TTST OF ARTICLES T.TRtTION AT THE CCMBERT.ASD CorTV AuRicti-TLRAi. Fair, ov. 22, 1854. fnllnwin-r list we made up hastily, and ,h,rPmav be some imperfections We were i.K.m.l to omit a large mitnoer 01 laucj i we.;, .. r r . i : ,.1 .. ,. fruit's shrubbery, jellies, preserves, &c. The minted to 4 0. e whole nuiuuui i. have endeavored to class the articles, but hardly tliiuk we have done it correctly. Products. nonfw W recrram one bale cotton and 1 Silas Dou-rlas barrel family Flour; Mrs Henry Elliott south-down wool and yarn; f.U Ac . John C Smith corn and Poland otkp- Mrs Duxton peas and squash: Mrs John Elliott carpeting; John Elliott bacon ham; E T, Winslow specimens of oats; J P "Kobiuson hams-. F Sncars lot corn; A A McKethan sample corn : Dnncan McArthur lot turnips; "F n Annstronsr liner cotton: Jonathan Evans bacon ham: W L. Hall potatoes, Oregon peas, ' 1 . -a - i O I and turnips: J P Mcl.eaii lot corn; l.eid A. 17 . . . . . i Thomas 2 boxes tobacco; "Win McMillan lot corn: Gen J Winslow corn and fodder A large quantity of hay, fodder, corn, potatoes, turnips, fowls of all descriptions was exhibited. Agricultural Implements. Hugh McLean steel Tioe cultivator and expand ing'cultivator; Hector McNeill subsoil plough and turpentine scraper; Sampson Boon 2 scra pers; Robert Williams colter plough. Gallic, horses, sheep, hogs, $-c. Henry Elliott Devon bull and heifer, Suffolk sow, sheep, lambs; John Waddill sow and 8 pigs', bull, mule; J P McLean Durham bull; EV Barge 1 colt 3 yrs old; John Elliott 1 boar; Jas S Elliott 2 pigs; Neill McDugald half blood snap dragon boar; A J O'llaulon 5 year colt; John Gilchrist 1 jack; W II Gainey 3 year old stallion; John Harrington 2 year old colt: Hugh Graham 1 calf; John Evans bull and cow; J A Worth 2 cows; Hugh McLean 3 C'otswold lambs, fowls, &c; James Mclntyrc 1 stallion; Haywood Gainey 1 boar; J T Winslow brood mare and colt; W L Hall 1 Durham bull; Neill McDugald 1 milch cow; Tlios Mints 1 jack; James A Byrne 3 year old filly and poney; E T McKethan 3 pigs; Win Cade I bull; Joel Williams 1 boar and 2 pigs; Hector McLean 1 lilly; Nathan King 3 mules; A J O 'llanlon match horses. Manufactures. MeLaurin & Strange spirit barrels; G W Lawrence truss hoops and spt. barrels; A M Campbell box candles; A A McKethan 1 close carriage and top buggy; Pier & Brauniii 1 buggy ffc.Tacob Ottarburg mattress; John Mc KeiFar' spirits turpentine, rosin, corn; J II & J Martine turpentine and brandy stills, tin ware; Mrs Far'q Smith home made blanket and negro cloth; Mrs W T Smith cloth and coun terpane; Union .Mill cotton yarn; Miss Mary McPherson home made cloths; Beaver creek Co. 2 pieces sheeting; A J Woodward boot polish; Wm Dettmar 1 rifle; B Kaytou Melo dian and aceordeon; T II Tillinghast specimen book-binding; F M James 2 wreaths; David McD nine plaster parish centre-piece, and slay bar for securing two story chimneys to the house; F Shenton garden engine, shower bath, force pump; Lovet Bell spt.- barrel ; David Murphy ream printing paper; Clark & Woodward coat and vest- D C Currie 500 feet pine lumber 31 jv liaKCr riTie ami hit- trim,- blacking; S D Pipkin turpentine barrels; It B Smith bbl. spts. turpentine and rope machine. E J Hale & Son 2 volumes of the Observer; W J Yates specimen of the North Carolinian newspaper and plain and fancy printing; J W Cameron specimen of fancy printing; Arch'd G Black pleasure boat; David Gee moleskin and fur hats; John McKellar bbl. spts. turpentine and rosin; Thos C Fuller waggon and cart; Overby & Houston double harness, bridle and martingales; Duncan McNeill two bedsteads. Ladies' Department Fancy Articles. Mrs Dr. Hall embroidered cushion; mrs S J Hinsdale quilt; miss Mary Newby 5 paintings" on ivory; mrs A C Hall infant sack and slip pers, embroidered mantilla and infant skirt; miss C M Ferguson 3 pair under-sleeves; mrs 31 M Starr 1 silk quilt; miss Fanny Starr em broidered pin cushion; miss Fanny Gilchrist nnder-sleevcs and collar; miss Alice Campbell 2 pair children's gaiters, and piano cover; miss Bettic Pipkin 1 pair ottomans; miss Mary J Thomson table cover; mrs II L Myrover 1 pal metto basket; miss Rebecca Hodges emb'd bag, work table, lamp mat, &c; mrs T S Lutterloh infant's dress; miss Jane Mnnroe toilet cover and counterpane; miss S A Tillinghast emb'd vest; miss Kate Williams pair undersleeves and pine burr basket; mrs T II Pemberton 1 pair bead-worked baskets; miss Fanny Williams 1 pair ottomans; miss I B Evans 1 painting; mrs Hale 1 counterpane; mrs Wright Huske 3 oil paintings; mrs Hugh Graham 1 toilet cover; mrs G Deming, jr. emb'd vest; mrs Jas Mc Kethan side-board cover, bed valance, counter pane; miss Caroline Nott pine burr bonnett; miss E Deming infant dress and apron ; miss Sarah Hale 1 lamp mat; miss Mary Pearce baby shoes; miss Mary Winslow 1 work box; miss Minnie Bunting 1 work bag; miss Mary L Bunting embroidered sleeves; mrs W Huske emb'd sack: miss Helen Huske loaf bread; misses S & 11 Johnson piano cover; miss Kate Montague piano cover; mrs E M Johnson 1 quilt; miss S Lumsden pair socks; mrs T J llobinsou 1 lady's tap; mrs M Kirkpatriek lot sewing silk; miss J W Wright 1 piano stool; mrs Pleasants 1 shirt and 2 quilts; mrs A P Hurt child's dress; mrs W Wright 1 boquet; miss 31 A K Rush pin cushion; miss B M Buie watch case; miss Elizabeth Gillis counter pane and bed quilt; miss A J McLean 3 paint ings; miss Mary Hall infant's sack; mrs Julia E Kyle ottoman and silk quHt. Sn ndrics. Mrs W J Anderson jar peppers; Mrs Jno C Smith blackberry cordial and apple jelly ; mrs A W Steel transparent preserves; mrs B Rose nvnniro mid Lemon trees: Dr Robinson oran ges, &c; mrs T J Robinson apple jelly; mrs C M Winslow jars peppers, sweetmeats, &c; mrs Jno li Murchison jar preserves; P M Hale, orange tree with oranges growing on it; A Al den coops of fowls; Dr Hall shanghai cock; Col C Lutterloh green house plants. Set list of Premiums in another column J Arctic Expeihtioxs. While a discussion is pending in Englaud, between Dr. Rae and some who doubt the correctness of the informa tion received from the Esquimaux concerning the fate of Sir John Franklin, we rejoice that respect for the memory of that iutrepid navi gator has impelled the British Government to resolve on a new expedition next spring, for the purpose of exploring Dease and Simpson's Straits, and the mouth of the Back River, and bringing back such remains as can be found of the late crews of hia two ships, the Erebus and Terror. This is the least sign of gratitude that can be shown to the last in the noble suc cession of those who have sacrificed comfort and perilled life, in opening the way to wht must be, eventually, a principal source, of wealth to both England and America. Judge Edmonds and Sslritaalfcm. Judjre Edmonds, of New York, has publish ed another letter on the subject of spiritualism, abont which there can scarcely be a diversity of opinion. He takes the melancholy wreck of the Arctic as his tnenie; ana tnat ins reason is a wreck is a conclusion that can scarcely be re sisted: To the spirit world mankind have look- ed for unclouded intelligence, but Judge monds represents disembodied spirits as seek ing instruction and guidance Horn mute ana fallible man. He speaks of himself as a medium between the spirits themselves, who are un conscious of each other's presence in his com pany. He writes of the loss of the Arctic, and says he imbibed the idea that there were present with him at least a hundred ot the lost passeu- "ers. out ine names ne rives aim uic cuuci3n . t 1 ' ,1 11. . -- -. won tions he details have little relation to mem. He imagines he saw the spirits and conversed with them. He says: X. B. Blunt, late District Attorney, Bishop Wainwright, Isaac T. Hopper, Dr. Cory, and others of onr spirit friends, were also present, and occasionally spoke through, or to some ot us. , . . ... . i i i . i-.i. l plainly saw ine wnoie assciuuiuc, particularly one of them, with whom I had been well acquainted. He was laboring under great meutal excitement. He exclaimed to me, 'Good God, Edmonds. Can this be true? Is death, after all, what yon sat it waff, aid is this death ? Can it be possible this is the change which death makes?' "I answered, 'You see. You can judge for yourself. Bring your own clear intellect to bear upon it, and you -can understand it.' " 'But,' he said, 'where am I? What must I do? Where ara I going? Is this to be al ways so 9 I told him 'No, by no means is it to be al ways so. But it will be difficult for me to tell you what to do, for I cannot know all the cir cumstances which surround you. But there is one close at hand who can tell you and who can assist vou.' " 'Who is that?' he asked. "I answered, 'Our old friend. Blunt.' "He said, 'Nat 1 Is he here? Where? Let me see him. Let me hear from him where I am, and what I am to do.' This conversation had thus far been be tween me and that spirit direct, and now Mr Bluut came through my daughter and said: 'Judge, tell him I am near at hand, ready to assist him, and he has only earnestly to wish it,. to see me and hear me himself. Now, his mind is in such uncertainty and confusion that neither his brother nor I can make ourselves visible to him.' He describes other spirits as left hovering near the earth, in a state of amazement, ex citement, and confusion of mind, and soliciting from him counsel and direction: "Auother, whom I had well known, said to ..i i i. i .? .: iT-i-.: 1 1,",l me, Willi a goou ueai oi euiouon, x i ichu ju monds, is it true, then, this which I always thought an illusion of my insane mindf It truly seems so. 1 know that I have died; but I know that I seem as much upon earth as ever, and I talk to thee as plainly as ever I did. Oh! tell me what all this means, and what am I to do.' "I referred him to Father Hopper, who was present, and who could instruct him better than I could. He shrank from this, and reminded me that he and Mr H. had not agreed very well iinon earth, havimr had some difficulties with each otner nn meetings mat tn tncir-ctt5m society. "Mr Hopper then spoke to me, through Lau ra, and bade me reassure him that no unpleas ant recollection of the past dwelt upon his mind; that he was ready to help him; and he added, 'Tell him, Judge, that I will be just as quick now to take him in as he was once to turn me out of meeting. Tell him so, Judge, will you?' "In reply, I said 'I need not repeat it, for he hears what you say through the medium. But your allusion to the old difficulties disturbs him.' "Tell him,' he answered, 'never mind that; it is only matter to be laughed at now, and I de sire niilv to befriend hiin. and sethis mind at . j , ease.' "'Vcs' T said, 'old friend, that vou have already done, for he holds out his hand to you.' "And they two passed away together mv view." from Indeed, the remains of earthly passions afflict them there, and he is intormed that they are sent to earth to learn how to enter the gates of eternal life, and hence they sought the medi inn nn tliis roiitineut. One spirit thus in vokes him: "Speak then, Judge, to them. You know they all can hear, and from your lips they may thus earlv learn the lesson of the realities before them, which, sooner or later they must all learn. Speak plainly, but gently, for oh! you know not how mueh of sorrow and anxiety there is in the hearts which you can thus relieve.' 'I accordingly for a few minutes spoke to them. I reasoned with them of the great doc trine of progression which is now being revealed to mau. I reminded them that from birth their life had been one of progression, and now they could readily perceive that that life still con tinued, snd with it must continue the influence of that law of progression. It was of impor tance to them to know this, for then, and only then, could they know Fiow to direct their action wisely and well. And fortunately for them they were now in a condition where they could ascertain, if they would, how true or false this teaching was. "So too, if they become satisfied of that, they could readily learn the law by which that pro gression could be most advanced or retarded. That law was love love of God and of one another, to be manifested not in profession only, but in "active efforts to do good to one another. That could be done by them in the spirit life as well, and even better, than in their mortal ex istence. "So. too. I told them that they were sur rounded by bright aud beautified spirits, who were ready to take them to their arms, to teach them the holv truths which arc uow also being revealed to man upon earth, and to point them the way to happier realms, which they may in time attain. And I assured them, that they had but to make themselves accessible to their spirit friends by earnestly desiring their pres ence and aid, to enjoy the inestimable assistance which could soon dispel the gloom of doubt and uncertainty, and open to their vision a bright aud holy light from above." Destructive Fire Hotel Blrxt. New York, Nov. 20. Judson's magnificent hotel on Broadway was destroyed by tire at an early hour this morning. The loss is estimated for building and furniture at $70,000; and the losses of the boarders will certainly reach $20,000! Master Robinson, son of one of the proprie tors of the menagerie and circus, while perform ing in the ring at Cincinnati, a few nights ago, aecidently fell against the lion's cage, and be fore he could be rescued, the lioness seized him by the head and mangled him most dreadfully. Fortunately, his skull was uninjured, and when last heard from he was fn a fair way of recovery. : THE NORTH -:C, . Late Sews From Europe. '-l-- Ve published some of the following news last Sa turday morning. -v. The steamer Asia arrived onrhursday,JCUf iust, with news from Liverpool to the 4th. ' Cotton advanced 1-16 penny. Flour dccjT-H ed a shilling; wheat 3 pence; corn a shilllBsr-T' The war news is important there has been some severe lighting both sides claim a Tie- tor'. At any rate Sebastopol is not yt tafceu but the English say " the siege is progressing liivoraiily." General Ixtelligexce. Thirty thousand Russians had attacked and taken the forts of Balaklava, and a fierce battle ensued, which ended by the Russians withdrawing aud leavihg the British in possession of the field. V The siege of Sebastopol was progresiiog favorably for the Allies. Two Russian ships had been sunk in the harbor, the Quarantine batteries silenced, and the bastion of Fort Constantine damaged frqm the explosion of a magazine. The Very Latest. A dispatch to the En glish Government from Lord Stuart deRedcliffe confirms the report relative to the battle at Balaklava mentioned above, and states that tie nlKnc! li rwl t-o i ii rl nncei-CcInn nf 1 1 1 111 f 1 1 It appears that the Russians attacked ?tle forts unexpectedly on te 25th ult., w Turks inglorionsly fled, npon which the Ktn seized their guns and turned them on the Allies. The Scotch regiments present, however remain pA firm, and reinforcements arriving the Rus sians were compelled to yield, although they re mained masters of the two forts, fron which they fired on the Allies. Three regiments of English cavalry, which were exposed to a cross fire, suffered terribly. The French acted with great bravery. The Russians claim that they destroyed the French works and spiked the guns, aud killed 500 of the British cavalry. On the following day the Allies were attack lv liv MensehikofFs forces, and a sortie from the garrison of Sebastopol. The Russians, however, were driven back with great loss. In Sebastopol the loss of life is said to be so srreat that the atmosphere is tainted with the effluvia arising from the unburicd corpses. Lord Raglan prefers a long bombardment to a sudden assault. The Russian accounts represent their forces as having been victorious. Both armies were being largely reinforced. Lord Raglan's chief interpreter has been dis covered to be a Russian Spy. A Spanish paper sajs that France, England and Spain, will send a combined fleet to pro tect Cuba. LETTER FROM PROF. EMilOXS. Leaksville, Oct. 25. To his Excellency David S. lleid. Sin: I have had occasion in my former very brief essays to refer to the analysis of soils or to their composition. Now many maintain, with a show of truth, that the analysis of soils is useless, because first it is said we cannot deter mine the exact amount of the essential elements of nutrition which the soil contains; and in the i-inl nlacft. that the composition of soils is position oi un The latter admitted inconstant aud variable. s , that the composition of a field is not as constant as the composition ot a mineral, it is still sum cieutlv constant for all the pumbses of cultiva- l " ridges, oui ii lucousi ST-IHISIS would have us believe how happens it . . that in their ordinary cultivation without manures, there is such a constancy of yield, takiug alter nate rows of grain in succession. There is a field of grain, or timothy, or root crops, whose very appearance tells us that there is no great difference in the composition of the several parts of it, because it is very uniform in its as pects, and when harvested very uniform in the amounts produced. But again, nature has wisely provided for an uniformity for which I contend; for the rocks which produce the soil contain a very uniform distribution of the most important elements of nutrition. The granites contain both potash and phosphoric acid. Iu the disintegration of this rock these bodies will be distributed through the soil very evenly. But to turn to the first objection, the exact ness and minuteness of analysis. On this point I maintain that the importance of soil "analysis turns upon relations. We may uot be able to say that a soil on one foot deep contains pre cisely so many acres of potash. But we may say that a soil after having repeatedly exhaust ed our skill in analysis, contains only l-50th of one per cent of potash. Now observation proves that vvith this small amount of potash wheat is imperfectly grown, the yield is too small to give a profit the seed even is not returned. We see then that it is the relation of au analysis to the nroihiet that we wish to ascertain; aud this may always be determined by an accurate chem- ist. It matters not tien what the exact weight of fertilizing matter is determined in a given case of soil analysis, provided we can determine the relations of the composition to the products. This I deem to be the correct view we should take of this kind of investigation. This is what certaiu chemists have overlooked. They have not seen what the planter and farmer required. Wc are to make a general application of this . . . . ril 1 1 -, 1. 4- view ot the matter, l ne planter ouseives mat his soil produces only five bushels of corn to the acre. The chemist finds that there is only l-50th of one per cent of potash or phosphoric acid in the' soil. It follows generally thai when soils are thus reduced in their important ele ments, wheat or Indian corn cannot be profita bly grown. It matters not if there are really many tons of potash or phosphoric acid in a given cubic measure. Observation makes it plain that the plant cannot get enough of this kind of food under existing conditions. This is all that is necessary for the plftnter or farmer to know, and with this information, he may proceed understaudingly in the cultivation -of his soil. Most respectfully your ob't serv't. E. EMMONS. Rev. Wm. E. Pell, the beloved Minister of the Raleigh Station for the past two years, has beeu sent to Fayetteville. No man ever enjoy ed more of the confidence and affection of his Charge than did Mr P. in this City and his loss is much regretted by our entire community, with whom he was a general favorite. The Church at Fayetteville may well congratulate herself ou having so good and able a mau to labor for her advancement. Spirit of the Age. The Quincy (Illinois) Herald says Black Douglass declares in his speeches that he is ready to "welcome the bolt whether it come from heaven or hell, that shall dissolve the Union!" This is usually the concluding remark of all his speeches; and as soon as he takes his seat, an abolitioa whig lnvanaoiy sings oat "Three cheers for Fred Douglass !" jg-The last society spoken of in California, is the "Pay Nothings." It is said to be alarm ingly prosperous. The password is, "Jjead me a dollar," the. response, "liroKe." YVlear there is a branch being started iu.this towny -FAYETTE VILLE, N. C A Pleasant Story . Miss Frederika Bremer communicates the following story to Sartain's Magazine, for the truth of which she is ready to vouch: ' In the University of Upsala, in Sweden, lived a young stndent, a lonely youth, with a great love for studies, but without means for pursuing them. He was poor, and without connexions. Still he studied, living in great poverty, but keeping a cheerful heart, and try ing not to look at the future, which looked so grimly at him. His good humor aud good qualities made him beloved by his young com rades. Once he was standing with some of them in the great square of Upsala, passiug away an hour of leisure, when the attention of the young men became arrested by a very young and elegaut lady, who, at the side of an elderly one, walked slowly over the place. It was the (laughter of the governor of Upsala, living in the city, and the lady with her was the govern ess. She was generally known for her beauty aud for her goodness and gentleness of charac ter, and was looked upon with great admiration by the students. As the young men now stood gazing at her as she passed ou iikc a grateiui vision, one of them exclaimed: "Well, it would be worth something to have a kiss from such a mouth!" The poor student, the hewo of our story, who was looking intently on that pure and angelic faee exclaimed, as if by inspiration. "Well, I think I could have it." - "What!" cried his companions in a chorus, "are you crazy? Do you know her:" Jkc. "Not at all,"- he-answered, "but I think she would kiss me now, if I asked her." "What, in this place, before all our eyes?" "In this place, before your eyes." "Freely?" "Freely," "Well, if she will give you a kiss in that ni:itintr. T will uive vou a thousand dollars, ex- j -claimed one of the party. "And I ! And I !" cried three or tour others: for it so happened that several rich young men were iu the group, and bets rati high on so improbable an event; and the challenge was made and received in less time than we take to ri.liitfi it Our hero (my authority tells not whether he was handsome or plain. I have my peculiar rpnenns for believing that he was rather plain l.nt. sjino-ularlv good-looking at the same time) onr hero immediately walked off to meet the voun"-lady, and said: win frolcen,) my fortune i-; in vour nana, one iooKeu at mui m snai-uinou ment, but arrested her steps. He proceeded to state' his name and condition, his aspiration, and related simply and truly what had just passed between him and his companions. The voun- lady listened attentively, aud, when he J ".. i i -i i i i t i. ceased to speak, she said, blushiiu but with great sweetness: "li oy so mue a imng so much good can be effected, it would be foolish in me to refuse your request;" and she kissed the young man publicly in the open square. Next day the student was sent for by the "ovcrnor. lie wanted to see the man who had dared to ask a kiss from his daughter in that way, and whom she had consented to kiss so. He received him with a severe and scrutinizing brow but, after an hour's conversation, was so , leagetl vvith hml that he offered him to dine at . . , rlnrm2. his studies in Upsala. Our young friend uow pursued his studies in a manner which soon caused him to be regard- r . ... .1. -l i 1. : .. j ed as the most promising scuoiar ai iub umvci- X- i -Jltll Ul 11 ill-)- -ica, u iilii -in. ivi--j-j iiiuii no i , . . i a.. i.t l.i . - li r fi r I-'IC-C? ivhon tho -.-.nil.- Tiifin lir.ic aiioweu lo gie v sclumu one 10 uic uuugntci of the governor as his intended bride He became, later, one of the greatest schol ars in Sweden, as much respected for his learn ing as for his character. His works will en dure forever among the works of science; and from this happy union sprang a family well known in Sweden in the present day, and whose wealth of fortune and high position in society are regarded as small things compared with its wealth of goodness and love. Late Texas News. The San Antonia Ledger, of the 2d, has an account of another murder and outrage committed by Indians. The Ledger says: On last Sunday evening Mr St. Williams, living on the Medina, about fortcen miles from this city, was cruelly butchered by a party of six Indians. It seems that he had gone from his house for water, and soon after his wife, hearing him shout for assistance, ran to the spot and found that the cruel work had been done her husband was killed. The Indians then came to the house, robbed it of its con tents, aud carried off their three children. They left the house a short distance and set down to enjoy a feast served up with the most shocking cruelty. Mrs Williams followed them, and bv entreaty succeeded in getting from them her two youngest children. The other a little girl, thev would uot give up but carried off with them, and is still a captive among them. They also drove off the horses of Mr Williams. Mrs Williams started off for a neighbor's house almost frantic with grief, scarcely knowing where or for what she was going. After wandering about, lost aud bewildered, for the whole of Sunday night, almost daylight she came up to the house of Mr Caruthers. Several citizens of the neighborhood started off immediately in pursuit. We have uot yet heard whether or not it is likely that the In dians would be overtaken, but would rather think that they will make their escape. The Sandwich Islands. The Boston Chron icle publishes the following intelligence from the Sandwich Islands, as coming from a perfect ly reliable source: "By a recent private letter from Honolulu we learn that a messenger will leave that city very soon for Washington with a treaty of an nexation, which has been drawn up in a proper form, but not yet signed, as Judge Lee, who was directed by our Government to witness the signatures of the instrument in question, has beeu obliged to absent himself from Honolulu on accouut of ill health, and consequently has not been able as yet to attend to the duty assigned to him. "The Treaty is to be signed by all the Chiefs, and the7 are each to receive a pension, which ceases with the death of the recipient, with the exception of the pension to be paid to the King, which is to be transferred to Alexander in case he shall survive his Majesty. It is understood that the whole amount to be paid in pensions will be somewhere from three to four hundred thousand dollars per annum. "The property belonging to the present Government of the Island is to be purchased outright by our Government for a fixed sum. "The above items of intelligence may be relied npon as correct, as they come from the highest authority." The Know Nothings. Cincinnati, Nov. 14. It is reported that a National Council of the Know Nothings will meet here to-morrow, to nominate candidates for the Presidency. Messrs Fillmore, Houston and Clayton, are mentioned as being prominent candidates. From the Wilmington Journal, " c. 13 The Presidency of the W. & R. Rail Road. The recent election of a President of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, having been made the subject of newspaper re mark, and incidentally of attack upon the State proxy and the Directory of the Wilmington aud Manchester Railroad Company, we pro pose to take some notice of the remarks made, The Herald's article, of meuces by hostility to "So much next paragraph goes into electioneerin of parties in relation to internal improvements j in this State, amounting pretty much to a re- hash of the editorials of that paper, pending any election for Governor, since its establish nitut, but totally irrelevant to the present issue, unless its object be, as it evidently is, less the discussion of the presidency of the Road, and the incidents connected with the election ot the officer to occupy that position, than an attempt to turn the whole aitair into a party channel, and make political capital out of the manage ment of a railroad corporation. A little exercise of memory, stretching back some eight 3-ears, uUl be sufficient to show fin -.1 1 1 - . . 1 . . 1 . 1 .1 with how little propriety these long-winded diatribes can be employed in the case of Mr A.she. In 184G Mr Ashe was urged to be a candidate for the Legislature, from this County, and much ot this urging proceeded from indi viduals deeply interested iu the road, and of the opposite political party. In the Legislature of '467 the question of a foreclosure of the State's mortgage on the road was agitated m the Le gislature, and his best exertions were success fully given to prevent this disastrous consumma tion. Again, in the Legislature of 1848 'J, at which time it was felt that the resussitation of the Road from its terrible depression, could only be accomplished by having it re-laid with j T iron, and when the Company was totalW .without means to do this, application was made 1st for an endorsement by the State, of new bonds of the Company for the purchase of iron, and 2nd, as the Legislature would not listen to that application, that the existing mortgage of the State should be raised, to give to the new mortgage a priority, without which the bonds could not have been negotiated. The hijtory of the times the records of the Legislature the memory of members of the Legislature, and of others in attendance there will supply an abun dance'of facts going to show mainly instumcn tal the influence and the untiring exertions of Mr Ashe and his Democratic colleagues from this f-ounty were in obtaining the object sought for, which has resulted in the present prosperity of the road, which had then never paid a cent of dividend, and the stock of which had a value merely nominal, having been sold as low as five dollars a share; nay, we have heard of a case where it was said to have been sold for two dollars. The bonds were negotiated iron was obtained but to get this iron, duties liad to be paid, and the funds were not on hand to pay the duties, nor could bonds have been negotiat ed for the purpose of obtaining these funds without submitting to a most ruinous sacrifice, if then. Mr Ashe in Congress, got a bill through allowing au extension of time on the payment L-r tH---.-Jju tills,, iinl it is a lioticoaljjt. fuc-t, that no similar extension has been granted to any other road, save the Wilmington and Manches ter, obtained under the immediate auspices of Mr Ashe aud Gen. McQueen, the Representa tive of the district in South Carolina through which that road runs. How far, let us ask, does the Herald's long yarn about hostility to Railroads generally, or this one particular, ap ply to Mr Ashe? Again, we say, quoting from the Herald, "so much for so much." jut tne neraid mounts a nign norse a very high horse indeed and demands of Mr Kenan how dare he vote for Air Ashe how dare he exercise the power entrusted to him, as the proxy of the State, in the manner which his own sense of right dictated to him how dare he vote for the gentleman who stood highest on the poll before his vote was cast. Perhaps Mr Kenan did not know the whole weight and bitterness of the vials of wrath to be poured out upon him, else he might have stood in a more becoming awe of the denunciations of the Herald; we sa y perhaps, but we are inclined to think that Mr Kenan believed Ashe had claims to the office, and that he would really make a good President that he thought he was con scientiously discharging a trust reposed in him in a manner best calculated to subserve the interests of the State aud of the public. He believed, as Ave have reason to suppose the Board of Internal Improvement does, that politics ought not to be brought into railroads, and that it was rather excluding them than bringing them in, to allow of the election of one Democratic President of the road the first in its whole history. The State is bound to treat with respect, the views of individuals, but it is nut bound to simply ratify every movement made, without exercising any judgment of its own. If the State proxy is to be a mere automaton, we see no earthly use in the State having any proxy at all. The language of the Herald requires no comment. Mr Kenan would, we feel pretty certain, dare do the same thing a dozen times over, if necessary to what he might consider the proper discharge of his duty. He is precisely the man to do so, and if he did otherwise would be totally unfit for any position. But why should an attack be made on the Manchester Road? Are there not in the Direc tory of that Road geutlemen, residents of Wil mington, yea, "Wilmington shareholders, who have as much at heart the interests of the old road, with which their own is connected, as any men in Wilmington; men who could not have been influenced by party considerations, for the North Carolina Directors in that work are all, with one exception, Whigs. Yet it is said that the vote in the Board of Directors was all but nnauimous for Mr Ashe. Nor need this action excite so much surprise. That com pany does not totally forget the advocacy of its charter in our Legislature by Mr Ashe, nor his exertions in Congress with refercuce to the duties on its iron, nor does it find anything in the record of Mr Ashe's course in Congress or the Legislature, to weaken its confidence in his i efficiency and industry as a public officer. We shall notice some other matters to-morrow, our present remarks although too brief to em brace the whole subject, have already overrun our space. From the Journal of the Hth. We think that nothing could more directly tend to retard, the general diffusion of a spirit of Internal Improvement in the State, than the exclusive control of public works by any one now,. ctV.i:1.: l ;.. Fij, lttuMsu1U- in i.racuce me cumpieie jii- eligibility of all other persons or parties to any say in such matters, and this more especially applies to works for which the aid of the State has been repeatedly invoked. During the domihancy of one party in the State, nothing of importance could be done. One half the people, j avoidiug, as far as possible, in pursuance ot the ; the rigid exclusiveness which ni i"c principle we have adopted for our guidance, ! ocrats to look upon Railroads as Whig concern. , every expression calculated to increase, or keep i and with that relaxation came a better lei-nup. alive, any unpleasant feelings in the community. 'The first executive officer of the Centiai ivan- disavowing any feeling of personal ; in which she has the largest nunt Mr Ashe. As it says, so say we, as is also the second, .uepeuicu.j Z for so much." It then, in the j proxy under a Democratic .imi , and several succeeding ones, j voted tor retaining a " "'P , " V,T a long recapitulation of the stereotyped j head ot tne ummgiuu u..u ..v..- . t-r' fr talk- ..hunt tlm rfhltivfi DOSltlOU i but ItOW. it SC'ClllS llUll oceans the Democrats of the State, felt themselves shut out and excluded, and naturally siuou aiooi from works permanently and all but exclusive ly under the control of the other half. Jims prejudice grew and increased and harmony was impossible. A new era conimeuctd with the Legislature of 1848-9 neither party could i,Y.., ti.n .-Wwivo -nutrnl- with the tqr.aliza- tion of political power, came some relaxation ot lUUglll O-n-iJi- incut of that the State proxy, whose ' . . . i character is auoe i'uji-uvu.uu . 'chooses to cast a vote with which ne i cuuum ied for a Democrat successor, whom he finds first on the list willu.vt his vote, an outcry is 'raised -as though some great principle had been ! violated or some great wrong done. No one I has been proscribed no one turned out. It ! .;m.,i,. lmii,,,.!, that for the first tune in the history of the road a gentleman who has in his public" capacitv, worked well and faithfully lor the interests of internal Improvements in the State o-enerallv, and for the works entering here particular to say nothing ol more recent vices to the commerce of tne town in Con ser gress but who is a Democrat, has been placed . at the head of the Company. I . the bitter ness exhibited fair or reasonable? Can it uo good? How many Democratic Presidents of Banks, Railroads, or anything else could have been pointed to under Whig Governors of this State? Nay the time has been when a Demo cratic employee, in any public institution what soever, would have been nearly about as great a curiosity as the State could exhibit. About the time when the first movements were made towards getting up the stock of the Wilmington ,and Manchester Railroad, a citizen of Wilming I ton, who felt a deep interest in the success of that work, made an effort in Edgecombe county to obtain subscriptions, and was met by the reply that they had taken stock in one N lng concern, and would have nothing to do with another. Those days, with their feelings, are past or passing away, and they cannot pass too soon for the good of the State and the cause of improvement ; but since the Herald has chosen to go behind the record, it can do no harm to revert to facts which exhibit the practical working of a state of things and feelings which it seems willing to revive and perpetuate, and which the election of Mr Ashe is t-o well calcu lated to put a final stop to. If bitterness, and party bitterness, too, be not at the bottom of the Herald's doleful prophecies, where was the necessity for "lugging" in the names of Messrs. McKae and Bctteucourt, one of whom has been for a long time in France and never was in the Directory, and the other is now a Director, having been superseded by its much injured candidate, Mr Wright. There are those who stand ready to predict ruin and desolation as the inevitable conse quence of the election of a Democrat to any position whatsoever, but, somehow, the world turns round ou its axis, and "the country is saved." The same prophecies, with about the same results, may be expected in. the present case. AVe too. feel for once like taking a turn at the future a hand at the prophetic bellows, and do therefore foretell that not only the State proxy but the Directory of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road will survive, and that events will show the accuracy of their judg ment, which by another year's time will be sub stantially endorsed by all concerned. The Election in Anson. The followin the vote (savs the Pec Dee Star) cast at the election held in this couutv, on the 14th mst., to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of John Broaduwav, Esq.: W. W. Wilkins, " 414 Col. Wm. C. Smith, 27 11. A. Crawford, 5 Dr.. Ghaham. The Superior Court of New York has granted a writ of error in the case of Dr Graham, and the execution is therefore de layed for the present. An American writing from St. Petersburg says that the fall of the Crimea will not end the war, but will procraet it. He savs that the stories circulated poverty and distress in Emperor's popularity subjects. by the En lish about Russia is false that the is unbounded among his Fatal Accident. New London, (Ohio,) Nov. 18. The tower of the new Congressional Church fell yesterday. Robert Jones, N. Jones, and John C. Jones were killed. Ten others were wounded; one or two fatally. Bank Rokreuy. IlAim-onn, Nov. 18. The. Windham County Bank at Hartford, Conn., was robbed last night of $25,000 iu gold. The watchman was knocked down and gagged. COMMERCIAL RECORD. A lill IV El) AT FAYETTEVILLE, " Nov 20 Str Brothers K..irsliiiry in tov c (Hunk" line), witlj foxl.s uw N Jli-Li':m. & Jii o.H E J Hale A Son. A 1 Laharlx;. 11 M Un til. K'uf, II -t Co, I) McCoII, 1) y.mphy, V Smith. E V Willkin,. Kov It Ihirwell, I l!!uke, Jos Oitarhurg, Jacob Ottar burg, C littnks, J S Dunks. Nov l'J Str Sim (Orix-ll's line) with beat Ceo Mc Neill in tow, aal goods for S J I'iggott, liiaham it Liltl". W Dranghon, A W Steel. G Ih-unrit. J liramiiii. F Miller, J N Smith, E J Hale it Son. AV Mclntyrc, J W Powers, F A Toomer, V It Holt. (; W La vn nc. F M James, Snow Camp Co, Telegraph. J Hall, Mis-n IJ Drue, E L & J A I'embertoii, C II Lecte. 1'i-arco A: Fer guson, 1" Taylor. W II Lutterloh. N Gibson, II L Mv rover. T S Lutterloh, E S Willkings, J M Dick, It M Orrell, "Worth A; Utley. Nov. 20. Steamer Chatham, (Cape. Fear Line.) with Alamance in tow from Gov Graham below, with goods for G W Williams it Co, R T Long, J Y Field. .Marshall t Parker, Elkin Co, Grumpier, York & Hamlin. Worth it Utley, Dillon, Jobn?on & Co, Tcmlinson, English & Co, Lehman & liutner, J 'Krower, Murchison, I.'eid it Co, Tyson. Kelly it Co, W Fulton, Lash it Moore, Moss t Parker, Barnhardt it Sullivan, W A Lash, F L OoitpII 1 M Xr 11 C. Ifnril. n 1) MiirT.hv. "Winslow. Shelly & Patterson, F Miller, J W Hitting. E Delo. J .t W Perrv & Co. J II Thompson, F K Armstrong. V H BriUiai'n, Prather &. Smith. Stafford, Clark & Dixon. It G Lindsay, V & A II Welsh & Co. Nov 23 Str Flora McDonald (Cape Fear line) with goods for Jenkins, Koberts & Co. A A McKethnn. T- S Martin, S Hine t Co, Houston & Overby, W li Wright, E W Caruthers, S S A rev. J 1! Walton, Meroney it Durkhead, A Stalker, J B Walton, liauscr & Wilson, D Keith, M W McNair it Co. Island Ford Co, S Johiv-on. Gardner fc Co, J 1 Hancock, J Kendall, W i A H Welch A Co. W Prior. J W bitting. JH Lindsay, orth .t I tley, J Young. G Prandt. W L Van Eaton. S L Gilmer, Barnhardt t Sullivan, D Murphy, Stalled. Clark it Dixon. Sill & Sill, Hanes & lledgecock, M Hoi ton, W A Lash. J L Kern, King t Ilege. A E Giersh; G W Williams & Co, II Erambert, J Dawson. G Hants. Urv A Gilchrist. Mrs M Hooper, C T lhugh, ra,nnVn i, Vrv w Fulton Vestal naison, j iankin fc McLean (i II Lee. J W Thomas, J II ThoiDp- son, Mason & Ariiifield, Winborn & V uty. PORT OF WILMINGTON. Arrived, Nov 21. Brig Elizti W D.cnton and ScJim Ilelene and L P Smith from N York. 22d. Schrs J H Chadbourn and Harriet llallock from N Itork. si.t...l.w 1i el- r-nm- i i-nn.l tl.n most fxtcUSlVC WOlK 111 UIC OiaiL ami ..4.uv...J .,.., - . ... wi. in- . 1 1 1 i r'lii i ii . ll, ......

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