HR4nltJAKTl3R .1 1 th KEXilMCMT, ) Suinmci viile, N. C, Sept. 17, lbl'J. The-ofBcers of the 34th Regiment are hereby ordered to have their respective Companies at Sumtuerville on Thursday the 4th of October, precisely at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. in., armed and equipped as the law directs, for the purpose of drill and review. The officers are required to meet the day previous for tlie purpose of drill and inspection. 13y order of A. D. McLean, Col. Coin'g., HECTOR McNEILL, A dj't. Sept 22, IS 19. 5o2-2t Those indebted to rrris by note or account, are requested to make setritvrtsrit immediately, ano as I Jim expecting to le iv- tin-, longer indul gence cannot be piven. .Mr 11. M. Orrell is au thorized to settle rr.v Lo-io.'ss, to wnom must be m.ide earl v," or ti.e claims will be lound iu the hands of u,' Sept. 22, ISt'J. 5J2-2t H. & E. J. LJELY Have received in part, and expect by the 1st of Septembor to receive the balance, of their Fall & Winter GOODS, Consisting of their usual variety of DRY GOODS, BONNETS, SHOES, HATS, UMBRELLAS, &c. &c, Which they offer at the lowest market prices, for cash or good paper. Sept. i, isiy. 549-St CASH! We will !iv cash for he.dthy young NEGROES. Zl?22Cd OVCr yCa" WADDILL. MATS H. Branson & Son, ARE receiving their fall and winter Stock of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Shoes, Ker seys and Blankets, 8cc &c, which they will sell for cash or country produce, at prices as low as the lowest. Call and see. September S, 1S49. 3m. The Subscriber having resumed business at Lu old stand on the northeast corner of Market Square, is just receiving hid IViI arid Winter stock of the LATEST and MOST FASHION ABLE style of HATS. He ha"al.o a Urge yssortmeiit of his own man ufacturing, with a full supply of Military Caps. Also, a Urge assortment of Hat and Cap Trim mings, which he will keep continually on hand, and at prices to suit customers. DAVID GEE. fjrj- I will pny the highest prices in cash for Fur Skins of eveiy kind, the ensuing winter. D. G. Fayetteville, Sept. 22, 1-l'J. tf LESSONS IN mUSIC. L. II. WI11TAKER would respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville and vicii.ity, thut he will tie absent from this place until :iboit the 'J')th of October, alter which time he will lie hap py to continue to give instruction in Music on the Piano Forte. Also, lessions given on the Guitar. L. H. W. takes this opportunity of returning his thanks tor the liberal patronage he lias here tofore received, and humbly solicits a contin nance of the same. Sept. 2'2, lS-iy. 5")2-tf. If FOR RENT. TU 1 T- n: IT,. T4:1, irprK nat large jjMening huujc uu lii I "I;;! street, at present occupied by A. lvi. iliifegl Campbell. Also, a Dwelling House on Haymount, joining the situation occu pied by Rev. Daniel Johnson Also, a Ware House on Gillesnie street. For terms apply to JAMES JENKINS. Sept. S, 15 VJ. 5o0-4t CARTHAGE HOTEL? This House formerly owned by Dr. S. C. Bruce) is kept open at present by the subscriber. Thankful fVir thr lilipi'iil natronacre received so feir, he pledges Itimsilj to spare no pains to ren der traveler, that may cull on him, comfortable during their st.iv. ROBT. McNABB. Carthage, Moore county, Sept. S. 500-tf Tm & i T I V Oa the Banks of State, Cape Fear, and Fay etteville, for sale ;t the Carolinian ollice. NEW GOODS ASE mW SjTjQM VVM. S. LATTA HAS taken the Store lately occupied by S. T. Ilawley 3c Son, and nearly opposite H. & E.J. Lilly's, and is now receiving and opening an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Selected from the Philadelphia and New York markets, and purchased at very low prices. In the assortment will be found a general and ex tensive supply of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and SILK GOODS generally ; also an assortment of Notions, viz : Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Sec, and a wry general assortment of the following goods : Hats, Caps, Shoes, and Boots, Every variety of Hardware and Cutlery. Familv Groceries, viz : Coffee, Tea, and Brown Sugar; Clarified and Refined Sugar, Wines and French Brandy, China, fine Crockery, and Glass-ware, Paints, Medicines, Oils, &.C., Travelling Trunks, Palls, and Brooms, Also, un assortment of Sadlery. The subscriber tenders an invitation to all his old customers (and the purchasers of goods in this market generally) to give him a call, being determined to sell Goods cheap and to accom modate customers to the extent of his ability and means for Cash, Country Produce, or to prompt time purchasers. Ai he cannot give a catalogue in a newspaper advertisement, please call, and he will show all. This shall cost nothing. Sept. 15, 1S49. 551-Sw NEW Pall and Winter GOODS. I am receiving mv Fall and Winter stock of - DRY GOODS, Hardware & Cutlery, Hats, Bonnets, Shoes, Cotton and Wool Cards; Letter, Cap, and wrapping puper, &.C, which I will sell at the lowest market pnVes for cash or on time for ap proved papr. JN0. D. STARR. Sept. S, lM'.t. r.')0-Gt State of Xoitli Carolina Moore County. Court of l'itus and Quarter Session July Term, 1S4U. Hiram Williamson and others, vs. Bailey Williamson and others.' Petition for partition of Real Estate. In this case, it appealing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Lewis Kennedy, Josiah Kennedy, William Williamson, William Garner and wife Dolly, Lewis Williamson, and Bartes Kennedy, reside beyond thu limits of this State, it is there fore ordered bv the Court that publication be made iu the North Carolinian, for six successive weeks, notifying said non-residents to be and appear at the next term of our Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Moore at the Court House in Carthage, on the fourth Monday in October next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to the said petition, otherwise the allegation therein contained, will be takeu pro confesso, and the petition will be heard ex parte a3 to them. Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of our said Court, at Qfrice in Carthage, the fourth Monday in July, A. D. 1S49, and 71th year of American Independence. A. C. CURRY, Clerk. Sept. S, 1319. 5dO-Gt. pr adv $3,25. THE Subscribers are receiving at their old Stand, East Corner M.irkft S'jaare, the largest and handsomest stock of Staple and Fancy DRY (JOODS Ever ollered by them in this market, embracing every style and desc ri ption of Ladies' Or ess Goods anl Trimmings. Also, all kinds ot Goods suit-able for Gentlemen's wear, &.C., &,c. Alarge assortment of Fashionable Hats, Bonnets, and Artificial Flowers; a beautiful selection of llib bons; ladies', misses' and gentlemen's fine Shoes, Umbrellas, &.c. The above Stock embraces every style and description of Goods kept in a Dry Goods Store ; and as our personal attention was given in the selection of every article, we flat ter ou;:l ves we can offer inducements to purchasers. (Fast Cor ner Market Square.) K. L. & J. A. P EMBERTON. Sept. 15, lU). 551 -it CliOTHINGi. SAMSON & WORMS Have just received the largest assortment of ready-taade Clothes ever ollered in the Town of Fayetteville, comprising Fine broad clotli Coals, Cloaks, Pants and Vests, from $5 to $25 a suit. Planters Coats cfc Over coats. Also Shirts. Bosoms, Col lars, Handkerchiefs, ,e. etc. A fine assortment of Calicoes and Shawls, at prices ' ranging1 iroin o 10 14 cents per jard, and warranted fast colors. A good many more articles too numerous to mention. Also, just received 20,000 Segars, Principe and Havana. It will be to the advantage of all to call and see our goods, as we will sell for the small est profit. SAMSON & WORMS. We buy for cash or trade for wax, wool, rngs and leathers, upon which we will pay the high est price. Sept. 15, 1S49. 551-tf. win CLOTHS, Watchmaker &. Jeweler, (jXortli side Hay street, midway between the new Hotel and the .Market,) lias just received from the north, a splendid as sortment of Goods in his line, among which can be found gold and silver Watches, from jss up to 100; gold chains; seals; keys; breastpins; ear rings; finger rings, a fine assortment; bracelets; lockets; all kinds of spectacles; gold pens, with gold and silver holders; gold pencils; studs; gold and silver belt buckles; silver combs; coral beads; card cases; a neat article of pocket books; steel beads and steel bags; purses; inuaic boxes; plated cake baskets; plated castors; silver mugs; plated and brass candlesticks, and brass clocks! All kinds of silver spoons, (warranted pure sil ver.) MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Epaulets, and military goods of all kinds, from achapeaux to a spur. " All of the above goods will be sold as cheap as they can be bought in any country, at retail. N. 15. Particular attention paid to the repair ins of Watches and jewelrv. Sept. , lSl'J. o'm BUSIJYESS AGENT. The undersigned will attend to such business as the procuring of discounts, renewal of Notes, procuring of northern Checks at either of the Banks in this place, and drawing of Pensions. He will also attend to the collection and estab lishment of Claims against the United States, for soldier's services in the IVM xican war, or any other business of that nature. He will also draw up any instrument of writing where a penman is required, and do any other writing whatever Apply at the office of the Plank Road Com pany, under the Fayetteville Hotel. Relers to any of the merchants in Fayetteville o . - JNO. M. ROSE Sept. is io. 530-tf ECKERT'S DIRECTORY, an advertising and business paper; publish ed at Philadelphia, 204 Noble street. State of XortU Carolina Moore County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions ji(t 'Term, IS I'J. H John J. Mcintosh, and others, vs. Stephen Davis, and others. Petition lor partition of Real Estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Devotion Hivi f-.,..i ti, i - law ol Edtnond Davis, one of the defendants in i. t t-,, resme oeyond the limits of this State it is therefore ordered by the Court that publica tion be made m the North Carolinian for six successive weeks, notifvinrr c;,i -i--. . be and appear at the next term of our Court of u viuancr sessions, to beheld at the Court House in Carthage on the fourth Monday m October next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the sa.d petition, otherwise the at legation therein contained will he taken procon tol'im Pet't" will be heard ex parte as Witness, Alexander C. Curry, Clerk of nr .d Court at Officy n Carthage, Vhe fourth M day in July, A. D.Tsiy, and 74th year of w icau Independence. A. C. CURRY, Clerk Sept. s, bl'.f. .-..-)0-;t DR. TOWWSESfD'S SARSAPARILLA. This extract is put up in quart bottles; it is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior to any sold. It cures diseases without ... " " 1 Z l t ' l -. j . Vomiting, purging, aicivemiig, or ueouiiaiing me patient. GREAT FALL AND WINTER MEDICINE. The great beautv and superiority of thisSarsa parilla over all other medicine, while it eradi cates diseases, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best fall and winter medicines ever known ; it not only purines the whole system and strengthens the person, but it creates new, pure, and rich blood ; a power possessed by no other medicine. We have letters from physicians and our agents from all parts of the United States, informing us of extraordinary cures. R. Van Buskirk, Esq, one of the most respectable Druggists in Newark, N. J., informs us that he can refer to more than loO cusea in that place alone. There are thou sands of cases in the city of New York, which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of character. It is the best medicine for the pre ventive of diseases known. RHEUMATISM. This Sarsaparilla is used with the most per fect success in rheumatic complaints, however severe or chronic. The astonishing cures it has performed are indeed wonderful. Other reme dies sometimes give temporary relief.this entire ly eradicates it from the system, even when the llmb3 and bones are dreadfully swollen. Hear Mr Seth Terry, one of the oldest and most respectable lawyers in Hartford, Conn. The following is an extract of a letter received from him : Dr. Townsend: I have used one bottle of your Sarsaparilla, and find it is excellent in its effects upon a chronic rheumatic pain, to which I am subject, from an injury occasioned several years ago, in a public stage. Please send me two bot tles to the care of Dr. Seymour. I have con versed with two of our principal physicians, and recommend vour Sarsaparilla. SET II TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1S45. GIRLS, READ THIS. You who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotches on the face, rough skin, and are " out of spirits," use a bottle or two of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove the freckles and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful com plexions all of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townsend: My wife bein-greatly distrcs sep ty weakness and general debility, and suffer ing continually by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other dilli cultics, and having known cases where your me dicine has effected great cures, and also hearing it recommended for such cases as I have describ ed, I obtained a bottle of your extract of Sarsa parilla, and followed the directions you gave me. In a short period it removed her complaints, and restored her health. Being grateful for the bene fits she received, I take pleasure in thus acknow ledging it, and commend it to the public. M. D. MOORE, Corner of Grand and Lydius sts. Albany, Aug. 17, 1811. TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. This extract of Sarsaparilla has been express ly prepared in reference to female complaints. No female who has reason to suppose she is ap proaching that critical period, "the turn of life," should neglect to take it, as it is a certain pre ventive for any of the numerous and horrible dis eases to which females are subject at this time of life. This period may be delayed several years by using this medicine. Nor is it less valuable lor those approaching womanhood, ?s it is calcu lated to assist nature, by quickf ninjj; the Mood ana invigorating the system. Indeed, tins me dicine is invaluable for all the diseases to which women are subject. It. braces the whole system , renews permanent ly the natural energies by removing the impuri ties of the body not so far stimulating the sys tem as to produce subsequent relaxation, which is the case of most medicines taken for female weakness and disease SCROFULA CURED. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsaparilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of the blood. Throe children cured in one house is unprecedented. Dr. Townsend, Dear Sir: I have the pleasure to inform you that three of my children have been cured of the Scrofula by the use of your ex cellent medicine. They were afflicted very se verely with bad sores ; have taken only four bot tles; it took them away, for which I feel myself under deep obligation. Yours respectfully," ISAAC W. CHAIN. New York, March 1, 1S17. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily receiving orders from physicians indifferent parts of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, physicians of the city of Albany, have in numer ous cases prescribed Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable pre parations in the market. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. H. 15. BRJGOS, M. 1) A11 - P. E. ELMENDORF, M. D. Albany, April 1, IS 10. UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capt. G. W. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps, and member of the New Jersey Legislature, has kindly sent us the following cer tificate. It tells its own story : ' . . Rahvvay, Jan. 2-3, IS 17. A year since, I wa taken with the influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state I was induced to try Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and alter taking two or three bottles, I was verv much relieved, anrl ntti ii.nto " - , . cuuiTiv lo lilt: said Sarsapanlla. I have continued taking it, and hnd that I improve every day. I believe it saved my lite, and would not be without it under any consideration. Q. vV. McLE N DYSPEPSIA. .Sfluid r med,cine has ever been discovered hich so nearly resembles the gastric iuice or saliva, m decomposing food and strengthening the organs of digestion, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. If any aSi-ertln',Ye invite them to read the 17 " "S "dispensable testimony cf a gentleman tirelv h';V'eSpeCtabiIit-v' I" this is not en tirely satisfactory, we would be happy to -ive ?heecritr;lectto som,e-of the Bank Department, Albany, May 10,ls4S. attended with sournesLf the stem TV0"118; appetite, extreme heartburn at,d ' !SS f sion to all kinds of food and f t grf at aV,er' I could eat) I have been unable tnWefkS (,what small portion cn ray stSmaih I tJT1 but 1 remedies, but thehad but little or 1 thUS1 removing the complaint. I v"9 id,,n Z? 1 two months since, to try voir extS"?edI. ?bout parilla, and I must say thTiconelc? but after using nearly two bottles T f. j ' petite restored, ad the hea "burn enLSZ ll' moved, and I would earnestly iLm I , u,e ofit to those who have Te'r I I have been. Yours, &c Ulicceu as l , . W- w- VAN ZANDT. HINSDALE, Drugaisti"6 8AM't'J- Also, by J. & W. JOHNSON, Clinton December 30, IS IS. 51-i-iy TIN WARE, At Wholesale and Retail. F. T- WARD, . will carry on the Tinning busi ness as hererofore, at the old stand, where he will promptly and faithfully ex cute all work in his line. Jobbing of all kinds done with uespatcn. F. T. WARD, Agt. March 17, IS 19. Encourage Home Manufactures V7YV y CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. A. A. McKETHAN Will continue to carry on the business of the late firm of Gardner and McKethan, in all its branches. He has now on hand, and intends, to keep, a general assortment, consisting of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkies, WAGONS, &c. Which, for elegance of shape and finish, and du rability, will compare with any made in the U. States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine his work, as he has determined to sell low for cash, or approved notes. Having in his employment first rate smiths, he is prepared to do ny iron work in the above line, on moderate terms lie warrants all his work to be of good and faithful workmanship and materials, for one year Repairing faithfully executed at short no tice, and on reasonable terms. January 13, IS l"5. FACTORY Nearly opposite the Post Office. Jan. 30, 1S1'.) y FAYETTEVILLE, N. C HOUSE'S FAiUtLY & PLANTATION MEDICINES- These Medicines maintain a high character at home and abroad, based upon their acknowledged utility. HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, A safe, pleasant, convenient to t;,ke, and a cer tain cure for Chills or Ague and Fever in three hours, and a remedy in Bilious and Remittent Fever. Among the many remedies ollered to the public for iatermitteiits, (Chills or Ague and Fever.) there is not one so good, or cures so quick as House's Indian Tonic. The thousands who have used it, will readily yield to it the palm. In the cob) stages of Cholera, it will be found a valuable auxiliary, owing to its highly stimulating and d illusive properties. Near Sommerville, Tenn., June 21, IS 11. This is to certify that I have been afflicted with Fever and Ague for U years ; th:.t it baffled the skill of the fust practical physicians in West Tennessee, and that I have been permanently cored by the use of House's Indian Tonic. . 1 have also administered it to my negroes; in everv case a cure has been ejected. JAMES C. W1IYTE. HOUSE'S PILE OINTMENT, a soothing and rapid cure for Piles, blind or bleeding."- And for burns, fresh cuts, bruises, dog bites, mashes, &.c. it is a complete Pain Extractor. It is conveni ent to have ifc always on hand for many purposes, which you cannot find a substitute for. Price $1 per bottle. HOUSE'S VEGETABLE PILLS If any one wishes to know the great value of this Pill, as a general Family Medicine, either try them, or ask those who have, and nine times "in ten, you will receive for answer, " Thev are the best Pill in the world." They are a true friend to the Rheumatic, and hundreds have sent up prayers of gratitude, that such a medicine has found its way to the doors of the afflicted. Reader, this is no fiction ! Price only 23 cts per box. Greenville, Tenn., March 8, 1S-19. Geo. W. House, Dear Sir : By your advertise ment, we have succeeded in getting your Pills into notice for the cure" of Rheumatism. We have sold all your agent left, within the last 3 weeks, and they have given general satisfaction. One person who has been severely afflicted with Rheumatism for 13 years, and for the last 10 years unable to walk, thinks they will cure him entire ly. We have two other hopeful cases.- Please send us six dozen boxes as soon as possible. Yours respectfully, BROWN Si. PARK. The above medicines have more character, merit and solid reputation, than any thing of a similar character before the public; and the reason is obvious, nothing has ever been claimed for them that is not performed by them to the letter. And hence their reputation and rising popularity with the masses. No bonus, or other inducements are offered to the sick or afflicted to purchase, but a speedy return to health. For sale in Fayetteville by SAM'L. J. HINSDALE, Druggist, and may be had at almost every town and village throughout the State. , April 2S, 1S19. Cm. 50 lihds. Molasses, 10 Bbls. Rve Whiskey, ,10 Bbls. Mess Pork, 5,000 lbs. Bacon, . 1,500 Sacks Liverpool Salt v ... 008 Bushels. heavy. rock Allum do, Julv 21, 1 J!"16 LV T. WADDILL. "Nearly. Opposite liberty Point. occupied by Simpson &. McLaughlin, respectful ly returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore exteaded to him, and hopes by unre mitted attention to business to merit a contin uance of the same. I have on hand several vehicles : Carriages. Barouches, Buggies, Rockaways, 'Vaggons, &.c, of the most approved style, which, for lightness and durability, compare with any made here r elsewhere. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine them, as I am determined to sell very low for cash or approed notes. Having hid several years experience in one of the largest establishments north, I am prepared to manufacture Carriages of any description, at the shortest notice. All work warranted for twelve months; and repaird, free of charge, should it fail in point of wokmanship or mater ial. - - REPAIRING neatly executed at the shortest notice and most reasonable charge. Orders thank fully received. 3 A"; C. SIMPSON.. Fayetteville, Jan. 13, 1S19. 421-tt 100,000 Acres Valuable TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber has purchased all the Lanti belonging to the estate of A brum Dubois, decY lying principally in Robeson county, and oi both sides of Lumber river, the dillerent sui vevs containing over ONE HUNDRLD TliOU SAND ACRES; a.large part finely timbered, and convenient to Lumber river, wh?re a Iarg quantity of Timber is now rafted to tl.e George town market. These lands are very valuabh both for Timber and Turpentine, for which pur pose a large part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The lands will be sold at-a low price, and iu quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be obtain ed bv applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, J. C. Dobbin, Esq., A. A T. Smith, Esq., Attorneys at Law. I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given that the law will be enforced against all such of fenders. Application for any part of the lands can be mode, to myself, or to John Winslow, Esq.,' who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same. THOMAS J. CURTIS. J;in. 13, IS 19. tf. Fish, Thomastovvn Lime, nd fine Crockery for sale by April 2S. J. D. WILLIAMS. MILES COSTIN For the sale of all kinds of coun try Produce, such as Lumber, Timber, Naval Stor. Corn, Bacon, &c. &c 8 WILMINGTON, N. C. ' References, P. KDickinson, O. G. Parsley ' E. P. Hall, Dr. Thos. H. WnVu Gilbert Potter. Owen Fennel! ght' John Dawson, A. L. Price J1TS1, .840. y Wiln,i"".-V.C. ME w go65sT The Subscriber is now receiving his stocv vat r. nrn n5. nu rchased recentU f I ern markets at the lowest prices," consisting" Calicoes, Kerseys, Sheetings and Shirtinct Cloths, Cassimeres and Sattinets, 6 ' Alpaccas, DeLains, and Bombazine., Pocket and table Cutlery, fiardware of all kinds, Florence, Rutland and other straw Bonnetu Gentlemen's fashionable mole-skin Ilat ' Men's, boy's and children's Huts and Can all kinds, 1 8 r Saddles, Bridles and Martingales, Whips, horse and mule Collars, 20 cases Roots and Shoes; A good assortment of common CROCKERY & GLASS WARE Rio and Laguira Cofiee, ' 15 bbls. crushed and clarified Sugars, Blacksmith's Tools, and finishing Nails, Swede Iron, from 1 to 7 inches broad,' And a variety of other articles which he vroult be glad to sell for cash or exchange for country produce. J. K. 15 R VAN, opposite Rank Cape Fear Autr. 11, 3m. CO P RTN K RSH I V A OtTcIJ The undersigned have associated themseWc togethej, under the name and style of Mc.i,,(, Si. Warner, for tke purpose of carrying n a gen eral mercantile business. They intend to krep a general assortment of Dry Goods, Grocrri, Hardware, Cutlery and Crockery, and will sell as low as any other house in this place. An t. amination by the public of qualities and prices is only necessary to insure sales. ROBT. McNABIl, D. O. WAIINKR. Carthage, Moore co., Aug. IS. 5-17-tf. CHAIN PUMPS. The subscriber has been appointed Agent for the Male of Chain Pumps, and has now a supply on hand. He will be always ready to furnish t'i order, in good condition. F. T. WARD. . August -25, lS ti. riJS-ct N. F. BORDEAU Lumber and Timber INSPECTOR, Attends promptly to all business in his line, and solicits the countenance of his friend and ail others engaged in the Timber and Lumber busi ness. WILMINGTON, N. C, July 21, 1819. ly. IN QUA11T I10TTLES F III AND FOR TKE . 0S niitUM CURE OF vU LIVER COM CONSIa,' FEMALE C0hf'0' 9 m i.n.h h u :l I : i I H ' W t i hi ; tl mm I VI:1'!1' : m mm Ml mm in liii in brint'tji" ttna prejutration of :aii-ai"aiiii.i. lo its present slat; of nrf;:i!oii ; ami the exjei i!n- of fourteen years? has fiiriii.h.t t! ? f 14 trio mnat - anl a . portnniry to fitnify, in tht-ir vnrioiis Lirms. t!i tlisu.-ispe for v inch it is reroinmfMMlPil. :in.1 !y ui nut it . 1 ii i ' 1 ' ' WW "irn SIJ1U t in c. j a- tlClitS vi ho w ish a REU.LV ooon M!ir-.;ne :ii-h iiiviIi- ! t. ii-o r u ri .1 i themselves of its superiority, n.t tlie invahi.iljh- propeilv it possess of AxrtUtr, ami curing disease. The bnttle has U-en enlarend to hold ONE QTART. and in its present improved form may safely claim to he the best und cheaprst Medicine of the age. Its progress to tlie fame it has attained may he traced by a long line of facts and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health. The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extemnve acquaintance m the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to .New Granada: Messrs A. B. & D Sands:- X, Yark, Jinuary 7, 18J8. or tlemen--llavniB used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation of Sarsapnnila on different persons in various parts of the Southern country, nz, irgmia, Louisiana, l exas, and Mex;co, I feel much pleasure in stating the hiKh opinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In mv own case it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the system, and exciting, in the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence b' Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used by the U State army in Mexico, and my cousin, G EN. ZACHAKV TAYLOR, has for the past 'five veTrs been in the habit of using it and recommends the same ; he and myself adopted hi article at the same time, and it is now considered an almost indisSnMbteii,ite m the army. Jr. conclusion I would say, that the better it is knownth" mor T h igh r it will be prized, and I trust that its health-restoring virtues will make ?t genera y known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended country genera"y ours very respectfully, s. G. TAYLOR, - U.S. Consul to New Granada. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. i( ,, - Southporl, Conn., January 1. 1848. of ttnf. rtSwrSf -tmen-isynipathy for the afflicted induces me to inform you or the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of mr wife. She as severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts of the body 111018 of fJeCerf &reaUy ?n!,r8d. j hr limbs much iwollcr . Afsuffcnng over a It , H vndmg n rel;ef,fro1m h remedies used, the disease attacked one Teg. and .if. Kf s"PP"rated- Her physician advised it should b laid open, which was i J "T any, permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were ,i L ? USf bASDS' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favor iii a ' r,e,?enff her more than any prescription she had ever taken ; ami before fitith s"botVes',to ,,,e astonishineiit and delight of her friends, she found her h .II ls now over a 'ear since the cr effected, and her Onr nrS good showing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. bleLri?t?are a" know,"S to these facts, and think Sands' Sarsaparilla a great blessing to the age. yollrs wilh reSpect, JULrU PIKE. Loaaeountv Uet.terrfciTed fron? Mr- N- W. Harris, a gentleman well known in who watti5! a Ti J harve cured neKro boy of mine wit yoiir Sarsaparilla, iw lace?, ;ith ScTof'da, and of a scrofulous family. Yours truly, tredericks Hall, lo., July 17, 1818 ." " N. W. IARRIS., Crucmxn7nntLeim0ny from ev- Johvn G"88' late Rec,or of the Church of the Mrtifie?!?? l?f Jl T,f comn'ends nself lo the attention of the afflicted. Num.rous ?!ceild?l f v:ir,ous ureases effected by this medicine are almost daHy a lievIr'-t,SiXZX member of m' family' has taken your valuable Sarsaparilla for us U JSJi US affecUl,n. Ac.with the most beneficial effect resulting from Hs and'effici-l I e B.Teal Ple;isure to record my testimony in behalf of Us virtue W C7' if P ?,? '.'il1 "lhers iny induced to make a trial of it. - .. lorA, May lo, 1M8. JOHN GRIGG. "GmApf,1"8? " Jforwick, JV. 1r., Oct. 6, 1847. of the benefit fit! XS f gratitude induce me to make a pubUc acknowledgment rL b? de' Ted from the use of your Sarsaparilla. I have for several gather ami .wEi V1lh scrlous swellings m my heW, which at times would gainer and discharge at mv throat no ,n, :.a ... ..,m kr..k nut in i.-.i-iii . i ..v.n.o, uui iuwi-u uu uciitni uiuu i commenced using your oar to tl.e .'. ,a,n 'OW wcll.; ,he so,cs Hni U healed, and 1 attribute the result enWlr lKJ LUC CTlei'LS ff Vlllfr villi ,1.1 .,..ul.... Yours, with respect and gratitude, PIIEBE CAHOOX- tein Personally acquainted with the person above named, I believe her statement to be correct. JAM lis M. l. CAllltJ Justice of the Peace rREPARCO AND SOLD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, T A. li. & D. SANDS, DitLGiiisTs and Chemists, 100 FULTOX ST., COK.NSR or WlLLlAM, NKW YoBK. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout tlie United States and Canada. 1 rice $1 per Bottle; six Bottles fur $5 1 1 ri i i For sale by Saml. J. Hinsdale, ' Fayetteville,- N. C.