I seeded each year ; nor the fodder, shucks, ! straw, &c- &c, which if charged on one side would be credited on the other side, conducted with care a'" the result would De P'e'J . . i nn.o Th ,,.,.M rnnsiderably increase antl aiieimon, commneu wm a muueraic -.,,T ..v.- - ob'ect share or skill, u.ay be made as profitable the sum total of products, but . m jr . . ,T. . . , J . t . , e ;u .i .x the nett- pionis in in Virginia as eisewnerc. in support 01 J - , , ' charged nothing for this opinion I will Kive you my experience, t jyaj. J J" hich are ,w, in the way of expenses aim proms lor the . " T ,.7 7nv men is a carpenter, . From the Southern Planter. PROFITS OF FARMING IN VIRGINIA Mk Editor, I am among- those who believe that farming. and attention, combined last three years. In the latter part of 1841 1 purchased 07 acres of land about 145 of which was arable and the balance in wood, I began by adopting the system then mostly practised in my neighborhood, viz: 1st. corn ; 2d wheat; 3d. pasture. that sort that is My family, for three hundred 1 will here remark, that when I ",ll,l"t'llC' cd this rotation my stock, except my mules and a few milch cows, were kept on my wood-land, which is low and moist, and ot sparse growth of trees, produced grass sufficient for them during the summer. After pursuing tins rotation three jearh, I modelled my fields, making loi stead, Isf. wheat on fallow ; 2d corn ; 3 1 wheat; 4th pasture. Both of the above rotations are severe on land, nor would I advise any one to pursue either, unltss lie can give one entire field each year a good dressing of some kind of manure lam now about entering on a live field rotation, with which clover and plaster will be liberally used, having heretofore been pre- j J vented, except very partially; from their j t lo;rlctt one or my w ho does every thing of required on the place. .. ciinnori I charge dollars, consist of my wife and self, two servants and a pair of carriage horses The allowance is under the mark. Dur in" the above three years there have neither adding or withdrawing from my NEW GOODS. J. M. wTiL I A M S , ( Opposite Bank of Cape Fear,) Keeps constantly on hand, Brown, lonf, crushed, and refined Sugar, Coffee, Sack and Alum Salt, Swedes and English Iron, Cut Nails, Trace Chains, Saddles. Bridles, and Collars, Window Glass, S x 10 and 10 x 12, Black-smith-' Tools in sets, Castings, Hanhvare ml Cutlery, Shoes, Hats and Caps. A varied assortment of Staple l U Y GOODS, ox durnarthe been force ; ihey are the same, death of laborer, mule or time. I have said nothing of decrease in value 1 ,.r ..tirl iiar-rtnc f hp vmill'r in value more than the old Together with almost every article to be found haviri"- had no in the market, suited to the demands of both town and country. The above Goods will be sold CHEAP for cash, or exchanged for country produce. Dec. 10', 15-1. . - u: ue, in consequence ol not ivaving .tsuin cient number of fields, to profit by 4hoc very fertilizing agents. My fields as they now stand contain :30, 55, 40, 50 acres. The manure rai.-ed on the place is nearly all that the land lias received to improve it. Having each year two fields in wheat and one in corn, the grow th of w hich is generally heavy, gives a large amount ol material to be converted into manure This, together with every thing else that can be scraped up, is added to the heap, and by the month of August we have on hand a large quantity (Tor so small a farm) of that indispensable article. It is put on the field that is fallowed for wheat al ter the land has been well ploughed. At seeding time it is spread and ploughed under with a shallow furrow ; the harrow is then passed over to smooth it, the wheat sowed about one bushel to the acre, and is put in with cultivators, and the harrow again goes over and finishes. Uelow I give you my expenses for outfit. 2.07 acres of land, at $25 per acre, s?5, 175 Improvements, buildings, &c. about 1,300 Labor 4 inem between 30 and 45 years old, at S400 each, 1,600 2 women, 35 and 38 years, at S150 each ; 1 boy 10 years, at $300, 600 4 mules (3 of them aged, at $50 each, 200 2 yoke oxen, at 640 per yoke, 80 Wheat thresher $150, wheat fan $30, corn sheller 828, 208 Wagon and ox cart, made at home, except wheels and smith's work, 100 Ploughs, harness, &c. for 4 mules, 35 Hand utensils for 7 hands, 15 Cattle, sheep and hogs, 150 10 8 Expenses for 1847 Taxes on land, &.c. &c. about Doctor's bill, 1 visit to field hand. Two bushels clover seed bought at $5 8 bbls plaster at 81, Groceries", &.c for 7 field hands, sup posed, Decrease in value of mules at 10 per ct. on cost, 200, Wear of machines at 10 per cent on cost $208, Wear of ploughs, har ness, hand imple ments, at one-third of their cost each jear, $50, 1848. 9,456 1849. 8 00 S8 09 $8 00 00 0 00 0 00 00 80 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 80 80 20 80 16 66 16 66 16 66 0 00 i5 00 146 46 Sales of crops, &c. 1847. Corn, nett proceeds, as appears by ac count of sales of my Commission merchant, 848 84 4 bus sold for seed, 5 00 Wheat, as appears by account ofsalcs, 733 55 8 bus., remnant of seed sold 1818,atl, 0 00 6 sheep sold at 82 50 in 1SS8, Pork sold, 1 yoke voung oxen, sold 1849, at $45, Food for 8 young ne groes at $7 each, Family support dr'n from farm, its la boring hands and teams, 300 00 Wool is sold each year, no acc't kept ot the amount, sav $15, Increased value of cattle, sheep and hogs during three 124 46 1848. 125 46 1849- 194 03 0 00 891 47 S 00 15 00 97 50 182 44 000 949 23 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 45 00 56 00 56 00 56 00 00 00 300 00 13 00 15 00 15 00 years, over ami above what has been sold, carried to 1849, $90, 0 00 0 00 90 00 $2103 39 $1577 00 $1636 67 146 46 125 4G 125 4G 1956 93 1451 51 1512 21 Anit. sales Deduct expenses, Nett proceeds, Profit, . $20 57 $15 33 $15 VI If there is no mistake in my ' cpyher n ' the account stands thus, 1847, $20 o7 ; 1848, $15 33 ; 1849, Si 5 97 per cent on the capital of J9,436-or an average for the three years of 3I6 32 on every $100. in making my eatimate of einenses it 111 oe seen that I say nothing about meat iZT Z th! farm) and brad eatery the field hands, nor grain consumed bv teams and other stock 1 nor thS wheat ones increase ones decrease The 1 show in SOOZSZITDaST. re are two heavy drawbacks to my THHT TT -. -m-,ri -j t. has rcsuIIiei t .r a n r -i T p i if 1 1 ri ifl t on fir mi IV f 'rtl.XC bookl.Hl.Ji ng bu g as hlll a laieol pi OH'. Oil 141 ncSiSt u,-new store next doorto'Mr Beasley. Jewel as many Others OUght, atld probably WOUIU, where he will receive ami exceute binding in any style d were they to publish their operations. The ; Mle .7 lclZ ! To Colonels of Hemonts. t! 1 23 per acre. first of which i? for mv land, V . i i I i.. 41... . .c T i . , r ic io 1 i j a bui dni"s,) compared w ith other lanu sales, i "V i "'"""u'-: "l ; ",UUV . i'UMiiiue,.-i,y v.wi. jni- . t i f Oolouels to srivc exempts under th.'itart. a certificate of exemption. Ve h.ive supplied several regiments with blank certificates, and will keep a supply on hand at the . Carolinian Ottiee. 75 cents per quire. iere having as lar as 1 reconeci, no iaim I 1 .1 a C .1 .. 4 ....... 4- snlU in the count V 101 more man twenty dollars per acre since I purchased. On the other hand, a number of j;ood farms i ii- i i i . . . i r r. r. nas soiu in my neignoormuMi mm in men, twelve, ten, and as low as $8 per acre; the 1 owners of which would not, probably, ac- knowledge their lands inforior to mine. I i by no means wir.li to be understood as say ing that I paid too much for my. land, on the contrary, 1 have always believed I bought at a lair price. 1 only wished to present the ditfereiioe in price between mine and other lands sold on the Potomac The second drawback is the very small quantity of land cultivated each year in corn, compared with the force employed, as it must be obvious to any farmer that with four mules and seven hands twice the quantity (about 85) acres could be cul tivated. Hence the very small quantity of that grain sold each year: the consump tion on the farm requiring more than hall that is made As I am a stranger to you, as well as the farming community, I herewith enclose NEW GOODS. Our Fall and Winter Stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c., Has now come to hand and in ready for sale. Our stock is large, and well worthy the attention of those wishing to purchase-. We will barter for any kind of country pro duce COOK &. TAYLOR. November 3. 1849. 5.8-tf VERTICAL WAT Kit WI1ECL. There ;ire several hundred of these wheels in in operation in different counties in North Ca rolina. For proof of their jjreat advantage over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them t their mills. We can recommend them particularly for their su periority in cases of a low head jf water, or back water. it i i i tir i i :i-Lt r thp nrrnunt of s iles furnished bv mv com- we slIU Keep a SUPP1V OI vnceis, suname iui tne account ol sales mrnisneu oy my com- different heads 0fuater, at Wilmington, New mission merchant. there is no mystery, , bcrrij Washington, Edenton, and Fayetteville. nor has there been any extraordinary ex- The wheels may also he had of E. A. Brevard, ertion put forth by anyone to produce the Lincolnton, and Uriah Wells, Petershnrg, Va. -k,...,. ...n. M ., r .... i,c m.,1,1111 ! Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the above results. iuy success has maiuiyue- . , ... . . ,. i. wheels, will he served on application to D. Mc pended on what may be said in six words. Neill & Co pajetteville, N. C. thorough draining, heavy manuring, anil D. McNEILL, cu livation. I A. A. AlcK r. 1 HAN. Yours, John Pakkek. fJ'indsor, King George, D-c. 10, 1849. D. J. McALISTEK. January 19, 1550. IN QUART BOTTLES 13 AND FOR THE cHOFUUA . c ... I? 1 U f LIVER COM., FEMALE cop V 1 vim Mi' ''! "li'iil' f.ii! -ifii uiiliil'i!!!: 4 'I'jie Tmiii ielors v n'nt much time in bringing this preparnt ion f Srsapbill to its present stale of perfection ; and the experience of fourteen years has furnished them the most ample op portunity to study, in their various forms, the diseases for which it recommended, and to adapt it exactly to their relief and cure. Pa tients who wish a really gooii Medicine are invited to eive it a trial, and satisfy themselves of its superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses of arresting and curing disease. The bottle lias been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, and in its present improved form may safely claim to be the best and cheatest Medicine of the age. Its progress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a long line of facts and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health. The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada: Messrs. A. B. & D. Sands: Sew York, January 7, 1819. Gentlemen, Having used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation of Sarsapnrilla on different persons in various parts of the Southern country, viz, Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico, 1 feel much pleasure in stating the high opinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In my own case it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state oj the system, and exciting, in the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence. Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used bv the U. States army in Mexico, and my cousin, GEN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the past five year's been m the habit of using it, and recommends the same ; he and myself adopted the article at the same time, and it is now considered an almost indispensable requisite m the army. In conclusion 1 would say, that the better it is known the more highly it will be prized, and I trust that its health-restoring virtues will make it generally known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended country Yours very respectfully, S. G. TAYLOR, U. S. Consul to New Granada. REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA. Sonthport, Conn.. January 1, 1848. Messrs. Sands : Gentlemen Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to inform yon of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife She was severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts of the body ; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a year, and hnding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and below the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it should be laid open, which was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sands Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favor able effect, relieving her more than any prescription she had ever taken and before she had used sx bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health, quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was effected, and her health remains good, showing the disease w as thoroughly eradicated from the system vu "-ijiwui3 i c an Miiivnug uo iiiese iacis. anu imnK sands Sarsaparilla a great blessing to the age. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Harris, a gentleman w ell known in Louisa county. la.: "I have cured a negro boy of mine "with vour Sarsanarilla. wno u ut: :i M .-L i ( 1 w-iih V ,.-.. t .. I 1 . .( .. ... r.. i - r ; i - . ' " --.-. vi,Fi.ua, niiu ui a auiuiuiuud laiiiiiy. x ours irul M. r,(ci lilt JIUi(t , a., juty 1 t , lc-io. irs truly, W. II IARRIS. The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Rector of the Church of the Crucifixion in this city, commends itself to the attention of the afflicted. Numerous ?en"ie C"reS a,R,,ls diseases effected by this medicine are almost daily Mes.-rs. Sands : A member of my family has taken your valuable Sarsaparilla far 'e Tr i''"S affection ic. with the most benencial effect resulting from "I In . h VC!k KreiY P1'"--3 10 record my tesUmony m behalf of its vutue and efficacy, hoping that others may be induced to make a trial of it ."'p 1 cm, .iav l". JOHN Messrs. A R & D. Sands : GRIGG. Oct. 6. 1847. Vlr..tL V" V GENTi.tMKN- Keoi.ngs of gratitude induce me t make a public acknowledgment of the benefit I have derived Iroin the use of your Sarsaparilla. I have for several ....... .-1H.1.11..UJ anciun 111 mv neaa, wnich at times would gather and discharge at my thro!, nose, and ears, and at others would break out in different parts of my fact and head. Ttie.se continued until my throat face and head were almost one complete sore, and for & long time I was so hoarse that it wis with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper. Durimr this time had several attacks of pleuiisy and other ttise.ises. I consulted differcnt plnsiciaiis and tried various remedies, but received no benefit until 1 commenced using' your Sarsa parilla. I am kovv well ; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely to the effects of your valuable medicine. ' Yours, with respect and gratitude, PHEBE CAHOON. Being personally acquainted with the person above named.T believe her statement to be correct. JAMES M. I. CAltK, Justice of the Peace A. l'ltKI'ARF.D ANU SOLD, WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL, BV T. fc 1). SANDS. Di:i;c.isis and Chemists. 100 FULTO.X-ST., COK.NKH OF WILLIAM, NtW YoK. Sold alo by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per Bottle; six Boitles for $5 ,!'Mi!i For sale in Fayetteville by Saml. J. Hinsdale. IX STOKE, Oftftft L1bs- Paro a-nd No 1 WHITE LEAD, JJJ 50 kegs Nails, assorted, 4d, to 20d., 10 hlids. Porto Rico Sugar. 20 bags prime Rio and Laguira. Coffee. 20 hbds. prime new crop Molasses. AND 50 bbls. Superfine and X M. Flour, 10.000 lbs. choice Bacoa. For sale by . COOK 8c JOHNSON. April 6r 1S50. 580-3t FOR KENT, W That desirable country : evidence, 2 miles from town, lately occupied bv 1! A. Stuart. April G. 5S0-tf A;rly to M. McKINNON. We are Summer NEW GOODS. receiving oiu siock oi spring anu March 00, 1S50. J. & 57'J-tf T. WAD DILL. NOTICE. Taken up antl committed to the Jail of Moore county. N. (J., on the 24th of September, 1S19, a nejro boy who calls his name EZEKIEL, and says that he belongs to Jaines McKay of Brunswick county, N. C. Said negro is black, 5 feet 10 inches hisli. The owner of said negro is hereby notified to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. A. C. CURRY, Jailor. Oct. 13, 1819. 5.3-3-tf. ATS The Subscriber having resumed business at his old stand on the northeast corner of Market Square, is just receiving his Fall and Winter stock of the LATEST and MOST FASHION ABLE style of HATS. lie lias also a large assortment of h is own man ufacturing, with a full supply of Military Caps. Also, a large assortment of Hat and Cap Trim mings, which he will keep continually on hand, and at prices to suit customers. DAVID GEE. fJCy- I will pay the highest prices in cash for Fur Skins of eveiv kind, the ensuing winter. D. G. Fayetteville, Sept. 22, 1S19. tf BUSIJYESS Jl GENT. The undersigned will attend to such business as the procuring of discounts, renewal of Notes, procuring of northern Checks at either of the Banks in this place, and drawing of Tensions. He will also attend to the collection and estab lishment of Claims against the United States, for soldier's services in the Mexican war, or any other business of that nature, lie will also draw up any instrument of writing where a penman is required, and do any other writing whatever. Apply at the office of the Plank Road Com pany, under the Fayetteville Hotel. Refers to any of the merchants in Favetteville. JNO. M. ROSE. Sept. 8, 1S49. 5-')0-lf KEW GOODS. I HAVE received mv STRING AND SUM MER Stock of DRY GOODS. Hardware and Cutlery, Panama, Palm-leaf, Fur and Wool Hats; Letter, Cap, and Wrapping Paper; Umbrellas, Pa rasols, etc, &c. All of which are offered at LOW" TRICKS for Cash, or on time for undoubted paper. JOHN D. STARR. March 23, 1S50. 576-Gw BLANKS Of all kintTs l!ale at lJs OlTir.e. PREVENTION & CURE OF CONSUMPTION. A treatise on the prevention and cure of consumption, by the water treatment a valuable work by John Show. M. V. Only one copy, for sale, at the Carolinian Office. Trice 50 cts. PLEASE LOOK AT THIS. "Ve dont want to pre. our customers tao bard, but sill open accounts older than 1st of January, 1S49. must be clot-ed. If you have no money, please call and give your notes. J. & T. WADD1LL. March 30, 1850. 579-tf RECTIFIED K YE WHISKEY. We have received, and will keep constantly on hand, a prime article f PURK RVK WHJSKKV. from the Dis tillery of Dr. Francis William?, of Davie county. We sell this liquor as we receive it. pure and unmixed. Hotel and Bar keepers may depend on getting the pure article at our warehouse J. &. T. WADDILL. March 30. 1850. 579-tf S25 EEWAED. A man by name Alexander Johnson broke and absconded from the Jail of Moore county on the 16th iust. The subscriber will give a reward of twenty-five dollars for the apprehension and de livery of said Johnson to him atCarth.-ge, Moore county, or fifteen dollars for his arrest and con finement in any jail in North Carolina where I can obtain possession of him again. Said John son is about 45 years of age, G feet high, round shoulders, light hair, and intemperate. He is well known in Moore and a portion of the upper part of Cumberland county by the name of Big Fighting Alexander Johnson, and no doubt will range considerable in Cumberland, where game is plenty, as he is a great hunter. A. C. CURRY, Jailor. Sept. 29, IS 19. 553-tf SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. AREY & SHEMWELL Would announce to their patrons and the public generally, that they have just received their stock of spring and summer Embracing almost every kind usually kept in the to which they most respectfully call the atten tion of purchasers. They return thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore receiver!, and a continuance of the same is solicited of course. fJCf- North-west corner Market Square, Green st March 23", 1S50. . . ' A. M. CAMPBELL, , AUCTIONEER, Commission Merchant, FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers for sale one of the most valuable tracts of land that has ever been offered to the public. The tract contains 1263 acres of pine land, well adapted to the culture of corn,&c. There are on the land 26,000 turpentine boxes, 10,000 first year's, 13,000 second or third year's, and 3,' 00 cut tins year. There is also a new Saw and Grist Mill on the premises, and two good dwelling houses, with all necessary out houses, all new and in good order. This land yields turpentine more abundantly than any I k'sntv of in Cumberland caunty. Last vear I gathered, with two hands, 500 barrels. Those wishing to engage in the lumber and turpentine business, would do well to call on the snbscriber on the premises, six miles above Fay etteville, as I am determined to sell, and a bar gain mav be had. I will convince any person of the fact'who will give me a call. Terms accom modating. WILLIAM R. EOLTON. Jan'v 26, 1S50. 570-tf TIN WARE, At. Wholesale antl Retail. :C5f$ March 17, 1849. F. T WARD, will carry on the Tinning busi ness as hererofore, at the old stand, where he will promptly and faithfully ex cute all work in his line. Jobbing of all kinds done with despatch. F. T. WARD, A st. DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS. AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS!! THE ENVY OK ALL TILL ?. I A N U F A ( ' T U It E It S Eccause they are safer, better and more eflica cious than any others; and because the public will take no others if they can obtain them. 500;000 Boxes have been sold annually for the last live years, YOUNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE, can always take them with equal safety, without fear. IF PILLS BE NEC ESS A R V for purging and clearing the Stomach and Bowels, and purifying the Blood and fluids of the body, take no others for no other pills produce those combined effects, or contain Sarsaparilla in them EAT, DRINK AND LIVE AS USUAL, and pursue your usual occupation whilst tak iug them, without fear of taking cold, during ali kinds of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that more genuine certilicates (from physicians, Clergymen, Members of Congress and respectable citizens) can be produced of their efficacy than of anv others, and TEN DOLLARS will be forfeited in every instance where One Box will not do more good than Two Boxes of any others. FORTY TILLS ARE IN A BOX!! and sold at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOX, witli directions and much wholesome advice ac companying each box. They have no taste or unpleasant smell, Free from dust or power of any kind, Do not gripe the Stomach or Bowels, Produce no sickness, vomiting or bad feelings, THEY ARE GOOD AT ALL TIMES, And adapted to most diseases common to mankind. DR. N. B. LEIDY, THE PROPRIETOR AND MANUFACTURER, i a regular Druggist, Chemist and rhysicia n, of liltern years experience in Philadelphia; Gra duate of the University of Pennsylvania; Mem ber of different Medical Institutions of Philadel phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, &,c, and associate and corresponding member of several Medic.il Institutions of London and Paris. fcr Principal Depot, Dr. Leidv's Dispensary, No. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail by S. J. Hinsdale, Fayetteville; R. E. Williams, Waynesboro: Wil liams &. Haywood, Raleigh; F. Gallagher, Wash ington; and byal! Druggist and Storekeepers in tne United States. November 21, 1S19. I v JOHN D. WILLIAMS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, Fayetteville. X. C. Feb, 23, 1S50. At December Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, general Letters of Administration of the Estate of Alex ander C. Simpson, deceased, were granted for the Subscriber. All persons indebted to the Estate are notified to make on early payment. Those holding claims, are requested to present them to the Subscriber at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD, Adtn'r. Fayetteville, Dec. 15, 1S09. 5tl-tf STEAMBOAT COiMFANY. Fayetteville and Wilmington. Steamer Win. 13. M HA RES, ROWAN. Lighters Odd Fellow, Mike Cronly, Ben llerrv. Ready Money. 4 4 This line of Boats is still in successful opera tion on the Cape Fear River, and continues to of fer as many facilities to the shipping public as any other line. Persons patronizing this line may rest assured that their Goods will be brought up with de spatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. From the number and construction of their boats, this Company is, perhaps, prepared to bring more goods to the wharf on low water, than any other company. Packages should be marked " Care Merchants' Company, Wilmington," and to such agents in Fayetteville as shippers may prefer. All pack ages not specially marked to-an agent in Fay etteville, will be promptly forwarded by the Agent of this company, at the usual rates." E. J. LILLY, President. JOHN WADDILL, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville. JOHN BANKS, , .. Agent at Wilmington. Fayetteville, Feb. 23, ISoO. 574-tf 4 -B-.The Agent at Fayetteville guarantees to the shippers by the Merchants': line, that but half rates shall be paid on drayage to warehouses on the wharf. j. WADDILL, Jr. KfEW (GOODS. The undersigned is now receiving and offers for sale, ou the most reasonable terms, a general assortment of DRY GOODS, Suitable for the Spring Trade. Panama, Palmetto, and other Hats of the latest fashions, to which he would invite particular attention. STRAW BONNETS of various kinds. BOOTS and SHOES. He also ke ps constantly on hand a stock of Groceries Hardware, &c, and would be glad to see his friends and customers and the puhlie generally. J. E. BRYAN. March 2, 1850. 575-tf. Opposite Cape Fear Bank. lbo,ooo Acres Valuabi FOR SALE. The subscriber has purchased all tt t belonging to the estate ofbram nh nfc lying principally in Robeson o!t S' T'd both sides of Lumber river the riwr vevs? containing over ONE HTlNrfuient BUXm SAND ACRES; a 1 pwffD-T1'lOU-and convenient to Lumber river u? tlInbered, quantity of Timber is now raned'to tE large town market. These lands are vei' ? irf ?" both for Timber and Turpentine, for ihiihi pose a large part is well suited, bein in a Jw where the Turpentine yields more abundS than any ether section of the State The lan ? will be sold at a low price, and in quantities i! suit purchasers. i0 Information respecting the title can be obtain ei by applying to the Hon. Robert Strance J r Dobb.n, Esq., A. A T. Smith, Esq., Attorneys ai I understand there are many trespassers on these lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given that the law will be enforced against all such of. fenders. 1 Application for any part of the lands can be made to myself or to John Winslow, Esq., who will be duly authorized to make sale of the same . in THOMAS J. CURTIS. Jan. 13. 149. tf. JOS. S. DUNN Is prepared to do all kinds of Wheelwright work wagons, carts, dray, barrows, plows, &c, on the most liberal terms, at his workshop, corner of Mumford and Winslow streets, where persons disposed to patronize him will please call. June Hi, lM'J. 5.!J-tf MILKS COSTIN. 1 K V KI.AL A G I " NT ' For the sale of all kinds of coun- fry Produce, such as LiiinlK'r, Tiinher, X.ivail Stores Coi n, Hat-on, Jk.c. &c. WILMINGTON, JT. C. Jiffereuccs, P. K. Dickinson, O. G. Parsley, K. I'. Hall, Dr. Thos II Wright. i.ilhert roller, John Dawson, July '21 , 1S-10. ly On en Fennel!. A. L. Price, Wilmington, N. C. MARBLE FACTORY. Nearly opposite to E. W. Willkings' Auction Store. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan. 30, IS 10 y MANUFACTORY. The subscriber h-svimr taken the Establish ment of the Lite A. C. Simpson, (situated oppo site W. Mclntyre's store,) intends carrvingon the CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING in all its various branches, and would respectful ly solicit a share of public patronage. Having h.d considerable experience in the business, and Irtvinjr ben employed in some of the most extensive Establishments in New York and New Jerseyhe flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country a fiords, and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. 0r- REPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb'y 2'J, l&OO 574-ff. GARDEN SEED. -A large supply of Garden Seed of the growth of 1849, cousifting in part of White Dutch Turnip, Cabbage, a great variety, IJeets, R..dish, Lettuces, Tomatoes, Peas, Reans, Cucumber, Carrot, Parsnip, &.c. &.c. Price, 5 cents per paper. Also, Col lard Seed, Juct received and for sale by FcVy 2, 1850. 571-tf S. J. HINSDALE. NEW GOODS & NEW-STORE- williams. latta Has taken the Store lately occupied by S. T. Ilawley &, Son, nearly opposite H. & E. J. Lilly's, and has an entire New Stock of Goods, Selected from the Philadelphia and New York market", and purchased at very low prices. In the assortment will be found a general and extensive supply of STAPLE AND FANCY DR7 GOODS, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Boots, - Every variety of Hardware and Cutlery, Family Groceries, viz: Coffee, Tea, and Brown Sugar; Clarified and Refined Sugar, Wine and French Brandy, China, fine Crockery, and Glass-ware, Paints, Medicines, Oils, &c, Travelling Trunks, Pails, and Brooms, Also, an assortment of Saddlery. Also, 500 sacks SALT, 300 bushels Alum Salt. All of which will be sold low for Cash or Coun try Produce. , . January 5, 1850. ' 567-y .;.;;i;aCTJljBS..',;.:V A pair of strong, able Mules for sale by April G. -J. & TV WADDILL.