TO SPORTSMEN. Just received a fine lot of double amtsingl barrel Ouas, Revolvers, lf-c Peking end common PUtoU, Shot Pouches, Game Bagi, Powder Flagkt. Nipple Wrencbe Percussion Capt, a great variety of Flab-books and lines. fiU poles, roeia, dram bottles, fio&ta. gun worms cleaning rods, dog collars, powder and shot, &.C. &c., for sale ch-ap by Oct 27. 1849. W. PiUOR. CbserTer and Communicator copy St River up and 3oods Arriving. TAYLOR & UNDERWOOD ARE now receiving tbe-lr Fall and "Winter Stccfc cm trader a general assortment of DRY GOODS, Hats, Bonnets, Boats and Shoes; Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Cheese, &c. ; Ploughs. and Castings ; Iron. Nail. Hardware ami Cutlery; fine and common Crockery; Cooper's and Smith's Tool, j r..;n Tools : &c. &c. Friends and customers, and the public, are all invited tn and M. October 27, 1649. 557-Sm mom i6esvEe') COMMON SCHOOLS. THE Acts of the Legislature in relation to the Com mon Schools having been amended, the Board ofuPef intendents will hereafter be elected at the December Term of the County Court. . ,, The Clerk of the Court will give notice ' mcatlns; of the Justices of the County, cn the Wednesday of tni TThe School Committee for the lt year October 1848 being the "h Nyemb. ,Q J,nu,rT The Board elected 1Q ec"mtheir dQtic9. at which lTcCotq: wiU be appointedforthe oeed to return the number of C Udr. ita their must specify the males and the females as by law they mT roauired todo. Blank forms of returns may be had on aDDlication Lr w i vumj the number of the males and females that have been taught in the Schools. Application wiu ikuiauv iw li npvmiuirub vi v- wiu- mittee to examine for the year, those who apply to be came Teachers ; as no one can be employed as a Teacher mittee. The .School Committees are requeetrd to state the number of School Houses ia their Districts The scholastic year will hereafter begin on the first day ef January each year. . .i i -i : ct.n rnm!iuV( the last year, will take notice that the Committee will meet on me x utnusj ui kuu ourciiur uuui; ohu uj of November, at 11 o'clock. Oct. 27. 1S4S. r.nwn I.FF. WINSLOVT. Chairman of the Board. 657-4w AT THE FRUIT AND TOV STORE. Green and Black Teas, crushed and powdered Sugar, Nats. Prunes. Fig Paste, (now article. ) Currants. Citron. Cloves. Mace. NutmiTs. Jround Cinnamon. Pepper and Ginger. Camphor. Indipo. Starch. Chocolate. Pickles. Pre scrvce.'Brandy Prunes. Sperm Candles. Sardines, butter Si water Crackers, soda aad wine Biscuits, chewing snd smokinr Tobacco. Scotch and Maccaboy SnutT. Principo and Havana Segars. Farina, common Srgars, Vc. Sec. For sale bv Oct 27, 1849. "W. PRIOR. Ha Branson & Son, ARE receiving their fall and winter Stock tf Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Shoes, Ker seys ami Blankets, &c- &c, w hich they will sell for cash or country produce, ut prices as lr.v as the lowest. Call and zee. September S, 1319. 3m. FXiikltfK: ROAD, OR JVO PLANK ROAD. THE Subscriber n now receiving a very ex tensive assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, selected exclusively by himself in N. York during the pat month. His stock em braces a general variety cf STAPLE DRY GOODS, viz : Blue, Black and brown Broadcloths, Plain and fancy Cassimeres, of every variety, Sattinets, Wool Tweeds. Corduroys, Beaver Cloth, Kentucky Jeans. Kerseys, bro. & blch'd Shirtings, Bed ami Ngro Blankets, together with almost every desirable article in the Staple trade, Satin and Silk Vesting. Plain black and fancy Alpaca3 ar.J Alpaca Lus tres, of latest patterns. Cdshmere-dc-E'cosses tor Ladies' Winter Dresses, A great variety of Prints, newest style and most beautiful patterns, Worsted Shawls ; Red, white and green Flannels, Canton Flinnel, Silk and Cotton Dress Shawls, Apron Checks, Bed Ticks, Ginghams, Silk and C&tton Handiterchiets, Suspenders and Combs, with a great variety cf notions not enumerated. Also, Slices, Hats & Gaps, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Lugy and Mule Collars, Pocket Knives, Knives ai.d Folks, with a variety of articles belonging to the Hardware line, 50 bags Rio and Laguira CofTte, Brow n. Crushed, Loat and Ilelir.ed Sugars, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, F.psom Salt, A superior article Spanish Indigo, Madder, Saleraius, Bar Soap, Cotton and o-l Ci-rds, Hyson, Young Hyson & Gunpowder Tea, bcft quality. Pots, Ovens, Spidnrs and .Skillets, 30 sides best .:panis!i Sole Leather, 5 tons SweV and Lngliaii liun ,. 35 kegs Cut 3i'ails, assorted, Blacks!!::ths' Tools in stts. of supeiior qu-ility. Window Glass, x 10 and 10 x 12, 60U sacks Salt, with a few hhds. prime Mo lasses. All of which will be sold as usual at the very lowest prices, for Cash, or exchanged for all kinds of Produce on the most liberal terms. All that is required of persons wishing tu buy the very best bargains, is to call and examine this Stock before purchasing elsew here. Old Stand, No. 4 Person street, nearly opposite the Bank cf Cape Fear J. M. WILLIAMS. Sept. 15, IS 19. .V)l-tf State of Korlh Carolina Sampson County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions lvust Trrrn, IS 10. George Sutton and Auswin Sutton, by their Guurdian, Kdinuud Sutton, vs John L. Clifton, administrator of Rebecca Crad dock, deceased, and others Petition for account and settlement. In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that William Craddock, llinton J. Craddock, Joseph Craddock, Thomas Craddock, and George Craddock, reside beyond the limits of this State: it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the North Carolinian for six successive weeks, notifying said noa-rtsideuts to be and appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to beheld for the county of Sampson, at the Court House in Clinton, on' the third Monday in November next, then and theie to plead, answer or demur to the said petition, otherwise the al legation therein contained will be taken pro con tesso and the petition will be heard exparte as them. Witness, J. R. Beaman, clerk of our said Court at office in Clinton, the third Monday in Au-ust, A. D. 1649, and 74th vear of American Indepen dence. o 0, J- R- BEAMAN, Clerk. State of N. Caroliua Cumberland county. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions Septem ber Term, 1S49. Robert B. Smith, administrator of James Watson vs. ' Henry Arcra and wife Mary, John Evans and wile Catharine. Petition for account and settlement. It appearing to the Court upon the hearin of the petition, that the defendant, Henry Avera and wife Mary, John Evans and wife Catharine, are not inhabitants of this State: it is ordered bv the Court that publication be made for six weeks n the North Carolinian, ""notifying the said de fendants to be and appear at "the i.ext term of ' , urt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be fteld for the county cf Cumberland, at the Court House m bayetteville, on the first Monday in i,'ecemrer next, and then and thprA to nl,-l sn- swer or demur to said petition, or the same will be tarfen pro con'esso and heard exparte Witness . John McLaurin, clerk of said Court at odice in F-yctteville, the lat Mond.y of Sep- Sept. 2P,JS49. 553-et , ' Ierk' PJLEASE RETURJV Some one has borrowed or taken away trom the Town Hll my copy of "Swaim's Justice." and has neglected t return it. This is to remind them that I should be glad to have it returned WM. MITCHELL. October 27. 1849. 557-3t Something- New! J. T. POPE & CO., Are now receiving their Fa.ll and Winter GOODS, which will mako their stock entirely new, led consists in part of DRY GOODS, BATS, CAPS, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes, ISanlware and Cutlery, RE A D Y-M A D E CL( TH1 G , A XI) S T A TIONKRY". Together with many other articles too tedious to enume rate. The above Good3 were selected with much care, and will be sold at low prices for cash, or on time to punc tual cti3toaieri. Their old customers and the public gen erally are invited to und examine for themselves. They coutinue to keep a supply of Dr. Jaynes' Family Medicines on hand for the benefit of the afflicted. Lumberton, N C Oct. i!.-. 1S19. 5o7-3t DENTISTRY. S. S. GILCHRIST, Dental Surgeon, nspectfully informs the clV.zaut of Fayetteville snd vicin ity, that he has taken au office in the Fayetteville Hotel, wiitre hei prepared to perform ail operations in hi? pro fession, and would be pleased to wait on all who may favor hini with a call. All work warranted. October 27, 007-tf FOB. SikX!. The Hous and Lett on Mumford street, the former Residence of If Blake. For particulars inquire of A. W. Stt-tl. Oct. 7, 184J. JNO. G. II ALL. 507-2ia VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOli SJ2LV. THE Subscriber offers for sale his towi property, situat ed in Lower Fayetteville, consisting of three Dwelling Houses, with all necessary out-houses; one Store House, now occupie .t by l . J . Jonnnon . Co.. and which is a good stmd for business ; also 3 unimproved lots suitable for building lota. The Houses are ail in good repair The subscriber is anxious to change his business, as well as hi location, and therefore a bargain may be expected, with liberal terms. Thofe wishing to engage in a speculation could not better cmaloy their capital, as it is expected DroDcrtv will j be greatly enhanced in value by the Cape Fear and Deep I River scheme of internal improvement i.ow in progress, j especially in that part of town lying immediately on the j Fiver, where said property is situated ! A description i of the property is unnecessary, as those wishing to pur i cliaee will doubtless examine the same before purchasing, i Inquire on the premises. THUS J . JOHNSON. Fayetteville, Oct. 27. 1S40. 557-3m AT FLORAL. COLLEGE. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and thw travelling public, that be has pened. at this pl; !. a House for their ccomjdation. He solicits a share o; pub lic patronage, promising that no pains bis part, to render all who may favor him with a c-ili I comfortable. Active and attentive Servants wiij a! waj a be at nana, i o meet tne aemanas oi public occasions, he has provided himself with good and extensive Stables, -which will be attended by a careful Octler. Term moderate and regular. N NICHOLSON. Floral College, Oct. 27,1849. 557-3t 'vW Fresh Norfolk Oysters Keccived daily at Liberty Point House, and for sale to customers on the same terms as heretofore. The finest wines, liquors, cigars, &.c. always to be had at the liar. The House will be kept open until 12 o'clock each night for theaccommodationof customers. A U AM, well known by every one, will always be in attendance. n J. BROOKSBANK. October S7. 1S4D. 557-4t NOTICE. THE Rev'd J. R. Harman. the Blind Treacher, will preach at the fo'lowing places : Saturday. Not. 3d st Cckesburry ; Sunday, 4th. at Pleasant I'nion. tampeon county; Wednesday, 7th. at Salem; Ihurfday, Sth. at Boykin's Chapel; Saturday and Saturday night, 10th, at C linton ; Sunday. 11th. at Ten Mile ; Monday, 12th. at Pinty Grove; Tuesday. ISth, at New Hope; Thurhday.l5th. at Johnson's Church, near "Warsaw ; Friday. 16th, at Ktnr IViarth ; Saturday, and Sunday, 17th and 18th, at KcnaEEViile. Tupliu county . o. . 11 WOODWARD. Oct. 27,1849 P. S. He being blind, w hope there will be a general interest felt and manifested by donations tcsaid Barman. J. C. BLOCKER. 800 lbs. Candy And. Sugar Plums, October 27, 1&49. V' FK1R- Pine Timber Land FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale 1300 acres o! LAND in Robeson county, on the "West side of Lumber River, and about 9 or 10 miU s froai Lumberton. There are about SO Acres in cultivation : the balanca in low land. For Ton Timber or Turpentine, there is no cutiui Kuu in lue county, x nis Land win le sold low and on accommodating terms. It will be flown, and any further information given, upon application to Peter mi uc n on tho premises. John V Powell at Lces vui. , or the subscriber at Lumberton. Oct.aT.lMx ROBERTS FRENCH, ppf AYETTEVII ,LE, . C. Phthisic, pain in Head Kidn ,nd A&ue Asthma, matic complin? Bri8danTwf.PUil,t8- I ile' Rheu ker Biles and KinRo. wtfv JL 8wre Burns. Can debiiitjr. Painters S Brwl CTh and Sal plaint, Dyspepsia. Toothache ComHnts, Liver Com ae VSDSggZjtiZ St. of TATLOR give satisfaction, wbe fnPJ U fail to nlainf a. thr will -i lwr ny Of the above mm. )K ' - - " av U VUiUvfi In hrttHoi tt 1-l or. " ndredWrlghtp; ' ' i 557-2m Just received, consisting of Wacons Crarti. . a variety of Basket,, fof sale byK Crad8 and October 27. 1945 "RIOR. NOTICE. ,:!! u .i,i on the first Monday of December next, at public auction, at the Court House, that desirable little farm on the Wilmington road, about the "dge of town, formerly known as Cade's. There is a comfortable dwelling house, kitchen, and other out-houses. It is a desirable residence, and the sale will be positive. WILLIAM CADE, for JAS. W. CADE. Oct. 13, lS4y. 55G-ts. Observer copy. NOTICE. Taken up and committed to the Jail of Moore county. N. C, on the 24th of September, 1S49, a negro boy who calU his name EZEKIEL, and says that he belongs to J-ames McKay of Brunswick county, N. C. Said negro is bUck, 5 feet 10 inches high. The owner of said nezro is hereby notified to come forward, prore pro perty, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. A. C. CURRY, Jailor. Oct. 13, 1S49. 535-tf. ltanawav from the sub- scriber, his slave man ABEL, supposed to have been persuad ed off by some one. Me is 5 feet S or 9 inches high, and very trim built; yellow complexion ; writes and reads well. He is supposed to be making his way North, or to a free State. The above reward will be given for his deliv ery to me, or his lodgment ki jail so that I can get him. Address me at Lumberton, N. C. JESSE BRITT, Sen. June 30, 1S49. 517-tf " MATS The Subscriber having resumed business at hi old stand on the northeast corner of Market Square, is just receiving his Fall and Winter stock of the LATEST and MOST FASHION ABLE style cf HATS. He has also a large assortment of his own man ufacturing, with a full supply of Military Caps. Also, a large assortment of Hat and Cap Trim mings, which he will keep continually on hand, and at priee3 to suit customers. DAVID GEE. i3- I will p iy the highest prices in cash for Fur Skins of eveiy kind, the ensuing winter. XJ. V. Fayetteville, Sept. 22, 18 19. tf LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber being anxious to travel South, oilers for sale those valuable tracts of Land lying in the Ccutities of Cumberland and Bladen about sixteen miles below Fayetteville, situated in and on the west side of Harrison's Creek from two and a half to three miles of Ca,ie Fear River, containing about fifteen hundred acres well timbered with prime Juniper and Cypress; and for fertility a large portion can be surpassed by none in the State. For further information upply to the subscriber at the Store of Jessup &. Mitchell, Gillispie Street. MARSHAL W. JESSUP. Fayetteville, Oct. 13, 1649 .553-4t SALEOF TOW N P HOPE RTY AND LAND. Will be sold at the Court House in the Town of Fayetteville, on Tuesday the 13th day of 'No vember next, the following Valuable Ileal Estate, (sold to eflect a division,) viz Lots, with fire-proof Buildings thereon, o:; Hay street, joining Blake and Hooper. 2 Lots, with fire-proof Buildings thereon, on Uiy street, joining Wuddill and Hooper. 1 Lot on Franklin street. 2 Lots oa Franklin and Donaldson sts. 1 vacant Lot near the Jail. 1 L.-t iii CaniUcllton, bbove the Bridge. 2'jO ncres of Land. North side of Clarendon ! Eridge, with four Stoics and Dwelling Houses inereon, 6 comfortable Dwelling Houses on Haymount. 3 '"acres of Land joining the same. 54 acres of Land near Union Factory. 100 acres, valuable for fire-wood, joining Ellis 14G acres do do, joining ditto. 104 do do do, joining ditto. Plats of the above Land and Lots will be ex hibited on the day of sale. Persons desiring particular informatin about the above Property, will please call on Alexander Johnson, Market Square, Fayetteville. Terms made known on day of Sale. ARCH'D A. T. SMITH. Clerk and Mast er. Oct. 13, 1S49. 55its BUSIJYESS JGJSJYT. The undersigned w ill attend to such business a the procuring of discounts, renewal of Notes, procuring of northern Checks at either of the Banks in this place, and drawing of Pensions. He will also attend to the collection and estab lishment of Claims against the United.States, for soldier's services in the Mexican war, or any other business of that nature. He will also draw up any instrument of writing where a penman is required, a ad do any other writing whatever. Apply at the oaice of the Plink Rod Com pany, under the Fayetteville Hotel Refers to any of the merchants in Fayetteville. JNO. M. ROSE. Sept. 8, 1S49. 550-tf Dll. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This extract is put up in quart bottles ; it is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted superior tu any sold. It cures diseases without vomiting, purging, sickening, or debilitating the patient. GREAT FALL AND WINTER MEDICINE. The great beauty and superiority of thisSarsa parilla over all other medicine, while it eradi cates diseases, it invigorates the body. It is one of the very best fall and winter medicines ever known ; it not only purifies the whole system and strengthens the person, but it creates new, pure, and rich blood ; a power possessed by no other medicine. We have letters from physicians and our agents from all parts of the United States, informing us of extraordinary cures. R. Van Buskirk, Esq, one of the most respectable Druggists in Newark, N. J-, informs us that he can refer to more than 150 case in that place alone. There are thou sands of cases in the city of New York, which we will refer to with pleasure and to men of character. It is the best medicine for the pre ventive of diseases known. RHEUMATISM. This Sarsaparilla is used with the most per fect success in rheumatic complaints, however severe or chronic. The astonishing cures it has performed are indeed wonderful. Other reme dies sometimes give temporary relief.this entire ly eradicates it from the system, even when she limbs and bones are dreadfully swollen. Hear Mr Seth Terry, one of the oldest and most respectable lawyers in Hartford, Conn. The following is an extract of a letter received from him : Dr. Townsend: I have used one bottle of your Sarsaparilla, and find it is excellent in its effects upon a chronic rheumatic pain, to which I am subject, from an injury occasioned several years ago, in a public stage. Please send me two bot tles to the care of Dr. Seymour. I have con versed with two of our principal physicians, and recommend your Sarsaparilla. SETH TERRY. Hartford, March 12, 1S45. GIRLS, READ THIS. You who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotches on the face, rough skin, and are " out of spirits," use a bottle or two of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. It w ill cleanse your blood, remove the freckles and blotches, and give you animation, sparkling eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful com plexions all of which are of immense value to unmarried ladies. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Dr. Townsend: My wife being greatly distres sep by weakness and general debility, and suffer ing continually by pain and a sensation of bearing down, falling of the womb, and with other diffi culties, and having known cases where your me dicine has effected great cures, and also hearing it recommended for such cases as I have describ ed, I obtained a bottle of your extract of Sarsa parilla, and followed the directions you gave me. In a short period it removed her complaints, and restored her health. Being grateful for the bene fits she.reccived, I take pleasure in thus acknow ledging it, and commend it to the public. M. D. MOORE, Corner of Grand and I.vdiuj ata. Albany, Aug. 17, lSli. Cheap as possible ! The Subscriber would respectfully inform hw friends and the : public generally, that he has opened a Saddle and Ilarncss-iii'iliiiigf ESTABLISHMENT on Person street, two doors east of the Cape Fear Bank, where he would be glad to receive a share a public patron ige. He keeps constantly on hand Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Martingales, Whips, tc.,.made of good materials and by good workmen. Persons wishing anything in his line ! will please examine his articles before purchas- i ing elsew ncre. lie returns his thanks for past i favors and requests a continuance of the same. I Prices moderate. ! Just received from the North, a laro-o saor- ment of materials necessary for a saddle and har ness manufactory. fjCj- REPAIRING neatly executed and at short notice. W. OVERVY. Aug. 11, 1849. ly. Encourage Home Manufactures A. A. McKETHAN Will continue to carry on the business of the late firm of Gardner and McKethan, in all its branches. He has now on hand, and intends to keep, a general assortment, consisting of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, Baggies, Gigs, Sulkies, WAGONS, &c. Which, for elegance of shape and finish, and u rability, will compare with any made in the U. States. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine his work, as he has determined to sell low for cash, or approved nwtes. Having in his employment first rate smiths, he is prepared to do pny iron work in the above line, on moderate terms He warrants all nis work to be of good and faithful workmanship and materials, for one vear CO- Repairing faithfully executed at short no tice, and on reasonable terms. January 15, 1S4S. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Z1ARBLE FACTORY. Nearly Opposite liberty Point. The subscriber having taken the stand lately eccupied by Simpson Sc McLaughlin, respectful, ly returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore exteaded to him, and hopes by unre mitted attention to business to merit a contin uance of the same. I have on hand several vehicles : Carriage. Barouches, Buggies, Rockavvtys, Vaggons, &.c., of the most approved style, which, for lightness and durability, compare with any made here or elsewhere. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine them, as I am determined to sell very low for cash or approted notes. Having had several years experience in one of the largest establishments north, I am prepared to manufacture Carriages'of any description, at the shortest notice. All work warranted for twelve months; and repaird, free uf charge, should it fail in pomt of wokmanship or mater ial. REPAIRING neatly executed at the shortest notice and most reasonable charce. Orders thank- iunj recen eu. A. C. SIMPSON.. Fayetteville, Jan. 13, 1S49. 42J-U TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. This extract of Sarsaparilla has been express ly prepared in reference to female complaints. No female who has reason to suppose she is ap proaching that critical period, "the turn of life," should neglect to take it, as it is a certain pre ventive for any of the numerous and horrible dis eases to which fern iles are subject at this time of life. This period may be delayed several years by using this medicine. Nor is'it less valuable for those approaching womanhood, ss it is calcu lated to assist nature, by quickening the hluod and invigorating the system. Indeed, this me dicine is invaluable for all the diseases to which women are subject. It braces the whole system, renews permanent ly the natural energies by removing the impuri ties of the body not so f .r stimulating the svs tem as to produce subsequent relaxation, which is the case of most medicines taken for female weakness and disease SCROFULA CURED. Tins certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsaparilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of the blood. Tnree children cured in one house is unprecedented. Dr. Townsend, Dear Sir: ! have the pleasure to inform you that three if my children have been cured of the Scrofula by the use of your ex cellent medicine. They were afflicted verv se verely with bud sores ; have taken only four bot tles; it took them away, for which 1 feel mvsell" under deep obligation. Yours respectfully," ISAAC V. CR A IN. ISew York, March 1, 1S47. 100,000 Acres Valuable TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber has purchased all the Lantc belonging to the estate of A brain Dubois, dee'd, lying principally in Robeson county, and ofc both sides of Lumber river, the different sur veys containing over ONE HUNDRED Ti'.OU. SAND ACRES; a large part finely timbered, and convenient to Lumber river, where a lart quantity of Timber is now rafted to the Genrpe. town market. These lands are very valuabh both for Timber and Turpentine, for which pur pose a large part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be obtain ed by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, J. C. Dobbin, Esq., A. A TV Smith, Esq., Attorneys ;,t La w . I understand there are many trespasser on these lands, to b11 of whom notice is heieby given that the law will be enforced fgr.inst all such ot fender?. Application for any part t f the lauds can Le inane to myself, or t- John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make s..le of the same THOMAS J. CURTIS. Jan. 13. IS 13. tf. Nearly opposite the Post Office. Jan. CO, 1S49 y FAYETTEVILLE, N. C OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is id most daily receiving orders from physicians indifferent p. its of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, physicians of the city of Albany, have in numer ous cases prescribed br Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable pre parations in the market. H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON, M. D. 1 I!. B. BR1GGS, M. D. . ., P. E. ELMEXDOBF, M. D. Albany, April 1, 1S4G. Mi New Boarding House. The Subscriber has bought the House (known as the Neill Johnson house) on the south-east corner of Court House Souare. tvhru K in tends keeping as good a table as can be kept in the place, and his stable well provided with pro vender. All he wants is a call. He guaranties to give perfect satisfaction. JOHN STEWART, Oct. G, IS 19. 531-St. Proprietor. MISS BINGHAM ,Vi p ?- CUSS f yoUn Ladies Drawing lnvinoonf -,S,'Prate from he School. Sept. 29 1U 553-Sw FASHION ARLE HJRLIC. The undersigned have receiv ed their full reports of New rk. I'hiladelphia and Euro pean fashions for the Fall and Winter icm prepared to ex cute any order i n the tailoring business, in i the most fashionable and I workmanlike manner. They i are thankful for past patron- ! n1 assure the public j that nothicg shall be lft un done to eive entire xatisfic- I tion to all who call npon them j - -"vucn JUU WUU1U always Hketh..t. ..-k w ...r '...u ....... tbe work is done. All persen indebted to us will pleaw call and settle. GJtAHAM fc WOODWARD. Fyettevil!e. Oct C7, m3.-3 uses Puuemfr. TO THE UNITED STATES OFFICER. Capt. G. W. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps, and member of the New Jersev Legislature, has kindly sent us the following cer tificate. It teiis its own story : . . T Rahway, Jan. 25, 1S17. A year s. nce, I wa taken with the influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state I w..s laduced to try Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla! ( ,5 n or uiree noities, l was very j much relieved, and attribute it entirely to the ! said rsaparilla. I have continued taking it, ; and find th;t I improve every day. I believe it ; saved my life, and would uot be without it under -u7 wuucuuua. u. W. McLEAN. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or d5????i.n food .!- strengthening ... s-v. u uigesnon, as this preparation of Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. If any doubt this assertion, we invite them to read the nf t h hng,!nd.,SpensaDle testimony of a gentleman of the highest respectability. If this is ot en tirely satisfactory, we would be happv to give other reference to some of the first fkiniliel in the city, vvho have used it with perfect success in this and other distressing diseases. Bank Department, Albany, May 10, 1S4S. Dr Townsend, Sir: I have been afflicted for leeSle'7KW,th d-vsPPsia its worst forms' attended with sourness of the stomach, loss of !Klte'.??e.nie K'rtburn, a great ave?! i ...i Kinas oi food, and for weeks fwhat I could eat) I have been unable to retain but a small portion cn my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had Vut little or no effect in removing the complaint. I was induced two months since, to trv your extract f parill,, and I must say wih little confidence ut" after usur nearly two bottles I fnwT Petite,reStrfd a"1 the "rtburVeXe?vy 11' moved, and I tvould earnestly ? use of it to those who have Leu t have been. Yours, fcc. affllctd I u- i t, W- W-VAN2ANDT. For sale in Fayelteville bv ?ait t HINSDALE, DriUt! - SAM LJ' Also, by J. & W. JOHNSON, Clinton. December 30, 1648. 314-iy NEW GOODS IV M. H. LATTA HAS tjken the Store lately occupied by T. Haw ley &. Son, and nearly opposite H. & E.J. Lilly's, and is now receiving und opening an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Selected from the Philadelphia and New York markets, and purchased at very low prices. In the assortment will be found a L'cncr: ! tv. tensive supply of j Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and SILK GOODS irfiipr-llv t.! ... . ..... . . - C .-. , . ,u m., , hjju, a lis 17 1 1 1 ; of Notions, viz: Combs, fh Soaps, &.C., ' and a very general assortment of the followin- go:ds : j Hats, Caps, Shoes, and IJoot, - j Every vniety of Hardware and Cntlerv. I Family Groceries, viz: Coffee, Tea, and Brown I Sugar; Clarified and Refined Sugar, ! Wines and French Brandy, ; China, fiue Crockery, an i Gl .ss-waie, j Paints, Medicines, Oils, &.C., Travelling Trunks, PUls, and Brooms, Also, an assortment of Saulerv. I The subscriber te.iders an invitation to U his 1 old customers (and the purchasers ofoodin this market generally) to aive hiia a cJl heii 1 determined to sell Goods cheap and to aceorn uiLuncmMuuitn io me extent of his ability si, means for Cash, Country Produce, or to promt time purchasers As he cannot give a cat-lo-t . ' ?-. ""'"innueiu, piease Cull, an ne win snow.iL This shall cost nothing Septl5, 1S49. 531-Sw Fish, Thomastown Lime, ad line Crockery for sale by- April 2i, J. t. WILLIAMS. JOS. S. DUNN Is prepared to do all kinds of Wheelwright w-rk. wagons, carts, drays, barrows, plows, tc, on the most liber; 1 teims, at his workshop, coiner of Mumford and Winslow streets, where persons disposed to patronize him will please call. June Hi, 1S49. f;ii-tf It I , a t ill a GEAKUAL AGENT For ihe sale of all kinds of coun try Produce, such as Lumber, Timber, Na a nl Stores Corn, Bacon, &c. &c. WILMLNU'lON, N. C. References, V. K. Dickinson,. O. G. Pailey, K- P- Hull, Dr. Thou. H Wright, Gilbert Potter. Owen Fenn.ll. John Dawson, A. L. Price, Wilmington, N. C. July 21, 1819. Jy iff -Vs&j I USA. V-x J l. Si'rJ NEW UOODK The Subscriber is now receiving his stc-ck tf FALL GOODS, purchased recently in the north ern markets at the lowest prices," consisting i.i p?rt of Calicoes, Kerseys, Sheetings and Shirtings, Cloth. Cas.suncics and Sattinets, Alpaccas, Di-Lains. and Lombazii.r?; Pocket and table Cutlery, Vaidware oi all kinds, Florence, Rutland and other straw Bonnet, Gentlemen's fashionable mcle-kin Hi ts', Men's, boy's and childicn's lUts and C..j!, ' all kinds. Saddles, Bridles and Martingales, Whips, h.rse and mule Collars', 20 ctses iiouti and Shoes; A good assoitmentof common CROCKERY & GLASS WAKE, Rio and Laguira CofTee. 15 bids, crushed and clarified Sugars',' Blacksmith's Tools, and finishing Nails, Swede Iron, froih 1 to 1 inches broaJ, And a variety of other articles which he would be glad to sell for cash or exchange for country produce. J. E. BRYAN, Opposite Bank GapeFe" Aug. 11, 1S49. 3m. Watchmaker &. Jeweler, JVorth side Hay ttrerti midway between the netb Hotel nnri fh r'i,- Has just received from the north, a splendid as sortment of Goods in his line. .ionVh"eh n Oo"Bif;ldKa?d SilV W-lc'eS, from $8 up to SI 00; gold chains; seals; keys; breast pins- ear locKfi,afierkirnd?SVa fi0e aTrtmt; brSl??.' lochets al kinds of spectacles; gold pens with Seacard ' combs; coral steel beads anrt l 1 cie oi pocket books; MILITARY GOODS. iriST r EPulets. Rd military goods of all au frnachaPauxtoaspur. All of the above goods will be sold as cheap as nn i bou8ht any coantrv, at retail. . J- Particular attention paid to the repair ing of Watches and jewelry. Sept. S, 1S49. 3m ' CO PARTS KRSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have associated themselves togethei, under the name and stvle ofMc.N;!)b &. Warner, for tke purpose of carrying an a gen eral mercantile business. They intend t k-P a general assortment of Drv Goods, Groceri Hardware, Cutlery and Crockery, ami will s1 as low as any other house in this place. An ex amination by the public of qualities and price is only necessary to insure sales. ROBT. McNABB, D. O. WARNER Carthage, Moore co., Aug. 18. 547-tf. m r 1 1 : l ooer my swelling nouse and lot in this place for rent for one year from the 1st of October next p..l wishing to see the place will call at the Caroli nian Office. R. A, STUART Aug. 25, 1845 tf aKJ" Mil rt if N. F. BORDEAU- Lumber and Timber INSPECTOR, Attends promptly to all business in his line, anj solicits the countenance of his friends and : others engaged in the Timber and Lumber bui, ness. WILMINGTON, IT. C, July 21, 1S49. TIN WARE, -At Wholesale and Retail. tt F. T- WARD, wiu carry on the Tinning busi ness as. hererofore, at the old stand, where he wii promptly and faithfully ex- otto all wnrk in his line. Jobbing of all kinds don with despatch. rrr l I . WAKxl, March 17. 1S19.

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