I -.''- - "'- ' - ' 3! 41 1 . .. 'J.' 4 ted K- A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER- Devoted to Politics, the Markets, Foreign aad Domestic News, i -iturc, Agriculture, General InformationTWO DOfclARS IN ADVANCE FAYETTEVILLE, iff. C, SATUJIDA. , JANUARY 7, 1854. BRYAN & YATES, Proprietors. VOIAIiME XIV NO. 775. - .r; r - -jf ERIXTED Bi' WILLIAM J, YATES, C:.R OB E R T R. B R Y A N , EJitor. : . - - Terns cf SubHrrjHon to the 5orCi Carolinian : Tor a Biuglc cpy, if paid In advance, per annum, S2 00 ' - - " " at tlie cad ofp nioriths, 2 50 " " " at ttetjyiArff CmontliH, . 3 00 . i ' " Bt the cud of the year, - 350 - j JJo subscription wilt lie reccfed for a sLortcr period T tban one year unless paid in advance. . , :- Vitlitiie view of extending the circulation and ck- . ''i..;n ti, nufi.liiM of the wauer.- the .proprietors of- JT s t,- for toe following reiuarKaiy low RATES, I.W copies of tho Carolinian, 1 year, 00 1 00 ? r i.-ra nnnh-Hl with tli firm must lr - - ; Ralrs of idtrti1njr . , Sixty cpnts per wjuare of 16 lines for the first and thirtv "rents for each subsequent insertion, unle.-s the advet livment is published for more than two month?, when it will be charged I'or three mouths, 00 For fix months, ----- 6 00 Vor twelve months. - - - - 7 10 00 3&r- Ml arlvci Us.-mcntsmr.st be hand-d in by Friday 10oelock.a.m..toensMre their insertion in the next day's paper, and hould liave the des.red nuniner oi 111- .:.. ,-t, rt.-i ilw iii. ortherwise tney wi 11 be serted till forbid and charged accordingly. IlilVAX & VATE5. - . M It 15 I. K P A C T O It Y ; HY GEO. EAUDEU. . ,, 1 . . 1 i (j . ... Nrly oppo r)ct. 1. I -!" s'te to K. . WiHKmgs -ui-liuu .5t;i Fayetteville. v N. C. ED WD McI'HEKSOX WITH r. r. 1: n x tv Importers and Whrile-'-ah- Dealers in Foreign an lm... DHY (iOOl'S. 21 Park Place and l'J llarclay street. Ni:w Youk. November 7, Ks."3 Cm pd CLUKKST O. IV 111 OUT, Atlonieyat Iaw, Kayttlfvilir., ? OTice at the corner of Bow and Green Feb"v 3. Ih53. .treet- II. I IIOT.3IES, i Attohnky at Law, Wii.MiN'iTox, N. C. Office on the corner o "Fro.it and Princess streets umter the Journal Otnee. ' " " ltvit rinv I'UM A T T n 11 M I" V A T Favi;tii:vii.i.Tc. N. Officu on Anderson Street. October 22. 1853 Ta a w C. Cm : yv o is. t 11 &. ic f-iao t t , (Successors to J. D. Williams.) FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. j. a. woKTSi.l w- ' Kibiorr, May 7, UVi3. 33 tf l It . T. C. II .VI. Ii Has removed to the well-known stand of the Dr; 'insoa. cor af of Green and Row streets. April -i3. 1853-. tf Rob- XOTfCE. TIIOSE who are indebted to me by Not will wea-e settle th same. And all debts or Accounl s du m': pri is longer in- r to the 1st Jan"v IS'i.l. jiv.ist le settled- . dulirence cannot be given. - .A. A. Mt IvETIIAN Oct 1, 1S53. tf , - I")r5 SAI.K OTl 1!CST, The fine SUMMER RESIDENCE two miles west of tow Possession p,iven immediate! v. Apply to John - IT. Cook or O. K Lcete; S. A. LEETE. March 19. 1S53. tf AY. II. CA!5 VE!t. Den5cr ii Dry iools, Grorc ries nnd Provisions, Thir door from N. E. corner Market Sfpiare, next to D. Gee's Hat Store Green street. Fatktthvii.i.e. N. C. SnAU kinds of produce taken in exchange for G ood. b. 19. 1853. y til a'.u.i:s IV-NK, F AYETTKVI LI E , N . 1 Septt-niber 18. 1852-. " V.'.VK'rKD. I'.O.OOO barrels Turpentine, del'vered at my Dlstillerv iu this place, for which the highest pric will be paid. I would also eniplov two or thr u'oiiil turpentine W. ROGERS. barrtd (7oo"rs. Lumberton. Feb'y 10. 1853 D. tf irAM, &. iiri.;.iK, 1'AYETTEVILLE FOUNDRY. Cistins of every description made to order. A lot of lhsbbei. Metal for sale: WIXSLOW STREET. Oct I. 1M3. tf KKKIfillTIXU tN THE CAPK PEAK. Th subs-rilers bavins: purchased the Steamers EV EROREEN and SOl'THEKNER and Tow Boats, lately the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Company ere now prepared to forward with despatch., niinirton and Fayetteville. all freights or between W;l jroods entrut- ed to them. . --.f F. N. & J. H. ROBERTS . Fayetteville, Feb'y If). 1853. tf A. 31. Cani5IIi, ;Al'CTIONEB &. CO?IMISSIO MEltCIIAXT, Favkttkvii.i.k, N. C. October 1. 1853. 10,000 ll Tallow vrantt tl. For whicli the highest cash price will be paid. Oct 8, 1853 A.M. CAMPBELL. c 11 K v i o c o r , . I am now receiving a much larger stock of Fancy Dry Goods than I have -vet offered in Fayetteville, consistinc of! Dry Goods of every description. Huts. Boots. Shoes, and Keadv-made Clothing, which will be sold as low as any goods in the State. f will be "lad to have the ladies call and examine mv 'stock. W.F.MOORE.- Sept. 17, 1853. . tf s I'AI.b TKADC, IftiiS. . I have received mv Fall Stock of DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, .ve. Mv stock is large and well worth the att ent'ou of pur chasers. Any Kind of produce taken in exchange. ' COTTON BAGGING. T l.iv n olentifuJ supply of Gunny and Dundee Cot ton Bagging, Kale Rope and Bagging Twine Send In your orders ami they stum ue suppneu JAMES G- COOK. Oct 3, 1853, tf . LASD BROKER. ' I have so many calls about Turpentine- lands that I have concluded to offer my services to buy amd sell. IThfwehaviiTs lands for sale will furnish me with plots and quantity, together with a fair description, fair description, and price. t Nov. X?V IS33v CS-tX. JAMES G. COOK. PALL A.7tO WIXTEItl STOCK . . For. 1 G 5 3 . ' The subscriber lm jtfst received and opened, at his Xew Store on the I'lvst side of Green street, a few doors from the Market House - and nearty opposite his Old Stand, a large Stock of . . , d Staple aritV-Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing a general assortment of Indies' and Centls lneu's Dress Goods, onsistinr in part of Shawls. Cloaks and Mantillas, some very fine; and also a good iwort inent of Shoes and Boots, for Ladiesj ( Je.itlemen, Girls. Coys and Children. And the best assortment of Silk and other styles of Bonnets he has ever offered to the public. Su'rar, Coffee, Tea,. Pepper, Sp'ccs, apd Tobacco, a fine article. P. S1IEMWELL. ..October 8, 1S53. CEDAR FALLS Cotton ing-s for sals by . Nor 12, 1853- . -.r - ' "."i '.:- .:": .: ...,.,r 1, 1 ..,1 t 1.... r ,' V. MRS AVALTDX is-now, receiving her Fall and Win ter Millinery, consisting of IJonnets, from one dollar to fifteen; Dress Caps; Handkerchiefs; Fueiich Artificial Flowers and Feathers; Swir-s Edgings and Iusertings; Capes, Collars and Uuderslecvrs; Ladies and Ch;ldret"s Wrist Gloves, and long and short Mit; a new and beautiful stock of Dre.s Trlnimiiigf of the latest style; Velvet and Silk Mantillas: Kailwnv Corsets; Whalebone Ur.sks. Iresses, Mantillas, and Cloaks made in the latest Philadelphia and New York styles. All orders from the country promptly attended to. October 8, " t;2-:im SI 5 0 KKWAKI). Iiunaway frotu the subseviber, his Negro men, JOHN i:id TOP.EV. John is aloiit 2 vears old. ( feet 1 inch high, weialis about 185 or P)!) lbs. Tobev agel about l'l yearss 5 feet 0 fnche? hirh. stout, and weijrhs 175 lbs. They were bought from .Mr James Snrles, of Cum berland eonaty. and wiil probably be lurking in that neighborhood. Tobey has a wife at Mr Richard Bird's, in Johnston County. Twenty-Five Dollars for either, or Fity Dollars for both, will be paid for their appre hension ami delivery to the subscriber, or for their con iinenient in any Jaii iu the State, so that lie can get i'.K'rn. An additional stun of One Hundred Dollars will be paid for the conviction of any person of harboring the above Negroes. JOHN CO LET. Fair liuT. Columbus Co. X. C. Oct. 0. C.'Mf II. 13 A It !!AL!('!, A rcZilicTt ami Il-titt'ier, FajellOTiUc, Jf. C., Respectfully informs the public that he is prepared ( to e and xecute or every le-erintion -sne'i ns Si:' Conrt Houses. Prisons. Ac. Also. Chnrches. Cot- tnges. and other pubpc a. id jirivate from ?(): to P'.OO'i: Prldgcs. Roofs, e?lit5eos. costinir tvie. c.. all witii Specifications find Contmets made for the same. He will also superintend all kinds of work. Orders will receive prompt attention, and Plans drawn and. sent to any part of the country at short notice. Oct. 15. 1853. ly pd I .!() At'UEW Oi' LAN!) VOll SAl.IJ. Tlie snbscrihrr o!fer for rale twelve hundred acres of Land, located in fhe lower end of Richmond county. It is about eijui-dh-tant fi'om Floral College, Lauren burg High School, and Laurel Hill. The Land is well adapted to .lie growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oe. It llso offers great indnements to those engaged in the turpentine and lumber business. I have constituted Alexander McLean. Esq. n:y agent, during my aVenee, o whom all communications in regard to the matter nay be addressed at Olhipolls P. ().. Robeson county. Luther Blue, who resides ne ar to the premises, will take pleasure iu x-xhibiting. tem to any one who may call for-that purpose. " . vJ J. ii. BLUE. Oct. 22. Ct-tf to yai.i 'iW.Kiis. The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends a!id the public that lie still continues in the Mill Wright business and all its branches, viz: foundering, framing, and erecting Water or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, either with simple or complicated wa hinery. He returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he lias received heretofore, and hopes by strict attention to business, and by giving general satisfaction, to uK-rit a continuance of the fame. Ho rlatters himself that his work will compete with that of any other machinist forspend and durability. All per sons who want work done in the above line would do well to give him a call, as he has several competent workmen in his employ, and is prepared to execute e.ll Jobs at the shortest notice und on very riti-onable terms. Orders promptly attended to. For further information address the s ibserlir'r at Johnsonville. Ciruberland county. N. C. P. B. JOHNSON. November 16. 1S53 T-ipd. ClIL.I.'S HE The Subscriber, PU S 5! 5.TH V I?ri? SiH!!. a practical Boot-maker of some ex- perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a desideratum to be yet supplied to tne public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Mo.-t of the articles now used either injure the leather or fall to impart that lustre so necessary to give toman's .. dtrxlandimr " a proper finish. He haj therefore, dur ing the hist twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is (Ji's tie p.'u.t ultra Lurniyi." He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at his shop opposite Mr Lauder's Marble Factory, Hay street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov 0.- 1853 tf I'-AiJ. !u Pi 1. 1 ic. I have always on band a full assortment of GRO CERIES. PROVISIONS, and other Goods s-u5 table for the Fall and Winter Trade, and whicli I o'i'er for Cash, or in exchange for Produce of almost any kbid. I have now in Store Flour. Meal. Corn, Rice, Bacon. Lard. Butter. Cheese. Crackers. Salt, white Clarified and Brown Sugars. Rio and Java Coifee. Tea. ?.Iolasses, Vinegar, Fish. Cigars. Tobacco, Snuff, Candles. Soap. Starch. Spices, Candies. Pepper. Buckets. Brooms, wrought and cut Nails. Powder. Shot. Percussion Caps, and a good assortment, of Dye Stuffs; with many other things in the Grocery line. Also a good assortment of Dry Goods. Pools and Sho-js. Negro Blankets and Kerseys, and a good assort ment of Readv-made Clothing. Call and hnv ch-ap. W. II. CARVER. October 29. 1853. TK-Cm Having purchased tire stock of Material on band at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. 12. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. C. Lally, whose work gives such gi'neral and entire satisfaction. 1 am now prepared to execute all orders for Timlier Wagons, Road Wagons. Carts. Drays. Wheelbarrows, vc. 1 have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axles. Chains. Bolts, and in short, evcry tlMtvg that the Wagon-maker can need. Timber Wagons, with tie- improved Iron Axles, made to order at the shortest notice, I have ten good and competent Vv'orkmen at the business, and will give it my whole aud undivided at tention. My prices shall lo as moderate as the times wiil ad mit, and I will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States toeo,ual my work, either in point of style or durability." . THOS. C. FULLER. Oct. 29. 1853. C5-tf The Klin ilmt isl tlie Premium! The undersigned has the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of Rofvson and Use adjoining counties, that he has purchased the entire interest of Messrs! Gregory & Rogers in the Steam Saw and Grist Mill at this jdace; a id is nw prepared to fill all orders for Lumber that may lie sent in. Having a superior onal ity of Timber to saw he is confident 'his Lumber can not be surpassed. Terms for Flooring and Weather-boarding $12 Inch Boards, Celling and Scamtling, 10 Roughage half price, say The cash 'will invariably be required on delivery of the Lumbar, as the undersigned intends keeping" no books for that purpose. Tlie above terms will be strictly adhered to iu all cases. D. W. ROGERS. Lumh?rtoa.Dcc. 10, 1S53. 7l-tf s k cots' ' FILL AD WLTER ST3CR Fdtt 1&S3. STAR II & WILLIAMS are nuw receiving their se cond stock, for this season, of Staple and Fancy Pry Goods; Hats, Caps, Shoes, Boots; Silk, Satin and Straw Bonnets; Umbrellas, and ILeady-made Clothing; With a large assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs. ' - The alwve stock embraces a variety -of Seasonable Goods not enumerated, comprising one of the largest assortments we have ever offered; and having recently been purchased by the paekagc, at a reduction from the prices of the first of the season, they" will be offered to wholesale bit vers on our usual terms. -. ' ' - i " J. P. STARR. Oct 3, 1853. J. M. WILLIAMS. XEW VALI, OOOUS. The uliscribei's have received and "--opened, at their Old Stand, a very large and handsome Stock of . -"fStaplc anf Fariey Dry-: Goods, v- Embracing -every style imd qnality Ladies' Dross Goods Alsov alt ty!ep Goe fotiGetitiema-ivva 'ItAi SroieatTlF atiretftxvigfrab!e RrefslTaisf SatHt and Straw Bonnets; Boots and Shoes, etc. fc?T V'e call iarticular attention to a splendid as sortment of Ready-made Clothinpr, Of the very best material and workmanship. In our stock may be found all Goods suited to the season, at the very lowest market prices. All in want of Goods in our line will please give us a call E. L. & J. A. P EMBERTON, nay St., Fayetteville, Oct. 8, 1853. C2-tf FIXE PtttlTI FINK FRl'IT S t Ten Thousand Apple Trees of the finest kinds, ripen- I ing m succession, from the earliest to the latest. Ten Thousand Peach Trees of the finest kinds, ripening in succession, irom early m June to November. One Thousand Cherry Trees of thejincst kinds, ripening in succession, from the first of 5lay to July; also, a fine assortment of Apricots, Nectarines. Plums. Pears and Strawb n-ry plants, for sale at the Pomological Gardens and Nurseries, at Cane Creek, Chatham county, and New Garden, Guilford county. Orders for trees should be sent in early. Catalogues will be sent to all appli cants. During my absence my brother. Owen Lindley, will deliver trees at Cane Creek, and my son, Albert G Lindley, at New Garden. JOSHUA LINDLEY. New Garden. Guildford county. N. C. J The 11th of the 10th mo., ' 765-3m C'AltTHAGE HOTEL.. Having recently purchased the above establishment from MaSeom Kelly. Esq.. I am now prepared to enter tain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample stables, good hostlers and a dis position to accommodate. 1 trust 1 shall be able to give, entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. II. C. McLEAN. December 3. 1853. 70-tf N O T I C 12. Having pin-chased the interest of T. It. Underwood in the tirm of G. W. Lawrence .fc Co., I will continue business as heretofore at .Maut's Gakpen. ' I have from 12 to 15 Coopers constantly at work manufacturing SPIRIT BARRELS, at the rate of 100 to 125 per week; have now on hand 400 Barrels for sale, at :?2 25 cash at the shop, or $2 35 delivered in town. I shall also co lfiime the distilling of Turpentine, and will pay within 15 cents per barrei of the Fayetteville price in cash, or goods at cash prices. Tu rpeuifie I Vn v ted. I have now in Store a general assortment of Goods, for sale at Fayetteville prices. All kinds of country .produce taken in exchange, for goods. Call and sec. -, - - - - - ... G. W. LAWRENCE. Nov 25. lf53 (10-tf " " " A I E I a me A ga in. W. DR AUG HON has the pleasure of informing his customers and the public that he has moved his stock of (Joods to his new store, at the old stand. His recent purchases in New York and Philadelphia 1 makes his stock complete.. He has on hand, for sale at ' low prices, a full stock of ! G rot-eries and Dry I Hardware cc Cutlery Goods, Boots & Shoes, , Crockery and Glass-ware, Window Glass, Clocks, i Pure French Erandv Holland Gin, St. Croix and Old Jamaica Rum. i Port, Madeira, Drown and Golden Sherry, Malaira, Sicily, and Seiippernoii"- Wines; Old Rye Whiskey, With his usual large stock of Domestic Liquors. Also. 20 dozen Wolfe's Aromatic Schncidam Schnapps. 100.000 Segars, (very cheitp.) 25 Baskets Chainpaigne, Hock Wine, (six varieties,) Sardines: Sperm and Adamantine Candles. W. DRAUG1ION, Market Square Nov 12, 1 80S 3m 2T Lot of Colts' finest PISTOLS, Bowie Knives. Sword Canes. Guns, Game Bags. Powder Flasks. Ac, For sale by J. M. BEASLEY, -comber 17, 1853 72-1 1 D A HARE CIIASCB FVSR SPECVIyATIOS. On Tuesday the lOih of January, the subscribers will offer for sale, at, Johnsonville, in the County of Cumber land. 22 miles from Fayetteville, ami immediately on the F & W Plank Road, the following valuable pro perty : 2 Turpentine Stills and the location upon which they are now operating. One of the above stills will work 30 barrels, the other 1( barrels of Turpentine. 50 acres of land adjoining the stilling location, and upon wh'ch arc; erected a line spirit barrel shop, togeth er with a number of houses for the residence of the operative-. Also the Store and Warehouse, together with a con siderable stock of goods suitable for the country trade. 3 Mule Teams and V agons in good order 3 Two Horse Teams and Wasrons in good order lot of Spirit Barrels and Coopers' Tools, Also. 5000 acres of capital Turpentine vicinity of four Stills ; 1000 acres Band Lower" Lit tie River and tributaries. .and in the situated on A Saw Mill on Lower Little River and 500 acres of Land adjoining. Terms made known on day of sale. johnson, McNeill & co. December 10. 1853. '71-5t. FOR CHRISTMAS. The sulseribor has received mneb the argest stock of Goods, ever offered by him in this p'ace. comprising everything usuay kept in a Confectionary Store, suita ble for Town or country trade. CHARLES BANKS. Dec. 17, 18.53. 72-lt Slale of Sorth Caraliiii'.-ltoliesoii t'onntr. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions JYovember Term, 1853. Henry F. Pitman vs. Calvin Barnes; and the same vs. the same -original attachment levied on land--levied on the legal and equitable interest of tbe l;tei4l ant, Calvin Barnes, in and to an undivided tract of land containing 300 acres, lying on the west side of Flowers' Swamp, fc adjoining the lauds of Parker Nye & others. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Calvin Barnes, has removed from this State and is a non-resident of this State, on motion, it is or-, dered that publication be made in the North Carolinian a newspaper publislted in tlie town of Fayetteville, for six weeks successively, notifying the said Calvin Barnes the defendant, to be and appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to Be held for the county of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumberton, on the 4th Monday of February next, and then and there to replevy and plead to the said suit, otherwise judgment by default final will b ; granted against hint, and the land levied on condemBei to satis fy tlie plaintiff's debts, interest and costs. Witness. Shalraeh Howell. Clerk of onr said Conrt at office in 'Lumber ton. the 4th Monday of November A. D. 1853. and of American Independence the 78th 3-ear. Issued 10th December. 1853. 72-fit .S?D'H. HOWELL.. C. C. C. M. 1IUTSON, House Fainter, Fayetteville, X. C; December 17, 1853- J 1 PURtBJgFOIl TUG FALt' OF 1853. Tlie nnae i 'woal t hbtify thefr customers and all others t Yin flits markeOhat they are now re ceiving a rt Stock of Fall Good for ii.V,- w)eted by one of tW 'riu-personally; consisting of a general assortment.-! I . . . Dry Good U?fyr8re, lints, Caps Boots and v auocs. - ' aa-tton to tbeif stock of Henjij-Made Also A Clothing.. " ' All of Uiey 'offer io.ihg' trade upon theitfesnal terms. .' r - accommodate" Pnrchaei stock an ex--' Octoler J find it to their interest to eivc our itfoa hcforc.making their selections. ' IIAXL SACKETT. - " '':-ed''liave received In part, and in a fsw ilay Xartflieelr SECOND STOCK OF witUrei.wwrtriir offeretl to tht-if idCHstomrr and otbcrsoneasonablc terms. II. & E. J. LILLY. Oct. 21,', . ' 4-tf I.1TI'. Alt RIVALS. THE snbscribel is daily receiving additions to his stock of SEASONABLE GOODS, which are offered at iair prices, lor casior proluce. JST TO HAND. Super Black, Brcfn,Blue and Green FROCK COATS. " " Over " .Satin, and other iiuds of Vests. Cassimere Pants hid Pants Stuff. Hats, Caps, and QTY-MADE Bcots, light and Leary, which will liewarraited to purchasers. Also, a large stoccommon Boots and Shoes. Traveling TrunksfCarpet Bags, and Carpeting. . 1 piece heavy Coc Matting, for passages. WOOD-WARE. libs, Kelars, Pails.' Buckets, va rious kinds. &c. , Blacksmith's ToolsAMill Saws, Cross Cut and Hand Saws, Glue, Hoop amtother Iron, with a good assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard-Ware, making a very fair general stov. Buyers are invited. THOS. J. JOHNSON, Near the Cape Fear Auik. below the Market House. Fayetteville, Oct. 29,1853. C5-3mo I oict'. THE snbscrlbtr offers for sale, his LANDS, six miles North of Fayetteville, and alxmt one mile from the Fayetteville ani Raleigh Plank lioad, consisting of about twelve hundred and sixty acres of land, suited to the making of Turpentine or TimlK'r. There is also on the premises j 1 good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good repair and now h operation ; also, a Dwelling, and all the necessary oi-houses, in good repair. Also, another iract of two hundred aud lifty acres, on the head waters pf Carver's Creek, known as the Tarry Place, on which (there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other houso. - On the first nkmed tract, there is cut about twenty five thousand Terpentine Boxes, from two to four vears old. . j All the aboveilands will be sold on the most accom modating termsl Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on tie subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the aboie lands. WM. P. BOLTON. Oct. 27, 1853. ' C5-tf B. V. CiRAIV, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, . ' ' WlLMIXfJTON', N, C, Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, and other produce. Office at the Store of Messrs Grady & Monk, North Water Street. J IV. BAKER Has received from the North the larsfest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FUllN'ITURE ever of fered in this market, consisting of fashionable painted cottage lied room furniture in setts ; curled-hair and shuck and cottonMattresscs; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; patent self-swinging Cradles; Side Boards ; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book Cases; What-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardro'ies; Picture Fi'afucs and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans .t Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine rosewood Pianos (Ben- net A; Co s, ot uroauway, iew ioi k; -s. October 2!L 1853 ly-pd Shucks Wanted. The subscribers want to purchase any quantity of the above named artices; those having the same for s.ie will do we toca on us at the Store No. 7, Green Street, North of the Market, after the first of January.- It. W. HENRY." Dec. 17, 1853. 72-tf J. HENRY. State of Narth Carolina Moore County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions -October Term, 1853. William Rollins and wife and others vs. Thomas Cox v: and others. Petition to divide Land. Tt appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Lewis Cox and Andrew Cox, t wo of the defendants in this case, are non-residents, and a copy of said petition cannot be Served on them, it is therefore ordered that publication for six weeks fe made in the North Caro linian, directing then! to appear rtt our next Court of l'leas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Moore at the Court House in Carthage, on the fourth Monday in Januuary next, nnd plead or demur to the petition, or the same will be taken proconfesso and heard expart as to them. Witness. Aexauder C. Curry, Cerk of our said Court at oSice ill Carthage, fhe -fourth Monday of October A. I). 1 853V Pr,advt$3 25 72-Ct A. C. CURRY, Cerk. WA4i8!f. A two horse wagon with fixturesconipete for sae . . J. & T. WADDILL. Dec. 17, 1853. 72-tf " FOli CHIIISTMAS. The subscriber has just received a verv handsome lot of new and fashionable WATCHES, Ear Rings. Finger Rings, Pins (entirely new pattern). Gold Thimbles, beautiful lot of Silver Cups, Spoons. Ladles, Forks. Ac. suitable for Christinas presents.- Cofne nd et fist choice.C ' J. M. BEASLEY. ' Dec 17, 1S53. 72-4t SOTICE. MCLES FOR SALE. The suliserlliers offer for sale Three Teams of Mules. agon and Harness. Those wanting JMules would do well to can on the premises. Also, 2003 acres turpentine Land for sale. Call and V j. k. MELVIN. Cypress Creek, Bladen Co., ) W. A. MELVIN. . December 8, 1833. $ 71-lf - iv" Tobacco. The subwriber continues to receive and sell, on man ufacturers accomit, all grades of manufactured Tolmcco. JuneS, 1H52. J. UTLEY. BR.ssWICK CITY, GEOltGIA. Large and peremptory salt of Building Isi in tu City of Brunswick, State of Georgia. The proprietors of the City of Brunswick hereby give notice that a. sale of five hundred eligible lots wilt take place, by pubJie auction, at the Oglethorpe House, in said city on Thursday tfte I2tb daj f January, 1854. iT- ?,clock- M- T" "ale will he positive to the high est bidder. Terms One-third cash, and the remaining two-tbirts m one and two years. Title perfect. The port andpnte of Brunswick hold out commercial and maritinie advantages superior to those presented by any other south of Chesapeake Bay, The climate is healthy; l&e tester pure. Furthef particulars, with maps, &c, may be had at the office of the Company, 90 Broadway, New York, or of Mr John Brooks, agent, Brunswick, Georgia. - WM. CJIAUXCEY, Pres't. Thowas DKSrrtit,' Secretary, December 17, 1853 , ". 72-3t Bank Checks and Notes. On afl the Banks In Fayetteville, just printed in a superior stvle, for sale at the - " Carolxniav Office, j iCUI CILTT tt AL. ' 7 From the Farmer1 Journal. .4 The Crane wf Onf offfietilttire i so mneh No liraneli neglected as the grasses; in this department our destitution is almost complete. There is some where an old maxim to the effect that, "An ex terminating war on the grasses, is death to the mo tn Onif ..,0 4. 1. 1 j rr t . 1 war, except Kentucky and parts of the moan tain v - --y, vuuuu, louaccu, c, nave on in turn demanded the extenilination of, grass. Our herds of horses, cattle, sheep,t hogs, &c, no longer thrive iu, the land, nor -rowd the rojids to market as in former times : for our wUd-m a st ranges are exhansted, a od extensive i 25?ronn? rarem oBer their key7 .wmterJ a,-' yf: : . . - - ' v ... . pork, &c, from the west and north, bear wit- ness to our deficiency, while the lands themselves present equal evidence that a destructive and unnatural system has robbed them of their powers of production. These are some of the consequences of a system which makes us look upou all grass as a pest; and mted of giving it a proper place among our crops, and with skill and judgment directing the effort of na ture to cover and protect our soils with grass, we spend an immensity of labor in counteract ing them, although we know that nature's own process for improvement of the soil is bv the growth and decay of vegetable matter upon it, and that nothing can better perform this ofhee than the grasses. We know that no agricul ture can he complete without a good rotation of crops; no rotation can be complete without the grasses; and no country can be well and cheaply supplied with stock animals without grasses for soiling and grazing. An old French song expresses nearly the same ideas : "Cultivate little but cultivate well Your crops alternate if good produce you'd soil. Your soil manure often : the return it will yield, Will tenfold repay what you spend on the held. Sow grass too. at times, if you wish to make sure Of having a plentiful stock of manure : Without grass you've no cattle, without cattle His plain. You'll have no manure; and without that no grain. Thus the grasses, whether as a part of a judicious rotation or as a source of forage, are indispensa ble to every kind of agriculture civilized or savage. We have among us no system of rota tion, good or bad; but as a substitute, we some times rest our lands as we call it; that is, let it lie one year in weeds; and every one knows their growth and decay on the land produce a happy effect. Now very few reflect that these weeds are just as much tt crop as any other, ana a pestiferous crop at that; and if taken off. would be as exhausting: or more so, than many crops we value much higher. Why not ther. substitute for the weed crop, one of peas, clover, grasses, Ac, and so institute a just ana true rotation of cleansing crops, instead of pes tiferous weeds and brambles? , , Tl plpjK.,is a mighty instrument so is the sword and an indiscriminate use of either must make sad havoc. From a general view oi dif ferent latitudes and their productions, we are fodtleed to think that the plow, like the sword, is much oftener applied to improper uses than we of this age are apt to suppose. From the equator to more than half the temperate zones, production and decay are very rapid, heat in tense, rains heavy, summers long, and evapora tion great. It is natural to suppose that these phenomena mnt make all summer culture far more destructive to tlie soils of southern, than to those of higher northern latitudes, where thev do not exert the same power, where evapora tion is slow, winters long aud summers short. This again would induce us to suppose tha i permanent crops as orchards- small graii., and grasses, &c, requiring but little summer ! culture, are especially adapted to southern soils, wlule the reverse would seem more appropriate to northern latitudes. We have no doubt, these inferences" are just: That for all soils permanent crops are best, because more in ac cordance with nature, that northern soils with stand summer culture best, and that the further south we go (towards the equator) the less summer culture the soil should have. Yet, it is notorious, that present usage is just the re versethe small grain grass and stock regions, are mostly to the north of us, requiring but lit tle summer culture, while all our crops at the south, demand the constant harrassing opera tion of the plow and hoe, exposing the soil to the scorching suns of suhimef, and heavy rains of winter. The whole process is unnatural, and no doubt impoverishes the soil as much as the crops which afe removed from it. Look at our broad plantations in April and May- where is the carpet of green, which the eye expects to hnd on the hclds in these balmy mouths of spring. In Vain it roves over countless acres except an oat or wheat patjh here and there the fields present the barrenness of winter, the soil is uuMivu up wiiu in; now, auu reiieeis imc. 111c; sunshine like the sand of a .desert. I 1 .... I ... . 1 . !., - I . 1 CI aV ,, II.. Jut our vamanie productions. cotton, corn, tobacco, &c., all require summer culture, a,,tl these summer crops and Fummer culture can never be abandoned. Neither ought they to be, but they could be placed in a more natnral sys tem, with a rotation embracing a proper scries of permanent crops, which aid in giving such fertility to the soil, that one acre world yield what four or five produce aow; leaving the general surface of the country nnder the re cuperating influence of a more natural system. Then, two or three thousand pounds of cotton, ten to fifteen barrels of corn, many tons of hay or whea &c, in proportion jkt acre, might be- come the common production, ii'iwij a gardenia fertility ami beauty s (.od first made it. Then the thousands which we sp. nds. . i i,. A-t would remain with lor norses, uiuu.-, . . us, to lead us into those proper um.u.. labor in agriculture, hk"""1 irignt or curiosity, was most likely crushed by merce, without which no country t"is j one of these descending fragments, ami when- a"-e, well fnlRl its destiny. 'Lot 'and his children turned round to look to- This wonrd establish the first .Treat principle i WarfJ the place where she had stopped, they for a healthy progress, viz : multiply and 111-; saw nothing but the salt rock whieh covered crease your valuable productions first, no mat- j her y)0(v The catastrophe may Ie explained ter wfcat they be granite, coal copper, grain, in ,nanTways; i,at having visited the spot, I or manufactures and they will break down the llofd tff thi opj,on t have now advanced, witb barriers which shut them from the marketof oot sct!ijin- however, to impose on others." the world whieh will have them commerce and wealth will very soon brinpr navigation and . --L u n .xt railroads to smoothe the way for their transit. Goon Hunting. Wc heard a few days ago and fixed wealth will be fostered on the soil of of a family in Yancy county, thut killed, in oner our own Carolina, instead of leaving her to week, four bears, one deer,, a polecat ad twen settle on the barren hills of the North or to ea- f racoons. Pretty good hunting btu-jDfg th rich the more fertile regions ef the west, J fwrfecat Salisbury Banner, Uliat, (he ttUI -u Do. y .f It was one of the leading characteristics of Kapoleon to regard nothing as impossible. IHrf astonishing sncccsses re to be attributed to ki;. indomitable will ecareely less than Lis vast "mil-;.,.. itay ?rcnitis.-i Wellington was distinguished for- a imilar peculiarity. Tlie entire Peninsula , cateraignwas, indeed, but one long display of ait Iron will,' resolute -tocdnqtfcf difficulties ljy wearing them out. Alexander the Great -was qaite aS striking an example of what a power fni Will can effect. His stubborn detcnuina tkMrto subdue the, -lVrsians, his perse verapicd ihjrhe crisis of battle, and the cnmlatiou Jo V yuieh he thus stimulate? his officers and men, did more for bi-ldnderful career of victory! ' lwnngtUem out man even insrreui siraiegie ftbinties. , " ;ln.tlc Ineana death struggle between En"-- kd nd rnc4, dtfrtllir tl first ZttZZ- . Til . . . 101 eon defeated the Uriti-h .i! ;-.. : again and again, new ones were as constantly formed, un til at last the French people, if not their Em peror, were completely worn out. The battle? of Waterloo, which was the climax to this tre mentions trugglc, was also an illustration of the sustained energy the superior will of the British. In that awfyl struggle. French imlie- ! tuosity proved too weak for resolution. "Wc will see who can pound the longest," said Wel lington, and as the British did they Won the battle. But it is not only in military chieftains that f strong will is "a jewel of great price." Nations and individuals will, and this alike in large un dertakings and in small. It was the determin ed will of our forefathers to Which wc are prin cipally indebted for our freedom. For the first few years after the Declaration of Independence we lost most of tbe battles that were fought; New York and Philadelphia were successively captured by the foe; South Carolina fell; New Jersey was practically re aniiexed to England; almost everything went against us. Had the American people been feeble and hesitating, all would have been lost. But they resolved to conquer or die. Though their cities were taken, their fields ravished, and their captured soldiers incarcerated in hideous prison-ships, they still maintained the struggle, making the pilgrimage of freedom, if we may speak in metaphor, literally with naked feet, which bled at every step. Had our fathers been incapable at Valley Forge, had they shrunk from the storm-beaten inarch on Tren ton, we should never have been an independent nation. There arc people in the Old World to .lay full of genius as well as of enthusiasm for liberty, who yet cannot achieve freedom, princi pally, perhaps, beeause they Want the indomi table will to walk the bloody pilgrimage. To the individual a strong will is as necessary as to the nation. Even intellect is secondary" in importance to will, A vacillating man, no matter what his abilities, is invariably pushed aside, in the race of life, by the man of deter mination. It is he who .resolves to succeed, wto begins resolutely 'again at . every fresh rn buff, that reaches the goal, Tbe shores of for tune are covered with the stranded Wrecks of brilliant men, who have Wanted energy, and therefore courage and faith, and have plrished in sight of more resolute, but Jess capable ad venturers, who succeed in making port. In fact talent without will is like steam dissipating itself in the atmosphere, while abilities controll ed by energy are the same steam brought under subjection as a motive power. Or will is the rudder that steers the ship, which, whether a fast-sailing clipper or a slow aver-haro-e, is worthless without it. Talent, asrain. is I.Tit'f sail will is what drives it. The inan with will is the one that pulls the strings and catches the dupes. Young men, starting out in life, have a will of your own! If you do not, you will be ruined. If 3011 do, you will succeed. even though your abilities be moderate. l'hil addfhia Ledger, Wilmi.voton and Manchester Railroad. We learn that the part of this Road west of the Great Pee Dee, was completed last week, so that the cars now run np the river. The Eastern end of the Road is also finished to within three miles of the Great Pee Dee. We are also pleased to announce that the cylinders at the Great Pee Dee Bridge are all sunk, and rest on a firm clay foundation, from sixteen to eighteen feet below the bed of the river, so that hereafter the construction of the bridge may proceed without impediment or delay.- Marie Star, Dec 21 Lot's Wife. A French savant, M. dc San ley, gives the following interpretation of the sa cred narrative of Lot's wife j "Tlie Djebbel-el-Melebb or Djehel-Sdoum, presents a compact mass of rock salt, the hight j of which varies, but never exceeds 100 yards. 1 .... . , the summit, the salt. IS COVCFCtl over stratum of clay of a dirty white 'hue. bv the I whole of the hill side presents whbicVous fisures l hollowed bv the winter torrew?, awl the con- i stant crumbling of the soil. At many j oint 1 appear vast pyriniioal oInmn; of salt, one of which has no doubt Ihjch takeftby Captain Lynch for the famous pillar into which Lot's wife wa.v transformed. All the disconnected masses, and those which still adhere to the mountain, have their surfaces deeply furrowed and indented by the rains. And lastly, wherever the rock leans over, its lower part is hung with stalatitics of salt. Is it possible foexplain the death of Lot's wife? Iam inclined to believe so, and , this would be my solution; At the moment when the huge mountain was feeaved up volcadieaHV, there must have been throughout its whole ex tent tremendous falls of detaehed masses, similar to those we have observed at every step. -1 - , . 1 11. 1 ... Lot's fflte having loitered behind, either through -t iwhh i ii m up wi iitktw jl .--