FALL AND WINTER nur tail well Tbc following beautiful lines, we find in the North Carolina Star. They purport to be from the pen of a North Carolinian. If soothe writer ha but few if any tuperisr among the poets of this day. From tbe Raleigh Star. TO wide m. the bo oodles sky above And deeper than tbe sea On earth, vf there can be such iove. Such love I've felt for thee. Each, morning, ere the riae of sun, I wak'd to think of thee ; And aa thehoura of day roll'd on Thine image dwelt with me. Each eve. when in the glowing wet, I saw the tun depart, Bright thoughts of thee still filled my breast And love still warmed my heart. Before I closed tny eyea in sleep I breathed a prayer each night That angels would thy slumbers keep. And make thy visions bright. Then o'er the fairy land of dreams. That in my sleep unfurl'd I roved with thee till morning beams Again illumin'd the world. By night when on the sky I gazed And mark'd each brightest star, It told me of my love, and praised -It told me she was fair. By day when o'er the meads I rov'd, Each flow'ret 'neath my feet Still whisper'd of the maid 1 lov'd It told rne she was sweet. Whene'er I saw the faithful dove And heard it softly coo. Its music told me of my love It told me she was true. But now the pleasing spell is broke, And too, too soon, I'm taught. The star and flow'ret truly spoke But ah ! the dove did not. Hope's flowers thntby thy hand caressed And sunn'd beneath thine eyej Once blossom'dall freshly in iny breast, Alas ! but bloomed to die. Thy love once warm, hath changeful prov'd, And now is cold again ; And though so truly 1 have love'd, Tis all, alas! in vain. Farewell! altho my bosom smart, I will seem glad and free, And ever hide within my heart The love I feel for thee. Nor ever shall a single groan Escape my tortur'd breast To make my bitter anguish known And tell that I'm unblest, Eut when death's paleness on my brow Too early thou shalt see. Remember then thy broken vow And know I died for thee. Z Z. R. M. College. Dec. 3d, 18'0. ADMINISTRATCR'S N0tTce7 The subscriber having, at the December term, 1S50, of the Court of Pleas ;ind Quarter Sessions for Cumberland county, obtained Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Diniel Johnson, dee'd, hereby give notice to till those having cl.iims against said Estate, to present them with in the time prescribed by ljr, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery : and all those indebted to said estate, must make immediate payment. FUR Til Kit NOTICE. Will be sold by order of the Count- Court of Cumberland, at the store of t'i I ite Daniel John son, dee'd, on the 6th day of January next, 1S51, the entire STOCK OF GCUD 3 in said store, con sisting of Sugar, Coffee, Zrjolasses, Salt, Iron, Nails Trace Chains, Spade. SWeis, DltY GOODS, Hoots, Shoe, &c. Most of which are entirely new, acid some of which have never been opened, having been pur chased 1 itely. Also, M ideira, MjIui, & Bdruady Port Wines, French Iir jndy, HoiiHiid Gin, St. Croix Rum, Cherry brandy, and Old Nick's Rye Whiskey in demijolr tu, some of which is 4 r 5 years old Al-o, rn i'nursday the 9th of January, the IjOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, L ir;;ets, &.c , will be sold at his late residenc on tl iy mount, upon a credit of six months. Bond with approved ecurity will be required before ihe removal ol the piopety. Al-o. th t &ie DWELLING HOUSE 'fin iin '.Tirov. inents, his late residence on 11 ymnu it, containing two acres land: likewise, one half of a lot and brick building on uorth side of II jy street, joining Hamilton Mit chell. Notes at 90 days, negotiable and payable at Bank, will be required for the Real Estate G. UEMING. Adm'r. Fayetteville, Dec 9, 1S50. 6l6-3t Goods, consisting of a very general and selected stock, In all Lines, which we are offering on our usual terms. All sorts of Produce purchased ; and we attend as usual to the Forwarding Busi- ne9' J. & T. WADDILL, Nov 30, 1850 614-tf Hay street. JAS. G. SMITH, AND HAIR DRESSER, FAYETTEVILLL, N. C, Still serves the public in the above line, at his shop in the Fayetteville Hotel. WANTED, an intelligent boy as an apprentice to the above business. July 20, 1850. y JUST RECEIVED, A lot of Frenah Merinos, assorted colors. Ribbons, velvet and silk Braid, Dress Trimmings, &x. J. M. WILLIAMS. Nov 30, 1850 614-tf NEGRO SHOES, A few Cases just received 8 to 14, 1 case boys coarse Shoes. A few barrels fine Gennessee Flour, For sale by H. BRANSON & SON, Nov 30. 614-3t Hay street. $10 Reward. Ranaway from the Subscriber on the 24th of November, a negro man named SAM. He is about 40 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 7 inches high ; stout built, and very black. He is well known about Fayetteville as he has been working on tne streets for the last 2 years. G. W ROSE. Nov. 30 1850. 614 tf XyZcKETIIAN A. DENTISTRY. S. S. GILCHRIST, Dental Surgeon, respectfully informs the citixens of Fayetteville and vicin ity that he has taken an ottee in the Fayetteville Hotel, V -, -n..M .11 AnoMMnnsin Ilia DTO- wbere neis prepared to ietw" vk feBonr and would be pleased to wait on allwho may favor him with a call. All worK warranieu . October 27, 1849. a&c-li MILLINERY And Mantua-Making, MRS ETWALTON Ib juit receiving and opening a new and fashionable stock Of WINTtR iMlLLKt,Kl and ltllM.U,U3 of the latest it vie. Her stock consists of a larzo and beautiful assortment of Kibbons. Mowers, Plumes- Velvets Silks and Satins, of all colors ; Dress Caps and Head-dresses; Artificial Curls; embroidered Lace and iv-uolin Capes. Collars and Cuffs; Silk and Kid Gloves of the beat quality; Straw Bonnets f the latest style, and dmerent qualities and prices. All work done in the best manner, and orders from the country promptly attended to. CUT- REGALIA for different Societies, kept constant ly on hand for sale. Nov. 23.1850. 2m I HAVE just received from New York, my fall and winter Stock of Goods, consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Cutlery? &c. I will Barter for TURPENTINE, or anv kind of Produce. N. KING. 10 miles North of Favetteville Nov 23, 1550. " 613-tf NEW CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEKS' OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT. 31. At A. WALDAUER, Hay street, corner opposite Fayetteville Hotel, and next door to Messrs Lilly's store,) Have just received a large assortment of winter Clothing consisting of fine double-sewed drab Overcoats; fine Cas tarin Coats; fine frock and dress Coats. Sec.; and a good assortment oi I antaloons or all colors and prices. Cloaks. Catolons. a new and fashionable article; winter loose Sacks, and all kinds of winter Coats; tine Shirts, (the finest assortment ever brought into this market). Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Umbrellas. &c. An assortment of MATRASSES always on hand, at the lowest factory prices. Old customers are particularly invited to call and ex amine our goods. M. at A. WAULUAUbR. Nov 2.1850. tf DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, VARNISH, &.c. SAML. J. HINSDALE Offers for sale an extensive as sortment of goods, among which are following : White Lead. Linseed Oil, Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Train Oil, Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Copal Varnish, Leather varnish, Saltpetre, Japan Varnish, Ginger. Window Glass, Glue, Putty, Annato, Pumice Stone, Cloves, the Opium, Camphor, Castur Oil, Alcohol, Sulphur, Aloes, Magnesia, Rhubarb, Morphine, Quinine, Cre.mi Tartar, Sal .Soda, Castile Soap, Super curb Soda, Chrome, green, Mh.ce, Sal Eratus, Mustard, Spice, Nutmegs, Pepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder, WILL BE SOLD On the 1st January, at the Market House in Fay etteville, &0G acres LAND, on Heaver Creek. 6 miles from town, and h-lf a mile from the plank road by which time 30,000 turpentine boxe9 will be cut on said lmd IS or 20 thou sand new boxes, and 12.000 worked only one veir. Terms made known at s. e. C. MONTAGUE. Dec Jl, 1S50. 6IG-3t nUKXING FLUID. Foysaleky- S.J.HINSDALE. DAGUERREOTYPES. GREAT ATTRACTION AT THE FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. wr.uLAlAN would may announce to New in the pred to execute LIKEN ESSES at the low price ?f $3, He has also a large stock of pUin anii iacyCve4. Please call and examine specimens j't yourselves. Children taken in a few seconds. A clear day should be selected for them, from 10 te 3 o'clock. Adults taken ii ..11 kinds of weath "r,. Sod assortment of Lockets on hand. jive me an early call as my atav will be short. Instructions given in the art. 'T lt, 1S50 rpnprt. the ladies and crnf pi-t, i 1 1 i iic u a just arrived from 1 wk who i me idlest improvements art, together with a large Camera, ana 012-tf NBfiHOBS. WANTED. SeptU.lSSO.. , .603Jtf T WAPPILL- Davis' Palu lUllcr Epsom Salts, Sponge, Ipecac, Sars.iparilla, Kreosnte. Borax, Arrowroot, Isinglass, Gum Arabic, Gum Myrrh, Capsicum, Lobelia, Plasters, Liquorice, Chloroform. Jujube Paste, Copperas, fluid, Chrome, yellow. Burning Lamp Black, Alum, Patent Black, Oxalic Acid, 'i erra de Sienna, White brick, Tripoli, Wash brushes. Paint brushes, Varnish Scrubbing 4 Shoe Tooth " Hair Logwood, Umber, Lithaige, Black Lead, Red Lead, Patent Dryer, Whiting, French Yellow Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Red wood, Prussian Blue, Black Ink, Sand-paper, Opodeldoc, Starch, &.c. &.c. With a ceneral assortment of Medicines; Chemi Cil of all kinds; French and English perfumery and soaps: witn a tiill assortment of all the lead ing Patent Medicines now in use. Orders from the country promptly attended to, and goods carefully packed. The subscriber feels assured that he can meet the wishes of the purchaser in regard to qualitv and price. S. J. HINSDALE, A. Still continues to carry on the CARRIAGE BUSINESS in ail its branches, at the OLD STAND. He re turns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by a strict atten tion to business and a desire to give entire satis faction, to merit a continuasce of the same. He has on hand a very fine assortment of Carriages, Barouches: Buggies, Rockaways, finished, and a very large assortment of work partly finished, which, for elegance of shape and finish, will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell low for cash, or notes on short time. All work warranted for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by bad workmanship or iratei ial. (JCJ- Repairing faithfully executed at short no tice, on very reasonable terms. January 19, 1S50. NEW GOODS AND NEW STO K E. The subscribers having associated themselves together for the transaction of a general mercan tile business in the town of Fayetteville, under the name and style of J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN, respectfully inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have taken the stand for merly occupied by Jas M. Williams, north side of Person street, (nearly opposite the Cape Fear Bank,) where they are receiving a large stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HOLLOW-WARE. Crockery, Glass, and Japan Ware ; Boots and Shoes, a trood assortment; Hats and Caps; Bon nets; Coffee; Sugar; Liverpool, Alum, and Blown Salt; Iron; Nails; Mackerel and a few Connecti cutRiver Shad; Crackers; SADDLERY AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, and in fact every thing usually kept in a dry goods and grocery store. Call and you can be suited, both in price and quality of goods. Also, a good assortment of LIQUORS: French Brandy; Porter; Port, Maderia, and Malaga Wines; Gin, Rum, &.c. The above goods were bought at the lowest cash prices, and will be sold cheap for Cash, or on time to punctual customers, or exchanged for produce of all kinds. J. T. COUNCIL, Sept 7, 1S50. tf R. S. CAIN. N E W For flic .Manufacture of TIN WARE. The subscribers have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on the TIN AND SHEET IRON BUSINESS, on west side of Gil lespie street, where they intend to manufac ture TIN WARE of every description, which will be offered for sale at as low prices as any Establishment in the State. Cou ltry Merch mts or others wishing to buy to sell again, would do well to give them a call, as they nre confident that they can suit them in in ilityand price. They have now on hand of heir own manufacture, a supply of superior BAKERS, which are highly recommended by all all who have used them. JOBBING ui an Kinas, sucn as maxing r actory uans, re pairing Factor Drums, also Roofing, Guttering, Mending, &c. &c, faithfully executed with de spatch and at moderate prices. GURDON F. WEBSTER. WM. W. FR1ZELL. Fayetteville, Sept. 14, 1S50. tf. NEW &OiDr Our Fall and Winter Stock of GROCERIES) HARDWARE, &c., Has now come to hand and is reudy for sale Our stock is large, and well worthy the atten tion ot those wishing to purchase. Qt5- We will barter for any kind of couutrv produce. COOK &. TAYLOR. Aug. 31, 1S50. 601-tf t ....n.o.l f VlO - Ma.rQ16 boottkJing busi ness st the new store next doorto-vir ueasiey, Jewcl) where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired- VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. There are several hundred of these wheels in in operation in different counties in North Ca rolina. For proof of their great advantage over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them ta their mills. We can recommend them particularly for their su periority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilmington, New bern, Washington, Edenton, and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Brevard, Lincolnton.and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to u. ivic Neill &.Co.,FajettevilIe,IN JOS. S. DUNN Is prepared to do all kinds of Wheelwright work wagons, carts, drays, barrows, plows, &c, on the most liberal terms, at his workshop, corner ofMumford and Winslow streets, where persons disposed to patronize him will please call. June 16, 1849. 538-tf MARBLE FACTORY. c. d. McNeill, A. A. McKETHAN. D. J. McALISTER. January 19, 1S50. FAMILY GKOCERY. ass WM. R. LOVE Has opened a ramily Grocery on south side t of Person street, near the Market square, where persons ca n be accom modated with small quantities His Groceries were recently purchased in New Y'ork, and ofthe best quality. Sept. 21, 1850 004-tf are Oct. 12, 1850. tf Druggist. D. M. McDonald Invitej the attention of all who wish to buv cheap for cash, or exchange for country produce", to call and examine his stock of HATS to CAPS, BOOTS & SH0 S, Hardware, crockery & glass-ware, Castings ot all kinds. of other articles too tedious to Hay street. And a variety mention. Oct 19, 1850 4m The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. OHDDaa SAFELY SECURED ACCU MULATED BY THIS COMPANY. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE INSURED. A dividend of 52 per cent, was declared 3lst January, 1S43. Persons can effect insurance on their own lives, or 0 others. 1 wife can in sure the life of her husbaud.the benefits of which are secured by law to herselj and her children. All persons dependent on salaries, or dailv earnings are invited to call and avail themselves of a resource whereby their wives and children maybe secured from want. This is perhaps the best Company in the U. States. JNO. M. ROSE, Agt. Fayetteville, Sept. 23, 1850. tf SlOO REWARD. We will give $100 reward for a negro man named HANNIBAL, if delivered to us at Halifax Court House, Va., or $50 reward if secured in jail in Fayetteville, or any other jail, so that we get him again The saio negro man Hannibal is about five feet high, rather a brown complexion. He has a scar over one of his eyes, and has one or two of his front teeth out. About 28 years of age. We will give the above reward to any per son who will secure the said negro so that we get him again. POINDEXTER & EDMONDSON. Sept. 14, 1850. GOJ-tf ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURES. HOUSTON & 0VERBY Saddle, Trunk fc Harness-makers, South side Person st. 5 doors east of Cope Fear Bank, Respectfully return their thanks to their friends and the public generally, for the liberal share of patronage they have received, and hope by stendy application and strict attention to business, still to merit a continuance car aj vV of the same. In addition to their former stock, they have just received troiri Jjallimore ana rsevv York, a new supply or saddlery. Hardware, Skirting and Harness Leather, hog and sheep Skins, Saddle Bags, Carpet do., hog-skin horse and ninle Col lars, Port Folios and hand-Trunks. They have now on hand, and still continue to manufacture, Indies' and gentlemen's Saddles, boys do., hi idles and martingales; silver, brass, and Japan mount ed carriage Harness ; do. buggy and sulky do.; Pope &. Frazier' self-adjusting Pad-Trees; with a good assortment of Whips of every description. We invite our friends anil the public to call and examine our work before purchasing elsewhere, as we will sell the ab-ive-naraed articles as low as tney can oe nougnt 111 any establishment in tliis place. Having had 28 years experience in the business, we natter ourselves with the hope that we can jive satisfaction to our customers. All work done by us warranted for any reasonable length of time. (j3r Prompt attention paid to repairing saddles, oridles, Harness, &.c. Sept. 14, 1S50. y LAiJ)S TOJl SALE. The subscriber offers his PLANTATION for sale, containing 500 acres ; 150 of which is clear ed and in a high state of cultivation. The farm is neautiiuiiy siruaien wun a newt uwelling House with four upright rooms with a fire place attached to each, and all necessary out-houses; with gin and cotton press. This land is ofthe best cotton lands in the Eastern part of North Carolina well watered and as healthy a situa tion as can be found, as there has never been a case of fever on it. The stand is one of the best in Robeson county for a store, having been one on it occasionally for the last 30 years. I will ex change the land for young Negroes; or any per son wishing to buy may have the lands for less than the valued proceeds of it for two years. I have also another Plantation two miles from the above, containing 87S acres with about two hun dred cleared, which is fine cotton land very healthy, well watered, and very finely timbered. These lands will be sold at a very great bar gain. Come quick or you loose it. For particu lars, refer to Malcom Purcell, W. C. McNeill, near Floral College; Col. A. S. McKay and J. H. McRae of Richmond county. ZACHARIAH FULMORE. Alforelsville, Robeson Co., N. C. Sept. 12, 1850. 603-tf ) iEV FALL & WINTER LIVERY STABLE. The subscriber informs the public that he keeps HORSES and VEHICLES for hire, and is prepared to furnish conveyances to neighboring towns and v.llages. His stock is good, and dri vers careful. He will also board horses at mod erate prices. Apply to J. VV. POWERS, Agt., Who also keeps a Rood supply of GROCERIF f the best qmlity. XT A few Boarders can be ac- 'otnmodjted, with or without lodgine, bv ap plying to J. W. POWERS, et. IP, 1850. tf J. E. BRYAN Has just received at his store opposite Bank of Cape Fear, a general assortment of staple US? GN3)e)S HARDWARE AND ;ROCKRIES. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Blacksmiths' Bellows, anvils, hammers vices, &c, ' Saddles, bridles, martingales, whips and collars, and sole leather, Trace and log Chains, Ames &, Rowland's Spades and Shovels, Turpentine Axes and Round Shaves, Pots, Ovens, and other hollow. ware, Swedes and English bar Iron, Hoop, rod, and band Iron, American and German Steel, Cut Nails, wheel boxes of ail sizes, ice. All of which he will sell low for cash or produce October 6 18&0. 3m The subscribers have just received their stock of Fall and Winter Goods, embracing a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Shoes and Boots, Hats and Caps, Bonneis Ribbons, Umbrellas, $-c. We invite our friends and the public generally to call and examine our stock for themselves. We think we can suit them in stvles and prices AREY & SH EM WELL, North-west corner Market Square, Green st. October 5, 1S50. JOHN D. WILLIAMS, Commission and Forwarding K. C. Feb, 23, 1550. D. & W. McLAURIN TTAVE received. JlFall and Winter trade : and are receivine. for t.h. fine Wool-dveH M'L- brown, olive, green, and blue Cloths ; Cassi meres; Jeans; Sattinets; Kersevs, Blankets Hats; Bonnets; Shoes ; Umbrellas, &c with a general variety of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods which we request purchasers to examine, being confident that our prices will be perfectly sat is factory. 3 Sept. 28, 1830. 605 tf " xtT!?u su5sc.riber has just returned from the f,or'h'a.nd '? "ow ,pening, one door west of Mr E. Glover s Jewelry establishment, and near ly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, A NEW STOCK OF STAPLE AN1 FANCY DRY GOODS, Among which may be found a general variety of ladies' and gentlemen's fashionable DRESS GOODS and trimmings. Also a large assortment of BOSNETS, II ATS, CAPS, BOOTS SHOES, and UMBRELLAS, to which he respectfully invites the early attention ofthe ladies and gentlemen of both town and country J. M. WILLIAMS. Sept 21, 1850. tf Nearly opposite Store. Jan. 30, to E. W. Willkings' Auction FAYETTEVILLE, N. IS 4 9 y C. A. M. CAMPBELL, AUCTIONEER, AND Commission Merchant, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. FALL. 1 8 5 O Is now receiving his Fall and Winter supply of Among which are, Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, Sattinets and Merino Cashmeres, Kentucky Jeans and Tweeds, Vestings, well assorted, Black and colored Silks, French and English Merinoes. Do. do. Muslin D'Lains, Alpaccas, well assorted, 2300 pieces Calico, Domestics, 3-4 to 10-4, bleached and brown, Irish Linens, Lawns, and Diapers, Merino long and square Shawls, Plaid and other woollen do. Anker Bolting Cloths, at reduced prices, With many other goods, all of which being pur chased for cash by the package, will be offered by wholesale or retail at low prices. "Sept. 7, 1850. On Friday night Sth inst, the subscriber had a new double-barrel Gun stolen from him 2 miles north of Fayetteville, on the ro;id lending by Mr Isham Blake's, and a short distance from his house. The run is a new one the barrel sup posed to be 42 inches, of fine finish. No particu lar mark recollected, as I had just bought it. A liberal reward will he paid for the Gun, or any information left at Mr P. P. Johnson's store or Capt. Jno. Stewart's, will be thankfully re ceived. 1 WM. GILES. Sept. 14, 1S50. 003-tf IN QUART BOTTLES FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, AND FOR THE CURE Ol SCROFULA, RHEUMATISM STUBBORN ULCERS, DYSPEPSIA, SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES, ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, BILES, MERCURIAL DISEASES CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, LIVER COMPLAINT, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL DEBILITY,' &.C TUB PROPRIETORS have spent much time iu bring ing this preparation of Sarsaparilla to its present state of perfection ; and the experience ot fourteen yearn haf furnished them the most ample opportunity to tludv. iu their various forms, the diseases for -which it is recom mended, and to adapt it exactly to their relief and cure. Patients who wish a really good Medicine are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy themselves of its supriorit v. and thi invaluable property it possesses of arresting and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold one quart, and in its present improved form may safely claim to be the best and cheapest medicine of the age. Its pro gress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a long line of facts and cures, that stand as landmarks and bea cons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health, and what it has already done for the thousands who have used it. it is capable of doing for the millions still suffering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens tbe fountain springs of life, and iufuses new vigor tuoughout the whole animal frame. LIVER COMPLAINT. The following is an extract of a letter received from Rey VVm. Galusba. Berkshire, Vt , Oct. 22. 1848. Messrs Sands: I have been afflicted with a Bevere pain in my side, occasioned by a diseased liver, for the last 20 years, suffering at times what language cannot convey but since taking your Sarsaparilla 1 have been greatly rv. lieved, so much so that 1 have been able to attend to my business, and preach occasionally, for the last 18 months I wholly discarded all other medicine, and thoroughlv tried the Sarsaparilla, which I can recommend in truth and sincerity to all those who are in any way afflicted with any species of scrofulous complaints. There have been some remarkable cures effected by its use in this vicinity M I. Shaw by the use of six bottles, was restored to bet Vlr hflth.than 8he ad befo- enjoyed for ten years; and Mr W. Stevens, who had been severely afflicted with erysipelas, was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles Yours truly, WM. GAJ.USHA oLlvur ULvJUS AFFECTION OF THE EVES. South Kingston. R. 1., Oct 11. 1847. Messrs Sands : Gentlemen My little daughter, when one year old, was attacked with a scrofulous humor on her face, which soon after extended into bcr eve? c.nsi almost total blindness in one of them, and dUngu "ng her whole face I employed two physicians to attend her who exhausted their utmost skill to give her relief, but it all proved useless, and finally one of them remarked to me n-?,Tn of J8eine striking cures effected by Sands Sarsaparilla. and advised me to try St. I obtained one bottle which she commenced using, and before it was all used up it had effected an entire cure. H is now over fonr years 6ince she was cored, and there has been no re appearance ofthe disease, and we are satisfied that it is a perfect cure. It gives me great pleasure to add that I can recommend it to every sufferer from anysimilarcomplaint. Yours respectfully, GEO. ROBINSON. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & D SANDS. Druggists and Chemists. 100 Fulton street, cor ner of William, New Yerk. Price $1 per bottle; six bot tles for $5. For sale bv S.J. Hinsdale, Fayetteville; by Dr. A. C. Evans &. Bro., Wilmington ; by P. F. Pescud, Raleigh ; by Dr. A. Malloy, Cheraw; and by Drugirists generally throughout the Unit ed States and Canadas. Nv 1, 1850 3m MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having taken the Establish ment of the late A. C. Simpson, (situated oppo site W. Mclntvre's store,) intends carrying on the CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING fjuaj'j:s$ in all its various branches, and would respectful ly solicit a share of public patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, and having been emnlojed in seine i i the most extensive Establishments in New Yoik and New Jersey, he flatters himself that he ccn give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be mrde nfllie best material the surrounding country allords, and by experienced woikrnen; and should any of it fail, either in material or woi kmahship," in twelve months from the time of its deliveiy, lie will repair it free vf chaige. 0G REPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb'y 23, 1850 574-tf. BUSIJYESS AGENT. The undersigned will attend t such business as the procuring of discounts, renewal of Notes, procuring ol" northern Checks at either of the Banks in this place, and drawing of Tensions. He will also attend to the collection and estab lishment of Claims against the United States, for soldier's services in the Mexican war, or any other business of that nature. He will also draw up any instrument of writing where a penman is required, and do any other writing whatever. Apply at the office of the Flank Road Com pany, under the Fayetteville Hotel. Refers to any ofthe merchants in Fayetteville. JNO. M." ROSE. Sept 8, 1S49. 550-tf Fayetteville fnycltcville, fi. C. This hirge and splendid building has now been in successful opei ation since Alay 18-19. Th beddingar.d ftirnituie of all kind is all new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The table is always furnished w ith the best the market affords, aided b a fine vegetable garden. Boarders, lodgers, and travellers, will find desir able accommodations, and attentive servant?. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction. Families can be provided with large, airy front, double rooms, conveniently and handsomely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable the lessee, she hopes, to givegeneral satisfaction. ANN UROWN. June J , JS")0. To my Friends and ihe Public. THE subscriber will be upon the wharves in Wilmington the first of October next, at the so licitation jmd encMintt limit ol his friends to enter upon t he busit,es of general j.gent for H e sale of all kinds of couutiy pic duce un ctin mission; as follows: Tin, her, Stave, Shingles, Com, Spilits Turpentine, Rosin, & c. JSo Ne groes; having had experience in that business flatters himself that he can be of i d vant; pe to those who may sell to or through him. Dei rig so well (and he h'ipes favori hlyj know n thi cugh out the Wilmington District'of country, he gives no particular reference, but merely challenges a trial; he will have handsel his own in attend ance with him for the dispatch of business, he only ands that he will commence under favora ble circumstances, ever having claimed to be in honest dealer and faithful to his trust; responsi ble for any thing he may undertake. In spying this he believes his acquaintances w ill sustain him, and he asks a share of patronage. Evei V effort to plei.se, will be made. J. J. McDUGALD. September 7, 1S50. 601-Cm TIN WARE MANUFACTORY. AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. F. T. WARD'S Old established Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory Is Removed To the south-cast corner of Market Square. " ready with the necessary machinery and materials for making Factory Drums and Cans, and to do all kind of work for Factories; also Roofing, guttering, and all kinds of JOBBING done on short notice, & by experienced workmen. A constant supply of Tin kept on hand, at wholesale and retail. Country merchants ar;d pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. F. T. WARD, Agt. Sept 23, 1850 RANAWAY I rom the subscriber on the 22d of July, a negro man named MORRIS. He is. 6 feet 1. or 2 inches high, but slender built ; yellow complected; rather blink eyed ; has a scar on one cheek. When last heard from, he was making his way towards Lum berton. where he has relations. I will give TWENTY DOLLARS for his deliv ery to me. or his confinement in any jail tnat I can get him again. JOHJV JS. vii..iis. Prosnect Hall. Bladen county, N- C. August 5, 1S50. 598-tf