. - -- r.-i - 5 - i t -sr. : .' j r is : - A- t- I- ft 17 G ;':V' BRYAN &. YATES, Proprictorf.j;;;'; : ' .1 rilIXTJ?L BV ,W ICLI AM "J., YATES. . ;R03EItT K. B il I AN, - Editor," o- . .TcrtM f S&&crbUn to tfie'fforfi Carolinian -V' . . . . - .... - , ' ' h-. . e:agle copy; If pid fu aftvance, per 8imuin-,n 0' - " " 4i 'a.ttheiidof 3 nirtnth,, fr"2 50 . " . - attbecad oi"6njontbR, - S 00 v- t - . " "I at the end of tb year, '3 50 ?7o ibflcriptiou will be. received for a Eborter pcrlixl k jr. " tUaa oh year onlem paid 2a advance. . ' - , n;.'-? haang the ueefulaeaeT of th" pftfiei the proprietors of; fJe folloH'Iai' remarkably lew - ' .- . "Zr I, w th iCT teed.an-fWter ie post pttid. J 0 , - p. , . tt-te of AdTcrtai - :f ; SIxrty cente p:r square of 16 liner? for the firtt aud tbirly centu for each su)tieiit inwrtioa, uiilew the V - " Vdyertisemeut is publ-isbed for more than two montbe, wheuU will l'e cbaryod . For three niontbs, ----- $4 00 For nix month, ----- 6 For twelve mouths, ----- 10 CO All advertiseaiiiiits mnti be biiided iiiljy Friday 10 o'clock, m. io., to ensure tholr iit"erfiou in tlie next day's payar, ail i-houlfl bare the desired number of in Bertiaaf iiu.rki-d on tLtia, ori'acrwise tHcy will be iu mirUii i'.'l 1'oiHbiil uikI cburjjed accordingly. KRYAN L, YATES. marble: I" A C ri O It X' , BY GEO. LAUDEXi. Nearly ojp&(;ite Vo .E. Y. V.'iilliinti' Auction Store, rayct'.eviHe, N. C. 0t. 1, 153. y VA) Vv'D Mo PIIERSON WITH cusnnrwAY r o . . co. liupuritfH uad ,.Vli.-dt',ile Dealers in Foreign Ioravitic DllY GOODS, 24 L-e and 13 Uarcliiy ttreei, Nuw York. .N'ovml)!- A4 OSice l-'ch'y ;:. ut conu r of For,' .ad Green rtreetf. twrket at Law, V.i.MtN.ro.v, N. C Oftioe en iiie corner of Fro l-t and l'rlacoae streets nuder the Journal Oliice. A T r O H 3f E a' AT ii A V.' Fatkt TE VI f J.E, N. C. 09k oa Atidcr.-;on Street. October 22, 1S53 WOSiTil i ELLIOTT, . - (Ssureessors to J. D. Williams.) FOE''AK T-UjUA COM M I2S1C v y KP.CTT A VTS, ... - v.Ty2?TrrTE,f.jer' -V: C"'- ' . J. A. WUK1M. W. F. ELLIOTT, May 88 tf ZJ K . T . C . fl A is Zj Has removed to the well-knowu staiid of the Drs1. Rob inson, wrufr f Urwii and iiow rtrecl. April 23, 1S3. tf NDTtC K . o are in l-' i- i t me 1; TIIOSK vr!: Note or Accou?:i will please settie tilt? same. And a'.! debts due ra pri or to the ist Jau'y 1S.33. mii.-t ;e aol'led, us longer i;i dulgence cartaot be gireu. A. A. ifcKETHA-V. Oct 1. lt:-,3. tf "Vi! ik;to.v, N. C. JuTjurv T, 1 f-."4 v I'Ji-i S4LK C5J. KKJT, Ths tint' SI '.: g-ven i;nuK--l:;(.U-'ir. A'i..(tl' U J;in . I-:. Le.-te. . A. 'LEKTU. Li. (Vvik r V tf Uca lrr i Dry t;.)--;;:, G ..pj-iobi &n;I Pro rh'rd !( front N". i. e rr;ev Market Kaaare. nct to i). (ices l!;a Ste.ro Groen sheet, K.lVKITtV!!.!,:", X. (. 5r- AH kiiv.l-i of province taken ia exchans'e for Goods. Feb. is.: 3. v cm i !': -t i t rz K , FAY IS TTEVIL L j: , N September 18. i2. C WAitT:;a. 30.0') barrels Turpentine, delivered at my Distillery ia this place. fc v.,i.ch the a;ghest prices will oe paid. I you'd also employ two c-r barrel Cmpers. LuiiiIerio3. Fe!"v 10, 1 Jjf3 :ree t;ool turpentine 1. V. ROGKRS. tf FA Y E f T E VILLE FOUNOK Y. Caaiinjs of every description made to order. A lot of ilabbel !etal for tIe. V.'LXSLO'V STREET. Oct 1, 1853. ti iilEIGiJTl.V OJV THE CAPE PEAK. Th subsciilxTs Laving purchased the Steamers EV . ERGREflN and SOUTHERNER and Tow Boats, lately the properly of the Ilenvieti.a Steambiat Company., are now prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil- a-iuingtou ana f ayevievme, uli Ireiguis fr goodi ts entnt ed to them. F. N. Jfc J. H. ROBERTS. Fayetteville, FeVy 19, lR-:. tf A. ril. Campbi'i!, AtCTIO Bi3U 4. CO.UMISSIOX MEKCIUXT, FAVKTTiiviu-i:, N. 0. October 1. 1F33. C HEAP Ci C t f !S, I am cow receiving a much larger stock of Fancy Dry Goods than I have yet offered in Fayettcviile, consisting of Dry Good3 of every description. Hats, Roots, Shoes, and j Camber that may be sent in. Having- a superior qual-Readv-inade Clothinsr, which will be aold as low as auv :l-v ru"bvv to saw. he. is confident his Lumber can Koods in the State. - j lK b'; surpassed. 1 will be gUKi to nave tnc laaies can an.t examine my Btock. V-r- MOURE. Sopt. 17, 1853. tf I have receive my FallSioekof DRY GOODS, M v stock is lar '.nd well worth the attention of pur d ol produce taken in exchange. chasers. COT TO N B A G GIN G . I have a plentiful supply of (I mm y and Dundee Cot ton Bacrtrint'. Bale Rope, and Rugging Twine. Send in your orders and they shall bo supplied. J JAME3 G. Ci JOOK Oct 3, 1853. tf i.AiJ SROKEU. I have fo many calls about Turpentine lands that I have coucluded "to offer my services to buy and sell. Those having lands for sale will furnish me with plots and quantity, together with a fair description, and price. ' Nov. 1?, 1S33. CS-tf. JAMES G. COOK. The nbfriber has' iunt 'rtoalftti'.iaiiette XewSto,re on the East aide orGwbtrect, afw doors RnnawariProm'the mibwrilx-v. his Nejrro men. JOHN Hiid TO BEY. John is abort 26 voars -old. 6 feet 1 hicli llich. WriT!! nVinnt. 155.-, tP lllfl IKk H'oViot aTrr.. oli.nt 2i yearss 5 feet 9 inches hiyh. stout, and weijrlis 175 lbs. They'wcrc bought from Mr James Surles, of C'um iKnand county, and will probably be lurkinsr in that neiirliborhoodr Tobey.'haw a wife at fr Richard Bird's, iu Johnston County.- TT,cnt3T-Five Dollars for either, or Fity DoilarK for both, will be-paid for their appre hesision a,rid delivery to the subscriber, or for their con finement in any Jail in the State, ko that he can get theia. Au additional Hum of One Hundred Dollars will be paid for the conviction of any person of harboring the above Negroes. JOHN COLEY. Fair Buff", ColuMbss Co. N. C, Oct. fi. C3-tf M. HAHliAUtJSl, Architect iitl5tr, Fjcllcil!c, 5. C, lleppectfully informs the public that he is prepared to execute FLANS of every description such as State and Court Houses, Prisons, Ac. Also, Churc hes, Cot tages, and other public and private edifices, costing from $500 to S10.OO0; Bridges. Roofs, Ac. Ac., all with Specifications and Contracts made. for the same. He will also superintend all kinds of work. Order will receive prompt attention, and Plnp C 5 7 . w N. -. ' ' - . . . ' 1 ' ' I L drawn ,ad eent to any part the. country at short notice. Ort. !. Ifi5?. ly pd tSOO ACttXSS av LAXDU'OU SALE. " The subscriber offers for Fp.le twelve hundred acres of Land, located in the lower end of "Richmond county. It is alto'it' eqvii-distant from Flr.ral College; Lanreii burg High School, and Laurtl Hill. The Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, Ac. It also offers great inducements io those engaged in the turpentine and lumber business. I have constituted Alexander McLean, Es'j. my agent, during my absence, to whom all communications in regard to the mutter may lx! addressed at Giie.polis P. O.. Robeson county. Luiber lilne, who resides near to the premise, will take deH4iir in exhibiting them to any one who mav Call for that purpose. . J. G. BLUE. "t. 22, f,4-tf to MIL.!. ow:khs, The -subscriber trskes this method of informing his friends and th piii.'Le tit At he still continues in the. Mill framing, and erecting V.ater or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, either with pimple or complicated ma chinery. Ha returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has-received heretofore, and hopes by strict attention to business, and by giving general aarrSIike'-ioTir "to meiiifi , i "1 ' ' " ' 1 n flatters hir.iscir tTiattitSTTrik will compete with that of any otiicr machinist forspeeAl and durability. All per sons who want work done in the above line would do well to give him a call, as he haa several compeleut workmen in his employ, and i:j prepared to execute all jobs at the shortest; notice and on very reasonable terms. Orders promptly attended to. For further information address the tuoscrilter at Johnson vi lie. Cumberland eojiitv. N. C. D. H. JOHNSON. No'. imlr 16, 185? y-ipd. (ilLL:i Sii PLl! Ihc Subsei tber, a rm perierice, has for S(i;e? tim tii't'KA BAivMSfl. icr.l iloot-ciakcr of some ;een e r,itk that there is a lii.'sid, i -it?,i to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable bnrni.-n ior boots un.i seovs. Most 01 the articles uow used cither injure the leather or fail to imparl that lustre so necessary to give to man's u:i deritartdiag a prper iinisii. He has there fre, dur ing the last twelve mouths, been devoting himself to the tu ot preparing ua articH tree trom these os.-j l.o-is, and has at lengt: na;th after much investigation and experiment complft-dv succeeded. i lie revolt is Gills wi..hcs tliat it nt- plus u'tru Burnish.'' He liia? be tested in order to est or.ly 1 1 us sapor.ortry ovet .11 oil jer. Call on liiiu at his shop opposite Mr LaudcrV jfarLle Factory, Hay street, and be supplied .vita an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov 8. !lv3 tf F.tbb S;SiL,lti5?:. I have alwavs on hand a ful! assortment of GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, and oilier Goods suitable for the Full ami Wink r Trade, ;.nd which I offer for Cash, or in exchange for Produce cf almost any kind. I have now in Store Flonr, Meal, Corn. Rice, Bacon. Lard, Batter, Cheese. Crackers, Salt, white Clarified So gars, iiio and Java Codec, Tea, Mohv ses, Vinegar. Fish. Cigars. Tobacco, Suntf, Candles. Soap, Starch, Spleen, Candies. Pepper. Bucket?, Brooms, wrought and cot Nail a, Powder. Shot. Percussion Cups, and a good uaiioriment of Dye Stufld; with many other things in the Grocery Hue. Also a good asworttaent of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kersevs, arid a good assort ment of Readv-made Clothing. (5all and buy clman. W. II. CARVER. Octotxar 29, ltS53. 7fi5-6m Notice ! Having purchased the stock of Material on hand at the Shop formerly owned by ?Ir. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. C. Laliy, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Road Wagons, Carts, Drays. Wheelbarrows. Ac. 1 have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axlosr-Gyutins, Bolts, and in short, every thing that the Wagon-maker cun need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron Axles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have ten good and competent Workmen at the business, and will give it my whole and undivided at tention. My prices shall be as moderate as the times will ad mitand I will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States to eouai mv work, cither in point of style or durability. THOS. C. FULLER. Get. 29, 1853. 65-tf The SHU thut look tlie I'l t iiiiimi I The under?' gned has the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of Robeson and the adjoining counties, that he has purchased the entire interest of Messrs. Gregory A Rogers in the Steam Saw and Grist Mill at tins place: and is now prepared to till all orders for ieiTis for Flooring a?id Weather-boardintr $12 lach Boards. Ceit'of ?irui Re:nt1 111T M.tul .;:! ing, 10 5 ""."k n.u juice, sav x ne cash will invariably be required on delivcrv of the immner. as the undersigned intends kefi.b.1 no oooks ior mat purpose. Tlie abovn i.n. 1. stric tly adhered to in all cases. D. W. ROGERS Lumberton. Dec. 10, "IS53. 7i-tf 15. V. GRADY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WlI.MINOTOK, N. C, Tdbcral cash advances made on consignments of Nav;il Stores, Cotton, and other produce. Office at the Store of Messrs Grady A Monk, North Water Street. Mov. I. 3m Bank Checks and Notes, On all the Banks hi Fayetteville, just printed in a superior style, for sale at the Carolinian Office. - , SUpIand Fauovpry Goodsr.A- large acrtr-:iit of HosIa - jVesiUk v4-to -"?r , , Trj" KtabriHiiufr a general awsortfnebt of I-aliee' and1 Oentle- liadXcJc?f- - X ' "".l' ic,' nTjTfr 'IT. ' iiid Mant.Uas. some vctv fine-, and a!o a wd asjrt-1 floods o ej. crated ee- 4, fKt ' : .V- " - r" 2iOC."- ' 'C " v , , at ' r . ( ,' Uoyp and Cliildmn. And the best asssortment-otHUk. j hrtx;aa5d bj-UiKMSS.-eUieuetJoat, .hjs.:-, . f , ..v""'- and other styles of llenneta iiehaa 'ere, offered tie tlH&et , iP eSTcr to the Ur la npou titeLr " puldjc.'-- , r',- ;" - . - "T- vholaeale buy,cr" uscaj term. , .t ' - - 'it Sugw. doffee ffea,' Plppci6, Sp'o.,' aiji Tobacco, ' - ; - " . -" ; "F.rAl. V " Ttrv t" Jnter--t lhV. (; . CEDAR, FLIS CJttoa.. XarRulhcet- K : iare rcVivCl dVW- C i2T ' IrCl" ..rr' & A i -' ' ' ' fo r--, -ism- tAIefcin arid other styles fashionable Dref. Hats; Satin 1 bonnets; Hoots ana huoet", etc we call nartienlar attention to n. snlrnrt id As sortment of Ready-made- Clothing1, Of the very best material and -workmanship. In our stock may be found all Goods suited to the season, at the very lowest market prices. All ia want of Goods in our line will please give us a call E. Li. A J. A. PEMBHRTON. nay St., Fayetteville, Oct. 8, 18.53. 62-tf FIVE PKl'IT! KISB' Fill'ITlX Ten Thousand Apple Trees of the finest kinds, ripen ing m succession, troni the earliest to the latest. Ten Thousand Peach Trees of the finest kinds, ripening in succession, from early in June to November. One Thousand Cherry Trees of the finest kinds, ripening in succession, from the first of May to July; also, a line assortment of Apricots, Nectarines, Plums. Pears and Strawberry plants, for sale at the Pomological Gardens and Nurseries, at Cane Creek, Chatham countv, and New Garden, Guilford county. Orders for trees should be sent in eariy. Catalogues will be sent to all appli cants. During my absence my brother, Owen Lindley, will deliver trees at Cane Creek, and my son, Albert G Lindley, at New Garden. JOSHUA LINDLEY. New Garueu, Guihiford county, N. C. The 11th of the 10th mo., 765-3m CARTHAGE HOTKL. Having recently purchased the above establishment from Malcom Kelly, Esq., I am now prepared to enter tain in a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample stables, good hostlers and a dis pos'rtion to accommodate, 1 trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favr me with their patronage. H. C. MeLEAN. December 3. 1833. 70-tf N t r 1 t: (b Having purchased the intcrcFt of T. R. Underwood in the firm of G. W. Lawrence A Co., I will continue business as heretofore at Mart's Gakdkx." I have from 12 to 15 Coopers constantly at work manufacturing SPIRIT BARRELS, at the rate of 100 to 125 per week; have now on hand 400 Barrels for sale, at $2 25 cash at the shop, or 52 35 delivered in town. - I shall also continue the distilling of Turpentine, and will pay within 15 cents per barrel of the Fayetteville pric-e in cash, or goods at cash prices. l ua'z 111 outre a- ucaeiai u. . n for sale at Fayetteville prices. All kinds of country produce taken'in exchange for good. Call and see.' G. W. LAWRENCE. Nov 25, 1853 CO-tf A I Home Again. W. DR AUG HON has the pleasure of informing his customers and the pnblic that he has moved his Etock oi vxeona to n;s new siore. at u;e oiu sianu. - His rvcotit purchasess in New .York and l'hiladelphia makes his slock complete. He Las o.:i hand, for sale at low prices, a full stock cf Groceries tiisd Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hardware fc Cutlery, Crockery and Glass-ware, Window Glass, Clocks, Pare French Uraudy, Holland Gin, St. Croix and Old Jamaica Rum. Fort, Madeira, Brown and Golden Sherry, Malaga, SIcilv, ami ocatmeruo! -1 r-t Old Rye WliLdcuy, With his usual lar-e .stock of Domestic Lwpiors. Also. 20 dozen Wolfe's Aromitt'c Schneidarn Schnapps. 100.000 Segara, (very cheap,) 25 Bask-"ts Champaigue, Hock Wine, (six varieties.) Sarvliaes; Sperm and Adamantine Candles. W. DR AUG HON, Market Square Nov 12, lfc3 3ci State of ?t ortn. C'aroliii liobrun County. Court of Plsas and Quarter Sessions JVbvembcr Tt nn. IS53. Henry F. Pitman vs. Calvin Barnes; and the same vs. the same original attachment levied on land levied on the legal and equitable interest of the defend ant, Calvin Barnes, in audio an undivided tract of land containing 300 acres, lying on the west side of Flowers' Swamp, & adjoining the land of Parker Nye A others. It appearing to the satisfaction cf the Court that the defendant, Calvin Earnes, has removed from this State and is a non-resident of this State, on motion, it is-ordered that publication be made in the North Carolinian a newspaper published in the town of Fayetteville, for sis weeks successively, notifying the said Calvin Barnes the defendant, to be and 'appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumberton, on the 4th Monday of February next, and then and there to replevy and plead to the said suit, otherwise judgment by default final will be granted against him, and the land levied on condemned to satis fy the plahitiif's debts, interest and costs. " Witness, Shadrach Howell, Clerk of our said Court at office in Lumberton, the -ith Monday of November A. D. 1S53, and of American Independence the 7&ih year. Issued 10th December, l-$3. .... :,. 72-f,t ; S'D'H. HOWELL, C.C. C. - NOTICE. MILES FOR SALE. , The subscribers offer for sale Three Teams of Mule's W agon and Harness. Those wanting Mules would do well to call on tue premises. - , Also, 2000 acres turpentine Land for sale. Call and see. " J. K. 3IELVIN. .""ypress Creek, "Bladen Co., W. A. M ELY IN.' 71-tf December 8, 1S53. WASOX. A two horse wagon with fixtures compcte for sae J. A T. WADDILL.' Dee. 17, 1853. 72-tf Shucks Wanted. j The subscribers want to purchase any quantity." of the above named articles; thoso having the same Tor sae wiZ do we to ca.ll on us at the Store No. 7, Greel Street, North of the -market, alter thefir-d of JanuarVl R. W. HENRY. ? Dec. 17, 1853. 72-tf J. HENRY. V " ' J. W. I5AKEU ' Has received from the North the largest,-finest, and most carefully selected stock of FURNITURE ever of fered in this market, consisting of fashionable painted cot tare bed room furniture in setts; curled hair and phaek and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; patent seli-swuiging Cradles; " Side Boards ; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book Cases : What-Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle. Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes: Ottomans; Divans & Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine rosewood Pianos (lien net & Go's, of "Broadway, New York). : . October 29, 1853 ly pd . ; : 10,000 lbs. Tallow wuntetiy For which the highest cath price will be paid. . -; '.';'' Oct 8, 1353 . A. H. CAMPBELL . ,ocdi5lj ttifjf 'tl"tj: urtomersaad t itta-r xsnif taat tiiey ire mow te- 1 , . 'The Acaiimy is situated on the Stage Road leading from FayeJeyHle to Fair Bluff, 7 milts from the latter place; m-aisaltky and moral neighborhood. Studeattwdll be prepared for any- College desired, and all pofible effort will be used to attain a thorough and practifcl scholarship. ; s Hates y Tuition per Session office months: Spelling, iading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic, and llmary Geography, v . $8 English Gridmar, Geography, History and Writ ten Ar hmetie, $12 Ancient Lt guages, Mathematics, and Natural Scienct , - $15 - Extras. Music oh Psno, with nse of Instrument, $18 Drawing'anl Painting, and French, each, $5 Needle Wo. $3 A young jady, who has had several years' Bnccesp ful experience t teaching, will give instruction on the Pi ano, and also assist in the Literary department. Board in families near the Academy can be obtained at 6 aad 7 jollars per month. iO. C. LEE. JlRIGHT WILLIAMS, and other, Trustees. Dec. 241853. 775-3t-pd Court c 7) fleas and Quarter Sessions February Bright Willfams, Administrator-of Alfred R. Rogers, vs. Henry Rogers, Ebezcr Rogers, and others. Petition td sell a Slave for the payment of Debts. It appearing to the Court that the following persons, next of ki!J)f the testator, Alfred R. Rogers, are non residents oftthis State, to wit : Mary Deer and wife Folly, Barnes and wile Milly, Nancy .Rogers, who are th. brothers and sisters ot said Alfred R. Rogers; Zk j, Jesse, Henry, Bigtim, Buddy, Looper, Dew, Ebenefer Parficld, Irviu Scott and wife Mary Ann, Robert Susan, Scaly, Hinant and Hannah Rogers, who are thelhildreu of Dew Rogers, deceased, who was a brother ofvaitl Alfred R., the intestate, are non-residents of thisBtate ; it is ordered that publication be made in the I.'orth Carolinian, a newspaper published in the Townkf Fayetteville, for the s-pacc of four weeks, notifiying t rie above named parties to appear at the next Term of Ihe Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Robeson, at the Court House in Lum berton, on thefourth Monday of February next, and then and therein answer, plead or demur to said Peti tion, or tlie sanfe will be taken as confessed as to them. Witness Shsdrach llowell. Clerk of said Court at office ia LfiBVrton, the fourth ifonday of Noveinlier, A. D. ijf. anjfcof Aiicrican Independence the 7Kth year. SD 11. IIO WKLL., CltrSC. C. .,. ' is.;--'-'- ,,: iGCAiSO. . - ' - 20 Ton Peruvian Guano, just received ia Store and for eale bjr A. Y. STEEL. January 7, 1S5-L - 775-2t - LATK ARHIVAbS. THE subscriber is daily receiving additions to his stock of SEASONABLE GOODS, which are offered at fair prices, for cash or produce. JUST TO HAND. Super Black, Brown , Blue and G reen FROCK COATS. " " " " Over Satin, and other kinds of. Vests. Cassimcre Pants and Pants Stuff. Hats. Caps, and CITY-MADE Boots, light and heavy, which will be warranted to purchaser. . Also, a large stock common Boots and Shoes. Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, and Carpeting. 1 piece heavy Cocoa Matting, for passages. WOOD-WARE. Tubs, Kelars, Pails. Buckets, va rious kinds, Ac. Blacksmith's Tools,. Mill Saws, Cross Cut and Hand Saws. Glue, Hoop and other Iron, with a good assort ment 'of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard-Ware, making a very fair general stock. Buyers are invited. "v THOS. J. JOHNSON, Near the Cape Fear' Bank, below the Market House. Fayetteville', Oct. 23, lt-53. 65-3mo THE SUBSCRIBERS will receive proposals for 100, 000 lbs. of Cotton Batting or Wadding. Also, for 3,000 000 (three millions) of Reeds from 3 to 3i feet long, and also, 10,000 (ten thousand) pounds of good clean Corn Shucks, in stated quantities. For further particulars inquire of R. W. HENRY. " Fayetteville, Nov. 14, 1853. 68-tf. J. HENRY. Liiiie 00 Casks, fresh from the kiln, ' Calcined Piaster Paris, Cement and Plastering Hair, A few casks extra white Lime, for putty or wkite- waVaine;, for tale by J. W. POWERS A CO. October I, 1S53 tf Till LAST NOTICE. The firm of Cook A Taylor was dissolved the first of last May. There has been but little heed paid by their friends "to the call for settlement of their notes and ac counts. We now distinctly say that all notes and ac counts remaining unpaid will be put in a train of col lection during the month of January. JAMES G. COOK. Dec. 24. 73-4t WILLIAM TAYLOR. V O T I C E . ilii 'pursuance of an order of the Court of Picas aud Quarter Sessions ot iiiatlen county, win De muu on Thursday the 9th day of Fcb'y next, at the Mills, the late residence of Geo. T. Barksdalc, dee'd, upon six months' credit, Nine Valuable Negroes, viz: Jack, Ned, Matilda, Charity, Sophy, Eliza, Dolphin, Alexan der, and John. Bond and approved sureties required. Sold to pay debts. P. MURPHY", Adra'r. Dec. 31, 1853. 7J-5t " A Teacher w anted for 12 months, qualified to prepare Boys for College. 3150 and board will be paid one to suit and well recommended. A portion of the time a Common School w ill be taught. Address the subscriber, Taylor's Bridge, N. C. - PATRICK MURPHY, , Dec. 31, 1S53. 71-4t EQUITY SALE. On Thursday, the 19th of January 1854, pursuant to a Decree of the Court of Equity for the County of CumiK-rland, I shall expose to sale, at tne AlarKet House in Fayetteville, tho following valuable TRACTS OF LAND: All that AVharf property in Lower Fayetteville, known asO'Hanlon s Wharf, including the Warehouse ou Water'street. ', A Lot in Camnlwdlton. known as the Flaxseed Ware house Lot, eighty feet by thirty-five feet, inches. - Improved Lot in Campbcllton, known as the White head Lot " A Lot on Water street, joining the Wharf lot, known as uie j ones lot. . : A Lot and Dwelling House on Gillespie street, South of the Bank of the State, at present occupied by Joseph Arey, Esq. 200 acres of Land, near Mrs Nott's a short distance from the Western Plank Road. " Terms Five per cent. cash. For the residue, six months' credit-for approved Notes at Bank " ARCH'D A. T. SMITH. C. A M. E. Dec. 24, 1853. "3-lt -. ' i --;-Yo?k, &- anther tl -Ca -rseagiv'fc,- refe-' j,to t-L4yCTV,,J the XTrr Hi w V in tcrcst.- yTttmin!' ton Herald - - ,f W Now this Mt Rennet is the anthor of t.thc Distribution Bill of the last session of Congress, about which so much has been said. He pro poses at an early day to go behind the official record for the purpose of showing that t he pub lic lands are a burden tothe General Govern ment, costing more than they come to. What is Mr Bennett's object in making this avowal? His object is no doubt, by showing that the public lauds are of no advantage to the General Government, to incline members to vote away to the several States that which to the Govern ment is valueless. But if those lands be a bur den to the Government, as Mr Bennet contends, will they not also prove a burden to the States? Can thirty-one competitors, all anxious to sell, dispose of tho lauds better than a single person owning the whole, and not obliged by necessity to force the lauds upon the market at a- time when the demand is not active, and tho sales slow? If Mr Bennett does not mind what he is about he will prove too much for the cause in which he is engaged. If he proves that the public lands are so valueless that they may be donated away by the Government without loss, he is in some danger of also proving that they are so valueless that they are not worth receiv ing by the separate States. Arrival of the Baltic Late from Europe The steamer Baltic arrived at New York on the 12th, from Liverpool. The news; by this arrival is of not much importance. No change in the state of the market. The political news is void of interest. No new battles had occur red between the Turks and Russians. Lord Paluicrston' still retains his seat in the Jihio-Iijjb nbfrpf having withdrawn his YeiArna tiou." Humors were hie- tlx Certainly unite with France in making war upon Russia. . The war in China was still progressing,, but with little result on either side. The loss of the Imperialists is said to be considerable, while that of the insurgents is small, which gives them confidence. N. C. Mltcai. IxsuiUxce Company. The Eighth Annual Meeting of the members of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company was held at their office, in this City, on Tues day, the 10th iust. Tlie following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz : Col. J. B. G. Roulhae, Presi dent, H. D. Turner, Vice President, S. W. Whiting, Treasurer, John C. Partridge, Secre tary, and J. Hersman, Gen'l Agent. The old Board of Directors were-eleeted. It afforcs us pleasure to record the prosperity of this, the oldest Insurance Company in the State. They have issued, during the past year, about 1,100 policies, have promptly paid losses to the amount of about $9,000, and have a sur plus on hand exceeding $10,000 showing an increase of busiuess of 50 per cent, ou the trans actions of the preceding year. Hal. Standard. Shocking: ."ttarder. It was but a few weeks ago, says the Green brier, (Va.) Era, that we published the mar riage of Iligginbotham, of Raleigh county, to Miss Rebecca Gwin, of Fayette. We have now to record the bridegroom's arrest for the mur der of his wife, almost ere the honeymoon was over. There was some disparity between the ages of the pair 16 or 18 years and the mar riage seems to have been cousumated with mean motives ou the part of the husband. The bride had a property of $3000 or $4000 iu ber own right; and the husband, who seems to be a person of an obtuse and mean mind conceived the idea that by getting her out of the way he could possess her property. Being iit the Blue Sulphur Springs on Christmas day he bought two ounces of arsenic aud a quantity of loaf sugar; and on his return home, administered a dose to his unsuspicious wife. The dose was so large that it caused vomiting, but enough was left on the stomaeh to cause her death in about half an hour. The husband was over-solicitous in hurrying the funeral, which caused her relatives to take the corpse to her mother's in Fayette. Here they resolved upon having a coroner's inquest held over the corpse, and sent for Dr Ilnnter, of Lewisburg, to make an examination. We have not learned the nature of the jury's vir dict, but it was such as authorized his arrest. Dr. II. brought the heart aud stomach of the deceased away with him, and last night sub mitted the contents of the latter to several chemical tests, which conclusively shew the presence of arsenic in large quantities 'Iligginbotham is now in Fayette jail; but as the crime was committed in Raleigh county, he will doubtless be removed thither. Transfer of Property. The spirit of specu lation seems to be rife in BrnnswicK to mij. It is but a short time since we chronicled the sale, bv the Hon. J. J- McKay one or two months'before his death, of the Green Swamp lands in that county, for $10,000; and we now understand that the same tract has been sold to a company for $00,000. It is an extensive tract heavily timbered with cypress. Wilming ton Herald. -s; Maryland ia 184 pronoseJi - ' t.h - V -. ofa StatoChet, -wjth one ascT wedar- r widen her Ltrine:; r-wLM'ilSok. r-fAir J turn to Ue frr- (:ts- -ranUam-of L-i ? toTt .t- tor She p- I , cLr At-cr. , 4 ...3 k.x iaf .ito'.j sarl per: h8 hi? received - the recoraiftCTaatioi majority of the Committees of Agriculture of " both Senate and House. At the next spssion, when the report of the State Chemist was read, 2,500 copies were first ordered to be printed, then 8,000 more, and afterwards 2,000 inore, and his salary was increased to $2,000 and an assistant appointed with a salary of $1,000 and they were directed to locate their laboratory in Baltimore where all soils, marls, limestones, nriejrnls and manures of the State which may be3eposited in their office for that purpose shall be analyzed by the said State Chemist or assistant free of charge aud a memorandum of the analyses hand ed to the proprietor. Now in Marvland the farmer or laud owner has only to send his soil, &c to the State Chemist's office to be ana lyzed; if he want guano lime, cvnsum. or any other agricultural material, he has only to go to the State Chemist's office, where he finds samples of all which are in the city for sale. already analyzed, aiuLtlie Chemist or assistant prepared.to inform him where they are to be had, at what price, and what their constituent qualities and strength, and how much their soils will require per acre to make them most pro ductive. It is the duty also of the Chemist to go through each district and advise the farmers and give a course of lectures upon its soils and agriculture, and deliver a copy of the lectures to the clerks of the courts'," to be printed for circulation anion; the farmers ; and it is also made his duty to report to each Legislature what he has done and his views, aud theso re ports are printed aud circulated by the Legis lature and Chemist. - - . It must be clear to ever' one that such ar rangements will remedy the defective education of the farmers of the present day, and will im prove our Agriculture rapidly. For the rising . generation, the State of New Yoik, after six years' trial, has succeeded in establishing "an agricultural school or College, and bought tho most highly improved farm in the State for its location as an experimental farm, .and made its owner, her most accomplished farmer, .its Pros- . ith nt. Such, a "school or College,- with an ek- I perunental farm, would soon put a-stop to the; . 1 !. '''?" ! ' r 1 ' ' ' r.f;"S'"ififcawfani't'j.'!S yi ujjncunurc rs so rnpiuiy carry wg m. i :, , . . , . Wild Race of a Locomotive. Recently on the Miami Railroad a collisiou occurred at Milford. There was no loss of life, but the circumstances were quite remarkable. There had been an unusually heavy fall of snow the night previous, by which the track became heavy and the trains fell behind time at the Milford station. The conductor was on the platform helping the ladies to and from the cars, when the whistle of the Hillsboro freight train was heard, and the locomotive .ecn coin ing around the sharp curve above Milford, at ful! speed. T':e conductor of the freight train was 011 the engine aud told his engineer to check up. The signal was given, but tlie brakes were insufficient to hold the wheels, and the curs came booming down the slippery track with abated but dangerous speed; wheels were reversed, and the conductor and engineer jumped from the engine. A brakeman 011 the mail tram shouted to the passengers to get out, but before they con Id escape the descending locomotive came into the ear with a terrible crash, and went nearly through, splintering wood and iron, but and there's the marvel killing not one of the twenty passengecs, the most of whom had got well forward before the irou Lorsc came thun dering over their scats! When the engineer of the mail train heard the crash of the collision, he supposed his own train would be driven over him, and with his assistants sprang off. The furnace had iust been crammed with wood, and there was a full head of steam on. The force of the blow un coupled the locomotive and tender from the bag gage car, at the same instant jerking the lever and throwing the throttle valve wide opt 11. Away sped the locomotive like an arrow, or, if we might so say, like a fiat of Omnipotence, sweeping down the track at seventy miles an hour! God help any hapless train met or over taken help the city but 14 miles below, for that distance will be devoured in lf minutes ! The escaped Eegine came howling byPlah. ville, visible for an instant to the appalled villa gers switched off into the double track, as light ning from one steel rod to another divergent, and thundered on to the city whose spires mut now have been seen from the iron disc of this fiery cornit but there was none to see, for no rider, or driver, or living human soul had the Engine none. On, straight on, the citv! the city! ! Happily the furnace door flew open, the draught ceased, and a little way above the up per Engine House, ou a heavy up grade, the locomotive's breath was spent; it came to a dead stand and stood there silent and cold, forming as much apart of the still wintry landscape ns the whittened rock and shronded trees on tho hillside above. Cincinnati Commercial. Is Want. Two young gentlemen in the town of Murfreesboi ough are in want of a wife. None need apply unless industrious, as the gentlemen are poor intelligent, to be agreeable compan ions pretty, that they may be more Ioveable. The j-onng gentlemen arc handsome and agree able. Address Invanhce, at the Tost Office. "We' clip the above from the Murfreesboro Gazette. We supjiose, as times are hard, and the "two young gentlemen are poor," they in tend to be very economical. One would ima gine so at least, as they have advertised for only one wife between them. "Two young gentlemen are in want of a wife!" Well, if they get her, she will have a double chance to escape becoming "a poor lone widow." TFar r en to n JTews. . ,J i it

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