0 A t ASH J- - - I Ziteiilm, ApicUirtnnnAr (caetjiV : lhhnimk TN ADVANCE iT - AUGUST ; 5,'-f 1854,- NOf, 805; - '. V - ' ' . - - - . . ... - - . . . - i y : . J ' i ' ' -r PRINTED BY- WILLJAM : J. RESl . ill V 13 LA IW A ik. . JJ IV t.msw.mvv, p , Terra r subMr For a single copy, i at the end "ofW DlonHi?.- " ' 00 ,.- " at tbe end of tlie year. - 3 i0 No piibcript:on will be received for a rfi'orter period than oue year nhlc-K3 paid in advance. . Jr "Witli th' view of extending the . circulation and en hanciug the usefulnew of .the papser3 the : proprietors of- T : CLUB -RATES, IJVARIABLKlJTAjAgCE, " ;T 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, ! S&it-'' ; r ' - r ii -I - -r- M n fcn I'r iiT-' addressed to the und.-v-sined, and miuf be post paid. Ratrs f AdvrrlfciHjr : yivtv fi-ni nor son are 10 lines for the first and thirty cents for each Sequent insertion, unless the udvertisern-.t is published lor .....re than two mouths, when it will be ohar-d For three n.ontlis, ----- 54 00 For six months, ----- 00 For twelve mouths, - - - - - li) 0') jT-rr-All advertisements must l.e iianded iu by Friday 10 o'clock, a. m.. to ensure their insertion in the n.t day's paper, and should have the desired number ol 'ui b. rti.-Tis marked mi tlu in. ortlierwise they will be in Kerted till forbid and charged accordingly. I! VAN & 1 A 1 iv-v 3t a n it 1. 11' i;v f;i-:n. Nearly opposite to V.. V. Fa vet lev Oct. 1, IMS. " y l V. FAl'DKU W'i likings" Auction Store. lr.it-ow nroTiilv i.:iri-t;asel tile ai;vi' esu Oilsiilin from .'aioo:n K-'liv. ll- i.. I a.n now prepared to eat tain in a ooru f. rln I d r uui .mn'r t'.io-e who m;iy .2iv fill!, Ifavtui amide stables, iroo.l holler.-, and me ;! a dis position to accoinmo lat-. 1 tru-t 1 Miail iv"-entire satisfaction to those who may favor able to ne with their patro:m;.?. II. C. M cLEAN". December IS',3. ( LKMEXT i. IV It I Allor.i. vnl fja.iv, Kay-i(evillf X. c. 0!lir;e :t tlie corner ol'liow and (.reen Feb"-.- h". !.":;. treets li.. M. MUKC'IIISOX, AVii.Misi":rir, J iniiarv 7 ise! y NOTICE.. The Favetteville Ice llou-e will be op tiie delivers- d' Io- IVo;n5-i to 7 o'clock, ned daily for A. M., com liifiieing M'm.l.iv, 17th inst. Tiek-'tx for lee are, i.jw r.-adv for sale at the store of O. W. Vill!.in &Co. No b e will be delivered ex cept to tickets, as it- i.s rot iiU-uuled -ip k'Hp any ac counts. Vilo-n called 0:1 to deliver Ice outside of the ti:n spe(;iiie 1 a'o. e, (louole tiie regular pr.ee e- charged. April i JOHN' D. WILLIAMS 1 S.' 1 . rss-tt I'.T V It Vli. We hive received our usual stocit 01 1 ,iv..ii. received usual stock TVil'LEMHN'TS. such as l'lo:t-;lis. Harrows. ( ulttvators. &c. A-c " " ' J- & T WAl'DLLL. new lior-e a"0.i. coinolete. '.or sal March 18. I I W. r- fLS--f-fCTI Jr I J.VMKS C. SMITH & CO., (.'ini nii."s'") 11 M.'.rrha als, H-.ve removed their oJ1i.-e to the second story of the "buildbig forui.-rl v .ccup:i-.i by the Tcle-rraph Compa ny, where tb.'v are prepared to ai tend to all business iu the Coeraix-ioa line. All li'isk!v:. . enn-usled to them will be punctually att-Tt 1 -1 to. Wilaiia'rton. Ja.i v 1 1 On tlie 1 -t dav of January. L-.".b 5 hired a Roy named Roh-rt to .lohuA. Williams, some time in Feb y following he left Mr Williams, and 1 had reason to be lieve wa 1'irkiug in the Neighborhood ofFayettevilie. but now 1 believe h -' ha been kidnapped or decoyed by some villain. Sai-l Roy is of black comple:i:on, is between 1:5 and 14 years old. quite aa active good look ing little fellow, atei no .'oubt can toil a very plausible tafe. I will give the ;lb(; , e reward for his delivery to me. or ,, iiiaeineiit m anv .ia;l. so mai l gei. ihiii again, or 50 if arrested hi in. March 11. 1N5L out of the State so that I get EVANS. 0 ua:Uau. J AS St-t lie. N" 9 C. w s 1 ss- 1 Z- 7 J. tOiW the abo mndatintr tet KIFTV IOLL A .The abovi' rewara win "i 1 - 1 1 any person who k X- V- V ...1 . "will deliver to m scoude.l about ihi nv negro wc:nan .....i. w no ur- 1 ith of November last, or for her . . . . . ... . . .. . . 1. . . 1 .... .f coiiiiueuieut in a iy j her ;i.r uii. Said ne ail in Hi: .iaie so mat, . v. in so, gro is of briglit noilal'o complex- 101. sp usually ik! clearly and more properly than negroes hi and is rather below the medium size. ll is supposed that she is t".i of FayMt -ville. abb-d by the c iiarboring uoioriety. She in: king about the vic;llity -lebrated Simon Blue of lv attempt to pass as a free person anion-. r the mr.u.-rous muia Favelteville. ALEX. Diindarroeh, April -1. Rob-or county. ) I s ". I. V V I IJ M v. O t: V E E BRICK MASON" AND PLASTERER, l'.tytl it-vlllf, N. 'Persons want nor work done in his line will 1-e proinid'y aU-en-lod to by add-, essing hhn at the Fayctte- Vine j. osi uiu-e Favelteville. 'ost t im.ee. an'v 2S. lS5t liUUm'.M'K SHAW, INSPECTOR OF TIM HER AND LUMBER, Wii.mi ; ion. N. C. Will give proiopt tdtentioa to any business in this line intrusted to him. He solicits a share of public patronage Wilmington. Mav .5. tSol. Sii-p I. X . - BACON, LAUD, RICE, and all other i in the Grocery line, for sale by article May 13. " il- yin M.l Att S'A BOIXTY I.ASUi The Subscribers will i;iww i hi-diest lnarktYuTli e for Land Warrants. Apply to -I. II. llav street Juae 24. 1 k", Kaf A he-id at Mai lionloti. on iecl is to f. the cause ol School Teachers Convention will u. r'iigtoti"s. Aeudeuiy. in tl: village of Car t'.i.'i MM-ond :-.aluruay (d'.Vugnst. The 00 riit a r--;i -'.te'-s" A-v-oeiathvt for promoting , .- - ir . . ...... ...I .... .... .... luosiiioa m .ii our.-. .-pei-cu- "I'l""- kes o print-subjects may be expected. Mr Harrington pro poses to give a dinner on the occasion. All teachers in the Count v. both Male and Female, are respectfully invited to attend. Hour ot meeting. 10 o ctociv. A. R. BLACK. DANL. McIN'TVRE. To-u. 94 f9-7t CYRUS HARRINGTON TEAS ! Hyson Imperial and Black Tea?, of superior quali- t - flT - P r-nnnf i Ar r Tl '1 I I ty, just received and for sale by J. N. SMITH. HF.WAK1 iven t free mmattoes aoout McMillan. r A- 1 t- . .turn rw m wjmA 1 m m m t J. MARTIN! uctrH' ( inii't'. ,r" -w r w ' - am - -jaw 1 1 m ti : ont ximi i i . t . i . . - June 24, 1851 3m - r Wholesale j.denJ1 "inl .Domestic." Invite Mie attention of their citHtamers. aiiu Ihe trade generally, to a vory- Superior Stock T. , c. j j SrRIXG AXD SUMMER fcOODS,ii; Which they will Sell pfc p'ricesnss ior as io W founjjS any market South oflasoii and Dixonrii line, o pur-5 chairs who pa"y- promptly or buy for cash. ., - Mercbauts willf lind in this market good stock, - and at prices which caijpot fail to j0 " iarus anu ouei t- TROY 4fc.MAli.Sl I. Nov 12, !.:, SI50 lti:VAItI. Runaway from the subscriber, his No pro nwn. JOHN and TOUKV. Jolin is about 2G years old, (i feet 1 inch high, weighs about IS") or 190 lbs. Tobey aged about 22 yearss 5 f.;t ! inches h'rh. stout, and weisrhs 175 lbs. They were bought from Mr James Surles, of Cum berland county, and . will probably be lnrkhiLc in that, neighborhood. Tobey hns.Twif, at Mr Richard Iiinl's. in Johnston Countj'. Fifty Dollars for either, or one hundred Dollars for both, will be pawl for their appre hension arid delivery to tbe subscriber, or for their con finement in any Jaii in the State, so that he can get them. An additional sum of One Hundred Dollars will the abo.e Negroes. COLEV I2i)() ACUIiS ()!' b.AXD 1'K SALG. The subscriber oilers for snle twelve hundred acres of Land, located in the lower end of Richmond county. It is about oqui-diftant front Floral College, Lauren- bui-LT High School, and Laurel Hill. The Land is well TiTeii to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, A c. Jt also offers givat inducements to those engaged in the turpentine and lumber business. I have constituted Alexander McLean. Esrj. my agent, during my absence, to whom all communications in regard to the matter may be iiddrcssed at (Jilopolis 1'. ., Robeson county. Luther l'.lue. who resides near to thepri mises, will take pleasure in exhibiting them to any one who may call for tti.it purpo.-e. J. (J. bll 1. T)ct. 22. Cl-tf le suoscriher taltes tins metliotl ot intormina Ir.s iVienils and the public that lie still continues in the Mill Wright business and all its branches, viz: foundering, framing, and erecting Water or Steam Mills upon vari ous principles, cither with sintple or compl'cated ma chinery. He returns his thanks to the public, for the liberal patronage In; has received heretofore, and hopes by strict at tention to business, and by giving-general satisfaction, to luerit a continuance of tlie same. He rs himselfjfiinV hJsivo:kwiil compete with that of ecu iuji durability. All per- sinis w ho want worii -t-tmTein the aoove- line would do well to give hint a call, as he has several competent workmen in his employ, and is prepared to execute all jobs at the shortest notice and on very reasonable terms. Orders promptly attended to. For further information address the subscriber at Johufrwn. Moore county, n, c. . : . . . 'DyjL jqussux;. - Nerember lfi. v-r'pd. The Subscrib. r, a practical isoot-maKer 01 some cx wmie time been t-ensible that there is a trsttli r.tttihl. to i 1 supjiueu 10 mi' januic in tiie iv of a suitable burnish for boots ami shoes. Most of the .'.rt'cles now used either injure the leather or fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man's un t fitn'ii.hi g "' a proper tinish. He has therefore, dur- . , , . .1:1.,:.. ... 1... i .1... t!ilast twelve mouths, been devoting himself to f preparing an article frc- from these objec- tnusTrtid nas at length alter much investigation and experiment completely succeeded. The result is dill's ne pius ultra. Buriiinfi.'' He only whhes that it may Vie tested in order to establish its superiority over all others. Call at M. Faulk's shop opp sito Mr Lauder's Marble Factory. Hay stree t, aud be supplied with an excellent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL. NovO. 1853 tf Cf NOTICE. TITM subscriber n'fers f;,;- sale, his LANDS, six m :.,'s ! North of Fa vett.eville. and about one mile from tl Fayetteviile and Raleigh IMank Road. consiKting of about twelve hundred and ,i.ty acres of land, suited to the making of Turp'-nT!!!'' or Timber. There is also on th .' r mises. a good Saw and Grist Mill, all in good repair and now in operation ; also, a Dwelling, and all tie necessary outhouses, in good repair. Also, another tract of two hundred and fifty acres, on the head waters of Carver's Creek, known as the Tarry Place, fin which there is a small Farm, a Dwelling House and other houses. On the first named tract, th're is cut about twenty five thousand Turpentine Roxes. from two to four vears ove laniis wul be soul on the most ac.com- rms. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the above lands. WM. R. BOLTON Oct. 27. 1? Force and Suction Pump ; Sheet Lead and" Lead Pipe, for sale by C. W. ANDREWS, April 1. -larket Squan Tlicse Piiix entirely V'ei;iKlle, iaixl nn m. most superior BIeIlriie in the cure of nil liilioux Com f UiHtts. t'htl's iil Frvi r. tJ!,?fh ;i't. t'rf.-.lirt'ir$s. Iircr Complaint, ..;'.v. Sick Hi initirhf. S-; - i"!n. ."it jK'hrum. of all I.ts.i of A)jkHU ObitrucU'l and painful SUnst million, and aU tin- As a Female Me.lieino tliry net like a clinrm. and when taXen i-conjOtf-JP 'he ilue-JjeiiJ. tln-y iicxir foil to cum the worst ? full. liQfr in II y In lIoort. equalize the clrcln lion, rcslorrfrine LIrrr, M.ltliicy, nni otner e-t-rrtorr Oi-4Si, to lienliliy tone mid aVtlon S ami a nn Anti-Bilious Fiimily 31elicine tliey baTe no equal. I'rice lio cents yvr box. Also ''JiP. Asthma, Comnmptimi. Xerra Catarrh. Brtnchil is. Crmip. Wlioopiiuj yerrans Disrates, Dyspepsia. -& Hr'ajrt. Injiammatuiu and l'axn all diseases arising jrom r- j f'H froit e'uting too htart'i fo-tl.in rceak and ayrwptle habits. I PA1?T? 1Tnrn t -r- jQi. runi-,iJx jtuLij ni.r.. Tliee fills act n :! Ksiwinr! -iv.; .urt.-s Ti:ore power to cure ciseasea y-rwi syrupy. Isalsams. or Sars : Hint a simple tri:il of orOv ono lioi .... 1 - j.ooseii iie a so'l. regular Appilile, tuxtl Streuatbcu th. System. i'rK-.e 2r rents vor Ikx. containing 25 ilo?es of Medicine Call on the Ap-ut.-i who sell the Fills. and ire-t. tl... atis. yUiue: full particulars and certificate of cures. -miiieu i ins are ier Pule in 'illaiie In Soldi and Sonth ilia. COVFECTIOXER, F A Y E T T E ILLE,. X September 18, 1S52 . "5H5K ' q o II 1 4 . .awrKM ovint j& 11 'i in t iti ii ii 111 1 11 mi m 1 1 m bhlgfWiritf IXSD ALE and J. X. rTwi'i'ii Atm . aa-. I L. . f sM-m M is ss r m iy - - -- 1 1 HANKS, rffe 1 DA u ED(r C k ft Runaway from the Eubfr&er " tbe-"Jd of Julyt" nero mau SEl). I Said neeioT VVeanrokU fcet 3 or 8 inches high, well built, V , ,,70 o126 pw bushy hair, has a scar on, Ityr x'eaearl, Jri her" with an -aie. j He 'ir)fuppx,-r4".tO b lurltir iieighLarhoed of Lumberton TlT Joha T en AfhpoJe, of whom I, parcb" W l . will give a reward of fifty" doKM."Mlp. Ine or hie confinement in a6y Jall? it W ' " 4gain. I will also give Cj!wM..j31&i?.' eonvict any '.white, man-' of- harboring- -him. Any information r?Fp!tlng him -fully received at Lumber Jirjdgw JV O.TJc . . . 1,1". w vrrorw ssr July 29, 1854 , ..Wf LAKGE WI1ITI3 Fl2!-byCrV t r, K1 top Turnip. For sale by J. N. SMITUt July 29, 18.-4. S04-2t FitESH TUIINII? SEKD. Large White Flat DHtch, Large English Norfolk, l'urple Top Ruta Baga, Early Red Ton Flat. - Warranted genuine and froth: for sale by S, Just received and J. HINSDALE.: .July 29, 1854. S03t The STORES, WAREHOUSES and DWELLTNOS. iiflnn rrin or fr i lw T-,w:., T ir if , n..: ,1 ?.i -11 5th, at 12 o'clock. July 29, 1S.) L 804-2t wko. v. WILLIAMS dt. CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION" MERCHANTS. Jut received a lartre line, for sale on favorat July 20, D!54. MEDIC AL IXSmt llOS OF YALE COLLEGE. The Annual Course of Lectures commences on Thursday. September 14th. and continues four mouths. Benjamin Siliiman. M. D., LL. D.. Prof. Emeritus of Chemistry and riiarmacy. Eli lvcs. M.D., 1'rof. Eiaeritus of Materia Medica 1 m - At A. M. CAMPBELL. t yf J0 rw thousrht. a asauent GI0S--in their U H-i a s jew aWS s aW - aw jmnii AaUBBU-Luei-apcutiCf JonrTian Ivnig ght, M. D.. l-of. of the Principles and Practice ofSurgeiy. Timothy P. jiecis, M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics. Charles Hooker, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy and Phjjr siology. . ..' Henry Brorison, M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica and therapeutics Worthington ITooktr, M. D., Prof, of the Theory and actice of I'll vsic. Pi Benjamin Siliiman, Jr., and I harmacv. M. D., Prof. ofC'hemistry Lecture fees, SG8 50; Matriculation. So; Gradua tion, $15. , CHARLES HOOKER. Deau.of the Faculty. IT X..1 ,0 a aTT. . . . " New J eu, o 11 ly 1.1, 185 WILLIAM CuimtiiaKioM mitl Forwnhlfaig Mere W.vTi:u Stukkt, SETTLEMENT. Those indebted to the subscriber will please call and settle. There are a good many bills for Cora. Uav. Scc, (which are ca.-h articles, ) itaiidinsr on book THO. J. JOHNSON July 15th. lts4. SPUING GOODS. The undersigned are now receiving, and expect to have their eat. re Stock 111 store by the 13tli instant, of SEASONABLE GOODS, Embracing a great variety of FOHHIU).' AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, L f yv 1 lt.,,.i jmm IK-MARSH, it 11 iwivauces iaie ou-coasignments. jf it St a-fc!C?0!Kiets, Umbrellas, Parasols, .tfr Bouts and Shoes. Foolscap and Letter Paper, Blank Books, Bolting Cloths, &c. Ac. &c. With an extensive assortment of K K A J) Y-MA BE C LOTH1JVG, And Foreign and Domestic Hardware. All of which they offer to the trade at LOW PRICES and upon accommodating terms. Purchasers will find itto their interest to iriv the above Stock aif'esa'mination before making their selec tions. IIALL A SACKETT. March; 8. 1854 V. JaVSJJ IIAKRISGTOS'S - MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOL CYRUS HARRINGTON, Principal. Miss -V.v Makuaket McEacu ix, Teacher in the Fe- r tine nt". Assistant in the Male Department. The Third Session, of the School opens July the 17th, and closes December 1st. V" "I Reports respecting Scholarship and Deportment will be seat ant semi-annually, and no idiulont tounu to be' aracter will be permitted to remaiu iu the Institution. A course of Religions Lectures will be delivered be fore the students. : IJoar-1 from $0 to $7 50 per month. The subscriber lius ample accommodations, and desires to take alLlhe Female Hoarders into lus own lanv.ly. Tuition in both Departments S8, S10. $12 50 to $15 per Session. Kxtra M-usic on Piano Forte, with use of instrument. SJ0 : Drawing,1 Painting, Embroidery and French. $ each. v " - For further particular address the Principal or lneopa either of the Teacher: C.vr.itoXTox, June 24, TO DISTILLERS. Wc will pay the highest cash price for Spirits Tur pentine, and request Distillers to give us a call when in market. . f . . J. & T. WADDILL. Jtilv 1, 1854. tf s " ' ri , J-JHbnsc . , A M B E K G & nimttifnctiirrrs and licaJy-made Clothing, ii'holesale and . retail. ALSO, A large and complete assort men tf Gents' furntsh-i-T "-oods. embracing evtrv aiticlj3ents' Toilette. ' JO AlfDERG & CO., t;,.! ii.irt G.-eea st.. m 1 . s:r.mr.eii s new ouildmg. .Tulv 1. l-S.-4. sut JOCV Jf" - iufsControTcrto.1 ,TJ ll.ll ... " " . JJf . ."I I 1 'r..:(ii,,rilV litllllO One of the nioi startling cases lspnrratea ci vr. 1 McLane"s Vermifuge '' ir- JODn "'iiier, oi L.oweii, Trumbull Co. Ohio. The case was that of a young I lady who had been very sick for eight years, and had consulted a number of physicians, wno uaa ireaieu it as one of Prolapsus Uteri! Dr. Butler was then called in. and for a time believed with his predecessors that it was a case of Prolapsus. He. was, however, soon forced to the conclusion that his patient was suffering from worms, and after much persuasion, prevailed upon her to take two doses of Dr. Mc'Lanes Vermifuge. This medicine had the effect of removing from her a count- ss number ot the lamest size. After she passed them, lerlif ii 1 1 Ii I nuuediatel v returned." She is since married. ana continues totiuov excellent health. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M'Lane'S Celehrated V ermifuge, andtake none else. For sale by S. J. Hinsdale, Fayetteviile N. C." 1 ,o2ifi :Dekp Rivj:r Nav., Go. "Wfe J :"fitotfkbolders of-'.this.-Company ui.faal meeting lat'- JTaywood n Friday last, tbe ieting was " '1, "tidgfKd - ftfelin and unaeimity l f aU Jts "proceediiigsr-Tbe Prcsi ,v 'I.ib"oii;i made full report of ihe Vtiuso 6f tho delay, and the increased "i'lry . general satisfaction, and lofeiice';1ii": the torlc that an ad-t-wrtttoi.,.$10,000--irM'"inadc.td cicc-iu occretaTj aim .. AjtJncidext. Abolitionists Attention .'- -The N. O. Bulletin ol Friday, says : "The other day a friend of ours was much surprised at seeing a negro slave, who had LeeH a runaway for a couple of years, walk into his store, saying that : he had returned of his own free will aud aceord, and that, if his old master AY , 1 j.i 1. : 1 1. r x 1.1 1. a 1 i u-onju ouiy iuhc iiuu liaca. ii ouiu ue me na- Cniscniromeftt-cfhis life, and that he would never do wrong again. Trna.ster finally assented, we believe, and the darEbv almost became wild with joy. This "chattel Greelv calls a slave. counle of years since, that a Northern ealtb, and he according- more free dom tWan he was capable of appreciating, pro tection and friendship behind .'him, in search of iberty. He visited Cincinnati, travelled through e interior of Ohio, called at Pittsburgh, hon tfelfSsaker Citv a week or two, and, we leve. made a tour of the North generally. "The sum and substance of bis experience, ss he states it, so we are told, amounts to about this: "The free negroes of the North are the most miserable scoundrels in existence 'not half as good as a darkey what's able to have a master,' the 'poor white folks' objects of un mitigated contempt, and as for the Abolitionists, they are meaner than all." Brimstone Corxer. This is the very ap propriate title of the corner of a Boston street, on which the church of Theodore I'arker is situated. v A friend informs us of an incident connected With this same abolition cathedral which strictly illustrates abolition consistency. An invidual wlMihad attended the church, but found the altogether too strong for his wa capacities of eidnraiTct. offered his pew for fsiaUfeJfuJ'. wajfilaiL! . tiinX iiii.-lIiIa In (inrl n pi'wcfiKeKTnie at length hit upon the curious T 1 . . .1 lfe wit's and children every Suuday till further Lpruers. ine pew was 111 a most conspicuous ahd eligible situation, and when, 011 the suc ceeding Sunday, the son of Africa and his wife took possession, they were the "observed of all observers." It was not many minutes before the occupants f neighboring pews vacated their places, and ooks of indication and disgust they cast iapon the intruders exhibited the true clnjcter of their abolition philanthropy. Ihe next time the negro attended church he found the pew door lockedbut he lifted his affectionate sprow and same cherubs over the enclosure, then fnU lowed himself,, listening with great edificatiiThf to UvNjKiHtion theories from the pulpit, in such strainjecontrast with the practice of the people. The tliird attempt of the negro to attend ser vice was successfully, defeated by locking the church door upon him, aid the upshot of the matter was ;hat the pew Huicrs trick was en tirely successful, and t?- itionists gave him thee prices for his pen abolition theory from b ed. This ;s but an'cxan to prevent th lly illiistra-t- a thotisiTnd of the insinferity and in sr Phil. Ledger. f abolition. Alt Oc eence-- 1 neioHO -trom A CTCntrevu s . "Under tlie tuarv hcadln-to-dal Lb " ith of Mr Jaco ith Mr Rees'j seediufit 0' ,J(id towards a vbicK XtAr- eutly at m may soC, but shall u Tjunuuaiia sefejug tin mie rk C Deuins, at tributing't 'mat ion. vas reDe8ted.i,irtAw Ao hh imag- re rarnin 'bearit, he proceeded horaro to.s-wr TT.. , -1 iin was ucrguaucu by. her trA it was ..only Filiation, and findinjr that he had no fever, an fid complainf any unusual indisposition, she induced him to return eld. There, however, the same solemn waVninjr voice attended ftim at every step-'Yoa may sow, but you shall not reap!' and in a state of.extrenie ajritation, he again ceased "work and went home. He took an eaj'ly supper, was short ly after au3ietrwitk-a, Xelliu;r in the throat, 're sunrise next luorning was a corpse .Vhen Kate and Ellen Bate man were in Lon don, they were invited by the Queen to spend one week at Windsor Castle with the royal children. .'While on. their visit the Prince of WWales for the first time took his seat m the of Lords by the side of his mother. Viiiei he returned home, before he would allow the glittering jewels to be taken from his breast, he sought Kate Bateman, aud finding her in the royal nursery with his sisters and brothers, he advanced towards her, and taking her hand, he said: "Kate, as soon as I'm a man, ma's going to give me the throne, and then I'll inal c. you tii en be a IJpy lutlo wife and Queen." Xttss ixai.e t--tW ''WpII littlo Wales, if von will Ircod bov. study hard, and when vou grow up, . c - - j , . - ,. - , study some honorable profession, 1 a taae jou. case into consideration." The latest and most wouderful cure effected by a patent medicine is the following : A boy had swallowed a silver dollar. Sone of the faculty could devise auy alleviation, whereupon the inventor of the patent medicines was seni for. "It is evident," eaid lie, 'that so consid erable a coin cau never be forced by any emetic known to science. However, let bim take this pill and flattering consequences will be likely to pn5iie " An hour afterwards, the boy threw lap the dollar in small change, principally five M t. J . -, J Jv denartetr; leaving a kTnd .mast m.9 1 .J - s m f r w J (V .ic tn tUYJ'Yf I cent pieces. c. MrScOvilthet)TivatsHritrv nf fr'f!llinnn ! has - recently Pbled fi&; reeoUt5ettous f a' scene in the last honra of tbe dyiiig statesinau. AtrS.. saysi . 4. w His country, th i S6utn,"fW Its future lwa? all to bim. He did not cre abool his own future. It ; "wiBS I a small, mattea fn lu pye, is the following act iU how. 'Tor twoay ber fore he died, wheWKit wast CTera'lly" Known' m the City that lie ,. could - uot' Uv may V iaiters called at the house. llisSJiVsician. K l)r. Hall . insiiitfdiorv'hist'owtt.7.'eomC;.!ia(vlie'' should, see. as -tew as possible, 31 r Calhoun acquiesced, and added, s" Mr SewH Vnws who I jilt see and who , not. i. 01 conrsei went' lo tlfo front n.ewr. the day before He died I fomia i ne rial ter Ton be the Rev. Mr Butler. I told him tjhat,. Mr Calhoun was very ill "too ill to see any one." Mr Butler replied: ' "That is the very reason why he should see inc. "Will 3;ou have the goodness to announce hie, and. tell him that I wish to converse with him as a minister of God," in reference to his situation." ' ' 1 hesitated an instant, and then remembering that Mrs Calhoun was a communicant in the Episcopal church, of which Mr Butler was pas tor, I concluded, if I wished to stand well in her future regard, I had better forego mv de termination of sending off Mr Butler, and" so I said "wait a moment," smd I left him standing at the front door while I returned to the bed side of Mr Calhoun. God bless his glorious soul! I see him now as I saw him then, his head propped up by pil lows his pale, emaciated, but junanding eyes piercing as an eagle's, and fixed upon me as 1 entered the room. He knew 1 had been to see some one who called "Who is it ?" he asked. "Mr Butler, sir." "Why do you not bring him in at once? It is his right, as my colleague." "It is not Senator Butler, sir." "Butler? I don't know anv other who is he ?" "It is the chaplain of the Senate, sir, the Rev. Mr Butler." "What dots he want ?" "He says he has heard you are verj' low, and considers it his duty to come aud talk to you about serious matters !" "Send him off about his business. To come to talk to me his nonsense, and at such a time as this !" I went to the door, and informed tlie chap Iaiu that Mr C. was too ill to see him." "You certainly must be mistaken. Docs he know it is me ?" I cut the matter short with a decided "Yes, sir, he doss: and he says he don't want to see with vour name ln The Rev. Mr Butler left, and when I return ed to the room the impudence of the call was til! in his mind. His eyes were closed, but I heard broken sentences, such as "To call on me ior sucu i a purpose!' "Vouug man not hall "Subject that I have thought of all mv life." From "Travels in Armenia," a recently pub lished work by the Hon. Robert Curzon, wc extract the following : Fena Kara Dcgniz. -"The Bad Black Sea." This is the character that stormy lake has ac quired in the estimation of .its neighbors at Con- itoi.tbw.rdo Of 1000 'rin-kivih vikiIs ivLb-L skiaOver its waters every year, 500 are to T5e wrecked as a matter of course. TlgSifttid sometimes will blow from all the four quarters oAiieave.i wiffiin two hours time, agitating the ffpjrs like a boiling caldron. Dense logs ob seTTre tXcrtir during the winter, by the assistance of which the Turkish vessels continually mistake the entrauce of a valley called the False Bogaz for 444""J enhance of the Bosphovvs, and are wnlL i there nerpetually. 1 IkWf seen dead badjesuoating about in that part of the sea, 1 where I first became .acquainted ith the fact that the corpse of a woman floats upon its back, while that of a man floats upon its face. In shoriui Jit Constantinople they say thut every thiiftThat is bad conies from fnte Black Sea the plague, the Russians, the fogs, and the cold, all come from thence ; and though this time we had a fine calm passage, I was glad enough to arrive at the end of the voyage at Trebizond. Before landing, however, I must give a passing j tribute tohe beauty of the scenery m the north coast of Asia Minor. Rocks and hills are.its usual character near the shore, with higher mountains inland. Between the Bos phorus and Heraclea are boundless fields of coal, which crop out on the side of the hills, so that no mining would be. required to get the coal ; and besides this great facility in its pro duction, the hills are of such an easy slope that a stram-road would convey the coal-wagons down to the ships on the sea-coast without any difficulty. No nation but the Turk's would de lay to make use of such a sWirce of enormous j wealth as this coal would naturally supply, when it can be had with such remarkable ease so near to the great .maritime city of Constantinople. It seems to lreJ peculiarity in human nature that those who are too stupid to undertake any useful work are frequently jealous; of the inter ference of others who are more able and willing than themselves, as the old fable of the dog iu the manager e.mplitit s. A Mistake.. The statement copied into the Intelligencer, this morning, from the Elmira (Ohio) Republican, saying that at the recent trial of Mr John A. Collier, late Collector oi the port of San Francisco, at Xew York, on a suit instituted Ly the G ovcrimient to recover the balance due from him, the sealed verdict rendered exonerates him from all indebtedness to the United States, and charires them with a i&ahuiee of $31,000 due him, is in all probabili ty, wholly incorrect. The matter has to be de cided by the United States circuit court for the southern district of New York, in ninety days alter the close oi tne trial, on a case stated." No judgment has yet been rendered by the court to the knowledge of any of the Govern ment officers. Since Collier's ? arrest by the marshal of Ohio, under the penal cluuse of the sub-treasur3' act, his sureties have paid into the ireasury on account of his indebtedness to the Gover mnt. & 10.000. which leaves his account ve different from its condition whn the suit abov referred to was commenced. WasA. Star. f Jthn 9- ' .t . . . AT J X Lady tm Whshtx A toung iadjrV'-Alton, illinois fiivei. tiio folIowMis: as her sentnneuts on kiting: r .--w 41 II;ivin si;ef a ereatdV abont kissing it the Telegraph", fidO$ruariery 1 deem that i seem enough, and - it "- is niirh time for somebody else?' intrlr mnorUnt eubict'OT-8- much ongeoenfcr'-T" T tt(;;n8. asr tlHe'?oppoUeisex, Nov, i" my f L humble Ciaion, I . tbinlty ou have said .quite5 to talk. You don't like this vtgf dorkfsyfSSS(t , way.' iQse $on give- it tip CnyrelyV- . Vt- ' I :. i "Speaking o prepdsed kisses,- that afe noi -: Kked at all, I have lfiade it my business to in qii ire among my numerous friends, and they - ajrrefe with tine Jliat a stolen kiss is the most agreeable to' thrvthat is, considering ;the one who steals i&v iC cv your- own tinage during the operation,-T tmurr you would never find fault again. Talk of shy ness and struggling; no wonder! when s&cli dis gusting bipeds approach, it is miraculous that ladies do not fall into convulsions.- I do not speak altogether from experience,- but froin' what I have heard others say"; I myself have not-been kissed more than two or three times; but, as I am quite young, '-I expect to receive many more. One of these was administered in first-rate style a kiss to perfection. "A clean mouth and handsome teeth are in- dispensable requisites, -and they are seldom to be found. There is but one gentleman in Al ton, to my knowledge, that possesses these valuables. Now let your curiosity ransack jour memory to discover who the favored one is. Most of you would contaminate the cheek or brow of the lady (her lips you have nothing to do with) with the odious incense of cham pagne, tobacco, or seeds, which are worse than all, even though they do conceal the perfume of the two first mentioned; for that is certainly what they are eaten for. I suppose gentlemen think we are entirely iguorant of their use, but we all know very well. "The very itlca of one who professes to b6 an elegant gentleman to appear' iri the presence of ladies with ids pocket well stored with these abominable seeds, and at every sly opportunity abundantly supplying the mouth, is absurd. ror the liiture, it you wish to kiss a lady with out her blushing and struggling, dispense with these disagreeable articles, and I'll guaranty you will have no unnecessary trouble." Washington- ix ax EnglishtRegiment. The Liverpool Times of a late date, gives a long ac- ' count of the 28th regiment in the English ser vice. It is one of those recently embarked for the present seat of war, and although from time to time, its ranks have been ptany times thinned and replenished again, it$ ancient his tories are preserved and held iu remembrance by tbe new recruits. During the revolution, and Trevions to the breukinu- out of the war bc- Ttw c err rnrtmTjrr. esran cttti erfrro rn or r onji rr vtt n e ' 'twenty-eighth' was stationed in America, and Washington, then a young man, held rank in it. It was at the seige of Quebec, when Wolfe fell,- and performed sterling service at "Water low, and afterwards was engaged in India. In its ranks were many Masons, and from the ac count which we .take from the Times, it w ould seem that a Lodyre must have been held 'in due form, by its veterans. The incidents related iu the following sketch, are of the most pleas ing character, and afford another to the very many evidences that 'the brethren are never forsrotten Jj- each other: .ijcivmg mv uicuimii uu l ui mc war viiiicii ended in the formation of the United States li..r,...,sr .i, i,...,i.; ra.. ...i i. 9r, !' the 2Sth was stationed in America, and George Washington, then a young man, held some command in it There was establish in the reg-inicnt, of ed a free-mason's which the President in embryo was a member. Washington's connection with the regiment, from the course of events, became dissolved, a:id during a subsequent engagement he found himself opposed to the very troops with whom he had formerly served. The English were de feated and the chest which eontaniid the ma sonic emblems fell into the hands of the Ameri cans. When it was examined, Washington found that it contained, among other things, the Bible which had been in the service of the lodge. The chest, with its contents, was hon orably and promptly returned to the 28th, with all due military honors; an act of delicacy and courtesy which the men of the 28th, and the masons particularly, warmly appreciated. A- gain tlie r-ngiisn were 'vorsicu, aim me enest caiitured and a train was it returned m a simi- lar way. The Bible in question is still in pos session of the regiment, and is luld in great re verence by the brethren of the craft. Our friend (a mason) to whom w-are indebted for the above, saw the Bible lately in Manchester, where it was produced at a meeting of the Lodge of virtue, which some officers of the 2b'th atteud- ed." 4ffk Tbe Man. Great institution, the maiiys. lowing and see: Try on the fol- Many a nice young man leads a naughty life, Many a sweet young maid makes a sorry wife; Many a single man is anxious to wed, Many a married man wishes his spouse dead; Many a near kinsman is but little akiu, Many a pious person falls into sin; Manv a good doctor cures less than ho kills, Many an honest lawyer cheats in his bills; Many a rich merchant spends more than he "els Many a millionaire will never pay his debts; Many a fine bard cannot sing his own songs, Many a just judge cannot right his own wrongs; Many a despot is to others a slave, Many a irreat coward in trifles is brave; Many a great hero is liable to faint, Many a good Christian is less than a saint; Many unlucky tradesman loses his all, Many a reim? statesman meets with a fall; Many a wmean- miser gives alms to the poor, Man aJfine gentleman is worse than a bore; Many a great felon is little to blame, Many a.jsLoud ruler is worthy of shame. An Old Proverb Coxtramcted. Notwith standing the proverb that "poverty is no crimeiet a man without money is invariably by the world as one without principal. hweekly mail, to be transported iu hacks, n established between Fair Bluff, N. C, F-ajborough, S. C. 1. V ASH ASK Ik . .-