fryj- ; .... . r-- - - u . zz- -yL-rrj waa t t-gzagi A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER -Devoted to Politics, the .'Markets,' - Foreign 'and lteMicstic -Nei7.J Literature, Agriculture, and General InformationTWO DrTUARS IN'ADVANCE. . - ' .. r , 1 1 --.- s : - ; ' --v---!?-"' """ ' F AlTIE viljLE, 0:-BATliR')Aj, FEBRUARY 25, 1854. BRYAN & YATES, Proprietors. I VOLUME XIV NO. 182. PRINTED BY WILLIAM J. YATES. 'ROBERT K. BRYAN, Editor. Terns or Subscription to the Jortii Carolinian : For n single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 " 'VAT at the end of 3 month, 2 50 " " 'i " at the end of 6 months, 3 00 " " at the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription Mill lc received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietors of fer the following remarkably low CLUB BATES, IJVVAR1ABL.Y .V ADVANCE: -..rW CfpUaf -the Carolinian, J .-;-. .--10 - " . ii- .' Letters on business connected with the firm must be addressed to the undersigned, and rmtst be pott paid. Rates of Advertising: : Sixty cents per square of 1C lines for the first and thirty cents for each subsequent insertion, unless the irert;ement is published for more than two months, when it will be charged For three months, ----- SI 00 For six months, - - - - 6 00 For twelve months, - - - - - 19 00 r--All advertisement must be handed in by Friday . 10 o'clock, a. m., to ensure their insertion in the next Jay'spapt-r, and should have the desired number of in sertions marked on them, orlherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. BRYAN A YATES. M A R I L K KACTORY, 15 Y GKO. LAUDER. Nearly opposite to E. W. WiUkings' Auction Store, Faytt?vill-, N. C. Oct. 1, 1853. v C A It Til AG K HOTEL. Having recently purcliaced the above establishment from Malcoui Kelly, Esq.. I am now prepared to enter tain in a comfortable manner those w ho may give me a call. Hiving ample stable, good hostlers and a dis position to accommodate, 1 trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their pztrona-e. IT. C. VLEAN December 3, lS.'i.".. 7o-tf J: D V I ) M cl'II K li s o x -with ti !l u I". T W A V 1? R . .fc t: O . Importers a?id Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and domestic DRV GOODS. 24 Park Place and 19 Barclay street, November 7, 1P53 f.m-pd 2sew York. PLASTATIOX AXD I.A.M) POIl SALE. The subscriber otlVrs his Plantation and Land for sale, situatc-d on th;? East side of Cap-- Fear River, about lour miles from Fayetteville. There are about 300 acres of Ian, 1, 30 of which are cleared and under cultivation. On the premises is a dwelling and all necessary out houses. The soil, for fertility, is not suroatsrted by anv on Cane Fear River. Persons wish- (Tpurchase will please call and examine the prem; A bargain may be had. " . s?o. JOHN McLEUAX. JanV 14. 1S54 3m-pd PR. T . C IS A li I. Has removed to the well-known stand of the Drs. insoa. corner of (Hreen ajid Bow streets. Rob- April 25, 1853. tf HUglily iinporlmit to Honfkrprr. JIATKESSES ! MATHKSSKS! JI ATRKSSKS ! All romprtitiojt in the trade defied. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has constantly on hand, and is manufacturing to or der, all kinds and sizes of Matresses. which he intends to sell '1 lueut in 5 percent cheape than a:iv similar establish- this play.' Il.tving served as an apprentice to the business in one of the northern cities. lie trusts that he .will be able to give the most complete satisfac tion to his customers. He manufactured hair Matresses Matresses with springs, fire Matresses. ami all kinds ot settee bottoming. He does also all kinds of repairing and renewinsr. Persons in want of any article in hi lin- are requested to call and see specimens of his work at the Post OSice building. JOSEPH OTTARBURG. January 21, 1854. 3m CLK1IFAT a. WKIttHT, Attorney at Lar, Payette vlllo, IV. C. Onic- at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3, lf53. J. V. BAK.UK Has received from the North the largest, finest, and mot carefully selected stock of FURNITURE ever of f-red in this market. coriMSlinjr of fashionable painted ..nHuro hi-ii i-.iriTii furniture in setts: curled-hair and lui.Jt and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; patent self-swinging Cradles Sid- Hoards : Bureaus; Secretaries and Jioot t.,ases; What N'ots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stand,: Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass: "Window Shades: Cornices; Curtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Totes; Ottomans: Divans A Stools Chairs of every variety. Fine rosewood Pianos (Ben net A Co's. of 'Broadway. New York). October 211, 1853 " l.V-pd SOTICE. THOSE who are indebted to me by Note or Account will please settle the same. And all debts due nie pri or to the 1st Jan'y 1S53. must be settled, as longer in dulgence cannot be given. A. A. MeK ETHAN. Oct 1, 1S53. tf li. M. Ml'lU'IUSOK, Commission and Forwardiuj; Mt-rchanf AVlLMISliTOX, X. C. January 7, 1854 j- ' O T 1 C E. Having purchased the interest of T. R. Underwood in the firm of G. W. Lawrence x Co., 1 will continue business as heretofore at Murt's Gakokx. I have from 12 to l.r Cooper;? constantly at work manufacturing SPIRIT UARRKLS. at the rate of 100 to 12o per week; have now on hand 400 Barrels for aale, at $2 25 cash at the shop, or $2 3.5 delivered in town. I shall also continue the distilling of Turpentine, and will pay within l." cents per barrel of the Fayetteville price hi cash, or goods at cash prices. Turpentine 1"a ntal. I now in Store a general assortment of Goods. fo- sale at Fuvetteville prices. All kinds of country produce i taken in exchange tor goods, call aim see. G. . LAW KKNCli. IS", 3 00 tf nAiiiii'iv 1'Lrr.ijEH, A T T O It N E Y AT L. A W, Faykttkvii.i.e, N. C. Oilicc on Anderson Street. October 22. 1S.VJ Ton MSB BHOKEll. I have so many calls about Turpentine lands that I have concluded to o!fer my services to buy and sell. Those having lands for sale will furnish me with plots and quantity, together with a fair description, and price. Nov. If, 1353. C8-tf. JAMES G. COOK. XOriCE.--MCl.ES FOlt. SALE. The subscribers otter. for sale Three Teams of Mules, Wagon and Harness. Those wanting Mules would do well to call on the premises. Aiu.. vnmi aeroa turnuatine Land for sale. Call and ' T 1- 1 K. MELVIX. Cypress Creek, Bladen Co., ) 'December 8, 1833. J W. A. MELVIX. 71-tf AMU WI5TEUI STOCK. For 1 8 5 3. . ' The suljscrilwr has just received and opened, at Ju New Store on the East side of Green street, a few doore from the Market House and nearly opposite his Old Stand, a large Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, . -Embracing a general assortment of Ladies' and Gentle men's Dress Goods, consisting in part of Shawls, Cloaks and Mantillas, some very fine; and also a good assort ment of Shoes and Boots, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Girls, Hoys and Children. And the best assortment of Silk and other fctylcs of Bonnets he has ever offered to the public. .. Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Sp'ces, and Tobacco, a fine article. P. S II EM WELL. October 8, 1853. - . CEDAR FALLS Cotton Yarns and Sheet ings fnrsale 1y- - - Ci'" - "" - - J (,v 19 1.S53 v - - I X J-W . Jf . lUk.'ll. i SloO KEWARDi iv from the subscriber, his fegro men. unawav from the subscriber, h.Begro men, .IOIIN and TOBEY. John is about 2(i years old. (5 feet 1 inch high, weighs about 15 ur 1!0 lii.s. Tobey aged about 22 yearss 5 feet 0 inches high, stout, and weighs 175 lbs. They were bought from Mr. Tames Surles, of Cum berland county, and will probably be lurking in that neighborhood. Tobey has a wife at Mr Richard Bird's, in Johnston County. Twenty-Five Dollars for cither, or Fity Dollars for both, will ! paid for their appre hension and delivery to the subscriber, or for their con finement in any Jail in the State, so that lie can get them. An additional sum of One Hundred Dollars will bp pa'd for the conviction of any person of harboring ! the above Negroes. JOHN' COLEY. Fair Buff. Columbus Co. N. C, Oct. fi. C3-tf II. II A I ti AlK.H, Architect mnl UiUldcr, Kj etlfTlIlr, 3T. C, Respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to execute PLANS of every description such as State and Court Houses, Prisons, Ac. Also. Churches. Cot tage, and other public and private edifices; Bridges, Roofs, vcc. Ac, all with Specifications and Contracts made for the same. He will also superintend all kinds of work. Orders will receive prompt attention, and Plans drawn and sent to any part of the country at short notice. Oct. 1"). 1S53. ly-pd i 2(o .t t:s oi' j,axi for sale. The subscriber offers for sale twelve hundred acres of Land, located in the lower end of Richmond county, it ..!-,,., t ,i;t.i,.t fv.., '.,11.-., v.. t ,.n-.-.i, ) ;nrr- Hit'h School. :nul T.anrel Iliil. Th Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, Ac. It ;slso oil'ers great inducements to those engaged in the turpentine ami lumber business:. I have constituted Alexander McLean. Esq, my agent, during my absence, to whom all communications in regard to the matter may be addressed at Gilopolis P. ().. Robeson county. Luther Blue, who resides near to the premises, will take pleasure in exhibiting them to any one who may call for that purpose. J- G. BLUE. Oct. 22. (U-tf t TU MILL OW.VEHS. The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public that he still continues in the Mill Wrisrht business and all its branches, viz: foundering, framing, and erecting Water or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, either with simple or complicated ma chinery. He returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received heretofore, and hopes by strict attention to business, and hv giving gene ll'li, t satisfaction, to merit a continuance "of the git me. flatters himself that his work will compete with that of any other machinist for speed and durability. All per sons who want work done in the above line would do well to give him a call, a? he has several competent workmen in his employ, and is prepared to execute all iobs at the shortest notice and on very reasonable terms. Orders promptly attended to. For further information address the subscriber at Johnsonville. Cumberland county, X. C. D. B. JOHNSON. Xovember lfi. 1S53 y-pd. ;ii,l.s XE The Subscriber, PlVf UL.YK.A HIK51SH. a practical Boot-maker of some ex- nerience. nas tor sotm time been sensible that there is a desidrratutn to be yet supplied to the public in the way j of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the ; articles now used eithor injure the leather or fail to j impart that lustre so necessary to give to man's ?:- , dtrstandin g "' a proper finish. He has therefore, dur- j i-ig the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec- t'ons. and has at length after much investigation and I experiment completely succeeded. The result in. (il'.s j 'if plus ultra Burnish.''' He only wishes that it i may be tested in order to establish its superiority j over all others. Call on him at his shop opposite Mr j Lauder's Marble Factory. Hay street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov 9. 18.-.3 tf tAIL SUl'i'I.IlCS. I have always on hand a full assortment ofGRO CKIMKS, PROVISION'S, and other Goods suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, and w hich 1 oiler for Cash, or in exchange for Produce of almost any kind. I have now in Store Flour. Meal, Com, Rice, Bacon, Lard. Butter. Cheese. Crackers, Salt, white Clarified and Brown Sugars. Rio and Java Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish, Cigars. Tobacco, Snuff, Candles. Soap, Starch. Spices, Candies. Pepper. Buckets, Brooms, wrought and cut N'ails. Powder, Shot, Percussion Caps, and a good assortment of Dye Stuffs; with many other things in the Grocery line. Also a good assortment of Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes. N'gro Blankets and lverseys. and a good assort ment of Ready-made Clothing. Call and buy cheap. W. II. CARVER. October 20. 1S"3. 7f5-fm cigaus: CIO AltS A few puperior brands just received. J. X. SMITH. Market Square. For sale by Jan 2S. IS.". 7S-4t XOTICE. THE subscriber offers for sale, his LANDS, six miles North of Fayetteville, and about one mile from the FavettcvilL- "and Raleigh Plank Rod, consisting of about twelve hundred and sixty acres of laud, suited to the making of Turpentine or Timber. There is also on the premises, a good Saw and Grist Mill, all iu good repair and now in operation ; also, a Dwelling, and all the necessary outhouses, in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on th' h-ad waters of Carver's Creek, known as the Tarry Place, on which there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other houses. On the first, named tract, there is cut about twenty five thousand Turpentine Boxes, from two to four years old. All the above lands will be sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above lauds. WM. 11. BOLTON. Oct. 27, 18-.3. C5-tf POTATOES. 100 351 .1 s super Northern Yellow, just received, and for sale bv Feb'v l", 18.r4 PETER 1 JOHNSON. PElllVIAX GUANO. AVehave received a largo supply of PERUVIAN GUANO, which we oiler at lowest market price . , -. 1K & ' McLAURIX. February 4, lXo4. 79-tf NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed a Commis sioner to sell the lands belonging to the heirs of James Chapman, dee'd, situate lyiug and being in the county of Cumberland, on the waters of the Cape Fear River, joining the lands of James Butler and others, hereby notilies all persons that he will expose the same to pub lic sale at the Court House door, in the town of Fay etteville, on Monday of March Court for the-couuty of Cumberland, upon a credit of six months, purchaser riving bond with approved security. JAMES ROBESON, Commissioner. Feb'y 1, 1S34. 7U-3t-pd FALL 1. LANDS AND SAW MILLS FOlt SAMSv The health of the subscriber being such aso-rt"t'r a change of business necessary, oner for sale the ;- . P LA STATION i V : . And One Saw Mill, : " ' IX GOOD REPAIR, " at Riverside, oft Lower Little River"; 14 milcfi&rsf of Fayetteville, formerly occupied by Col. A. Miirchison, containing some 250 acres, including the dwelling and all pther improvements, on the north side of the Kiver. There are about 50 acres under, cultivation, suscepti ble of a high state of improvement, from which, with ordinary care and industry, can be raised a sufficiency or prouuee tor bom mnl and farm yruuuce ior Dom mm ana farm. s-- - - Also, the'sa-.v mill tiniU-r (for 27 years) on several hundred acres of land (yet untouched) lving on the Rtme.tream above the mil, joining the lajida from wmch the null has been snpplicdT v-- - nsrwTOi mm) ieanm;for carry ingjm rffi snbsVriber. i r - .- 1 Any otiier intormation can be had ot. the suoscriocr or oi u. i . jiciveunan on tue premises, A. McKEITIIAN. Rivers:de, Feb'y 13, 1854 81-4t-pd WOKTH fc UTLEV, lui near ding and G'encral Commission Merchants, FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. J. A. WoKTH. JOSEI'II UtLEY. Feb'y 18 1854. 81-tf S H K M W E L L HOTS 13. IayrJlcvilic, JY. C. East side Green Street, a few doors North of the Mar ket Hou--e. The subscriber bees leave to announce to the citizens of FavctleviHe, and the traveling nblic, that he lias just tinished and opened his House, for the reception and entertainment of any who may wish permanent or transient Board. His house is large ami comfortable, and his table shall always tie furnished with the best the market w ill alford. He also has good and trusty Ostlers, who will attend faithfully to that department of the business. No pains spared to make those comfortable who may favor him with their patronage. a share of which is respectfully solicited. Charges shall lie moderate. P. SHEMWELL. Feb'e 18. 1S54. Sltf THOMAS J. JOHSSOS, Has just received, and offers for sale, 10 Bbls. extra Xew Orleans Molasses, 5 " " Svrup. 10 Mess Pork, 5 Hhds. new crop Molasses. Xorth Carolina and Western Bacon, Blacksmiths' Tools, complete, Together with a varied stock of GROCERIES? HARDWARE, AND DRY GOODS, which wiil be exchanged for country produce, cash, or good paper. " Also, a heavy stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, some very tiue. Also, fine Dress Coats and Pants, Satin and other Vests. Shirts. Ac. Ac. Also.. Distillers' Glue, and Seed Oats. THUS. J JOHNSON. ' el v i!- 1.S54. 81 tf c o :x n WIXTER STOfR FALL AI FOlt 1S53. STARR tt WILLIAMS are now receiving their se cond stock, for tins season, of Staple and Fancy Dry firwl.;- II ltu tiliYc: ! C'ilL- ..r,,l B'pnets; Umbrellas, and Ready-made Clothing; with a large assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Silk and "Cotton lla.'mkerchicls. The above stock embraces a variety cf Seasonable Goods not enumerated, comprising one of the largest assortments we Lave ever ottered; and having recently been purcha.M'd by the package, at a reduction from the prices of the first of the season, they will be offered to wholesale buvrrsoii our usual terms. J. B. STARR. Oct 3, 1853. J. M. WILLIAMS. SECOND rUlUH.VSB I'OK Til SO l-'AI.T. Oi' 18S3. The undersigned would notify their customers and all others buying in this market, that liiey art: now re ceiving a second Stock of Fail Goods for lfj:13, selected bv one of the tirm personally, consisting of a general assort ni nt of Dry Goods, Hardware, Hats, Poots and Shoes. Also A large addition to their stock of Ready-Made Clothing. All of which they offer to the trade upon their usual accommodating terms. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give our slock an examination before making their selections. HALL & SACKETT. October 1S53. ATTE5TIOJ?, THE WHOLE S While you are talking of your internal improve nients. forget not to call and tee the improvements made in Guns at M. A. Faker's Gun Manufactory, on Hay street, opposite the Post Office, where he has the Prussian Needle Gun, Aif Guns, and various improved Pistols, of Colt's Repeater, Allen's, Whitney's arms com pany with Maynard primers, Armstrong Duelling Pistols; with a large assortment of double and single barrel Shot Guns, Game and Shot Bags. Powder Flasks. Percussion Caps of English and French make, with a large assortment of gaining fixtures. Rifles constantly on hand and manufactured to or der, and warranted to shoot from 100 to !;'(0 vrds. Repairing of every thing in Cue Gunsmith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. All orders promptly attended to. All work warranted. M. A. BAKER, Sign of the Wooden Gun, Hav street, opposite the Post OSice. Jan'v 28, 1854. tf C It. ST . 1500 bushels country Corn in store, for sale "by V. II. LUTTERLOH. January 21, 154 tf James C. Smith. Iii.ks Costix JAJiES C. SMITH 5L CO., Commission Merchants, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied l y the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. Wilmington, Jan'y 14, 1S.14. 76-ly CHEAP GOODS, I am now receiving a much larger stock of Fancy Dry Goods than I have yet offered in Fayetteville, consisting of Drv Good of every description, Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Ready-made Clothing, winch will be sold as low as any goods in the State. I will be clad to have the Kulies call and examine ray stock. Sept. 17, 1.13. tf W. F. MOORE. II. EIIAJIBEUT, Confectionery ami Variety Store, Under the Fayetteville Hotel. Hay Street, Fa vette v i i -i-K N. C. December 31, 1S53 y Bit OWN & DeROSSET, NEW YORK. D e R O S S E T B R O W Iff , WILMINGTON, N. C. General Commission Merchants 10,000 lls. Tallow-wanted, For which the highest cash price will lc paid. Oct 8, is. A. M. CAMPBELL. DENTAL SOTICE. DR. W. F. BASON begs leave to say that he ex pects to be in Fayetteville in February, when he hopes to see aud hear from his friends and others. Jan'y 2j, 1S51 70-tf FA YET-T E VILL.E, N . C. --4 Mr Godfeco's Wifr. : V i take the following from the Boston Traa scric i : - 'ia3 always mingled pleasantly with socie tjf ! tie which connected him most nearlv uerica originated in a eintrular instance of "lot St-first sight." lie was ''due day walking wit vfriend out towards Georgetown H1ghts, t ... -, i u i- i. i e 1 p W passed a boardtng school for young la- aW' iju'v i a nracieu ny a iair giri oi 10, wuo fto.I ;f .rtng. Iicr bag, and talking with great tnne of ieofrherijnn K-autifu! girl f- "Vfto is sltef " enrgerTy , asked he, but his friend could not inform him The door opened and in she went to her slate and books, all uuconscious of the daguerreotype that glimpse had left on the leeart of the grave Russian Minister. The next day, and the day following saw him taking the same walk, which subsided to a very slow step as he approached the building, and looked earnestly at every door and window. May Day was at hand, ar.d was to be celebrated as usual, in the school, by some simple festivities, and the choice of a Queen I from among the number, and this year the floral j royalty happened to fall cu Miss Harriet AVsl liams the very girl who had so instantly en throned herself in the admiration of theforeigner. i "Just before May Day, the Principal was surprised to receive a note from the Russian Envoy at Washington, expressing a great in terest in education, and begiring permission to be prcssent at the festival May Day, which it would give him particular pleasure, as a stranger to the customs of the country, to witness. Con sent, of course, was very graciously granted and the occasion was as charming as youth and flowers always make it. At the end of the term, Miss Harriet announced that she would not attend school any more. "What, not graduate? oh, why not' Are you going away?" But she shook her head, laughed, and in a few weeks was the wife of the Russian Minister. She has accompanied her husband once or twice to Russia, where she was very much admired, and known as the "American rose." Her face had regularity of feature, but was particularly distinguislied for exquisite coloring. Nothing could surpass the chestnut brown of her hair, the bright gray blue of her eyes, nor the hue of the lily and the rose so delicately blended in her complexion. Perhaps her figure had too much cm Ion point for perfect symmetry, but she moved with grace and dignity. Although there was a great disparity of years, and great difference in apiiearance and character, between herself and husband, it seems to have been a very happy union." Our Railroads. Letters were received this iAfii'Jiajrom ..General Wallace and Mr Hub- bart at a'suviller" bringing the gratifying in telligence that the House of Representatives had concurred in the amendment of the Senate, to the omnibus bill, which provides one A and red fwusand dollars for each railroad bridge neces sary to be built over the Tennessee, Holston and Clinch rivers. This together with the $10,000 per mile provided for the iron and equipments will give to the Kno.xville and Charleston road state bonds to the amount of $050,000 and in'one event $200,000 more; to the Knoxvillo and Kentucky road $700,000. This amount of bonds together with the premium thereon which the companies may realize, places the construction of the two roads beyond all con tingency uliatcrci. Surely v.e have reason to rejoice that our delegation in the Legislature have acliieved so much for East Tennessee, and in the bright prospects so rapidly opening before us. Knoxcille liegistcr. '.X . v . i JCSsf" All per soh.s indebted to me by account previous to October l.-d, 1858. are earnestly requested to make payment. I am desirous of Fettling up the old business. K. K. BR VAN. February 11, 1854 l'er Sale or it cut. The fine SUMMER RESIDENCE two miles west of town Possession given immediately. Apply to John II. Cook or C. E. Leete. " S. A. LEETE. March 19, 183:?. tf SA1.ESI STAB. THE SALEM STAGE, by Plank Road, through Carthage and Ashborough, will leave Fayetteville on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, nt 0 o'clock 1'. M and arrive at Salem on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day, at o o clock i. m. Returning, it will leave Salem on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at U o'clock P. M.. aud arrive iu Fay etteville uext days at 5 1. M. This Stage is iu connection with the Warsaw Stage Through Tickets from Salem to Warsaw for SI 2. M. McKIXNOX. Feb'y 18, 1854. 81-0m NOTICE Is' hereby given that hereafter in the Court of Pleas aud Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, the Trinl Docket will le taken up on Tuesday, and the State Docket on Thursday of each and everv term. JOHN McLAL RIN, Clerk. ' February 4, 1S34. 7D-4t SEW GOODS. j .The subscribers are now receiving into Store a large and general ! STOCK OF GOODS, Vt'hich will le sold at wholesale or retail at small pro fits. Their stock embraces St. Croix, Porto Rico. Jlus kavado, aud New Orleans Brown Sugars; A. B. and C. coffee Sugars; Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do.; tine and common Teas; Java, Laguira and Rio CoB'ee; Pepper, Alsplce. Ginger, Alum, Epsom Salts, I. rim stone, Indigo, Madder, Adamantine and Sperm Can dles, sup. curb. Soda, Snulf, ground Mustard, fancy and bar Soap, Camphor, Borax, Cider Vinegar, Mackerel in whole and half barrels and kits. Mess Pork. Molasses, Syrup. Sack Salt, Broad and Club Axes; Turpentine Axes, Hackers. Scrapers aud Dippers; Pocket and Table Cutlery; Shovels, Spades and Forks; broad and common Bar Iron, Steel, Nails and Spikes. Weeding Hoes, Hollow-ware, large assortment; lilaeksmith's Tools, Ploughs. Cora Shcllers and Straw Cutters, Hats, Shoes, and DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, "W ith almost every article usually to be found iu this market. " - GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. February 1G, 1854. NEGROES FOR, SALE. ''--Will be 'sold at the Market House, on the 6th of March, at 12 o'clock, THREE NEGROES one wo man a good house servant three hoys 10 and 12 years old. Also, 1 two horse Carriage and 5 or B setts llar- C. E. LEETE, Auct r. Feb y 18, 1854. 81-2t Sorth Can4iua State AgricTtlliirnl Society. A called meeting of the State Agricultural Society of North Carolina will be held ia Raleigh on Wednes day the 15th of March next, at which time it is hoped that the members generally will be present. .- By order of the President. J. F. TO-MPKINS, Sec'y. 1 Colonization hi Tennessee. A select committee of the Tenniesee Legisla ture to Whom Was referred the subject of the removal of free persons of color from that State, reported strongly in favor of a system of colo nization, and a bill designed to carry out their view? was subseoueutlv adopted bv the Legis lature. After noticing the great" increase of j tree blacks that has taken place in Teunessce within a few years, the committee says : The idea is entertained by many, that the negro race, owing to its natural inferiority, cau never become cajmble of governing themselves. Th question we .fe hall not undertake to decide, and It must uid its solution in the result of the iBjMWhlic of, Liberia. That rffOVcrtinieirf repesenietd tone now in aliig-b Fy flourishing and prosperous condition, consid-! ering the circumstances by which it has been surrounded, and the difficulties it has encoun tered. It has aided greatly in t lie suppession of that infamous traffic M hich our own govern ment was the first to declare piracy, and has also been the means of extending into the in terior of Africa some of the arts of civilized life. There is no other means of civilizing that vast continent, which contains one hundred and fif ty millions of human beings, and whose growing trade is attracting the attention of the commer cial world, than through the instrumentality of the Liberia n government. We doubt not the free negroes of this country will, in a few years, be so mueh dissatisfied with their condition in this country, and so well persuaded of the ad vantages resulting from their removal to Libe ria, that many, if not all of them will volunta rily seek homes iu that country so admirably adapted to their necessities and their condition, and where they may enjoy privileges which they can never hope to possess in the presence of a superior race. The wicked efforts of the abo litionists to induce them to remain in this coun try will, we douht not, prove unavailing when they become more acquainted with their own true interests, and better satisfied as to the ad vantages which Liberia holds out as inducements for their emigration thither. Maryland and Virginia ha ve made liberal appropriations from their State Treasurers, to provide the means for the transportation of such of their free blacks as might wish to remove, but as there are so many applications for appropriations from our State Treasury for more immediate and pressing wants, we do not think it advisable to recom mend any appropriation for any such purpose, at this time, though we are decidedly of the opinion that no more slaves ought to be eman cipated in this State, unless the means are pro vided by their owners for their transportation to Liberia. We believe it would be much bet ter for them, and much more conducive to the best iuterests of society lor them to remain iu slavery than to be liberated and permitted to remain iu this State ha viu(? the name of freedom without anv of its advantages. The report concludes as follows :" The committee do not wish to recommend an" harsh means for the removal of free negroes, nor do they think that anything ought to be done in the slightest degree inconsistent with humanity. A Ciritiors Placard. The following placard was at one time during the recent troubles in Rome, aetuallv posted about the streets of the Eternal Citv. Several dnvs elapsed ere its hidden meaning was penetrated by our whilsotne icquniutauce, (J luseppe .N avonc, chiet detective of the Roman police. The reader who is not quick at guessing riddles, will find the solution of t lie following, bv reading across from one inscription to the other : Death to I'ius Xinth Mazzini forever The Republic is the best government the vilest government is that of the Pope! Down with the Priestly power, Sovereignty of the People forever 1 Rri.wKit. liulwer, who is only 48 years old, (though he has beeu thirty years before the public,) is likely to become one of the next con servative ministry . His property in llerford- shire Knebworth, near Stevenage- is worth about JLlo.UOU a vear. Jlis works, as 1 nave stated, add .2,000 a year to this rental, and his new publications for he cannot help writing may Lc calculated at about as much more Here, then, is nearly 20,000 a year, quite sufficient to dace him above the imputation of seeking- office for the sake of emolument; for there is no greater crime, in the eyes of the Rritish public, rich or poor, than for a man, not actually wealthy, to aim at taking a leading part in the government of the country. This was the great fault of Canning, in the eyes even of his party though Canning, 1)3" marriage, was comparatively well set off- and this is the reason wlnithe country gentlemen, the men of acres, so unwillingly submit to the leadership of Disraeli, whose principal income is his wife's jointure, (settled ou her by Mr AVyndham Lewis, her first husbaiui. which will die with her. Some property of his own there certainly is; for iu June, 1850, his wife purchased llughendcn Manor, in Buckinghamshire, (a lauded estate worth G00 a year,) aud made him a present of it. By the "way, Disraeli was born iu the same year as Bulwer being a few months earlier. If Lady Bulwer were defunct, I doubt not that Bulwer would obtain a peerage. On the terms in which they now stand, he would decliue an honor to be shared with her. Lady Bulwer, lovclv young creature tlVIll A j. v n v. --- . 1 some twentv-five years ago, has gradually Uc i , changed into a stout, coarse-minded ,woniaii, aud eertainly has not improved .the delicuey of miud by familiar associatiou with Mrs Jrol lope.with whom she lives. A'. I". Sunday limes. Dangerous Ammal. -A case recently A came up at the Clifton Sessions, m x.i.gia..u, of one Mary Kyae, an infant, who sued, by her father a man named Michael Mulroe, to recov er damages for a personal injury sustained by her It eems the defendant was the owner of a very ferocious pig, which entered the house of Kvne during the absence of the most of the family, ad pulling the complainant out of the cradl- "tc off one of her hands, and three fiu .rers of the other. The defendant had had no tice of the brute's ferocity, for a short tune pre vious -thad attacked another of Kyne's children. The Court awarded the plaintiff 10, to be paid i aor-Av instalments of 2, the money to be SSa ;.. the hands of Lord Lietrim, aud invest ed bv his Lordship for her benefit. The Apprehended Effect of lite War ircon i:niuJ-i Supplies of Corn .from the JS". V. Journal of Commerce. Some of the English papers are complaining of the mischievous effects which they allege to have been produced, as respects the supplies of corn in their granaries, by the delusive prospects of peace which the Government and its organs ot the press nave all along been encouraging, while it must have been known that there could be no reasonable expect atiou of any thing but war. Not only, it is cpntended, has the Gov ernment failed to take any precautions itself, na to securing a necessary provision of grain, but it has, by its fallacious representations, prc-veutcd private enterprise afttl commercial speculation tt'h5cl, the. exigencies of the country, may be i mo uuai uuiuiiuigc io itie ixoi'ie. Hie I French Government," it is observed, "saw dear th", from the beginning, tire difficulties of the case, and gave every possible encouragement to the importation of corn. Helgium did the same." The English Government, it is true, docs not usually interfere in these matters, in that way. Its general rule is that of non-interference with commercial operations even where the question of the nation's food is concerned upon the principle, and we deem it an incontro vertible one, that a Government may do most for commerce by leaving it alone; rememhering that, like a river, it never flows to .smoothly, and therefore never proceeds so prosperously, as when it follows its own course, without either aid or cheek. But it nevertheless did interfere; the com plainants insist to this extent : "it instructed its press to discountenance all apprehension of hostilities wishing it to be believed that I he peace of Europe would not be disturbed that commerce would continue to flow in its ordina ry channels and that what appeared to be im impending storm was nothing more than a pac ing cloud, that would soon disperse." So that the consequence has been an ttlter neglect, they go on to say, of any available provisions for the wants of the country, and that some of its most important sources of supply are being complete ly cut off. ""While France and the Nether lands," they say "have taken care to obtain it large supply of corn, England lias procured a most inadequate one; not more than one half of what she requires, and of what she would have possessed at the moment, if Ministers hud revealed all that they know about the Fusion dispute. -.We are inclined to think thtit then; is reason in this. A little more candor, a little more explicitness, not to say a little more dealing, would doubtless have eneourngt d ope rations iu the coru trade, which could not I tit have been beneficial to all parties. Hut now thev are suffering the evils of something 1 1 Jv e I'.tiiiino prices. Bread riots have already occuncd in England ; and Ireland is distressed beyond e;:- durance, by scarcity aud want. -We do wot. fogct thai,, this a-eaiiOu. of the year when oue great source of supply of coi n ( Great Britain is always closed, wc menu Baltic. But the apprehension, that, vcti when spring arrives, and that great outlet for tic Northern granaries is again open to British requirements, the operations of inevitable war will effectually shut it up from them, is cuttum an injurious influence. The other great .-oi:iccr the Bleak Sea, may be regarded as closed id ready b" such operations, (destn, its prim ; pal port, and the most important entrepot T the great bulk of the cereal produce of the iVi tile fields ot' Chirson and the Crimea, is too near the mouth of the Pruth aud the Danube to;.i low of exports being made to an enemy's coun try, and for the supply of the enenn's food, ev -u if the Black Sea were otherwise situated t!;:i;i it is. The most desperate and deadliest purt n the conflict may not improbably take plaee there. The first rencounter which England wiii have with Russia, is destined, most likeiv, to occur in that very sea, from which, be it re membered there is no way of escape but one. and that within range of probably an enemv's cannon. .But "it is an ill wind that blows nobody good." America is already deriving advantage from this state of things, while, at the mui'.o time, she is conferring substantial benefit upo;i England. But for American supplies, indeed, we know not how Euglaud could get her most pressing wants relieved. We have now before us a list of the imports of foreign grain, &c. into Liverpool during the two first weeks of the present year, just when England is beginning to feel nervous, if uot actually alarmed, upon the subject -of her scanty stores of food, and it is unusually large in fact, unprecedented arid chiefly, if not wholly, from the United States neither the Baltic nor the Mediterranean hav ing contributed a particle of it. The list com prises upwards of a million of bushels of corn, and more than a quarter of a million of bane's of flour, with large quantities of oats, peas ai.d beans in addition. Still the English market.-: for breadstuffs, we find, kept rising, and the Liv erpool papers of the day when the Arabia sail ed, report a further advance in wheat of fully four pence (English) a bushel there being "u strong attendance of country miller?, and the business done was very active, both for consump tion aud speculation." Thus while England may thank God that she has America to look to in her time of neeti that here we have it iu our power to siq p!v her people with food, and that we are able ami willing too, to take off, in return for much of it, the produce of that .people's industry let us' on our part, also be glad, that iu so "doing we' are also at the same time promoting our own iuterests, commercial and agricultural. Our present position is iu many respects an enviable oue. Far removed from the scene of conflitt, and without cause for interfering in it, wc have the opportunity, as we have the means of deriv ing advantages from a state of things which lo Europe may be a source of incalculable evils. Immkn-se flock of Pigf.oxs. A pigeor.-rcost, ten miles long by live broad, iu Franklin county' Indiana, it is said, is now swarming with pigecuV. The roar of their wings, on arriving and depart ing from the roost, is tremendous, and the flocks during the flight darken the heavens. The ground is covered to the depth of several inches with their manure. Thousands arc killed by casaul ties from breaking limbs of trees. The sale of the stock of delinquent subscri bers to the North Carolina Iiailroad took lace in Raleigh on the 11th inst. It brought i n average of about 34 per share. u K . f.