v V. if. ; THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, rJDTTE VTLLEr N. C. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Saturday, December 9, 1S54. The Present's Message. The Office of Governor. On Wednesday last Gov. Iteid sent in to the General Assembly his acceptance of the office of U. S. Senator, and thereupon a debate sprang up in the Senate on the resolutions of Ex-Governor Graham, declaring1 1st, that the office of Governor had become vacated by Gov. We are indebted to the Wilmington Daily j Hold's acceptance of the Scnatorship. 2d, that Journal and Herald for the earliest receipt of j tne 0ffiee of Speaker of the Senate had become the President's Tnwngc. It came to hand too I vacant by the'snecession of Mr Speaker Wins late, however, for this week's issue. It shall j iow to tie Gubernatorial chair, and lastly, pro appear in full next week, meantime we make a ' posinjr to pro into an election for Speaker. The few notes of its contents. j first resolution was passed. The second also A lar'se portion of the message is taken up j passed by a vote of 23 to 22, whereupon Mr with a discussion of our foreign relations. Of j Ashe, of Anson, obtained leave to change his thi3 we shall attempt no abstract. Proceeding vote from the affirmative to the negative. This to the consideration of domestic matters, we i produced a, tic the vote being 23 to 23. Mr learn that the amount of revenue during the J Boyd of Rockingham being in the chair pro tern, last fiscal year ending June 30th, 1S54, from J jraVe the casting vote' in the negative, and so all sourt-es was $73,o4H, ;0., and that the ex- Uie resolution was lost. By this vote the Sen peuditures for the same period, exclusive of j ate have decided that the Speaker of the Sen payments on account of the public debt, were j ate shall in case of a vacancy in the office of $5 1, 01 8,24 J. Daring the same period, the j : Governor, " exercise the powers of the Govern payir.eiitsmade in redemption of the public debt, J or." Mr Window, therefore, is now both including intercut and premium, amounted to j Speaker of the Senate and the acting Execu $24,33';,3;0. To the sum total of the receipts I tive of the Senate. After the vote on Mr of that year is to be added a balance remaining ! Graham's resolutions, Mr Thomas of Hay wood, in the treasury at the commencement thereof, ! offered a resolution to appoint a Speaker of the amounting to 21, 942,302; and at the close of j Senate pro. tern., until the 1st of January, the same year a corresponding balance a mount- j The'Senate adjourned without having taken a ing to $20. 137,007 of receipts above extendi- vote on the resolution.. It is believed, how t'.ires :;';.-;o rumiincd in the treasury. It is ever, that it will pass. thought by the Sec'y of Treasury that the re ceipts of ( lie current fiscal year are not likely to efnia! in amount those of the last, vet thev will undoubtedly exe 1 the expenditures by at least $K.Mi(j,!)0. The 1 resident has determined, theivfore. to continue to apply the surplus re veuue to the reduction of the public debt, so long as it can be done economically. The am-onnt of the public debt at the commencement of thu hi.-a fi :.I year was $07, 340, 628 of which there lead been paidoa the 20th Nov. 1854, $22, 3!'.f,172, h nvin r a balance of outstanding pub- 8 4 i,'.;75, l.'O. In view of the fact that the j. C lVi .uue so far exceeds the ex- lif'rf! il fr-i :it." v'tt,"'i llii- f:H'r Viovr: tiivici.iliiur i The detection pendituivs, the President reccoimnends a rednc tio:i of the duties on foreign imports. Tin See'y of the Treasury has ascertained that at the four ports of Oswego, Toledo, Sandusky and Milvvaukie, the treasury had by false entries dc f March 3d, 1803, of $198,000 of these frauds was attended culty by rea.-on of the fact that there is now no law requiring' (he records of the ofiicts to be left for the use of successors in office. Conse quently those records have been claimed as private property. In view of these difficulties the President recommends legal enactments to remedy the evil. An increase in the Military is recommended for the protection of our frontier anil of emi- crants, airainst t ! t! of the. ft e Indians, a in an increase in i.eers oimeannv. J ;;e rmsinir of lour new r A Convention. Ex-Governor Graham, the Senator from Or ange, introduced into the Seriate on Friday the 1st inst., "a bill concerning a convention to amend the constitution of the State," which we find published in exlenso in the Raleigh Stand ard. This bill provides for an election by the people on the first Thursday in August next, by which flie question of "Convention," or "No Convention," is to be determined by a majority of the voters. If a majority are for a conven tion, then it is made the dutv of the Governor of the State to issue a writ for the election on the first Thursday in October, 1855, of dele gates to the Convention. Each count- will be entitled to a number of delegates in this con vention equal to the number of its members in the House of Commons. The qualified voters for members of the House of Commons, will be ; entitled to vote for delegates to the Conven ) tion, and persons resident in the State for two ( years preceding the day of election and eligible ; to the House of Commons, will be also eligible j to a seat in the Convention. The convention will "have power to consider and propose such i amendments to the constitution of North Caro lina as to them shall seem best suited to estab lish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, and preserve the blessings of liberty in the present j condition of the people of the State." It is I also made the duty of the convention to adopt j ordinances for submitting such amendments as j they may propose to the people, and a majority of votes will determine the question of ra tinea- iiuun,, una a retired list are! , ... , J 1 ml- iments, two of infantry and two! "it nmrttiiiin i 1 1 : 1 1 7 1 1 r i . i t 'i . c ri it 1 n r-i n"-f r,t :"0:!i(H ! bv .- recomiivnueu. The President thinks the present size of the Navy mad.eipjate to the requirements of the) country.. He endorses the recommendation of j the See'y of the Navy with regard to the ap prentice system. The expenditures of the Post Office Depart ment for t!ie year ending J uue 30th 1854, were $8,710,')07. The gross receipts during the same period were $0,055,580, the expenditures ex- ; dreatnpt of by the whig party until they dis ceeding the receipts by $1,755,32 L This is less ! covered that Free Suffrage by Legislative cn than the deiieieney of the year before by $301,- j aetment was likely to prove successful. When 750. Tha increase of the revemm of the Depart- therefore, it became a settled conviction that mmt for the year ending June 30th 1854, over j this great measure of reform was demandedfby the preceding, was $07O;3!.t',). From this it is ' the people, our whig friends changed their tune evident that the revenue of the Post Office somewhat. They began to think that what Department does not, according to the original j they had contemptuously nicknamed "Reid's design, equal its expenditures. hobby," was not so very bad after all. And During the last fiscal vear, 11,070,035 acres i their late candidate for Governor actually went of the Public lands have been surveyed, and j so far as to claim for himself the merit of being 1'he purpose of its introduction must be ob vious. The project of a convention was gotten up some time since by the whig party as a counter agent to Free Suffrage. They felt that it would be impossible to thwart that measure unless it were done through the instrumentality of some project which promised the same result. A convention was not thought of, hardly The tinry Lavs. The impression has for some time been gain ing strength among the commercial community of this country, that all laws made for the pur pose of restricting the rate of interest on money loaned, are worse than useless. It is undenia bly true, that all such laws are evaded by those who are not scrupulous about their obedience, to a law which they deem nujust, and this habi tual evasion of the law, necessarily has . a de moralizing effect upon all who practice it. Money is an article of commerce, and as such, it would seem to us, to be fairly subject to those laws of trade by which different com modities fluctuate just in proportion to the sup ply and demand. The Legislature of onr State, as well as those of nearly all the other States, has attempted, however, to fix the value of mon ey at a uniform rate without the slightest re gard to those laws. Wherever the attempt has been made, it has proven a failure. To illustrate. In New York the legal rate of interest is 7 per cent, and there are severe penalties against rsurious contracts. Never theless we find by Reference to one of the com mercial papers of the city of New York, that money was quoted on the 24th Nov. at 15 per cent. Again, by the law of Maryland 6 per cent, is lawful interest, and usurious contracts are void. Nevertheless we find by the Balti- mojre J3un, tlyxt on first class paper the rate of interest on the 28th Nov. was 15 to 18 per cent. In Louisiana the rate of interest is re stricted to 8 per cent. Yet on the 22d of Nov., the rate of interest in New Orleans was from 10 to 15 per cent. These illustrations might be multiplied but we deem it unnecessary. In our own State the penalty against usurious con tracts is quite severe, involving a loss of the amount loaned upon usur', or if the borrower chooses, the infliction on the lender of a forfeit ure equal to douole the amount loaned. No man, we presume, at all acquainted with af- lairs, win uouut mat tins law is evaded daily, and hourly. The fact is that whenever money is really worth more than the rate of interest established by law, it will Irins it in some shape or othc. Mr Shepherd, one of the members of the House of Commons from this county, has intro dnced a bill on this subject, which we find in the Raleigh Standard of the 2d inst. We copy it entire as follows : A IJILL To rcpcil the lth Chap. Iter. Stat., entitled "An Act to restrain the taking of exces sive usury.' 1. Ue it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Revised Statute, Chap. 117, entitled "An act for restraining the taking of excessive usury," be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. Re it further enacted, That the interest which it may be lawful to receive upon any note, bond, bill of exchange or other loan of money whatsoever or upon a sale of any goods, chattels, wares and merchandise shall be six per centum per annum, unless, by a special contract in writing between the parties, a higher or lower rate be nxed. 3, Re it .further enacted, That in all suits in any of the Courts of this State, or before a justice of the peace, judgment shall be rendered for the principal money, and the interest due, according to the rate agreed upon and stipula ted : Provided however, that such rate shall and may be reduced to six per centum per an num upon the special plea of the defendant. The provisions of this bill down to the latter clause of the last section seem well calculated to accomplish a very important and desirable reform. This last clause does not seem to have been conceived in exactly the same spirit of liberality with the foregoing provisions of the bill We suspect that Mr S. tacked on this last clause in order to make the bill more acceptable to a certain class of legislators, who arc always extremely cautious about innova tions in the law. We confidently predict how ever, that if the bill should pass in its present shape, the very next legislature will annul the - N. n ff Lafayette's Warning. In olden times the 8,100,017 brought into market. The number ,035,: and the amount re- a better friend to Free Suffrage than his demo era tie competitor of acres sold is ceived therefor $.),2S5,533. The aggregate ; a foregone conclusion, the question with the amount of lands sold, located under military i whig party lias been for some time, how they scrip, and land warrants, selected as swamp : should thwart the Democratic Party in this lands by States, ami by locating under grants j matter, without incurring the popular odium, for roads, is upwards of 23,000,000 acres. The j Under these circumstances, it is not at all sur increase of lauds sold over the previous year is: prising that after the introduction in the Sen about 0 00;) 000 a;-res. The sales during the j ate of Mr Boyd's bill giving Free Suffrage to first two quarters of the current year ha ve been five and a half millions of acres, exceeding by nearly foar millions of acres the sales of t lie last provision, and leave money (except in the Free Suffrage, then, being ! case of Ranks whose charters provide for the rate of interest they are authorized to take.) as free as any other article of commerce, free to go wherever it is most needed, and at what ever premium the exigencies of trade may fix coivespoad.n .c quarters of the last year. The warnini: of t he danuer of makiii nls of the public lands in aid of i resnt.Mit .sivci extra vacant ci' internal improvements, and recurs with satis faction to tue action of the last Congress re fusing to make s-aeh grants, promises to give ins views on the subject of Internal improve ment at ieiigtii, in a special message. The mes sage concludes with a declaration of sentiments noble and pat riotic in themselves, and eloquent ly and beautifully expressed. The document is of moderate length, and we trust that it will be carefully perused bv all. S? Wm. K. lb.AKi:, Esq, has been elected Proussor of Mathematics and Ancient Lan guages in Greensboro' Female College, in place of Rev. Turner M. Jones, elected to the Presi dency of said College to supply the vacancy oc casioned by the resignation of Rev C F Deems. Upon Mr Iilake's taking leave of Carolina Female College, where he formerly held a Pro fessorship, the young ladies of the Senior Class presented him with a handsome gold fob chain and seal, with their names engraved oa the links, and oa the seal is inscribed the words "To V. K. lilake, from the Senior Class of C. F. C. 154." The other classes also made him handsome presents. This certainly is a gratify ing evidence of Mr Blake's capability and gen tlemanly deportment as an instructor. From our "knowledge of Mr Blake's character, we can say that Greensboro College has been fortunate iu securing his services. ' SouciTcii of the 4 Tii Circuit. We stated last week that Mr Ruffm had been elected Soli citor for the 4th judicial circuit. This was not the case at that time. But after several in effectual ballottings, Mr Rufjiu was elected on Tuesday last. the people, a bill introducing a counter project should be brought forward by the whig leader in t lie Senate. We cannot, however, permit ourselves to doubt of the passage of Free Suffrage through the present General Assembly. The manoeuvres of a party now in a minority and sinking in its fortunes and prospects daily, may momentarily embarrass the question, but it will be found that the popular sentiment will act as the water of a pent upstream. The more obstacles you throw in its way, the more irresistible will be the force with which it will ultimately force its passage. ITnif rd Slaies Congress. Washington, Dec. 5. In the Senate to-da' Mr Bright was elected president, pro tern. In the House of Representatives the standing committees were announced and are the same as at the last session, except in such commit tees as there were vacancies to be filled. Mr Phillips offered a resolution instructing the committee of Ways and Means to bring in a bid reducing the duty on railroad iron or al lowing an extended credit on the same. Mr Jones, of Tennessee, moved to lay the bill on the table. The motion was lost, and the resolution was then adopted by a vote of ayes J7t noes 71. No other business of importance was trans acted. 1 upon it. "The amount of crime committed, it is be lieved, will compare favorably with that of any other State." Gov. Reid's Message. "The Governor's ideas of crime are a little singular as it seems to us. It ought to be a matter of felicitation if no crimes at all were committed within the State: but his Excellency seems disposed to exult over the abundant har vest that has blessed his reign." JY. C. Argus. The Argus clearly puts a wroug construction on the lansnaire of the Governor a construc tion notst all warranted by the words themselves. The Governor does not say there has been more crime in North Carolina than in other States. If we take it that there has been less crime in this than the other States, will not the truth of his statement be iudicated? will not the amount of it in North Carolina compare favorably with, the amount in other States? We think the Argus hypercritical. irginia Nominations. The recent Demo cratic State Convention of Virginia, nominated for Governor, Hon Henry A Wise. E W Mc Comas, for Lieut. Governor, and Wfllis P. Bocock, the present incumbent, for Attorney General. It will be perceived that our Vir ginia brethren have not manifested any special partiality for Know Nothingism, by nominating Mr Wise, who has lately taken very decided ground against that secret order. The election of Mr Wise is confidentlyjredicted: The Official vote for Governor. The Committees appointed by the Senate and House of Commons, met in the Hall of the latter on Saturday last, and, in the presence of both branches of the Legislature, compared and formally announced the vote as follows: Thomas Bragg, 48,105 Alfred Dockery, 46,644 Mr Bragg's majority. 2,061 The Charlotte & Wilmington R R Company. lr Steele, of Richmond, we see, has intro duced in the House of Commons, a bill to in corporate the "Charlotte and Wilmiiigtou Rail Road Company." This Bill contemplates a connection between Wilmington and Charlotte, via Lumberton, Rockingham, Wadesbjoro', &c. The capital of the Company is to be $2,400,000; and when individuals shall have subscribed $800,000, (one-third,) the State is to endorse the Bonds of the Company for the remaining two thirds retaining, as security, a mortgage.npon all the effects 6f the Coinpanj. WU. lurdJd. We findf v . be Beanfort Halcyon of the 28th ult.; the Htwrt of Mpj. Walter Gwynn, on the Atlantic rtd North Carolina Rail Road. This road, onr readers will recollect, was chartered at the lasjcession of the Legislature, and runu- ing from AlJJdsroro' is to terminate at the most eligible pout on Beaufort Harbor. We learn from this Deport that surveys have been made to severabdiSTerent points on the Harbor, and the distairces lfom Goldsboro' to- each ascer tained to i as follows : From G Gallant'sToint is 99 miles ; to Beanfort 99.6 miles; to Ieiioxville 100 36; to Shepherd's Point 95.84 miles. The cost of these respec- tive romteire as follows in the order in which they are C.eiioned viz : $1,687,890; $1,743,- 690; $1047 and $1,663,118. The line to Shepherd,! Point is 3.16 miles shorter than the line to Bcsjofort.nd costs $80,572 less. These calcnlatiojW are based upon the supposition that the iroifS'H weigh 60 lbs to the linear yard, and incla!f warehousts, water stations, rolling stock of erry description and machine shops at the termf.' costing $120,000, and are admitt ed by 57wyn bimself to be very liberal. Maj.J!ii!:sprts the distances of deep water from tvuii-Iand , to be as follows : at Shejj ard's 1- 3200 feet, at the town of Beau fort fN?' at Gallant's Point 5610 feet. Iu orif uicentrate the greatest amount of capital a"Eafeergy upoV'the' foad, he recom mends the construction of two branch roads viz: to Shepard's Point and Beanfort, to unite to gether and form one road. From these, colla teral branches may be built running to each desirable poiut oh the harbor and giving all the different localities the benefit of the road. If, however, tlie Legislature should not feel disposed to build all these different branches, Maj. G, thinks that it would be best to con struct first the branch to the town of Beaufort. His reasons for this recommendation are in his own language as follows : "I recommend this as the policy best calculated to accomplish the object in view, or in the language of the Gen eral Assembly as "the most eligible point in the harbor" for the reason that while at all other points, towns and cities exist only in prospective, there are centered at Beaufort a population of 1661, engaged chiefly in com mercial and maritime pursuits, who being pro vided with dwellings and possessed of wharf property, would direct the whole of their capi tal towards extending their business accommo dations, and placing them on a scale commen surate with the increase of trade, consequent on the completion of the railroad. The fact of there being other localities on the harbor ap proximating the main channel more nearly, or that the branch railroad at Beaufort is longer, and costs more, is not, in my opinion, a suffi cient argument in favor of constructing the road, first to those localities, or against making Beaufort the first depository of the railroad. For at Beaufort, a& I have before observed, the outlay has already been made for dwellings, store houses aud wharf fronts, the only addi- 4-4 ioftijtttlrt y required is for. filling out to the channel. This would be an inconsiderable en terprise and a small undertaking for riparian owners, possessed of dwellings, store houses and town lots, compared to that which would be required to induce one to break up his do micil and encounter in the outset some of the hardships and inconveniences of the immigrant, aud the expenditures for a dwelling for his family1, and the necessary buildings and wharf- ins for the transaction of business." The Navy Departmf.nt. No man has ever held high office in this country with a more complete exemption from the spirit of popularity-hunting, than the present Secretary of the Navy, Mr Dobbin. Personally he has the de meanor of an unobtrusive gentleman. In his official conduct he has maintained the same de meanor. He is neither good-tempered nor bad tempered; he has neither favoritisms nor hostilities.- i He is simply a faithful public officer, devoted to his duties, and who knows but one rule, Justice to all. By adhering inflexibly to this, he has made a great and very necessary reform in the personnel of the Navy. But Mr Dobbin has also shown that this severe sense of duty was no offspring of a nar row mind. He has infused system and efficien cy into his whole Department, and it is scarcely extravagant to say that his administration has been the best which the Navy has ever enjoyed, and will leave fruits behind it that will make it memorable in the history of our military marine. Charleston Mercury. An old woman was run over in Threadncedle street, London, and had a leg broken. The accident happened just in front of a bank, and a large crowd was soon collected. A person passing inquired what was the matter. A wag in the crowd replied that they were making a run on the bank. This was soon reported, and XlfrQCaSftJ rushed in to have their notes redeem edTKiin twenty-four hoars the institution was obliged to close its doors. , ? It will not do now to have a leg broken, v or excitement of any description created in front of-a bank ; if there is, destruction stares it in the-face. This the banks understand, as the maruer in which the "soap man with the stee ple hat" was treated indicates. The other day while the Central Bank at Cleveland was under dnress, the soap man with the steeple hat planted his stand in front of one orthe State bauks and began to cry his wares as usual. A tall director came out of the bank and quietly called a policeman and requested him to remove the soap man, as a crowd at that place might be mistaken for a run on their peculiar institutions. It was done. Ohio Pa per : Sale of Bank Stocks. The Newbern News states that on Tuesday, 14th ult. at a public sale of stocks. Bank of the State sold for $148 and $149 25; and Merchants' Bauk for $U5 50. COMMERCIAL RECORD. ladies used to wear a bead-dress of very unsight ly shape, which they called a "top-knot." The fashion ran iuto great extravagances, and at length attracted the attention of the pulpit. It is related that, on one occasion, a celebrated preacher denounced these top-knots as prohibit ed by Scripture, and quoted from one of the Apostles the command "lop nt, come dovrn?' He frightened some of the ladies most prodig iously ; but some of the more curious, referring to their Bibles, were eased in their consciences by finding that the whole of the text read, "Let him who is upon the house-cy not come doicn." The know-nothings can beat this preacher in quoting to suit their purpose. They continue to quote Lafayette as having once declared that "if ever the liberties of this country are de stroyed, it will be by Roamish priests." We have heretofore published the whole of the letter from Lafayette in which this expression occurs, yet we see it again used by the know-nothing organ at Memphis. We therefore remind those curious in garbled extracts that Lafayette, re plying to a Protestant, and in substance, "yvr opinion that if ever the liberties of this country are destroyed, it will be by Romish priests, is a mistake!" This garbling beats that of the preacher. Can a cause which finds it necessary to resort to such frauds be worthy of support? JVasArillc Union. Vegetable Serpent.- According to some Italian jo'urnals, a new organized being has been discovered in the interior of Africa, which seems to form an immediate link between veg etable and animal life. This singular produc tion has the -nhaSe of a spotted serpent. It drags itself along the ground, instead of a head, has a flower shaped like a bell, which contains a viscious liquid. Flies and other insects, at tracted by the smell of the juice, enter into the flower, and they are caught by the adhesive matter. The flower then closes and remains shut till all the prisoners are bruised and trans formed into chyle. The indigestible serpent has a skin resembling leaves, white and soft flesh, and instead of a bony skeleton, a cartila ginous frame filled with 3'ellovv matter. The natives consider it delicious food. Ex. Paper. MARRIED. On Tuesday morning tlie 5th inst., at the resinVnce of Mr Jarai-9 Vinson, in Johnson county. Col. T. Wad dill of this place, to Mrs Marsaline Whitley. In this county, on the 30th ult., Mr Win. W. Johnson to Miss Mary Wilson. Also, Mr James Night to Miss Lizr.a Johnson. Also, Mr James Sander ford to Mis Martha T. Spence. At SuinnK-riield. Ala., on the 22d ult.. Rev. bishop Andrew, of the M. E. Church, South, to Mrs Ch'lders. At Swift Island. Montgomery county, on the 1-lth ult., Mr William MeRae to Miss Olina Augusta, only daui-htT of Jas. II. Ueid, formerly of York city. In Moure county, on the :'.oth ult., Mr William Mc Neill, of Chatham, to Miss Mahala. daughter of John Sheppard, Esq. In New Hanover county, on the 5th inst.. Mr David E. Bunting to Miss Lucv A. Wiikings. COMMON SCHOOLS. The following persons have been examined ae Teach ers in the Common Schools of this county, and have received certificates : Examined in August and September. Mi M L. Cameron, S A Baldwin, John C Lallentine, Daniel 1 McLean. Examined November 21lh, 28th and 29A. John Shaw, James Chason, James Smith, Neill Ifc Leod, Malcom Smith, Christopher A Cameron, Vison Ivey. A McK Cameron. Archibald Clark, Allen A Wade, Miss S J McLauchlin, John A McDonald, Benja min Harrington, Neill McLeau, D T Averitt, Archi bald S McLauchlin, Wm L Evans, John A G His, Joel G Layton, John K Shaw, Peter Patterson, Archibald Smith. Archibald McFadyen, Gilbert Caruiichael, Alexander Kay, Archibald Kay, Mrs A A Weathers. Miss A McCrumiuen. John W King, John L Johnson, John A Fet rill. O P Dupree, Neill A Clark. D G McKae from Richmond county. The Committee are gratified to observe a great im provement in the Scholarship of those wLo fre now coming forward as Teachers in the Common Schools. Testimonials of good character are required iu all cases. EI) AVI) LEE W INSLOW, ) J. T. WARDEN, W. A. HUSKE, Dec. 1, 1W4. It Committee. NOTICE. The Subscriber offers for sale hi Plantation on Little Pee Dee. lying in the Couuty of Robeson, N. .'., aud Marion District. S. C, containing 1,00(1 Acres; 125 of which are cleared and iu a high state of cultiva tion embracing boili light and still soils. These Lands are heavily timbered with Pine and Oak, and admira bly located for the Lumber, Timltr and Turpentine business. There is upon the premises a comfortable Co'tage and all necessary out-buildings, also a Saw and Grist Mill, all new and located upon a perma n nt stream, and operating upon the latest and most ap proved plans. Persons wishing to buy will please call soon as such a bargain is seldom presented. Apply to tb fcutci-ilcr poi-KOiially, nfjr Qneens dale P. O., Kobesorf, or to V. McL. McKar, Fayi tte ville. Mho can give auy information pertaining to the Lauds. Terms will be unusually favorable. M. McRAE. Dec. 9, 1854. 23-3t VALUABLE AEGUO SALE. Will be sold to the highest bidder, on Saturday the 30th of December, at Floral College, the negroes be longing to the late Salbe McEachln. in the following order, viz: PEGGIE and three children, CHAT, JACK. LOTTIE and LIZA. A credit of ..no month will be given to purchasers. HEIRS AT LAW. Dec. 9. 1854. 23 4 1 JIEL. At Alfordsville, Robeson county, on the 20th ult., Barbara Cade, 75 years of age, and for inanj' years a worthy member of the Presbyterian Chiircl . At his residence in Raleigh, on the 5th inst., of Scarlet Fever, Jeremiah Nixon, Esq., aged about 4!) years: Iu Wake county, of paralytic stroke. Mrs Dieey, wife of John Nichols, Esq.. in the 63d year of her age. She survived only six hours. NOTICE. Persons indebted to the subscribers by account must positively pay up. Longer indulgence cannot be given. BRYAN & YATES. Dec. 9th, 1S54. - NOTICE. By an order granted at the September Term of the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, held iu and for the county of Cumberland, I will sell, on the first Monday of January, 1855, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the NEGROES Ephraim, Anderson, and Ben, belonging to the minor heirs of Jno. G ask ins, for a division, a part of said heirs having become of full age are now desirous of receiving their respective shares of the estates belonging to them, now under the control and management of their guardian. Alexander D. McLean. Said heirs could not ascertain their respective shares without the sale of said negroes. The said negroes will be sold at my store, 4 miles above Col. Arch'd McNeill's Ferry, on the north side of Cape Fear River, and one mile from Miss Mary Mc Lean's Ferry. Anderson and Ben are number one tur pentiue hands; Ephraim is a number one turpentine barrel cooper. Any information concerning said negroes can be ob tained by calling on Col. N. King and John Green. Terms of sale, six months credit, notes and approved security Notes to be made payable to Gen. A. D. McLean, guardian. . JULIUS W. McLEOI). Dec. 9, 1854 23-4t Observer and Argus copy 4t. STRAYED OR STOLEN From the subscriber about fi or 8 weeks ago, 2 BLACK MULES, thin of flesh, and marked with harness. $5 reward will be givea for their recovery. C. MONTAGUE. Dec. 9, 1854. tf NOTICE. It being my desire to remove to the West, I will sell my tract of Laud containing Four Hundred Acres, in two divisions, about one mile apart, on the west side of Hog Swamp, adjoining the lands of Messrs J. W. Powell and Alex. Fulmore, and from live to six miles from Pope's" Landing on Lumber River. The Land is well timbered and tine for cultivation. Some of the land on the Bay will produce fifty bushels of corn to the acre. Those wishing to purchase will please call ou the subscriber at his residence. JOHN r REV ATT. Dec 9th. 1854 23-3t Sartlien Ware. I have now iu Store (received within two weeks past) the LARGEST STOCK of EARTHEN WARE ever offered in this Market, comprising a gen eral assortment of BLUE and PINK PRINTED, WHITE GRANITE, BLUE EDGED, PAINTED, and CREAM COLORED Dinner, Ten, and Toilet Ware. These Goods ire re imported to viy own order, EXiRf-sai.y to sriT the Favetteville Wholksai.e I RAllE I have as usual, a good supply of C 11 1 N A and G L A S S WA 11 E . JKaT" Okdeks will be carefully filled at the lowest prices. W. N. TILLING H AST. Dec. 9, 1S54. 23-tf FA YKTTE V1LLE W A RKET. Corrected weekly for the North Carolinian. December 9, 1854. 10 (m il 25 00 12 0 13 13i 00 00 (m 00 74 00 18 00 14 (S 00 10 (hy 12 18 00 40 (d, 50 20 (r, 00 30 (a) 35 74 8 9J 10 8 00 0 00 7 75 .(or) 0 00 7 50 (,y 0 00 45 fj 47 1 00 1 10 NOTICE. The subscriber will offer for sale to the highest bidder ou the 20th inst., one Tract of LAND contain ing 242 acres on the Haft Swamp, in Robeson county, joining the Lands of William McMillan. Samuel Smith and Arcn'd GfMth. Said Eand is well adapted to the cultivation of Corn and Cotton. There is one crop of Turpeutiue Boxes which was tended one year. There is an abundance of I mi limber ou tue Land. lerms one-half to be paid at six months, the other half at twelve months with interest from date, purchaser giv ing note with approved security. 11IIJAM CONOL. Dec. 9, 1854. 23-2t-pd. ARRIVED AT TAYETTEVILLE, Dee. 2. Str Fanny, with passengers, aud goods for mercnants of this place and the interior. sc. . Strs Mora McDonald and Gov oranam. wtffi ooats Gen1 Mcliae and Alamance, witn gooas ior bants of thin nl 3&ea and the interior. ee 4. Str Fairy, with Lighter Red Fox. with ior merchants or this place ana me mwnui. f FOR SALE, '"V" SALT on oanignmeut, by . 4Slobr 9th. ' AUtr. W. STEEL. LONDON PORTER 1 6 CASKS Brvas' London Porter, quarts, and pints. just received, aud lor sale by the cask or dozen, by J. N. SMITH. Dec. 6. 1854. 23-4t NOTICE. The undersigned having obtained Letters of Admin istration ou the estate of Miss Flora Rolin at Decemlwr Term, 1854, of Cumberland Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the estate ot his intestate, to present them duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoverv And those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate parmeut. JOHN L. I5ETIIEA. December 9th, 1854 tf NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the County Court of Cum berland, at December Term 1854, the undersigned as Administrator of Alexander McLeod, will proceed to sell on the premises. 950 ACRES OF LAND more or less, situated iu Cumberland County, on the north side of Cape Fear River, adjoining the land of John A. Cutts, John Matthews and others. The above lands are valuable for turpentine, and abound in excellent timler. and are within six or seven miles of the Cape Fear River. The sale will be on the 13th day of Janu ary, 1855, and on a credit of six months, purchasers civinsr bond and approved security. b J. Wj McLEOD, Adm'r. 9th, 1854- i-pd 90 1 00 1 25 Cm 0 00 00 :o 85 1 25 90 00 8 3 12 (, 8J 15 00 4 13 10 50 2 00 0 00 CO 0(j 2fi 40 10 4h 5i , Ci ($, 2fi 00 12 9 00 00 00 BACON, per lb. BEESWAX, per lb. COFFEE, per lb Uio, Laguira, St. Domingo, COTTON, per lb. COTTON BAGGING, per yard Gunny, Dundee, Burlaps. COTTON YARN, per lb, Kos. 5 to 10, 18 CANDLES, per lb W Sperm, Fayetteville mould, Adamantine, DOMESTIC GOODS, per yard Brown Sheetings, Osnaburgs. FLOUR, per barrel Superfine, Fine, Cross, FEATHERS, per lb. FLAXSEED, per bushel, GRAIN, per bushel Corn, Wh'-at, Oats, Peas, Rye, HIDES, per lb Dry, Green, LARD, per lb. LEAD, per lb. TOHABOO, manufactured, per lb. SALT Liverpool, per sack, Alum, per bushel. MOLASSES, per gallon, Cuba, (new crop) New Orleans, SUGAR, per lb. Loaf and crushed, St Croix, PortoRico, & NOrleans, 7 . IRON, per lb English, Sweedes, common bar, Do. wide, SPIRITS, per gallon Peach Brandy, Apple do. N. C. Whiskey, Rye do. Northern do. NAILS, cut. per keg. LEATHER, sole, p. r lb. FODDER, per hundred, IT AY, N. C. WOOL, per lb. TALLOW, perlb. BEEF, on the hoof, per lb. BEEF, by the quarter or side, per lb. PORK, per lb. MUTTON, per lb. CHICKENS, each, EGGS, per (07.0 n, BUTTER, per lb. POTATOES. Sweet, pr-r bnshf 1, Do. Irish, per bbl. REMARKS. The receipts of produce are larger, but owing to the scarcity of money the market for all kinds is depress.ed. Some sales of Bacon have been made at 10 cts for prime N. C. Corn remains about the same SO and C5 cts per bushel from wagons. Receipts of Cotton large mostly going into store rales of best ranging from 7 and 7i tendency to decline. The quotations of Flour are not easily obtained, and some eales under $8 for super. Spirits Turpentine still continues to decline sales could not be made at over 40 cts per gallon. Caw $2 25 to $2 75 per barrel. WILMINGTON MARKET, Dec. 1. Ti RPEXTixE 102 bbls. were sold at $3,50 per bbl for Y'el low Dipping, $2.80 per bbl for Virgin and $2 per bbl for Hard, and 170 bbls at $3,30 to $3 40 per bbl for Yellow Dip, and $1.75 for Hard. ' Spikits Turpentine. 100 bbls changed hands at 44 cents per gallon. Rosin. No sales of cither quality that we hear of. Tak. 16 bbls. were sold at $2,37 "j cts per bbl. Timber. 1 Raft sold at $fi,50 per M. feet. Salt. 1,000 bushels Turks Island Salt sold at 50 cents per bushel. ogx. 900 bushels sold from store at (Mr cts iter ftushcl. Cotit- 1 00 (15 70 75 r.o 5 75 25 J 25 75 13 12i 51 O 02 4 e 5 12 12 20 f;0 00 fi', 0 00 00 00 (0 0(1 (a 6 00 no 0 00 1 00 15 00 4 4h 7 6 15 15 25 ('0 00

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