S7EH7 BATUHDAT in advance, per year,$2 00 'ot paid in advance, 2 50' 'ot pai'l until six months have expir ed, 300 jsjot paid till the year has expired, 350 No subscription received or a less time than a year, unless the price be paid in advance. jr jy ia ao iiiruuiA i tu JSS AS ii xo iu liMJiviuuAiiS , aiu inr. ULUKl OF THE STATE IS xttt am CHARACTER THE COMMON rUOPEKTV OF ITS CITIZENS. " T Kit. US . OF ADVERTISING ; Onesquareoftwenty-one I lines or less, for one inser jtion, GO cents ; every sub isequent insertion, 30 cent? jexcept it remain in for sev eral months, when it vili C,e charged $3 for two months, 4 for three, &.c, SI 0 for twelve mouths.. BIT WM. H. BAYWE l FAYETTEVILLE N. C, SEPTEMBER 29, 1849. HOTCHKISS' i Vertical Wafer Wfceel. There are several hundred of these wheels in 1 here are , coUnties in North Ca- rol?ra For p'roof heir great advantage over the Sal flatter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mi Is we conhdently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recmmend tiiem particularly for their su periority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilmington, Nevv bern, Washington, Edenton, and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Brevard, Liucolnton, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. Mc Neill &. Co., Faetteville, N. C. d. McNeill, A. A. McKETIIAN. D. J. Mc A LISTER. Feb'v 3, IS 11. v r J Ifor large advertisement i v vsai. w nuyth . K. .. Libers deduction targe advertisement e year or six months JAS. G. SMITH, AND HAIR DRESSER, FAYETTEVILLE, Jf C, Has taken the shop in the Fayetteville Hotel, where he intends carrying on "his business in a superior manner, and desires a continuance of public patronage. April '20, 1849. WANTED. An intelligent white boy is want ed as an apprentice to the above business. J. G. S. A. M. CAMPB ELL, AUCTIONEER, JJXD Commission Mercliant, COSTUME HALL: Spring ?: Liuiiiiier WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OX hand and for s do, the largest assort ment of SPUING and SUMMER CLOTHING, at prices very much reduced. COATS. Coats of every variety, embracing ill tlielatest ntvles, and of an improv ed cut and make, from 7."cts. to J, 2, 3, 1, ."), (', S, S'10, and upwards. PANTALOONS. Pant .tloons of all kind, from 7.'i cts. to 1, 1,50, 1,7 , '2, 1,-U, and also a very f ihionabl slyle, t he Luinarti ne stripe, as low as 3, .;,.'(), and upwards. VESTS. Vests of every variety, comprising Silk, Satin, Cashmere, Marseilles, Valencia, from 50 of-., 75 cts., 1, .'"2, 52,50, "ji.'l, and upwards. BOY'S CLOTHING. Always on hand the largest and best assortment of Hoy's Clothing ever otlered in this city. A splendid assortment of CLO THS and CAS SIMERES of the best m ike, together with a large and handsome variety of SiLK and MARSEIL LES VESTINGS, which will In made up to order ia the hest manner, 20 pur cent less than the ac customed prices, and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guaranteed. At costume hall. Vomer of I'rutt street and Centre Alarket Space, 1. I L 7 'I.MUR t-J. H. H. COLE. Vr- Attached to the above, is one of the lar gest and most extensive SHIRTS FACTORIES in tiie country, embracing every variety and make, at prices which cannot tail to please any owe wishing to purchase. CO- ONE l'RICE ONLY ! April 2S, 1SL. 531-1y Extract of a letter from Edward Bingham, Esq., Druggist of Detroit. Detroit, March 23d, 1811. Dr. Charles Osgood, Dear Sir I have the past year sold hundreds of bottles of the INDIA CIIOLAGOGUE prepared byyou, and have found it to give universal satisfaction in the cure of Fe ver and Ague, Chill, Fever, Dumb Ague, &c. &c. I may say, I think, without hesitation, that I have never kno'vn it to fail in cases which have come under my own observation, where it has been faithfully used according to directions. I am yours verv tru'v, "E. RING HAM. NEW FALL GOODS. By the Steamer Evergreen. Has just commenced receiving his Fall and Win ter Goods, and will continue receiving by nearly every arrival from the north, until his supply of Good are completed ; all of which being pur chased by the package for cash, will be offered b wholesale or retail at reduced prices. "Aug. 11, 1S49. Vibrating Extract of a letter from Messrs Scattergood, Haverstick &. Co., of Philadelphia. Philadalphia, '2d mo. 21th, 1S12. Dr. C. Osgood, respected friend : We have had occasion to see the jjood e fleets of thv medicine in the case of a young man who had been troub 'ed.with chill a lunn; time and could not get clear of them, but since he commenced taking a bottle of thy preparation, has entirely recovered and is how becoming quite stout. Respectfull v thv friends, SCATTERGOOD, HAVERSTICK &. Co Fr 5 -le in Fayetteville by S. March 3 1st, isit. Gm. J. HINSDALE. BLANKS Of all kinds for sale at this Office It. W. Ha r die, h;is resumed thr IxiokliMidini; busi- n.mat U n.-w store next door tu .lr Ucuslry. JcwcIit. hr he will receive uj execute biuUinjj in any wtyle Jc NOTICE. I have associated with me Turpentine, Nathan King. June 4, 1NPJ. in the distilling of W. L. HALL. miles from town anil will carry on in the name and We have erected a Still 11 on the stage road to Raleigh, the distillin ' of Turpentine utvle of Na'-hun King .5c Co. NATHAN KING, W. L. HALL. June 4, IS 19. 537-tf New Establishment. &. McLaughlin TIip Subscriber has opened a Shop on Person street. nearW opposite Liberty Point, at the stand recently occupied by Simpson for the manufacture of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS and all other articles in his line, where he would be Had to see nersons in want of such articles. We i urenve.l ta ! r anv work in the way of TRIMMING, that mav be entrusted to him. ftr- Particular attention naid to reDairing, &-C. J. D. CALLAIS, Agt Mav 5, 6m. BOAT HANDS WANTED. 15 The undersigned will uive employment to or 20 good hands, at S15 per month. JOHN D. WILLIAMS, Agt. Merc'ts. St. lit. Co. Sept. 1, 1S19. DR. SHERWOOD'S Iagnetic Machines. By receat improvements in these Machines, their power is doubled in cases of the same size, and the prices reduced to P2 and $14 each; the $1:2 sizes being greatly superior to the $12 sizes of other machines. They now run with more power and smoothness, and are better adapted for magnetizing patients than any other in use. Each case is accompanied with a Manuel (11th edition, p. 400, 32 mo.) in the English or French language, according to order, which contains clear and minute directions for the proper use of the instrumental the various diseases to which it is applicable, which are found to include many of the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession. The Manuel also con tains a synopsis of the different systems of medi cal practice, Allopathic, Homujpathic, and Mag nopathic, with a full glossary. Physicians and others are cautioned against purchasing the imitations of these machines, as they will be found of comparatively little value. No premium has ever been obtained over these magnetic machines at the American or any other Institute, as is represented by the jnanufacturers of interior machines. Cheap as possible ! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generallv, that he has opened a " Saddle and Harness-m tkin? ESTABLISHMENT on Person street, two doors east of the Cape Fear Bank, where he wwuld be glad to receive a share a public patronage. He keeps constantly on hand Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Martingales, W-hips, &.c., made of good materials and by good workmen. Persons wishing anything in his line will please examine his articles before purchas ing elsewhere. He returns his thanks for past favors and requests a continuance of the same. Prices moderate. Just received from the North, a large assort ment of materials necessary for a saddle and har ness manufactory. 03" REPAIRING neatly executed and at short notice. y. OVERVY. Aug. 11, 1S4U. lv. 12,000 bbls. TURPENTINE. NATHAN KING &. Co. July 10, 1819. 538-tf " NOTICE. State of !tforU Carolina Moore County. Court of 11 cat and Quarter Scs.siotst lulu Ttrm, Is P.. Haul McNeill, administrator of Arch'd McNeill. vs. Mary McNeill, and others. Petition for account and settlement. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Mary McNeill, Joshua Cochran and wife Sarah, James A . McNeill and wife Mar garet, Rogers and wife Mary, McKinney and wife Lucy, Josiah Kennedy and wife Ann Eliza, Daniel" McNeill, Wm McNeill, the heirs at law of J. .JlcNeill, Jno. S. Kennedy and wife Mary E., David L. Kennedy and wife Julia Ann, Isaac Milner and wife Joannah R., John S. Kennedy, guardian of Edward M. and Hiram E. Kennedy, David L. Kennedy, guardian of Sarah Frances Hamer, and Isaac Milner, guirdian of William L. D. Hamer, reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian, for six successive weeks, notifying said non-residents to be and appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Moore at the Court House iu Carthage, on the fourth Monday in October next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to the said petition, otherwise the allegation therein contained will be taken pro confesso, and the petition will be heard exparte as to them. Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court at Office in Carthage, the fourth Mon day in July, A. D. 1S1U, and 74th year of Ameri can Independence. A. C. CURRY, Clerk. Sept. S, 1M9. 550-0t. pradv.3,25. , C. FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL, FAYETTjEVILIE, NT Tiuc hnitdinir. the largest and handsomest Hotel in North Carolina, has been leased by the subscriber for a term of years, and is now open for the reception of travellers, visiters, and boarders. All the furniture and fixtures about the build ing are entirely new, having been purchased within the last month. The accommodations in all respects will be as good as can be found in the State. The single rooms are provided with ev ry necessary convenience ; and the double rooms for ladies and families, are large and fitted up with care. All the substantial and delicacies afforded by the market and the seasons, will be supplied at the table. The servants have been selected from among the best to be obtained ; and experienced host lers have charge of the stables. The bar is kept by a gentleman of experience and courtesy, who will furnish all refreshments of the best quality required by travellers or others. The lessee, with some years experience in this vocation, will make every exertion to give satis faction to the patrons ot the tiouse Office ok the Fayetteville &. Westers Plank Road Company, Fayetteville, Sept. 3, IS 1 0. ) NOTICE is hereby given that an instalment of 23 per cent on the Stock of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company v ill be re quired, payable at the office of the Company, in the town of Fa etteville, on the 11th day of October next. Bv order of the Board, EDW. LEE WINSLOW, Pres. Jxo. M. Rose, clerk of the Board. Sept. S, 1 530-td I offer my Dwelling House and lot in this place for rent for one year from the 1st of October next. Persons wishing to see the place will call at the Caroli nian Office. ' R. A. STUART. Aug. 25, IS in. tf DR. H. H. SHERWOOD having deceased on the ISth of September last, his medical practice is continued by us in accordance with his testa mentary instructions under the direction of A.S. I!ALL,M. D. We also continue the publication of the valuable medical works of Dr. Sherwood, and the preparation of his well known Magnet ized Remedies of Compound Chloride of Gold for the cure of all Tuberculous or Scrofulous Dis eases. '1 hese remedies have now been many years in extensive use, and are a Specific for those Chronic Diseases of the organs and limbs which are invariably distinguished by pain pro duced by pressure on the interverbetral spaces along each side of the spinal column, no matter what name may be given to the' malady by physi cians. We have in our possession, subject to the ex amination of any who may call upon us, numer ous letters from" patients in various parts of the country, and from many physicians who have long used these remedies in their practice, which fullv establish their remarkable success in the cure of Scrofula in its worst forms, Consump tion. Chronic Dvspensia, Liver Complaint, and other chronic diseases. The Treatise of Dr Sherwood upon chronic Diseases, explains fully the nature and effects of i -lit. . I ' t . a these remelies. ano win oe sent oy us vnuiuui e.har'fi to anv persons desirous of information upon" these points, in anv part of the country. DR. SHERWOOD'S "MAGNETIC MACHI NES, which havelong had an established repu tation as superior to any others in medical use, for power and simplicity combined, are also manufactured by us, as hitherto, and can he sent bv express or otherwise to any place in the United States, or to other parts of the World. Physicians and Agents can be supplied both with the machines and remedies upon the same terms as were customary with Dr. SHERWOOD. All orders and letters for medical advice, should be addressed to H. H. SHERWOOD'S Successors, 102 Chambers-st. New-York. Our Agent in Fayetteville N. C, is CHARLES MONTAGUE. August IS, lS49.-7t STOJLBKT, From the " Subscriber, a Silver Watch, with black silk guard, and a gold key in the shape of a clenched list. The dial is gold, and also the hour and minute hands; the second hand steel. RICHARD WATSON, Sept. 8, lSlft. . 550-4t. Phoenix Mill. The sale of Mrs Nelson's land is postponed until the first day of October, (Monday of Rob eson Superior Court,) when it will be sold at the Court House in Lumberton. Sept. S, I4y. 530-4. t fj3 The sale of the interest of Sarah A. E. Nelson in and to the above lands, ordered to be sold by the Court of Equity, is postponed until the same tune, viz: 1st of Oct. R. C. RHODES, C. M. E. nanli. of Fayetteville, 1 oth Sept., 1849. S Books of Subscription to the capital stock of this Bank will be kept open in the Banking House, Fayetteville, until further notice. The remaining instalments on stock subscribed will be due and payable as follows: The 7th in stalment on the 1st of Oct.; the 8th instalment on the 1st Nov.; the Uth instalment on the 1st Dec; the 10th and last instalment on the 1st of Januarv, 1S50. By order of the Board, WM. G. BROADFOOT, Cash. Sept. 15, IS 10. 551-tf "ANN BROWN. May 5, 1849. 532-ly JOS. S. DUNN Is prepared to do all kinds of Wheelwright work, wagons, carts, uras, Darrows, piow s, x.c, on the most liberal terms, at his workshop, corner of Mumford and Winslow streets, where persons disposed to patronize him will please call. June 10, 1S40. 53S-tf State of North Carolina Robeson county. In Equity Spring Term, ISl'J. Benjamin Lewis and w ife, and others, vs. Giles Elvington and wife, and Mary Conoly. Petition to sell Lands. It appearing to the Court that the defendants, Giles Elvington and wife, and Mary Conoly, are not inhabitants of the State, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the North Carolinian, notifying the said defend ants ta be and appear at the next term of the Court of Equity to beheld for the county of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumberton on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of September, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petitioner the same will be taken pro confesso and set lor g" K Clerk &Master. Sept. 1, 1840. 549-et " The Certificate for Eleven shares of the Stock of the Bank of Cape Fear, in favor, of the late Gabriel Holmes, having been lost or mislaid, notice is hereby given that application will be made by the undersigned as Executor to the estate of the elected, for a renewal of said certi ficate, for the benefit of said estate. OWEN D. HOLMES, Executor. July 2S, 1S40. 514-.3m THE MOST EXTENSIVE SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES IS AT No. 179 Baltimore st., near Light, BALTIMORE, .Mil. J There 500 persons are employed, and a stock of 1000 dozen shirts always on hand. Merchants and others visiting Baltimore are .... ,a t - .i l . t I mviteu to can ana examine me largest ana oesi stock of SHIRTS that has ever been offered, con sisting of all sizes and qualities, for men and boys, which for style and workmanship cannot be surpassed. More than usual efforts have been made to render the assortment complete ana desirable in every respect. T. W BETTON. March 10, IS 10. ly $25 -BaTT-LSD. Ranaway from the sub scriber, his slave man ABEL, supposed to have been persuad ed off by some one. He is 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and very trim built ; yellow complexion ; writes and reads well. He is supposed to be making his way North, or to a free State. The above reward will be given for his deliv ery to me, or his lodgment in jail so that 1 can get him. Address me at Lumberton, N. C. JESSE BR1TT, Sen. . June 30,1549. 547-tf" NORTH CAROLINIAN. Win. II. liayue, Editor and Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. SEPTEMBER 29, 1849. LEATHER. Rosset and Black upper and harness Leather, from the Wake county Tannery. For sale by J. &. T. WADDILL. Dry and green HIDES wranted. Sept. 15, 1S49. plane: road, OR JYO PLANK ROAD. THE Subscriber is now receiving a verv ex tensive assortment of FALL AND WINTER tJOODS, selected , exclusively by himself iu N. York during the past month. His stock em braces a general varietv of STAPLE DRV GOODS, viz : Blue, Black and brown Broadcloths, Plain and fancy Cassimeres, of every variety, Sattinets, Wool Tweeds, Corduroys, Beaver Cloth, Kentucky Jeans. Kerseys, bro. & blch'd Shirtings, Bed and Nogro Blankets, together with almost every desirable article iu the Staple trade, Satin and Silk Vesting. Plain black and fancy Alpacas and Alpaca Lus tres, of latest patterns. Cashmere-de-E'cosses lor Ladies' Winter Dresses, A great variety of Prints, newest style and most beautiful patterns, Worsted Shawls; Red, white and green Flannels, Canton Flannel, Silk and Cotton Dress Shawls, Apron Checks, Bed Ticks, Ginghams, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders and Combs, with a great variety of notions not enumerated. Also, Shoes, Hats & Caps, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Buggy and Mule Collars, Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks, with a variety of articles belonging to the Hardware line, 50 bags Rio and Laguira Coffee, Brown, Crushed, Loaf and Refined Sugars, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Epsom Salt, A superior article Spanish Indigo, Madder, Salcratus, Bar Soap, Cotton and Wool Cards, Hyson, Young Hvson & Gunpowder Tea, best quality. Pots, Ovens, Spiders and iskillets, 30 sides best Spanish Sole Leather, 5 tons Swedes and English Iron, 35 kegs Cut Nails, assorted, Blacksmiths' Tools in sets, of superior qur.Iity, Window Glass, S x 10 and 10 x 12, 500sacks Salt, with a few hhds. prime Mo lasses. All of which will be sold as usual at the very lowest prices, for Cash, or exchanged for all kinds of Produce on the most liberal terms. All that is required of persons wishing to buy the very best bargains, is to call and examine this Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Old Stand, No. 4 Person street, nearly opposite the Bank of Cape Fear. J. M. WILLIAMS. Sept. 15, 1S49. 551-tf NOTICE. " The Subscriber will oner for sale in Lumber ton, on Monday of Superior Court, (1st of Oct.,) one Timber Wagon and team. The wagon is new and in good repair. The team is two mules and two horses, and draws well. ARCH'D. McNEILL curry. Sept. 22, 1S49. - 552-2t State of North Carolina Moore County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July Term, 1H49. Duncan M. Kennedy and John J. Mcintosh vs. Joel Lawhon and others. Petition for partition of RealJvstate. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Joel Lawhon, Martha Lawhon, Mary Lawhon, and James Lawhon, defendants in this case, reside beyond the limits of this State ; it is therefore ordered by the Court that publi cation be made in the North Carolinian for six successive weeks, notifying said non-residents to be and, appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Moore at the Court House in Carthage, on the fourth Monday in October next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to the said peti tion, otherwise the allegation therein contained will be taken pro confesso, and the petition will be heard exparte as to them. , , r " Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court at office in Carthage, the fourth .Mon day in July, A. D. 1S49, and 74th year of Ameri can Independence. . A. C. CURRY, Clerk. SepL 22, 1849. 552-6t. - Ir adv.$3,25. TIIE DIFFICULTY WITH FRANCE. The following graphic sketch is a pretty cor rect synopsis of the difficulty with France. It is by a Washington letter writer. Washington', Sept. 18, 1849. As long ago as in February M. Poussin, the French . minister, presented to Mr Buchanan, then Secretary of State, a claim in behalf of a Mr Forte, a French man residing in Mexico. Forte had pur chased tobacco, sold by the agents of the American army, knowing it to be private property, and not subject to the rules of war. The tobacco v;ls restored to its proper owner by Col. Childs, the command ing officer, and the purchase money refund ed to Forte. Under these circumstances, a claim was set up by the French minister for damages, being the difference bet ween the price at which Forte had purchased and sold. A court of inquiry was held, and decidedly unanimously against the claim, and the decision was approved by General Scott. Mr Buchanan went out of office without examining the casej and then it came be fore the present administration. The find ing was reaffirmed by Mr Clayton, and iu answer to a note ol M. Foussin, the Secre tary ot State sustained the verdict of the court and his own approval. M. Foussin reioiued, chariiinsr Colonel Childs virtually with perjury, and using other insulting language. He was invited to Washington, being then absent, and the alternative of withdrawing or adopting his offensive note was offered. He with drew it, expurgated the offensive terms, and renewed the communication, which was accepted. Here it was supposed all difficulty would nil. subsequent! v, however. orn induces Klapka to demand good conditions. A letter received from Vienna of the 3lat uit states that several Magyar chiefs hud been ex ecuted, among them an ex-minuter of Austria, who had proved recreant to hUj country, and that one General had been hung and another nhot. Kossuth's mother and his children, and the wivea and children of several Magyar chiefs, had ar rived as prisoners at Presburg The greater portion of the Russian army wus marching towards Gallicia, but Gen. Rumeger's corps is to remain at Nichola. Grosswardein, Budah, and Pesth, are to have each a garrison of 3,000 men. The Hungarian corps of Perczel entered Or sova, but the Turkish authorities refused to re ceive them until they hid laid down their arm. Georgey's surrender was known at C .morn on the 1Mb, and a summons was sent to the garrison by the imperialists, either to follow the example of Georgey or otler terms of capitulation Klapka, and those members of the late Hun garian Diet who had declared that the house of Hapsburg had forfeited all claim to the throne of Hunjrarv, were conreved to Pesth. A letter from Vienna states that the Emperor of Austria had pardoned Georgey, who had de parted for Styria, where he intended to reside. The imperialist forces entered Vienna on th J'lth. PRUSSIA AND AUSTRIA. The German question seems about to be set tled. There is to be a directory to govern the confederation; the members of which are to be provided by the Vienna and Munich cabinet, and will lbor for the common interests of the whole of Germany. The presidency ot th di rectory will be chosen alternately by Austria and Prussia. The Austrian government is endeavoring tq persuade the Archduke John to resign his posi tion as Vicar of the Empire. The Frankfort correspondent of a London pa per writes, on the 31st, that there is little doubt that a Congress will be held there the ensuing week for the purpose ot finally arranging the German question. The committee of the Chamber of Oldenburg have unanimously decided to reject the proposi tion to join the confederation proposed by Pru aia, Saxony, and Hanover. FRANCE. The Paris Moniteur publishes a decree, re. instating seventy-one lieutenant generals and fourteen major-general:, w lio were placed on th enu. ouDseuuently, however, roussin presented another note, claiming the pun- retired list by the provisional government of the ! ebruarv revolution. tshinetit of Commander Carpenter, under ii. r n - 1 me louowing circumstances : Commander Carpenter, while forming a part of the blockading squadron on the coast of Mexico, was called upon by the captain of the French ship Eugenia to res cue her from shipwreck. Ue, with his crew, succeeded, alter much labor, and afterwards requested . the legal salvage. This was refused ; whereupon Com. Car penter restored the vessel to her captain ; she having laid alongside the Ins for thir ty hours. Mr Clifford, the minister at Mexico, approved of Carpenter's conduct- When this subject was submitted to Mr Clayton, it was referred to Mr Preston, w ho furnished Carpenter's statement of the facts. M. Foussin, instead of referring the correspondence to his government, wrote an insulting letter, in which he re flected grossly upon the character and honor of the American marine. The President then directed the whole correspondence to be laid before the French government, expecting immediate and voluntary redress. Instead of atonement, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs attempted to inculpate our government, and to divide the responsibility. As soon as this information was received, the President ordered no further correspon dence to be held with M. Foussin, and his passports to be placed at his disposal. The future is shrouded in doubt. JLater From Europe ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CAMBRIA. Ravages of the Chol-ra in England, Ireland, France, Sc. Sad news from Hungary The Hungarian leaders captured Pardon to Georgey Affairs of France Condition of the markets, &,c. St. John, Sept. 20. The steamer Cambria, Capt. Leitch, arrived at Halifax last evening, at 6 o'clock, bringing dates from LiverpooMo the 6th inst, and London to the 7th. : The cholera is greatly on the increase through out England. The deaths in London for the week ending on the Sth, was 7,7y, of which 1,603 were of cholera. The deaths in Liverpool are still greater, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, for the week. It is also on the in crease in Dublin. The markets are dull and without change. The weather fr harvesting continues fine throughout Great Britain. Trade if active in' all departments, and em ployment in the manufacturing districts abun dant. The royal family are still sojourning in Scot land, but were to return to London on the 13th. AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. Comorn and Peterwardein still hold out against the imperial forces; the former commanded by Klapka, and the latter by Riel. The Russian General Berg had a long interview with Riel, on the 23d ult., which resulted in the Hungarian General going to Haynau to arrange terms for capitulation. The impregnable position of Com- Tbe French government continues to icfuse passports to the Germau refugees who were passing through France en route for America. General Oudinot is expected to arrire at Paris on the 20th. The appointment of Lucie n Mu rat as ambassa dor to Madrid i considered an act of conciliation to the two parties in the cabinet. ROME. Travclli, the Pope's Minister of the Interior, has arrived, and installed himself head of the police, and entirely under control of the Fiench authorities. Hislirst decree is concerning the paper money, and guaranties the notes of the state for their declared value, and imposes fine and imprisonment on all who refuse to take them . A military commission has been established for reorganizing the Roman troops. All promotions sincv November uie annulled until a cemmiesion shall have reported on the conduct of each man. The triumvirate of cardinals has instituted commission for the purpose of picsenting the authors of the outrages committed against reli gion during the revolutionary period. Rostol.in. the successor of Oudinot, has assum ed the command of the French army of occupa tion. A Te Deum has been sung in all the churches of Russia, in honor of the triumphs in Hungary. The Emperor of Russia was at Warsaw on the -'Oth. The Austrian haTe evacuated Modina, the last place they occupy in the Piedmuntese territory. COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. Liverpool, Sept. 8. In the early part of the week the market for cotton was inactive. The sales of the week amount to 30,280 bales, of which speculators took 8, 540 American, and exporters 6,0"0 bales. To-djy the sales amounted to 7,000 bales of all kinds. Uplands range at 4J a 5 ; New Orleans, 5 for middling and lower classes ; Alabama, 5 a 5. Breadstuffs. The tra3e at the corn exchange has been dull, With but little alteration in prices. Wheat and corn are taken sparingly. A Posek. The Boston Post puts the following sentiment from CJen. Taylor and the truisTn of the Atlas, a leading Taylor sheet, immediately below. They should not be separated, lor the Taylor portion is the text, 'id the Atlas sentiment the set mon: Ohio Statesman. 'l will iiot be the candidate of any par ty or clique.'' Z. Taylor. The strongest partizans we ever knew were men who professed to have nothing to do with politics." Boston Qtlas. Thus is Life. If we die to-day, the sun will shine as brightly, and the bird sing as sweetly to-morrow. Business will not be suspended for a moment, and the great mass will not bestow a thought to our memories. "Is he dead?" will be the sol emn inquiry of a few, as they pass to their pleasure or their work. But not one will miss us, except our immediate connexions, and even in a short time they will forget us. and laugh as merrily as when we sat beside 1 them.