f s X ft V Literature Ajriprtqjsjml General Iiiranuation-- T VQ DOLLARS t'AUfAKCi; . A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to Politics. t Foreign and Domestic --News, ill Ai l? WILLIAM J. YATES. Editor and Proprietor. PAYETTEYILLE, If. C, J Tirr r -r -r - r -r-v . . s J I s - , s m 1U JhlUtimi 18. I Nil J gT V V7 VOLUME XV i0. 820 y ' .c4 7 SATjmDAS 1 i i; i: ms SriWCRlPTIOX 'i'O Tllli (AHOI.IM.V. single idiy. ir paid in advance, per annum, :2 no at the ciil of :5 months, 2 .U OK -For a " at ili'- ciul off; months. '.' on V " at tlx- mil of l!i- year. " 4 Nn subscription will be received for a shorter period ' t ! All one yrar unles- paid in advaace. With lis'; a Jew of extending t! v Hailcing tin- usefulness of l!ic pa circulation ami cn r. tin." proprietor "f- fVrs following remarkably low SA. LV; HATES. l.Yl'.lllIAl'A.Y L copies of the Carolinian. 1 year JDl'.lA'CTZ: S 00 1( ' I.cltiTs on hr.siticss ni'i-t be aiMrcsscil l'i to tin to c.nder- sineil. an.I mitsl be jnt jmiif. ttntes of Advcrtblns : Sixty cuts per iiare of 1 ', liin-s for the first an.I thirty cents for each '-iihsrinient in-ertioa. unless the a.lverlisenient is pnlili-lie.l for more than two mouths, when it will le rharjrcil l"or three laonths. ----- 1 IX) 'or six liionths. ----- r, (Ml For twelve mouths. ----- 1(1 HO .r-i " All advertisements must he handed i;i hy i'riday 1 1) o'clock, a. in.. 1o ensure their insertion in the next !:: v" n. uer. ;iud. hoi:id hae I lie desire! desired numlx r i m- sell ions nuirked on them, ori herw i-e tle-y will he in serted till i'or'.iid and charged aceor.liuuly. W.M. -L 'ATI-IS. ti auk it.i:.Mi:Tii. I'AVKl'i'lA'ILLK POST OFFICII, li.u i-ioii Mail. '1 horse coach.) Due U.uly at ( W'aks a. Closes daiiv at '.',1 . n w Mail (i horse coach.) !)ii' daily Ci.-.-s dai! except Sunday, at (i o'clock, a. in. V- exceiit Saturdav. at p. m. Chkkaw .Mail, (Sulkey.) 1 ue Tuesday . Thin -day and Saturday, at 1'. a. in. ( loses Sunday. Tue.-day. and Thursday, at 12j . in. Wn.MiNOT.tx (via Klizabethtown) Sulkey. !ue Sinniav. Wediiex'.ay. and I'riday. at 1 a. in. ('!.-es Sunday. Tuesday, and Thursday, at !l p. lit. S.u.k.m Mail, on Plank lload, 1 horse hack. lui' Sunday. Wednesday and I'riday, at p. m. ( loses Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at p. in. Maihox ('. II. (via Lunibcrtnu) Sulkey. Hue 'I'ues,l;iy and Saturday, at 11) . m. ('lose.-. '(dne-da ai.d Sc. 1 un'.ay . at !l p. in. Swirr Island M.ii. (via Troy). Hue Tuesday at Ii p. in. Closes I uesday at Mail to Sii.-k ki. an it's Dki-ot. . 111. line 1 in-sday at z t. in. ( loses I uesday at 2 p. 111. Mail to Klizai:kthtiv.v (via Terebinth.) Iue i'edai'sd;.. at 7 p. m. Closes Monday at It p. m. J. II. F.UYAX. 1. M. 31 a it i; P.V te Ii. F; l i: I-1 A V O Jl V, OIK). LAI'DMR. L. V. Winkings' Auction Store. v.'Uexille. X. C. Xe.ulN ' . ! . I A ill' iWLL ( )jtposite A.XD the ir.vvv;.' goods. ipe Fear P.ank. LF.TT .7 OX KS 1 1 a v now" in Stori i large and handsome Stock of WIXTKR COOPS. FALL A ele,-ted dlllile! tile ll.l t month, ov one oi ine iirm. in the New York Market, comprising a large Stock Slai.le and Fancv tlUOJtS. Jintil a. Slu.f.i a Hi! I' Dibit If a Together with a large assortment of tine FAMI1A ( f ROCLRI LS. Contectioiii l ies. Ac all of w hich tln : r iirejiared to oiler to their customers, ami all thosi w'.-hiug t. puieha-e select go. ls. at the lowest market ices. R 1 Produce taken in exciumge mr goons. P. FN -ION KS. I. W. LIITT. Ii. is", I. y-d A. 32. FiUii)!)'.'iI, At ( T10. lvK.iS - CiULttlSSKIX MKKCHAXT, Last -ide of Oillespie street. V. VLI I -KVil. I.. X. C". ( Ictober 1. ISA 1. BARGAINS! RARCA1NS !! The undersigned has now in Store his Fall and Win ter slock of (iOODS. coti.-isting of a general assort ment of diiy coods .lyd (ntocicniKs, Hats. Caps. Hon nets. Root s ami Shoes. Sa' tinets. Cas-r-imeres. l.iusevs. Flannels. M u-liu-de-Lains. Alpaccas. Shaw Is. ( 'ravals. Ac. Cotl'ee. Sugar. Mola-ses. 'I'ol.ac co. Ac. Ac. Also, a genera! and well selected stock of R LADY-M AD II C LO'i' 1 1 1 N( f . consisting of Coats. Vests. Pants. Shirts and Fader-shirts. Adamantine, -pel m and pearl 'an. lies: pepper, spice. .-:;! lar.it us. siaitdi. line chewing tobacco. Ac Produce taken in exchange for (foods at market prices. P. D. DAY1S. North side of Per-oti St.. next door to F. D. Rreece. V I : V 1 1 ..er..ns indebted to me bv note or ac- ouul are respectfully requested lo call Hid settle iin- l.ieihalelv Oct. 1. as longer l an u ; gciicc .n ium - .' ... is.". I v H. D. D. l'CAitci; V FKtlCt SOX, in Foreign and Domcsrie Wholesale d aler DRY ( f O O P s . '.., Snr.. I mbrrilns, .A I Y-.M A i 1 K CLOTH I. NTL ILiv street, j-'a vi: r i i: i i.i.k, X. C. t teiitiou J.aid to orders. P. F. P HA PC II. 1 .1. P. FKROFSOX lints ( ''J-. (i Hi .l'l'!:l M'l Strict .J ill v IF 11.1,1 .1 M n O 7!', Dealer in DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, FAMILY PllUVlslOSS, 4V.'. 1'uot "f 1 In idioii at , l'o iic I tail le, S. C. ( Ictober 7. is.". 1 tf 1 A V I 1) P I 1 V F 1 E K , PiHCIx MASON AND PLAS'l'KR PR. Fa y-l i f v ill.-, X". C. Persons wanting work done in his line w:jl 1. jiromittly attended to by addressing him at the Favette ville Post O slice. i-'ayel levilie. -lan'y 2S. is."t ly-ld . n t o r ; n . 1 have a good assortment of Cooking-, Parlor, Box, and a few Coal Stoves. I will sell verv low call and examine at suut'u-ca.-t corner .Market S piate. C. W. ANDREWS. Octolter 21sl. Ki-St FALL AND WINTER STOCK. COOIC JOIIXSO.V Invite attention to their XIIW STOCK now arriving, YunjnVABK A ,VZ CUTLERY, Crockery, Glassware, GROCERIES, And all Ihe Goods usually offered in this market by them. - . October 2(1, I'--1 ISTOCK, ISTil. ! S T A 11 R "& W I L L I A M S Have mow in St on; :i LAItdK STUCK OF d it y a o o J) s , Hats, (.'u s, Roots, Shoes, Si'k and Straw Rounds, Umbrellas, and Read -made Clothing, Which wiil l.i- sold to WHOLESALE PFYFRS. cxc.usii cly. Tlic attention of Mcrcliants is particularly invited to this Stock. Orders solicited atml satisfaction guar antied. J. Ii. STA1IIJ. J. M. WILLIAM? Au: it;. l.iL S()7-tf 1 H 3 4 . AM) AVI NT Kit FALL CJOODS. Our Fall and" Winter Slck of . .. . 1)11 Y ' dobvs, 7 iai;i)Wai:k. uoots, siioks, hats, cafs, Uoiinets, and JiE.lDY-M.lDK CLOTHLVd, J ! Is now in Store and ready for inspection, einliracin.il f liv far the l.iruct ami nii.i-t extensive assortment we i have ever olfeivd to She trade, and is well worthy the , examination of every Menliaiit visitini: this place, i Particular attention lia'.d to orders. i ALL & SACKLTT. August l'.. 1 s.-4 FALL, 1 . -V7; 7 1 " FIl I -1 SI) si: i i GOODS. l'KAIICK & FEUC.rSON A i now receivin.e their Fall and Winter Stock of , 1) It V c; () 1) S. lfat. Caps, Ponnels, Unibrellas, Parasols' . -... i. T...i ii..,. i ..,..,,. l. . ! IJoots, and Shoes, A:c. .:c. With an extensi e assortment of L'eady-made Clothinir. All of which they offer to purchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From lone experience, and by strict attention to business, they hope to im Tit a share of public patronage. J!. F. 1 'LARCH. .1. Ii. FLROl'SOX. ls."-L si)7-tt' Favetteville. Aiiir. 1' SIIEMW'KLL .: McDONALH, (Sticcesso'.s to P. Sliemwtdl.) )i:ai.::i: IN" Si'Al'l.;: AN1 AM V i 1)11 Y GOODS, J ROOTS AM) SI I OI-IS. HATS AND CAPS. j Also :l general assortment of Straw A' Siik P !NN F.TS. In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very good, we w-ill in a few days receive a new supply of x i:. : s (KWin lj: a o on s. Which we will sidl low for cash or on reasonable time to punctual customers. W. R. SIIII.MWFLL. a. x. McDonald. Fas;, side (ireen Street. a vet teville. Sept : Is.".!. v .1 M K S Jv V L F Is now receiving his Fall Supply ol 1)11 Y GOODS, Jtilit (ll)'t .S'Vff.t, Dtiix, (.'tlj'., t iJ5;VT Among whic'u are. French and Liiglish Merimts. very cheap. Muslin deLains ami Alpaccas. P.locade. ltlaiil and jilaiu Silks. Musl-n and P.obuie Sleeves and Collars. Merino ami other Shawls, long and sipiare. Calico and ( iinghams. Siik and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Ret made Rolling Cloths. A large stock of R KADY-MADF CLOTI1IXO. With niaiiv other (foods, all of which being purchased bv the pai kag" at the late reduced prices, will be tlfeied wholesale or retail at very low prices. Sip! ember lo. ls.".l. s o ti c j:. 1 lav ing opened a Store on Last side of (fillespie street, opposite P. P. .Johnson, and one door South of W. Draughoii. I would beg leave to announce to the .dtizens of Favetteville ami surrounding country, that 1 have just received my stock of j.W) i i. ti:r aouns. ( 'onsisting of Drv (iooils, Hats, I'aps, Roots and Shoes, Clothing, Sugar and Coffee, xc, Which 1 will sell on accoiniiiodating terms. SAM'L CAIN, Jr. Sept. :'.(). ls."l. l:;-2m MRS. WALTON Will return from the North the lir.-t of October with a verv large stock of r.iiL.i.iAi:ii And lie- latest stvle V A X (V DR1ISS (tOOI)S, TRIMMINOS Hid PATTFRNS: Cloth and Velv t Mantillas. Talmas, and' Cloaks: Collars. t'nder-Sleeves. and inside (apes. Also a verv handsome assortment of II KAD-DRFSSIIS and CAPS. She returns thanks for former patronage, and hopes her patrons ami friends w ill call before purchasing j ctsew liere. j Favetteville. Sept :;. IS..-! 1 :;-t f FALL AM) WI.VTKR ;OOi)S. A- T. H' A D DI L L. HAY STPIIFT. Are now recei ing their Full and Winter (fOODS. cousisiiiig of a large and well select, d stock of GROC FRIES Hardware, Cutlerv, Rlacksiiiith .v Tnr- jtentiiie Tools. Agricultural Imple HATS and CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery and Leather, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Read v-niadc Clothing, ments and stajde Dry Good mei Hats and Shoes. SO TIC 11. Oil the 12 til of June last I mailed a lette I at P iicct i j Hall P. ().. Jtladeu county, directed to Mr Joshua; j Carman. Favetteville. X. C. containing two one him- j ! dred dollar "notes on the Commercial Punk of Wilming- j ! ton. one numbered I2(i"2 the other lMij. The letter i I also contained a blank note sigmd by John S. Willis ! and Part ram Robeson, and endorsed by Thos. J. Pobe j son. tor the purpose of renew ing a note held by the Rank of (.-ape Pear at Favetteville. The letter has not reached it destination. All persons ore hereby can- i tioucd u gainst using the m.te. and if the letter and its j 1 1 contents arc rclunn.d tome a liberal reward will be ! l'l'u- AOHX S. WILLIS. Oct. -iS Lit. -Jiu mrTTj-:n. 150 Firkins prime Mountain Butter. S bushels Cranberries Oct. 2S, Is.VL 17-tt GIIO. McXIIILL. 1000 Acres of IaihiI for Sate. subscriber otters 1 000 ai-ri's f .'i.n.1 T..,-. ..,:. . Tin LAND for sale, situated on Nicholson's creek. I'J miles v-i i. i r ' . e- ""- FA ! Jhis stock we arc prepared to job or retail. i f()r the puriMs; of doing a general oatmgi; anu' fIlu.tp a COuple" of shot or Ceres Vesta and Pallas, take grains of sand, j which commission having reported that the Favetteville, Oct. 2 I, I oil tllO Lain' l'l'ill l.no. i "o.... 1,.,1 fYnm nno nl' thrdr slo.it tivos iboL.ilIsi I ..II.,,.. .1,,.,,, ,,..i.- vnrviii.r t'riilii mif t inn-I ni'Niiiiir Was afflicted with ini.ili- bo nc tif- We ask the Planters and Turppntiiu! i "t7 a steam IJoat at ; taking effect in the arm and breast of Ray, w ho j sa,i and tw o hundred feet. For Jupiter, take j orden it to be sent to the Lunatic Asylum. - I- . "V" I I .... 1-... .-. ! . . .... -.- ! i..1iii-...,1 l,t-. P. .... ..;! l....,1T fi-....i l.j.tb l.i i . :.l.ll . ....... r,, .mil id.... it ..1,1-ntt .1 1 l.'niVn SZt,,r II IO OXa III I lie Olll iVCl sn - cgi u jj..iiim if, , l.,th ends ill ine l.iue. : . .n.- mi; i. .u ui uau.-iuu 1 1 .v.u.. i ji iiuuoiu niiiu u.u n. v , . . v .. ( . ... . ....- West Irom layettevuie in (. timber I ami Countv, lviiw on both sides of the Favetteville and Centre Plank Road, a part of which is well adapted to cultivation Apply to JAM IIS JKXKlXs" Oct. 2.S. 1854.. 17 -Tt ice.' X O T The suliscribers having formed i f oIKirtllC'I snip n J ilEU for U.o trau- l. r the style of WEPP & PROTHEl acuoii ot a Mercantile siuil Commission ISnsines In the town of Fayottcville, X. C, rpi-clfi.Mj tenuer.- T,,e lSteaIner ortll Star, arrived at New and the ohject ofwhii-l, M-.,rir V,,n7.r in l7.' ii.e nccK, cuest ami arms l,;,re; tlicy .heir services to the pnhlk " York on the Hth in.st., with California dates to tenninc nnon 1 1 ' II v, ' - i 1 i i t ! ore Um sc,IHt,ve twi-I.ent-d. Shut i ..jis;, .'.Jir. '.Thu. .i.-su. , ,r.r s, , hk wTr.l?i2 1,' z if, t st; ie" nrs rMfrrr f ' i i f . - S' on freiglit. fetcaincr ankee lilade left .San ; (Jovernuient hv iiidueeri tn m-.k-o .,p,i; r...- 1.,,"u ,2 , - ' . if)aMlu' s""1 !l 1,1 lht -I-uyyl Crif UtyiiiVio ..,,..1 fo e l"uuul o maive lciiaratton inr ! ,r.K ,r , llu. .;p will n .uvi j..?-....,. ...m- ; ... ., ! raueisco on t.:e oOth of fcepteniLer for l'anuina past outra-ts nsul In.i;,r,.;t;- . ... "r-"'-- iiil air hi ot (oot iitimc uioi.iin ' And Provisions, Wood and Willow-Ware, kcA was wrcckcAon the 0,lowSll, Uav. She !.nd rounuem. t we! s I ' "r t'v for" ln'" I :liMi ,lu; i'":'I;'t he brain. Which they oiler at w holenale pr retail CIIKA1' t Jiatl on board 800 !a.sseners, Ik sides her crew . The conference nc els n ilv i ,. .1 , V 1 't 1'er iie. late in the iuniiiir, l.ccane she jCASH. or in exchange lor country i of whe.iUe .truck the reef rocks, off discussion the Uv lLu iu :T M,m1 Slt 'at S,t " ,,l'cul,sw , ku.ds, ami on the ns.ml tm.e to prompt cu.tonm- ; J ., i'Uo 15 milcs nbove Point Con -overi.nici t1 of tl. T P iV , . U '1 is ,,ot- U school earlv, make her ; ,Rl,KKSHlled with promptness and d 1 ,Mt C"- reKl of in .i. i "'nV'1 f 1,1 1 " l',1','1 stndv as n.anv ho, in the day as possible, ! and no pa ns spared to render their establishment cm- feeptlOll. . v till. letHxll ot S.paili to uflord illiv Kiiitable satis-! .i:n .. " i. i ipiiatieally the1 - 4 UA heaw fog hung upon the coast, which was the faction- for the lihu k WanWand other t- c 1,u t'I ' o tnne t excrc.se and lrcsh a,r, I nt?nnt . f " . . . . .... . - . . .. n... "oni .mi. is. must learn tt.ilik wit limit llii'iit i ' V. I. .1. W.-.... tl. . . V .l.arvufl. I'll I IIIU,?VU i " . I l"IV H, IVJVJl.! ... .-7iri.. tunliiiu r ttan (licnstur I ln o-iiit.iiii uan I rniriK rl liu Uru v...: i - -.... i ar.icu.ar auen on pn.u to rrcn n.R ana "-Ufo. mir. ha villi? and sillins I "reduce, and TncrcuaiHliz. r -t t jd if VKKIV 1 IIki ku to Win. Xetf A-Sons. W lmiii2tfn: Col. W .1 Cameron. Messrs Jl. A K. J. Lillv. Favetteville: 'Col. j ! W. L. Steele. Kockiiiehani. X. C; Win. J. bounce. Ka S h-igli; E. JL Iies. Lilcsviile. t Favetteville. Xovcinhcr 11. i7i. tf l 1. vvrp MiTTir i .:c..i 1 if ......i. : ..!,! -.1 e..,-,- ii,... l?,r.- .,,,.1 i', l. ., i!l,. inside ! ( u vj inn 1J iiii till llllill. dll'l lll'io . m t i i . - v. j of four minutes. I). W. C. IJLXLOW. j Xov. !th. l!t-2t ,,-7- r7uT7T ri i l line loo and U1U tioveriiment Jin a; til COl-'FMH. for sale at the iYoole's She " lv Xov. 11. WKIii; .t P.KOTIIKU SKiAR, I'orto Rico. X. Orleans ami II:ivanu P.rown. ClarilU'd. Cnishcd an.l Pulverised, for sale at tile Peopled Store, l.y AVIIJ'.li &, JUJOTHKli. Xov. 11. .'Pure C'itlcv A'incsrj Pv the trallon or barrel, for sale at the I'eoph Store, bv WFLI! A IJ1JOTJ 1 MIL Nov. 11. tfrir- Mackerel, No. 1 and 2, for sale at the People's Store, bv WKP.i; .v PRC 1TI1KR. Xov. 11. OSIOSS, A few barrels AVetherslield Onions for sale at the Poeple's Store, bv WFRJ; .V 15ROTJ I Kli. Xov. 11. The New York Ink Conijiany's celebrat ed writing Fluid and black Ink. wholesale and retail at the People's Store, bv the airents. Xov. II. WLI515 A: 15ROTIIIIK. X.i " .lohnsoii, ( larden Seeds, for agents. ' Nov. 11. Pvullius .S: Co's. AVctherslieUi sale at the People's Store, bv their V.'HRJ; & JiROTTillR. SOT1CE, t--"- Application will be made to the ensuing session of the Legislature of North Carolina to emanci pate Petty Peebc. November !th. T.t-Jtd lo:al a ml Sm-icj.l Iiislri.m-iils, j Magneto Llectro Machines, a large assortment just received ami lor sale bv j J. X. SMITH. REASLEV & HOUSTON Have on hand the very best STOCK OK WOODS usually kept in their line. Call and see for yourself. GOLD A J'D S I L V K li WATCHES. IS?. 1 V n,i "- '- Hunting and open face. Chains, fob, vest and neck; Keys, Seals, and Ruckles; Rings, Pins, Ear-rings, Cuff Pins, j Rraeelets, Snaps, collar and .sleeve Buttons, gold and silver Spectacles; (Sold and silver Thimbles; (Sold and silver Pens and Pencils, Silver and pearl Portmouaics and j Card Cases. Large lot of ! SI, Villi WA RJ2. t I Mugs. Kuglish and American; Spoons, table, tea, salt ' ami mustard ; Ladles: Forks and Putter Knives; a j large lot of PLATLD (IOODS. j Of the best class, embracing all in common use. ! Fine lot of TAP.LII AND POCKIIT CCTLKRY: ' line Scissors; some of the best RAZORS in this place; ' large and small music boxes: one line Mandoline; Ac- ' coideous: foiue line Violin.-: j 3IIL1TA11V (UX)WS, Survevors' Compasses and Chains: large lot of (flTNS. j double ami single barrel, large ami small, long and short, tine A common, of English, (fermar. and Aluer- .can make, flsiui.s in any (iiaiiiii ami ipiainy. i I ow iter r lasKS ami J lorus: name iag, oinumiis; ano ; a new idea of Plowing Horn; Walking Canes of j different kinds. ' CLOCKS of 13 mflfcrfMt kinds. ! l'ortmoaaies of eighteen different styles; Dog Collars and Calls; Violin and (fuitar Strings. Ac. Ac. PFASLKY & HOl'STOX. Xovi miter 4. l.s"t (it ti:as; ti:ash Hvson Imiieiial and Oolong, all of first quality for sale bv J- X. SMITH. Nov.!). l--tf -V O O L A large sumdv of M HATS. OWN MAXFFAt TURF. stout Lamb's Wool Hats. dso Farmers" and Planters' smooth Fur Hats. 1A'1P OIIII J'ovembcr -!th. "t A C A R 1) . JAMES II. MUTTS. X. A. R AM SH Y. M. J. RAMSEY FRIID'K C. MMTTS Oct. 2D. ISA. tf i:xrii:ss s tjam koat Str. SOFTIIIIRXIIR, FA1UY. . , . for Passengers and Freight ; Str. KYKRORHHN', and 1IL1ZA. , for Freight only. Li' hters -T. K. Plossn. Fliza MeDugald, F. Fries, lied Fox, (Jov. Morehead, Fx press. Xortb State, JASll .V. li. I. iiesuui r. 11AMSHY .t BKO.. . V ts at Favetteville. 5 i W. It. MeliAUY CO, Ag'tsat Wiluiington. ' i Ti.,. .n.l..vsL-iie,l have associated t liemselves logciner (.,i tnr ,rll,t soace vvlieu tlif t-. It soioii ret urn ei I 1 f'....t- I. ..c 1 1... interim- nla net s. .1 lino , t o be taken liv :t in:l'lttiifi Kiut two n .vticitun Ul .nlssent to the care of the "fcXVKESS STF VM IJtfAT FIN1I " will be taken 0.1 Ireigbt, and forwarded with the greatest despatch. . s our t icilities for accoiiwxrat ion are griattr i.ian evCfore klmwu oiumr IMver it will be our grca est pleasure and effort to give still the n.ore sati.tactio... JAMES ;3. METTS- r M-TTS X. A. 11AMSEY. llltUK C. M..HS. Octebcr 20, 1M4 t ' - . NOItTfT ) AROLI NT A N- - FAYETTKl'H.LE, .V. c. 111 I t fl 111 Kill HWiC steamer to be twetltv miles from the coats ' . ... . r'I'llu llfUe or l,,c uisaster, ine scene anion"; W! uticeii -wi w iiuui , iiw iiicu wiwc iuti?ere rt'SCIietl. , I There was a terrible scene of pillatre on board ! j after she struck, and before the passengers were i j rescued by the steamer (ioliah. All the specie ; j on board, amounting to S 153,000, was lost, j The ship is a total wreck, having- soon washed : I IUt ' - Ilctirv feiirs has committed forueries of i j comptroller s warrants, tne siock or caiirornia, lapers, &c, to the extent ol $1,000,000, and dccamiied for parts unknown, with his brother, j John C. Meijrs, in the bark American, which j they purchased, stored and armed for the purpose. I The trial of Colonel alker, ex-President of j Sonora, is progressing. j A livrrhK in' TiiK Pacific. A French fleet, cotisisting of three frigates ajid a sloop of war, arrived at San Francisco on the 5d inst. phey had, in coiijuction with the Kuglish licet, made an attack upon the Russian town and fort of Petropoulowski, in Kainschatka. The English and French were repulsed with si loss variously estimated at from one hundred to about double that number. The Rritish Admiral Price, who commanded the combined fleet, was killed .by a pistol during the engage ment, and it is supposed accidentally shot him self. Two Russian vessels had been captured by the allies. The Rritish ships sailed afterwards for A'ancouver's Island. A cciiiknt. We understand that Mr Kinion Jones, of this county, -was crushed between two cars on the Central Railroad, above Ra leigh, on the afternoon of Thursday last. lie is not expected to recover. llaleigh Star. , "7- - i Know Nont.N.nsM an Ai.i.y of iihiokuy. h.ttever may be tne avowed object of know ; nothingtsm, its real object is the overthrow ol the democratic party, like all other isms, it ' is an atljunct of whiggery. It is jierfcctly natural that it should be so. I he pr.ucq.le ; dTntocalon , ' ', . - i i f vocate and support that principle can ha ve no ! ... . -..ii1 in - - . i , aninit v with democracy. hnrgerv is intolerant j -. -. , '.v - i i i proscriptive; and, constHiucntl v, is regarded . ' .ii i .i- . . .. .. i favorably by know iiothiinrism. A fellow . .. - , , . , ,, fechnir make them wondrous kind. , . , , ill any true democrat any democrat who , . .iii- .! i e i i . honestly believes the principles ot his party to: - , 4, 1 . ,. . .-it be those under the ireuonunance ot which the ... J , , 1 I . I . will any such democrat lend his countetiancr to an order the aim of which is to subvert the sway of those principles, and thus detract from i ,.;t.. .....i L.. ..... ..ci. .....v ... 1 ' .i . i - , e cannot believe that anv person whose mind is imbued with correct democratic sentiment, will act in so foolish, so suicidal a manner. SYft -Hamilton, widow of (.Scneral Alexander Hamilton, of the Revolution, died at Washing ton City on the 'Jth inst., aged iJ years. She was an accomplished anil estimable lady, every way worthy of her distinguished husband. Texas. The Austin State Gazette of the ! 30th ultimo says that the Governor of Texas! has refused to receive the stock offered by j Messrs Walker & King as a deposit to secure ! the fulfillment of the Pacific Railroad contract, j The project is therefore considered a failure. " i r 17 v j i ' i ii i. x i . iix i ii h i r i i 1 1 p i i ; i 1 1 . . ' . ...v tune .-lau.iiiny evening mu vu.w i . i. , vi.w.-in-u Six-mile island, was the scene ot a bloody light between two parties, hunters and rattsmen, who had been over the river hunting, and were re- turning in skiffs. One of the Ioats was manned i 1 111 At- .11 ...1. . oy .Joliu lay ami jiarey nans, nuu were armed with long guns. The other boat con- tained two or three men. two of whom were ! jTolbert V. Cardwcll and Oscar Priest, of West- fereuce. For Ycuus, take a pea, and place it ! in April last by cutting her throat. When tho j port, Kentucky, armed with short sixes, revol- one hundred and forty-two feet distance from I prisoner was placed at tho bur for his arraign--I vers. According to the version of the hunting tK g0j0, which wilt "give her orbit eight him- j meiif, his counsel, Messrs. Harllee k ?ilcDuHie, party, the men in the other skiff gave the first dred and lift v-t wo feet. For the Earth, take j submitted affidavits going to establish his in-- i tire by running into them, and one of the rafts- j men .striking Ray over the head a time or two j with an oar. At this the companion of Ray tired a broadside into the raftsmen w ith his double-barrelled gun, or w ould have fired, but i the caps only bursted. The boats then separat j long guns, w ounding and crippling the raftsmen more severely, who were compelled to beat, a ! retreat, Retore the)' got out of the range, the : hunters gave them another broadside, with what j effect is not known as then and there the battle 1 ended. lou isriUc Gonrier, iMt. s The French crystal palace covers the ground tfoor 27, 0S .square yards; the surface of the gallery of the 'circumference counts 18,072 total 45,140 vavds. The large room numbers 2Hi windows; the pavilions 102; on the ground ! Hoor there are 388 columns in cast iron, and '816 on the second floor; the central nave has a length of lt2 yards, with a breadth ot 48rand its height at the entablature is 18 yard. The building has consumed 8:2,800 square yards of cut stone, without counting the filling; stone aniline mortar 4,500 tons of castings, 3,600 tonsof iron, and So,000 square yards of un polisUed glass. Rev. Dr. Deems, who for several years pa lias been President of Greensboro' Female Col lege in this State, has declined the Presidency I of Centenary College,, located at Jackson,. La. lrquKition f rubs. lite cw ork Heral.l of the 7th inst. snvs: Oiir private advices enable us to state w'itli I certainty the result of the ministerial and nni-j online negotiations i nou the subject. M.,. . . . . i atters have arrived at that en- ; .: . ,.i :. - i iv t- .i . , . . . sis liere notliiii": is lelt for the United Stncs ..,-,. . , . 1 OI , , ; out eituer. to abamlou the whole oueslion or to .w."'-"--- . -jA , 1 ., lo TmiVaU ! iopixortunitv for fufthef shttflliii'r. Jfnclr lit-'mir t lie opinion of Messrs Ibtchanai:, Alaton ami Sonic, we are not surprised to learn that they agreed to recommend that the ",-overnmcut ot the T'tiited States should declare, in effect, that ottr safety demanded and our interest required i we S itiu hi mireliaso (u-til.e ( nl-i -it .m.-. It is understood that -Mr Mellac. our Consul!, , ' : at i ar.s, v. no arrived nere in t lie Arama, was j the Oearer ot the Uespatelies convey. n- t Ins re- f sl,c complains of headache or Inssitude, commendation of the American Ministers, andi.i.w,. I,,.,. ,.iil. Ii, .;, i,,. ,vi . t- urging upon the President immediately to make the avowal, and take steps lo carry it into cf- feet. I he matter is now being deliben.ted "pon by the Cabinet at AN ashington. and the country will look with deep interest to the re- j isu,t - i f-rs. Puchanan, Mason ind Sonic ha ve also expressed their conviction that France and J i-.ngianu are tavoraOle to the sale ot Cuba to t no t liiteu states -a inarueu change having recently taken place in the policy of those coun tries in this respect. The lone of the English and French press would lead to a. supposition that this was the case; but this is rendered more important by the official character of the information now in possession of our govern ment. The W.k ok 1S12.- -National Coxvkxtion ix Washington City. We are requested by the president of the Military Convention held in Philadelphia, !th of January, ISo-i, to publish the following notice. "The defenders of the country in the second I war of independence who still survive; and the children ot such as are dead, are requested to. : send delegates to the city of Washington to I attend a convention, to be held there on the. ' Sth of January next, ISo;"), to adopt measures as ill(lm.e Vongress not oulv to do justice Uj t (Ut ;(,so to th(J xvi(lou,s ot thu;u who h;. yu . t(J thdl. 1;jst llt.toilIlt Tjk TobhTTTS and the of x ave j)lst entered into a Con- articles, . toffe,late Telegraphic correspondence hctwmr tficfr nm-ctivp iwhiii- . . . . . . .. . , . , t . . . . ions, which is published in the ornciai Journals. T ., ,, 1 , ... Like all other iroveriiinent measures tn these -. -. .. . . .- countries, it exhibits the most zealous distrust ,. ,, , . ... -, - of the people. Alter prescribing necessary , ' , 1 . , ,. , , ,. rules for the establishment and economy ot the ,. -. . c ... - , , - ... lines, its agents. xc, it is provided that either ' . 1 . , , iroverument may at anv moment suspend, for w - , . i- an lndeterininale tune, the working ot a line. ! ...I. linin.iiv t!i:it tbo Sm.oi-iiitoiuloiit ions! be made acquainted with the names and char acters of individuals who offer communications, and that no despatches which, in their judgment, limy be contrary to the security of the State, ! may be contrary to the security ot the Mate, ; , ' . ... to its religion, to good morals, or public order, can he accepted. Communications cannot ex- eecd 100 words, must be written in Italian, with indelible ink, and without erasures cr abbrevia - tions. With these restrictions, the public can use the lefegraiui at all tunes ami flours, nmht or day, iitcludiiig Sundays and Fetes. The tariff of prices jirescribcsabo.it 5 cents (American,) for each word in a despatch of 25 words (the lowest number to be reckoned,) for a distance of 100 miles, and 10 cents for 200 miles. The charge is doubled for 50 words. The rate is most favorable for 100 words. Tin-: Soi.au Systkm. A better idea of the relative distances and magnitude of the bodies i in the solar system than can be obtained Irom - . l .... . ...... .aii.. urreiies or piuuispivjrcs, is iirescntcd l.y an j astrotiomica t writer, in somewhat Lke t he lol- j lowing manner : In the centre of a huge level j,iai,i three miles in diameter, place a globe two j feet in diameter, to represent the Sun.' At the distance of eight v-two feet from the globe put .-"-.. I i grain of mustard seed, to represent Mercury, the nlatiet nearest the Sun. which irives it an ...-Lit four hundred and ninetv-two feet in fircimi :l0 ., .,", ijce it t wo himtlred and fifteen fc(.t distant, w hich will make her orbit one thousand two hundred and u.ncty feet, r or M.ars, take a grain of pearl barley place it tl fee hundred and twenty-seven feet distant, and its - ; oli;t w ill be one thousand nine hundred and j. quarter of a mile distant w hich will make it rbit a mile and a hail, for saturn. taken .small orange, place it nearly half a mile distant, so that its orbit may be nearly three miles. Then for the planet Hcrschel, take a fid! sized cherry or boy's marble, and carry it nearly a mile distant, s that its orbit may be nearly six miles; ami having got these relative magnitudes and distances pretty '.well lixd in tlve mind, allow a million of miles in space for every loot of these distances in the field, and vov may form some faint conception of this one of the! innumerable solar systems with which the Crea tor has adorned the immensity of the Univ.rse. Russ, to kiss; rebitss.to kiss again pluvibuss, to kiss without regard to sex; sillybuss; to kiss the hand instead of the lips; blunderbuss, to kiss the wrei person; omuibus, to kiss all the persons in the room; erubus, to kiss in the gravtsrd or in the dark; buss the boiler, to the cook I Dislike what deserves it, but never hate; for that is of the nature of malice, which is applied lo persons, not things.' I'oi. How to maJic a !!olrrn Xotrjz f.ady Jlarry 'Jut as tin; tw ijr is U-ut. tlic itvv'x Inclined. Take yonr lady twiir. wlwthcf liealthv or not is of little coiirftK-iifc; wrap it well in clot hinir, w i i . .1 . ..i i ....i.:.. ?eini nut it ftiiueiun cnuiu to emu a it: airs i n . ... i, -.(.. nun "nn i-n alio il l i c iiu i iatc I iar iic i o w 1 1' . i i .. vate her manners, Srcrew her dress as tiirbtly . -i i i i . i i . r'n V as possible uround her waist, ami let it tall off Never Imao-inc that the shoul- tiers were..'- lnca.it. to hanir the clothes ni. nr that the form was made ii" lit it needs htoit.ld iTitr and tiaininw.-. Instead of semliu5: her to t lie ant or the bee lor U ssohs, tell her lo take the wasp for her model in form and proportions. (Jive her .shoes as tight as she can possibly ; Weav MUil I' iNi' t'lii'iu mi the bold no ' i;t.. r i ..r ... 1. U L ii O 1 lino iliVL' iv.vtv.oo Ui iiiuuuil, US tiiUU ;s intelligent. ,vim.. ,jon't rr a mliu.t that shstitfoiV fl.OIII violating the laws of health. (Jive her as lminv 'u,y's' she can crowd into the venrs 0f si-licol music of course and drawiif- and il smattering "of 'at least half a docn lanuua-es. She may never need them, but they will tell b, r inanv iiei .iiiiiilishiiii ot neCohl lcl- She knows nothing of Uelnilil her Ji f.lirtl tllL. ..uheiMlutics of life, iiolhing of the value of the sobe?-duties of life, either time or moncv, but she has always had plenty of both,, why should she not still ? If not, it is your fault. She has no health, but she is the more interesting,, her feebleness ap- ; peals to your pity. Here is our votrng nidv. What shall we i!o with her -Mi Let lav die. C'lvi'.k Mills.. We are pained to hear that the establishment of this distinguished artist has been visited with , calamity" by which he suffers severe pecuniary loss, and which will delay the completion of the great works whicU he had t o'.un.e. ce.l the equestrian statues of Washington and Jackson. On Nov. 10th, while his furnace was in lull blast, the roof, Iron, some unexplained cause, took f.re, and, notwithstand ing great efforts were made to save the model of the statue of (Sen. Jackson and the building, thev were, in an iucrcdibiv short time, deslrov- - . ed by the flames. Several castings of ihe statue had been tuken aw I placed outside of the found ry, and were saved: The loss siisLiiiu d by this lire is estimated at six to ten thousand dollars, and the destruction of (he model for the statue is Dai-ticuknJy lo be regret led as it cannot be reproduced out with great' moor una ktavv expense. There was no insurance on the pro perty. We give plare to this intelligence with sin cere regret ; but, knowing the indomitable en ergy of Mr Mills as we do, we do not entertain a doubt that he will arise like the fabled bird of antiquity, and pursue his business with renewed energy and success. He has been tried in the furnace o alUiction, but ultimately he will come out unscathed.- tVa.sh. I'n on. Ditch k.nti'.ui'imsi:. The Paris correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce, in a description of Holland .is it appears at the i present day, illustrates the wonderitil industry and perseverance of Hi? hitch by a reference ! to the drainage of the Lake of Haarlem. This j lake, as some of our readers probably remember, i was in lined, or, to speak fnoro correctly, its waters were pumped out, and its former bed is now used for agricultural purposes. The lake was thirty-three mile in circumference. Laud is precious in the Netherlands, and this gov- ! eminent concluded to invade the waters for more. A deep canal, with a dyke, was accord ingly dug round the lake, and thewaler was first drawn off into the canal, and thence conveyed to the sea, by means of four immense steam ,..,-;,. Fil t v thousand acres oi rich arabh i en j ;II11 W(.r(. thu.- reclaimed, and the government i - ... . . ,.IS r,,,., ,1 itself bv sales lor the cost ol ait the i ; enteriirise which it required four years to accomplish. We attended the Fall Term of f fie Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for Horry i last week. The case of greatest interest was i ibat of Alfred Flovd. for the murder of his - ! wife wldeh. it will be recollected, was (fleeted 'sanitv for some time previous to the act, His ; answers to f lie KiOrrogn lories prr.j oiinded by the court, i. tin n- was ; ituy Iiubt before, lully confirmed the allegations of the ofl'tdavit, a?I j were convincing to the court that he Was von t rt.uipnx iicuis. An investigation was ordered . Process ok Makino Shot. The pig lead is' carried to- the top of the tower bv windlass and icitajn, worked bv steam; it is then put in ;i i furnace, kept constantly burning night and day,, i and attended by two sets of men one for the j fire and two to ponr the melted lead in tin strainers. After passing the strainers it fa IN a j distance of 150 feet, the passage through the air giving the shot their shapes or form. They i fall into a larger tub or basin of water. Here a man is engaged dipping them out wilh a ladle and throwing them on an inclined plain, down' which they run to a drum, heated by steam and worked by machinery; so as to dry the shot; when dry" they are passed into a revolving d?um, which stops by action of machinery every five minutes, for polishing them; from t he drum they are thrown into a hopper, and from this pass over a series of inclined plains, where the defective shot are carried off, and then through sieves into drawers, where they are assorted by action of machinery or sieves; thert into tho large boxes, from which they are taken and put in sacks, weighed, and are ready foe use-