fU A WEEKLY NEWSPxiPER -Devoted to Politics, the Markets, Foreign atid Doniesttf News, LitcratureCAgriculture, and General Information -TWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE, FAYETTEVILLE, N..C., SATURDAY MAECH IS, 1854. DrnnriiifnK! ' - - . J. lUHC UI Oi f VOLUME XV KO. 785. 1 sir -p II ' ''ml PRINTED BY WILLIAM J. YATES. ROBERT K. BRYAN, Editor. Terns of Sabflcription to the Xorth Carolinian : For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $2 " " " at the end of 3 months, 2 " n " at the end of 6 iuonth, 3 " " at the end of the year, 3 oo 50 00 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietors of fer the following remarkably Jow CLUB R.1TES, l.-V,mUBLY V ADlrA.'CE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, . $8 00 ;V :v 19 - "-,-.4 ? " " : -a5 Letters on business connected with the firm mnrt be addressed to the undersigned, and must be post paid. Rates of Advertising: Sixty cents per square of 16 lines for the first and thirty cents for each subsequent insertion, unices the advertisement is published for more than two months, when it will be charged For three months, For six months, For twelve months, $4 6 10 00 00 00 All advertisements must be handed in by Friday 10 o'clock, a. m., to ensure their insertion in the next day's paper, and should have the desired number of in sertion marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. BRYAN & YATES. MAKBLE FACTORY, 15 Y GEO. LAUDER. Nearlv ppobite to E. W. Willkings' Auction Store. Faycttevillr, N. C. Oct. 1, 1855. y CARTHAGE HOTEL. -.Having recently purchased the above establishment from Malcom Kelly, E.q., I am now prepared to enter tain iu a comfortable manner those who may give me a call. Having ample table, good hostlers and a dis poHition to accommodate. 1 trust I shall be able to give entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. II. C. VcLKAX. December 3, 1853. 70-tf EDYV'J) MePIlERSON WITH E E X W A V It It O t; it Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Vomestic DRY CrOODS. Foreign and 24 Park IMace and 19 Barclay street, Nkyv Yokk. November 7, 1853 6m-pd PLANTATION AND LANO Kdlt SALE. The subscriber oners h!s Plantation and Land for sale, situated 0.1 the East, side of Cipe Fear River, about four miles from ayetteville There are about 300 acres of lnd, 30 of which are cleared and under cultivation. Oq the premises is a dwelling and all necessary out-houses. The soil, for fertility, is not surpassed by any on Cape Fear River. Persons wish ing to purchase will please call and examine the premi ses. A bargain mav be had. JOHN McLERAN. Jan'y 14. 1S54 3m pd n R . t; C it a li I lias removed to the well-known stand of the Drs. insoa, corner of Green and Bow streets. April -23, 1853. tf Rob- Hllkly Important lo Ilonkf rpt-m. MATIIESSESI MATHESSKSI M.iTItESSES! All eornpetitiott in the trade defied.' The subscriber bejr leave to inform the public that he has constantlv 011 hand, and is manufacturing to or der, all kinds and sizes of Matresses. which he intend; to sell 25 percent cheaper than anv similar establish ment in this place. Having served as an apprentice to the business in one of the northern cities, he trusU that he will be able to give the most complete satisfac tion to his customers, lie manufactures hair Matresses Matresses with snrinjr. fire Matresses. and all kinds oi settee bottoming. He does alio all kind.s of repairing and renewing:. Persons in want of anv article in his- line are requested to call and see specimens of his work at the l'o.it OHiee building- JOSEPH OTTARBUUG. January 21, 1854. Zm CLK1IKST G. -VltIOIIT Attorney at liw, Fjretlvllle Si. V, Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Feb'y 3. lh.r3. J. W. It A K 10 It Has received from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FURNITURE ever of fered in this market, consisting of fashionable painted cottage bed room furniture in setts ; curled-hair and shuck and cotton Mattresses; Looking (J lasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles ; patent self-swinging Cradles; Side Hoards ; Bureaus: Secretaries and Jkmk Cases; What-Not; Tables, all sort; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Hands; Sofas in Mahogany and Waluut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans: Divans A Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine rosewood Pianos (Ben net & Go's, of Broadwav, New York). October 29, 1S.13 " ly-H NOTICE. THOSE who are indebted to me by Note or Account will please settle the same. And all debts due me pri or to the 1st Jan'y 13.53. must le settled, as longer in dulgence cannot be given. A. A. Mf KETIIAN. Oct 1, 18.r3. tf lv. M. Mt-IVCHISON, Commission mid Forwarding Merchant) Wilmington-, N. C. January 7, 1 SM y N O T I C B . Having purchased the interest of T. 11. Underwood in the firm of G. W. Lawrence A Co., I will continue business as heretofore at Mary's Gaudkn. 1 have from 12 to 15 Coopers constantlv at work manufacturing SPIRIT BARRELS, at the fate of 100 to 12.S per week; have now on hand 400 Barrels for sale, at $2 25 cash at the shop, or S2 35 delivered iu town. I shall also continue the distilling of Turpentine, and will pay within 15 cents per barrel of the Favctteville price in cash, or goods at cash prices. Turpentine JVanted. I have now in Store a general assortment of Goods, for sale at Favetteville prices. All kinds of country produce takeii iu exchange for goods. Call and see. P G. W. LAWRENCE. Nov 25, 1853 CO-tf hartipw l'uijI.bh. A X T O K N K V AX I A AV, Fayetteviu.e, X. C. Office on Anderson Street. October 22, 1X53 m LAND BKOKEU. I have so many calls about Turpentine lands that I have concluded to offer my services to buy and sell. Those having lands for sale will furnish me with plots and quantity, together with a fair description, and price. Nov. IS, 1853. 68-tf. JAMES G. COOK. NOTICE. MULES FOR BALE. The subscri'MJrs oiler for sale Three Teams of Mules, Wagon and Harness. Those wanting Mules would do well to call on the premises. Also. 2000 acres turpentine Land for sale. Call and -r t iit'i irrT eec. Cypress Creek, Bladen Co. J. IV. JUjI W. A. MELVIN. .December 8, 1833. 71-tf A.M) "WINTER. STOCK For 1 8 5 3. The sulscriber, has just received and. opened, at his New Store on the East side of Green street, a few doors from the Market House and nearly opposite his Old Stand, a large Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing a general assortment of Ladies' and Gentle men's Dress Goods, consisting in part of Shawls. Cloaks and Mantillas, some very fine; and also a good assort ment of Shoes and Boots, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Girls, Boys and Children. And the best assortment of Silk and other styles of Bonnets he has ever offered to the public. Sugar. Coffee, . Tea, Pepper, Sp'ces. and Tobacco, a line article. P. SHEMWELL. October 8, 1853. CEDAR FALLS Cotton Yarns and Sheet ings for sale by ; .' ;.. ' - f . - - 'l-:TKOY--' MARSH. Nov 12, 1853 y SI.SO REWARD. Runawav from the subscriber, his Negro men, JOHN and TOBEY. John is aout 26years old, 6 feet 1 inch high, weighs about 185 or 100 lbs. Tobey aged abotit 22 yearss 5 feet 9 inches high, stout, and weighs 175 lbs. They were bought from Mr James Sui les, of Cum berland county, and will probably be lurking in that neighborhood. Tobey has a wife at Mr Richard Bird's, in Johnston County. ' Twenty-Five Dollars for either, or Fity Dollars for both, will" be paid for their appre hension and delivery to the suiscriler. or for their con finement in any Jail in the Slate, so that he can get them. An additional Mini of One Hundred Dollars will be paid for the conviction of any person of harboring the above Negroes. JOHN COLEY. Fair Buff. Columbus Co. N. C. Oct. C. 63-tf II. I1ARKAUCI1, Architect and Hiiildcr, Ka y-t levillr, IV. C, Respectfully informs the public that he is prepared to execute PLANS of every description. such as State and Court Houses. Prisons. Ac. Also. Churches. Cot tages, and other public and private edifices; Bridges, Roofs, &c. Ac, all with Specifications and Contracts made for the same. He will also superintend all kinds of work. Orders will receive prompt attention, and Plans drawn and sent to any part of the country at short notice. Oct. 15, 1853. ly-pd l00 ACRES OK USD FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale twelve hundred acres of Land, located in the lower cud of Richmond county. It is about equi-distant from Floral College, Lauren- burg High School, and Laurel Hill. The Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, Ac. It also offers great inducements to those engaged in the turpentine and lumber business. I have constituted Alexander McLean, Kso. my agent, during mv absence. to whom all communications iu regard to the matter may be addressed ai Gilopolis P. O.. Robeson county. Luther Blue, who resides near to the premises, will take pleasure in exhibiting them to any one who may call for that purpose. J. G. BLUE. Oct. 22, 64-tf TO MILL OWNEHS. The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public that he still continues in the Mill V right business and all its branches, viz: lounclermg. framing, and erecting Water or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, either with simple or complicated ma chinery. He returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage be has received licretoiore, ami hopes y strict attention to ousmess, aim oy giving general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He rlatters himself that his work will compete with that of ny other machinist for speed and durability. All per sons who want work done iu the above lino would do well to give him a call, as he has several competent workmen in his employ, and is prepared to execute all I jobs at the shortest notice and on vcrv reasonable terms. Orders promptly attended to. For further information address -the subscriber at Johasonville, Cumberland county. N. C. D. B. JOHNSON. November 10, 1S53 y-jpd. GILIS 2Vfc3 PUS VL.'1'R.A. BUK.XISII. The Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a desideratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles; now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessarv to jrive to man s "wi .ierstandini; " a proper finish. He has therefore, dur- inir the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is" HHPs tie plus ultra Burnish.'' He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at his shop opposite Mr Lauder's Marble Factory, Hay street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov 9. 1853 tf I have alwavs on hand a full assortment of GRO CERIES, PROVISIONS, and other Goods suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, and which I offer for Cash, or in exchange for Produce of almost any kind. I have now in Store Flour, Meal, Corn. Rice, Bacon, Lard. Butter. Cheese, Crackers, Salt, white Clarified and Brown Sugars. liio and Java Coffee. Tea. M"otasses, Vinegar, Fish, Cigars. Tobacco, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Starch. Spides, Candies. Pepper. Buckets, Brooms, wrought and cut Nails, Powder. Shot, Percussion Caps, and a good assortment of Dye Stuffs; with many other things in the Grocery line. Also a good assortment of Dry Goods. I?oots and Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys, and a good assort ment of Ready-made Clothing. Call and buv cheap. W. II. CARVER. October 29, 1853. 765-6m NOTICE. THE subscriber offers for sale, his LANDS, six miles North of Favetteville, and about one mile from the Favctteville "and Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of about twelve hundred and sixty acres of land, suited to the making of Turpentine or Timber. There is also on the premises, a good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good repair and now in operation ; also, a Dwelling, aud all the necessarv outhouses, in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on the head waters of Carver's Creek, known as the Tarry Place, on which there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other houses. On the first named tract, there is cut about twenty five thousand Turpentine Boxes, from two to four years old. All the above lands will be sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on ihe subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above lands. WM. R. BOLTON. Oct. 27, 1853. 65-tf James C. Smith. Miles Costis. JAMES C. SMITH &. CO., Commission Merchants, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. Wilmington. Jan'y 14, 1854. 76-ly CHEAP GOODS, I am now receiving a much larger stock of Fancy Dry Goods than I have yet offered in Favetteville, consisting of Dry Goods of every description. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Ready-made Clothing, which will be sold as low as any goods in tho State. I will lie glad to have the ladies call and examine my stock. W. F. MOORE. Sept. 17, 1853. it H. ERAMBERT, Confectionery and Variety Store, Under the Fayetteville Hotel. Hay Street, Fayettevili.e, N. C. December 31, 18o3 y FALL BPRINO IMPORTATIONS FOR 1854. STARR & WILLIAMS, Wholesale dealers in Foreign and Domestic -DRY GOODS, llats, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, and Heady-Made Clothing, ' - HAY STREET, FAYETTE VILLE, N. C, Invite the attention of their customers, and the trade generally, to a very superior Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which they will sell at prices as low as to be found ill auy market South of Mason and Dixon's line, to pur chasers who pay promptly or buy for cash. Merchants will find ia this market good stocks, and at prices which cannot fail to please. -ji March 7, 1854 SP It IX G GOODS. The undersigned arc now receiving, and expect to have their entire Stock in store by the 13th instant, of SEASONABLE GOODS, Embracing a great variety of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Boots axd Shoks, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Blank Books, Bolting Cloths, &c. &c. &c. With an extensive assortment of -READY-MADE CLOTHING, And Foreign and Domestic Hardware. All of which they offer to the trade at LOW PRICES and upon accommodating terms. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give the above Stock an examination before making their selec tions. HALL A SACKETT. March 8, 1854 SPRING GOODS, 1854. We are now receiving, and by the 15th inst. expect to have in store, our entire Stock of SEASONABLE GOODS. Embracing a great variety of European and Domestic Dry Goods; Silk, Kossuth and Summer Hats, in great variety; Bonnets, in great variety; Boots and Shoes, a heavy stock; Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. &e. fcc. As a portion of the above goods were imported by us direct from the European Markets, and all of them bought on the best terms we intend offering them at prices to wholesale purchasers which we think will be satisfactory. Wc solicit an examination of our Goods. II. A E. J. LILLY. March 9. 1854. 84-Gt PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have formed a copartnership under the name and style of G. W. I. GOLDSTON A CO., for the transaction of a general Mercantile Business iu the town of Favctteville. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. March 1, 1R54. R. W. GOLDSTON. NEW GOODS. G. W. I. GOLDSTON A CO. -are now receiving their Goods, at the new brick Store on Gillespie street, three doors south of the Market, consisting of loaf, crushed, granulated and brown Sugars; Coffee, Tea, saleratus. pepper, spice and ginger, bar soap, candies and raisins, cassia, sperm and adamantine candles, fine and blasting powder, s-hot and lead, golden vrup, Swedes Iron (broad and narrow bar: band. Iiood. strap. rod and sheet Iron; English bar do.; square and octagon Cat Steel; E. blister Steel; horseshoes, cut A wrought nails, flooring and ceiling brads, blacksmith tools; club, broad and turpentine axes, hackers, scrapers and dip pers; ioe. trace, and halter chains; wagon boxes, coffee j mills, cotton and wool cards, cut tacks, dog irons, tea kettles, shovel and tongs, preserve kettles, trying pans, curry combs, weeding hoes, Waldron's best scythe blades. Dutch grass do., seives, straw knives, long, han dle shovels, ditching spades, tad irons, bed cords and well rope, gold pans, linseed oil. machinery and tan ners' do., white lead, Blake's fire proof paint, Venetian red. Spanish brown, litherage, lamp black, chrome i green and yellow, Prussian blue, rose pink and amber; ' "c, paint, varnish and white-wash brushes; window glass and putty, copperas, starch, alum, borax, indigo and madder, snuff, salt petre, blacking, matches, wafers, ink, gum camphor, nutmegs, extract logwood, dead shot, essences, laudanum, paregoric, Batcman's drops, oped eld oc, brimstone, assafa-tida, shoe thread, cpsom salts, castor and sweet oil, distillers' glue, quicksilver, fine and common shaving soap, fine chewing tobacco, water buckets, brooms, cocoa dippers. All of which we will sell at wholesale or retail as low as possible. March 1, 1851. 83-tf STEAM SAW MILL, TUIlPEWriJVE STILL, ,c. Ae. TRUST SALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Daiiiel W. Rogers on the 2Sth day of November, 1853. for certain purposes therein mentioned, which Deed is duly registered in Book B. B. pp. 677, 678, 679 of the Records of Deeds in the Register's Office of Robeson county. North Carolina, I shall, on MONDAY the 27th day of March inst., (being the first day of the next Su perior Court of Robeson County,) expose to PUBLIC SALE, foi' Cash or Notes negotiable at Bank, before the door of the Court House in the town of Lumbcrton Four Hundred and twenty-eight and one-third ACRES OK LAND, On which is situated, immediately on Lumber River at the town of Lumbcrton, a STEAM SAW MILL now in successful operation, and which has been run but a few months ; sixteen Mules, three Timber Wagons, two Road N agous with tull sets of gear, and one COPPER TURPENTINE STILL, Containing eighteen barrels, together with all the fix tures necessary tor running the same. Also, at the same time and place will be HIRED OUT, until the 1st day of January next, about TWENTY FIVE SLAVES Who have been engaged in the Turpentine and Saw Mill business. Will also be sold from 800 to 1200 barrels common Rosin; a large lot of Rosin lying on the Cape Fear Riv er above Fayetteville; a lot of Spirits Turpentine; an unexpired lease in a large nnmlier of turpentine boxes; Corn, Fodder; Staves, dressed and undressed; Coopers' Tools, Ac. Ac. ROBERT S. FRENCH, Trustee. Lumbcrton, March 1, 1854 83-4t NOTICE. The Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of Tyson. Kelly A Co., is dissolved by mutual consent. Peter C. Shaw has pur chased the interest of Samuel J. Person, aud the busi ness of the ucw firm will be conducted under the old mil r a i v 1 ri -r" name. ino.iAi u. iiso.. ALEXANDER KELLY. SAMUEL J. PERSON. Feb'y 28th. 1854. 83-3t-pd FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS COTTON AND LINEN RAGS WANTED. The subscriber will pay the highest market price for anv ouantity of clean Linen and Cotton Rags. J 1 DAVID MURPHY. March 4, 1854 tf - BILLIARD TABLES For Sale. The subscriber has two Billiard Tables which he is desirous to dispose of. He will sell one or both, with all the fixtures, at a very low price. JAMES HALES. March 4, 1854. 3t-pd FOUND, a sum of money which the owner can have by applying to E. Glover, and paying for thia advertisement. March 11,1854 2t FAYETT EVILL E, N. C. from the Salistury Banner. -Toe following letter tells the tale ofinanva Western Whig : Editor Banner : I send you $2 for the Ban nerol can't go with the Whigs this summer for Gorernor. If they had nominated a State rights Whig, and one iu favor of Free Sngrage, I woud have gone for him; but I won't go Pockery, I can't see What the Whigs mean by runninjr such an old fos-v. demacroirne and fed- 7 tZJCH cralirV When such a man is made the head of TISMK fitreweH to it.'5 sit is strange that keep the people in the dark. Scores of antt Scott Whigs will not go for Dockery, and I must confess the Whig party is bound to go to pieces. A Reform Whig of the West. We were not mistaken in the opinion that some of the more independent Eastern Whigs would not go for a Convention to amend the State Constitution. The Weldon Patriot, a respectable Whig journal, has thus far declined to raise the name of Gen. Docker'; and we do not see how Col. Joyner, with his opinions on the subject, can support him. It is rumored, too, that Hugh Collins, Esq., of Chowan, is opposed to a Convention, and will take ground with his usual ability for the legislative mode of amendment. The East has nothing to gain and every thing to lose by going into Convention. Let the people bear in mind that those who are now urging them to call a Convention, and who pre tend to such regard for the basis of representa tion, are the very men, or the friends of the very men who have signalized themselves br assailing the basis. " Will you walk into my parlor, Said the spider to the fly.'' Raleigh Standard. Later from Europe. The Steamship Asia arrived at New York ou the 9th, with Liverpool dates to the 23th ult. The political news is interesting, but exhibits no decided change in the attitude of the powers, who are insensibly nearing the brink of war. England and France continue their preparations ou the most extended scale. It was reported that a, manifesto would be issued by France and England in a few days which would be equal to a formal declaration of war. It was also stated tbat a final announcement had been scut to the Czar, fixing the time when he must evacuate the principalities. The Greek population of many portions of European Turkey are in open rebellion and the government of the Kingdom of. Greece is either 00 powerless or too apathetic to prevent its snuy.'cts taking part iu ti disturbance id the lurkish Territories. It is official!- announced that Smith O'Brien is to be pardoned. The British Court has yielded in the clothes questiou aud Mr Buchauau can wear what he pleases. The lurks and liussians M ere preparing for a great aim decisive oatue on tue jianuue which would take place as soon as the roads permitted. ! The Liverpool cotton market closed for the week at a slight decline, chiefly in middling and fair qualities. Breadstuffs have slightly ad vanced. Aaron Burr's Wife. The Paris JPatrie of a late date has the following : At the last Tuilcries ball, the brilliant toi lrtt of a strantror. with an incredible nninber of diamonds, attracted the attention of all present. In a moment the attention was changed to the most intense curiosity, when Louis Napoleon was observed to accost the lady, and remain some moments iu conversation. The enigma was soon solved. The lady was the widow of Mr Aaron Burr, formerly Vice President of the United States, with whom Louis Napoleon was on terms of intimacy whilst in that country, and that at the end of fifteen years he had re cognized the widow of his old American friend. This probably alludes to Madame Jahiel, the wealthy secoud wife of Col. Burr, who obtained a divorce from him a few years previous to his decease. She owns a large landed estate 011 the Island of Malta. Cin. En q. The next Crop.- We see notices in the pa- pers, advising tarniers to plant large spring crops, as the inducements held out are more flattering than at any previous time. We need not tell onr farmers, that, iu onr opinion, pro duce of every description will hereafter com mand high prices, even in the home market, as they seem to be aware of the fact, and are mak ing arrangements for large and increased cropti. Our facilities ot transportation should also be taken into consideration, as tiie demand for American breadstuffs abroad is likely to continue for years, or at least until after the production of another crop. The weather, thus far, has been unfavorable for early plowing and sowing, but we hope our agricultural friends will shortly have a few-weeks of fair weather, to enable them fully to prepare their ground for the summer's crops. Salem Press. Distressing Marine Disaster. Boston, March 8, p. m. The barque Saxonwell, from Calcntta, with dates to the 1st, reports that she fell in with the barque Orline, of Gardiner, Maine, Captain Robbin, of Norfolk, for Barba does, in distress, having been dismasted in a gale, aud her cabin filled with water. Two colored men were drowned in the cabin. The captain's wife died in his arms on the wreck, ou the 22d. Another colored seaman named Douglass died from exposure. The sur vivors suffered iutensely, and in order to sustain life were obliged to feed upou the dead body of Douglass. L.uu;e Sales ok Pdblio Lands. The official returns to the Treasury Department show that in the quarter ending on the 3 1st of December last, the sales of public land amounted to up wards of $2,000,000. This is the largest reve nue that has accrued from that source since 1836. It is stated by a Washington paper that the Treasury Department anticipate that the receipts in money from the sales of public lands, iu the current year will reach $8,000,000. From the Raleigh Stand trd. Why Change Democratic Heasef es 1 When in by-gone days we were toiling liJhe dim light of the midnight lamp, well do weVc- . u.oiuuianig I II UHICCIS Willi rounded us on every side, and the painful ty ilt for the success of the principles niemoer uic uiscouraginir prosncets which sur- 1 infill auxie- priuciules of the great Democratic party. Our State govern ment was in the hands of a bloated Aristocracy, reckless 'and prescriptive beyond our powers of description. Every rhig measure was lauded to the skies, and every Democratic measure re presented to be franght with the most ruinons consequences to the people. The people were told that without a National Batik we could neither collect ji revenue nor successfully pro- s.ecBe a- wapf ' thatjcinmi'tjidxejau& could not be safely conducted; atid, above all, the credit system would be destroyed, property sacriCced, and general!' ruin ensue. If Demo crats were elected wc were told the public lands were to be given away to the new States ; that it the Independent treasury and the Democrat- ic policy of reducing the Tariff prevailed, then all the great interests of the country would be destroyed. Reader, do you remember the aw ful pictures of ruin which were the theme of whig orators and whig newspapers? Demo cratic principles were not only abused and mis represented, hut prominent members of the De mocratic party were fiercely assailed with false hoods, with a view to proscribe them from socie ty or force them to surrender their lonjr cher ished principles. If the Democrats started a candidate for Governor, the whig press and the leaders of the whig party would effect to treat him as a presumptuous upstart and raise the cry of "demngngue." This Aristocracy became so arrogant from a succession of triumphs, t hat durinsr the existence of a war. commenced against the United States by Mexico, they ac tually declared their own country to be in the wrong. The whig candidate for Governor de clared he would not give an old pencil for Cali fornia. Under such a reckless warfare had the Democratic party of North Carolina to contend. No party could have triumphed under such cir cumstances, except a party whose principles were founded upon truth and justice. But a brighter day has dawned, and victory has perched on our banner. Error has fled be fore the lights of truth and experience; and the Democratic party is in power. We would ask, what prediction of the Whig party has been fulfilled? Has the want of a National Bank ruined the country? Have the public lands been given away, as the Whigs predicted twenty years ago would be the case if Democrats had the power? lias not Democratic policy made large acquisitions to our Territory? Has the Sub-Treasury ruined the country? Has the Democratic party in regard to the Tariff ruined the manufacturer and impoverished the Farmer? Is not the country happy, prosperous aud free? As if to show the madness and folly of the Whig party in declaring California to be worth nothing, treasurers of gold unexampled in the history of the world have been pouring into our midst to enhance the prosperity of this great country. Again, Ave would inquire at what period in the history of North Carolina has she been more prosperous than under the present Democratic State administration? What interest is less prosperous than it was under any Whig admin istration? Have not your public improvements increased? What administration has done more to produce reform and advance equal rights? Under what administration did the people ever receive as much School money? Under what administration did your State Bonds ever sell for a premium, or when did the credit of the State ever stand so high? Under what admin istration of the Whig party has so much been done to develope the wealth and resources of the State? Under what administration has the prosperity of the State increased so rapidly as under the present Democratic administration of State affairs? For what then, we ask, do the Whigs wish to change our policy? The answer must be for power and office alone! Will the people forget their own interests just to gratify the ambition of Whig politicians ? We answer, they will not. They have been too ofteu de ceived by the promises of the whig politicians. Then brother Democrats we have the facts on our side; our cause is just; let us take cour age, and do onr duty in the coming contest, and our efforts will be crowned with a glorious vic tory a victory that will still farther advance the prosperity and the rights of the people. From Harper's Magazine. The ensuing parody upon the old and popu lar song of " Ben Bolt" is not only very good as a parody, but it includes a lesson that may reach the heart of some j-oung inebriate, whom more serious, sober counsels might fail to reach: Oh don't you remember the hoys Ben Bolt, The boys with noses so red, Who drank with delight whenever they met, And always went drunk to bed? In the old grave gard, in the edge of the town, In corners obscure and lone, They have gone to rest, & the gay young sprigs Have dropped off one by one! Olr don't you remember the jug, Ben Bolt, And the spring at the foot of the hill, AY here oft we've Iain in the summer hours, And drank to our utmost fill? The Spring is filled with mud, Bent Bolt, And the wild hogs root aronnd, And the good old jug, and its whiskey sweet, Lies broken and spilled on the ground. Oh don't you remember the tavern, Ben Bolt, And the lar keeper kind and true ; And the little nook at the end of the bar, AYherc we swallowed the rum he drew? The tavern is burst to the ground, Bent Bolt, The bottles are cracked and dry, And of all the boys' who ' spreed ' it there, There remain but you and I. Porcklain. AYe understand the contractors on the end of the Central ltoad from this place to Goldsboro' have met with a serious obstacle in laying the superstructure ou a hundred yards or so of the road a few miles below Neuse river that mnch of a deep cut being through a bed of porcelain clay, which is so soft and mushy that the timbers upon it soon sink out of sight. Its depth has not been sounded, and doubts are entertained whether substantial works can be erected over it. Though it may greatly em barrass the builders of the road it may turn out to be a valuable discovery, and good may come of evil. lialeigh Star. )hb b President Walker ? In replv to this very general inunifv, a New Orleans paper gives the following biography of the new President of Lower California witli- Souora annexed I "William Walker is a native of Tennessee, born at Nashville, we believe, where his father still lives, secretary of an insurance company there. His father, wc think, is a Scotchman by birth, although long a resident in the United States. The Scotch features are strongly mark ed in the features of the son, who is of light blue eyes, face much freckled,,-but with an air of unmistakable energy with' which his whole character corresponds. He w-as originally in tended for the medical profession, and studied iu Paris. 3- which he improved and disciplined nu intellec t naturally strong, he came to the city of New' Urlcans with the intention of practising. But his impatient disposition and his passion for pul lie life, led him to change that purpose: aud ho forthwith applied himself to the study of the law, and prepared himself diligently for the bar. "The bar did not find occupation enough for him; and being a vigorous thinker, and a ready writer, and full of information upon all topics of current interest, he took interest in 11c ws pnpers and politics, and in the winter of 1S4.S '49 became directly connected with the press of this city, as one of the proprietors and edi tors of the Crescmt. The enterprise did not prove profitable. The paper was sold out to other parties in the fall of that year, and Mr AYalker ' soon after followed the tide of emigration to San Francisco. He resumed his profession there, at the same time continuing his pursuits as a journalist. In one of the disputes which grew out of his newspaper articles, he became involved in a duel with one of hi cotcmporaries, in which he was wounded. He acquired further prominence by a pnblic controversy with one of the State Judges, by whom he wan committed for contempt, and gained much reputation for resolution and ability in the manner with which he conducted the effort to obtain the im peachment and removal of the Judge for tyranny and misconduct iu office. Mr AYalker argned the case before the Legislature, with a power of logic and learning which won him mnch esteem. "The attempt failed. Mr AYalker then mov ed into the interior, practicing law at Marysville, we believe, since which we have heard of hint only incidentally, until this expedition bring.- him out as proclaimed President of an extem pore Republic in the California' peninsula. "Mr AA'alker is a young man yet, to have? passed through all these vicissitudes. He is of small size and slight Trame, but erect, vigo rous, used to athletic exercise, very active in habits of personal braH ery, approaching to rash ness, and an inflexibility of wHl in the prosecn tion of his purposes which nothing external can shake. He is of the best stuff out of which revolutionising bodies ure made. . AVe desire to say. nothing of the merits of his present nndcr takiii'r. It looks like a very wild advent m-e. touched up strongly with the mock-heroic." " " .''''.'-'' , First Annual Report of (be trifnilngton, jf. f ., Sea men's Friend Society. At the close of a season of signal prosperity, the King of Israel reviewed the dealings of God with him, and thus gave utterance to tJie feel ings of his grateful heart. -"Tiou crmc-ncst tfn year with thy goodness"- so would the Trustees of the Wilmington Seamen's Friend Society re cognise and record the divine goodness which has crowned the first year of their active opera tions. The origin of the Society was but the little spring, bubbling up away in the mountain so small that a single ox on a summer dur might have drained it dry; but in its flow for a while lost mukr ground, and there reappear ing other kindred streams have fallen in, and now it irf a respectable brook, with the prospect of swelling to a river to make glad the City of our God. To secure the objects of the Society, viz: the; social and moral improvement of seamen, and their humane treatment, it was deemed funda mental to establish a good Sailor' Home a Boarding House of good character, where they should be protected in their money and morals; where they should respect themselves and gain the respect of others; where the sick, the wreck ed and destitute may be provided for, and where, with a divine blessing, their feet may be turned into the pathway of life. A commodious lot and house for this purpose have been purchased and partially occupied. Extensive repairs, need ful to put the house in complete order, so that the stores underneath may furnish an annual rent towards its support, and rooms be fitted t accommodate at one time at least 100 men, have been commenced, and will be carried on to com pletion, as fast as the means can be obtained. A financial statement, both of the receipts and expenditures of the Society, is herewith sub mitted showing the receipts to have been $8o01 45, and the expenditures $1,9.r)6 80; leaving in the Treasury $544 (55. Besides, there are good subscriptions payable on call to the amount of $3,250 14. It is estimated Unit $5,000 more will be indispensable to make, tho building what it should be, and $2,000 or more; to furnish the rooms. To the Ladies' Seamen's Friend Society, re cently organized for this purpose, we look wit Ik entire confidence for their labors of love in thu last named amount; and to the continued in defatigable labors of our Agent, the lie v. AY. J. Langdon, together with our own co-operation, to secure the torraer. The substantial cordiality which he and tin; cause of seamen have everywhere received ha greatly cueouraicd onr hearts. Our present prevailing sentiment is that we are pledged to a. work not as a charity but as a debt long dm? to our brethren of the sea, which, with divine aid, most be carried ou to completion. AYe earnestly covet both the honor and reward or co-operating with the American Seamen's Friend Society and all kindred institutions iu gather ing the harvest of the sea; and when the abun dance of the sea shall have been converted, wi lt ope to bear some humble part in the song which shall ascribe all the glory to God. C. D. ELLIS, President. Heavy TDamagks against a Railroad. In the New York Supreme Court, in the case of Wil liam Hansom against the New York and Erie Railroad Company, for injuries received by the collision at Chemung on the 4th of July last, the jury on the 18th instant, rendered a verdicC of $14,000 in favor of the plaintiff. 1 L

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