1 ! / 4- t \V -\r. f. WRIilTMVN'S: CO. Proprietors,. Win. F. WijiiUiiaii Editor. FATETTETILLE. Jf. C., SATITP.DAY. .TAXEAUr A 1,8.5?. Will—NO. OP T R R .M S ' ■ ■iu tsciltp ria\ TJ r IK C.\!^.OMVTA^ t i^r a s:u;rlc copjc-j iX p liii in ivlvtui ‘t*. p*?r annTini. $2 of) at the'‘nd of :5 raoiuh^i, - ^ at the «nd of t) luitnt’i-*. '* *‘ at the uil of the y ar, i jO will he rec'iv'el for a .-ihort’er p -riod * a year ual's^ pai l in advance. With ih 5 vi;w of ext *n lint: the circnlition and en- hatiola;; the ilajv? of the paper, the propriet >r ct^ fcr.^ the follo'-vluj re ua kahly low CLCn H.lTilS, LVt'^ilU IBLV I V .1 nr. l.VC f-:.- 5 coph'S of the Gar diaitvi, I y -ar, 10 ■ *• “ “ ** • :>s on 15 1)0 Pnil'e.ssor AVojd s ll lir, Uestorative, for sale hv S. -i. lUX^DiVTjK. .\o7. Oin-tf I • Rairs of .Idvfrtwlntr: Sixtr cents p**r ."^tiU ArH of IC linrs. orlcR«. for the first njid J:) CO it-s r«»r o M'li -uh-e'jM'vit iu>oi’tioo. uul''*>i» the a«]vei’tis ‘in M\t is puMishe i Re* more than two ui^aths- | have in use one ol iliesc machiiio.s when it will V>e charjrod For three mo ith~. - For six months. For twidve months. - .\11 advertiscm“nts must hav» Maryland Lotterie.s. COIllUN" it CO ACKX’I’S. A FOilTGXE FOR TilK TiilAl.. There is a tide in the alTairs of man. Which, if taken at the flood, leads to fortime." ON'E TUIAR MAY MAKE YCIT RK’IT FOR LIFK Spleudiil .Schemes Drawin-.; Dally. SF.VD YOlTil ORDERS TO couniv & CO. TUe Old l?st;il>lishwl .\.iithorisi.l .V-rents who have SOLI) .MOItK ruiZlvS Than a-iv nfher nliee in the -State of tfaryland. PHiztis oir.\ii.vN'TF:i;i) iiv Tiir-; .SIN'til.i; I'tCKHrS: Halves .)i) cts. t CERTlFrCATEi; OF PAGKAGR.S. §in.oo ri.OO j •; Cil.VIXXS CUE'.lhK ACADi- Mooni-: cor-xTY, x. c. MY. Tllli: KI, )A.Tl\« oit li\i;f KT..P3 ^ n AS!?! VG M VCiU VK. Tho subscriber haviuLr purehaseJ tho Rijrht ot the t? aimve Machine for the Gonnties of Cnmborland and * Harnett, is n«)w ready to furnish .such as inhy i)0 j' desirous of obtaiuincr a Ri.uht. Tlic machiiio is simple. : both in Us structure ami operations, and should any i portion of it fail, can he easily an I spee>lily repaired , bv' ativ person having; the u»> of tools. I do not claim for this machine more than what it is able to purloriu | with that desoripLiuu of labor which almost every | family is able to supply, without .at allintcrferina:! w’ith the orlinary duties. In the first place a cdilUl ^ 12 or 15 years of a^e can perform all the labor, after havinj? seen it operate a few times, and if tin* direc-aj\V hole ncketii tious are adhen;d to. will do as Biueh work in one day ■ Hi'D ' as three or tour wiumm in the ordinary \vay..and tiie -h Qiiartei licki’ts Avoi-k -yMI b • ni l -h better do le. ilelow will be found 1 N'idTlllXG VENTURE. NOTHINU G.VIN. certificate fri)ru those who have piirciiased ami now * Tioi^ets Bou;.;ht by the Da -ka;'e are always the mo.sl LSHAM iU.AKR. - - - - S4 00 - - - 6 00 - - - - 10 00 ihe deslfi'd number of in. '•' ihius ma"ked on them, onh^rwisc they will he iu- '■“i t.al till forhld and char./ -d aecordin.*;!''. Spscia/ attention is direrteti to thi rrquisition. WAI. F. WiiJHTM \N & CO. April 12, l.'s.'P). tw WItlOlIT, .Vltofiiey ut Law, Kaycllevillr, X* C* Oflice at the corner of Dow and Groeu streets. Feh’v 3. J’rolitalile to the Purchaser- TRY PArK.va-:. ^ For we send paekage \\*hole, Halves A Quartiu-s. — ' vr n K 'in ic*-e iFor.SlO \ve send packag'* Halves A two Whole tickets t Fvykttkvii.i.k. N. G.. April 0. p-u^kage QuarUs A one Whole Ttckei. , We. theiindersiprued. having purchased ol Mr Isham 1 ' L.jok at the following ‘ Dlakt' one of the above imichinos.cordiallv rcc^UAiinuud | SI'f/FNlHl) Is( HFMK.'s it tn the fuv.n- of the I'uhlk. H t.a-lie-: t i-i-y rni.hlly. : la o-oliwk'eneb ilnv of the | ami the Avork isniiich better done than i.s u.'-ually done u-.h*!,- * ! ! in tho old way. and witli less wear to the Olotbiiig. j. [It far oxi-ecds our e.xpectalions, nml lias unh* to be ; seen in operation to satisfy the iho-t ske])t!L‘ul ot its ; utility -and -economy. We have no doubt of its heing^ I). AViI.I.TAMsXi T!k* T^!ls^l•e■^ are Inupv to anuoauco tt tiie i»ubl;e Ahat t.ht‘ filh Sessiou of‘his rM«tifjtion will open ou Mo.iday the 12th ..lanuary m'X . under die superv’.siou ! of Mr .Vivhibald Mcl.anglilin as Trincipal. i Mr McLaughlin is a gradnat" of the I ivver-^.iy ot North (.sirolinr. and his testimonials are ot the h ghesi l•ha^aI:t■e^.^^'arl•ant^ng tli*'Trusri-es in giving assnrane*' ' to all wlio may feel disposed to jialrnnize tho Insti’a- I lion, that they will have the advantages of systematic and ihormigh instruction. i The .\cmh*niy is situated nine miles ea^t oft'artlmge near the Favetfi.'ville an I U est»;ra IMank Road, in ilie S r.Vd’l-A I ofa verv heallh\ .moral ami int'dligent miighbiu*- j hoorl. and it will therefore be free Irom many o! llio CinarXers 25 ct.s. ! vitiating inllmmces which s., niucit ondanger the lieahh ami morals of sludeiils In To'vii and Villages. In order That the b*!ie!iis of th** Institution may b.- within the reacliofull. tin; bdlowinglow rates oi mi- tion per si.*?sion. pavabli* in advann*. have been adopt ed : English, according to ailvane umm. .sin lo s i 1/1^11. Greek. French, and liigliei liranciics(d'Mathe- matics. KwelleiU Board ran b(‘ obtained at Mr .\rnold s at ST. a'ld ot!ii-r eouses in tii" rndgiiboriiood. DONALD MdM»N.VLD. Deck- 2tL ISot) Ldl'iU- •1.00 : allv use*! uli'-rtivei* iutrodueed. J. A. ATTORXi ATTENDS SVi.AilSn :y at law. T>. O. MriUvK, ^ W. J. AN'PKRsoy, Wm. AJcLaukin’, A. r. llfUT, J a.s. G. S.MiijL ,Tn'6. JOFTV D. St.akii, JaSKHH A. WoHTH, A. J. OTIa-veon', David Wi:.myss. We in companv with several other giMitlemeu. .saw .. fojir dollar’bill .whio.ii was very dirty gind mneh the Courts of Cauihndan I, Jlariiett. | defaced, put Irr and^wa^md-ut by this'inaV.hine, rrv I Wake and Johnston. " Address, Tootner. ITarii dr t ’o.. N. G. i- - ,, f- 1 1-. , - • ' c- rubi . Ivj.y.. 1.' j I-’mvK .V. ICotiKi; .Ia.N. G. .S.MITJl. .viivg all the tiirty appearance of the f.ill. ainl leay- i (i-J r it perfectly h-giUlo. wlih-h there.!-; liltl-.; or i rnbhin^ nrotTnced iri wH-;h!!ifr Hiif* e.rlh-re.-. ; 22,17 tveck. r.PHI.LlAVr. 47,2m OollMS. MAUYL.VNl) Li).Vri()LIl)ATl-:i) I.OTTKUY, f'l.VriS hill, COP.RIX .t CO.. AHKN'Tii. *• SClIi-.'ME. , 1 prize of 1 .1., I- 1 do 1 do 1 1 ih) J Gl) do . (if .1-1 * do 0 ilo T do « do A llubeson Institute M. CTRRIl-:, 1’R!.\(’1I’A15. The exereises of lids liistinuion will be re-iini' il on Monday the .Tih .J^uiuavy m xl. ^ Tuition per tj'-s.sion. .peiliij.g. SiJ. Connuon Eu- i giish. 5^12. Natural Science, slo. .Vncienl JaUii- ■ guages. .-jEs. .Stmleats arc pr'*i)ured for liu* Sopii. ' Class in the Uiiiv*,‘rsiiy of .N. • Th-‘principjil has clnnigo of ih * commot'iou-'Stew ard Hall, wheia; board can be olH ame'i al per mom h, e.wlusivc'of washing and room ligli’'. B«»arvl and Uiitiu.i paya'>le in ah aii-:.'. it i'"|it!re;i. The traveling pnbiie are alsodiirurne-d Ihai «• noo. I bit- ;u-,cotnmo.lations c;ui ie-* ubla;u*"l al. the M.-.-war-;- ilall. on reasf.mabh- terms, j St. i’uuls, Dee. 2U, Ls'.’)!;. ‘Jil >r DR. K. OI-'Fr 'E Front R m; Chemist ;i.i i t>. ag .tRor Fe'o y T. id-j J. aU .V il K i. i lUiACK. .j -.er Dr. .S. J. Hinsdale's! '■ !' DRraS, MRDICIXKS, A-C. ■ ’■H' I I'.vf.L'STOCIv? no-.v ri’ceiruie. f'V ri. J. iii.N'.Si)AI.K. ; Aog. 3;L l.-i.ol. - iilA-tf V O T » 11 V, . e'DET. ■.ea.ly -pp xile (let. 1. IRNG. K. W. v\Ml kings* Kaveitcville, N. G. .\iirtiou Store j\jLL tr.ujE, inxij. j'2-t,.'?tH pri/aos amounting to i c.ri'rrAL PKizi-;. ! 5.0f>0 O iHur.*. ! r.VTAl'.St'-) IN'-STriTTI-; i.dttkkv. j CI.1.S.S lh2. ! C )UBiN A Ctb, Atd.ENTS. ! ScuihM};. i.i 1 priz'- of i? r i M I s yjE l.^ N ^il A:r..*s of La »L ly ua > iCape Fear River—Sior-;. Dvv.jiliug. O l* H ) ises ^li Rj .i.-.t rate order. The Stoi^ is at a fine business jiftri I at th- Gross Roads and the an I is iioi to be e cc d! *d br .\av DU*' ) ! ‘leilrlagto p. parueniars r.'sp‘cting tie* either nf .i' ai •»’’ llis’ Cr j »5 iiiiLs fro.n Fayettevin a IV lu North Uiindin.A. ^ r„'h;wss can obtali.further prop‘rtv by catiriig . cu'; o.i Che Wiiiubigtou Road .SARAff WRDiHT. JAML.5- .WRLt.isH T. R. F. PFAROF t Iniido Sl-.ekofi' GOODS, j ■i ! S-Viuu I ^oo 1 . •hi; j Plantation & Till! .MI)l.)Xi!T I'L.vXTAflA.V. of thipc Fear River, six rniie.s b..-low t be rented on .Saturday tin; 2711i iasi. ; l^t. ■■I'lVv-idl.sed.) on the prem.s.,': I Also.atth*' same tim‘;*:id jiiaix* ; Nkigroes lii.doiiging to said KaIuIc. Juuiuirv isi . , oi'-Ian'' Dec. 2(1. 29-31 (inste; . al 12 o'.iloek M. . will ’o'- iiire-l lln'- Fov.-.es.'-ion given LEil’I’E. -\:icl*r. ^3 W NG. a'iarge'*' e.rid d FALf. Ayn iviyTFn - conststiug in part of C!a.-k aad Colored .Siik-s. Iviglish timf French Merino- 0. IlOiIdTON .W‘)l'fJ)jvt tin* public f‘->i* the J'r) „-4-f'T thnnksj' . lib-Tul p iirb'i- I age'h«-has rec''fved. md fm|iea. bv punctuality in business, lor a continnatiou of flic same., ^ ^ U ‘ let'c«);n:uen-’c I rnJsifi '• o:. F f’ Ills r)-\:i resjionsibilii-y. on the SoiFli dd' of Fer -ou street, two ' do'irs b'*l.>w the ('ape'Fear Bank ami ihv-*e )bmrs above his ui.! staml where h« would be glad to s*‘ all his d l fK *1 U- lb* cNpa-ts to k-a*i^ o:i h.i.id a good a«.s»>rtrn'*ril 'F*Saddle.''. Bridl.;^ U aips. ami everv tiling in hU Ime of business. N. B. ’ ID ivill atte id to repairing of Saddles, Ilar- UC'S. Ac-.. a.Ufl bis charges shall be rnowlcrate. .''^(•pt/niber 13. I'l-Tb. LYom AU-Luiiriu A Su‘:iiige will pay tiie e:,l earn prie- for Turpentine until further notice. Sfiit. 3. lS5ti. 58-tt M. i AL Llv llUmoi.t .A.Shnc cstnBlushinout- Oillc.spio ami !.;);!o-;ie Ul * tie i f):*m‘rly f)Conpi‘*d by tb • ' In’-t rat-* stock ot Pu»-s I .!■» ):rr;-L> Bo.ots. siu-ef. f i-iure all arlielcs in hi* \ n ilie *. Tlianktiil for par-i ilu’iatit):i oftii * lib.a’.il pvi. Dec. 13. LSnti. to the corner of Franklin smuds. in a.id u.i ler liie room-- 'vf T. H*’ has on hand a id FANCY. IIAME and i liters. Ac,, ami will iminu- I * in th' b-.'St style at short ui vors. lie solicits a con- • 1 ig * li-^rctofi'rc b'-'stowed. 2S4f Rliain aad FigM Uc^ane.-*. RO’n3 beautiful pattern lilaeU and U:V*p' Al]^cap. - Kdgingv and iusertings. Collars ami Undev.sleevrs. (Tactus and. Wlia.lebotic .Skii L.A, .faoon*t.’ Nai.i.btok. S'.vl-s an 1 i*!a:i| .Muslins, French. Eaglish and .Amorie-au FrifUs-, Ciotlus and Cassiin -ves, SaTin-'tTs. .f.’anX* ami TweivU, d'hikis. Lm-se-V'-afi i Kei*«jys. - ^ r’-u-.iFii i aud^ Aai-lborp' -Stripes, .. •" BTi'^iclwd Add BrAVii Chirrings amt .Sheetings.r x White aud.ColDrcfl Flannel-s, Drilling’-';y;id Tickmgs, , Iri'li goofl a sortment. - - djinv r r ' lie Cio’hs. Towelings and Napkins, SluiwD. (’ioak.s j,’.:jd .Mantillas, Extra juality :»TB0'i Blank *ts. Ribbou.s, iteits. trioves. iIosh;rv. J.'C. — A1..S )- , _ . ilats’.'t-'Aps. Boun'ets. Bouts. .Shoes aild t mbrellas^ ■ - gf neral -Assortmoist of* Rl^AD Y-:\r.\DF CLOTIITXG, iiid every variety in the V.yNKEE NOTION UNL. vhiirh will be sold al a small Uvivamv* for CASH, or on time to punctual cu.-tomers. •dth.-i- at M^hute.X’'f/e ''fi‘’to A. \11 arc respeetfnllv invited to give iuc a call b^^fore nurchasing li a-vC B. F. BE.VRCE. Kav .=’^1.. F '.r dt-’vilio. Sept. 1. l^-'uL ! l-tf do 7.811 ]»r:zcB aiiTounting to $X7.217 -o- ('!..'..s.s I')-'. CORBIN A CO.. AGENTS. SciiEUe, Us Ci foi'‘ The .'d:ib-:n-il)--r olUa’s for .-al-*. his LANDS i netl Co'JiHv. ooa'isting of I’iii’i-' aa; .\ci\-s. iuore or U‘S3. .-^ii.Lil-d aa.l lying i.i in • B.irbacue and C['n-r Liiile River, i xvdl > together of in Iol> lo .'-nit llu' pareiias.-r. 'I ho.- iiig Lo purchase will d'» wrli to ev.uuinc the La a descripiion here w.i.iid b.' U'-eb-—. I will sell th-* abfivf* rt.imc.l Land an Thursday ilie l.'>rii .January For ftirni-T jiui ficultir.-;. aiipiy to .'.ihn ShkiL. ■.»r my self r.t Owensville. N. C. W. A. SMAi.:.. Owerisviile. Dee. 13 ]8.‘).". 2.s- Ji •‘il I ].riz(} of 1 do Wimted. ,V lir-i rat-* .S.-\.i'DLiO ami ILV M.MvER. lo wii.>'n eood we.gcs nm i I ^'■UiploynieHt will lie given. X'Hy ilii> iiliice. or addre.'-^s ' .1. H. HE.Al Dec. 13. BS)t;. 2S-if Ciiiiion. LL S'. •1.224 U) 1 I m:. ■ 3 ).3lu prizes. D* ^ I h\ \ LANDS. FIlOSrFCi'LAS or TilK o f' J; I:: JIX i .i r i: n a J i V m ss r: \ c: i: i: l-’oi- the Ye;!’.- 18*-5i>. July to December. ■1- ivi; V i' I i! I, A-or.r^'.E. Ill i«sui;i,2 tlie Pruspoctiis of tlio Tiyeiitv-rilin’. T-d- former residence ofthe .s:)UTUeUn literary ME.SSENGER. CDinmciicing xvllh tile .filly No., the I roprioUn's rel\ solclv ou the encouraging lerf. rs and promises of the friends f,r the .Mes.senger to aid them in oxtemling it.s circulation, and they bog to assure the public that no exertions will be remitted on tln.dr jiart to maintain the high character of tli-.‘ work, and to ( hnlleng-e the patronage of all alio value sterling Bierary iiieiil. For Tvviuitv-One Years, the Me.ss.mger has cndtuivored to rctiect faith fnliy Die SotUhern mind, while ili.'dainiug I all narrow and s. ci.niial view.s. ami has been alone i rite nvvifh*!-;- periodicals of Anuudea. in •lefenee BEi'iRVit INSTITi’TloN.S GF TilE; SGi'THERN ATATEA. To this office it will I>e devoted, and will be jiroinpt I to repel assault.s upon the .South, whether they come under the speciou.s garb ol fiction, or in the duR'ct lo: ni of anti-slavery jiamjihlets. At thi.s critical junciure. while our enemies are employing literature as tln'ir most ])otent xvi'apons pr attaidx. the Southern people will surely not withhold tluiir em'ouragcment Irom a work whose aim it shall be to strike blows in thi-ir xle- fence. The Messenger will, as horetofore. present its readers with lievieivs, ' Jlistnncnl ami aniouafing to S.'i3.233 I'ickefs $1 — ''!iai'e> in proj ortioii. We invariai'lv a:i>wer l-'tt'Ts l.y ndnrn mail, ei ■ closing tlse tickets in a good safe cnvidope. and always I observe liu* sirictes! confidence. .Vfler the di-awing Is t over, xvc send the oilie::il drawing, with a v.rittcn ex- i pla.nation of the result of the venture. All Frizes btiuglit at this office are payable immediately aft'-r the. ilrawing in Current Money, and we l-.ike Bank Notes of-any .'^tare. or Bank drafts in payment for tick ets ai par. For od»l amounts in making change wc r-c- ceivc [mstage stamjis, ihi'v being more conveiiifiit than silver, (.'orrespoadeuls may place the utmost confidence in tlu’ regnlardy and sal’.-ty of the m;i’|s.as very tew or no iii’sca: riages of .Money hapn*n when properly db’octed to us. Be careful ihatyou mention your Tost (dfiice. flonnty and Stale. Giv ! us at least one single trial, yon cannot lose mL>ch. if not gain. One single trial may make yon imleuiMnicnt for life. TR^ dnS. Tlierc should be no such word as fail. .Vthlress CitRBlN A GO. Box 11)n Dost Oiiice. Baltimore Md. Oct. 11 21-i:m OS >1 A .V = Ftn>l> A’l!) STS r:iKiiV5!Ri: ih:* J jist Pai>:isti«.l, fii-at : a-’ i t i i’ i > : - i i ■ ^ A KKW W Oil'D^ OX I'jlK ll.Vl iU.X'.Vlj iKuiAl' withi ut .Medicine. of.^p.-nnalorriD’a or Weakness. Nocinnial Em;>-:o.i. t;-o ital and Nervou.* Debility. linpoU-iicv. and Ihipedr monts to .Marriage geiicially. nv i;. in: lanky, m. n. The important fact llial Tin: many alarming com plaints. originating in the imf-rudcnce and.-ohiude ol voulh. may lie easily removed witiiont .Mi-4icin*. i-iit this small tract, cl* arly demonstrated; and llic eut;i ely n‘w and higlilx' sm*ces>ln} tu alim'nl. as adopodi'X till* Author, fully e.vjdaim'd by nieai's d \xl!ienc\‘ r\ one is enabled to cure h:ms‘.*lf pei iecily and at llu* lea.st possibiccost. thereby avoiding all tin-;vdvcrti>cd inostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gaatis and jiosi free in a sean'd enveioj> to Du. B. Dec. 13 reinitiiiig ip”^’ !’■ ; La-XLY. 17 Leoi S.7G. - ill; two po.slttc ard .Street. N. ) • amoT: of til rVEW AiVD CHEAP GOODS. James ICyie H.VS just received a very large and general assort ment of GOtJD.S Among which are, French and English Merinos: Do. Delaiiis. iMain and Fignrod ; Drc.srf Silks. FigM ami I'lain ; Black Fillet Mits; Sleeves and Goilars : Gloths. Oa-simercs ami Satins ; Bear ami Negio Blankets : 3-t to Fi-l iBeaclied ami Brown Domestics ; (rent jemen's Kemly-Made Clothing, GaT'p‘*ting, Good and Goininon ; ]’)ots and Shoes : Ancljor Bolting Cloth : Ker.soys ami Liiisey.'* : frisli Linens. Orash : 'i'ttble Diaper and Napkin.s. all of which being pur- xMoiiey 1 will sell l.Nt; ilOFSii and led r. sp,n:iii,’d in loW'-r 1 tj]ij)osile >ir -). ibnist ,i> over half an acre. and ■23-tr On the .SEG'lND MONi>-\'.' in February at the t.-ourt House in tie* t>* v i of 1* ayetteville. the nn- ..viU oT*r f>:’ ' i! •. *• I a ere Ft of ..n*-* and two v '-‘.ei-.i! n-.v.-t- o.' LA D i.i tii.’ counloo of e'uni- berlivnd and Harnett. Ouo tract on the Western V)ank of the Cape hear River, below SiuRlFs Ferry, containing about fifteen hundred ami sixtv-live acre.’-—the Blantion of the late He irv Elliot. There i.s a life-ctitate in two hundred an l lii'tv acre*s of this tract, wliich will not be o.Tered for .sale! Tho iut..*rest in reversion will bo disposed of o:i the .sale day, .separate from the other portion of the Plantation. 5U acres on Lower I.ittle River, known lus tlio Oib- con ])inee. _ BOG acres on Lower Little River of AIcvt Williiinis. .Tr. J.5 acres iie.ir Elliot s Mills. .■>.)f) acres on the .fitniper. _ 3-11) acres on Lillie Mill Creek. GDO acres i.n (tihson-s Creek—the .Sinclair place. _ 3 M) acres near .Mc/Vi-thiir’s liriilsL -VDo the .Saw Mill Timlier ou 3i)U litres adjoiiiin^. 5m) acres on Black Branch,near W. J. Kelly tbD Saw Mill Timber on 110 acres adjoining. 3 )0 acres near Muuroe's Bridge, North side of the River. ^ . ., 40i) acres, including the Mineral Spring near the Mills formerly Gol. Murchison •'i. ^ 3t 0 acre.s on Grog t/feek. near the I‘ ayette\ file and We.sterii Plunk lioad. , 50 acres ou the North Prong of Anderson s C reek ^ a i- ♦ — . Also, an nndlvid'*d interest b-ung om’-third ot two ’ \nfl will embrace cojMon.-J notes on cnrPMit literature j piection. The owner will plea: Rots in the Town of Fayetteville, on Rowan Street, ; j'.«views of all nuvv American x)r i* oivign wtivk.s o| ; prove property, or it will be dealt known a.s the .Vria'tnmg lots; and in 28 acres of Laud .r.v.jvral interest ami value. '1 he Kd.itur s uiiluious \\ ill 1 wording to law. i side of liittle River, near Elliot's MilU. I ‘^q ahvavs tearlesslv and honestly avowed. j ,j P.ARUETT, JaiHr. . ^ ' [ The Bii.-,lues.'S Department is eondiicted by tin- nndei*- • 27-3t —AF>>U— j siigned. to whom all comnuuiicatlons ot a business na- ^ my ]>WEIH. present, oecnpietl by niysel i etlfville, on Person street, dwelling. Tin* Lot conta.i tin* J louse is comforLatilo lor a small iaiiiily. bavin llire * rooms ami a good wl*11 ol w;iicr co:i\ on; :u. Applv to R- B. i '.\V I.’-. ; Ml* .lU.^El'ii i i l.iiV. P. S, i f tiu'al»ov'.* prop'-rty i*e not orivatelv dis posed of liy Isi .h'.anarv. II will : lie auction. i*e not privately tlicii be oilVneii at. pnb- R. 1). D. Dec. (i, BSoG. 27-41 ^^^,75,000 Choice TREES^ 5!aiikots, Aiul M'ith many other ortieles, Bio^rajihicnl' chased bv the Baekage, will be oU'ered at low price; sAuAAxAd.s, Talcs, Tracets, Essays, Poems, i Oritiqiir.s, and .Papers on the Ar/njf^ Aaep and] _ __ of/tcr Nallonal 'BnhJccl.K, j l-»t. (>{ With a view to ensure a larger circulation r>f the j i „ ME.S.S1-!.\(;EK. the I’l-oprietors though they '"‘'''''DC(, greatly increasing the size of tile work, have reduced [ .... ^ I the price of Supsenption, which is now only i _ .. .. ” • ^ Three Dollars pi‘r« nnniiii!* In ^Idvaiirc* , ^ IFF \f OR FOUR DOLLARS IF NOT P.VII) BEFORE TIIE } ' ' ^> FIRST (5F JUL\ IN AN i 7 L.VR. ^ i And CfmTnllted to tlie .Jail of .Moore Oo.. on tho 1-lth CLUHS—Remitting us Fifteen Dollars in . of Nov. a negro man named .T.\CK. who says he letter, will l>e entitled to Six Copies. ! i-ai.-ted in Richmond county N. C. by Daniel Mc- rim Editorial and Critical dcparimeut of the. Mes- . Said Bov is atJout 27 vears old. about five feet ! fi\e or six inch 's in height, au'l says tlmt he belongs to * For sale by WE'^TBROOKA ('().. nl th * M'-.m. (ireeu Nur.sui’ius «md (gardens ir*;tr (-ii*'i*nsiHiro -x. .. whieli will be ncntly invoic-‘«l. marked, ]Lick'd. aou ' sent to any portion of the country on or near any lui-* j of transportation. I N. B.—it will l»o remomben'd. that the A|i}i!e ami i P* ars raised al tht*se tiai'«l(*iis lo(»k tlio aigliesi Pr**- i luinm.s at the la.'t N. G. Stale Fair, and itif aj.]>!e oc- . : enpied the highest scale of meni in Ihivor. mimb. r. hi)l h \^ iIi IC J j\,iid size at tlic .•Vm'Tiean PomeloLrien 1 Miei-'iy. Held al Bocliester in the State ol .\'.*\v i ork o.i the 2Uh Sept. last. Addre.ss Grvensbm’u . Dee. b. l85t:. 27-tt-pd 1.. BRANDT, near the .Market. SNSPKC roll. rNav: i sen^-er will continno under the charge of L*k. ; JOHA U* TMOilIPSOA, Esq., iUliVh:STiSr. Having l)een appointed Inspector of Navel Stores. I am prep-ared ti.) perform all ilutii-s iu my line oi business either at the River uriu 'iown. I base a convenient and commodious WAllE-lB >l on t-‘‘ corner of Gillespie Street, ami can be tound at the HTI[ ('AHOLINIAN. i savs i.imi. ne oeiongs 40 ! ; -----i'.- ’ . . .Innv. .SH-eeli’i-. .Sniil Jlnv i.s nf hUivk or hrmyn com- ; A '*• Ln.npholl s "J'™ -A .m.. fni-v ir.l 'i*id-' I Will take pleasure in aileiuling to t.io mm.i.Lsa oi a>c come toivaiu a.u i-..:.,...! a i.v 5ii*ii-f attention to with on the South -• At the same time, on a credit of .iLv month.-;, will he | ture VRL.VXE. KEKGUS.^lOX 12 shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and ■We.stern Plank Road. , , 40 shares of Stock in the I”ayeUevHle and Ualetgh Plank Road. . — shares in tbeCape Fear and D cp River Naviga tion Company. lo shares in the Cunibcrlaml Academy, And an un divided intere.'^t in the Chemical A’pparatiis thereiu- Thesft sales arc made under a power in the \\ ill of the late Ilearv Elliot. ALEX'R ELLIOT, ] ys J. G. SHEPHERD, * Dec 21), 18.50. 2i>.ts FOR RENT. The IIOU.SE AN'D T.OT on the corner of Mniden Lane and L'liion Streets formerly the residence of It. K Bryan. For terms apply to Dwi 201355 29.tf J. E. BEi’/VN. Law Biiildili! Jn»c 1, 1855. ’ ,t CO. FimnkTm Street, llichinoud, Va. ! lOO'^'di Dec 13 TURKS ISLAND ALUM S VLT. t receivefl by C. E. LHETE. 2S-2t Five sevenths of the F ARMING AND lURIEN- TINE L.-\.ND in Harnett comity, known as the Barker and McNeill huids. joining Wm. Harr'nglonX Land on Upper Little lliver. There is .-.uine 2pil_ acres cf Ihe host (juality of low gmiiiids on the River, yhe 111.1 lands are heaTily'fTtrinSre'd VTtli’pines, and within six miles of the Fayetteville and Weatern Kiiilroad. For particulars upply to D Mc-VETIll R., .1. P. ROl’KR, J. W. McKAY. Nov 21), lS.ifi. 25-tf ... . ..CRACKERS. ... . '.X 50 So.xes Soda and Lemon Crackers, inst received. E. i\ .MOOivii. Dec. 20. -’-3* ■ -V , .^.n. C./1LL A.N‘D .SETTLE. the Subscriber will close his Imsiuc.ss in this city mill cnn'=:equf'ntly hi? books must be closed also. \ll thiweindebpMl to.hlm by note oracconnt arc res- ivmtfullv r'.’«tui'st''d to call and iniike IMMEDI.VTE j, A'll Notes and accounts remaining UNP-Vll) on the Ut.lanuary next wiB be placiid in lh* nroner hands for. collection. As this is his last notice ' he hollas it "ill he =i,*lieient to nave coMs. Ho basutilt on hand a lair a;;snrtnient of D P ; r 0 1^) D.S 11 Xl'.S. : tl’-l. .SnOKk. Ac.. which win offer for a P-w iveek? at -in-fl h-Inw Coet. for CAkll. \li those having aohniits against him will please present tliejn for payment. Dec. 13 28-vt ' S. il. THOMAS. ac-1 )))>' country friends, mid iiojie hy a strict atteittinii to business to merit a share of ilie public jiatronage. .v.y charges shall be a.s moderate us any one can e.vpeci. I will do my duly to both ijityer and seller. • WM. B. M lLEi. Dee. 2(1, l.k'iG. 2n-tf XitMlil' !lt W’tioU'half. The puliscribers liog leave to advise their custonu-r.s and .Merchants geiieraily. that they have received a part and c.vpcct to receive the bal.ince ol t.ncir receill purehase.s ilia few diivs. Their .kiock will be miieh largei- and more complete tiian they have ever oderfit, embracing a genera! asaorlinont ol GilOCEUIES, . Together with Hardware and Cullerti. /follow fVare, Sndilleni, Shoes, Lcol/te:', iS'f., Lll orwh’di iiava lieeii bonglil by o.ie of Ilie tirin ex-- presslv for the iVholesale Trade. Their t-rras wi'i be as ■uereloforu. ou the usual tuns to jrrouipt dealer.s. To cash buyers a reasonable dUcount will be mai-*. 0^50., W. W'lLLlAAA A- CO. Filjctteviild, Aiig. 13, 1S5C. 11-if j .v. t. Ero'H fhp Vharlistmi A5’//*.s. nssno\AB!,K relk;i>\ iv alu york. \Ye have n weekly |iii|ier piililislied in this city eiilleii ‘'Tiie Cliurchiiiiin,” wliicli is. or once was, liiokort ii|K)ii us llic c.vpne rredlenre, ol the High Cliurcli le^Xcoj a'iuns, thiiiigli editu-^ rinllv it |ivo!'eSs(;d to he iiiil.‘|iendetit ofnnv ;imi ' ail the |inrlii,‘S into which th it liiglilv ri's)iccln- liie ileiioiiiiu ition of t.'hr'stinu.s is suii|)Osel to lie ilivit.lcd. In other ilnvs, Ilis.hop Onderdonk. Bishnii Wuinwright. Ucv, Dr. Hnighi, and pther eniiiieiil flivine.s were uiiiong its regnlur conlrihntor.s; lint the tendeneies of ‘ The (.'liiirchinun," in these lutlei' duvs, ure suid to lie so decidedly I’liseyisiieal, lliut the liiglicr of the high ehurehnieii liere hnve deeuied it judi cious or e.vpeiiieiit to cut or ileny ils connection. I “Tlie Clinrcliniiiu." iicverthelc'S is edited wilh ' siir|mf.sing iibilily, niid the way it walks into the iihiises of iiielropulilnii religioiiisiii. nnd especially the so called ■■lasliioiialilc" ciiiircli iiiiisancc ill this city, is a caution lo llic wor- .siiippers of till' (.lod of lliis worltl. Tlie edilor is ii .Mr Iluiii.sey, who wus formerly a clefgviiiiiii of tiie e.stulilislicd Cliiii'ch in Eiiglami, 1 lielii ve. and the proprietor, .Mr ilecker, tiie well known miller cf lids city, and, I dare say, from the. sacrilice-s he is making to kce]i ‘'Tiie Cluirch-1 maid' on i'ls legs, a thoroiigli going ami sincere Christian. Jaist week two eommiinicatioiis were pnolisiied in the eoiiimiis of this joiirii.-tl, relleetiiig wilh scoreldagseverity upon lliechoir and eoiigregaliuii of (iiaec Cliiireh. up IJroad- wnv, the must fasliioiiaiile e.daiilislimeiit of the sui'l in lids eliv. Tile musie was said to he— as il nmjiiestioiKiliiy is—aii opera, ami iiolliing- else, ami tiiat the euiigregaliim were nol a con-’ grcgalion. Imt just siieli an '‘aiidieiice" a.s one might see any iiigiit in the week giggling at: Walhiclt's. llnrlim's or .Xililo’s. T’lie |irima ! donna of the ureiie.slra, not elioir, is a very ' cievt-r vomig woman, iiy iiame .Mr.s .Julia ]Iod-i siein. former;',■ .Miss Julia X'orllml. Her' salarv, I lie!.eve, is ;sl,.'ill(l per annum. Slic ' is a Roman (.'atliolie lierseif. hut sings for liie^ Eldseopa!ians hv e.vpress perniissiuii ot .Vrcli-i h:.sho|i lluglies, W'iieiievei-anvliinly wauls lo hear tin: latest ; oiierutie airs, ho or sue g.ies to ‘'lirace," hut in ' order lo .get a seeiired scat, il is necessary to j go wilii udc.'ceepliomiiile kids, and if il he a male, niiie-ss iie have a goid-iieadctl earn*, an I ai istoeralie moustache am! tiie l"ul. enscinhle ol j a geiiticimin, no mailer innv "good looking" | yon mnv lie, liniivn, llie 8i.\ton, snysyou‘ean’t i .come ini' ’The reelor is Rev, Dr. I’ayloi', a j good enough sort of mnn in his wav, 1 hulieve, I imt Ids Way is not llic right way, for tiie .'ol-1 ■ lower of I lie .Soli of Xian, wiio, while on earl h, I liad not whei’e lo lay li;s head. The "dear i lioelor” live.s in a spiemliil palatial residimee, adjoiidiig Ihe Chnreii, gets .x4,(IUU or >sj,(KHt a ] tear, lias a repiiialion for iireaehing .sermons llnit noho'lv can liear, ami an incoiilrovertible | (iisinelinaiion to "oegging [letitioins" for "ma-1 teria! aid" from coniury ijar'im.s. | All the prominent e.ly iioiiiu'ians, yon must know , go lo (i race Ciiiireh. John Van Hiircn j !ms a hig (loidile pew lliere, all to himself.! .John goes to hear Hie "N'eiiiie,'' the •'Gloria in | E.'tceisi.s." the "Tc Deiini," ami the " Reiiediete," | ".ione’’ to some laiignlsidiig air from "Xonna," t "La Eavonla," or "Linda de Chanionni.x,’’ and! when the musical portion ot the periormam-es ! arc over, Im (John Miui.-lly eases himself down. ! horizohtallv. on I!;e velvet anddainask cushions, I nnd whisjirrs a rcrjiiest in the ear of the "misera-, hie sinner” that s.ls ne.xt. to Iiim. to wake 1dm I nil when the hemidieiion comiiienees. Col. Ercmmit aiid "Je.s.-i d' too, are regular ‘A'll/Ulies,’ .lolin Charles go.-.s in order to prove iliar, the K.vjii uss lieil. when it said he was a Uomanist. Tile! e are also a great many oilier digidtarie.s, three memljer.s ol Congress, one e.v-.Mayor, and i eamiOt sav how many epaiilettcd ollicer.s ol _ iiie arinv and iiavv lo he lonnd there evcri j Siimhiv. Thi.s w ill give yon some idea of the | genllemeii portion ot the aiidienee." I As for tile ladies—-M'he Cimrehman,” with, miicli truth s,.y.s—they go in praneing and nod-■ tiing their heads, and oUeii in a hia/.e ol sitk.s, satins, laee.s and jewelry, tliat one is aeeiis- tomed to see only in a hall room, or al tiie opera. After .Mrs. Rodstein lias favored the eompaiiv v.itlioiic ol iier Oiieralie or coneert! room Ir'ili.s, it is no uiieommuii tiling lo hear I lie ; pei'formaiiee audibly crilieised In sueli renmrk.s | as "ih-licions:” ■ "very linel" "giorioiis!" "su-! perlC'ete, etc. Xjw. i ihink you will agree] witli me, tliat "Tiie Cliurclimaii," erratic as il I mav iie,’in some thiii.gs, is nevertheless doing 1 e.vi’ellent .service in stripiiiiig off the mask of; conatei'i'cit religion, a id e.xiiiiiiting the iiypo- eriles naked to iiie world. It i.s Idgh lime, ; tiiat tills hotiow-iieaited, sliam-tiisliiomihle re- iigion as served nil eiery fsninlay, here in Xew ; York, siicuhi l)e imt an end to—ami Flic Cimrehman" i.s making n good hegiiiiiiiig to liiing ahont till' relonn. It i.s an nwfiil bias-' Jihemy—a horrilile carieaUire upon Chri.sl and Ciirisiianily, and nothing eise. At another lime, if I leel in llie vein, 1 may | stale’ some further facts, illustrative of the way ' ■Uodis wol'.silijdied licre. Accol'iiiiig lo ling latest fa.siiiim, (Irace Cliiircli is only one of; ; many oihers, wiiicli u imuling over the coals; w ill do no liarin. I ’ The I’astorai recenlly i.ssued, by llie House j ' o.s !>,simps, against “iiglil and Irivoious music" j i.s tile mortar Iron) wliich " I iic Liinrcliman ilires its liuilets. Tlie professional liigli salaried I singers in tiie choirs, naturally eiiougli, ami this ' ; has led to anollier "very lU'etty qiiaiTel,’] as ; .Sir Lucius O'T'rigger woiilil say, in some ofthe A'liurches, w hicli i siiali endeavor not to spoil : hv an explanation at some future time. I ” Having already extended my remarks on the ' “Giinreli" Ijeyond wiiat 1 intended, tlie "State' I will have to he neglected to-day. 1 imve .scv- ; era! gossip "laems" on my taliiet which 1 shall I give you ill my next. \ ery truly tliine, I’uocio.v. ; From ('arringtup.-f (N. -r'.) Umiiuiissionaire, Dec. 1. ] Passing u[> Rruailw'av, one day last week ! wi noticed a placard indicating .something that i had “ Tickets, 1cents” apiece. ! Wiiat do you think we bonglit?—.V .shillings ; worth of j Woman’s Ktonrs Co.nvkntio.n.—M e lonnd a i eolleeiion of .some ten seoreot iiia.seuiiiiu women and fciuiiiine men, with huif that number ol outsiders of bolii sexes, dropped m like our selves, for aiii isemeiit. Tae uiiuir-ffoaian iooked hearty tiid’jga to be able lo loose her i. ami h.-comc a m.uit f'hiineomno. if need were, and eani Iter living from till' si-riihliing hiush. ami piimp-pont. instead of "spoiifimg" from ihe ro.-'trnm. She w.'.saddressed herinaproditieaily as Mrs Presi dent by a buxom lass on the right sain of tliirlv will) looked as if -he conid make lintti-r -and ouglit to In.ve been at il. She i.s the Slone, we were told. lliiiT was given to an unfortunate man who asked tor the , liome-madehrriid oi domestic joy.'. Her assi'lani dames, mcmliiT' of ilic Conven- fion. were of varying .'tylcs of heaiily—as wd! as degrees; Imt all liad’ llial "strong-n.imled" air whieli rcealled tlie line "Kind fortune save 11* from a rrci/inr hrv." ,\.s lo the members wlio were 1 visible) bifur- eation.s. lliey reminded us of Holme'. "\Mici-r.i(-it broth'-r. who doliplit; to m-s' A 1,1 llnv ol Ml-eoiijilioncii hair, .sl.-cni' of a sort that, in a eroiTili't ]ilaoi . l ine ‘-Ibows tv -ely into smallest -pae.-; One of llio-e harmless. sp..etac!eil niarlnnc lunoreil by wail'Ts. when they call for cr- — individiiai.s—who lack the wit or i.Ldil}* let make tlieir mark among theirjown sex, 1 s !rank, noble, manly men. yet itcliiiig Tor nolol'iety, seek it in 1 iie ea'ie-t licld. We were aniiiseti wilh the raking one o* tlicsc slie-fcllows rccei'cri from a ymiiig gentle- man of Ihe aildieneo. with the lirst down of manhood on lii.s ciieek, but elear-lieaded, ertof, and able. He boldly "pieked iip" the wliole tribe, and showed tliat their preiiosterous 1 laims for the female sex went foundeil neither in nature nor reielatioi). Xot in nainre, certainly or it would liave been iisserteil long ago—not left to tills age, ami 10 one small point of earl ITs .siirfiice. Notin revelation, surely; for its teaeliings tire ilireetly to the i-ontrary. Not in Cod liimself, for that were to eliarge him with error in pliysicallv militling her for the splieie which these ranters claimed bn- her. It may lie asked, are we ridienling all the demands, ol Ihe 1\ i.iman s Rightists? Rv n.5 means. Wlm« lliey elaiin an imiliemible right fexeept volnniarily) in property given fo, earned, or inherited by themsehes, wiieti.er marrieil or single, we sny liearlily, eoneede it —10 llie fnile-t extent. Wlien they claim more perfect protection from the abuse and prelty tyranny of husbands, grant it even to esiablisliing a special court to note aiel punish olfeiiees anil imiltreatinent nol now legailv eogiiizabie, (Rut ,give tin- poor devil of a 'Tarlarriddeii liu.shund pro'eetiou In the same eonrt.i When they claim tlie right to vole—yield it iiniler some eireuni.stiiiiees, as w here a widow becomes the liead of the family, amt representa tive of tlio projicriy and interests of her deceas ed husband. Rut when women claim the uneondifionnl riglit to vote eo-eipialiy with men, let them benrnrms, and render inilitarv sen ice as well. When they claim a place in llie Legislature, at the liar on in political oHiee—.gire them tiie range of ail, tiie roiigli w illi llie .smooth, ami let iisliiive a woman sherilT exeeiiliiig inalefae- lors. or a female )ioliee-oflieer arresting rowdies. V\’!ien tliev eiaiin the riglit lo he meehanies and artisans, let tlieni run witli the fire-engines, loo. How siiii.s sneli a practical application of their principles a.s happened once, in this wi.se? ".-sir." said a well know n ‘VI rong-minded” to a gentleman .sealed in a crowded ear, ‘‘f will trouble yon for a .'eat." ‘-.Madam,” he reidied. as he reeogni/.ei.i her, "i would nol, for the world, interfere with your rigA/—to stand.’’ "WInil tlo von think, sir of the t\ omana* Rights movements?" said anollier of the fe- maseiilines. ‘1 leave tliem, madam, to the men of y(>ur se.x amt tlie women ol mine." .knd tliere we leave lliem. p'roni the J.>rrrpi»>l 'Vitnps, 'IV'ih xdt. Kanuayn and Rrvolvrrh*'* This title has liceonie faimiii.s llirough the narrative whieli Mr. Arruwsmith gave lo the world, some two months l>aek, tliiongli the medium of' tiie l.oiidon Times. It will be remembered that ttiis gentleman, who then wrote anonymously althongli when his stale- ment.s were eliallenged he certainly made his name piililie-showed that a number of duels, involving the loss of six or seven lives, besides a mil filer, took place on a (ieorgia railway, without a word of notice lieiiig taken ol the g oeenrreiiees in the newspapers of the district. 'The organ whieli gave enrreney to lliis extiaonlinary narrative--the scenes tles- erihed whieli -Mr. A now smith declared lie had liimself wiloessrd—had doubts ol the perteet sanity of tiie writer, Imt on sending down lo Liverpool, .-.101 timling tliat lie was not merely a resiieetable man but capable of managing his own afl’airs. pre.senled it to the iisionislied eyes ofmankiiiil. We were amongst the lirst who declared, withonl knowing the writer, either that the newspapers had lieen hoaxed, or tliut the.writer iiad imposed on liio'Sclf. Rnt what has lieeomc of Mr. Arrow.smitli. He lias left the eoiiolry—sailed, we tielive, for those very Coiled siati.« n her.), as he alleges, the.se wliolesale duels and mniiU-rs are daily oeeiirrenee. 'The trulli. w e snspeet, is that Mr. A now smith is a wag, and has lieen trying how mneli the Rriti.-li pniilie will stand in the way of swallow ing absurdities respecting our cousins over the water. KveiCmily appears lo lone liocn serious in the tragedy liy .Mr.rrowsinilh, will) must have laughed in his sleevc'. ere lie fiiniliv slipped away, al the " .sensation ’ which he had provokeil. The epieiireaii w ho offered a liand.snmc pre mium for a new sens.ition would have lieen admiralily served by this genllenmii, for his mission is lo eoneentrale tlie attention oi The, new world and the old on hi* sayings and doings, 'There is one eireumstanee in tiiis and similar slanders, respeeliiig the American people, the the iiistiliitions, habits, and manners, to which we may a.s well refer while we have the iien in hum!. We allude to the pioiuptncss with which the citizens ofthe United Slates address Ihem- selves to onr newspapers when any thing more limn nsiialiv outrageous is said of their nutivt eouiitrv. Amongst the iimuher who have exhi bited this patriotic chivalry wc must place Mr, (ioiilil. He has sifted this hoax to the bottom, and stamped tlie falsehood ae it deserved. The I maiiner in which he has done this eonibines j spirit and literary power, and had it not been j for the energy with wliich he hns followed the game, many thou.saiid persons in this country would hiive believed as Gospel truth one of the most clumsy fabrications on the character of a people «Itkli w e retmimbor to have seen |n.'rpc- trat^.

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