THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Free and fomt-niiezn .The following is the nroceedintrs of the on the :20th inst. in relation to th Fn ""$iP f" irage Bill: The hour of twelve .4 - 1 1 A .1 me nruceeiteii 10 me omer, being the motion ol -Mr (iraliam to'"'" out Mr Boyd's Free Suffrage bill eoncer a Convention. rj Mr Lane called for a division, and liofed that the questmn be first taken on striking ut- I Late frm Fnrn having arrived, tl39en consideration ot tne si"-,a 1 ras arriveu iroin The following is ari abstract of her Mr Boyd demanded the veas and nays Those who voted to strike out are egsrs Cherry;, Christian, Davis, Freeman, G lf r. Graham, llaughton, Lane, McCleese, MiUlH Morisey, Kayner, Thomas of Davidson, Wi.s, Wiley, and Wiuslow of Pasquotank. 10. Those who voted against striking on ire Messrs liiggs, Bower, ISoyd, lirogden, ( lafV, Coleman, Collins, Cunningham, Drake, Iiitfn, Eborn, Faison, Fennel!, Fisher. Fonville. Gis, Herring, Hoke, Jones, McDowell, Martin, JiO, OldScld, Person, Sanders, Speight, TijlOr, Thomas of Jackson, Walker, Wilder afcd Wood :n. ' T$ So the Senate refused to strike out. f . Mr Gilmer now moved to amend tbe b '1 ty a'ddinir the following : : l)c it. further macted, (throe-fifths of the hole number of members of each House ooncurrngp that the third section of the fourth "''article jpf the amended ( 'ouil.tution, ratified by the VCe of the people on the sec ond Monday of Ncei Wv 1 '-'-", La ropo'-iloJ, and tlnit th folio icr be inserted in its stead: Taxation shall be tioil and uniform throughout the State, and all pr r,er1y other than slaves shall be taxed in pro portion to its value; which shall be ascerta ud in such manuer'as may be prescribed by -'a. Every slave- who has attained the ago of twlfe years shall he assessed with a tax equal to, and not exceeding that assessed on land ol the value of three hundred dollars. Slaves u dlr that au-e shall not be subject to taxation; anil other taxable property may be exempted t 'oni taxation i v the oie of a majority of the w 10k number of'membcra elected to each IIousJ df the (Jcncral Assembly. A capitation tax e aaJ to the tax assessed on land of the value of tl re? hundred dollars, shall be levied on every w lite male inhabitant between the ages of twenty-ne and forlv-hve years; but nothing herein iOtt tained shall prevent exemptions of taxable p-lls in eases of budilv infirmity, or prevent taxe; oa incomes, salaries and licenses. The I, quest ion on said amendment was dcci led e, veas II, nays 35. now moved to amend the bill bf. in I lie nc'"aii Mr l'erson -out ail alter tlte words "as lollows7 inj the t'tli line of Cue first section of the priu ecj bill, and inserting; the following : All free wl ite men of the- age -of twenty-oue years, who ret citizens of this habitants of prccediiii: State, and who have been in-1 the same for ouc year iuiuiediat !y the day of any election, and vUo have paid public taxes within the same tit .er shall be entitled to vote for a member of tier. Senate in the district in which they reside. The. amendment was rejected. " Those who vpted for it are Messrs Cher J, Christian, Clark-, Dav is, Eaton, Eborn, Freenun, Gilmer, (iraham, llaughton, lloke, Lane, Ac- fcive'rpool news : Later accounts from Sevastopol leave affairs there, in reference to the allies, about as they were before. There had been no further fight ing, though the bombardment was continued. Reinforcements were almost daily arriving. The condition of the troops was favorable, and the siege still continued. The Russians were also being largely reinforced, and were busily engag ed in strengthening their positions; so, also, were the allies. The weather was very cold and unpropitions. Heavy storms continued in the Black sea, and there were further accounts of shipwrecks. The most iniDortant news by this arrival is the fact that Austria has at last determined to inin the allies. She has already cousumated tho alliance and ioined England and France ncrninst Russia Prussia, it is said, will also do the same. This gives a new and decided feature to the whole question. The fact of this alliance has caused much rejoicing through out England and France. Accounts from Spain represent affairs as i-omnarativelv ouiet. Mr Soule had reached Madrid. Affairs on the Danube were quiet. Omer Pasha was still operating in Asia. Affairs in Hungary were much agitated, and the recent alliance of Austria is not relisuecLj- It is expected tu ptana wht ie aAtieu uy the allies, and brought to act with them. The Greatest activity was displayed m the war and navy departments both in France and England. Turkey had also despatched more troops to the seat of war. The French govern ment had, however, been put to tne greatest strains for the want of vessels. Several thous and additional troops had embarked at Toulon, and it was believed that the allies would have 100,000 men in the Crimea by the middle of December. The Russians have been entirely driven from the dominions of Turkey. It is stated that the Russians in the Crimea were suffering terribly for the want of supplies. Great distress during the winter is predicted. Five divisions of troops are to be sent to Omer Pasha. It is believed that Prussia has consented, or wilt consent, to join the western powers. The report is again renewed that the Czar is desirous of openiug negotiations for peace. Beyond the alliance petween Austria and the allies, the news is not of an important character. It is reported that one of the conditions of the treaty between Austria and the western powers is that she shall declare war against Russia within four weeks. Ravie Mr.ll..n-dl Mitrdioll MjM'ki.v Prc, i r, Thomas of Davidson, Wiggins, Wilt'. uud Wittslow of P.- '22. f Those who voted against it are Y a Big;. Power, Html, Hrogden, Coleman, Cu i iiiugUiTm, Drake, Faison,' Fvveiieil, FisheaJtf'o i ville, Gravos, Herring, Jones, MarlTuTlH.-j, Mdiield,- Sanders, Speight, Taylor, Thomas -f Jackaion, Walker, Wilder and Wood 25. Mr II ;utvniu;i men moved to amend as f lows : Provided that no one but, a naturalize 1 citizen shall be entitled to vote for a membtr of either branch of the General Assembly if this State. Those who voted for this amendment au Messrs Cherry, Christian, Cunningham, Davi., Eaton, Eheru, Freeman, Gilmer, (! t"" Graves, llaughton, Lane, McCleese, Mitchel . .Morisey, Ravner, Thomas of Davidson, Wiggins Wiilev and Winslou' of P. 20. Those who voted against it are Messrs 'Biggs Bower, Boyd, Brugdeu, Coleman, Collins Drake, Faison. Fennel, Fisher, Fonville, ;Hcn in, lloke, Jones, McDowell, Martin, SIills: "Oidiield, Person, Sanders, Speight, Taylor Thomas' of Jackson, Walker, Wilder;; ant Wootl sIO. . Mr Mitchell then moved to amend the 6111 bv strikiii"- out and inserting a bill offered byfliim. litis the same bill offered by Mr GrahaniiWith the - exceotiou of the preamble, and witlrthe further exception that it provided for ,1 v.i . 1.. 1 venuon on tne two-inirus princiiie. i. Mr Cherry moved to amend the amendsaent 'of .Mr-Mitchell by adding the following Mfn mhlitional section, to wit : J'e it further coatltd, That no delegate elected shall be permittadto take a seat in the Convention called b; jirovisions of this bill, until he shall have t: and subscribed the following oath oraflirma! 1 t A do solemnlv swear. Cor aflirm. a: case may be,) that I will in no manner ever alter, chamrc. or ameiid the basis o mentation in the General Assembly of the of North Carolina as it now exists. The amendment was rejected, nav's 31. The amendment of Mr Mitchell, the question being on striking out, , was also lost, ycas17, nays 31. f Mr Ashe moved as an amendment "thaino tax shall be imposed and levied by the Genfral Assembly on real estate, which shall exceed the liruriiirtiini fn tin. -i t i..M t -i y of six CCIltSOn the huadreei cents on t nays 2y.7 The question now recurring on the passage of the F i 1 1-: E S i F F RA G E B J LL its first Increasing- tbe ray. The last Argus has a very sensible article on the proposition to increase the pay of members of Congress and Supreme Court Judges. The Argus expresses our sentiments exactly. We make the following extract from the article : "The nav already received by those in the employment of the general government, whether on the iieucii, in me nans oi legislation, or elsewhere, is sufficiently high to secure the ser vices of the best talent m the country: and to iucrease that pay, we fear, would be but hold- uiir out temptatiocs to demagogues anu un principled schemers to supplant the meritorious ! end deserving, and worm themselires into place imd nati'ouuge. ' Mo doubt gentlemen of a liberal tarn who go to Washington as members of either house of Congress, lind their per diem insufficient to sup port" themselves and families, as they could ivish, in that expensive metropolis: but they are not sent there, as we take it, to exercise io rights of hospitality, or to vie with the fniuioTis of aristocratic governments in princely expenditure. The offices of Senator and Re presentative were created for the benefit of the people, not for the profit and convenience of "the incumbents: and while we regard the pre sent compensation provided by law as amply sufficient for those who may fill those offices, lie do not think it by any meaus too high. True, many go to Congress at the present rates of pay, for no other purpose than to make money and they accomplish their object. Qthers spend all, and more than all, that they get: and this they would do if the compensation were three times as high as it is. It isjust, 4 i ii -1 ii wise anu proper, men, to ouserve a reasonable a Ipon-i juean neither raising the pay too high on the ton: fthe frtfre-J taite i veas caoitaiion doHitis value of land to twenty ch poll' Negatived, yeas p. 9, determined in the affirmative, the whole number of Senators reading, it wa three-fifths of voting fur it. " Those who voted for it are Messrs Ashe, 3iggs, Bower. Boyd, Brogden, Christum, Clark, Coleman, Collins, Cunningham, Viri-Sy Drake. Kbrn, Faison, Fennel'l, Fonville, Fisher, J-Veemun, (5 rave?, Rcrrimr. lloke, Jones, Mc Dowell. Martin Mill nir,,l,l Person, fean- ders, Speight, Tavlor Thomas of Jackson, Walker, Wilder, and Wood 34. ) ; rnose who voted a-r.-iinsit. it. nre "fessrs Cherry, hton. Lane, Mc J1 ;.;. 1ii,-u-r Thomas tof :in s. 1 i 'ill,, j. i .1 ' 1 l'i n slo-ir , f j-aioii, it it.. nr., C7.-tw, Mitchell Davidson, Wi Pa i u ot a nk 1 Dcmotrrats in Roman, Whigs in Italics. Un motion ol Mr Wilder, the bill was nolr taken up anu in; for Motif lav the de the special order of the da ft" day oi January next. , .Be hand, nor depressing it too low on the other "- Iji England, we believe, the Members of Pjarliament receive no compensation whatever, o&t of the Treasury; and in the better days of te Roman Republic Members of the Senate received nothing for their services but the salt tt seasoned their porridge : and hence the !w6rd salary, from the latin sal salt. But ftfuriee and luxury have increased, and the mianing of words has been changed, until salary signifies not only an anuuJ allowance of salt wherewith to season a public agent's food, bit the food itself and a good many extras bekides. Upon the whole we think the architects of injr Constitution hit upon a more happy design n tis respect than the English or the Romans. rhcy provided that "Senators and Represcnta- tffcs shall receive a compensation for their ser .'icses to be ascertained by law, and paid out of tb4 treasury of tlie United States," and that rac judges, both or tlie Suj)reme and interior jjonrts, shall hold their ofijees during good be ttfior; and shall, at stated times, receive for Iber services, a compensation, which shall not e lliminished during their continuance in office" -Wisely leaving it to Congress to fix the rates t fjfliese compensations under the salutary res- 1 'alnts of enlightened public opinion. This has leeh done: and the rates fixed upon we repeat, latte secured the best talent of the country si-id! why raise them? As a general rule, the L,3si services will be secured to every govern ment by the payment of such salaries arid fees a? shall be sufficient to furnish a comfortable a,tfl economical livelihood, but not a luxurious a4JOi)dance, to those in public employment. He dines like Ciucuilus labors not like cato. 'essace of the Governor of Iowa. Gov. istead, of Iowa, in his annual message, ;ly urges the prohibition of all bank notes sr 1U; cautions tne legislature against ing unnecessary bank charters; recom- s a stringent liquor license law in prefer- eieto prohibition, 'and suggests the endow mt-f si State lunatic asylum. , The Iaitiuom - ; . -: - We have seen nothing to cope with the an nexed among the literary productions of this remarkably productive age. A foreigner whom a few old fogy lKok-worms know as w iiiiam Shakspeare, attempted to describe a similar scene which once occurred in presence of an excellent individual named Maebetb;.bnt the operators in his case being mere old women, who ought to have been burned as witches, Shaks peare's bungling attempt to describe their cer emonies must fail before the labors of a genius which is excited by the sublime spectacle of an initiation conducted in impressive and manly style by men and patriots. We borrow the poem from the Nashua (X. II.) Gazette: Scf.xe Interior of a Lodge of Know-rwlhings Time, Mid-night Grand Master in the Chair -Candidates supported ly two ushers Tin shaving-pot boiling over a spirit lamp, on a table, beside a marrow-bone and cleaver. MASTER OF CEREMONIES, RISING. Brothers! 'tis the mystic hour For the exercise of power, - Lo! the sacred fire is hot Boils the sacred shaving pot, As within its brim I fling Every native offering; Bunch of wool from Afric skull Feather from a full-fledged gull : ' : Do wn new plucked frota callow -goose Lnibleni fit fornsJx.use- Uouble.oubTe, toil aud trouble In the tin pot squeak and bubble Omnes solemnly Bubble! master. If I read the omens clear, Happy auspices are here, Let the candidate appear. (The Candidate is brought fortc&rd) Stranger ere you swear obedience We must know your antecedents. candidate. If it's politics you mean, Everything by turns I've been I have been a locofoco, But I found that that was no go Wooley-head and silver gray, Putty-head iu a small way, Wild-cat, Pizzariuctum, too, And free-soiler. master. That will do. Brother renegade, I greet you Joyed I am as such to meet you. Now mark my words and their intent, And bow your head if you assent. Can you a questioner put by? And can you on occasiou lie? ( Candidate botes.) Can you all orders blindly.follow? And have you a capacious swallow? Don't you believe that some years hence Popes will appoint our Presidents? Don't you believe the Jesuits thrive Because in secret they contrive? You hate confessionals? I see Yon do but you'l confess to me. Don't you believe the Romish priests Are sworn to slaughter us like beasts? That all the Irish arms are hiding In all the shanties they abide in? That all the Irish girls combine To purchase arsenic and strychnine? That in know-nothings lies our hope To fight the Devil and the Pope? , - - - n ( The Uandulale bows repcaicaiy.j r Now lift the bone and cleaver high in air Aud full obedience to our order swear. (Candidate obeys.) The ordeal's past and you I here proclaim A know-nothing in intellect and nauie. Aroaud you see a band of brothers true None of these honest men know more than you. From different parties they have faliea away, And now go in for plunder and for prey; Like vou they're bound our lead to blindly follow Like "you. they have a most capacious swallow; They bolt whatever prodigy we name A gate or saw-mill, it is all the same, Honors we'll make as equal as we can; Where each expeefs to be a congressman If not a governor. Our signs are few And easy to be learned even by you. The arrin is this you'll Ret it in a minute: Then you must shake ycur head there's nothing in it! JNext a wise look lor wisdom s our proiessiou A good stuffed owl will aid you in expression Minerva's bird and ours no soaring lark But one that goes a mousing in the dark. Hut lo! Hie night ii verging into day Freeborn Americans! let's sneak away Down the backstairs, and then we'll cut and run, And vanish through dark alleys, one by one. Exeunt onnes. Trouble Feared in the M. E. Church. Another breach is expected in the Methodist Church. Rev. Dr. Bond, editor of the New York Christian Advocate, iu noticing the opposition to the appropriations of missionary money to the preachers laboring in their slave-holding conferences, says: "We have seen strange things in the lapse of three score years and ten, but this caps the climax of the marvellous; and though we are no prophet, nor the son of a prophet, we venture to predict that mischief is now brewing in our church agitations, convulsions and disruptions, such as we have never witnessed before." Melancholy Suicide. The Easton. (Pa.) Argus says : "Mrs Samuel Grotz. of this borough, was found dead in the attic of her late res Tuesday last, with evidence of sel f-des a ueu'o n ller mind, it is said, was impaired by a rong continued melancholy. She was the mother of two small children, whom she guarded with maternal solicitude even at the moment when her anguished heart contemplated death. They were found by the neighbors securely fastened to chairs, out of the way of harm by fire -How in-eat must have been the burden of that grief line 11 laivt: st-o innd The .se.ihch vow Dr. Kane. -W following in the Baltimore Sun : "It is stated that a son of Judge Kane, who on Tuesday last reached his majority, will offer his services to the President to go in seach of his absent brother. Commodore Paulding tenders his services in any capacity the Secre tary of tlie Xavy may please to designate. Lieut. GriQin, who commanded the Rescue in the first expedition, also offers his services, as do many others. The expedition will be made np of volunteers." Cn.t i iTt ' liiMwii 1 1 mr aiiTinr A J rencnTjapernns traces me sensations oi a whether from real or fancied causes- proved stronger babes!" than a mother's love -which for her reader of advertisements The first advertisement. lie don't see it. The second insertion. He sees it, but don't read it. The third insertion. lie sees it. The fourth insertion. He looks at the prize. The fifth insertion. He speaks of it to his wife. The sixth insertion She is willing to buy. The seventh. He purchases. What tee law deems luxuries for a wife. A novel case has just been decided in. New York, which involves a curiosity in medico-jurisprudence. A mesmeric physician sued a hus band for services rendered the wife iu his ab sence, and the supreme court say that iu the 8tb act of Cushing's Reports is their opinion in the case, viz: that the law does not. recognise the dreams, visions, or revelations of woman in a mesmeric sleep as necessaries for a wife, for which the husband, without his consent, can be made to pay. These are fancy articles, which Hiosp who hfivp monev ot tneir own to disnos i .. - i i r L are not necessaries, uiuwu lo me iw, ior wmcn the wife can pledge the credit of her absent hus-baud. Extracts from the speech of Hon. Asa Biggs, de livered in the Senate on the 1 3th inst., in op position to Gov. Grahanis bill calling a Con vention, and in reply to the speech of that gen tleman in favor of the bill : "The Free Suffrage bill is now under con sideration. The Senator from Orange proposes to strike out that bill aud substitute the 0112 he has proposed; which provides, first, to sub mit to the people the question of Convention or no Convention, and secondly, if a majority of the people decide in favor of Conventiou the Governor is to issue writs for the election of delegates, a Convention is to be organized, and the delegates arc to have unlimited power to alter and amend the Constitution iu any and every particular; and this bill of his the Senator contends can be constitutionally passed by a majority of votes iu each house of the General Assembly. If never before, certainly now the question is fairly presented between Free Suffrage and an open, unlimited Convention, as proposed by the Senator. Much has been heretofore said about limited Conventions, and excuses have some times been attempted for opposition to Free Suffrage, by the argument that it can be better done by a limited Convention than legislative enactment. Such issues cannot now be made, such evasions canuot now avail any thiug. This i Convention question is now placed antagonistic Ito Free Suffrage." - T thoofit i-rasJ our )oast iu X?r4l Cairo lina that we were a law-abiding people. I do not deny the power of the people, as was so forcibly said by Mr Gaston, "of rising in their might and upturning the fundamental principles of government the sacred right of revolution," but I suppose the emergency ought to be great to justify it. Has that emergency arisen iu North Carolina? Can it be that because one party, so long iu power in the State, has been turned out and another put in, the sacred right of revolution is to be exercised? Is it expected that this appeal to North Carolinians iu the west is to be favorably responded to? They have to change their wholcharacter if they can be brought into line to follow in the lead of the Senator from Orauge iu this revolutionary movement." "And now in regard to my Eastern friends. What does the Senator's bill propose? An open unlimited Convention. Are you prepared for this? Will vou be satisfied because the Senator from Orange tells 3011 he don't think there is any danger of changing the basis? How loug since a certain address issued from this City on the subject of a Convention, signed by a large number of distinguished men, the larger portion of which was devoted to a denunciation of the present basis, and a Conventiou desired to change that basis? It is evident that there was a "treaty of peace," in the language of the Senator, between the east and west in 1835. It was not a treaty made between landholders and non-landholders, or between landholders aud slave owners, as he would have us believe, but a treaty between east and west on the basis question, aud can not but deprecate the attempt to break that treaty, coming as it does from the distinguished gentleman" from Orange. It is not significant of good for the character of the State if it shall be countenanced. Ill feeling will be engendered, sectional strife will once more be heard, which all supposed had been buried by the compromises of 1835." "But it may be said that I am endeavoring to stir up party feelings unnecessarily. Far Srou. it. - The subject of Free Suffrage iias beeu urged, it is true, generally ty the Ueiaocratic party, but it is well kuiwn that a large, number of Whigs have cordially approved it. Is there any doubt iu the mind of any gentleman that a considerable majority of the people desire it, and am I to be told that I am against the peo ple when I advocate this measure so ardently desired by them, and contest a measure iuteuded to defeat it? It will not satisfy mc for the Senator to say that he is not against Free Suf frage, when he says' so with certain qualifica tions, which he must know are impracticable. He says the land holder is now protected, then for what does he want a Conventiou? But sir, the Senator has argued the question by separat ing the people of the State into three classes, land-holders, non-land-holders, and slave-owners, as though we had three separate and distinct classes of the kind. Is it not true that many of these landholders are slave-owners, and many of these non-landholders are slave-owners, and does land pay all the tax? Why he would make the landholders only his English squire, who pays all. How is it as to the amount of public taxes paid by land and other subjects of taxation. I have not been able for want of time to get the aggregate lrom the Camptroiler s report for this year, but I refer to his report of 1850, and I suppose this will as well show the relative amount. The aggregate tax collected from land is $33,405 91, from other subjects $123, 731 17. There is some difference between this and paying all, and how is it when a comparison is made between the tax ' collected from land and slaves? Slaves by the Constitution pay a tax as persons and property." "And is the State of North Carolina to be agitated, is the strife engendered for many long years before 183o to be agaiu stimulated, are we to have the bitter excitement which preced ed the Convention of 1835 again, and for what? Because of the fear entertained by the Senator, that if Free Suffrage passes without some other security to landholders, there- is danger to hem? Why the landholders nay not one- fourth of the aggregate of taxes, and can it be seriously supposed that the representatives of the people paying on other subjects of taxation the other three-fourths with landholders, who make up the aggregate, will be induced to sin gle out the land, and place upon it "unreason able exactions :" And are we to have a new element in this agitation to distract aud dis turb the feeling naturally arising, that to at tain the end in view, the Constitution is tram pled down? Has any great emergency arisen to require revolution ? Entertaining therefore the opinion I do, that the measure of the Sen ator is wrong and unconstitutional in principle, that it is altogether calculated to stir up strife without yielding any benefit or advantage to the State, I conclude by earnestly repeating 'trtntuliir Kai! Road AfiiuuU A singular accident occurred at the Depot of the W. & R. Rail Road Company last night. The evening train came in as usual, and on ar riving at the very heavy grade just north of the depot, the brakes were attempted to be applied and the motion reversed, so as to stop the pro gress of the cars; but some accident occurring to tlie machinery, it was found impossible to do so, and the train came rushing down the plane, past the depot, aud so on to the wharf, where, meeting a piece of timber placed at its edge for the prevention of just such accidents, the Locomotive and tender bounced over into the River, thereby breaking the connection with the train, and opposing such other obstacles as to arrest its progress. It was most iortunate and providential that the coupling irons con necting the engine with the cars broke, else the eutirc train, loaded with passengers, would have been probablv precipitated into the River, causing a fearful loss of life. As was, however, but oue person received injury. Mr Quarles, tbf Midi A .rent who pnrauir from thecal' and l.rok-e his arm One inau went over with the Locomotive into the River, but was saved Thfi r!i.-iiiper and fireman iumped off before reaching the wharf. An examination into the causes of this acci dent will, of course, be had, and the guilty per- sons, it any, will be promptly disciiargcti. v uen an accident on a Rail Road occurs through the The suburibt r. Lavi of l'leas ai.d Quarter berlaud. qualiliid as decciu-t-d. hereby uotil estate, to come lor w 11 tl:o;-e having claims ; them within the time y will be plead in bur 01 Dec. 9th, 1854 3 5 n the hft-iTt-rni of'Ihe Court etdtfW of 1 IV Ton lit v of '- T uor or iiujJTi Sid'hem'". 4 all jH-r.ns ,,!, (0 the MaadBaike V'.niM-nt; and all 1KI Hlil ..- if. 1,, prfffCIlfc iLed. l y law, n u.L- notice r recovt'i. 3lc.MlLL.VN. Kxe' m 3V4i Will bo sold at theill ,;tt House m the 1 om (,r Fayetteville, on Momiijl,e lf-tt'.av ' January nrXt. oa a eredit of six monthlf 11 the ntjx nal prop" ily ' f the late Hugh Mcrhcidpj ecvoaod. viz: 1 Horse, Uiifrgy aiiw James-, 1 Curt and llanws.- Household Fnruitm ? Ac. Will be rented at the me time and place, for one year from the 1st day of.J.nuary iwt, tlie two brick Stores on the east si tie of een street, and the Planta tion two miles north of Eihj. ttcville. containing about 10 acres. fi f q a. McMillan, v.wr. Dec. 9th. lh"4. 11 .- t-ZU SEEWflif PfOTICK. Tlie Subscriber takes &t , method of informing -per sons indebted to him eitfcei by note or account, loiiiicr indulgence cuini'jjta' d will not uotf. 1K"5. tioii. ami accounts not cltt will bc placed in the that .11 be j'.'.ven. d by tlie H'th ol Jaruiai v, .ands of otneers for colkc- December HJ, ISjI. i LT5TETT 24-3t IflliLE wilful negligence, or f default of the engineer, it is our opinion that he ought to be hung. v lMV-ta will lo initio ta rccovcr the Locomo tive and tender from the bed of the River, where they now lie. IVil. Herald, Dec. 23. Fayette- ille anil Southern IlaiU Road. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fay etteville aud Southern Flank lload Company will be held at the Town Hall, in this place, oil Thursday the tth day of January, 1855, at 12 o'clock, M. Applications wiU be received for Toll-keepers, by the board, for both Toil Houses. YVM. ilcL. :.IcKAY, Secy. Fayetteville, Dec. 22. 1854. 2t NOTICE. All persons indebted to me, either by note or ac count, are requested to call and settle by the first of January; they will lind their accounts in an ollieer's hands. W. S. FOWLKES. December 2, 1854 3m I will sell at public sjel j if not privately dif-poscd f) 011 Monday the liisfdt y of (January next, at l- 1 it1 : T lil- ,vi..i.- ot tiw'vfn vl.-..t- lft,tit in tli. town of Fayette- ville. a nero woman $tbdut! :1 yer old, with a likely noy chilli 4 veajrs lti. .ft Term viv ninnt.lH fl -il nrt v i 1 ll a imrovetl se curity will be required. December 1. 1854 '"VVM. J. TOLAIL NOTICE. i to Elijah Fuller, dee'd. are LAST All persons indebted requested to make payment by the loth Jan y 1!n., or they will tind their papers in the hands of an ollicer. It is hoped this notice will be sufficient. D. A. RAY, Adm'r. Dec. 20, 1S54. 2t TWESTl-FIVB rOI;I.AlS REWARD Will be e-iven for the deliverv to me, or for the f ou- linement in the Jail of Cumberland county, of DAVID KOOKEII. who runaway from me about the middle of last. Juno. Hooker is about 5 feet 10 inches hiizh.very black, has fine white teeth, speaks pleasingly when conversation, is about 40 years old, and in walking bends forward considerably. He is a blacksmith by trsiili- T have his Indentures ior two years trom hrst of Mav. 1S51, for costs and charges in a State case agaiast hirn iu the Superior Court of Cumberland county. All persons are cautioned not to employ him without my cousent. T. R. UNDERWOOD December 23. 1851 tf NOTICE. The subscriber designs chaniiins his present business and takes this method of notifying all Uiose indebted to him to come forward aud settle uu by note or other wise, or they will lind their accounts in the hands of collecting officer. D. T. TAYLOR.. December 23. 1S51 "t . D O li IN IIOUHK, Hay Street, Fayette ville, IV. C, K Will be open for the accomodation roil coitiBh Wistar's 'CmiflAi- Kose Aver" Wistar's Habitant Jayne s Expt ettji l'u re Cod Li ci t For sale bv J ozeuge; .lad Lt'UKH . Gum Drops, Cherry " ctoral. Dec. 1C. f Wild Cherry, nt, 1. (It, .t (.) N. SMITH, Druggist. 24-lm LE. rois i AND L( T V mosite the residence now oceuph I by J. K. JJrvan. The HOUSE E.J. Hale, Es, Also, three tine building L' TS on lbivmount insr the residence of T. S. Lit foot, Esq'rs, having oa tlienii ind convenient to the purest Apply to December 10. 1854 of loin- .terlo'u and Win. rro:il- uimcrous line shade trees ' ater in the county. GEO. S. HODGES. 24 Gt i W 1 11 K A V A ICE. I have just received iu ft dozen HATS for men, boys and 6hl ren. - December 10. 1854 t Wide Awake'" DAVID GEE. ROBESON J 'iTITt'TK. TUp next session of this lo tute will commence oh the 1st Monday in JanuaJ'y iext, under the super vision of the Rev. G. R. ."COtt md Lady. His sucet ss during the former session It? ft -learly evinced that he is second to .none in his tr fi -ion as a teacher, anil his equal we have not fouLj Mrs Scott is an experi enced imd, we doubt not, aii f'.-ctual teacher. Knurrs will be made to have the 3VK iiiFb Hall in the Occu pancy of a suitable iiicimdietit Tuition payable one-half f if ; Ivance. W. II. WILLIS, Treas. December H, 1E54 :? ; t . - of lfs'SfCJ gues'ts, on Monday, the first day of January, Situated on one of the principal Streets of the Town, and within a few minutes walk of the Dost Office, Telegraph Office. Ranks, and other busi ness places, and yet, sufficiently retired to be clear of the annoyance and buttle incident to a more central location. It is newly erected, handsomely furnished, and care ful attendants secured with especial view to the com fort of patrons. Spacious Stables attached, and experienced Ostit i s in attendance. Carriages will be in waiting on arrival of Steam Boats, for the accomodation, of passengers. A share of public patronage is resp.-etfiilly solicited. ROWERS & CO. Doc. 23, 1854. 25-3m I?y an order granted at tut December Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter S'io'nfi,, held in and for the county of Cumberland. '3" .'ill sell, on the second day of January. 1K55. at . Court House door iu. the town of Fayetteville, Jii 1 q'thu )c. a. m., the XEGUOES Epliiaim. AndUi l, and F n. belonging 1-,, irt. m i tt. rr IIT-1fIOT .TIIt. rr 1 tTWf1- 1 I' iUll V 1 S ! ( Tl , it. part of said heirs having beijfM of lull age are 'now. desirous of receiving Their i'ectiTe shares of the estates belonnin-j; to tin in. lioViunilcr the control ami management -of their guardiim Ue.Sliler IK .McLean. Said heirs could not nscert it ) heir respective share without the sale of said Derm's Anderson and Ren are niiiioA one turpentine haiuls; Ephraim is a number oue tuipi i tine Lariel cooper. Any information couecrnh'i'- id nejirois can 1 e ob tained by calling on Col. N. Kfi : and John Green. Terms" of sale, six months iirj t, notes a ml npprux cil security will be required of palt takers. J. W. ci KOD, .Commissioner. Dec. 9, 1S54 23-4jt-.p;. NOTlOlt Ry virtue of a decree of th ounty Com t norland, at December ferni the until . I am now ready to receive from all persons who xow pay hy tuk tor crossing the oiaremion Rridge, the next year's xay; and they are notiiied that unless payment "is made by the 15th day of Jau'y next, they will be excluded. No person who has not paio up the last year's Toll, and all other dues to the Company, will be allowed a yearly contract after the 15th of January next. "' ;rj.7NKW applications will be received until the first day of January next. JNO. M. ROSE, Sec'y F. & X. p. n. Co. December 23. 1854. 2t BARGAINS : BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The undersigned will sell, on accomodating term-, all their TURPENTINE LANDS AND ' FIXTURES, situated near the Centre Plank Road and convenient to Little River. The above Lands comprise a body of 5,000 acres one hundred and fifty thousand tirst year's boxes being cut thereon and some of the linest Timber Land in the country. They will sell with the land a TWENTY BRL. STILL of best quality. Also. Shanties, Stables and all other conveniences neccssary for carrying on the business. A bargain can be had by applying soon. For further information address John B. DeGraft'eureid. Pittsboro. PALMER & DEGRAFFENREID. Dec. 19, 1854. 25-tf ,m rOMMO"! SfUUOLR. TUe Board of Superintendents of the Common Schools of the County are requested to meet at the office of the Chairman, on Thursday, the. 4th day of Jan'y, 1855, (that being the 1st Thursday.) at 12 o'clock. ED' W. "LEE WINSLOW, Ch'n. Returns of the number of children in tln several districts, for the year 1854, niut be handed lo the Chairman before or by the 4th Jan. Dee. iG, 1854. 2t f fiim gned as .rod, will procci d to OF LAND, more or tyfcott the ma lli side the lard of John A. P. The al'ove la nils abound in excellent '.Mi miles of I lie Capo ne 13th day.of Jaiiu- months, purchasers , - .i McLEOD, Adm'r. Administrator of Alexander M" sell on tlie premises. !5) ACItE less, situated in Cumberland $tMi of Cape Fear River, adjoinfeij Cutts. John Matthews and tL are valuable for turpentine. timber, and are within six orjW Fear River. The sale will be aif ary, 1855, and on a credit of giving bond and approved setup Dec. Utlll.sor. ri : : A C A 11 The subscribers have sold nul l! 'ir slock of Goods entirely, with the express purposy if settling up their businVss. All indebted to us, by'i te or ai i-oiint. me notified that they must settle Jhe firt-t of January next, or they will find their par; in th: hands of offi cers for collection. We can b Lumpa Mr A. M. CaniplM ll's Office, and he is autjici sed to receipt for us in our absence. I ' J MeDOrALD & MeM ASTER. Favetteviile, Dec. 10, 1851. 2t.': my protest against this revolutionary movement." Are Know Nothings Abolilioxists? The following is the response which the Maine Temperance Journal, a Maine Law, abolition paper, gives to the above question: "The anti-slavery element has controlled the maehiiierjjgfJJji.nrntjUA JTO TIC B. On the 27th of November last a negro who calls himself JACOlJ was taken up and committed to the Robeson Jail. Said negro is alout twenty years old. low and thick set; he says that he belongs to Dr. Thos. Smith of R laden county. The owner will please come forward, pay all eharges, and take bis property. R. KING, Sheriff. Lumberton, X. C, Dec. 11, 1854. 3t REMOVAL.. W. II. CARVER Would inform his friends and the public, that he has removed from his old stand on Greeu street to the Store formerly occupied by Mr P. Montague, on Huy street, near tin: Market Square. lie has on hand a well selected Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes and Boots, JYegro Bla n Iris. Ke r r ? ; a ho llLicLsitijJj -Tt ssavwiiii i,' ' "i"1! iff . . .'. ,t- .UKSJU. AL till!; ' Suitable for-Physicians or Pliiytrp, a good assort ment iust received and for tale rs 1 - IT - , . . , . . . J. IX. ,.V1 1111, 24-lm Dec. 16. Notice is hereby given that applfptidU'will be made to the iiri'aiit Genxral AR-eiiiIl - W :nrwr i.anu to be located either in Favetteville.ffV lmmglon or som: ther eligible and suitable placa,' l lie called "lliu Rank of Sand," alios, The WiVd ;jit lSMk; to l,e u bank of discount and deposit. ItJ).,l be oi gamzi l as follows: After the stock has bi-en :t Ken, eaeii suo scriber shall assign over to the Qot ptrollcr of Public Accounts, certificates of stock tOJ . " amoui.i oi ins subscriiition. in any one or more 41 iono mg com panies: The Western Railroad Cf Pny,- tlie t ap.: Fear and Deep River Navigatio.oipany. ih.-'lar River Navigation Company, the iolma , City Land Company. These certificates ofs"tl are to remain iu the Office of the Comptroller as r'r',y for the ulti mo redemption of all bills put id rcnlat!on by ti. Rank. In addition to this, each ? criler of stock will bo required to pay the entiru amount of his Mib scription uito the hands of the Pn'l'c Treasurer in ppocle ent ninetv-nine and thres quarters per cent. The l'uv"CTeasurer will upon theo-?snization of the Rankpr.Yd forthwith to sign jab . transfer to the Presidenind Directors of the bank fc.Ha to the amount of its Capital stock, and such wgnjfo. shall !f nn-d and declared an assumption on thi wft of the State to pay six and a quarter per cent, on I amount called for on the face of the bill, in case the Rank Fhould be come insolvent. A pwLion wilia- ' inserted in the charter allowiiia Rank totreieem Its notes in. copper cents. ThjT Vion it if tbfg?. will prove Another Guano Island. The New York Post announces the discovery of another guano island with at least a million of tons on it, the locality of which is yet a secret. Measures are now taking for the organization of a company to bring the gnano to market. We hope it will make the article a little cheaper aud more accessible to the American farmer. large number off anti-Nebraska men will take their seats in the next Cougress who but for this order, could not have been elected. If the conductors of the Tribune do not know this fact, they are know nothiugs in reality." If they will take time to inform themselves with regard to election re turns in Maine, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Penn sylvania, Illinois, and Wisconsin, to say noth ing of Massachusetts and New York, they will see, unless they are as blind as bats, that the 'pro-slavery wire icorkcrs' do not control this new party. Sausage Cutters, And a great variety of other articles well suited to the Retail and Rarter Trade much the largest stock he has ever ottered in this market which he will sell on reasonable t;rms. or exchange for Produce of almost any kind. A call from old friends and the public is respectfully solicited. . W. 11. CARVER, llav st. Dec. 23, 1854. 25-tf of erreat servic. market. In to count out; the effec the North w large quantities trin G UA XO. &n tons PERUVIAN GUAXO, just received, and for tale by RAY & PEARCE. DcccinVr 10. 1834 '3t fee yuiine aioncy r Idil mtich time xnrhj to rallv from onclly, brokers from e to transport such of the precious metals, that they wouH present but little money at us counters tor re demption. They would Hud it cheaper to transmit their funds to the North in the shape of exchange pur chased at almost anv prior t which it is likely to rule. It is evident that the plan proposed would go far to make monev plentiful. hici ah will admit to be the great drsidralvm at xms l..uC. ... ... fully accomplished by allowing the issue of dreil dollars in bills for every quarte, ofado.lar m Rpecic deposited with the Public I teasurer. It .s ) ev i dent that these bills would readily circulate at the.r par value, since the security for final redemption would be ample. Dec 23. I nVJ. il

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