XT j? I? h i '; -t If I e- "4 - r - ft n .5 "J 3 U-1TI T . "7. i J 1 " l 1 r 4 . v CHAUACTERISJPSr IMPORTANT TO STATES ASf IT IS tO INDIVIDUALS TT : ; V : ORY OP THE STATE IS TnS COMMON JPROPERTr "OP ITS CirENS.1 Vl. ., .,- -4.- r- -- r- - , , 3k P mmmmMkM to it- th Hal II PUDPKIETOR Tanrjza. op - . THE NORTH CAROLINIAX. "Per annum, if pit! in advance. $2 00 if pH at the eni of 3 monfJn 2 ."0 )'. if pii l Tt the en;! of months 3 00 Da. ' if paid nt the end of th year, 3 50 1 No suli-scrijition i-ereived foi lesr than-twelve raonth, unie-i.-tpai.! in adwoc?'-' .' " -V pxper discontinued until all arrears are pni l . - ' -- - "V- ----- I'll i .i n II iitor of the iVotth Carolinim and in all cases Rixtv- cent per squire for the first, and thlrfv cent-, fir 'i!i-!: 7 't-m t in!rti(n. unless the'ad vcriis"Ti''if is puTi'Ihed more than two months, then it will be r h rf'd J Of) r, no 10 00 he Inrided in hy should hive the r.r I'or : ', A 1 1 !) ii'i-'ific! months, l months - . id'ertise:r;ents rTdit I 'rid y rn orn iii rtnd i vi to r ! v-i . l)t f i l-f'1 -f i in i f ondeil tn trjcp-l u ;rn r vis!- thiv will be inserted till forbid ! ch;:;ed accordingly. o - T ' I " T. 'V it. -rivi c:-ias n-itir- ' 'Tt'fV. 'ire consi.li-rtsl as vi.-Iiin Lo t un thi iii- t hi-ir 'ir.iiiKi' of their ''! 'ii')ti.i is. J If v -r'':T- ov.lrr t'l v'i J i i 'i i t'lli li rs in ly co i t :n r.c t s nl th -m uutii : I ? fr.vri f!i- .,Tl- i;n t!i d -i-.- l i J, . :m l I . v i ti ;i tt-l(ti.)i! ll l'r ill 1 ;'!1 f t !i y ur:s lll'ld aii'l tlic-ir iii jieiK ir J.Mls nrc ?!;!,,!. :i ;,i ii iit-i ! . liici .loci-to.) h:it rfusin-r t' tako ft us ; liifl i' jr. i j.riiit f.icin rvis.i not of 4!i!i"ir.ist roi; s.- Li-: at tjik A Ii O h I N 1 A N O V V I c i: , ii 7 5 crista i?-r q'.ilre. l'"rr any i'i!ilv n'.'fj' 'i tpuj-es, t') rt 'r (iiire 3s;i.V; Vj: Y HhAXKS ;u-f s ild at ti.eCar olim.i; Uili, o, I'm- CASil ONLY. r3 r - -r Vu vant 100.00:) iroo j .Inni j)cr Si! 1-NGi.iCS, for whii-li J. &. T. WADDILL 1:.- 1- .i ill. ' -7 f u m Ii is ;r:!s Nov Lbs ;r reciMVed I i Ic ins M-)i.ises, Y;dl ' v Pianfin Potatoes, H'l'l! i S . C o ; i , 10 ! 'i lo;-i ! 7 rs.o. !.!is X. C iiuslu'ls () i i d s I ' u i .lis .in i " i- t d...s--es, ; - , i i i c- I ;ic Wa: Sill i t lis ;o!i an'! o.ds. UllJL-gV, Alvi, h.i .. l J i i : i r II...-. T iJ, J .1 Oil Is SON, Per 1 1' 111 bt. ;:i pr erf v .or -ale. I ! a- f.J fi M A . i. - Y Cast i nu,- A l-.t of Sejt. ii, " c i. : ,4 I oi rJ'.VIl.! A FO 1 1 N!)!iY. ve r v tVesc i i io!i m ;i tie to oru.T. 5 i'i'm-i M f l fo r s , 1 e. Wl X sLOW S I'nP. iM l-s.'I. tf G I G H X o at V O .lice A Y .t ti r r- v ner Uo ; ee;i sti eef r - e! V .1, s we .,;.: 1. at i i f e n fir CO-t. n a : a r a le whit C 'l l ne ! oil - . i.)rv G-iods we isi ness. ii a ve on W are I'M ! arge t j roci'i'i! I w i re , fo. J I l! basis b'l i I. ii i. ra a i . a I ! I cru? i! J in CofTei v." () us, ;od do, ID b!: U Po: t.. l, "t' b; i! s re - ied a f) l ii!, Is o .s,e J l hhds ', : ::,-.; lbs X-ut h No i pi.-U.'.l ih No 1 . -m l M A 'nl in l ny 't her a 1 if'-lina i ekeM-l, f i c I es. I. 'j--tf j jc on , W. McLAUuIN. A ! I 1- 1 5 r a rV " "J t'. l V G ni 1 i i i. (Successors to .1. j). Wil.iains,) l'()ilYAUl)iN(i & COMMISSION .13 '.blin.i a 4 F A Y F.TT F. a. c o :n n . J M..v 7, I .): 1 L L i: , N . r. C . KI.l.lOTT. tf We have jn-t received a fresh .supply of Tea. fro-o the Pt kin Tim (himpany. of all quiiities. whi'-h we w.uraiit to u ve s atisfictiou. or no chmc. D. W. McLAL-iHN. A. Mil :r,, js-.t 3 if Would respectfully inform the public that he is still at hi old stand carrying on the above busi ness in all its branches. lie returns thanks for tlie liberal patronage he has received, and hoaes bv a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all ami give general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best matei i-'l and by experienced workmen having a more r.r in ricn et and practical Siiiith, be flitters himselt that his work will compete with any made in the State for stle, elegance nod durability; and should anv of it fail in 12 months (with lair usage) either in workmanship or material, he will repair it free of charge Persons wishing to buy, woulJ do well to call and examine his work, as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Repairing neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Faetttviile, Feb. 11, ib53. KDITOlt ASTI5 " t; 2053 SPRING GOODS.9 We are . now recwTvins niir. Spring Goiylsi. a larger stock than any former one,-con.isting of BEY G-OpDS,'" I I A It U W A R E , IIA.TTS, "CAPS, BOOTS AXD SHOES. In addition fo the above we have acltled to our ,AIi of w h i eh- epfler $ fj3 yex9 U hxl ' . HALL & SA CKETT Strict attention paid to orders. ' n. n. RJarch 12, 18-33 NKW STOCK SRASOYABLE GOODS. The subscriber respectfully bes leave to in firm his customers and the" public ijenerallv, f hit he has just received his Stock of Si'JUNG AND SUMMER GOODS, Lmsncin a General Assortment of S(apl: at; :1 Fancy Dry (imuls, Hnnncts, Misses' and Chihlren s Hats, Wor-)el PaitLM-ns. Umbrellas ami PaiasoU, IViot-i nt)I shi:p. ALSO, SUGAR AND COFFER, &c. &c. P. SilF.MWF.LL, Xmth-west Corner 3Iirket S-pi ue, Green st. F..yettevi!le, N. C, April j sr,3. 737-if WW lev's 5atei:t Z?lvp Proof Sahmai:dcr We are agents for the sale of the above Safes, :ind oiler them ut M anuf -leturer'a prices, .id ling fj-i:iht. We intend kpepin a supply always on hand of various si;:es.ind prices. These Safes are co'ir-iderod among the best in the U. States. '.Ve have received jart of one dij,:en, at prices from :.30 to 17o. April li, 1S.")3 D Sc W. rdcLAURIN". Sc W -tf S T A Si Has on hand abeiutif'ul assortment of JVen- Sj))'hi.yr Summer Goods. He ('-ires to return thanks to his fiiends and Ihe rmliiic foi the liber.:! patronasie which they have bestowed on h i m; a nd desires a continuance of the s m.e. 1 lis friends and the public are re quested to give'him a call, at the stand former ly occupied by S. J. H i ndsdale, sou r h west cor ner Market Square anil Gillespie street. April is.")-:; -10-fun "Tra ! f e,-l sti if U of I . ,m) T-l . CO ill pj TSI fig 1111117 11 TgWi sele c assof t men t of turOOUS Reathj-iiuule do thing, I!i.n-s- ifalsami (!-.iiis. Hoot and Siiot' Hii'ilwareand Cnflerv, Sad'.llerv, (iROC ER! l-K, k.c &c, Wlrch v. ill he sold low for cult, or exchanged for turpentine and country produce. tie li-tiims his warmest thanks to 5ns d;l friend-, ami c u s ti in c !'s T: .j- the liber. 1 patronage heretofoie ettnd.'d to him, anil liopes to merit a coiitiou.ince id' the same. NATHAN KING. K i n :sborv, Apri Ir'. tf MARBLE X? 1' l TORY, -9 r f i'' 1 LAUDEli. Nearly opposite to E V Willkings' Auction Storef. FAYElTEVILLE, N. C. Oct 1 , I S.V2 y 1 00 II iids. -Mola-ses, ,!;) !'b!s. N O. Molasses, OUU Sacks Salt, 0 Tierce s K ice, 5 llhds. Sou'.ir, 50 Sacks Coti'ee liio, Lignira 5i Java, Foi sale hy WOllTH ELLIOTT. IV 1, 1-N.V5 3m CHAIRS. The subscriber oilers for sale some it- or "20 dozen Chairs of various patterns, manufactured in this place of well-seasoned wood, the best the country affords; and if enabled by sufiicient p jt ronage, will continue to manufacture chairs of such rn iferia! &. workmanship as will insure their dur-ibilit v. Also, a ge;ieral assortment of north ern Chtiis at the lowest prices. A liberal price w ill fie given in cash or barter for a few thousand feet of well-seasoned poplar Lumber, I to 2 inches thick, 11 inches and up wards wide, clear of -splits, .c. Also split hickory and white oak wanted. DUNCAN McNEILL. Favetteville, March 20, 155; tf The Steamer Fanny Iutlerloh will in the future leave Favetteville on Tuesday and Friday mornings, at o o'clock , and Wilming- ! ton Wednesdays and Saturdays at 12 o'clock and run reguk'ily, carrying freight and passengers with despatch. T. S. L.U 11 EKLOil. Julv 31, 15-2. 'Ol-tf Doctors t. & B. W. Robinson dissolved their copartnership on the 1st of April, and have disposed of thei r entire stock of Drus, Medicines, &c, to Dr. Thomas C Hall and Hen ry C Robi nson. They will retain en office in the same build ing, where either or both may be consulted, as heretofore. It is verv important to them that their accounts should be settled as early as practicable, for which purpose they have engaged Mr John Shaw who may generally be found at their office. April" 16, JS03 " 35-tf e .rr tti .rry -tr &i t?:. :! Jfi!;!-' A'I'.-T!IR RED SFGX. Mcdonald "Mciaster Flave juat recei vedft full and fomplee 9tock of GROCERIES, PUqVISIOiSS.&c., to which they invite the attentftflj of the citizens and surround ing country, 'rfty wilTsell low for c.tn,or on time to punctual cuta:er. .They jrtrt-cfiased '"tn iwus iuj iajH,iiu iiiis win eir.roie uiem m sell low. They have facilities that many hTUse liave not : they have agents established in Baltic more and New York," who always advise them f any cha'np in -articles in their line. and who pnrcftas only wlren hirziina are to be had. ' Wp .Pt-alvtays-ou - hand a splewifF-a'oj;v'eVi-i fa H rrrn&rtnri'. et f r Tf qtT1?T" I'M TTCTn Tn u va n d f frown sugars; Kio,JLava and iaguira coffee; reen ; Hyson and hiack teas; New Orleans aridCuba molasses; f able &; sack salt; bacon, lard, mess pork, mess beef, smoked beef, dryed venion;"Io 1, 2 and 3 mackerel; butter, cheese, flour, nr.eal, corn, oats, tobacco, candies, copperas, saleftus, in!i go, mad Jer, spice, pepper, singer nutmeg, cina rnon, ensom salts, hardware, cutlery, crockery, and glassware; and a variety of oflfe"r goods. They take this method of thanking the Commu nity and their country friends for the very libe ra! patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low. to i ncrease f lieir former trade u!was keeping in view that a ni mble si x pence is-'vorth a slow shilling. Yellow liiiilding. between the Market House and the Hank of the State, Gillespie Street, Favetfeyille, N. C. Watch 2'th. ISo.J.' 3o-tJ". Tiic Larsrcst Canlairfl Factory ... iii tiie r Jtk -PLC I FULLY informs his fi iends and the C, that he has built u: lare snbsf ., i, t I pnbii Uriek ildii:gs at his Old Stand, exmesslv f,, - m.inuf.,ctu! ing Carriages. Thankful for" the ejy iiner.il pruroiiage he has received for the last -JI ears, he hopes b business, with a desire to strict attention' to ive satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same He warrants his work io be made of the !iji mntu,;..i i u " J e)ei ienced workmen in each branch of the I compare favorably w ith States, for neatness and busi -less. I lis w oik wi j any made in the United ourabiiity. j lie is determined to sell j hijS line on as good terms as ami do any work in i:,y wprk done else- w nere that is as well done. He now haa un iiancf. finished, the LARGEST' STOCK of Carriages, J p - . t- r ooject to ttiose Wflo engage in.the ma nufac t ui e as JjarOUCllCS, Jl0Ck- e!l as to shippers to patronize him..-. All Spi a a J lj.i-.: ... . itS-J-vCe,ived in "rood order, w ill he'kerit o free unit ever oflered in this jmiife; anS-a'verv large s'toclc of woi k nearly finihvd. which"viil be finished ) O.l I 1 V, !v i!'nl'vvliif!i vv-ill Iw s,il.l iuiv i,,-.v fc.i- r on !-hort tune to punctual customers. ! iii.- lie has on AX L FIFTY hand more than OXE HUNlJi'ED Vehicles finished .ind in'cuis-e cd' construction. ycjAll work made by him is warranted 12 months with t'.iir usage, and should it fail by trad workmanship or material will f;e repaireil fiee of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly at teirlfiHo. i e iii l . i g executed at short !e terms. notice and on .ry re, .) one .m,d l-j-tf TVT l1 JJ V K00DS.; v. i Moan !; Has received a large stock of Spring icc Summer Co iis is t i n Gudios fine Oresses an Fri in mi i liontiels, Shoes. &c To which he would call the attention of the ladies in tow n and country. A No, a superior lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Hoots, Gaiters and Shoes, for gen 1 leme n . March J.'i, 1S.VJ tf JUST REC!5!VED, Spring an;l Summer Staple and OJllA DRY fiOODS, Ready-made Clot'iing, fine l'oots and Shoes, a large assortment of ladies', misses' and childi en's Shoes ;m fi jots: Umbrei! as and Parasols. Culls. i .inawis. i.ni i a is, i io ves anil 1 1 otsery , w 1 1 n a gooij ! Stock i t 'Groceries ; also, a lot of those patent Straw Cutters, Corn Sheliers, Ploughs, ecc. P. TAYLOIt, Green Str eet . May 7, 1 -W. 3m Saddle and Harness MaaufaclorY. The Subscriber respectfully informs his cus turners and the public generally, that he still continues to carry on the Saddle and Harness making business at the store west of the Mar bl.e Factory, where he has now on hand and is regularly manufacturing Saddles, Bridles and Harness of every desciiption and quality, to gether with every other article usually kept in his line. Repairing; neatly done and promptly attended to. All persons indebted to him bv note or ac count over t h ree months due, are requested call and settle the same LEU' IS W. LEY Y. June 5, 1-V2. tf to On and after Ihe first day of July, the under signed will not pay more than $2,00 for Turpen tine, until further n-'tice. We are compelled to adopt tlilS Course inj; m me stem " - McLAURIN STRAAGE. July 2. 1.')3 -40-tf To tlie Public. In order to make a clean sile of my present stock of Spring and Summer Good?, I will oiler I hem at reduced prices. Persons in want of "Ready-made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Straw Hats, and other articles of men's wear for the season, will find it worth while calling on me. GEORGE BRANDT, Between the Market House and Favetteville Hotel. July 3,1353 50-2m BACON. North Carolina Bacon for sale. J. & T. WADDILL. July 10, 1553 51-tf a of I Dress .(odebted toh late nrm orABEY, -&'COLither by note or accWtrnt. tyr.rqueted t cnll withuut delay and -ie- w ith the subscriber. ;t the stand ?0l)ijeVrby-.Ihe late fi rrn above nauied, ivfWVf" attended to , by the SOth of Tf1.Wm.lfijfM3 will hive to be' re " lb Xon& e I" t i tn e o s i S I v e 1 y c a n n o t b e - t . '- ' " , - n -indebted to 't lie .suhscrloer. iT;I irtCount previous to the first 'a.rTs)ect-6Hl!v invited to culi SHE, are sett! fore" Ifl. f y txepqy tft v i !t e . P. SH EM WELL. 7o'J- Jt - - July (, JSo3. 'Spirits TtJi-pentliic Wanted. . The -.undersigned will pwy cash for Sjiirits Turpentwe, (in good order,') allowing only a fair margin tf ay incideittrfl exgenses in sending to a general market. When parties prefer to ship on their own ac count, tie undersigned w ill make liberal Cash advances"01" the usual commission) on all Spirits and Rosin placed in their hands for shipment. giving the owner alwas he option to sell in Wilmington or ship to Xew York. GEO. W. -WILLIAMS & CO. July 9, JS-"3. 7o-tf KEMOVAL. "We have removed to the large fire-proof brick store lately occupied by Sampson Hoon, Esq , one door west of Messrs J. &. T. Waddill, on Hay Street, where we shall receive in a few days, large additions to our early Spring pui chases" Our stock' or Dry Goods, Hats, Shops, Boots, Rcady-mude Clothing-, Um brellas. tScc, wa selected expressly for the WHOLESALE TRADE. Merch?.nfs are requesfel to give our goods an examination before pui chasing. STARR & WILLIAMS. May 7, 1S33 dJ-tf To listilicrs and SliipTjprs oi" TUItPE.Vn.VK. The undersigned having completed his large and commodious Warehouse, situated on the River Bank, at Lower Fayelteville, is now prepared to receive Spirits Turpentine on Sto rage, lie expects to de ote his sole attention to the business, and those who Store their Spirits with hirn, may depend upon his being in the Warehouse every day so as to detect an leakage that may occur. Having a good cooper always in the Warehouse, he will be aide to mke it an rceivea in oad condition. "T Merchants buy inz t he art iele w ill savflKich trouble ami exoen.se bv sending it direct IV to tlie warefiouse lor inspection The subscriber beinr in no wise i concerned in any of the Boats, will iterested or ui ail cases shin as directed by the owner or sbiniiei ISlfAM RLAK1 June '2', IS'v -lS-3:n d3T!ic vindersigned beiiii: a)- pointed to take the Tax List for the district of Fayelteville, will sit in the Market House from tlie luth to the 31st July from S to 11 o'clock, a. in., for that purpose. Those interested will please meet him. J. WADDILL, J. P. Julv i , is--::. jo-Dt ! UNION ACADEMY. The exerrises ofthis institution will be resum- t i ed on the third .Monday of July, under the caie and saperiittcnden.ee of Mr James Patterson, I well known as a competent instructor. ! In addition to many ot her superior advantages i which Students enjoy at this institution, there ! is in the immediate vicinity of the Academy, a finrat Spring supposed to he equal to any ; in this region of the State. Hoard can he obtained at the Academy or in ! respectable families in the neighborhood for Six Dollars per month. Tms of tuition jor Pension of five months. Elementary blanches 00 Higher Eag!ih branches b 00 Classics and higher branches of Mathematics 12 00 By order of hoaid of Trustees, JOHN TAYLOR, Sce'y. Alfordsville, Robeson Co., July P, i.'.'5. .'it JCuiice to Turpentine Dutilbrs. I have now on hand a number vf Spirit Barrels, made of the best seasoned material, and by good workmen. And am making about eighfv barrels per week. Those wanting will do well to give me a call. - T. K. UNDERWOOD. July y. is5.::. 7:o-tf . Coal Interest For Sate. The Subscriber is anxious to dispose of his interest in the Chdmeis Coal Field, embracing one-half the interest conveyed to Dr. B C. Wil liams by Dr Charles Chalmers, and conveyed b said Williams to myself This Field covers the Horse-shoe Bend of DeepRiver, and is thought bv good judges to be the most promising Field io Chatham. The interest ottered for sMa is one tourth of the whole mineral interest on the en tire Chalmers tract. M. M. Me KAY. faumrneryille, July 0, 1553 &i!-3t-pd NOTICE. We are determined, during this summer and the Jocus. Persons indebted to u?, will be interest ed in this arrangement, ami to save costs they would do well to'cill soon and settle. Jui' J. T. WADDILL. Town tots for Sale. I will oiler for sale at public Auction, on Sat urday the 30th or July nest, a number of TOWN LOTS, situated on Fair Bluff, N. C, adjoining and between Lumber River and the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, (to which point and beyond, the Ror.d is now completed,', and also adjoining tbe public roads leading, one to Con wayboro, S. C , the other to Marion Court House, S. C. The location of these lots are decidedly ihe handsomest about Fair Muff. Come one, come all that.waot lots. and judge for yourselves. Tnelvc months credit, with interest from date, bond and approved security, before the tftle is made.. JA p POWELL. July I, 1555 312t i ll 1 1 ifTrrr i-fl ii TfiMMiii m7m TiajT" i ... . . , THE RAIL ROAD SURVEY. -A u"Ve learn that the Kngineers haf!; on Saturday alternovji Iat, nctrk, rnijclieil ' vvilliirt a mile fltul at "6a I f nflHep Rfe r and.bfeibgot Ut the vrivtfjliat evening." The Ijjie rn. n a baseili'iie. beginning at the Cajie Fear river belo the C I a rendtttv Uri I ski rti tig t ie livei1 f the mouth oCCrnss .Creek. iiiCd thence th. )UU the Nqrlhern part of litis (6wfa sti 1ht course taleu; fti vVr. iC abo0t4 10 in lies from tftwii nhil recrlfcUwiHT anil recr6tSfT -nilcs from tovii. It will reach : lleeit Hi ver about half a mile abuvvs the Gulf. After the coinplelion of this base line, olliers will probably be run at each eml of the mute, to ascertain what will be the best point of approach to Deep River, am! of entrance to the town of Fayelteville. Iayet!eville Observer. IMPORTANT! !! DAGUERREOTYPES ! ! ! Seciii-c llic Sfttli-w cic tlie Substance Fatlc,' The subscri!er begs leave to inform the citi zens of Fayelteville that he has taken the room formerly occupied by T. O Smith, (Penbow &, Kyle's building,)" where he will rem i in for a short time, and respectfully solicits a call from the citizens whether they wish pictures or not. He is provided with the most approved Rppa raius, and with a large and beautiful selection of Coses, Frames, Losiels, Pins, Sfc, in w hich he will place Pictures, single or io groups of al most i.nv number, and warrant them to be taken in the BEST STYLE OF THE A 1ST, and NEV- :R to FADE. iii not then w hile the oppor tunity is afforded yon, to secure that which money cannot purchase after the loved Parent, Husband, Wife. Child or Friend shall have oa'ss ed away, namely: A CORRECT AND UNFAD ING LIKENESS, which can now be obtained at so little trouble and expense, by calling at t he subscriber's room. Once more I say (XJ-Give me a call, sit for your picture, and in no case are you expected to lake it units-? entirely satisfactory. Particular afte.ntiori paid to the faking of Children, which is done in a few n'CuncU. He is also prepared to t;.Ue the likenesses o! the sick ised, wnicii will lie done at their rcsi- I deuces. Oil Paintings, Engravings, Daguerreu types, &.c, correctly copied. J. U. WALDEN. Daguerreofypis t. X. B. LaJifa r rerjopptrd to -Jrcss in flVuri'd or cIki k inalfrial. uvoiiling wliite. liyfit. b!uo or itik. A scarf or pirn I ;iv- n iile.isiiiir t-l'.'stct to I in- picture. ! (or.U--liivu a blank r iiiiiin-.t vi j't an j craviit. so that the bnsum be tint !o j ::n:ch i-. ..-eil. I-or t : li il Jren . !il. ."trijM it or tiKio-ed dresses, l-'ce v.,rk. ItitigK-la add :tiai.lj io luu r.tioxi a. Htofj s for Relit. Will he rented at public Auction, on S.,tur- day. t. at the Market HoUe. I h Mi es' ! at l the follow ing Stores. W.ii e-hotiaes ud Dwellings, belonging io t he Estate of John j K Mctii-lte, tiece.i.eil lliick Store, corner -to wit: of Market Squ; and Green street. Uriel; Store joining the above on Green street. Large Ware House on Gillespie street. Large Ware House on corner of Mum ford md Gillespie streets. Two Wait; Houses on Mumtord street near Gillespie street. Also the D. veiling !Iou.-e on Green street, near Eccles' Bridge. A. M . CAMPBELL, A net. Julv 10, l'--3.'f 5!-5t J9 . r. I It' r 1 i lie suiiscriuer oners lor saie his DWELLINC; HOUSE .n the i 3 S C ;: A- :fS5 South 'side of Mo.ue Slr.-ef. The 4lkie&si&: Dwelling and out -houses are ; Il near ly new. ami in good repair. There is a thrifty von ng orchard on the premises, ami an excellent Well of water. Tire situation is healthy and convenient . DAVID MoDUFFlE. Faiefteville, July Iii, i5:i tf Sl'KIXO IJII-L. A(;.M)E3IY. POBESO.N COUNTY, N C. Toe Trustees of this Institution have the deasureof aun'iuncing to the puM ic, t l.a t the I i have secured tbe services of Mr 21. Currie, as principal, w hose character hot h f-s an instructor and disciplmai i-'ii, warrants them i:i giving as surance to all who may feel disposed to patronize the School, that they will hare the advantage of systematic and thorough instruction Mr Currie is a professional Teacher of several years successfu 1 experience,! he last four of w h ic h has been in Ciieraw, S. C , first as a teacher of a private Clissic.l School , and r.fferwai is ;s Prin cipal of Cheraw Academy, where he has prepar ed bors for the South Caroliri i College, and the Universil y of North Carolina. The location is r ei feet I v henl t h v "w i f b I n h ve miles of the Wilmi ugtot, "and Maiiche-ter Krfil Road, at Fair Bind, in the midst of an i ifeliigenf, moral and religious neighborhood, entirely re moved from all iufl rences that endanger the he.lth and morals rf students in to.vos a.-.d vil-1-,-cs- a.ui the Trustees are determined to mske evei v exertion to iiiuuhmc h.- .-.j. j -t idents committed to tbeir care. j Good board in families in the immdate vic:n- I itv Of tlie Acaueiiiv, tan o- per month. Bales of T fit ion per Session of Five Months: Elemental y English Branches, S. English Gr..mui :r, Arithmatic, f.eo;v r"phv and Hir-foiy, .12. t in 'u i -es, Mathematics and Natural :cier.ce, ! s.io. Tj,e Institntio'i will be open for the reception of students on Mond -.y the 2oth of July iust. Further isrf icuiars c.iti he obtained by ad dresing the Principal oi -either of the Trustees, -t Leesviiie, Rubeson County. N. C. J. C. LEE, JOHNSON FLOYD. BRIGHT WILLIAMS, S. SEA LY, r. fi. FLOYD. GILES WILLIAM?, Trustees. SI l July 10. 155$ WOOL CARDING. We have the machinery -t Blount's Creek Factory, and are prepared to card woo! on the uju1 term on toll or otherwe. Apply at the Factory or to GEO. McNEILL. July 14,' 1S133 51-4t 1 VOX. llKO. 7S2. THE JOLLY GOOD FELLOW. . i . Iii the course of our rather erratic lifpf r? we have inetwith a great many of thitf -class of me,anil hare 4generalfy fountf " them shallow in- mmtl, and Superficial in -rriemUfW TheVlire bleseV with reai lge.afive power, ami atrememlou caoacit rftir drinking, and.' when you come serious rj to analyze them, you wiH fiml tbefr principal virtues are jhe result of tb cort stitiitioiT almost piou!" against the rftects of ririlisVrcttui of eating auf drinking. , ln J J ly ?m& ted inleUtiontoioatwri, tDertavirHw...Tgm-jU riiiS'un. urt?ir-U nthlm rp!ihr.ii tea nore . .... have made can tell you ull the tWlting "rounds in the nciojibot hood of fifty iiiiies, ami put V"W up to a thousand of those knowing dodoes about other matters which help to complete the education of the man about town. l'ne with him, and Vou will noon see what it is to be a jolly good fel low. Tlie waiters nt the restaurants know hint, lor, although he . seldom spend any money of his own, he is a most capital decoy-duck, and few keepers of houses of refreshment but are willing to give him the run of their places on account of his reputation as a diner-out and ood fellow. The jolly good fellow is no fool. Ho rather a genius than otherw ise, for he lives, moves, and has iiis beiu through tlie weakness anil folly of others. He professe to be profound in his knowledge of the world ; and yaung men just coming out an; very apt to be attracted by his off hand manner and apparent fimiltarily with all that is passing in the ijreal world. They, innocent boys, imagine there is a sort of eclat in beinj; hand-ami glove with a man who receives the drference of waiters, the smiles of prostitutes, ami the friendly nods of notorious men about town. V ti should say to the yout'. man starting in life never, if you can help it. lorm the association of a fellow who has p,ot tliu reputation of beinj; a jolly good fellow. Hum is the spirit ot friends-hip, and a din ner, which he will leave. you to pay for, is 1 1 i t onlv substantial Io: in in w hich his oud-wili is jMOseiited. O I S 1 N G'JLAH II E-U N ION. The New Yoik Kxpress tells the follow in; i oui.iiii .' of real life. 1 i u t ' is oMen stranger than hction k U1. ...iiL I tuous eiil. They are married, and in due time aie blessed with a smilin" cherub a pledge of tbeir uiu t ual a tiect ion. But 'tlie course of true hive never did run smooth, as frequent ly after the consummation of the marriage relations as uelore they are entered upon. Business calls the gentle man to ICurope, and the same cause delays hisretuinfor a long time. Meanwhile, slander, with her hundred eyes and ears, is buy at woik. The absent hu-lnd is charged with infidelity. The lady be comes indignant, applies to the Courts, and ues nut a divorce with five thousand ded l.irs as alimoncy, which is immediately paid over by the fiiends of the absent hus band. Tbe lady, having yesterday be come id' age, (21 years,) cornea before tt;'e Court, asking that the above tnentiom-d sum lie paid to herself, which was of course "ranted. But in Ihe midst of all this legal warfaie the husband returns, set ks an in terview with hi- former wife, explains away all that hail been said to his disad vantage, and a second time the happv ! cmiple bought the steps of the altar, and a second tune the knot was lieu, aim we j resume fnmly enough this time to last for the rest of their lives. Ciiiw Tkkes The Mobile Tribune ie.ii us from a citizen of that city, that the China tree was introduced into this country before the Revolutionary war by a mer cantile firm of Puiladelphia and lMenton, North Carolina, which traded with China. The firt tree was planted in the former city, but, under an apprehension that it would not live in o northern a climate, it was removed to I'Mentoti, where it grew apace and'was greatly admired. After it commenced blooming, tlie people carne ag many as twenty ai d thirty milentoftee it. i From t: sin!e tree, it was propagated through the country, and now, in ino-t of our cities, it is one of the commonest of our shade trees.. The first tree was still vigorous twenty years ;.go. j Tobacco Sekb Oh.. roreign papers ! tate that a Uritish resident in Itu-ia, who j is a men. her of the Imperial Geographical j Society ot that country, and gardener to . hi Excellency. General Vsvolodj-ky, jiear Kizlior, has lound, by experiment, that the s.eed of the tobacco plant contains about fifteen per cent of, at oil that has superior d4iccative qualities, which may be employed w ith advantage in paints and varnijiuc-i. The pritcess of extmcliuti i said to be simple and easy, requiring only a reduction of the seed to powder, which is to be kneaded into a Mid' paste, with a sufficient quantity of hot water, and afler wards submitted to the action of a very strong press. Tlie oil, when expressed, is exposed to a moderate heat, which, coagulating the vegetable albumen of the bottom of the vessel, leaving the oil in a perfectly clear and limpid stale. An exchange paper suggests that the best remedy for railroad accidents is when a train is about to srart, to lah two of tlifc Director of theCompany to the locomotive.