X., ... 'immmmmmmmmmm I -?ff and Domestic" i'ews, Literature, Agriculture,' and General Information -TWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE. A WKEKLY NEWSPAPElt Devoted to Politics, the Markets, Foreign FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SAIHOlDAYr APEIL 20, 1850. VOLUME XVIII NO. S93. YATES L JOIIXSO.V, Editors and Proprietors. T E II M S OP iinssCIUPTKt.V TO THE C.VHOUMAX. I or a single copy, if p in a lviincc. per annum, 2 00 ' " at the end of 3 mouths, 2 50 " " " at the end of C months, 3 00 " " " at the i-tnl of the year, 3 50 No ea seription will be. received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view- of extending the circulation and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietors of" fer the following remarkably low CLUIi RATES, I.TARIAR LY -V .1 DF-I.YCE: the Carolinian. 1 year, $8 00 10 " " " 15 00 Rate of Advertising: : Sixty cents per square of 16 lines. rr less, for the first and 31 rents for each subsequent jnsffuon. utile,; the advertisement i published for move than two months, when it will be eharjred For three months, ----- $4 00 Tor six months. - - - - 6 00 For twelve month, ----- 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in-fn-lions marked on th'-m. ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. Y ATMS .V JOHNSON. SPRING GOODS FOR 1856. 15. F. PK.VUCK IS N'UW OPENING a large and well selected Stock of SPRING AXD SIJIHEB GOODS. Among which, may be found for the Ladies, N E W SPKI.VG AXD SUMMER GOODS. WATCH MAKKItS, JEWELERS, AND SETILIOKRAPHERS, ' H WING associated themselves .rfi . tu-'ether for the purpose of carry in' ou the above branches r'- - 'x'j- i : business, would respectfully an- ! ," N ............ ... tin. eitivee..s of Vavcttiv Of I V. i vill and surrounding eountry.th.it ' ''I?-'V 1 i- they-have leased the Store, on the j ; iiiigSasSSa' North-West corner of the Fay.tte- ALKX. JOIIXSO.V, Jr. Has received in part, and is this day receiving, a lar; and well selected Mock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, - , - . i n - ii....t i ... i wSIL- t;.w. anil 15:irres. I UlimMiuu m mii .-i...ir i ii-;.kt1 Law-UK. Jueo- IMsml ami Clu-na Mrmed Silks; plain I lacs lo i i .... t ..t vv.;u n.wl lMai.1 Muslins. I ll:uk Str iM'd riaid and i' itr d Io.; Cold and JjlacH .:,l,r;,l,r,,l .-iss M.lin. KJ-mu-'s and Insertions. . rhallies; liera'es. '1 issues and l.era-e DeLa u, lleia-. ii i t- ' i i 1-. I. . ....,1 Klo-t-. I 'orib'd. I Twsin miii! ( trnAiwIiu Kobes: rrilltCil Jackonet s onars anu i. iiueiMi'i ti. lmiummih.-. . -- r . T, . .1 1 .......... f 1 1... 2L-;i-tj Crane Silk, and ( r. m 1 i c I ii si i us: ( i i ii ''lr.uu Lawns; fcrencu. lugllM ixi;i 1 ji I .lr. null n iiau:iniui, .lan.-, .-r-. - - - r ' ; ..... . - . . il..r,. ...I !..-. ....a . .. .1 1 . . .....1 ..in., K-orimciit .jii.i tx.-nivui limits: hi to and 1 rmit'u, I uiu aiiu ..r i.'...k oik. i Am.rii'-in Prints. Oloves. KmhrowlrrtMl Mantillas: nitf. JJiaj ii..... ... Knil.r..id-ru-sof all kinds, some handsome sell! ! c.l!-.irs and Sleeves to match: Ilont ton and MaltceciV HjuuiMi W iL:u.,.t Collars and Sleeves; Thread. Lilse. Line,V and ? nuns, rancy aim uiai;nv.aiiiiii i, . v....te. . ...,,. t:,l,r:nr: Jaconet anil hwiss Mnsitn, jaK-a'rrr?rrr ..." . r .... .... .r.,11,. Brown and Uluif; Linen Drills: Irish Linen; DrapU r.te; : ,,- rr ' --7" Jfr U- D. GUKhN, W atcu AiaKer. i.i. - s Farmer' Sat.,.: Farmer ItiU; Moleskin, ranamli '" JlALt e;rv e to return bis thanks .to his very numerous 1 utro is . . . - ... . t ....-:.-j;..1-..j....t i , 1 c?r 1 . .. - ...i... iv. .t..!i I . -11:1 r! infill in na- lrIioti..a I'alm rn-a -iiw, anc: n laiu -"'"" l ir 'e assortment Silk, l'anama. iegnoru 1.110 while Having cnargc 0. ..n." ..n7Tt--lt ml." f'luliiiii'r A ,-.. .Ye. : . 1 I -ni;. v" M ;s,irsr and I mill- ,:.., ,r Mm . iit-aslev Ilou.-ion. aim i i 1 :i i - ltri .11 v 11 - - - Also ! ren-s Bonnets and Flats: and a fine assortment 01 rmbiflla-. l'arasols. Ac. Ac; wuu ! ville Hotel Building, on Hay street, where they are prepared to execute orders in the aimve brandies in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner, auu respt-ciiuiiy ... 1 l-.l 1- I '"''I W nn. jsiach. auu v.o. u.VH. ,i;clt a M;nre r public patronage K. li. Gbkex. J. S. Weak. NORTH CAROLINIAN. VE TTE V1LJ.E. , c. How to r.KT a Ilonsr: orr of a Firk. Tlic jrresit difiictilty of ettiur a horse from a a ble wlicre surroumlinir l)tiildinp:s-flre in n state of conflagration, is- well known, nnd tliat in consequence of such Uiflictiity arising from the animai's dread of stirring from the scene of destruction, tunny valuable" animals have per ished in the flames. "A gciitlcinKii of tll(, i,,,,,,', what kind of game is scented, nwto ii.iw Wlt'll III UIVUl I'tl.l i . -1 1. . l- .rto,,-- o..Ar,!nwrlU IT Tin - - . i 11 1 1 1. 1 l (i i i n 11 1 ii . v. v.v,- j - From the Spirit of the Times. IIow lb Haat I.jnrK In Norway. " Vheri you have come in the forest and Imvo let loose j our dofrs, yon must often take your chaiicc of what kind of game is started, al though well-trained hounds usually find what yon arc in search of; but not unfrcquently other game is turned out; the hounds go, and the hunters, with the eagerness of sportsmen, follow. An experienced hunter can nearly at ont-n tdl bv the different manner and tone JOS1AH JOHNSON, A T T O It "V 11 Y A 'i' 1. AW FAVKTTKVlbLK, N. C. J. A. Sl'KAHH, ATTOUXKV AT LAW, ATTKNDS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett. Wake and Johnston. Address. Tooiner, Harnett Co.. N. C. Feb. ic. i. '-Y 1)11. K. A. 15L.VCK. (Fl'ii'H Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale" Ch'Miv.-'t and Drutr Store. Felv 7. 1S5U. Sl-tf JAMES C. DAVIS, A T T 11 V I V AT I. W . All business i n I i ut.- l will be promptly attndedto Address Moutp'dier post orrice, ISichmoud county. X.C tob-r I. 1 S"". I v the Yankee Notion line, which will be sold at a Hiuall advance for CASH, or on time to punctual customers, either at Wholesale or Ketail. B. F. BFABC1-., Late Pearee Ferguson. Hay Street. Fayettevillc, March . 150. KO-tf. WANTED At my Bn-'et Factory. 2i miles South of Fayettevillc, on tlifi Vihnin:toii Itoad, :5.(.)t) .IUSIlKIt lAJii, from s in. hes in diameter to the largest sizes: S feet lont. and clear of Shoes. many art'cles not enumerated, makinir my niotiv i.j ,,r, nd I v on M invite niv old customers. friends, and the public generally, to fiive me an early i call. A. JOHNSON, Jr. 92-tf knots, for which a liberal price will be paid. Fa vetteville. March 26, J. c. G. II. M AK KB FACE. 1.S5G. 3m POK, HEAI.KIt IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, HATS, CAPS, i::)OTS. SHOES, ASD Head y-Ttide Clothing. Iirticular attention paid to Ladies' Dress (joods and Trimmings. HAY STRKi:r. FAX KTTKVILLK. N. C. November 3d. lN.r.r. tf April 4. 18"r. SV.W (iOODS. j. c. roK Is now receiving the largest and handsomest Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS now offered in this City, comprising every tiling usually kept in his line. IMaiii. Black and Colored Silks; Berages; Tissues: Lawns; Jaconets: a rarit t y of Robes; a handsome lot ol Lm broideries; Kid and other (J loves: Bonnets; Ribbons Crape Shawls; Silk and Lace Mantles of every grade; Hosiery; Ladies and Misses' (iaiters ami Shoes. A large and j-plendid Stock of KKAUV-MADE CLOTIIIXCJ; dents' Dress and Soft Hats. Boots, Shoeti. Ac. April 4. U2-4t the work ' i.,- h;. i the oast mav be a sulueient reccom- ... ...i...;...! r.-.i- Hi.- futiiv.' U ...v. ... , 1 B. All Watches lone rcpuue.. ... tinute given ot necessary no....., .....v.. rant d for Two cars Jpril Hi. lf5C. cause, Having m vain tried to save ttiein, uit upon an experiment of having them harnessed the stable . w "u u. tP&i-Mlty. crv if the hoiuid. at once cairer and anxious by the loud, angry, and eontinned barking ot the do-js. that thev have brought him either to a tree or a stand-still. When the wolf lynx marks that he is pursued, he takes flight, and endeavors to find a tree in a reclining position, III M bi.-b bo .-limbs nnd attempts tO COIllCal .. ..... ... , ...... - . - ts. -Tw5: V "is,. ' J6A California editor gives the following au-'hable account of n scene lie witnessed in a 1 .bi.rnerreaii irallery. lhe artist had linug out t.,i-,n a very handsome and showy sign over his door, , llli,1if i..:,, vtret. lu-d and ilat alone: tho " " .'. . .....l : 1 l.-,1.Ul..it,.,...l . '- -,. " .. .. l f .,T,t iii the ortence of the owner, and a written oil w men w as " IniliK. Ills wciglil ami duik pnvo. - apait miuc pri.tm.1 . ' .l.vb will be war- . , - . ,....,: o r IT .",. 'V.,. .V,...;. i:...i t... .!... a: -itli the activity liilulCS U hi: n -l . -ix., hi l ciiiu ii:i ii inu ni.iinii.. i.v-' . of the fox lynx. In this position lie remain till tin. iiimroaeh of tlie haiiter. who then ns- - ii- 94-tf FOll SALE OR RENT. Tie new and commodious DWKLLINfi HOI SE. will all necessary out-houses, situated about 5 nules Iron Favetteville, immediately on the Southern 1 lank 1....1 i"ii itiuit ion is reniariiaoi i. u....j. ' . .. , -1 . i vc.V offlood Water in tiie yarn. .10 ieet u.-eji. This sign soon caught the eye of a middle-aged woman lint we will let the California man tell his story in his own way 'liiess the Lord for that!' exclaimed the Th. woman, who, with three or four young ones it. her arms, stood gazing upon the haj.py mmntiiit-eincnt. "Bless the Lord! Itclicf has iimiiaity of land to lie sold with it. will roinuodatiim to the purchaser from 3011 .....mil '1T 111 if lit ltlt" II I t :ilt."v i 1 1 wn. J iue-Iudintr a MiiaU trurt or noiioiu lanu. t-ieteVmswillbe accommodating Ci,mberland county. April 9 93-Ct M A it i: i. e by ( ;::. 1-' A r T O It Y LA I'D Kit. Nearly ojipositc to K. W. Willkings Favetteville, N. C. o t. l. is;.".. " y Auction Store, Dll. JOHN W. P.UJE, IIrrl.i'svillc, llaincd Cui1y, X. t. DB. IA;K is now permanently located at Bar claysville. and oilers his professional services to the iubl:e. II" will ;ive strict attention to Obstetrics anil the ilisea-ies of women anil ehildlen. March I 4 th. lin OEOr.GE Mi-DT FFI E, WILMIN'CTON'. N. C. All bu-iness enti ii-ted to him will meet with prompt at ten t ion. Nov. 1. 1 f'ln FOR SALE. TWO THOUSAND ACRKS OF LAND, nine miles from Favetteville. lvinsr directly on the Southern Blank Road, and on each side of Big Kocklish. One of the best Turpentine sections in the countv. with convenient improvements for a family resilience: with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a first rate situation for a Turpentine Distillery ami Store. A. A. McKKTHAN Feb"y 9, 1 ;-r.r. tf HiVrij- Just received, a few doz. genuine East India CASTOR OIL. (for mv retail.) Also. Citrate of Magnesia and Concrress Water. J. F. FOULKI'S April 2, 1S5C. W SPRING !)()l)S j-yjli IS ."'. are ;,;v receiving an unusually large Stock siiiii a'o sfiJii',u (aions, Wh'ch we will sell very Cheap for Cash, or on I usual tilii" to Wholesale buyers exclusively. ( Mir Stock will consist of a. general selection STABLF. AND FANCY DRY OOODS. Silk nttd St run: Umincts, Jioot., Sioes, I mbrriins, Rr idi-.M ide Clotting, J)resx Trim wings, With a great variety of notions. .t?- Those ow ing us notes p.ist due re. nested to make immediate payment. STARR March 22. I S. "!". 90-If. are earned ly WILLIAMS. JAM SOS EvVIiEO IS now rei-eivinghis SBRIN; Sl'Bl'LY ofCHKAB (iOOPS. among which are Irish Linens. I,aw;is and. Diapers, French. Scotch, and Domestic Lawns, Caliches i'rench. Kngli.-h and Domestic, French. Scotch ami Domestic (Jinghams. Kmbroid'd and I'lain Crape Shawls and Scarfs 3-4 to 10-1 Bit-ached Shirting and Sheeting. French and Irish Linen Drilling, Black and Colored Silks. Bonnets and INir.net Ribbon. Bol.ing Cloth. Nos. to 10, Joseph Repka's Cot tonades, Colored (iranadiue ami Barege. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, assorted. Blav Linens. 1 to 1-4. very -heaj. With many other articles, all ol wlncli have Ijcmi purohasi d bv the Package at the lowest rates, and will be o'.l'ercd at the lowest prices, by wholesale' or retail, for Cash or on time to punctual customers. March '.. lS.oi. Wksti:i:.v Raii.hoad Ot nci:, ) April 1, lSG. j An iiistalnient of 5 jx-r cent, upon the Capital Stock of this Company is called for. payable on the 1st day of M-.i- next;" and also. Monthly calls of 5 per cent., irntil the 1st day of .lauuary A. 31. Camplx'll, AfCTIOXEEK A. COMMISSION MKItfHAST, Fast side of Cillespie street, Faykttkvii.i.f., N. C. October 1. IIOA11IJ1XG, Private and Transient, Fkont Sii:i:f.t. Wh.vinoton. X. C. L. MALLKTT. March 1. 1S.K5. 2m NOTICE. All persons indebted to the Subscriber are h.-reViy lotilied to com" forward and settle by the L t of April next, or thev will find their notes and accounts in the .:irut of mm officer for eollee.t-on. lie call Oe IolUHt it the old stand where he formerly done business. R. D. DAY1S CLOCK RKl'AlRlNCr. The Subscriber repairs Clocks at short notice at his old stand on Person street. lie w ill warrant a Clock for twelve months, after pas sing through his hands. Give me a trial, and if satis faction is not giveu I will make no charge. R. I). DAVIS. March 1. 3m. In order to close out the remaining Stock of Good ii on- on hand, . . A I 1.1 We offer them on the lollowmg terms: to i a-u miyeis at New York cost: to prompt tune buyers at .ew l oi k ost with charges added. We have many desirable ("JOODS in store, viz: DIIY GOODS, HARDWARE. BOOTS A.S'D SHOES, Jlals, Cvps and Bonnets, IlEAOV-MAUE -I.OTIlIX. Merchants and others will find many desirable goods in our Stock, and w tncli carl be oougm at gieai jj.ii- ;ains. We are determined to sell out this Spring. To those who are in arrears to us we would simply state that we want money ami musi i,a e 1 1. n iu .,tr.,r,l .is inn. h nleasure to give receipts in lull to all who are in our Betlslendx ! Tost received from the Manufacturer, Ira llersey, eiijiplj f 11 J BEDSTEADS of varimis patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. Thee Itedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers, as low as they can be got trom the North. Call and examine. A. M. CAMPBKLL. April 9, 15G. y " t urpentTne ba rr e l s. t riFFRIJ two thousand Turpentine Barrels for sale, lo,, if applied for R BL0(n. Wilniington, April 12. 183i. 4t. PttOTECTIOX FROM LIGHTXIXC. The Subscriber would call the attention of persons be made ac-j come at last! 'Babies taken till 3 i m.' I'll go rig-lit in and lot him take his pick out ol mine. I'm tired of them." She started in, but was met by the worthy artist himself, who was ou his way to the street. "Good morning, my dear madam, walk up. What can I do for you, to-day?' Two of the brats commenced crying. 'Are you the man that takes babies?' O, yes, with the greatest ease.' The" old lady cast a lingering look at her young brood, as if she was bidding them adieu forever. 'I "-iiess von ain't particular what kind ot babies you take?' 'It matters not, madam, I have taken all kinds.' The old lady gave the artist a .suspicious look, as much lis to sav what sort of a man are debt. March HALL A yi-tf . SACK UTT. F.WCY S. M. THOMAS, DKALKR IN ATVI STAPLE 11? Y GOODS, liEAY-H4E CI.OTIIWG, Cops, Don nets, Bouts e nd Shoes, Sheetings, Cotton Yarns, Kerseys, JUavlefs, Sf-e., f)-c. Corner Market and Gillespie St., Favetteville, N. C. Dec. 22, 77-tf lint NE W G O O D S . & UitOTIIKIt Are receiving a large and handsome Stock of STlPLE AM) PAM'V DRY 0 I S , ms still ,r inast CVcrV t 1 1 tl C KCDt in lllf 1 T l.OOUS line, viz : Plain. Plaid. FigM Black and CoFd Srtks: Berages of every ipinlitv and price; Tissues. Organdies. Lawns, Challies. Muslin DeLaius, and all the latest styles of Robes; Ginghams; Jaconet. Mall and Swiss Muslins: a fin- selection of Kmbroidery; Kid, Pic Nic and S.Ik Gloves; a large lot of Linea Cambric and Silk Handkerchiefs; Plain Plaid and Fmbroidered Crape Shawls; Talmas; Silk and Lace Mantles; Bonnet Silks and Ribbons; Para sols; Bonnets. Flats and Hats for Misses: a large lot of Hosiery; CoFd and Black Gaiters. Walking Shoes. Children's Shoes. Gaiters. Ac. Also A large Stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING for Gentlemen and Youths; Hats. Boots. Gaiters and Shoes. And in fact '-vcrv article usually kept, in the Dry Goods Line, which we invite the public to examine. April 5. LS.-.K. 92-tf you. 'Yon have taken all kinds! Then I guess you'll have no objection to taking these bawling things hero at my breast?' 'Oh, it would "give me pleasure, madam, to take these crying babies. Had 1 not better take all of them at once?' The old lady drew back in astonishment. 'All at once!' said site. 'And do you pretend and to sav that vou will take all of these dirty, .i.liinimrntiHi.tiiin from Lightning to his IMPROVED CONDUCTORS. The points are composed of Steel, plated with pure Silver, presenting seven distinct points in one. The rods are connected with nuts, forming one continuous rod. insulated with glass, about live feet apart, the staples tirmlv fixed in the wall o the building, placing 1 . " . . .1 1 . 1. 1 4 . C 1 . . . the rods three mclies trom uie mining aim on. u. ..... ;..n. ,..,.,. ,.f n-.tlj mikI other attractive materials, and rr ,.Y i . oimeetion between the rod and building, p-ood-for-notliinir. sutialliusr brats at once.' Orders sent tome or left -at A. A. McKcthan's Shop j ,"othiii"- would give mo more delight,' answered he, in his usually agreeable lnanuvr. uketr uivire Wiau that at once, in 13 promptly attended to. - i?v; nit-TAprtt Z. 1856. WM. T. BATTLEY If " Cape. Fi'tti I The subscriber offers for and for Sale. sale THREE IIl'NDRKD ttally shoots him down. As it is, nowevei, frequently difficult to get a good shot at him from the "nature of his position, he is often only wounded, in which case he sometimes springs liercclv from the tree, and has been known to attack the It nut or in a most determined and desperate manner, completely regardless of the do,rs. If the Lvnx cannot find a convenient tree to climb, he generally brings up near some larije stone or piece of ruck, with which he covers his rear, and with teeth and claws deliv ers most bloo.lv battle to the hounds, who are scarcely a match f..r him. Hunters relate that thev have sometimes come unawares on the lynx stretched out ou a reclining tree, which is a favorite position ' which he lies in wait for prav, and, being unprepared, have hung up their coat in view on a pole, and this has been sufficient to retain him stationary till they have ....ton. o.J mid shot him. Our hunter thus de scribes an affair with a large wolf lynx: "In the last davs of February, I observed in the snow the traces of a large wolf lynx, which I pursued thirtv Louts belore I found it conven ient to let loose the only hound I had with me. s this part of the country was tnucli lnlesieu with wolves, I had furnished the dog with a leather collar full of two-inch long steel spikes, as a protection. After two or three hours on the scent, the lvnx at last tired, and came to a stand-still near a birch tree, where the dog kept him till I came near enough to Kv him a shot. 1 ho distance was rather long, and the lynx was only wounded, but before I could approach and dis charge the other barrel, the enraged animal, with a single spring, had thrown itself over the hound. A violent si niggle was t he conse ,......,. -o..i ... tvmlMtvortnz to cctns to the j succor of my companion, the lynx immediately woman, as she approached him, "but before and EIMITY-FIYE Acres of Land ou Cape Fear ! vm, tJ0 SOj J would like to know River In-low Smith's Ferry, in Cumberland county, , 0j1)(r to reetl thein Oil?' running with the river to the lands ot Mrs Byrd. ...... 1,:, ...istske a A portion of the land is cleared and tci.ced. It 1 the .lltist .l Wilis mistake a I. The effort to un my well adapted to the cultivation ol corn. oats, auu tnc u:ial crons ot the river lands. The part uncleared . .... . . , has on it some good swamp, wincu uia oe c.i-u pie- ; vour J. S. BAXKS, COIIMISSIOX ASI) POUWAUDIXO MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. January 1. IS.. ly-P'l NOTICE. .TMKS (J. SMITH will attend to my business in Knvetteville duiinr mv absence. Persons indebted to me" must make immediate payment to him, he being duly authorized to receipt for the same A. E GIERS1I. It will be 'sold on a credit of tw elve months. Per- to Ueprive a ou the owner at this place. ! children. J. Ki. M1L1 1111U. 93 -tf interesting little group. April 8. 15 K A U V Y ! ELEGANCE! ECONOMY ! Combined in my well assorted stock of Number One j plenty more where these came from.' yes,' mother ot so she insisted, It would be en many beautiful 1 rr Kraly-made Clotlmi For Gentlemen, Youths, and Beys PCRSISHIXB GOODS, . Such as Dress Skirts of French Fancy Linen and plain Irish Linens, Ac Fancy fine timesr 1 .... 1 : 1" ,i. test with him and attacked .. 1 .1... ?.l I .'1 I 111 I II MK IIIC li'iiii-'i' Well, yot, can take them," sat. u e u,,, ; . l.iit K.lori . v. . v . . , wb t vou are l':ti t"u,scd nie to ,1,ilkc a ,ower r n what oti arc .VB..!f L.,t 1 stumbled ami fell i t(mntl ' face in the snow, in which position 1 lay, with and attempted , 'tcarimr like mad, and anything to back out . , ... f MM. b. mini who had found him- On second thought,' he said, "I will not take , v tll(. c'a t.olllir, was more UCl1' . .. 1 ... tw i..cf.no noil courageous man usual, came 1.7 n.. ......v., fastenin- determineill v 0:1 the throat of the lynx forced it to relinquish its hold. Regaining my feet I was enabled to seize the gun, whic.i had been under me, and, with a close shot, I brought the eiiemv to the tr round. My thick winter 'clothing had partially protected me, but I was i much torn. As for the hound, large and strong 1 as he was, he was nearly killed in the short istr.i.r.rb. which altogether only lasted sonic j miniiTes, and he did not recover from his injuries I for many months; had it not been for the 'you can take 'Oh! them.' Rut, my dear madam,' commenced the artist, turning away in alarm, recollect tnat -'Never mind that. Take them along. Th here s 1 f Tk artist was compelled to explain mistake, and tlic old w oman left in disgust. the Life in New Mexico. Extract Horn a i ...... i;1i..1. i,,, -.,,,1,1 ,,0i Uvc liad Uic sliirlit' 1 .o.,,.!,,..! -;'.,. nrmy. i "l i leuer n um a guiiui-mau uiwn.nni . ... .-. j C!. chance. Goods; Straw Hats; Wide A wakes: ' and stationed at A iDuqtierqtic, .m-w aic.xic Roots, Gentlemens' Gaiters of every -' ou ask me about tins country. e.i, it descripti'on, Patent Leather Oxford Ties; i is a mighty queer place, I tell you. ,d. leMt her Travelimr Trunks: Trunks for la-I "Life here is worth about oix bits. Any dies with secret drawers and Ronnet Boxes at-' insurance company that would have the temerity tached; Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, Segars, "Looking Glasses, large and small; to set up an agency here, would be bursted all to in no time. Since my sojourn here, four murders have been committed. The first was the MOLASSES. 1 O Hogsheads New Crop MOLASSES. Also. .10 Boxes Favetteville Mould CANDLES. For sale bv " STEEL FULLER. March 27. S:.C. 91-tf April 4, IS.Ii; lm FOR SALE, A likelv NEGRO WOMAN and Child. The woman can be recommended as a good cook, washer and ironer, and also a trusty servant. For further information apply at THIS OFFICE. April 4. is.lli 92-tf wli- de amount will be Bv order of the 1 11 e. Board of Directors. JNO. M. ROSE. Treas'r W. R. R. Co. A CARD. DR. HENRY C ROBINSON" oTr h;s professional pervices. He will be associated in practice with his i,r.itlnr. Dr. Beiii. W. Robinson. March 2L lS.1t. p it : I Ell f - Sttc of Xnrth Carotiim ltoVscsou Comity. Court of Pleas and (Jna.rler Sessions to May Term, lSfG. - The petition of Bright Williams, Adminir trator ofi the Estate of Alfred R. Rogers, vs. Joseph Willi ford j and w ife Sallv. Henry Rogers. Ebenexar Rogers, Han- ilson and wife Sarah. "llauils.v.i and wife Hannah. Ed- j wards and wife Martha. William Rogers and Henry.: Zanv. Barlield. E'x-neziir. Biggam. Jesse. Robert. Hinant. P.idv. i:n'v. Mary. Susan, Celia and Hannah Rogers, children of Drurv Rogers, deceased, allow s to the w .u ship of said Court that Alfred Ii. Rogers, late of the county of Robeson, died intestate, lesiving surviving his "widow, who since married said illiford, lle.-.-v- i-'.i.eney.ai Snrali who married Haailson. llaii- The Dwelling at present occupied by tiie nili, xvj10 ,n;irr;ed Haniiron. Martha who marrie.l r.l . 1 il;n .1 ... .' ! . . . . . - . f . subscriber, snuate.i ou iinisuoro .-Mieei ;adio";ning the premises of Hugh Gil more Es(1. Apply to J. (.. Sun Iii lm. FOR SALE OR RENT, A. E. GIERSH. March 29. 1S.1C. 91-tf REMOVED. I have removed my Stock of CLOTHING AND l'l' RNIS1I ING (JOODS. from my old stand in the Favetteville Hotel Building, to the Store formerly occupied bv Messrs Hall A" Sacked. Hay Street, oppo site Edwin Glover's Jewelry Store, where may be found at all times a complete Stock of UK A OV-M A HE C-I.OTIIIXG, Suited to the taste of buyers and to the Season. ' Gentlemen and Youth-- will always find goods to suit from the crown of the h-ad to the sole of the foot. H of which I am determined to sell as cheap tor cash r credit of 90 days to punctual customers, as any other house in the city. Monev wanted for old account"-. Tle Sp -ckled Shirt still 0:1 hand, and Coats and Vants to match. I am now receiving direct from New York my Spring Purchases, The whole w ill be to hand in a few days. Call and exa.nine before Vm. One Door w est of Messrs Worth t I tley. April 3. 02-it N E W GOODS, At Floral College, Robeson county, The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has just received a large and varied assortment of Goods at Floral Codege. consisting ot dry auons, GROCERIES, HAltDWAKE, -tc , Which he oners for sale cheap. Call and examine his stock, as he feels sura that he can give satisfaction both in price and quality. Thankful for th- liberal patronage heretofore ox tended him, he hopes in future to merit a continuauce of the same. C. BLACK. April 4, 1S5C. 92-r,m State of SJortlx Cro'lnnnRobrsoii ContJ- Court of Plerts anil Quarter Sessions Febru ary Term, 185(5. The Petition or John Smith, Executor of the last will and testament of William Byrd. deceased, vp. Henry Byrd. Noah Mercer and wile Polly, Anustcad Single tary and wife Emily. John Smith and wife Martha. ClaVidv Allen and wife Sally. Henrv Purnell and wife Frances, Betty Byrd. William Byrd. and Melcssu Bynl that at February Term. LSll. of this Court, the last nd last, but not least, a few more of -THE VESTS"' ! 0f a dragoon soldier, stabbed ill the back by a k-lt. with countless invisible profiles of different j rex;t..m ata fandango. The . second, of a Piivsio,7Nomii:s. T, i discharged soldier, drunk, knocked in the head hundred yards of my door ,, his fm.L ; m.v-. rhtthrf T w- t hinl- ou a Suudav. about twelve AVer PVIHDUL'U ill 1 1 1 o 1 . v .. v.-. - - ' ! w.uiIJ resi(cttullv solicit a continuance of the ' o'clock ill the day an Aiuencan patronage heretofore so liU-rally extended lo me. and J si,00tju .u, American laborer through the heart 1 have no hesitation in saving that the result will be q I(j T1)e fOIirth, a satisfactory one to my ,jnANI)Tj Mexican, who was draggJd off his horse ou the South Side Hay Street. Favetteville, X. C, April 10, 1J56. 2m THE FI.OATISO BALLS Olt ICXVCSCLE WASHIXG 3IACIIIXK. The 8ubscricr having purchased the Right of the j penitentiary outskirts of the town, and his skull and breast were mashed in for the sum of $18. "The murderers were arrested, and went thrmi.rh th.. form of a trial by iurv. The first was scut to Santa Fe to work on the new Number two, I had the pleasure I . - 1 . . r - . 1 . above .Mactnne lor me counucs 01 uuiuuvi lauo ...o. 1 1 revoi 11 ug a.-s me mi.u n...-; o-... . w.. ! Harnett, is now ready to tarnish such as may be J nothiii"-.'' Number three was fined twenty-five j desirous of obtaining a Right. The machine is simple, j , v (,,e court a1(l turned loose upon 'both in its structure and operations, and should any ." . . I " 1 - 11 . :J !, :.. .. u... 1 i;i.-1 s.x- cty. The fourth has not yet been disposed- noruou 01 11 nil, oe .-.. ..'j ,-iri.i.iiii, i.,..... t j- w wards, who are the brother and sister ot sanl uitestate. j an t that letters of Administration upon the Estate of. t!i" said intestate regularly issued from this Court to' vour petitioner, and that he has diligently administered said Estate up to the present period that all of said ! defendants except Joseph Willlford and w lie are mm- i residents of the State; therefore, it is ordered ny tiie n aj1 tt.st.uul.a"t of William Bvrd was duly admitted Court. I!i:it publication be made in t.ie ,rt1'- t, probate and vour petitioiier qualified as Executor man. for six successive weeks, to notify the said Henry ; tll.ri,of Helms duly administered said Estate ac- R.cers. Ebeneznr Rosers. llanilson ami win; 1 ...i.m.h., , Edwards and w ife Martha. William Rogers and Henry, Zanv. Barlield. Ei.eaezar. P.ig.uam. Jesse. Robert, Hi iaut. P.idv. Eltv. Mary, Celia and Hannah Rogers, children of Drurv" Rogers, deceased, to be and appear before the Justices of the said county, to be held for the county of Robeson, on the fourth Monday of May next, then and there to answer to the premises as afore- said. eoidin-' to the terms of the will that bv order of thi Court he was directed to sell one fdave belonging to the Estate of his testator to pay debts, and there re mains in his hands a balance proceeds of said sale, alter the payment of debts, about eighty dollars of principal and interest that the defendants above named are the children of the testator and entitled to the balance in the hands of vour petitioner that Bet- iion-resuleiH. 1 I T ..1-1.. ri the niiTiMli!:llll. 1 . . . . . . f 1 1 . 11-.. a,,.,, will. . . 1 .. Witness. Shadracl. llow eii. c leru 01 our sam c ouri tJlrufun. u is or,U.ml i,y the Court that publication at oiiit-t. 03-t S'D II HOWELL. C. C. ( ! be made in the North Carolinian, a newspaper puo i lt.lw..t in 11... tmvii of Favetteville. X. C. for six Sicc.,ssive wet.itS. for the paid Betsey Bvrd to lx and TCXIXK ASD KEPAIKIXG PIAXCS. j appear Ik-fore the Justices of our said Court, to be for the countv of Roloson. at the Court House 11 H 1 1 J ll.l 1 m. ri- . . 1 . -. "iv - - . - . .1 : 1 1 ii:..k e,.i.i .-;m in J rnniwi-lmi rm tho fourth MonuflV in MrtV HOM j. J v l-1 lilt 1 riiiitu: 1 uu umui. n ui aiiciuiuu - c 1 . to tunins and Repairing Tianos. i 1S5C. then and there to show cause, if any she has, w Uj In his leisure hours, he w ill take two or three nd- ' the prayer of the petitioner shall not he grante.i. Witness. Shadrach Howell. Cerk of our said Conn Music, or such as desire lessons in the higher attain- i at office, the fourth Monday of February, A. 1. 1 mentsof Piano plaving. 1 issued 9th April. .1 Ml 11 lm. .K.-rr . 1 93-6t. S D'II HOWELL, Clk. bv anv person having the use of tools. 1 do not claim 1 of. for this machine more than what it is able to perform j with that description of labor which almost every family is able to supply, without at all interfering with the ordinary duties. In the lirst place a eliiiu 12 or lo years of age can perform all the labor, alter having seen it operate a few times, and :t the direc tions are a lhered to, wilt do as much worn, in one day as three or tour wouv-a in the ordinary way, and the work will be much better done. Below will le luunil certificate from those who have purchased and uow Ncvcr have I seen a place where the laws were so wretchedly administered. I rial by jury Xewkocnim.ano Dog rraiXR oct a Fire WosDEUKfi. S.u;.u-m One of the most aston ishinir instances of the sagacity of the Dog is worse than a farce. Six-shooters and butcher- J transpired this morning, which ever came to knives rule the day here. I girt on my pistol and kifde at night as regularly as I take my supper. We all of us do it have to do it." have in use one of these machines ISM AM BLAKE. April 12, 185G. 9:;-tf Fatetteth.i.e, X. C. April 9. 18.16. We. the undersigned, having purchased of Mr lsham Blake one of the above machines, cordially recommend it to th fav.w of the Public. It w ashes very rapidly. and the work is much better done than is usually done in the old way, and with less wear to the Llotinng. It far exceeds our expectations, and has only to be seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its utility and economy. We have no doubt of its being leuerailv used wherever introduce.!, D. G. McUae. W. J. Anderson, Wm. McLackin, A. P. II CRT, Jas. G. Smith, ,Ino. D. U ii-liams, John D. Stahr, Josei'H A. Worth, A. J. O'Hanlon, David Wf.myss. our knowledge "We in company with several other gentlemen, raw. a four dollar bill which was very dirty and much defaced, put in and washed out by this machine, re moving all the dirty appearance of the bill, and leav ing it perfectly legible, which shows there is little or noi ubbing produced in washing line articles. . Frank X. Uoberts, Jas. G. Smith. Mltcai. Forbearance.- The house will lie kept in a turmoil where there is no toleration of each other's errors. If you lay a single stick of wood in the grate and apply fire to it, it will .ni mil! nut on another stick, and thev will bum; and half a dozen, and vou will have a animal had so succcsssfully t blaze. There are other fires of a kindred 1 as to prevent its spreading b nature. If one member of a family gets into a passion, and is let alone, he will cool down, and possibly be ashamed and repent. Rut oppose temper to temper; pile on all the fuel; draw in others of the group, and let one harsh answer be followed by another, and there will soon be a blaze w hich will enw rap them all. An Irishman was a few days ago brought before a justice at Bristol, England, on a charge of having six wives. The magistrate ask. d him how" he could be so hardened a villain to delude so many. 'Plase your lordshipsaid Tat, 'I was trying to iret srood one." 'Well said the magistrate, 'I shall have to commit jou for being snch a goose joa might try a hundred ami not. get a gooj oue,' rhe Messrs. Staude. Tobac conists, ao. 3: Congress-street, closed their store last evening leaving their favorite New foundland inside. This morning, on opening the store, the lloor in the back room was found to be on fire, and the dog was laboring with his fore feet and month, trying to subdue it. A pail of water which stood in the room had been poured down the hole. The faithful out batted the lire beyond a snot two or three fact square. How long the noble fellow- had stood sentinel and fought down the advancing flames can only be conjectured it must have been several hours. His feet, legs and mouth were badly burned, and it is feared that he is seriously injured internally by inhal ing the hot air. lie refuses food, ai.d is apparently in much pain. We trust the sag acious and faithful creature is not dangerously injured. This is the same dog which discovered the man Lally on the ice a few weeks since. He is worth his weight in gold, and may safely be pronounced the noblest of his race. A winter's store of provisions for a Chinese family consists? of a quarter of a horse, a bushel of bird's nest, and two or three kegs of pickled rats, cat3, and bull-dogs. r

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