in advance, per year,2 00 tfot paid in advance, 'i 50 ( Not paid unm ix months have expir ed, 300 tfot paid till the year expired, 350 No subscription received or a lead time than a year, ; u iless the price be paid in j advance. ft lit v i i - JSJlirlltl 3 " CHAKACTEK IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS; AND THE GLORV OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPEliTV OF ITS CITIZENS." MOMS Of at viuiTisrrcG r One quaxe of twenty-or.e hlinca or less, for one inser tion. 60 ceata : everv sub- 1 sequent insertion, 30 cents except tt remain in for sev. erui mouths, when it will .be charged $3 for two ;months, ;! for three, &c. ,iu lor twelvemonths. FAYETTEVILLE, 1T. C JULY 7, 1849. CHEAP CASH AND BARTERING STORE. . , this method of informing his TH- Subscriber ieral th it he ta taktn . friend, .nJ th pub he cw H. BnWnY GROCERIES, Suited to the ii.irtfr Trade. Also, S:i i-!s. Cap, ami Hats, Si lilies. Itri-lles. ami Collars, Crocker v and olassware, II if d -.vare an I Cutlery. , i. 3i J M.l'.'S b 5 t..;s s .ve--2's ;-u -' l O ! 1 1 ll!- k $5' uthr aiUe'.'iS. si . 5 . sets. Sole f t tSicr, NEW GOODS. Just received, a large assortment of beautiful and fine Candies, ladies Steel Bead Purses and Clasps, Tassels, Rings, ladies' Curls, and a gen eral assortment of fancy articles in his line. li. R AM BERT. Feb'y 2t, 1849. BIrs. E. WALTON, MANTUA-MAKER &, MILLINER, j HAS received, a.ul will open the 22d instant, at j the White Brick Store next door north of that jl-tely occupied by Messrs Julia Huake Si, Son, j G;een street, her . A.y i t.i.a p. '- .f f, ti nil', w ?.riii-T " t'"V;aE compile '.zx v;l Ire Hold at iiifc v rv I I T I' rr V I 4 1 m 1 I- 1 9 1 i I I I ' I- Idl HliN J OUilI.tlfill 111 I L, id i i I , ::s ir'-c.'t prices tir Cr.i, or a -j Jo!iai7 i'routuce. IS iS. ;ivta la vuuii 'tttlXlANS. i t!i't-n tfce 1 ir.e buiitl.n u j Iv ore up i iiV .. r iii-i is ! y'e? r-l t-i aucJ.a.iijJ.Lt reguWir bti.irUcM. or ir;iUdici;t I Oct-' -r 7 ISIS r.02-tf lit) I'UjIKISS' .L-ve: 1 in idred of these wheel i i ix l.:,f; fit CwU.ities ia Ntuth C.- l' i" t it-ir .nlv i,itjt;e over i i vj e.- -ti r.ili 1 1. c a .in .i iiWt v.eei, or any oitier wueeis u..v n j-e i"r ra.llj, vve confiileatly reler to tii ,e .v.ii.i e -p. liiein to their mills. Vre im i it ..ti lie .(i t:ie;n p.iticul rly for their su. pc.-i i ity i i c .ci .ii' j Low he.iU jf Water, or back .v iter. We lee,i a s?i;jply of Wheels, suitable for tiitJe.e it iie ids of w.iter, at Wilmington, N'tw-br-vi, ' :ii litii.i, Cde.iton, :tod t-'ayetteville. Tie w iii-is miy ..lo be had of E. A. Brevard, Li i '1 ito i, U'ri h Wells, Petersburg, Va. I'e. i J n .vihi i to olt .i.i the riht to use the w'.ieeh, will serve I o i application to D. Mc Neill x Jo., i-'a ettev ille, N. C. i. McNeill, A. A. Me K ETHAN. I). J. Mc A LISTER. !:' v 3, 1S41. V iiicludiii Ribbons and Floweis of a superior qu A ity, Go.-.-:;rr.or iiunnets, Black and Dr. b Straws, and other fashionuble BONNETS of various kinds. :':tr..w Uo:iiCt." cleaned and altered to the pre s;.it si;. i-.-. Ciy- (Je iit lerri en's Hts cleaned and pressed, or'i'!:'? frciii the cuuatry will be promptly at-ttr-ico to. F vcfievilif , March 21, 184i?. 4m. JJkS. a. SMITH, AND II A I II UlltiNSER, V IVETTliVILLR, N. C.. His t ken tbe shop i;i the Fayetteville Hotel, where he inte di c. rrin on his bnsir'ess in a i-uperior mannr, and desires a continuance )f public o itrotrtjje. April '20, IS 19 WANTED. An intelligent white hoy is want ed us an apprentice to the above business. J. G. S. I VOX. 10 WO. 541. CO Liberal deduction for large advertisement '.by the year or six months I Vi ;r i'hat b'autiTul rt-sideuce on Hayniount. for merly lf I'uiin to C P. allrtt. r.sq.. n-ar tlic ri-siJuc of ir Hale, is offered .o.- sale. It h n . ;iad oiit-Uuti4 of all kinds ; and everything in c ;Uiictc ord-r. 'i hi residence i o well known, and in . n i:diug :. site, ovc-rlookiny the town, that fur tiir p irticul.-ira are uuneccssairy. t,n(iuire at tbe Caroii- Jua 10, 1847. 486-tf. DR. SHKRWOODS Vibrating Magnetic Machines. By recent improvements in these Machines, their power is doubled in cases ot thesme size, and the prices reduced to $12 and SI 4 each; the 12 sizes beintr greK' superior to the 12 sizes ofnther tnarbines. They now run with more power and smoothness, and are better adapted for macti2ia5 patients th n any other in use. Ench case is accompanied with a Manuel (11th edition, p. 40O, 32 mo.) in the Enjrlish or French loiijrunge, sccordiiis to order, which contains clear and mi;iute directions for the proper ue of the instrument in the various diseases to which it is applicable, which are found ta include m ny of the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the inedicT profession. The Manuel also cn tains a svnopsis of the different systems of medi-e-tl pr-ictiee, Allopothic, HoincEp..thic, and Msg nopathic, with a full glossary. Physicians and others are cautioned asfninst pwrch :iinff the imit..tions of these m ichine3, as they will be found f comparatively little value. No premium his eer been obtained over these m pnetic rn -chines at the American or any other Institute, as is represented by the oiaaufactuiers of interior machines. QJ- A I have become the Agent for th gale of the above Machine from a conviction of their usefulness in diseaoe. and not from any desire to speculate on them: and am responsible to t. e owner for them, they can only be obtained by the payment of tbe cash on the delivery of the ; achine. 1 have deposited them with -' r Bayne at t Carolinian Office, who will show them, or deliver them on tbe payment of the cash price, and on no other terms. CHARtU AiONTAOUE. April 7, 1S49. Gra. CONtiRESJSlONAL DI&TU1CT& The following arc the Congressional Districts of this State, as they stand un der the famous Rayuermander o I 1 8-16- 47. A. M. CAMPB ELL, AUCTIOXELU, JiSD Co :n mission Mcrcliant, m a m K , f 1 nil KWy Countrv Resilience ig FT) II "SALE. M. a.w iJl M-m wm w The subscriber, intending to leave Fayetteville, wjuU his c u ltry about 2J miles fro n P w ,o.i the Mnrchison Road. It is a de si r iblts pi .ce, he.lthyand pleasantly situated. Tiie I t contains 12 acres. Feb. 1U, my. R. A. STUART. "costume hall.- Spring A: t!-umiu-r WllOLKSALK AM) UKTAlL. ON hand and for s.le, the largest assort ment of SPUiNli and SUMMER CLOTU1NU, ut priced very much reluced. COATS. Coit of every variety, embrucins nil the latest stvle, and of iinpn ved cut and make, from jricts. to 1, 2, 3,4, -3. i, S, 10, and upwaids. PANTALOONS. .l 'ons of all kind ., from 75 cts. to 1, 1,50, 1," i, 2, 2.5U, -ind also u very f .shion. bie yle, tiie L .in irtse atripe, Iua as 3, .'3, 50, 4, and vl i v..i d. VESTS. v.-.v'.ety, CD'tli':!. 51. rC, ,!lin, V.lei Cl i, floKl .i0 Ctr'., ;Z,?'0. i"3. npwarda. ; V S C LOTH 1 NO. d the largest !:ui best assortment CAS V e.;ts C r vy iif re. M.- r: V c i s . , i , i VE i I'lN-.i i.i t:.c t.cj: rnj.;i.ici C ii -1 . : in iliis ciiy. ILoTHS and :i-:fthcr with. and MAllSEU. rr.adc up m or.ii-j i i.ri.n .tic .-C. Al a" iv or ct' iSojr s i'juiif' f ' , -jle ,iI:U ;..-.-:!rtTU.V r ne o it a i vartc tv oi SiLii j i, wait ii wilt ae ned prices, an. ia a;t li'ai fit, u a itttd. U.L. rait street a -t-i 'JcUtre .'a II. II COLE. iZy Att'.chcd to the ; bove. is one f the 1 ir- i i tne Ctn itry, emb.-aci 15 every variety and m .ke. at prices wnicb cannot tail to plese any wishi Z to O E PK.CE ONLY ! -CO April 2r, 1S4J. 531-ly Extract of a letter from Edward Bingham, Esq., Druggist of Detroit. Detroit, Miich 23d, 1341. Dr. Charles Osgood, Dear Sir I have the pnst vear sold hundreds of bottles of the INDIA "CIIOLAGOGUE prepared by you, and have found it to give universal satisfaction in the cure of Fe ver and Ague, Chili, Fever, Dumb Ague,&.c. &.c. I may say, 1 think, without hesitation, that I have never kno'vn it to fait in ca?es which have come under my own observation, where it has been faithfully used according to directions. I am yours very trulv, E. BINGHAM. Extract of a letter from Messrs Scattergood, Haverstick It. Co., of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 2d mo. 24th, 1S42. Dr. C. Osgood, respected friend : We have had occasion to see the good effects of thy medicine in the case "f a young man who had been troub ed with chiils a long time and could not get clear of them, but since he commenced taking a bottle of thy preparation, has entirely recovered and is now becoming quite stout. Respectfullv thv friends, SCATTERGOOD, HAVF.RSTICK & Co For s le in Fayetteville by S. J. HINSDALE. March 31st, 1M1. fun. Siate of N. Carolina Bladen County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 184i. John T. Council, administrator of Isaiah Toller, dee'd vs. Temple and wife Emily J.iiie, A bed -..ego lilies i;d wife Cathai ii e L., Wm. H. Toller, and 11 11. Robinson, Gu.idiaiis ot liobt. C. and Stieety Toiler. Petition to sell lards. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Abed.iego Hles and vife Catharine L., and Temple and wife Emily Ja-.e, defendants in tins c se, aie not iah:-bitants of this . tate, so that the ordinary process of the livv cannot be served u;o;i him; on motion, it is tudejed that pubt. ca tion be for six weeks in the North Cjto linin, n;tifyinu s id defend .nts to appear at the :;ext term oV this Cmrt,tc be h ddeu -,t l '.- e Court ilmi.-c iu Flizbethlewp, on the first Mondjy in August next, to pte .d, answer or demur, r said petition will be t-ken pro confesso to them, heard expui v itness, tieioan 11. Ki.t.iitRon.v-JcrK ot our 321a Jou.rt at oihce, the nrst Mond..y in M.'.y, A. D. .S-iC'. and v.f Aniv.icaii Independence the 73d li. KOiiiAoO.v, L.erk. Dr. H. H. SHKUWOOD'S Campouud Chloride of Gold, FOR SCROFULOUS DISEASES. These remarkable medical remedies of the late eminent and well known Dr. Sherwood of New Yoik, consisting of a preparation of magnetized CHLORIDE Oe' GOLD, compounded with vari ous other materials with great cue and by a la borious process, and of a BITUMINOUS PLAS TER, have been tested by an extensive practice of twenty-five year continuance, and may now justly be considered as more successful than any other known remedy in the treatment of CON SUMPTION in all'its eaily stages, and of all Tuberculous or Scrofulous Diseases. For this class of complaints they are now extensively adopted by physicians in their own practice iu various parts of the country. They are prepared bv us under the direction of the Executrix of the state of the 1 .te Dr. Sherwood, to whom, by his will, his medic. .1 recipes are intrusted in the .ame manner in ail respecrs as neren iore, anu are always accompanied by Dr. Sherwood' v..l uabitf medical treatise upon the treatment of Chronic Diseases, a work which was the result of many vears of 1 ibor and research, and which shows in"the clearest manner the principles ftp- J ... . - ft- i .1 : on which the operation 01 nis remeuies is iounu ed and their mode of cure. This work will en able any person to detect the nature and extent of scrofulous or tuberculous disease in himself or others, by pressure on the ganglions of tne spinal nerves, on the sp .ces between the vertebne along each side of the spine. H.H. SHERWOOD'S Successor, No. 102 Chamber st.. New York. Our Agent in Favetteville, N. C, is CHARLES MONTAGUE. April 7, 1S49. Grn WfiRELLAS AiI PARASOi.S Manufactured by steam, at the AMERICAN WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE &. MANUFACTORY, No. 257 Pearl st., (near Fulton,) NEW YORK. (Sign of the golden Umbrellas.) The subscribers have on hand, and are con stantly manuf .cturing a superior assortment of the above goods, which they offer to merchants and dealers by the case or dozen, at very low prices, and on ..ccummodating terms. The qual ity, variety and workmanship of their Umbrellas and PraSi Is is not to be surpassed by any Manu factory i.i the United States. ISAAC SMITH &. CO. Feb. 17, 1S4S. 6:n THE MOST EXTENSIVE SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT ' IN THE UNITED STATES IS AT No. 179 Baiiimure st., near Light, Where 500 nersons are eivu'oued, und First Diatrict. Cherokee, Macon, Ha v wood. Buncombe, tlemleison, Rutherford, Burke. McDowell, Vancv, Cleaveland, Caldwell. Second District. Ashe, " Wilkes, Surry, Davie, Rowa n. Indell, Cat aw ba. Third District. Lincoln, GasWn, Mecklenburg, Union, Anson, Stanly, Cabarrus, Montgomery, Richmond, Moore Fourth District. Stokes, Rockingham, (iuilford, Randolph, Davidson. Fifth District. Granville, Caswell, Person, Orange, Sixth District. Wake, Franklin, Warren, Halifax. Kdgecouibe, Nash, Ju.mston. Seventh District. Cumberland, Robeson, Columbus, Bladen. Brunswick, New Hanover, Sam psou, Duplin, Onslow. Eighth District' Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, Carteret. Bra n tort, Pitt, Hyde. Washington, Tyrell. Xinth 'Kvrict. Martin, Bertie, II eriford, Northampton, Gates, Cho Aan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden. Currituck. SOETH CAROLINIAN. Wm. II. Bayne, Kill tor tantl Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. TTJXIT 7, 1849. Ax Explanation. We find the follow in curious explanation in the Richmond hip: " We are requested by the friends of the pat tie concerned to correct an error in our paper of yestai day. which represents Rob ert Johnston, a Cadet at West Point from this District, as a Democrat. Most of his nearest relatives are Whigs, and were so at the time of his appointment: and he may be fairly presumed to e shared iheir political opinions, so far as a boy of 16 can be supposed to have formed any." So they are looking after even the pol ities of the boys at West Point Academy, arethev? South Carolinian. Chatham. In the late Conjress they were ropre- ! setited as follows : T. 1.. Clincman. Nathaniel Bovden. D. .M. Barringer. A. H- Shepherd.' A. W. Ven able, J. R.J. Daniel. James J. McKay, R- S. Donnell and David Outlaw. CANDIDATES. First District. Hon. Thos. L. Clingman, whig. Second. Joseph P Cs.ldwell, whig Third. Gen. Alfred Dockery, Sanders M. In gram, Wulter L. Steele, Alex. Little, all wliigs: and Hon. Green VV. Ci-ldwell, dem. Fourth. A. H. Shepperd, whig. Fifth. Hon. A. W. Venable, dem., Henry K., whig. Sixth. W. J. Clark, J. R. J. Daniel, dems. Seventh. Wm. S. Ashe and David Reid, dems. Kighth. Wm. K. Lane, dem., Edw-rd, whig. Jinth. Hon. David Outlaw, whig. Thomas J. Person, dem. Fkstival in Hambuuo. Mr Shultz. the founder of itambutg. intends celebrating on the 2d of July, the 8ih aniversary oi the establishment of that town. There will be a salute fired, with illuminations and I'ij lays f fire works, music. Sic. The Hamburg Journal suggests that it would be a fit occasion Ibr the visits of Charleston ians, which would lead to those reciproci ties that belong to near neighborhood and extended intercourse. uhicricase yoa could pieserve Yourself from the poison ; and, if you were" not so, 1 sought to deliver tny country frm an impostor and a tyrant' Mahomet died at Medina, and a fabu lous tradi;ion assert. that his body in an iron coihii, was suspended in the air, through the agency of two loulstones con cealed, one in the loof. ami the other be neath the floor of his mausoleum. The success of this impostor, during his life, is not more astonishing than the ex tent to which his doctrines hare been propagated since his death. The Koran was compiled subsequent to his decease, from chapters said to have been brought by the angel Gabriel from Heaven. It is composed of sublime truths, incredible fables, and ludicrous events ; by artful in terpolation he grafted on his th'eories such parts of the Holy Scripture as suited his purpose, and announced himself to be that comforter hich our Saviour had promised should come after him. Mahomet was a man of ready wit, and bore all the affronts of his enemies with concealed resentment. 'Many artifices were had recourse to, for the purpose ot delusion j it is said a bull was taught to biing him on its horns revelations, as if sent fioiii God ; and he bred up pigeons to come to his ears, and feign thereby that the Holy Ghost couver-ed with Jti tuT His ingenuity made him turn to his own advan tage circumstances otherwise against him. He was troubled with the falling sickness, and he persuaded his followers that, during the moments of suspended animation, he accompanied the Angel Gabriel, in various journeys, burue by the celestial beast Alborak, and that ascending to the highest heavens, he was permitted to converse faiuilliarly with tire Almighty. His first interview wit; the angel took dace at night, when in bed ; he heard a .nocking at the door, and having opened iU he then saw the Argel Gabriel, with in the year ot our l-ord j pairs ot wios. exnanded Irom 571. of the tribe of Koreshites. the noblest 1 hi fciues, whiter than snow, and cleartr and most powerful in the country- In his 1 than crystal, and the celestial beast beside youth he was emplovejL by his uncle, a! him. The beast he described as being merchant, as a cartrePdriver : and, as a ! between an ass and mule, as whiteas, term of reproach, and proof of the lowuess and of extraordinary swiftness. Mahomtt of hi origin, his enemies used to call him was most kindly embraced by the angel, "The Camel-driver." When he was ! who told him tnat he was tent to bring hint once in the market-place of Bstra with his , into God in heaven, where he should see camels, it is asserted.. that lie was recog-i strange mysteries, which vveie not lawful uiaed by a learned monk, called Bahira. 1 to be seen by oilier men, and bid him get s a prophet ; the monk pretended to know upon the bea-'t; but the beast having nr MlI, him by a halo ot divine light around his idle, fiom the time o Christ till .Mahomet. MA HO. MIST, The original contriver and founder of the false religion so extensively professed in the Kast, has always been designated, par excellence. The fmpostor." He wao born at Mecca, in the year of our countenance, and he hailed him withjoy ami veneration. FAYETTEVILLE 11 jt r.c 7-Ot pr -dv S3 25. m m j - bs remmed tbe H. W . XX ir ll5j bookbk,aing bu.i t the new tore next door to'.'r Beasley. Jelf' wher be will rcciTc and execute binding m uy rtylo Je-sirutl- NORTH CAUOL.I.NA Institution for the Deaf aud Dumb. THE next session of this Institution will com mence on Monday, the 16th day of July. Having moved into the new Building, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will he admitted in their order of application, it is important that application should be made without delay. Any iaformatioa on the subject will he given by Wm. D. COOKE, Principal. June 9, 1&49. 537-4t Two good work MULES, pply eoon at this Office. June 2,1549. State-?f North C arolina -U-ade: county. Court of Pt'ua' and Quarter Scsiions .May Term, 1349. Nancy Teller vs The Heirs at lnv of Isi-h Teller. Petition for Dower. It appearing to th satisf ,ct ion of the Court th I Abedoego Hides tr d wi.e Cathrii.e L., and Temple ai.d wife Emily Jne, defei.d.nts in tots c se, are not inhabitants oi this Stte, so th.-t the oidin. ry prcress of the 1 w cann't be oerved up.a him ; mi motio.i, it is ordered th -t public-tion be m.iJe for six weeks in the North C n liniiM, notifying s-id defendants to appear at the next term of this Court, to be holden at tlie Court House in Eliz .bet h town, on the first Monday in August next, to plead, answer or de mur, or said petition will be taken pro confesso as to them, and heard rxparte. Witness, Heman H. Robinson, Clerk of our s.i! Court at otlice, the first Monday of May, A. D. 1S49, and of American Independence the 73d year. H. H. ROBINSON. Clerk. June 9, 1S49. 537-Ct. pr adv 3 25. Agency tar Hanking Business. The Subscriber offers hi services to persons having Bmk business, as an agent for the renew al of Notes and procuring Discounts at either ot the Banks in Favetteville His office is in the Court House, where he may be found at all times during the usual business hours Com munications addressed to him by mail will meet with prompt attention. stock (J 1G0Q dozen sh'ats always on hand, j Merchants and ethers visiting R.dt. mere J invited to c 11 and examine the 1 rgest and best j siocii of SHIRTS that has ever beea ofiered, con- j sistin? of -II sies 2nd cu lities. for ir.i and ; HOTEL, FAYETTEVILLE, X. G. This building, the largest and handsomest Hotel in North Carolina, has been ie..sed by the subscriber for a term of years; and is now open for the reception of travellers, visiters, and boarders. All the furniture and fixtures shout the build ing are entirely new, having been purchased within the month. The bcrommodutions in all respects w ill be as good us can be found in the State. The single rooms aie provided with ev ery necessary convenience; and thedeuble rooms for ladies and families, are large and fitted up with c.ue All the substantial and delicacies afforded by the in rket and the seasons, will be supplied at the table The servants have been selected from among the best to be obtained ; and ex; erier.ced host lers have charge of the stables. The bar is kept by a gentleman of experience and courtesy, who will furnish all refreshments of the best juTity required by travellers or others. The lessee, with some years experience in this vocation, will m ke every exertion to give satis faction to the patrons of the House. ANN CROWN. M-i.v S, iei9. 532-Iy was grow o so restive atid skittish, that he would not stand still for Maho.i et to fef In his twenty-fifth year Mahomet marri- ! upon him, till at length he was lorced lo eu a rien wiuow j mis raised inm to aniu- , him to it. by promising him a place ence, and he appeared at that time to have j in Paradis . Tur beast earned him to J, -formed the secret plan of obtaining lor him-' rusalem in the twinkling of an eve. The sell sovereign power. He assumed the i departed saints saluted them, "sind ti.ev character of superior sanctity, aud every proceeded to the oratory in the Temple'; morning retired to a secret cave, near returning from the Temple they found a Mecca, where he devoted the day to pray- j ladder of light ready fixed for them, which er. abstinence, and holy meditation. they immediately 'ascended, leav ing the -In his fortieth year, betook the title of 1 Alboiak there tied to a rock till their re Apostle of God, and increased his fame ! turn. by preseverance. and the aid of pretended j Mahomet is said to have given a dying visions. He made at first but few prose- j promise to return in a thousand ears," but lytes ; nis enemies, who suspected his j that time being already past, his taitliiul designs, and perhaps foresaw his bold and rapid strides to power, heaped on him the followers say the period he really mention ed was two thousand, though, owing to appellations of impostor, liar, and magician. ; the weakness of his voice, he could not be 1CH FOR SALE. Le-p coal if you can I The larjce Ice House at Cutnbi Ilton is now fil- bovs, which tor style and woricm mship cu .1 i 1 . w j ;n ,s good Ice . s has ever been ofiered in be sj;-passed. .Iore than qsu l efforts bve been " t.iis .j.rkef, impcrte in tie 'o 1 e.-iicf desir.ible 1 eve.y iespect March 10, 1S49. T. W BETTON. Iv June 16, 1949, 538-tf. JAMES BAKER. nnf.rt.i flirnrr from lii.s'nn Willi ,he assortment complete and bul j,t, je tJel v ., t!ie v,)VJge Tj,e subscriber will ope. 1 the House in Mo. id sy the 14th instant, and superintend the delivery of Ice in any quan tity to suit purch sers. Persons wishing it to be "left at their place of business or residence, can be accommodated by giving notice. It can be h d previous to -2 o'clock of ech d.y (except Sunday) by applying at the store at Liberty Point," (door fronting on Personstreet.) whej e a I. O. O. F. ODD FELLOWS it KG A LI A, Fringe & Trimming Manufactory, j IceVlrca f-rch. it win be Vo. 35 Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, Md.. j sf ld at the lowest price it can be -fforded at. , door below Frederic .tree, d X below Sun Oflce.) J 3 Where may be found the most extensive assort- on each Moidiy pie sec-ll ant. settle. ment of the 1 .test styles ot r nnges, GiniDs, But tons, Cords, Tassels, Sec. fcc. Also, Masonic, Odd Fellows, Red Men, Sons of Temperance, Sons of Liberty, American Mechanics, Beneficial, md U other Societies' REGALIA AND TRIM MINGS re kept on hand and to order. KLAGS and BANNERS mide up in the latest and most approved styles. fjtj- All orders from the country attended to with dispatch. JEWELS. Odd Fellows and Sons of Temperance Jewel, 1 full assortment tlways on hand, and at prices less than any other establishment. SPRIGG Si. MESEKE. Feb'y 34. 1849- ly. Fish, Thomastovvn Lime, nd fin Crockery for sale by April 28. J. D. WILLIAMS. Terms: Under 5 lbs, 3 cents per lb. larger quantities, "i cts per lb. CHAS. GODDARD, Super'd't. May 12, 1S49. 533-tf. HOUSE AND LOT ON II AY MOUNT FOR SALE. The undersiened will sell at the Market Hruse in Favetteville", 01 Monday the 2d d-V of July next,'the House and Lot on Havnt' Diit. at the snuth-e-st corner of the Areem.1 lot, situated immediately on the Turnpike road, vheie James S. Campbell formerly resided. Terms of sde: One third cash or negotiate oncer, and six month fr tne resmue. 1 r ' urvDV r-AMDr June 16, 1549. HENRY CAMPBELL. ANN MARIA DECKER. 636-ts. hut he overcame all opposition in nromul gating his doctrine, cnielly by flattering the passion, ami prejudices ot his nation. In a el'inate exposed to a burning sun. he allured the imagination, bv nromisin! as i0 .1... r... ,... 1 ixnanis 111 111c luiuir state, iiveisoi eoui- ing waters, shady retreats, luxurious fruits, and immaculate hours. His system of re ligion was given ou as the command of Gotl. aud be produced occasionally various chapters, w Inch had been copied from the archives of Heaven, and brought down to him by the Auge! Gabriel ; and if difficul ties or doub s were started, they were tiuickly lemoved, as this Angel brought down tresh revelations to support his char acter for sanctity. When miracles were demanded of him. in testimony of his di vine mission, he said with an air ofauthori tv. that God had sent Moses and Christ with miracles, and men would not believe; therefore, he had sent him in the last place w ithout them, and to ue a swoid in their sttad. '1 his communication exposed him lo some danger, aud he was compelled to Hv from Mecca to Medina j from which period is fixed the Hegira, or flight, at which he began to propagate his doctrines by t: e sword. His arms were successful, lii spite of some cheeks, he ultimately overcame or gained over all his foes, and within ten years alter his flight, his uu ihontv was recounted throughout the Ara biau peninsul. . Among the tubes subju gated bv his sword was the Jewish tribe ot Khaibar. He put to death Kenana. the chief, who assumed the title of King of the Jews: and after the victory, he look up his abode iu the house of a Jew. whose son, Marhab. had fallen in the contest Thrs circumstance nearly hi 111 his life. Desirous to avenge her brother, Zeinab, toe sifter of Marhab. put poison in a shoul der of mutton, which was served up to Mahomet. I he prophet was saved by see in.; one of lus officers fall, who had begun before him to eat of the dish. Ht hartily ejected the morsel which he had taken into his own mouth ; but so virulent wa tiie poison, that his health was severely injured, mid hi death is thought to have been hastened by it. On being questioned a-ti the motive which had prompted her. Zeinab boldly replied, I wished todis cover whether you are really a prophet, it distinctly heard. An Ihish Abduction. Captain O'lirien anil Miss St. Law rence, a daughter of the Earl of Howth, being tlesperatel v in love with each other, determined to have them selves united by that every -day contract, vulgarly called marriage. Two difficul ties, however, stood in the way of their intended happiness, the decided opposi tion of the lady' father, and the law of the land, which very ungallantly de clared that the forcible abduction of an heiress was a capital offence. 'J he bands of matrimony are inconvenient ly tight to some folks, after the honey -season is over; but the idea of a halter car ries with it something so extremely un comfortable, that it cannot be e nil u red even by the courageous spirit of a military man. Love, however, it is said, laughs at locksmiths,'' and the hangman too, sometime ; and though it was then felony in Ireland for a man to carry off' a woman, the Parliament had omitted mak ing it iu any way penal for a woman to abduct a man. The business was ac cordingly settled, th'us: The captain, when taking the air. as it were. ne even ing near his lordship's demesne at tiowtn, was suddenly beset by tiie lady, armed with a case of her father's pistols, ami ac companied by a couple of his trusty ser vants ; when having Jbeen dragged" from his horse, he w as carried in his lordship's chariot to the city of Dublin, where the matter was compromised by a certain gen tleman in a white robe ; and when the captain was tried for the supposed out rage upon the unhappy damsel, the servant testified that it was" not the lady, but Captain O'lirien, who had reason to cum plaiu of the violation of the laws. Guano will probably be cheaper in price by the time the California vessels are re turning, many of them intending to brin -carge of it. The farmers tnav thus have an eppoi tunity yet to realize a "profit from its increased product. The follow ing re the piesent Baltimore selling prices, in second hands; Peruvian, S4 per ton of 2U00 lbs; Patagonian, $35; Af ican, if 35; Chilian, 5680. Savannai Georgian.