THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, FAYETTEVILLE N. C„ fVttmore. ntspaid to Mr. Fill- trove, respecting his ghing that we cannot L benefit of the ad vent”. And the in- r,y the journal qno. lelson must he quite f that extingished in- leatcd reading. lore will be interested “(rood sayings” of ■e find collected to ll!iiion : I Buchanan, Donglas, Jien of the democratic ■had the sanction oi Iroinise with a final I question, and that Ithe fugitive slave law 1 United States. I* I the Bresident of th e y found ayiih,sizing to Xly ossuriag them that not to be disturbed, 1 am ever hereafter be J-A. J. Vundsnn. laders that Gov Jolin- li thorough anti-slavery «d, even by abolition- abolitionist, and in fa- Xtantiated minor states ■by a threat of desertion 1 I’eniisylvauia, in for- Euiorc) to su.stain Gov. Jail intents, Mr Sewards Idiiess of the world.”— Irm that there is no.snb- ^en the opinions of Bresi- Vholitionist Johnston on Iromise, so far as it con- lare repealable by Con- 1 to northern fanaticism ■linistration and its organ Ihe Albany coalition has fe to strengthen the cause hnsand Khetts could ever jrike at the guilty parties Ithan at him who resists . J. Vonelscn. I seen and reflected on it Ji-cd at the association of Icket with Mr Fillmore If Mr Fillmore’s and par- lii think of voting for him. 1 his sins against Mr Fill- rgotten that .Mr Donelson [abuse of the whig party- re has been no amende hon- relfth hour repentance.”— people that the Presi- foTHiNs CoxvEXTiox, which L’illinore has PUBLICLY Ins INTENTION OF PKE.MONT. He is now fe and zealous Black rc- Ithern States. Sometime extracts from his letter. 1 republish it. I confederaev is the iniper- I born, well bred, well cd- * * * (Enquirer. ■pink of democracy, so called. ■arty, not even the old fed- I much of afecled aristocracy ] Observer. In that in the sea of politics^ hog, gudgeons and ravenous lof waters are following the k-ady to snap up all the ard. Becoming hungry, ievour each other. BYLV-t-M-t. J(>a of oor reivders wc give be- I of the re-ult of tht; flection in Ipr lUaO. aud the rresideatial i- be coaveaifiit as a mattfr of UMlsjilONEB. l8o5 ' pRESIIiCyT. liSa'i Ik I Vierce. Scott. 2,0i8 2.725 9.6x5 516 2.43'J 2.093 i.943 l.SOy 114 2.319 2,273 9,503 4.913 927 1.931 2.590 1.797 3.930 3. 26 5.766 4.928 400 2.533 2.833 2.035 1,461 1.311 749 182 2.993 1.916 208 5,520 5.700 2.642 1'218 1.733 997 62 1,318 996 2.1U2 1.105 76 3.427 2,775 261 3,i88 2,878 890 2.675 3.673 195 1,737 2,083 163 423 415 2.738 4.015 3,867 3,030 449 3,358 3,904 831 729 2,602 1A59 724 2.041 2.511 1,648 1.827 2,387 4 1.484 1.115 186 823 550 202 6.578 11.636 343 1.064 1.984 391 2.118 3.105 3.493 2.993 5.340 3,339 2.790 2.08.5 190 597 405 173 2.693 2.211 72 1.620 1,392 2.098 418 5,767 4,79i 1,455 866 4,403 2.978 2.451 1,619 207 2,159 i,4l3 26,022 24.566 . 34 202 198 661 266 4,758 4.128 569 271 1,'203 2,98C 585 3,046 2.035 426 177 342 2,614 1.564 610 1.994 3.081 1.899 1,164 241 1,433 1.138 32 4,064 3,810 2.362 1,232 5.509 3.203 26S 1.258 S07 5,585 4.700 149,745 198,568 179.174 Add Hall. Aboli- 7,246 lion vote 8,525 156.991 187,699 jrity ill 15^3 1! la 1852 4,290 I0.2C9 aSJ*“It should be known, to the credit of the AiSlian and Whig parties in Pennsylvania, ^at the union of their forces against the ^cos has not been with a view to the success of the black republicans.”—Observer. Oh no! Certainly not. The know knothings and black republicans only fused and amalga mated their tickets tor the purpose of affording the Democrats a liule sport. Merely a playful The Elections. Penn.sylvania has gone for the Democrats by from 4 to 7000 majority. So says the Penn sylvanian. The Democratic majority in Indiana is in the neighborhood of 10,000. lu Ohio we gain 10 Congres.sraen. In Penn, we gain 15 one of 25 Cangressiiien, and a ma- caprice on the part of those good souls, those jority in the Legislature of eleven on joint ballot, niiion-loving, union-saving patriots, resulting, j In Florida we elect Governor, Congressmen, as was anticipated, in victory for the “Locos.” j anil a large majority of state Legi.slators. By the way, how much wit, what a ponderous! Delaware has gone largely Democratic, tome of satire, new, original, is convey-j Connecticut has been swept clean by the ed in that term “Locos,” as applied to the j Democrats. Democrats. So strikingly novel and original j ^ Kvery municipal election we have heard from is it, that even the .\rgus, that epitome of know j except iiolhiiig wit and satiric hmnor, is copying it j from the Obsserver. But perhaps it i.s merely a pleasant metaphor, referring to the locoloco match of national Democracy, which ignited upon the great platform of liberal and patriotic principles, shall light up the beacon tires for Buchanan and Breckinridge in November upon every hill top from the great lakes to the blue waters of the Gulf, and from the land of gold to the rock strand of the Atlantic. And a brand, lit by that same locnfnco match and ap plied to the powder keg of Black republicanism, will blow the whole fused mass, Freenionters, F’illmourners and all, much nearer heaven than they’ll ever get after they come down. So mote it be. Baltimore, has resulted in Democratic victories: Savamih, Ga. Newark, N. J. Char leston S. C. &c. We will publish next week olBcial returns from the recent state elections. An iutelligent gentlcinaii in Clinton writes us a very interesting letter, from which we take the liberty of making the following e.xtracts: De.vb Sik:—Several weeks have elapsed since I saw yon, but I liave not been altogether un mindful of my promise.—Press of business is my only apology for not lulfilling it at an earlier day. I do not mean by tliis that anything has transpired in the interim, in our would interest you or your village that readers. Local Tli« Peiin.syivan.a Elision. The know nothing papers South are endeav oring to impress the people with the idea that the late fusion of tlieir Northern bretlieren with the Black republicans was a mere dodge on the part of the “Americans” to gain the support of the otlicr party and defeat the Democracy in their stronghold, the key-stone slate. That it was precisely the reverse we presume no sensible man w ill deny. We do not even go so far as to think or assert that the know' nothings were deceived in the matter. They went into the amalgamation with their eyes open; they knew what they were about; they saw and knew that on tlie ticket run there were two Fremonters to one Fillmoiirner, and thej' were willing, more than willing, to make tlie sacrifice of principles, measures and men to secure the defeat of the Democratic ticket. Satisfied that an inevitable rout awaited then should they run a .seperate ticket, and hating and fearing the Democracy with all their heart, they resorted to the desperate remedy of proposition who is not in heart in favor of Buchanan. Resolved, That the State Executjve Commit tees of the two parties unite on a joint ticket before the meeting of this Convention, if it be recommended by the Constitution to ratify their action. Resolved, That no time may be lost after the Union ticket shalll be formed, we recommend the delegates from the different districts to agree on their respective electors before they leave home and procure from them the folloiv- iiig written pledge: “Slionld I be chosen a Presidential Elector for the state of Pennsylvania, I hereby pledge my.sidf so to east the vote of the state tliat Millard Fillniore and John C Fremont sliall- eacli receive electoral votes equal to the pro portion of popular votes given to each, as indi cated by the 27th (or leading) elector on each t ■ ket. Resolved, That these proceedings be. piiblish- e,d in all of the papers in the state lavorahle to an Union electoral ticket. Resolved, That this Committee do now ad journ. Robert M. Palmer, Chairman. A H. Miller, Secretary. Hass fleeting. A Democratic mass meeting will be held at Clinton on Monday Nov. 3rd. At night a torch light procession .speeches &c. All persons are invited without distinction of party. Bv order of the B. & B. Clnb. T. J. BOYKIN, See’y. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHEKN IL.ITERABY MESSENGER For the Year 1856. July to December. TWESTTY-THIRD VOtWME. In issuing 'the Prospectus of the Twentj-Third Vol- markets will enable me to do so, uineofthe SOUTHERN LITKRAEY MESSENGER. tlie Proprietors rely news, we have none, aud political matters liere tlieir Torces, lute.s and turtuues with tlie- are loo much one way to be iiiteresung. •"-! hordes of abolitionists that ever cursed deed 1 have feared that the general apatny , , ,■ I , 1 .imi'c tlip Ac'iiist our eountrv, not so mueli for the purpose ot which seems to have pievailed siMLe me AugusL election would prevent a full showing of our securing a triumph for themselves ns to dejeat strength in November. But during of our the past the Ikaiocracy. As a proof of this, there are ten days, the people appear to be waking *up, , repiiblicans elected to one know and the prospect of a lull turnout at the polls, , Congress, and seven Black rcpnbli- is much more cucourugiijg. j ,. • .i r t d i.i.i.-,. Oil tlie ilth, a aemoeratic meeting was ;cans to one know noltiiiig in the Lcgislauu.. held ill this [dace, wiiicii was well altuiiUed, i With tliis Tact staring Itiem in the lace, know several spirited speeches were made, a club, uothing editors have the Inirdiiiood, the brass formed and other preparations made Lie : Pennsylvania ha.s approaching coutesl. W Uii “ j ijecm with a view to the success of the black As a I'urther illustration of tiie D. C. BENBOW, D. D. S., Graduate of the Baltimore College of DE.flTAL Sl’RCERY. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. UEN'IiOW may be found at his suit of Rooms near the .Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. .Vll operations performed upon tlie latest and most approved plans. To those in need of .IrtiRcial Teeih, he would simply.say that he i.s heliind in no improve ment. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to he ciiuallv as serviceahle as the natural organs. He s'pends nine inonllis of each year in this place, tfrom first of tictoher to the of July.) Oct. 25, l.Soli. 21-tf made for the liltic exertion and old Samp- ■ a majority for repnlilicans.” larger by liiin- fact (?) just quoted, we siilijoin an article Iron on the part of the democracy, son call be made to roll up Buciiaiian and Breckinridge, dreds, than she has ever accorded to any Piuladelpiiia Evening Journal to which the presidential candidate. Our democratic hretii- iren were never In belter spirits, or more san- giiiiie of 6ueces.s. Tlie best iuformed, and most considerate wlitgs, and many who have hereto fore belonged to the know-nothing pait), will go with us. It is only blinded by partizan zeal and prejudice, Hiat will pursue a contrary ■course and east liieir voles tor the^ ^mongrel ticket ot Fillmore and Donelson. That the only hope for tlie South now rests upon tlie success of the democratic parly, 1 tliink, must be evident to every observing man. It is use less to deny the fact; it is madness to persist in a contrary opinion. The late elections. North and South, clearly prove this. Surely, no well infonued man will tiow risk his repnln- tioii for veracity, by asserting that Fillnioie can carry a solitary State south of Mason’s and Dixon’s line. At the North tiie contest is purely an d emphatically a sectional one, be tween the demoeruey and binek republieunisiii; Bucliaiiaii and Fremont. \V liieh ot the t«o will you choose, freemen ol the South? 'Ihe de-aocratic jiarty of tins, as in every other con test, is found fighting tor the Constitution and Ute Union. Siie appeals to no sectional preju dice. She proclaims her principles everywhere alike: nortii, south, east aud west. With gen erous patriotism slie includes williiii her em brace tiie wliole of this great and glorious country. She still rallies under the flag of our country—our whole country, and “keepsstep to the music of the Union.” No southern man, in whose bosom glows a solitary spark of patriotism, can look iiiinioved upon the fearful contest now going on at the north between the democratic party and tiie combiued herds ol fanaticism. ho now is found there battling for the South, the Consti tution and States’ rights? VVho now is tonnd defending the South aud her institutions from the unhallowed assaults of bigotry, intolerance and fanaticism? Is it not the deuiocralie party at the Nortli? Or is it that party, or combination of all other parties there, which unblushingly rallies its hosts under the mutila ted emblem of the fraternity of States; bears aloft the black banner of disunion and hate— the flag of sixteen stars, and marches to music whose notes excite to violence and blood. 1 am no alarmist, but I think the time has come when the South should arouse to action.—The crisis is at hand; her liberties are threatened; her very e.xisteiiee is menaced. Now, it ever, we should forget party diUerences; now if ever, we should unite as one man, and present an unbrokeu front to the enemy. It is due to ourselves; it is due to our Irieiids at the north, who are battling so uobly lor u.s. It is a duty we owe to our common country; to the preser vation of the Constitution, and the sacred rights and liberties that have floated down to ns in the blood of oar revolutionary ancestors, that we should arouse to a sense ot our danger, and roll back the tide of di.sunioii, anarchy and bloodshed, that these mi.sguided zealots and fanatics at the north would force npou our be loved country. Patriotism demands that we throw aside partizan feeling and personal considerations, and unite upon tlie man, who by his ability, integrity and sound political views, w'ill com mand the confidence, and everywhere unite the friends of tlie Constitution, and the Union in his support. That man is James Bnehaiian of Pennsylva nia; a statesman known to the whole country; of enlarged views; of rife experience; of tried ill;egrity, firmness and moderation. He is en titled to the eonfidenee and respect of every southern man, and will command the entlm.sias- tic support of every national man in every section of the country. J- , To Corresipontleiils'. We have received several anonymous com munications in prose and verse, which are all good enough iu their way, but we can make no exceptions to our rule, that of publishing no communication unless accompanied by a respon sible signature. Correspondents will please bear this in mind. atteiilion of our readers is eanicsily solicited. Ilwiil be seen that the “written pledge” boasted of by tlie Observer and other K. ii. sheets is .soiiietliing altogether different from what they would have tiieir readers think. But read tlie article; read it to your know nothing friends, and ask tliem what, a.s men, they tliink Ilf this fusion. Ask them if they will longer cooperate with a party wiiieli lias, not sold but given itself away, body and soul to the enemies of the South, the haters of the Union and the foes of the eoiistitutioii. Tbaddens Sievcns has Finally Succeeded in t'heal- ins the Fillmore .Ren into a Fusion oi the Sdecioral Titkei!—Expose Extraordinary. The following proceedings of the so-called Union Slate Committee, wiiieli asseiiiiiled at lliirrisiuirg on 'rnesday, Oel. 7th, shows that tlie telegraphic di-pateh in referriiee to the proposed fusion between the false Fillniorc iiieii and Tuaddeus Stevens, Wiliiiot & Company, was correct. No one who rends the scheme of Stevens, as set forth below, can fail to observe that it is a deliberate, well enneeived plot to cheat the Fillmore men in November just a.s tliey were elieated in October; for oiit.side of Philailelplija ihe whole opposition organization is in the liands of the Freiiuint men, led and controlled hy Stevens, and Wilmot, and Johnston. Union Electoral Ticket^ To the Voters of Pennsyl vania Opposed to the Election of James Buchanan— Jiction of the Union State Committee. At a meeting of the Union State Coiiiniiltce, held pursuant to a call, at Coverly’s Hotel, in IlaiTishiirg, on Tiie.sday, October T, 1856, at two o’clock—on motion, Robert M. I’ulnier of Schuylkill county, was callejj to the chair, and A. H. Miller, of Ailegliany county, was appointed Secretary. On n otion, it was Restdred, That it is desirable that all the voters of Femisylvaiiia, opposed to James Biicli- aiian, the nominee of the Ciiieiiinati Convention for the Presidency, should unite on the same electoral ticket on equitable terms, and tlius secure the defeat of the common enemy of Americanism and repi'biicanism Resolved, That we invite the friends of Fill more and Freiiioiit in Pennsylvania, to meet in mass eonvention, at the seat of justice of the several cities and counties of the Commonwealth on Wednesday, the loth day of October next, and choose twice as many delegates a.s each city and county is entiilcd to members ot the Legislature, who will meet in convention at Harrisburg, on'ruesday'. the 21st day of Oct next, to form an electoral ticket, to be support ed by all the opponents of James Buchanan Resolved, That we recommend to the veiitioii thus assembled, the formation Union electoral ticket, upon the folluwiii basis: TUB siitiscripiM’ lias reoeived his Fall and Winter t;T stack Ilf Goods, consisting in part of Blankets, Kerseys, stripes, and Plaids; Saddles, Briiiles, and Martingales; Boots. Shoes, & Hats; Rio, Lamiirn, iiinl Java Coffee; Loaf, Clara tied and Porto Rico Sugar; Ciilia .Molasses, an excellent article; Sugar house Synip; Yiiiegnr, Pep- jier, Sjiiee and'Pea; soda bis cuit, an .Mould, Adainantine; sperm Candles;. Snuff', Powiier & Shot; Glue, 'I'niss Hoops, and coopers’ Tools. —ALSO— A line assoriiiient of Segar.. also of chewing To- 'oacco. A few Bids. Old 8ciippernoiig Wine, Nick IVilliains's Wli-.skev. .-V great iiLiiiy other articles iisnallv kept in a Grocery Store. I’lircliasers wonld do well to give him iicall before piircliasiiig elsewhere. C. E. LEETE. Oct. 22 21-4t LAST MITiCK. Pt'rsoiis indobtod to the firm (late) STEEL A. LUL- lA'Al will coiifi-r a favor by settbnjf immediately with ihe uudcrsijiiied who has the notes and accounts, and will pay the delds of said firm whenever proscnt*‘d. I have wraim^nced selling Goods at the old Stand, recently occupied by Messrs. Steel & duller. My stock of Goods embraces a great variety of arti cles. such as are generally wanted by cycr\ tamilN. 1 purpose keeping constantly on baud, as far a.** the A. W. FULLER. Oct 25. 21-3t P. Elliott, commencing vyitb the July No. . solely on the encouraging letters aud promises ot the friends of the Messenger to aid them in e.yteuding its circulation, and they beg to assure the public that no exertions will be remitted on their part to raaintain the high character of the work, aud to cUaUenge the patronage of all who value sterling literary merit. For Twenty-One Years, the Messenger has endeavored to refiect failhfuily the .Southern mmd, while disdaining all narrow and sectional views, and has been alone among the monthly periodicals of America, in dclencc of the PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. To this office it will be devoted, and will be prompt to repel assaults upon the South, whether they come under the specious garb of fiction, or iu the dinyct form of anti-slavei*y pamphlets. At this critical juncture, while our enemies are employing literature as their potent weapons of attack, the Southern p‘*opie will >.urely not withhold their encouragement from a work aim it shall be to strike blows in ibeir de fence. The Messenger will, as heretofore, present its readers wilh Reviews, Hislorurd and Biogrnphiad Sl'ctrJtes, JVovels, Talc.s, Travels, Essays, Poems, Critiques, and Papers on the Army, Aary ami other National Subjeds. With a view to ensure a larger circulation of the .MESSENGER, the Proprietors tlioiigb they intend greatly increasing the size of the work, have reduced the price of Sup.scriptioii, which is now only Tbree Dollars per. annoiB, in Advance, OR FOUR dollars IF NOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. C'Z.t7BS—Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in one letter, will be entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critical department of the Mes senger will continue under the charge of •TOHN R. THOMPSON, Blsq-, And will embrace copious notes on current literature ami reviews of all new American or Foreign works of general interest and value. The Editor’s opinions will he always fearlessly and honestly avowed. The liiisiiies.s Department is conducted by the under signed, to whom all comniiinications of a business na ture must be addressed. MACFARLANE. FER TJSSON & CO. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. June 1. IH.ofi. Maryland Lotteries. CORBIN & CO AGENTS. A FORTUNE FOR THE TRIAL. “ There is a tide in the affairs of man, Which, if taken at ihe flood, lemls to fortune.” ONE TRIAL MAY MAKE YCU RICH FOR LIFE. Splendid Scliemes Drawing Dailv. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO OOUBI N & CO. The Old Established Aniliorised .Agents wlio liave SOLD MORE PRIZES Than anv other office in the .State of Marvland. ALL PRIZES GUARANTEED BY THE' ST .ATE. SINGLE TICKETS: Wholes A1 Halves 50 cts. Quarters 25 cts. CERTIFICAl'ES OF PACKAGES. 26 Whole Tickets $16.00 26 Half Tickets 6.00 26 Quarter Tickets 4.00 NOTHING VENTURE. NOTHING GAIN. Tickets Bought by llie Package arc always the Prolitable to the I’urchasers. TRY P.ACKAGES. For $25 we send package Whole, Halves & Quarters, for $10 we send package Halvesit two WholeUckets •’or $5 we send package Quart's & olio Whole Ticket. L'ook at the following SPLENDID schemes. One of which arc drawn at 12 o’clock each day of the week. BRILLIANT. 47,2G7 Doll.iis. MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERA'. CLA.SS 310. CORBIN Sc CO-, AGENTS. SC HE.ME. FALL II. & E. J, LILIA AUK noNV receiving their Second & WlNTKPv 8'1'OCK OF DRY GOODS, Hats. Boots aii l .Shoes. Umbn lias. Ac., to which the atteiilion of Country .Meiehants a id wholesale chasers is invited. Tei itis aceonimo laliiig. Oct- l^'. iKob- • pur- 20-41 Bacon, Lard, Builer, Cheese, Meal, Corn, Fish, Procisioiis generally. Yarn, iJoTneMic-s, Dry Goods, Fto^ir, FahacCQ, Salt, Mido'^ses, jSiitgar, Coffee, Bools, Shoes, Hard- ■ware, soda Bdcnils Butter Crack- j Legislnutre of ers, dfC., &-C., iH. j N-.M-thfaroLna for sundry amend. cnis i.. ihe t.hai-ier wonhl he pleased to see my old rnstomors. and u!i jrs wanting Gmuls in my line. Country I'roilnee I A HttM.llis M'l .-Sli.!-*! J • Bauk of Clarendon, in Fayetieville. taken in exchange for Goods ot any kind. To cash buyers I shall olt'er such inducements a.- will guaranwe satisfaction. jqjjx sii AW Oct. 24. 21-3t Wines & Liquors. Pure French Urandy. riolland Gin. *• .Iam»vca Uiim. *• St. Croix Hum. ** Bourbon Whiskey. Monoughelu Whiskey. N. C. Rye Port Wine. Malaga AVinc. Sicily and Maderra AViucs. Apple Brandy. Peach Brandy. C»gna Bitters. AA'olfoB AromaticScheidani Shnappsand ani>om('stic Liouors, ahvays ou hand, and for sale by AV, 11. CARY HU. OCt. 18, 185(i. 2ft-:U 50 BAG^rilio COl do. A GHKAT RE.MEDV VUEVIlSTlVi: OR CHILLS, Ca.XSVMPTlON, \-c. 1,; A WINTER .'UlT I'r.mi 11 IIIDW.\RD'.8 MN’H I’UU'i: Ci.U i'lUNU S fOU!:. C.ill -4:1.1 jmrcluise bc- ' I'tiro ytpih.we a uliill a>ik' tinlusc iimMv mfi'iiings. ‘ Mv Stuck is complete, aiul much larger IhttU 1 li.ivo ever o;iei-ftl heinre, incUuUng a J^njiply of Htiv's tV Vonlh's Clothing. A. .L wu»nw Min. Market .Soiiare. twtulotirsbel.iw Ihe Stnvfl aJ ville. N. C. (ift. 4. 50 Matts Just received s Java ad for sale by AV. H. CARVKll 50 Buxe.s Tallow Candles, ad do. Admantiiie Just received and for sale by W. II. CARVER. 20 Kits No. 2 Mackerel 10 quar. Bbls. No. 1 received aud for sale b}^ AV. II. CAUVHII. NKW JOOi>S! W. H. CARVE R IS receiving a very large Stock of UllY GOOOS. GltOCKUlKS, WI.XKS, LKiVOllS, direct from New Vork. wliieh will be .sold at very inoiliTate prices lor Cash, or exchange for any kind ol' produce. A call from old friends and the public generally is desired as my Slock is .so large amt varied that it will seldom fail til give .-alisfacliou. W. H. CARVER. Ilav Street. Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 4. ■ Ls-'if El N’l'.W FALL AND WlNTLi: O o !) S . .MOilRE .A I'.RiiTHER aie m.w ! P.iLL .srOCU (IF F.I.Vi'V (.oo/i.x, j Embi-aeing every iivlicle usua!l\ kei.l iu the Dry I Goods Ein-. wilii e hu' j ClAmUNG. Hals. I'ap- .Missee’ .Siloesanil Gaiter i iU'.;. 10 whietl liiey ili\ it II rs anil the puld I iii'g el.'owhore. I '.E .1, MlllMlE. j Sept. 27. G-’l' I Store for Hcnt* The Store on the cornel' ofGillispie and Franklin .Slreets near the Rank of the Stale I'l'in.' to JllSEPlI ARUY. i:;-tf lot of Ri': . Boot” uitd Sho. s. ALi». n f’ -.v } • ihf atlfiiti«»n «tf lUclr l.'Ul'o’ Hiul heir uiisti-m- to call :ind DXamitK- bi ttuf piuvhiv W. r. M(b>UU. Aiig2S. B-fil Bv virtue of a Deed ol '1 rust !■> Cvriis ilairinglmi. I will si ll in the I on the E'lih day of Novinil.or next .Male and Eeiiiale ‘I'liteil to me by wn Ilf Carbonliin, i ilonse and Eo* .Vcadelnv. and a large asMirtnient of ‘ ‘ ; loo ledions to C O M M I S S ION M B It c H .A N T , K,\YKTTEVI1.LK. N. C. .Api-nt for Liitterli.h k Co.'s Steamhont Line Will .attend prompt.y to nil business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21.1S56. 21-It W A N T E E . A good situation as Clerk. .Any person wanting a t’lerk will ajiply soon at THIS Ol'i'lCE. (Act 25. 2'1-tr HtlltSE AND IIOCK.AWAY. I 11VK an exei llent work .\J.-V11E and a leather top Kacka- waj ueally iii-w for fate. A bargain may be had by oallinK. ^ K/. tU. ECefeiE. Oct 22-*2t 20 lu'.ir Iv'vjle Mill rtiiiiflf. Just received aud lor sale by AA^ H. CARVER. FREIGHT A U PASSENGER. LINE BE TWEEN WIL.niNGTON fci’A.YET TEVILIaE Stcaincr afrnolia. loaves ou .Monday and Thurs day mornin^P. Diiiiulos utti'r .suii-rifo. Lt-aves VVihir.ngton on Tuofiday aud Friday morumga. StoanuT l-'anny LutlerUili. loavos KayuttoviUe ou '1 uosday and Fritluy mornings. 15 minuto.s uflor .‘luu-rist*- Lwitcs W Ilniinglon Wednosiljiy and Saturday mornings Both carrying Kroigbt aud Pa-ssengers. Stoamc-r Howiiu. «itb full aetf of LightcM. runs regularly carrying Kvcight only 1 be rt-gulariiy of our Boats ou all Ftngp? of the Rirer. an thif d.i^palcb and proniptuuMi in delivering goods. Bfe too well known to require couiUD-ut. To our piiiruus we tender our thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore be^towed. can a-ssure all .shippers that no elf ort.s will he-paved iu future, aud feel confident that our facilities for despatch are equal if not superior to any line on t ape Lear Hirer. '■f Agent for Lutterloh St ( o. Fayetteville. N. C.. Oct-25.1856 21-tf MORI! NIHV HOODS. fglllE Sub.scribei- is reeeiving Ins F.Al.I. .AND i l”^”'-''’' M. WINTER .STOCK, cimsisting of :ilmo.-t every thing in the xvav of ghocbries, JI.IRDJV.IRE -LVJJ IlUI.LOtV-n'.lRE —AESO — Boots anil Shoes, SiitUllevy, Fish L.O.., .Any ofwhieh lie will sell cheap for Cash, bart.'r for iT-oducc or on short time. Store recently occnpieil liy Trov .A Marsli. near the Dohbin House. G. W. I. GOEDSTON. Oct. I.s. iHl-U Sehool Books and reveral other artieos loo tedions mention. Aeredit of 6 months Oct. I.S. 2(-2(-pd “ ~ NOTICE. .Application wilHie made to the next Geiiei- al Assem'oly of the State of Nortli Carolina for ,-,i act more effeetimlly to iihatc the nnisaiicc from iillliv, stagnant water in the (litehes, giil- ters. .Streels, alley.s anti |irivate lots in the town of Kavuttcville. to promote the health and hot- ter regulation of said town, ami for other pur- tf 8.1 n Tii' I r FULLEli, .AUiu'iuy at l.axv. E .\ V hu T T E I Ij I* K M:ru b.- cim>;ilt‘d at (!ie Haw Shepherd, H>ii.. mi (ircca SU’eet. .hilv Ih, iJs.^fi. " , N, C., Office of Jesse G. ■-Jm 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 160 do 64 do 64 do 64 do 4.328 do 22,176 do 24,a61 prizes $47,207 CAFITAL PRIZE. 5,000 Ouilius. PATAUSOO INSTITUTE LOTTEUV. Cl.\ss 102. CDUBIN & CO., AGENTS. Scheme. 1 prize of lu do 1 do 8 do 2U0 do 63 do 63 do 126 do 3.906 do 23.436 do $5,000 500 141 3.} SKCUXl) STOCK THIS FALL. STAaB. & WISIIAMS AUE NOW RECEIVING THEIR Second Fall & Winter Stock of Goods, To which they call the attention of .Merchants mak ing their purcliases in this market. (Jet. iv. 2U-tr UKWARD Will be given for the apprehension and conimilling tii iail (so tliat I may get him) of my negro man ED W ARD. who left on the niglit ol the 3th inst. 1 sup- ii'ose him to bo 25 or 30 years of age. He is aliont ;> feet 6 or 7 inches higii, spare built and neighs ahoiil 135 lbs, black eomplexion, sliarp l'eatur(*s. wears a goatee speaks ck when .spoken to. and olteu with an imiicdimeut. ID has a considerable sear on Ihe back of one Ofhiswrii.ts, wliicli he says was iirodueed I'V a cut with ail axe. I think he also lias a small scar over one of his eyebrows. He wore oil' a new wool hat: carried off two coats; one a faded black or brown frock and the other a bine short sack coat—both ol satinet. 1-alward was formerly owned by Jno. A. Williams Esq., near Favetteville. N. 0.. is a eoo|ier and iias worked at the tnrpeiiline business in the neie-hborhood of Favetteville. and Rocklisli Factory fnrleveral years, lie wa.s rai.sed. or once owiieu by a Mr Tyson, t'lf.Moore or Chatham coniily. and liad a wife at MrTomlinson’s of Ghatliaiii county. N.' . He will brobably make his way bauk^ J.vMf.s AL Kmitii. Miles Costin JAMKS V. S.MITII &. LD-1 C'uiiimission Mcrchants. Have removed their oilice to the second story of the luiilding I'oriiierly oee.ipied by F'U'’';'''’"TX wliere they .ire luepared to alleud to all business in the ^'A’llim":ntrnsted lo them will be punctually iillvniied to. Wilmiiigloii. October 1, 13.55 J another FETTER FROM TEX.A.S. 'I'n.tvis Co., Tex.vs, Ang. 15,1854. Mes-rs Flemin-' Br.itUers—Dear .Sirs:—There were several cases of (Jill Is and Fever V'l S ■It the lime we received ilte M LANES LIV LR 1 ILLS ordered it. me letter of June 12th. and a lew doses ailministered'in each ease produced thus demonstrating the ellicieuey ol tlitse cekhralcd ‘■■^IXrh'lJlire^mi -Lied with t.m sick head ache since she lias coiiimeiieed taking tiH s. I " 'J ■tlwe have but few of tiK-iii left yon wiU pb'ase send us iiiiiither dollar's woi lli. Direct as belore, to Aiist.n, Texas. Bespecllt By yo.irs^^_^,^^^^,^^ -dr-Purchasers w ill be caretiil to ask for DU. M'ltNE'.S CELEliR.AfED LlVF.ll .'"I'.".'f' !• . 1 Liz FI BitO.s-, inibBUW'iM ‘•'a "'There are idher Bills piirpurting to lie Liver ipD now before tiie public. Dr. McLuie « gennine Livei- IMlls. also Ills celebrated \ b- liad at all respectable drug .-tores NONL GF.NL INK WII'IIUUI' THE Cbatbam. Oct. 18. 185(1. A. Little Rock. Marion Dist t, S. C. 20-2m 27.814 prizes amounting to $47,247 CI.ASS 255, CORBIN CO., AGENTS. Scheme. 1 prize of OKOKR 28. Head iuarter», 33cl Hcg’t N»_C, militia, I Fayetteville, N. C., Ort. 15, 1856. f 1 hi* ( oinmissioned find Non-Commipnioned Officers of the 33d llegimeDt of North .Jaroliua .y;iliti;i. are hereby ordered to appear at ID o'clock on Friday. NoTvmbrr 14.1856. at the L ourt llou«e at this plac*. armed and equipped as the law directs- for Drill Also, to parade their respective i ompanies at the same time and place ou Saturday. NoTember 15, 1856, for general Review. Bv order (. o’ouel Commanding C. C-. LEETE. Acting Adjutant. Oct. 25. 1856. 21-3t FALL ARC M INTER STOCK. Cook & Jolirsson 3U,316 prize.s, Tickets SI amounting to shares iu proyortion. $5.1,233 We invariably an.swer letters by return mail, en closing the tickets iu a good safe euvclope, and always observe tlie conlidcnce. After tlie drawing is .ARF. now receiving thi-ir nsniil F.ALL .4ND IVI.NTEU 1 STOCK Ok OOOPS. eml-rnciiig tinrdware. Cuiliirj. .Siiil'Jlc. n ,, ;'ilriUl. siina \Miip.s. nuU » Ki-ii, ri.l Stock of Groceries, winch 'I they j.ropose to sell on their usuiil f:ivor.*ible terms, either in of all ! exehanee fur produce, for I ash or on lime to promptpsying t usti-ni. rsiind invite ntleutiun of purchasers to the stock how "‘"’“.'■SO H. COOK ^ ROBERT JOHNSO.S I Ort. Zj lS.o6. 21-ot ^ Tweiily-six electors shall of the same 1 ^ 'cYmb'erlasd paiii. iianies; the tweiitj-sevfiitli elector of tiie Fill-; The Ltulies will find at the Crockery store a more ticket shall consist of a different name eomiilclg assortment of from tlie twenty seventli on the Fremont liekel. I -China, tlass and Earthenware, For example, Millard Fillmore aud twenty-six comprising-'vilmosl everything requisite for coni- other iiniues selected from the several Coiigres- lort or elegance, sioiial districts, sliall form one ticket; and John ; U. Fremont and tlie same tweiily-six ■ giLA'ER PLATED Spooii.s, L illies, Fork.s, above referred to shall forui the cther^ i Butter and De.ssert Knives and Castors. Silver Plated Cake Baskets,—very hand- ' some, at from $7 to $10 each. ^ Knives and Forks, and Scissors of superior votes cast; jl, (piality. W. N. TILLINGHAST. oUserv - over, we send the official drawing, with a written e.v planatioii of the result of the venture. _ All Brizes bought at this office are payable immediately after the drawing in Current .Money, and we take Bank Notes of any Slate, or Bank drafLs iu payment for tick ets at par. For odd amounts in making cliangc we re ceive po.stage stamps, liiey being more convenient than silver. Correspoiukuitsmay place the ut^l^^'tcoll(iueliCU in the regularity and safety of the mails, as very lew or no misca riage.s of .Money happen wliea properly direcled to us. Be careful that you mention your 1 ost Office. County and State. Give us at letust one single trial, you cannot lose much, if not gain. (Jne single trial may make yon independent for life. TRA U*. There should be no such word as fail. Address CORBIN & CO. Box 190 Post OBice, Baltimore Md. Oct. 2l-6m Liook Rere. The undersigned ha.i received Ids F.ALL &. tVINTER S'l'OCK OP DRY GOODS, ^ Groceries, Hardware and Crockery,, a large and well assorted .Stock ot BOOTS A\'t) SiiOKS. The attention of his friends and cu.stomers is re spectfully solicited. uEUBEN JONES. Oct. IS. 185(i. 20-4t State of Xorili Carollska-*lli»bc»*oi» Coimfy* Court of Ulcas and Quarter Scssioud. Auiju.-t Term. 1856. Eli liruiuble vs. William W. Gimu, Levy ou Land. It appearing on oath to the satisfaction ofthe Court, that at February Term 1356 ol this Court, that M dliam W Gunn has abscoude.l from the State of .North Carolina, and was at said Term, a nou-resideul of this State and is now a noii-resideiit. When the SlieriH returned to the said Term of this Court the follow ing ‘•levied the within execution on the legal and eqiiita- hle interest of the defendant W. W Giinii in to the following tracts of land, viz: Four hundred acres lying on the south side of Lumber River, joining the land.- ofJoho Gann, Charles Ivey, and others. A -;4) «iie tract containing eighty-live acres, lying on tin Ira t Swamp joining the laud of Janie.s Huniplirej and "^'ordered, that publication lie made in the Nortli Garoliniau.« newspaper published in the ^ Favetteville. for four successive weeks, for tin sain VVi'lliam W. Gunn, to be and appear Iwdore Ibe Jiistiees of the Court of Pleas and linarter Ses^ouN ‘ lor the County of Ko!>crf(ui at the Couit ILmwC m Lnmburton, ou the foiirth Monday ' tb‘m and there to show cau^^e by bis pk-adiUK. ...,;.1 I ...„i «:i:.ll not lie coiidemiied and soot to sat.siy FAYETTEVILLE .MABKET. Cor redd unieJdy fir the lYorth Carolinian. 00 ticket. I Tlie twenty-six electors sliall be plerlgetl to cast; ' tlie electoral votes of tlie State for Millard Fill- : ^ more and John C. Fremont, respectively, eisely in proportion to the popular for each, as indicated hy tlie : ‘ Brhtaxia Tea and Coffee Pots, Castors, elector on each ticket. Candlesticks, Spoons, Ladles, Comniiiiiion Setts, &e., &e Fillmore (or the represents him) receiv twenty-seventh elector who es an equal iiumher of votes with John C. Fremont, or his representa tive then thirteen electoral votes shall he givmi for Millard Fillmore and thirteen for John L. Fremont. This will enable every voter to act efficiently against James Bnclmiiuii without any satrilice of principle. The Fillmore men vote tor him alone, the Premont men for him alone, and yet by associated ai^ioii, they increase the chances of each. We think no one can object to tmg Lamps, a variety for Oil, Fluid or Lard. Lookix’k Glasses, from 7x8 to 28 x 16 inches; \7^aiter.s. Mats, Baskets, Tin and VVooden-ware, Iron and Stone Mortars, &c, &e. F’or sale by W. N. TILLINGHAST. Oct. 25. Im. said Land shall not ije coiidcmiied the Blaiatira demand, interest and cos.s. Witness. Sbadi-ach Howell. Clerk ot oar said Court ■It Office, the fourth .Monday Ol .Angast A. D. 13.)6. aad'S^blst year of American lailepeudeticc SH.ADR-ACil HOWLLL, Clerk 5 illids. .-Nweet iMoliisses. Just received aud for .sale by W. H. C-AIUYBR. 10 Bbls. Prime Cider Vinegar. Just received aud for sale by \y, H. CARVER. Large assortment of Dry Goods, Shoes, Boots, Hats. Blankets, Kerseys &c. Just received and for sale by Oct. 13, 1336. 2n-3t W. H. CAHVBR. |j3“Applie itioH will be made to the next General Assembly to e.vtend the Charter of Beaver Creek .Manufacturing Company. Oct. 11. 20 Bbls. C. 5 “ Crush Just received' and for sale by Sugar. W. H. CARY'F.R. State of S.irtU Carolina—»t>il Conntj . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions—August ' rn. .. ... 1 I.J ra Term, 18.56. Petition to sell Ilea! Estate. William H. Willis, Administrator Ae„ Tlie 25 Boxes Cheese. Just received and for sale by W. H. CARVBB. heirs at Law of .Simon Willis, dec'd. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Patrick Willis, Sally Freeman, and Dorothy Willis. are QOU-resideaLs of this State; it is tlierefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolinian, a newspaper, published in the town of Fayeltoville, for six weeks, lor the said Patrick Willis, Sally F reemaii and Dorothy Willis, to be and appear before the Justices of the ne.xt Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions. to be held for the County of Robeson, at tlie Court House in Lriiiaberton. on the fourth Monday in November next, then and there to show cause, by tbe r pleading, why the prayer of the petitioner shall not be ^Vitiiess, Shadrach Howell, Clerk of at Office, the fourth-Monday of and in the Slst year of American Independence. Issuedthe6lh day ofOctolier, 1856. ,9.6w i SHADRACH HOWELL. CArk. OcToi!Kit25, 1856. BACON, per Ib OUtl''LE, pL’i- 16— Uio, Liijiiiira, St. COTTON, ))'-r O' , COTTON B.AGGIMj. per yard- iiur'luis. '-5 4 COTTO.N Y.ARN. prrlb. Nos. 5 to 10, 13^ (*i> DUMI-KTIC goods, ix-r yard - i>r»wii Sheeting-''* CL’^iialnirgs. FLOUR, per ban'll—- l-’iimily. Kiue, ('rDS."!, GRAIN, per bushel— Cm’ii. Whuat, I'eas, Rvil L.\Rn. perlh SniUTS, ppi- gallon— I’l'aoh Brandy. Apple do. new N. 0. Whiskey, Rye do. Rectified do. NA1L.S. cut. pet' keg IRON, per lb-- Kngli.-ii, Sweede.s, common bar, Do. wide, WOOL, per lb T.ALLOW, per lb ■ HIDE7S. per Ib- Dry, Green, LEAD, per lb SALT— Liverpool, ncr sack,' .Alum, iier Inishel, MOLASSE.S, per gallon— Cuba, New Orleans, SUG.AR. per 1' lu (21 Tie » 94 & 10 7 00 @ 7 25 6 30 fit, 6 7.5 6 ■>!> (oj 0 00 5 75 0 0 00 90 ® 00 1 10 0 1 20 40 0 00 70 ® 00 90 (o, 00 13 0 13 60 (a) 00 5 25 0 0 00 4i (ti) 00 54 0 0 f,l ■>> 7 17 (o) 18 11 0 12 10 (S) 00 .3 0 4 84 0 10 1 65 0 0 00' 75 0 00' Loaf and eruslicd. StOroi.t. PertoRico. 00 0 ANOrlcans, 11 @ REM YKKS.—Bacall dull. Cotton Sales this'mornins at higties't quotations, but priiiti- ple sales at HE Flour Wanted. Coru no nkaa.sC' . „ Yellow Dip Turpentine 2 lo, Scrape 1 lo. Sjiirits 05. AVILMINGTON MARKET, October'J-L Tl'RrLNTINIi.—1.037 barri*^ Turpentine wld $2.f»5 » f>.05 per bbl- for Virgin aud Yellow D»p. and $1 5o ^hU IL^a per 280 lbs.; Itat sales at highest figures 2 Ifii Snirits Turpentine sold at 39 cents per gal. 2. wnifi Rt 67 cents per bushel. 30. 60 and ,8d0 bu»i.t. • ajyu 60 bbls Hour, per bbl for .nuj • r- ^ Ib“ N t;. Bacon Bold at IS ctB. per lU - - Ua.i. ' otl.J- M at 11 3-4 ceatsper ib for ttrict ori'illin? * >•’'*