I I I- VBL.ISUED - zirz S AT UZU A V ance, pr year ,2 00 jaid in advance, 2 50 paid until six nths have expir- ; 300 jaid till the year jl expired, 350 D subscription received less time than a year, is the price be paid in HCC. If Iff BY xt am CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS J AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS." Witt. 2. 23 AX 31X2 i FAYETTEVILLE, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1848. .'('..."COMMISSION MERCHANT , GENERAL AGENT, WILMIXCTOX, N. C. ; iOO,000 Aeres Valuable IIY1BER LAND FOR SALE. i IE Subscriber has purchased all the Lands longing to the estate of Abram Dubois, rl.V'S principally in Robeson county, and o ' ih sides o Lun.ber rirer, the different sur ionUiniti" ovei ONE IICNDRED THOU S P ACRES; a large p.trt finely timbered, ajt-i jnvfiiieut to Lumber river, where a large quantity of Timh.-r is now rafted to the tJeorge towilfni irket. These l.mds are very valuable botU itr Tirnbei and Turpentine, for which pur poae a part is well suited, bein in a. region where the Tuij.eaNii: yields more abundantly ,thatWy ihr section of the St te. The lands Will L sold at a low price, and in ijuantities to 8UiOrch isers -loiwni.ition respei-.tin the title can be obtain ed fcypplyinj; to the lion. Robert Strange, J. C. Dobbin, Ksij., A. A T. Smith. Ks ., Attorneys at Law. : I'jCUlderstand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby piven tht the law will be enforced ag.iinst all such of fenders. Application for any part of the lands can be raa&B t mvelf, oi to John Winslow, Esq., who will t duly authorized to make s.de of the same. THOMAS J. CURTIS. tt. V ;BA AGENCY. fTTllIi Undersigned will attend to the selling -Li.' of Timber i:i Wilmington; and whenever there is a "slut" in the market, J. C. Blocker will ' girt it his perrsonal attention at other tiroes, orders for the s de of Timber will prompt ly be despatched yp addressing W. t T. Love, who will act in my absence. If punctuality in making j-et urns will ensure patronage, then tliey hope to receive a share. ,! .: : J. C. HLOCKER & CO. . . WitWKOTOji,'Scj)t 25, 1 17. llU-ly. Has Opened a large and -W STOCK OI1 '"-'"g-RO cerie sf HARDWAHt AND CROCKERY, i W'ifli a neat assortment ot . DRV GOODS, Whici he will sell for the lowest prices. '.Sept. I, .-vl7. 4-10-tf. HKNIlY's .MAGNESIA, For ule 1-y S. J. HINSDALE, FIRE AND MAR INK INSURANCE. The Caiiidf.ii Insurance Com pany of S. J. NEAR 1' 1 1 1 LA DELPI 1 1 A H. L'lIUCKLV. Soc"y. It V. OGDEX, Pres't. ' Ttavndcrpigned. Agent of this Company, lias received HMfMK)'!1 that ibis Company is conducted ly come of the BnOStwVaUhv and influential Jersey men. and is wcouJ to none ia tin- Union of tbe same capital, lie will take tire and Marine risks on as favorable terms as any other Com pany. J.NO. M. HOSK. Agent. Fsjcttrtille. March 4. 18 IS. 4TJ-tf CANFIKLD, 13KOTUKH & CO. JVo&22r Haltimore streef, S. v. corner of "' ..Charles, Halt iiiiore, .vrt., t Importers ami Dealers in ''Watches Clocks and Jeirelry, Silver Md plated Ware. Cutlery. tJuns. Tistols. I.nmpi. lio bemUtO Class Ware. .Military and Fancy tJoods generally. olTer Wholesale a complete assortment of goods in their line. One of the firm visiting Kurope every season, and pOMLMlug every facility fur oltaii)inc goods by a direct, im portetton. and from the principal manufacturers, afford. thaBt vrery advantage. They would call the attention of .BtMrebMlts and dealers visiting Ilaltituore to their stock. Irie d terms made accommodating. Alway on hand tYte!: -Baker' Tools and materials. Dentists files Dagnor-T-MVJpC plates and cases. , - C VNKIKI.H. BROTH Kit St CO, "' ' Corner of Baltimore and Charles sts. , Marelf2.. IS IS. .i.u . , :it . BLANK CHECKS CoMtltlyou hand and R.r sale at BULL'S BOOKSTOllF. FEV R AND AtiUK CURED WITHOUT KAIL. SHxVW'S PILLS Aim i 'jfaUil.le remedy for this disease. Call and pur eliHtal m of these Pills, if you are troubled with Fever nl AZ. lie deems it unnecessary to give anv of the numerous testimony he possesses as regards the efficacy of his PHI, but would request the public to give them a trial. If they do not cure, thu money will be refunded, provided direction arc followed. rllttheNKV DRUti STORK, under Lafavette Hot!. Hay street. frfos, 76 cents per box. with full directions. : MMCh 25, 1S4S. 6m. TTILD CHERRY AND SARSAPAKILLA PIL.L.S. DR. LK BOY. a Licentiate of the Royal College of rhys- ln Lofidon. having ucea m nis private practiee. for a "imbp"" of years, the ' , Vli.D CHERRY AND SARSAPAKILLA. Tth made au extract of them, which witli other rc- vuf . no nainmnineuiu uur i - ..... . . .''. - . wl;nK m V. Ion of the American people. intj murk lous purgative and tonic yet divTered. THE WILD CiitKKY sccllent tonic, poesegsing astringent and aromatic .ties, which make it raluable in Dyspepsia. Jaundice. ess of the Stomach ana cnesi. Lilt.. 44U.AIA1)ITTA lf'C mlcent. diuretic and soothing, and is given In Kneu--wmt-J, Scrofula. Disease of tbe Skin, and to eradicate . tk effects of Mercury. In the operations of all other - pirrgiive medicines debilitation and purification go hand : lm hsiirl : they remove the pood, as well as the bad; thus mtmt ;1nT the system, which they were only required to l lMt and making the cure generally almost as bad, and tt"tmtiy much worse thau the disease. Dr. Le Roy's ! Pi vm the contrary, strengtheu and tone the system imt i they purge and purify. And this is their peculiar jate. and the principal cause or their unrivalled popu U, I. The Tirtues of the Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherrv aT well known to medical men and the community to " r l further detail. -,'! f Price 25 cents per box, Kalc by S. J. Hinsdale agent. April 8-ly. j- FOR SALE. -hk'JL Philadelphia and French Calf Skins, Boot i !r.jicco, Fancy and rink Lininps - JNO. M. ROSE. Afil 15, 18 IS. " 47S-tf t BLAKE & BEIGGS IIJI AVE removed to the old stand of James G -M..M. cook, on the south side of Hay street, and one door below H. L. Myrover &. Co., where they are now receiving their Fall and Winter supply oi GOODS, Comprising a general assortment of Groceries, Hardware, . STAPLE DRY GOODS, CUTLERY, DRUGS, HOLLOW-WARE, &c. &c. v men tney otler on favorable terms, for cash of course to regular customers, as usual or ex change for country produce. VOL. 9 WO- 404. TERigTM OF Am snnira lj tion, CO cents ; erery sub- except it remain in for sev- oral months. nrbn it n il I be charged 3 for two 810 for twelve months. Liberal deductions for large advertisements by the year or six months. Sept. 25, 1517. 419-v. For Dyspepsia it. F. HIBHARI) & CITS WILD CHER RY BITTERS. This preparation is a certain Sedative allaying all Nervous Excitability and calming Nervous Irritation Palpitation of the Heart Dizziness of the Head Faintness, and all diseases arising from a "Sympathetic Affection of the stomach, are entirely relieved by a very few doses of these Hitter. It has already become a favorite with many Jle dical Practitioners. The Rev- J. N. Matfit, who has used it, speaks of it as follows : Brooklyn, J as. 1S47. Gentlemen; Having suflered for years from the effects of sedentary habits and close applica tion to study, I was induced to try your prepara tion of Wild Cherry. Its beneficial effects were soon apparent, and I take great pleasure in re commending it as an excellent medicine especia lly adapted to excitable temperaments, and one that should be generally known and patronised. Yours. J. NKWLAND MAFFITT. MEDICINE. 4 m ? -I ' ii m - M r T - - - ... - 11 i Saml. J. Hinsdale DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY, Corner of Market Square, HAS on hand a full supply of Fresh and Genuine DRUGS, Medicines and Chemicals, "Which he offers to Physicians and the public at the lowest prices. His medicines are of the best quality that can be purchased in the northern cities, and his chemicals are from the first laboratories in London. Philadelphia, and Paris All the Pharmaceutical compounds sold by S. J. H. are prepared by himself with accuracy. Medicines sold to go into the country will be put up with care and despatch. Fcb'y 5, 184S. Encourage Home Manufactures. The Long Island (N. Y.) Farmer, a paper prin ted at Jamaica, L. 1. gives the names of person in that village who have been benefited and cured by its use The following named persons have been bene fitted by their use in Jamaica: M. S. Huntting, James J. Hrcnton, Charles Welling, Ilendriok A. Hendi ickson, J. E. Allemaml, Mr Manwaring ; Daniel Higbie, Springfield. Jlibbard's lrUd Cherry Bitlers. Three obstin ate rases of Fever and Ague, have been cured re cently by the use of Hibbard s Wild Cherry Bit t::s. Mr Watts, at Springfield, says that it cur ed him after oilier remedies hail been tried in vain. 1!. F. Hibbard's IJilious Pills, should be taken, s iy a dose or two, before using the Hitters. Two of these pills are a dose, and are efU.il to 1 or 0 pills of any other kind. Mr Ward, of the firm of Gales Stout & Ward of this city says that he has found it very beneficial in a severe attack of fever and ague. The number of persons that have been cured and bene fited in Jamaica alone, would establish the reputa tion of the article. S. J. HINSDALE Agent for Fayettevillc ; P. F. Pescnd, Rileigh; P. J. Brown, Louisburg; 15. Howard, Tarboro ; Dennis Heart, Hillsboro.. K. F. Hibbard & Co. 9S John street, N. Y., sole proprietors. Oct-ber 9, IS 17. T JCi.VCT OF Tlltl JKIV YORK CATION TEA COMPANY. The oldest Establishment in Jluieriea ! THE CANTON TEA COMPANY has been popularly known for mauv rears This is the largest and oldeet Tea Establishment in America. The public have had full proof f their integrity and responsibility. They possess facilities, in relation to the Tea Trade, in a very abundant decree, and doubtless, superior to any other Tea Concern in America- Their scrupulous regard to all principles that tend to elevate the character of a large house, is well understood, and has alrraday secured them a connection, probably, larger than all other Tea Establishments united, and they consequently are deter mined to sell Tear purer, more fr ijratit. and ierfcct for the prices in the aggregate, than any house iu the world China excepted. They most zealously invite the attention of the in habitants of this town and vicinity to their Agency' where complete assortments are always on hand ; they feci no hesitation in stating that wherever a siugle tral is made, a very decided preference is given to the celebrated Teas ft he CANTON TEA CO. ... . i . !a- Header . make me experiment : ouojcci, in all erw.s to be returned of not approved of. These superior teas are put up in one pound, half pound, and quarter pound packages, and purfectly secured from light and air. SAME. J. HINSDALE, Agent. December 4.1347. 4r.u-tf. PI L,M6ia LIBERTY POINT HOTEIL. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C The Subscriber having leased the House formerly known as the Jackson Hotel, and more recently as the Oregon Hotel, in the town of Eayetteville. gives notice to the pub lic in general, that it is now open for the accommodation of boarders and travellers. His table wiil be supplied with the best, fare which our market affords, and his bar room w it h the most choice liquors in short, every exertion will be made to render his patrons comfortable. Particular at tention will be paid to horses of those who may favor hiiu with a call. Eroni his determination to please all. if he cun he hopes to gain, as well as merit, a share of public patronage TIIOS. H. MASSEY. Tcbruary 10, t848. Fine Brussels Carpet Bags, " Ingrain " " " Ladies Satchels, for sale Vv K.A.STUART. August I I. IS 17.- , OX CONSIGNMENT, ;'00 casks fresh unslacked Thomastown LIME, for sale by JNO. IX WILLIAMS. January 15, 1S48. Joo-tf. Observer. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. JAMES KYLE HAS just received his Spring supply of DRY GOODS among which are . Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, (J in Cham and Calicoes. .Printed Lawns and Muslins, Irish Linen. Lawns and Diapers. Domestics. 3-4 to 12-4. blch'd and brown, Cotton and thread Lace and Edging, Silk and Cotton Handkerchief. Drab De-Ete and Summer Cloth, Alpacca. cotton and silk warp. Large silk Shawls and dress do. Bonnet, cap and taffeta Ribbons. Leghorn, straw, and other Bonnets, Anker Bolting C loths. No. 1 to 10. With manyother Ooods. all of which being purchased by the packages for cash, will be offered at reduced prices, by wholesale or retail. . . FayetteTille. March 25.1848. WANTED ! o,oon Flour Barrel Stare?: 10.000 Hoop A. A. McKETHAN Will continue to carry on the business of the late firm of Gardner and McKethan, in all its branches. He has now on hand, and intends to keep, a general assortment, consisting of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkies, WAGONS, &c. Which, for elegance of shape and finish, and du rability, will compare with any made in the U. States. Persons wishing to buv, would do well to call and examine his work, as he has determined to sell low for cash, or approved nstes. Having in his employment first rate smiths, he is prepared to do Jny iron work in" the above line, on moderate terms. He warrants all his work to be of good and faithful workmanship and materials, for one year. (trj- Repairing faithfully executed at short no tice, and on reasonable terms. January 15, IS IS. COME AND TAKE A LOOK. The subscriber has now on band, and receiving from time to time, a well selected assortment of Ooods in his line, which will be sold low. ' In part as follows : tiold pens, silver pencils and thimbles, spangles, fine pocket knives, scissors, razors, steel nut-crackers, cork screws, dog collars and calls, tweezers, cake cutters, fish hooks, lines and poles, egg boilers, pocket books, purses, watch guards, common breast pins and rings, needles, coral and slass beads, baskets, brooms: hair, flesh, tooth, comb and shoe brushes: pocket, dressing, side. tuck, and chil dren's round combs: card baskets, conversation and play ing cards, pipes. snutT boxes, violin strings, battledores, violins, flutes, tamborines. harmonicans. picolo flutes, cologne, lavender, rose and orange water, faucy soaps, ex tracts, cassada, bears, macassar and antique oils, ox mar row, pomatum, powder and powder puffs percussion caps, shot, canister powder, babv jumpers. &c &.c. besides a great variety of CHILDREN'S TOl S. Also. nuts, raisins, figs, dates, prunes, tamarinds, cur rants, citron, cloves, mace, nutmegs, cinnamon, camphor, ground pepper and ginger, starch, salaratus. chocolate, sperm candles, pickles, vinegar, -lobsters, anchovies, Guava jelly, chewing and smoking tobacco, segars, matches, butter and Boston crackers, soda biscuits, crushed and powdered sugar, brown sugar: young hjson. imperial. English break fast. Oolong. Mohcc. and Ninyong Teas: Scotch and macco boy snuff. An assortment of MALEABLLE IRON, for carriage makers use. W. PRIOR. Februarv 13. 1S48. Jan. 15.1848. geo McNeill 100,000 well burnt BRICKS, extra size, now ready for delivery. Apply to Fcb'y 5. 458-Gt WM G MATTHEWS CHEAP HATS I have on hand, of my own manufacture, fine Black, & Drab, Beaver HATS; smooth coon and brush do.; tine lamb's wool do.: and now receiving from some of the best manu facturers in New York, superfine fashionable Beaver: super moleskin: fine Silk: close Beaver, and almost every kind of men's and boy's Hats. Silk velvet turbans for children. Super Otter. Shetlaud Seal- Nutra. Muskrat .and Cloth CAPS.ofeverv description, which 1 will sell from 10 to 2j per cent less than former prices. DAVID GEE. November 27. 1S47. 458-tf. ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, superior article, in small boxes, for family use. March 18, 1S43. J. & T. WADDILL. SPRING & STTSaXUZER GOODS. THE Subscribers are now receiving, at the New Brick Store East of the Market House, a beautiful selection of Spring and Summer Goods, Among which are For Ladies' Dresses Satin stripe Bareges; Grenedinea: plain and fig'd Dress Silks ; black and watered ditto; pink, blue, and white Tarlatanes; Balzorines; French and En glish Gingham and Gingham Lawns ; Organdies ; figured and printed Lawns ; t rench, English, American and Marseilles Prints. &c. fcc. Also, super black, blue, and fancy col'd Cloths ; fine Doe-skin Cassimeres : black and colored Satin Vesting ; white Marseilles and Valencia ditto ; Scarfs ; Stocks ; Linen Collars and Bosoms ; Kid Gloves ; white and black Lace Mitts ; super French Cambric Handkerchiefs ; Lawn and Linen Cambric ditto ; French Worked Collars, very superior. Super Pamela, Sicilian and French Lace Bonnets; Florence and English Straw ditto; super Bonnet Ribbons; French Flowers. Mole skin and Beaver Hsts ; Panama. Leghorn, and Rutland ditto ; Gentlemen's and Ladies' fine Shoes and Slippers ; Calf Boots : Umbrellas, Parasols and Shades, of every description ; embracing every article usually called for In a Dry Gopds Store ; and wUl be" sold on as accomodat ing terms as can be bad of any other establishment in the place. " E. L. & J. A. PEMBERTON. April 1, 1S48 2m rJ. HOSTLER, BALTIMORE PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY. VERY IMPORTANT INVENTION. It has long been a question among teachers and amateurs of music, as to the most suitable touch for a Piano Forte. Some at this time contend for a light touch." while others, with equal ability, advocate the heavy. This question is now permanently settled. WISE &. BROTHER have in vented a contrivance by which the same Inst rument may be instantly set to any required touch, by the turning a sinele screw. varying, if necessary 1 three hundred and six-itv-tive difference's. The advantages of this are evident, both to teachers and amateurs, as lessons may be practised on the heavy, and exhibit edlon the lighter tnurh. to suit ex actly any physical capacity which is agreeable to fact and progressive lessons. The contrivance is simple, and may be applied to any common Piano. We invite the mst critical investigation Patent is about to be taken for the improvement. J. J. WISE &. BROTHER. March 25 1S4S, 3m No. 31 Hanover street. THE Subscribers having taken out General Letters of Administration on the Estate of Zed. Burrupghs. deceased, hereby notify all persons having claims, to present them within the time prescribed by law. or this notice wiU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said Estate, are required to come forward and settle he same. D. G Me.RAE. J .,-, J. W. POWERS. S Mar. 18. 474-tt JOSEPH S. DUNN offers his ser- vices as undertaker and builder, te the citizens or others, disposed to contract for building or jobb ing. . Terras liberal LAFAYETTE HOTEL. GENTLEMEN shaved with the keenest razors; HAIR TRIMMED after the latest fashion; clean towels, clean brushes, and clean combs, and a svperencumbent quantity of soap and water, al ways kept at. this establishment. Fayetteville, April 29 184S. 4S0.-ly. WM. McINTYRE Has received from tbe north, a large assortment of desira ble Dry Goods, comprising floor oil cloth, matting, carpet ing, window and chimney shades, lionic and bordering pa per, hardware, table and pocket knives, spoons, scissors, steelyards reap hooks, scythe blades, spades, shovels, and forks, coffee mills, sets of weights, Collins' axes, hand hatch ets; coopers', blacksmiths', ad carpenters' Tools; round ahaves and files; single and double barrel guns; percussion caps; gun flints; Umbrellas, shoes, hats, pepper, spice ginger, mace, cloves, cinnamon, mustard, table salt, teas, loaf, clarified and brown Sugars: 20 bbls No 3 Mackerel; 10 hhds Mess Pork; Bacon, large sides. April 22, 1848. Giu "Tj. F. BROWNE, MAKER AND IMPORTER OF GRAND, SEMI-GRAND AND SIX OCTAVE DOUBLE ACTIPX HARPS, Would inform his friends "that he has removed his Ware rooms to 295 Broadway, (Lafarge Buildings,) NEW YORK. MR. BROWNE'S HARPS are by far the most elegant we have ever seen, and in the tone there is an extraordinary aifdition of sweetness, purity, and power. The cordial ap proval of the celebrated Harpist. Bochsa. should make him and his works celebrated throughout the country. Musi cal Timf.s. Harps repaired. Strings. Music. &c. London and New York, established 1S10. April 22. 1S48. 3m NEW SADDLERY & Harness-Making The Subscriber rcspectfullv informs the public that he has located himself in LUMBERTON. Being a practical workman, and having pursued the business during the last twenty years, he deems it unnecessary to say more than that he guarantees all work dope by him to be of the very best materials and workmanship. His stock consists m part of the following : Saddles, Hridles and Martingales, Saddle and Medical Bags, Carriage and Buggy Harness, Cart and Wagon do. Gig and Wagon Collars, Riding and Driving Whips, Stirrups, Bitts and Spurs. He flatters himself that in price and quality his work is not to be surpassed any where, and would respectfully call the attention of all who want goocPVork. and saddles that will not hurt either horse or rider, to his assortment. -gy. Repairing neatly .executed at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders thankfully re vived. JOHN M. HARTMAN. April 22, 184S. 479-tf BROWNING'S IMPROVED PATENT AND VENTILATED REFRIGERATORS, at greatly Reduced Prices, warranted superior to any now infise for preserving, perfectly cool, fresh & clean, BUTTER, MEAT; EGGS, FRUIT, LIQUOR, &,-., IirtH the summer season, and also from Freezing during the winter, any article deposited in it. Thev -also contain a Water Jar and Lead Pipe in the'ice chamber, by the arrangement of which perfectly cold water can clways be had without additional ice, (of which less is required than anv other.) Also, Upright Refrigerators. BUTTER BOXES, in which Butter may be transported with perfect safety by land or water, and mv celebrated Non-conductors of heat for -old water, requiring but 4 lbs of ice for 24 hours; as thousands will testify. Thankful for past fa vors, we hope to merit a continuauce. Sold by R. BROWNING, 13 Commerce street, Mav -r,m near Pratt-st.. Baltimore. TAKEN UP and commit ed to the Jail of Cumberland countv, N. C. on Thursday the 27th inst., a negro man named Bill, w ho was bought of John McDonald, by Daniel Baker, and sold in November last, by Daniel Baker to William Carloss, for merly of Chatham county N. C. as agent for some person, whos name is not recollected. Said ne rro is about 19 or 20 years of age, of a copper color, and about 5 feet 0 inches high ; his upper teeth decayed. He had on when taken up, a blue woolen homspun coat and yellow wowlen panta loons and a white hat and a pair of Brogan boots. The owner of said negro is hereby notified to come forward prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the Law directs. " WM. IS. CALLAIS Jailor. April 2Sth 184. itr ICE! ICE! cc " I have just received 101 tdtis of Boston Ice. My ie house will be open on the first of May. Mv ice cart will be at the market house every morning, until bell ring. All those in want of Ice can be supplied there, or at the store, at 3 cents per pound, under 100 pounds THE ICE CREAM SAL00? will be opened for the season on the 1st of May K (weather permitting) where I will be happy to see mv customers who are ia want of a glass of nnA ice cream or lemonade. T II. ERAMBERT, April, 1S!. Agt. ftauiiUUUK IN KURDPR. From the Charleston Courier TheS cenes in Berlin. We have been favored with the following extracts of a letter, written by a joung student, a na tive of Charleston, pursuing his studies in Berlin, to his father in this city. It will be seen that the writer was resid ing in the immediate vicinity of the scene of blood-shed and violence which took place in Berlin, and was consequently a personal observer of the tumult The letter is of a late date, and gives a particular and clear account of the whole affair. We can find room only for the following extracts: "Berlin, April 1, 1848. ' There has been, ever since the news of the French Revolution, an inclination here to follow their example. No open disturbances took place until the 13th March.. The next day proclamations were posted on all the street corners, stating that after blast? of the trumpet all those who remained in the streets, would be ar rested and punched with six month's im prisonment, or labor. After seven o'clock the streets were quieter than usual till about nine o clock; a lietachment oi norse, followed by one of the Princes on a beau tiful white horse, passed under our window at full gallop. Shortly after some one brought the news that the people had attacked the soldiers in the Leipsiger-st., with stones, sticks, &c, and that a regi ment of cavalry and several companies of infantry had been ordered to the spot. A few minutes after we heard the trampling of their horses' feet, and looking out the window saw a thousand mounted lancers pass before us, making oft, with the point of their lances gleaming in the moon light and with the black and white nags with which every lance was adorned, a strange and handsome appearance. The people had raised up all the draw bridges across the Spree, to prevent the passage of the troops. At eleven o'clock, as in the even ing, all was quiet The people were fired upon by the soldiers, but, I believe, none were killed. Next day the students held a meeting, which ended in their determin ing to arm themselves and take revenge for the outrages which had been commit ted; nothing else happened The next tlay the King granted freedom of the press. It seems that the people had assembled before the Palace to thank him for his concessions, but, unfortunately, their "vivat" was mis taken for a bos" " by one of the officers, who ordered his men to charge upon them and disperse them this was done, and many were wounded, anil, if I am not mis taken, some killed! At two o'clock, a little while afterwards, we saw a great multitude of people coining over the platz, many with arms in their hands, w hich they had obtained by breaking open an arm store in the house where our friend Hoftinan lives. When they reached the Jerusalem st. they cried out for barricade, and in an instant the horses were cue loose trom a wagon of wood which was passing by and upset; they then destroyed the booths which had been erected for "'the ensuing easter fair which had just commenced that morn ing. These were broken to pieces and thrown into the barricades; by continual addition it was in an hour's time increased to tolerable strength. These barricades were within a stone's throw of our windows and we could see all their movements; they next barricaded the, Ober and Nicder-wall-st., so that all access to the platz was shut. Shortly after, a battalion of infantry took possession of the barricade at the Oberwalls st. ; they received, however, a galling fire from behind the. baricadeand returned it with equal fury. We could see the balls as thev struck oft" the plaster from the house opposite ms. 1 was looking out of the window at a boy about sixteen years old, who was brandishing his sabre and defying them toadvance, when a ball struck him in "the mouth and he fell and died with out a groan. I saw several others fall be hind the barricade, but I am confident that the soldiers lost more, for after an hour's hard fighting they retired. The fighting had now commenced in every part of the city, and you could hear the rattling of small arms, mixed with the occasional re port of cannon, in every direction. Nearly every one at the barricade near us had ob tained arms by breaking' in an arm store in our house. Towards i fight the house tops were all occupied ami the tiles torn out and carried to convenient places for hurling them dow n upon the soldiers. The landlord of an eating house opposite us made all his waiters go to work tearing up stones and carrving them up into his garret, and placed all his tables and other furniture against the windows to form shields to shoot from- J '"any places people were torn from their houses and cruellv massacred.-and others taken pri soners". Thev stuck with their bayonets through every place where a man could hide himself. The people had sever al pieces ofcannon and made awful havoc among the soldiers. There isa society of citizens here, who meet once a year tor the purpose of having shooting matches with rines. They are mostly good shots and seldom iniss their man. They fought on the side of the people and killed a great number. About four o'clock in the morn ing a regiment of foot ariived and took possession of all the barricades. This they however did with difficulty, as stones were thrown from almost every house. I" the Jerusalem street boiling pitch was poured down upon them. It is lucky that the peo ple who had stood upon the roof of our house nau icu it, or we migui nave Dcen dragged out and either murdered or taken prisoners. The brutality of the soldiers exceeded all belief; for instance, a tailor boy w as caught carrying ammunition to the barricades, he was taken to the Gendarmes Market and brst his ears were cutoff, then his arm was broken, and then he was beat on the had with the butt ot a musket until he died. At eight o'clock I went out and found the streets impassable for the barricades, and every now and then my foot would slip in blood ; the houses were perfectly riddled, and in some places large pieces were broken oft by cannon balls. About elven o'clock, af ter I had returned home, the sentinels at the Oberwall-street called to arms, and a few moments after saw an officer on horseback, waving his handkerchief and followed by the people, who were shouting at the top of their voices; he was bearing orders from the King for the military to retire. These orders were received with great joy by the soldiers, who had not had a whole night's rest for a week, and had eaten nothing for ' 24 hours. In an hour's time there was not a sol dier to be seen inBei lin. The King granted them nearly every thing they asked ; one of their petitions was the organization of a citizens guard, and that very afternoon ten thousand were armed at the Arsenal, and in every nlace where we used f n t - - soldiers, we see armed citizens. In many parts of the citv the neonle would not true . j i 1 - to the King's promisesand refused to take down the barricades until they saw what he promised accomplished, and in the Alexander platz thev continued fiht ins till two hours after peace was made: but when they saw the citizens armed took them all down." Singular Effecisof Attention. In the Edinburg Journal of Sciences, just published, we find a very interesting paper, by Dr. Hancock, on the motions that re sult merely from mixing a few drops of alcohol with a small vial of laurel oil. To exhibit this singular phenomenon, which seems to bear some analogy with the plane tary orbs, the drops of alcohol should be introduced at different intervals of time. A revolving or circular motion instantly commencesin the oil, carrying the alcoholic globules through. tions and repulsions which will last for many days. The round bodies which seem to move with perfect freedom through the fluid, turn in a small eccentric curve at each extremity of their course, passingeach other rapidly without touching. In the course of his experiments. Or. If A n r r r L- ft -I1VWV.I observ ed particles of the fluid to separate in large giouuiar portions, these commenc ed a similar revolution, and smaller nnea quittetl their course and revolved about on.- laigciiiiiiie me latter sun pursued their gyrations, after the munnpr if nr'in. ry planeft and their secondaries Scien tific American. A IJiuc-KLAYEn, who was working at the top of a house, happened to fall through the rafters, and, not being hurt, he bounced up. and cried with a triumphant tone to his fellow-labourers, I defv any man to go through his tvork as quick as I did." ALL & SETTLE. Persons indobtod to W. W. Briggs are informed that their account and notes are in too hands of Mr Jacob Suovt, and an early settlement desired. , JOHN 11. COOK. Trustee. My -0. 1S43. 483-3t. Observer CAPE FEAR NAVIGATION COMPANY'. The annual meeting of the Stockholder will he hold an Friday the 2d June next, in the Town of Fayetteville. E. Li WINSLOW, PreX May 20. 1S48. 4S3-3t LAND FOR SALE. At the Market House in Fayetteville, on Tuesday the 7th of June next, the Subscribers will offer for sale Three I.otof Land lOO acres each, situated about 3 miles south of Fayetterille, an4 between the Roads leading to Lutnberton and Kockfish Villages. Notes payable in six months, with approred seci rities and interest will be required. Besides being suitable for Turpentine, the Land is Valuable for fire wood, and can be see n by application to either of the sub scribers, WILLIAM MoMILLAN HECTOK Vc.VEILL May 20. 1943. 483-U CUMBERLAND SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW. Whprttas. it appearing to tbe Honorable John L. Bailey, the Judge bnldicp the Spring Termof this Court, that the business on the Clril Docket cannot hv dona at this Term: It is therefore ordered, that a Special Term be held for tb county of Cumberland, at the Court House In FayetteTille. on the THIKO .MONDAY IN JUNE next; and that aU person intertpd msy hare notice thereof. It is furtbrT ordered that puUiiation be made by adrertisement in both th newspapers published iu FayetteTille. Now. therefore. Notice is erircn to all Suitors. Witnesses, and others, in ciril eases, who were bound to attend Sprint? i era. ana nr t Uifcnarped. to make their personal ap pearance at the said Special Court, otherwise they will be dealt with as the law jroTiiie. D. O. McRAE. Clerk. May 20. 1843. 4S3-tC Mt. Vkrjvojv Springs, chatham county, n. c. The Snbscriber harfng purrbsaed the well known water ing place, formerly known by the nans of Hickory Spring, situated about 1 miles west of Pittsborougb, in one of the most salubrious regions of North Carolina, will be ready for the reception of company by the nrt er June. As regards the medical efficacy of this water, there ar a number of certificates that c.ouJd be procured of its ef fects during last season. Tboee that hare made an ex periment of it are conTtoced of its Tirtues.- particularly in chills and ferers. dyspepi. and affected kidneys. 8cc. According to Dr. Olmsted's analysis, it contains iron, ulpbate of !" d enlphata Of magnesia ia large pro portion!. PRICE OF BOARD: Six aWl Pr lrek elghtewn dollar per month chil dren nd aerrants half price. Horses kept at fifty cents per day. Tbe subscriber returns hi thanks for the liberal patron age he receiTed daring last season, and hopes for a contin uance of the same during the present. A. B. MARSH. May 20, 1S49 483-6t PiUsborof h C emmunirator and Raleigh SfaodarJ copy and forward a'counts to F.natnmg'i TariTard

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