im portant for each family to keep them constantly on hand. Whoever wishes to secure good health and good spirits, will not fail to take these Pills according: to directions. - The public utility and unbounded popularity of these Pills render it unnecessary to insert many certificates ; those however, who may be anxious to learn still farther particulars, can be' fully satisfisd by application to the proprietors and manutacturers. Every effort should be made to guard against fraudulent and pernicious imitations of HIB BARD'S PILLS, as the secret of preparing and compounding them is only known to the family of the discoverer. For sale by S. J. Hinsdale, agent for Fayette ville; P. F. Pescud, Raleigh; Dennis Heart, Hills boro; B. Howard, Tarboro ; P. J. Brown, Louis burg; B. Ware, Wilmington; and by one agent in nearly every village in the United States and Canadas. R. F. llibbard & Co. .s John street, New York, sole proprietor. Oct. 10, IS 17 The Graefenberg Vegetable Pills. 30,000 Boxes Sold Each ivnil Kvcry Weeli. THE GRAKKKNBKK.O COMPANY HertT-y give notice that their Gem ral Aj;ent for the State of North Carolina is Col. WM. JONES. LouLsburg. Frank lin county. N. C. The General Agent 13 fully prepared to appoint pub- agents wnercvsr lucre is no brancli ol the Company : eith er on personal application, or by mail. po.st-paid. The rapid sale these celebrated pills, and the extraordinary cures tney are constantly elR-ctmg. render tliein. by far. the most popular pill of the age. An Agency will couse ouontiy be very valuable. The Graefeuberg Pills are inconceivably superior to any ever ociore uteovereu. in mi omous complaints; in gener al derangement of the system; in all disorders wl ieh result ironi a bad state ol tue bloou. tliese pills are a aovorei'm remedy. In the class of diseases called chronic, the Gracfenbur" rills achieve their highest triumph. Here they defy all competition. Entering within the hidden recesses of the system, they quietly but surely purify the blood: root out disease, and give toae and vigor to the body. uurus are tunuiniijr liiecieu oy tnese rills, In eases where every other means had utterly failed. The most abundant proof of thia eould be giveu. but a trial of one single box will convince the patient. They can be ordered and sent by mail, at truing expense. The price is 25 ceuts a box. Where two dollars worth are ordered and the money remitted the Company will pay the postage on the Fills. Kemittanccs at the Company s risk. Wherever there is no Agency of the Company they can be ordered bv mail These Pills are taking the place of all others, and no sick person snouiu De witnout tnem. aii umiuus complaints-, nowei complaints, constipation. Dyspepsia, tever and Ague. Headache. Jaundice. Liver Complaints, lineumatism. all stomach Cemplaints. Green Sickness. &c. &e.. yield at once to these Pills. They purge away nensrve numours, arrest tne progess or disease, and at the same time restore tone and vigor to the 8ysteui. In case of general derangement of the health, they are Sover By their use, the weak will become strong ; the pale and bilious complexion be restored to a perfect fresh and healthv i . .11 KA l. .1 :ii i : J June 5, 1847. 433-ly. the flutter wheel. They will save one-third of j Lean, of this town, and one from Iter. Mr White nfStaten the water, and will run in back water, when there is a head above. The speed of the saw is increas ed to more than double the strokes per minute We could refer to many gentlemen, some of whom have had the wheels in operation twenty four months or more ; and from many of them and others, we have received certificates express ing their high approbation of the superior advan tages of these over the flutter wheel, stating that their saws will cut 2500, 3000, 3500, and even as high as 5000 feet per day. They keep constantly on han3! - y- r.jrf pairs j.H.-li--ri"j; ln size to suit different heads ot water,) m Wilmington, t ayetteville, Washing ton, and Newbern, N. C. ; and. by Richard Yar borough, Caswell countvi EA Brevard, Lin coln; J T Dodson, Danville, Va; Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. The price of a right for one pair of wheels is $50,. and county rights will be sold on reasonable terms. We caution all persons throughout the State against paying any person but ourselves, or our authorized agents, for the right of using these wheels. NOTICE TO WILL WRIGHTS. If you wish employment, acquaint yourselves with putting in these Wheels, as we now wish to employ at least 1000 in this business in dillerent parts of the State. DUNCAN McNEILL. ARCH'D McLAUCHLAN, A A McKETHAN. C. T. GARDNER. Fayettaville, January 31, IS 17. Jrt3-tf NEW GOODS. THE Subscriber has received his Fall and Winter stock of GOODS, consist-ini; of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,! Crockery. Hats, Mioes, vc. &c. WTith a large assortment of Saddlerv. R. A. STUART. 11,1317.' 113-tf Island. Cant McLean believes the medicine saved lna life. anl Mr White seems to entertain an equally strong coutt duiicr in its efficacy. . SCROFULA CUItKD This certificate was banded into Dr Townsend's office this week, and conclusively proves that his Sarsaparilla lias perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of blued. Three persons cured in one house is unprecedented. THREE CHILDREN. Dr Townsend. Dear Sir : 1 have the pleasure to inform you that three of iny children have fowon cured of the Serufu l:t by the use of your ixc-ll-iit medicine. They were af t lie ted Tryvcrify with bad sores ; have taken only four bottles ; it took them away, for which I feel myself under deep obligation. ours resioetfully. ISAAC W. CHAIN. ISO Woostcr street. RHEUMATISM AND THE TILES. September 16, lS4f. Dr Townsend Dear sir ; My wife has been for several years afflicted with rheumatism. She has tried many diner en t remedies to obtain some relief, but all to no purpose. She was finally induced, by seeing your advertisement, to give your Sarsaparilla a trial. We procured some of it from your aent (Mr liu.-kii k) and it gives me pleasure to state after usinfr it she experienced great relief, and was in a very short time perfectly cured. I was also (tojf. thrr with a man in my employ) badly troubled with piles, and by usilur a small quantity of your Sarsaparilla, our com plaint was completely cured. 1 consider it one of the best of Medicines, aud would advise all who are afflicted to give 11 iai. Aug. JOSEPH S. DUNN offers ! IIS Ser vices ns undertaker and buiHer, t the citizens or others, disposed to contract for building or jobb- 1 erms liberal A. M. CAMPBELL, AUCTIONEER. AND ' Commisson Merchant, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. nit TO TIIE AFFLICTED: CHAIN'S SP1NO-ABDOMINAT. SUPPORTER. A .DECIDED IMPROVEMENT. Read the following. THIS may certify that havinir examined Dr F. Spino-Abdominal Supporter improved, we consider it admirably adapted to rases of weakness and disease of the tpme. wniie at tne same time rt combines for those who necu it. an me other advantages of other instruments in utie as utero-abaouiJTiai supporters. MAHIUS SWA IN. M. D. D. EARL. M. D. J. W. EMERY. M. D- l ersons m want of the aliove instrument will fin.l Hu m decidedly superior to any thing of th.- kind heretofore in vented, as they have had the niirobation ,.f tb wbolo faculty wherever they have been introduced. The advan tages mat mis instrument has over !l others are: lt. it is simple and not liable to pet out of order; ad. it will not rust or soil the clothes: 3d. it lifts more and supports the whole spinal column in oil parts alike, or in any one part more or less as the case may .require. By drawing a tape snugiy around me body one half inch ubeve the hip bones. nun; me number of inches, a Rood fit can be pro- I'hysicians are re?jectfullv requested to examine For sale by SHAW &. UARDNER. Drusrsrista. Sole Agents, Fayetteville. under Lafayette Hotel. January 22, 1848. 3m and cured. them. Administrator of WANTED! .W Flour Barrel Staves ; 10,000 Hoops. , , Jan. 15, ' GEO. McNEILL iK. OOLONG SOUCIIONCr TEA. More of this superior Black Tea. for sale by . February 5, 164S. SAMUEL J HINSDALE Ladies' Curls. A fine selection of fine CtTRLS for ladies, of all shadaa and colors, at - H. E R A M B ERT'S . February 5, 1843. GARDEN SEED. From Long Island, a large assortment, warranted of the rewth of 1S J7. f..r gale at 5 cents p-r paper ':. Februarys, Ibis i P"r paper ly S J HINSDALE LOOK UP ! T. D. Atkiivsojv Can be found at his OLD STAND at all times, and is prepared to execute all orders in his line at the shortest notice, and in a style warranted to suit all who mav patronize him. Fayetteville, Jan. 15. 3m. State of N. Carolina Cumberland county. In Equity. John Darrooh vs. Malcom McFherton. Will. Mclntryre. dee'd. The Bill filed alledpcs that complainant ia the next of kin and distribntea of defendant's intestate, and prays for an account and distribution, and for an injunction re straining defendant from collecting the balance due upon a decree of thia Court in his favor vs. David Oillis and Angus Ray. It appearing upon affidavit that the defendant is not an Inhabitant of this State: notice is hereby gives by order of his honor, M E Manly, for six weeks in the North Carolinian, a newspaper published in the town of Fayette ville, enjoining the defendant, bis agent and attorney, from proceeding to collect any amount due upon tha said decree, until the further order of thia Court: and the said defend ant is required to appear at the next term of our said Court of Equity, to be held for the county of Cumberland at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, theu and there to plead, an swer, or demur to the said Bill, or the same will be taken pro eonfesso and set for hearing ex parte. Notice is also riven to the dafendant Malcom MePhcrson. that on tho 23d day of February instant, at the house of John Kay. sen., in cumoenana county, tne complainant will proceed to take the depositions of John Ray and Effie MeOill. de bene esse, to be read in evidence in this ran Witness. Arch'd A T Smith. Clerk and Master of our said Court of iqmty at oiace. tne tn uay or r ebruary. 1848 ARCH'D A T SMITH. C. M. E Feb y 12, 1843 4o-6t j r adv f 3 23 GARRIT GARIIABRANT. 1 23 Market-it., Newark. Dr Townsend Sir : Having for some time past been a ill ic ted with a pulmonary affection on mj luuir. nd a continual pain in my side, owiug to evening vxponnreln travelling, and finding my disease to increase, with much difficulty of breathing and other alarming symptoms. I was advised by a clergyman, a friend of mine, to try your cele brated Sarsaparilla. I did so. and after taking two or three doses I found myself relieved. My appetite has been res tored. I find myself much stronger, and hone vry soon tn resume my usual duties. 1 have lieen so greatly Itenetitted by your excellent medicine. I feel it my duly to make known the facts for the benefit of others who may be tailoring un der the same difficulties that 1 have been for some time part. Respectfully, yours. SAMUEL WHITE. Pastor of the Baptist Church, Nov. 22, 1S40. Staten Island. ALMOST A MIRACLE. Read the following, and doubt ii you can. that consumption can be cured. 1 his is only one of th- several hundred cases that Towuseud's Sarsanu- rilla has cured. Brooklyn. Sept. 14. IMG. Dr Townsend Dear Sir: I was taken a little Over a year ago. with a severe cough mid pain in iny side. It in creased on me very fast indeed. I was pronounced bv phys icians to have the quick consumption. I raised large itian tities of bad matter, had night sweats and was sinking very fast ; my dctor said he could do nothing fur me. 1 went to the hospital in hope of tieing benefitted, but was pro nounced there incurable. I was now greatly distrexed at the lungs and ceuld hardly breathe. I niton became ema ciated and expected to die; was confined to my bed and was obliged to have watches ; indevd, I cannot give you any description that would do justice to my case. I was sup posed by my friends to lie past recovery I bad tried a great number of remedies, and all to no purpose I read of come most extraordinary cures performed by your medicine, and to tell you the truth. I su.-pected there was some huinl'Ug in them. But I was induced to try it ; I did fo. and am thank ful that I did. 1 cannot say that I am entirely well, but am so far recovered as to be alout my business, and hope to be entirely well in few weeks. My cough and pain fn the side, and nightsweats. have left me. I raised kut very little blood, and am fast gaining my usual strength. I felt it a duty to give you a statement of my case to puMifh if you please. PETER BROWN, 47 Little st.. Brookljn. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. lr Tewnsend's Sar saparilla is a sovereign and i-pcedy cure for incident con sumption, barrenness, lencorrlue. or whites, obstructed or difficult nieustruation. in continence of urine, nrinvoluiitary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of tho system. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Fi-rsons. all webkness and las situde before taking it. at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the uervlessness of the feiual" frame, which is the great cau.c of barrenness. It will not be expected of us in cafes of so delicate a na ture to exhibit certificates of cnr-s performed, but veenn assure the arllictcd. that hundreds of cares have l cn re potted to us. Meveral cases when families have been with out children: after using a few Ixtttles of- the invaluable medicine, have been bhsi-d with healthy offspring : Dr Townsend: My wife being greatly distressed by weak nes-s and general debility, and suffering continually by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other difficulties: and having known cases where your medicine had affected great cures, and also hearing it re commended for such diseases as 1 have described. I obtain ed a bottle of your Sarsaparilla. Ih a short period it re moved her complaints and restored health. .Albany. Aug. 17, 1844. N. D. MOORK. Dr. Townsend: This is to certify that my wife used one 1-ottle of youryarsaKirilla previous to her confinement, un d-r the moct alarming and delicate circumstances, being troubled with the dropsy, swelling of the feet, nervous af fection, and very much debilitated. The medicine had the happy and desired effect, not only in the hours f con finement, but after the expiration of a week of its ue. ours respectfully. j. S. JAMESON. OPINIONS OK PHYSICIANS. Dr Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from Physi cians in different parts of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned Physicians of .Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed Dr Townend'g Sarsaparilla. and believe it to be one or the most valuable preparations of Sarsajhirilla. in the market "p-fulling? M.D.; J. Wilson, M. D.; Q. B. BrigSs, M. D. P. E, Etmendorf. M. D. ' e The following is from one of the most respectable ahysl cians on Long Island: - T , , ... Greenport. July 10. 184C. TownseDd: It Is with satisfaction that 1 say to you. that I hare recently witnessed Id several cases, the most beneficial effects from your Sarsaparilla. Being engaged in the practice of medicine. I have prescribed it In wveral cases, and never w.thout benefit. In the removal of dis eases arising from a deranged state af the digestive organs, jaundice, it far exceeds anything of the uJChte offered to the publ.c Vou will please send mo 2 doen. tc. Respectfully yours, S. C. PRESTON. M. D. Principal Office. 126 Fulton srreet. Sun Buildinc N. Y : Druggist. Baltimore; Duroll & Co, Richmond; P M Cohen Charleston: and by the principal Druggist generally throughout the U. -States. West Indie., and the Canada None genuine except put up in the Urge sou arc bottles, L.Trv"n S qnar- nd with the written ima- ture of !. P. Townsend. and hia name blown on the g!a. Forsale in Fayetteville by ST. J. HINSDALE. 20 hunches, at 10 cents per bunch.' Now la the time to make beautiful rvticwK-B. - At H. ERAMBERT'a X le.l on SAJ nndj qui tol TtoJ ' w '- au el Dl L:i tl th let int c -