THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, ;P A YE TTE VI LL E, N C r n - ta He HI Wo A?ain 1 .....,1 Twas luit a worn, a carcicss vnw, In nriele inn n:is.- oil iwinii, Hut with that word the chain that bound Two loving hearts was broken. The hasty wrath has parsed away, The bitter words remain; la vain the lady weeps and sighs He will not woo again. .No other love may light her path; No other move his heart; Yet changing seasons come and go, And find them still apart; Her once bright cheek is paler now ; His bears a trace of pain; Their days are sorrowful, aud yet lie will not woo again. They meet as strangers, calm and cold, As calmly, coldly, part, And none may guess that tranquil mien Conceals a tortured heart. To hi in the world hath lost its light, For her all joys- are vain; Nor hope, nor memory bring relief He will not woo again. Alas, lhat love long tried and warm, Should wither in an hoar. Alas! that pride o'er human hearts Should wield such fearful power; Oh! weep thou not for those who die Fur them all tears are vain; But weep o'er living hearts grown cold, Who ne'er may love again. HEl) SPllIXOS ACAISEMY. The Tru-i-es of this Institution take pleasure in an nouncing to the public that they have secured the ser i".of Mrl'KTEU A. MrEAC'UIN, who received us ' . . i. .. n.. r' -1 n i eoiniiletcel it lit our State University. The teacher the location i .1... ,1W .,!' tin- iieiiriiboi liooJ, are ,.i-il-v II hc:i I lOll IIIHiei , of all i!,:t their children wnlrecene lU-'n iiioraf and literary education which is so very dc- nil'! seldom attained. f!-i... ....... ..null. -nee on the (irst day f March d -n il .nntiime five niontlis. Hie rales o tuition ...... - -in nitil .s 1 ' ier Session. Bo: u-d $0 to $7 50 Tl' Academy is situated near Bed Springs, whose waters are so popular, and whose medical properties bevond doubt. A. D. McNElLL, Pres't. M. C. McNEILL, Sec'y. !i county, ( ,4. ' , 82-St lied Springs, Robes February 15, IS c ;)PA nr ?s k h s i i r . -ued have entered into a cojrartnership Th" rs; nnder the UMiiie ami styl of Jessup iV Co.. for the d:s- t IlMtinn of T'.irneiituii n! :d the Grocery business, in 'ampbelltou. ( ur Still will be on ater street, a lew vards ma il) of Clarenuoa Bridge. AVe shall keep a .ueral assortment of Groceries in the Brick Store on ii!" l"'A' J. McD. JESSUP. C. 1. JONES, AVM. G. B ABB EE. 154. oia. S I AU 1 1 IC SALEM STAGE, by i'latiK noau, mro.igu STAGE, .1 ...1. rlhu LTe and Ashborough. will leave t avettevme on : mdav. Wednesday, ami Friday, at 6 o'clock 1. M., ai Vive at Salem on Tuesday, Thursday, aud Satur iav. at 5 o'clock P. M. tl-turniii"-. it will leave Salem on sunuay, 1 uesuaj Vii.l Til! -day. at " o'clock P. M., and arrive in rav- e next davs at 5 1. M. Stage is in connection with the Warsaw Stage, h Tickets from Salem to Wan aw for S12. M. McKINNON. l'!:ro Feb'y 18, 1854. Si-Cm KOTICB Is hereby given that hereafter in the Court of Plea t:jarter Sessions of Cumberland county, the Trial io,.-t will be taken upon and the State .,. t-..r 1 Thursday of each and evrv term. JOHN McLAURIN, Clerk. 7y-4t ;i!" ;iarv 4. 1851. .HKW GOODS. s are now receiving into Store a large Th subscriber; aud gencr -.1 STOCK OF GOODS, ill tie sold at v. holer-ale or retail at email pro Ar stock embraces St. Croix, Porto Rico, Mus- :ic a v . TIj ,a . 1 1 . and New Orleans Brown Sugars; A. B. and C b-e Sugars; Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do.; fine 1, ; i;::-noa Teas: Java, Laguira and Rio Coll'ee; !; r. Alsp'ce. ( r, Alum, Epsom Salts, Brim- io'i'r-. Indigo. Madder, Adamantine and Sptrm Can ;ie. -up. carb. Soda. Snuil', ground Mustard, fancy and :tr. Soup. Camphor, Borax. Cider Vinegar. Mackerel in a. id half barrels and kits. Mess Fork, Molasses, - rap. Sack Salt. Broad aud Club Axes; Turpentine 1 v.-n. lLu-kers. Scrapers and Dippers; Pocket and 'V-i.' Call.-iy; Shovels. SjKtdes and Forks; broad and o'uiuu.i iiar ii'.ia. Steel, Mails and Spikes, Weeding i..-s. iLinvv-'.viir. large; assortment; ijiacKsmun s Lighs, Corn Sliellers and Straw Cutters, Hats. ls. 1 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, iiu,i.-t everv article usually to be found '.V in " k this GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. ruarv lt. 1854. r; t 1 1 Ei ..r-ribr having qualified at the February :' iiladen County Court. 154, as Administrator, '.Vi!l annexed, of James J. McKay, deceased, ;:.v.'- notice to all person indebted to the said .1. to in ikc immediate payment; and to all per . i.I claims against said deceased, to present -.thin two years from the date hereof, legally t'cated ; otherwise this notice under the act of !y, iu such cuses made aud provided, will be .1 .;i bar of their recovery. JAMES ROBESON, Administrator with the Will annexed, of James J. McKay, deceased. :h Jthbjwn. FeVv 10. D'5 t " 81 -It ml well-broke MULES. W. I, 18,5-1. - 73-tf MALLETT. S3 VII) JIc 1) V V FEI3 DRICK MASON AND PLASTERER, is wanting work done in his line will be '. v :kU";id.'d to bv addressing him at the Favette--.) See. a!.-. Jan'y 28, 1854 Iv-pl PEIllVIAX i' h iv! received a large GUANO. sui.plv of PERUVIAN Gi ANv), which we olfer .it lowest market price. D. & W. McL AUK IN. 7U-tf -rur I'V 1 1854. PUAUtE d-saie dealers PEJIBERTOI, in Foreign and Domestic DRY (It Hi I)S Cms. ntjfx Slider, Trmbrt!las. and KEADY-MADE CLOTHING. t1: side H.w street. Faye-itevii.i.e, N. C. -'rict atteuiion paid to orders. B. K. FEARCE. 0. IS54 v T. II. P EMBERTON FOR HIRE, rro Bov until 1st Januarv i v ve 18 1555, aged Apply at this oSiee. 54. Vtrli Carolina fit ate Agricultural Society. - called meeting of tlie State Agricultural Society . ii li. Carolina will be held 111 Raleigh on Wednes the 15 ih of March next, at which time it is hoped l ih members, generally will be present iiv order of the President, J. F. TOMPKINS, Sec'y. I'm- Sale or Rent. he 'fine SUMMER, 'RESIDENCE two miles west of l(..ryTi 1 osfcesgioii givi -u iMiiMi-uiaivij. -'i'l'V uuiiii .. ' .T . nn.i. ..ill, n .... IT t.k I., I.., II. Co:k or ('. K. Leete. S. A. LEETE. March 19, 18 j STEAM EXGISBS, Kayettevtlle Manufacture. AVo are now prepared with all tlie necessary machin- t- . - cTL'iir i.'V ! IV!-"? friiiii live orv lor manufacturing . I I . II ii.l V - " to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on as favor- able terms as anv Northern establishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mill, Boats, ic. will perceive the advantage ol having them made near home. ." All Engine of our own Manufacture can be seen in operation at the Foundry. ,-r, HALL A BOLLINGER. Dec. 10, 1853. 71-tf SEW OUODS. I have received and opened the largest stock of Dry floods. Groceries. Ac. 1 have ever ottered lor sale, all of which I will sell as low as anv house iu this place. Mv lriends and customers, and all in want of goods, are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. I'ETElt P. JOHNSON. Sept 17, 1853 PALLj 1853 J A M S K V I- E Ts now receiviii'' a very larsre and ireneral assortment of DRY GOODS, among winch are 1500 pieces new style Calicos, 750 do Muslin DeLains, 175 do French and English Merinos, 250 do- Alpaccas. Plaid, brocade and other Silks, Merino and crape plaid and plain Shawls, assorted, Hats, Caps and Bonnets. Silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Bobine-t Lace and Edging, Boots and Shoes. Boltinr Cloths. No. 1 to 10. With many other Goods, all of which have been pur chnMMl for cash bv the package, and will be ottered at wholesale or retail as low as possible. Those wishing to purchase goods will please call and examine Sept 17, 153 H O T.l C E. Drs. MALLETT t McSWAIN having left their Books an.l papers with W. McL. McKay, who is fully authorized to receipt for the same, all their customers livinsr west of the Cape Fear River, who may be iu arrears cither by note or account, will confer a favor bv calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. H. A. McSWAIN. Favetteville. Sept. 3. 1853. tf It. W. UIXbAW fc CO. Are now receiving from New York their Fall and Winter stock of GROCERIES, Consisting in part of Coil'ce. brown and loaf Sugar, iron and nails, powder and shot, lead, tea, candles, soap. segars, copperas, ginger, spice, pepper, butter & soda crackers, suutr, adamantine candles, nutmegs, a good lot Hollow-ware, brooms, water buckets, matches, bail buckets, a good lot of CROCKERY & HARDWARE; thread, buttons, suspenders, purses, pencils, blacking. combs, ix a cups letter and writing paper, together with a good lot of ladies' and irentlcmeifs line and common Roots & Shoes. bov"s do. Thev solicit their customers and the public to call and examine their Goods, as they intend to sell low lor cash or exchange tor country produce. R. W. KINLAW & CO. Foot Havmount, south side Hay street. Favetteville, Sept. 17, 1853. tf NORTH tAKOMXA CASS 1 31 EKES. MR JAMES G. COOK lias on hand a full stock of Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Carson, Young !fc Grier. at their Mill in Mecklenburg County. N. C, where consumers and merchants can be supplied. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being equal in durability, and as permanent in color, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the LT. S. They invite the most full and thorough tests of them, and'only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Oct. 22, 1853. C4-tf IIAIK. DllESSIXG AND SHAVING SAI.OOS. J. G. SMITH respectfully informs the citizens of Favetteville. and the surrounding country, that he has moved his Barberlng Establishment to the Hotel Build ing. His room may now be found opposite the new Favetteville Bank, where he is prepared to Shave and Trim on accommodating terms, lie very respectfully returns thanks to his old customers and the public gen erally for their liberal patronage, and hopes that his custom will be GREATLY INCREASED, as he has been to considerable expense in fitting up his Shop for the comfort of his customers. He would invite the attention of the citizens to his READING ROOM, in rear of his Shaving Establishment, where they will lind all the leading Political Papers of the day. All kinds of Perfumeries and Hair Oils, Shaving Soap. Hair and Shaving Brushes, and a variety of other articles in his line, for sale. J5? He also keeps a good supply of choice smoking Cigars. Faycttevillc, N. C, Oct. 29, 1853. C5-fim AVEIl'S CI1EKRY PECTORAL Kor the Cure of Coughs. Cultis, lloarstncss. Bron chitis. IVhooping-Cough. Croup. -1st h ma. and Con sumption. Of all the numerous medicines ex tant, (and some of them valuable) for the cure of pulmonary complaints, nothing has ever been found which could compare iu its effects with this Preparation. Others cure some- i...f .,11 .,.,.1 ;n .,11 .1;. Liiii., liui. til- till HIIH.O ttii.i 111 an iiiir" fccu'iiscs of the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will do it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the di rections. We do not advertise for the information of those who have tried it but those who have not. Fami lies that have known its value will not be without it, and y its timely use. they are secure from the danger ous consequences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in September 18 !7; also, the Medals of the three great In stitutes of Art, in this country; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute at Cincinnati, has been given to the Cherry Pectoral, by their Government in consideration of its extraordinary excellence and usefulness iu curing affections of the Lung and Throat. Read the following opinion founded on the long ex perience of the eminent Physician of the Port and City of Dr. J. C. Aver. ST. JONES. May, 8, 1851. Five years trial of your Cherry Pectoral in my- prac tice, has proven what 1 foresaw from its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which we, in this section, are peculiarly liable. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, nor do know how a better remedy can be made for the dis tempers of the Throat and Lungs. J. J. BURTON, M. D., F. R. S. See what it has done 011 a wasted constitution, not only in the fid loving cases, but a thousand more : SroBURV, Jan. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer : In the month of July last I was attacked by a violent diftrrhresi in the mines of California. I re turned to San Francisco in hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. Myr diarrluca ceas ed, but was followed by a severe cough and much -orencss. 1 finally started for home, but received no benefit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, and when I -arrived in New York, I was at once marked bv mv acquaintances as a victim of consump tion. I must confess that I saw no sufficient reason to oubtwhat my friends all believed. At this tune I commenced taking vour truly invaluable medicine with little expectation of deriving tiny benefit from its use. 1 on wouiu 1101 recent; mese unc uiu 1 jioi r- rd it my duty to state to the afiltcted, through you, that mv health, in the space of eight months, is fully restored. 1 attribute it to the use of your Cherry Pec toral. Yours truly. WILLIAM W. SMITH. WASJirxuTox, Pa., April 12, 1S48. Dear Sir : Feeling that I have been spared from a premature grave, through your instrumentality by the providence ot tiou, 1 will taKe tlie liberty to express to you uiv gratitude. . Ar Cough iiiid the alarming symptoms of Consumption had reduced me too low to leave me anvthin" like hope, -when- my physician brought me a bottle of your -l eciorai. ltseenieu to anoru immediate relief, and now in a few weeks time has restored me to sound health. It it will do for others what it has done for me. vou are certainly one of the benefactors of mankind. Very respect fully yours, JOHN J. CLARKE,' Rector of St. rcter's Church ltli such assurance and troui such men. no stronger prooi can oe auuuceu unless it ie Horn its cllect upon iriai. Prepared and Sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Alass. For sale in Faycttevillc, by S. J. Hinsdale. Jan'y 1, 1S54." 7G-3m M. 1IUTSOX, House Painter, Fayetteville, X. C. December 17. 1853. II. Tj. HOLMES, Attokxet at Law, Wilmington-, N. C. Office on the corner of Front and Princess streets under the Journal Office. ( A. II. Whit Acid, CAUUIAGE-MAKEU, FA V ETTEVILLE, BL C. Would respectfully inform the public that he is- still at his old stand carrying on the 'above business ia all4ta branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has recived, and hopes by a strict attention to busi ness, aud a desire to all and irtve oreiunml ssttura. tion, to merit a continuance of the same. -". . .r , He warrants all his work to be made of the best noto rial and by experienced workmen. He natters himself tiiat iiis work will compete with any made in the ' State lor style, elegance and durability; and should any of it fail in 12 months (with fair usage) either in workmanship or material, he will repair it free of charge V-" l'ersons wishing to buv, would do well to call and ex amine his work, as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short tune. fc- Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. ;ri2Rcpairiug neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Favetteville. Oct. 1st, 1S.3. PAYETTEVItLE MUTUAL I S S C R A X C E COMPANY This Company is now organized and prepared to re ceive applications for Insurance, on as favorable terms as other Companies. ' - DlltEClUKS: Henry Lilly, H. L. Mykuykr, Tnos. S. Litteuloii, Jonx II. Cook, D. A. Ray, A. A. McKethax, Gko. McNeill, J auks Kyi.k, Nathan A. Stkdman. A vox E. IIai.t J. G. SllKPllEKD, Wm. Waiidex, S. T. Hiwit, John D. WilliaAs, Chas. Benhow, Wm. McLaukix, AVm. McIxtvkk, OFFICERS. GEORGE McNEILL, President. r H. L. MYltOVER, Vice President. : ' -J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary. ' Geohoe McNeill, 1 ,' - Joux H. Cook, -Executive Committee.- . James Kyle, ) The plan of Mutual Insurance must commend itself to our community, for it can be demonstrated that we have saved within the last six years upwards of $30,000 by insurance in tlie North Carolina Mutual Company; that is, we must have paid to have kept the same insur ance in the foreign joint stock companies that sum more than we have actually paid; and yet the North Carolina -Mutual Company lias received between S5.000 ana 00O more than it has paid out for losses here, showing that we are favorably situated, as compared with otlier places in the State, for Insurance. Our Company ha gone into operation favorably? hav ing the day we organized applications to the amount of $11(1,000, and the Company is now placed on a sure footing. . Any Director, authorized Airent, or Secretary, may receive Applications, but they will not be binding Uutil approved by the Executive Committee or Board. ,EaJ-YYM. L. McGARY, Esq., is appointed Cieneral Airent by the Coinpanr. We invite applications. GEO. McNEILL, President. c. a. McMillan, Sec'v. " Feb. 2. 1S53. " tf LU9IBERTON HOVEL. The subscribers inform the public that they have pur chased the Hotel lately occupied by G. P. Higley, and that they are now prepared to entertain all who ; may favor them with their custom, aud pledge themselves to use every effort to give satisfaction. They are now building large and drv Stables and shelters. Their table will always be supplied with the best the market affords, and with attentive servants in the house and for the stables. Their undivided attention will be giv en to' the establishment, and thereby hope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. J. W. REGAN. J. II. CALDWELL. Luintierton, March 21, 1853. ly Winter' Pal cut Fire Proof Sa.lsuna.nder Safes. We are agents for the sale of the aliove Safes, aud of fer them at Manufacturer's prices, lidding freight. We intend keeping a supply always) on hand of various sizes and prices. These Safes are considered among the best in the United States. We have received part of one dozen, at prices from $50 to $175. D. & W. McLAURIN. April 10,1853 38-tf - WE have just received a fresh supply of Tea, ft-om the Pekin Tea Company, of all qualities, -which, je warrant to give satisfaction, or no charge. D. & W. McLAURIN. April 10, 1S53. 38-tf McLiaurin & Strange will pay the high est cash price for Turpentine until further notice. . . Sept. 3. 153. 5S-U Notice. The subscriber has removed to Shaw's new building on Gillespie street, up stairs, where he still carries on the TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branches. Having had practical experience in most of the Atlan tic cities, he feels assured that he cau please the most fastidious. All orders will be executed with neatness and despatch. B. MONAG1IAN. April 9, 1853. tf KEW BAKERY. The Subscriber has established a Bakery on Bow Street, on the Lot two doors East of Duncan McNeill s Cabinet Shop. He is prepared to furnish Families, Boats, and the public generally, with Bread, Biseiiit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the best quality, as he has procured the services of one of the best Bakers in the State. Prices reasonable. Live me a call. CHARLES BANKS. January 1, 1853, tf The Steamer FANNY LUTTERLOII will in the future leave Fayetteville on Mondays and Thurs day mornings, at (i o clock, and Wilmington Tuesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock and run regularly, carrying freight and passengers with despatch. T. S. LU litULUlI, Oct 1, 1853. tf NEW STOCK OK FALL & WINTER GOODS. The subscriler is now receiving a large and well selected stock of Goods, comprising a general assort ment of Dry Goods, Reapy-mape Clothix, Boots axo Shoes, Hats ami Caps, Haiipwake and Cctijjky, Sai- PLEIlV, GllOCERIES, cVC, XC. Which will be sold low for cash, or exchanged for tur pentine and country produce. lie returns his warmest thanks to his old mends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. NATHAN KING Kingsbury, Oct. 1, 1853, tf FOR SALE. - The subscriber offers for sale 1500 'acres of land on the waters of Barbacue, on which there is about 60,000 turpentine boxes 1 year old. Also 250 acres, known as the round ton tract,-on which there is 15,0' The above land is near two distilleries, and on and near the F. & W. Plank Road. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make au earlv application. A. J. CAMERON. Johuponville, Nov. 26, 1853. C9-tf AV. II. CARVER, t p Denier in Dry Goods, Groceries anil Provisions. Third door from N. E. corner Market Stiuai'e. next to D. Gee's Hat Store Green street, Fayetteville, N. C. . V" rar-AU kinds of produce takcu iu exchange for Goods. Feb. 19 1853. CIIAKLES BANKS, CONFECTIONER, FAYETTEVILLE, N Septemlier 18, 1S52. FALL TUADE, 1853. I have received mv Fall Stock of DRY GOOD5 GROCERIES, .He. ' . My stock is large and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any H'nd of produce taken in exchange. COTTON BAGGING. I have a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee Cot - ton Bagging, Bale Rope and Bagging Twine. Sen.i in vour orders and thev shall be suimlied. - JAMES G. COOK. Oct 3, 1853. tf Sx.Skim 2sets aud 2set Twine, for bv W. II. CAEV Jan'y 28, 1854. 2m Kew Crop Slolsses. .iu iiikIs. superior quality, just received andfUr sale fey rcuyi, iwt l-LitB r. rfJHNSOS' Jiank Uliecks and Jxotes. On all the Banks in FayettMlle, jQSt printed in a superior style, for saleft the - ' lvrolixiax Office. V ' S . S . AREV - - Has on hand a beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. He desires to return thanks to his friends and the pub lic for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on hiin; and solicits a continuance of the same. His ' ... i IT . . ...... i . . . . -. . linn .1 ..ll friends aud tuepuonc are 1e4w.-5n.-u .""T at the stand formerly occupied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner Market Square and Gillespie street. Oct. 15, 1So3. DEXTISTRY. ' u. AV. C. BENBOW, Local Dentist, May litfTound at his Rooms near the Market, where he will he pleased to receive calls and wait oa those in need of his prolessionai ser ices. He will perforin, with care, all operations upon the teeth. Those in need of Artificial Teeth are solicited to call and examine specimens of his own manufacture. lr. Benbow begs leave to call the attention of parents to the importaueo of cleanliness and early treatment of their children's teeth. Fair science, thus with timely care combined, Becomes the faithful friend of human kind." Favetteville, Oct. 22, 1853 C2-tf FALL A3SO WISTER GOODS. We are receiving the largest stock of Goods we ever offered iu this market, consisting in great varieties of -r Hats and Caps, - -Hoots and Shoes. Saddlery and Leather. Hardware and Cutlery. Wood and Iron Hollow Ware. Bagging aud Rope.. Cotton and Hemp Rope, I to 1 inches. .r- Carpenters', Blacksmiths' aud Coopers Tools. .j Nail Iron and Steel. Heady-Made Clothing. Staple Dry Goods, And Groceries. All these goods we want to exchange for Produce, Cash, or to responsible men on time. I Oct. 1, 1853. J. & T. WADDILL, Hay Street. ,JSf Country Merchant:) will please call and examine our stock. J. & T. W. 9 I SO REWAUP, "".We will give one hundred dollars for the apprehen sion and confinement of HANNIBAL, a slave (formerly the property of Mr Wm. G. Matthews,) in any jail so that Ave can get him, or one hundred and fifty dollars if delivered to us at Halifax Court House. Virginia. POINDEXTER & EDMONSON. By Wm. M. Callais, Agt. July 23, 1853. 52-tf E . C. II ALL, Of Home, Successor of Hall, Sackett & Co. Has now on hand a general assortment of "Dry Goods, Saddlery, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries. A much larircr and more general stock than ever onened on the East side of the Cape Fear .which he is prepared and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. He would call particular attention to his stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. The assortment is unusually large, and of every quality and style; and having leen bonirht for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. You that wish Bargains will find it to your interest to irive the Stock an examination before buying else where. Always on hand, a general stock of GROCERIES October 1. 1S53. CHAIRS. The subscrilH'r offers for sale some 15 or 20 dozen Chairs of various patterns, manufactured in this place of well -seasoned wood, the best the country affords: and if enabled by sufficient patronge, will continue to manu facture chairs of such material and workmanship as will insure their durability. Also, a general assortment of northern Chairs at the lowest prices. A lilcral price will lie given in cash or barter for few thousand feet of well-seasoned poplar Lumber, I5 to 2 inches thick, 14 inches and upwards wide, clear of i splits, Ac. Also split hickory and white oak wanted. DUNCAN McNEILL. Fayetteville, June 25, 1853. tf It. W. HARDIE carries on the Book-binding business in the second story of Clark & Woodward's Clothing Emporium, where he will receive and execute BIND ING in any style desired. : October 1, 1853. Sotic?. The undersigned wish to inform the citizens of Fav etteville that they have formed a copartnership, and are now prepared to do all kinds of Brick Work. White washing, and Plastering, Papering and coloring done in the neatest style. They keep constantly on hand an excellent article of white lime for white-washing. Per sons wishing such work done will call on either of them or inquire of J. W. Powers. F. M. JAMES. JAMES JONES, Nov 12, 1853. Cm Contractors & Builders. The Hr-lHsl Quarterlies & BlackHoixl's Magazine LEONARD SCOTT & CO.. New York, continue to Re-publish the following British Periodicals, viz. LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) THE WESTMINISTER REVIEW" (Liberal. BLACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render these publications unusually interesting during the year 1854. They will occupy a middle ground be tween the hastily written news-items, crude specula tions, and flying rumors offthe daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed awav. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, aud as such, in addition to their well-established lit erary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt of early sheets from the British Publishers, by which we shall be aide to place all our Reprints iu the hands of sub scribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the Ioreign copies. Although tins will involve a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furuishh the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore viz: Per aim. For anj- one of the four Reviews ?3 0(1 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 . For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. ,A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the aliove works. Alius: our copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies Lnf the four Reviews and Rlckunwl f..r S30- nn.l B n POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, through Agents. FREE j OF POSTAGE, When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will le but Twent v-four Cents a year for 4 -Blackwood," and but Twelve Cents a year for cacn of the Reviews, ?: Remittances and communications should always he addressed, posi-paiu, to tue I'ubiisiiers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO 54 Gold Street, New York Tobacco. The subscriber continues to receive and sell, on man ufacturers account, all grades of manufactured Tobacco, June 5, 1852. J. UTLEY. Kiclc Williams' Rye Whiskey, At wholesale and retail. Dec 17, 1853 McDONALD McMASTER. Shucks Wanted. . The subscrilers want to purchase any quantity of the above named articfes: those having the same lor 1 sae will do we to ca on us at the Store No. 7, Green 1 Street, North of the Market, after the first of January, I - - R.W.HENRY. - Dec. 17. 1853. 72-tf J. HENRY. Lime 400 C.,ks, - fresh .f rem the kiln, Calcined Plaster I'ans, Cement and Plastering Hair, A few casks extra white Lime, for putty or white- 1 washing, for sale by October 1, 1S53 tf . THE SUBSCRIBERS will receive proposals for 100, 000 lbs. of Cotton Batting or Wadding. Also, for 3.000,000 (three millions) of Reeds from 3 to 3 feet long, and also, 10,000 (ten thousand) pounds of good clean Corn Shucks, in stated quantities. For farther particulars inquire of R. W. HENRY. Fayetteville, Nov. 11, 1853. CS-tf. J. HENRY. largest Carriage Factory Iri tliu South. A. A. 3JcKct!iaji j Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his ,p. taulr expressly for manufacturing Carriages, lhankful tor tiu very lileral patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen iu each branch of the business. " His work will compare favorably with any made iu the United States, for neat ness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, the largest stock of CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, ROClvAWAVS, AND BUGGIES, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly lini.-hed, which will lie sold very low for Cash, or oil short time to punctual custom ers. SS lie has ou hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY chicles hmshed and m course ot con struction. ;ZS3-A11 work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fall by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. Faycttevillc, Oct 1, 1S53. AT THE KE1) S1GX. NcDOXAM) & Mc MASTER Have just received a full and complete stock of Gro ceries, Provisions, Ac, to which they invite the atten tion of the citizens and surrounding country. They will sell low for cash, or on time to punctual customers. They purchased their goods for cash, and this will en able them to sell low. lhey have lactlitics that many houses have not : they have agents established in Balti more and New York, who always advise them of any chauge in articles in their line, and who purchase ouly wlicu bargains are to tie had. V e keep always on baud splendid assotment ot ioreign and domestic liquors; loaf, crushed and brown sugars ; Rio, Java and Laguira coffee; green. Ilvson and biack teas; New Orleans and Cuba molasses; table &sack salt; bacon, lard, mess pork, mess beef, smoked beef, uryed venison; No 1.2 ivnd 3 mackerel; butter, cheese. Hour, meal, corn, ats. tobacco, candles, copperas, saleratus, indigo, madder, p;ce, pepper, ginger nutmeg, cmuinon, epsoni salts, hardware, cutlery, crockery, and glassware; and a variety of other goods. Thev take this method ot thanking the community and their country friends for the very liberal patronage lestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low. to increase their former trade alwas keeping in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. 1 cllow Building, between the Market House and the Bank of the State', Gillespie Street, Favetteville, N. C. OctolK.-r 1, 1853. tf Who ivortlil have thought it ? A NEW CA11RIAGI2 ESTABLISIIMKJiT Ox Military Gueex, oitosite the Methodist Cm, FKOXTIXtJ OX Mw.FOKn STKEKT. GllEAT EXTEIU'KISE. F.VYETTE VII.LE MI ST SIIIXK. The subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered into co partnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Favetteville as to style aud durability. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. II. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER & BRANIN. James II. Pier. James Bisaxix. Fayetteville, Feb. 12, 1853. y I A Y ETT EVZI,!iE I ! OT L. I. JOHN HARMAN respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed from the Hotel at the foot of Havmount to the larir- er and more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occupied by Mrs Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be happy to accommodate Travelers and Boarders. No exertions of himself and family will be spared to render those com fortable who may favor him with their company. Fayetteville, N. C, June 11, 1853. 4(!tf I-ivery Stable. The undersigned continue to carry on the Livery Business at this place. They have lately largely in- reased their stock, and can now offer to the public as good Horses, Carriges and Drivers as cau be found in the southern country. Thankful for the large patronaere heretofore extend ed to us, we solicit a continuation of public favor. We promise a sausiaciory irip to an wno may wisli to travel. Stables at tlie West end of Mumford street, where one of the proprietors may always be found, or at the Store first door cast of Mr T. S. Lutterloh's. J. AV. POWERS & CO. Fayetteville, Oct 1, 1853. y VALIAI1LE PLAXTATIOX FOR SALE. The subseri'-er wishing to change his business, offers for sale his plantation in Robeson, 12 miles from Lum bertou, on the Harlleesville Road, stiuated 011 Aaroirs Swamp, containing 700 acres, of which about 100 are under cultivation. The situation is healthy and the water cqnal to any in the The dwelling and ill necessary out houses are in good repair. Tin.' best recommendation which the fertility of tlie place can re ceive is to Ikj found in the crop of Corn and Cotton now growing on tne I'lantation, which all who desire to niir- hase are invited to examine. There is within half a mile of the house a bold flush Spring, believed to contain iluable mineral properties. There is also within a half a mile of the dwelling house a large new Academy, in which a classical school is constantly kept. Terms easy. JOHN A. ROWLAND. September 3, 1S53. 58-tf FREIGHTING ON THE CAPE FEAR. The subscribers having purchased the Steamers EV ERGREEN and SOUTHERNER and Tow Boats, lately the property of the Henrietta Stcainlxiat Company, are now prepared to forward with despatch, between" Wil mington and Fayetteville. all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. & J. II. ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Feb'y If), 1853. tf IIAT.L. &,, FAY ETTEYI LLE FOUN DR Y. Castings of every description made to order. A lot of Babbct Metal for sale. WINSLOW STREET. Oct 1. 1853. tf DWAKP PEAltS, &,c. A choice lot now ready for delivery. Other Fruit Trues expected soon. This is a good month for planting trees of all kinds. Evergreens, Roses. Shrubs, Strawberries, Ac. Orders will receive prompt attention. C. LUTTERLOII. Feb. 4. 1854. 79-3t Sot ice I Having purchased the stock of Material on hand at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, and having engaged the services of Mr. J. C. Lally, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now prepared to execute all orders for Timber Wagons, Road agons, Carts, Drays, H lieeinarrows, Sc. I have ou hand aud will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron Axles, Chains, Jjolts, and in short, every tlimg tiiat tlie tv agon-maser can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron Axles, made to order at the shortest notice. I have ten good and competent Workmen at the business, and will give it my whole and undivided at tention. Mv prices shall le as moderate as the times will ad mit, and I will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States to equal my work, either in point of stvle or uuraouii. 111U5. U. r I. l.EEII. Oet. 29, 1853. C5-tf FIFTY DOLLARS UEAVAUD Will le paid for the apprehension and confinement in any Jail, within 90 days, so that I get him, of a ne gro man named JIM. who was runaway when I pur chased him of John McLean. Esq. of Johnston county. N. C. Saul neg-ro is alwMit 21 years of age, yellow complected, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, and hair in clined to be straight, lie is probably lurking in this County, as he Ins relations in different parts of it, and was raised ia it. A further reward of fifty dollars will be paid for such information as will lead to the convic tion of any white person or persons of harlxiring or concealing him. D. McDIARMID. FeVy i, 1854. 79-4t A. 31. Campbell, : ATJCTIOXKER &- COMMISSION MEltCHAXT, East side of Gillespie street, Fayettevilj:, N. C. October 1, 1S53. The THE HOAll TO IIEAL.T11. HOILOWAI'S PI1.L.S. CUKE OK A D1SOKDEKKI) LlVEIi AND BAD DIOESTIO. Copy of a letter from Mr R. W. Kirkus, Chemist, 7 Prescot St., Liverpool, dated Cth June, 1H51. To Professor Holloway : Sir : Vour Pills and Ointment have stood the highest on our sales of Proprietary Medicines, for some yt;ar. A customer, to whom 1 cau reter tor any enquiries, ue sires me to let you know the circumstances of her case fehe had leen troubled lor years with a Uisoroeretl 11 er and bad digestion. On the last occasion, however, the virulence of the attack was so alarming, and the liina mation set iu so severely, that doubts were entertained of her being able to bear up under it; fortunately she was induced to try your Pills, and she informs me -lhat after the first, and each succeeding dose the had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she used only three boxes, she is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. 1 could have sent you many more cases, but the above, from the severity ok the attack, aud the si'eeoy cure. 1 think, speaks much in favor of your astouiidiiug Fills. (Signed) R. W. KIRKUS. AX EXTlt.UiniUXAHY CTRE OK IIHEl MATIC FEVEH, IX TAN 1I EM AX'S I.AXP. Copy of a let ter inserted in the Hchart Town Courier o the 1st .March, 151, by Major J. Walch. Margaret McConnigan, 111 years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent Rheuma tic Fever for upwards of two months, which had entirely deprived her of the use of her limbs. During this period she was under the care of the most eminent medical men iu Hobart Town, and by them her case was consider ed hopele.-s. A friend prevailed upon her to try Hollo way's celebrated Pills, which she consented to tlo. and in an incredibly short sace of time they elfected a per fect cure. CVKE OF A l'A!X AXII TU3HTXESS IX THE CHEST AND STOMACH OF A TEltSOX 84 YEARS OF AGE. From Messrs. Thew it Son. Proprietors of the Lynn Ad vvrliscr. who can vouch for the following statement. Aug. 2d, 1S51. To Professor Holloway : Sir I desire to In-ar testimony to the good effects of Holloway "s Pills. For some years 1 suffered from a pain and tightness in tlie stomach, which was also accom panied by a shortness of breath, that prevented me from walking about. 1 am 84 years of age, and notwithstand ing my advanced state of life, these Pills have so re lieved me. that I am desirous that others should le made acquainted with their virtues. I am now rendered by their means comparatively active and eaii take exercise without inconvenience or pain, which I could not do before. Signed) HKXRY COE. North St., Lynn Norfolk. these o:i.i:i;kati:i tills ahe woxoekfilly efficacious ix the following ('iiml'la ixts : Ague, Female Irre- Retention ofUrine, Asthma, gulY.rities, Billions Complaints, Fevers of all Scrofula Kins Evil. Sore Throat, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symp toms, Tie Doulorcux, Tumors) blotches on the Skin, kinds, Rowel Complaints, Fits. Gout, Colics. Headache, Constipation of the Indigestion, Bowels. Inclination, Consumption, Jaundice. Debility, Liver Complaint Fleers, Liimbasro. Venereal affec- Dropsy, Dysentery, Piles, ' Cons, Erysip his, Rheumatism. Worms of all kinds, Weakness from whatever cause, Ac. &.C. Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar.) London, and by all res pectable Drnggii-ts and dealers in medicines throughout the British Empire, and by those of the I'nited States, in pots and boxes, at 37 3 cents, and S7 cents, and SI 50 each, wholesale, by th principle Drug houses in th Fn'oii. and by Messrs. A. B. A: D. Sands, New York; Mr J. Hersey. HI Maideii Lane, New York. There is a consieerablc saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for th" guidance of patients in every disorder are attached to each bx. S. B. &. J. A. EVANS, Wholesale Agents Wil mington. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE, Favetteville. October 1, LS53. fm-pd." IVsh Supply Oy DHI GS, 2UEDICINKS, PAINTS, OILS, AND ove si't'PPs. e are now receiving (in addition to our stock which we opened in April lat) a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. Dye Stuffs, Eng-lii-h and German Crucibles, Paul PeVers .t Go's Vegetable Extracts for culinary purposes; Yeast Powders. DclmonicoV and other brands; Lyon's Katharion ; Bary's Tricopherous; Aver's Cherry Pec toral; Witheral A Bro's White Lead. Also. DeGuinon's celel ratid lion-t xnlo- ive Lamp, Burning Fluid and Pine Oil. Buyers would tlo well to give us a call before making their purchases, as we will s-ell at a small advance on cost. Particular attention given to packing. FOI LKES A MACRAE. Corner of Donaldson and Hav streets, next door west Oct. 1, 1.N53. tf " of II & E J Lilly. CAItKIACK MAMP.UTOIM. The subscriber continues to carry on the manufacture of PEGGIES, SULKIES, CARRIAGES, AND VEHICLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at I,umlerl(,n, JV. C, In a superior style, and of the best materials. All work done at the ci-taliluhmcnt is warranted for 12 months. Repairing promptly attended to and neat ly executed. Also, ploughs and all other farming implements made to order and kept constantly on hand. . Dorse-shoeing done in tlie best manner. Thankful for the liberal patronage of au enlightened public, he hopes to deserve and receive a continuance of the tame. JOHN W. RODGERS. Lumberton, Jan'y 28, 1R14 tf I. & W. 32cr.niirin Are receiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardware, Uoots and Shoes, which are offered as low as lhey can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. October 13, 1853. RHEUMATISM CAN HE CIRED. We now offer for sale that celebrated remedy, Moktimku's Riiki matu: Comi'oi xp A Blood Pt kii ier, Which has gained such great Popularity wherever in troduced, as the only specific known for the effectual cure of this painful disease. Thin remedy has already cured thousands of cases, comprising every seemin&r form of this complaint, from the inflammatory (acute) form, attended with swellings and enlargement of the joints, to old chronic cases of from ten to twenty and thirty years- standing. Those who had for years resort ed to the various celebrated springs, had tried all the liniments and external applications, and lieen under treatment of some of the ablest physicians lxth in this country and Europe, and were pronounced incurable; still, after all these efforts had failed, this compound has cured them. Many who have been cripples, cither hol bling upon crutches or confined to their beds for years, certify to a complete and permanent cure by the use of this remedy. We have not space, in a newspaper advertsicment, to insert but a small portion of the accumulated evidence in its behalf. This evidence comes froia sources which must inspire confidence in every mind. The conductors of high-toned public journals have published to the world its wonderful and beneficial effects upon themselves and those around them, and in s-omc instance's speak of hun dreds of cures. Physicians have resorted to it, aud cer tify that, even in extreme cases, wh'-re consultations had been held, and they had decided that He re were no hopes of recovery, even then, they procured this medicine and administered it. and it effected a complete cure. Minis ters of var'.ousdenoniinationsliave written and published what it has done for themselves and their friends; while merchants, officers, mechanics, and private citizens, have furnished volumes of evidence of the highest character such as accompanies no other preparation in America. AVe most respectfully ask those who are afflicted to send to the agent in their vicinity and get a circular, and read the letters and certificates of Rev, Jas Mitchel IJev N. G. Berryman, J. M. Kelly, Rev R. A. Col hum' and other clergymen; while we add the names of Hon J Smith, late President of the Bank of the State of Mis souri; Geo. O. Atherton, ofiieer in the Bank in St. Louis Messrs Jas. II. Eddy. S. Downing. A. Holland, C w' Stone. J. W. Christy, Joseph Southack, w ith other prol minent merchants of St. Louis, as also vast numbers of other citizens. This is home evidence, and these 0 re living witnesses where this great remedy was first introdnc-eif n.i many thousands have been cured during the last two years. The propietors have now opened their Great Central Office at No. 1 Barclay street. (Astor House) in the city of New York, where" all orders for this medi cine will be promptly attended to. This is a vege-table spirit an internal remedy, pre pared and recommended for this one disease alone. This it will cure. Price, $5 per single bottle, or three liotlles for $10 W. V. ALEXANDER, Proprietors, No. 1. Barclay gt, New Yorkcitv . N. SMITH. Fayetteville. J' Sold by J. March 12, lvA4t km q ill! ; . - - K

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