A- st A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to Politics. the Markets. Fnrpirn and niiiip'sfie - t i -ikcls, foreign and mmosucews, ; Literature, Agriculture, and General InformaUoii--TWO BRYAN & YATES, Proprietors. FAYETTEVILLE, tf. C.,STJRBAY, MAY 10, 1854. BY WILLIAM J. YATES ROBE II T K. BUY AN, Editor. Tcrnis of Subscription to the .orth Carolinian lror a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 " " at tLe end of 3 months, 2 " " ' ,; at tlie cud of C, month, 3 ' " " at tlie end of the year, 3 00 50 00 50 No nubscriptiou will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness Of the paper, the proprietors of fer the following remarkably low CLUIi HATES, IJVTARIARf. V.f.V AD VrtffGE !i copies of the C"sr "! .'-" ,.n ' ... lq .'ti - " lj !) '"Letters on business connected with the firm must be addressed to the undersigned, and must be post paid. Ratrs of Advert wing : f 10 lines for the first and Oi.VVJ V-iivn 1 " Ihirtv cents for each subsequent insertion unless the .iK-o-. t'iJi-t-iont is published for more than two months, when it will be charged For three months, SI 00 l"or six months, 00 For twelve lnontlis, - - - - - 10 00 Tl- Ml advertisements must be handed in by Friday 10 tiVloek.a. m..to ensure their insertion in the next .lav" natter, and should have the desired number of in- sTtions marltfd on them, ortherwiso they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Ult VAN" Sc YATES. 31 A it II I, VZ A C T O II Y, l;V ('KO. LAUDER. . Neat ly opposite to E. Yv. vVilIkingri- Auction More. Fayetieville. N. 0. y Oct. 1. 1 (A! llaviny: li'C :t purchased the abovi establishment a red to entcr- iv,..-, l:iL-,,m lOllv. ivM.. I am now prei tiiin bi :i comfortable manner tluwe who may give m- a call, ll.iviii:' ample stables, good hontim and a dis .idat.e. 1 trust 1 snail 1... .,1.1.. In uosittwii lo leconuuouai... n... . .., ff ve e'lt tire satisl.ictio.1 to iuosc vuo iu.i.v ... tli :c p.it'ro.iae. II. C. Me 70-tf lecenibi'r 3. 1S":: ED" ?ox WITH i: !1 N VV A Y B li and Wholesale Dealers t; it I m nor t era in ! oreigu and "jinestic DltV ;(()I).n, 24 J'ark i'lace and l'J Darclay street, Nf.w Novem'oer 7, lSji; (im-pd CI.KHKXT AVitKitrr, Altnrnryat Ijiim", i''a ye 1 1 e vi Hi-, X. -' Oilice at the corner of L5ow aud Croen streets. Feb"y l".:;. Ki r(oi's "utScc The urtibTsia-ned haviutr. at March Term of f'mn- berlaud C ntv Ciart. qua.V. l -.is. v'.' cvt-v- r the last Will and Testmii"iif orrvtrs ;,, i. nouns an in- -i.iiiiww ngnlnst the Estate to ircscnt them wUhm the time limit--d by law, otherwise-this notice wi ll be pi. -aded in bar of recovery. Debtors to iu. Etat will please make imnu-iliate payment. .TAMILS A. McllAF. Executor. March IS, 1S54. Hj-ii KOTICK. THOSE vdio are iudelited to me by Note or Account will please settle the saine. And all debts due me pri or to the l.-t Jan'y LSV?. must be settled, as longer in dulgcuoe ca.inot be given. A. A. McKETlIAN. Oct 1. 1853. tf li. M. jiritcnisox, I'oiiiiiilasio:' nnd FnrwaMinR 3Ierchint "Wilmington, X. C Januarv 7. 1 S."-f y XOTICE. Thf Fa vet teville Ice House will be opened daily for the delivery of lee from 5. to 7 o'clock, A.M., com mencing Monday. 17th inst. Tickets for lee are now ready for sale at the store of i. W. Williams A:, Co. No lee will be delivered ex cept to tickets, as it is not intended to keep any ac counts. When called on to deliver Ice outside of the time specified above, double the regular price will be charged. JOHN" D. WILLIAMS. Aoril S. 1S'4. 88-tf A K IS It' liLTUH AIn We have received our usual stock of FARMIXG IMI'LE.MKNTS. such as Ploughs. Harrows. Cultivators. Ac. Ac. J. .t T. WADD1LL. A new 2 horse W March IS. 1 So 4 agon, complete, for sale. J. & T. AV. r MI I.I.AN. J. C. BOVVBEX. MrMILTiAS fc BOWDEX, INSri-XTOKS OF NAVAL ST.OUKS AND PRO VISIONS. OSiee. corner of North Vv'ater aud Ches nutt Streets. Wilmington. N. C. April 8. 1S.V1. .1 AUK C Smith. Mif.ks Costix. JAMES C. SMITH &. CO., UoHimixsion JTcrcho nfs, Have removed their office to the second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company, where they are prepared to attend to all business in the Commission line. All business entrusted to them will be punctually utb-nded to. Wilmington, Jan'y 14, 1854. TC-ly W. F. & E. F. MOORE Are now receiving their stock of SPRING SUMMER GOODS, consisting of AND reign and Domestic DRY GOODS B OXXE TS. 1 A TS. Boot?, Shoes, and Ready-nnule CLOTHING, to which they Kivtte the. attention of purchasers. East corner of Market Square. March 23. LS54 tf S25 REWARD. On the 1st das' of Januarv, IS." 1 hired a Bov named Robert to John A. Williams, Es.; some thncinFcVy following he left Mr Williams, and I had reason to be lieve was lurking in the Neighborhood of Fayet tevi He, but now I believe he has been kidnapped or decoyed bv some villain. Said Kov is of black complexion, is between 13 and 14 years old. quite an active good look ing little fellow, and no doubt cfm tell a very plausible tale. 1 will give the above reward for his delivery to lu-s. or confinement iu any Jail, so that I get him narain, or S5u if arrested out of the State so that I get him. JAS. EVANS. Guardian. March 11, 1854., Sl-tf FIFTY DOLLARS KKWARD. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver to me my negro woman ANNA, who ab sconded about the 11th of November last, or for her . confinement in any jail in this State so that I can get her again. Said negro is of bright mulatto complex ion, speaks clearly and more properly than negroes usually do. and is rather lelow the medium size. It is supposed that she is lurking about the vicinity of Fayetteville, aided by the celebrated Simon Blue of harboring notoriety. She may attempt to pass as a free person among the numerous free mulattoes about Favetteville. alex. McMillan. Dundai roeh, Robeson count v, April 26, Ib&i, ) Ol-tl SECOND STOCK. PEAKCE &, PEMBEKTON Are now receiving, in addition to their former Stock, a beautiful assortment of DRESS GOODS. Satin Striped Herages, Colored Embroidered Hobcs, Ladies Collars and Under-SIecves, Velvet and other Trimmings, lioimet Ribbons, Cravats and Stocks, Shirts. Collars, tc. EXPRESSLY 'Oil TUE WHOLESALE TRADE. April 1, 1854. P. & p. nay street, CEDAR FALLS Cotton Yarns ancLSh-- jngsr lor sale by rr,url MARSH. 1 ovrz.ifr3 v - SI50 UEWAKI). Runaway from the subscriber, his Negro men. JOHN ind TOJiKY. John is about 26 years old. 6 feet 1 iueh high, weighs about 1S5 or 190 lbs. Tobey aged about 22 yearss . feet 9 inches high, stout, and weighs 15 lbs. They were bought from Mr James Surles, of Cnm berland county, and will probably be lurking in that neighborhood. Tobey has n wife at Mr Richard Uird's, in Johnston County. Fifty Dollars for either, or one hundred Dollars for both, will be paid for their appre hension and delivery to the subscrilx-r, or for their con finement in anv Jail in the State, so that he can get them. An additional snm of One Hundred Dollars will Ik; paid for the conviction of any person of harboring the above Negroes. JOHN CO LEY. Fair Luff, Columbus Co. N. C, Oct. C. C3-tf I'iOn ACttliS Ob' liAXI) I' OK SALE. The subscribrr offers for sale twelve hundred acres of Land, located in the lower end of Richmond county. It is about ecjui-distant from Floral College, Lauren buvg High School, and Laurel Hill. The Land is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, S:c. It also oilers great inducements to those engaged in the turpentine and lumber business. I have constituted Alexander McLean. Esq. my agent, during my absence, to whom all communications in regard to the matter may be addressed at f Jilopolis T. ().. Robeson county. Luther Blue, wiio resides near to the premises, will take pleasure in exhibiting them to any one who may call for that purpose. J. C I5LUE. Oct. 22, G4-tf TU MIIT OWJMKHS. The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public that he still continues in the Mill Wright business and all its branches, viz: foundering, framing, and erecting Water or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, either with simple or complicated ma chinery, lie returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he has received heretofore, and hope? by strict attention to business, and by giving general satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He flatters himself that his work will compete with that of any other machinist for speed and durability. All per sons who want work done in the above line would do well to give him a call, as he has several competent workmen in his employ, and is prepared to execute all jobs at the shortest not'ce and on very reasonable terms. Orders promptly attended to. For further information address the subscribed at Johnsonville. Cumberland county, N. C. D. I. JOHNSON. November 1(5, 1853 y-Jpd. The Subscrilier a .ppactfcul lioot-mak'T of pome e.v-. pcrience. has for some time been sensible that there is a fsiileratum to be yet supplied to the public in the w:iv of a suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most of the articles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give toman's '?? derslanding " ii proper finish. He has t herefore, dur ing tlie last, twelve months, been devoting himself to the task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is ' CI UP ne 2ins ultra P.urn '.." He only wishes that it may be tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call on him at his shop opposite Mr Laiider's Marble Factory. 1 lay street, and be supplied with au excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. Nov 9. 18.13 tf NOTICE. THE subscriber offers for snip, his LANDS, six miles North of Fayetteville. aud about one mile from the Fayettevillo aud Raleigh Plank Road, consisting of about twelve hundred and sixty acres of land, suited to the making of Turpentine or Timber. Theve is also on the premises, a good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good repair and now in operation : also, a Dwelling, and all the necessary outhouses, in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on the head waters of CarverV Creek, known as the Tarry I'lace. on Which there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other houses, On the tirst named tract, there is cut about twenty five thousand Turpentine Boxes, from two to four years old. All the above lands will be sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above lands. WM. R. BOLTON. Oct. 27, l,s.-3. 65-tf PtTMPS. Force and Suction Pumps ; Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, for sale by C. W. ANDREWS. April 1. tf Market Square. IMPORTANT NEWS. The Cheapest place in Tcicn to buy Clothing! The subscribers inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the public generally that they have just" received a large and fashionable Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, From the finest to the lowest quality. Their stock con sists of COATS made of cloth, casslmere. cashnieret, silk lasting, bombazine, drab de-ete, alpacca, grothing cloth, linen of all colors, checks and ginghams, and of all other kinds of goods in the market. They also offer the largest, cheapest and best selected stock of PANTS and VESTS ever seen in this market. Shirts, collars, suspenders, neck stocks, drawers, aud a great many other goods for gentlemen. They offer these articles at wholesale or retail on accommodating terms. Gen tlemen are invited to call at the store north-east cor ner Market Square, next to A. Johnson A" Co. M. GREENTREE & CO. N. B. All those indebted to us prior to the 1st Jan'y will please call and settle, as no longer indulgence can be given. M. GREENTREE & CO. April 22. .s.-,4 2m S. S. AREY Has just receiv ed a beautiful assortment of SPK1XG VXD SIIMMEK GOODS. is ! '"n.inru tiianiisto ms menus anu tue pins I 1T. ll..n'm. I........ 1, . , , 1 ll . 1. l:c tor tue liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him: and solicits a continuance of "the same. His friends ;iud the public are requested to irive him a call, at the stand formerly occupied bv S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner market square and Gillespie street. April 22, 18,"4. )0-tf FOR SALE. 2 Young and well-broke MULES. W. February 4, 1854. 79-tf P. MALLETT. NEW GOODS. We are now receiving from New York a very lare stock of SEASONABLE GOODS, Embracing nearly every article usually kept in our market. We purchased our Goods by the package on as favorable terms as any house in the mercantile line and will sell them wholesale or retail on accommodat ing terais and for reasonable profits. JOHN- t. col-n-cil. ) COUNCIL, CAIN & CO. kich'o s. caix. alexaxdeii RAY. ) Fayetteville, April 1, 1854. tf V MX, E S H SPRING AND SUAUIER GOODS,,. & J- A. PEJIBERTOS Have just received and opened a large aud well select ed stock of ... SILK AXD FAJYC Y DR Y GOODS, Which have been selected with unusual care, and de signed more particularly for the RerUil Trade.' In our stock may be found ail the late styles and designs for Ladie Dres Goods; Fancy plaid and brocaded Silks plain Canary col:d do: black Gro-de-Rhine-Aml figured do : rich PLAID Berages and Tissues. (Ilai&Exri1 the rase this season:) fitrd aniUWJf" Tv?'-?!? lr.t u,,,,iJj---4fir, T)Tues, greens, block; -mattes, tans, canary, &c; printed Enjb'd and Swiss Jaconets ; India aud Foularft Silks; plain lig'd and plain Challys ; Organdie Lawns; Printed Muslins; French, English and American Ginghams and Prints, &c. A c. FOR GENTIEMENS WEAR Superior black and fancy col'd Cloths; black French Doe-Skins; fancy col'd Cassimeres, including some splendid patterns ; Italian and French Summer Cloths; Drab D'Etes; fan cy coPd Linen Drillings; plain striped aud lig'd do ; Silk. Satin, and Quilted Marseilles Vestings, tc. Emlrd Curain Muslins; rich Curtain Damask; Table Damask and Cloths ; Table Napkins and Towell ing; Birds-eye and Scotch Diapers; 10-4 Linen and Cotton Sheetings; Linen and cotton Pillow Casing ; Huckabacks; Swiss Jaconet and Plaid Muslins; Bishop and Long Lawns; stripe Swiss and Tape Muslins, brown and bleached Shirtings; Curtain Fringes; Grass Cloths for skirting; worsted Damask and Marseilles do; Sattin Jeans; Corset do; PLAIN and EMIFD WHITE and COL'D CRAPE SHAWLS: LACE MANTLES and TALMAS, PLAIN and FIG"D SILK DITTO ; plain Linen, cmb'd and hem-stitched Handkerchiefs ; Kid Gloves: twisted Silk Mitts; Silk and Cotton Hosiery ; Lisle Thread and Silk Undershirts, Chemizetts; Un-der-Sleeves; French Worked Collars; Swiss and Cam bric Fdgings and Inserting; Thread, Cotton and Lisle Edgings; Linen and Bobin do; black and col'd Silk veils; green and brown Borage Veilings; white and" col'd Silk Illusions; plain and fig'd Bobinets; black Silk Nettinifs for Mantles; 6-4 white Berages and Tissues for do; Silk Root-lies; Bonnet Linings and Tabs: Artificial Flowers and Wreaths, Straw Trimmings; ('rape Lieces ; Florence Silks and Marcelains; Paper Hangings. Fire Screens, Wall Papering, Ac. Arc. A large lot of Moleskin aud white and drab Beaver II ATS; Panama, Leghorn, Alboni, Canadian, Straw and other styles SUMMER HATS. Hoys and ouths tlo., in great variety; large as sortment fashionable Straw Bonnets; Misses' Bonnets and Flats ; fine Calf pump-sole and other styles Boots; Congress Gaiters and Calf Shoes; Ladies' Congress Gaiters, assorted colors: white, bronze aud Kid Slip pers, Ax. Ac. A handsome lot. of READY MADE CLOTHING of a very superior quality; also Boys' and Youths,' of every description; Shirts, Collars, Under-Shirts, Cra vats and Stocks; Umbrellas and Parasols; Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valiees, Ac. A'C Ac. Which will be sold on as accommodating terms as any other house in the place, either at Wholesale or Retail. The trading public would do well to give us a look be fore purchasing. E. L. & J. A. P EMBERTON, Hay Street. April 1. 18.-4. S7-tf XEW GOODS. Tito .unK-rsion'(.l ftavTT in store and for talo cheap, u 'a'acral Stock of GROCERIES, .HEAVY HARDWARE.'- - - Ilollow-wtire, Iron, Steel, Window Glnss, Putty, Blacksmiths' and Turpentine Tools, j Brooms, Buckets. Oils. Paints, Dye Stull's. and in fact ' almost anything that can be mentioned iii our line, j Our friends will do well to give us a call before pur- chasing. J Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at I market prices. J5s"Jnst received, 10 hhds. new crop Molasses. G. W. I. GOLDSTON & CO. New brick store cast side Gillespie street, third door from the Market. March 18. 1S54 tf FIVE BtDIlED THOUSAND POUNDS COTTON AND LINEN RAGS WANTED: The subscriber will pay the highest market price for any quantity of clean Linen and Cotton Rags. DAVID MURPHY. March 4, lS.Yt tf SEW S T O It. E 4 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. The subscribers respectfully announce to the people of Fayetteville and its vicinity, that they have opened a new Store, (at the stand formerly occupied by Worth Elliott,) containing a large Stock of D BY GOODS Which will be sold at Northern Prices. In our Stock may be found the late styles of Ladies' Dress Goods : Fancy Brocaded Silks; rich tig'd and plain black Silk, at all prices; Lawns; French Jaconets, Muslins, and Tarltans, in great variety; a very line article of black Alpacas. Ginghams, and Prints; Piano and Table Cov ers. Also a handsome lot of Embroideries, consisting of emb'd Collars, Sleeves and Chemusetts; Jaconet, Cambric and Swiss Edging and Inset ting; Linen Cam bric Handkerchiefs; emb"d ditto; a fine lot of Crape Shawls, Veils, Silk and Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Bonnets. Ribbons, Table Cloths, Irish Linen. Ac. A large lot of Hats, viz : Moleskin and Drab Beaver Hats, Straw Hats all styles; Straw Bonnets, Misses' Bonnets and Flats. A fine lot of Boots and Shoes?, Ac. A large assortment of Jewelry: Gold Ear Rings, Breast Pins, a variety of Gold aud Silver Watches, Gold Fob and Vest Chains, Ac. Together with the largest and finest stock of Ready made Clothing ever before offered in this market : Fine black Cloth Flock and Sack Coats; also fine brown, blue aud green Summer Cloth Coats: a line lot of black Alpaca Coats. A large assortment of Tants: line black Doe-skin Cassimere Pants; fancy Cassimere Pants, at all prices. A line lot of Vests: white, buff, and fancy Marseilles Vests; black Satin and fancy Silk Vests, Ac. A handsome lot of Cloths and Cassimeres; Gents' line Linen Shirts, Collars, Ac. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap. SCIILOSS & McCORMICK, Hay street. P. S. Clothing of all kinds for Boys of from four to sixteen j ears old. April 22. 1854. QO-tf ALFltEU ALDERMAN, Inspector "of Naval Stores and Provisions, WILMINGTON, N. C. All business intrusted to him will receive prompt attention. April 22, 1854. 3m 1. M. WALKER, Inspector of Naval Stores and Provisions WILMINGTON, N. C. All business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention. April 22. 1854 3m FISI1 AND LIME. 275 CASKS STONE LIME, 50 bbls. New Herring, (No. 1.) 10 b.alf-blls. do, do. 20 bbls. Mackerel, (No. 3 and 4.) Plaster Paris. Cement and Plastering Hair. Bale Hay. All fresh and warranted good. Just received by J. W. POWERS & CO. April 29. 1854. 91-St CORN- - 3,500 BUSHELS Corn for sale by GEO. W. AVILLLVMS & Co. March 18, 1854. iir- Read the Advertisement of Ayers Cherry Pec toral. There are statements of no ordinary interest to all so unfortunate as to be afflicted w ith the difficul ties it cures. . i. IMPOHTA1 IOXS FOR 1834.. STARR & WILLIAMS, "VHiolesale dealers in Foreign aud Domestic - DR Y GOODS,. Uatf ;Bounets, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, and W w J ; iiai aiKKCT. FAYETTFVrr.i l! V C ilnjrite the attention of tbeir customers, and the trade ,eerally, to a vrr sunerior Stml- of '. ; SPRING AKD SUMMER GOODS, riy pwnpjiy- OT tjoj' loT easorfr: will find in this market cood stocks, and at 'prices which cannot fail to.plcase. 5Iarcb 7. 18.34 18 3 4. SPRING GOODS. The undersigned are now receiving, and expect to . fl tant, of have their entire Stock in store by the 13tu ins SEASONABLE GOODS,' Embracing a great variety of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Boots axi Shoes, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Blank Books, Boltiug Cloths, &e. kc. &c. With an extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHIJSTG, And Foreign and Domestic Hardware. All of which they offer to the trade at LOW PRICES and upon accommodating terms. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give the above Stock an examination before making their selec tions. HALL A SACKETT. March 8. 18.54 N E W GOODS. The subscriber has just received his Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Embracing every article usually to be found in a dry good's Store, consisting in part as follows : Plain black and watered Silk; plaid Summer Silk; printed Jaconet and other styles Muslins; Grenadines; Berages and Tissues; embroidered Muslins for evening dresses; white and col'd Tarltons; good assortment lace and other style Mantillas: embroidered Collars. Sleeves, Chemizetts and Handkerchiefs; Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Inserting of superior quality; Bonnets and Ribbons of latest style and in great varie ty; sewins silk Mitts; Silk and Ivid Gloves; Umbrellas and Parasols; good assortment of Calico, Ginghams, bleached and brown Domestics; Cloths, Cassimeres aud Vesting; linen Goods; Shoes aud Boots for ladies; gen tlemen, bovs, girls, and children; gentlemen's SUM MER HATS; boys, and girls Hats and Flats. Ac. Ac. Also, Sugar and Coffee. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore receiv ed, he trusts by close application to business aud fair dealing, to merit a continuance of the same. P. S HEM WELL, New Store on east side Green Street. Fayetteville, April 15, 1854. fc9-tf cothingi clothing:: clothing: r: f NEW ESTABLISHMENT. AM11ERG & CO., Wholesale- l&lail Manu facturers and Dealers in Ready-made -Clothing,' Ilavi jiist received and opened" the largest and best selected stock ever ottered in this State. Thfy keep constantly on hand an extensive assort ment f of Gentlemen's furnishing Goods, embracing every'article for Gents toilette. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Shirts. Standing Collars of pure Linen, Cravats. Stocks, Trunks. Valiees, Carpet Ihvrs; ITndcr cloth iu Silk, Gauze, Cashmere, lisle thread. Cotton, and a great variety of other Gents DRESS ARTICLES too numerous to mention. A splendid assortment of Gents morning Robes. Also, clothing of any kind made to order on the short est notice and latest style. Manufacturers of Shirts and Collars, importers and dealers in Cloth. Cassimere, Cas.hmeret, Vestings. Linen lrilling and Marseilles. Ae. Our stock will, be replenished every week by our senior partner, who residesNorth. Come and examine, and remember East side of Green street, iu P. Shein well's new building. Boys clothing, a large assortment kept always on hand. AMBEEG & CO. April 22, 1854. tf DENTISTRY. m D- W: C. BEN BOW, Local Dentist, May be found itt his Rooms near the Mar ket, where he will be pleased to receive balls and wait on those ia need of his professional ser vices - He will perform, with care, all operations upon the teeth. Those in need of Artificial Teeth are solicited to call and exaniine-specimens of his manufacture. N. B. Dr. Benbow returns his most grateful thanks to the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity for the liberal patronage they have so kindly bestowed, and would respectfully make it known that he intends leav ing Fayetteville the middle of June to be absent three months. April 22, 1854. tf NOTICE TO TRAVELERS. The sulscriber having recently fitted up a commodi ous house at Johnsonville, on the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, about 23 miles from Fayetteville is now prepared to accommodate travelers at moderate charges. No pains will be spared to make guests com- lortaoie. S. E. JOHNSON. Johnsonville, April 22, 1854 :Jm DAVID McDl'FFEE) BRICK MASON AND PLASTERER, Fayette ville N. C. Persons wanting work done in bis line will be promptly atteuded to by addressing lihu at the Fayette ville Post OBicc. Fayetteville, Jan'y 28, 1854 ly-pd SPRING GOODS. P. TAYLOR is now receiving his Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear: Black and colored Gaiters, for Ladies, Misses, aud Children ; Boots and Shoes ; Hats and Bonnet ; Crockery and Glassware ; Hardware ; Coopers', Carpenters' and Smiths Tools ; Ploughs aud Castings ; Straw. Cutters. &c. A:c. P. TAYLOR, Old Stand, Green St. April 1, 1854. 3m IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. The subscribers inform the citizens of Fayetteville and the surrounding country that thtfy have on hand a well selected ami fashionable stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING of all styles, both men's and boys'. Also, Neck Stacks, Shirts, Standing Collars, &c. Ac. Wbleh they are riotorniinivl to sell ldow cost, as they want to make another arrangement by the first of July next. Gentlemen, come one. come all. as bargains may be had. GREENTREE A OPPENHIM, Person street, next to the Cape Fear Bank. May 6, 1854 92-3t NOTICE. TlMksubscribcrs wishing to close business, will offer for sale AT AUCTION, On Monday tit 22d instant, Their, entire STOCK OF GOODS, mostly new. and embracing a general assortment, to which they invite the attention of all those engagfi or wishing to embark in the business, to call and purchase, as bargains may be expected. Terms easy. - 3 FULLER fc SELLERS. Lumberton, X. C-, May 1, 1854 92-tf J8 BACON, LARD, BICB, and all other articles in the Grocery line, for sale by May 13. ,". G.W. I. GOLDSTON. FAYETTE VI LL B, N. C. The Same Oi.n Thick.. The people will please remember that in 1S4S Gov. Reid advo cated Free Suffrajre and Gov. Manly opposed it. In i 850 Gov. Manly avowed himself in favor of it, and he and his party press insisted that lie was a better Free Suffrairc man than meuiier, John Kerr is a netter jeree ouurae man than Gwv. Reid." The people knew the falsity of these professions and assertions, aud spurned them as they should. And now it is funny, or would be if it was not too ridiculous to hear Gen. Doekerv claiming to be an orierinal Free Suffrage man, and datimr 7 , ' nis auvocacy oi it away uacK iu ltoa: Did ever any thing carry its own refutation with it more effectually? He tells us he prave a "long, stronjr and hard lick" for Free Suffrage in voting to prive the election of Governor to the people. O wonders! But it turns out that hedid uot even vote for that proposition, as a separate measure, in the Convention of 1835. lie was not on hand when the vote was taken. Let the people remember these tinners, . and wheu Whiff politicians talk about being1 in favor of Free Suffrage, remember that thev made these same professions two and four years ago, but have, after the elections, always steadily opposed its adoption, lhat this will be their future course we have every reason to believe, judging; from the past. They promise a Jig waxen candle before the elections, but won't give a tallow scran alter thev are over. Salisbury Banner Ct'Riors. The letter of Mr Bragg accepting the nomination of the Lococratic party for Governor, as published in the dailv Journal of yesterday, and the weekly Journal of to-day, contains no allusion whatever to the platform of principles adopted by the Convention which nominated mm. Joes Mr Bragg stand upon the I'latlorm, rickettv as it is, or not? Wil. Herald. does he "I have carefully examined 'the scries of polit ical resolutions adopted by the Convention- and enclosed in your Jetter. Ihis is not a time or tit occasion to discuss their merits. It will be sufficient for me now to say that they meet with my entire approval, and shall hereafter! receive mv hearty and earnest support. Mr Bragg s letter of acceptance. "Comment is unnecessary." The Eclipse. An annular eclipse of the sun will oceur on tbe 2(th of the present month The lioston. Journal thus speaks of the matter: "It will commence at thirty-three minute? past 4 o'clock in the morning, and continue twd hours and lour minutes, or until about twenty- three minutes before 7 o'clock. So our readers will ha veto rise betimes to see it. In this eclips the apparent diameter of the moon compared with that of the sun, will be about as 18 to 19, and consequently some nine-tenths of the suu will be covered. The path of tlie eclipse win cross tlie western part ot the Atlantic oceanj Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Ver mont, New York, Upper Canada, Lake Super-I tor, Northwest and U ashington Territories, and thence through the southern edge of British! America to the Pacific oceau. The central lint of the eclipse will enter New England neai Portsmouth, and its path will extend sixty-twt miles ou either side. Boston will fall within itt path. To those on the central line, the sui will appear, during the middle of the eclipse like a huge circle of light, the moon covering every part except a very narrow rim on the outside. In Boston the appearance will bu much the same, only the ring of liyrht will bd wider on one side than on the other. Tha central part of the eclipse will be from Kittery opposite Portsmouth, in a north-westerly direc tion, through the towus of Dover, Harrington Pittsfield, Canterbury, Franklin, Hill, Grotton and Lebanon. The eclipse will, however, btl visible, to a greater or less extent, in all parts ot A orth America, exoeptmir uuatemala ami the southwest part of Mexico. It will also bd visible in Ireland, Greenland, Northern Russia parts of Swecden and Norway, the eastern pari of Asia, the V est Indies, and in the nortuen countries of South America." "Western" Popularity. Our neighbor of thq Watchman is extremclv anxious to learn thd cause of Mr Brajrg'a popularity in the West With a tender regard for? his health, we will out of pure kindness, endeavor to enlighten Lin and relieve his anxious (and disinterested) soli citude. First. Mr Brasrir has the reputation of bcimf an honest man, politically as well as personally? It is understood that he is conscientious, high minded, and far above the trickery and dema goguism of petty politicians, and that he would not stoop from this position for either oflice or the emoluments of office. This is the kiud of man the western people like. Secondly, Mr Bragg is a man of talents, with ability to give a reason for the faith that is in him, yilaiu and republican in his manners, and consistent in every thing. Thirdly, the extreme unpopularity of General Dockery and his rickety platform, causes the people to turn to Mr Bragg as a sound aud able man, and one iu whom confidence may be safely reposed. , These are a few of the reasons which make Mr Bragg popular in the west, and winch in duced the western delegation not only to go for him in a body, but to urge his nomination. We hope the troubled spirit of our neighbor will be quieted, and that h health will escape serious injury from his overwraught solicitude. If so, we shall find our reward iu the consciousness of having benefitted a fellow creature. Salisbury Banner. " We have the pleasure to announce that the people of Lenoir county have voted for the sub scription of $50,000 to the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, by a large majority per haps 250." Goldsboro Telegraph. It is said that the Adams & Co. Express monopoly have over $800,000 in money uncalled for at their different offices. Why do they not advertise the fact, giving the names of the" par ties to whom it is addressed, that the owners or their heirs may elaim what belongs to them? It appears that the Plattsburg people are btiik ing a railroad from that place to Montreai, a' portion of which was completed. The con,' pany owning the railroad from Rouse's Point to Montreal purchased the Montreal endoftlio. nattsiiurg route, ana lelt the people of the lat ter place in a Lad fix. The Plattsburg people owned a steamboat called the Saltus, which they designed to run in connexion with their road this season. The boat wintered at Sher burn Bay, and when the proprieters were about to move her, they found that i;art of her ma chinery had been stolen. They attempted t tow her down to Plattsburg, but tlie people of Burlington cut the lines and took her back. The following night two old steamers, the Bur lington and Whitehall, were drawn beside the Saltus and sunk in such a position that the lat ter cannot be moved. The Plattsburg people were much exasperated. The captain and own ers of the steamer Saranac v!rfi uminneorl tn t.. concerned in the outrage, and when that boat, came to their village, 400 persons rushed on board armed, lashed her wheels, and threatened to sink her, arrested her captain and pelted him and others with rotten eggs. So the matter stood at last accounts. Rochester Union. State Medical Society. This body met in Raleigh ou the 0th inst., and adjourned on Thursday. The annual Address before tin Society was delivered by Dr J. D. Jones, of Chapel Hill. We learn that it was characteriz ed by great ability. Dr. Dickson, of Wilmington, was elected President. We also learn that the attendance was large, and that more Counties were repre sented than usual. Standard.

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