mm A WeSlY NEWSPAPEU-Dcvoted to Politics; -the Markets, Forciga and Domestic JScj" Literature, Agriculture, arid; General IafbrBHtion-.-TWO btlARS IN ADVANCE. 1 EAYETTEVILLE, N. C, . SATtJIlDAY, DECEMBER ; 30, 1854 WILLIAM1 J. U PES,.;, Editor and Proprietor. 1 O SUBICRIPTIOl fr fO THE ' CAHOUSIA5. For a single copy, if pa I $ ancc Pcr annum, 32 00 44 il the end of 3 months, 2 50 4. ii I. .(tf the end of 6 months, 3 00 4. it ii the end of the year, 3 50 No subscription wil bjreceived for a shorter period than one year unless p Mi'" advance. With the view of e teiding the circulation and en hancing the usefulness 0fJAc PaPcr' the ProPrietor of fers the following rcn u$ahly low CLUB RATES, IJ RIABLY IN AD VANCE: 5 copies or the 'awdinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 " "N , " " 15 00 Letters on bubiac IPfft be addressed to the under signed, and mut be paid. ' 'it al l?i ,jUcttstajr t , . . - , j Sisvt- ceut pr .tf- 16 fp the first anu thirty cents r.,rach 'Aiucnt insertion, unless the advertisement, is pub more than two months, wheu it will be charj xl For three root) as, - - - " " $4 00 For mx month , 1 - - - " " C 00 For twelve m itfcs, - - - - - 10 00 g&r- All advertise ieU"tsmnstbe handed in by 1 nday iOo'clK-k.a.iD.,tot..o insertion in the next Ut paner, and sho. aye the desired number of m fier'tiooH marked on 1 e$, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. 4 3 WM. J. YATES. FALL STOCK, 1854. ST A 11 R & - W IL LI A M S Have now in Store a LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOOD S, Hats, Cars, Boots, Shoes, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Umbrellas, and Ileady-made Clothing, Which will be sold to WHOLESALE BUYERS, exclusively. The attention of Merchants is particularly invited to this Stock. Orders solicited and satisfaction guar antied. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. NOTICE. ......'.- ' It being my desire to remove to the West,. I will, sell my tract of Land containing Four Hundred Acres. Hi two" divisions, about one mile apart, on the west side of Hos Swamp, adjoining the lands of Messrs L W. Powell and Alex. Fulmore, and from five to nix miles from Pope "s Landing on Lamher.Rive. The Land is well timbered and line -for cultivation. Some of the land on the Hay will produce fifty bushels of orn.' to the-acre. Those w ishing-to purchase will please call on the subscriber at his residence. - ' - . - JOHN PREVATT.- ' Dec 9th. 1831 '23-3t Aug. 16, 1834. S07-tf 18 5 4 JiORTII CAROLINIAN. i FAYETTEVILLE. 'N. C. Worthy of CoNsinERATiox. The followihtr Article, which is copied from the Winchester Tirriiiia) democrat, should be carefully read, and as carefully pondered over: VThe , great body of northern democrats are rte to the constitution. 'I They alone are will rjijj to act with the South, and they alone de-Jti-ijjcr at the North. Some of the southern Whig papers still combat this truth; They 4ndfr the northern democracy. kuowinr well t- ,T . . - r FALIAXi) WINTER' JOG$fr2A23& Our Fall and "Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARS, Bonnets, and READY-MADE CLOTHING, Is now in Store and ready for inspection, embracing bv far the largest and most extensive assortment we have ever offered to the trade, and is well worthy tue examination of every Merchant visiting this place. Particular attention pawl 1 V, , T j v c .p.ttt HALL & SACKL1I. August 19, 18.V1 3IAH jUUt.lSE3IE3iTS. FAYETTI VtLLE POST OFFICE. i llAbEIGn Due Daily at 6i a. "Warsaw iTiit (' lmrs(- coach. ,B Closes daily at Z p. m. If in. (4 horse coach.) Dae d'ailv. except Sunday, at -T. o'clock, a. m. Closes daily, except Saturday, at 3 p. m. "Chkka rAii., (Snlkoy.) Due Tu.-rt.Uy, Thurl laj" and Saturday, at, 1 1 a. m. Closes Sunday, Tiu-day. and Thursday, at 12J p. m. Wn.MixuTo.v v& Elizabflhtown) Stdkey. Due Sundav, Wedr'-itfity. and Friday, at 1 a. in. Closes Sunday, Tu, -day, and Thursday, at 9 p.m. Sat.ku Mail, .nPlaiik Road, 2 horse hack. Due Sunday, Wed 683 ay and Friday, at 3 p. m. Closes Monday, W.ilnfsday and Friday, at Ui p. m. Makiox C. 3 via Luiuh;ntOii) Sulkey. Due Tues.luy and attrday. at 10 p. rn. Closes Wedne!klaynja Saturday, at 9 p. m. Swift I Mail (via Troy). Due Tuesday at 0 ,t. m. CW Tuesday at 9 p. m. - Mail n SrntcicLANjd Depot. Due Tuesday at 2 i. i. Closes Tuesday at 2 p. m. Mail, to Ei.iz .bkthtow'-v (via Terehinth.) Due Wedm-sd'ay a 7 t- m. Closes Monday at 9 p. m. 'J J. E. BRYAN, P. M. M A 15 U i.. K V A C T O 11 ', I f fcEO. LAUDER. Oct. 1, 1B53. ifayetteviile, X. ilaii-Sture. r NOTICE. The undersiarned bavin jr obtained Letters of .Admin istration on the estate of Miss Flora Bolin at Dect ratjuf i i tj tijne . t j,ey are falsif vine fact, and per Term, !, o oumor anuuoor, o l ,a "mur-. s;,.. mislead SOuthem whi-S a'ainst the estate of his intestate, to present the.dalTT;,'cropttng to prove the SOUlidnefiS OT ..(1 I. ....... I - . uA.. ;atfatVnr:ai.' rtnea -i?t iter oi And those indebted to said: estate are requested to 35SUaw ,'ttr' eirTtedWT'v. make immediate payment. December 9 th, ia4 JOHN L, BETIIEA. tf LONDON TORTER 1 0 CASKS Brvas' London Porter, quarts, and pints, just received, and for sale by the cask or dozen, by J. N. SMITH. Dec. C. 1S5-1. 23-4 1 FALL, 1851. KBW FIRM AND NEW GOODS. PEARCE & FERGUSON Are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of D li Y G O OD S, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Boots, and Shoes, Sec. Sec. With an extensive assortment of Ready-made Clothing. All of which thev offer to purchasers at low prices and upon accommodating terms. From long experience, and by strict attention to business, thev hope to merit asharc of public patronage. B. F. PEARCE. J. B. FERGUSON. Fayettevillc, Aug, 17, 1834. 8U7-tf S II EM WELL Sc MeDONALI), (Successors to P. Shemwell.) Deai.ees i-v Staple and Faxcy DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Also a general assortment of Stray." & Silk BONNETS. In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very good, v. e will in a lew days receive a new supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which we will sell low for cash or on reasonable time to punctual customers. w. b. shemwell. a. n. Mcdonald. East side Green Street. Fayettevillc, Sept 23, 183-1. y NOTICE. The Subscriber oSers for sale his Plantation on Little Pee Dee, lying in the County of Robeson, N. C, and Marion District S. C, containing 1,000 Acres; 12.) of which arecleiWwl and in a high state of cultiva tion embracing Loth light and stiff toils. These Lands are heavily timbered with Piue and Oak, and admira blv located for the Lumber. Timber and Turpentine business. There is upon the premises a comfortable Cottage and all necessary out-buildings, also a Saw aad Orist Mill, all new ; and located upon a perrua there is no exense. They endanger tue coun try by keeping up antipathies to the only party which is true to the Union and the constitution. They battle against the name of democracy from the mere force of habit. They call on the names of Clay and Webster as though they could in the dark tombs hear, and hence utter some magical word to restore the party to its departed glory. But they caunot hear. Both went down to" graves saddened bv the desertion nf thoso for whom thev battled. Both were I Morc.anlsin at Salt Lake CKJ. Elder JJydes llasphemous defence cf pdygam 1 There is scarcely a gathering of the Saint at which their patriarchs and elders do not d scant warmly in support of their characterise doctrine of polygamy. It appears to be a sot subject with them, and they pervert' the Scri tures in the most outrageous manner to snstaL their position T At the grand conference in tifti tabernacle, on the otii- oi uciooer,' wueu tuof sands from all parts of the Territory were aj scmbled Elder Orson llydc, who. is one oi iiv biir iruns" in the church, delivered a long addrel of his riirht !to 'maintain a hareif He charges at the outset that a large inajori ot tha so-called Christians adopt the practicr i"!L . :,. Laviiiflt on 111 Ml Til M T ITTTIT I 1 1 T 1 II D T T . " " - - on e w ije o od fa niilypSrteorVOtig'ia Hie lavsij maintain one or more mistresses, in seer From them, he argues denunciations of the s tern of a plurality of wives come with nn rrace. lie next quotes Abraham, Isaac, Dav and Solomou, as having practised polygau and argues that the Mormons but follow th fvV-;V For the Carolinian. h list appeal to the Farr.i?rs of Xorih Carolina ilt lias been nearly three years since I began o df'ote my time and what ability I-havie. to (headvuucemeiitol the fanning interest of Jtlirl h 3arliiia. It was apparent to me, of that lime, ha(he most efiicieut means which had eon irilfled most in the advanccuieut of agriculture? ii other States, were agricultural papers and bounty and State Agricuturul Societies. Upon ;hii:)nclusion, I determined atotice to publish ish paper devoted esi;cial!y to the advam Tient of agriculture in North Carolina, anil to. i&ivcl over the State and exhort the farmers to .form County Agricultural Societies, and a$vjt$?" an iutcresLsufSvitnt to establish a Stat u Kljft.- In April. 1 852, 1 commenced the ublicu tltMdQof "The Farmer's Journal" wilb apatrouago not half equal to the ueeesr-arv expitiscs of tin; j publication. .1 have been now nearly three year?., as I stated above, devoting inv time to this work, without one partic le of remuneration : and, at this time. 1 liae omy siiljscribers to "The Fanner' sixteen Luiiured .Journal," tin- t II.. .....miAC tl.rt ttoiflltirT. lllT.tfk ifu In sminnrt ot this, ne n uethr " , , i Hi fill vil via. ' ' ' " " 7 - r i ne..t stream, and opt rating upon the latest and most ap- gEKVICE.Mr Roserelt, a lawyer o proved plans. Persons wishing to buy will please call , , .' . 'i. 'oon asinch a bargain is seldom presented. who sailed ui the Baltic last eek, to the subscriber personullv. near Queens- bt. Petersburg, it IS saul, is to it dale p. O.. Robeson, or to W. McL. McKay, Fayette- Oeneralship in the Russian army. Sevei viiie. who can give any inlormation pertaining to the other Americans it is reported, went out in t L Terms will be unusually favorable. Baltic to proceed to Russia. The N. Y. S Dec. 9, 1S34, 2:?-3t and both fell under the ignominious panderings of their jarty to northern fanatics. - Both were buried in srreat Domp; but how true of them as of the old immortal 'An hundred cities claimed the Homer dead, Thro' which the living Homer begged for bread' America Volunteers for, the Russian of New ! oi k, en route foi ls to be raised to a Several the Sun M. AIcRAE. says : ; "Mr Koseveit has been engagea lor ue last, two months in sketching the plan and calculat ing the costs of a camnai"-!! all of which are Will be sidd to the highest bidder, on Saturday the rcjacc j to paper, and capable of being rolled VALUABLE SEGKO SALE. 30th of December, at Floral College, the negroes be- long'n" to the late Sallie McLachiu. m the lollowing order, "viz: PEGGIE and three children, CHAT, JACK, LOTTIE and LIZA. A credit of ne'uiftitli will be given to purchasers. . HEIRS AT LAW. Dec. !). 1S34. 23-4t i!T Tffs ??'TT HT are- tin into a comoas. sumciently small to enauie him to secrete it on his person without fear of detection. There are several persons ot stand ing iu this city who are familiar with the plans, having got their information from Mr Rosevelt. They state that it is the intention of the Czar, in tbr snrin r to oneU the caiunaiirii on tlie Uiose lor wnom ti.ey u.h, ..... hi traveIg thro, r, the t.itieg of jm saenhced to the temuie orueai oi eApeuie .j fti(im.nranl.nipfl bv three orfourwoii. ill. 1 O V IfU - v - " J V - - one combing his head, another washing V feet, another shedding tears upon them, said li fourth wiping them with the hair ol tier ntaa- and infers that they must have been his wives "for," says he, "if I (Elder Orson Hyde, wer to -o round thus, it would appear monstrous il theeves of the world, and I should receive t coat of tar and feathers, and be ridden on a rail and it is my opinion the world would treat th Savior in the same way, did he go about BoV as he did 1800 years ago." ( lie then quotes from the 53d chapter . (r Isaiah, which, he alleges, speaks of Christy au the way through. It is there said, "When tho i shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he sha I see his seed." Now, says Elder Hyde, "il b; lias no seed, how could he see them?" Byknl by Isaiah goes on to sav, "And who shall dedal: las generation" Elder Hvde asks, "If hejhal no jreueratiou. who could declare it?" i The Elder then descends to particulars, fiiM actually asserts that Mary and Martha wer tie wives of Christ. il anion"- tin: farmers of our State Surelv, it is not a fact that there are not. others, who read besides the sixteen l.n.urcd agricultural papers besi who take "The Finn uufiibtr than, from mer s oui Liu. A ki s live to six thov.sai.d .u:l- sewibers to a paper like th;s, at tin; Miiuil sum of One dollar, will not pay; aim how easily this nu'6iber might be sceure;! if oiily ten nun in eah county in the Stale v nk! furn'h ten iuune each. Here is the fact before ns, that we have this only agricultural paper in the State, v. it !i on- sixteen bundl ed subsi ribers, at'onv dollar a year, and a State A grictil t r.ra 1 ' Socit.-ty v. It i i abput seven hundred numl.t rs, the iiiitialion fee being three dollars. Ilow .ii.nch . r shall this be the case? Will not every 'farmer, wSose eve this may chance to ineit, feel that it iliis dntv to expend a small sum into the iien- .1. iCl! life ile oi ( d 1 1 I hove now in Store (received within two weeks most tornnuaole rouuuation, anu 10 tariy tue nasU the LARGEST STOCK of war into Great Britain itself." NEW FALI-AND WINTER GOODS, Opposite the Cape Fear Bank. .ONES & LETT Have now in S -r a large and handsome Stock o! FAL1 & WINTER GOODS, Selected during w. past i;)ath. by one of the firm. ;.. th Kevr York Market, coin'. rising a large Slock oi Staple and Fane. 22 11 Y Roots Shoes n'l.o-ilier with : lartrc assi GUOC.EiMES. (, Ac., all o! wuurii tliev ara prepared to :Tef to their customers, and all those wisliiiig to jurel iB9se!eet goods, at tin? lowest market snPr- ' rfluee taken in excuanee ior troous. g o o n s. and IJmhrellds, i.rtmcnt of fine FAMILY prices REUBEN , Sept. Id, 18." NES. - 'J i y-pd J. W. LETT. A . 33. Canitlc!i, Al CTIOSEE it t CO:jHI-SIOK JlERCItAXT, Easl eicle of (iiih?spie street, ?avltthv;i.i.;:, N. C. October 1. 18 1. 1 BAUA;INS! BARGAINS!! The undersic el has now in Store his Fall and Win ir stoek of Gt DDS. eonsistinc of a general assort ment of .4 - DRY LQDS AND GROCERIES, Hat. Caps, B. tneis. Boots and Shoes, Sattinets, Cas simers. Linse , .Flannels. Muslin-de-Lains, Alpaeeas Shawls. Crava-; , 4e. Coffee. Sugar. Molasses. Tobac co. &e. &C. i (mH a general and well selected stoc k of ltEADY-MAi)B CLOTHING, consisting ot Oo.'ts Vest. Pants. Hurt and Under-shirts. Adamantine! sperm and pearl Candles; pepper, spice salaratus, star ift,-iiiie cnewing looacco. c Produce ta,.i2a;i in exchange for Goods at market pricef . R. D. DAVIS. ' North sid. ofPerson St., next door to F. D. Brecce N. B. All 'lewons indebted to me by note or ac count are res eci'fully reuested to call and settle im mediately, as longer indulgence will not be given. Oet. 1. Iff:. 5 v " R- D. D 1 -4 man witL a-inan family to take charge of my "Plantation ne( r "i-'aveiteville, on the first of January next, as an ()jereer. Evidence of sober aud indus trious habits 1 ill be required, Caps, Umbrellas, S c. cheap, J A M E S . K Y L i: Ts "n.W rtrCr-t -rf rig- Ms I-'n 1 1 Ho py? v- of" DRY GOODS, 7 f t . . . r- jjoois ana otors jiat Among which are, French and Eugli.-h Merinos, ver li!slin doLains and Alpaeeas. Brocade, plaid and plain Silks, Musliu and Eobinet, Sleeves and Collars. Merino and other Shawls, long ami square, Calico jrad Ginghams. Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Best made Bolting Cloth. A large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, With manv other Goods, all of which being purchased bv the package at the late reduced prices, will be oh'ered wholesale or retail at very low prices. Septem!er 13, 18.04. E A R Til E N 1 VA R E ever offered in this eral assortment of wn fri-mi tbp Danville Register that a Market, comprising a gen- , , , . r r Me Dah- iel Albany, of Leaksvdie, N. C, came to nis death a few days siuce, by the accidental dis charge of Jiis gun while hunting. It appears tliatjito was hoUbnglus gnu in nis nana witn Ui3 maazle ranging directly -under his chin", when histdog, in fondling on him, struck tiie trigger vifiihis.foot, causing the gnu to Tire and hxlge its contents in the head of the unfortunate youth. He was mutilated in a shocking man ner and survived but a short time. BL UE a nd PINK PRINTED, WHITE GRANITE, ; REUE EDGED, r I'AINTIZI). W " f CREAM COLORE!) Dinner, Tea, and Toilet Ware. These Goons u-ere. imported In my oicn order, EXPRESSLY TO SUIT tllC FaVCttCVillo WHOLESALE Trade. I have as usual, a good supply of C II I N A a nd G L A S S I V A R E . will be carefullii Idled at the lowest prices. Dec. 9, 1834. " It is a principle in our republican system equally sacred and fundamental that it is the duty of all men to worship God according to the A Poo! anl lils Jlancy soon Parted. Sic Thousand Dollars lost i,i a Cavilling About a month since we stated that aiiir mechanic residing on Seventh street, iirlJ is citv, named William L. Walker, had receivifij'Li telligeuce of the death of an uncle in BaltiipjB'te, by which lie came into the possession of fs ,te thousand dollars, all in cash. Mr Walkei,5 1-; mediately, upon the receipt ot this informi 'at iiis situation in Henderson's eariilr.'-jr shop, and started for the monumental eijf, receive his fortune. Upon his arrival in pJ-'-i-more, he learned that the money to which hf -id fallen heir, was ii. such condition that it If t id not be obtained for six mouths. Young f,'f" er, anxious to get the money "on sight,"ol'vr ed to take $8,500; for the whole amounff), a od finally did sell his claim for .$"8,000. Ove-wV;"d at the success which had attended H; lie hastened -back to his home. Five.himdrJl.',al- eril fund for the advancement of the : . -T ft- v. . ... tore oi ins own oi.iit. i'llkre are tlirce vetirs of :rv t- advancement of my i.ative State v.iiheni iriv remuneration, with the exc-ption of the- 1 1 r for bv it, I have already involved mysi:!:. Dl this voiiin.e C6ld encouragement ol the carcle;;.; pu-u.e. i4uiioi. continue to j ur.-ue this course nn'v 1 ----- . ... Ilnnist stniLrrle on uu :iv Mper is concluded, audi then musl, whl.ot.i rfore enconragemtnt than J bavi; m it i ltd, give uj Ifuie) my I am Ft V,'. N. TILLING HAST. -tf dictates of their own . conscience, and ihat no iars expeuded the next day, after: his tfru man should be proscribed, either because of the ; purchasing new furniture, Arc, for his lilne. rilaee of his birth or of his religious faith. If The old furniture was sent to Wo6drull?s ud MRS. WALTON j Will return from the North the hrst ot Ucqucr wita a j very large stoci; oi , SIILLIKltaY FASCY GOOJJK, j And the latest st.vle ot Ul-:i-.r. ii; anu PATTERNS; Cloth and Velvet Mantillas. Talmas, and Cloaks; Collars. Umler-Slceves, and inside Capes. Also a verv handsome assortrnjiit ot H LAU-DK liba bS and CAPS. She returns thanks for former patronage, and hopes her patrons and friends will call before purchasing, elsewhere. j u-tr LOOK AT THIS. j On Person Strict, 5 doors cast of Cape I' ear Bank HOUSTON ,y OVERB Y lesnectfullv return thanks to the citizens ot t ay e tie- iUe and surrounding country for the liberal patronage thev have received, and hope bv strict attention to bu-iuess to merit a continuance of the same. They have on hand the following articles, viz : i ... -.. this principle be right, it woutu seem . 10 ue wrong to form secret associations, bound togeth er by the most solemn oaths, to proscribe and enforce a religious test, or any other test, for office or public trust under the United . States, other than that which is authorized aud sanction ed iu the constitution." Judge Douglas. 1- avetteviile. bent, ov, ito-L FALL A5D WINTER GOODS in disposed of at auction, the whole being soia-'o ,5-ti, EUClt Was IIS llllt'liui ciiaiaii-ci. iSt with his little family, rented a house oniig worth street, at $300 dollars a year, ifiO im pended quite a sum of money in havinj,t re nainted and white-washed. Walker fltng himself independent, enough to play the gjjuJe- man. commenced trequentuig tne saloons .uu It was liishop Horner's opinion that there is restaurants on Third street in the day tilbr .nd i Saddles of different kinds,, .Buggv and Carrip-ge oo better moralist man a newspaper, xxc aj,s; the theatres at mgiu. lie maue Hcquaiiut tea Harness of different qualities, Road Wagou "The lollies, vices, ana consequent- nnseuea speedily, and very liberally treatea ti w ir..,..w,cc c,,i.b l.l.iif fri- of multitudes disnlavcd in a newspaper, are so ovsters and other refreshments, and infc..irn Saddle Bags, riding Bridles of diilerent styles and pri- many beacons continually burning to turn n,js ,)jSW friends mvited lum to play cartK "m ces, Martingales, Halters and ..Halter Bridles; a large others from the rock ou which they have been Milliards jtt their expense. The new sphli 5 in assortment of Buggy Whips: also drover's dray and f sliipwreelcea." 'What more powerful dissuasive wi,icij hc was enjoying himself so - eclipsilhis wagon whips ot a good article; wagon l.rmles Collars l a-. ,.,.... !in1 aIlifer than the it ;.lon,,t that .!. was soon nersui.t.l to aiid llarness ot the very nest material anu workman- - o . jU-,...v,.. .. , - , p in despair, anu seek (as others hare lortune iu some otln r State, it. lould be a source ofinucli regret to me to nae tb leav3 native State, for if there is a 'man ifhojoulii exult -rsuore than any other at the cviilul! tne Tannine: lutciesi oi ...i- .. i..., am that man. armers of North Carolinfl, hear" whai'-dr Jlayner said in his address before tuoucaiius v. I he" last State Fair : If "T b.-n-.-. c.iiil ilis.t tho le.enns of iiif c-!i 'isl wee ere within our reach inlelligi m e to t:,;.b!- s to avoid the errors of the past, mid to.;ivail urselves of the improvements ot tne resent, nd the future. An jourmil, de moted to the elucidation of gem-nil principles, lud their application to our pcciihar pus.t.u;.. lb imlispensable to everv practical fa rim r. uc!. ', paper we have in our State ''The I armer . fournai" a journal gotten up and sunha.d in. he outset, as I well' know, with gnu! labor nd expense; and even now, net supported ts n should i.e. This pal er is a Aorin ;;i -.i.:. . a per; it originated in Nor tit Cf rolina tntc;- rise; is devoted to Aorm i.aiouua imu.i.-.. , and must rely on North Carolina pride for np- iport. It would be a reproach to ou: nan; .no. bur association to allow it to fail. Itisv. ilo tlue deference, then, tiiat I wouhl oeg knve to leal to the pride and public spint -! on:- J. T. W ADD IDE, HAY STREET. Are now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS, consisting of a large and well selected stock of ship; Carpet Bags, Trunks, Buffalo aud; Bear Skins lor j story OI one meno muiueieu uy bhuuiu saddle ami trunk covers. Horse Liiauivcis, auu a goou auelf W uat catlliou liKeiy io oo more cueciuai many other articles. . rwrainst n-amblillL' and proflisaCV. than the i- - : . : . . . mnnriitii re ation ot an execuiiou or me late visit the gambliug rooms. They wiil warrant all work to be of good workman ship and material. GROCERIES Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmith & Tur pentine Tools. Agricultural Imple- II ATS and CAPS, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery and Leather, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-made Clothing, aud staple Dry Goods. mcnts, This Stock we are prepared to job or retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 185 1. &Wc ask the Planters and Turpentine men to examine our Kersys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. Dec 2d. 'tf t JNO. WADDILL, Jr. BRICF e( aVi n McDITPPE K MASON AND PLASTERER, Persons wanting work done in his line will be promptly attended to bv addressing him at the Fayette ville Post -Oft vei " 0 Favettevil , Jan'y 28. 134 ly-pd EAKCE & FERGISOX, Wholesa' jjealers in Foreign and Domestic t ' ,1 I) R Y GOODS. Hats,1 Caj t Jioots, Shoes, Umbrellas, and f EADY-MADE CLOTHING. North s, tell lay street. Fayktteviixe, N. C. TH-fT" Strici attention paid to orders. I -f B. F. PEARCE. July 15, ",-4 J. B. FERGUSON. ti,k,. wUhin.rtoiiiirchaso articles in our line are ot a ilespairing suicide: v nat unci iecLuiuuii reouested to call and examine our Stock before pur- i tie necessity of economy, than the sanctions of estates, houses ana furniture: umy iah.e a newspaper, and consider it well pay for il and it will instruct thee." clnv-iiag elsewhere. Fayetteville. Dec. 2, 1S34. Cm P. S. We particularly. request all those in debted to us to come forward and settle, as we are in need of money and must have it- . - ' HOUSTON & OYERBY. TEAS! TEAS.'! Hvson, Iiioearial and Oolong, all of first quality. for sale, by 1 ; J. N. SMITH. Nov.- 9, j 19-tf LETIQN:t. The firm of G. IV, lav dissolved by mutual consent. U - G. W. I. GOLDSTON. R. W. GOLDSTON. Not. 17th, 1834. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the interest of R. W. Goldston in the late t:rm of G. V. . I. Gold ston & Co., will still continue to carry on the Grocery and Hilwrc Businsa at the old stand. He invites all his friends to call on him when ttrey come to market, and he will try to make himself useful. q GOLDSTON. . Nov. 17 th, 1S34. 20-tf JIO.VEY. We dislike to allude to unpleasant subjects during these hard times, but if our customers whose notes and accounts have been lvina: over for one and two years. wonbl eall and nav us. we would be thankful. If not ! convenient to calf in person. i-emittances will do. We would almost consent to pay postage for. the sake of the cash. J. & T. WADDILL, Hay street. -December 2d. tf DWELLING KOU. KBST. That convenient Residence beonfeing to Miss E Ily- bart, situated on Mason ami l;a!torsil streets, is now otrered for Rent. For terms apply to WM. BOW. Nov. 24, 1854. ' 21 tf TIIOS. J. JOHNSON Hasjust received and is receiving a large and well selected block ot DR Y GOOD S, Groceries llanlivare Cntlerr, White Lead, Putty, Coopers' Tools, Truss Hoofs; Trunks fc Carpet Bays. A tine lot of Dress, Frock aud Over Coats. Pants and Vests. Also a heavy Stock of Boots and Shoes, Blankets. Kerseys, Wool Hats, &e. few days since entered into in Tennessee, wife is worth a cool fifty thousand, The A rather singular Marriage Contract was a The hus band is the rightful owner of. a magnificent coatee. The contract was as iollows: Art. The husband is to have no interest in the tate. Art. 2d. He is not to collect any r .i . . ......... . ... . . 'llw, ItnlATfi. I husband is not to cliastise or control any of her servants without the wife's consent. Art. 4th. Ht. XOTK'K. Those indebted to me will please call and let me know wheu it will be conveuient for them to settle." ... .trr A fine New Close Carriage, to time purchaser, or cash. . . ';v'i' 1 gentle Harness Horse, price $175. " THOS. J. JOHNSON. Dee. 2, 1S54. 22-tf - BCTTER) a new supply. 100 Firkins (Valley Virginia) Butter. 50 " Ashe county Butter. Nov 24. 21-tf GEO. McNEILL. TP" 7 EE I AM BO W , Dealer in DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, FAMILY PROVISIONS, &c. Foot of Ilavmount. FavcltcviUe. N. C. i at nearly every game, and accumulatea itriy $300. Night after night he continued i'ttbiug those sinks of iniouitv. one of which is lot -ted on Third street, until he had lost over st .'iour- sand dollars of the fortune he had receifeii unt a few weeks since. Walker says that lirbtuhe had lost four tliousaud dollars of the mtki -f he would have stopped, had he not exp,-tel to "et the sum back by continuing the gan. Lav i.rtw liAwvf.r stonicl. and has soair- t reMI dress in one of our courts of justice, aarfdes ho tin a fiirnitnr clothim' ike. he puiscfi'Sedi he has only $1,100 of the". $8,000 left, M pri mises hereafter to remain at Home, am squander what is left, but resume his daily Ji3 and atteud closely to-the interests axid ul far of his family. Cin. Gaz., Wed. t fiimen tot lie hi Til I ' . , i e - !.. 'ii.'1-l'i I: el as,hoeiaiion, niut oi our jicujmc j.v. - - ir. c-iwt.. ;.. .....I L-niiMii-t it I-'vi'II !:UV. ill l!S II .V MOlttlll Ullll ..UI'I'VI . ... finr-r if .. .-.- vi a fjivorablV Willi Bouthern agricultural journ.i.s ; nni, jrriM-isrtid tiv...,i r,. v.e Slit 1 SU'Cngl 1 . -. . .. . . ,. I-,, it ,1 L-tll IMOI'I Kr mis -iti. uu rfM ncnii-N mi inir.'.. . .IIIKIIUIV, . . V'JIHIIIVl"." the lies.:. bv in hen ;ni lisefid vehicle of information a jom nai cry North Carolina fai This is the last appeal ol which 1 I 1 ...... 1 T every North Carolina farmer sbouiu icti jkmiu. that 1 shall make to the farmers of the State to sustain a papci ..- Ivoted to their interest. I leeitliai i i.att- c even more than mv d"tv in nn- m.'i.w. , .... wasted three vear's t;f hk "1"" U; ,v' 11 ;" particlc of profit tomy.clf; but my labur. nav. 1 am sure, redounded t( ",c it tins v. on. cai. NoMn Carolina, chaiii-c 1 o meet . 1 1 am sure, airricnlt.nrf' in the Slate. yet go on, if every farmer in h'iiki. ov.. tl.i 'iiblres: IIKIV dollar anu n-s mime Farmer's Journal,"' Y; . h,N. C. :us not come out n - E, Negroes Retcrxed. The Ste. Gqrie'ieye oe- Tbe husband binds tnmsell to pay tne wne one rlo pia-m Dealer says, that four negrBf hundred and litty aonars per auuum ior ooaru lona.jllo. to Col. E. V. Bogv, who Ttk tway and to-have nis lodging gratis. " '.T'"' ni? turned of their own free will. They ari l mart Mextal and Corporeal Sufeerixg. There . tW f. ftPft llftti(1 ollM.their is a verv Dretty l'ersiau apologue on tne un- ".4 .u ...... 1,1 will at once send in his the publishers of "The D. Cooke Si Co., at Kaki T L-iiriu.- lb-it mv fiaocr I gularlv in manv instances to subscribers, w i,.,c ...i..." fun tat an, ior uie . u I,..-, iii-i-ii i, iii.-ii hi. . NOTICE. All persons indebted to me, either by note or ac count, are requested to call and settla by the trd of January': otherwise they will find their accounts in an officer's hands. W. S. FOWLKES. December 2. 1854 3m SOTICE, Debts due the estate of Judge Strange (on account of the late sales) will be put in the hands of an ofiiciv for collection, unless settled bv the 1st -Tan'v next. Nov 2L 21-tf GEO. SfcNETLL, Adm'r, laOO- ACRES COAL LAM) FOR SALE. Tiie subscribers ljeing desirous of moving West, now oiler their Laud for sale. The Land is situated be tween Egypt and the Gulf, on flie south side of Deep River, for two miles up and down the said Rivcc. There are 1200 acres of the Land, with" some 490 or out) acres under a 'good state of cultivation; the bal ance Timber land. The Land lies a quarter of a mile south of the Coal out-crop, (dipping under the said lan,l) the coal has been shown on two sides of the said land not more than i mile from it. Geologists say it is all underlaid with Coal, but toe subscribers not thinkinir of selling until very recently have never had a search made for the Coal, but have no doubt that if h wa made the coal would be tound. is a very pretty x csmu apoiuc w,ou,- - situation, than- they would be i non ference between menta and corporeal suffering. I Canada, or the biased A kins and his minister were discussing the . . . h iti A A;.. n.',t,.5nn ' Tho niim'r abolltlOIWStS of OhlO. IL ! ? subiect. and differed in opinion. The minister mainLinie m A man was recently tried it, Indi Convince HIS suvticin .k . in. mi"", c i -n iaiu -. . J-..4. i- i i.r -.4. I ,wl.. b cerfnt h section of the Fuffitivl OlaV! broke its leg, sum it up, auu put icuu. uciuic it. i ""vi.! ..v--. - - IT. .. ,.,1, clinf 5t nn-n-ilh a tbrr wbiidi I U,lt r,.i- irt inir in tho PSMIlfi of slaves frCflJ tue ilC lUVb u uu hi) 1 , etiuv I - . . . . . . . . . . . ti.Tj iv. " o 1 - , i I una hnnnil hv a stronsr : chamJ that . the beast I ; Tvbtob raw Afr Cvrns ril nior " " " J - n ' l tllcol.Jlo . ,. ' . T . ...... 14- ... . . of patronage sidlieient to,.s WJ'K IU the interest of every publisner of a paper ths:i. every subscriber get, his paper instead ol wit..- holding it. , if ,,w.,.,..f ,.rrM is t a Ken to feel an intend in thus matter in a niouiu from this time my li., msteal of being hi::tev.i humlred, mav be five or six thousand. J. V. TOMPKINS. bv such os ought On tl'e t-vc of o:iU tMa 'atH hattles in Eurooe 'the bis-hop who accompanied the Rus sian aniiv addressed the soldiers in the foli.v. -i-ig style: "f vim are conquerors," cried the bishc; , "reat joy is in preparation for you. We kn' fnuu unimpeachable sources that these Engh- ' .iu retics have in their camps an enormous sun.. i.ieb God will trive into vour hands. rlli!S ' ,. ----- j amounts to thirty million rouples. Ei 8 aa ! neror makes vou a present of the third part. this tremendous sum. lite sccom. ' Mill, a good 1 Dwelling House, n nunT6?fone set j Stables, larirsi enough for 74 head of Mnles;iiiPint?!er one lock, and other out buildings suitable to a farm. Any person wishing v enter into the Coal speculation i v.,nbl do well to sri've the subscriliers a call as they are ' determined on going West. Address Oakland V. O., j for Barrels after 30 days could spring near, . but not seize the lamb, brother of the ex-President, was the jii,c,l and put food also before him. In the morning he w-,tness. The nran was proved guilty ?f U oarripil the. kino- to see the effect of the exneri- i,,. Knt it la sniA tho iurv would nbtl'end moiif : Th lamb with the broken letr bad eaten I r -!. x-A't nnloc tho indo-o crnnlff .om ...... . - -- i, . U L. II V 1 . I v,iuiv " ' . -- J o nn all the food before h'uu the other was tn rpm th fine which the act irar frtntMl dead front friirht. I ..,.nnlt fnr hu V.ffonoo wliich was flirt'ted to, I I 1. .. . . .w. 1 . ... . t . .. . .. .1 !. :TO iKnronnmi l.vnn.rht in til Oil lerCHCt i S(TVP(I loi t !P. lllirilOSe Ot IU" aim nic jui) Luvivuijuu ...uuj,... ... it ! x r 1 ,i .. - c c c r. .ift.ia ntirl CAl.i.nn1. ...I,;.. I. .,rr on t!:" I that tne Drisouer pay a uue oi miv uuum' --7 kjciwiiuun-, nun.ii ,. -. ...i IJnvin Tl.fl rnmaimllT Will !C U.l'O---. nv. iu, a. 1 1 v it,iiio'- , ....ii' . : and omeers who wi.t ir commanders -int.- To tii you, om , promises month's p wouudeu tne f Ofvoueho.en by G and rations. Emperor will pen Hi l.i J , WIlTlCIi!. .' . . . . j. . ii. :i -i ' ..i. I fV.n4-.t1ia nrisnner tul V a fi.OP of fifty rwisitivtdv nav ud. Longer iaduljrence cannot I ho. iinnrisoned one hour ia the court rfB - , j - " - i I given-' . . v I reiiiiiium; ion; i oi ' anion b -- ' 1OO0 Splrtt'TnriiemllMe1' Casts.-' " ' " NO IV, ON HAND AND FOR SALE, t S2 25. cash. Interest will be chaiged on accounts Chatham County Nov. IS, 185!. '.'C. M. & J. 20-fit G. FOOSHEE. CMOCOLAVES A superior article for sale by J. N. SMITH. Dec. 16. 24-4t nniovn fnr Barrels left at the .Store or ,vessrs cook. & Johnson, or at James G. Cook's, will be attended to. ALSO - 125.000 BRICK will be rtdy for delivery about the 1 5th of October from my Brick Yard in Campbellton. lJl G. W. LAWRENCE. Mary's Garden, Sept. 28. 1S31 13-tf . ' '""' 'Z - . -'-' . i bers 'in nis recent voiumtrrnTr.g m ica," remarks that a person accustomed to visit among the middle classes in Great Britan is astonished at the profusion at table in all quar ters of America. 'There is,'"' he says "no stinting as to food." He adds, "It was often pressed to my notice in the United States, that the hired laborers in the field are provided w:tn better fare than falls to the lot of thousands ox the "sTentec?' classes in England. 1 . ror a gion- - . , J;notv i,v .vi vou to di.-T0:'e V J r 'Whatever may be the wishes of any one of yo. , thev will bo respected solemnly.' The speech was tc-ruiiuated by an appeal the God of armies to bless the soldier- of Russi:. . A distribution of medals and coronets followed.

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