"4 - r3 un ft A WEEKLY-- NEWSPAPER -Devoted to ; Politics,,' the Markets, Foreign and Domestic - JV'ef ifitcraTure,: Agrieulinre, andl- Geiichii ; 1 Inforaation--T WO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE. BRYAN & YATES, Proprietors. - FAYETTEVILLE, H. C, SAT! MAY .6, 1854. ) VOfXJfC XV NO. 791. II IJaJtv! Jul- j PRINTED BY WILLIAM J. YATES. . ROBERT K. BUY AN, Editor. Terms of Subscription to the rlh fareEalan For a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, 2 " " " at the end of 3 months, 2 " " " at the end of C month, 3 . " " " .-, at the end of the vear, 3 No subscription -will 1 received for a shorter poriod than one 3-ear nnl;'s ja:d ?a adyance. Wltli the Vievr of extending the circulation. and en hancing llii usefulncs of the paer, the proprietors of fer the following remarkably low 5 copies of the Carolinian, ,1 year, $8,09 I T;tt?rs on ImsincPK connected w.th the firni nrnn le ddrc?se'.I to the undersigned, and mut be post paid. Ratrs rf Ailvorli 'r. : Sixty cents per Pijuare of K lines for the first and thirty cents for each Hihseq-.ir-nt insertion, unless the aclvertiFcmont is published for more than two months, when it will le cliarM For (ln-oe ino'il'iH, ----- $4 00 For six months. ----- 6 00 For twelve months, ----- 10 00 All advertisements must Jx handed in by Friday 10 o'clock, a. m., to en.tire their insertion in the next lav"snapcr, and should have the desired number of in s'rtions marled on them," ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. r.in'AX & YATES. 1,1 v 1: i. v. PAcron v, V.. W. Willlvirifrs Auction Store. 15 Y to eai I v oppos.ie Fav ttevil! v N. C. Oct. 1. If CAUlIl.UiK Uav,:iT; recently purchased tue aiiove es tablishment from Maltsnm Iv'illv, K-"i I am now prepared to enter- tain m a cim.orta'i!e manner tlioe who may give me a call. Having a:n;ie slabb's. good hostlers and a dis )oiition to aceoinnioihtte. 1 trust 1 shall be able to grve entire satisfaction to those who may favor me with their patronage. II. C. McLEAN. D ece tier 1: ro-tf SOX Avirtr 2 x v a v ii n . & v o . Importers and i'Kc Vt'holesale Dealers in Foreign and ;ne.-tie iRV ;(!)DS. and l!) Ba?'elny street, Nkw Yontc. '.").' C.ni-pd 24 Pari No vein! ).'r 1? . TV!I lOTIT, 'nycf S i vi lie, X. C. w and Green streets. A(1oni;) iit lair, 1' Ordee at the corner of 1J. Fe!..v 1S."..M. Th' iind''r-dgii"il having, at ?4areh Term of Cum berland Countv Court, qualified ;is Executor of the last .Will and Test am '.nit oi'Mis l. M'eR.ne. dee'd. notifies all! son. navinar claims aarainf-t the Estnte to present them within the time limited by lav.-, otherwise this notice will be pi aded in bar of recovery. Debtors to the instate will 5) 'ease make immediate navment. JAMI-:S A. McRAE." Executor. March 18 1SVL S5-tf SOTIt'K. THOSE who are indebted to me by Note or Account will please settle the sam 'vinl all debts due me pn- or to the 1 st Jan diligence cannot Oct 1. is-n. y IS."):!, must be settled, as longer in be given. A. A. McK ETHAN. if f . M. Nl'ltt'lIISOX, CnmiHltsinn mrt Porwaring Jlrrchanf) V.'lI.MIN'CTON', X. C January 7. IS t y NOT I C E. The F'avetteville lee House will be opened daily for tli delivery of 1c- from 5 to 7 o'clock, A.M., com mencing Monday. 17th inst. Tickets for Ice are now readv for sale at the store of G. W. Williams &. Co. No u ;: will be delivered ex cept to tickets, as it is not intend.-d to keep any ac counts. When called on to d'divcr Ice outside of the time specified above, double the regular pric will be c!iar-"l. JOHN" I). WILLIAMS. April 8, 15-1. 88 tf AUItlCrbTl'llVT,. We have received our uv.ial stock of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, such as Ploughs. Harrows. Cultivators, Ac. Ac. J. A, T. WAD DILL. A new "2 horse Wagon, complct Mar:h IS, 1351 or saie. J. & T. W. 1'. MMILI.AN-. .1. ('. BOWDK.V. INSPECTORS OF NAVAL STORES AND PRO VISIONS. Oflice. corner of North V.'atvr and Ches nuit Streets. Wilmington. N. C. April S, LS54. Ss-Sm Sjjrlns? mid nriuiti- SiocU of ; O O T X A N 1) S 11 O X s , For IS5-1. We ar r.-ce':vuig our SP-RING and SUMMER STOCK, consisting f a large and general assortment of Gentle .lnen's. Ladies", Misses', Boys and Children's BOOTS. G.-UTEltfi. AJ'I) SHOES. Embracing ver a gCjieral assort ' variety neut of of style 'rva'its'' and qualitr. With iocs. V.LS0 Trucks; Calf, Goat. Lining and RinduMt Ski n; Lasts; Shoe Thread: with a large assortment of Shoe Findings. All of which we will sell low for Cash, or on lime to punctual customers. S. T. II AW LEY & SON. April 8. 1$:U. ss-;t James C. Smith. Milks Costi.v. JA5IES ". S3IITH fc CO., Commfctb'tn JtTcrch'int s, Have removed their ol'iee to tlie econd story 'of the bail. ling fornierly occupied by the Telegriv.ili Company, where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually attended to. Wilmington, Jaify 1 1, 1854. 76-ly N K W GO O D S. to ' .d Sum- j d black i T' subscriber is now receiving his Spring and t-h.i- to: k of -roods, among which m.vy be f r.in f...w-v Silks, some verv superior ; Silk Grenadine Rera"es,Tarlton Plaid, printed Mnslin- and Lawns. Ginghams assorted, Alpa-. ca assorted. Swiss and Jaco net Muslins, Calico. Bod Ticking. It) 4 Sheeting, brown a -id bleached Shirting, brown and bleached Drilling, Cottonade Carolina Stripes, browr. Linen. Irish Linen, undressed family, Linen, white and. red Flannel, cotton Merino Hose, corded Skirts, black and fancy Mantillas a i l Talmas very line, kid and silk Gloves, half Hoes, idack French Cloth and Cassimeres, fancy Cassimere and Linen for gentlemen's wear, linen cambric Hand Icorchifs, a good assortment ; linen and cotton Diaper ; pins, needle's, hooks and eyes, but tons. 500 dozen spool cotton, knives and forks. Iron and nails. 50 Bags Rio Coifee; loaf, granulated and brown Sugar; tea, snuff pepper, spice and ginger, log chains, coopers' tools of all descriptions, handsaws, augers, chisels and drawing knives, plate and rim looks ; turpentine hackers, scra pers dippers, axes and adzes. Ladies, Misses, and boys Shoes, a largo assortment ; gents Boots and Shoes; silk, Leghorn, and straw Bonnets; Misses ilats and Bonnets ; Panama, Leghorn. Fur, Moleskin, and Straw Hats. PETER P. JOHNSON. April 15, 1834, SfJ-4t . , SECOND STOCK. ; , PEAUCB PF.3IBEIITCS Arc now receiving in addition to their former Stock, a beautiful assortment of j J)Hrj:SS GOODS.' Satin Striped Hempen. i n ; :'' tlolored Embroidered Koles, ; '. -' Toadies Collars and Under-Slecycp, 1 " ' Velvirt and other Trimming, ' liounet Ribbons, Cravats and Stocke, . i . . .' ', i Shirts. Collars. Arc, - . EXPRESSLY FOR THE .WHOLESALE TRADE. April 1, I.354: ' ' . P. Si P. Hay Street, CEDAR PALLS Cotton 'Yarns and Slicet- ings for sale by TRGY MARS.II. SU50 11EWAK1). Runaway from the subscriber, his Negro men. JOHN and TOBEY. John is about 2 years old, 6 feet 1 inch high, weighs about 185 or 100 lbs. Tobey aged ultout 22 yearns 5 feet 9 inches hij-h. stout, and weighs 175 lbs. They were bought from Mr James Surles, of Cum berland county, and will probablv be lurking in that neighborhood. Tobey has a wife at Mr Richard liird's, in Johnston County. Fifty Dollars for either, or one hundred Dollars for both, will be paid for their appre hension and delivery to the sulseriber, or for their con finement in any Jail in the State, so that he can get them. An additional sum of One Hundred Dollars will oi paid tor the conviction the above Negroen. of any person of harboring JOTIN Oct. C. COLEY. 63-tf Fair Buff, Columbus Co. N. C. II. IIARISAUr.il, Architect cl BaiMrr, ayettevillr, 3f. C., Respectfully informs the public that lie is prepared to execute PLANS of every description such as State and Court Houses. Prisons, &c. Also. Churches, Cot tages, and other public and private edifices; Bridges. lloo'V. te. Ac, ail with Specifications and Contracts made for the same. He will also .superintend all kinds of work. Orders will receive prompt attention, and Plans drawn and Bent to any part of the country at short notice. Oct. 15. 1S53. ly-pd 1200 ACHES OI." LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber offers-for Kale twelve hundred acres of Land, located in the lower end of Richmond countv. It is about oqui-distant from Floral College, Lauren burg High School, and Laurel Hill. The Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, A c. It also oilers great inducements to those engaged in the turpentiiK and lumber business. I Is ve constituted Alexander McLean. Esq. my agent, during bit absence. to wliom alt communications in regard to the matter may bo addressed at Oilojvolis P. )., Robeson countv. Luther Blue, who resides hear to the premises, will take pleasure in exhibiting them to any one who may call for that purpose. J. BLUE. Oct. 22, C4-tf TO OWXKUS. The Ktibscriber trtkes this method of informing his friends and the public that he still continues in (lie Mill Wright, business and all its branches, viz: foundering, framing, and erecting Water or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, either with simple or complicated ma chinery. He returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received heretofore, and hopes hy strict attention to business and bv givintr eencral ; natters himself that his work will compete with that of any other machinist for speed and durability. All per sons who want work done in the above line would do well to give him a call, as ie has several competent workmen in his employ, and is prepared to execute all jobs at th-" shortest notice and on very reasonable terms. Orders pronm'lv attended to. For further information address tin subserioer a Johnson vi lie, Cumberland c-onnty, N. C. November D. 15. JOHNSON. V-;pd. 1 i c, In, I C'.).) GirtS KE PI.VSS CLT11A BCKMSII. The Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of some ex perience, has for some time been sensible that there is a desideratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man's i4 im dtrstanding a proper finish. He has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to the task ol preparing an article free irom tnese objec- , tions. and has at length after much investigation and i experiment completely succeeded. The result is Gilt's nc phis vlra Jlunii.ih." He only wiidies that it j may be tested iu order to establish its superiority i over all others. Call on him at his shop opposite Mr Lauder's Marble Factory. Hav street, and supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate THOMAS GILL. Nov 9. 1853 tf NOTICE. THE pubscriler offers for sale, his LANDS, six miles North of Fayetteville. and about one mile from the Fayetteville and Raleigh Plank Road, Consisting of about twelve hundred and sixty acres of land, suited to the making of Turpentine or Timber. There is also on the premises, a good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good repair and now in operation ; also, a Dwelling, and all the necessary outhouses, in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on tin; head waters of Carver's Creek, known as" the Tarry Place, on which there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other houses. On the tirst named tract, there is ent abont twenty five thousand Turpentine Boxes, from two to four years old. All toe above lands will lie sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on the subscriber, who will take-pleasure in showing tac above lands. WM. R. BOLTON. Oct. 27 1853. " - ' . 65tf , prars. Force and Suction. Pumps ; Sheet Lead and Lead 'ipe, for sale bv C. W. ANDREWS,-. April 1. tf . Market Square. PUUK Liai'OKS. 1 Cafk each, pure French Brandy, Port and Madeira Wine, just received and for sale by -i J. N. SMITH. April 15, 1851 8.'Mt ' IMPORTANT NEWS Tic CiiCTfest -place in Town to lull Clothing! The subscribers inform the and the public generally that a lurga and fashionable Stock READY-MADE citizens of Fayetteville they have jnst received of - : CLOTHING," From the tinest to the lowest quality. Their tock con sists of COATS made of cloth, cassimere, cashmcret, silk lastilljr, bombazine rlrnf-r!ite alfine'-i (irothine- .7 . m ot a11 colors, checks and ginghams, and of all other kinds of goods in the market. Thevako offer toe largest, cheapest and best select.,.! i.w.fc of 1AT and L,1S ever. seen in this market. Shirts, collars, s-xspenders, neck stocks, drawers, and a great many other goons for gentlemen. They offer these article's at wholesale or retail oa imt,,,,,;.,- ' Vr tlemen are niv ited to call at the store nortl,-ecf ucr .-wariiei square, next to A. Johnson & Co M- GREI3STREE & CO. ' N. B.. All those indebted to us prior to the 1st Jan'v M ill please call and settle, as uo longer indulgence can be given. UHEENTREE & CO. April 22, ,18 t Zm S. S; AllEY . Has just received a beautiful assortment of SPRISG ASD SUMMER GOODS.. He desires to return thanks to his friends and the pulv lic for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him; and solicits a continuance of the same. His friends and the public are requested to give him a call, at the stand formerly occupied by S. JfcHinsdale, south west corner market square and Gillespie street. April 22, 1854. . UO-tf ""P R. K S XI - . AND SUMMER SrRIXG GOODS.- Have just rcceivetf and opened a .large and w ell select-, cd stock of , , .... . ... - : . -- - SILK AKH FAKCY DRY GOODS, I Which, have been selected with tiatumal care, and de signed more particularly for the Retail Trad. In our stock may le found all the late styles and designs for Ladies' Dress Goods; Fancy plaid and brocaded Silks; plain Canary col'd do; black Gro-de-Rhine and figured do ; rich PLAID Berages and TiHsnes.- (Plaid being the rage; this season;) tig'd and plaid Grenadines; large lot superior plain Borages and Tissues embracing all tin lofitrnlVtfk nrklnfa ninlft TiYrtK irraluie -.?,lot.-u ivliiten, tans, canary, Ac; '"prinieil'EniVdiad Swiwj . plain , (Uhallys ; UrgandKinwf!yrtrinrca" "lUtrSniFj French, English and Aineritiin Ginghams und Prints, Ac. Ac. , FOR GENTLEMENS WEAR Superior black and fancy col'd Cloths; black French -Doe-Skins; Taney col'd Cassimeres, including some splendid , patterns ; Italian and French Summer Cloths; Drab D'Etes; fan cy col'd Linen Drillings; plain striped and fig'd do; Silk. Satin, and Quilted Marseilles Vestings, &c. Emb'd Cnrain Mnsliits: rich Curtain Damask: Table Damask and Cloths; Table Napkins and Towell ing; Birds-eye and Scotch Dia;rs; 10-4 Linen and Cotton Sheetings; Linen and cotton Pil low - Casing ; Huckabacks; Swiss Jaconet and Plaid Muslins; Bishop and Long Lawns; stripe Swiss and Tape 51 uslins, brown and bleached Shirtings; Curtain Fringes; Grass Cloths for skirtintr; worsted Damask and' .Marseilles do; Sattin Jeans; Corset do: PLAIN and EMB'D WIIITK and COL'D CRAPE SHAWLS; LACE MANTLES and TALMAS. PLAIN" and FIG'D SILK DITTO ; plain Linen, emb'd and hem-stitched Handkerchiefs ; Kid Gloves; twisted Silk Mitts; Silk and Cotton Hosiery ; Lisle Thread and Silk Undershirts, Chemizetts; Lander-Sleeves; French Worked Collars; Swiss and Cam bric Edgings and Insertings; Thread, Cotton and Lisle Edgings; Linen and Robin do; black and col'd Silk Veils; green and brown Hera go Veilings; white and col'd Silk ' Illusions; plain and lig'd Bobinc-ts; black Silk Nettings for Mantles; 6-4 white Berages and Tissues for do; Silk Rooclies; Bonnet ' Linings and Tabs; Artiiicial Flowersand Wreaths, Straw Trimmings; Crape L'teces ; Florence Silks and Marcelains; Paper Hangings. Fire Screens. Wall Papering. Ac. Ac. A large lot of Moleskin and white and drab Beaver HATS; Panama, Leghorn, Alboni, Canadian, Strain and other stvlcs . SUMMER II ATS. Roys' and Youths do., in great variety ; large as sortment fashionable Straw Bonnets; Misses' Bonnets and Flats : tine Calf puinp-sole and other styles Boots; Congress Gaiters ami .Calf" Shoes; Ladies"' Congress (alters, assorted colorsr white, bronze and Kid Slip pers, Ac. Ac. A handsome lot of READY MADE CLOTHING of a very superior quality; also Boys' and Youths. of every description; Shirts. Collars. Undcr-Shirts. Cra vats ant! Stocks; Umbrellas and Parasols; Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices, Ac. Ac. Ac. Which will be sold on as accommodating terms as anv other house in the place, either at Wholesale or Retail. 1 lie trading public would do well to give us a look be fore purchasilig. E. L. & J. A. PEMBERTON, Hay Street. April 1, 1S54. 87-tf . HAY. A LOT of Northern HAY, of extra quality Receiv- "" "!!f 0-it SPRING, 1X54. The subperiber is now receiving from Nov." "York, a large supply of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Heady-Made Clothing, Sadlcry, Crockery, Shoes, Boots, Bonnets and Bonnet Tri Hats of all kind. In si iort. article usually kept in drv goods Stores for sale. All of which 1 intend to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Thankful for past favors, I hope. In correct and fair dealing, to merit a continuance of the Mum-. " THOS. B. TYSON. Carthage, April 22, 1854. mKJt GOODS. in store and for sale cheap, The undersigned have a general iMook or GROCERIES, HEAVY HARDWARE, Jlollow-ware, Iron, Steel, "Window Glass, Putty, Blacksmiths' and Turpentine Tools, Brooms, Buckets. Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, and in fact almost anything that can be mentioned in our line. Our friends will do well to give us a call before pur chasing. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. J&afJust received, 10 hhds. new erop Molasses. G. W. I. GOLDSTON .t CO. New brick store cast side Gillespie street, third door I from the Market, March 18, 1854 - tf FIVE HtXDKED THOVSAXD POUNDS COTTOX AND LINEN RAGS AV ANTED. The subscriber will pay the highest market price for any quantity of clean Linen and Cotton Hags. DAVID MURPHY. March 1, 1R5-1 tf N E XV SmiSTG AJVD STORE. 'SUMMER GOODS. The subscribers respectfully announce to the people ot r ayetleville and it vicinity, that tliey have opened a new Store, (at the stand formerly occupied by Worth A Elliott,) containing a large Stock of D It Y GOODS, Which will be sold at Northern Prices. In our Stock may be found the late styles of Ladies Dress Goods ; Fancy Brocaded Silks; rich fig'd and plain black Silk, at all prices; Lawns; French Jaconets, Muslins, and Tarltaas, in great variety; a very fine article of black Alpacas Ginghams, and Prints; Piano and Table Cov ers. Also a handsome lot of Embroideries consisting of emb'd Collars, Sleeves and Chcmizetts; Jaconet, Cambric -and Swiss; Edging and Inserting; Linen Cam bric Handkerchiefs; emb'd-'ditto; a fine lot of Crape Shawls, Veils, Silk and Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Bonnets. Ribbons, Table Cloths, Irish Linen, Ac. , . A large lot of Hats, viz :' Moleskin and Drab Bearer Hats, Straw Hats all styles; Straw Bonnets, Misses' Bonnets aud Flats. s ' ' - ' A fine lot of Boots and Shoes, A c. A large assortment . of Jewelry: Breast Pins, a variety of Gold aud Gold Fob and Vest Chains', Ac. Gold Ear Rings, Silver Watches, Together with the largest and finest stock of Ready made Clothing ever before offered in this market : Fine black Cloth Frock and Sack Coats; also tine brown, blue and green Summer Cloth Coats: a tine lot of black Alpaca Coats. A large assortment of Pants; fine black Doe-skin Cassimere Pants; fancy Cassimere Pants, at all prices. A fine lot of Vests: white, buff, and fancy Marseilles Vests; black Satin and fancy Silk Vests, &c. . A handsome lot of Cloths and Cassimeres; Gents' fine. Linen Shirts, Collars, Arc. '! Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap. ; t . SCIILOSS & McCORMICK, Hay street. P. S. Clothing of all kinds for Boys of from four to sixteen rears old. 'April 22, 1854. 00-tf i V ALFRED ALDERMAN, Inspector of Ksval Stores and Proxisumt, i WILMINGTON, N. C. 'All business intrusted to him will receive prompt attention. , - , April 22, IS54. 3m - P. M. WALKER, , Inspector of uVaval Stores and Provisions, . WILMINGTON, N. C. : AH business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention. April 22, 1854 3m & E. J. LJLLV rwjf their SECONt STOCK of Spring aer WX)DSr embracing a great variety of -and Domestic Dry Goods, Summer onnets, Boots and Shoes, Umbrellas, v Parasols; &C &cJ ; J -ich were selected with much care, and trill be ccommodaiing terms exchunvelv at Wholesale, ters mill jje -filled with care and warranted to -taction. ' " - ar i All GOODS. s A; Williams .are now rcceiviup , their toek sr Spring and Summer Dry Goods, :SlHc ? Itn04 jdM ,1? aaili.-' Selected within the last two weeks by one of the firm, in the Hrt! icni Markets, at greatly reduced prices from the earlJ part pf the Season, and will be disposed of to Wholesae buyers on accommodating terms. We solicit an examiiation of our Goods, by Merchants baying in this Matret. All orders prompt! v attended to. " , J. B.KTARR. J.M.WILLIAMS. 'April?2. 1854. tf 1" 18 5 4. SPIl I N G GO OD S. Tlie nidefsigned are now receiving, and expect to have their entire Stock in store by the 13th instant, of ; , SEASONABLE GOODS, Embrang a great variety of FOREIGN AND DOMJiSTIC DRY GOODS, Ilats, Oips, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols. Boots and Shoes, ' Toolscap and Letter Paper, Blank ijooks, .Bolting Cloths, ccc. &c. &c. With an extensive assortment of Jl E1 D Y-MA DE CLO TH1J'G , And poreign and Domestic Hardware. All of whfdi they oner to the trade at LOW PRICES and upon iccommodating terms. Purcha'is will find it to their interest to give the above Stock an examination before making their selec tions. HALL & SACKETT. March 8J 18.14 NEW GOODS. The subscriber has just received his Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY I11 V GOODS, Embracing etcry article usually to be found in a dry good's Store, tonsisting in part as follows : Plain black and watered Silk; plaid Scmmer Silk; printed Jacom t and other styles Muslins; Grenadines: lSerages and Tissues; embroidered Muslins for evening dresses; white and col'd Tarltons; gwd assortment lace and other style Mantillas: embroidered Collars. Sleeves; Cheniizetts and Handkerchiefs; Swiss and Jaconet Higing and Inserting of superior qualify; Bonnets and Ribbons of latest style and in great varie ty; sewing silk Mitts; Silk and Kid Gloves; Umbrellas And Parasols; good assortment of Calico, Ginghams, bleached ami In-own Domestics; Cloths. Casdimercs and Vesting; linen Goods; Shoes and Boots for ladies; gen tlemen, boys, girls, and children; gentlemen's SUM MER HATS; boys, and girls Ilats and Flats, Ac. Ac. Also, Sugar and Coifee; ' Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore receiv ed, li trusts bv close application to business and fair dealing ur mcrjt.a continuance ol tlie same 5ew htore on east side Green Street. Fayetteville, April 15, 1854. 89-tf C'LOTIIIXG! CLOTIJIXGi: CLOTHISGIM : NEW ESTABLISHMENT. MBERG & CO., Wholesale S- Retail Ma nu facturers and Dealers in Rc'idy-made Clothing, Have just received and opened the largest and best selected stock ever ottered in this State. -They keep constantly on hand an extensive assort ment of Gentlemen's furnishing Goods, embracing every article for Gents toilette. Hat, Caps, Boots, Shoe. Gaiters, Shirt. Standing Collars of pure Linen, Cravats. Stocks. Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags; Lndr cloth in Silk, Gauze, Cashmere, lisle thread. Cotton, and a great variety of other Geuts DRESS ARTICLES too numerous to mention. , A splendid assortment of Gents morning Robes. Also, clothing of any kind made to order on the short est notice and latest style. ,' . Manufacturers of Shirts and. Collars, importers and dealers in Cloth. Cassimere, Cafhmcret, .Vestings, Linen Drilling and Marseilles. Ac. Our stock will be replenished every week by our senior partner, wlio resides North. Come and examine, and remember East side of Gi-ecn street, iu P. Sh em well's new building. Boys clothing, a large assortment kept always on hand. AMBERG &, CO. April 22. 1S54. tf SEHTISTHY.-:- D. AY. C: BENPOW, Local Dentist, l?day be found at his Rooms near the Mar ket, where ho will le pleased to receive calls and wait on those in need of his professional services;:.-- " : lie will perform, with care, all operations upon the teeth. Those in need of Artificial Teeth are solicited to call and examine specimens Of hi? manufacture. . N. B. Dr. Benbow returns his most grateful thanks to the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity for the liberar patronage they have so kindly bestowed, and would respectfully make it known that he intends leav ing Fayetteville the middle of June to be absent three mouth. April 22, 1854. tf ISOTICE TO rilAVEbEllS. The subscriber having recently fitted up a commodi ous house at Johnsonville., on the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, abont 23 miles from Fayetteville, is now prepared to accommodate travelers at moderate charge. - No pains will be spared to make guests com fortable., .. .: mm - S. R JOHNSON. Johnftmfille. April 22, 1854 ' 3m ; DAVID' JfeDUFFEE, i.:P BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER, -. Fayetteville: ST C. - Persons wanting work done in his line will lie promptly attendad to by addressing him at the FaVette ville Post Oflice.- . " Fayetteville, Jan'y 28, 1831 ly -pd V l NEW GOODS. We are not receiving from New York a very large Stock Of .''-; "t .-. SEASOXAELE GOODS, Embracing nearly every article usually kept in our market. We pnrchascd our Goods by the package ou as favorable terms as any house jn the mercantile line, and will sell them wholesale or retail on accommodat ing terms and for reasonable profits. JOHN T. corxciu, BICHn . CAIX. : Al.EXAXPKlt KAT.. -i. COUNCIL, CAIN A CO. Fayetteville, April 1, 1854. tf SPRING GOODS. P. TAYLOR is now rccemng his Stock of SJ RING AND SUMMER GOODS, for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear: Black and colored Gaiters, for Ladies, ilisses, and Children ; Boota nd Shoes; Hats ami Bonnets ; Crockery and Glassware; Hardware ; Coopers', Carpenters' and Smiths Tools ; Ploughs and Castings : Straw Cutters, Ac. Ac. P. TAYLOR, Old Stand, Green St. April 1, 1854. , . 3m MOLASSES. 15 HHDS. prime Retailing MOLASSES, just to hand. Also. 10 bbls. N. O. Molasses; 5 casks extra fine Syrup; Sugar, Coffee, Aci , . Person street, 2 doors West of 'tteCiW Fear Bank. ' . THOS. J. JOHNSON. April 22, 1854. ! - - . 90-4t ii. A few years ago, there was !iio iiulividoal in Arkansas who caused more trouble to the pood people of that state than jDick Hatcher, no-H tonous lrore. tbef.- ; Rieliard's exploits : were i not only daring: bot nomerons. : His morenicnts were canning and stealthy.; He woald come down on the barns and cattle-yards of the com munity .with the suddenness I of a night-hawk, and before you could say "look and see," he wonld be off witk booty enough to, keep him in gin aud charapngue for.- a nwnth.: Things at last reached nucha pass, that the citizens made up their; minds to otter a reward of one thousand dollars fobJiis arrf .-. A tnoug ) those who went iir for prUeff?ob-Bwt lrai llob anned himself with the nsual cutlery, his bowie. knife and revolver, and set out in pursuit of Hatcher. He started at 9 P. M., and arrived at the sup posed residence of the robber about midnight. Bob approached cautiously, examined the out work, and took a preparatory peep in at one of the windows. Things were just as he desired; no one at home but the house-keeper. Bob knocked, obtained admission, and took up a position near a blazing- fire of oak and hickory. Having done this, he asked for refreshments, and commenced looking round for land-marks. "Who owns that buffalo overcoat, and that foxskin cap?" he inquired. "The gentleman J work for," was the house-keeper's answer. "I wonder how they would tit me." Saying this, Bob got np, tried tlieni on, and again seated himself by the fire. His object in thus disguising himself, was to deceive any member ' of the gang, who should Uo as lie didpeep in for the purpose of recon noiterig4 Bob had not chuckled over his well laid stratagem for more than live minutes, be fore he saw three or four ferocious looking men looking in at tlie very same window through which he himself had obtained a glaneeatthe house-hold arrangments of Mr Hatcher. Not knowing to what it would lead, he immediately left his seat, and made an attempt to rush ont doors. Just as he was crossing the threshhold, however, a four-pound fist knocked him flatter than the stock-market. The next thing big-fist did, was to gag him with a bandanna and throw him across a mule. This was also done in a moment. When Bob recovered from the "stnunin" swoon into which the blow had plung ed him, he undertook to right, but m&t with such a severe reprimand from a pair of cowhide boots that he did not repeat, it. After a long tramp through mud and darkness, the cavalcade arrived at a magistrate's office. An examina tion immediately took place, when it was dis covered that poor Bob had fallen a victim to circumstances."" The Buffalo overcoat with which he had robed himself, had misled a scout-ing-party of "wolverines," who, having heard of the "great reward," had gone forth to make the same arrest that Bob h'ld cm ( party, we never could learn; all we know is, that it was the last time that Bob Smithcrs appeared in disguise, or went a thicf-huntiug. WEW SPRING ASD S173IJUER. DRY GOODS. The subscribers respectfully announce to their friends, customers, and tlie puMic, that Iheir STUCK OF GOODS FOR THE SEASOJK" Is now complete, which was selected expressly for the Retail Trade. Our, Stock is one of the largest and handsomest ever offered by us iu this market. It con sists in part as follows : . FOR TUB LADIES Rich Brocade Silk, large and small striped; red Plaid do; plain glace and steel col'd do ; rich fig'd black Silk ; watered and plain do; all varieties and prices; Gold printed and emb'd Gre nadines, Tissues and Berages; plain white, black and col'd Challys and Crape de Paris; printed Linens ; French Jaconets and Organdie Mu.-mus; Portsmouth and other low priced Lawns; black and col'd Ging hams aud Prints; emb'd, plaid, striped and plain Swiss, Book and Jaconet iiuslins. Lawns and Tarltons: a very superior article of black Bombazine and Alpaca, for mourning ; a handsome lot of embroideries, consisting in part of Honiton, Maltese and Thread Lace Collars; French emb'd Collars, Sleeves and Chc mizetts, all styles aud prices ; Jaconet and Swiss Flouucing ; Swiss Jaconet and : Cambric Edging and Inserting ; Infant Waists' and Robes; plain Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; emb'd do; Mourning Handker chiefs, Sleeves and Collars ; bl'k Lace and Love Veils; a superior article of blk Englbh Crape; Italian Crape, all colors; a full line of Silk and Kid GlovesandMiits; Hoisery; Bonnet and plain Ribbons; plain and emb'd Craxe Shawls; black Silk and Lace Shawls and Points; white, black and colored Silk and Lace Mantillas, and Talmas, some rery line. ' - ;7&T Amongst our stock of Gentlemen's Goods tnav Ik? found. Super black, brown, blue, green and olive CLOTHS ; black doeskin and corded Cassiniefes ; B-4 r reach Cassimeres, new style, and fancy Cassimeres. all colors and prices; white and col'd Linen Drillines checked and plain do; Tweeds, Jeans, and cotton Drills farmer's drilling, burlaps, and osnaburgs ; French and English drab d Etc; 'Cashmeres and Italian Cloth; black,cwhite and col d silk and Marseilles Vesting; silk. lisle, and cotton Lndershirte; a large assortment of READ Y MA DE CLOTHlJVO, i.-aU-;-, : - of superior quality. For Housekeepers- We have 10 and 12-4 Linen and Cotton Sheeting; Cotton aud Linen Pillow Casing; l urmtnre Uimity ami fringes. Damask and Lmb d Muslin and Lace Curtains: Bed Ticking; Apron Checks; Marlboro Stripe's and Plafd, for sorvauts; bleached and brown Shirting; Tabl lbitnask; Bird's-eye and Cotton uiapcr ; iiuckaoacK ; iraB ana ocorn jianer ; TowelsNapkins and boy less Irish Linen and Linen Crash and Scoth Jiater Lawns. - . ' Together with ft full line of Men's and Boy's Rum mer Hats; Men's fashionable1 Moleskin Ilats; Ladies' aud.Misses' Ron nets and Flats; Gentlemen's fine Boots and Gaiters; Ladies Congress and other . alters, Jius- kins, and Slippers; Umbrellas, l'arasois. s-c. And many articles not ' enumerated, innking onr Stock a very desirable one. and we are determined ti sell on as reasonable terms as any house in the trade, particularly to such as pay Cash or settle when called on Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call earlr as we expect to offer some inducements, can earir ALEX R JOHNSON A CO. April R, 1854. ; FOR A L. K. 2 Y nd well-broke MfLEJ. MALLETT. February 4, 1834. 9-tf . POTASH) POTASH 1 i Casks White Fotash, just received and for sale by J. N. SMITH, April 15. S9-4t - If . W. corner M arket Square- FISH AND LIME. 275 CASKS STONE LIME, , 5 bbls. New Herring, (No. 1.) - 10 half-bbls. d, . do. J ' r 20 bbls. Mackerel, (No. 3 and 4.) j , - Plaster Paris. Cement and Plastering Hair. '-- Bale Hay. . -, -' - .. All fresh and warranted cooL Just received by J. W. POWERS A COJ April 29, 1854. r 91-8t ' 7 cous. 3,500 BUSHELS Corn for sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A Co. March 18, 1854. . Democratic a istlre in Sew HanoTq A meeting of a respectable portion of the Democrats of New Hanover county was held a t the Court House on the evening of Wednesday, -April 2fith, for the purpose of responding to th action of the Democratic State Convention in the avowal of. Democratic principles, and in the nomination of Tbomas Bragg, Esq., of Northampton,'- as the Democratic candidate for Governor.'-- - . : ' - -.:The meeting was organized Ly .calling Wm. 'S Liarkins, Esq to the chair, and appointing Jaiiiea vulton toeeretary. :, ' . v '. On motion, a commit tee on three,- consisting of John JL. Holmes Petcr3I. Walked nndEU Wv-llall, K.Mp?.T Were appointed. by the GhairV for the'piirposc of preparing resolutions '"Tot hc action of the meeting. During the- retirement of the committee, a call was made npou Jesse G. Shepherd, Esq., of Cumberland, who re sponded in a speech replete with eloquence and argument, in which he dwelt upou the issues of the campaign, and paid a merited tribute to the-, high character and deserved popularity of the Democratic candidate Thomas Bragg. The committee on resolutions, through its' Chairman, John L. Holmes, Esq., reported the. following resolutions i Whereas, We the Democrats of New Han over county, have heard with feelings of the highest gratification, the proceedings of the Democratic State Contention recently held in the city of Raleigh hove marked with pleasure the harmony and unanimity which characterized all its proceedings, and have found in the reso lutions there adopted the embodiment of the purest principles of the democratic creed and evidences of the most enlarged patriotism, and most zealous regard for all the interests of th freemen of North Carolina, and have received with enthusiasm the nomination of Thomas Bragg, Esq., of Northampton, as the Demo cratic candidate for Governor of this State. Be it therefore 1st. Resolved, That we pledge to each other and to the democratic party of the State, our best efforts to secure the triumph of the prin ciples of the democratic party, so fully and clearly set forth in the platform of, the "Demo cratic Convention. 2di Resolved, That we recognise in out can didate, Thomas Bragg, Esq., a democratic Statesman of the purest principles, most exalted character and commanding abilities a patriotic son of the old North State, under whose banner we are proud to rally, and under whose leader ship we will march forward to victory ou the first Thursday in August next. Pending the question upon the adoption of the resolutions, the meeting was addressed by C. G. Wright, Esq,, of Cumberland, and Coi. S. J. Person, of New Hanover. Both of these genttcinen alluded, in glowing terms, to I lie teuWer-a-ttCTo-u'f the .whole democratic party to the enthusiasm with which the name of Thomas Bragg was hailed from the mountains to the Seaboard, and which afforded a cheering omen of success ou. the first Thursday in August next. Col. Per son declared himself enlisted for the campaign -r that wherever a word could be spoken or n. speech made to promote the sjieccsR of Co!. Bragg his own personal choice, as he was tl.nt of the democratic party neither should Lf wantinr on his nart. Ail the speakers were warmly applauded. The question being taken on the resolutious. they were passed unanimously. On motion, the proceedings were ordered to be published in the Wilmington Journal, am! the other democratic papers ot the State were requested to copy. On motion, the meeting adjonrned. WM. S. LARKINS, Chairman. Jamks Fty.TON-, Secretary. The Someksetski. -The editor of the reter.-- burg (Va.) Intelligeneer thus describes a new style of dancing, which he wituessed at Old Point Comfort : "The Somersctski is the name of the ncv dance which bids fair to knock the waltz, th mazourka, ther polka, the redowa, and tlir Sehottisch into a cocked hat. This last named dance is by far the most ridiculous affair that was ever participated iu by sane pecple. Wr never see it without thinking of a gander bal ancing himself on one leg, and nodding 'affec tionately and amorously at his favorite goosv. But from all. accounts the Somersctski is the dance of the age. It is danced by four persons, two ladies and two gentlemen. The ladies are dressed in a frock reaching . to theknee, and the continaences are of stockinet fitting 11 close as possible to the skin. One lady wears a. white stocking and a black stocking, and the other wears one green and one red stocking. The gentlemen are dressed in shorts, and their stockings are of pink and purple colors. The? dance begins by the gentlemen turning somer sets over the ladies, after which the ladies turn over the gentlemen ; and then the whole party 1 . , 4 -..' turns son ersets O er each other rapidly, pm- mi.scnouslv and miscellaneously. During, this last movement the performers, and their varie gated costumes present all the changes of tin; kaleidoscope. Those who have sec-u this tlxmey grcatlv admire it." Newst'at'krs. A man eats up a pound of sugar, and the pleasure he has enjoyed is ended : but the information he gets from a xiewspaper is treasured up in the mind,. to be used whenev er occasion or inclination calls for it.- A news pa cr is not the wisdom of a man or two men ; it is the wisdom of the age- of past ages too. A family without a newspaper is always half au age behind the times in general information; besides they never think much, nor find much to think about. And there are the little one.? growing np in ignorance without a taste for reading. Besides all these evil?, thcre's""he wife who, when her work is done, has to sit down with her hands in her lap, and nothing to amuse her mind from the toils and cares of the domestic circle. Who would be without a newspaper. Wheat Cnop.-rln Virginia the prospect for fine crops is remarkably good. Notwithstand ing the late unusually cold weather, it does no appear to have given rise, to any serious fear for the growing wheat crop. It is generally thought not to have been injured to any great extent.. Owing to the fine prices the past year, an unnsual quantity of wheat has been sown. Richmond Whig.

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