CT3 mi UJ jn A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to Politics, ihe Markets, Foreign Botzzlt) Xiiteratnre; Agricnltare, and General Information TWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE. y ,. 11 - 1 - ' fr-""--- - ' -.. ' ' ":; WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE, If. C, DECEMBER 9, . 1854. VOLUME XV--NO. 823. hi CV v. i n ; ; . TV l TERMS k OF" SUBSCRIPTION TO THE , CTl!itOIraiAS For a single copy, if paid in advance, pejanaum, $2 00 " " at the end of 3 roOgltaiJ, 2 50 " . " at the end off aont!re, 00 " " " at the end of ibe year, 3 50 No subscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fer the following remarkably low CLUB RA TES, LYVARIABL Y VV AD VAJVCE: 5 copies of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 JO 4 " . 15 00 Letters on. business must oc addressed to the under signed, and mut be postpaid. jHu Rates f Advertising t Sixty cents per square of 16 lines for the first and thirty eenU f cswK tb" advertisement is published for more than two months, when it will be charged For three mouth, ----- $4 00 For six months, ----- 6 00 For twelve month, ----- 10 00 W All advertisements must be handed in by Friday 10 o'clock, a. in., to ensure their insertion in the next day's paper, and should have the desired number of in sertions marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. WM. J. YATES. FAYETTEVILLE TOST OFFICE. Rai.kiwji Mail, (2 horse coach.) Due Daily at i a. ru. Close? daily at 3 p. m. Warsaw Mail (4 horse eoach.) Doe daily, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock, a. m. Closes daily, except Saturday, at 3 p. m. On era w Mail, (Sulkey.) Due Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 1$ a. in. Closes Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 12i pJ m. Wilmington (via Elizabethtowu) Sulkey. Due Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 1 a. m. Closes Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 9 p. in. Salem Mail, on Plauk Road, 2 horse hack. Due Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at '6 p. ni. Clone Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 34 p. m. Marion C. II. (via Lumbcrton) Sulkey. Due Tuesday uud Saturday, at 10 . in. Closes Wednesday and Saturday, at 9 p. m. Swift Island Mail (via Troy). Due Tuesday at C p. m. Closes Tuesday at 9 p. m. Mail to Strickland's Depot. Dae Taewday at 2 p. m. Closes Tuesday at 2 p. in. Mail to Elizaretiitow.v (via Terebinth.) Dae Wednenduy at 7 p. in. Closes Monday at 9 p. m. J. E. BRYAN, I'. M. H A H H I, U FACTORY, BY GEO. LAUDER. Nearly opposite to E. W. Willkinfja' Auction Store, Favetteville, N. C. , Oct. 1, 1H63. y ' JVEUr FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Opposite the Cape Fear Bank. JONES & LETT Have now in Store a larje and handsome Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Selected daring the past month, by one of the firm, in the New York Market, comprising a large Stock ol Staple and Fancy J) RY GOOD S, Hoots, Stipes and Umbrellas, Together with a large assortment of fine FAMILY GROCERIES, Confectioneries. A.C., all of which they ar? prepared to offer to their customers, and all those winbiug to purchase select goods, at the lowest market prieeti. yf Produce taken in exebauge for goods. REUBEN JONES. J- W. LETT. Sept. It;, KS.it. y-pd A. 31. Campbell, AlCTIOXEKR & COMHISBIOM MERCHAST, East side of Gillespie street, Fatkttevili.e, N. C. October 1, ISM. BARGAINS! BARGAINS !! The undersigned has now in Store his Fall and Win ter stock of GOODS, consisting of a general assort ment of DRY GOODS AJVD GROCERIES, Hats. Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes. Sattinets, Cas- Himfrs. Lmsevs. r lannels. Muslin-Ue-l.ains, vipaccas Shawls, Cravats, Ac. Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Tobac co. Ac. Ae. Also, a general and well selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of Coats, Vests. Pants, Shirts aud L nder-slnrts. Adamantine, speun aud pearl Candles; pepper, spice, nalaratus, starch, line chewing tobacco, ic. Produce taken iu exchange for Goods at market prices. V K. D. DAVIS. North side of Person St., next door to F. D. Breece. N. B. -All persons indebted to me by note or ac count are respectfully requested to cull nnd settle iin rcdiatelv, as longer indulgence will uot be given. Oct. 1. 1854 y R- B. D. WILLIAM BOWt Dealer in GOODS AND GROCERIES, DRY FAMILY PROVISIONS, &c. .Fog7 of JIaymount, Fayetteville, N. C. October 1. 154 tf D AVI D McDUFFEE, BBICK. MASON AND PLASTERER, Fayetteville, K. C. Persons wanting work done in his line will be promptly attended to by addressing him at the Fayette vilie Post Office. Fayetteville, Jan'y 2S. 1854 ly-pd PEARCE 4s. FEHOl'SOK, Wholesale dealers in Foreign and Domestic D R Y G O (JDS. Hats, Gaps, Jioots, Alices., lmbrdlas, and READY-MADE CLOTHING. North side Hay street. Fatetteville, N. C. Strict attention paid to orders. B. F. PEARCE. ' July 15, 1854 J. B. FERGUSON. PLANTS, TREES, die. " Tbe season has now arrivj-d for setting out all kinds of hardy Plants and Trees, rav stock of which is very large aud select. The RVEKGREENS include the new introductions from Japan. China. South America, Ac; my ORNAMENTAL TREES, FLOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES. STRAWBERRIES. RASPBER RIES. GRAPE VINES. &.. are the VERY BEST that can be procured. I have also, a ehoice and well grown lot of GREEN HOUSE Plants. In the way of Fruit Trees my DWARF PEARS will give entire satisfaction both as to quality and early bearing, frequently fruiting the second year after being planted; other kinds of Fruit Trees will be ready soon. Catalogues supplied to applicants. Address C. LUTTERLOU, Nurseryman, Fayetteville. jr A fewbusbelu of Blue Grass Seed just received. Xav, 2,3, 1854. FALL STOCK) 1S54. STARR & WILLIAMS Have ow in Store a LARGE STOCK 4QF' BR Y GOOD S, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe?, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Umbrellas, and Keady-inade Clothing, Which wHl be eoid to WHOLESALE BUYERS, exclusively. The attention of Merchant is particularly invited to this Stock. Orders solicited ami satisfaction guar antied. . J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Aug. 16, 1854. 807-tf INS 4- FALL AND WINDER GOODS Our Fall and Winter Stock of x HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CADS, Bonuets, and READY-MADE CLOTHlJ'G, Ib now in Store and ready for inspection, embracing by far the largest and roost extensive assortment we have ever offered to the trade, and is well worthy the examination of every Merchant visiting this place. Particular attention paid to orders. HALL & SACKETT. August 19, 1854 FALL, 1854. FIRM AND NEW NEW GOODS. PEARCE & FERGUSON Are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Tarasols, Boots, and Shoes, &c. &e. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing. All of which they offer to purchasers at low prices and npon accommodating terms. From long experience, and by strict attention to business, they hope to nieritasharc ofpublie patronage. B. F. PEARCE. J. B. FERGUSON. 07-tf Favetteville. Aug. 17, 18;4. siiem well & Mcdonald, (Successors to 1. Sin niwell,) Dealers in Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Also a general asfortmeut of Straw fc Silk BONNETS. In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very good, we will in a few days receive a new supply of S EA S OJVAB LE GOODS, Which we will sell low for cash or on reasonable time to punctual customers. w. b. siiem well, a. n. Mcdonald. East r-ide Green Street. Fayetteville, Sept 23, 1854. y J A M e s k Y L K Is now receiving his Fall Supply of DKY GOODS, " ' Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, $-c Among which are, French and English Merinos, very cheap, Muslin deLaius and Alpaccas. Brocade, plaid aud plain Silks, Musliu and Bobiuet, Sleeves and Collars. Merino and other Shawls, long and square, Calico and Ginghams, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Best made Bolting Cloths, A large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. With many other Goods, all of which being purchased , by the package at tne late reauceu prices, win v offered wholesale or retail at very low prices. September 15, 1854. NO TICE. navinn- onened a Store on East side of Gillespie' street, opposite P. P. Johnson, and one door South of J W. Drauirhon. I would bee leave to annouuee to the citizens of Fayetteville and surrounding country, that I have jufct received my stock ot FALL AJSTD W1JVTER GOODS, Consietiug of Dry Goods, Dlats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Sugar and Coffee, &c., Which I will sell on accommodating terms. SAM'L CAIN, Jr. Sept. 30, 1864. 13-2m MRS. WALTON Will return from the North the first of October with a very large stock of MI t. LIN lilt V FANCY GOODS, And the latest style of DRESS TRIMMINGS aud PATTERNS; Cloth" and Velvet Mautillas, Talmas, and Cloaks; Collars. Under-Slceves, and inside Capes. Also a very handsome assortment of HEAD-DRESSES and CAPS. She returns thanks for former patronage, and hopes her patrons and friends will call before purchasing elsewhere. Fayetteville, Sept. 30, 1S54 13-tf FALL AMU WISTER GOODS. J. 4- T. WADDILL, HAY STREET. Are now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS, consisting of a large and well selected s-Jock of GROCERIES Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmith & Tur pentine Tools. Agricultural Imple- IIATS and CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery and Leather, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-made Clothing, and staple Dry Goods. mcnts, This Stock we arc prepared to job or retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to examine our Kerseys, Negro Blaukets, Hats and Shoes. notici:. On the 12th of June last I miuled a letter at Prospect TTall P. O.. Bladen county, directed to Mr Joshua Carman. Favetteville. N. C, containing two one hun dred dollar notes on the Commercial Bank of Wilming ton, one numbered 12B2 the other 1895. The letter also contaiued a blank note signed by John S. Willis aud Bartram Robeson, aud endorsed by Tbos. J. Role son. for the purpose of renewing a note held by the Bank of Cape Fear at Fayetteville. The letter has not reached its destination. All persons are hereby cau tioned against using the note, and if the letter and its contents are returned tome a liberal reward will be Pd- JOHN S. WILLIS. Oct. 28, 1854. 2m STOVES. I have a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Box, and a few Coal Stoves. I will sell very low call and examine at south-east corner Market Square. C. W. ANDREWS. October 2 Ist. 16-8t TEAS! TEAS!! Hyson, Imperial and Oolong, all of first quality for sale by J- N. SMITH. FAYETTE VI LLK BOOH STjDlt . cBT'a.:S. TAftOH.- - .r Having purchased Mr Wbitafeers int .. ' Fayetteville Book Store, I will eontinue'e. bfcf in my own name. - - - I have just received a large assortment otRyJ muuo. iuun; latvnug uie wikii uwii j i win endeavor to give satisfaction. All th publications of the day-Maaazincs. Pcriocah ot fiction, &c. can be seen unon niv tablc. ha rangements by wtich any-i book, not alrfiau ; can be supplied at the ehortefct notice Alt cnanee to prove my promptus8. Among my stock may be found larce F-n -t . from tl 25 to $15 ; Presbyterian. Methoiltet: J. ist Hymn Books; Episcopal Prayer Books j aa religious books. - ' i A good supply of SCHOOL BOOKS baud, such as Greek and Latin Readers: English and Latin grammars ; Webster's uhat.r wiciiouary; various Kinos oi tieojjraplivs. oyX; authors ;all the different kinds of Arithn-etref .-J ZJ-. Readers -e- AcjJlL'-klL'i. Sc3f8,-ri gTafidriFra teifc: lTTact sohool looks usual'v called for. all kinds A' large assortmeut ,t MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS kept constantly on hand. STATIONERY. White, blue, ruled and unrnled Foolscap Paper ; Letter Paper, all sizes and colors; Note Paper, fancy and plain : Envelopes, large and small size, self-sealing; BLANK BOOKS of every size, quality and price; Pass and Time Books ; copy books; inkstands; Pens and Pencils; slates and slate pencils; sealing wax. tissue paper, Ac. Ac. I will sell low by the wholesale, and make a liberal discount to schools or merchants. I respectfully ask an examination of my stock. Any Book not on hand can be procured in a f hort time. A large lot of Music for Piano and Guitar constant ly on hand. A large supply of 'klodians, Guitars, Violins, Claronets, Flageolets, Flutes, Tamborines, and Instruction Books. My stock shall be increased with the demand. Coun try merchants would find it to their advantage to give me a call, as I think I can give satisfaction. A. E. TAYLOR, Opposite new College building., Fayetteville, Nov 25, 154. tf P. S. I have an excellent lot choice SEGARS and tine chewing Tobacco, for sale cheap. HOXKT. We dislike to allude to unpleasant subjects during these hard times, but if our customers whose notes and accounts have been lying over i'or one and two years, would call and pay us, we would be thankful. If not convenient to call in person, remittances will do. We would almost consent to pav postage for the hake of the cash. J. & T. WADDILL, Hay street. December 2d tf wa?;ted. A man with a small family to take charge of my Plantation near Fayetteville, on the first of January next, as an Overseer. Evidence of sober and indus trious habits will be required, Dec 2d. tf JNO. WADDILL, Jr. DIVELLIJC VOli. REST. That convenient Residence belonging to Miss E ITy bart, situated on Masou and Haiforu streets, is now offered for Rent. For terms apply to WM. BOW. Nov. 24. 1854. 21 tf BU'fTEK , a new supply. 100 Firkins (Valley Virginia) Butter, Nov 24. GEO. McNElLL. EQUITY LAM) SALE. By virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity ofCum berland county, I will proceed to sell, on Tuesday the 9tii day of January next, at Nathan K. McDuftie's store in said county, at public auction, the following tracts of" land belonging to the estate of the late Levi West, dee'd, to-wit : 200 Acres lying on both sides of the Uorse-pen. Branch. 220 Acres joining the lauds of Margaret Smith and others. 75 Acres on the west side of Black Mingo near the county line. 145 Acres on Black Mingo in Sampson county, near the line. The above lands are valuable for timber and turpen tine, and will be sold on a credit of six months, pur chasers giving bonds with approved security, bearing interest from the date of sale. W. A. 1IFSKE. Nov. 25,1854. 21-Ct Clerk & Master. EQUITY LAM) SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Court of Equity for the' county of Cumberland, upon the petition of Duncan K. Shaw and others, exparte, I will expose to sale at the Court House in Fayetteville, on Friday the 5th day of January. 1855, the following tracts of Laud', the pro perty of the late Charles C. Shaw : 1 tract, about 800 acres, lying on the waters of Big Rocktii-h aud Nicholson's creek, known as the Mct-'as-kill land, and adjoining the lands of Neill Campbell and others. Also, about COO acres, lying on the waters of Bi Rock fish, in three different tracts, adjoining the lands of L. Bethune. Angus Kay and others, known as the McKainey and McLean lands. Land sold in quantities to suit purchasers, and lies within two or three miles of the Centre Plank Boad, aud is valuable for timber and turpentine. Terms Nine mouths credit. W. A. 11 USKE, Clerk A Master. Nov.25, 1854 21-Ct DISSOLUTION. The firm of G. W. I. GOLDSTON A CO. is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. R. W. GOLDSTON. Nov. 17th. 1854. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the interest of R. W. Goldston in the late firm of G. W. I. G6TST ston A Co., will still continue to carry on the Grocery aud Hardware Business at the old stand. He invites all his friends to call on him wheu they come to market, aud he will try to make himself useful. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Nov. 17th, 1854. 20-tf SUGAR, Porto Rico, N. Orleans and Havana, Brown, Clarified. Crushed and Pulverised, for sale at the People's Store, bv WEBB & BROTHER- " Nov. 11. -i Pure Cider By the gallon or barrel, Store, bv Nov. il. VlncRar, for sale at the People's WEBB A BROTHER. &gf- Mackerel, No. People's Store, bv Nov. 11. and 2, for sale at the WEBB & BROTHER. ' E"- Prime Rio and Old Government Java COFFEE, for sale at the "People's Store " bv - Nov. II. WEBB & BROTHER. , osioss, V few barrels Wetbersfield Onions for sale at the Poeple:s Store, by WEBB A BROTHER.' Nov. 11. i The New York Ink Company's celebrat ed writing Fluid and black Ink. Mholesale and retail at the People's Store, by the ageDts. Nov. 11. . WEBB Jb BROTHER. Johnson. Rollins fc Co's. Wethers Geld Oarrlen Seeds, for sale at the People's Store, by their agents, WEBB & BROTHER. Nov.' 11. ": FOR SALE, "' 300 sacks SALT, on consignment, by October 9th. AUG. W. STEEL. U ,m CAROLINIAN. LJS-- J,'or & Carolinian. - .;. Urtr ewrt ot ftp9rtce. lf : BY, W If,'- J.- W. CROWDKR. . ; - peat Jy months of the v past qnarter on ."JXing to and fro with taj books and V '.iin to those vrho were able' and will Jurying to others; also receiving ft: ,s r.ooj a?any for the furtherance of the VV-Aterery place I was fcinf re JtCralJy. ou leaving was invited to socio as I conld and spend longer Jlnnwiglting families it is eheertflg to 5 iesreased concern with pareat, to ry locate their children. In manv of afn determined to educate tny children if 1 never give them a cent besides." As I ap proaicd the house of a widow, her grand dangller E. 15 years o!d, ran to me exclaiming "O Mj C. I am so triad to see vou again that I may tell vou how I feel and thank you for your til k to me about my soul and the good tracts ou gave me when you were here before, was a wicked' child and shonld have been Then lost ff ever if I had died but now 1 feel Jesns ; precigss to my soul and would not be afraid to die if it was God s wdi. I want you and Graiima to help ne praise the Lord." Oipitbbath morning I visited as unday sclioo! in a i'Ction where inicp:iity abounded a ft-w years since! I went in time to witness their entire exer and a more interesting scene I have ; seldi men tion and n if ever beheld in my life. The Govern-! of the Snpt. and the attention and instrnc- pf the teachers, was of the most pleasant ffectual character. The children were all deeply interested in reciting their good quie lessdis, and in hearing the explanations given. I hrfe found 50 of "The Pictorial Tract Pr'tm meri' in use, aud the Sunt, said "This book is justjthe right thing for interesting and instruct ing j-hildren. All are delighted with it." And a mother here remarked, "So simple, tender aud toudiing are the answers iu the catechism of the Trait Primmer that my son John, though not quiib 6 years old is so delighted with and im pressed by them that frequently he is affected to tears while I am teaching him the lesson, ant) he will then say, "Ala, I must be a good bof, for the Lord is great and good." Tlis Sciool has increased from 43 to 87 scholars sinte its celebration on the 4th of July last. Oiie of the Supt's plans for increasing his school is, to give to him or her who brings in a new scholars a nice picture tractand one to the new scholar. 'This gets the whole school interested and at work. I gave a tract called "The Fool's Pence" to a moderate driuker 13 mouths ago aud he at Icnce gave up the use of ardeut spirits and loan- fj tt 'j twH-ti lilo ticiliVw. , crlicrT'tiail ami cm. vi ed it again: and in this way it has passed through" 18 families, and by it 13 persons have been induced to give up the u.se of alcoholic liquors as a beverage. I have been forcibly struck aud greatlv en couraged by heari tig professors of religion speak of the happy effects produced on their minds and hearts from reading the Tract Volumes. Some have been thoroughly awakened to their christian duties, and in the performance of duty they testify that they have enlarged views of God, new love for Him, and increasing concern for the spread of the gospel and the conversion of sinners. Many of them have requested nie to give them an opportunity to contribute an nually to the Tract Society, assuring me that their prayers should ascend daily for God's blessing to attend all its efforts aud instrumen talities. A travelling minister recently said. "I have been through neighborhoods where you have scattered books and your books are doing vast good. They are getting people to read who read not before; and they are getting many to think and talk in a way they seldom did be fore; and they are getting light where there was gross darkness before." Recently a gentleman came to me in the street and said, "My heart is Idled with joy to an over-flowing this morning, and I wish to speak with you about it. Since I having been tryiug to serve God my dear wife has strongly opposed me. But for the last six months she has received and read a Tract monthly, from, the "Female Tract Society" which seemed to make her serious and occasionly she has gone to church. On last sunday she went to church twice and at night she was much distressed and unwilling to retire I asked her to mak known her mmuanu leeiings to me. one seem ed to hesitate a moment, aud then said with streaming eyes, 'Oh I am such an awful sinner! What shall I dor I have opposed your pray ing in our family and I have never heard you pray. 1 uo not want to lie uown to-nignt witis- outjiearing you pray, and pra' lor me.' 1 at once-got my family together and lor the hrst And iu the dis- time tried to pray m public. charge of this duty my soul has been abundant ly blessed and my wife is yet anxiously inquir ing for salvation." This lady has since been hopefully converted to God. f Most of the last month, November, I was on a visit to West Tenn. where Colportage lias and is yet doing great good. I was greatly strength ened and encouraged by spending a few days with Bro. T. J. Terry Colp. of Henry Co. May the Lord long spare his useful life. I also met with other Colporteurs by the way who suc ceeded well in getting travellers to take good books aud tracts to read instead of novels. A fine looking gentleman came to me on the cars and purchased some tracts. He seemed un usually glad to get them and after he had dis tributed some, he took a seat with me aud stated that whenever he saw tracts his gratitude to God was newly stirred, for it was a tract given him by a Colporteur between Philadelphia and New York that was instrumental in awak ing him and bringing him to Christ, the sinner's friend. May we all take fresh courage in work ing for God who ever works for us Yours trulv. W. J. W. Crowder Colp. of the Araer. Tract oocieiy, ior vvaee ana Cumberland co's.N. U. Raleigh, Dee. 1st, 1854. The number of persons of foreign birth now in the United States is 2,210,839: the nnmber of natives, whites, 17,137,58, and of persons whose - nativity is "unknown," 39,154 Mr Wise, of Virginia, asks, what are the know nothings going to do with these 39,154 - known - Jan t Art ' " .. The interest attaching to the history of this extraordinary female, to whom-France was so largely indebted for the preservation of .her honor, and perhaps her nationality, but who eimlly, received at the hands of Iier uograteful conntryiucn, as a consummation of her glory, a martyr) crowu, prompts as to copy this char acteristic passage, descriptive of ber yonnji life: f;:vi . ; "The pensive, and retiring feeanty of Joan, while it attracted the attention of men, repel-letl-'iBmiHarlty. Several, nevertheless, pleased with Her race and modesty, solicited her hand from her. parents. She persevered in remaining single and free, possibly through some obscure presentimeut which warned her that she would one right, swearing before a court of justice that she was betrothed to hint. The poor girl, abash ed but indignant, appeared before the judges at Toul, and contradicted by oath this calumny of passion. The judges saw through the plot, aud sent her home free. While her beauty thus charmed the eye, the composure of her face, the thoughtfuluess of her features, the solitude and silence of her life, astonished her father, her mother, and her bro thers. The possessed only the grace and at traction of her sex she had none of its weak ness Uer face exhibited neither her feelings nor the emotions of her heart. Its expression,' concentrated in her eyes, seemed rather that of meditation than of feeling, yet she was compas sionate and tender; but her pity and tenderness extended to something greater and more dis tant than her immediate horizon. She prayed unceasingly, spoke little, and avoided t be com pany of her equals in age. She generally re tired alone, and plied her needle in a secluded nook, under a hedge behind the house, from which she could only see the blue sky, the tow er of the church, and the distant crest of the mountains. She seemed to hear voices within her which the noise of the world would have stilled. She was scarcely eight years of age when these signs of inspiration began to appear in her. In this she resembled the Sybils of old, marked from their infancy with the fatal seal of sadness, beauty, and solitude, among the daughters of men instruments of inspiration reserved for. oracles, and to whom every. other employment of mind was prohibited. She loved everything that suffered; particularly animals those intelligent beings jrifted with love for us, but deprived of words to convey their fc-l-j ings. Her compauious say that she was mild and merciful to birds. She considered them as creatures condemned by God to live near men, in a state of transitiou between soul and matter, and having iu their nature nothing as yet com plete but the painful faculties of suffering and love. All that was melancholy and indefinite in the sounds of nature attracted and absorbed her. 'She was so fond of the sound of bells,' says the old Chronicler, 'that she promised the ringer hanks of wool for the autumn gathering if he would sound the Amrelus longer in the mornings.' But her pity was most strongly excited for the kingdom of France, and for the young dau phin motherless, without a country, and with out a throne. I he ta es she dm v henrrl from monks, soldiers, rjilsrrims. and beiro-ars the cottage newsmen of the time filled her heart with compassion for the voung prince. His image was associated in her mind with the cala mities of her fatherlund. It was in him that she saw it perish; it was through him that she prayea to Ksoa lor its deliverance. Her spirit was ceaselessly occupied with this anxiety and t -r . sauuess." juamartme. lm: Iron Mountain-. V bo has not heard vi uic jiwu .uuuuiaiii ui .AllSSOUri . in tne .....,,,.r ,.P Of 1?.... . t, 1 " .1 t n t-wunij ji oi. i' i uuiuis, ami in tue midst ot a fertile and flourishing agricultural region, some eiglity miles Irom fct. Louis, and some twenty eight from the Mississippi, rises this famous emi nence ot iron. It is thus described by a corres pondeut of the St Louis Republican: Hie mountaiu and the mound consist of masses of iron ore of the richest quality, arrau ged iy the hand ot JNature in 'ready-made' lumps, from the size of a pigeon's egg upwards, mixed witn a small portion of reddish-vellow clay, which itself contains quite a per-ceutatre of nuii. a una mr uie wurHiugs mere is no min ing necessary have been confined to a small portion of the westerly slope of the mound, the mountain being held in reserve, I presume, for the grander operations of future generations. tew bauds, with little labor or cost, pick out enough ore to supply the furnaces. The entire mound, so far as it has been excavated and test ed, is composed of these lumps of ore, almost as pure aJTpig metal, easily separated from the ciay which mis tne interstices, in many places scarcely anything but lumps of pure ore, with hardly any admixture, appear. In some part of the workings the ore taken out requires no roasting to prepare it for the furnaces; but generally, it is roasted in immense heaps, which at this time form a large store for future use. When this mound, or that portion of it above the level of the furnaces, is all changed from its crude state to iron, the company may pro ceed to excavate below the level, or continue eastward a few hundred feet, and attack the mountain itself, which, so far as is known, is but a vastly-enlarged edition of the same volume. But at what period will the mound, even, be exhausted? I have seen ,no calculations and heard of no estimate of the quantity of ore; but, for my own satisfaction, assuming the following data as entirely within reasonable bounds, these results are obtained: "Twenty acres, an average depth of fifty feet, yielding (say) four tons of ore to the cubic yard, would "produce seventy per cent, as the net yield of metal, fonr and a half millions of tons of iron. If this were taken out at the rate of one hundred thousand tons per annum, it would occupy forty-five years. Unless, there fore, a much larger quantity be yearly disposed of the present generation of workers will not witness the disappearance of the mound even to the level of the furnaces. Respecting tbe quan tity in the mountain, it is enough to say that it is practically inexhaustible. The line of the St Louis and Iron Mountain railroad passes im mediately west of the works, affording easy and most convenient railroad access to the mound, the furnaces, and the base of tbje mountain. rl. v h fl.V fri" irifn ' l"aiTfK vf a r ; i ! ad- trmnbofdness lo claim her love as bfl Fall aa Wkiter FaihtNM. Our lady reader will not be displeased to eeo ''." . some account of the prevailing fashions for the sea son. We take the following from that'weekly so noted for its accuracy and taste in this matter, the Home Journal. " The new silk dresses manufactured for the present and coming seasons, include some- of bright colors; for instance, Isly green and pink, npou which are printed, in black relief, patterns consisting of an imitation of guipure flounces. The patterns are disposed in horizontal rows, one above the other in the manner of flounce?, and they generally diminish in depth as they, ascend upwards. These dresses are intended for evenirg costume. . One, a dress of pale green silk, has thelskirt ornamented with five rows , ed by ruciie of ganze' ribbon," green striped . with black. The corsage has a berthe com posed, of black lace, which opens en coeur in front and behind, and is headed by a ruche of ribbon; at the shoulders the berthe is gathered up in fulness by a bow and long ends formed of a barbe of olack lace, and in the centre of each bow is fixed an agraffe of aqua marina. In the middle of the corsage, between the two sides of the berthe, three bows of black lace are placed one above the other. They are graduated in size, the smallest being the low est; and in the centre of each is an attache of aqua marina. The coiure which accompanies this consists of two bouquets, each of foliage in tinted velvet, surmounted by a small water lily. The bouquets arc placed on each pide of the head, and are united one with the other by a cordon of aqua marinas, which passes across the bandeaux of hair. A dress of Isly green silk, made high to the throat has the front of the corsage trimmed with three rows of roset tes, formed of velvet, sarsnet and gauze ribbon of different tones of green. The velvet ribbon is the deepest in color, and occupies the under most part of the rosette. The sarsnet ribbon is a shade paler, and is placed next to the velvet, the centre of the rosette being formed of gauze ribbon of a brighter green thnii the s;irsnet rib bon. The rosettes arc united one to the other by a narrow bouillon of the silk composing the dress, edged on each side by a row of feather fringe about a half an inch, in width. Rosettes of pink gauze ribbon have just been employed to trim a dress of white worked muslin, made in the peignoir style. Each rosette consists of rib bon of rive different tones of pink. A single row of these rosettes ornaments the front of tho dress which is embroidered in a sprigglcd pat tern with flowers surrounded by foliaire open work. A small pelerine of worked muslin is edged by a deep row of Mechlin lace, which descends to the waist. The sleeves are trim med with two rows of lace gathered up in the inside of the arm by two rosettes of ribbon. With tins drcjis is now worn a small cap formed ot tnree bouillons ot tulle over pink ribbon. Between each bnillon a row of lace, set on in slight fulness, droops towards the back. Tho rows ot lace meet at the ears, and are there in termingled with loops of ribbon in various ' hades of pink. The strings, which are of broad pink ribbon, edged with lace, flow loosely over the back of the neck. Alamanck Sci'erior Coi rt. We learn that the trial of the negro Wesley, belonging to Mr Daniel Waggoner, of Alamance, charged with the murder of Mrs Elizabeth Strader a short time since, took place last week before J mitre Bailey at Alamance superior court. Solicitor RufSn appeared for the State, and J, W. Nor wood, Esq., for the prisoner. The trial occu pied but about two hours. The proof was direct and conclusive, and the negro was found guilty of the murder. He was sentenced to be hanged on the loth of December. MlsLoro' Recorder. It seems that the Erie troubles are not end ed. The Plain Dealer of the 1 7th says; "It seems that our neighbors of the 'Sleepy Boro' " are preparing for war. The common council of that city have passed resolutions authorizing the mayor to direct the high constable to 're move the railroad track occupying the fctreet, after one week's notice to the railroad com pany.' " A Remarkable Corn.E. A correspondent of the Maine Farmer, tells of a couple in that State, who are remnrkable people in their way. The husband is 63 years old and his wife fix. These old people by their own labor raised this year 71 bushels of wheat, 40 bushels of corn, three or fonr loads of pumpkins, besides pota toes and other articles. The old liidy worked in the field with the husband six or eight hours each day, and prepared all the meals besides. The wife is the mother of ivertty-three chil dren, eighteen of whom are now living, An informal summary of the annual com merce and navigation report.", has been pre pared for the usef the Secretary of the Trea sury, from which it appears that the imports of foreign merchandise during the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1854, were a fraction over $300, 000,000. The exports of domestic produce were between $250,000,000 and $260,000,000. The exports of brendstuffs and provisions were somewhat in excess of $50,000,000. The differ ence between the imports and exports was made; up in California gold, stocks, and mercantile! obligations. The revenue from customs, as be fore stated, was about $05,000,000, aud from all other sources $8,000,000. gpeak not Darebly. Speak not harshly much of care Every human heart nin.st bear; Enough of shadows darkly lie Veiled within the sunniest eye. By thy childhood's gushing tearn, By thy griefs of after years; By the anguish thou dost know, Add not to another's woe. Speak not so harshly, rnneh of sin Dwelleth every heart within; In its closely eovercd cells Many a wayward passion dwells. By the many hours misspent, By the gifts to errors lent, By the wrong thon didst not shon, By the good thon has not done, With a lenient spirit cn, The weakucBs of t&j fcllov man.

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