Til E N OUT H S V A It 0 L I N I i ii V N . C. 1 For the Carolinian. Meeting of the Bacchanalian Club for the pur pose of celebrating Christmas appropriately.' The Meeting was called to order by a mo tion made by Mr Vagus, who moved that the Hon. Mr Profligatus take . the Chair, The motion was -agreed to. The Chairman arose and said1: "Gentlemen. King Bacchus will be here in a few minutes : you know whom I mean, Ar gutus the great. But gentlemen, I must ex press to you my profound thanks, for the very deserved compliment you have conferred on me by making me president of your meeting, jJet the eartli quake and the Ocean tremble, and let the immensity of space shower down on u? its curse generally but I will never desert you. . . .. ' ' . I I am one of the noblest works of mankind- and honest man,' 'and if I don't discharge tjfe duties of this meeting correctly, why then some of you tell me of it, that's all. Here t lie president took his seat amid a loud tall fur a treat from the chair. Vagus moved that the mectijig proceed to business. He was decidedly in favor of the treat, but thought there were other gentlemeu present who would l.ke'to stand treat, and! he poped the members of the society wouldj prterye order until all could be heard, and then all would have a grand glorification The treit was suspended, for a short time only. Sarscullotes was then loudly called for. Sarsculottes said Mr President, I don't spe the necessity; for all this fuss and feathersjif yon are going to do any thing, why don't ypu do it ? that's the question. My notion is tip's -relative to this meeting if a pigeon kills a pigeon, let him always hide the feathers ; thaj-'s my doctrine : and if you eat snu-ke, hide the skin ; for, if you dont, some other snake migh come along and .see the' skin and kick up a. fuss til-out it. (Loud calls for drinks.) The speaker being interrupted, 'became confused and to6k his sent. ' " ! Sanseouei, a brother of Sauscullotts, Was next called for, but being very free and easy (dead drunk) declined speaking. 1 Shanghai -attempted to make a very few re marks, but was so tall, thai the society Vetoed spcakablcs, and invited him to hand down Ids s-peech with a little nutmeg: The President then said there were some res olutions, in the house he would he glad to hear from. (Cries of "the resolutions.'5) f ignoramus, Ksq., arose amid enthusiastic shouts and said: I Misser President, Pse been for some time 'thout sayiu looken on here anything but l have got some"t'.solutions Inyi guiue to offer to this meetin. . The 1st preamble I am guiu to offer is this: Wharas, There is a mighty fuss kicked tip about us what wants to take a dram now and tli en. ' J 2nd Wharas, I think people had a darned sight butter tend to their own bizrtess than to be troublin us good sitizens. , Tharfore, Resolved That whoever wants a dram, will take it by himself) if he feels like (t, or otherwise. I Resolved, That when man is axed to driuV he will drink in course. J In sportiu these I might say a good deal Mr President : but I wont, cause I dont thitk it beariu on the pint in view. f Ihe resolutions Were unanimously adopted,! Incomes Jiacchus. I s President "Here Bacchus take this seat If Bacchus Well hie, boys what hie, you qui bout here? hie, been having a hie gloritioatiqn tioi i. thou t let tin hie, me know anythiu hie." bout President "We assure you sir, that we hate the most profound regard for you. The SuL Moon ayd Stars in all their brilliancy migjU darken the universe, before we would deign fo forsake you or cease to do you homage." Bacchus "All hie, right boys what haVe you got to drink? come up boys til of you." Cries "We'll all driiik with vou." I The meeting then adjourned to Mike Slo- can's grocery en masse, where the day was rc li -udy and ai propriately celebrated. xf , , ; . i A bFUMo.v. It hardly stems possible tha'J. the subjoined specimen of "Pulpit exercise in Texas" can he'authentie; and yet we are inform ed by a brother Ktlftor in that region, that lit is entirely true, he himself having heard it det Iveied. "One of those zealous preachers whp draw illstration from everything, and suffer uh opportunity to pass at all admitting of a niorf sal, arrived at his log church one morning quit! late, and took for his text: "JIa reel not:" and then went on in the following strain, in his pel ciiliurly.na.su!.' half singing voice: "My friendi th- scripture sirs, 'marvel not.' and hence it ii wrong to mnreLs-er. As I was riding along this iiiorning-er on my way to this place, J happened to look up, and I seen a parcel o ' boys .playing .marvels-er There Was a leait boy, so thin that it seemed if he had been a lit - tie thinner, the wind when it blew, would blow him away-cr; ami there was a fat bov there, s fat, that if he had been a little fatter, he.woulq have been as wide as he was higher-er. Am they were playing ruarvels-er; and I heard . what ho said-er. And soon I heard the leaii f)vV, that it seemed as though he had been sj lrtt!erthiner, the wind when it blew would blow him away-er, say Tm fat.' And he Iied-er; foj iie was no more fat than I was-er. And then they played agin-er; and I heard the fat boy so fat that if he had been a little fatter, h would have looked almost as wide as he wa hiirh-er. say 'Tin lean;" and he lied-er. for he was no more lean than I was-er, and there came up a boy spry as a criefcet-er, and he kept running about and skipping, and jumping anc sbouting-er. And he played with the rest; anc in aclittle while I heard him say, "By golly I am dead-er." And he lied; for he was no mord dead than I was-er. NVv my brethren, the Scripture says, "thou shalt not lie-er; and yott see marvelling leads to lymg-er. And you see how wrong it is to marvel. And therefore, I or. tro cwf.n'n 'mnrrel not. xii -Knickerbocker. mi J a - THE PL1C.IE iTjIEfr ORLEJLXS. In imitation of Dr. LftdP tide on the Cholera. BY THE JEtKV. Jp!nM T. WICHTmVk. By mansion and cot, By fountain and plain, Bycinctuttl grove plot I am cjDjiing again, To execnte jadgmentian angel of wrath, With terror and anguish! and death in icy path. wun me stealth of a thief At mid h ght, I come, Unmoved To rifle by thy grief, hy home ; piy cold shadow to cast, In the land of the rose A nd blight the fond hop b of hearts I have passed Thi rohglijqBarabers otyealth, Through lanes will I weep ; Xnd blast! Jig Its health, Lrtave tl e city to weep. k rom the scourge of my breath, the stranger - shall fieej 11 And the desolate barqte be left on the sea. Every streit will I tread, CrOsmg!itbre-h'tJuse and malrt, Crowding graves with the dead At each kiroke of my dart ; For the plaguecart slum wait by your mansion of pvide. The rich and the pood to the darli-baTiso-Buiattt here an,pi:oper! ,' ride And ouwirtt advancing , , Like a Stronir man from win Whe1 re reVi'Mers are dauciug inj the si ade of the vine, With the step of a giant,; their circle I tread, Before me the living j-behiud me the dead. I i Through tile massive-built wall, . gateways of brass. At tire victim' faint call, , Death is Neither turrets iior art eager to pass ; is can be a delence, touch of my dire pesti- 'Gainst the lit e-quelliny lenee. iNot' the; bancs of thy sires ihat ludlow the soil. Nor the fa lies nor the fires. Stay the Bechiiion's toil ; . Tho' thy Crestet may gleam, and the Cross may be shown, To the harvest of deatli I go speedily on. i O'erblast df the gale The wild shriek is heard, Of women' that wail For their children adored Like-the mothers oTB ypt, aroused from their rest, I iud their first born infected and dead on their breast. Weep, maj 1 in thy bower! Weep, jui.sband and wife ! For I taint in an hour The loveljones of life ; Weep, city of graves ! lbwl, Queen of the West! For my pestilence preystoh thy fair sunny breast And those v iom I spare From in M poisonous breath; Groji paleS pith the fear 0"the a'ijgel of death, And like ghosts from they meet, ! their tombs, in silence In gaunt forms that; move through the deso- late street. is ! r And when! have shrouded Ihy dwellings in gloom, 'it Thy Tatilts afe all crowded Thy city & tomb The Creole shall weepk 'r they Jresh-turfd sod, And read in thy ruin t( reverence his God. - ' O ! Sovere gn on high, Stay, stay Ithy dread hand ! Hear a nut oil's loud cry For a' pMgue-smitten land ! Let Death sheathe his sword, our sacred homes spare And joy turn away the wail of despair The Bechiiiou is a public officer of Florence who during a plague, carries away the dead. Charleston, S. C. The English Navy. missioii in the ug!ish There were in com- jixavy, on the 1st inst. 264 vessels of alii kinds carryiug 5,037 guns and 49,044 men. 1st of January o Thisi i is ia reduction since the 61 v seis, 1,194 guns and 13,691 men. Of those! in commission on the st mst., 24 vessels, 4 25 guns and 4,218 men had been ordered homi An American poet sy is! that hand-organs "Are crusaders sen I From some inferi al clime, To pluck the ejes t seutimeut, And dock; the tail of rhyme, To crack the voice of melodv. And break the le But hark! the air a The, music all is ! s of time. I am is still, ipund, And silencej like alpoultice, comes To heal the blowiiof sound, - ,i i It cannot be it is-Utis A hat is going ro i ,. i A Poetical Siibsrriber. There is more truth than poetry in the fol ft Hi lowing letter from Alabama, received by yes terday's inaiL We havfej read smoother rhyme and more accurate orthography with less, pleas ure. It inculcates a useful moral which we commend to some of ourl readers to whom it may apply.' Long live 1 he so laudably covets: "Enclosed find Two I ley Paper. i i j For Ue Who takes SI e writer in that peace H -' qllars for your Week- lie papers And pays his Bil si when due, Can i ive in peace w tli! God and man Arid with the Pr&iter Two. J- How much will you 1 iave learned after hav ing carefully tead 'these few lines?" Of course these . three Manes only are meant. Rkaragna Ms natural resources. We copy: the. following from a . recent of an emigrant to Nicaragua, : to Gov. head, of Kentucky: . i . "The next point of interest to which I tdm yonr attention is, the agricultural r ees of this country, and I shall do so hn nami ig over some of the products of the try, umong which areto be found coffee,? cocoa, or nut from which - chocolate is cotton Iudiau .corn, wheat and to'-at . course all of the tropical fruits grow abun t; Of Indian corn three crops are grown an. and it is the opinion ;5of tneju who hnre raised in the Mississippi Valley States .V least three, times as much corn can .be ps here as in the best of those States. The cane grows ranch ranker, than -in the sout portion of the United States, and unnie:' bly almost double the amount of sngar c. produced here, acre for acre, than can be d need in the South as you call it rTold. " tucky. I Coffee grows as abundantly here, the quality is as good, as iu anjr of tliu 1 India Islands i The profitable culture Vfcc here is a matter of not so much certaliKy . tobacco this country will one day i : v;, world, both in quality and 'quantity" of ( V and sinokiiig tobacco.; Indigo is eas to be as good as ; ; " is also protluc 1 ! most valuable kinds of wood. Mah'u i.OU s in such abundance as to be used for'ljmdn building purposes, and the gum tree, frrlrwhrylf India rubber is made, is also abundant! J El)0i5T, rosewood n ml T?rrril Stock; of al kinds common to" the 'jtJ Staeyf docs -well hpi-P TTnrcoc rnnw n'nii do well all over the country, and iportions of this State and others of the Centfi Aiheric4n States (the high table lands) shecl do well alld are grown with great profit and advantage: domestic fowls; are fully as ubi idant as; in Kentucky. ? The Houaiebank of thz PtSplt'. e find in an English paper sketch of the Rev. Mr Spurgeon young preacher" of Londqn : he following he "eloquent His sermons were purchased dnd read, and, being a kind of comic pulpit, tlbugh in parts uismal and obscure enough, reiders became listeners. Park street ''Chapel overflowed ; d 4,000 was Exeter Hall, with capacity to hd hired, but as many more thousan the Strand unadmitted. Next J Music Hall was hired. It is said is remained in liien's Surrey o hold 10,000 with cramming, 2,000 more.1 On Sundiiy d withouLthe evening last the number within al Surrey Gardens' gates, attracted by Mr Spur- geon, wns variously estimnted 'at from l'8,06o in the times to 30.000 in other daily papers. Now, what is the manner and matter of this preacher? The inquiring visitor sees a shoii, square-built man enter, with a 'round, palfil looking face, relieved, however, by expressive dark eyes and a profusion of black hair parted in the middle. His reading -and prayer1-. iin which there is nothings ?erZskgula niilcslt be a " familiarity SugiabFiif"trw which he addresses the Throne of Gi;ice, h:e begins his sermon. If it have reference to the full of Adam and expiation. of sin through fait i in Jesus Christ, he lets his 'audience know, in jovial kind of tone, that he is about to amuse them. lie looks intently to the farthest cornej of the house, and exclaims " Holloa, Adam ,! where art thou, Adam ?" In the prestiinption that Adam is afraid to face such a congregation in answer to such a summons, he makes the father of mankind reply tremulously,,IIere ami I; what wonldst thou?" " What would I ?'j he indignantly rejoins, "I would know what! you have done, Adam, that we are all damned through you? Adam makes a speech. The preacher answers him. Adam has a rejoinder; the preacher another. Adam is greatly abash ed, and has decidedly' the worst of the argument, and is told,; in the slang of the tap-room, " I thought I should make him sing small." Then in jolly, rollicking, bantering style, he comforts Adam thus, 'Ah never mind, never mind, man; we have a new Adam, we have Christ instead of you," &e. ; Then he brings the Trinity on the platform, and holds colloquy with - them. In like manner he introduces prophets, apostles and alL other scriptural personages." He makes the Saviour and Mary Mg3alen hold conver sation, the preacher imitating the tones of a timid, repentant woman. And this it is which the tens of thousands of the metropolitan popu lation are crowding, even nnto death, to hear, to grieve at or to approve, by occasional bursts of laughter or floods of tears. He' gives scenes from hell, in which the persons represented are his brother mi n isters..w Ltli 1 h c ? r en 1 1 r f'n- tjnj. e nas a poweriui voice and alters , .u s with considerable effect, in a dramati' Ke ,U?L,, He walks up and down the "' pLitfor" -"tt only at home when he has such a . stage. A pulpit cramps him. He tells"that his gains to the kingdom of Christ have been a thousand souls a year, since he came to London, and he expects they will amount to ; an additional thousand this year. Have we said encuh "of this preposterous mountebank? S surely have. we Jack is the paper says: ball-room. A Philadelphia "The sailors recently discharged from the frigate Savannah gave a ball on Monday eve ning at the Assembly Building. The ball had been resolved npon by the tars dnring their voyage home, each participant giving ten dol lars to meet the expenses. .The floor manager wasr an old sailor who gave the signal for form ing the cotillions with a boatswain's whistle, The sailors wore their summer dress until near midnight, when the blue uniform was substitut ed. The whole affair passed off pleasant! v and was highly creditable toi the participants. J. Hoseford Smith, Esq.. has beeirreco"-ni7ed as Turkish consul for the port of New York Mr Smith was formerly U.VS. Consul ct Bey- rout. I'or the CaroIJnianJ BY E. C 1V. . . ,,:d for, you have come at last, ; .lung' vision. failing fast -; i .unlng' throub'tUe dubk that thoa. . ; about tbec uiitil now. , , -f iful! The ucarnate thonght, , in it.-i essence, halh iaw'roaght its presence, aid hath ailed !h" vavalngs never lo be ftnied. t. and lauud! O hw ray soul did fear 7 harbinger wastbe mere. : l f a wi.-Ii the weird, " ' " ; of lay heart and Leal. " ';. y. 'eauing from all time and space, rfect ion's ev'ryjscattered grace. tliee, &ad I. well know now, ;l I f.hioo such a btow; ig. wearily hath trod, lo ;ihv but a God. . Iro'nt ;a private letter to the Rochester h, Warren countv, American, dated Mcnimou Illinois,' iTecember 12 : A bloody tragedy waai performed at the 'Baldwiij' House,' in Abotit 2 ;o'clock the t this terrible cry of murder was heard, and we all started out to discover the ca,use. Distant only a few yards, there wel- tering in! their blood lay the victims f the a . ,- . ! most sanguinary, single-hand conflict it has been myjot to witness. The crcuiustaiu es areas fojiows :! A Mr Fleming, a!u elderly gentleman, and twoSsons about 2"5 to 28 years of aire, had called uon a Mr Crozier, at his room atnhe I. House, i lirmed each with a loaded pistol, to coerce the latter gentlemn into a concession and retraction of a caluqnny affecting their daughter and sister, with jwhich they charged Mr Li. v.-, alter some jwarm lannuaire lnul passed bHwecn the partiet, did sign a re true- tion, in the presence of si friend whom the Messrs Iteming had brought with them. 'Unvnicdiateiy after delivbriiig the paper into tae poefssion ot the:V fricjid, the Me&srs F., or one ollthe brothers, said to M":C: 'I in now going to:i cowhide you,' aiid ' ii i . . one of the boys, hoidiu o;T v"w..m Miui iu i.eiiu, uirccieu T'.S i-i-L-.1 ,.iot,.l ..! I.:.. I 1 .1- .. i tiifi (tflicc fn'iiidii-t tli.. t' t area ten cd iiii:iiM'ii:ii-iit .iiS ; . I I which h !im:nediate!y coiLuieiiced, ie hall struck 4!ii ee or four lmn dirk fro In a side pocket.' r i . wlieii C. puiled a and r-assing at t he same iijipp ,fs ie:i. arm aro; one whiiied the lash, sta juu Til;- necK ot the . I 1 . ibed him in the left breast ;;jnd, as quick as thdught, withdrew the Kiute. aim striu- c t ho onrv u- n. :. f :.. io hehl th 1C lUSlOl jx baek-iiaii'iUd hlow which i ! cached, s!.s u.d the 4 xoiu orothers receiva their de;;th-voni.ls 1,1 J- .ionn iwo seconds, jiu- w i- both bh.-oth eorpseH Jl-jlhree minutes after they were stnuk in less 'tlniii'two seconds, a i- w ! hoth blood v The old; tin ii had gone ou inio tiie hail and Iockedjth;e door, and stood upon the outide, with aipiVtol, to keep out apistai.ee. " Tiie; jiffair has created jan immense excite nient hee, I assure von. The Young man CrozitHfcj, under arrest,' liaving .surrendered himself; Into custodv and is l j i ammatioti to-morrow. to undergo an ex- "The! ym pat hies of the jpeople are mostly with Crozier TIo nr-t .l.-w n... T. v i WO.l I L II LI Ul L i oi uesjiair., lie is a young man, some 4 oi 30" yearsTold, and-unmarried. He'is said to .liS' i have been engaged to the ladv in question, who ! U At nWsPiit nnt. nf tl.P St-.ti ,h, ties wererespectable farmersL and two of them, I understand, were members of the church, in good slaiifling." Willhijm a letter tb the t the storyof Bayard Taylor's ome Journal, tells liew nome in btr- many., .With a German gen ilciii;!!., vho had . , . ii- . . ,i n . bet nirellms .,..... h m .Le I .s , he naii formed one ot tliose friciiilshitjs of vhMm we had been! Ipeakin l rt- , . . . an mcxi) icahi;' iiiteri-h:'itr, . I -- of magnetic recognition and rust I hi'V ivin from botu their together; in scenes far remote honies aiid their acqnaintanoe, brief us it was, was yet kiiit by unusual associations and by n sympathy that had been' feeijjrocally complete. They parted each to return to his own land, but withodt promise of corresponding; and it was some time before Bayard heard from his German friend. f The missive, when it came, vvasTtartlii!grbowever It Was a formal con vey ance to him of an estate to belong to him and to his heirs a free gift, f nd given irrever "sably, as a pledge and token of friendship. The grounds were complete, tiie house furnished. .-. - ; : ; . 3 V ? Tall Stgar Cane. We wre shown yester day by ajSouthefii gentleman (Mr W. Koux, of La.,) sugar canes 28 and S3 feet long! He informed us that this was the Ch mese sugar cane now; grown extensively U the State of Il linois, to which place he had frcen in order to proenre spme' of that peculiar eed for his plan tation,! quart of which will pliant an acre. He told us that, in the southern portions of Illinois some of the growers of the Chinese sugar cane nade at the rate o ' $100 to $50 per acre of land by this coltivf tion. j BiRDS.-pIt is stated that nd less than twenty thousand sinking l)irds- are d sposed bf every year in New York. They "oie raised chiefly in Germany among the Hartz Mountains, by the peasants,, and are brought over here during the sumraeri !h - j The herpic Sir Charles Najuer wrote very beautifully and touchingly to a lady on the ev of his great victory at Meance! "If I survive I shall soon be with those I love: if I fall I shall be with those I have loved." 2S"-OVt5) 30ll3XSflJJ:PadBc Railroad ""J1'0'. Unpeople FAJKTTEVILLE, N. C. Sallll d"3 I'Ci mbcr 27, IS5G. - - 3T- C. . C. MVCkCmmfx is onr duly authorized agent for the coHectiou of all cla ms due this office, ' SSif Tn order that our young men may enjoy the Christmas holidays as well as the " rest of mankind,! ue Pu,)lis' his week but one half of the piper.- Of course no liberal hearted JiaVron, (and we have none but that sort,) will find any fault with the Arrangement. ... hu Ve had a sprinkling f snow" hvie on Sunday last, which perhaps would have covered the iU luc Irauu lucucu ue, aim teur ground to the depth of an inch or two had itjeJilor dubbed "a wiry demagogical politi- not rained considerably in the morning and wet the earth too much. At the "present writing,'' it is intensely cold, wuh a keen cutting wind and the boys, anticipate some skating on a tmaii scale in a day or two. IT' feflVii-iir Vrd toj. d the name of our friend. A. A.. McKay, Y., of lamp's 'oh', :uTiVi'ug thoo of the -.a.ci!iors of State reeciitly elect ed by tiie I.ri.'-.hnre. 1 WV in'-ir.t sav more, lint we caiiitdt say K'; -thasi that 'he s.iiij.iy deserves the honor. ile'miui.t obtain much higher ones if he were' inclined to leave the j cl,iCiU,er " scaiit j, corruption ' ana walks of steady professional life for " the busy the 1' indelicate , and humanly cxpres arena of political strife! sions, to a great political party, never did one i iota of harm save to those applying them. And The " People's Bank," much to our surprise, ! the epithets 'dishonest,' 'unprincipled anarchist' passed the House of Commons by a majority of! &c applied to a wise and good statesman who two votes. As to its fa lb in the Senate we are ! has served iiis country in high: official station not yet apprised, bnt presume that it either has' been or will be defeated. Its passage through the House was, in our opinion, a ruse. Our brotticr of the Wilmiiiffton Journal is laboring under a seriously wrmur imnrp.-cm.. j respecting the use made of our "heart and" giz zard" in Sampson. The Erst article we have none of, having lost it. "in days lang syne' while walking with a dark eyed lassie one moonlight night "away down upon the Suwanee itiver" and :is to tht. latter commodity, we are not from Turkey, have none of the Shang hai about us, nor are we particularly sound on the " goose question." j CuT-Our neighbor s complaint about his stolen axe brings to mind (fert t?i uif:tio) an anecdote wiuen we cannot lorlioar - rcniifr A rlil i COUhtr.v f'"-nd approa. heo. us with a long sad I. .... ......... . ' l l .1 -l"'ieiia:ice. aim ieinaiKel lliut some ctiSH'U ! democrat haii got into his smoke bouse and I st:v '"('his meat.' But, said we. hbw do you k uj a uili.Dliai 1 Vll. &aiU lie. . . it had been a know i.othii:g htAl have stole it all." As Gi iiU'ai Jaikson said, " JZ J'tunlns u,iUl)l i Vtuuum in p(iro't Levitts ultra. -v v iv H ii uiui uue ui.oi ess oi uas. ianKS K.-q., in Kaleigh betbre the Oak City Guards, upon the " Uoniance uf Scottish History" was an abie and eloquent effort, and was received with great applause by; a large and intelligent audience assi inbled to hear it in the Repre sentative Hall. - . ri?v '.. I........ !,.. i r t .. i . i-. Chrk.hiJM Has come and gone. Santa Clans has douc his i ",u umi -ou ai Uf Uie lilllC OI1CS and "smutted iiisscll" coming down innumerable chimuics to stock stockings. The usual quantity of egg Hogg has been compounded and duly imbibed, ! lo sa Uuu of tne nugg without thy t.rjr wii:ea nas io.itid its way limv,; acc i; nud ihau nels. I'ow.ler c.oiigh has been burned, H d uiuuey enough spent therefor and btherw.M-; lu seuCf the gospel of him in whose honor these lestivi- ties were instituted, to Ike uttermost parts of) I. .y. ..(. 1 . I .- .' I .... . 1 v.v. ...le.., iu uuaniiu ;i!iu ciiiijiuicu uie darkest spots under heaven. But while ve trio (.-n-t i .ii.) t.-. ..I. .. .. ... i it. i . I i Ur-tl. wild rOJcri..g, ...d too : iiiiiv, il iiiiini 4 1.; .1. v c.. v - i ,., . , ,i , i - ... , uji.u-ui!.iiw:eiM.!ie uay, amiu tne cares i i . . - 1 - . . i uoi.im ai;ii sorrows oi the weary year Kr!,,,, Ji :.,; .,.! j j,rjjt;... cMitt i:i! wv "--'t uovt .i . uiiiuuii .-ci.ic ia iiis every , ye. - ot.k witn just as much .I...... i . , ..... : i I smilc-fi who ko CeZlllg, li.C;:l e!:Ui:lig l'l!rii!iS I rOli'XSS ps his sad little .. b at vh;ivh all day to hear a Christmas sern.ou from a pfosy par - sou, as we condemn the prostitution of thatinow 1,1 nrft rate skating order the only n eon- festive day to Bacchanalian revels and caronsals.j on,ence Leu'o a Lone sticking np here and However, the day ha come, been spent and ? l,,cre. or a do-'s hind leg tm bars ssmglj prolu has gone as many another Christmas will come! bcn,nf. or mayhap the shank of a departed and go, and we wish vou all, good readers, full many a happy Christmas and many a New Year's day! merry Railroad Accident The Union and Spartanburg train met with a serious accident last Snnday a few miles above Ashford's ferry by which a number of passen gers were more'or less injured, some very severe ly. Mr Price, of North Carolina, is danger ously wounded. The passenger car was thrown from the track down an embankment someEfty; feet, rolling over three times and becoming a perfect wreck. It is a miracle that all were not killed. g? We recommend the "verse" below to our poetical contributors as a "version of our own aversion to versifiers. There seems to be a universal and perverse design to reverse the order of poetical things.'or you may inverse the j converse of the proposition. There'd'a pun meat for vou: . '.To win the maid the poet tries, And sometimes writes to Julia's eyes; She likes a verse but crnel whim, She still appears a-versk tdhirii.,, XST The -Asheville Spectator, one of thes-3 rftah!il custodians of American liberties, but for whose sleepless vigilance and paternal guar dianship the conutry would go to "rack and ruin," has, in the short space or several columns, laid bare a conspiracy on the part of James Burhanan to cheat and defraud the bouth, humbn? the rteonle irtnerallv. and bu;!d a and their representatives m tongrcjs wish h or not. He has aUo dioVbVeVed Mr Buchanan ! to lf npitlipr "nn Iiftiirct n;aii" nor "a TiatriOt. j together wit! he proof backed up by strocg assertions and deliberate opinions without r.v.ni- , . . . t 1 ... , , j ber, that his elechon ws ubtnitud by fraud, j chicanery una 'rascality.'' After dissecting Mr j Uuchauan " piece by piece" and exposing all ! his euormitios.the Spectator, gazing indignantly ! upon the Democratic party, thus let off : "How long will you suffer yourselves to be duped a u.d led astray by a class of men who prey daily, a ve, hourly upon the vitals of your personal and na- ' tb il rospenty." Then the Kalrich Standard j 1 : COuuS lM for a Colnmu 1 r E0 k r iU 1 artsdI ulxu cian cunning as a iox ' ic. Ut course TIT Uolden will immediately, uftcr this exjese leve the chair editorial and retire into "same vast wilderness, sofafe boundle?s contiguity of shade," where his deeds tf penance may have no spectators, and where he may hereafter res in the sweet. as-urauce that his country is safe in the hands of ?o pure, national and incor ruptible a party as tl.at ::.eh ckmr.s, as else VI us i ii:i.::j!0..-s, t::C Li::u-v::: tutor. In CLi.iuviuii. pviii.it us to ee renuirk that the apj.l.c:;tIo;.' oi Mich terms as "fraud,"' for more than a quarter of a century,' and who has just been chosen by the willing vcf.e r.r.J votes of his countrymen to preside over ti e nation, can onTy recoil upon the head of Lira who casts them. The Legislature Is under adjournment uutil the first of Jcnu- ury. There is any amount of business before it yet; and what may be the length of the sess'oa ' it is impossible to tell. As to the Western Railroad Bill, we are afraid to cherish a hee: but trusting to the wisdom, fairness and justice of the Legislature, we look forward to its pas sage or the defeat of every other internal im provement bill. Not that we are ungenerous or would be tir just. But if the ciaims of Fayetteville are set aside, and not only those of Fayetteville, but the claims of the Slate upon her legislators to . ! .Inf ..In. .. tl.... ! -.-.I- 1 i uc" l,ul": UiUSl' luuueiise riouncs wumn la r very heart, the brirging forth of whii-h w ! tclit !o ',tr iierenw-ti prospefitT, we cannot seo Hi "J -. iuuiaim nj(.wm lumuilUU il.UltM. - i ... ... .. shouid be regard id and iidvaticid ly the State herself Should ti c Wcsurn "Railroad I ill le Ci a! del eat id, we are a!ia.U a r. t.!t.i t:tcni: ure uvu:ts c ituiii oil ti in ini, i i.t il i'tt , i, a spirit of revci ge, but l y ti c; (J i ; the same priticiph s of tpj (..-itieii ul.iih si have charactt rizid tl.c m ln u oi m- i i uti,- g it. No appropriation is ;;?kid aid the o'j stereotyped excuse t!.;.t "mr tt?i.s:;ti:ii-t in structed tne to involve the State i;o fi.rtl.ir in debt," is therefore ina plicaLle here. But should that be the proui.ds of oj portion uj r n which the bill is dtlu tui, li e Am e "ici tiiu- miiitfi-f-.4Tl.. .. J? .1. -1: i -ii 7 '""luuniii M.uuiU lii.u w.il ;OVtri all cases, evi n whtie tl.iy cieV.s ii.r I I Hi ;! !e as in this instance: -!c ii.J.r. i (: u ut;; e wuld not be u.ettd out.to all. Win pulling is wry ifT.cici't scii.tt n.is, intrigue fct ompl I.es much ? 1 s plain, maidv, honest, open ionise is olttn the ,m1 m.u in variably the iafest. iS"" We fee, from late accounts in the New York and New Orleans rarer tl at W . ' ' al L- f. r i sitoatioii is gi owing n-ore and mere dt5 t rate, i SnrrnnmlKil nn .11 tirl... u . i i . w ,,,, aiuv.o ui on cneuiy ni.ui i.e has tmedly delated bet r. r ca'n. it sn ' j . , , . - -..x,... u.v iu i viiitn. ia ciiL:;ii:cLi in ci. . . : i pprretnal batt'i- a r.i hss P4t v 'th i.o j prospect of ce at. on in the future t But- 1 e . mci: equal i tvirv i Tncrtrf-r.rv 1 y 1 is !:: " V . , t '.gei:i:?s, f-ucrgy atd ui.fii..-!:i!g- .'!f : . . - : . . tcrj'fi . . j aSA'at celebrated ditch in cur vicinity is shanghai rearing its gaunt proportions through r. ? i ma icy surouu: ,uui mese are snent vexations compared .witn- its many, advantages, even omitting the delightful breeze which comes "stealing and giving odor from beneath the sewer's archway. The jrrtl Carolinian." After a discontinuance of sundry and divers weeks, this paper hni again turned up ; the copy received is that of Nor. 22d, at.difall the future issues of it should be filled with in teresting matter like the one alluded to, we ! :n I i. :i .. win umajs nan us arrival on our desk with pleasure. The 4 Carolinian is certainly one of ouf most witty exchanges, and demonstrates that its editor Mr Wni. F: Wightman, is a very amusing white invXeirbern i n icn. Shade or. Tom Hood ! Spirit of Douglass Jerrold ! Pouch, where art thou ? We have often been insulted, browbeat, trampled on, run over and generally devastated but this "Smash up" has done the business for us. We have often 1een "scorched,? by Our cotempora ries but this new burn business is our final conflagration. Would we could exclaim " TL wavea foUoVer mc.' Slah." l!l '--Mi

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