Y '-4 11 BRYAN & YATES, Proprietors. WILLIAM J- YATES. ' - ROBERT K. BUY AS, Editor. Terms of takscrtytion to the forth Carolinian : . , Fnr intrlo nn- 5frb1 in i1v!inw"Tl(rannmil. $2 f - o .T v r . , 1 at the end of 3 months, 2 at "the end of 6 months, 3 V. ,-t.hyd subscription will be re3Rved for a shorter period : :j :J-L.i f V : With the '-view of extending the circulation and cn- hancisg the usefulness of the paper, the proprietors of- N j fer the following remarkably low '". C &.VBT' SA Tks IJVVAItlABLT IJV AD VAJVCJS; JJ-M'2rte4or the Carolinian, I year, 8 0 - " V '.15 0O -'- i 1 1 mi r ii "-- .i ftwiW :)MiMM:ij0 . -. addreEcied to the undersigned, and must 6e posrpvlit.. ' ? r ttstea of AfiTrtSE5 1 '-- Sixty cents per square of 16 lines for the first and thirty cents for each subsequent insertion, unless the advertisement is published for more than two months, when it will be charged For three months, - - - - - $4 00 For six mouths, - - - - - - C Q0 - For twelve mouths, - - 10 00 , . All advertisements must be hauded in by Friday -10 o'clock, a. m., to ensure their insertion in the next day 'a paper, and should ha .-e the desired number of in Kertiong marked on them, orthcrwipe they will be . in eerted till forbid and charged accordingly. BRYAN & YATES. MARBLE BY GEO. Naarlv opposite to E. "W. FACTORY, LAUDER. Willkiagtr Auction Store, Fayctteville, N. C. Oct. 1, 1853. y EDW'D McPIIERSOX WITH GHBEXWAY IIRO. & t O . Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign an Domestic DRY GOODS, 24 Park Place and 13 Barclay street, New Yokk. November 7, 1353 Cm pd CLE3IE5T O. WlilGIIT, AUOnifynt Lair, Payel'eT!IIf,X.C. Oitice at the corner of Bow and Green streets. " Feb'y 3, 1&53. . Attorxkt at Law, Wiuiixotox, N. C. 0!fic ob the corner of Front and Princess streets under the Journal OSce. ' . ' IIARTIIMV FlJI.iI.ES, ' " - ATTORSEV. AT' I. A XV, rX.. FAT-KrTEvn.ij:, N. C . C-. , - O.fc oa Anderson Street. V- October 22, i 853 ' Cra . : !3 "f . ' . '.-' " ' i - 1 'V - v2 ' WORTH & K'L LIO XT : ' S- ' v (Successors to' J. 1), Williams,) .. ." . FOEWAUDING: COMMISSION jtfERCHAN"TS," tf - nn. t. C ii aim. TT. m'area to the well-known stand or tne vr: Rob- r - ,n.nl Kn streets. iiisoa. orer i . . - in ana r April l sr.-!. tl V NOTICE. 4 THOSE who arc indebted to me by Note or Account will please settle the same. And all debts due me pri or to the Jan'y 1853. must be settled, as longer in dulgence cannot "be given. McKETHAN. ' Oct 1, 1853. tf . POK SALK OK HE!fT, The' fine SUMMER BESIDENCE two miles went of AnnlT to John tOWB Possession given IJIimcu.aucijr . H. Cok or C. E. Leete. March 19, 1853. tf S. A. LEETE. W. H. CARVER. XtoRler In Dry Ooods, Groceries mid ProrinlflB-, Third door from N. E. corner Market Square, next to D. Gee's Hat Store Green street ..' r " Faykttkvii.i.e. N. C. 2$9-A kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods. Feb. 19, 1853. 7 CHAKIiES BANK", FAYBTTEVILLE, N September IS. 1852. C WASTED. tn nan lmrrels Turpentine, delivered at my Distillery t.t ,.io,-o fnr whicU tne nisrnesi. prices will be paid. t -m nlso emnloy two or three good turpentine good turpenti: W. ROGERS. barrel Coopers, ,A ,C-, Vtf Lumberton, Feb'y 10, 18o3 tf IIAX.I. A- BOLUX6BR, FAYETTEYILLE FOUNDRY. Castings of every description tuavde to order. AlotofBabltsalforsasle.REET Oct 1, 1858. f ill l lfi ON THE CAPS PEAH. Th Bubscribers having purchased the Steamers E -; KRGR.EEN and SOUTHERNER and Tow Boats, lately flS. t' iue. BTODtrty oi me iienneiisi wuuhkwi viiujj.i.jj, . 'J mington and Fayette ville, all freights or goods entrust - ed to them. F. N. & J. U. ROBERTS. TayetUrille, FeVy 19, 1853. tf A. M. Camplx U, AtTCTI03EER - COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fayetteviijjc, N. C. October 1, 1S53. 10,OU lbs Tallow wantt l, For which the highest cash price will be paid. 0st 8, 1853 A. M. CAMPBELL. CHEAI OOODS,,, I am now receiving a much larger stock of Fancy Dry Goods . . than I have yet offered in Fayctteville, consisting of TVrir f Jr. rut a ..fpvprv ib'scrintion. Hats. Boots, Shoes, and Ready-made Clothing, which will be sold as low as auy goods in the State. I will be clad to have the ladies call and examine my stock. W. V. MtJORE. tWpt. 17, 1853. f FALL TRADE, I53. I have received my Fall Stock of DRY GOODS,. GROCERIES, Ac. My stock is large and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Auy K'md of produce taken in exchange. COTTON BAGGING. I have a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee Cot toa Bagging, Bale Rope and Bagging Twine. Send in - your orders and they shall be supplied. JAMES G. COOK. Oct 3, 1853. tf - LAND BROKER. " I have so many calls about Turpentine lands that I have concluded to offer my services to buy and sell. .Those having lands for sale will furnish me with plots and quantity, together with a fair description, and price. Nov. 18, 1833. 68-tf. JAMES G. COOK. jFAgETTE -,' FALL A3fD WINTEKl STOClt:, fcfr v r ' or 1 8 5 3- . - r The ennscrioer has just received.-ana openeu. a ni New Store on the East side of Green street, a few door from th Market House and nearly opposite his Old Stand, a large Stock of " , . y?; Staple 'and. Fancy Dry Ooods, ' Embracing a general assortment of Ladies' and Gentle men's Dress Goods, consisting in part of Shawls, Cloaks and Mantillas, some very Huff and also a good assort ment of Shoes and Boots. fgpr Ladief-Getleiuen, Girls, Boys and Children. And tns best Assortment of Silk and other styles of Bonnets he has ever offered to the public - ' - . ' , ' " Susrar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Spaces, and Tobacco, a fine article. ' P. SHEMWELL. October 8. IMS. -- " : ; ; CEDAR FALLS ihgs -for sale by Cotton Yarns and Sheet- TEOT MARSH. Not heTFallSte Joks ialiu is now rcceivmsr ter M.Uinery, consisting of Bonnets, from one dollar to fifteen; Dress Caps; Handkerchief?; French Artificial Flowers and Featlir-rs; Swiss Edcins and Inpertinn-s: Capes, Collars and Undereleeves; Ladiwr and Children's Wr;;;t Gloves, and long and short ' MiU; anew and beautiful stock of Dress Trimmings of the latest style; Velvet and Silk Mantillas; Railway Corsets; Whalebone Busks. Dresses, Mantillas, and Cloaks made in "the latest Philadelphia and. New York styles. All orders from the country promptly attended to. October 8, G2-3m S15 SiKWAilO. Runaway from the subscriber, his Negro men, JOHN and TOBEY. Joha is about 25 vr.ars old, fi feet 1 inch high, weighs about 185 or 190 Tobey aged about 22 years 5 foot D inches Irgh. stout, and weighs 175 lbs. They were bought from Mr James Surlos. or Cum berland county, aud will probably be lurking in that neighborhood. Tobey ha a wife at Mr Richard Bird's, in Johnston County. Twenty-Five Dollars for cither n l.1 : 4 Till f i . ; - i - . ... ' ji i iijr ujiiiu-M ir coin, iriii nepaia.ior tseir uprre hension and delivery to the subscriber, or for their con finement in any Jail in the State, so that he can get thtm. An additional sum of One Hundred Dollars will be paid for the conviction Of any person of harboring the above Negroes. JOHN COLEY. Fair Buff, Columbus Co. N. C, Oct. 6. 63-tf II. IIAKHAUGfl, Arcliltcct ntl rSuiltlcv, Ulc, IW. C, Respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to execute PLANS of every description such us State and Court Houses, Prisons. &c. Ainu. Churches, Cot tages, and other public aud private edifices, coptine i.uiu ojujwou.wj Jriiigcs, xvCCiS, Ac. c, all with Specifications and Contracts made for the same. He will also superintend all kinds, of work.. Orders will receive prompt attention," and Plans drawn and sent to any part of the csantrr at short notice. . . ... Oct. 15, 1S53. ly-pd l00 AIRES OF I,AS1) FOR SALE. . The subscriber ofTcrs for tala twelve hundred acres of Laud, located in the lower end of Richmond .county. It is about equidistant from Floral College, Luren burg High School, and Laurel HiiL The'Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat- A.- It sslso offers great inducements to those engaged in the turpentine anil lumber-business I have constitutor Alexander-MeLean, F;sq.' my agent, during mv absence, ttf whOKl'all-COinmuflicatiftnFt irt rora-,V v ll moit. m y be t.mt eased at -G ilooolis P O. . - Robeson eontr ijtuer UitxS, ns" WirtTTCiiluefaTinrr t, u r,ii - 'iJR'lLT.u.TruV.i7 pleasure in -exhibiting for that purpose. ; ; Oct.. 22, - ilictn to any one who may call ... - - J. G. BLUE. -64-tf - TO .OWSEKS. " Thn BubBcrtber takes this method of informing his friends aud the public thai he stilt continues in ii.e -w.n ( --v. Wright business aid all its branches, viz: foundering,) framing. and'erect'iUg Water or Steam Mills upon vari- j ous principles, either with simple or complicated ina- t -ihinery. -He returns Irs thanks to the public for the ; liberal' patronage he has rcee'tved heretofore, apd hopes ; bT xtrict attention to business, aud by giving general . aatlsfaction. to merit a continuance of the same. lie , latter himself that his work will compete with that o . .ny other machinist for speed and durabiVty. All per- sons who want work done ia the above line would do j well to give him a call, as he has several competent j workmen in his emnlov. and is prepared to execute all ; iobs at the shortest notice and on very reasouaiut wrm. ' Orders promptly attended t j. For furtner mfcrmation ; nudress tne suoscrioer a& oanwnuii, ; county, N. C. . D. B. JOHNSON. j November 16, 18;3 y-pu. . t GILT.'S XE - PLIS Cr.TR. A BtKSls::. The Subscriber, a Tjractical Boot-maser ot some cx- . 4-Ul iye.f-l Jj ueriencc, nas lor some time uccu uiipinit: u i.j. o desideratum to be yet supplied to the public ia the way ot a suitatue our u.n r -- Vi n articles now useu eiiuci lujuic impart that lustre so necessary to give to man s wm- dtrstandintr a proper fiaibh. He has . therefore dur- :..rt,.i,ut Iu-b'.v,. mn-it'i. lrfien devotinir himself to ii.inIi.nF1...-mr iiirnnflrt!i' C tree irom xaese ooiec- uciuc v.. - " tions, and has at length after much investigation ami ! experiment completely succeeded. The result is ' Gill's j nt plus ultra Jiurilish." He only wishes that it j mav be tested in order to establish its superiority j LUC . IV ''I I.l ..... . - over all other. Call on him at his shop oppoKite y.r Lauder's Marble Factory, Hay street, and bo supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov 9, 1 g53 tf ' I have always on hand a full &Kaorttnont of GRO CERIES. PROVISIONS, and other (ioods suitable for fv, T-ull onil Winter Trade, and which I oaer for Cat-h, or in exchange for Produce of almost any kind. I have now in Store Flour, Meal. Corn, Rice, Bacon, Lard. Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Salt, white Clarified and Brown Sugars, Rio and Java Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Vinegar. Fish, Cigars. Tobacco, Snutt, can-lies, heap, Starch. Spices. Candies. Pepper, Buckets, Brooms, wrought and cut Nails. Powder. Shot, Percussion Cups, and -a good as?ortmnt of Dye StuttV.; with many other things in the Grocery line. - Aloo a good 'assortment of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys, and a good assort ment of Ready-made Clothing. Call and buy cheap. W. II. CARVER. October 29, 1853. ' 7fi5-f.ni T. SMITI, Chemist and Druggist, I T - . ... i I C . . . V. liaving removcu to me cunc nuiv-nr corner Market Square, recently occupied by P. Shemwell, now oners to his friends and tne public generally a large ami well seiect- Dye Stur.'s, Medicines aud Perfumery, consisting in part of the following : Potash, white lead. Venetian red, Spanish brown, copperas, alum, saltpetre, sal soda, hi carl soda, saleratus, madder, indigo, sulphur, opsoui salts, yellow ochre, Blake's paint, chrome yellow, um ber, chrome green. Prus. blue, chalk, spice, pepper, nutmegs, cloves, starch, ginger, borax, yeast powders, essences, mustard, logwood, inks, soaps, congress water, ealad oil, window glassy putty, varnishes 'vall kinds), linseed, tanners', castor and olive oil, alcohol, sulph. acid, burning fluid, camphene, paint varnish; tooth, flesh, nail and white-wash brushes; galvanic batteries; surgi cal, tooth and cupping instruments: American, French and English chemicals, patent medicines, Ac A'c, all of which are of first rate quality, and will be sold at a small advance on cost. Orders solicited from ctmntry Physicians, merchants, and others, who are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they may depend on procuring fresh and genuine articles. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction both in quality and price. The eubscrilx-r hopes, by strict at tention to buKiutss, to merit a share or the public pat ronage. - - - Medical prepcriptions carefully and accurately prepared. J. N. SMITH. Oct 8, 1W3 North-wort corner Market Square. s Tobut'co. The subscriber continues to receive and sell, on man ufacturers account, all grades of manufactured Tobacco. Jtuie 5, 1852. J. UTXEY. VILLE, N. C, SAjtJRDA' DECEMBER Z 31,; 1 BCONU . ' FALL AID W1STER STGCSi FOtt lSSJ. V; STAR it & WILLIAMS are now receiving .their cond stock, for this season, of Staple and Fancy Dry lor mis season, oi otapiu "'j "'.j Caps, Shoes, Boots; Silk, Satin and Strnw afjrclliis, aud 'Ready-made Clothing; wdh Goods; lints, fioniief.m Urn stbinro assortment of Hositsrv. G-lorcs. Silk and Co ton Handkerchiefs. ; ' " " The above stock embraces a variety of Seasonable Goods not enumerated, comprising one of the largest assortmeats we have ever .flerett: ami having receutly been purchased by the paclcage, 4 reduction rpn the. prices o(he first of the season, tiHy will bo offered to wholfctialewiyers on our usual terms. . , v , ; J. B. STARR- - - Oct S, 1853.. V '-:: J- M. WILLIAMS. NEV PAMGOftlM. .- The unbscribershave received and opened, atiheir Old Stand, a very large and--handsome Stock r" V ' Staple aid Fancy Dry Goods - y Kmbrac;ng every style and quality Ladies? lti 'ioods and SWatnWnaeis? Roots .and Shoes, etc. - We call particular attention to a splendid as sortment of Ready-made Clot-nine, - ' - Of the very best material and workmanship. In our stock may be found all G-oods suited to the sea.' -on, at the very lowest market prices. All in want of Goods in our liac will please give us a call E. L. & J. A. PEMRERTON. Hay St., Fayctteville, Oct. 8, 1853. - 62-tf FOE Piil-IT! FlttlTi: Ten Thousand Apple Trees of (he finest kinds, ripen ing in succession, from the earliest to the latest. 'Ten. i iiousaiid Peach 1 rees of th liuest kiu Js, ripening ia succession, from earlv in June to November. One Thousand Chrvry Trees of the Guest-kind, ripening in succession, ft the firyt of May to July; also, a fine assortment of Apricots, -Nectarines, Plums, Pears and Strawberry plants, for sale at the Pomological Gardens and Nurseries, at Cane Creek, Chatham county, and New Garden, Guilford county. Orders for trees should be sent iu early. Catalogues will be sent to all uppli- During my absence my brother, Owen Lindley, will deliver trees at Cane Creek, aud my son, Albert G !:nit!t.'v, at New Garden. JOSHUA LINDLEV. Sew Gr.rden. Guildford county, N. C ) The 14th of the 10th mo., f 7.V3m STATE OF SOUTH. CAKOLI.TA, Robesox Cocxtv. Whereas complaints upon oath have this day been made to us, Joseph Smith and Malcom C. McNeill, two of the Justices of the Peace for said County, by Wm. Rlouut, John Israel. Jesse Philips, end Calvin Flowers! thct certain male slaves, one named HENRY, belong ing to Rich'd C. Rhodes, and one named AKEL, be longing to Augustus Smith, have absented themselves iVom their said roasters' service, and are lurking about in toe county committing acts of felony and other mi.--dcute : These are therefore, in the name of the State, to comtnaud these raid f-laves forthwith to surrender tuenistlvcs and return home to their said inarters. And v -? do also hereby require the Sheritl' of the said county of'Robesoa to make d.l: gent search and pursuit after in c t-.iiU slave, ana ttiem liaving found to apprehend and secure so that they may be conveyed to their said ma.-ter!?, or otherwise discharged as the lav.-directs; and the eaid ShcriifU hereby authorized and empowered to rai.-e and take with him f-uch power of his ccruntry as heshall think fit for apprehending said slaves, and we do hereby, by virtue of the Act, of Assembly , in-euclv i case provided, : intimate and declare: that if the said slaire nataed, Henry und All. do notVurrendcr tlietn-- R4ra-1KI return; liome imniediatelv After fhpulilia- destroy the said tlaves by uch uieanii as he or they a)r think , t, without, accusation or . impeachment tf aay crime or ofience ofo doing, and without incurring any penalty or forfeiture.thercby. f- ' ' ' '"; Given under our hands aud seals this- November 29th, D. 1653. l-3t M. c. McNeill, j. r. JOS. SMITH, J. P. Peal.! cs.ui.r CARTHAGK Havintr recently purchased the above establishment from Malcom Kelly. Ustj.. I am now prepared to enter tain ia a co:nfortally manner those who may give me a call-. Having ample-' stables, good hostleru and a da-p-;tion to accommodate. 1 trurt 1 liail be able to uive entire aatifaelion to those who may favor me with their patronage. II. C. McIJ;AN. 70-tf December 3. lSr3. NO TUB. tT.,tr.n- nnmbaseiT the interest of T. R. Underwood in the ttrin of (I. W. Lawrence & Co., I will continue business as heretofore at Mauy's Gaudk.v. I have from 12 to 15 Coopers constantly at work ma'ifactnrin" Sl'HUT BARRELS, at the rate of 100 to 125 per week;- Lave now .on hand 400 Barrels for sale, at 2 2;j caah at the fchop, or $2 35 delivered in t0T?i, .11 nnt5nnthc distillinsr of Turpentine, and 1 w thin 15 cents per barrel of the Fayettcvillo - - . ,.;.,, win nav wuuin i; i-ui i"- ; price iu - lurpenlme H anted. ' n,,riiimf in Store a general arisor.mont ot Goo is, " ... .,i i.:,i., r ,.,. i r,.,. ,, n.'. ! avettevuie nrices. ju " try .... .... produce t.iU i iu exchange ior goous. G. W. Call and see. LAWRENCE. Nov 25, 1853 GO-tf A I Slum?" A?mti. W DRAUGTION has the pleasure of informing bis customers' ami the public that he has moved his block - . . , ... Hw 1.1 tlorwl Oi Woo ls to u:s new mu.i-, ..v "'v v . ........ His recent, purchases in New ork and Philadelphia makes his stock complete. He has on hand, for sale, at low prices, a full stock of Groceries and Dry Goods, Boots Sc Shoes, : Hardware & Cutlery, Crockery aud Glass-ware, Window Glass, Clocks, Pure French Brandy, Holland Gin, St. Croix and Old Jamaica Rnni. ' Port, Madeira, Brown and Golden Sherry, Malaga, Sicily, and Scirppernong.Win.es; Old Kye Vv hiskoy, With his usual large slock of -Domestic Liquors : ... Also, 20 dozen Wolfe's Aromatic Schueidam Scliuapps. 100,000 Segarsy (very cheap,) . . - 25 Baskets Champaigue, ... Hock Wine, (six varieties.) Sardines; Sperm and Adamantine Candles. W. DR AUG HON, Market Square Nov 12, 11 S 3m Lot of Colts' finest PISTOLS, Bowie Knives, Sword Canes, Guns, Game Bags, Powder Flasks, Ac, r or sale ny December .17, 1S53 72-it J. M. BEASLEY. 2 Turnentine Stills and the location upon which they are now opuratSu. One of the above stills yll work 3 barrels, the other 16 barrels of Turpentine. 50 acres of land adjoining the stilling location, and upon whx-h are erected a tine spirit barrel er with a number of houses for the residence ot the ope . Also' the Store and Warehouse, together with a con siderab'le stock of goods suitable for the country tra.ie. 3 Mule Teams and Wagons in good order .; J i Horse Teams and Wagons in good order ; A splenuiu lot of Spirit Barrels and Coopers' Tools. - Also, acres of capital Turpentine Land in tnt vicinity of four Stills; 1000 acres Land situated on Lower Little Kiver ana inuuwnr,. A Saw Mill on Lower Little River and 500 T.an.l adiointnir.' Terms made known onday acres of of sale.. . JOHNSON McNeill A CO. . December 10, 1 853. 71-5 1. X K.Gil O CIjOTIIIXG, Ready A larse supply on hand and for sale cheap. AU orders fronthecountry promptly exeCQgQjjQp; BRAXDTy A UAUK CUAXCE K R SPECtLATIOS. On Tuesday the 10th of January, the subscribers will offer tor sale, at Johusonville, in tie County ofUcT Und. 22 miles from Fayctteville, and immediately on the P&W Blank Road, the following valuable pro- 0, SECOND Tbeaiut all others by oh At assorting", ' Dry G.0.C '',' 'Afrff AU of v CcoraiWii a,Purcl4 stock a W' would notify their- t' crsmi.ii -'." Beiec'a 4 " coaeisting of a general jiarnatVCaIw. Boots and 1 .l.ftl ...... .. ' ' . ' XK fw 1 ilf - 1 t jiuu.Moa to their stork nf IfM.v, jr'.'.f ' . : -. . -a Kffcl-' terms, - upon tncir usual - - fr0"5 mating their selectioti?. UALfj & SACKETT. O -Jr??5 their .SEt'OND STOOXC OF 'vSf wbiU wer electd ( wTV , - II. T-T-. " C4-tf T LATF. ARRIVALS. Jber is daily receiving additions to his iNARLL GOODS, which are offered at cash or produce. , JUST TO HAND. Super! - ,Brown, Blue and Green FROCK COATS. S-' : ' " ever other kinds of A'ests. Satin, an Cassimerd Pants and I'ants Stuff. Hats, Cass! and CITY-XADE Boots, light and heavy. wn:c'i vrijj fce warranted to purciiasers. Al?o,;a tfrge stock common Boots and Shoes. Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, and Carpeting. - 1 piece hevy Cocoa Matt! ncc, for passages. WOOD-WARE. Tul, Eclats, Pails. Buckets, va rious kindi 4c. Blacksmith's Tools, Mill Saws, Cross Cut and tland Saws, Glue, Hodp and other Iron, with a good assort ment of Dry Geods, Groceries and Ilard-W-are, making a very fair general stock. Buyers are invited. vi. f :. . T1IOS. J: JOHNSON, Near the Caje Fear Bank, below the Market House. FayettovilWjOct. ST), 1853. 65-3mo TnEKubsclxT ofTers for sale, his LANDS, six miles Ncrth of-F4jsttevillc, and about one mile from the FavcttevilieSutd Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of about . twrely hundred and sixty acres of land, suited to the.makiu;,of Turpontiae or Timber. There is also on the prenii-cs, a good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good repair aqid 0JV i:i operation ; also, a Dwelling, and all the necessary outhouses,, in good repair. Also, iWher tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on the hea waters of Carver's Creek, known as the Tarry Placed oh tr.iifih. there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other finises." - v On thfe (!f nanied tract, tliere is cut about twenity Cve.thoifeaai -Turpentine Boxes, from two to four years - All tht abyv0. lands will be sold on the. most accom modating ttrms. Persons - wishing to purchase, will please call the suliscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the bove lands. - -SH; .1: - . '- W.V, R. BOLTON. "";Ctfj.iis. v:;---' ''.--.-- -65-tf- ; Haf tag ijtirch?cd th3 stock jof Material on hand it . .v:- " 7.,- ; ! .. 'thd.8fir& fvrnii'rfy", owned by Mr. "E. Fuller, aad having engaged the aervieesof 'Mr; J.uC. Lally, - whose work gives sttoh jaeral and -entiro uatisffaction, I . am now 9 eyCUte aH rsrforTiTnw. Wagons, Road )- wOi.Te m?- -...j- . i tm i- . - . a.;.. . ' I h:tve oh haind Vn will cbft-taatly- Wp.a good up ply or?, Iron-Ajfles, Chains, Bolts, aud in ahort,- every thing tliaJ ths Wagon-maker can need. ' : -.- X.' -. ' T iuep Wagons, with- the improved Iron "Axles, made to at; the shortest notice. ... " - I his'j, tea"' gool and competent- Workmen at the hmihefe, and will give it. my whole and undivided at tenttott;'':'?'" . '- . - MyfjJrTces shall, be as moderate as the times will ad mit and I will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni-t.-d Stales to equal my work, either in point of style or drjdiility.'' . THOS-. C. FULLER. bct.-9. '-loSS.' 65-tf -i IS. l' GRADV, . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, '-- V WlLMIXGTOX, - . C.,-" .. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores', Cotton, and other produce. Office at the Store of Mesfrs Grady &. Monk, North Water Street. Nov. b " : 3m , " ' -. .-, i - JF. Y. ISAKHR- - Has received from the North the largest, finest, and mo-t carefully selected stock of FURNITURE ever of fered iii this market, consisting of fashionable painted eottu p had room furniture in setts ; curled-hair and shuck'nad cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wa2iiv9iid Cradles; patent self-swinging Cradles; Side Boards ; - Bureaus; Secretaries and Book Cases; Wh-.i J(tv Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Caudle Stati.ll: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass: Window Sha!i: Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut, letc a i ei.es; uuin;in; xn m oimi--. Cbairs of every variety. Fine rosewood Piano (Ben net 4 Co's, of Broadway, New York). OeUiher 20, 1853 lj-P'1 TIMELY NOTICE. U persons indebted to me, either by note or account, w ill please call aud settle before 1st of January, 1851. Otherwise their claims will be placed in the hands of an olftcer for CO; lection, aa further HKlulgence cannot be given. -Nov 9. GEORGE BRANDT. - 67-8t . : Shucks Wanted. Tiff subscribers want to purchase any quantity a.-a'i i.imed artices; those having the same of for fia' villi do we to call on us at the Store No. 7, Green '-tiJ Vorth of th' Market, after the lirst of January. J f - R.W.HENRY. J Iee. 1853. 72-tf J. HENRY. POK CHRISTMAS. ilwr-liHit PCGeived much the arirefrt stock tfwVVever olierert by nim in mis prace, eomprmng evtrjllimg usuay kept in a Confectionary Store, suita bci" Town or country trade. F . CHARLES BANKS. 17, LS53. 72--lt - . "TT'ltatc of Nartli CaroI.iiaMoore CoiiBtty. T IT .-. - .. ..... " T : Court oj Pleas and Quarter Sessions October - Term, 1853.- Williaai Rollins'and wife and others vs. Thomas Cox .3,. - ' and others. -. -"-j . Petition to divide Land. . It-aipearing to the satisfaction of the Court thnt IvoWBox and Andrew Cox, two of the defendants in tbiirasc.'arc iiou-rcsidcats, and a copy of said petition cannot be served Oil them,-it is therefore ordered that publication for six weeks be made in the North Caro- l!ita,uirecting them to appear at our next (Jourt or Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held- for the Couutv of itobre at the Court lb use in Carthage, on the fourth 5ieBU.uy in Januuary next, and plead or demur to the pejitjua, or tne . same will be taken pro contesso ana beard exparte as to them. 7V Witness, Aexander C. Onrrv. Cerk of our said Oonrt at Office in Carthasre, the fourth Monday of October A. 1-1."3. - 4-adv. S3 25 72-6t A. C. CURRY, Cerk. t''.fv'r.-.-. wasted, -. --. - vJS),0OO SHINGLES, Juniper or Cypress, for "which thpighest cash price will be paid, on delivery to me atary store on Gillespie street. Nov 19. 1853 S-6t It. MITCHELL. - Etas .Grass and White Cutcb Clever, jON. received and for sae. They shoud be sowed nn ,a preference to spring. . Bue Grass and' White Dtfwh Clover r mixed, is the best in our cimate for grass pat and awns. "ZL ''-' C. LUTTERLOII. . a A- few dozen arze sized Anne and Peach Trees of eanng age, will be sod ow. as I wish to use the grPBad they occupy for other purposes. - 17,13. 72-2t. "Octobf , . art feir & t S13A?. siocic of RMBG fa:r orinrb Mr- XT 1JV TV 11 1853. r F A Y E T T E V I L L fi ; N , C . ' ' 1 Turkey DhsBcr and tbc Farta Boyrr. - ' v A gentleman, by the name of , Brooks, who lived in Robeson county,. 2f. CI, -Wanted to bny a tract of laud near hiio, and concluded to Ues patc't one Angus McAlpin to Charleston, South CaAlKkto buy it from - the ownerf who lived there:tYagu - starteO. off, anrJ in dne time Brooks would take iiis scat and look down the road, in tbe hope of seeing lus agent returning. At last he appeared, aud tncirriouient he uear ed the housej lJpeks aceosffflliini O ' -'Well, Mac, bite on got the land?' - A Tlie agent,-in whose face .ivas anything but sunBlunenii(i iniglit UTcrjoffiT- ;niett krtcwuat ' gruay, tht,- 'lie Fi-rfV,VB irom qis liorse.btflore (iy, in : i must tiwetnne Brooks, still urged, and Mac still parried the question till he got into the house. - . - 'JSow surely thought Brooks,- 'he wall tell) rue. But jlae was not quite ready. . 'Books,' said he, 'have you anything to drink?' 'To be sure I have,' said tbe other, and im mediately shad some of the best forthcoming. Having moistened his clay, Mac tcok a seat and his employer another. Mac gave a prelim inary hem. He then turned suddenly around to Brooks, looked him straight in the eyes, and blapped him on the thigh. . 'Brooks,' savs he, 'was von' ever in Charles ton?' ' 'Why,' you know I never was,' replied tbe other. . 'Well then Brooks,' says the agent, 'you ought to go there. The greatest place upon the face of the earth ! They've got houses there on both sides of the road, for live miles at a strett h, and d the horse track the whole way through! Brooks, 1 think I met five thousand people iu a minute, and not a chap would look ut me. They've got houses on wheels. Brooks, I saw one with six horses hitched to it, and a big dri ver, with a long whip going it like a whirlwind. I followed it down the road for a mile and a half when it stopped I looked, and what do you think there was?- Nothing iu it but one little woman sitting up in one corner. - 'Well, Brooks, I turned back up the road, and as I was riding along, I sees a fancy look ing chap with long curly hair hanging down his back, and his boots as shiny as the face of an up country nigger ! I called him iuto the middle of the road and asked him a civil question, and a civil question, you know, Brooks, Calls for a civil, answer all over the world. I say 'Stran ger, can you tell me where Col. Lamar lives ?' and what do you thiuk was the answer - Go to grass yov fool!.- '- J.;ivCIy,??K'?. v J. Well Brooks, I knocks along " up and down,' autl. about,' natil at ,fii - rwks -Cul. the door, r Presently the doc-; was. opened by a nrettv: hue suokeu. well dressed a woman -as ever .you seed iii your born ; days. , Silks, silks tliar every day, JtirooKs.' , . isays I, Mrs Liaiaar, 1 presume, madam. says I. -:.;'. ,. . ' . --, " 'I am Mrs. Lamar,-sir. v 4 Well, nradam,' says I, 'I have come, all the way irom i.u. to see coi. jamar to sec about buvins a tract or laud Irom iiim tuat is up iu our parts.'-- - " - 'Then she says .'Col. Lamar has rode out in the country, but will be back shortly. Come in. sir. and wait awniie. l vc uo count the colonel will soon return,' and she had a smile oa that pretty lace oi ners tnat reminded a body of a spring morning.' 'Well, Brooks, I hitched my horse to a brass thing to the door, and walked iu.' 'Well, when I i?ot iu I sees the floor all cov ered with the nicest looking thing ! nicer than auy patched work bed-quilt, vou ever seed in vour life. Brooks. I was trviucj to edsre alonjr around it, presently I sees a nigger stepping ritrht over it. Thinks T, if that nisrsrer can o it, I can go it too.; So right over it I goes, and takes my seat right beiore a picture, which at first. I tho't was a little man looking in at the window. 'Well, Brooks, there I set waiting and wait ina; for Col. Lamar, and at last he didn't come but thev besran to brin-j iu dinner. Thinks I to myself, here's a scrape. But I made up my mind to tell her if she asked me to eat to tell her with a gentle bow, that I had r. to eat. But Brooks, she didn't ax me to t at she asked me if I'd be so good as to carve that turkey for her, and she did it with one of them lovelv snides that makes' the com streaks run down the small of a fellow's back. 'Certainly, madam,' says I, and I walked up to the table there was on one side of the tur key a great big knife, and a fork with a trigger oiit other sitte. falls to wuikand in the first effort I he gravy about two yams over me whitest' table-cloth yon ever seed in your life, Brooks. Well, I felt the steam begin to gath er iiliout. inv cheeks aud eves. But. I I'm not a man to back out for triiles, so I makes anoth er effort, and the darned thing took a flight and lit in Mrs. Lamar's lap. 'Well, you sec, Brooks, then I was taken with a blindness, and the next thiug I remem ber, I was upon the hath a kicking. Well, by this time I began to think of : navigating. So I noes out aud mounts Ilosum, and puts for North Carolina. Xow, Brooks, yon- don't llamc me! do you! - Brooks turned red, white, and then Tiv different nations every day in the week i eoi oiv.rt. fnp mililic worshiu : Sunday by the - . r - " k . - m- i . - i m 1 1 C hr st aus: MoiKla v by tne ureeKs; xuesuay uy the Persians; Wednesday by the Assyrians; Thursday by the Kgytians; lriuay oy ine Turks- Satnrdav bv the Jews, auu 10 mis ' ... , - . . . cvpri? diumal revolution, anu ltisappaicui moment is Sunday somewhere. ' NOTICE At the Annual Mectinf? of the Cumberland Aricul- tnral Society, an Executive Committee consiftinj? of the following Rentlemen E. L. in-s,"w- -".u ... p.wtio JC Smith. CHCoheld John I tT.Mn. Geo W Peirram. Hector Mc- II, (Rockfish, Neill McDugald, and A D McLean a . sininsl ttX fill The members o! mpit at the onice o' me ---r- catl,rdav the 7th o tha i JV. r I-.L..I H. llUtHI January, SeVf imance will be transacted. t i A full attenuance iurav: sv rt j VOLUME XIV NO. 774. Wfw te K8t JloUamtoad. ; :-.: ' The intelligence from India, that Rnssia has . formed an alliance with Dost Mohammed, has all at ouce brought into notice a name,' famous enough ten years ago, but lately almost forgot ten. There are doubtless thousands of our. leaders, especially the younger ones; wondering who Dost .Mohammed is. sWe will tell them, for it is it name ; that will probably, live in hisjory. : - - " : .''..,- '!. - ' :'-' - - v Tlie country of tVc Affghans, lying on the . ubrth-west of British India, is a mountainous - oKTob" rcgiau inhabited -by fcoW, aud hardy tribes.'v0 M,l)s. tho whose blue eyc8,Might iiir, sand dark countcn- 'vfc, ' anccs, show them to be of the best. Gfcassiapiin, Alxan-race.- :-Some years ago,-- the " niouarc IT of Air.et;t;s required, glianistan dyiug, the ancient kinom split tfpjjy . ' . fragments, and amongthosa "whurpAlitte, '',.; ' n r- the occurrence was Dost- Mohajnmed,i'a y. ec brother of a former vizer. , The BritishOOfiths. fiinjjnt evrr,' takiugithe part o( Shah Shnjatt tC'ljfll board will be if.w w .z -r -'-i . 7.'.. I -'--.-.. Cabul, the capital, and haWuo luiide' of Dost Mohammed, sent him across the Indnwv to their own territories, where they retained him in a sort of ho'norabla captivity. At the same time Shah Shnja was replaced on the throne of Cabul. These events happened in 1839 and 1840. Fortius interference in the affairs of Affghan istau, the British had no excuse whatever. It is true that the Persians were at war with Herat, aud the British feared, if Herat fell, that the Persians, instigated by Kussia, would as sail British India next. It is true also that Dost Mohammed was believed to favor the Persians' designs on Herat. But that Dost Mohammed was, at this juncture, bo.tiic to the British, has never been proved. Dearly, how ever, did the British pay for their interference. In November, 1841, an insurrection broke out at Cabul against the British. Iu the tumult Sir Alexander Barnes, and several other dis tinguished officers, lost their lives. This par tial risiug wa3 followed by an insurrection over the whole kingdom. The British, for tbe first time in India, since Lord Clive began to lay the foundations of their power, quailed before the storm. Sir William McNaghten, the Brit ish euvoy at Cabul, agreed with Akber Khan, the favorite son of Dost Mohammed, to evacu ate', tlte country, Akbtr stipulating to escort the British army to the frcnt.ers, aud Sir Wil liam pledging that Shah Shuja should abdicate, iu order to make room for Dost Mohammed's return. At a second meeting between Sir Wil liam and Akber, a dissension arising, probably provoked on purpose by the latter, Sir William was shot dead by the Affghan -chief. ' Akber, however, agreed subsequently to tarry out the terms of the treaty. :, Now began a retreat the horrors of which only that of Moscow has equalled in i modern times. Akber protessed to escort ; tne liritisti army, but secretly; instigateaf it is euevcu, me mountain tribes to assail tliem; aud consequent- iy tbe march -jwiw'nstitt..atf' 'jdJkiiT.a Bceno were blocked up witn snow ; . tne troops ; were encumbered with a large number of women and children, besides a: vast body of camp followers. Some died from exposure, and. some were left to perish from Eickuess ou the way side; but the greater quantity fell by the sword of tho merciless mountaineers. ' Never but ouce in modern times has a more tigual vengeance been visited on invaders. The passes were filled along the whole line of retreat, with corpses,' that c ten were pi led in heaps. Almost the only per sons who escaped were some ofliccrs and their wives, who had placed themselves under Akber's personal care, a few marches from Cabul, and who, after mouths of captivity, after terrible privations and after long weeks of suspense, more agonizing than the worst privations, suc ceeded, by bribes, iu making, their escape and reaching the nearest British fort, having ridden several days in hourly peril of their lives. The British, meautime, had advanced in force from their own side of the Indus, aud had even penetrated to Cabul;. but the prisoners having been thus recovt rod, and Shah Shnja liaving been assassinate-!, it was resolved to leave the Aff ghans to themselves. Accordingly Dost Mo hammed, who had been retained iu captivity all this time, and whose participation in the late eventi, though suspected, cuold not be proved, was set at liberty. He took possession at once of the throne oi Cabul, The British simultane ously abandoned that capital, but not until they had destroyed its famous bazar. It was in November, 1842, that the last division re-crossed the Indus, and the Affghan pr'inte was re stored to freedom and escorted t the frontiers of his kingdom. Just twelve months had elaps ed siuce the insurrection in Cabul. But in that single year a more fatal blow had, been struck it tic British power, by destroying the idea of British invincibility, than the whole ninety pre ceding years had witnessed, since the British arms lirst began to make headway in the Easl, Dost Mohammed has no love for the Knglisl . Th-re.is little. doubt that he secretly canetd the massacre at Cabul, and that he will, at the first chance, siek still further vengeance. In releaR- . -m- ... i . . .1 1'.. . . . . f .. ..r,-. tknn ai'jc mm, me nriusa atuu uum icm mvue uu.i any other motive; for thev found they could not hold Afghanistan, anu mey inougnt ii would conciliate Dost Mohammed to sethim ct libertv. -1 'hU. Ledger. A Good Excuse During the rcvolutionaiy war, wlien draughts were made from the milil.a to recruit the continental army, a certain Cap tain gave liberty to the men draughted from his eomoany to make their objection if they had anv.'against going into service; accordingly, one of "them, who had an impediment in his speech, came forward and made his bow -; ; 'What is your objection?' said the captain. 'I ca-ca-cau't go answered the man, I st-st- stutter ' 'Stutter,' said the captain, 'yon don't go there tn tfilk hut to hsrht. 'Ay but they'll iut me on gu-gu:guard, a man may go ha-ha-half a mile beiore I ca and can sa v may go iia-iia-uaii . wh-wh-wlio goes there. 'Oh, that is no objection, lor iney i""-- another sentry v ;i-b vnn he can cuuuvugw - . 1 tlnwiMn aud you fire.' -"Won lin-bn-liut I may be taken and run can cry u-qu- through' the h-e-a-r-t before I qaTL?riaBt plea prevailed, and the captain, af ter a hearty laugh, dismissed him. A fire in Pliiladelphia on the night of the 21sfc destroyed $50,000 worth of property. , 1

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