Not paid until six monin"5'-r-- No'paid till the year has expired, So subscription received or a leas ,au a 'i unless the price be paid in jj J WXU. advance. pupap HASH AND BARTERING STORR 300 350 if fir am "CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS J AND THE GLORY OF THE STATE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS.'' TEnjas OF. ADvniiTiomo': Onesquare of twenty-one lines or less, for one inser tion, 60 cemts ; erery sub sequent insertion, 30 cent except it remain in for sev eral months, when it will be charged $3 for two months, 1 for three, ttc, 10 for twelve months. l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SEPTEMBER 1, 1849 c infnrmin? his . raalHO(l i " TitF. Subscriber te that i,e has taKen a Mend h Pabr.ln .doors below vlr H. Branson. 'groceries, Suited to the Barter Trade. Also, Shoes, Caps, and Hats, laddie., Bridles, and Collars, Crockery and Glassware, Hardware and Cutlery, locksmiths' Tools, n. sets, "o .ides best Spanish Sole Leather, 5 tons Swedes and English Iron, o ditto Castings, of best quality. .t other articles, eomprismp; a stockas complete W'ith, r thi "place? all of which will be told at the very ' tLrket prices for Cash, or ritcii m exchange for Hts of Country Produce. WILLIAMS. Sept. 501 H0TCHK1SS' Vertical Water Wheel. Tiere arc several hundred of these wheels in i, operation in different counties in North Ca- liaa For proof of their jrreat advantage over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in ue for saw mills, we confidently reter to th )se 'vim "ve applied thera to their mills. W e ca'tl recmmend them particul ,rly for their su periority in cises of a low head of water, or back W VvV'stiil keen a supply of Wheels, suitable for diffcre-it lie.ids of water, at Wilmington, New ben, Washington, Edenton, and b ayetteville. The wheels inav also be had of E. A.Brevard, Lincolnton, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing; to obtain the right to use the wheel-, will be served on application to D. Mc Neill t Co., Fajctteville, N. C. i). McNeill, A. A. MoKETHAN. 1). J. McALISTEIL I, IS 10. y XA.S. a. SIMIITH, AND HAIR DRESSER, F AYETTEVILLE, N. C Has taken the shop in the Fayetteville Hotel, where he intends carrying on his business in a superior manner, and desires a continuance of public patronage. April 20, 1S49. WANTED. An intelligent white boy is want ed as an apprentice to the above business. J. G. S. MEW PALL GOODS. By the Steamer Evergreen. Has just commenced receiving his Fall and Win ter Goods, and will continue receiving by nearly every arrival from the iprth, until his supply of Goods are completed ; all of which being pur chased by the package for cash, will be offered by. wholesale or retail at reduced prices. Aug. 11, 1S49. 1 MMMMMa"aiBMfct 03- Liberal deduction tor large advertisement VOLi 10 9JO 549.iV the year or six month NORTH .CAROLINIAN. Wm, H. Bay ne Eilitor and Proprietor FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. 1, 1849. JLater From Europe- naively calls the pip is still persevering to the end ; and as he has fouud a congenial spring, that tastes like Sam Weller's both Extract of a letter from Edward Bingham, Esq., Druggist of Detroit. Detroit, M-rch 23d, 1S41. Dr. Charles Osgood, Dear Sir I have the past year sold hundreds of bottles of the INDIA CHOLAGOGUE prepared byyou, and have found it to give universal satisfaction in the cure.of Fe ver and Ague, Chill, Fever, Dumb Ague, &.c. &c. I may say, I think, without hesitation, that I have never kno'vn it to fail in cases which have come under my own observation, where it has been faithfully used according to directions. I am vours verv trulv, E. BINGHAM. ' If '? 'i-i.-. Kjniit if ul rraidcuce on ilaymount, for merly belonging to C. P. iMalU-tt. Kq.. ni-nr iYir ri ,l..nof of Mr Hale, is ottered for sale. .. u. n.iL.hnuBL-s ef all kinds ; and everything in couiplKc order. This residence is so well known, and "o commanding a site, overlooking the town, that far ther particulars are unnecessary. inquire at the Caroli- BiVa "in 1847 486-tf- Juu 10, 154Z. Extrart of a letter from Messrs Seattergood, Haverstick & Co., of Philadelphia. Philadalphia, 2d mo. 21th, 1S42. Dr. C. Osgood, respected friend : We have had occasion to see the good effects of thy medicine in the case of a young man who had been troub 'ed with chills a long time and could not get clear of them, but since he commenced taking a bottle of thy preparation, has entirely recovered and is now becoming quite stout. Respectfully thy friends, SCATTERGOOD, HAVERSTICK & Co For s le in Fayetteville by S. J. HINSDALE. March 31st, 1349. Om. DR. SHERWOOD'S Vibrating Magnetic Machines. By receat improvements in these Machines, their power is doubled in cases ot the same size, and the prices reduced to '12 and $14 each; the $12 sizes being greatly superior to the $12 sizes of ether machines. They now run with more power and smoothness, and are better adapted for magnetizing patients than any other in us.e. Each case is accompanied with a Manuel (11th edition, p. 400, 32 mo.) in the English or French language, according to order, which contains clear and minute directions for the proper use of the instrument in the various diseases to which it is applicable, which are found to include many of the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession. The Manuel also con tains a synopsis of the different systems of medi cal practice, Allopathic, Homoepathic, and Mag nopathic, with a full glossary. Physicians and others are cauuoneu against purchasing the imitations of these machines, as thev will be found of comparatively little value. No premium has ever been obtained over these magnetic machines at the American or any other Institute, as is represented by the jianufacturers of interior machines. A. M. CAMPBELL, AUCTION IS KK, -VXD C o in in issi c ii 31 erchaii t, Li. COSTUME MALI, spring' r'-mumvv WHOLKS.U.K AND RETAIL. Agency for Uanluivg Business:. The Subscriber offers hi services to persons having Bank business, as an agent fur the renew al of Notes and procuring Discounts at either of the Banks in Favetteville His otfice is in the Court House, where he may be found at all tims rinrintr the usud business hours. Com munications addressed to him by with promptattention. mail will meet JAMES BAKER. June 1G, IS19. 533-tf. ON hand and me-.-.t ..f SPRING : vices very mu for s If , the l.aceit i-ssort-a.ul SUMMER CLOTHING, ch reduced... - 1 sivie, i, and COATS. Coat of everv variety, embracing all the latest styles, and of an improved cut and make, from 7;icts. to 1, 2, 3,4, 5. G, 8, 10, and upwards. PANTALOONS. pat,nrw nf;ill kinds, from 75 cts. to 1, 1,50, X - . . 1,7.', 2, 2.50, and also a very fastiionaoie the I. invirtiue stripe, as low as 3, 3,50, $ upwards. VESTS. Vests of every variety, comprising Silk, Satin, Cashmere, Marseilles", Vi.lenc.ia, from 50 ct?., 7 j cts., $1, 2, 2,50, $3, and upward. BOY'S CLOTHING. Always on hand the largest andbest assortment of Boy's Clothing ever ottered in th,-. SIMERES of the best make.together with a large and handsome variety ol SiLK and M A Kb LI L I VESTlNCiS, which will be made up to order iVthe best manner, 20 per cent less than the ac customed prices, and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guaranteed. T COSTUME HALL. Corner of Pratt street and Centre Market Space, BALTIMORE. jj u. COLE. (0- Attached to the above, "J got and most extensive SHIR Tb f AC I OKI J.b in the country, embracing e; ery variety and make, at prices which cannot fail to please an one wishing to purchase. Ct- ONE PRICE ONLY ! - April 28, IS 19. OSl-iy T XITED STATES H 0 L F SALE CLOTHING LEWIS & IS AN FORD, Nos. 252. 254, 25G & 25S Pearl street, (between Fulton street ar,d Burling Slip,) NEW YORK, . - Have on hand the largest assortment of Clothing in the United States, adapted to all markets. In the article of Shirts and Drawers, we keep an endless varie'y. Abo the most extensive manufacturers of Oil Clothing and Covered Hats in the world. Plain and fashionable Clothing of of stock pent by promptl.v filled. & HANFORD, Nos. 252, 254, 250 & 253 Pearl st., N. Y June 30, 1S49 3m. DR. H. H. SHERWOOD having deceased on the ISth of September last, his medical practice id continued by us in accordance with his testa mentary instructions under the direction of A. S. BALL, M. D. We also continue the publication of the valuable medical works of Dr. Sherwood, and the preparation of his .well knows Magnet ized Remedies of Compound Chloride of Gold for the cure of all Tuberculous or Scrofulous Dis eases. I hose remedies have now been many in PYtrnsive use. and are a Specific for r-h.r.r.Jr- Di.pflsps of the organs and limbs which are invariabiv oistinguisnea ;oy pan. Hio duced by pressure on the interverbetral spaces alone each side ot tne spinai cuju ih , . .-v wh:.t name may oesrcii iu r- j-- C1ve have in our possession, subject to the ex amination of any who may call upon us numer ous letters from patients in various-parts .f the country, and from many physicians who have Ion used these remedies in their practice, which fullv establish their remarkable success in the cure of Scrofula in its worst iorms, consump tion', Chronic Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and other chronic diseases. The Treatise of Dr Sherwood upon chronic Diseases, explains fullv the nature and effects of these remelies, and win De snu uy u v nei-sons desirous of information upon these points, in any part of the country. "PnV WOOD'S MAGNETIC MACHI- 11 kinds. mail. Orders -m a has resumed the rt Hnraie, bookbk.dingbuSi- n at the new store next door to Mr Bcasley. Jlf where ho will receive and wxecute binding in any style de. Ired- Si" J if? a . . ... rw- rn IITTI T 1" Jc A V tillL v l Mi H O T K Ij, hi a mm in mjr VPS which have lone had an esiauii. ru ro tation as superior to any others in medical use for power and simplicity combine, are also manufactured by us, as hitherto, and can be sent by express or otherwise to any place in the United States, or to other parts of the World. Physicians and Agents can be supplied b oth with'the machines and remedies P?SrwOOD terms as were customary with Dr. SHERW OOD. All orders and letters for medicat advice, should be addressed to H. H. SHERWOOD'S Successors, 102 Chambers-st. New-York. Our Agent in Fayetteville N. C, is CHARLES MONTAGUE. August 18, I819.-t I have associated with me Turpentine, Nathan King. June 4, 1S49. NOTICE. in the distilling of W. L. HALL. We have erected a Still U on the stage road to Raleigh, the distilling of Turpentine ntyle of Nathan King & miles from town and will carry on in the name and FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. This building, the brgest and handsomest Hotel in North Carolina, has been leased by the subscriber for a term of years, and is now open for the reception of travellers, visiters, and boarders. .. Ml the furniture and fixtures about the build-in- are entirely new, having been purchased within the last month. The accommodations in all respects will be as pood as can be found in the State. The single rooms are provided with ev ery necessary convenience; and the double rooms for ladies and families, are large and fitted up AlUhe substantials and delicacies afforded by the market and the seasons, will be supplied at tu0 crvants have been selected from among the best to be obtained ; and experienced host i ...... u . phari?e of the staDies. u' k, ,' hv a trentleman of experience .,r.,i omirtesv. who will furnish all refreshments u, n-i;tv roanired bv travellers or OI till: iu"-.' - n Olliers. . . 4t,; mL. ...!tVi nnm vara pyneTieilCe in inis I lie lessee, ...... j - .i - . . vocation, will make every exertion to give satis faction to the patrons of the UUT BROWN May 5, 1S49. 532-lv 12,000 July 10, 1S49 bbls. TURPENTINE. NATHAN 533-tf KING fc Co. Telegraphed for the Washington Union. New York, August 24. The royal mail steamer Canada arrived at'Hal ifax on Wednesday evening, having been delayed by very heavy weather. The treaty of peace between Sardinia and Aus tria having been finally concluded, imparted additional strength to the French funds at Lon don. The English papers are filled with the enthu siastic receptions of the Queen in Ireland. She was met hv the neonle at every Doiat with high - , i . demonstrations of respect. The cholera is increasing in London and pro ducing fearful ravages. The French Minister of Finance, in a state ment to the Assembly, says that the deficit in the tronsiirv nn the 1st of January next will be five hundred and fifty millions of francs. It is fur ther estimated that the deficit at the end of the next year will be about three hundred andtweu ty mi. lions of francs. President Napoleon Bonaparte denies having any desire, upon his part, to change the present government. General Rostlau has been appointed commander-in-chief of the French army in Italy, in place of General Oudinot. The Pope's commissioners have arrived in Rome and dissolved the whole army, even those soldiers who had been faithful to the Pope. A report was prevalent that Garibaldi had been attacked and beaten by a large Austrian force, and that his army had been augmeuted by rein forcements of Hungarians, who volunteered their services. Venice still holds out mr.fliy against the ene my. It is said tb.t ciiree American vessels had arrived with provisions: in aid of the besieged city. The news from Hungary continues most favora ble. The Hungarian forces still occupy the line ofSkeine. It is reported that Gen. Bern, with an army of forty thousand men, had completely beaten the Russians, who had sixty thousand men in the field, in Transylvania, and that he had taken captive Hermanstadt and Cronstadt. It is likewise reported that Kilapka, the Hun garian general, had attacked and captured Raab, and afterwards seizing a large quantity of provi sions and munitions of war, fell back upon Com orn, where he was at last accounts. The general feature of the Hungarian advices is decidedly favorable to them and all those who feel an in terest in their noble cause. THE MARKETS. The demand for flour is of a retail character, with snips of best American brands at 24s. to 24s 6d. per barrel. In London it was quoted at IS to 218. Indian corn in fair demand, with consi derable sales at 24 to 25s. per quarter ot 45U pounds. Rice is firm ; sales of 100 tierces Carolina at ISs. 3d. to 20s.-per evvt- An active demand for cotton has prevailed, with a large attendance of the trde, who pur chased freely, and holders having less disposition to meet the demand at previous rates, they were compelled to pay from to J advance on Ameri can descriptions. h"i9 picter in our absence, is more man we know. We shall have a cxiurt of inquiry to decide upon this matter as soon as we ot warm flat-irons and bilge-water, he has cme back, and if Laurence has not gone, obtained permission from Mud to write us then lie shall be president of the court ; for another letter. He requests us in a note as Whitey has got his place in the staff, he to insinuate to the American people that is bound "to see that his gray hairs Viate he is no scholard, and ran short (Z.atin J la rplav This feelinganother man's horse's the first day he went to scl ool, having lost tail in his absence is not what it is cracked his "Accidence ' by an accident, which up to be, ami we won't stand none ofyonr is amusing if not alarming. familiarities, gentlemen, but sit still and While, satchel in hand, and with snail- have your heads shaved, as Warden Clark like pace, he returned from the district onre remarked to a hard parly in the ante school, he passed a pond in which there room of the Washington bastile. were numbers of yellow-breasted bull- We were several time hard put to it on frogs in green frock-coats, of atl si$es, tjie road by some fellows who had nothing fiom the great doublebass fellow, down to else to do but to ask knotty questions, the octavo-flute boy. Just as he had got They put the removal at us shar, ; but a to a quiet little bend in the pond, a most we had made none, and as the cabinet had croaker muttered, in tones onlv removed a lew fellow upon allega of rusty thunder, "Z-a-c-li-a-r-i-a h Dunce, Hons, we jut. Republic like, gave tha Z-a-c h-a-r-i-a-h Dunce;' whereupon, with- the lie direct, accompanied by a small oath out havmji the lear ot the schoolmaster be- hv way of grant-shot and retired with a fore his eyes, and being instigated by the j finger "in each ear, growling like a bear with devil, he threw the 4i Latin Accidence" at i a sore head. So thev hail their trouble the traducer's head, and huiied the only' for their pitins, and got along as well a9 classical book in the country in the mud of! could have been expected. Ocmulgee. But for this, we think he would We now jingled along proroiscioualy have done something else at the commence- ' and happily until we reached the spring ment at Georgetown College besides gmng ! of Bedford"; and here we were received to sleep and waking up whistling an air of doubtful pronrifty even in a cabinet council. But time and tide wait for no man, though many men wait forboih ; and we shall therefore hasten to lay before ou, gentle reader, the latest news from the estray President" in the iron valleys of Pennsylvania : On ouk To uu, At the Kalybiate, near Erdford, Aug. 18. My Dear Heroic Age : After we had seen "all they had got in Arrisburg ami been pretty much bored for office by a set of Pharaoh-bank players, who are called "sons of Moses" in these diggins, and who de clare that they have as good a right to hold office as other travelling gamblers whom we have appointed per cabinet and be d d to them we departed with a The Certificate for Eleven shares of the Stock of the Bank of Cape Fear, in tavor oi me Gabriel Holmes, having been lost or nnlaia. notice is hereby given tnai application made by the undersigned as Executor to tne estate of the elected, for a renewal of said certi ficate, for the benefit 0LMES Executor. July 2S, 1349. 544-3m NATHAN KING, W. L. HALL. June 4, 1S49. 537-tf Slew Establishment. a shoD on Person street, nearly opposite Liberty Point, at the "and rntlv nrriiTiiwrl Ku Qlmnaon A McLaUgulin for the manufacture of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, and all other articles in his line, where he would be glad to see persons in want of such articles. He is prepared to do any work in the way of TRIMMING, that may be entrusted to him. firf Particular attention paid to repairing, &c. J. D. CALLAIS, Agt. May 5, 1S49. 6m. ECKERTS DIRECTORY, an advertising and business paper, publish ed at Philadelphia, 204 Noble street. BLANKS Of all kinds for sale at this Office Cheap as possible ! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a ; Saddle and Harness-nnlt.n& ESTABLISHMENT on Person street, two doors east of the Cape Fear Bank where he. weuld be glad to receive a share ,KlTr natronage. He keeps constantly on I iaddUs Harness, Bridles, Martingale,, f c made of good materials and by good Whlifm PersonVvf ishing anything in his line workmen. 1 ersons before purchas- will pleasej his thanks for past Sfd wqne-t. ' continuance of the same Prices moderate THE MOST EXTENSIVE SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES IS AT No. 179 Baltimore st., near Light, . BALTIMORE, Md. Where 500 persons are employed, and a slock olOQO dozen shirts ahcays on hand. Merchants and others visiting Baltimore are invited to call and examine the largest ana d Btock of SHIRTS that has ever been offered, con sistinsof all sizes , and qualities, for men and bovs. whicn lor styie anu vtmnuainu K --- Texas Election.- We have a report from Texas, by way of New Orleans, that Volney E. Howard is elected to Congress from the western district of Texas, to su persede Mr Pilsbury, who was a candidate for re-election. Hugh McLeod was also a candidate. All of them are democrats. Hon- David S. Kaufman had no opposition in his district. National Jtelligencer. 2 be surpasscu, iijx , made to render the assortment complete and More than usual efforts have been desirable in every respect. March 10, 1S49. lv J. W BETTON. $25 Hanawav from the sub arriher. his" slave man ABEL, to have heen nersuad ed'off by some one. He is 5 feet a .... O inchi9 riii'h. an d very trim built; yellow complexion Pit. He is supposed to be making his way nr Tr a T rpp rait. . . " C Uia J 1 1 V .Ua. hifjm win dp riven iur l nc . - . ... . t -an v to me, or hts lodgment in jau so i. - i-: a i4rfrM. mm r i.nmnerran. i. v I1IU1. - ------ .-. notice. A'i. H, 1649. lyr. June 30, 1849. JESSE BR1TT, Sen. 547-tf From tba Union. GRAND TOUR AGAIN. Making good the saying odd Near the church, far from God." Scott. " What bedat. eh?" " Nothing." Ah, ha ! so he be one big nothing; I see 'em plain. "Huedebcrt. I never had a piece of bread. Particularly broad and wide. But w hat it fell upon the floor. And always on the buttered side." Watt$. Lycurgus, the law-giver of antiquity, who was born some years before the fee cond Washington sagely remarked in his commentaries upon crime and punishment. that ka horse could not be a mare, while a mare must from necessity be a horse." This, taken in connexion with his fondness for gingerbread and snails, and a way he had of doing his own scratching, proves conclusively o our own mind that a law giver of the royal line, greater than Ly curgus himself, is here, or rather on his tour in this land of bluelights, pokeberry juice, and onions ; ar.d that when he re turns and writet out his observations, Kent will be laid in a corner, Blackstone be buri ed under a tomb-stone, and Story be a story too short for the enlightened indivi duals of this 19th century. ... The old Hero, -notwithstanding what he wreath of roses of the diameter of a wine pipe about our shoulders. This wreath, however, owing to the rapid motions of the cars, got down about our middle, where it caught by our watch-seal, and hung there, giving us the appearance of old Silenus at the feast of Bacchus. Governor Johnston talked for us at every a short speech at Carlisle, where we assur ed the people that "we desired to carry out their wishes, be them whig or be them democrat," we had nothing to say until we met Josey Ritner, the old blind hero of the Buckshot war. who lives at what he calls the Two JToodses, between Car lisle and Chambersburg. We advised Josey to apply for the situation of secretary to the Smithsonian institute lor tne miu sion of knowledge among men, we being ourselves the head of that concern, and between us both might diffuse as well as confuse a great deal of knowledge among men, and women too. We were struck with the appearance of the horses and cows in this ancient Com monwealth, and on one occasion, perceiv ing a close resemblance to our crumble, we desired the conductor to let us get out and take our runaway cow in tow, but he swore he had known the cow in question for forty years, and that she was as good a citizen of the State as Johnston or Rither, and was a native American also, without making such a thundering fuss about it j so we even let the creature stav : but we still believe that the conductor diddled us, and that the cow is our cow, tunc pro tunc, and no mistake. Ritner was about as well as when they made him director of the mint at Philadelphia. At that time he couldn't tell an eagle from a cent, except by the taste, and now he can't tell a julep from a smash, provided the latter has ice in it. He reveres the name of mint, and so do we ; but why, we kimv not. unless because of itsanti-stomach-ake-ic qualities We had a cascade at the ceremonies at Carlisle, which out our speech in two in the middle; but Johnston says we goi along first rate there, and John Henry thinks so also, and they both consider that the cascade was rather an ornament than a blemish something like the falls of Nia gara, between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. We understand taat the Deil has beer, to nav in Wsshington. and we see by the Renublic that Clayton has signed oar name to an exequatur for "Pedro Cueto, of Chili." or that he has cot our signature in blank : for the nroclamation is dated on the 16th at Washington,and published in the rmnpr of the morning of the 17th. Now, tat Washington on that day, " V- ' ' O" . - gm . bv an awful sisht, and never hearii oi tne nr or fpnro ue inc. . - with all the honors by the distinguished statesmen who congregated there to work ofl the gout, and gf!t new kidneys and livers, without taking physic, at half price. We were here somewiiat startled by some fellow blowing one of our State secrets to the world. We were electeii as Za chary to the presidency, when is Zachariah. We spelt our name iJachary for bhort, ami the politicians took it for long, and so they elected us by a nick naoie ; and the question is, whether we. have been elected at all. We were born and christened Zachariah, commissioned as Zachariah, and are Zacharian still ; but Zachary is elected, ami the lawyer here think it was a pious fraud, and might up-? set the election. We wish you to get-the .Attorney General to give his opinion upon this subject at large, ana to give u in our favor; for it would play the devil with us all at this time to have My Lord Fillmore, in his black suit. General by a casualty. Well, Mr, you have done it in your free and easy style j you have got our Ballard" as high as a cat's back, and John has had two confidential communications with Savage, under the seal of the confes sionai. iy tne waj. now iim Thomas set on with Douglass and his house? We would have, made the landlord the public gardener, for the sake of the tenant, if Thomas had only told us ot his delicate situation. But the fact is, there is no frankness, and but little frankincense, about politicians, any how ; and so you see that this difficulty, which might have been . a t a a CV . smothercii in love, is leu oy anger" jic trunait glorious Monday," as SaHust has it ; which means, if you drink late Sunday night, you will be gloriously fuddled the next day, and no mistake a matter which w e have learned by experience, ami which we now communicate to the world free gratis for nothing, without remuneration or compensation. The Kalybiate is a terrible affair on secretions; we have let all our Stale se crets out already, and have been here but oneduy ; and if we stav a week longer. from present indications we shall have no kidneys or liver to brag of or bear ofl. Keep the little fellows still, my dear Heroic, for a short time longer Wc have got sugar plumbs for them all, and a horn- HOOK IUI & IIVIDas, as lie 13 iimiu jnvv. , and if they don't run the country into the uround belore we return, we will give a ubiW to the whole nation, restore a demo crat to otfice who can't hurt us, and pardon evervbodvin the nenitentiary. Johnson ... f l -J- f loin nnrfl r I - may be right ; lor we ou.c . i .4 I , f DP llf,Vi L If iltt v.. iy, u is". -j . rj , Clayton ;gledy with the a until our and make lite &u no more at present from ZACHARY WASHINGTON. As this letter speaks for itself, ami con- tains some most weiguiy miiutu iui American freemen to chew upon, we has ten to present it to them, like Old Whitey, with a remarkably short tail, as something w orthy of the best davs ot the " i.'fii.'nMin I? n r. ivw i r. it REMOVAL. S. T. HAWLEY & SON have removed to the Store recently occupied by Mr Wm. G. Matth ews, Hay Street, where "they offer a general assortment of Boots and Shoe, anu in a weeks expect to receive a very large auaiuonai supply. Aug. 25, 184W. 54S-4w CHAIN PUMPS. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the sale of Chain Pumps, and has now a supply on hand. He will be always ready to furnish to order, in good condition. F. T. WARD. August 25, 1849. 513-Gt . . . a. u..f.liiflr.111 irnvurnmeni l. ' 7 nrn. So sun away, nrnrdamations as tmcK as rats in a cheese room. The more noise you make now. the better you'll leel ; but wc give you fair warning that "Stewart" has blown you confidentially, and that as soon as we shall give you a little particular North American , for the benefit of the whole country, which Caesar beautifully expresses in Latin, "pro boneo pttblicario." We were informed that a dnzcrvtype roan has been at work upon Old Whitey and the rest of the cabinet in the cow pasture. What business he had in inter fering with the f old hoss," or in taking l offer my Dwelling House and lot in this place for rent for one year r .v- ..Lrnrtnhrr next. Persona will can luc '' wishing to see the place nian Office. p. A. STUART. Aug. 25, 1945. tf FRIEWDliY WARNING. 11 persons indebted 1 ...;n An themse, aCPreat favor on their humble wrvant. by calling settling with me. as my money ia like theirs amount wili d themselves justice "" ------ ? .:..J .1 .7..- waJ when i crravvi iumi ici. N. B. No further indulgence can be given as i rinse wiv huainess bv the 10th of Oct. " D. H. MCDONALD. Aug 2- IS 10. 515-it I

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