V r A - "i : . 'i 7-.. uv -' ' . - . . .... - - THE NORTH CARO 1 N IAN, -7 F AY E T.TEV ILL E, N. C fe ir " , m , r: Death of Crneral Robert Arcsslrons. From the Washington Union, Feb. 24. The melancholy duty devolves upon us of an- nouuein- the death of Uenerai iwucri . a.u. ... iL nrnnriftnr of the Union and our as Arm- ur as- tociatc in its editorial management i., c-t nvmiuiir sit suvftii o'clock, at his Hc died own resi- .lVni-fi in thTs city, surrounded and solaced in bi afflictions by most of his children. We are :.. ctotc rf niiml to nremrc anything like a bkctch of his life. Our relations with him since our boyhood have been of a character so inti mate and uninterrupted, that he was more than our friend. He died at the age of sixty-three, of congestion of the brain. His health for some weeks had been frail, but until yesterday morn ing his disease was not regarded as threatening a fatal issue. His distinguished and gallant services in the war of 1812 are matters of his tory, lie was the bosom friend of General Jackson, and the man selected by him as the depository anil keeper of his sword. It was our fortune to be selected by General Jackson to deliver to General Armstrong this iuvalua Lle legacy. The noble qualities which endear ed him to General Jackson were his stern in tegrity, his cool courage, his sterling judgment, and his devoted patriotism. In the several re sponsible public trusts, civil and military, which he filled, these noble attributes marked his con duct, lie enjoyed the unlimited confidence of Presidents Jackson, Van Buren, Polk, and Pierce. He was as amiable -and attractive 1n the private relations of life as he was fearless, honest, and faithful hi the discharge of his pub lic duties. IYi-ks from (lie Japan Squadron. The Portland Advertiser publishes a letter from an officer of the Japan squadron, address ed to a friend in that city, which contains many items of interest. We copy the following intel ligence : A private letter from Hong Kong, tinder date of December 10th, the day the overland mail left, states that the ships of Commodore Perry's squadron had all been fully coaled and ordered to hold themselves in constant readi ness and full provisioned, for six months' cruise. It is thought the Commodore will make an earlv start for Loo Choo. and after some exer cise "and drill, proceed to Japan in A mil. The steamship Lexington March or is said to have arrived at Manila liav, in the Straits of Maeasar, and was daily expected As she brings out the railroad and at Macao, other pres- cuts lor the Jinperor ot Japan, her arrival had been anxiously expected. Col. Marshall was at Macao, awaiting his successor. The Gov- ernor of Hong Kong and the English Admiral, have orders from their Government to facilitate by every means in their power a successful re sult to Commodore Perry's mission. The French Commodore is reported to have similar orders. Commodore Perry has had the cabin of the Susquehanna splendidly fitted with silks, damask, and gold, it was said for the reception of the Japanese dignitaries. Having landed to present the President's letter, it is asserted to be his intention to insist upon the Emperor's reply being brought on board to him. Spanish dollars, which have been at as high a premium as 40 per cent, at Canton, and from 70 to 80 per cent, at Shanghai, were at only 25 per cent, at Canton when the mail left. The 10th De cember was the coldest day of the season at Hong Kong, the thermometer standing as low as 50d, and the weather cloudy, raw, and chilly. The high rates of ocean postage are complained of, as bearing particularly hard upon the sea men of our navy and mercantile marine. Com modore Perry had recently to pay 25 dollars on a package of four newspapers, not doue up with both ends open, as the post office laws require. It was charged letter postage. Wliljr Candidate fo Last Monday, Governor of Horlh Carolina. in relation to the probable candidate of the whig Convention just assem bled, and dispersed in Raleigh (X. C.) we said: "We hope they will put up some of their in different men, ((Jen. Dockery for instance, ) for it would be cruel in them to select one of their best men for so unmerciful a drubbing as the Democracy will give him. Have a care gentle men; and do not make a target to be riddled, out of s-ncli men as George Davis, Esq., or Col. Jiarri tiger." Well reader: good! They followed our ad vice. Would you suppose it t They nominat ed Gen. Doekery sure enough. The high re gard in which Col. Barringer is held, the popu larity of the rising young George Davis, which they did not wish to see impaired by a humi liating defeat, made them pass by the eminent qualifications of those gentlemen and select as the hut of the next gubernatorial campaign, our worthy, late friend of the Mecklenburg district, Gen. Dockery. We look upon the nomination as a virtual opes of suc- SLbandouruent by the whigs of all eeeuing. lney know that the General has a constitution and a voice strong enough to go through the campaign with, and vanity enough to accept the nomination, no matter how hope less the chance of success. If thev had had the least irbnmierinsr of hone. that, tlwir r-:nw1il:ito woiuu succeed, they would have nominated the courtly and distinguished Barringer, or the scholarly and dignified Davis, or some other of their talented and notable men. But their despairing bosoms were visited by no such flat tering hopes, and in accordance with a regard for those gentlemen which we ourselves cherish, and in accordance with the very spirit, tenor and terras of our article of Monday, they nominated Gen. Dockery. It is needless to add, that the indomitable General is not sensitive to the mortifviug in fluences which have given him the nomination, and will commence the contest, inflated with the self satisfied consequence of being a veritable nero. i'urismouti (.lube, 2TA nit. SrntF.MF. Corivr. The following have been delivered: uecisions By Nash C. J. In Hiy.es vs. Guthrie, from Chatham, amrmmg the judgment; in Caron vs Smith, from McDowdl, reversing the jud-ment and awarding a venire de novo; itl Wilsmi VK Allen and Edwards, inequity from Rockingham" decree for plaintiff against Allen; h, Vk-kers vs' Trice, in equity from Orange, directing a decree according to the report. -crct By Pearson, J. In Outlaw vs. Hurd'e fm,, Wake affirming the judgment; in Peno v s Da v.,; from Pasquotank, affinnin g th ejud. nuent m Carroll vs. Carroll, iu equity from DavSso ; uiaue; m Do ex d oui;tn s. kuiui, irom Wake , reversing the iud-'- ill,!...,... j J - em plaintiff. Juugoieut here for By Battle, J. In Jordan vs. Rouse, from Pitt, itt, reversing ihejudgment; iu Poindexter vs ,ibson, from txu, ford, decree for plaintiff alld eference to the Master; in Ci.HVv . A - G re wt.. rjilf..i ,i;-.w.r.. ' . J j-uis. , w.g a reiereuce; in Doe ex dem Johnson vs. A atts directing a venire de novo; iu cooper vs. I' urvis. directing a new trial - Little Franky went to the sea-beach to see the bathers. On one of them advancing he re marked, "Mr II , you look like a "Teat big Cupid!" Bnsslan Privateers from United States Ports. The New York Courier des Etats Utiis has an article referring to what it supposes to be the real object of the visit of certain Russian officers to this country It is broadly affirmed that these agents, who arrived here" ostensibly to superintend the construction of some screw propellers for the service of the Emperor, are in reality engaged in making preparations for the armament of Russian privateers in the ports of the United States. We select some paragraphs from the article of the Courier which will show what are its apprehensions : How is it possible in fact, to discuss this idea, verging on extravagance, which represents the autocrat of sixty millions of men, of whom he can dispose at his will, as coming here to pick up a few doubtful soldiers at a'distance of two thou sand leagues from his empire, and afterwards to transport them there, at an immense expense aim through a thousand difficulties and dangers. These romancists, however, passed nearer the truth than they themselves suspected. If, in stead ofhalting at the surface of the secret of which they possessed the thread they had pene trated to the bottom of it, they would have per haps arrived at the discovery which now trans pires, namely, that au enlistmeut, not of sol diers, but oi sailors, is now carried on in !New York and some other ports of the Union, and that the Russian agents are silently but active ly occupying themselves, not with the formation of regiments, but with the arming of corsairs! The assertioumay seem a little bold; it is, at all events, less strange than that to which we previously alluded. Rut we have reason to believe it well founded. Matters have been conducted up to the pres ent moment with a discretion which smacks of European diplomacy, and to which the open conspiracies which we witness from time to time have not accustomed us. Rut the peril is for that very reason only greater and more real. A small number of agents selected with ex treme skill and care, were first enrolled, and then launched amongst the crowd of maratime adventurers and others who have swamed for some years past on the soil of the American Union. Through their medium ussurance has been obtained of the -manner in which (the contingency arising) categorical propositions will be entertained by certain individuals to un dertake a cruise against English and French ships. Negotiations more or less explicit, ac cording to the character of the parties, have been already opened, lists have been drawn out, and the cadre of the equipment almost decided upon; even the ships have been indicated that will be adapted to the purpose. In fact, mat ters are in such a state of forwardness, that at the report of the first cannon fired in the Rlack Sea, all that remains to be doue is to fill letters of marque in order to launch into the Atlantic a flotilla of American corsairs, Russian flag at their mast head. carrying the There is no doubt that a few years ago the proposition to make of the ports of the Union harbors of ease tor the Muscovite ships, and to assail the commerce of friendly powers, would only have met with refusal and contempt from all classes of American people but other times, other doctrine. At that epoch the elastic in terpretations were not known which have since subjected international law and the ideas of jus tice and injustice to the pleasure of the first au dacious comer. At thut epoch the United States did uot comprise within its population Uhat crowd of adventurers without other faith or law than their covetousness, that the Mexi can war and the circumstances that followed it have'attracted and multiplied to the misfortune as well as the shame of the Union. At that time Russian agents would vainly perhaps have sought a man disposed to raise his hand against an allied Hag; at jresciit melancholy abun dance there is no enterprise, no matter how silly or unworthy, that can be conceived, to which the American soil does not offer a contin gent. And how could it be otherwise? From the piracy which pillages the public treasurj- of Cardenas and seizes upon Lower California, to that which gives chase in the open sea to vessels of friendly flags, there is but a step. Far be it from us to reflect upon the entire nation the responsibility of individual acts, but our pen can only spare it the reproach. It is for her and her alone to guard against the con sequences that must inevitably ensue from the facts we signalize. If a deplorably relaxation of principles has made international law a word almost void of meaning for certain men of the Union, Europe has not as yet arrived at this degree of progress. A vessel armed as a pri vateer in an American port, might show all the colors of the world, and exhibit the most au thentic letters of marque that the Russian ad mirality could sign, but she would not be the less considered as a pure and simple pirate, and treated as such. We know what that means the yard-arm for the men, and confiscation as a fair prize for the vessel. No nationality would hold good in such a case. The martial law of the sea does not recognise two modes of quali fying a fact any more than it recognises two means of punishing it. Those summary and direct reprisals would still be of little importance, for they would strike only the guilty. Rut behind the corsair, treat ed according to his merits, Europe, henceforth deprived of all security, would necessarily see only the Union itself the Union, culpable at least of indifference, and morally responsible for the acts that she would have allowed to be committed on her territory and her waters. Now, times of war are not the litest for diplo matic discussion on the rights of neutrals, and beligerent Powers recoil less before an addi- tional encmy than before an ally respecting whom they must always be on their guard. Insensibly and without being aware of it, the United States might, some dav- or other, awake in open rupture with the champions of Turkish independence, and in direct league with the Emperor of Russia. This would necessarily be such an enormity that the hypothesis even seems inadmissible. The history of the commencement of the centu ry is, nevertheless, there to prove that it re quires only distrust to be excited to make the commerce of an entire people pay the fault of a few of the citizens. Our intention in this article, be it clearly understood, is neither to predict, nor, above all to anticipate anything. A fact is circulating amongst us a fact which interests France in the first degree, and may compromise peace be tween the two worlds; w"e deliver it to the pub lie opinion, indicating the consequences to which it may lead. The least of these consequences i would not be that of obtaining for CUi. il 1- . C nAill the Lnited States the odious renown of a country loyalty or political faith. Avithout Rhode Island Legislature. The Senate ou the 24th ult., passed a bill by a majority of one, vote, to reverse and annul the sentence passed upon Thomas W. Dorr. The St. Louis Republican states that from the 1st of January last to the evening of the 4th of February, thirty-eight steamboats have been badly damaged or totally destroyed on wes tern rivers. Eleven were consumed by fire, thir teen sunk and entirely lost, and fourteen badly damaged by snagging and other accidents. Baring. Robbery at fiflrt hfl The jewelry store of Mr SeymtotP was entered on Saturday evening U was at supper, (it being then fery sunset) aud about three thousand 'this place while he jrtly after dollars- in goods and money tarried off ' ..tij?f W" The deed was certainly pefpetf jjytffi well skilled in the art of lock pickl and fcbuse breaking, for no other; tfould ,KaTi Attempted such au act at that hour, and in so i ort "a time performed it,and with such rapid; d skill, lu eiuue mus iar, me most scwr gus inves tigation. Mr Seymour locked the ick door of his store, leaving the key ou the i Aside as was his custom, and taking of course ttXkey of the front door with him. Lpbn his re, fira as has been stated, he found that the fif. door had been entered by a false key, andseared'on the inside by a bolt which is attached $ fxl ..which prevented him from entering. jf oirigro the back door, he found it opeu Jfhief un doubtedly having escaped througl Afiis wayi and in his haste not being very .Tjjctilar un2 der the circumstances left the doq&open. Our whole community sympathizetGeeply with ir ocj uiuur, lur me ueavy loss ne UJK tsusihihuu. He is numbered among our- best KJ'inost1 val ued citizens, and we regret his m'grtnbes the more, as his property is the accurav! fiion cf his own honest industry and perseverir" 'S'trw borfi-ugh Republican. ? ; " Mason and Dixon's Jjist''hg4f is ineaut by Mason and Dixon's line?" sCkcd' a. bright, blue eyed girl of twelve years ut age, when sit ting at her father's table, a feday's ago. The answer was, "It is a phrase wsually employed to describe the boundary between the free and slave States." "Rut why do jthey describe it in that way?" was her inquiry: The answer may be worth giviug to some of oiir young readers. Iu the 17th century, James il, of England, then the Duke of York, gavif certain lands to Lord Baltimore and William Penn, and a diffi culty soon sprang up as to tiie proper owner of these lands on the Delaware. i Again and again was the affair carried into he Courts, till iu the year 17C0, when George III. came to the crown, the Ixird ChaneellorW Enffland made sprung up in drawing the boundary lines. Tlie Commissioner finally employed Messrs Masonind Dixon, who had just returned from t lie "Cape Vf Good Hope, where they had been to observe! the transit of Yeuus. They succeeded in establishing the line between Delaware and Maryland, . which has ever since been called "Mason aud Dixon's Line." Watchman. f Reflector. Ax Offer of Markiage. An Oregon cor respondent, iu a recent letter to a Western pa per, ventures an account, as an opening for some well recommended young white man iu Oregon, in want of a wife: "The Hayns Chief offers one thousaud "head of horses to any respectable white man, well recommended, who will marrv his daughter, a girl of about eighteen, settle down among them, and teach them agriculture. "These horses are worth from fifty to eighty thousand dollars. I have seen this valuable squaw, fehe is about the medium sitfe,' with tol erable regular featnres, high cheek bones, slop ing forehead, black eyes and darkliair. Her form is square. Her long hair hung over her shoulders, profusely ornamented .with 'shells and beads. She wore a robe made of fawn skins, most beautifully ornamented with beads and shells. Her step was light and proridf her gait easy and graceful. , " Taxes in Mkxic-o. Sahta Ahui.has -'proclaimed a door aud window tax threughout the Republic. A Ycra Cruz .correspondent of the N. O. Delta, says : ; , The rates of this tax are .enormous) and it applies to the wealthy banker's palace and the hut of the miserable half-naked Iudian. Some idea of the extent of the revenue which will be derived from this tax may be inferred from the fact that an American merchant here informs ine that he will have to pay for his house in town, and ditto in country, with engine house and other buildings, on a sugar estate, not less than $800 or $'J00 per annum. During the last session of the Catholic Na tional Council held in Baltimore in 1852, it was recommended to the Catholics of the United States to contribute towards the funds ,of the "Society for the Propagation of the Faith," which has been responded to, in part, as fol lows : Diocese of New Orleans, 3,004; Phil adelphia, $7,770; Baltimore, $2,730; Cincin nati, $2.000; St Louis, $1,574; Pittsburg, $9G0; Chicago, $535; Louisville, $533; Buffalo, $480; Savannah, $428; Richmond, $404; Charleston, $254; Nashville, $140, Galveston, $100, Natch ez, $02; New York, $44; Nesqually, $13 total, $16,031. Canada has sent to the Associa tion during the same year, $22,377. HThe So ciety's collections throughout the world for the year have amounted to $958,000. The Grceusborongh Patriot of the 25th says: "Every investigation more fully proves the fact, that there is an abundant supply of a superior quality of stone coal in Stokes county. .We saw some specimens this week, taken from the lauds of Dr. Wm. W.Cole, of Stokesburg, which is considered a very fair article, aud such as Dr. C. is using in his smith-shop, though taken from a depth of only 12 feet. There is every inducement for farther development of this val uable mineral. The indications are " that the coal in this region is almost inexhaustible, as it has been found at other places in the same vi cinity, in abundance, and proved by uscr to be sufficiently pure for practical pnrpqseSj The coal bed is only some 25 or 30' miles jfrom' the Central Rail Road." - A Western Orator. They have orators out in Illinois, if we may trust the description of a certain military one, furnished us by a correspon dent iu that State: It was dog-days, aud a great hue-and-cry had been raised about mad dogs; although no person could be found who had seen one, the excitement still grew by the rumors it was fed on. A meeting of the citi zens was called for the purpose of devising plans for the extermination, not only of mad ' dogs, but to make safety doubly safe, of dogs in gen eral. The "brigadier" was appointed chairman. After stating the object of the meeting, in a uot very parliamentary manner, iustead of taking his seat, aud allowing others to make some sug gestions, he launched forth into a speech of some half hour's length, of which the following burst of forensic splendor is a sample: "Fcllur Citizens! the time has come when theo'crcbarred feeliu's of aggrawated human uatur' is no louder to be stood. Mad dogs are 'midst us. heir shriekiu' yelp and fomy track cau be heerd and seen on our peraries. Death follers in their wake; shall we set here like cowards, while our Tivc-s and our neighbor's lives are in danger from their dredful borashus hidrofobic caninetyf No it mustn't be. E'en now my buzum is torn with the conflictiu' of rath and wengeance, a funeral- pyre of wild-cats is burnin' in me! I have horses and cattle; I have sheep and pigs; and I have a wife and children ; and (rising higher t& the importance of the subject deepened in hi mation) l have money out at interest danger of bein' bit by these cussed mad djl Ids- ftesti a in Rcsolalteus f the Whiff. State Convention. - The following are the resolutions passed by the late Whig Convention of North Carolina: - lJ Resolved, That we cherish a cordial and immovable attachment to the Constitution and Union of the States, and it is our determination to resist every attempt to alienate one portion our country from the rest, and to enfeeble the sacred ties which link together its various parts. ' 2. Resolved, That we disapprove the legisla tion of Congress by which the Public Lands, the common' 'property of all the States, are so often appropriated for the sole and exclusive benefit of the new,; States; and we "insist, and shall continue to insist that the State of North Carolina should receive her equal and just share of the same for purposes of education and In ternal Improvement within the State. 3. "Resolved, Tiiat we reaffirm the resolution of the last AVhig Convontion on the Compro mise measures of 1850, which declares them a final settlement iu principle and in substance, of the dangerous and exciting subjects to which they relate, and that we are in favor of the doc trine of non-intervention by Congress on the subject of slavery within the territories of the United States, now held or hereafter to be ac quired. . ; i -41 Resolved, That we., most decidedly con demn the action of the President and his Cabi uet in their recent interference in tle local elec tions of sovereign States, and regard their con dnct as alike calculated to detract from the dignity of their station and subversive of the dearest rights of a free people. 5. Resolved, That the conduct of the pres ent Administration in the appointment of "Free Soilers" to office is an unjustifiable insult to the southern portion of the Union, and in violation of the pledges upon which the party went into power. 6. Resolved, That wc are of opinion that the people of North Carolina desire a change in the Constitution of the State, and that this can be most wisely and safely done by a. convention of delegates elected by the people. Therefore we recommend to the Legislature to call such Convention, and in submitting the election of delegates to the people, so to provide as to pre serve the present basis of representation in the Legislature. 7. Resolved, That wc are in favor of increas ing the efficiency of our present Common Schools, so that the blessing of a liberal educa tion may be freely diffused throughout the State. 8. Resolved, That wc are in favor of a liberal system of Internal Improvement on the part of North Carolina, and especially recommend the extension of the North Carolina Railroad Ea:;t and West to the. favorable consideration of the next Legislature. 9. Resolved, That the President appoint an Executive Committee of nine, whose duty it shall be to act for the whig party in the ap proaching campaign. The Sews by the Luroya. The intelligence brought by the Europa on Saturday, varies but little in its positive features from the previous aspect of the war question. We gather, however, from the statements and rumors of which it is made up, an impression decidedly favorable to the chances of u pacific termination of the difficulty. We learn, iu the first place, that instead of being confined, as it was at first supposed, to the extravagant and inadmissible "counter pro ject" which he had presented to the Court of Vienna, Count Oiioff was furnished with a se cond aud modified proposition, which he subse quently delivered to Count Ruol, but which the representatives of France and England refused to entertain, under distinct orders from their governments. This fact would seem to indicate that the Emperor's mind is far from being positively made up as to the course he will pur sue, and that the door is still open to negotia tion. The Vienna correspondent of the Lon don Chronicle appears to write under the im pression that the question would be settled by arbitration, and he states his conviction "that something of importance, that is to say, some thing of a peaceful character, was in the wind." The Czar is said to be suffering from a severe attack of bile, no doubt caused by the anxieties and perplexities by which he is beset; so that it is not improbable that when Count OrlofF re turns to St. Petersburg he may receive fresh instructions to carry out the objects of his mis sion to which the famous counter-project ap pears, after all, to have been only intended as a mask on the principle of the Irish agitator, who always inculcated the expediency of askiug for much, in order to obtain part. The Emperor of the French has, as we have stated, written to the Czar to make a last appeal to his good sense; so that matters seem to be generally tending towards the point at which it was al ways our opinion they would arrive, namely the adjustment of the questions at issue by a general congress of the European Powers. From the scat of war we have nothing of a very decided character. The menaced attack upon Kalafat had not as yet taken place. Some small advantages had been gained by the Turks at Giurgevo and one or two other places, but they did. not affect in any serious way the re spective positions of the belligerents. The allied squadron were to return to the Black Sea on the 28th ult., having under their protection two Turkish convoys freighted with men and ammuni tion for the scene of operations. Ar. Y. Herald. The Scpply of Breadstitffs. It is said that large purchases of brcadstuffs have been and are now being made in the New York market, ou speculation, in anticipation of a general war in Europe, and it is these transactions that run prices up but it is quite certain, says the Ex press, that as soon as the river and canal navi gation is resumed, the stocks on hand in the sea-board cities will be so materially augment ed that it is difficult to see how an abatement is not to be an immediate result. The present famine prices cannot long be maintained. At the East, we see immense supplies are pouring into Boston from almost every sectiou, at the rate of 8,000 to 10,000 barrels a week. The stock on hand is estimated at not less than 100 000 barrels. The same may be said of Port land. The store-houses there are said to be literally clioaked up with Canadian descriptions of flour. The stock on hand at New York is also very large. Northeastern Railroad. We know that the community and all parties interested in the success of this enterprise, will be gratified to learn that the Directors have entered into a contract with T. C. Wye, Esq., an energetic and honorable capitalist, by which it' will be completed at a much earlier day than had been anticipated. The terms of the contract are one-half cash, one-fourth in bonds, and one fourth in stock, the Road to be completed by the first of July 1855. Mr Wye's contract ex tends over the entire part of the Road which is already arranged for. The Company by this contract have removed many serious obstacles hitherto existing, and it is to be hailed not only as a harbinger, of bright things for the Road Jjlsclf, but as a proof of the dilligence and saga city of its controllers. Charleston Mercury. A Curious Story. A young Parisian, traveling to Amsterdam, was attracted by a remarkably beautiful house near the canal. He addressed a Dutchman,- French, who stood near, in the vessel, with : "l'ray, sir, may 1 ask to whom that honse belongs?" The Hollander answered- him in his own language : . "Ik kan net verstan," you.) (I not understand The Parisian, not doubting he was understood, took the Dutchman's answer for the proprietor's name. "Oh, oh!" said he, "it belongs to Mr Kani ferstau!" 'Well, I am sure he must be very agreeably situated! The house is most charm ing, and the garden appears delicious! I don't know that 1 ever saw a better! A friend of mine has one like it, near the river Choise; but I certainly give this the preference!" He added many other observations of the same kind to which the Dutchman made uo reply. When he arrived at Amsterdam, he saw a most beautiful woman walking on the quay, arm in arm with a gentleman. lie asked a person who passed him who that charming lady was; but the mau not understandidg French, replied : -( "Ik kan net verstan." ;-' "What, sir!" exclaimed our traveller, "is that Mr KanifersAaii's ifctfevliose house is near the canal? Indeed this -gentleman's lot is en viable, to possess such a noble house and so lovely a companion!" The next day, when he was walking, he saw some trumpeters playing at a gentleman's door, who had got the largest- prize in the Dutch lottery. Our Parisian, wishing to be informed of the gentleman's name, it was still answered: "Ik kan net verstan." "Oh!" said he, "this is too great an accession of good fortune! Mr Kanifer'stan proprietor of sach a line house, husband to such a beautiful woman, and to get the largest prize in the lot tery! It must be allowed there are some for tunate men in the world!" About a week after 'this, our traveler saw a very superb funeral. He asked whose it was "Ik kan net verstan," replied the person of whom he inquired. "Oh. gracious!" exclaimed he; "poor Mr Ivauiferstau who had such a uoble house, such an angelic wife, and the largest prize in the lottery! He must have qnitted this world with great regret! But I thought his happiness was too complete to be of long duratiou!" He then went home, rcflectiujr ou the insta bility of human affairs. Marriage bv Proxy. A correspondent of the National Intelligencer writes : "It is but recently that I became aware of the fact that marriages by proxy were allowa ble in the Old Dominion. Some years ago a sable son of Africa, called General a title which he had not earned by gallant services on the battle field, neither had he acquired it as Gen. Mnthew Arhiu-kln ilirl hie rf th - u -7 IIIVj OtllllL' grade, but had received it from his sponsors in baptism, it lie ever had any sued and won the love of a colored lady sporting the rurul name of Milken Sally. A day was fixed for their wedding; the officiating clergyman being a col ored gentleman, slave on au "adjoining planta tion, a stickler for dignity, and a firm" believer in the resolutions of '98 and 99. Those who needed his services had to go to his cabin. General and Milken had to make the most of it, as Mahomet would not go to the mountain remained for the mountain to go to Mahomet. The eventful evening at lenirth arrived- thr guests are assembled, the groom has come, but ! the bride is missing. The venerable clergyman J at length becomes impatient, expresses his as- lonisnment at JHUkm's absence; when the General, rising from his seat, thus delivers him self: "Look here, broder Cullifer, its no use waiting for dat darkee; I knows her like a book; she bin gone to sleep, setting fore de fire. Use authorized to speak for her ; so jes go ahead jes de same if she was here." Old Cullifer thought it a wise suggestion, and proceeded to unite them in the holy bonds of matrimony. When the General went over to Milken's cabin, sure enough, there she was fast asleep by the fire with some of her wedding finery in her hand. She was terribly provoked to learn that her wedding had come off and she was not there." A modern medical writer has a word for pa rents who expose their children's limbs to the cold. We commend the advice to all who in dulge in this practice : "I cannot pass without a word upou the barbarous regimen which cus tom and the ignorant convictions of many pa rents have prescribed for infants and young children. I allude to the practice of half-dressing children, which is adopted in almost all weathers, sometimes with a view to show olf, sometimes, as it is said, to invigorate and 'har den' the child. The continued impression of cold thus allowed to be made on the arms, shoulders, legs, and often bodies, of young chil dren, must result, unless the power of the sys tem be very great, in gradually establishing a congestive circulation, that will favor the de velopment of tubercles in the lungs or mesen teric glands, of dropsy of the brain, chronic di arhoea, bronchitis, catarrh, and so on, to say nothing of the multitudes of the little sufferers cut off by croup, and other acute ' inflamations. Parents should know, and not forget, that chil dren have less power of generating heat than adults ; and that consequently in cool or cold weather, their bodies and limbs should receive as careful an envelopment ,aud protection as those of grown persons liable to the same degree of exposure; for a more careful the selfish at tention of the latter to their own comfort and health will hardly admit of." We have been shown another counterfeit $20 bill of the Bank of Georgetown. The signa tures of the Cashier and President are well ex ecuted, but the vignettes betray its spurious origin. On the left in the genuine is a female bust, and on the right the figures 20 enclosed in a wreath. On the left in the counterfeit is a vignette of an eagle on a shield, with a scroll in its beak containing the words Stale Sovereignty National Union, and ou the right a full lenirth figure of an Iudian woman with a spear in one hand, the other resting on a shield. The paper, also, of the counterfeit has an oily appearance' and is somewhat lighter and thinner than the genuine. Charleston Courier. Parson Brownlow, in exposing a defaulting subscriber, who has "fled to parts uuknown," owing him six dollars, uses the following tall language : Let him be published in every journal in ex istence, until his defalcation is known; and up on the waves of the Euxine let his mcanuess be borne along with the shrieks of the drowning Austrians, and the groans of the dyiug Turks! And may the deep-dyed waters of the Danube hide his body from the eye of man, when the sabre of the Cossack and of the Turk shall have drank deeply of his blood! And may the close of 1854 never permit the sun to shine upon another rascal, who may abscond in our debt, too mean and too dishonest even to write us and premise to pay ! Talleyrand and Arnold. There was a day when Talleyrand arrived in Havre, hot foot from Paris. It was the dark est hour ot the French Revolution. Pursued by the blood-hounds of the Reign of Terror stripped of every wreck of property or power' lalleyrand secured a passage to America, in k ship about to sail. He was a beggar and a wonderer to a strange land, to cam his daily bread by daily labor. J 'Is there an American staying at your house" he asked the landlord of the hotel. 'I am bound to cross the water, and would like a letter to a person of influence in the New World.' The landlord hesitated a moment, then re plied 'There is a gentleman up stairs, either from America or Britain, but whether American or Englishman, I connot tell.' He pointed the way, aud Talleyrand, who in this life was Bishop l'riuce and Prime Minis ter ascended the stairs. A miserable suppli ant he stood before the stranger's door, knocked and entered. In the far corner of the dimly lighted room, sat a man of some fifty years, his arms folded and his head bowed on his breast. From a window directly opposite, a flood of light pour ed out over his forehead. His eyes looked from beneath the downcast brows and ira-wA mi Talleyrand's face with a peculiar and searching expression. His face waf striking in outline; the mouth and chin indicative of an iron will. His form, vigorous, even with the suows of fif ty, was clad iu a dark but rich and distinguish ed costume. Talleyrand advanced stated that he was a fugitive and under the impression that the gentleman before him was an American, he so licited his kind and leeung ouiccs. lie poured forth his history in eloquent French and broken English : 1 am a wanderer an exile. I am forced to fly to the New World, without a friend or home. You are an American! Give me, then I be seech, you, a letter of yours, so that I may be able to earn my bread. 1 am willing to toil in any manner the scenes of Paris have seiz ed me with horror, so that a life of labor would be a paradise to a career of luxury in France. You will give me a letter to oue of your friends? A gentleman like you have doubtless many menus r The strange gentleman rose. With a look that Talleyrand never forgot, he retreated to wards the door of the next chamber, his eyes looking still from beneath his darkened brow. He spoke as he retreated backward his voice was full of meaning : 'I am the only man born in the New World who can raise his hand to God aud say I have not a friend not one in all America!' Talleyrand never forgot the overwhelming sadness of that look which accompanied these words. 'Who are you?' he cried, as the strange man retreated to the next room, 'your name?' 'My name,' he replied with a smile that had more mockery than joy in its convulsive expres sion 'my name is Benedict Arnold!' lie was gone. Tallcyraud sunk into a chair gasping the words 'Arnold, the traitor!' Thus, you see, he wandered over the earth, auotherCaiu, with a wanderer's mark upon his brow. Even in that secluded room at that Inn at Havre, his crimes found him out and forced him to tell his name that name the synonymc of infamy. The last twenty years of his life arc" covered with a cloud, from whose darkness but a few gleams of light Hashed out upon the page of history. The manner of his death is not exactly known. But we cannot doubt that he died utterly friendless that remorse pursued him to the grave, whispering John Andre! in his ear, and that the memory of his course gnawed like a canker at his heart, murmuring, forever True to your country, what might you have been, oh! Arnold the Traitor!' Great Sale of Cattle. At the last Court day in Paris, Ky , the sale of cattle amounted to over $150,000. The auctioneers sold over 900 mules, and their aggregate sales amounted to $94, S(j;j. Several auctioneers were busy through the day. COMMERCIAL RECORD. a n n i v i: l) A t f a y i: x t jj v i J. i, k , Feb. 25 Steauiors Fanny Lnttorloh and Kowan, vitli boat Urofiklyn iu tow, and goods for J W Jak r, 1 Taylor, J O boon t Co, T J Johnson, H & K J billy, nillow.v, T fc$ binds!--, Kay fc I'earoe, JV IWm-h it Co. JoncH & bett, K Mitchell. 1) McDonald, YVHlkhies & Co. K Little. T bullock, W II Tnlly. A W Steel, J .fc T Waddill. K .1 Hale & Son. G W (idldston fc Co, S J Hinsdale, W II LiiUt rloli, W J McDiarmid, 1 1 John son. I fc W MeLiun in. K W Kinlaw, Ji Hose, Kinjr fc Ik'jje, C Little, II L Myrovcr t Co, C K Let te, W Mc -Intyre, J GCook. S W Tillinphast & Co, C D Nixon, H Gilmorc, T C Fuller; TS Lutterloh. Feb. ti Steamer Fairv (OrreH's lirn with full freight for sundry persons. Feb 2.1 Steamer Evergreen, (Frank t Jerry lino,) with 101 hhds. Molasses, for merchants of this pluce and interior. Feb 27 Rtr John II. Ilaughton, Capt. Lamon, from up the l iver, for Wilmington, having charge of three tow boats loaded with 2200 bids Kosin. Feb27 Str Southerner (Frank & Jcrrv Line) with jroo.l3 for Hunt. Addevton A Mcliary, C THaigh ASon, G W Lawrence, Goddard fc Co, Jienbow, Kyle & Co (3 E Lecte. Worth .fc Utlev. Cook A- J ton, A .1 O'JIonlon, II Freeman, W B Robeson, J li nan, iv is, j, jones, w iwmltnll. Feb. 28 Str Chatham, with gocrtn for J Worth & Son It G Lindsay. K Mattel. W A C F Deems, Earnhardt & None, II W Ji 5 Ijoxch! Lind- rij ..iiiuiigwi, u .iiurpny, ti. r worm, II C I'ortcr, M Grecntrec, Island Ford Co. II L Mvrover & Co, Sted litau & Home. Houston Overbv, M N Learv A Son. r : i t i. o uiiniiT, j.anKin v .McLean, Jas Alclver, J M A Drake. Shelly A Fields, C N McAdoo, J Gordon. Geo W Wiliams & Co, Jones Watson, Murcbison, lieid &. Co, McCulloch & Co, Gray & Sanders, Stanley & Murrow, C G Yates, A A McKtthan, J Utley. ARRIVED AT WILMINGTON, Feb. 24. Schrs Mist, Maria Jane, Ocean, Lillie Saun ders, and Marine, from New York Sclir C A Hecksht r from Philadelphia Sclir Topaz with corn from llvde. 26lh. Schr Henry Atkins from Cardenas. March 1. Schr AVm Smith, Brig Lincoln, Schr A. J, DeKossett, Schr Wake, from New York. MORE TESTIMONY TO THE EFFICACY OF DR. M "LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE. I do hereby certify to the public, that a child of mine, four years old, being troubled with worms, I was induced to purchase a bottle of Dr. M;Lanc"s celebrated Vermifuge, which I administered; and the result was, it brought away an immense number of wonnn in bun ches and strings ; many had the appearance of being cut to pieces. My child is now enjoying most excel lent health. I take pleasure in recommending it to both young and old as one of the best medicines I ever used. Mrs. ANN JEMISON, 38 Ninth st. The above valuable remedy, also Dr. M'Lane's Liver Pills, can now be had at the Drug Store of Samuel J. Hinsdale, Fayetteville. TWESTY DOLLARS REWARD. Jesse Wilson, late of the county of Sampson, North Carolina, lias left for parts unknown, and is indebted to us, aud Laving taken with him assets sufficient to pay his debts, we will give the above reward for satisfac tory information of his present location, if within the jurisdiction of any Court of law iu the Ujiited States. Said Wilson i alout 40 years of age, wiih red coin plection, of medium size, and bad principles. 1 J. & T. WADDILL. Fayetteville, N. C, Feb?y 24, 1854. S2-3t FOR SALE. 1 two JTorse Wagon, second-hand. 1 Harness norse, gentle. Also, 1 unimproved Lot in Campbell- ton, iiius. j. JUllASUJV. IVly IS, 1S54. 81-3t