TilE NOEtTH CAROLINIAN, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. „ri-A!:M!X(r AVI) 1 TURPIIN- 111,) I Corner ■ i;;!'' ‘-)n acres >11 the Kiver. The j)in' s. and i' svdfiin to 1.20’! iieres uf TIXE LANU i:i iiarn-'tli.dy. u Park-:!- .V Mi.-N'- ‘U land-; j'jlii' ''^1 la,id- on 'ij.p -r 'I';-. > r. T!i of tU'* bosl fiualdy of low ; i.- •p liiuds are heavily tim!t,-r- d ail . . six rxidea ot the Kay U'viUc :uid Vt -tern Iiailroad. A hargiiia in vy be ha ; for ca-;i. or eiidorbed Notes at Ijttak. ,vTT T. S. LL TTidiLOII. Fayelterill,'. - j.l. D',. iO-Ot Ob:«erver ami A'' -u- • ‘py- li'iliuiniiion. ('knrlotle, -t Rntherfordi Hull Road The AnnnnI Al'-etin.ir I'S (JlJ,Il|)!lllV rninyti)!! on W , I! eX t. Sent. 2T. ( on I pa II tj Ilf t!ie Stoekliolders of hi ill the To'.vn of W'il- t!\e iiil ilnv (Aetoiier II. \V. GUIO.N, n-4t ’res t. p. r.vYi.oil I; now r'‘celvinir )ii- FAl.T, ST'tCK. embracing a ia '.eau :eu“ral 'to‘k of I>ry floi'l-. Hats. tbui-. 1 Bo>. -d "-h >es. iroc'Tic-. hollo'.v-wart*. ('rockery j aii-i Gla''--v.:ire. uhodi will b!‘ sold upon f.ivorable , t'.-ria-*. orcvebanu",! for ]>rKlMce. ho]»in;r to «e'.* h:s i fri'-*!id4 and customers btd'orh' tliey supjily themselves. , .pt. b. 1 i-Cm. * ’ ' AOXTIRjrNEWlSTliCX. ^'ive him a call, a- ho eaii sell his ' one. ami warrants th.-in to The sii)).'Cnber respectfully infor!!!- llio public that ho ha> rocoived his STO'.’K .)F ami would Ftopiost those ill want of Dlil' GOOS>S, FAYCV fmOOS, BlODS .\.M) HATS, Tlie.MCS, II.VimWARE, A-e., rjootls as low as ; satisf.u’lion. 1.. niiANirr. Oille-pic St., near the .Market. Oct 4. PIIIS.K .VOSUCUO. .Application ivill lie inaii,' at the ll'-.vt Se.„.-,ion of the (h-Licral A.-csinlily to einaneipali! Ilamly. Etcnenilly knou n a.' Hanily .McI.aucTilin, his wile folly anil their dau iiiti.T I-ouisa. ) r. 4. IS-tf SPUINCt SCJPPIjV. DR. JAMES F. FOULKFS, • r liar and Donaldson .streets, opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, AA’ould respectfully call the attention of bus frieml.s and customers to his com plete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, Pil.YTS, iVD DYE-StlFFS, I Which he is now receiving, and will ofier at prices as j low as tliev'ean be bonglit at in this market. His oli- i ject is to sell medicines that can lie dependeal upon, as ’ he buys none but the genuine article. Constantly on hand Burning Fl»id, Caiiiphene, Spirits Turpentine, aVlcoliol, Brandies and Wines, (for Medical pnrpo.ses,) Congress Water, Citrate .Magne.sia, East India Castor Oil. March 16. l.Sbti. ALWAYS ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP, .1 OE-VEIi-iL ASSORTMEA'T OF r aOOLiS & GIIOCKUIKS, To};cther with a general assortnieng of PliltiilGX AX!> DOMESriC taiiiall Fai*m f>*F Sale. Wc will sell a small tract of WOOD-LAVD. con taining liO acres, on which tliore is a small tarm and some cabins, two miles cast July 26th, 1856. 8-tf. FAI.I. AND AVINTE I GOODS. FOR SALF. Heavy 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheeting!. Cotton Yarn, Warp and Filling, ^os. 5 to 10. ALSO. Belt Picker. Roller and Lace LB.ATIIERS. Oils'and Manufacturer’s Findings. AViuter strained, Sperm. Lard and Linseed Oils. Slinttlie's Isiiigglass. French Glue, Emory, itoller Cloth aud'Glass Steps. „ ^ J. H. HALL. Pres. B. C. M. Co. J. 4- T. WADDILL, HAY' STREET. Are now receiving their Fail and Winter GOODS- consisting of a large and well selected stock of J®- Just received, a few doz. genuine East India CASTOR OIL, (for my retail.) Also, Citrate of Magnesia and Congress \\ uter. J. F. FOULKES 1> WINES AND LiaVORS, Wliicli I am anxious to sell or e.xchange for Produce of aiiv kind usually .sold in this Market. W. 11. CARVER. Hay Street, near the Market. Nov. 10. "1-tf July 2G, 18.66. 8-tf U^A JV TED. 100 Laborers and 25 Merchan'ics to work on the Navigation of Deep River at Jones’ Mill in Chatham Countv, Also. 5 or 6 good Stone Masons can get em- iiloviuent for 3 or 4 months. Apply soon to plo>mtnt COTTON .fc BURNETT. July 26, 1865. 8-6t ^ HATS and CABS, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery and Leather, Heavy articles in the Drag line, Ready-made Clotliing, and staple Dry Woods. GROCERIES AND HA.RDWARE. Store a good assortment of McLAUCHLIN 4- CO., COX TRACTORS iSD Bl’ILDERS, Fayetteville, N. C. Janiiorv 9th. 1.S56 tf TO THE LADIES OF rn.q. J.YMES GHi.SOV i F.VYETTEfII,l.l-: M R.S. J.Y.MES (illi.SOX respectfully informes the Ladie.s of Fayetteville, tliat she inteinls carry ing on the DRE.S.S M.YKIXG imsines-s at her residence on Maiilen I.aile, iviiere .she will he glad to wait on the l.adies. and warraiiLs all work done by her to lit iiinl give satisfaction, and hopes to merit a share of piihlio! patronage. All orders will he thankfully rec'iived. Se|>t. 27. ^ IT-Jt FOR SALE. Two .STE.YM EXGIN'ES—one 30 horse power, and one 10 liorse power. If applied for soon will he sold low. Terms aeeoniniodating. JOHN 11. HALL. Assignee. May 22, 1856. 99-tf. -S’.'I DOLE W. 0\ I'AiliV, AND HARNESS MAKER, WOULD Respectfully inform tiic ptihlie arnl all the old custoiner.s of Houston anil Overby, tliat lie still coatiniies to carry on tiie .staddle and Harness making i ipisiness in ail it various liranehes. at the old .Stand of; lloustim and Overby, ivhere lie will be iiappy ’o fur- ; nisu them with any article which they may need iii.liis ‘ Line. n'T" Strict attention paid to Repairing."tj-T;. i W. OVERBY. Aug. 18, 185G. 6-m Gootls at Vf lioicsalt'. Thy subscribers beg leave to mlvi.se their customers and .Merebaut.s generally, that th(?y have receivel a part ami e.xpect to receive the balance of their recent FOR SALE. n ^ 1 My Tavern IFoupe and Lot in the village of Ifjw Lumberton, N. C.. is now olfered for .sale. It is situated in the most beautiful part of the towu, immediately on the Main street north of the Court House stiuare. This property i.s valuable, and will be much more so when the Wilmington & Charlotte Rail Road is in operation, of which there now appears to be no iloubt.—The House is in good order, and well arranged fora village tavern. For a description of the property. I can refer to Col. John W. Rowell of Fayetteville who is well aciiuainted with it. Terms Cash or negotiable note at Bank. R. CALDWELL. Lumberton, July 12. 1956. 6-6m VHvliiablc Land fai’ Sale. The subscriber offer.^ for sale his entire lands, inclu ding about eight hundred acres, lying fifteen miles above Fayetteville and live miles from the mouth of lower little river- The land is level and healthy and well adapted to tanning; there is alxmt one hundred and lifty acres cleared ami under a fine state of culti- ; vatiou. I .will sell it all together or in small tracks to purchases in a few days. Their Stock will be nmclU suit purchasers. For further partictlnrs apply to the larger and more complete than they have ever ollered, j subscriber on the preini.ses. embracing a general as.^^ortment of The subscriber has in Goods in the OltOCKIlV AXO HAKDWtVRE HXE; ull of which will he sold wholesale or retail, or bar tered for country produce, on terms the most reason able. A .snial 1 lot of SAD D L Ell Y for sale cImuP- Give us a call. G. W. I. GOLD.-^TO. . N 11 Anv of my friend.s in the country having business to transact‘in this place, sneh a.s renewals. Ac.. can have it done on the u.siial term-s, by st '''"'?: to ray care. U. W. 1. G. Favetteville, Sept. 29, 1855 GROCERIES Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmith & Tur pentine Tools. A.grieultural Imple ments, This Stock we are prepared to job or retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 2, 1855. SS5“We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to examine onr Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. tf Oct, LIME AND CEMENT. Just received and for sale 250 Casks Lime, fresh from the kiln, 100 Barrels Cement .50 " Calcined Plaster, 300 Bushels Plastering Hair. 75 Barrels Mackerel and Herring, .300 .Sacks Liverpool Salt. 200 “ .-Ylum Salt; 2 bu.=hel Sacks. J. YV. POWERS. 1855. 69-tf April 2. 1S56. S. M. THO.MAS, dealer in fancy and staple. DRY' GOODS, :iEAl»Y-.11Al)E ClOTaLXB, Caps, Bonnets, Bools and S/ioes, Sheetings, Cotton \arns. Kerseys, Blankets, 4'r.| 4''-- Corner Market and Gillespie St., Fayetteville, N. C. i.ec. 2-:, OLD RYE WHISKEY. The Subscriber is the onlv authorized agent in Fay etteville for the sale of the Hon. K. G.Puryear s Cele brated Old E>e Whiskey. He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey lo meet April 16. 94-tt ^ llal 77-tf .1. PO! FREIGIITING ON CARE FEAR RIVER. At a meeting of the Boat owners interested in navi gating the Cape F'ear River between Fayetteville and Wiliuinglon, , a r>\ ' On motion, D. McLaurin was called to the Chair, and R. M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. On motion of James F. Marsh. Resolved, That from and after the Lst day of Jan- uarv, lsS5n, Cush icifl be required upon the drUrerq of ail freights at y^lmingtoa and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, Resolved. That each of tlie Steamboat Companies on the Cape Fear River, from and after the 1st of January, 1856, will carry Guano from Wilmington to Favetteville at 10 cents per bag; Lime at 25 cents Dcr cask, and ground Plaster at 30 cents per cask, and that a IIEDIJCTIO?! OF 20 PER CCXT. from the printed and established rates on all other articles will be made from and after that date, all Cartage and Drayagu being paid by the shippers. On motion of James Banks. Resolved. That the foregoing be published in the Town papers. * ^ D. McL.4.URIN, Chair’u R. M. Orrell, Sec’y Dec. 24, 185 >. “S-tf ANDREW J. STEDaMAX. Attorney at Law. Having removed to PITT3BOUO.N. C.. av'iII attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moure and Harnett Counties. April 14,18.55. tf GROCERIES, Together with Hat dwarii anil Cii/lert/. I/olloir Ware, Saddlery, Shoes, Le/dher, Si'C., All of which havi? been boijjht by one of tlie lirm ex pressly for the Wholesale Trade. Their terms will be as herelofon*. on the usual time to prompt dealers. To cash buyers a rca.soiiaiile discount will be made. GEO. IV. WILLIAMS it CO. Fayetteville, .lug. 13. 1856. ll-tf .Tulv 19, ALEXANDER V/xVLKER. 7-tf FAYET7E VILLE MLTL’AL IXSUUAXCE CO.HP.4.XY. An Abstract of the Second Annual REPOR 'l of the President and Directors : Policies issued past year 524, whole number issued 1233’ covering ^iroperty amounting to $2,126.35.1 06 Policies cancelled and expired 851.(»3o (»6 D. W. C. BEXROW, D. D. S., Graduate of tite Bultijnorc College of DE5T.tL SIRRERY. Otfice hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. BENPiOW may be found at his Room near the Market, where ull who are in need oftlie .services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. All opera- lion.s performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To those in need of ilrtliiclal Teeth, he would simply say that he is behind in no improvemout. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be equally as (serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of e:\c1i year in this place, (from first of October lo the first of July.) September 29, 1855. tf DE.\bEn IN S'l’AFLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, COOTS. SHOKS, ANO R ea dy-AIad c Clothing. Particular attention pahl to Lailies’ Dress Hoods anil Trbninings. HAY .STREET. F.YYEVrEVILLE, N. C. November 3ti. 1855. If IHARI.ES RANKS, COXFECTIONEK, FAYETTEVILLE, N. October 1, 1854. c. JAMES McPherson. GENTl.KMKN’S > .stablisliim nt, ILty STREET. Opposite Fayetteville Bank, in Hotel Building, F.V YKTTKVIGI.K. JV. C. A full a.ssortnicnt of Men’s and Boys’ Clotliing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, Trunks, Yankee Notions, Ac,, Ac. Sept. 29, Ibo5. 6.')-tf Bi'ilktijuls ! B cl ft ads!! Just receivea from the .Manufacturer, Ira llersey. a snpplv of BEDS!E.IDS of various patturn.s and made of good seasoned timber. Tiiese Bedsteads are manufactured in thi.s jilace, and can be .sold to deal.T.s a.slow as they can be got from the North. Cull and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL, April 9, 1856. Y lUK! ICK!! ICIO!!! The subscriber liaving opened the ICE IIOL.SE. i.s now prepared to furnish lo the coininiinity, and all wl>o may want from the country. Orders aecom- panied by the money will be punctually filled at TWO CENTS per pound, packages paid for. ISilAM BLAKE. April 26, 1856 9.5-tf riic largciit C.'xri'iagc Pactory iik tlie SontU. A. A. Respectfully infonn.s his friends and the public, that he has built up large sub.stautial Brick Biillduigs at his Old Stand, cxpres-sly for manufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bn.sincs.s. with a de.sire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants hi.s work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the bnsine.ss. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for ueat- iiess and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, tiiiished. t]»e largest stock ofCARRIAGES.BAROUCIIE.S. ROCKAWAVS. AND BUGGIES, ever ollered in this place, and a very large .stock of work nearly finished, which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual cu'tom- ers. ha.s on hand more than GNE 11UNj>RED AND FIFTY Vehicles finished and in course of cou- »:tructinn. ,^■9-All work made bybim is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. Favetteville. Oct 1,1855. DOWMAX. SELLERS A CO., GKXERAL CO^IMISSIOX Mt2liCIlAXT,S And Cotton Factors, 34 1-3 Piu« Sired, WEv7 VOItS- 1>. \V. BOWMAN, W. 11. SELLERS. May 1. 1856. KDWD. McPHERSON, N. B.—Particular attention paid to consignment of Naval Stori?s. J vMES C. Smith. Mii.es Costin JA.MIiS C. SMITH & CO., Commission Merchants, H ive rei'iiivvil tlivir onice lo Hip ppcoikI story of the BiBldini' loriiii rlv ocviipifd B.v the Tolopraph Comiiany vlivrv iTu-y arv i.Ti-l.arvd to atlvmi to all Luaiuvs* m the Cv.'inmi.ssion li:*e. Ail business entrusted to them will be punctually aitundcd to. Wilmington, October 1. 1855 t JdarCooiicrs' Tools, and all qualities of Glue tor Di.-tillvva'tiMv, for fait-hj ,, ..t-dtx- D. .t 4\ . McLALRIN. June 17. 18.54 tf Ncic R agon Estallishment BY 4VM. AVATSON. The Siibsvrilii r would inform hip frieuda and the niitdic I'piivrallv. lhat he hii.p completed hie new estah- liphmciit on MiAwell .-.Ireet. near .Mr E. 4V. IVillkinKs' Etore; and i.s now prepared to receive orders lor CAR I'S, TiaCONS, drays, 4f., whicli shall he promptly e.vecnted. All work done hv him shall he of the best workman ship and material that the country can aliord. REPAIRING of all kinds done with neat- iies.p and despatch. .\lso, HOKSE-SHOEING will he strictly attended to. N. 15. No pains w ill he spared to give satisfaction to tiioso who may favor liini with their patronage. F'avetteville, May 30. 1855. y SEBASTOPOL TAEE.V AT LAST. NEW FIRM. The iinilersigni'il liave tills day formed a Copartiicr- aliip, under tlie name and style'of POWERS k TROY, and will continue the GROCERY" &- PROVISION BCSINESS at the store hurefore occupied hy J. lY. Powers & Co They solicit a continuance of llie patronage so lili erallv extended to tlie old lirm. J. W. POWERS. tV'. C. TROY. Fayetteville. May 1. 18,56 LARGE SALE OF V.VLUABi.E l*ltOPKR,TY. ON Wednesilay the Istday of October ne.xt. the sub scriber will offer for sale i\t his rosi(l«*nce on Lower Little River, 12 miles west of Fayetteville, the follow ing Property, viz: 500‘.t acres of Land in one bod}*, including the Re.si- dence, laying within 4 miles of the Fayetteville and Western Rail Road, well adapted to the Turpentine and Timber business?. A large portion is virgin forest of the finest quality of long-loaf Pine. The above land.s will be offered in lots of 1000 acres each, including a Farm and improvements on each tract. 20.000 acres in the county of Illehuiond, lying in reach of uavig;ib!e streams, and within 5 milles of the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road.—probably the large.'^t body ofPine land of the "sume quality to be found in the State,—and wiil bo offered in lots to suit perchasers. 1000 bushels Corn. 50 tons Hay. 18 head Horses and Mules. 50 “ Cattle. 50 “ Sheep. 100 “ Hogs. 2 Road Wagons. 2 Timber Wagons. 1 Turpentine Still and Fi.xtures, of 35 barrel capacity. Together with FARMING TOOLS. A'c. kc. The subscriber will take pleasure in .showing the above property to persons wisliifig to purchase all or any portion of it:—and request- those having claims to present them, and tho.se indepteil to attend to the Bctllement of their accounts, on the day of sale. Terms at sale. JOHN McKELLAR. Sept. 20. IS-ts rOMATOES MAY be Preserved in .Arthur's Cans for winter use in the same state as if stewed, fresh from the bii.^h. BPrURIES and PIE FRUITS of all kinds may be preserved so as to make fresh Fruit Pies in Winter. For sale by W. N. TILLINGHAST. 1 quart Cans, per Dozen. 2 “ 3 75 “ 3 “ 4 50 “ Every Can warranted to seal. Wc have received, tlirough the hands of a friend, as a present, a can of tomatoes, which he tells us was prepared last summer according to the plan recom mended by Dr. Arthur. The 6’a/* is one of his patent, and. having opened it without difficulty by pursuing his instructions, we found this delightful vegetable possessing all the rich flavor which belongs to it when first taken from its vines. It ia the first of Arthur's patent Cans for preserving fruit and vegotables that we have seen. Nothing can be more simple; and. judging from the specimen of its efficiency in accom plishing all that it promises, we do not heaitate to re commend the invention to housekeepers.—JVational Intel/igencer of Friday. \bth June. 1855. Every variety of summer fruit was put up in these cans in our fauiily last sea-son and we now have straw berries, raspberriex, plums, eherrief, blackberries, peaches, tomatoes; ^‘C.,fi^ fresh as when sealed up. These are. ind«:ed, luxuries, and may be secured by every one at a small cost.—irthur's Home Magazine. We have in our family a variety of fruit preserved in these cans, which we used through the winter with great s;itisf:iction, and whiclj our visiting frieuds pro nounce as fresh as if they had just been gathered.— Philadelphia Merchant. Julv 12. 6-tf Amount now insured .Vmount of Premium Notes $1,274,717 34 16.333 3(i ' expired & cancelled 126.474 03 ‘ DOW' on hand $189,859 .33 Increase during the last year $61,275 07 Premium notes averaging 14 89-100 per cent, on the amount insured, the actual cost of In.surance dur ing the year averaging less than A per cent. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report S772 89 for PreminuLS renewed 6,103 28 “ forPolicieSjSurveys&transfers 337 50 for Rent 70 00 DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid C. H. Sneed, fire loss $850 00 '* “ Lot&balance Oflice building 1.450 00 ** ** Salaries 1.550 00 “ State Tax 100 00 *• Contingent expenses 375 62 “ Premiums returned 20 65 -$7,2S.3 g: F O It SALE AT REDUCED PRICES, For CASH or oii SKort Time, 250 Carriajjps. Hai'oiich‘S, ROCKjVWAYS k BUGGIES of eve?-y de.9cr/p/ion, .Many of wdiieli are llnlslied. and the balance being finished daily; among which are many new and beautiful styles, and one very fine Carriage. Some of them very light, and all inale in the be.«t manner and of the be.st materials. My facilities for doing Carriage w’ork are greater than any estalishm'.-nt south and I can atford and am detenniHod to .sell work o\'i\w best quality as low as it can be built for liy any one. Those who are indebted to me will please pay up as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. -V. MclCETII.VN. August 25. 1855. tf .1. Wg LF.FT Has just received a large and general STCt'Iv OF GOODS .suited to the Fall and Winter trade, consisting of a choice Helection of staple and Fancy DRY G)OX>S« Boots and Shoes, with almost everything desirable in that line. PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES always tube had AT LETT’S. Goods sold at the lowest prices for CASH, or ex changed for country produce. Sept. 14. 1855. Ij’pd FOR SALE CBEAP. 7 SECOND HAND BUGGIES in pood rejtair. April 20, 1855. A. A. McKETHAN. 42-tf 2,000 Sijirit Barrels for sale by McLAUBIN ESTRANGE, tf .Tune 17, 1854 Balance To-wit: Cash loaned out on Bond and Security, (on demand,) $2,250 00 Cash in Bank and in hands of Agents 687 40 lib he.st Market price paid for Cotton. J. H. HALL, Pres. B. C. M. Co. 8-tf LjI.YD to be ISOLD. The Subscriber will offer fir .sale at the Court Hou.ee in Fayetteville od Wednesday, the 5£li November next, at 11 o'clock M., 50 acre.' of Land together witli the reversionary interest in the Dower tract of 25 acres belonging to the Estate of Charles E. .Mclver, dec’d. Terms. 6 months credit with approved Notes. M'.\I. BOW, Adm’r. fiopt. 20. 16-t-s July 26, .J. S. B.\NKS, COMMI.SSION AND PORXV'.YRDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. January 1, 18.56. Iy*P^ STARR & WILLIAMS. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. tVE are now receiving a very large STOCK, era bracing every thing in the Dry Goods line with HaLs, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Umbrellas, and Beady Made Clothinp, &c. Which they will sell CIIE.4P for Ca.sh or approved Notes, at WHOLESALE only. We invite .Mer chants visiting this market to examine our stock. J. 11. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Aug. 30, 1856. 913-tf I..\ND WARRANTS WANTED. I am paying the highc.st CASH PRICES for said IVarrants. B. R. IIUSKE, Attorney at Law. Fayetteville, Aug. I, 1856. 10-6t. DOBBLY no USE! POWERS .Sc TROY, Piopiietors. The Proprietors of this Establishment an nounce lo the public, that owing to the con- , ^c^Rtantly increosiug patronage extended to rfrfaSSthem. they have been induced to enlarge the accommodation by the adilition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower tioor. and suite of Rooms on the second floor; thii.s enablinir them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. Aud they pledge themselves to an increased e-xertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and -careful Ostlers in attendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, w'ith the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a lilkeral ^hare of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and depart ft*om this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the aceommodatiou of naoseuo'er.s Hor.ses and Carriages furnished at any notice for carrying traveUers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. POW BR9. \v. 0 TROY Fayetteville, May 1"2, 1856. 98-tf, 100 ounces Q,UI.\I\R, for sale by 185(1. 943-e $4,316 27 $2,937 40 XOTIGR. All persons indebted to thi firm of W. F. k. K. F. Moore, arc rc'juested to coin-’ forward arid make payment, as their copartaersliin cea'Cd on tlie 1st of .March 1856. W. '. k. E. F. MOORE. June 9, 1856. 2-tf. Who '%voiiItt have tlioiiclK it 1 A XEW CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT Ox MiLiT.kRY Gkkkx. orrosiTE TH1-: Mktiioiust Church. VKO.NTIXU ox MuM.voKH STKKKT. Great E.nteupkise.—Fayetteville must shixe. The subscribers would re.spectfully inform thoii friends and the jmblic. that they have (*ntere«l into co partnership for the purpose of conducting the general G "\RRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. .\nd being botli practical workmen, fully understanding their busine.ss, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishmcut in Fayetteville as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known by referanco to A. II. Whitfield's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction ftjr twelve moiilbs. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER k BRANIN. Jame.s II. Pier] [James Bkaxix. Fayetteville, Oct 1, 1854. y THAnn, 1855. I liave received my Full stock of DRA GOODS, GrGreric., tVf., Wliich is large and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in c.xchangc. COTTON BAGGING. 1 have a plentiful supply of Gunny and Dundee cot ton Bagging. Bale Rope, "aj.d l agging Twine. Send in vour orders and they shall be feu]>plied. JA.MES G. COOK. October 1, 1855. tf FOR SALE. TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, nine miles from Fayetteville, lying din*ctly on the Southern Plank Road, and on each side of Big Rockfish. One of the best Tnipeniine sectituis in the county, with convenient improveujenls for a family residence; with a small corn mill on a never failing stream, and a first rate situation for a Turpentine Di^tillerv and Store. A. A. McKLTIIAN Feb'y S, 1855. tf $2,937 40 NOTICE. All persons indebted to C. C. BARBEE k CO. by note or account, are reqtiested to pay within three month.s. we shall sell goods in the future for cash or produce. Highest cash prices paid for Turpentine. C. G. BARBEE. C. S. BARBEE. Burclaysvillc, Aiig. 23, 1856. 912-tf ASSETS. Cash on interest and in Bank, *!fcc. Rent due Real Estate, paying 13 per cent. Premium Notes on hand $2,937 40 190 00 1,800 00 $4,927 40 189.859 33 HOUSE OF COMMONS. The undensigned takes this method of informing the nembers elect to the Hou.«c of Commons that he will be u candidate before them for the office of ChiefClerk. K, D(.1N WILSON. Aug. 30, 1856. 913-2m Amount Capital to meet any losses $194,786 78 In conclusion, the President and Directors congratu late the members and the public on the very fortunate and succesksful operations of the Company the past year. We have met with no loss since 7th March, 1854, (Sneed’s.)—unless it he the case of Stranglau.s ifc Eiuston at Kinston, whose Store was blown up—a very extraordinary case,—it is still under investi- ation. The following Directors were selected for next year; Geo McNeill. II L Myrover, Chas Benbow, Henry Lilly, .Tas Kyle. S W TiUinghast. S T Hawley, T S Lutterloh. Wm McLaurin,N A Stedmnn, J G Shepherd. S J Hinsdale. D A Ray. J D Williams, A A McKethan J H Cook. A E Hall, A W Steel, J G Cook, and R F Brown of Wilmington. OFFICERS: GEO. McNEILL, President. H. L. MYROVER, Vice President. C. A. McMillan, Secretary. J. G. SHEPHERD, Attorney. Rxccutive Committe. fur next Quarter: Geo. McNeill, S. W. TiUinghast, Wm. McLaurin. May 24, 1855. We are now receiving and expect to keep up A LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES. WE OFFER 150 Bags Coffee—Rio, Laguira and Java, 15 HbAs. Sugars, 50 *• Molasses, 1,000 Sacks Salt. 75 Bbls. Sugars,—coffee, crush’d k powder’d 125 Bags Shot. 45 Kegs Powder, 20 Hhds. Western Bacon, 3.500 Lbs. N. C. 50,000 Segars. jwssorted qualities, 100 Boxes Cheese. With every other article in our line. All of which we will dispose of low for CASH, or exchange for pro duce or naval stores. D. & w. McLaurin. June 2d 48-tf A. Al. Caiupbi^ll, AUCTIONEER COMMISSION MERCHANT, East side of Gillespie street, Fatettkville, N. C. October 1, 18.55. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the Subscriber are hereby notified to come forwanl and settle by the 1st of April next, or they will find their notes and accounts in the bands of an officer for collection. He can be found at the old stand where he formerly done business. R. D. DAVIS. CLOCK REP.\IRING.—The Subscriber repairs Clocks at short notice at his old stand on Person street He will warrant a Clock for twelve months, after pas sing through bis bands. Give me a trial, and if satis faction is not given 1 will make no charge. B. D. DAVIS. March 1,1856. .7 . Cape Fear Land for Sale- The subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED and EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fear River below' Smitli's Ferry, in Cumberland county running with the river to the lands of Mrs Byrd. •A portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It ii well adapted to the cultivation of corn. oats, and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Per sons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. 93-tf The Fiiriiifiire & Fixtures of the FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL FOR SALE* The Subscriber having fully determined to sell the above named property, now ofler it to any enterprising man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties, and from the travelling public, with a pros pect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing, can be seen by any one wishing to purchase, by referring to our books. The situation of the Build ing is such as will command the greater part of the custom coming to, and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no busi ness that a person could engage in lhat would pay as well. J. IT. ROBERTS k CO. Sept. 11, 1856. 15-tf. FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. 11^3^ Tlie Subscribers having this day Hotel for a term of years, will Im pleased to see their friends and the traveling public at this House. At the same time wm* hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfec tions until we shall have put the House in such repair as wc desire. J. H. ROBERTS k CO. J. IL Robekth. F. N. Robeut.s. March 1, 1855. 35-tf SOAP FACTORY. The und(!rsignod having purchased the SOAP AND Candle factory from Messr.**. Smith & McRae, and formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on the same, offer the most favorable inducennmt to the trade for the supply of SO.\P .\ND C.XNDLES of their own manufacture, of a superior quality. They will guarantee their Soaps, both soft and hard, to be equal, and at prices as low as can be bought in any other market. Their Candles will be found equal to the hardest mould Tallow Candles from any Factory in the country. They respectfully soiicitthe patronage of (he trade, and families of tlie town. GREASE, GRE.\SE,—The highest market price w'ill be paid for Grease, or taken in exclmnge for Soap or Candles. Fannlies in town would do well to save their Grease and exchange it for Soap. MILES COSTIN, JOHN GAFFORD. Wilmington. Dec. 1 18.55. I0,0(0 lbs. TalloYv anted. For which the highest cash price will be paid, C>et. 1. 1855. A. M. CAMPBELL McLaurin A Strange will pay the high Bi ca.*‘h price lor Turpentine until further notice. S‘ pl. 3. 1853. 58-tf BOOK AGENCY. The subscribers have established a Book Agency in Philadulj)hia. and will furnish any book or publica tion at the retail price free of postage. Any persons, by forwarding the .«nbscripti*n price of any of the $3 Magazines;, such as Harpers.’Godey's Putman's Gra- I’.amX Frank L*slie'8 Fashions. &c. will receive the magazines for one year and a copy of a splended litho graph jiortrait of either Washington. Jackson or Clay; or, if subscribing to a $2 and a $1 Magazine, they- will receive a copy of either of thclliree portraits, if subscribing to $6 worih of Magazines, all three por traits will lie sent gratis. .Music furnished to those who nia w ish it. Envelops of over\ discriptioii and size in large or •mall quantities furiilshed. Seal Preses, Dies, Ac. stmt to order. Every description of Engraving on Wood executed with neatness and des].atch. Views of Buildings, New>]iaper Headings. View of Machinery.Books Hlus- trati}iis. Lodge Certificates. PiUsiness Cards, Ac. All orders sent by mail pronspfly attended to. Persons wishing views of'heir buildings engraved can send a Daguerreotype or sketch of the building by mail or exi>ress. Persons at a distance having saleable articles w ould find it to their advantage to uddres.sthe subscrilKTs, as we would act as agents for the sale of the same. BYHAM & PIERCE. 50 South Third Street. Philadelphia. Pa. J. n. BYKAM. T. ilAT TIERCE. December 24th. IV'lder’ii Patent Salamander Safe. W'c keep constantly on hand an assortment of the above Safes, warranted fire-proof; and desirous of ex tending the demand for them, the makers have been in duced io deliver them here at New York prices. D. & W. McLaurin, Agents. October 1 1854. tf ROBERT D. GREEN, (LATE GREEN k W’EAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, Fayetteville, N. C. R. D. G. begs to return bis sincere thanks to the publicforthci.ini patronage so liberally bestowed upon the late !• ir.n, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the busi ness in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B. All Watches ieft w’ith him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a written contract given for the same, which work will be war ranted for two years. On hand and for sale now, the most varied and choice selection of CLOCKS and other time pieces that hasever been offered to the public in North Carolina which lie will sell at New York prices, and also war rant for two years. All debts due to and by the late firm will be paid and received by R. D. GREEN. August 28, 1856. 13-tf WILMINGTON dt FAYETTEVILLE PASSENGER LINE. Tlie New Steamer “ MAGNOLIA ” will leave Fay etteville Tuesdays and Fridays at 15 minutes after sun rise. and Wilmington Wednesdays and Saturdays at o’clock. Pas.sage $4. T. S. LUTTERLOH. June 14, tf C. GOLDEN MURRAY, cosEiiissinN iHERcuirr, .\GENT FOR MURRAY’S ‘-REGULAR LINE” OF WILMING TON PACKETS. 62 South Street, NEW YORK. The undersigned may he found at the Office of'C.- Golden Murray. 62 South street, where orders for every description of Goods will receive his prompt and per sonal attention. P, MALLETT. .March 20, 18J8 y SELLING AT COST. Being desirous of closing onr present business, we offer our remaining STOCK OF GOODS AT COST. for Cash. Those indebted to us will please make immediate payment. COUNCIL, R.AY & CO, Aug 16, 1856. ll-tf Western Raii.road Office,) July 1, 1856. 3 An instalment of 5 per cent, upon the Capital StoCK of this Company is called for, payable on the 1st dav of August next; and also. Monthly calls of 5 per cent., until the 1st day of January 1857, when the whole amount will he due. By order of the Board of Directors, JNO. M. ROSE. Treas’r "W. R. R. Co. CORPORATIOIV" BONDS Of fUe Town of Fayetteville for Sale. Agreeable to an Act of the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, ratified Dec. 25,1852, authoriz ing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her Bonds to the amount of SIOO.OUO, in the aggregate, for the pur pose of paying her .subscription to the Western Rail Road Company. Therefore, it is ordered hy the Commissioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive scaled proposals, until the Ist of November next, for the purchase of S50.0ll(). in sums of S5U0 each of said Bonds, or any part thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coupons attached.—interest payable semi annually. The said Bonds shall be under the seal of the Corporation, and hindiiig on the faith of the same. 4VM. 4VARDEN, Tow n Treasurer- Sept. 26. 1855. tf TO TRAVKLEKS^ Tlie Subscribers convey the Mail between Fayette ville and Barclaysville in a Buggy, and can accommo date one or two passengers. The' route is liy way of Kingsbury. Bunn’s Level. Summerville and Neill'a Creek. Thedays for leaving Fayetteville are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at c'o’clwk.a. m.—Returns Monday. tVedne.sday aud Friday evenings. Fare from Fayetteville to Summerville $2. J. R. HARRIS, Aug. 25. 18.55. A. PARKER. FOR S.4LE, That valuable Dwelling House and Lot on Haymount, formerly owned hy Hiram Whaley. Esq. The House is comfortable, the location healthy and pleasant, and is very des i able one. Terms accommodating. Apply to LEON BELLENGRATH. July 26, 1856. 8-tf Cash. Purchasers. CARROLL & PETERSON, Clinton N C., WILL pay the Highest Ca.sh prices for likely Young Negreos. Those wishing to sell will find us ready purchases, on the best business terms. Sepfr,13,186fi. 15-6m. A CARD. The stbscriher begs leave to inform his friends and acquaintances, lhat he has entcretl into business for himself, and taken the store one door below .Mr Draugiion, on Gilli.spie .Street, near the Market, where he intends to keep on hand a general a.ssortinent of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Hats, Hardware, Cutlery, and Fancy Goods. . L. BR.YNDT Aug 27. ^ 13-2m Green and Black Teas, best qnalitv, S.*J-. HINSDALE’S. Aug. 30, 1856. 913-tf W^RRFV PRIOR, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. H.Y.S just received a large and well selected assort ment of GOODS in his line, whicli will lie sold at the very lowest prices, consisting of Gold and Silver 4\ alches of all kinds; Gold and Silver Fob. Vest and Guard Chains. Seals and Keys; Breast Pins. Ear Rings. Finger Rings, (some Diamond;) Bracelets; Sleeve and Collar Bntlons: Studs: Lockets: Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold. Silver and Steel Speetaeles; Gold and Silver Thiinhlcs; Pearl and Shell Card Cases; Port Monaies; Sacks; Accordcons, Flutes. Violins and Bows, Fifes, Music Boxes; Fine Cutlery. Pistols and Flasks, Parlour Pistols; Game Bags. Shot Belts. Percussion Caps. Musket Balls; CiDies: Mathematical Instruments; Surveyors" Chains and Cumpasses: Silver and Plated Forks. ."^iHions. Cups. Butter and Fruit Knives; Plated Castors. Cake Baskets. Candlesticks. A good :issortment of MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Ep.auletts. Buttons. Silver and Gilt Lace, Plumes] Drums. Ac. A large lot of CLOCKS, together with a large number of other a. ‘icles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine Repairing of Watches. Clocks, Accordcons, and jobbing strictly jvttcnded to. August 21.1850. 12-3m W.tf. bWVKJlIl’l h I or a single Gopy, jf No ^uHf^criplion will | ban on** y«»ar unlus-i i II itli thtf vi*w of bancin;: riip n«it‘fuln»*ss i f Gr?* th#* fullowiu;; r maj t'I.CB R.ITKS. /.Vi 5 of lli^ ( 10 “ Ralr« I Sixty rent^ por '•quad Arnl 30 «*rnts for ^a^h * AdTcrtiAGmGut is publi^ w ben it will charj^ F«>r (hrt'e mo itbl For six months, j Ftir twulve moni All Ailv« rti*»«‘m«*iit*s mu ^e^t^on?‘ 'iinrk'-d on lb»*i horlud (ill forbid ajid clj tVM. Cl.K'IKaj \ f t4*rHr« ■'* fM (ini. v at liar cornu KcUv 3. 1^'*3. .1. .1. A'lTtlK' CrtKVIK the C*| tVak*' and -lobn-toa. Ad*lruws. Toomcr. IH Fub. 16. l.’'56. DU. ftFFD'K Front Ito aud Dru^ Sw FcU't 7. All b’l-ti'i-is iutni-'H A'l Irc-iw 'd-> itp ‘Ion- ; Octob-T 1. Ift.'ti. M \ It It l| BY y-.t iv .•'•pii'-le to bJ Fay O t. 1. 1.S55. .1 \ now hi-* ♦ amiau'wUil Iri-b I iu:*ti*i. iJ Frt'ucii. NiToti^lJ 'alitro—Fr • ■C»n*»roitl'iJ :i:n| 3-t (o D»-* HI** Fr*-n**'ti and ll Hbick asd «^>1^ lloauut"* .»n«l llj Uoliinr (3olb4 .hiwupli lli'pkal • 'olorcd (iranJ Linen ('ambriq i;iay Linen>. 'I lu.iny other by the I*. be 4..r-n d Sii »he low^j for * u-ii or on time .March 29, 18-56. Fi) 8t( Vere- of L:ind| DttuUiii'a. ‘»ui iLmi* i- at a fine bii’*ia*s^ ^ laud i- not to (m; ‘XC^ Any p-r-*oa •!»* particular- ru-p^vtid eitbe ■ of U" at tV *11*1 15 lUik*?* irom Faycij *)ct. 4. Uanaway from la«t. .1 n-iro man| atxnit 3n ‘"••.trs of i po*!*«! lo^*e ltirk‘n;s| or 4ain-' M* Ke(hai^ The ulMive r livurio'j '"•‘id rie;rr«d N C. or c*»n(ini»g| 1 t ail him. June 25. A 1«‘ of May 24. I.S56. EDti Watch At the old Sti fS. t ^ Kev'.* i OO •'•*’© rii'« .lad .:ar of inyo,- -Dll*!’**' (rob'. .cKtk' I D«’-. aod D’Oioil arlicl *• • • 'MJ*' • 'Lil • ouoo \i*ekK*ue':: bf-* -r.v i:\: Tea ''tHhiM'! Will D*ltL' voi» Ue, , M.A TLD Hun *»i^b'*-* Dox* ^ a Oltiek-. and ‘Vfjj au«l •h*‘ public I Nlrict ultc.ili^ Jum* U. und three * ... od ‘.ila-l to viee !_ qBiiaild ft ’iOt^dl cim cv(*rv tiling S* B. lD?wl ness' a%c.. and I September I