7 V if " ' . - " '..7. ).- .v ' - jT --i "" ' ;-' - r ; . , , ., , nfi i THE SEMINOLE INDIANS. The lale Consul Surrender of the Mur- j deters Talk about Emigration. ; We have been permitted to read and make extracts from private letters receiv ed in this city from a gentleman who was present at the late council between the Seminoles and the Commanding General in Florida, and whose knowledge of the language ol the Indians and hng residence amongst them impart w eight and authority- to ids statements. Tut replies ol ; j. i ii:.. li,..l,-.rs tn talk about emigration don't militate tne w. Illness oi the Indians to go Wet, which as from other ad v'c.s received !.. l a npa . ..! ..! uintn as iiniH'st . NEW JWODS. Win. Mclnlyro J- ayfituvilii'. Ni'V. r. . - 11..., 1... ju,t received, consisting S- - : p", ., ty of liiisliccs. lor vj 7. isrj a v:rn J lit: r . ,1 che.J Charlotte Harbor on the 1 tn The Indians (seine filty or sixty days w mi party rea ultimo. Url It iti been tnere nine in iiuuiuv-i ill r r .1 three of the murderers and the baud ot the Iburth, who was killed in the attempt to capture him. Every chief and sub-chiel ol note in the nation was there. 1 hey looked i r,l ,.t.,l 1.m,i essed. and snoke ot their ,,t,iii-111 .- - t having much trouble and cant uri nil the the murders on United otates commander-iri-chiet addren- DEWtlSTIlY. S. S. GILCIIIIIST, Dental Surgeon, rrsi.iTtfnnv informs the- fitizt-n f I":' ywtrvill.- nn'-I T"'"1 itv. tl.Mt h.'t ha- taU. n offi-e in tl..- K:.y-tU-viUt- U-t.-l. w li. v.- h.- is ,.i e.:.r,-,l to ,..-rf..r.ii U op.-, aUons m lnsi.ro f. ion. uii'l would ! .l-:.s.-1 to wait on all who may tavcr will, u All worn w:ii-raiura. 800 lbs- Candy; And Sugar Plums, Of cvprv kinl. for sale at wholesale and rot ail at tie Fruit au.l Toy Store, l.y W. FJUOU. October 27. 1S4W. J. A. Sadler's Hotel, CHARLOTTE, N. C. H:ivIncT lrnmf OXVner Ol m.m v.- s-r mm m ' - VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SJLE. TI1K Subscriber ofT. rf for Faleliis town propcrtv. situat e.l in Lower r avetleville. eonsi.-t ing of tlnee ilwi-llin:? Hou-cs with all n. rcs.-ary out-hou.es; on,: St. .re House, now occupM-J 1 y 'J'. ). lolinson &. Co.. and which is a good itan.l for biisin. ss : also 3 mimpr.ve.l lots suitable lor buibliii ' lots The 1 louses are a 11 in good repsir The sub-criber is anxious to chaiifr.' his business, as well a hi location, and thoroforc a bur-am Biay beexpected-with liberal terms. Tho-e wihins tr cnia?e in speculation could not better employ tlwir capital. a it is expected property will bo iireatly enhanced in ratue by the I ape hear and Deep Hiver -eh.'iio-of iuteriii.1 iiuproTcinent now in progress, e'peciallv in that part of town lying immediately on the Hirer. Where said property is sitimted ! A description of the property is unnecessary, as those wishini to Pur" chase will doubtless examine the same before purchasing. Inquire on the premises. 1U. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This extract is put up in quart bottles; it is six tunes cneaper, pieus-.iiTer, a..u wmwiku , ttiij fM. . , fo sav to my superior to any sold. It cures diseases without ,,atrona. and the public Jenemlly- tlint it will VOinUOIj lulollto Btv. nt io'5? - nLiii uc rv j" i uitbi ii a ni.u'l. J lie lull r.Mi v. i;ent - ',as recently been fitted up in a style inferior to no estab- pailc ,,T.tniivTr lishment in this part of the country. GREAT FALL AND WLNTEK Mi.L)lClJ J. i wiiialso on this occasion tender my sincere thanks for .,, . . . , ,.f t1ii Sarsa- I tuc Tery liberal patroua-tiv I huTe enjoyed, and promise, if The great beauty and superiority ot tins arsa atteli ljm tQ wlnvn canJretain the same., not narilla over all other medicine, wnue it cj'Vtotalt. 1' - - . - j. -I 1 J.. Ti una ! cates tliseases, it invioraies me umi. n. j fthevt-rv best fall and winter medicines ever i known; it not only purities the whole system t noil4, 4..,.tvnir nl stiei.-'thens the person, but it creates new, j "1 tWOJl 1M. a power pos essea y n TAYLUK U IHlJfciK V OOIJ CharWtte. Oct.. 1849 5."8-4t J. A. SADLER. TMOS J. 1'aTlM tev'iile. Oct. -7 lS4f. JOil N'SON. r.o7-iii iiiui October -Si. IM'.i. .T-tf many trials in who committed Indian rivor. A tier Hie vouul: ui-n vavia: fcctl the council, Awtm-ha, the duel ea ker of the nation replied as follow?, to that part which related to llit-ii reooal from Florida: ! S;.uir:fts, Wool A, ih.i evnert this t-.ilK. When ou (;i,,t ,. K.ntuckv PLAHK ROAD, OR ,YO PLJ.XK RO. JD. 'Ill K Su!.sci'i he v is now 1 rccivi ni? a very ex v- :.,rtine.it .f FALL AND W I NT Kit HOI MK selcrtfil cxrlusivi! V liv I) Yolk (luii.'ili the p'.ist tiionlh. Ilia : Iimcs a ofiit-iLl variety 1' DRV COODJ Y. :ck ..ifl jio'.vii F'roitdcloths, If i:i N. j lcck em- ; TO SPORTS 31 EX. JuL received a fine lot of double ami sinjdu barrel Oirai llevolver. self" -cfckin and coiiiinon PistoU.Shot Pouches, (iaine Ua-'s. Powder 1 la.-ks." Nipple Wrenches Percussion Caps a "rea t variety of fish-.'look? and lines, fish poles, reels . Ira m hot t le. lion t s. ;ur worms cleaning rods. d g collar.-, i.owler aud no. c. ac. wi t..ie coenp vy Oct 27. 1S.4U. W. PKIOH. VIZ . in and f.iiicy brill ll.is new rremov.l umller I Icltas ; si.irtiB?,cln.l -"S 5. '-I si,,,,,,. 1 TuM rulhcr Uc shot. 1 am old, and I will not leje m , l jn hl iC,. nmiiiv t;.ii. W'oith said lie souKe lot"! t ,-. ni litest D.tt.ri ssimej es, of every variety, Tweeds, Corduroys, Heaver Tr ans. Kcrsevs, bro. &. hlchM s, lied urn Sogro Hlankets, together with rticie i!i tli' .staple iraue, pure, and rich blood other medicine. We have letters from phvsicians and our agents i ! from all parts of the United States, informing us I of extraordinary cures. II. Van Buskirk, Esq, one of the most respectable JJrugists in ienju, N. J., informs us that he can refer to more than 1 50 case in that place alone. There are thou sands ot cases in the city ol' New York, which we will refer to witli pleasure and to men of character. It is the best medicine for the pre ventive of diseases known. UlIEUMATISM. This Sarsaparilla is used with the most per fect success itt rheumatic complaints, however severe or chronic. The astonishing cmis it lias performed are indeed wonderful. Other reme dies sometimes give temporary relief,this entire lv eradicates it" from the system, even when the limbs and bones are dreadfully swollen. Hear Mr Seth Terry, one of the oldest and most resnectable lawyers in Hartford, Conn. The following is a:i extract of a letter received from him : Dr. Townsend: I have used one bottle oi your NOTICE, lip " , ! Saivsap-.-rilla, and find it is excellent in its effects iy of December ! u n chronic rheumatic pain, to which I am n our our people t i l wouitt. ror country. en. oi in sain ue vonr i'resident. too: that he u.i aulh-n ized to make peace ami leave us quiet country, and that m Ion ineserved the tiealv o niany years ju have had no caue to cum j)lain, and lately, when a few had o'jn men broke the law a tiling that cannot be prevented anions any people U.d w not liasten to mak; atonemenir NN e met you as Soon as we could, and promised to amide satisfaction, and from that day have nut rested. W e Alt aca Lus- I. . A l-..w. -.nr. on niaciv auu i.:im v i ...m . .. .lies i 1..1 1 .' I' is. :.:- h me re - d - Tco sses l-r I. dies Winter Dresses, ! vai iety of 1'riuts, newest style and most i beautiful patterns, j Worsted Shals ; i;-d, wliite and green Flannels, Canto:, 11 iimel , Silk and Cotton Dress Shawls, Apron Checks, lied Ticks, Cinhains, I Silk and Ctton l!-:ndkerchief-s. Suspeadcis and 1 .omits, vnn a gie.n uici -i notion-; not enumerated. !8 :c A-.? Will Le sold on the first Monday next, at public anction, at the Court House, tnat su)j,.cti from an injury occasioned several years desirable little farm on the Wilmington lo:tl, ni;o, in a public stae. Please send me two bot- abont the (!e ol rown, loimeny wiwi n ,fiM tn t1P care f Dr. Sevmour. 1 Dave con Cade's. There is a comfortable dwelling house, .j Wtj, two c,f our principal physicians, and kitchen, ami other ont-tioues. n is a uesu auic- i . . i . : 1 1 i. resnience, ana inesaie win ur .'iuo- Oct. i: WILLIAM CADE, ior .I AS. W. CADE. ).".."-ts. Dbserver copy. NOTICE. recommend your Sarsaparilla, Hartford, March 2, 1S43. SET 1 1 TERll V ha e killt give we oiie oi Also : Shoos, SSa ts 8c Gaps, i biles. P.ridles. Marti nzoles, Burirv and Mule i iy. d iiave brought three others will li i i ir tiie P. .eke t Knives, Ktnvesai.u - i.n.s, itt! a f articles belonging to the Hardware our people, an . . i. . i.., . .... ..,..1 IO Ut' MUCH UT tin, .1 mi ..... . lifth. There has been mucii trouble and grief; but we have done jusiice, and we came here confident that you would be sat isfied. Now, when you ask Ua to remove, 1 feel as though you had killed me too. 1 will not go, nor will our people. I want no time lo think or talk about it, tor my mind i made up. A for the vie I elation, Qalluding to a delegation proposed to he composed of member s of the ti ibe hereto fore emigrated to Arkansas, and brought to Florida to induce their b tends to tollow theml 1 did not invite them to come and see me. Mine Seminoles "A ent to Ai kan-j t. a-tki- . v -i , . - noil 11- i H'lfi tll(ll tL.tfwV tit I lose them; but we have got over tiiatj sorrow long since, and now tney are noth ing to us, and we do not desire to see them. 1 did not expect this talk, and bad 1 done to I would not have helned to deliver these ft men to you." Hilly How legs, who is a fine-looking fel low ol forty, followed with great earnest ness aud dignity of manner. Alter talk ing somewhat to the same effect as At.sun wha, though w ith more w ildness of phrase, but not of manner, he added: Vc have now made more stringent laws than wc have ever had belure, and 1 have brought here many young men and hoys to see the terrible consequences ot breaking our peace laws. I have brought them here that they might see their comrades deliver ed up to be killed This business has caused many tears, but we have done justice. "1 now pledge you my word that if you will cease this talk of leaving the country noother outrage shall be committed by mv people: or if ever hereafter the. worst among my people shall cross the boundary and do any mischief to your people, you nctd not look lor i tinners or appoint coun cils to talk. 1 will make up my pack ami shoulder it, and my people will do Cue same. We will all w alk down to the sea shore, and we will ask but one question: "Where is the boat to cany us to Arkansas?"' A day was appointed tor another coun cil, but they did not promise to attend. There was an informal promise that some runner would come to see the whites, but they often observed that they were stunned and confused by the talk, and could not promise any thing. hen Hilly Howlegs was asked, alter the council, it tl gation from .'7rkanas should be to him as scon as they arrived, he became agitated and held his breath for a moment. He then said, with giea; deliberation, 'Wild Cat is mv gnat friend I Tell him not to come into our country until I send for him. '' A subsequent letter from the same source intimates lhat a portion of the Indians mav be induced to emigrate. W ashington Re C.1I..I-.-v iriety 1 1 1 i e , nil b igs Rio and Lagtiir.i Coffee, brown, Crushed, Loaf and Refined Sugars, I'epf.er, Spice, (linger, Kpsom Salt, A siijieiiiir article Spanish Indigo, Madder, Saleratus, !Jar Soap, Cotton and Wool Cards, Hvson. Vomig Hyson &. Ounpowder Tea, best pi dity. Pi ts. Ovens, Spiders and Skillets, :;0 sides best Spanish Sole Leather, .') to:is Swedes and English Iron, ')" keir-s Cut Nails, assorted, P,l .cksTniths' Tools in sets, of superior quality, Window Class, S x 10 and 10 x 12, ")()0 sacks Salt, with a few hhds. prime Mo lasses. All of which will he sold as u ui A at t ho very lowest prices for Cash, or exchanged for nil kinds of" J'j-oibiee on the most liberal terms. Taken up ami committed to the Jail of Moure county. N. C, onthe:-'th of September, 1S-1P, a neiiro boy who calls his n-iii-.e F.ZEK1EL, and says that he belongs to James .McKay of r.ru.ns-.vick county. N. C. Said no j.io is Id .ck, .Vieet 1 inches hih. The owner of said nero is hereby notified to come forward, prove pro nertv. pav charges, and take him GIRLS, READ THIS. You who have pale complexions, dull eyes, blotches on the face, rough skin, and are "out of spirits," use a bottle or two of Dr. TownseaU's Sarsaparilla. It will cleanse your blood, remove he freckles and blotches, and nive you annn.iumi, sparklinir eves, line spirits, and beautilul com- lexions all ol which are oi immense viur to unmarried lvdics. will be dealt with as Oct. l.T, 110. a wa v the law directs. A. C. CURR Y, Jailor -.T)- tf. or he SS5 er-ffe era a?' n4 aimr i i ti :t is r?-:p:irrd -f persons v. isian to buy ! -j ski 1 w lies! bargains, is toc.dl and ex iuine ck bei'ore purchasirig elsewhere. The above ilanaway from the sub scriber, his sl.,ve man AM EL, supposed to have been persuad ed' olf by some one. Tie is o feet S or ) inches hib. and very trim built; yellow complexion ; writes and reads well. He is supposed to be making his way North, or to a free State. rew.ud will be given for Lis deliv- tb is Old Stand . No. 1 IVrsc the R ink of C pe Fe.r ! erv to me i street , iiearly op osi te 1 p Sept. I.". 110. J. M. WILLIAMS. .')'. l-tf et him. Ju-,e :;o, ISP or his lodgment im jail so that 1 can d dress me at Lumberton, N. C. .1 ESSE JiRI'l'T, Sen. 5 17-tt fJARTUAUH HOTEL. 8m m This Mouse (Torineily owneil by Dr. S. C. JJruce) is kept present Dv ihe sunscriuer. open ar Fhauklul AT g I i I li-VSiy ;ires-Ml ov iiie sio.sl j iuci . i ii.uimui i -i- , S u Uscri ner U.) ixmiiih-u ii.ninrn di ii ssssst&ss for t be liberal patrouatre receive! so j ,,jti t ,r,d on the northeast corner of Market t'..r, he pt;Isrri himself to spare no pains to ren- v- ,,.,. :s Pist receivi-i-r his Fat I and Winter r travelers, that inav call on him. comfort .hie ! i- . t'-V i . Tl-l and MOST FASHION- V iC Ot ii.'. i .-). lur ; ra- eiers, i liar may can i ng t hei r st- v . Cartilage IJORT. M c N Moure county, Sept. . i . . i ! . I . I, do lartie ')0-!f w ith a fail sort me n t of his own man supply of Military Caps II. Branson & Son, ARE receiving their fall and winter Stock of G-roceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Shoes, Ker seys and Hlankets, Slc &.c. , which they will sell for cash or country produce, at prices as low as the lowest. Call and see. September 's, 1 li. .'im. -, . .. r i n A!-;o alirc assortment of Hat and Cap Trira- rei-i "-s. which he will keep continually on hand, and at prices to jit customers. fvj- I will pay the 1 Fur Skins of cveiy kind, the ensuin Fayetteville, Sept. 22, IS 19. DAVID GEE best prices in cash for winter. D. G. tf 3 - CLOTHING. SAMS0N&W0RMS Have jtr-t received tlie largest assortment f re.uly-m.ide Clothes ever oilcred in the Town of Fayetteville, comprising Fine broad cloth Coats, Cloaks, r- . . -? T i anis a no i suit. COiltS. Planters Coats c Over-j jj,gy Also Whirls, losonis. lo BUSINESS AGENT. i be undersigned will attend to such business a the lirocuring of discounts, renew;.l of Notes nrocurinir of northern Checks at either of the hanks in this place, and drawing of Pensions lie will also attend to the collection and estab lishment of Claims against the United States, for soldier s sei vices in the Mexican war, or any other business of that nature. lie will also draw up any instrument of writing where a penman isrequiied, and do any other writing whatever Apply at the office of the PI ink Road Com pany, under the Fnvetteville Hotel. Refers to anv of the merchants in Favetteville JNO. M. ROSF. Sept. n, 1810. 550-tf 5 ie dele-!!-if- , 1 1-,..!, ............. ' 51 II L II U ARK now rccviviriR thoir Fall and Winter Stock em bracing a general itprortiurut of DRY GOODS, Hats, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes; Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Cheese, &c. ; Ploughs and Castings ; Iron. Nails, Hardware and Cutlery ; line and common Crockery; Cooper's and Smith's Tools ; Turpentine Tools : &c, &c. Friends and eiist omor?. and the pulilic. are all invited to call and pee . October 27. 1S40. 557-3m J. & T. WADDILL AKK now rcc civ in g from Kaltiniorc, Philadoli'liia. and New Vork. their FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF m- aro lis 9 roiisistinjr of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS. Hardware. Hollow Ware, and Wooden Ware. Cutlery. Ivory and Horn Combs. B.-igjring. tt ope ami Twine. Blacksmiths Carpenters", and Turpentine Tool. Ss-ddlery and Leather. Hats and Caps. Hoots and Shoe?. China. Glass. Crockery, and Stone Ware, Cut and Wrought Nails. Swedes, Knglish. and American Iron, of all kinds. Cast. German. Knjrlish and American Steul. Paints. Dye Stuffs, and Oil. Cheese. Sugar. Coffee. TeaH. Sp'ee.. &c. &.C., With our usual stock of 11K.AVV GROC KI! I r.S. and cvm-v other artii-!- necessary for the Southern trade. fti- We buy all sorts of l'HOiJL'CI'.. and never Fay to cf uiitrymen " our article i. not in our l:ne."' (Sf. The Forwarding and Commission Uiiinrs atteud ed to a uinal. J.Scl.W.. Favetteville. Nov. 3- 18t9. .":?-tf Hay street. Cheap as possible ! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he ha opened a Saddle and IIarness-m'kiiig jES TA B LISHMENT on Tersoti street, two doors east of the Cape Fear Jiank, where he would be glad to receive a share a public patronage. He keeps constantly on hand Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Martingales, Whips, &c., made of god materials and by r0od workmen. Tersons wishing anything in hisfrne will please examine his articles before purchas i:i eNewhere. He returns his thanks for past favors and requests a continuance of the unie. Prices moderate. Just received from the ISortii, a l.irse assort ment of materials necessary for a saddle and har ness manufactory. ItEPMHING neatly executed and at Khnrt nofee. W. OYERVY. Au. u, is to. iy- Encourage vy vjv Home Manufacturer itinn illy by p.iia and a seiw.it ion of beari ng fall in?; of the womb, and with other difli- GRKAT FE.M.M.I' MEDICINE. Dr. Towiis-nd: Mv wife bciiii; ; i really distrrs- -en lv weaUnoss and general ueuuiiy, aiiusuuei 1 ilLf CO lit luWIl. f culGes, and Having Known canes wnrrc jmir u.c- licine lias e fleeted great cures, and also hearing t recommended tor such cases as I have describ ed, 1 out. uned a uome ol your exiraci oi arilla,nnd followed the directions you gave trie. In a short period it removed her complaints, and restored Her health. t;cing graiciiu ior ine ot i;e lits she received, I take pleasure in thus acknow ledging it. and comtnend it to use public. M. D. MOGiiE, Corner of ("rand and Lydiussts. Aug. 17, is I I. Albanv, A. A. McKETHAN Will continue to carry on the business of the late firm of Gardner and McKethan, in sli its branches. He lias now on ' hand, and intends to keen, a general assortment, consisting of CARRIAGES, HAUOUCIIKS, Baggies, Gigs, Sulkies, W AGONS, Ac. Which, for eleg;;hce of shape and finish, and .-.. r-.bilitv, will compare with any inr.de in thr r. Stales" Persons wishing to buy, would do w.-il to c,i, and examine his work, as he has determined tu ricil low for cash, or approved notes. Having in his employment first rate ?miT);. he is "prep. red to do ;miv iron woik in thetd-eir line, on moderate terms' He warrants ; 11 nis work to be of gnr.( an.i faithful workmanship and m .teii Is, for one er (iCr- Rcpaii itig f::it!ifully executed at shrt w. tice, and on reasonable h nr.s. J iinnarv I ", i i. FllUIT Te. AND TOV sronn. powdered t TO MOTHERS AND M AKUIED LADIES. This extract of Sarsaparilla h:?. hfen express ly prepared in reference to fern de compl lints. .No lem de who has reason to suppose she is ap proaching that critic.:! period, "the turn oi me, honld neglect to take it, as it is a certain pre ventive tor anyol the numerous and iiorrioie dis eases to winch females are subject at thts time ol life. This period may be delayed several years by using this medicine. Nor is it less valuable tor those approaching worn tnhood, -s it is calcu lated to assist nature, by iju ickeni ng t he blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, this me dicine is invaluable for all the diseases to which women are subject. It braces the whole system, renews perina nent- AT Til (Jreen and lii:fk leas, eru-ned nn I powitirel Misrar. Nuts. Prunes. I"'sr I'aste. (new artiele.) Currants. Citron. I Cloves. Mace. Nutineir-. 'riund Cinnamun. Pepper ami ! Ginger. Camphor. Indigo. Stare, i. lioenlate. rieUle?. Ire serve?, r. randy Prune. Sperm l iindles. Srirdines. l.utter & Tater Criiekers. soda and wine Biseuits. ehewins and jiinokinp Tobaeeo. Scoteh and Maeeaboy Snutr. Priin-ipe and Havana Segurs. Farina, eoumion Sugars. &.e. &.C. I'or sale by Oet 27. 1849. V. PRIOlt. ly the natural crier: ties of the b tern as to produce is the case d" most medicines i weakness and disease -bv removing the impuri -not so far stimulating the svs- ise rntmt relaxation, which ten f r female SCROTI; LA CITRED. This cei tificate concl usi v 1 y proves that this Sarsaparilla has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases of the blood. Three children cured in one house is unprecedented. Dr. Townsend, Dear Sir: 1 have the pleasure to inform you that three of my children have been cured of the Scrofula by the use of your ex cellent medicine. They were afflicted very se verely with bad sores ; have taken only four bot tles; it took them away, for which I feel myself under deep obligation. Yours respect full v, ISAAC W. CHAIN. New York, March 1, IS 17. Toys and Fancy Goods. Now openiug a p:reat variety of Goods hi my line, which will be sold very e.hea p. eo-.isistin of f-ine3' jmxU ;nd toys, fine Cutler. Gold Peas. Silver PeneiU. Violins. Flutes. Ac cordeons. Flutinas. Combs. Briir-he.e. Poeket Books. Purses. Violin sind Gnifpr Strings. Coral Nccklaees. Xeedle.. Cjnes. Fire Works. &e. &c. Call andtake a lo.k. Oct J7. l-49 V. PltlOR. MORE TIME. li WATCISK Of all kinds as high as you want, or as low rs you want; Jewelry that embraces all of the la test styles, tastes, and fashions. A large lot of Military goods, from the lare bass drum to the smallest button. Surveyors Copasses and Chains; Mathemilicd Instru ments; silver ware, from the soup 1 idle to a salt spoon ; pistols, from the ivory handle revolver to the german brass barrel ; fine lot of double-barrel Guns; single ditto; any quantity of tine pocket knives; beautiful lot or" coral m-eUl.-.ces ; line and common accordeims; gold pens; and alm-st any tiling else yon may call for in bis line,, and per haps a tittle out of it. Step in, Gentlemen, and get vo'jr watches repaired JNO. M. HEASLE.Y. October H. 149, "iol- in The Subscriber, (North Ea.st corner Market. Square-") IVas ret or ned from New Vork with lh ;t kind of a stock of i croods that will suit this Mar ket. They are pietty, 1 hey are yod, and they are real ly verv CHEAP. Imtrovfd Matching Machink. Mr! Robt. Kittle, of i);i us il lc, it inston ' Co., N. Y., has inventet) a new ami, useful improvement in machines for match- ; mj' boards. Due id his machines can toncrue and am1 rue 'K)fl tool (!f Mr J Wedi the st an nuur, i c i r a loriiia.. " i'.iiiiigon Cuit)iii'icia!. TTrwATTs; '.y tomans. ' lu, "uu-d 1 e t . i s . on '.! tai!i:" - 3 ill Viiii- oar ding House l'lie Subscriber has bought the onse (known as. the Xeill Johnson ise) o:i the south-east corner of urt House S jiuire. where he m- ean he keiit in the place, and his stable well provided with pro- fiiiP-J II hot A hue assortment of Calicoes i . i . IIUI MiaVI8, at prieCS ransrillff I tends keeping as good a tible from ( to 14 cents j)er yard, and ".van-anted fast colors. A i-o.-d many more articles t.o numerous to contion. Also, just received 20,000 Segars, Principe and Havana. It will be to the advantage of all to enll nd see our goods, as we will sell for the small est profit. SAM. SOX & WORMS. We buy for cash or trado for wax, wool, rags feathers, and all kinds of fur, upon u hich we will pay tbe highest price. Sept. 15. lsi'.i. Gol-tf. '. Jl- i; l Jt 111 V. L". I "3n!3 V X 1 IT T 11 i t a- FOIi SALR. THE suVscribor haviajr detorm-nad to irtvt. busitw-s of fMni.ijr. oilers for s.ile tlic Plantation on ::.c; ri.-) s. .- ; !io tract of laud contain Tour bun- j 'ir.;d ucros. a ".':-!. t f;-.';y r.f '.viiich iiru cleared. li if pHi:-.i-i -'; the outh-West side of tho Eig Swamp, i : i -:ir i"or:trc Sr'-i.?.'. :u Ix obi'.'oa County. It lies rtmarkn- r.'.y wc'ii for cuUiv::licia. and is a fvrtilo. and has ns guod j aags. as any foil '.id on the grramp There i mi it a two i tory d wtdliitg, with the usual utithouses. 1'Uc land is eii timbered, aud rourcu'u-nt to the Cape Kt-ar, tbe J iislaucc bciis abuiU four miles, and the road -ood- I , ' Rij9crlber !! tako )deasure in showing ibeland 1 ,,,,, 1M to tun- it. terms will bo roasuuable. ALEXANDER JOHNSON. ojO-tf yender. i-ll ke wonts is a call. He to pive perfect satisfaction. JOHN STEWART, Oct. G, 13 10. 5ol-St. Proprietor. TO THE FASHIONABLE PUBLIC. The undersigned have receiv ed their full reports of Nw Vork. 1'hiladclphia and Euro pean fashions for the. Fall and W inter cf 1849-50. and are prepared to ex cute any order in tec tailoring business, m the nioft fashionable n. workmanlike manner. They are thankful for past patron age, and assure the public m m OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Townsend is almost daily rcceivinp: orders frtun physicians indifferent p u ts of the Union. This is to certify that we, the undersigned. physicians of the city of Albany, have in numer ous cases prescribed Or Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable pre parations in the market. 11. P. PULTXO, M. D. J. WILSON, M. 1). I. . UKIG;s, M. D. P. E. ELM EXDOlxF, M. D. Albany, April 1, IS 10. UXITF.D STATES OFFICER, Cant. G. VV. McLean, one of the United States Marine Corps, and, member of the New Jersey Legislature, has kindly sent us the following cer tificate. It tells its own story : liuhwnv, Jan. 2.", 1S17. A year since, I wa? taken with the influenza, and my whole system left in a debilitated state. I was induced to try Dr Townsend's S ars iparill,., and after taking two or three bottles, I was verv mnch relieved, and attribute it entirely to the said oarsaparilla. I have continued taking it, and find that I improve every day. I believe it saved my life, and would not be without it under any consideration. . W. McLEAN. li0,000 Acres Valuable ii i r g m fi ii FOR S A h E Tlie Siibci it, or h. S puicliascd all t ' c L,.r,r be lonjiiim to the e-tate of A brtn Dtihois. bcV. lyiiiijc princip ll. in Kohrson countj, ;:tnl ( both "sides of .Linn her' river, the different ur. veys containing over ONE Ill'XLhKlJ T.uI". SAND ACRES; larjte part tint ly timltert-d, and convtMiient to Lumber liver, wh'.-re a lint quantity I ' Timber is now rufted to tie Cunz' town m.iikct. These lands ar. vei vi.lu-.ibb both foi .'i'indier and Turpentine, for w h ic li pur pose a larjie part is well suited, brinj; in where the Turpentine yields more ;,?unI,.iith than anv ot her sect ion of the State. Tl,r bin' will be sold at a low pj ice, and in cjuant it its tu suit purchasers. Information respecting tlie title rwn he i.btain-e-i by applying to the Hon. Robcit Stri'iiL'e. J. ( . Dobbin, Esq., A. A T. Sniitli, Ksij., A ttcrnev at Law. I understand there are many trr sji;irr5 n these l uids, to nil of horn notice is liei!v .'otn that the law will be cixfext'edt iigautijalif m ii r-tVnd'ers-.. Application for any part if the lands can It m.de to myself, or- to John Wiij?bw, I!s., wl.n llf ttu If i'Utlioi icd to Brake sal ntlie tii! Jan. I.? is 19. THOMAS' J". tTRTI, JOS. S. Dl'NN I- prepared to do .'I kiiwt td'Wh-eelwrilit worlt, wa;ons, carts, drays, bar i ., pbiws, i.c, i the most liber-1 term?, at hi; irk. hop Corner ofMumford and Winslow stieefs. where per" li-posed to patronize him will please call. June Hi, 1MU. .jMS-tf G-LOT MILES C0STL, (;KXiilAL Ac. ENT Fur the s;ile of all kii.t'.x of coun try Product-, siich us Lumber", Timber, 'avl Siorr Corn, But'on, &:c. S.f. V M.MlNd'l ON, N. C. Inferences, P. K. OickinsoU, E. P. II 11, ("illicit rotter. John Dawson, i O. G. Par!ev, Or. Thos 11 Wii'ht, Owen Fen n 11. A- L. Price, V j Xiu in-' tun, y C 1 V DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medicine has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the srastric iuire or j saliva, in decomposing food and strengthening iiic .Jirfiis oi aigestion, as tins preparation ot Sarsaparilla. It positively cures every case of dv'SDensia. however ovri-o rr- iln.An.' rr ...... that nothinir Phall be Uft Q- ,," ',.;,: J.:" " " a" done to ph- .-ntire atisfac- V "U:1- invite mem to reno the tion to all who ca They work cheap. always like the eash paid when the work is done. XrAH persons indebted to ns will please e.all and Fettle GRAHAM & WOODWARD. Jl'ext cndjtt Hotel bi'.ilil'uiSZ. FayttevUle. Oct. 27, lSiD.-3 mos. Nov. 10 1S-W. lit. r n nri sin ! iti. XOvis'irvris JSf: G"rn"?y- -i larkst Square, Grxin, Hardware and CuuVy Vrr' Pr?T!,",on- ?" Ware; HaU, Sho, -oX;" NTisber 3. 184. t PAYE'ITEVILLR, S. C. ""V1;- VVG"TABTi- rATNKILLER. for cri;;:-- ;V;VC"-i5k-1"tt:C" '"ver Apwc.A5tfcK.v :-.0-"""--"--"V -r 1-; . - r Bums. Can- Hank of Fayetteville, f loth Sept., 1849- J Books of Subscription to the capital stock of this Bank will ne kept open in the Bankinjr Houifl, Fayetteville. until further notice. 'I he remaining instalments on stock subscribed will be due and payable as follow The 7th in stalment on the 1st of Oct.; tl!e Sth instalment or. the 1st Nov.; the 9th instalment on the 1st Dec; the 10th and last instalment on the 1st of January, 150. .By order ot th. TW.r.t .:.'. .j... & c j;.av ii. o ln DKR VV OOi- with the :ive eat:factioii, vben use-J rla:nt. there will he no eharae In bottles at 12 J i. 25. 373 , and 50 cent Brandreth and Wrights Vegetable Pilis Oct. 27, 1M9. - .' : f . I !wr i -o-r. V. M. "G. BROAD FOOT IS 19. dl-tf ' 0i .-j j. . !,nr-.. 's J-h.-.std it i .il to v oi the above cora- " Jt 3.:, v. - - want TWENTY NEGROI13 fbr a ,u:"ncr niar. taxioti; Liberal prices in cash wili be paid if olfi--e - '"n - t J- .T- WADDILL, Hv street urcpt.- 1 1 . . . . - !i upon them toiiowing indispensable testimony of a gentleman 3. and would ! of the highest respectability. If this "is not en- iixeij sausMctory, we would be happy to give other reference to some of the first families in the city, who have used it with perfect success in this and other distressing diseases. B -ak Department, Albany, May 10, 1S-I3 Dr Townsend, Sir :" I have been afiiicted for several years with dyspepsia in its worst forms, attended with sourness of the stomach, loss of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aver sion to all kinds of food, and for weeks (what I could eat) I have been unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had cut little or no tiTect in .removing tiie complaint. I was induced, ybbut t .vo months since, to try your extract of Sarsa parilla, and I must say with little confidene.p, but after vising nearly two bottles, I found my ap petite restored, and the heartburn entirely re moved, and I would earnestly recommend the U.-.C oi ii ."mose w no nave been afflicted "- Yours, &c. W. W. VAN ZANDT. - leT elteville by 'SAM'L.J Aiso, by J. & W, JOHNSON, Clinton I December 30, i i?t, , . :5H-iy WRtclimalier & Jciwelcr, (Xorth si'le Hay sfrert, midivaj bctirecu the , 7u-w Hotel and the Alarht f ,) j Has just received from the north, a splendid as- i sortnient of Goods in his line, among which can j be found irold and silver Watches, from .- up to ; $?100 ; gold chains; seals keys: breast pins; ear rings; fineer rings, a fine assortment; bracelets; I lockets; all - kinds d spectacles; gold pens, with I gold and silver bidders; gold pencils; studs; uold ! and silver belt buckles; silver cumh;; corl ' beads; card cases; a neat article of pocket book-;; i steel beads and steel bigs; purses; music boxes; j plated cake baskets; nlated castors; silver nui 's: ' plated and brass candlesticks, and brass clocks. All kinds of silver spoons, (warranted pure sil ver.) MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Epaulets, and military goods of all kinds, from achxpeaux to a spur. All of the above goods will be sold as cea ;.s they can be bought in any country, at retail.' N. B. Particular attention paid to the repair ing of Watches and jewelrv. Sept. S, 1849. 3m . July -21, 1 S 10. COl T. MliSHI V MVI'ICK' The undersigned have asoei.itcd then:-"'" together, under the numc and style ol MrV-"' &. Warner, for t!e purpose id" Carry rnj: n rr"' er. l mercantile business. They inten.! t 'f a general assorttneut l Dry Goods, ('r"''''" Hardware, Cutlery and Crockery, ui;l in' as low as any other house in this pUce. A amination by the public of ijualities an3 f1,1 is oulv necessary to insure s-.lcs. Koi'.T. m-.m; 1). O. V.M:N'r: Carthage, Moore co., Aug. :,i:-!' N.-F. IJOPiDEAl, Lumber. and Timber I l.VSPECTOK, Attends promptly to s-.Il business in hi- :l"'fy solicits the countenance id' his friends an others engaged in the Timber and Luinr d ness. WILMINGTON, IV. C, July 21 , 1 '' , , ABBLE I oiler mv Dwelling Hiin nm ,ot ,n .-this place lor rent f from the 1st of October next wisnlng to see ti;e nian Office. Ao-23, ISi."5-. ami or one vear ber next. Persons b.ce will call at the Caroli- FACTORY' R. A. STUAKT. tf sh. as I TIN WARE, At VVliolesale nl Retail. March 17, lSl'J. F. T- WARD, will carry on the Tinning busi ness'as liererolore, at the old stand, where he will promptly and faithfully ex cute all work in his line. f Jobbing of all kinds done with despatch. V. T- WARD, Agt. Nearly opposite to E. W. Willkinps' A"1 Store." FAYETTEVILLE, IS- c Jan. J0, 1S49 y .. V