BVBItY SATURDAY In advance, per year,$Q 00 2Vot paid in advance, 50 jS'ot paid until six months hav expir ed, o00 STot paid till the year has expired, 350 No subscription received or a less time than a year, unless the price be paid in advance. 5th (SCatxrL tut "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS J AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS. THRJfS OP ADVERTISING : Onesquareoftwenty-otii ,Iines or less, for one inser tion, GO ceats i ; every sub sequent insertion, 30 cents except it remain in for sev eral months, when it will ! be charged $3 for two months, $4 for three, &.c, $10 for twelve months. BY OTM. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, JULY 14, 1849. 1 VOL. lO BIO. 542. CJ- Liberal deduction for large advertisement by the year or six months CHEAP CASH AND BARTERING STORE. THE Subscriber Ukes this method of informing his , . 7 . :,? X nublic generally, that he has taken a st on Person .tret two doors below Mr H. Branson's, yne.rty oppose the Cape Fear Bank where he is now opening a large vnd general assortment of GROCERIES, Suited to the Barter Trade. Also, Shoes, Caps, and Hats, Saddles, Bridles, and Collars, Crockery and Glassware, Hardware and Cutlery, Blacksmiths' Tools, in sets, 30 sides best Spanish Sole Leather, 5 tons Swedes and English Iron, 2 ditto Castings, of best quality. With many other articles, ompriHinj; a stock as complete iianT in this place, all of which will be sold at the very owast market prices for Cash, or given in exchange for all kiudd of Country Produce. Sept. 23, 1818. M. "WILLIAMS. 501 New Boarding House. . H. TOOMEE bavins taken the large building on I'.eari House square, formerly occupied by Mrs Miller, is prepared to accommodate regular boarders, or tranfieut ptrou. with good board and comfortable lodging, lie solicits a share of public patronage. October 7. 1848. 502-tf NEW GOODS. Just received, a large assortment of beautiful and fine Candies, ladies' Steel Bead Purses and Clasp3, Tassels, Rings, ladies' Curls, and a gen eral assortment of fancv articles in his line. H. ER AM BERT. . Feb'y 24, 1S49. Mrs. E. WALTON, MANTUA-MAKER & MILLINER, HAS received, and will open the 22d instant, at the White Brick Store next door north of that lately occupied by Messrs John Huske & Son, Green street, her SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY, including Ribbons and Flowers of a superior qual ity. Gossamer Bonnets, Black and Drab Straws, and other fashionable BONNETS of various kinds. Straw Bonnets cleaned and altered to the pre sent style. GO-Gentlemen's Hats cleaned and pressed. Orders from the country will be promptly at tended to. Fayetteville, March 24, 1549. 4m. XA.S. G. SMITH, H0TCHKISS' Vertical Water Wheel. There are several hundred.of these wheels in in operation in diflerent counties in North Ca rolina. For proof of their jjreat advantage over the common nutter wheel, or any other wheels now in ue for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend them particul .rly for their su periority in c jscs of a low head j! water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitableor diflerent heads of water, at Wilmington, Nfw hem, Washington, Edcnton, and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Brevard, Lineolnton, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. Mc Neill fcCo., Factteville,N-. C. d. McNeill, A. A. McK ETHAN. I). J. McALlSTER. Feb'y 3, IS 10. y That bwautiful residence on M.iymoiiBt. for merly bflonsinjr to C F. Ksq.. n-ar the residence of Mr liaie. is oucrea lor sale. It has stMeH and out-houses of all kinds ; and everything . Minnlrta ordsr. This residence i. no -well known, and u n nimminainf i site, overlooking the town, that fur ther particular are unnecessary. t'.ujuire at the Caroli- 11 i;m Ofilce. June 10, 1847. 486-tf. AND HAIR DRESSER, FAY'JETTCVIL.113, X. Has taken the shop in the Fayettevilfe Hotel, where he intends carrying on his business in a superior manner, and desires a continuance of public patronage. April 20, lSl'J. WANTED. An intelligent white boy is want ed as an apprentice to the above business. J. G. S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. The following arc the Congressional Districts of this State, as they stand un der the famous Raynermander of 1846-"47. DR. SHERWOOD'S Vibrating Magnetic Machines. By receut improvements in these Machines, their power is doubled in cases ot the same size, and the prices reduced to $12 and $14 each; the $12 sizes being greatly superior to the $12 sizes of ether machines. They now i nn with more power and smoothness, and are better adapted for magnetizing patients than any other in use. Each case is accompanied with a Manuel (11th edition, p. 400, 32 mo.) in the English or French language, according to order, which contains clear and minute directions for the proper use of the instrument in the various diseases to which it is applicable, which are found to include many of the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession. The Manuel also con tains a synopsis of the diflerent systems of medi cal practice, Allopathic, Homcepathic, and Mag nopathic, with a full glossary. Physicians and others are cautioned against purchasing the imitations of these machines, as they will be found of comparatively little value. No premium has ever been obtained over these magnetic machines at the American or any other Institute, as is represented by the jianufacturers of inferior machines. (tij As I have become the .Acnt for the sale of the above Machines from a conviction of their usefulness in disease, and not from any desire to speculate on them; and am responsible to tl.e wner for them, they can only be obtained bv the payment of the cash on the delivery of the "Machine. I have deposited them with Mr Bayne at the Caroliuian Office, -who will show them, or deliver them on the payment of the cash price, and on no other terms. CHARLES MONTAOUE. April 7, 1319. Gm. 'SnL A. M. CAMP B ELL, AUCTIONEEK, J1XD Co nun l? ion M crclian t , Country Resilience FOR SALE. The subscriber, intending to leave Fayetteville, wnuld soil hi f-mintrv residence about 21 miles from Town, on the Murchison Road. It is a de sirable place, healthy and pleasantly situated. The Lot contains 121 acres. Feb. 10, 13-10. K. A. STUART. Extract of a letter from Edward Bingham, Esti., Diuxsiat of Detroit. Detroit, M&reh 23d, IS 1 1. Dr. Charles Osgood, Dear Sir I have the past . . . . i .1.1 j i r t "v r year sld liundreos oi Domes oi me umjia CHOLAGOGUE prepared by vou, and have found it toirive universal satisfaction in the cure otfe- r" ver and Ajnie, Chill, F ever, Dumb Ague, &c. &.c I may say, I think, without hesitation, that I have never kuo'vu it to fail in ca-es which have come under mv own observation, where it has been faithfully used according to direct ions. I am yours very tru'.v, "K. UINGHAM. COSTUME HALL. Spring & glimmer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Extract of a letter from Messrs Scattergood, Haverstick &, Co., of Philadelphia. Philadalphia, 2d mo. 21th, 1S12. Dr. C. Osgood, respected friend : Wc have had occasion to see the good etiects ol thy medicine in the case of a young man who had been troub 'ed with chills a Ions time and could not get clear of them, but since he commenced taking a bottle of thy preparation, has entirely recovered and is now becoming quite stout. Respectfully thv friends, SCATTERGOOD, HAVERSTICK &. Co Dr. I. II. SHERWOOD'S Com pou n l Chloride of Cold, FOR SCROFULOUS DISEASES. These remarkable medical remedies of the late eminent and well known Dr. Sherwood of New Yoik, consisting of a preparation of magnetized CHLORIDE OF GOLD, compounded with van ous other materials with great care and by a la borious process, and of a BITUMINOUS PLAS TER, have been tested by an extensive practice of twenty-five years' continuance, and may now justly be considered as more successful than any other known remedy in the treatment of CON SUMPTION in all its early stages, and of all Tuberculous or Scrofulous Diseases. F"or this class of complaints they are now extensively adopted by physicians in their own practice in various parts of the country. Thev are prepared bv us under the direction of the Executrix of the estate of the late Dr. Sherwood, to whom, by his will, his medical recipes are intrusted in the s;ime manner in all respects as heretofore, and are always accompanied bv Dr. Sherwood's val uable medical treatise upon the treatment o Chronic Diseases, a work which was the result of many years of labor and research, and which shows inthe clearest manner the principles up on which the operation of his remedies is found ed and their mode ot cure. 1 his work will en able any person to detect the nature and extent of scrofulous or tuberculous disease in himself or others, by pressure on the ginglions of the spinal nerves, on the spaces between the vertebra? along each side of the spine. II. H. SHERWOOD'S Successors, No. 102 Chamber st., New York. Our A;rent in Fayetteville, N. C, is CHARLES MONTAGUE. April 7, IS 19. Sua Sixth District. Wake, Franklin, Warren, Halifax, Edgecombe, Nash, Juhnstun. Seventh District. Cumberland, Robeson, Columbus, Bladen, Brunswick, New Hanover, Sampson, Duplin, Onslow. Eighth District Wayne, Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Craven, Carteret, Beaufort, Pitt, Hyde, Washington, Tyrell. Ninth District. Martin, Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Gates, Chowan, Perquimans, Pasquotank, Camden, Currituck. First District. Cherokee, Macon, Haywood, Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford, Burke, McDowell, Yancy, Cleaveland, Caldwell. Second District. Ashe, Wilkes, Surry, Davie, Rowan, Iredell, Catawba. Third District. Lincoln, Gastcn, Mecklenburg, Union, Anson, Stanly, Cabarrus, Montgomery, Richmond, M oore. Fourth District. Stokes, Rockingham, Guilford, Randolph, Davidson. Fifth District. Granville, Caswell, Person, Orange, Chatham. In the late Congress they were repre sented as follows : T. L. Clingman, Nathaniel Boyden. D. M. Barringer, A. H- Shepherd, A. W. Venable, J. R. J. Daniel, James J. McKay, .R S. DonnelJ and David Outlaw. NORTH, CAFtOLIWIAW. Wm. II. Bayne, Editor nnd Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. JUXTZ" 14, 1849. A Recommendation. At a season when the providence ot God has manifest ed itself in the visitation of a fearful pesti lence which is spreading its ravages through out the land, it is fitting that a people whose reliance has ever been in His protection should humble themselves before His throne, and, while acknowledging past transgressions, ask a continuance of the Divine Mercy. It is therefore earnestly recommended that the Jirst Friday in August be observed throughout the United States as a day of fasting, humiliation, anil praver. AH bu siness will be suspended in the vari ous branches of the nublic service on that lay ; and it is recommended to persons if all religious denominations to abstain as far as practicable from secular occupa- . T 1 ii I - , nous, anu 10 assemoie in tncir respective places of public worship, to acknowledge the Inhnite Goodness which has watched over our existence as a nation, and so long crowned us with manifold blessings, ami to implore the Almighty in Disown good time to stay the destroying hand which is now lifted unazatnst us. Z. TAYLOR. Washington, July 3, 1849. For s le in Fayetteville by S March 31st, 1S-1S). 0m J. HINSDALE. ON hand ami for sale, the largest assort ment of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, at prices very much reduced. COATS. C:its of every variety, embracing all the latest styles, and of an improved cut and make, from 75cts. to 1, '2, 3, 1, 3. . i,$5lu, aa upwaras. PANTALOONS. Pantaloons of all kinds, from 75 cts. to 1, 1,50, 1. "75. 2. 2.50, and also avery fashionable style, the Lamartiue stripe, as low as 3, 3,50, $4, and upwards. VESTS. of every variety, comprising Silk, Satin, Cashmere. Marseilles. Valencia, from 50 cts., 74 cts., 1, $-2, $-2,50, $3, and upwards. BOY'S CLOTHING. Always on hand the largest and best assortment of llov's Clothinc: ever ottered in tins city. snlendid assortment of CLOTHS and CAS- SIMERES of the best make,too;ether with a large and handsome variety of SILK and MARSEIL LES VESTINGS, which will be made up to order in the best manner, 20 per cent less than the ac customed orices. and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guaranteed. AT COSTUME HALL. Cornrr of Pratt street and Centre .Market Space, BALTIMORE. H. II. COLE. 0- Attached to the above, is one of the lar gest and most extensive SHIRTS FACTORIES in the country, embracing every variety and make, at prices which cannot tail to please any one wishing to purchase. 0t ONE PRICE ONLY ! -J April 2S, IS 10. 531-ly EoozsiiroasT.' n ,, m j has renamed the m VV JHLrClie bookbmcling busi ness at the now store next door tor Mr BeaMey. Jel", he will receive and execute binding in apy style ae-nired- NORTH CAROLINA N Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. THE next session of this Institution will com mence on Monday, the 16th day of July. Having moved into the new Building, a few more pupils can be received. As pupils will be admitted in their order of application, it is important that application should be made without delay. Any information on the subject will be given by Wm. D. COOKE, Principal. June 0, 1S49. 537-4t 7 this State of N. Carolina Bladen County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions .ua.y Term, 18-19. John T. Council, administrator ol Isaiah 1 oiler, dee'd vs. Temple and wile Lmily Jane, Abednego Hales and wife Catharine L., Wm. H. Toller, and H. H. Robinson, Guardians of Robt. C. and Streety Toller. Petition to sell lands. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Abednego Hales and wife Catharine L., and Temple and wife Emily Jane, defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State, so that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon him; on motion, it is ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks in the North Caro linian, notifying said defendants to appear at the next term of this Court, to be holden at tke Court House in Elizabethtown, on the first Monday in August next, to plead, answer or demur, or said petition will be taken pro confesso as to them, and heard exparte. Witness, lleman H. Robinson, Clerk of our said Court at office, the first Monday in May, A. I). IS 19. and of American Independence the 73d 1 1 t r n-irxTt.viT ' 1 -..,1. year. 1 1 . 1 1 . IUI)li OUii , irin June 9, 1S49. 537-0t. pr adv -. Two good Offie. work MULES, apply soon at June ; State of North Carolina Bladen county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May - Term, 1S49. Nancy Toller vs. The Heirs at law of Isaiah Toller. Petition for Dower. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court Hi at. Ahedneeo Hales and wile Catharine L., and Temple and wife Emily Jane, defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State, so that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served upon him; on motion, it is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, notifying said defendants 1o appear at the next term of this Court, to be holden at the Court House in Elizabethtown, on the first Monday in August next, to plead, answer or de mur, or said petition will be taken pro confesso as to them, and heard exparte. Witness, Heman H. Robinson, Clerk of our said Conrt at office, the first Monday of May, A. D. 1S49, and of American Independence the 73d H. H. ROBINSON , Clerk. 537-Gt. pr adv 3 25. UMBRELLAS AM) PARASOLS Manufactured by steam, at the AMERICAN WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE MANUFACTORY, No. 257 Pearl st., (near Fulton,) NEW YORK. (Sign of the golden Umbrellas.) The subscribers have on hand, and are constantly-manufacturing a superior assortment of the above goods, which they oiler to merchants and dealers by the case or dozen, at very low prices, and on accommodating terms. The qual ity, variety and workmanship of their Umbrellas arid Parasols is not to be surpassed by any Manu- factoj v in the United States. ISAAC SMITH &. CO. Feb. 17, 1513. Gm CANDIDATES. First District. Hon. Thos. L. Clingman, whig. Second. Joseph Y. Caldwell , whig Third.- Gen. Alfred Dockery, Sanders M. In- cram,Walter L. Steele, Alex. Little, all whigs: and Hon. Green W. Caldwell, dem. Fourth. A. H. Shepperd, whig. Fifth. Hon. A. W. Venable, dem., Henry K Nash, whig. Sixth. W. J. Clark, J. R. J. Daniel, dems. Seventh. Wm. S. Ashe and Dayid R?id, dems. Eighth. Wm. K. "Lane, dem., Edward Stanly, whig. JYinth. Hon. Person, dem. David Outlaw, whig, Thomas J THE MOST EXTENSIVE SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES IS AT No. 179 Baltimore st., near Light, BALTIMORE, Md. Where 500 persons are employed, and a stock of 1000 dozen shirts always on hand. Merchants and others visiting Baltimore are invited to call and examine the largest and best stock of SHIRTS that has ever been offered, con sisting of all sizes and qualities, for men and boys, "which for style and workmanship cannot be surpassed. More than usual efforts have been made to render the assortment complete and desirable in every respect. T. W BETTON. March 10, 1S49. ly year. June 9, 1S49 Agency for Banking Business. The Subscriber offers his services to persons having Rank business, as an agent for the renew al of Notes and procuring Discounts at either of the Banks in Fayetteville. His office is in the Court House, w"here he may be found at all times during the usual business hours Com munications addressed to him by mail will meet with promptattention. - JAMES BAKER. June 16, 1310. 536- tf. FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. This building, the largest and handsomest Hotel in North Carolina, has been leased by the subscriber for a term of years, and is now open for the reception of travellers, visiters, and boarders. All the furniture and fixtures about the build ing are entirely new, havir,? ., been purchased within the last montb. I p - t all respects will be as goo" ' -State. The single rooir Engixeek Wanted. The Raleigh Re gister states that, after the most diligent enquiry, the Governor has been unable to obtain the services of an Engineer in the construction of the proposed Western Turnpike from Salisbury to the Georgia line. lhe vast number ot Railroads in course of construction throughout the country, is assigned as the occasion of this deficiency. .Later From Europe ery necessary conveni. for ladies and fami'. with care. ' All the subst? " the market an" ' the table. mmodationo in -foup2 in the with ev - f-le rooms ..' ? fitted up s afforded by 2?e supplied at iectcd from among experienced host- The ser . the best lers h; Tt" and tr of theN .i V The lessee. n some years experience in this vocation, will .nake every exertion to give satis faction to the patrons of the House ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA. Boston, Julv 5. The steamer Canada arrived at Halifax on Monday eveuing, and reached Boston this morning : but in consequence of the telegraph from St- John to Boston being interrupted, your telegraphic despatch of the news, by express from Halifax, could not be received. The Canada brings U4 passengers. Livehpool Market, June 23. The cotton market during the v?pk b twc steady, fit in, and incrr.nigly confident. Fair Upland has hen selling at 4gd.; Mo bile 4. ; Orle-ns 5d. Good ordinary to middling each of these descriptions be-in"- 1-16 to d. higher. Money market. The money market continues easy. 1 here has been an arriv al at Liverpool from California, with sixty thousand pounds sterling in gold. Breadstuffs. In the corn market thrre has been more doinjr, with a .slight improvement in prices. Indian corn is quoted atSos. a SCs. per qr. for white and yellow. Flour. Western canal and lialtunore troops in and around Lyons. There was no apprehension of any further disturbance. Great excitement existed in different places, and it was evident that the con spiracy.of the red republicans of Paris ex tended to every town in France. An attempt was made to get up a distur bance at Marseilles, but it -totally failed. kne regiment of cavalry put all right with out striking a blow. Rumors were current in Paris that the ministerial managers were about to take places in the cabinet, and that Dufaure and friends were about to retire. It was reported that the Abbe Pallootk, private secretary to the Cardinal Antolli, had arrived at I'aris from Gaota, and that he is bearer of important despatches for the French government, and. an autograph letter from the Pope to Louis Napoleon, ex pressing his regret at the bombardment of Rome. HUNGARY AND AUSTRIA. The news from Hungary and Austria is contradictory. Some accounts give the advantage to the Austrians. In the south two actions had taken place, both terminat ing in advantage tot the imperialists. The Hungarian General Perezel, from Fortress Warden, attacked some Austrian entrenchment, but was ultimately repulsed, though the Austrians admit their own troops $ 'j lie red severely. The other bat tle was fought by Baron Jellachich, and is asserted to nave" been a brilliant victory. The Austrian accounts are not trustwor thy, at least as regards their own losses. The London (ilobe of the 22d has in telligence to the 16th of June, giving ac counts of a tremendous encounter. with the Hungarians. The Austrians and Iht Russians are said to have been completely defeated, and left 23,000 killed on the field. The battle took place on a large plain between Raap and Reiselburg, and lasted b4 hours. The Magyars lost, it is stated, about 8,000 men. The Austrians were com manded by Ilayman, the Russians by lludiger, and the Hungarians by Georgcy. Although the news of iWx battle was re ceived by private letters, no public jour nals alluded to it. The Lloyd, of Vienna, contains not the slightest allusion to the battle. Another a Hair is mentioned as having taken place at Czarina. A brigade was sent by Schleick from Edenburg under General Wyss, who was taken prisoner, and Col. Baron Lessner killed. Generrl Schleick sent his brigade to cover his right flank. Whilst marching to Rhanb, on the 13th ulto., he was beaten. Some reports represent the whole brigade tu have been destroyed others that 4,000 had deserted Schleick and gone to the Magyars. For three days cartloads of women continued to pour into Presburg and the places round about. A fresh recruit throughout all Austria is intended. .oles. entleman of experience , .i furnish all refreshments required by travellers or ANN BROWN. May 5, 1S49. 532-ly I. O. O. F. ODD FELLOWS REGALIA, Fringe it Trimming Manufactory, JKo. 35 Baltimore st., BALTIMORE, Md., (4th door below Frederick Btrcet. and 1 below Sun Office.) Where may be found the most extensive assort ment of the latest styles of Fringes, Gimps, Lui tons, Cords, Tassels, &c. &.c. Also, Masonic, Odd Fellows, Red Men, Sons of Temperance, Sons of Liberty, American Mechanics, Benefici al, and all other Societies' REGALIA AND TRI M MINGS are kept on hand and made to ordier. FLAGS and BANNERS made up in the latest and most approved styles. 0c5 All orders from the country attended? to with dispatch. JEWELS. f Odd Fellows and Sons of Tempera ,v a full assortment always on hand, ai less than any other establishment. SPRIGG & ICE FOR SALE. Keep cool if you can ! rhe large Ice House at Cambellton is now fil led with as good Ice as has ever been offered in t his Market, imported direct from Boston with but little delay on the voyage. The subscriber will open the House on Monday the 1 1 1th instant, and superintend t he delivery of Ice in any quan tity to suit purchasers. Tersons wishing it to be left at their place of business or residence, can be accommodated by giving notice. It can be had previous to 2 o'clock of each day (except Sunday) by applying at the store at Liberty Point, (door fronting on I'ersonstreet.) wnere a .supply will be kept. As the ice was purchased for cash, it will be sold at the lowest price it can be sffbrded a Prompt payment will be expected the bills of 'j-egular customers will be made out weekly, and on eacn jvionnay pieasecau ano seme. Terms: Under 5 lbs, 3 cents per lb. larger quantities, 2 cts per lb. CHAS. GODDARD, Super'd't. May 12, 1S49. 533-tf. Feb'y 24, 1849. iy- Fish, Thomastown 1 nd fine Crockery for sale by Apwl 2S. J. D W HOUSE AND LOT ON H4VM0IINT F0U SALE. 11 sell at the Market House . n Favetteville", on Monday the 2d day of July next, "the House and Lot on Haymount, at the he Arsenal lot, situated - immHiallff on t hp Tnrnnike road, vhere James ruuwu.- R PamnKll fnrmprlv raided. third cash or negotiable paper, and six month!" for the residue v F HENRY CAMPBELL, ANN MARIA DECKER. I June 10, 1S19. 53S-ts. 23s. Gd. a 24s. inferior 21 s. Gd. a Ohio 25s per 6s. a 7s. per flour 22s. j Philadelphia 23s. 6d. b'jl. Wheat is quoted at TO lbs. ROME. Up to the evening of the 21st ultimo, no news had been received in Paris of the entry of the French into Koine. General Oudinot would not make a general attack before the 16th or 17th, when the news ol the failure of the conspiracy of the 13th in France would reach that place, and probably induce the Triumvirs to capitu late. The London Globe, of the 22d, says that it is generally believed that the tele graph will announce to-morrow the capitu lation ot Koine. The Gazette, of Lyons, of the 20th, state that a telegraphic despatch from Marseilles, received as they were going to press, announces the entry of the French into Rome. FRANCE- The attempted insurrection in Paris has been followed by a more formidable resistance to the law s. At TLvons a serious engagement took place in the streets between the troops and the mob, inthe course of which a con siderable number of lives were lost on both sides Barricades were thrown up, which were not taken until battered down by cannon. The fighting commenced on the morning of the 15th, and continued until a late hour at night. Telegraphic despatches, however, dated at Lyons on the afternoon of the 16th, announce that the insurgents had been completely routed, the streets cleared, and the city restored to tranquili ty. There are upwards of fifty thousand Letters from (Edenburg state that a certain count impetialist. chamberlain, and others, in whose possession numbers of pass parts of the -rebel party were found, have been arrested. A letter of the 1 3th ult. from Cracow in the lireslau Gazette mentions the affair between the vanguard of the Magyars and Russians within the Gallatian frontiers. Another letter, dated Cracow, 15th, re ports an engagement at Eng Pass, between the Russian advance guard and the Hun garians, when the former, numbering 0, 000, were beaten off". At Gordanow the Russian Colonel, Mag ien, was killed. Two hundred Cos sacks were cut oft' and taken prisoners. The only mention or allusion which can be gleaned from the Vienna papers regard ing the great battle fought between the 13th and 15th, near Rhaab, is the surmise that the defeat of the brigade of Gen. Wyss gave rise to fabulous rumors. On the other hand, the other authorities main, tain that the route of Gen. Wyss is only an episode of the other battte. LATEST FROM FRANCE. Up to the latest moment all was tranquil. Ledru Rollin had not as yet been arrested. The cholera has rapidly declined iu Paris. The news from Italy is to the 13th ulti mo, up to which time the Romans had maintained their position. The French used cajolery and threats, but the Romans, steadily resisted all ad vances, and in a motdigni6ed manner re refused yielding the summons of surrender issued by Oudinot on the 11th. A breach was effected by the French in the walls, and a position taken. Their troops then entered the city. This report led to the belief that the struggle was over ; but it appears that, on the 12th, Oudinot issued a letter to the triumvirs, waking a last appeal to them, endeavoring to throw upon them the responsiblity of the lives lost and blood spilled in the event of a refusal. MISCELLANEOUS. In the German States bodering on the Rhine, where a general insurrection is roing on, the Prussians have now advanc ed, and a struggle has taken place at Manichelre j butbe result is not known. In England nothing of interest has taken place. There has been but little change in the state of business affairs during the past week. The produce market is mo derately supplied, but there is no exten sive demand. Holders are firm and ask ing full rates.