I 1 m flowers common A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER- Devoted to Politics, the Markets, Foreign and Domestic News, Literature, Agriculture, and General IuformationTWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE. 'FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1856. JOSIAIt JOH.VSO.Y, Editor and Proprietor. J VOLUME XVIII NO. 910. I T E II M S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CAKOLIMAX- For a Mingle copy, if paid in advance, per annum, S2 00 " " " at tbc end of 3 months. 2 50 " " " at the end of C months. 3 00 " " " at the end of the year, 3 50 No sulscription will be received for a shorter period than one year unless paid in advance. With the view of extending the circnl ition and en hancing the usefulness of the paper, the proprietor of fers the following remarkably low CLUB R-1 TE S, IffVARIABL V L" A D V,1J"CE: 5 cop-en of the Carolinian, 1 year, $8 00 10 " " " " 15 00 Rates of Idrertislnjr t Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, orlcsn, for the first and 30 cents fr each subsequent insertion, unless the advertisenint if published for more than two months, when it will le charged For three month, - -- -- $4 00 For six months, - - - - 6 00 For twelve months, 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired number of in sertions marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid and charged accordingly. JOSIAH JOHNSON. CIEME5T G. WRIGHT. Attorney nt Law. P yett evlllc, X. C. Office at the corner of How and Green (streets. P-by lfi"3. .5. A. SPEAKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTKNUS the Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Wake and Johnston. Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., X. C. Feb. 1(, 1N5C. .-v DR. K. A. BLACK. Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale.- OFl'ICK Chemist and Drug Store Feb'y 7. lri.jti. tSl-tf JAMES C. DAVIS, A. T T O R X E Y AT L A W . All btitiness intrusted will be promptly attended to Ad-lres Moitpdier post oTiue, Kichmoud county. X.C October 1. 1S55. ly M A It K L K IJV GEO. l" A C TOR Y, LAUDKit. Nearly opposite to E. W. Willkings' Auction Store, Fayetteville, N. C O !t. 1. 1855. " y DR. JOHN V. PAGE. " Brvl ysvillc, Harnett Cottiity, X. C. TMi. PAGE is now p-rinmently located at Bar clavsville. and oTer his professional services to the public. II will give strict attention to Obstetric and the disease of women and children. March 11th. -tin JAES IvYf.H IS now rceoiving his SPRING SUPPLY of OlfBAt' GOODS, among which are Irish Tineas. Lawn and Diapers. Fr"Me'i, Si-otch. ami Domestic Lawns. Calicoes French. English and Dom-stic, French. Scotch a id Domestic Ginghams. Kmbroid'd and Plain Crape Shawls and Scarfr, 3- to 10-4 Bl-aehed Shirting and Sheeting, French and Irish Linen Drilling, Black and Colored Sik. p.i-nnets and Honet Ribbon. Belting Cloths. Nos. 5 to 10, Joseph Renka's Cottonades. Colored Granadine and Barege. T.inen Cambric Handkerchiefs, assorted, Blav Linens. 'it to i-4. very cheap. With minv other articles, all of which have been purchased bv th Package at the lowest rates, and will be oifered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for Cash or on time to punctual customers. March 29, 1S5G. ICE CREAM SALOON There will be opened on the 12th inst.. (for the season) in connection with the Shemwell House, an Ice Cream Saloon in the Store room lately occnp'ed bv Shemwell A. McDonald. Shemwell House Building. Green street, near the Market House. Fayetteville, May !. ISoC. 97-tf NOTICE. All persons indebted to the firm of W. F. A.. E. F. Moore, are requested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of March 18"t. W. F. A. E. F. MOORE. June !, lS5fi. 2-tf. It A LTJUi! At F A Y KIT 11 VILL K STACK UXE. "We are now running Four- Ilorse Coaches on this Line. Pas- jsengers going isortli can obtain through tickets from Faj-ctteville to Weldon. Passen gers for Fayetteville can obtain through tickets at Weldon. at the Office of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail road. Fare, $7. Passengers for Greensboro'. Salem. Salisbury, or uny place up the country, will find this the best and quickest route: to take the Stage to Raleigh, which connects with the N. C. C. Railroad, The Coaches are now in good repair. We have rrood Horses and careful Drivers. Everything will be lone to accommodate the Traveling Public. WM. II. HUNT. Ag't, Raleigh. O.lice at Lawrence's Hotel. J. H. ROBERTS A CO.. Agents at Fayetteville. Mav 31, 1S5G. 3m S C UPPERXOXG GRA PES. We wish to contract for 1,000 or more bushels of Scuppernong Grapes, to Ik delivered next fall. Apply to J. H. Roberts Co.. at Fayet teville Hotel. ROBERTS A, BROTHERS. June 12, 1S.")0. 2-tf 825 Rewind. "Ranaway from the subscriber on the 1st of April last, a negro man named Rand, altout six feet high, a'niut 30 years of age. and black. Said negro is sup posed to be lurking iu the neighberliood of John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to anv person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham co., N. C, or confining Lira in any Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. June 25. )S5fi. 4-tf L u m b e r . A lot of Seasoned FLOORING BOARDS for sale J. &. T. WADDILL. May 24, is:6. BACOX AXD FISIT. 10,000 Ibsu Prime N.C. Bacon. 50 bbls Mackerel. For sale by J A 3. G. COOK. July 19, 1856. 7-4t. Small Farm for Sale. We will sell a small tract of WOOP-LAXD, con taining 120 acres, on which there is a small farm and some cabins, two miles east of Clarendon Bridge. J. 4 T. WADDILL. July 26tb, 1836. 8-tf, SPUING GOODS FOR 185G. U. F. JP K AIU' K IS NOW OPENING a large and well selected Stock of SPR1H pD SCHHEtt GOODS. Among which, may be found for Ihe Ladies, Black and colored Silks. Silk Tissues and Bareges. Challie and Battiste. Brilliantes.Printed Lawns. Jaco nets and Organdies. Jaconet, Swiss, and Plaid Muslins. Embroidered Swiss Muslin. Edgings and Insertions. Collars and Uedersleeves. Embroidered Flirts. Corded, Cactus. Grass, and Whalebone Skirts. Crape: Silk, and Straw Bonnets, and a large and handsome assortment of French. English, and American Prints, Gloves, Hose. &.c. FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Cloths. Fancy and Black Cassiineres; Vesting. White, Brown and Bluff; Linen Drills: Irish Linen; DrapD Ete; Farmer's Satin; Farmer's Drill; Moleskin, Panama. Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats; and a large assortment of Readv-Madc Clothing. Ac. Ac. J.. Also Boot-sand Shoes; Umbrellas and Parasols, Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting and every variety in the Yankee Notion line, which will be sold at a small advance for CASH, or on time to punctual customers, either at Wholesale or Retail. B. F. PEARCE. Late Pearce A. Ferguson. Hay Street. Fayetteville, March 22, 18-"(i. J)0-tf. J. C. POE, DEALER IN' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HITS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, ASD lirudy-JMiide Clothing. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings. HAY STREET. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. November 3d, 1855. tf J n order to cltse out tlie remaining Stock of Goods now on h?idt We offer them on ihe following terms: to Cash buyers at New York cost; to prompt time buyers, ut New York cost with charges added. We have many desirable GOODS in store, viz: DRY GOODS, iiardwarl:, boots .ijvd shoes, Ihtls, Cops and Jioiinels, REVBY.JIAD13 Ct.OTHI.VO. Merchants and others will find many desirable goods m our Stock, and which can be bought at great Bar gains. We are determined to sell out this Spring. To those who are in arrears to us we would simply state that we want money and must have it. It will allbrd us much pleasure to irive receipts in full to all who are in our debt. HALL & SACKETT. March 27. ' 91-ti" JGST" Just received, a few doz. genuine East India CASTOR OIL. (for my retail.) Also, Citrate of Magnesia and Congress ater. J. F. FOULKES April 2. 1S50. " " PEALEK IN " - - PASCV ASD STAPLE DRY GOODS, RE.1GY-1IA&E CLOTHiXG, Unix, Cnps. Bonnets, Pools and Shoes, Sheetings, Cotton Yarns, Kerseys. Blnvlets, t-r., S c. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 22. 77-tf JAMES B. FERGUSON, AITTIOXEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Favf.ttevii.i.e, N. C. Solicits sales and consignments, to which lie will give his personal attention. KuFKKKNfiKS II. fc E. J. Lillv, E. W. Willkings, S. W. Tillinghast. April 21, 1S5;. Cm THE PLOATISG BALLS OK KXl'CKLE WASHING 31 ACM IMC. The subscriber having purchased the Right ol the above Machine for the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett, is now ready to furnish such as may be desirous of obtaining a Right. The machine is simple, both in its structure and operations, and should any portion of it fail, can be easily and speedily rejtaircu by any person having the use of tools. J do not claim for this machine more than what it is ::ble to perform with that description of labor which almost every family is able to supply, without at all interfering with ti e ordinary duties. In the first place a child 12 or 15 years of age can perform all the labor, after having seen it operate a few times, and if the direc tions are adhered to. will do as much work in one day as three or four women in the ordinary way. and the work will be much better done. Below will be found a certificate from those who have purchased and now have in use one of these machines ISIIAM BLAKE. April 12, 1856. 9.T-tf Fayetteville, N. C. April 9. 185(5. We. the undersigned, having purchased of Mr lsham Blake one of the above machines, cordially recommend it to the favor of the Public. It washes very rapidly, and the work is much better done than is usually done in the old way, and with less wear to the Clothing. It far exceeds our expectations, and has onlv to be .seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its Utility and economy. We have no doubt of its beiii" generally used wherever introduced D. G. McRae Jvo. D. "Williams. w. j. a xdkksox, Wm. McLaurin-, A. P. Hurt,. J as. G. Smith, Jon.v D. Starr, Joseph A. Worth, A. J. O'IIaxlox, Da tip Wemyss. We in company with several other gentlemen, saw a four dollar bill which was very dirty and much defaced, put in and washed out by thi machine, re moving all the dirty appearance of the bill, and leav ing it perfectly legible, which shows there is little or no rubbing produced in washing fine articles. Frank N. Roberts, J as. G. Smith. Fever and TURNER'S PILLS, warranted to cure Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Billious and Congestive Fevers, if used according to the directions. Priee, 75 cents per Box. For sale bv the Aeut J. N. SMITH, Druggist. June 2S. 4-lin WILMIXGTOX, CHARLOTTE AXD RUTHERFORD BAIL ROAD The Stockholders in the County of Richmond, who have given notes payable on demand, for the first in stallment of five per cent, are required to make pay ment to Walter L. Steel, Esq.. or Dauiel C. Mclntyre, Esq.. on or before Sunday, the 2nd day of August next. The Stockholders in tlie County or Robeson, will iu like manner make payment to It. S. French. The Companies in the altove named Comities hold ing notes will deliver them over to th.; gentlemen named, respectively. By order of the Board of Directors. H. W. GUION, Pres't. I xe rr firm. - The undersigned have this day formed a Copartner ship, under the name and style of ' POWERS & TROY. "J" and will continue the GROCERY &. PROVISION BtSISESS at the store lierefore occupied by J. W. Powers &" Co. They solicit a continuance of the patronage so lib erally extended to the old firm. ; J. W. POWERS. !, W. C. TROY. Fayetteville. May 1, 1856 NEW GOODS. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A PltESH SUPPLY OP SPRING AXD SUMMER DRY GOODS, HEADY-MAHE CL.OTIIING; ' Soft Wool and Summer Hats, in great variety. A complete assortment ot BOOTS and SHOES will be to hand in a few days. All ofwhich will be dis posed of to Wholesale Buyers on liberal terms. STARR & WILLIAMS. April 23. 95-tf PROTECTION FROM LICIITMSG. The Subscrifer wr.'ild call the attention of persons wishing protection from Lightning to his IMPROYED CONDUCTORS- The points are composed of Steel, plated with pure Silver, presenting seven distinct points in one. The rods are connected with nuts, forming one continuous rod, insulated with glass, about five feet apart, the staples firmly fixed in the wall o the building, placing the rods three inches from the building and out of the influence of nails and other attractive materials, and cutting offal 1 connection lietwccu the rod and building. Orders sent to me or left at A. A. McKethan's Shop promptly attended to. WM. T. BATTLEY. Fayetteville, April 2. 1856. tT dll EEN & WEAK, WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS, AXD 3ir.TiLLO;ilAPHEUS, HAVING associated themselves together for the purpose of carry- s.. ing on Tue aoove branches ot business, would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Fayette vill and surrounding country, that V VT.,J" 'i tiiey nave leasea me More on the j" " ortli-Vest corner of the rayette- ville Hotel Building, on Hay street, where they are prepared to execute orders in the above branches in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. 11. I). Green-, J. S. Weak. A CARD. Mr It. D. GREEN, Watch Maker, respectfully begs leave to return his thanks to his very numerous patrons while having charge of the Watch Department in the firm of Messrs. Bcasley Ai Houston, and hopes the work done by him in the past may be a sufficient reccom mendation for the future. N. B. All AVatches to be repaired will be taken apart in the presence of the owner, and a written es timate given of necessary repairs, which will be war ran ted for Two Years. - April Id. 185G. 04-tf !2?ltcails! Bel tracts!! Just received from the Manufacturer, Ira Ilersey, a supply of BEDSTEADS of various patterns, and made of goo.', seasoned timber. Tliese Bedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got from the North. Call and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL. April 0. lSjU. y ICE! ICE! ! ICE!!! The subscriber having opened the ICE HOUSE, is now prepared to furnish to the community, and all who may want from the country. Orders accom panied by the moii")' will Ikj punctually filled at TWO CENTS per pound, packages paid for. ISIIAM BLAKE. April 26. 1856 95-tf DOBBTJST HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, Proprietor. The Proprietors of this Establishment an nounce to the public, that owiuur to tin. e..n- Ul5P,an,Iy iDCreMiM patronage extended to S5eathem, they have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dinin" Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction lo their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providinsr for the comfort of their patrons, they hope w ill secure to them a lioeral snare ol tne travel. The Western and Southern Stag;s arrive at and depart from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at anv notice for carrying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J! W. POWERS. W. C.TROY. rayetteville, May 12, 1850. 9S-tf. EDWIJST GLOVER, Watch Maker and Jeweller, At the old Stand, Xorth side of Hay Street. FAYETTEVILLE. HAS just returned from the North with the largest Stock of Goods he has ever offered in this market, which he will sell at very low prices. Among his as sortment may be found Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds, some very fine; Gold Fob. Vest and Guard Chains; Seals and Keys; Fob Buckles; Spectacles of all kinds; Breast Pius and Ear Rings in sets, something fine; all kinds of Finger Rings; Bracelets; Gold Pencils with Pens; Gold Lockets; Studs; Collar aud Sleeve Buttons; Gold Pen and Pencils with India Rnbler Cases, a new article; Fine Pearl Card Cases: Pocket Compass, with Sun Dial connected; Coral Beads; Port-Moni;ais; Jet Necklaces; fine Jet Pins; Accordcons; Music Boxes, Ac. SILVER WARE: Silver Forks; Silver Table and Tea Spoons; Mustard and Salt Spoons; Silver Cups, Butter Knives. Fruit Knives. PLATED GOODS: Forks; Tabic and Tea Spoons; Butter Dishes; Castors; Card Baskets; Ladies' Work Boxes; a good assortment of Military Goods; a fine lot Clocks, and very many other articles which his friends and the public are invited to examine. Strict attention paid to Watch Repairing. June It. 2-3in I-.au tl Tor Sale. The subscriber oners for sale all his lands, vizr Half of the Winslow tract, east of tha Cape Fear. The Daily land, 122i acres, adjoining Evans. The Hall and Edwards lands in Bladen and Cum berland. 60 acres of the Snmmerville lands. Moore County lands, 2.5ti0 acres. 19 lots in Averashoro'. Fox particulars apply to P. Murphy. ' , , . . ROOT? T. BARKSDALE, June 21, 1856. TOMATOES MAY' lie Preserved in Arthur's Cans for winter use in the same state a if stewed, fresh from the bush. BERRIES and PIE FRUITS of all kinds may be preserved so as to make fresh Fruit Pie in Winter. For sale by W.N. TILLING II AST. 1 fpiartCans, $3 per Dozen. 2 3 75 " 3 " 4 50 " Every Can warranted to seal. We have received, through the hands of a friend, as a present, a can of Unnatpe. which he tells us was prepared last summer according to the plan recom mended by Dr. Arthur. The Can is one of his patent and. having opened it without difficulty by pursuing his instructions, we found this delightful vegetable possessing all the rich flavor which belongs to it when first taken from Us vine. It ia the first of Arthur's patent Cans for" preserving fruit and vegetables that we have seen. Nothing can be more simple; and. judging from the specimen of its efficiency in accom plishing all that it promises, we do not hesitate to re commend the invention to housekeepers. JVat tonal Intelligencer of Friday. hth June. 1855. Every variety of summer fruit wa put up in these cans in our family last season and we now have straw berries, rapberrir. plum, cherries, blackbrrries, peaches, tomatoes; Sfc, as fresh as when sealed np. These are, indeed, lnxuries, and may he secured hy every one at a small cost. .Arthur's Home Magazine. We have in our family a variety of fruit preserved in these cans, which we used through the winter with great satisfaction, and which our visiting friends pro nounce as fresh as if they had just been gathered. Philadelphia Merchant. July 12. 6-tf Steamboats f.r Sale. One of the brothers of the "Brothers" Steam Boat Company," has determined to devote hi entire atten tion to bis profession. We will therefore sell TWO of our Three Steam Boats, consisting of the "BROTH ERS." -JAMES R. GRIST." and 'SCOTTISH CHIEF," with compliment of Flats, upon accommoda ting terms. Our Charter Privileges extend to naviga ting the Cape Fear and Deep Rivers, without any individual liability clause. If desired a sale of one or more of these Boats can be made in such way as to pass he benefits of our Charter to both Rivers. The Broth ers is admirably adapted to running above the Locks and all the Boats are in excellent order, and are well suited to the business on the River. For terms, address JAMES BANKS, Pres't Brother Steam Boat Co., Fayetteville, N. C. JOHN BANKS, Wilmington. N. C. June 21, 185C 4-3w NOTICE. I have taken the old Stand, recently occupied by Nathan Sikes. opposite the Dobbin House, and would respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville. and the public generally, that I am ready to furnish those who may want articles in my line, such as SADDLES, II ARNESS-.tc, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Please give me a call. II. A. SIKES. July 5. 5-2t A PROCLAMATION. BY HIS EXCELLENCY THOMAS nitAGR, GOYEllNOa UP THE STATE OF" NORTH CAROLINA. Wit eras, an net was passed Iy the last Gen eral" A ssenibly of this State, by a vote of three- , fifths of all the members thereof, a duly certi- neu copy oi which is as ionows: AN ACT to . amend the CoiTstitntiou of Uie State of North Carolina J Wheras, A larjye number of the people are disfranchised by the freehold qualification now required of voters for members of the Senate, Therefore, ' Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Xorth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, (three-fifths of tiie whole number of members of each House eoncnrritir,) That the 2d clause of the 1st sec tion of the 1st article of the amended Constitu tion, ratified by the people of North Carolina on the second Monday in November, in the year of onr Lord eighteen hnndred and thirty five, shall be amended to read as follows: Every free white man of the ajre of twenty-one years, being- a native or naturalized citizen of the United States, and who has been an in habitant of the State for twelve months imme diately preceding the day of any election, and shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate for the district in which he resides. Sec. 2. Be it further ena rial . That the Gov ernor of the State be, and he is hereby directed to issne his proclamation to the people of North Carolina, nt least six months before the next election for members of the General As sembly, setting: forth the purport of this act, and the amendment to the Constitution herein proposed, which proclamation shall be accom panied by a true and perfect copy of the act, authenticated by the certificate of the Secretary of State, and both the proclamation and the copy of this act, the Governor of the State shall canse to be published in ten newspapers of this State, at least six months before the election of members to the General Assembly. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly this 3d dav of February, 1S55. " SAM'L P. HILL, Speaker of the House of Commons. WARREN WINSLOW, Speaker of the Senate. State of North Carolina, Office of the Secretary of State. ) I, William Hill. Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the oritrinal as ratified aud on file in this office. Given under my hand this 24th day of Janu ary, 1856. W. HILL, Secretary of Slate. Now, therefore, in conformity to the Consti tution of the State, and the requirements of the aforesaid act, I do issue this my Proclama tion, making- knowu .to the people of North Carolina the provisions of said act and the amendment thereby proposed to be made to the Constitution of the State, and do cause the same to be published in ten newspapers of this State six months before the election of mem bers of the next General Assembly. In testimony whereof I, Thomas Bragg, Governor of the State of sorth Caro linn Imvrt hereto set mv hand and fL. S.l caused the trreat seal of the State to be hereto affixed. Done at the City of i;-.il..;rrb thi th 94th dav of January A. D., ' 1856, and in the. 80th year of our Independence. , TnOS. BRAGG. By the Governor: , . Pci-aski Cowpkb, Private Secretary. Raleigh, January 24, 1856. 83-6m Highest Market price paid for Cotton- J. H- HALL. Pres. B, C. M , Co. Joly26, NORTH CAROLINIAN. FAYETTEVILLE. .V. C. & Cute All excellent utorv Yankee. is told coneertiino' tbr manner in which a Yankee sold the landlord in a village in Ohio, through which the Great National Road passed. It was well known bv the travellers on this road that it was impossi ble to get a full meal at the hotel in ai;e?tion because an understanding existed between the landlord and the driver, aud, almost as s on as the pasenjrers were seated at the table, the stage was ready to start. On one iccasion. among the passengers was a Yankee, who would be "goll darnM if he wouldn't hav the valle of his money, any hcaow." His fellow passengers were anxious to know how to manage it, and after a while they learned how. "Breakfast ready, gents," said the landlord, as the stage drove up to the door. "Take a wash, gents! Here's water, basins, towels and soap." After performing these ablutions, they all proceeded to the dining room and commenced an onslaught upon the edibles, though Hez took his time. Scarcely had they tasted their coffee.when they heard the unwelcome sound of the horn, and the driver exclaim, "stage ready!" Up rise eight grumbling passengers, pay their fifty cents, anil take their seats. "AM aboard, gents?" inquired the landlord. 'One missing,' said they. Proceeding to the dining room, the host finds Hez very cooly helping himself to an immense piece of stake, the size of a horse's lip. You'll be left sir. Stage is going to start.' Wal. I ha hit nr.it ci 1 1 i ii to say it,' drawls out II ez. 'Can't wait, "sir; better take your seat.' 'Dew what?' Get iu sir.' 'I'll be gol darned ef I dew, nuther, 'till I've got my breakfuss! I've paid for goin' to get the valle on 't; and ef it, and am yew calker- late I ain't yew are mistaken.' So the stage did start, and left llez, who continued his attack upon the edibles. Biscuits, coflec, &c, disappeared rapidly before the eyes j of his astonished landlord. 'Say, squire, them 'ere cakes is 'bout cont; fetch us another grist on em. You, (to the waiter,) 'nuther cup of that air coffee." Pass them eggs. Raise your own pork, squire? This 'niazin nice ham. Land 'bout here tolera bie cheap, squire? Hain't much maple timber, hav yew? Dewiii rite smart trade, squire, I kalkerlate. Don't lay yer own eggs, dew ye?' and thui Hez kept quizzing the landlord until he had made a hearty meal. 'Say, sqnire, now I'm 'lout to conclude paying my devowers tew this 'ere table, but ef yew'd just give us a bowel of bread and milk tew sorter top off with, I'd be obliged tew ye ' So out kqch 4he landlord Ijiml waiter for therfauwl of mil&uud bread, and set them before Hez. . 1 'Spoon, tew, if you please?' But no spoon could be found. The landlord was sure he had plenty of silver ones laying on the table when the stage stopped. 'Say, yew, dew you think any of the passen gers took them?' 'I don't know. Do you think they did?' 'Dew I think? No, I don't tliink, 4ut I am sartain. If they are all as green as yew bout here, I'm going to locate immediately and at wonst.' The landlord rushes out to the stable and starts a man after the stage, which had gone about three miles. The man overtakes the stage, aud says something to the driver in a low tone. He immediately turns back, and on arriving at the hotel, Hez came out to take his seat, and says: 'lleow are you gents? I'm rotton glad tew sec yew.' Landlord says to Hez: 'Can you point out the man who you think has the spoons? 'Pint him cont? Sartainly I kin. Say, squire, I paid yon four aud nine-pence for a breakfast, and I calkerlate I got the value on't. Yew'll find them spoons in the coffee-pot! Go ahead, all aboard, driver.' There was "once upon a tinie'fhithcr a "hard case" iu town which .shall be nameless, in the state of Georgia, who had been "under disci pline" in the Methodist church, but into whose fold he had again applied for admission. His appeal was argued in the following language by an ardent and forgiving brother: "Let us try him once more, brethcring," said he. "I know he has fell from grace once't or twice; I know he has black-slid-ah more times than he's got fingers and toes-ah ; I know he's been a leetle incontient-ah and they do say he has -But it's no use't dwell, on these p'ints iww-&. He has repented, and he wants to come back-ah and to be and to do good-ah? Let us try him brethcring, once more. Some times the wust men makes the best Christians. Let us remember the parable of the barreu fig-tree-ah; let us spare him one year more; let us dig about him, and dung him, and see if he don't come out greener than ever-ah!" This last argument settled the 'scape-grace's admis sion. "The ayes had it." The Scientific American having asserted that the lightning recently struck "soinewhar or thar abouts," and going into the ground left a hole which in every respect resembled a well, the Picayune replies that it is a lie-kly assertion, and advises people to go to thunder when tJ: y want a well dug particularly if they want it dug well. Fatal Accident. A dreadful accident oc curred on Wednesday evening last, on the the plank road, a short distance below Salem, hv - bir li one irentlenian lost his life, and a immljer of others were seriously injured As the Messrs. Clemmons' High Point Mail Coach was descending the grade oeynua me bridge, heavily laden with passengers, the tire of one of the wheels ran off. aud it gave way, upsetting the coach, and more or less injuring all the passengers twenty-six in number. A Mr Urqnhardt, of Southampton, Va., was so badly injured that he expired in a few hours. A sou of Mr Brown, of Favetteville, is not ex pected to recover . The other passengers, in eluding a number of ladies aud children, though all more or less hurt, are not considered in danger. Winstq Sentinel. Buan end Sacready. Rniin, the mana-rer of Drury Lane Theatre, having made a bad bargain with the great tragedian, wus anxious to cancel it. He there fore resolved to provoke the irritable star into a breach of the agreement. After reading it over and over again, to find some loophole to escape, le found there was nothing to prevent his playing a farce before i the tragedy, and that consequently he conltt annoy Macready by making him perforin in r.n after-piece. He therefore coolly advertised! him to perforin Hamlet after a petite comedy. Macready saw through the artifice, and much to the surprise and disappointment of Bunu. made no objection. Foiled in this attempt to irritate the theatrical autocrat into throwing up his engagement, he read over the contract once again. A brilliant thought struck him. He saw that he was not bound to perform af entire play of Shakspeare. lie therefore an nounced Richard the Third and the new panto mime. Macready went through the first four acts of that magnificent play, reserving himself, as usual, from the grand fifth act. He was silting in his dressing-room awaiting the call boy, and nursing his energies for the rlos'ng scenes when he heard the bell tinkle To his astonishment, the orchestra commenced the overture to the pantomime. Calling ono of the attendants, he inquired what it meant. He was told that the pantomime was about to begin. "But," gasped out Macready, "the fifth act of Richard the Third is not yet played." "Oh!" said the man, "Mr Buun says there is no time to play the fifth act to-night, and he says you may go home, sir he only advertised the first four acts of the tragedy." The rage of Macready boiled over but he swallowed it, and putting off the tyrant's habiliments, ho prepared to leave the theatre. Passing the door of the manager's room, ho saw him chuckling to himself oil tiie success of his dodge. This was more than the tragedian could stand; he rushed at Uunn, and prommelled him so that he was confined to his bed for a week. Bunn consequently brought an action and laid his damages at a very large amount. The attack was apparently so unprovoked that the actor made up ids mind to pay a swinging sum. The ingenuity of Sargcant Talfourd, however, saved him; for in his defence he said: "Gentle men of the jury, you are all proud of Shak speare; he is your favorite poet, and worthy of such an enlightened jury. lie is confessedly the greatest dramatist fhe world has ever seen. We all know how he affects us that we laugh at his wit, and weep at his pathos what must I not his marvellous senilis effect on a man like Mr Macready, who devotes all his time to the study of our great national poet? Poet, did I say? magician! He waves his necromantic wand over us. and we are, as it were, the slaves of his will! This will naturally lead you to ; excuse the accident that 1ms happened to Mr Bunn. who insulted the majesty of England's greatest poet, by cutting off the fifth act of one of his immortal pantomime! tragedies for a common, vulgar "Gentlemen, Mr Macready could no more help doing what he did, than can the thunder cloud which discharges its electric fluid at the object that lies in its path. The cases are parallel. Mr Macready had worked himself, up to perform that mighty part that triumph of genius the closing scenes of the mighty j tyrant of England the stnotherer of the babes the murderer of his king the destroyer of, his wife. Yes, gentlemen of the jurv, Mr Mac- i ready, had concentrated within his Losom tlie ' pent-up volcano of Richard's soul, and unfortu ' nately happening to meet Mr Bunn, he dis--j charged upon that unhappy gentleman's head the fifth act of Richard the Third, the results ; of which are more to be attributed to the im ! mortal Shakspcrc than to my client. Gcntle j men, I leave the case in your hands, convinced j that you will not punish my client, Mr Mac i ready, whom I am happy to call my friend, for. this overpowering instance of the genius of our immortal poet, Shakspeare." Tlie result is well known: Macready got off, with the moderate damages of a hundred pounds and costs. Foreign Monthly Mechanic. A Certain' Divorce. A certain lewd fellow of the baser sort came from a long way out of the shires, aud married a woman who had been, whipped round our town more than once. The parish officers were her bridesmaid, and her husband was not afraid of receiving curtain, lectures, for their sole bed was of dirty straw, on the dirty ground; nevertheless lie wearied soon of his life and went to the parish clerk, seeking to be rid of his crooked rib Solomon was sly, and replying to his inquiry if the par sou could nnmarry them, said: "Why need we trouble his reverence? Have not I, man, aud boy, been his clerk forty years come All-hol!ow-tide? I can do it as well as e'er a parson of them all, and as sure as there is now. a good tap of ale at the "Bell." Let us go there yo:i stand two pots, and I will do all right for you " So, afier drinking out his fee, Solomon took the fellow into the church by th priest's door. "Now," said he, "ye were ma?-, ried here; so put off your jacket, and kneel at confession, for 'tis a solemn business." Then they went into the belfry, and Lidding hint take off his shoes, and stand on a stool, he gave him the longest bell rope. "Tie that tightly my lad, round your throat," said Solo-. nion, "and us soon as I am gone, kick away the stool. I will return iu about an hour, when you will be unmarried and out of your troubles!"- The following telegraph message was sent from an Albany office:. "To : Third Epistle of John, 13 aud 14 verses-. ftigueu The text referred to is as follows, and makes; quite a lengthy and understandable letter: "I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write to thee. "But I trust I shall shortly see thee and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute the. Greet the friends by name." 3d John, 13th and 14th, Tub Fastest Yet, The train from Buffalo, Thursday morning, came down o Rochester, a distance of b miles, in one hou,r and thirty eight viinutes. It consisted of -five passenger cars, and made five stops. It is time this kind, of amusement was discouraged..

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