-1 i t f i i 1 4 i "S VYNT v III It. tJLi 1 Ill II. II. 1! I El WSSSteWW Al y II ! II III ill II II II 111 ill II III II.. i - - . . H 11 . ' - . - 1 : a - : i -iw- ; H " CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS! AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS." i i 1 -------- - ' - : sirs SAT rn advance, per year,$3 00 Not paid in advance, 2 flot paid unm si. months have expir ed, 300 Not paid till the year has expired, 350 Tn subscription received or a less time than a year.'j ) unless the price be paid in!,-- OTJJfl. H. BAIZSJC advance. ir ) FAYETTEVILLE, if. C, APRIL 14, 1849. .. - . has resumed the R,. W. Hardie, ness at the new store ne xt dooi ' . . 8tyle d ana "v 0 where he will receive sired NEW GOODS. Has received his Fall and Winter stock of GOODS, cm bracin" every article generally kept in a Dry Good and Grocery Store. His assortment is complete, ami he feels confident of pleasing all who may favor him with a call. He ha on hand and will continue to keep a large and gen eral assortment of SADDLERY. (if- Produce of all kinds received in payment September UrlS43. CHEAP CASH AND BARTERING STORE. lform hits taken a Branson's, THE Subscriber takes this method of friends and the public ircaerally. thnt h it.oro rn Pf-rson atrti-t. two doors bulow ir H and nearly opposite the Cape Kcar Bank, where be is now opening a large ind general assortment of GROCERIES, Suited to the Barter Trade. Also, Shoes, Caps, and Hats, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars, Crockery and Glassware, Hardware and Cutlery, Mack-smiths' Tools, in sets, 30 sides best Spanish Sole Leather, 5 tons Swedes and Knglish Iron, 2 ditto Castings, of be-t quality. With many other articles, comprising a stock as complete a-any in this place, all of which will be fold at the very owest market prices tor Cash, or given iu exchange for n kinds of Country Produce. J J. M. "WILLIAMS. S pt. 2a. 148. 501 JOSPir S. DUNN offers hisscr- vices as undertaker and buiHer, to the citizens or others, disposed to contract for building or jobb in '. Terras liberal. Country Residence FOR SALE. The subscriber, intending to leave Fayetteville, would sell his country residence miles from Town, on the Mure hi son Road. It is a ue sirable pl.ice, he.ilthy and pleasantly situated. The lot contains acres. February 10, lyl'J. R. A. STUART. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. G. & H. McMillan Are now receiving from New York and Philadel phia, a large and splendid stock of STAPLE and FANCY 83?? S3 Consisting in part of Superior wool-dyed French &. English Cloths, " Doe's Skin Cassitnere, Fancy French &. English do. Satin and Silk Vestings, French, English and American Prints, Ginghams and Gingham Lawns, Printed Cambrics and Muslins, Black and Pink Chambrays, Book and Swiss Muslins, Jaconet and plaid do. Muslin and thread Edgings, cheap. Organdy and embroidered Muslins, Bljck and colored Silks, to I wide, Drap d'Ette and Cashmerette, Wellington Cord and Croton Coating, Granadians and Tissues, Silk and watered do. Black and colored Kid Gloves, Do do. Silk Mitts and Gloves, White Kid Gloves, for ladies and gentlemen, Silk and cotton Hose and half Hose, Linen and Cotton "Sheeting, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, very handsome, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Pluck and fancy Cravats, (40 inches,) Linen and cotton Coatings, Brown and white Linen Drillings, Grass and Marseilles Skirts, Black and satin-striped Chally and Bereges, Needles and Pins, Canvass and Padding, Silk and worsted Serge, Marshall's and others Thread, Linen and cotton Diaper, Irish Linen and Shirting, Sewing Silk and Twist, Scissors and Combs, Florence and Pammella Bonnets, Pearl and colored Lare do. New style Silk and Satin Bonnets, Bombazines and-Alpaccas, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Neck and Belt Ribbon, Panama and Leghorn HATS, Moleskin and Beaver do. BOOTS and SHOES of every description, and manv other articles too tedious to enumerate. As the above goods were purchased very low, they will be sold uncommonly cheap to those who pay Cash, or to "short-time-buyers-." All those in want of cheap goods will please give us a Cidl before purchasing elsewhere. JS'o. .4 Green Street. Fayetteville, March 31, 1S49. 527-tf 100,000 Brick Just burnt and now ready for delivery. These are extra size and well burnt. Send in your or ders soon. W. G. MATTHEWS, No. 13 north side Hay street. March 31, 1S49. 527-3t 5??3 All persons who have papers in my hands as an officer, are hereby requested to pay the cost on them and take them up, as I no longer act ia that capacity. All persons indebted to me are requested to make pavment,asl am in need of money. THOS. IL MASSEY. March 31, 1S49. 527-3t FOR SALE. tackling A srood Second-hand H.irouche, with for one or two horses cheap. Apply to J. & T. WADDILL January 27, 1S49. $10 REWARD. I sm TERJtIS or " - ? " Onesquare cf twety-o,.v lines or less, for one inser I tion, 60 cents ; every sud- 1 sequent insertion, 30 cents iexcept it rmain in for sev eral months, w hen it wI charged $3 for two 'months, $4 for three, fltc, V-S10 tr twelve monuis. 1 13- Liberal deduction for large - advertisement 20 529. bv the v'ear or six month DOCT. B. A. KENNEDY, Dental Surgeon, begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that in consequence of engagements, lie will be detained in Fayetteville two weeks longer, dur ing which time he would be pleased to wait up on all requiring his services, lie would recommend-all intending to have larae operatians done on gold plate, to have the teeth extracted while he is here this time, so that he cvill be enabled to insert them when he returns next. He returns his thanks to his fi lends and the public, for the liberal patronage he has received during his stay this time. March 24, 1S19. Stolen from the subscriber on Thursdav niaht,29th March, a large yellow HORSE, white mane and tail, the hair rubbed off the tail Rear the root, about 8 years old this Spring, and verv fieshv; has a very fast walK,ana is a swift trotter in ha'riess. The name cf the thief is not known. He stopped at my house on Thursday night, and said he was travelling Irom Virginia'to Tennessee savs he h?s been in the Mexican war, and no doubt will be talking about it, as he is a very talkative character. He had on when at my house, a grey overcoat, a brown frock coat, and a small cap has long dark straight hair, rough beard, light color; supposed to be about G feet high, spare made, sharp face, 35 or 40 years old. He went back towards r ay-t-ttevilTe," and crossed Big Rockfish on Friday rnorninz about 9 o'clock, at Davis' Bridge. I will give $10 for the delivery of the horse, and $20 for the aporehension of the thief. S. GOODWIN, Richmond county, N. C. Brightsville.P. O., S. C, April 7. 5C3-2t N0STH CAROLINIAN. Wiii. II. Baynet Editor ancS Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. APKIL 2.4, 2349. Later From Europe- New Boarding Horse- '. H. TOOMER. having taken tlie large building on lIr,iio siiiiari't'nrinerlv occupied by Mrs Miller, is ,.-.......? xn a-riinnmilte regular boarders, or transient perxona. with good board and comfortable lodging, solicits a fhare of public patronage. October 7. IS IS. 502-tf He The subscriber lias just received b -apPiy or GARDEN SHKD, of the growth of IS IS. Price 5 cts per paper. j.m.20. S. J- HINSDALE. JUST HBCBIIFBD, 50 Ploughs, No. 10 and U, 1000 lbs. Plough Points and other Castings, 10 Kegs pure White Lead, in oil, 20 do. Nails and Brads, Cotton Yarn, Osnaburgs, Sheetings, &c. &.C W. G. MATTHEWS, No. 13 north side Hay st. March 31 . PvJ9. .27-3 1 I - I " 1 TO SPOUTS M EX. JUST received .1 tine assortment of Fisl Lines, and Bottles covered v ic.ter. 1 DR. SUKRWOODS Vibratinsr IMasnetic Machines REMOVAL. NEW GOODS I HAVE removed to the Brick Store lately occupied by Messrs. W. C. James Co., and am now receiving and opening my Spring und Sum mer Stock, comprising a large ami extensive as sortment of l)i v Cioods, Hardware, and Cutlorv; Fur, Extract of a letter from Edward Bingham, Esq., Druggist of Detroit. Detroit, March 23d, 111. Dr. Charles Osgood, Dear Sir 1 have the past vear sld hundreds of bottles of the INDIA CHOLAGOGUE prepared by you, and huve found it to give universal satisfaction in the cure of Fe ver and Ague, Chill, Fever, Dumb Ague, &c. 5iC I may say, I think, without hesitation, that I have never known it to fail in cases which hve come under my own observation, where it hus been faithfully used according to directions. I am yours verv truiv I.' E. BINGHAM. By receat improvements in these Machines, their power is doubled in cases ot the same size, and tne prices reduced to 12 and 14 each; the $12 sizes bein greatly superior to the &12 sizes of ether machines. They now run with more power a.nd smoothness, ar.d are better adapted for magnetizing patients than any other in use. Each case is accompanied with a Manuel (11th edition, p. 400, 32 mo.) in the English or Fre"nch language, according to order, which contains clear and minute directions for the proper use ol'the instrument in the various diseases to which it is applicable, which are found to include many of the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession. The Manuel also con tains a synopsis of the different systems of medi cal practice, Allopathic, llomcapathic, and Mag nopathic, with a full glossary. Physicians and others are cautioned against nrch;sinj: the imitations of these machines, as they will be fou.'id of comparatively little value. No premium hs ever been obtained over these magnetic machines at the American or any other Institute, as is represented by the .nanufacturers of interior machines. CTjf I have become the Agent for the Fale of tho above Machines from a couv:ctiou of their usefulness in disu-ase. and uot froinanj desire to speculate on them; and am responsible to ti e swner for thein. they can ouly be obtained by the payment of the cash on the delivery of the Machine. 1 have deposited tuim wit 11 -Mr oayne at toe Carolinian Ofllcc. who will show them, or deliver theni on tbe'payment of the cash price, and on no otlitr terms. CHARLES MONTAGUE. April 7, 1S19. Cm. The steamer Niagara arrived &t Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Thursday night List, April f. She brought news from Liverpool up to 24th March. The principal items of her intelligence is a de cline of one-eighth of a penny in the price of cotton; provisions had also declined. Money was easily obtained at low prices. Cholera al most disappeared from England, but was very fatal in Ireland. The decline 0 cotton, we think, was only temporary, as fair upl.u.d cotton was quoted at 4 J pence, wkich is ubout the same as at last advices. The king of Holland died on 17th March There seems to be a feeling of. distrust between France and Russia; and the respective ministers are said to have left for home. Leghorn and Pa!m-leat" Wool, Panama, Hats : Satin. Leghorn and Straw Bonnets ; Boots an and Wool Cards Shoes : Cotton Letter, Can, irujis and Wrai)!)iii2 Paper: I) -(-- O O - arm Mcuicines, xc. cvlc. xc, Which will be offered at a small advance for Cash, or on time for approved paper. JOHN D March 17, 1SI9. STARR. 52"-6t Extract of a letter from Messrs Seattergood, Haverstick &. Co., of Philadelphia. rhiladalphia, 2d mo. 21th, IS 12. Dr. C. Osgood, respected friend : We have had occasion to see the good effects of thy medicine in the case of a young man who had ben troub 'ed with chills a long time and could not get clear of thcrn, but since he commenced taking a bottle of thy preparation, has entirely recovered and is now becoming quite stout. Resnectfullv thv friends. SCATTERGOOD, HAVERSTICK &. Co For s le in Favetteville by S. March 3 1 st, IS -UK 0m J. HINSDALE W March 3, 1S49. I looks- iir sale ov PRIOR. " )27-3w. NOTICE. I OFFER for sale the following Property on Lower Little River in this county: One Saw io the Munroe Mills, 12 miles from town and 1 from Murchison's Factory. The mill has been recently rebuilt, and is now in rn.nnUtp i-fMvair. The stream cilordsa plentiful supply of water and easy navigation to Wilming ton. nd offers advantages for buying timber and s .wmg on shares, unequalled by any in this part of the country. sm:ill Farm adioining the Mill, most of which ..:u 1 inf. leand and readv tor ...... .init nn which ;;re a cotntoi table II 111. Ill' 11, HltV w.. !W ..IKn.r hniNC and i RIDl VCTI.eiltS. i 1, ,v- lr. -an ..bundaiice of fine Timber on the stream, above the Mill, w hich I tm willing to sell J. C. HOOPER. Fayetteville, March 21, IS 19. 525-tf J 9 NEW G-Oi Just received, a large assortment of beautiful and fine Candies, ladies' Meel Bead Purses and Clasps, Tassels, Rings, ladies' Uuris, and a gen eral assortment ot tancy unifies in une. H. LKAMBEK1. Feb'y 21, 1849. 3 No. 192 Baltimore Street BALTIMORE, Md., Wholesale and retail deal er in Gold and Silver WATCHES, fine and common Jewelry, Watch Tools & Materials of all kinds got up with care and at low prices. Wheels cut and jewels set in Watches. grj-Watches and Jewelry of all kinds carefully repaired. March 10, 1319. 3m. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office in Fayetteville and it beams to looking then Gothic elm H0TCHK1SS Vertical Water Wlicel. There are several hundred of these wheels in in operation in different counties in North Ca rolina. , For proof of their great advantage over the common flutter w heel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly for their su periority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilmington, New bern, Washington, Edenton, and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Brevard, Lincolntn, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. Mc Neill fc Co., Fayetteville, N. C. d. McNeill, A. A. McKETHAN, D. J. McALISTER. Feb'y 3, 1S19. y P. TAYLOR Is receiving his supply of SPRLVG AND SUMMER His friends and the public are requested to call. March 31, 1S49. 527-3t CIGARS. 7000 Principe ceived and for sale by March 31, 1849. Cigars. Just re- w. PRIOR. 527-Sw 1SI 1 II That beautiful residence on Haymonnt, for merly belonging to C. P. Mallett. Esq.. near the residence of Mr Hale, ia offered for sale. It h stahUa and out-hounes of all kinds ; and everything in CSaplete order. This residence is so well known, and in so commanding a site, overlooking the town, that fur ther particulars are unnecessary. Enquire at th Caroli nian Office. Jane 10, 1847. 486-tf. ATM. CAMPBELL, AUCTIONEER, AND Commission Merchant, Mrs. E- WALTON, MANTUA-MAKER & MILLINER, HAS received, and will open the 22d instant, at the White Brick Store next door north of that lately occupied by Messrs John Huske & Son, Green street, her SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY, including Ribbons and Flowers of a superior qual ity, Gossamer Bonnets, Black and Drab Straws, and other fashionable BONNETS of various kinds. Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to the pre sent style. Qcj-Gentlemen's Hats cleaned and pressed. Orders from the country will be promptly at tended to. Fayetteville, March 24, 1849. 4m. sTddlery. A new stock of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Collars. &c. & f. WADDILL. January 27, 1849. John Atkinson, William Allen, Raford Autery Jonathan Artist Amos Brock Malcomb Black Fred. Blackman Isabella Bone, Wm B la lock King Bryant Duncan Blue J L Br van. P H Conoly Sophia Carver John L olvm Norman Campbell Joh n Carter Jas M Campbell Jos A Davis Henry F Deshongh Wyatt Davis. Jona. Evans, jr. John C Ellis E L Elsworth Wm Govyer John T Gilmore Asa Godwin Saml Gilmore Thos Hainey Capt AL Hachez Joel Horn Saml Hainey Alfred Jackson Davis Jackson John Jones Ben Johnson W W Jones Miss Mary Jenkins Sarah F James Saml E Johnson H T Kohlmann Jno H Kinnon A A Lane Robt W Lancaster Peter S Meshaw Dr W G Monrce Rhoda A Moore Isham Mfttaw Wyat Manuel Jackson Monford T W Memory Catharine Monroe April 7, IS49. David Mathews Reuben Moore Jennet Ann McNeill Anne Jane McLean John Q McDougald A lien" A McCakill Daniel McLeod Isabella McNeill Neill McQueen John McLean Dr J W McKay John A McKnv Wm McDuftie Daniel M.Tgine Thos McKay Edward McPherson Duncan IslcCall Surah M McNeill Win A McDonald Joseph Newman E Pittmau Ann Perry Z PI u miner John C Price William Page Wiley Porter John W Parker Miss Mary Ray John Ray tailor) Louisa Rolli ns Miss PreciUct Saunders Martha Sellers Duncan C Shaw Mons. Seugel Wm R Sikes Adeline Sliavv Wm A Thompson G R Thaard Wm W tue Ann J Tue John Williamson James Williams Jane E Williams Robt C Wilson T H Weathers Thos Williams Mrs A H Ward Romulus Whitaker Peter L Weire Mrs Emetine Williams Alex Walker. Dr. II. 11. SHERWOOD S Cuinpoimci Cliloride f Gold, FOR SCROFULOUS DISEASE?. These remarkable medical remedies of the late eminent and well known Dr. Sherwood of New Yoi k, consisting of a preparation of magnetized and perpendicular CHLORIDE Ot- GOl.U, compounriett witn vari ous other materials with great care and by a la borious process, and of a BITUMINOUS PLAS TER, have been tested by an extensive practice of twenty-five years' continuance, and may now justly be considered as more successful than any other known remedy in the treatment of CON SUMPTION in ail its early stages, and of all Tuberculous or Scrofulous Diseases. For this .!-. . . . 4.- ,:..!.. cuss ci complaints rney are now c.mcusivciv adopted by physicians in their own practice in various parts of the country. They are prepared by us under the direction of the Executrix of the estate of the late.Dr. Sherwood, to whom, by his will, his medical recipes are intrusted in the same manner in all respects as heretofore, and are always accompanied by Dr. Sherwood's val uable medical treatise upon the treatment of Chronic Diseases, a work which was the result of many years of labor and research, ancl which shows iu the clearest manner the principles up on which the operation of hia remedies is found ed and their mode of cure. This work will en r.ble any person to detect the nature and extent of scrofulous or tuberculous disease in himself or others, by pressure on the ganglions of the spinal nerves, on the spaces between the vertebrae along Correppondcuce of the N. Y. Evangelist. LETT K US FROM A WHALE SHIP. New Zealand Cruising Ground, ) Soutii Pacific Ocean. f The recent capture of one right-whale, getting fast to another, and pursuit of sev eral iiujie, and the sight of them blowing all around, close at hand, and at a dis tance, naturally puts one upon impairing into the habits and resorts of this great sea monster. It is of the class mammalia, or der cetacea, bringing forth its young alive, generally one at a time, and giving them suck. It is not, therefore, a fish, but is without scales, breathes the air through lungs, and respires by what is called its spout or blow holes, a kind of nostrils, or in other words, two apertures situated on the after part of its head and neck, through i which is forcibly expelled all the water taken into the mouth in the act ot feedinir or breathing. The form of the spout serves to distin guish at a distance the kind of whale, whether right-whale, fbalaena mjsticetusj or sperm. The right-whate having two both states, and as entangled in the hairs- of dead whales. The quantity necessarv,- for the animal's support must be prodigi- i . - At. . ous. 1 can uouosy appreciate uuw mat amusing passage in the Holy War, where liuiiyan says, -i il ly Aiansoul Uul not stick noi boggle at a monstrous oath that sdW would not desert Diaholus, hut swallowed it without shewing, as if it hud been a sprat in the mouth of a whale."' This feed is supposed to lie generally rather deep under water in these seas, as whales are often taken in greatest number where none of it is to be seen on the surface, in the Green land anil Arctic seas, it often covers miles and miles in extent; thick enough, it is said, to impede the course of a ship; and. perhaps, in the economy of Providence whales as well as sharks are but the scav engers of the great deep, to consume, what vvo'i'd otherwise putrefy and decay. The internal anatomy of a whale is & subject of great curiosity, and i wish it were in my power to report a tull and ac curate post mortem of the subjects we have discussed. Iut a few clinical notes taken bv the bedside, as the whalemen have b'ecn operating with their professional spades and lances of dissection, are all we have ta exhibit. From the size of the intestine of the lat we have dissected, it is reasonable to infer that the great aorta of one of the largest kind can hardly be less in diameter than the bore of the main pipe of the Crotou water works; and the water roaring in it passage through that pipe is inferior in im petus and velocity, to the blood gushing from the whale's great heart. In Dr. Hunter's account of the dissection of a. small whale, this aorta measured a foot in diameter. 15 or 20 gallons, then, of liv ing blood are thrown ordinarily out of the heart of the whale at a singly stroke, with an immense velocity, through' the great bore of a blood vessel, or rather blood aque duct, more than a. foot in diameter. The whole idea fills the mind w ith wonder. Until within a few years this gigantic game, as Burke justly 'called . it, has been every where so abundant that whalemen have used no means to keep their rich pri zes from sinking; but when one has gone down worth Si 500 or 82000, or even S3000, they have taken it as whaleman's fortune, and have gone to capturing others instead. In some voyages they say' more w hales have sunk than have been saved. The useless devastation thus caused among those hu'ge denizens of the deep has been very great. One practical whaleman cal culates the number of whales killed in one season on the northwest coast of Kam chatka at 12,000. large orifices on the top of the back part of its head as it lies along in the water, the spout of vapor anil water ejected is forked lit! us iorce is spent. fall over on both sides. at a distance in shape like a parted into two branches. This can be easily perceived when the whale is either coming directly towards, or nowxr ilirpctlv fIFfllll! thn shin, the ietSt ' &"" " 1 7 .... I eau being sometimes thirty or even titty feet high. The sperm whale, on the otlier hand, has but one blow hole, and that a lit tle on one side or corner of its head, from which the ejected stream issues obliquely, ;h side of the spine. 11. H. SHERWOOD'S Successors, No. 102 Chamber st., New York. Our Agent in Fayetteville, N. C, is CHARLES MONTAGUE. April 7, 1S49. fim and not straight up as in A Nkw Speciks of Insanity. The defence set up for a lad who set lire to a church in Boston, was that he had pyro mania, or lire madness. Is this to be clas sed as moral or mental insanity, or both, or is ic what is usually called mouomauiar. u 'ongIiessTona i7Tj imucis.T The following are the Congressional Districts of this tate, as they stand un der the famous Raynermander ot 1840 4 : JOHN McRAE, P. M. JAS. Qt. SMITH, AND HAIR DRESSER, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, Haa opened and fitted up in a handsome and comfortable TO . - . nn Hit street next door west of the Me thodist EniscoD&l Chnrch. where he hopes to receive a share of public patronage in his line. November 4. 1S48. WANTED. An intelligent white boy is want ed as an apprentice to the above business - J. Cx. s. GATES, STEDMAN & COMPANY, 116 Nassau street, New York, Are now publishing THE POPULAR CYCLOPEDIA Of AJotlern Domestic Mctlicine. BY KEITH IMRAY, M. D. JTLLOW OF THE ROYAL, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND LICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, EDINBURGH. This work gives a clear and concise idea of the nature of the distinctive symptoms, of the pre monitorv signs of diseases, of their predisposing causes, and of the methods of their treatment recommended by the most distinguished physi cians. . j- - - The best modes of employing the medicines in general use are faithfully described; as are also the diet and regimen necessary under various diseases, and during convalescence. f)iet. Atmosphere, temperature, tatmng, Climate, Clothing and Exercise ate also specially treated upon. The publishers of the American locution prenx to Dr. Imray's work, short illustrated, and very valuable Treatises upon Anatomy, rnysioiogy and Surgery; also Directions for the Treatment of the Sick, Management of the Sick Room, Preparation of Food for the Sick,&.c, &c, Many valuable articles have been furnished by the courtesy of medical gentlemen of the United States. The entire volume, with its full Index, Tables of Doses, &.c, will prove, it is confidently believed, a most valuable book for Family use. The work will be completed in twelve weekly numbers, forming one large Svo- volume of about 1000 pages. , " -, Gentlemen of respectability and good addres, wanted as canvassers for the above work in every town and village in the United States. Address (post paid), GATES, STEDMAN & CO., 52S-3t H6 Nassau st. the right whale. Its nrouellers and means of defence are two fins planted a little behind the head on each side, and the flukes of its tail also, with which it sculls and attempts to strike its enemy. The natural working of them on their joints by the waves, after the ani mal is dead, will always carry the carcass to windward. Of one that I have measur ed, the fins were five feet long each, and the ilukes twelve feet across, being hori- - r .i .1 t l n .1.:..,.. zontal- vji anoiiier, me uouv is imiiy nine feet long and nineteen feet round, the head seven feet from its tip to the spout holes, three feet from the upper outside superficies to the roof of the mouth insid-e, making its entire head, with the mouth closed, about 7 feet in diameter, or 21 feet rourrd. The length of another which I have exactly measured, a sperm whale, was 59 feet long, and 30 feet round. The ear of the whale is extremely small, and so hidden like a mole's, that you would not find it without diligent search. Still the creature is thought by seamen to be quick of hearing, as well as sharp of siht. The organ for the latter sense is oKmt ns laro-fi as the eve of an ox. The head of a right whale, when his mouth is open in feeding, or when he breaches, as I have sometimes seen him do quite out ot water, is a most uncouth and formidable sight. It looks at a little distance like the black, rugged mouth of one of those laya caverns a traveller meets with on the is land of Hawaii. The huge lips close from below upward, and shut in, when the mon ster has t a mouthful, upon nis mumm whalebone cheeks, like the great valve of a mam moth bellows, or the water gates ot a canal lock. . . The sole living of this vast animal is supposed to be upon a substance which 1 hear universally called by whalemen rio-ht-W hale feed," f medusae ) It ap- oears in the water like little red seeds of the size ot mustaru, wnicn is nucrtepeu bv the hair that fringes the leaves of bone, th whale swims alons with mouth onen. It is in fact, a little red shrimp, inmetimes seen floating on the surface in First District. Cherokee, Macon, Haywood, IJuncoinbe,. Henderson, Rutherford, Burke, McDowell, Yancy, Cleavelaud, Caldwell. Second Di.stricf. Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, Davie, Rowan, Iredell, Cat a wba. Third District. Lincoln, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Union, Anson, Stanly, Cabarrus, Montgomery, Richmond, Joore. Fourth JJiitrict. Stokes, Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Davidson. Fifth District. Granville, Caswell, Person, Orange, Chatham. these seas alive, oftener dead, when it has thf annparanrp at a distance of clots of blood, ouly yellower Sixth District. Wake, Franklin, War re n, Halifax, Edgecombe, Nash, Johnston. Seventh District. Cumberland, Robeson, Columbus, Bladen, Brunswick, New Hanover,. Sampson, Duplin, Onslow. Eighth District-. Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, Carteret, . Bean fort, Pitt, Hyde, Washington,.. Tyrell. Ninth District. Martin, Bertie, Hen ford, Northampton, Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden, Currituck.. Congress the ;y were repre T. L. Ciinean, In the late sented as follows Nathaniel Boyden, D. M. Barringer, A. II- Shepherd, A. W Venable, J. R-.J. Daniel, James J. McKay, R- S. DoonelL and David Outlaw. Standard. IRISH POTATOES At J. &. T. WADDILL'. March 2l, lSi9. 1 have seen it in 0.V CONSIGNMENT, A large assortment of Cane seat and Windsor Cfi Mattresses. For sale by Jan. 27, 1S40. A. M. CAMPBELL.

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