r States received .Ttolta coarse the law r10." ' thoy them. ?1A nw wceoB bitter tears of reeret! Bt Al J!J nnM a f Sh prodded Vat nine of W shourcceive 500,000 acres of o amU and ten per cent, of the proceeds should then sbare equally wi h tto according to federal popui. . r tn AAA i.nno ivt III accorun,g v r j bn, th Slates got wo . the and this is the K tl eK proceed upon State legislation bv the pronmes held out by our whig friends of loKarvest to be reaped from the Men, treasury? In North Carolina thojegislatnre Ca:jJ,J.A t intvo the State in a debt nun ueen muuteu w - - of 3,80fl,000, wneu Bhc uaa nut una.-. T liur even the interest upon it without an in crease of the taxes; d tTo Is reason to be lieve that the next legislature will feel itself called niton o increase the debt tojrpbably ....l,I II Amnin in mler In TOUH ' lie iiuiAi them available, and the people of that State will be subjected to a burilcn ot taxation hither to unknown. f Mr Chairman, I feel as anxious a dcVAs iny colleague to see the State of NortliTaro liiiUj in which every earthly interest I possess is centred, and which has honored mo with a seat on this floor, prosperous and happy. I would go as fnr, according to my linmble abilities, as any of her sons in all proper efforts to promote her prosperity and happiness; but I cannot view this pol,icy of distribution in any other light than as unjust to her, injurious in its operations, corrupting in its tendencies, and disastrous in its results; nnd I shall therefore vote against it in all its forms. NORTH-OAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE, N, C. Saturday, June 24, IS54. FOIt GOVKKNOB, THOMAS BRAGG, ESQ., OF NOBTIUJinOS COUNTY. j We announce C. IT. Coficld and J. (i. Shepherd, Esq'rs, two of the nonmio.es of the late Democratic County Convention, ns candi dates fur the House of Commons of the next Legislature. eSTOu Thursday evening the 22d, the citizens of Fayettcvillc held a meeting for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Charlotte Con vention to bo held on the 41h of July, on the subject of a railroad from that place to Wi! mington. It was at tho same meeting resolved ly a vote almost unanimous, that the Magistrate of -u-JWhojuiWis;!! td;take the sense of the people of the town on the PMpjvofgub. seribinir $"! OO.tiODTo "Ih'o stock' ofWW istorii Railroad, s provided for by Act otAssembly. Kg We had intended submitting some ad ditional remarks this week on the speech of Mr Rogers ou the subject of distributing the public lands, but the excellent speech of the Hon. II. M. Shaw, of this State, on the samo subject, which we publish to-dny, relieves lis of that duty. We commend Mr Shaw's speech to the careful perusal of the reader. If this paragraph should meet the cyo of any democrat who favors distribution, we especially request of him to give Mr Shaw's speech an attentive perusal. Dmotraey n the ttnt. We have been pleased for some time in notic ing in tho western portion of our State, the decided indications of the decay of whiggcry and tho growth of democracy. The sons of ninny of the most prqjnincnt whigs in tho West have, on coming to years of maturity, attached themselves to the democratic party. This they could not have done for the sake of promotion, for the changes of which we speak have taken place iu counties such ns Guilford, Caldwell, Iredell, &c. Democracy is evidently on the increase in the West, and if the accounts we hear from there aro correct, Mr Bragg will ro ceive a highly flattering vote. I6y The Council of State met iu Raleigh on tho 15th inst. Trescnt, It. S. Freuch of Rob eson, President; William K. Lauo of Wayne, Whitmell Stallings of Gates, and Kimbrongh Jones of Wake. The following gentlcmenj were appointed.. Directors for the State i State In the my: fjles 10. RaSdTof North Carolina ;Railrocd Company F. Fisher, of Rowan; Nathaiiicl Wake; Robert P. Dick, of Guilford; Robert Strang, oiKa H.n W gmUmaf Berry, of CWnge; and Geo., 8. Stevenson, of Craven. ' . 19 Hon. Kenneth Raynet has consented to deliver the Annual Address before the State Agricultural Society at the nty Annual Fair. r; Ute hm fartftirrbal tf Hm Canada. J The steamer Canada arrived at Halifax on , the list, from Liverpool. The Liverpool cot- ' ton market is reported firm, with a slight ad Tance. Western Flour is quoted at 88 shillings ' In the English Cabinet some changes have taken place. Lord John Russel has been ap pointed President of the Council; Dnko of New Cattle Secretary of War; Sir John Grey Sec'y of the Colonies. ' . .. No recent battle are reported between the belligerent armies or fleets, '" UB" We learn from the Standard that Dun can K. HcBie, Esq, the American Consul at n ; Peril, ft recently presented to the Emperor, belntf received in plain dress. The friends of MrMcBae in this State Will be gratiGcd to learn tbt oil health is excellent.' . ftf-Kk H authorlied to state that all Delegates to tto Charlotte Convention; en presenting their cer lnsatile1he ANti)f Uie Wilmington A ManchMter Rallread, tt this yiaeewiH receive ftci tickets, going and returning, on sal Hood. Thow Delegates on the Ha of the Rood will be pasted free on xaTbltlni their oertincates to -the Condootota Wil.Immal. laetbrr Certlfleate. v...w..nllinff manv of onr whig friends professed to think it a very small business for Vf- lYrnirirto CXnmn tv wh.m v -o true position atEdcntooin relation to a mat- tor in which he aeemeo. qhuku B.f..-- by his competitor, Gen. lwcKcry or u,. . have not scrupled to resort to similar means for the purpose of bolstering np his account of the matter Wo publish below, from the Raleigh n.,l.ter: a couple of letters in relation to Mr Bragg's position on the question of the eastern and western extension of the Central Railroad, , . ii. .i:,A.iDO;nn nt F.tlnntnn. ' ' ' as taKcn in tue u There are several things with regard w uie ..!Rnn.B which secin to us worthy of attention. In the first place it is not pretendea uiai i i. ;m,n,l hv unv but WI11CS. lur Paine does not pretond that it is, and the Ka- i..!.,i. rwinter docs not pretend that it is, uuu although they may all be honorable men, yet it is possible that they may have misunderstood Mr Bragg, or that their minds may bo warped i.., On the other hand, the certificate l.erotoforo nublishcd in this paper sustaining Mr n,.,.n,uit. nf bis nosition at Edcnton, was signed by gentlemen of both political &J&j3& is uuwmii iv... , . J, MMP wiis dated May 12th.. This counter certificate bears date June 12th, just one month later. Mr Bragg's certificate was not obtained secretly, for the whig leaders of Edoatou knew of it at the time. Is it not remarkable that it should have required just one mouth to get it up ? To how many persons was it presented in that time, and how many refused to sign a document which, after having undergone thirty days Incubation, is now hatched out with 16 names appended 7 At this rate it must have required on on aver age nearly two days to obtain each name. This seems truly to have been an up-hill piece of business. Again, behold with what sclf-gratiilntion Mr I'uiue points to the name of a Methodist minis ter who the list of certifiers. Methodist ministers are, as a class, highly respectable and useful people, and Mr Evans may L a worthy representative of his culling. But this is a cen sorious world, and when we see a prcuchor of the gospel becoming an active participant in political squabbles, and hading certificates got ten up for the purpose of Roistering up the -ati-didato of some party, wo arc prone to suspect that he has been made the tool of designing politicians. We arc at least almost certain to think that however respectable he may be, he would bo a little more so if ho would let politi cal quarrels alone. But let us suppose for the sake of argument that this certificate truly represents matters, and that Mr Bragg did, in the heat of discussion, give tho answer charged, nnd that ho has since had his recollection confused on the sub ject, what dees it amount to 1 When tho que tion was asked Mr Bragg whether he was for borrowihg the money to build the extensions of -W P. ..' lWfh-ot.4 y;o.q. ,4 W3$, Jl U .!pW- scnted as saying " No, sir; but I am willing to extend the road as far as the means and resour ces of the Stnte will justify." Construe this in connection with the other certificate, signed by gentlemen of both parties. This hitter docu ment says " In reply to this questiou to you, whether you were in favor of tho cxtci.sum of tho Road east and west, you stated that you Here tlmt you did not know in the present state of things what amount would be needed to complete it, but you were willing to go as far us the menus and resources of tho State would admit, so as not to incur a debt beyond the ability of the State to pay," &c. Now this statement, let it be borne in mind, is vol an Iradicled by the Doekcry certificate. The con clusion follows that this exposition of Mr Bragg's views as given by men of both parties, explains an oxpreRsion which, If uttered at till, woulrl bo per fectly Incomprehensible wilhuut some explanation. Mr Bragg ilcclured at the time, as he has fmueully (le ctured since, thai he was in fuvor of the extension, but that in building tt regard should bo hud to the menus and resources of the Statu. Row could it be pof&lhlc with an empty treasury to go Into the building of a railroad without borrowing the money? Mrltraggwos opposed, and is now opposed, to borrowing Mich tin amount of money ns tho means and resources of the Stato would not justify. On the whole wo roo' nothing in this last certificate to shake our conlldcnco in the entire soundness of Mr Bragg on the question of Internal Improvements. Mr Bragg's position has, In onr opinion, been the Mime throughout tho canvass. Ho is opposed to ruinous ex travagance, leading to repudiation nnd dishonor. He is in favor of healthy progress and a system of Internal Improvements which has In view the wolfaro and glory of the Old North State. - i : The following is tho certificate : EoaxTiix, Juno 12tli, 1854, Tho undersigned, citizens of tho County of Chownn, N.C, were at Ine tltscnsston wmcli took place at toe Court House, la Edenton, ooiween uen. A. uocKery una Tlioinns Uragg, Esq., on loth April lost, and fhv. mWjowtng ! li Aro you in favor of tho extension . of tho Korth Carolina Rail Bind Kut to Beaufort and West to the Teuncssco lino?" To whioh Mr. Bragg answered : " I am not tone catechised; yo have no right to question mo." The General remarked: "I see you are dfrpoeod to dodge tbo question." ( - ' -y.m to which air iirngg repneiii i am not, sir."., Gen. Dockery then asked tho question, "Aro you In favor of the State borrowing money to build that road?" . '" To which Mr Bragg anscred, clearly end emphati cally: "No. sir; but! aiunilllng to etind the roud so tar as tho means and resources of tho Mate Mill justify." ZtCHABUn Etans, Thou. Lkakv, J II., II. A. Bond, II, W. IlATlliWAT, 0. W. II. SATTKnriKi n,' Cn.im.Ks G. Biiitt, Tiios. Cochran, Sii., Hosra W, Wkkb, W.J HrxTEB, Jso G. Hajsivs, RldlAailCl AYTOV, Jso. N. M Doweu., EowAKn miKN, llhvi. II. Wrnn, Natuax L. Ccu.ins, .. Tno Cuviumn, Jk, , , - Eiisxton, Juno 14, 1854, Dear Sir: As I am known to you, I desire no ray, in regard to the signers of tho certificate headed by & Evans, sr.. (Mr Evans Hi a Methodist minister o'fthe gospel, and a better man, In iny opinion, dnesnot live,) and Midlnz with Tbos. Cochran, ir., that they aro all men of nalmpeochable ohanwter, and or good standing and would not msko o statement w hich they did not know to be correct. I presume tho certificate will he sent without more signers ; but I have conversed with a number of gentlemen, who were present at the dlseossion botween Gtn. Doekery and Mr Bragg in Edenton, (gentlemen whohave not signed the eertuV eat,) and they corroborate Gen. Dockery's statement. I was preveated by urgent bniinen from attending the dlwaialoB, iv - " . Very MsneoHhllr, . , . KOUERT T. PAINE.. ' TJ.W.MrU, Esl., Raleigh. THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, In Ihe Weal. The news from the west is uigmj ,,,. e t the. friends of Mr Bragg and of democracy mi.. nwintta Democrat of the 16tb Inst, says: have had the plen ums of conversing with intelligent snttam from various of the surrounding counties, ulL or whom are in flne spirits, aim mey , - present indications Bragg will poll. iheaW ' ... .I... fi nn did two vcaw ago while Docke y will not near reach Kerr's. We met i.Li; n,n,. from Union yesterday who told "u" b. . . ... ... imvM more us that the democracy '"";. I " iiJaBM, united and enthusiastic, nod that Wj, a verv lull turn out. -iunij l-tl'o course he pursued in the canvass for Con- rress when Hou. U. W. uuaweu rr neut-the ultra measures atld consolidation doc trines advocated then-his demngogiusm and Z, bearing manner will effectually tell against l.im in tlinr nnilllLV." And the Ashcvillo News of the 15th contains the followiug paragraph: GoodNews.-Wo write tliisparagrui. . Cherokee county wn. - ""-,... .....fee . ... - Wu iinv ncn. wuu- in the last two wccks, m u -j Rutherford, Buncombe, i -HywocA J'ww . j ni,.ti.B. Kiid wo have never known beiuer enthusiastic, or more c..-- - ij .all inese coin..--. nmMi t i-siy one nr tne en at)le m near oi iimv, mil we are conn- dent his vote will bo better than Gov. Reid'a was two years ago. Union, harmony, and in dustry will insure ns a glorious victory. Lot us have it. ? ' ' ' "And so much for th misrepresentations, of the Carolinian on the basis question, for the last thrco or four months, 11 Mm " bulanco of power " is with the En's! and every one who has extimiued tho matter with a view of eviscerating tho truth knows that It Is and that section would not allow tins bnsls to bo cluinged, because it would be for Its interest to keep It ns nt present," why has the Carolinian been continually bawling against ail onen Convention, upon tho ground that such body, If convened, would chungc thcbnsls of rcnresentntinn? MrColemnn is rijitit. reconvention. composed of members chosen according to the ratio of representation in the House ot umimoiis, coumcuungo the basis for the reason assigned by liini." virgin. We fear that our neighbor has not clearly apprehended the nature of Mr Coleman's argu ment. In order that it may appear the more clearly, we quote from Mr Colemau's letter, ex plaining his views ou the basis question, as given by himself: " In this connexion, I discussed the merits of the change of basis question, and went on to show that when reduced to its real merits, it was and always would be a inero question of power. That 1 uelicvcil the principle of the white basis to be just and right; but that the idea of obtaining it under present circumstances was an utter impracticability. That those who have power will never give it up while they have the ability to retain it, and those who do not have it will always get it if they can. . The East now has this power, and the Constitution gives that section the ubility to retain it. With their large majority in the Semite, it is impossl bio to get the requirtd vottof tico-tlurds to call a free Convention for the ayms and avowed pur pose oj taking Jrom them the power they possess." Mr Coleman, we think, is very poor authority for the Argus to quote iu favor of tho proposi tion that there could be no danger to the East from a Convention ou tho federal basis. Mr eotemttii-uoes not say that''' no' CuifTrtthac composed of members chosen according td the ratio of representation in the House of Com mons, could change tho basis"; nor does he say anything remotely resembling that statement. He says that a two-thirds vote is necessary in the Legislature to call a Conization, and that the East now has the power to prevent the call of such a body. ' i As for retracting any arguments which have heretofore been mado against an open Conven tion, as tho Argus very modestly requests, we must decline to do so for the present, as the last Whig State Convention, it seems, held Views a little similar. That body adopted a resolution, t for an open Convention, but for a restricted Convention. Charity by all means should begin nt home. We therefore suggest to the Argus the i iropriey of pii ttgjamvrror in its owti ranks before it goes forth to reform thoso who will probably remain incorrigible in spito of all its anxiety in their behalf. The last Argiu puts a batch of "plain ques tion.'" to ns nnilcr live distinct heads. These questions are put with a view to bringing out our individual opinions ou several questions of constitutional reform, to-wit: the abolition of t lie land qualification for members of the Legis lature, the electing of Justices of the Pence by the people, and the respective merits of the two methods of amending the Constitution by legis lative enactment and by convention. On tbe last subject our views nro known, and if we thought our individual opinions on the others were of any importance, we could easily give them. Wo will make this proposition tHw Argus: If that paper will show us how tho whig party of North Carolina stands on these ques- " Every body whose mind is not poisoned tm tne virus oi party malignity also knows that in- all the qualibcations requisite for the high office of President, Gen, Scott is infinitely the superior of Franklin Pierce." Atgus. i ' , . A large majority of tho enlightened freemen of America did not, at the last Presidential election, believe that in all the qualifications requisite for the high office ofProsideut, Gea. Scott was infinitely the supenoof Franklin Pierce. Query. Were all their minds' "pois oned by the virus of party malignity"? '. .v The Flora MacDomaio has arrived in Wlf mington and will soon bo placed on the Cine Fear River between that place and Jayette- vule as a freight and passenger boat. .She was built In Wilmington, Delaware,' Her length is 125 feet, breadth of beam 20 feet, depth of hold 4 foct. She has two engines of 110 horse power, and draws 17 Inches light. She is fit ted up in a superior manner and cost $11,000. I9 A convention of the. whigs of Burjte, Caldwell, and McDowell counties, was recently held at Morgnnton to nominate a candidate lo represent tbe Senatorial district composed of those conaues. ' x. ua vis, rm, or Alo Dowell, was the nominee. lie Is a Cliagneii whig, and a remarkably clever fellow. He will prouauiy b eiecteu. i ii x r (yETTEVlLLE, N. C, Central BaUru m. WK tMestrs Bade tr and Mametim. I 4; o .. a 8i Jen,. Dockery was here a few weeks castor uk occasion, neeordinc to the usual cratic k ' o hig speakers,, to charge the demo- and in' RaUr :. ty with squandering the public lands, iced tho case of the Illinois Central actery i One or peculiarly aggravating char- onsprir measure he held up as the monstrous LJt. of democracy, and based a warm up- favor of distributing the public j dijinot tell the people that the tito Atom 'ers in Vtfgreii from Xorlh Carolina, tgt E.BUger and Willie P, Man-' road M ". for this iiltHhail Illinois Central Rail- ory h Yet such teat the fact ! Gen. Dock- democn. iny amount of denunciation for the none JA for squandering ihe public lauds, but DoekeF whigs. And as it was with General The Ail so it is with our whig cotemporafies. time aa fnr instance, (which some short rathea charged us with ."loving darkness dcclail ii light,") has indulged iu considerable against the democratic party on t, and has made this same Illinois thitj Olutioj .iffi - Iroad bill tho the me of its denuncia- 8h Argni ever told its renders iahdIajgumJiotal for this j 'wV i ,-ofatrirr frhl our n tojnjmi (V m' nave cue trntn. is it so oris It not so? Come now, don't shirk this que.Vion and remain silent as yon did about the fact that up northern whig in cither House of Comroiss voted for the Nebraska bill. You have dawnnced the democracy on account of their connexion with the Illinois Central Kail- road, niw give Messrs Badger and Manguin a a slungihot. , Nowjjust one word on the subject of Mr Bnd- gef reWlection to the Senate. Why do the whig lo! iders express such a warm desire to have Mr BaiL'cr re-elected to the U. S. Senate? Dj they ai prove his acts? Do they approve the Illinois Central Railroad bill for which Mr Badgevotedr Not at all. On the other hand they at ib it on nil occasions. And yet they iunk"e roat commotion about Mr Badger's rc- clectioiJ and whigs are entreated to bestir thcmsel es for the accomplishment of this "cou-. summation so devoutly wished." Where is the coiisistpnoy of this course? Whcro is the hon esty ofnbusiug the democratic party for an act for whfclt whiga aro equally responsible, when those i ma whigs aro bespattered with fulsoiw; adnlad " Bui while on this subject: Wo should ho much plonseulf our astute neighbor would iiusn er us a few plain qlestious: 1. lithe great hnsln "which spreads out between the Rftiy Mountains and Sierra Nevada of California" he yet f-murplored," how did tho Carolinian lind out that IHf " naldn destitute of vegettion, and with tho c.vclition of very small patches of land, desolate, auprodwtive and unhabitable?" , Jilhese lands are so very poor inni uiey never con be lild for anything: Why do the Carolinian and Its par Insist noon keening them In the hands ol tne ui iral Government as a security for tho nutlon- al indl Itodness, nnd for the purpose of defraying the oxnoni ortlio Ucncrul liovermneiui irgus. w wjli answer our neighbor's questions with iXHJUb -rcjfiau wliivh wo culled Wffi mt little is kuown. We believe, how- it Fremont passed through it once, and tagenrs have passed through portions of (J nil report it to bo u land volcanic, nd desolate in its features. We pro- il this region " unexplored." One of the mcuniiigS of the word " explore", as defined by WelWrTj Is to " examine closely". We there fore st If that although this country has never been "pxamincd closely," yet enough is kuowu of it tolstablish the character which wc gave it. Wemo now to the second questiou whicli the AMus puts. We do not suppose thut these lands, lulc8s as they are, would bo any great securitjf for the nutiouu indebtedness. There are puljic lands, however, which would have that tfict, because they nro not of the same chnratlr with these. . The reason why we held up to pew tho true character of these desert lands liiour article last week, was to show the fallacious character of the argument in fuvor of distriliiiqu, j based upon the assumption that these mis' were worth $1 25 per acre. Wc showei that these lands, estimated by whig leaden t $1 25 per acre, are absolutely worth less. they are not so, then let us know what they all good for; If .tho Argns will bring any proof Bit they are good for something, we shall hear tu evidence with great satisfaction, and be bnujoo happy to End the Government richer than m supposed It to be. Tirrf OWi iflmn TT inBnm Wf lonm liv nn ."-IT"" . .3. extra Mm thtlantic-Jcai, MmmT, GenerTCommisucrsirmrer the act incoriior Atlantic and Xortli Carolina llail- panyi, met in Newbefn, on Wednesday fter examining the books, found that - - - ....nil vuretr uu dflU lubicfilcd in tkeAoiHLftSiW' WllJnWoash paid in. The Bills! i of four hundred and sixty thousand dollai cribod at Ralefeh, was declared to bevi Aid thrown out. oh ncoonnt of no evl- donee Hhe standing of Eislcy & Co., and inform! ft of the note offered to Secure the five per eel The agietratei ite of Cravien osBcmbled in lie Court ed on work. e,Dd Ijy a unrtimoM vote BubBcrib- r of th County $150,000 to the ndt for tht' amount nre to be issued payibh atioi of twenty ycnri. - v?i VlMMtwinbuiiu'ecsfor the leirislatnre wataOoi'iy re,L.B. 8andern for the fB . -Bariie and 8. fit. Tomlinson ' 1 "OTB TlBE'lN BOSTON. m 13. One of the most destrnc L ' Jivef TisltedBoBton occurred last 7 O jrrifield'i buildinit. with twenty aU- the whola covering a space of tatallr consuraeo. : y inn . ODwardiof 1500 workmen have , t 't!& et enployinent. v-'rhe loaaia 00,000, TTartemberg, brcther of the f f Germany, and Drat cousin . arrived in New Ifork a day FOVUTH OF JULY I Tho Committee to make arrangements for celebrat ing tho approaching Anniversary of American Inde pendence, recomnicud tho following as tho ORDEH OP THE DAY: At sunrise, the National Flag will bo hoisted, and a federal salute of 111 guns Ural on Glllrspio street. At 9 o'clock, a. m., a procession will be formed In front of the Fnycttevillo Hotel under the direction of Walter A. Ullsku, K, Marshal of the day, and march through lluy nnd Person streets to the Farmers' Hull, where the Declaration of Independence will he read bv Col. John W. Cameron, and an Oration delivered by Uiirtholcmew Fuller, Ksq. 0110KB OF PROCESSION. FuyoUeville Independent Company, Phtenix Lodge No. 8, Free- Masons, Cross GMXodKc No. 4, Odd Fellows, ',4 '' Bean Of Temperance, FnyettevIHe Mechnnie Denevoleiit Society, Concordia bund Society, Reverend Clergy. Orator nnd Reader, 1 Commandant of the United States Arsenal, Officers of the Army and Navy, -Soldiers of the Revolution and late Ware, Magistrate of Tolice and Town Commissioners, High Sheriff nnd Clm ks of the Courts, Teachers and Students of tho Aoademics, .Strangers and Citizens, Committee of Arrangements. At 1 o'clook, a National Saluto of 32 guns will be tired on Gillospio street. At sunset, one gun wilf be tho slunal for loworinir the National Flug. The Sejtons ot the dlhrrent Churches ore requested to ring their bi lls for five mimilns at sunrise, nnd dur ing' ine movement ot llic procession. June ! 24,. 154, - , . -. .. What d?i the Pliy.UUus Hay 1 ;ni pays! Lin iiNit, Stark co, Ohio, 1 have used Dr M'Lane's Worm Speolllc hi my pri vate practice, and am prepared to sny Unit Ihc unparal leled success with which I have prescribed its use, both for children and ndults, induces ine to say the most In its favor of any specilic or patent medicine ever be fore brought to my 'notice. The mode of ndminiftra tion and the smnllness of Ihe dose give it n decided ad vantage over all others offered Ui the public. Fos sale Iu Faycttcvillo by H. J. HINSDALE. MARRIED. In this town, on tho loth instant, by Dev. S. Milton Krost, Mr William Nix lo Miss Margaret Jane Junes. In the Methodist Church, in this town, on the "Hi Inst., by Rev. S. Milton I'rott, Mr T. K. l'hugan lo Miss Margaret. Patterson. In this town, Mr Albert Kason to Miss Marendy Strickland. In Anson county, on the lllh Inst, Mr Wm. W. Tap scntt lo Miss Harriet H. 1'uul. In Knloigh. on Ihe 14lh inct. Dr. II. M. niehnrilson to Miss Francis U.. daughter of Kldriilge Smltli. k. la Duplin county, on the 1,1th Inst, Mr John L'tli'y of Vt ilininirton. to Miss Murv hum, daughter ot James liavls, ol uuplin. DIED. In this town, on Tuesday evening. 20lh Inst., nt Hie residence of her father, Col. John MeUue, Mary, wife ol'Samui'l I.angdon. r. ot'Snnlliville. aged it years. In this town, on Ihe 2Uth inst, nl the residence of her soii-lu-law, Mr J. II. Walton, Mrs Mary tlumliol, aged A years. la this town, on the. 17th Inst., Owen, son of A. A. T. and Ann J. Smith, aged it years and 5 mouths. In this vlcinilr. on the lith liistnnt. M illium trump, Infant son of Joseph and Anuuida Vtley. In tins town, on tne zuin nisi, .Mr .ids, lii-noiii-rnui,. In this county, on Sunday lust, Mrs Klendi r Ainelt, agi'il Si) years. Xenr Harrison Creek, Cumberland' county, on the 20th Inst, in the Until venr of her a-e, Mrs Martini J. Dleilsoe, consort of Travis llledsoc, and daughter ot iN'i'eillinin llryant. Kh, of Illaden. in Aloot'e coaiily,.oli me inn nisi, eoun iueiviT, in fant son of i-'nrah'nnd Ale.viinner Kelly. In Wilmington, on the ltlth inst. Mrs Mary II. Llp pltt, aged ,11) years, relict or the late Win 11 Lippitt. In Illaden comity, on the I7ih Instant, Moley Jane, infant nnd only child of William T. and bliznbeth It. Visiter, iiged 17 months. LOST, a line blue velvet Porte-Motmaio, orass oonnn, aim containing two or inroe oouur m money! "Tlivtiioterwlll be ralWily rcwniilr4-bj leTi NOTICE. The subset'Ibers Intending to change their business, reriuests nil these indebted to them either ly Note or Account, to call and make payment by Ihe 1,1th July, as longer indulgence will not be given. McDonald & mcmastek. Juno 24. 9!l-4t" Hl'IKIT UAllliKl.sl. ilOO Superior Spirit Unrrels for snle T,y June 24. ilt COOK ft JOIIXSOV. KIC.M'l l KV JllLtS I'lllt SAI.li. I have n lot of line Mules now in this place, which 1 am ottering nt fair prices. I will lie at hi zahethtown on the 27th inst.; at Whitevllle on the 2l)lh, and at Wiliningtou about the 1st July. All those who arc la need of good MuIch will lind it to their interest to sec my stock.' J. L. HLTCHCltAl'T. Juno 2!l, 181 1 It IIOU.Vl'Y LAND V AllltA.N'lS. The Subscribers will pay the highest market price for Land Warrants. Apply to ' J. II. J. M ARTINI'!, Hay street, ueur the 1'ost Office, June 24, 1814 3in AGIUCCLTUKAL FAIR. Cuiiilifirlniiit C'oitul y, June IV 54 The KxneuUvo Committee of the Cuniln'rliuul Connt.v Apncultimil Sock-iy. ivc utttiec that all jumniHliuld in iSu lift ripti tui uxkvh ave fniiiettly rtcjUtr-Ud to uinki; Mich iolU'CtioiiH us thuy cun nml tu return, uh 8(ioii at iioMilc, tliu lists, with the amounU collected tu Joint 1', Mcljcun, Kmj., tho Trcusui'd' ui' the Com ui it tee. A suitable piece of ground has been procured for hohlititf t Fair this Fall, the time ulien, mid the list ol 1'reiuiums ottered, wilt be uiiuounced usfuun after the lii'Httlny of July osposilile. The necessary prepnrntions require that the money be collected and paid to the Treasurer. - , , KIWI) MM WINSLUW, lS WAD01LL. TIIOS. -I. KOUlNStJX, A. A. JlcKliTHAN, NKILIi Mel)U(iAU), JOHN C. SMITH, Eiecutive Committee of,the Society. Jnne 21, 1854. ; l!l-'it LtlMUCll WANTliD SOON. June nUi, mt. COSIJIKRCIAL KECOKI). ARRIVED AT FAYETTKVILLE, June 21 Str Sun, (Orroll's line) with goods for A W KI..M .III .t J Marline. 8 J llllkilale, K J Hale A Son, Blount's Creek Co, Kankin, Iionani oo, AmueiK 4; Co, M U Waddcll, J Ottarhurff, J 1) l'owell. It M Orrcll, W H Luttcrloh, F J Hill, J W Dick, G McNeill, T S Lulterloh. . - m - ' i.,nn 9a str Rveroreen l sronR s jerrv unci who Koods for E A Vogler & Co, Julian & Caldwell, Cross Creek Co, CGoddard Co, S T l'fohl, JSC Uall, Jos Conrad. J L Falkerson, Kockiisn vo, J v rioni, n n Willktngs. J Murphy, W H luttcrloh, Arnold, Turner & Co, S J Hinsdale, W Alfred, W N Tlllinghnst, J 11 k 1 Martin, Rc N DcSchwolntM, Cook i Johnson, W Suo, JHush. J Johnson, Kay a rcaroo, sua Oalney, AJO'llanlon. ' ' Jnne 23. 8tr Chatlmui. (Cape Fear Line, with boot Cnmbcrlnnd Id tow and goods for 1) H Havls, Dihblc k lira, W A Hunt, J M Worth, Woody Dixon, J A WomacK, u r weir, i i a o oj Mines, Silver Tllll Ming. Co. Wlnhpitra Witty, J A Alford, Isham Cox, O W Williams Co, A. A McKo than, T 0 Dxon, Thos Dyrnes, J H Hall, Henderson Jackson, Tomlinson, English Co. Stoker, Kirk k Co, B Collin, A S Pitts, O W Johuson, New Market tonndryi t h Oorrcll, A Grower, Snow Camp Co. Dr. D Sloan, i u..n.ull M.rfln.vfttnB.JJ Leach. Dillon ijohnson, a MakepoaM, W T Jimkins, grumpier, iurjiw lin, 8 C4J3 Fox, J Si A Draku, S Hatrick, Morison, Richardson ACo, r W W Haworth.E Uelo.'Pl- fitt,HlklnMnfCo, J Newlln & Son, Worth A U ley, Worth A Son, Stafford, Clark A Dixon, J.W Hitting, C W Androwa, Dr. Httoercott, D Murphy, J H Thomp ... u N ntt. R Vonni. Houston A OMrty, M W Leary, C O Yates, D Dixon, E J Hole, A J McRae, P Hackney, H L Myrovor A Co, w.i... t a r vp n R Looi. Jenkins, RoWrU A Co, S 1 Wiudala. DeepRlver Co, A McLean, 8 K Jotoaou, rlt A P u traea, uvjon, w IWniw A Lomax. H Worth, H W McNuir, G J I Allen, Ingram c stcci. , I ---- - r --'".-. . IIAUHINGTOV MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL. CYRUS HARRINGTON, Principal. Miss Ass Maboihist MeE.unus, Teacher in the Fo jllille HeparttiHMit. Wm. SI. Buooks, Assistant In the Male Department. Tho Third Session of the School opens July tho 17th, and closes December ht. Reports respecting Scholarship nnd Deportment will he setitout soml-nimually. and no student found to be of a bud character will be permitted to reuaiu iu tho Institution. A course of Religious Lectures will he delivered bc- -.luru lie; muuciu". HMSoard from $li to 7 50 per month. The snbscriher hninipfe iccoiuuKidulioiu, ami desires to take ull tho reuiaie uuumurs into Ills own lliunly. Tuition In bolh Departments S8, Silo, 812 50 to $15 per Session. Ultra Jlunic on l'luim Kortc. wilh uso of Instrument, $21): Drawing, l'uiuting, Kmliroidcrr and French, $.ri each. For further particulars address tho Principal or either of tho Teachers. : C.utnoOTox, June 24, 1864. M-lOt' JST A School Teachers' Convention will bo.. held ut Harrington's Academy, In Ihe village of Cnr-: honlon. on the second Saturday of August. The ob ject Is to form a Teachers' Association for pwimting the cause of eduention in Moore, Speeches on appro priate subjects may be expected. Mr Harrington pro poses to giro a dinner on the occasion. All teachcra iu the County, both Male nnd Femnlo, are respectfully Invited to attend. " Hour of meeting, HI o'clock. ' , V. It. BLACK, DANL. McINTVRR, June 24. 99-7t CVRUS ARRINGTON. , . , ...TO PUYSICJ I Tim suhscrlM' offers thfe!! Trusses, Abdominal Sunporterfi, Snspi iy jniuungeB, frvrincos, htellieseones. nccnlunls, Obstetrical Fia'ceps, Cupping. Instruments, Patent Tumps, Porte Caustics. I'cssiiries, NipplcGtns si's and Shlolds,J"vnnic lintteries, (iiini, Spring and Tt ill Lancets. Vc. Ac. J. N. SMITH, Druggist. June '.'4. 99-lt CONGHKSS WATEll, Citrate Magnesia, just received and for sale bv June 21. 4t J. N. SMITH, Druggist. TEAS I TEAS II Hyson. Imperial and IllnckTeas, of superior quuli ty, ju?t received and for sale by J. X. SMITH. June 21, Hot Urn We nre requested to nnnoniice WAll HUN WINKLOW. Uso. as a demorralic eandl- il.Ue to repri'senl Cumberland t'ounly in Ihe Seiiuto of Ihe next tieneral Assemtily. le i V 111 1 UlMtV We nre esti'd to announce JAMES S. IIAIlltlNtlTOX. Km., n enndidale to re present Ciitiilierlaiul County in Uie Senate of the next tieneral Assembly. June 10 to We are requested to announce M. J. MeltCF F1K. lfi. a candidate to represent Cuinlierlnnd Loiiniy Iu Ihe House ol' Coiuinous of the next l.enernl Assembly of North L'at'olina. May 20. to We are reitiested tonnnnniire llALI'H P. HIIXTON Uso. as a candidate to represent I'mnlierliind t'ounly In the House of Commons of the next (ieiierul Assemhly. to pd. We arc reqnchUd to nnnounco NKILL McKAY, Ksu. a candidate lo represent Clllll- lierliiinl County in the House ol Commons of the next (ienernl Assembly. My 2- ,(! We nre requested to nnnoimee AI.LKN J. CAMKltON, Dsn. as a candidate to repre sent Cumberland county in llic House of Cin.roons of the next lionernl Am mhly. te-l Wo nre rcqncKtcd to nnuolliice WIL LIAM IILALtll'K, Esq. ns a candidate for tho illiee of Slicrill' of Cuniherlaild county, at the ensuing lection. Juno iv le. w IM YnTTF.VII.IE JIAUktT. June II, Corrected weekly jor the A'orth Carolinian, BACON, I? lb. new, oi fJ 11KK8WAX, 1 Ib, 25 COFFEE, f) Hi llio, 12 Lagutra, laj (ji) St. Iloiningo, 0 COTTON, lb. o COTTON UAtiGING, ynrd- ((iiuiiy, 14 (n) Dundee, 12J (ir) llnrlnps, 10 (A COTTON YAltN, V. lb, Nos. 5 to 10, 18 fl CANDLKS, $ lli Sperm, 40 (3J Fayettevllle mould, 18 (r) Adamantine, Uu Oh DOMESTIC GOODS, f yard Hi-own Sheetings, li (3) Osimhurgs, 11 2a 13 uo 00 H HI U It 01) 60 20 36 eiitiLii, oarrei, Supe.i'line, Fine, Cross, FEATHERS, V lb, FLAXSEED, V bushel, 7 CO 7"5 0 11(1 (n; 0 00 o no (ji; o oo 45 (', 47 1 00 (, 1 10 GRAIN, liusliel Corn, 1 20 Wheat, . 1 25 Oats, HO 1 25 () 0 0(1 00 00 Teas, 1 15 (ih Hye, 1 00 ft) HIDES, il lb Dry, 10 Green, 3 (ri) LARD, i'i 11 00 00 i Hi 10 30 LEAD, tf lb. Hi (ii toiiacco, mnnufnetured. SALT - Liverpool, fl sack. Alum, 34 bushel, MOLASSES, gallon, Cuba, new crop, Now Orleans, SUGAR, V "I- Lonf and erushodj St Croix, 1'ortoRicl IRON. Ih- 1 85 CO (?) 1 DO (2 00 10 (S) AN Orleans 7 Engllsh. 4) p) Sweeties, common bar, C (S . On n-iiln. , 111 K 0 no ' SriRITS, gallons i S r zteinirt Northern do. ' 40 (3) 43 N.C. Whiskey, 45 ff, 50 NAILS, cut, f keg, 6 50 (!) 0 00 LEATHER, sole, 25 (o, 30 FODDER, ? hundred, 1 1 50 dh 0 00 HAY.N.C.'B 1 80 (f, 159 AVOOL, IK ' P TALLOW, f Ih, - . 11 (5) 00 REEF, on the hoof, fl Hi, ' ; II (5) 8 1IEEF, liy Ihe quarter or side, 8 (3) 9 l'OUK. ) lb, HQ 1 oo MUTTON, f Ib, : If! JtHtfKENS. each. J5 fi EGGS. M dozen, 15 (ir) DUTTER, V Hi, 25 f) l'OTATOKH, Kwcet. 13 Dusuel, 1 l Irish, f bbl, - 4 50 5 00 REMARKS. Bacon, demand good, and sales at 10 cts per lb from wagons for hog round hams 12i to 13. Corn, up-country Is scarce and would bring l 20 to tl 25. Sales of Cotton to manufacturers at 8J. f lour, principal sales at 7 60 to 7 73 -for super receipt light for few days past. Lard, good back country, la tcarce, and would sell at 11 to 1 11 cts. Spirits Turpentine 37 to 371 et per gallon. Row do. (2 50 for yellow, and 82 76 for virgin dip. v WILmlT0R RitlET, Jane M. TiaviexTisB. Slnoc Tuesday mornlnglastJ40 bbl. , Tiirpentlni! have been disposed of at 3.20 per bbl. for Virgin Dip., 3 to 8,06jier bbl. for Yellow Dip, and onesmalllotof Hard at 1.60 per bbl. - ' ; ' '; SriaiTS TuBfasmia 70 bbls. were sola at 4,0 ceiita. per gallon, and 358 bbls. at 41 cts. per gal. , Roam. 60 bids. No. i Rosin sold at $1,20 per bbl., and 370 bbls. No. J (liMs. large,) at $1 .10 per bhl, Ta 83 hblt. Tar were aoM at l P MiL THHimwOne hift told at 818 per M. feet. -Floctw About 100 bbls. Fayettevllle. were sold I at 88,50 per bbl. for flue and 18,75 per barrel for supers. Commercial. . .Off mm r1 ' I r f f If Jf X a: