spaasaas I a advance, per year,$2 N'ot oaid in advance, a Not paid until six months have expir ed, 300 Tot paid till the year has expired, 350 No subscription received or a less time than a year, unless the price be paid in advance. II XBlt hi III til III - STi III HI TEtlJUS OF AD VmiTXCIITO I j Onesquare of twenty lines or less, for one in: CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS J AND TI1E GLORY' OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS. -on inser tion, 60 ceats ; everv sub- ; sequent insertion , 30 cents ;xcept it remain in for sev jeral months, when it will i be charged $3 for two months, $4 for three, fee, -S10 for twelve months. by wax. h. batzjate FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, JUNE 16, 1849. CHEAP CASH AND BARTERING STORE. GROCERIES, Suited to the Barter Trade. Also, Shoes, Caps, and Hats, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars, Crockery and Glassware, Hardware and Cutlery, Blacksmiths' Tools, in sets, 30 sides best Spanish Sole Leather, 5 tons Swedes and English Iron, 2 ditto Castings, of best quality. With many other artie-lc, comprising a stock as complete 4s auy iu thU place, all of which -will be sold at the very o .rest market prices for Cah, or given in exchange for all kind of Country Produce. Sept. 23, 1848. J. M. WILLIAMS. 501 Now Boarding Ho jsc. '. II. TOOMER having takon the large building on Coarfc House square, formerly occupied by Mrs .Miller, is prepared to Accommodate regular boarders, or transient parsons, with good board and comfortable lodging. He rolicits a share of public patronage. October 7, 184J. 502-tf IIOTCHKISS' Vertical Water Wheel. There are several hundred of these wheels in t;i operation i: different counties in North Ca ruli.M. for proof of their advantage over the com noa ilutter wheel. r any other wheels now in use fr saw mills, we confidently refer to those who hive applied them to their mills. We can recommend them particul -.rly lor their su periority in cises of a low head jI wcter.or buck water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for ;,; '!i- e it heads of water, at Wilmin gton, New- H aslii utiiii,!iin, nna v ..lyeai-viuc. . A. Brevard, ritirn, f . T wheels may also be had ot ol'it-.n, i:nl Uriah Well. Petersburg, Va. Perso i-J eel.,, .v .ill & C wishing t obt;i:i the riirht to use the ill be served on i'uvelteville, .implication to 1). .tiC N C b. mcneill, A. A. McK ETHAN. D. J. McALISTER. Felv 3, IS V). S3 Ti:tt b.-auti!il residence on Ilaymount. for merly b-lonrinK to C. P. Alsdlett. Ksi.. near thu residence of Mr Halo. U offered for Hale. It h . ,tahlM and out-houses of all kinds ; and everything in complete or l?r. This residence is so well known, and in io commanding a site, overlooking the town, that fur ther particulars are unnecessary. Enquire at the C aroli- Junr 10,1347. 486-tf. A. AT. CAMPBELL, A IT CTIO NIS14U, AND Co in in iss-lo n M ercha n t , No. 192 Jiultimore Street BALTIMORE, Md., Wholesale and retail deal er in Gold and Silver WATCHES, fine and common Jewelry : Watch Tools &, Materials of all kinds pot up with care and at low prices. Wheels cut and jewels set in Watches. 3- Watches and Jewelry of all kinds carefully repaired. March !, 1S49. 3m. Country Residence FOR SALE. The subscriber, intending to leave Fayetteville, would sell hiH country residence about 2 miles from Town, on the Murchison Road. It is a de sirable place, hejlthy and pleasantly situated. The lot contains 121 acres. IV!,. 0, 1S1D. R. A. STUART. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. G. & H. McMillan Are now receiving from New York and Philadel phia, a large and splendid stock of STAPLE and FANCY Consisting in part of Superior wool-dyed French &; English Cloths, Doe's Skin Cassirnere, Fancy French & English do. Satin and Silk Vesting, French, English and American Prints, Ginghams and Gingham Lawns, Printed Cambrics and Muslin9, Black and Pink Chambrays, Book and Swiss Muslin?, Jaconet and plaid do. Muslin and thread Edgings, cheap. Organdy and embroidered Muslins, Bl-ick and colored Silks, to wide, Drap d'Ette and Cashmerette, Wellington Cord and Croton Coating, Granadiuns and Tissues, Silk and watered do. Black and colored Kid Gloves, Do do. Silk Mitts and Gloves, White Kid Gloves, for ladies and gentlemen, Silk and cotton Hose and half Hose, Linen and Cotton Sheetingj Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, very handsome, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Black and fancy Cravats, (40 inches,) Linen and cotton Coatings, Brown and white Linen Drilling-?, Grass and Marseilles .Skirts, Black nnd satin-striped dully and Eereges, Needles and Pins, CanViiss and Padding, Silk and worsted Sere, Marshall's and others Thread, Linen and cotton Diaper, Irish Linen and Shfrtin.-r, Sewing Silk and Twist, Scissors and Combs, Florence and PammelLi Bonnets, Penrl und colored Lrre do. Nev stvie.Silk and S'-itin Bonnets, VOL. IO WO. 53S. DO- Liberal deduction for large advertisement by the year or six months l'iv.Tr.'v.-7inra lr1 !r,- r . COSTUME HALL. Spring Summer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ON haud and for sale, the largest assort ment of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, at prices very much reduced. COATS. Coats of every variety, embracing all the latest styles, and of an improved cut and make, from 75 cts. to 1, 2, 3,-1, 5. 6, S, 10, and upwards. PANTALOONS. Pantaloons of all kinds, from To cts. to 1, 1,50, 1,75, 2, 2,50, and also a very -fashionable style, the Lamartine stripe, as low as 3, 3,50, 1, and upward!. VESTS. Vests of every variety, comprising Silk, Satin, Cashmere, Marseilles, Valencia, from 50 ets., 75 cts., 1, $'2, $2,50, $?3, and upwards. BOY'S CLOTHING. Always on hand the largest and best assortment I of Boy's Clothing ever onerea in inis city. A splendid assortment of CLOTHS and CAS SIMERES of the best make.together with a large and handsome variety of SILK and MARSEIL LES VESTING3, which will be made up to order in the best manner, 20 per cent less than the ac customed prices, and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guaranteed. AT COSTUME HALL. Corner of Pratt street and Centre .Market Space, BALTIMORE. 11. II. COLE. t?3r Attached to the above, is one of the lar gest and most extensive SHIRTS FACTORIES in the country, embracing every variety and make, at prices which cannot fail to please any one wishing to purchase. OCh ONE PRICE ONLY ! 4$ April 2S, 1S19. 531-ly rsoanci ana ut-o itiouo Neck and licit Ribbon, unci JL.giiora H. Moleskin and Leaver do. BOOTS und SHOES of eviy description, and inanv other articles tor. tedious to enumerate. As the above Kendj were purchased very low, they will be be Id uncommonly chejp to thosc v ho p.iV Cash, r to " short-time-buyers." All tii:.? in want of che.-p goods will plccse jive us a. Call before purchasing elsewhere. Ao. 4 Grien Si rue!. F.-yc-ttt ville, March 31, 1549. 527-tf Just received, a Hrge assortment of beautiful and line Candies, Ijdie-' Steel Bead Purses and Clasps, Tassels, Rings. I. dies' Curls, and a gen eral assortment of fancy articles in his line. H. ER AM BERT. Feb'y 21, i8 li. Mrs. E. WALTON, MANTUA-MAKER & MILLINER, HAS received, and will open the 22d instant, at the White Brick Store next door north of that 1 itely occupied by Messrs John Huske Sc Son, Green street, her SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY, including Ribbons and Flowers of a superior qual ity, Gossamer Bonnets, Black and Drab Straws, and other fashionable BONNETS of various kinds. Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to the pre sent style. fbCj-Gentlemen's Hats cleaned and pressed. Orders from the country will be promptly at tended to. Fayettt-ville, March 21, ISi'l. 4ni. XA.S. G. SMITH, A NI? JIMR DRESS E R, FAYETTEVILLE, X. C, Has tiken the shop in the Fayetteville Hotel, where he intends carrying on his business in a superior manner, and desires a continuance of public patronage. April 20, 1S49. WANTED. An intelligent white boy is want ed as an apprentice to the above business. J. G. S. DR. SHERWOOD'S Vibrating Magnetic Machines. By recent improvements in these Machines, their power is doubled in cases ot the same size, and the prices reduced to $12 and $14 each; the $12 sizes being greatly superior to the Si 2 of other machines. They now run with more power and smoothness, and are better adapted for magnetizing patients than any other in use. Each casic is accompanied with a Manuel (11th edition, p. 400, 32 mo.) in the English or French language, according to order, which contains clear and minute directions for the proper use of the instrument in the various diseases to which it is applicable, which are found to include many of the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession. The Manuel also con tains a synopsis of the different systems cf medi cal practice, Allopathic, Homcspathic, and Mag nopathic, with z. full glossary. Physicians and others are cautioned against purchasing the imitations of thes machines, as they will be found of comparatively little value. No premium has ever been obtained over these magnetic m idlines at the American or any other ' Institute, as is represented by the jianufactuiers cf interior machines. irj As I have become the Agent for the sale of the above Machines from a conviction of their usefulness in di-iLase. and not from any desire to speculate on them; and am responsible to tl e twner for them, they can only be obtained by the payment of the cash on the delivery of tho Machine. I have deposited them with Mr Bayne at tlio Carolinian Office, who will show them, or deliver them on the pavnient of the cash price, and on no other teriii3. CHARLES .MONTAGUE. April 7, 1S49. 6m. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. The fijtititoiug are the Congressional Districts of this State, as they stand un der the famous liaynermander of 1846-"4T. Cold Dr. II. II. SHERWOOD'S Ci.impoiiiit'I Chi o ride of FOR SCROFULOUS DISEASES. These remarkable medicnl remedies of the lite eminent and well known Dr. Sherwood of New Yoik, consisting of a preparation of magnetized CHLORIDE OF GOLD, compounded with vari ous other materials with gieat care and by a la- j borionj process, and cf a BITUMINOUS PLAS ! TER, huve beer, tested by an extensive practice ' of twenty-five years' continuance, and may now i justly be. considered as more successful than any j other known remedy in the treatment of CON i SUMPTION in all its early stages, and of all ! Tuberculous or Scrofulous Diseases. For this j class of compl iints they are now extensively adopted by physicians in their own practice 111 various parts of the country. They are prepared by us uudci the dii-ectiun of the CAeClltriX Of the estate of the Lite Dr. Sherwood, to whom, by his will, his medical recipes are intrusted in the same manner in all respects as heretofore, and are r.lways accompanied by Dr. Sherwood's val uable medical treatise upon the treatment of Chronic Diseases, a work which was the result of many years of labor and research, and which shows in the clearest manner the principles up on which the operation of his remedies is found ed and their mode of cure, this work will en able any person to detect the nature and extent of scrofulous or tuberculous disease in himself or others, by pressure on the ganglions of the spinal nerves, on the spaces between the vertebrae along each side of the spine. H.H. SHERWTOOD'S Successors, No. 102 Chamber st.. New York. Our Agtfnt in Fayetteville, N. C, is "CHARLES MONTAGUE. April 7, IS49. 6m UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Manufactured by steam, at the AMERICAN WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE & MANUFACTORY, 257 Pearl st., (near Fulton,) NEW ORK. Sign of the golden Umbrellas.) The subscribers have on hand, and are con- a superior assortment of which thev offer to merchants and dealers by the case or dozen, at verv low prices, and on accommodating terms. The qual ity, variety and workmanship of their Umbrellas and Tarasols is not to be surpassed by any Manu factory in the United States. ISAAC SMITH & CO. Feb. 17, 1S4S. Gm Extract of a letter from Edward Bingham, Esq., Druggist of Detroit. ! Dtrr.if AT.V. -! 1C(1 Dr. Charles Osgood, Dear Sir I have the past year sld hundreds of bottles of the INDIA CHOLAGOGUE prepared by you, and have found it to give universal satisfaction in the cure of Fe ver and Ague, Chill, Fever, Dumb Ague, &c. &c. I may say, I think, without hesitation, that I have never knovn it to fail in cases which have come under my own observation, where it has been faithfully used according to directions. I aci yours very truly, E. BINGHAM. bookbinding busi- s at th new store next . door to Mr Beasley, Jeweler, her ho will receive and execute binding la any style de-fered- Extract of Haverstick & a letter from Messrs Scattergood, Co., of Philadelphia. PhiUdalphia, 2d mo. 24th, 1S42. Dr. C. Osgood, respected friend : We have had occasion to see the good effects of thy medicine in the case of a young man who had been troub led with chill? a long-time and could not get clear of them, but since he commenced taking a bottle of thy preparation, has entirely recovered and is .cow becoming quite stout. Respectfully thy friends, "T, c SCATTERGOOD, HAVERSTICK Co Fr sale in Favf ttevilie. by-.-S. J. HINSDALE. March 31st, 16-13. 6in. No. stantlv manufacturing the above goods, J0SPII S. DUNN offers his scr- vices as undertaker and builder, te the citizens or others, disposed to contract for building or jobb ing. Terms liberal . THE MOST EXTENSIVE SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES IS AT No. 179 Baltimore st., near Light, BALTIMORE, Md. IVhere 500 persons are employed, and a stock of 1000 dozen skirts always on hand. Merchants and others visiting Baltimore are invited to call and examine the largest and best stock of SHIRTS that has ever been offered, con sisting of all sizes and qualities for men and bovs, which for style and workmanship cannot be surpassed. More than usual efforts have been made to render the assortment complete and desirable in every respect. T. W BETTON. March 10, 1S49. ly I. O. O. F. ODD FELLOWS REGALIA, Fringe & Trimming Manufactory, Vb. 35 Baltimore st., BALTIMORE, Md., (4th door below Frederick street, and 1 below Sun Office.) Where may be found the most extensive assort ment of the latest styles of Fringes, Gimps, But tons, Cords, Tassels, &c. Sec. Also, Masonic, Odd Fellows, Ked Men, Sons of Temperance, Sons of Liberty, American Mechanics, Beneficial, and all other Societies' REGALIA AND TRIM MINGS are kept on hand and made to order. FLAGS and BANNERS made up in the latest and most approved styles. Ctr5 All orders from the country attended to with dispatch. JEWELS. Odd Fellows and Sons of Temperance Jewels, a full assortment always on hand, and at prices less than any other establishment. SPRIGG &. MESEKE. Feb'y 24, 1343. ly. First District. Cherokee, Macon, Haywood, Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford, Burke, McDowell, Yancv, Cleaveland, Caldwell. Second District. Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, Davie, Rowan, Iredell, Catawba. Third Disliict. Lincoln, Gaston, Mecklenburg, V nion, Anson, Stanly, Cabarrus, Montgomery, Richmond, Moore. Fourth District. Stokes, Rockingham, fiuilford, Randolph, Davidson. Fifth District. Granville, Caswell, Person, Orange, Chatham. In the late Congress they were repre sented as follows : T: L. Clingnian, Nathaniel Boyden. D. M. Barringer, A. II. Shepherd, A. W. Venable, J. R. J. Daniel, James J. McKay, R- S. Donne!) and David Outlaw. CANDIDATES. ""'First District. Hon.Thos. L. Clingman, whig. Second. Joseph P. Caldwell, whig Tliird. Gen. Alfred Dockery, Sanders M. In gram, Walter L. Steele, Alex. Little, all whig: and Hon. Green W. Caldwell, dem. Foarth. A. H. Shepperd, whig. Fifth. Hon. A. W. Venable, dem., Henry K. Nash, whig. Sixth. Wax. J. Clark, R. S. Donnell, dems. Seventh. Wm. S. Ashe, dem. Eighth. W K Lane, dem., Jas W Bryan, whig JVinth. Hon. David Outlaw, whig. Sixth District. Wake, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, Kdgecombe, Nash, Johnston. Seventh District. Cumberland, Robeson, Columbus, Bladen, Brunswick, New Hanover, Sampson, Duplin, Onslow. Eighth District' Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, Carteret, Bean fort, Pitt, Hyde, Washington, Tyrell. Xiath District. Martin, Bertie, II en ford, Northampton, Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden, Currituck. FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL, FAYETTEVILLE, JT. C. This building, the largest and handsomest Hotel in North Carolina, has been leased by the subscriber for a term of years, and is now open for the reception of travellers, visiters, and boarders. All the furniture and fixtures about the build ing are entirely new, having been purchased within the last month. The accommodations in all respects will be as good as can be found in the State. The single rooms are provided with ev ery necessary convenience; and the double rooms for ladies and families, are large and fitted up with care. All the substantial and delicacies afforded by the market and the seasons, will be supplied at the table The servants have been selected from among the best to be obtained ; and experienced host lers have charge of the stables. The bar is kept by a gentleman of experience and courtesy, who will furnish all refreshments of the best quality required by travellers or others. The lessee, with some years experience in this vocation, will make every exertion to give satis faction to the patrons of the House. ANN BROWN. May 5, 1S49. 532-ly ICE FOR SALE. Keep cool if you can ! The large Ice House at Cambellton is now fil led with as good Ice as has ever been offered in this Market, imported direct from Boston with but little delay on the voyage. The subscriber will open the House on Monday the 14th instant, and superintend the delivery of Ice in any quan tity to suit purchasers. Persons wishing it to be left at their place of business or residence, can be accommodated by giving notice. It can be had previous to 2 o'clock of each day (except Sunday) by applying at the store at Liberty Point, (door fronting on Personstreet,) where a supply will be kept. As the ice was purchased for cash, it will be sold at the lowest price it can be afforded at. Prompt payment wilt be expected the bills of regular customers will be made out weekly, and on each Monday please call ant", settle. Terms: Under 5 lbs, 3 cents per lb. larger quantities, 2 cts per lb. CHAS. G0DDARD, Super'd't. May 12, 1949. 533-tf. RECEIVED, 1 Case very fine Mole skin Hats, 1 Fur do. An assortment of Panama, Leghorn and Palm leaf Hats. D. & W. McLAURIN. June 2, 1S49. N0BTH CAROL MAN. Win. II Bayne, Kdltor ana Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. JXXKTE 10,1040. DEATH OF MAJOR GEN. GAINES. Dispatches from New-Orleans, dated Wednes day, announce the decetse of the venerable pa triot and hero. General Edmund Pendleton Gaines. He breathed his last at the St. Charles Hotel New-Orleans, at 3 o'clock on the 6th inst., cf Cholera, after an illness of only a dav or two. Later From Europe one llowiug Telegraphed for tht- Char'.tsU-.a Mercury Baltimore, June 7 The Europa has arrived at Halifax ith week's later intelligence, of which the f. is an abstract: Looking at the condition of Continental Eu rope, a general war would appear to be inevita ble. In France, so far as returns of ths recent election have been received, the Socialists and Red Republicans have elected 240 member to the next National Assembly. The Funds fell 13 per cent, in consequence of this intelligence, but subsequently a reaction took place. In the National Assembly, oue vt the most exciting debates which hss ever taken place in that most excitable body, arose upon ti e consid eration of the French Intervention at Ruine, and the Russian Intervention in the affairs of .Aus tria. An immediate declaration of w:r agiinst Russia and Austria was urged bv several aueak era; but after along and animated discussion. From the Wilmington Journal.- ACCEPTED. Frn:n the aiiitcxrd correspondence it will be seen that Mr Ashe has accepted the uouiination tendered to him by the Clinton Contention. The following is the corres nonJence . : Clinton, June 1st, 1849. Dear Sir : At a Convention of the Demo cratic part v of the 7th Congressional Dis; trict of North Carolina, assembled on the 31st ult . for the purpose of nominating a Democratic candidate to represent the District in the next Congress of the Unit ed States, you were unanimously chosen as the candidate cf the Convention, and the undersigned appointed a committee to apprize you of your nomination, and re quest our acceptance of the same. Permit us, sir, in the discharge of our duty, to add the expression of our own wishes to those of the Convention, and to hope that you will be enabled to give a favorable response to the trust reposed in 3 ou by your fellow-citizens. With senti ments of high respect, we are, sir, youri, T1103. M. WILLIAMS, ) WM.. HILL, Carnm, JAMKS FULTON, J Wm. S. Asuk, Esq. Wilmington, June 5th, 1849. Gemlrmes Your communication, in forming me of the action of the Clinton Convention, has just been received. Its accepting the nomination made by the Convention, it would be unbecoming for me to feign regret that some other person had not been selected, who would have been able to render more elficient service in the councils of our country, for I feel assured that I owe the distinguished honor conferred upon me more to your kind partiality than to any. qualification of my . own. But I can confidently promise you . lor tins ma ni testation 01 conn- in return ! dence, so flattering to my feelings, a strict - la cm . . a. . anu lervenienori 10 aavanceanu strengthen 1hnp dtmnrr.itir. nnnri mIp to flip inflninp it was modified by the adoption of a resolution, j . c ...i- u 1 . V. . it; t. ittprl bv Gen. Cavaip-nac. which recommend .. r exampiea prosperity 01 our glorious cmon is, in a great measure, to be attributed You will please accept of my moat grate ful acknowledgments for the polite and friendly manner in which you discharged the duty imposed on you as the selected or gans of the Convention. 1 have tiie honor, gentlemen, to be Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, WM. S. ASHK. To Messrs Thomas IL Williams, William Hill and James Fulton, Committee. submitted by Gen. Cavaignac, which recommends the government to take energetic measures for the protection of the internal and external affairs of the Republic. Thie resolution, though strongly opposed by the Ministry, was carried b' the triumphant vote of 436 to 101. It was generally supposed upon the advent of the new General Assembly, that Gen. Bugeaud will be called upon to form a new cabinet. The Danish and German war still continues without any deciive results, or any prospect of an immediate termination. The Hungarians appear to be contending hero ically with the Austrians and Russians, and 6cem to be preparing for a most desperate struggle. The Emperor of Ftuesia has recognised the French Republic, but at the same time he ha issued a manifesto, announcing his determination to interfere in the affairs of Austria and Hon gary. He speaks of the mission entrusted to him by God, and in the presence of his people, and in the name of the God of buttles, he com mands his array to advance for the extinction and destruction of evil-minded men! The Indian war has terminated, and the fertile district of the Bunjaub has been annexed to th. British dominions. A private letter has been received which con tains the following important intelligence : The Rothschilds have received a letter frcm their correspondent at Frankfort, dated May 17, which says that the Russians have been totally defeated by the Hungarians. They were forced to fall back upon Cracow. It is further stated in this letter, that the revolution will thus be transferred to Poland. A proclamation from Kossuth says that the battle took place in a defile at Rothcutheum, and that thirty-six thousand Russians surrendered. The Austrians are fortifying Lenno. The Courier and Enquirer embraces in its Paris letter not only an indignant homily sgainst the murder of the three priests in Home, but a long list of horrors said to have beer perpetrated by the "infuriated mob" (t. t. the people) if j Rome, which are noticed in no foreign paper by j the arrival, that I have seen. These stories arc gammon with which this correspondent has been stuffed by his immediate friends, for he is eviden tly a decided reactionist. New York, June G. The Cotton market closed firm to-day, under the effect of the steamer's news. The sales amounted to 1500 bales. Flour is unchanged, and the sales amount to ll.OOObbls. Cora is firm and steady. Provisions and groceries are un changed. There have been sixty cases of cholera report ed to day, of which ten have terminated fatally. "THE BALL FAIRLY OPENED.' On Thursday last the Whig Convention met in this place and .nominated Henry K. Nash, Esq., as their candidate for Con gress in opposition to the Hon. A. W. Venable. Mr Nash accepted the nomination, and in a speech of some length, expressed his attachment to the party of which he is a member and his untiring devotion to the union of these confederated States : and deprecated the assaults which were now made as he thought, upon that union. All these professions might do very well, if the people were not beginning to be con vinced that Whig professions and Whig practice are two very different things as for instance Gen. Taylor's declaration that he " had no friends to reward," and the appointment by him of many strong whigs to office. Hillsborough Democrut. We wast foh our labor what wa promised for our votes more work and better payV1 This is the inscription on the banners of Pennsylvania boatmen, who are on a strike at Katnn, Pa. In answer to this demand, the coal factors call on the Governor, for whom they voted under these promises, to call out the military against them! Boston Post- Two good , work MULES, apply soon Office. June 2, 1S43. 7 at this Another Victim The English papers record another suicide, the result of un successful senius. Moore, the sculntor. pressed by numerous creditors for debts incurred by the suspension of occupation, and having passed a few days without food, or the meant of obtaining any, in a fit of deHriumt put an. end to his existence- ' . The editor of the National Wrhig replies to a proposition of the Washington Union, in an absurd article, full of empty asser tions, whicn we propose to do up " in 'bits." In alluding to those who have ben thrust from ofhee by Gen Taylor, or his rulers, regardless of his word, the Whig Says : " It it entirely an inference, that the parties removed were proscribed for their opinions; and it is a violent inference, too, in the face cf th declaration in the Inaugural, that capacity, fidelty and integrity should be the only stand ard, by which men's preteosioDS. to be retained in or appointed to office, shall be measured or weighed." This is as much as to say that every man who has been put out of office by the Tay lor rulers, is dishonest, unfaithful and in capable. What think you of this. Whig friends and relatives of the decapitated? Your father, brother, son, my Democratic friend, than whom none are more honest, faithful, or capable, is charged by the ad ministration organ with dishonesty, or something ele equally as bad. What think you of it r . The Bank of the State of North Caroline, has declared a semi-annual dividend of four and a quarter per cent, upon its capital stock. Raleigh Register Gen. Avezzana, the leader of the Roman Republicans, has an interesting family in New York city, consisting of his lady, six daughters and one son General A. was 15 year in prison in Rome, for broachiDg Republican principles- He afterwards assisted Mexico in throwing oil the yoke of Spain, and left a prosperous, business in New York to go to hi pff&nt field of operations. ;- They are about to form an association for the benefit of indignant female. Wo. suppose in order to sweeten their dUppsiv tions, it will he necessary to give eacrroo her hsr.ty.

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