i - I. c T- i IN AUVAfttfi. Af fVEEy ? yWSPAPERv.DeYotcd i Polities,; tSe Mwkrts Agriculture, and General' Infonuation.--TVO DOLLARS . ' v " t MYETTEVTLT.151" . Iff 1 fi IX" j . - .TTTNE 24. 1854. rV''' ' -; : i ui j- fr'v - - ' i i iv Br?mp,,.YAmiy . '.sKWfric tit i . . notice," , - l nflOT TOffiOmAM. I 1 ZlZZu. I . 1 -nri n i nun i mini if i w "r on - mm " n i . .t imvn net-ii uii-i . UicirloraievBtook, Umt l wllUtWid t tb follotlag Uaw uflM, T f 1 V R T T B Fl L L Kv, V. Tin pcoplo ot ftotiu vru..i. seni ui v-.r "i-iumLii.-x i i "''''TED BY WILLIAM . J. YATES. i :' 't0 T'fc. ' B R y AN, Editor. - I i' i- T V" mi4orBonu, i so K i M the 800 UME XV.-NO. 799. fl i-, ; : T-Iji tfc darolliliira, 1 , 'SIM " Aro now roeclvtn, l iajitlon li a IwaatifUl umrtilcnt of t VRESS GOODS " ' Sntta etrljwi BrmgLi ' Colored Bmlmld'l Bo1n, , Lmllra (Minn and Utirtor-Sfolwi, .' yplvrt niM clkcr Irinunlun, .' "tc-. Bootu't ltihtwmi, i 1 - . : : Crtwl gtooki . 1 , EXPttESSfcJT FOV, IKK WnpLKS.VLE TRADE o.U .,ut their men for pnM WdldS, ,rt to MIf'ablTHfol(l flt e rcturg I" prow nt and address tLu ntitiw. t " r.7- .Kk J,lo.t uf Northern Tin Sntordaj, the M f JUT.ittKlninlinn .AnMtl ."'t.llln.-W has ehowOHhe WtrIov ,t i hiM)perofthe r nV.TIiTt iT.lt.,JfT' V... oi.i.A .!... lJ. Ltairg..linri sn wiiimiu, - xa, www" tv-t -'u.lr-4 . . M '. Tl,., Qmiiiaiwiit. flTjcam old, (i tcct , J..nTilrhto.lUfc"fl0."V,".""i,,, On Friday, (ko.Mtk Ail. UMUICIi 1 j . -UjlMay, the 15 Cf, t lirK JltaJaneGrt. 3!ff 1 and TOHKV Ratri of Mf rtrnif i RlxtjiBta per square of M line" fr tho f thirty eent for each aulweqnent InawHon, unWh advertlnement ii published for mere Uianlwo month., wlieii it will bo clmrgml . : For three month', ...- For lx monthii, For twelve rnontbn, .-- 101 - vil idvcrement8ninsttift.haiided iuhy Friday 10 oWcwli.a.m., to ensure Ibotr Insertion in the next , barn the desired number ol m- aertiona marked on Uioui, orthmwiKe they m be m- Kred UII forbid and charged accordingly. I1I1YAN Is YATES. tcct 1 inch high, weigh about, 18.') or 1!W Ion. Toiieynmi no I'l i.uul.DU i. Im.t ! lllflll'H II UII. PIOIII. l" "o " lb; They were bought, from Mr. (nines Siirles, of Cum- n Johnston County. Filly i'ollnrw tor eiiiicv. ov one hundred Dollars for both, will be pnul tor tlieir appre hension and deliver to the anlwrlliet, c-r for their con finement In nnv Jail in ttic state m m iiu ' ii,. An,i,Ht.!oii:il anmof One Hnndiwl Dcdlnra will lie paid for the conrlctiuit ofauy peraon of harboring tlio auove M'groos. ... Fair nutf, Columbus Co. N. C, Oct. (I. 0:i-tf HARBI.B PACTOUY, " ' by GB). r. vrmxv. v,wlinn.ll tn E. W. Willklnra' Auction Store, -ITT-X ti 1,. V I!. Oct. 1, 185S Fayetteville, S. C. y ... ' rin'rilACim IIOT15I,. Having recently purchased the above establishment from Haleom Kelly, i!s(., 1 am now prepared to eulei i.i. i . mfn. iiil manner thorn who may give me a . ... ii . ' .1,1,1, . iriuiit hostlers anil a dm- nnMi'tion to aceoniniodato, 1 trust I shall be able to give entire aatisfactiDU to those wno may iavor uic . their patronage. ; II. C. McLEAN. Deonnber 3, 1853. '""'f CLKUEST O. WBIOIIT. Allorncy tl.iv, Vityatlnlllr. Sc Olle at the corner of Bow and Green jtieets. Feb'y S, IMS. IIOO AC RES Ol' IAND I'OK 8AI.B, Tin. mWrlhiur offers for sale twelve hundred acres of Land, ocated in the lower end ot liicnmimo cmnnj . n l,t mi .il slnnt trniu floral (.nnege. j.aurcn- tii.ri, M..I.....1 nu.l T.niii'i-I Hill. The Land is well adaptcd'totlio growth of corn, cotton, wheal, Ac. it also oll'era great inducements to those engaged In the turpentine and lumber business. 1 nave cousmimn .Meianilcr Jlci.fiin, i.sq. my agem, uuhhh m. to whom nil communleations in regard to me maun mnv be addressed at Gilopolis 1'. ()., liobeson eiuntv. Luther line, who resides near to tne premises, win uu-.i ,,i,.c,,n. In nvbihiibiir them to nnv one who mnv call I. . . . i lor Hint purpose. Oct 22, ci-tr alii ikdLlwW. -Litton the Bmton tenner, Jvm 10. .1. from the HolT Lnnfl tepto- j:h. nf the .lews in that country ..i.i. . ...d Ibern il abmulunt CTJ-, .1 n,i tmiwnlflil to fur years " .. t f ..i f 11, Lull. L.lnna inaitllV; u;vuiv - - i . of the Federal party on tue suojec, u. - "f " deRtili,ion. Their ajg-.; lie lauds. ThU subject has, indeed, o. p,rtly by t e , wjw-- .t times, os at present, almost i te8t )lWVMt, w hi a na ;",Vr;We prc. rung Ufwgw njwu'f " ;'t ta ! from eerv stumps and nMjyio listen to head oi.Mill Creek, On Jtoiiilav.llio 21th July, I Hnrliiwini, District. .. On Tuesday, the, 25th July, at J. It. Tumcr'a Store, berland county, and will probably "'. ' ri,, Wednesdav. the- 26th July, at Jan. C. Dollar'., up ulionr nnoil. looev nasi, win; hi ..n i.-v i c... r i,-iio(,.i.. I Sti.wiirl'B Creek District. On Thursday, the 27th July, at A. Turlington's, Grove District, On Friday, the 28th July, nt Truclovc's Store, SelU's Creek District. On Saturday, tho 29th July, at Mrs E. Arnold s, Buokhom Dikt'i'ict. ' '.. . ALEXANDER JOll-NSO.N, Sheriff, June 17, 185L -: A J. G. BLUE. T1IOS8 who are Indebted to me by -Note or Account I will alM.se acttle the same. And all debts due mo pri- t to the 1st Jan' ,1858, must be sottied, a longer in- ."Z" A. A. McKETIlAN, Oet 1, im. It jCauia j K. I. HlillCBWON, . (Ion and Poiwanllng Mliaut, a. j. , Wil.uisaion, I i Bill : s'tLMm Tea iTaumi tvflt bo nnoneu dully tbed"llvy of Ic. from64to7o.'elock, A. M., com- irnlSUedortoddlver Ice ontside of tl, v.iiui .iM, mirnlar nnce will Is' i'lirmd " JO II N D. WILLIAMS. AOIIICUL1UHAI.. , We have received our usual stock of FAItMISG IMlMiEMEST3,suchalMouglis,Hari;ows.Cultvabrs Ac. 4c. - - '- V - r- WADU1LU A now 2 horse Wagon, complete, for sab. March 18, 1854 . . J. & T. W, TO MILL OWSIillS. Thn subscriber takes this method or Informing his friends and the public that hi! still continues in Ibellill Wright business ami all its brandies, via: foundering, framing, and erecting Water or Steam .Mills upon vari ous principles, either with simple or complieattd tna i,;,.rv tin pi.tnrns his thank to (he public lor the liberal patronage lie hns received heretofore, mid hopes by strict attention to business, mid by giving general ,,!iL.t-,.,.t;. in nn.fW n contlnnance of the same, lie Hnttnra himwdf that bis work will oomnotu with Hint of nv nilmr iiinohiuist for sliced mid durability. All tier- oils who want work done in the above line would do well to give him a call, as he baa several competent ....1 ! ... i.v..l,. ,,11 WOrKinOU 111 HIS t'liiino.V, un in J"' w., ' ,. jolis at the shortest notice and on very reasonable lems. Orders promptly attended to. For further Information mi rcsa tho suiiseriuer at joiiusiown, .hik.tooi.iiii., X.O. D. B. JO11XS0X. ' 'November 10, 1853 y-ipi. , WESTERN KAILROAl). Notice to Contrnelors. The undersigned will receivo prnposnl nt their olllce in I'liyettevlllo, N. C, until the Kith of July, 1S.VI, for Iheilriuling. .Masonry, iirmgmg, ami l innier irk on the lirst 3D miles ot tne weaiern itau hobo. lni,iit.,il in the Couiitles of CunibcrUiud and Moore. Tim line is divided into Hections ot two mile encu. and Divisions of llftoon miles each.' rrnposuls will be ,.,.,.i.;,-i,il fur Mlnirli Sections in Divisions. The work embraces the hrst ana second Divisions cnniiueneilig at the capo eenr niter, cxcepiiug in, Vml mid :id Sect ons and the trestle wore on ti, otti, nth and 7lh Sections, Hrst Division, already under contract. Tim in. mimes t irniie i a ben hv section ot conniry, well watered, and limbered with the best quality of the long leal' Pine. Maps, plans, profile anil specifications may bo seen nt ii... KnulniKir'a onlce. W. It. It. Co.. Favcttcvillo, from and after the 2(llh day of June, Inst., nl which lime mid nliiee blank lornis ol I'roiiosal may lie omnia ed ami such other information relating to the work as may be required. SHYMOlTIt,, tllRI.EV & CO., Contractors, Favellevillo, JllUO 12, 1S54. !)8,'it ? Lti jttonjtotlMtiele long asjwe thought them sincere and honest in tho professions which they made ns long ns we beliJved them disposed to uphold the t'onsti tutiou aid tho law of tho land we stood side by side with them in the struggles wliich we nave had wiih Democracy, not doubting in tho sim plicity tnd earnestness of our fuith that a true spirit o 'patriotism a wide and vigorous cou- sertatasm a genuine uuu iuuy irpm mi emnlnl animated thoir connsels und influenced f hnir Aiiduct. Wo thought, too, that In these rcspcdjn the claims of the fcorthcni Dcmocrncy to SotUicrn iavor wero inr uiivriur iu i.iiu-i- ui mwi trnin Derv Bbuiuu. - -r.: i.ii.ii" .-v ...u-kn..ntivif-a. . liicw . . KellKv them n unsophistieacamanvoniu thB poo,( 8cnveo wtm "I "m .yJttar IfiiM jlmoat ' tjlf combined to.:WiPB HHHaP-w-J I .rUhat these Federal lenders had Ag , (u0 these m tfiemselvea 'ilrt5rMMnta ' (JILL'S NB PLUS t'LTBA BDHS1RH. The Subscriber, n practical Tioof-nnikev of some ex- uimiii.,.ui tja-wnn ilrsuh rntvtiY to li it luw.- .'I.tbiii'ft UnJ yel ailpplic m w pilmie m . . laliln biii n if h or boots anil saoes. wh "i IVi.l.in It i. II lloml Olllie, Fnycttevillo, June 9, 185-1. Tim Ilnni'il of Directors of tho Western linil Iload Co.. have litis da culled tor an instalment or 9 per cent on the Capital Stock of this Company, payable on n,i, !.',! i ilnv o . In v next: unit also, auoi iter iiisiaiineui. of a per ceiit, on the some, pnynble on the 15th day of August next. Stockliolders are reiiucstcu to uo prompt in inii .ua the same. it J.N'O. M ROSE, Trens. ff. K. 11. Co, LARGE ALiS OP REAL ESTATE. Comncrlanil Cohnty, rendered nt Spring Term, IW the W igs, But the Nebraska toneh-stonc litis tested pern both, and candor compels us lostty tint t A Northern Wilis, have, iit a My, been prorefylttsrly unicnnd and nUntstittiHhij, vhllst, itM (J iHparatKeiy jew cxetpiumn, me itunmin JfaKfjt at hate ban faithful to Heir CmdiluUmi al ob ri'. As soo'u ns we saw the course of thj o Whigs upon tho Nebraska question, we f pc up our nniiu at once to soiiiriue irom the' becnuse we could not, nftcr such a mark- n,l i d wanton ilisiilnv of hostility to the Soiwllandtoher EQlJAL RIGHTS, guar autcU by tho FEDEUAL COMl'ACT, wliich ....... J. .1.. i,k. lll lnH.1,.,11 n,i KTliII)AY the lolll UllV OIJlUVllCH, M articles now used cuiier injure urn . , ii... i. ii. T., r .v,v,.iieville offer IIU, .IIIH I.l-l liuily ... ".v ., " - l , for i ale the following property belonging to the Lstnte is thybnsis and bulwark of the Republic wc coul("ltiot, we say, alter tins, hesitate to sever u couVi dictrt is of honor, of consistency ami duty, iv c cool 'not ns a member of n ISntionnl W Hip Dnrifficcome ltko- our former allies tho cou- teucuuesoi uainuuu, ui i iuiijid, ui uiui tlm iiiddinars'. tho Simmers and the Sewanls, aiid;il tho other treason plotters und anarchists of All? North. As they have Urns verified the clialib Wliich tho Democracy has always ln.ulc t them of a decided sympathy lor, seeret affiliation with, tlicse unprincipled orS, wo leave them to tlio enjoyment of Kcr fruits they may reap from their "evil locations." , We are not oi mem or wiiu and henceforward our courso will be ro il accordingly." riliuiiove.'rfnvorriln7 jSwlerunS f l.n,.l ll.ot l,ili-i, flu nncnxxurv to LHVO to Ulilll 8 ierttanding " a proper linlsli. Ho has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself to tlio task of preparing an article free from these objec tions, and has at length after much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. Tin-result ia"f.iH ne vim ultra Burnhh." Ho ouly wishes that It innv Ih? tested In order to establish its superiority over nil others. Call at M. Faulk' sliop oppiwito Mr Lauder's Marble Factory, Hay street, and be supplied ...t, n..nnll,.it lii'tirli, nl n chenn rate. llll'.Uiva vrii.u. Nov!), IMS tf J. C. llOWIIHN. n u'utM.lV McMillan bowden, INSPECTmtS OP NAVAL STORES AXD'TRO VISIONS. OfBce, corner of North Water and Uies ' nult 8trccts. Wilmington, N. C. April 8, 183. - ' 88'3ra NOTICE. THE subscriber offers for sale, his LANDS, sk miles North of Fiivutteville. nun n'Hiui one nine iii.in .n, .Tkh It Smith. Miles Costix. JAMES C. iMITII CO., .? "... flnrnmiittittn Merchamfs. -' it... ..,i tl.Mr offlee to tho second story of the building formerly occupied by the Telegraph Company, ' where they arparcd to attend to all business 111 the Commission Una. All bunlneaa entrusted to them will bo punctunllj - "..'attended to. ' ' 1 . , Wilmington, Jan'y 14, 1854. 76-ly 4 . V. F. & E. F. MOORE '" ' Are now receiving their stock of Sl'lllNG AND Sl'MSIElt GOODS, consisting oi - w Foreign awl Domestic DRY GOODS, ' BONNETS, IU TS, Boots, Shoes, and Rcndy-inado CLOTHING to which they Invito tlic attention ot pnrcnascrs. East corner of Market Squnri March 28, 1854 ' tf L- i..in.. o,i,i Huielch t lunk noun, ciuisisiing ui v e. Tins ia imc iiium-i uu luiireuviuv .i.i... ..i.'. h,.n,ii,,l anil sixtv acres of liinrt, suited ; Timber hns never been cut. the making of Turpentine or iiiuner. nm (IncLoton Hnmary street, norm oijinuiuiuu, tho nrcmiscs. a good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good rtlll.0!ina u acres. Ai.nii, nnil now in oneration: also, a Dwelling, ami an , vrwi .i,.t known as the Basin '1 . ' , rt..l ...iir vnlv "vk uu u"'u'" " " the necessary ouiuoiis. m -! i . , AISO. ailOtllUl H ill:, oi , ,,.... . - - the head waters of Carvers t.'rcen. Known as um i) Place, on which there Is a small r arm, a unemug inn and other houses. , On the lirst named tract, tnerc is em uuou. ....-u.j- nvo thousand Turpentine uomn, irom two io im ,e.a old. .... , All the aliovo Wait will ne soin eu m im v.....- moilatlng terms. I'erson wlsning in purciuiho, m please call on the wibserilicr, who will toko pleasure in .bowing the above lands. m.Tm Oct. 27, 1853. ",tf V vi 425 REWARD. On the lt oty of January, 1 853, 1 hired a Boy named T.......1. i..i,n i WiniiiiiiB, lim.i sumo tbMinlcby following he left Mr Williams, and hanJA to be lieve was lurking In the Neighborhood ofFwycttevllle, l... 1 iu,ii,)V0 Iia h,ui lmnn kldnaoued or decoyed b some villain. Said Iloylsof lAack complexion, is between (9 tU j ' WtKSH&t, I... littl fallow, and no doubt cau ?f?5? talc. IwfJl give the above re;rd for bis ciivct i m. In 11. so that! get ' March 11, 1854. 6W of Hie late Koliert Strange : 500 Acres of Land lying on tlio west side of the Cane Fear, about three mile from Fayettevlllc. known h tliOj.Myrtle Hill place, the late residence of tlio said Hubert Siti-iingc. 360 Acres nilinining the nbove, on the north, being n portion of the lands of Hugh Campbell, dee'd, known as the Hue Dark Lands. 17 Acres adjoining the above, on which Is a com fortable Dwelling, Kitchen, Ac. 518 Acres on Ibe cast sido of the Cnpe Fear, opposite Mvrlle 111 . 5000 Acres In the TSavbanue District, between Upper .,,.1 1 n i.ntln nivni'n. iiliiint 20 miles from Fnycttc- lue coul to al this whk PUMPS. Forco and Ruction Pumiis ; Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, for sale by April 1. tf C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. At the same time and place will bo sold,. 'cw No. 41 in St. John's Church. 1 Share of Slock in the Dank of Cape Fenr. a .i .. " Favettevllle. 4U n ii " Faycttevilletlial.l'liiiikHoiul. g II II ll H USICrU n ii ii ii ti . . Northern Timims ov S.M.B 6 months' credit, the purchaser) giving bond with approved security. The title to the ileal Estate will be reserved until the purchase money 18 '"" ' R. 8. FllENCII, Commissioner. June 10, 1851 97-.it - "' VOU SALK. A New Two-Horse Wagon, complete; ' J. &. T. WADDILL. Suncl7, 18.H. IMPORTANT NEWS, The Cheapest place in Town to buy Clothing! iri.. u..lw..p!l.i.pn Inform Iho nitons of l'nyctteville and the public generally that they have just received a large and laauionaoie oiuca m READY-MADK Urfn'iwuu, From the llncst to the lowest quality. Their t;k con sist of COATS mode of cloth, cassiinere, oashmcret, silk lasting, Iwmbnulne, dialMle-etc, alpacca, giotluug Ainili. linen of all colors, chock and ginghams, and ol .IkfiHe r kind" tf guod In the markot. 1 hejjlso qncH and ytsstmrnm seen iu iui j-Coopcrs' Tools, and all quulitics of Glne forD.stil.cra- use, ior.a.0 oyp & miimX, Juno 17, 1854 If ' vtrrv sollaui kkwiid. . rill be irlven to an ncrson who will deli to mem negro woman ANNA, who nb anded about the lltli o? November last, or lor her Snoment In any Jail In this Sta e so that I can get nTawdn. Said negro i of bright mula tto complex ion, ineaka clearly and more properly than negroes '.ff-i. ..j i. nii.,,1. Mnw the medium sine. It ! sopposed that she is lurking about the vicinity of Fayetwvnie, aiqwi m m ." liarborlng notoriety. She may attempt to pan a a " free person among the numerous free uiulattoes about KayoHevlllo. ;., . ALEX. McMILLAN. ' 1UHUSM.-, - "'. A 4( ' J Iff ml suspenders, Rclyitocks, drawers, and a great many other good for gentlemen. Theyol er these article at wholesale or retail on accommodating terms, ueu "leincn are invited to oall ot tho store iiorth-east cor- -.ukSibkb CO. ' in n,e li,.li,iteiltn us nrlor to the 1st Jan'y wlil'pleaso cull and settle, as no longer indulgence can bo given. - . ftffliafVrttEB k CO. ECONOMY THE ROAD TO BALTH, l.. i.' ,r Knirilt tn the Fawttttillt Tur pentine Vip ot, for ilorage, you can liedown at night and take a jiteaiant nigh ft rest mi get up mine . oi-ninir assured that all is right. , , . .. url.li Inn ffntf. The suuscriuor na mane nrraiiK""". " " "ii"',, c( WWVlai BHi" luauianco Cimrl'TflJfJlnlt April. 2t 1854. 'if '"iD'AVin HvDOWaata . " ' BRICK MASON AND FLASTEREB, ; , ' VaTettcTllICi W. O. Person wanting work done In his line will be promptly attended to by addressing him at the Fayetle Vllle Vost Oltlco. . . . .. .. Fayettovllle, Jan'y 2.18o4 ly-pa April 22, 1854 2m S. S. ARKY Ha just received a beautiful assortment of .nmvn AND gtlMMEB OOOBS. He doire to return thanks to his friends and the pub ic for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed .i iiil. continuance of the some. IDs ft lends and the public arc requeated to give him a call, ?..w:.l.l fnrmerlv occuuied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner market s.iuaie and CUlesple street I -.l 99 ... uv-r HiB dmrcc will only be ten cento a Imrrel wlieA re- ccivcu m goou onicr. ;aflill , ,rn June 17, 1851. 98-3m .--, LIME. LIME, I.HIB. ' 501) Bbls. Lime, just received and for sale to con tractors and builders. . fe TmJ.J0nNS0II, i Juno 17th, 1854. - , 'v.-,, - i .-Was boldly stated located with great l id abilitv. He is In iff an extension of the Ifi Railroad east to Ut and westward tn Western extension of the Central Road, and in favor of granting State aid, lie cause he thought the State would be sale m suhseriie nir to nrnlects where ill- dividunl capitalists risked their money. urnmboro I'atriot, June Mh. Suntains, and of the nrovlding elllcient i for the eventual car out of these schemes. 'omplained that hi not net Mr Bragg in ly definite positions in Wygard- a complaint 1 was not sutisfuclnri nWered by Mr B . ncelli'ln rcnlv. Oreins- 4ol'ol Patriot, June 10'. whovo arrayed two paragraphs from tlio GrInsboro' Patriot, simply to show the friends of )t Bragg, us well as all honest men, how onfi.R'lv whitr nrlnts ileal in this canipaigu l'lo Patriot savs: "Ho (Gen. Dockery) coin- Dlailed that he could not trot Mr iirngg up to anj jleiinite positions in this regard, (the cxten sioi'M' the Oentrtil R, Rood) a complaint which wlIOl BailEinciorny uubwvivu uj i.n etfh mrcply." .Mull, what is tlio fact of the cose? Why tho 4t .mV ... -..Ll 1 11.... !.! awot.snys in tne same arti iu mut mi uiuuk deireil himself .in favor ot 'ho eastern and wesfrn extension of tho centrnl rond and ix nrA or oantino State Ain." Comtnent is uonltessary. ." He has been judged by his own wriC,gs and 'Jbund guilty. Hut tho Patriot askj wostherea mnn on tho ground who could hatold, an hour after ho ceased speaking, wh ho was for, or what he was agamsu lo vonture.to assert there were two, n no moft, one was Ucn. Uockery, una tne oiocr wsslihe editor of ,the I'atriot. in tneioriuer, we-Lay be mistaken, but we aro satisfied about thelkttor or else he has reported Mr B. incor- rocJBar. Tho Patriot himsolt says, no air uragg wasVor tho extension of the rata, and thcu do- clarl, that ke could not nndinland him. Ihv, so for from such ambiguity as the Ta- charge mm wnn, ncvoiumg m. m; nt ulieet. Mr Dramr kuo oio ,ts.aTOuiIBE W.oliepatoiiTttilcr! jeet. Ill 1841, when tlicy had the power, as the result ol n political victory woiiii it u boosted would lead to a distribution of the pro ceeds so us to enublo North Carolina to increase vastly tho usefulness of her Common Schools and build Rnilroods almost in all directions, they passed a bill making distribution; but the bill was so framed, out of defence to the new States and tho Tariff States, that the old Atlan tic States, North Carolina inclusive, received iintliinir in comnarison with what wus given lo other sections. It was provided, lirst, that tho uew States should receive cacti live hundred tlionsnnd acres ns a gift, and secondly, thnl the old States should have money out of the treasury in thu way' of proceeds, in tnsc the Tariff should not be raised above twenty per cent. The new States, under this net, ut once locuted their lands of course they selected the best, and thoir rii;ht to them become vested and fixed. Hut 'tho tariff States clamored for more protection, and expenses were running up under L... . . . in.. I 1....1.. W lllg rule, ant. SO Hie lUl lll was .uineu ii in same iinrtv above twenty pur cent, and the old Stales vert thus cut of. North Carolina got some twenty-thousand dollars, instead of the millions which were promised ner; ana sue nun to pay that back in duties on imported goods, nnil hundred of thousands more, under the operations of the increased Tariff thus imposed upon her by these leaucrs. This is olio sneciluen of tlio ksiue obtained for this State by the Federal leaders. Their onlv excuse is. that they tried, in raising the Tariff, to strike out the proviso oliont distribu tion so ns to continue distribution to tne om Slates as well as tho new, but John Tyler, who was opposed to distribution, would not hnvc signed such a bill; but. then, who elected John Tvler? Was it not their work? And why did they insert the proviso at till! Why iliil Ihey thus nrevare the nan for iinuslice and wrong according to their own admission, to the old States'! The people of this State have heard a good about the grunt of land by Congress for build ing the Illinois Hmlrond; nnil though tins mil wus signed by Mr Fillmore, as nil others of the same kind wero during his nilminist ration, yet these Federal leaders would have the people believe that Democrats are entirely responsible for theso measures. Wo now assert, and the records will show, that this bill, of which so much complaint hns been made, was voted for in the Senate by Messrs Mtmgnm and Jladgrr, of this State, und was sustained by a majority of Whigs and opposed by a majority of Democrats mi the House ol licareseniaiirts. i or tne vote of Messrs l'lndgcr and Mungnm, see Cong, Globe, vol. 21. nnrt 1. lingo 904. What is true of this bill for it was a leading ouc holds .rood iu relation to the others. Here. then, we have a body of men attempt iiia- to hold un omiosite party responsible for tho very thing they have done themselves, ntid striving to make votes by condemning the policy wliich they hove adopted and acted upon for years, yipassca ineso unis making gui, immts and tho liko by ultcrnntc sections ond otherwise for Railroad improvements for the benefit, ns then insist, of the new States; their President approved them all without a word of protest or objection; onu now nicy mivo mo assurance to set up a cry over the injustice done to Kort i Carolina, to denounce iiemocrnis us tho cause of this iniusticc, and to charge even that tho lauds are now being squandered, when it is notorious, and they know it, that not the first bill of this character fins received the ap iirnvnl of President Picrccl What must tho honest nmssos of tho people think of such men Another noticeable feature iu this matter that tho last Whig National Convention wus silent on the subject of the public lands. The reason for this silence was that the question might bo handled to suit various localities, li tho ivest ana portions oi nio norm iuu iuuuv aro for homestead bills, graduation bills, oud for a policy which would result in the loss of tho whole domain; and in tho old States South they clamor for a division ot too liinas among . y... . . - i ....i i.nij ,i Monteliorc, ivTobasnT.rtmied from a Tisrc- to Palestine, has published in tho London papers an appeal onjjelinlf of his famishing countrymen. In a lerjddrcssed to Dr. Adlcr, of Loudon, he suys:V "For the sake of Ziou I cannot remain silent, and for tho sake of Jerusalem I cannot rust until the whole house of Israel hnvc been ftiado acquainted with tho lamentable condition of those of our brethren who devotedly eting to the soil sncrcd to tho memory of our patriarchs, prophets, and kings. "Tlirii.1, Imvinis visited the liolv Land, it was v earnest desire fnllV to inform myself ns to thu condition of our brethren there, fur whom ny deepest feelings of commiseration were ex ited, in regnrd to the amount of misery endured by them. 'Tovcrly in the I'.ast uiners vastly irom iuo ke ealninitv exnerieiiccd in western Europe, inasmuch as 'the capability to relieve is, in tho East, routined within the narrowest noiiiieis, ii,l ..ii,;t,.,l tn ii vor'v limited number. Such being the general outline of the condition of our brethren in Jiidea, my feelings were most uutttrnllv aroused iu their behalf, Judge to what extent my sympathies afo now awakened when, as I inform yon, that rom the harrowing iiitelligcuce it has bec niy aitiful lot to receive, I learn that 'fathers in Krnol men iirofuiindlv learned in the law, who, so that they may die near tlio graves uf our Ion fathers, submit to live in tne mosi niijcc, poverty arc now impelled,' by the very lovo hey bear tliclr eniiuren, lo sen tuciu iu mu Imager, so, to use their own words, 'that their olfspring may be spared dcatu deatm from starvation.'" The Hebrews of Jerusalem have also, issued . . .v i, . p inu UII Appeal XO IUO UOUgregnmma .iv Britain aud America." Tho lollowmg aro extracts: Ye annken cntcs of Zion be exalted, and .,.;, iviibiu thi. nnrtals thereof vour elder and vonr wardena-jvjio, trnnipet-tongwed, shall -sVinhi tlni ytjijimojl if.hPW,finaa4'',Y, tlic stay oi water is wusieu. "Assemble, ye scribes, and publish tho his-ton- of famine and pestilence, that it may bo borne to the remotest communities of Israel, and become tlic written messenger of tho dis tress of the nidwcllcrs of Zion, thnt it may thereby awaken a nation's sympathies; and if misery has dried up the sources of cloquenco wherewith to sustain yoiiruppcnl, supplicate tno Almighty that He, iu His incrcy, may incliue tho hearts of vour brethren of the boose of Ja cob to hasten lo relieve the anguish of your ilrooping spiritf. "Brethren of the house of Israel, who sojonrn in bannv IMiginnu mm jiniencu, minus yum- selvcsund save from annihilation the remnant of the faithful watchers of Ziou and Jcrnsulora. "Wo lack the power to give eveu a faint idea of the misery wo arc enduring; every heart has become sick, every tongue stricken dnmb. "Behold we are utterly prostrated, uotn in mind and in body, incompetent to proclaim tho severity of tho visitation that is consuming us, "Starvation and pestilence wulk hand in hand, and the wail of the poor, the widow and the orphan, is borne on the nif. It, ut uiiuciii& to sny whose sufferings are the greater tne miseries of those born nndef flic sun of Judcn, or of the holy pilgrims from distant lands. All classes of society, all grades and conditions, have becomo united in the brotherhood of wo; heads of synagogues ami their pious servitors, 4 learned rabbis and their scholars, mix in the crowd to supplicate and beg a mouldy crust. Even Unit assistance which litis hitherto reach ed ns from our brethren in tho Russiuu and Turkish dominions is now, in coiisequtnce of tho war, cut off." onld be safe in Ofiuniitig to i.i.i k.m (n . tbhiu- au tho : J:-:,'.l ':,.M.l. Vt. their lullu uuw . . ...v... -v ""'. ... tootre mmvwmi wij.w,w - yot the Patriot says ne coma not iim and that ho left the subject in HATS! HATS! 1 Received by Adams' and Co's Expire a SECOND STOCK of Men's aud Boys' SUMMlSiriJATS DAVID Matt. Juno 16, 1854 . P8-3t ..fHw VISUM I FISH H 100 Bbls No. 1 llEUUINO. Just received Mid for salchv - - 11 rxitnu r. iiuw. June 17, ISO. -, s. i , ? RODERICK SHAW, " ' INSriiOtOB OF TIMBER AND LUMBER, ' WtMSISOTOM, Sf,C., Will give feIit attention lo any biwlnes id this line M- intrnitiHlliohlm. He solicits a share of public patronage, v, WilBlng,May3, 1854.. 2mp.I. 0- BACON, LARD, RICE, and all other NEW GOODS. , . ,' ,.: ' We arc now rcoeiing from New York a very large stoekof Tn nrrr, o Embraoiag nearly evory article usually kept iu -our Set Vc purchased1 onrGood. by the Pkge a m i..'l.i.i. iuV.. hit house n tho mercantile line, and will sell them wholesale or retail oo aocommodat Ing terms ond for reasonable profit. ions t. cot-Men.) B . COUNCIL, CAIN & CO. S"."at. ) FayctteVlUc, A 1, IKi. tf rr. T- FOIl SALa 1 Young and well brok. MULES. ' Jt-IT RBClIVlDi "'' 10 Klta Salmon. " i ;.'' 5 ..... No. 1 Mackerel, '25 Bbl. No. 8 do.' ' !; '"H, ". 25 No. 1 Qernng, n .' -:-; 4 60 Iloxo smoked do. . ! ' ;. via Bbls.Mcaal'ork. : -'''.,'," ALSO ' " ', "- Hoop Iron, True IIoopc, Coopers' Toobj. ::A:tl,:'Mr.of,,CIGA1'8'' dim . Julio 17, 1R64 ..... it - i - . and ,ieljitifl lum ;, We should not be at an Bopnsca to ,' ii,u. iba editor was in a foe after hearing G4 Dockery. Ho left bis friends in a fog U(!S and mod besides; every Whig wo met the Tfalng after the debate, was particularly mlhy and wanted to discuss tho polities which thi oaadidate failed to discuss. Rikigh Me- In Matt. a-This is to notify all persona from trading: ttb or crediting my wife Elisabeth, On ply SMOMrt, u.1.1. m Mvunltlli nl wo ara not living together as a man and wife ote-ii to do. - ABCUDMcI)UKIV- Juno IS, 18J , Ufd - - i,! Ui.iWH attonded the sale of the Vh.W McDonald's DroDerty OB the 13th Thervras qnite a largo assemmugo oi ilO,ailHi property generally ufuug.il, .. Kills bought tho home tract .Jim" ito 000. Ex-Governor Morehead U'twotbor tract, Including a valuable water l-terin 'the'YdJiin rivef, t 8,000. The to il amount of the land sale was 21,81L 84 i" i segTOos were sold.briogingagrossamotint n : 'l-.-Aift Aha ' Vbma follnwa enmrpfl 6 i about ft00 to 11,050, and One extra hand h' i ilalQ.'' Mnles ranged from $125 to I pit Stales and 10 horses brought a gross .iat ot iS.OIO. f The anionnt of sales on J 1 ,W ,ru ahont 443.000. which Will nearly " ,ul?i cover the inflebtedness. j.ie saie was tfnM on'Wednesday, and It was thooght r -o would Be or 10 thousand dollars worth t?r W lolu oh Wat aoy oaiiwar- w- subject. Most libcrul patriots arc tney in inc new States, ready to give overy man, whether foreigner or not, a farm without charge; most afflicted patriots uro they in tho old States, ready to say or to do almost any thing to rouse the people against the "locofoco" injustice as they term it, of giving tho lands away and de priving North Carolina of her rightsl Wo charge it on theso Whig leaders that they have squandered the public lands, and we point to the record and show the proof. Let Mem now answer it to the people. Let them tell why and how it was "Mr Mungnui and Mr Badger voted for this Illinois grant; and why and how it was their "model President," Mr Viilmiin. affixed his sienaturo to the bill, They hare charged that this bill, and others of a simi lar charajtcr, wero grossly unjust to North v.iiuu and that tno certain icouciiuy ui sum o policy was to deprive tho old States of all chance to obtain any thing either of lands or proceeds; wo tako them on ineirown gronnu., and iu the presence of a deceived and honost people declare that they are responsible i for the very acts they denouuee and effect todcplorol Tho.. t. tha record let them meet it if they . . . . ... "Inn . . 1 . Ti,.., in tho tacts, ll'om loti tu me present day, let them, If they can master the assurance to do so, add some contemptible ex onu for thelf conduct in this matter to the wrong inflicted on the Stale, as they allege, and as we have proved, by their own actl A MOll OF VKM.tI.KS in Wlscoxslx. On tho 2Sd ultimo great excitement was created at Burahoo, Wisconsin, in conseqftenco of a mob of about fifty females proceeding to tho Wisconsin nouso and soissingand destroying all ti,. i;,.n,.0 r the establishment. The? next marched to tho wiloon of Peter French, but r.ti,ir with resistance thiiV dcsistedLjiiml'a hiuiinbcr .lar:mmV.Tim1FW and others against mi niuveiueui.. ji .uom. violent excitement ensued, which Induced tho v sheriff to rend tho riot oet ond order them to disperse They finally retired, but in tho even ing; hold a meeting, ana resoirai luputwi to the liquor trattic In that village. Dkath by a Beau. The Journal de Quebec soys: rne coroner was caneu un iuj make an inquest on the body of a farmer, named J. II. Cantin wno lost nis iuo in a cuu. bat with a bear on Monday lost. It appears that at noon on that day a bcor, which hod beeu already seen in that neighborhood had at tacked ono of Cantin's cows, aud he determined to follow tho nuimul armed with a fowling piece. In the evening a discharge of a fire arm was heard at a great distance. His prolonged absence having excited fears for bis safety, a party of neighbors sat out to seek for him, and tho following day found his corpse iu a stato which indicated a tefriblc struggle between the man and the ferocious animal. He was com pletely disfigured, and had his gun broken in inany pieces lying around about him. Near to him was the bear, pierced with two balls m the flank and shoulder. , Cautin leaves five children. The bear hns since been sold at Quebec for a?. Ho weighs 300 lbs. from which i may oejuageo. what kind of an adversary poor Cantin had. It "appeMslhaTthe Russians did not succeed in opening the ports of Japan, as formerly stated. -1 V, t 4 Al 0 7-tf t i t ' ... i. Jt f 4 A t' 4 f -a- February 4, 1851. : I it" i ' "' ' 'ft ' "- , i j .ir ' - ir'Tij.... pin J ""