A 'aiety of such to order 8ty . JRca was doa KY Mr' v.. ill i ''X' -- t ' . : " . . - :';'. '.B YWIGHTMlf"&-CO. Proprietors; -Win. St, rfSCH.TPTtOJT TO thA caiiousias H:nele copy, if paid ia idvance, per aanum, $2 00 of tTiA end nf S monlUS. i ' . at the end of 6 months, '3 00 . ; . ; at the end of tbe year, ' w So sulwcriptioD will be roct-ived for a shorter periojt ' 1 r; r.ue yKir onleas paid to-advance. r, -.-j' ' V.'UVthe view of extending the circalatioadea tli. nsefirtnftss of the paper, the proprieUff'of' - rrfl rates, IJSTlrJRIjiBLriJV.ld&W - VrieaiT5rtt3tll".T uA oVfKnTiLn. T vcar. - $8 W - . . - . w- '- j - , P gy u 15 00 -: L ..jy ' , Rjitcs or IdTertlsIng t " 'r, fj cdts su.n ire of 16 lines, or less, for the first -vraft'beu fr each Mcj!nt insertion,-- unless the . . .... than .iw months. Pot three months, - - - .-..-$4 Ov'vw Vor six months, ... - .... "9 For twelve moaths, - - - - ,10 00 All advertisements must hate the desired number of in Kt rtions riarked oa them, ortherwis they -will be in sertud till forbid and charged accordingly. - ' ' " ' z WM. F. WIGHTMA N & CO. CLEEXT G. WRIGHTJ ' . Attorney tl4w,B,yettTille,S.C. - J. Office at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Veb'y 3, .1. A. SPEARS, ATTORNEY' AT Ibk, ATTENDS the Courts of CumbeHand Harnett, Wake and Johnston. V 1 Address. Toomer, Ilarnet't Go., K. C,X ' ( C Feb. 16, 183S. ' 85-y - s DR. K. A. BLACK. OFFICE Front Rooms ' over Dr. Sv i itiasdale'B Chemist and Drag Store Feb'y 7, 18o6 84-tf - " . JAMES C. ATTORNEY DAVIS. . AT 1 A. XV t All business intrusted will be promptly attended ts Address Moatpalier poit ofice, Richmond c0ttnty,N.C October 1,1853. ly " p'ACTOll Y; BY GEO. LAUDER. NVai-lv opposite to E. W. Willkings' Auction Store, Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 1. 1S55. Y JAMES KVftj tS nor receivin-his SPRING SUPPLY of CHEAP rjOdO.?, among which are Irish Lindas, Lawns and Diapers, French, Scotch, and Domestic Law ns, Calicoes French, English and Domestic, French, Scotch and Domestic Gingham. Bui broid'd. and .Plain Crape ShawN and Srarfs. i-4 to l)-4 Blwaeued Shirting and Sheeliag, French and Irish Linen Drilling, Black aad Colored Silk" , Bonnets and Bonnet Uib!on. Baiting Cloths. Nos. 5 to 10, Joseph Uepka'H Cottonades, Colore.', (iranadine and Barege, I,incn Cambric Handkerchiefs, assorted, Uay Linens, 3-1 to 4-4, very cheap, VTith inany other articles, all of wnich have lwen purchased by the Package at the lowest rates, and will be o.Tered at the lowest prices, by wholesale or retail, for Cash or on time to punctual customers. 1 Mareh 29. 18o6. tf " " It SALE. sit -.i-(s of Land. 1 vine on Cade Fear River Store, Dwelling. Out Houses all in first rate ordef." The Store U,t Hnn business stand at the Gross Roads and the 1,, u nt tn ht? escelledbv anv iuNorth Carolina.. Any person desiring to xarchase can obtain further particulars respectmg the property - oy calling cu t-ithcr of us at Willis' Creek oa the W ilmington Koad 15 miles from Fayetteville. '-rv. ' ' SAU All WRIGHT, Oct. 4. I84f : ' JAMES WRIGHT. $25 UewArd. Ranawav from the subscriber on the 1st of Aprfl last, a negro man named Rand, abont six Feet hgn; and blacks Sald-neffro is sup posed to be lurking in the ueighberhodd Of -John Bell or James McKethan. . , - , ' - " The aiove reward will be paid to aay person e livrrinw said nejrro to meat Locksville. Chatham co. ". C, or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. KATUA June 25, 1856. '4-tf ; LUMBER, A lot of Seasoned May 24, 1856. FLOORING' BOARDS for sale, J. & T. WADDILL. : EDWIN GLOVE 111 Watcli 3IakRr and .tovellcr. At the old Stand, North side of Hal Street FAYETTEVILLK, 0. HOUSTON WOULD return His iHanKs to the public for the liberal patron age- he has received, aud hopes, by punctuality in business, for a continuation of the same. ...... - He has commenced business on his own responsibility,, on. the Cmith uiflA tif. Pirsnn street, two eo.vW doors below the Cape Pear Bank .nd three doors above bis old stand where he would be glad to see all bi9 old friends. M expect,.tpkcep on hand a good assortment of Saddles, Jffidle, Whipsf fend every thing in his line of business. -, - ' . N. B. He will attend to repairing of Saddles, liar- ness, Sc., and nis cnarges buu w September 13,J85. - v ,.15-fim, , w. II. C AR V BH ts ropflivinir a very large Stock of j " it;. vrV bich wllKbe -sold at" very UI1L1, I1U1U A.-v m. w - . . - moderate prices tor Cash, or exchange for any kind of Pr?V call from old friends rind the public generally is desired as my StocH is so large and varied that it will seldom ia.1 to give saus.acuou. He Street, Fayetteville -. is-tf , N. C. Oct. 4. Land for Sale. 110O ACRES OF LAND tying on apper Little Oliver, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine bu'siuess.. It will be sold m accomodating terms, Apply soon to the Subscri- lcr at Fayetteville. - T. Wightmaft fcuttof i NOTICE. ATX those b avioiiccoants agarnrt J osiah J ohnson late of -Cumberla-nd County, deceased, are hereby notified'to present ;tt0 samo for tMqrment ? and those Indebted to said; JosralWohnBO -equeated. i come forward and settle wthoufrdl.f,i; . " FAUItEJi'UJUeu, a r . t" JVEW MACKEREL.. ,- nn TtsirroU VMrral fnsnPition 1856 iAst TCjeWed - '' ' ALSO, ' . - V 50 Bows extra'lo4 CEcese' V A'foTale by Aug. 28:- 13-tf Professor Wood's itair liestorative; for 6ale by ' Aug. .30, 185C. $1. HINSDALE. - THE. IfliO 1TINO pA.i.fcS Olt KHVCKIi tUr.uet, is now Tady to furnish aneb t Way JM desirous or ofttaiawig; a Kirnt. incmaomne issiiapie, both in its Rtruoture ana operations, and snonia any portion of it fail, can be easily and speedily repaired by any person havlag thetise ox too!t ; 1 do-Bajt claim for tbi machine more than hat it is able to perform with that description .if labor, which almoKt every family i able, to "supply without at alf interfering witls tte ordinary duties. 1 the ftrstplac a child 1 2 or lo years of age caja perform ill t&e labor, after having seen it operate tew titaea, and if the dtteo tions are adhered to, will do a naoh work la one day as three oT four womea ih the ordinary-wny, and the work will be ranch, iettcr dd eJ Below will he found a certificate from those wM have purchased and now have in use one of these maehinea ; ' ISHAM BLAKE. April 12, 1856. ; 93-lf . ' ' - " , FATKTTKvnxie. l4. C April 9. We. the undersigned, having purchased of Mr lsham Blake one of the above machines, eordially recommend it to the favor of the Publiev . It washes very rapidly, and the work Is much better &ne than Is usually dttne in th old way, and witn less wear to the Clothing. It far exceeds our expectations aed has only to lc seen i a operation Itt satisfy the most skeptical of Its utility and economy, n'e hAye nd doubt of its being generally used wnerever inu'oauceu. J.vo. D. Wiluahs, "W. J. AndeksOXj . aVmMcLacrin, Joh s D. Starr, , Joseph A. Worth, A. J. 0'Ha.xi.os, Uivio Wemyss. ' A. P. HcRt, : J AS. Gl. SiltTlt; We in company with several other gentlemen, saw a fonr dollar bill which was - very dirty : aad much defaced, put in and washed Out by this machine, re? moving all the ditty appenr'&pt5 fit the-bill, and leav ing it peffecity legible, which show there islUUe or no rdHbiilg prddoced in washing fille articles. i FiiSK N. ItdBERJ?, ' Jas. G. SiilTH. , DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c. FALL STOCK, new receiving; by S. J. HINSDALE. Aug. 30, l?5fl, '913-lf , t2LL TRADE, 1856. n. f. p u IS NOW OPKINC. a large FALL Alii' "VIA a it d and lejirsible Stock of " ' " ' n t conistiig in part of Black and C-Ured Silks, English an'l French Merino?, Plain and Fig'd !lvn.s, sonte beautiful patterns. Black ami Fancy Alpacas; lvlirins and Inserting. Collars and llndersleeves. Cactus aud Wlialeboue Skirts; Jacouet, Nainsook, Swiss and Flaid Muslins, French, English and Ameficrtn Prints, Cloths and CaSMmeres. Satiuctts, Jeans and Tweeds; Plaids, Linseys and Kerseys, Carolina and Marlboro' Strip'eS, Bleached and Brown Shirtings arid Sheetings, White and Colored Flannels, Drillings And Tilings, Irish Linens, good assortment, " ..Linen Table Cloths, Towelings and Napkins,, Shawls, Cloaks and MantillaS; . . " - "Extra quality of Bed BlanRebr. i Ribbons, Belts, GWveS. Jidsiery, Jte. . - - . AIO Hats. Caps, Bonnets, B'dots, Shoes and Umlirellas; - - : - general assortment oi . - . ligAHy-iiAtiE GtofHtN&i andrery variety in tlie YANKEE NOTION LINE. WB1CD Will DC SOMl fc a biuhii. auiwiiuv; w v-aw" v ptt time, to paneiuai customers, vjhmh- at ' ' i Wholesale or JietaU: - AtlAfe respectfully invited to clvfr fiie , a. tall before purchasing elsewhere. . ' . Hay St.Fayetteville, Sept. 1, iSod. 14-tf II. & E. J. LILLY ' .f: ARE ridw receiving their Second j , T?A tA, I & V,WINTER - .STOCK OV - DRY -. GOODS, - ... Ff at. Boots and Shoes;- Umbrellasi &c.: Wwhrohthe attention of Conutry Merchants and wholesale pur chasers is Invited. "Terms accommodating. Oct 18, 1838. ": " 20-4t " UlSSOLCTIOiV. DltsV McSWAIN & irfdDUFFIE have this day dis solved copartnership by mutual consent. Dr Mefciwain will attend to settlements add co ritec' tioua for the tirm. ..":. ...':'-vf -'.w, . -- Dr. MeDutnc will continue -to occupy, the forndcf JLMeSwt3r " M,CMcDUFFIE Nov. I, 18.78. r. 22Hf . i-;7oi"'-:-'- " SOUTH CAUOI.Iii( """'' '-.r Itobeson . Conntji:Tii"& . V Superior Court orLaw, Fall Ternf , A i). 1856. Whereas, it is ordered by the Court," at this Term, that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law and Equity, beheld for the CoHnty of Robeson, at the Court House ia Lumber'oB,! a tho; third -Monday iu January, A. D. 157. r.Thts is therefore to notify all sditors, witnesses, CoWt officers. &c. that they bo and appear, at the Court llouse m Jjumuerton, cm tne third Monday in January bext as aforesaid , for the purpose of disposing of the uahivtshed business on the Civil Docket - .-f '.r-a-.v"- .-..-';.' -.; WByess, Alexander McMillan, Clerk of said Court at Office, in Iumbeafon, the fourth .Monday in Sep tember, A. D. 1856, and jjn the, Siai year of Americua IndepcndeocOi ''yi'',TSy;'J? vf." y-1 ':' " :' A.' AlCJllL.L.AiN, ' Ut' Oct 18, 1856 1 25-61 j SILVER VhATiSf. JjkSes- rkii Butter and Dessert Knives and Castofs. ' ' ; Silver 'Yzffi&it GlKg BASKVVcry-&and-someat from f f flesilir.'! .Knives Jtu Fobub and Sclsso of inriof qaality. .. .. . ir- .j;v':'-5;;--. -w.K BbittasWl Tm .:;'!Corjftei?ipii;-i..CitorBi; Candlesticks,4 - SponSy ; Setts,- &b:&&t-'y&z-W Lamps. a-yarl;tt faf OH; Flnid or Xard. .' Looking GtJlsSf from 7 x 8 to. 28 rX. 1 6 inches:' Waiters, -Mat, Baskets, Tift and Wooden-ware. Iron and Stone Mortars, etc. Ac, For sale by ' ' W; TILLlN&HAST. Oct. 25. !.- ' -.-'' ..- FAYETTEVILLE, If. CiSTIIEftiT.. NOVEMBER 20. 1 ' M7yanrl ;Xottories. CoilBIN" & CO AGENTS. . ' A-FORTUNE FOR THE TRIAL. , , . There is a tid5 in the affairs A man, ' "Whtcn; if taken at the flood; leads to fortune. ONfi.TiHAt MAY' .MAKE YCU RICH FOR LIFE ' :v Splendid Schemes $rawinj? Daily. ,. " SEND YOUR ORDERS TO CORBlSf & CO. v- The Old Established Authorised 1 Agents who hav j SOLD MORE PRIZES v- Than atiy -other office in the. State of Maryland, ; y AH PRIZES fitlARAVTRRD RY THE. ST ATI? ; , .SINGLE TICKETS: Wholw&i- - Halves 50 cts. Quarters 25 cLs id Whole tickets -: ' . M60 ISalf Tickets , 26 Caawer Tickets , . " For. $8S w aend packe Whoio. "Halves & Quarters. Fo 'SI weaend package Halves & two Whole tickets Fr-W weeend package Quart's & one Whole Ticket. : . -. . , Look at the following . SPLENDID SCHEMES ' Oae it wnhn are drawn at 13 o'clock each day of the .J , 1 . BRILLIANT. ff . ; t ' 47,287 ' Dollars. . .-:" S-MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. 'i . : XASS 510. ' " - i -i CdRBlN CO., AGENTS. 1 prise of ' -; t -do - ' v : - S5.000 !,00l) 1 " 1 160 , 6 &4 64 4.323 22,l7fi do do do do do dd- do do S4,86 1 prises nmddntiag lo 47.2G7 CAPITAL PRIZE; - t- ' ' 5,000 IoIlai 9. PATAPSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERY; 1 Cijiss 102. " r C0RB1N & CO. AGENTS; - -.". Scheme. . - ' prirecf ' ' " dd - - - . - . du --. : . . ,7 .-." . do ... do " '' : dd ' " " " ' " do do - " - . do A 1 - . 10 fj.000 ' , 500 141 . 3i . Pi - 10 8 4 9 - 1 .... 8 209 63 63 126 3.906 23.43G dd 27.814 priftc amounting to $47,247 Class 255. CORBIN A CO.. AGENTS; Sen E UK: of pn.o do . ( uo a.) do 1 -id ! : urn ; 211 ;r do do do do IK 4.224 35,740 30.316 prises, Tickets atiiotlntin? to1 503,233 , $1 Shares iu prorortion. j We invariablv answer letters bv return maiU tit ; closing the tickets in a good safe envIope, aud always ; observe tile strictest commence. After tne Urswing is. over, we send the official drawing, with a written ex - plauatioa of the result of : the . venture. AH Prizes bought at this office arc payable immediately fla. 4t. ilMutinir in nnrntnf VAnatr .nd n-a inba Ilftilfc Notes of any State, or Bank drafts in payment for tick- i . a -f7 i i ... : .. : l .. ews tfc par. xmr euu aiuuuuts iu ma&iu cuiiut; were-1 ve rc-; ffii eeive postage stamps, they being more convenient srlp. nftrBiwinilAi.b mnr iv! Mii' t li . litmfKtf mtUdphei! in the regularity and safety of the mails, as very fevi or no miscarriages of Money happen when properlvi directed to usv Be careful that you mention your, i'osi i Office, County and btate. Utve us at least one sin gH .!..! .. " . 1 . : n :..1 HUH, TVU 6HUU 1WK UIUU, 1 1 IlUb U J HtZ niUlEt trial nay make you maepenuent lor lite. - i it 1 .v. . .. . . iert attould be no suCn word as rail. Address .. . , ....... . . ... nAnmv . ' " ton Pf n n;.. v!i Office Baltimore Md umce, uauimore .uu. Oct It - 21-6m State f Itfortla Carolliallolcor Count y. Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions August L '' Perm, 1856. - Petition to sell Real Estate; William0 H. Willis, Administrator .tc., V& TMe ;-;'7''--.-iMirsvat lw.of Simon Willis.-dec'd; It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, . hat Patrick Willis, Sally Freeman, and Dorothy Willis, afe ribn-residents of this State; it is therefore .ordered that publication be made ia the . Ndrtt Carolinian, -i newspaper p'ublislie'd Id the town of Fayetteville, fct six weeks, for the said Patrick Willis, Sally Freeniau and Dorothy . Willis, to be tnd appear before the Justices of the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, to be held for the County of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumbertdn., drf the fourth Monday in November next, then and there to show caitse, hy their plestdirig, trhy the prayet of the ifetitioner sllall not be granted.. :'.''- .. . V Witness, Shadrach nowell, Clerk of our said Conrt at Omce, tUe fourtn Monday or August.-A. Tl.- igj and in the 8 1st year of American IndepeiKri Issued the CtH da Of October, IS5G. I9-6W.1 ' , SKADRACH HQ WELL. CItR - 5 II lids. Sweet !MoIasse. Just received and for sale by W- II. CARVER. VLMir nnnnu TlrB subscriper has' reclived his Fall and Win e stir f fios. chnsisfm in nart of ter Stock of Godds, cbnsisttos in part of. Blankets.- Kerseys. tfines. and Plaids Saddl : v Bridles, arid MartingileS; Boots.- Shoes, T : 'rtats-t Iiio, Lagairn, and Java Coffee 4rvLoaf Clarafied and Porto Rico Sugar: . v Coba Molasses, an excellent article; Sagar ho'nse Sy fnp; Vinegar, Pep i - , per, Spice-aitd Tea soda bis- . ' - ciiit,- tin Cheese Mouldy .."'.'.", ': Adamantine; sperm " . . .. . Candles;, Snuff, &" '-' Powder fe'-.--; . Shotj -J Olrie,- Trais Hoops, and cctopers' Tools. ALSO T- ImuAb A fianir Fahla OIi'I filiiv nnornntiff ffiSe RlsoNifc Wniianfe's Whiskey, v A. kreat marfy other- arttclfci'l will give, I will take usually kept in a Grocery Store. Put chasers WOllfl do well to give him acall before purchasing "elsewbi here. Oct. 2'2 ry ; :- '. 2I-4t I : 20 Bbis.- a Sugar ' .5 " Crush Jiiti received and for sale by , V, PROSPECTUS pp the . ' ; ' TIIER-W UTERAKV-MESSEKCER the Year 1S5C. , Julr to December. ,4 TlVESTrtniRD VOLFME. . . i" .''"tt.'ming the Prospectus of the TTventy-Third Vol f the SOUTHKRN LITEKARY MESSENGER, -iteoiag. with the. July,; So., the Proprietors reiy - ('J)fto tUc encouraging letters- and pvoinines of the , ; i.(W of thfc Mcsscncret to aid them in exteuin'its "litioa. and tlmv he? tn assnrt t,h nHltllr. that, no ?. ';tns will' bo , remitted 6n their part to maintain RCgof all. who ' value slerliusr .literiirV merit ,.wenty-One Years, the Messonge'e has endeavored ftfet faithfullv the Southern liind.whilp flisSai nfn or tatrow and sectional viws, and has been. , alsue VJ' iljtlin montlilv-nerioilioal nf ; A morion, in jflpfl'nro ,!-. '.PECULIAR INSTITUTIONS OF THE IV OrTHERK STATES. vh office it will be devoted, and will le prompt ft I itsranltn nnrm tha. Siftth. rht.her ihev rami the spef ious carb of fic tion, or in the direct form t ervTatnt:ilots - At tftts r.vtticai !i"iii"i ctr.vtif.v-.nir ui,"tur- as vfv t wfr... ji-?. ?wf Jr'1 wff.rWBa!SKiold Jair encoiu,agsaicryA'-,Wo,, work whose, aim it shall he to strike blows m their de fence, j, j., 1 Tho Messer.ger will, as heretofore; J1' with lievisws, Ilislonci.laiiS Sketches . Novels, Tales, Tir'S Critiques,' and Papers, ov- . other Nalw" dreaders 'jtphicaiT , 2'oems, ity and . With a vhw to ensure i MESSENGER.-- the ProjL 01 tlie y intend preatly increasing the sie v ,4 e "reduced the price ot Supscriptioi wh.-.-. .ply" - i- . Tnret IoIlars per. aomn1a advance, Ofe FOUR 'DOLLARS IF NOT PAID BEFORE TlIE j . FliST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. . f CLtTBS-i-Uemitting ris Fifteen , Dollars in one itior. will ie entitled to Six Copies." -! The Editorial and Critical department cf the Mes- seiier will intinae under the charge of. ; I JOlIS II. THOMPSON, Esq., f:id will.ujrace copious notes dn current literature r'eviews6f all new American or Foreign works-of general interest and value.- The Editor's opinions Will t. always feitrlessly and honestly avowed. - - .' 'mi. 1 L 1 V 1 X S . 1 . . . 1 1 1 , ine uusiness LKnwua:ui iscuuaucveu uj nie unaer rned. to whom all communications of a business na- im-e must be addressed. M ACFARL ANE," FEftGUSSON & CO. Law Building, Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. June 1, 1856. : v yr : rFttICT T PASSESGKH LINK BE. TH'EES WTI.MIITOI'OItf c F1YETTEVII.I.K. i S:eamtr Mailia. leavon VaycttevUle oa Monday ami Taur- iat rooming. '. minuti-8 nfter aon-rine. . H-p.-s Wilmington on Tuesday and Friday mornings. - Steamrr Fasn; Lutterloh. Kayettrville On Tuesday anil. Friday morning's-to minuted alter suo-riai. lutM W ilmington tlncday and Saturday mornings, ftotli earrj-tug Freight and Passengers. .... Vtramer Hotran. vtitb full sets "of Lighters, runs regularly Tryhi Freic lit only. ' 1 Tb reculirrity of i.ur Boats on all stapes ef the Rircr. and tie d.tspatrh and promptness iu deli'veriug SooUs, are too well iliKtwn to require comment. i To our patrons we tender our ihanks for the Tery liberal jpitronasc heretofore bestowed, a ad can assure all shippers that Sun efforts will be spnred ill future, aud feel confident that our V.-itities for despatch are euual if not superior to any line on ( ape Kear lliver. W. P KLLIOTT. Agent. for I.iitterlob & t o. Fayetteville. NT. C. Oct. 2-'.lS:-G " 21-tf J. A. PEMBEUT0N n.A? f ilKCF.IVKl) ON 10 of tin- must luTflr.l STOCKS ,,f Sir.K ant FANCY STAPLE COOIK ever oll'ered by him. embracing all the Nku Ksr Si vi.K.sof LA!)!i:s D1150SS (iOODS. Such as Plain and col'd Moir E.-itiquf! Silks, Rich Om- bric Satins. Striped aud plain S'.Ik iilencia, l'oplinett Robes, I'lrtii'. ."ml Br.oca -le Meriuos, Plain Plafd and Uilii Hg'd French DcLains, and a great many other new Styles. Also, a large STOCK' of Velvet. Cloth and Silk Mantillas. Cloaks and Talmas, Bay State, Stella, plush and Tiftic Shawls. A great variety of the latest styles of . m w i , li , mn w urTur w m.T5 o . r SJXi.MUOi5 imiuititnuoj Ttench EmlH-oideries, Iloneton Lace Collars, every color of the best quality of KID GLOVES and Gaunt- , . f T . 1 " . -...1 ('....i, A f. . . . - t- ny tr li i 1 1 ,A t n i r-vttertis Woosted Curtain Damask . . . rf-v-i , i - - with triuinlings to gome very handsome Oil Window Shades; vAIiSO, FOR GENTS WAR. , . t, -. , -,,.,. i...t...lf. . Black, Ulue ana unve troau tiuu, uiao u Cassiuieres and Vestiugs. very large Stock of Ria(I v-rTTi(!e Clolllino" - - - ' -.a -.i.nvs nia.fc' tn.-ihi latest Vnr MK llHJTllS MU' 1 O ; , . . ty.ya u.rr - . , t s,t' j i i?.Li. n-nc '-ti.iTn.i with rri.t ftnre as :im aume oi 7 .,, ,t" li 1 rtr m and nrtoes. and will be ottered a Toole- or retail oa very.accontmodating terras. The' pub-- '? or retail oa very accommoditing terifls. The f . 1(ccn,,ray are rcspectfully invited to call and ex- nuue tor themselves. , J. A PEMBERTON. Sept. 20, 1S5G. 16"tf . S23.00 IIEWAUU l.c eiven for the apprehedsion and committing to ...ii i.n. t!,f. T tnav irct -him) of -my negro man. iihi V" " . . . - t.i 'r .1'.. til, T i-nw a nr. who left on the nig uJ ' ' . - Kv .' e u- !. abotlt O c e 7 inehe. hi-rh. snare built and weighs bout V llis black com plexion, " sharp foatufes, wears coatee, speaks iuick when, dot ten with an -4n the back ced "by a :jBcaii Cver pediment, .lie uas, ct cf one of his wrists, wbif ' cat with an axe; I tbW caa c'fhis eyebrows, i I, tarrU'd oif two; coats; f,ock. and the other a bit, satinet. Edward was fora. Williams Esq., fieaf FayetteviUa. rind has worked at the turpenK :hhfrh.-od of Fayetteville, aadi Vool hat; jr browu Jtxilh of J.nor A. ieooper acsaIn, tnb "S'lyactory wars-- He was raised. or oaeowned by a f(Hf- . .. t t .. , ... niintlr 11!11 hail VX-lrTomi!nson-s of Chatham county, N.O. He sibrobablv niaKe his way back to ayetteviiie or Chatham. - .' A.W.Khbi. m Little Rock, Marion Dist t, b. C Oct. 18, 1S36. 20-2nf By Virtue of an order made by his Hon, John M. F Jud. n res dinar. Judge- at tue present in Superior Court of Law. I 1 I (that a Special Tern! of said Court w ill J'thi County of Moore, at the Wu" onsc ."ur itbe 4tn Mouaay iu uv. uc., - y-j fey of the n;onth,. wlien and where all suitors and wit nesses of tho Civil Docket, are required to attend by 1 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. w:... Pnle Clerk of said Court at office ine Monday before the last Monday in August A D. hifi GEO. S. COLE, C. S. C. Sept. 27. !7-9t TVALIJADLK UIVBlt L,.4.l ! po'ii iiri2' iru o,iiir'nor offers for sale 651 Acres of Land, 10(1 acres bottom land, 20 of Meadow the balance I hill land well Timbered. The above land has been in t o separate tracts and settled by 2 families. Then vo goo.1 Dwelling Houses two Kitchens ..two B There are tw 4. arns, one Stoic House, one urist .uui wnu " "7. 7 hctefs on both tracts.- To give aa idea .of the bar gam l,ouo lor an - wvir and make payments easy. iu . i Cstlny woods-tluttl ;will sell at fair and rear prices,"two of which are .. . , . it nt. propc Wand 7 . 1 1 : . liTtn Til T 1h til 1 luT ,et;mvlars address tha subscriber P..- f.,'..t,oi. t 1T111 Mfint-romerv CO, jN auuiau c AA ... o- j P.- M. ni.onl.nvi All ti e above rtv in pavmeni ui"j - iK ipLcable neigmrhoods and uie river lauu i ......... - .--i,.:i.. . 1 . a 1 : II Ml J III A I II f Utl ( Kov. 8 IS06. 23-4t . 1856. CJomnidii Schools; OICE OF THE IJTERARY BOARD, ) - , RXleigh, Not. 3d. 1856. ) The Tresiitent and Directors of the Literary Fund having made 'distribution of the net income of said Fund for tbe vear 1856, among the several Counties of the State for Common Schools; have directed the fcflowitij tabular statement U Re published, feh'6wing the Spring and Fall Distribution to each ep.ontv, and the sum total dlstriBated durips the. jear. The amount of the Fall Distribution will be paid to the pcrfeoiis eutitled t6 the same, On ap- pUcat-Wn lo the TreaVrj ;. Department. - the Uounties or JaewHon, juuaisou, xauam, tif,n Afit nf thA anifJiiAt distribdted from the for fiicd '-''.'--'' r-i'" , , It will re observed that Certain mou.i are deducted from th portion of S ool Fond doe to Counties havin- pupil at the N C. Institution for the Dear,. Dumb and BlindT tho CoantieJ not havinr paid the tax for their pupils to tho Public Treasurer of the State as How required by dThe Board respectfully call the attention of the Justices of $e several Conn4 J??.,.1? shares of which deductions are made for pupils at the Institution for the Deaf, Vu,StJ?7 I td the law reetuiriusr; them to levy a taJt fdr the i"WMK.iji&be-t0 lUdictn4eut Wr t6t doing ao LSco Uerised lUode, cbapter ti - -.- 4v PuLAsKi Copper; Secretary tb tle Bdard.iC Counties: Fed Pop. Spring dist. Fall dtst. Alamance Alexander, 10,166 - 5,003 lO.ldo 8,539 11.116 ' 9,973 $1,219 92 600 36 ? 1,290 72 1,024 68 '1,405 92 1,196 76 ' 962 S " i 714 13 1,480 56 H 830 38 1,040 88 700 32 " 620 88 ! 744 06 1,459 32 - t88 08 1,926 60 804 36 : 630 24 1,163 64 636 96 1,419 48 2,126 76 750 84 1,694 76 839 76 1,333 32 - 1,652 40 1,275 74 1,141 20 86T 36 825 36 2,076 36 638 52 2,217 60 1,560 84 $1219 93 600 36 1,290 12 1,024 68 lr."a Ashe Beaufort) , Bertie, ; Bladen, : Brunswick' Bnncombe " Burke - -Cabarriis Caldwell Camden " Carteret ' Caswell Catawba ; Chatham Cherokee "! Chowan, Cleaveland Col u if bus Craven; ?-Cnmberland-Curritttck; s ' Davidson Davie Duplin Kdgecdmbe Forsythe Franklin Gastdit Gated Granville - Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood HeudersOU Hertford Hyde I i-t-tiell 1,405 92 8,024 5,951 12,338 6,919 " 8,6T4 5,836 5.1T4 8,208 : 12,161 8,234 16,055 - 6,708 5252 9,697 5,308 12,329 17,123 6,257 14,123 6,998 11,111 13,770 10,627 9,510 7,228 , 6,878 11,303 5;320 18,480 13.00T 6; 907 6,883 5,656 0,585 13.0154 11,801 3,l)o5 C.1S2 0,924 5,741 OjlOU o;yoi 11,724 6,166 8,552 9,034 14,236 10,731 7,040 14,657 7,708 6,080 9,825 10;745 962 88 714 12 1,480 56 830 88 1,040 88 TOO 32 620 88 144 96 1,459 SI 988 08 1;93 60 804 36 630 24 1,163 64 ... , 636 96 1,479 48 2,126 16 - 750 84 1,694 76 839 76 1,333 32 1,652 40 : 1,215 14 1,141 20 867 36 825 36 8;016 36 638 52 2,211 00 1,560 84 828 84 825 96 198 12 190 10 1,567 44 1423 32 472 20 741 84 830 88 088 92 140 28 835 32 1,406 88 739 56 1,026 26 1,084 08 1,708 32 1,281 12 844 80 4,194 84 924 96 123 60 1,059 00 1;229 40 828 84 825 96 198 12 700 20 1,501 44 1,428 32 472 20 741 84 830 88 688 92 140 28 835 32 1;406 88 139 56 1,026 26 1,084 08 1,708 32 1,287 72 844 80 1.794 84 lilCKSOIVJ- Jolmstoii Jones Lenoir J ji ncol'il Madisoit McDowell Macou Martin Mecklenborg Montgomery Moore M ash New Flanotcr Northampton Onslow Oraiise Pasquotank 924 123 4,059 1,289 96 60 00 40 PerquimouS Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond llobesdii Rockiiighani llovrau . Rutherford Sampson Stanly Stokes ."" Surry Tyrrell Ufiioii Wake Warren - 1 VTashingtb'rt Watauga 1&.176 -7,936 llj089 12,313 -12,829 12,388 12,311 6,348 8;490 il,643 4,452 9,258 21,123 10,366 v 4,180 3,348 11,418 11,642 1,821 v- 952 1,329 1,483 1,476 1,486 1,411 161 1,018 2,111 534 1,110 2,534 -1,243 573 401 12 32 60 56. 48 56 32 16 80 16 24 96 16 92 60 76 1,821 12 952 32 1,329 60 1-483 56 lj419 48 1,486 56 1,411 32 161 79 1,018 80 2,111 16 534 y4 1,110 96 2,534 76 1,243 92 513 60 401 70 1,377 36 1,397 04 Waye Wilkes Wilsbu Yadkin Yancey 1,377 36 1,391 04 8,068 968 16 S68 2,542 590.425 04 $90,423 Nov; 15. 24-jrtj NOTICE. Application will be made to tlie 'next Gener al As'2embly of the State of North Carolina fo'f orTHfttriaUv to abate the nuisance from filthy, stagnant tfatfer in tWe ditches; gut ters, streets, alleys and private lots in the town of Fayetteville, to promote the health and bet ter regulation ot saiu town, unu ioi uuni jpu.- po'e3: - ' tf BARTHKX FULLElii Attorney at Lawj . fatetteville; c -ar..- . r.,iilted at the Law Office of Jesse Shepherd, Esq., on Green o'1- - July 13,- l8o: James C Smit. MfLES C08Tf C. SMITH A CO(, Commission Merchants; Have reiuu. iviT i A,:ii-riu . 1 T" removed meir UUICC w lUTPCcgnuriwj vi where they are prepared to attend to ail business in the Commission line; J u ., ' All business entrusted ti them win be punctually attended to. ' , ' , ' ' '" Wilmington, October I, 185d j at 10 Bbls. Prime Cide'f Vinegar. Juat received and for sale by rVer, JVOLUfofe XVIII NO. 926. ..- l ... Vr4a ill receive their vof- u....v. ". .-- , Uoauties out or wmcn iney were rrSi..s.j support of their said papns, ana IBfi ty r Section LUQQ. Prea. Officio : iuawjA vi vs. Total dist. Deduct for defcf ilto&ljt3MlafL i Peter JL. Ray, f $2,439 84 1,200 12 2,581 44 2,049 36 Wm. Keekt $225 00 Barbara J. Whitsett, Win Covington; 15 00 $ 994 92 1,215 13 2,811 48 -David Latham, 75 00 David Watson; 75 60 1,330 93 881 88 815 88 545 88 669 96 "V'IJ 1 o 1.428 24 2,961 12 ( Moses Fishet ; 1,660 13 Leak Fisher 225 00 2,081 14 .Cathariue Fisher 1,400 64 1,241 76 Thomas Berry 15 00 1,489 92 Sarah Bus I. all 15 00 2,918 64 1,976 16 3,853 30 1,608 72 - 1,260 48 3,327 28 1,273 93 llltlt) 150 00 1.501 egW-" Holder. 8,389 62 1,679 52 2,666 64 f Perliria Sheltttn; 15000 3,304 80 Margaret Perry, 2,550 48 Caroline Pratt, 15 00 2,282 40 1,916 76 1,502 40 i,200 14 1,734 12 f John MaSsey, 1,650 12 Robt Wyles, 4,152 12 1,217 04 f Wm Berry 4,45 20 Emily Hyatt; 3, ill 68 Maty Burt H17 36 150 00 75 00 2,067 60 1,485 84 1,657 68 1-651 92 1,591 44 1,580 40 3,134 88 2,846 G4 944 40 1,483 68 1,001 16 Jane Q'Xeal 15 00 715 20 K. Unrganus; 15,6b 686 84 1,361 84 1,480 56 1,610 64 2,813 16 1,479 12 (AR Shield; 2,052 52 Chas Shield, 15Tea876 26 2,168 16 i Wm XUley, 3,416 64 4 Chas B . Morris, 325 60 2,575 44 ( Julia Cappsj 483 32 1,689 60 3,519 68 1,849 92 1;441 20 1,118 00 2,518 80 P Pendleton 75 00 840 56 3,642 24 A A Craven; Ob-746 12 1,904 64 2,659 20 - 2,967 12 . 2,950 96 2,913 12 2,934 64 1,523 52 V 1,037 60 . ' . . . , 4,234 32 liarkin Suoiir, 75 00 2,042 16 1.068 48 2,221 92 ? Saunders, 5.069 52 4Nar. Dupree; 150 fJO 2,384 16 2,481 84 ( Julia Sitnpsbn, 15 00 1,168 92 1,141 20 . v. 803 52 . '. 2;154 12 2,194 08 , 16 1,931 S3. 04 10,8S0 OO We call the atteritio'ri of WHOLE SALE DEALEES TO our present Stock,' arid we have recently re ceived ,',..,"-. 300 bags Rio, L'aguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, - T5 bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered, J boxes Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow .Candles 66 do. Fancy and assortea Candies, 100 coils Keiitdcfy. Jute and Manilla Rope, 1 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, G. 120 boxes Cheese, . 20 half-bids Super Carb. Soda,' 4o7000 Cigars various brands, AL-SO ' Pepper, Spice; tfUfffesf, Cloves, Nutmegs, Bftar, Madder. Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, FancjF Snd Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder .Shot. Bar Lead White Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil. Ol gnuff in Boxes, Eagle Mills doia Half Bbls.f Gteed and Black Teas, Holiow-wara, bwwoi iroo, x-igiisp Gerrnau, and CTstWl; FloWiV Stra Cutier CtR Sbellers, Sausage Cutters and Staffers, Ittte Chains Sole Leather, &c, Ac-, " . ... The above Goods we offer on the most favorable tern ttf Pf outpt tiufe or J N6V 15. 2 4tf A Larxre assortment of Dry Good:?,' ? Shoes. Boots; Hats. Blaaketo Kerseys 4c. Just received and for sale by Oct. 18, 1806. 20-3t H. CARVER. Sep.- il, 7-n WJIc McL-i MoKAY. W. H. OAKVER- 4 V?,