TJHUB.. NOJRTM.'. CJAJttOIillNIAW The fol low constitutes a breast was tilled with mi ny;lel rare id admiration. Me laid the matter before his council, where opinions were divided, and the Emperor at length decided in favor of mere j and gave the hand of his noble daughter to her lover. Such, in brief, is the stot j of Eginhardt and Imma. "And rising from his throne of 'state, Good Charl.imagne, with rapid stride, As if he fslt the deed was Lite, Led Eginhard to Imma's side, And laying in his trembling hand, The long and closed-linked iron band, He called on every warrior there To join and bless the happy pair." .Mart J'J. Lee. Rosa li k from the rose ct lis, the rose and lily is a favorite name, ing lines so full of pathos, beautiful tubute to it : ROSALIE. I love to forget ambition And hope in the mingled thought Of valley and wood ami meadow, Where whilome, my spirit caught AriVction's holiest breathing Where under the skies with me. Young liosalie roved, aye drinking From joy's bright Castaly. I think of the valley and river, Of the old wood bright with blossoms Of the pure and chastened gladness Vpspringing in our bosoms: I think ( the lonely turtle. So tong-.ied with melancholy. Of the hue of t lie dropping moonlight, And the stai light pure aud holy. Of the beat of a heart moat tender, The sigh of a shell-tict lip, And soft as the land tones wandering Far leagues over ocean deep; Of a step as light, in its falling On the breast of the beaded lea, As the fall of the fairy moonlight, On the leaf of yon tulip tree. I think of these and the murmur Of bird and katydyd, Whose home is in the grave yard cypress, Whose gublet, the honey reed And then I weep: for Kosdie, Has gone to hr e-irly rest, And the green lipped reed and the daisy Suck sweets from her maiden breast. Adeline and Adelaide are from the German. Thej- are only dili'erent forms of the same name, which signifies a. prin cess. They are very pretty names and fall gracely into the poet's verse. W itness the following from Tennyson : Some honey converse feeds thy mind, Some spirit of a crimson rose In love with thee forgets to close Its curtain, wasting odorous sighs All night long 01. darkness blind. What ailcth thee? whom waitest thou W ith thy softeu'd shadow'd brow, And those dew-lit eyes of thine, tnou tj;i,t srniler, Adeline ?" Ada. Chambers, to whom, in a series of Articles in thu Kdinburgh Journal, we are largely indebted For etymological facts, derives this name, well known as that of - Byion's daughter, from the Saxon Edith Un.i - ,i;. i c i Edittor Hade whence Ada. From the Southern Literary Gazette. NAMES. Anthony, or Antony, is from the Latin. It sgi'Wes flourishing. It was render ed famous by Markus Antonius. It was the name of Vandyke, the celebrated paint er. Shakspere has given it the impress of his pen That is enough. Ai'oustvs is also from the Latin ami signifies increasing. Since it was borne by the first of the Imperial Caesars, it has been a great favorite in princely palaces, j rnnces, however, have no monopoly of it. CESah is used as a Christian name, and thus claims a place here. It is believed to signify well haired. The German Kai fforaudthe Russian Czar are traceable to the same source. Hi la st y, merry, cheerful, is a fine old monkish name, which deserves to be re covered from the dust anil rubbish of the monastery and again be hearil among men. Who would have a better name. Uoiface is a well-doer, but alas! he can do nothing but keep tavern since Narcju har used the name in the Beau Stratagem. 'OId Will Boniface'' is "pretty well known upon the road, as the saying is," but no body but a landlord would have the name. Ci.emf.nt signifies mild or merciful. It is from the Latin. CoNSTAxTiNK, another name from the Latin, signifies resolute, standing firm. PuiLir is of (ireek origin and has the meaning of a lover of homes. It was the name of that prince of politeness, Chester field. Sir Philip Sidney also adorned it. Mahtin is from the Latin and signifies martiul. It was, not inaptly, the name of the great Reformer, Luther, win se words were half battles." Lion k l has the meaning of a little lion, and is also from the Latin. Thkodouh is a fine, harmonious name, from the Creek, and signifies Gift of God. A name so appropriate and so beautiful fehould be more common. Its feminine form is Theodoha. "Since wc know her for an angel, Hearing meek the common load, Let us call her Tiitnuop.A' Gift of God." Emma is of German origin and has the meaning of a good nurse. It is one of the prettiest of modern names and is too sel dom used. In the form of Imma, it was borne bv Charlemagne's fair daughter, about whom one of the rarest bits of histo rical romance is recorded: Kginhard, the Emperor's Secretary, loved the fair princess Imma, and his affection was returned. The lovers dared not meet openly, on account of the plebian rank of Kginhardt, and they held stolen interviews in the apartments of the princess. While they were together one night, there was a !ig,ht fall of snow, which covered the groin. d. II ere was a dilemma; as Egin hard was obliged to cross a court yard in order to reach his own rooms and his foot steps in the snow would betray his visit to Imma. Behold what love will plan and execute! The princess Imma, notwith standing the expostulations of her lover, took him on her back and carried him urross the court, well knowing that her foot-steps would not excite suspicion. ttul it happened that Charlemagne, who had risen from his couch, was standing at his open window, which overlooked the court yard, and saw, in the moon-light, the love-stratagem of his daughter. His Sketches Carolina. of North Beattie's Foni, Lincoln Co., N. C. October 25, 1850. A WORK Trill be published by the undersigned this Spring, entitled a above, giving an accurate account of each County in our State.'iS Alphabetical rivatiouofits name, date of formation, it. Colomaiand Revolutionary Hi.-tcry.a Biography of its distinguish citizens, an accurate li.-t of its representation in each branch of tbe General Assembly, its Towns. River. Popu lation. Resources. Products, and Topography. The undersigned has for many years been collecting nt.d condensing the material for this work. The archives of our own State have been carefully examined, and co pious extracts made from its records. 116 has procured from the offices of the Board of Trade and Plantations in London many valuable documents. Rare and valuable works have ben imrchased from abroad, touching the earl v history of our State, and each County, which have never seen the light. He has been kindly aided by gen tlemen in different sections by copies of original documents, mid faithful traditional statements, highly important and interesting. He does not aspire to the position of the Historian, but 1 hopes from records and statistical facts to afford materials j j to other abler hand, for this pleasing and less lnborious j I dutv. This work, it is hoped, will be useful as a book of reference to the statesman and scholar, and man of busi ness or leisure. Occasional extracts have been published in the Standard and other paper of this State, over the signature of Tacitus. -: The History of North Carolina is yet to be written. Tbe remark which one of tbe ablest Historians ot the age. (Bancroft.) ha-t been compelled toiH:ike. that-so carelessly has the History of North Carolina been written that the name, merits and end of the first (Jovernor is notkncwn."; is a reflection upon us An examination of the early his tory of the Counties of North Carolina shows a record of the purest patriotism and indomitable courage. This re cord is now covered by the dust of age. aud unknown by. neglect. It is a debt which the present generation owes to the past as well as tlie future to preserve these memo rials ; for it often occurs in the history of our race, that facts known to one feneration are controverted by the next, and at a succeeding period are considered as doubt ful legends, unworthy of historical faith. Our Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence, in May 1770, had al most been an illustration of this truth. " These are deeds which should not pass away. And names that must not wither : though the earth Forgets her empires with a just decay. The enslavers and the eus'ave J. their death aud birth.' ' This work will be illustrated with a Map of the State, from latest purveys, and including the new Counties to this date, and sketches in Engravings of someof her beau tiful scenery. It will contain about f(N) pates, and b furnished n't one dollur a copy. Subscriptions will be re ceived and the book furnished at different points of the State. JNO. H. WHEEL Kit. P. S. Editors of the different Presses in the State are requested to copy the abovo The Press will receive in this work a sketch worthy of its influence and importance Those Editors who publish the above four successive times, and send a copy of the paper containing the same, will be entitled to receive a copy of the work as a return for such notice. ClO-Jw J- II. W. JAS. G-. SMITH, NEW GOODS, AND NEW STOHE Urn The subscribers havi ng associated themselves together for the transaction of" a general mercan tile business i:i the town of Favetteville, under the name and style of J. T. COUNCIL, & CAIN, respectfully inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have taken the stand for merly occupied by Jas. M. Williams, north side of Person street, (nearly opposite the Cape Fear Bank,) where thev are receiving a large stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WARE. Crockery, Glass, and Japan Ware; Boots and Shoes, a food assortment; Hats and Caps; Bon nets; Coffee; Sugar; Liverpool, Alum, and Blown Salt; Iron; Nails; Mackerel and a few Connecti cut River Shad; Crackers; SADDLERY AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, and in fact every thing usually kept in a dry goods and grocery store. Cell and you can be suited, both in price and quality of goods. Also, a good assortment of LIQUORS : French Brandy; Porter; Port, Maderia, and Malaga Wines; Gin, Rum, &c. The above goods were bought at the lowest cash prices, and will be sold cheap for Cash, or on time to punctual customers, or exchanged for produce of all kinds. J. T. COUNCIL, Sept 71S50. tf R. S. CAIN. TAYLOR tfe UNDERWOOD Have Removed to the store formerly-occupied by G. & II. Mc Millan, on Green street. They are now receiving a complete STOCK OF GOODS direct from New York, embracing a great va riety, suitable for the fall and winter trade. All are invited to call and see before purchas ing. Aug. 31, JS50. 3rn N E W PT5 says, was For tlie Manufacture of TIN WARE. The subscriber have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrving on the TIN AND SHEET IRON BUSINESS, on west side of Gil lespie street, where they intend to manufac ture TIN WARE of every description, which will be offered for sale at as low prices as any Establishment in the State. Country Merchants or others wishing to buy to sell again, would do well to give them a call, as they are confident that they can suit them in qualityand price. They have now on hand of their own manufacture, a supply of superior UAKERS, which are highly recommended by all all who have used them. JOBBIiVG Of all kinds, such as making Factory Cans, re pairing Factory Drums, also Roofing, Guttering, Mending, ccc. &c, faithfully executed with de spatch and at moderate prices. GURDON F. WEBSTER. WM. W. FRIZ ELL. Favetteville, Sept. 11, 1850. tf. NEW GOODS. Our Fall and Winter Stoqk of GROCERIES) HARDWARE, &c., Has now come to hand and is ready for sale. Our stock is large, and well worthy the atten tion of those wishing to purchase. We will barter for any kind of country produce. COOK TAYLOR. Aug. 31, IS50. 601-tf XJ3" Wagon and 2 horses for sale. a bargain may be had. Apply to Oct. 12. lm J.E.BRYAN. NEW FALL & WINTER AND HAIR DRESSER, j FAVETTEVILLE, 2. C., i . . ! Still serves the public in the above line, at his j shop I in tlie Favetteville Hotel. i . . ! WANTED, an intelligent boy as an apprentice J to the above business. July 20, 1S50. y The subscribers have just received their stock of Fall and Winter Goods, embracing a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Shoes and Boots, Hats and Caps, Bomiets, Bibbons, Umbrellas, 4'C We invite our friends and the public generally to call and examine our stock for themselves. We think we can suit them in stvles and prices. AREY & SHEMWELL, North-west corner Market Square, Green st. October 5, 1S50. . . "MOTTflF Application -will be made to the noxt A A - General Assembly of North Carolina to charter tha FayetteviUe and Southern riank Road Company. 21. McKETXI-SlN Still eontinues to carry on the CARRIAGE BUSINESS in ail its branches, at the OLD STAND. He re turns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by a strict atten tion to business and a desire to give entire satis faction, to merit a continua.-.ce of the same. He has on hand a very fine assortment of Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Rockaways, AND SULKIES, finished, and a very large assortment of work partly finished, which, for elegance of shape and finish, will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell low for cash, or notes on short time. QCf All work warranted for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by bad workmanship or mateiial. (jC? Repairing faithfully executed at short no tice, on very reasonable terms. January 1L, 1S50. SnnrJ i ir-n r ... - ... , . ,i 'mi 3 REMO VAL. The Cross CreekManufacturingCorapanyhave removed their Store to the south side of Person street, three doors below the Market Square, where they will keep constantly on hand both warp and filling; carpet warp, seinetwine, wrapping twine, stockingyarn, and cotton batts. They are thankful to their customers, and hope thev will continue their favors. J C. BENBOW, President C. C.Manuf. Co. 7th month, 20th, 1S30. 5&5-U" DENTISTRY. S. S. GILCHRIST, Dental Surgeon, respectfully informs the citizens of FayetteviUe and Ticin ity. that he has taken an office in the FayetteviUe Hotel, where heis prepared to perforin all operations in his pro fession, aud would be pleased to wait on all who may favor him with a call. All work warranted. October 27, 1349. ft57-tf II. W. Hardie, ' bookbin din g b usi- nes? at the new store next door to Mr Ueasley. Jeweler, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired- VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. There are several hundred of these wheels in in operation in different counties in North Ca rolina. For proof of their great advantage over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them t their mills. We can recommend them particularly for their su periority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. AVe still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilmington, New bern, Washington, Fdenton, and Favetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Brevard, Lincolnton, arid Uriah Wrells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. Mc Neill &Co., Favetteville, N. C. D. McNEILL, A. A. McKETIIA N, D. J. McALISTEll. January 10, 1S50. mm for the removal & permanent cuke of all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, or habit of the system. Among the many and important discoveries of this generation, is one whose fame will be writ ten, as with a sunbeam, in the history of the past. SAND'S SARSAPABILLA stands forth alone, and by its own works proclaims its power that mute eloquence so irrisistibly nflecting in the appeals of the suffering for relief have been answered. Thousands of cases of diseases have been cured by this invaluable Medicine, such as are not furnished in the records of time. These things are not done in secret places. They are brought before the world to substantiate, beyond doubt, the healthy virtues of this preparation; and the facts untold, although gigantic, are as plain as the light of day. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent sitnjdes of the vegetable kingdom; and its unprecedented success in the restoration to health of those who had long pined under the most distressing chronic maladies, has given it an exalted character fur nishing as it does, evidence of its own intrinsic value, ami recommending it to the afflicted in terms the afflicted only can know. It has long been a most important desideratum in the prac tice of medicine, to obtain a remedy similar to this one that would act on the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels with all the precision and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their deleterious effects upon the vital powers of the system. Although po.'essed of powerful healing properties, it is entirely harmless, and will not injure the most delicate constitution. When in perfect health, no effect is produced by its use, except an increase of appetite; but when disease is seated in tbe frame, and carrying fjst its vic tim along the path of life, then its mysterious influence is felt and seen; it enkindles new life and vigor, and brings health and strength to the su Meting and diseased. SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE E YES "Winchester, Ky., Oct, IS 10. A. B. &, D. Sands Gentlemen: I would not have presumed to write to you, if it was not my duty to let the puolic know tlie almost miracu ions eneci your .arsaparma nas nail upon me. iiy umos were covered wuu uicerous sores, so that T could not walk during the whole Spring and Summer. In this situation I commenced the use of your Sarsaparilla, and after taking two bottles was entirely cured. I must also tell you of another wonderful cure. My b-rother was afflicted with this scrofula in his head, so bad, his physician told him the loss of his sight was inevitable, and permanent blindness seemed to be his fate. Three bottles entirely restored his sight, artd we cannot but recommend all sitnila rv afflicted to use Sands' Sarsaparilla Yours truly, BENJ. F. BUCKNER. For sale by S.J. Hinsdale, Favetteville; by Dr. A. C. Evans & Bro., Wilmington; by P. F Pescud, Raleigh ; by Dr. A. Malloy, Cheraw; and by Druggists generally throughout the Unit ed States and Canadas. Aug. 1, 1S50. 3t TIN WARE MANUFAC TOR V. AT WHOLESALE & KETAIL. F. T. WARD'S Old established Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory Is Removed. To the south-cast comer of Market Square. ready with the necessarv machinery and materials for making Factory Drums and Cans, and to do all kind of work for Factories; also Rooting, guttering, and all kinds of JOBBING done on short notice, &.by experienced workmen. .A constant supply of Tin kept on hand, at wholesale and retail. Country merchants and pedlars can be supplied at the verv lowest prices. F. T. WARD, Agt. Sept. 23, 1S50. FAMILY GK0CERY. WM. hi LUVfc Has opened a Family Grocery on south side of Person street, near the Market square, where persons can be accom modated with small quantities His Groceries were recently purchased in New York, and are of the best nuality. Sept. 21, -?f0 001-tf SlOO 11EWAKD. Wc will give .9100 reward for a neijro man named HANNIBAL, if delivered to us at Halifax Court House, Va., or o0 reward if secured in jail in FayetteviUe, or any other jail, so that we yet him again. The said negro man Hannibal is about five feet high, rather a brown complexion. He has a scar over one of his eyes, and has one or two of his front teeth out. About 2S years of age. We will give the above reward to any per son who will secure trfe said negro so that we get him again. POINDEXTEK & EDMONDSON. Sept. 11, 1S.')0. i.u.i-tf ENCOURAGE HOME MA N U FA C T U R E S . HOUSTON & 0VERBY Saddle, Trunk & Harness-makers, South side Person st., 5 doors cast of Cape Fear Hank, Respectfully return their Sdiuix y the public generally, for the noerai snare oi patronage they have received, and hope by steady application and strict attention to business, still to merit :i r.oiitii)ii:nrp s a-9j vVr"3' of the same. In addition to their former stock, they have just received from Baltimore and New York, a new supply of Saddlery, Hardware, Skirting and Harness Leather, hog and sheep Skins, Saddle Bags, Carpet do. , hog-skin horse and mnleCol lars, Port Folios and hand-Trunks. They have now on hand, and still continue to manufacture, ladies' and gentlemen's Saddles, boys do., bridles and martingales; silver, brass, and Japan mount ed carriage Harness ; do. buggy and sulky do.; Pope & Frazier'ss self-adjusting Pad-Trees; with a good assortment of Whips of every description. We invite our friends and the public to call and examine our work before purchasing elsewhere, as we will sell the above-named articles as low as they can be bought in any establishment in this place. Having had 2S years experience in tlie business, we flatter ourselves with the hope that we can give satisfaction to our customers. All work done by us warranted for any reasonable length of time. Qcf- Prompt attention paid to repairing saddles, bridles, harness, &c. Sept. 14, l-.r)0. y LANDS E0R SALE. The subscriber offers his PLANTATION for sale, containing 300 acres ; 150 of w h ich is clear ed and hi a high state of cultivation. The farm is beautifully situated with a neat Dwelling House with four upright rooms w ith a fire place attached to each, and all necessary out-houses; with gi n and cotton press. This hind is of the best cotton lands in the Eastern part of North Carolina well watered and as healthy a situa tion as can be found, as there has never been a case of fever on it. The stand is one of the best in Robeson county for a store, having bee-n one on it occasionally for the last SO years. I will ex change the land for young Negroes; or any per son wishing to buy may have the lands for less than the valued proceeds of it for two years. I have also another Plantation two miles from the above, containing S7S acres with about two hun dred cleared, which is fine cotton land very healthy, well watered, and very finely timbered. These lands will be sold at a very great bar gain. Come quick or you loose it. For particu lars, refer to Malcom Purcell, W. C. McNeill, near Floral College; Col. A. S. McKay and J. H.McRae of Richmond countv. ZACHARIAH FULMORE. Alforclsville, Robeson Co., N. C. Sept. 12, 1S50. 603-tf 5 FALL GOODS. "We are now receiving extensive assortment of and opening a rich and SILK ct FANCY 1311Y Consisting of EVERY DESCRIPTION for La dies and Gentlemen's wear. Caps, BOjYJMTS, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c, Making the most complete assortment we have ever before offered, to which we invite our cus tomers and the public generally. North east corner Market Square. E. Li. & J. A. PEMBERTON. Oct. 5, 1S50. 2m SOMETHING NEW ! ! And the best article known for cleaning and polishing Brass, Britania, Tin, Glass &c. Every family will have it when they know its value. MOUNT EACLE TRIPOLI. Directions for Use en Jlfetaic Surfaces. Rub the finished surfaces with a little of the Tripoli on a damp cloth. Finish with a dry fine cloth or wash leather. On Brass, use oil or al cohol; Silver and Gold may also be cleansed and polished with a soft brush, slightly dusted with the Tripoli, and used dry. for Cleansing Glass Plates or JVindoics. Slightly moisten the cloth for the Tripoli, with water or alcohol; rub iton the glass and follow immediately after with a fine dry cloth. For Cleansing the inside of Glass Chimneys for Lamps and Gas Burners. Attach to a stick or wire of sufficient length, a piece of sponge or wisp of cotton, then moisten with water or alcohol, and add a little of the Tri poli ; this rubbed on the glass will effectually re move smoke, or burnt stains and grease, and leave a beatiful lustre. Simply rinsing in water completes the process. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. March 23d, 1S50. DR. LEIDY'S SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS. AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS!! THE ENVY OF ALL PILL MANUFACTURERS Because they are safer, better and more !Rca cious than any others ; and because the public will take no others if they can obtain them. 500;000 Boxes have been sold annually fur the last five years, YOUNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE, can always take them with equal safety, without fear. IF PILLS BE NECESSARY for purging and clearing the Stomach and Bowels, and purifying the Blood and thuds of the body, take no others for no other pills produce those combined effects, or contain Saraaparil la in them EAT, DRINK AND LIVE AS USUAL, and pursue your usual occupation whilst tak ing them, without fear of taking cold, during ali kinds of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that more genuine certificates (from physicians, Clergymen, Members of Congress and respectable citizens) can be produced of their efficacy than of anv others, and TEN DOLLARS will be forfeited in every instance where One Box will not do more good than Two Boxes of any others. FORTY PILLS ARE IN A BOX ! ! and sold at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOX, with directions and much wholesome advice ac companying each box. They have no taste or unpleasant smell, Free from dust or power of any kind, Do not gripe the Stomach or Bowels, Produce no sickness, vomit ing or bad feelings, THEY ARE GOOD AT ALL TIMES, And adapted to most diseases common to mankind. DR. N. B. LE1DY, THE PROPRIETOR AND MANUFACTURER, is a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of fifteen years experience in Philadelphia; Gra duate of the University of Pennsylvania; Mem ber of different Medical Institutions of Philadel phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, fcc, and associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institutions of London and Paris. y- Principal Depot. Dr. Leidv's Dispensarv, No. Il l North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail by S. J. Hinsdale Fayettevnle; R. E. Williams, Waynesboro: Wil liams &. Haywood, Raleigh; F. Gallagher, Wash ington; and by all Druggist and Storekeepers in tne United States. November -2 1, IS 19. ly JOS. S. DUNN Is prepared to do all kinds of Wheelwright work wagons, carts, drays, barrows, plows, &C, oil the most liberal terms, at his workshop, corner of Mum ford and Winslow streets, where persons disposed to patronize him will please call. June 16, IS 19. 53-tf wlrit sub,3c.ribr has just returned from tfc. m i 'A '? now 0Penig. one door wSt r f Mr L. Glover's J.welry establishment 11 . i of ly opposite the FayettevTue HoteT, ' A NEW STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Among which may be found a general variety of ladies' and gentlemen's fashionable DKPeo GOODS and trimmings. Also a large assor t of HON NETS, HATS, CAPS,- U()OT SHOES, and UMBRELLAS, to which t' respectfully invites the early attention oftl ladies and gentlemen of both town and countr J. M. WILLIAMS Sept 21, 1S50. tf MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having taken the Establish inent of the late A. C. Simpson, (situated opp,, site W. Mclntvre's store,) intends carrying on the CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING liUSlJVIZSJS in all its various branches, and would respectful ly solicit a share of public patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, and having been employed in foir.c tt the most extensive Establishments in New York and New Jersey, he Hatters himself that lie can give general satisfaction. lie warrants all his work to he made of the best material the surrounding countrv afienh and by experienced workmen ; and should anv of itfail, either in material or woj kmahship," in twelve months from the time of its delivery, l,e will repair it free of charge. ' GG REPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices . , A- U- WHITFIELD. Favetteville, 1 eb'y 23, 150 574-tf. BUSIJYESS AGENT, The undersigned will attend as the procuring of discounts, renewal of Note., procuring of northern Checks at either of the' Banks in this place, and drawing of Pensions, lie will also attend to the collection and estab lishment of Claims against the United States, for soldier's services in the Mexican war, or anv other business of that nature. He will also draw up any instrument of writing where a penman is required, and do any other writing whatever. Apply at tlie office" of the Tlank Road Coini pany, under the Favetteville Hotel. Refers to any of tlie merchants in Favetteville. JNO. M." ROSE. Sept 8, 1S19. 5.j0-tf ! ! I kJte I K l MARBLE FACTORY. a1 s a Bv FAVETTEVILLE TBT ffT GTR T!a Vfc. SVi U. Ul SSmtQ FayetteviUe!, N. C. Tin's large and splendid building has now bren in successful operation since May 1S40. The bedding;ind furniture of all kind is all nev,aiul the rooms convenient and pleasant. The table is always furnished with the lifst the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Boarders, lodgers, and travellers, will find desir able accommodations, and attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give ent ire satisfaction. Families can be provided with large, airy front, double rooms, conveniently and handsomely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable tbe lessee, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BROWN. June 1 , S"0. At December Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, geneii.l Letters of Administration of the Estate of Alex ander C. Simpson, deceased, were granted lor the Subscriber. AH persons indebted to tbe Estate are notified to make on early payment. Those holding ' hiims, are requested ti pjestnt them to the Subscriber at this place. J- SHEPHERD, Aclm'r. 1 ayetteville, Dec. 10, IS 19. 061. tf Nearly opposite to E. W. Willkincs' Auction Store. FA YETTEYILLE, N. C. Jan. 30, IS 19 y A. M. CAMPbYlT", AUCTIONED M 9 J1XD Co m m i ss i o n 31 crcli a 1 1 f , FAYETTE VI LLP, N. C. JOHN D." WILLIAMS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT, Feb Fa-yettcrillc, N. C. 23, ISoO. FALL. I 8 5 O . JAMES KYLE Is now receiving his Fall and Winter supply of Among which are, Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, Sattinets and Merino Cashmeres, Kentucky Jeans and Tweeds, Vestings, well assorted, . Black and colored Silks, French and English Merinoes, Do- do. Muslin D'Lains, Alpaccas, well assorted, 2-jOO pieces Calico, Domestics, 3-4 to 10-4, bleached and brown, Irish Linens, Lawns, and Diapers, Merino long and square Shawls, Plaid and other woollen do. Anker Bolting Cloths, at reduced prices, With many other goods, all of which bein- pur chased for cash by the package, will be ottered by wholesale or retail at low prices Sept. 7, 1S50. RANAVVAY From the subscriber on the 22d of July, a negro man named MORRIS. Heis G feet 1 or 2 inches high, but slender built ; yellow complected; rather blink eyed; has a scar on one cheek. When last heard from, he was making his way towards Lum herton. where he hat rslslinnc I will give TWENTY DOLLARS for his deliv ery to me, or his confinement in any jail so that I can get him again. ' JOHN S. WILLIS. Prospect Hall, Bladen county, N. C. August 5, 1S50. ODS-tf TO MV FRIENDS & THE PUBLIC. TH!': s"bsiC,il,e- le upon the wharves in W ilm.i.gton the first ot October next, at the so licitation and encouragement onus Iriends to enter upon the business of general .-:gent for the sale of all kinds of" country produce on com mission; as follows: Timber, Staves, Shingles, Corn, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, &.c. Also Ne groes; having had experience in that business flatters himself that he can be of advantage to those who may sell to or through him. Being to well (and he h-jpes favorably) known through out the Wilmington Distriot'of country, hegives noparticuiar reference, but merely challenges a trial; he will have hands of his own in attend ance with him for the dispatch of business, be only auds that he will commence under favora ble circumstances, ever having claimed to be an honest dealer and faithful to his trust; responsi ble for any thing he may undertake. In spying this he believes his acquaintances will sustain him, and he asks a share of patronage. Every eflort to please, will be made. J. J. McDUGALD. September 7, 1S')6. GOl-om BRUSHES. Kngligli and French tooth and hair Brushes Sej-t For Kale by S. J. HINSDALE. NEW FALL. AND WISTJEB The subscriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter supply of GOODS, lately selected from the New York market by himself, consisting of English, French, and American fancy and staple Dry Goods. Also, a fine assortment o4' Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and "Umbrellas: together with his stock before on hand, will make as good an assort ment as is contained in any establishment in Fav etteville, and will be -sold on as good terms, an" at as low prices as can be purchasedin any other house in town. ALSO. I have on hand an assortment of Hard ware, Cutlery, &.c; China, Glass-ware and Crock ery; and a stock of Wines, Rum and French Brandy; Alum and Sack Salt ; which will be dis posed of very cheap, as I shall hereafter decline keeping these articles. WILLIAMS. LATTA. Sept. 0, 1S50. 3tn

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