f; > THt: j i!?k Ori-.iia. I riii? '^>es;uM'ui pioce of pc.'ctry was written b} :'o lato Jiuiae Robert Riviuoiid Roid, of; G'-'ori^iOj afterward Governor ot biorioa. it ha-i iiiiver api>rar'f! in pruit Ijelorn, ainl tiu; ijoiv for wliom it was paniiod—now a rr.'ident of our nlty-!iaa kiiiilly c-,.nsoi,ted to-ivn i»to ■;.j jndiiic lliiv' nur i-ohniiii!;. It is um' ot tintw- ciioiee vet uiio'otriisivn aeins, struck out >0111 i! ri ih niiiip of thoiialit. tlmt Im- ouly^ to sec tiie to have it' beauties aiiprccii'.tcu. .ifi'a/if.1 -i'a.J Jrw'i-i'. .'tcthuua-lit t!iat in a sacred '.voo.l, I sluiiii>ei’cd on a iiaidt ot It ovci’'. .''■.>o;;,e.l bv a .-'t ream let’s waiiderinc- llooi, Tnat L'liVirlc.l tliro' the whispering l.iotvers: And dreams did visit me—so bricht, All Ktysiiini could only beoet tlieni; They broimdit me such intense deiiohl. I never, never can forget liu-in. It seemed that ttiou were pr-- -.it there, Tliiiie eye with living lustre .i. amiii,:^; The star of moriiin;.; deeked liiy hair. Ami all around tiiy radiance .streaming, Imparted to thy lip—tiiy clieek — d’lic brightness of immortal .itlory; 01 we cm ne'er such vl.iu.is seea. Rut ill some old romaiilic story 1 -Vr.-l near thee hiitic- 2 lyre of iroid, Reiieath ii lio-.v of siiadowui,i; roses— Ro.ses—like those that love eiifoM, When from his toils the jyod reposes; And wlieii thy lingers touched the ,'tiiiigs, They yielded nuiidiers rich and swelling, As when some spirit sweetly sings ,Vt evening, from her viewless dwelling. Vet cliaugeful was that mu.sie’s strain, It told of hope, of youth and gladness; Of plea.siire.s wreath, of true love'.- enaiit. And then of blighted joys and sadness. At last an iiii.sweriiig roiee tiiere eanie, iVom a bright cloud that then descended, .liiu -wliile it .spake a ipiivering Ihaiic Was with the Ueeoy wliiieiiess blended. I may not tell tlic -word.s .so kind, Rv that same plaintive voice then spoken; Tor the dark night-.storm’s rudest wind Game o'er my dream, ami it was broken. Rut buly, triiminil be thy honrs. And smootli the path of life licfurc lliee, For surely, from celestial bowers, Coiue happv spirit watoiies over thee I .sj’rti.’ vn. JAMi jeraer ol' K-i aa.l l)ou.d.iam so-ocu t'ivycUivili-' iioul. f 'Woultl rospL^Gifnliv cal! fJi [\ rot LKES, oypos'LQ iiit^ I FOR. SALiC. a A a 0 L i M i A.N FAYETTEVILLE_i_JG_^ to io. io lUA COlli- hiti fvi.ini^} uiikl I'lUJuiiio plot.' stork ‘M DllL'dS. Mi’niCIXKS. OIL’., riiMS, Vin Which Ilk' i> ii.nv rccoivinir. ;iu.l will o!kw at prirc- c.^ low ns till", .-on 'k* bOU-T'll 111 Tii lili' ORiTh'-T. li!-^ irct li lo Soil lit -.licikU's liml caa ic‘ .1 .■'.■oii-tod upoj. a- iio biiv-. ovi.r' bat llio ('ua>tauttr ou haaJ Biini!!*;:’ Fluid. (dun-dicuc. ' 'rncpculiiic. Alc*.)hol, iJraiidies and Vv iuc?>, M'u' Medical pi'.l’|Ktsc.,) (’ouiiTcs.-^ Waicr, CiifaK* Mu^jriicsia, Fast India Cantor Oil. ; March la. ks’-.C. Vaitiablf lAiiul toi- SitSf. The suhsci iber Oii'er.; I'nr sale his entire lands, inda- diae al’cal ciudii lialidred :u:res. lying iitteen nid.'-s in.o ■ r .vel i.'viHc and live miles I’rulli tin- innulli ol liiw.'r iiitle rile,-, diie is ad is level am! Iie.ililiy aad - (ariMi.,:a; raei-e is aiioat one leunired -•'.e.ir ,1.1.1 aiid.er u tine shite i>reiih-,- 1 will sell it all togetli.-t m- in smali trar’Ks to sail irtreiia'i'! s. ['artUcr partiethtrs !ip|dv to the , stlliserilicf on the jneiuises. Al-bX.VM'Hit U.\i,kl-.i;. Heavv i-1 Bea,-or rreeU Sheetiiie,'. C,)iio'a lat-u, Carp and Filling, NoS. ALSO. lielt. I'icker. Roller .viid I.a.-e_I.F,.yTULUS. (lil.H Riid M-aiiuracliirer's r'liidiitg.s, ^ 'Aiiitev .strained, .-sperm, iaird and Linseed Ous. : :s!iutilic-s Isiaggia.ss. Fr.-nch tlUio. Liiiory, Lnlb-i illotll ami t.ilass .Steps." J. 11. HALL. Rt-es. Ri. C. M. Go- S-tf i'JL •■AliilTISLr OS CAFF lilVFli. TheWvsMt Carrir.se Factory in tlic SoiltU. j A. A. SlcKethan ' RespectfitUv ttiforms hia friends and the public, that he i iiasLilt lip large substantial Brick ISuildui.ga at ms !oid .-Ataud expi-e.s.sly for iiiaiinfaetui-mg Carna.ge.s I Tliaiikt-ul for the very lil.ci-al patro-iage !ir- has reocivc. A-orthe last-A vears. he ltope,ior strict a'teiitio.i to siness. Witll a desire to give satt.slactu.il. to laertt a rontinuanee of tic.- sam,-. lie warrants l.is work b) be niiKh' oftho be>l inutenal ual hv oxp.TiciicM v.oi auu ii . ill eac-h bram-h ofthe biistiiess. His work will imiiip-arc ! lavorablv witli any made iu the I. :uted .-Males, lor ii -at- FF I ft Wiess ami dill-ability. F-41L & WI-N’TER STOCK. ii- ioi’ WIST A st ascaim, rt.u ••‘TnK The ino.st popniar Weekly in skmenca, hii^’immediatTy iiiioii Vts i»suc, .spiant Til's rap'd, succt-ss is L NRKbCKlH-->'TLD in ISTOitf of .lOl'll.N'ALIS.M, and j. . ileiei-iniiieil lo -sell and do any work in ins line i on as "-ood terms as any work iloiie elsewhere that is as welliione. He m.w has on hand. Iinishcl. fye largest At a meeting ol'ihe Boat owm-i-s iiitereste.t in navi i; IH.MHC.S, li.V !1 ICO HL.S. KOC k.\'V A\is. ..■iiiM'. ihe i-'ear Hiua- ijetweeii Fayelleville ami , ];('(;(; rn.g, ever ollei-ed in this place, aim a v ei .i U'ilmiMglon ‘ , i tm-ge slock of work nearly fmished. whu-1. w,! b.- sold Un motion. H. ,McLaiu-in was ,hilled lo ihe Chan-. ..n ,.|,ort tune to i''':''.'‘;V;-v'n'.'r-l; A'j.’ 11 M UrVcll wifk appahit».'»l Sc-Gfetuiw. ' g. T-f'-;*!!.? hiis on ha ml in or-.' than ON ilL i KlU ’ i.uimror.lamL'-i F. MaiMi, AXi» FlFTV Vohiclns Unish.Mlun.l in course ulcou- ;=3 ^ I TI-\VF in-t r'-celvc*! in Tun mv hWloL and Tl-Ht .mock' of riiik, otap/e and Fancy Hry Goods, embracing ipiit- a viu ieiy of styles, ..pm .-ucs, jW- Ac- ! ■ I I'ti r '’ll •ifvlc? f "‘tlu'S (lOuiis iind iiliii" • inciim.i itol.ed Silks, plaid. : lilSTOitt' m -''i -s-;’ . , ... i,.,,.. 1 'Hmed ■ 1! vo.il Helaims. all colors-, sol- j eonnUsl for by the fact that the Rropriotois Imi - Mr.p..-.l. a.id i.nird.ill ““ j Kv thee.vpense. the ors.''pi-iiVted and phi. low priced i STAR W'lUTFFS OF A.MERItA. .Vls.i.a handsome assui-tniynl of Lloak.s mid ‘mi.- . .. . j p„. V i’ap-r wliieli c'inlanm and extra In-ivy Bay Bi.aiv - 1 „ “‘IviTTV miHOROrs ami ^HK-SRLITTIM. black Lace Svv.ss utnl .lac. i h>u ^nd t SKFTCUFS of Fiat Comical (hmiius ami nioach'-d, Uru. ol'l- ' Kciuly Or. il. j'iiAt JVuui and alter iIk' Isiday • ^(j-nGiiou. Co-'-h ti'iH b>' ri fjnii\d npoti t/it th.itin-i 1/ j *.Ml work m idc vhim is warranted 12 nionth.s or.;-.''/ '/V.ig.'iH at Wilniington nm't 'l-’ayetteville rv-, fair usage, and slmn'l.l it mi! by -..id woi-’kiiiansliip ,u...dii.-lv.' or matei-i.il will lie i-.;pa.ii-e.l free ol char.;e. On m.iiion ol'.l. II. Williams, ^ j i',.vsons wi-hi.ig to buy would do well to call and i R.csolvi'i! That each of the .Steamboat, ConipaHie.S j (, fo theinsi.lvi s. on the I’ape Fear River, fi-om ami after the I st ot , („.,p.,.s th.uikrullv i-eceiviul ami promptly attended lo. .Lf.iliarv. l.'-iii. will i-arry Guano rrom_\Vilmingt..ii to j „iring e.xecilted at short notice and on very rea- KiivetlevilU- at HI c.-nis per bag: Liiim at cents j p.mis. ,111.1 in.serliiigs. Kill and lai Gaiinllels. Hats, f-aps. ami bonii.-t .Sii.-eiiiigs ami .-siiiriing.s. logether with -i ,m men- ,,f r.inml. .-Vlapl'-ami l.i..lile.-l m GOOH.-:, M.i.le Glolhing. Bools am! Slmes. .Ve, .Ve. Uiivers generally are respectlnlly invited .ti ■ my sioek a look, as I sllail s.-ll on .short -f-tf X,,v, 1st i!s..i:. IMt.Ot.OlB IHlMIlikT. KT-d:f-l- FlisS OKiO-lltri -Ii. B. Ol which si'i'ies. oil.' ski-U'h ai.in.- is worlh iheahoi' I vi ar.- Siib'erii'tion. * 'i'Oi. .-.A'.iO.'V IS iXAllU UV I S. Ivl. Biglow, W. OTMniJl , j y jj_ r. So! MiV.OKri!. S.XDDLF ASO /FARSESS ArM(ER, \- wRLT. KXOWX A.-i hX!'oF THK Wl Ib'LlI Itespeet.fuilv iiiforai th.. publh- and all the ; XVlJiTKlts IX .v.iIKIl U'.v 1 * ... ... ,...,,-1 ,.t- i (lvt*rbv. that In; still , ■-.•J'LCGl M :rv O.-I ee-,.. and gi-.mnd RIasler at Ihl cents per cask printe.l e-labli.shed rales on all ollmi I uriieles will iw made from ami alter that .late, all ('art,',-ml l'rav,ig.‘ '•> 'ing paid by the shnipel's. (),i',,i.,li.m of .i.'m'-s Banks. I llesoHcl. Tiiat the I'oregmn.g be pnbUslie.l in .he . Town ,„,p.. Favetteville. Oct 1 LsoS. .1,1 Cl'loalcrs of Hoaston ami (Ivel'by. that he sini . , lu iiie above ».■ nav e eu cmiiinnes t.i earrv on the Sa.I.Ue and Harm-ss making ( irduitufs : nnsine.ss in all it vai-ions branches, at the old BtamI o! i ... , 1 . I :u I./. I...1.1..' -i.. ftir* liiiTcd ii.t Con- ill J II. McL.VriHX, Chair'll Julv It*. ■ M.W be I'l-'-sel-i in iliG siiinc -tnlf • |{i:U!:lF.'i anti pr'-'^rTVoil -so t Fo.* sak' by I quart Fan 7-i.r TO A'roES I'll in .'rtliur's ('au l‘-r '• Rk ifsitiACod. {V*‘in liic i'U- I’iM !-'lM'lTS all kiiuk niiy 1 iiiuki' fn'-h Fault I’a-s v.x \\ N. TILLIN'FH.\.T. g no }*!•’.• Do/auu ;} 7.') •• ,M. ORUKi.r. a. 2 1. ANUilFW .\ tlOI-IiF ] laviii.h: rujiiov Lur;ilarl\ tht‘ Cuu ■;;unf ic-*;. A-'ail 1 [. J. (ST 1-;I).MAX. F f> u k V r. K A T n 1-; n u c e d f r t c e s, For or on (-ll.orl 'riine, 2.>0 CiU-i-iHSRi-'i Biiroiif.lKB, I ROCX.VM'.WS .t IlGGlHr-;.-^ of rVi.-y di-icr'iption. \ Many of which are linishe.I. ami the balance being liiiisiir.l ilaily; among whiidl are many /irm anil '/ifn«H7’«/stvl'es. ami one ue/-,./ fine Cni rione. tsonie ■ ' ' of them verv ligilt. ami all inade in I lie b.-st, inann.-,' best materials. My tacilitios tor doing Hoasleii ami (Iverbv. uh'.Te li.'Will lie tmpp.v aish tlmm with a:iy iirti.-!.- which tlmv may nee. Liilc. _ , . . y-.SUncl iHl'.uiLioa paid lo Ii»q»inriii".' " . \\ . (J\ . IH. FS.M:. tl-m iS^'.In.st reci-ivoil, ii few tloz. geiiniiie En.sf Inilia G.GSTOI! OIL. (for niy retail.) Also. C'itrat of .Ua^Tic.-iiii and Congress Water. ® J. F. FoLI.Ki:.^ April 2. iSnii. Clai'ii .Moretuii, Ili-niy W, llei'lieil, Alice Gary, W. W. F.i.siliek, Mr? .\. !■'. Iniw, C. I’age. Mrs E. E. Elb-t, Ren. Cus'.se'biy i’ai'k Reiijiiiiitn, W. P. Rranim.;. 1 Jfd .\ iiit'i'oO.? Olhcn. f« THE rvit s:;x Their dciial > • 1 m* ftld af l.aw. ,l lu l‘rn’SlhJF«kN'. C.. willatlp Clii'.l liaui. At ooi'C aud liar licit and of 111'/ ’arria‘‘P wtirk tu’c* l-Iuiu -aiith tmd r can afford and am dGlPi-Hi , , low as it can be omit lor by C. VO I liny c.-t.ilishm'.‘Mt | d to sell work ! Fverv Can warraiu o i--'. ■\Va have r-Aceived. thrnr.An i:;c ‘ ’ rt ]*rescnt. a c.v/J of fnninf-.r . i;.-‘ iM.' i:> t*. a.'- iircparc'i last .summe-r acoordinc; b* nic f*. i:i ror-oiu- niciiilctl by l>r. Anhur. ^ Tip* ('-‘Jiy and. liavin^r opened ii wlilnuit dilneultv o\ p ii - p'i.it ids InslriiGtloiis. wc t'uuul Ihi' dcliR-ltmi! ih-' rieli iiavi.r which be! i:\k- -o h-oi.i it' vim U is Ac A-'e'. FA yHT'L'i: VILLE Ali IXSm.VXOE ('OMP\.\Y. ' oj FcCoiW. ofr'hc best qnaHiff as anv one. i V?s-ThoG who are indebicd jo nu* will t,U«a^o pay ^ np'asdnv business re.piil'es my .ml-slam!iiig .l.d.ts lo be . coll,,•led. ,V. A. McivblHA.N. , August 2."». 18.’0. {nnvol Ii 1’jPOR I of I hr i^rrAulciA (uul : I. whole number Is.'Ued 123?.? i.iuniing to 82.12ti.3’)3 Ut» : |,;vyinciU. a* .SoI.(io.'i fitj , \larcli leoG. XOTICE. r^ons imh-bicd to Hk* !irm of W. 1- -' i*-aed pa't year oi'inv ’iri'p'M’l G.s cancviicd aii«l expir* c'^'. M. F. fiownvd and inak'* pi'.i'ed .•>:! the Isl ol d pO?; 1 U Lien . lir-vt of .irtha.-'' ^.-lables tiial ' paten I Call'for jireservimr fruit anti v-.oa.des Inal we have seen. .N'othing eaii_ b(* nioro -luiph': .ii;’!. ■ jndirliig from tie* 'je-Gliner. «>i it-^ _ in ae, .i. r- Gukss aNp us riiLiN'O'.iE.v.A.—Tie eiiisticity Ol i^Iiss cxccCiJs tliul ol ahuii.st all otiiei* bkniics. If two i^Iass balls are iisadc to strike ciioii other at a given force, the re;oi!, by virtue ol their elasticity^ will be ueurly etiual to their origiuni impetus.. Connected with its bnltleuess are tome very singahir facts. r.ik-; a hollow sphere, with a hole, and slop a hole willi the timrei*, so as to prevent the exieu.il and inter nal air from coininunicatijig. add the sphere will iiy to pieces by tiie mere iicat of tlie Itand. ^ e.ss- els made of glass lliat tmve b:*fn smlilcidy cool ed, possess the eurious propeny of being able ' to resist bard blows given lo thorn from witli- oiit, bat will be iu.^itantly shivered by a small particle of flint dropiied into iheir eavitio.^. Tids property seeiii-s to depend upoa kn* e')inp.tra- tive cliicknes.s of the bottom, ii»e ihmkerlhe bottom is the more certaiidy of bre.ik.ige !)y this ; experiment. Soni'i of these ves.'i-U, it i.s .slated, j have resisted the stoke of a m diet u’i' en with sufficient force to drive a nai! into wood, and lieavy bodie.s, sacfi a.s musket !»ill.s. p;eces of iron, I)its of wood, jasper, .stone.-.ve., Imvo ')ceu east into tae.a from a UeigU of twu or i.iiee feel Without any effect, yet a Ira'^Mient i»i flmt, not; larger llian a pea, dropped troiu tliree ioL-lies • height lias made them fly. jndirin plishing all Fiat ii )»roiiii'!‘H. we tin n eoinui'Mid thn l» hi»n''-X*'«‘)'n IntR/iTmciror Frido;/. I-*-/.'; ./’//b . ■ Fvorv variety uf >nnir'.i'-;- irmi wu' pn’ o.i.'i' in oar i'.iunly !a-t '•■lo-')-! at. i ‘-v-.* n'o-. br/ri/S. rU'yF/G.' TlV.f. i-'ir: / r-s. pr.arhi'A. io/u'itoes: ns Irosh n-: v.;n Th';>e are. indecfl, ia.vurie*. un.d npiy " every one at asinnllenst. -.Irf'n/r fTy: U'h have in onr family a ol in ii.->Uat ^WiFo.^io nt novv iI^^m■t■*d ■ j’reniiniii Notes •• cxjiii a-' dii .^•1.27 *17 ;iii:.:;33 im cancelk'd I2i.f71 03 All p' Moore, are roipioHl'Ml to v as ihoir coparinor Marcli l.'."-;. J, J, ,, ^[OOUE. I June 9. KS.-.fi. '-^-[0 | notice. C. 0. RARBKi-; /t Cd. be ItEAbHU IN' S'rATM.Iv AM) 1'.VN(’Y' DITY' H ATS, APS, HOOTS. SlIOKS, .\ M> JiC'.rthq-.Mfifh' ( '/ofhi fiIS. I’lii'tieiilar nttention pnicl In T.nilie,;’ lU'CS.? Go'ids niul Trimiiiinw?. H.VV .-wrR.FKT. FAYETTKV1L1.K. X. C. Xiivember.-.'L i.v.'.ii. If IjRslkfcails ! I? (1 C aii.k ! ! Jnxj roeeived fnnn Mn* Manufaelnrcr. Tra ili.r.'Cy. a supply of i W'o particularlv. couxinend ocr sh'jet. Nnent will be F illed witli the utmost can : iieime 01-l-.i'n.ii-e|*.u'eil tn remi 1' tin- c.bimui 1.-. u.ml - t,_i tin :r ^i'ci'inl bciieiit. iinimiially ' Hi iUi iMt, \tt5 aetiv.*. IiisIiticI%-c Oraumeiital. t THt: rARTiCRS' UR PLIVIERS’ ri)!EM;R GOODS I Will eoniain Rraciical Sug.g.-sli.ms nn.l AgTienllm-Ml * i lliuiiv, eimiribiUed and cuilcil tium ••'onri-o li»e lou-t hand * \11 iier.'OiV' indebted t H,...u!.ot.. are reque.slod to pay K.tiim S1 Ho tade nr iieenuiit.^ dnr- Diolltlfs. we sImIi r ii pruiliiG*'. ffigi!“-'t , ‘ C. C. UAiUJFF. Ilaivlav,-villa. pan three for casii nr Turneidine- jlAifBFF. !)i2-lf B E R s r :: .1 B s of vavhms p.uf••rns, aiil made of g-uu 1 seaso:i“il Timber. 'I’he.'e j> d^r ads aro niannfaelnred in this jda ■. and ciia be R'dd tu deaior.s a.siow as liu-y can 1m* ijni from Iho Norili. Call ami e.'ium' A. M. CAMPFFLi. G-i Inn-l in these caos. win .S;l t i.'laG* tinii. nnuijc* fresh a- Ph'.Jir'iclphia .Ve .Julv 12. -•t{ throuali ' had ;::iFTS. GWi 11 ..'M'lM KNT fSam K VVS 1' i’M no rr:-a The .Siib.scriber having f.iily d'-tenmiied to UL A! U&:» ^ ■*a:9'e^* jf t'.iv ri .\ TaK. die lu any caterprisliJ,- April 0. l^jG. V H: u!i ihc corner urGillispic liiv ’ (. ash p: . ir.; IF 'iiest Mai’kvit price* p'd-d for t J. H. IIAFL. hmi.-; KO'.iV/ A‘ ‘ •-, ]>**ns.»s etiiriU'd Caal.Mi.SSfO.V \M> vlERCHAN'l VfILMjWfFroS, .-lauuary 1. STAim & WR DRV a GOVS AT il',' Vt'K arc* now ree -iving a very bracing every ihin.g in the I)r> Cap.'. Hoots, Shoe.', Honiict*, Lndireli A'. C. ! « % LI A Falance b-aned nut i '.ibo\».‘ nani'.'il pro»i-.-i-fy. imwoiicr in,in upon li'oei'a! teriiis. , . i'iil.s liot.;i e.ijuys;- large eavtoni fr-'i’a llie aojoimng ■ •■eiiu-es. ami from do* Ir.i'.'.' d; :ig p i-d lO. '' da a }a o-- pe.-.t ot'fnt'ire iHei'..-a.-*e. 'Vlmi i! li.i-.l.ru- ami is .mw lining, can be sc,.n by any nne wislung 1... inir.-lnise. by reCGiTin’' to nUr bonks. 'i .-itllUi loa nl til* ijU:lu- {HgiRSiKdi.-.s will Comniam! tie* .greater pari 'b me CUMnni coming to. aad passing diroiigli this plaei*. For ih ' aiuo.rd oi‘ eapitai iiiv;'si.cd. liifi'e nv- s that a person could cn«gago in that woidd pay well. 'fv^rv The Si or and Frankiia 'lrm t- iii-ar the Ih.mk nf Slate iiRlilyto JuSERH AllEV. AiigTS. Li-if Ri.lM -'ll.’v.X, SEI.LEUS iV GO.. .V .yi-t 1./J X T,S ^iu/l Cuilon ol i-'-i i'lity S:i'Oi*i} a4’Z->^ !b -iV. rt'iwy AX. Vy. ji. .sKFi.FdS. ' ixdia'dc. andcnntainiftg rirnmiation v.hteh uilljirnT* j 10 them in the eoar-'U of a s.ngic vi ar. u! alniust. in calculable bcnctit. ' The other depar;inen(s of our pap r will reei-i ve n. Aui. iiiion lin y. rcRpectively demand, t'acli bein. * ^ pi-ciaily ami careiidly prepared lo meet, the varie. : ta=^tGSof the ikt.'Veral ■lda^^c.s oi «.l' reader'. A!i.(;;:, ] the.'C wc may laention \ (JeI's/wL Sitn'lCfi -(lild \*orwf:. Ediforinl Ixcr/ ' hlingsaud SkdrJtiivjs^ Spir.v Cifv Aseics. H ' (Jossip^ Afni-' } o/‘A' i. hit ’ holrs! Po / is F'lshvitts^ ProiUrcl Pi'ccipf.^ '■ for d.r. //i.V.si'//(.lrf. and 'J'oi/'-'. ‘‘ J hf lyi'h‘ OtiFT' i)ip-irf,:i’’iif, J‘roseaftjl J'tr>fy, Fcadcr s (rv d’, jlUlo/'ic-il '1 radula-' ■ The NA'i'FlN i.s i.-^aed in Vow.^i. - |iages,) and oacii nnmber will eontain at b ast i .. ; Ori .dnul F.igraving.s. ions iiu uisaing our Sijo>ei' " All die cad nihil-ye.o- W‘di a volume cnnl.iiain^, 31 ■ hire ■ size’, l| •a?1l:l■niiy ])rinted ]»;ig 'snf uNdL'iiFA.SSFi> NOVi':LFFn». SKl'n'ClIFS. A - Ag.. TU'dFTiIFU Wii'ii Ol id* Til i.: N A i i. >.N ;s .s •, ! p.ir .sfB'ihtlFfi'd.N l.iv.irliddy m;oA;.;icc. .•si.NAiaiSbod i.To ! rV\ t > •• (to o , L1. d FE Ysr*. k».l i-aiouMig remarkably AN:.> Ca-LEhi.' • addrcK,^.) ; no bus!- ; . Ih- ■hirtie'iiar all'cniiou diV i). .V;GL‘iiiiah.'** • N. 7 fX .\:d Lu c ja.dtiami ^ :/• lid nm fr‘e- to the e Itor up of tue maaii.) in hands .-'2.2,'0 bO 11. l.s.ad. ,T. H, 1 -$‘>.03 IlOdFRT.- '.-tf. oil EE AEAU.) it GO. ui’ Nat ai Stni o.s. lU - .V.'hSFT.S. .e.d in ihiidk. S.C. Ilat.s, il.Au: , payii.g i., per 52.037 -H,* ]')t) '10 l.-SUO DP Yiudo Clot.hin.2-, A:-'*. A 1.027 •P.) Which Notes. thev will sell FJlr.AF >nr o: ' Vi'HOLSs.ll.pJ w.\y oh-uits viMliii'g tlii? niarkot >!'ir J. i;. STARU. ,1, v[. WH-i.i.' Aug. :! I. Dv.i. I'l.,-;; i-;\v FART, a: ii OO 1 MOORK .V linOTHLR. u P'.ILL STOCF (!!' Ihnbracing every artie!'’ Farg iN’ A XiGE Pt.AdE TO Bo.v:::> at. —.V lady wtio ; has just opeiiCvl a boarding-lioD.sc in Hiiiiadei-; pliia, iia.s a!lij])tc«i t!ie ioHowatg rnic.s: T!ie gmitlemrtJi miisr not ])nt their feet on the imui-j tie ih winter, norout of tin; wmlow In'snnn-^ mcr, and the lady must not write, her name on the glass wit!) a quartz pin. if >he uses an ' air-tig!tt, she must regulate the damper hcrselt j i;,u>ds Fin;*. wiUi and not ring every ten minutf.-i for the cliam-■ CF'iTlUNt.T. nats. F.ips. berm,lid. Tlie single genlienmn innst not play j ^^hoThiNtlmVialiTil.e Mt,-.iti,-;i. the trombone, nor make love to the servant.s, | the public * • '• ■ ’ ' nor comb his widskers at the tnliU*. If lie does (elsowherc. he won’t answer. .Tiie lady must not turn up i -F .f. MOOrlF. her no.s.y at cvei’rthing oii the tidde, ludess she ; has a natiiril pJi.g, a:bi no.ie itf Hie party must! drink or talk witli a moutid'n! of vit*tmds, fieri must they tight for the toj) lm *kwheat cake. AuaHsat (‘ai'iial to iru-ci any lusfcs $1:) !.7S(; 7.S n ■.•l;■|'•iU'ion. tlie ib '-.-'^ident and Directors -nngra.tu- i-G and the public on fhevi-ry foianniite i ' '---rui njiarat■nU'- of flu- (.■nuipaiiy ihe past r. v'tehavv' ini-t wlih no In.-'s sim-.e 7f{i March, •1. ^.'■diGDu's.)—-uiilc-'..' it Jk- the easi- of .Stran,elans bill, Wiji.'se Slnrc was bbivvii up—a •■1/ rufe.—it is ?till under investi- tn call and .^VV F'DD-DN. -ill! V keid in the Drv lot ’nf UilADV-MADF ioi.'ilild .'shoes. Fa iIg.s' ned a fG’.v ph-e-*- , :*;r .*ie-t‘'Ui- : rc i.uirciKi'- - A. r.ifi'tnu at K11 {wlruffu-.n Sept. 27. l.-il SKCOXirSTOHlC be! r. F. i Ai ifilis-iale Terms liberal, and board lo hv paid vvcekly iu j adviufce. I .73 OAPOI‘.Ti >•? « >\'oa I Of tUc Town of Kayrlf for Sale. . A.groieablt* to an Act ofthe (leiieral .Vsscnibly ofthe | Sltate of North Carol'nu, ratilied Dec. 22), aiithoriz- i ing the Town of F.ivGttfville to issue her Bnnd.s lo : the amount of $105).000. In the a.ggiegnte. for the pur-| }>asc* T»f paying her sub.scription to liic* Woteru Kail: Road Company. ! Therefore, it is ordered hv the romiakssioners of; Fayetteville, that the Trea'^uror ofthe Town receive j sealed propo-als, until the l.-'t of Xovonibor next, for ; the purchase of SoO.OOO. in sums of $.’*00 each of said j Bonds, or any part tliereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coiipon.s aitaehed.—interest payalile sc-nii annnally. The said B'>nds shall he under the .seal nj ibe Corporation, and binding on thi; talth ofthe same. W.M. W.ARDFN. Town Trca.snrer. Oct. 1. 1850. If 111; STARS, ^im. Mip. N'ow it::e:-:ivrN'(; thk’u Sev'Mi'.l Fall &. ','Viiitoi' St.i. k of Goo,Is, To .viilcii tbi.-.v uall t'l ■ ai.luiitioii ui' .'.I.-.-lIi-.uiis in iheir puvch.ise.s in this uisiiacGt. Oi't. I'-. -'btf D. IV. G. REXROW. I). D. Gratliiale «1‘ i-he iJ hvi.»'i e Cviltcgi- oi BEST A T. S S' Il« E V, \. Ornci* hours rrmn 9 A. M. lo 1 !’• I T. DU. uENBONV may be bnind at his suit oi Uooni’ near the Marker. witeVc ali who are in need of ihe services of a Denti.'t are rcspeciftillv invited to eall. .Ml operations perfiumed upon the iaU’.'i and ino.si 7o tiioseiii nc;e>l ol aiiFlciai eg r':vetnr> v.’.-n* seii'cled for next year: IF II li .Myrover. Fdias l!tMd*ow. Henry JI-. S M' Tiiiin.aka.'t. S T TIawb’y. T n Mi-Faeid::. N .V Siedinnn. J G Sle'pheFd. , DA Day. .1 D A'iHiam.''. A A Mcixt'ihan. F IF::!. A W Ste-eF.J G Cook, and U F ;;nii.L:r!n. oFFP'Flis: ^:G.^:i:I^.F. Fr-' d,!,.nt. M ViD J'.'i'Av. \ ice I've.'iilent. M.:?d 1 Fia.\N. Secretary. SllFLMI.FUD. jVtturiiey. lili'v Comoiiiirfor next Quarter: 111. .S. Vj. Tillingiiast. Win. McLaurin. .* c A-aUipKJi'Si, /v co^l.ailsi.siori iVri:UCIIa\XT, shb‘ of Gillespie street, FwKTTnvn.nK. N. 0. . i.s.'>.7. Sept. ^ IIOBIRIT !) ^I.ATH GRXLX irX! TCfl-MAKEJlS, ./!■: WELLERS, \ F;iyclU‘viile, X. C. 17. D. G. iieg*; io return hi.' .'iiijere tlianks lo the ■ public lG»rihe kiiid jialronag'* i-o li'i'-rally ln-s.oued i upon Ihe iab; Firm, assd infoiaiis them he Ini' tiongiit ^ tin* inlere't of.F S. Wear, and will G.imiiane the Uik;- j ness in all ii-i branehe^ at l!;0 old .'kiidI. under ii;s entire superintendence. . N. i>. Ai! Wub.-he.' iefi willi him for repair will “c i taken a^iarf isi il!'* jire'^ene** of ih * owners, and die Aiecessai V repairs p.iialeil out to them and n wi-itteii ^ eonti’a.ei ci'-'.i ibV die.''-ame, vi.iich work will i>e war ' ranted for two years. ; (dihand and Ibr sab* now. the most varii-d lunl I choict* st-iGCiiou of f'F( )cn\S ami odicr lini" j'ieees tii i ha'^rver been oir'-red to tie* ' n'd'e in North (’aroFna : which he will sell at New 1 ork price.s. and nUo war- raul lor two \eai’.s. i All 'bdi?^ dm* to and by Ihe late Hrin will i>'\p_aul mi rei.-eivctl by F- H. fjoFi'.N. Aligns! 2$. l-s.'iC. . IH-t! rSat;a o\ h:i;id a: \V Me; « P.x. M'e keep eonstautiy above .Sales, wai r.uiied inc-[iroo; ‘l--nding tie* demand for lli.-ni. lli- II .S-l'i- 1 a sorlnmet of die and de.>,iiou.' oi'ex- iaki-i‘' have i'eeii in- i duced lo deliver them liere at N-\v Virk prie'*s. ! J>. A W. .MeFAl’RlN, Agents, j Oct.lb,'!' 1. I'.Hl. H’ Vv F.v’i f-:*!'r;:\iial.L: 7" A s s i: a: c ji / .v i:. i 'leunur ■ ■ M-Vf>Nt/FI’ will lea\a.-Fay' | All til''• ' .‘.I'i.uT A ruosci •iMioii.'* n’oni 1.;'* j iJrili.'ii i'r )•« nec', uns’^ e icio'C in adn.t.on to to - •• - Rcripl.on pih'je. 2.7 c 'UIr l-n' '-’.'.C'j 'Rcniier. a,' u .- . S.un;.-R. .11'l ,y 111.'r.i,. - ; Xi.j ' ji'i'-uig'/. _ ; Ali letters Colli,alning inon -\ sno.iid bi- re'.-i't fi !. 1 and dii'cclrd plainly, uud they a di come uui’ r..-.,. oihe wN • we urn not ia;'[ei.i.C!de for ih on. ( i-SjK'ciTU’M Copies will 3>e ^e]l^■ Iree to I’u.'L Maslt.'i'S, Auenl.s. and a.t who Ui'h lo get up aciiiO;- • i-t!eville Tuesd.u\> fold Friilays at ris'-. and Wlliningio.i Wednesilay o’clock. 1‘as.sagc $4. ini'-ntoH afl'w ."iiui- ; ,;d .•'iU^urday r- at T. S. FUTTERFOir. Jur.i If R. ! TO TT. glX KM .KS. 7’h * .Si;b'-criber‘' convy the Mail iM-twceii I-uytle- [ j ville and Barclaysville in a Buggy, and can nccomnio- , date one or tv\o pa''engers. The route is l»y way of ' Kir.-isi'ii’.w. Bnin-’ Fe\eF Siimmer’-illc* and NhdiFs I t'lTt k. The dtiT'^ for bavingFayetjeville are Tu "-day .s, | 7’liUrsday s u-'d Saliinluys. at n o dock. a. m.—RoiorriS ; ' Mii:id;y.' Wediii-'diiv I'-.d Friday • veiling''. J-’afe from ; ; Favi ticvilii* lo tbiin) n*r% ilbj .F D. HAUKI.S i \o'.- is.'.i-;. A. rAi-:Ki-:!F ('ARIKiLL .V- FETER.SOX, Clinton. S. e.. WILL i.uv tin; UigliustGas’i pri.-.'S bir lik.'l.v Yoiiii;/ ' - ■ ■ • ■ riai'l’. ill lOO -X b fV tADDllN. i l iLiu;.'. i'.i. Hku.-ii.iox. r ! -W,- iliHik.' puiA.g .'ily ■.'iiiiiuatioi:?. hut iu (!,; f S’S 11F Suiisoriber reeeiving h’.s r .\FF AND; to give way lo n.t ril. L id Ike uoiay S. WlNTEiv SihiGE. eon.sisl.ng ol^aUnost eve.y , ^.j^y tiie Nat.on Is coiiipo.S'e] (.f thing in tne vvay ol ub-tuulial and useful iniiti-.r. and isuoL iditt* u[) a an onocfJ/u/ES. I an ove!dorso of filni'y- wishe-y-wodiey '(unAiom ih-- ]1 7 liDVPAfiE .hVT> flit LLOfV- IVAIlE I hands of crack-f'raiiod ant he r?.—isna-A ir^ Di.si'Mc.h. \1 SO •• U Ino'the um.d lioauliUii e.i^ia\ed hea l we ev , T,. , r ^ ' saw. ami it'- eontents are deeply emerla, i ... .. boot.s :tnd bhoes, fc^aildk-ry, nsh At., ^ ; delicious and soiLl-ui.sordng.^--Wjl'.'.^msbi lc. \ .c. Anv of which liG will sidi clienj) lor ('ash. bai ter lor ■ i’roaue-e or on short tune. Store rccemly occupied by j .. rofnn for ju,-t such a jniiier. atid II Ini' sc- i cured two a.s true heads ansi i rt s tu control it'columns ; a> tin litt rary and .sochd wonu iad'h-.—b i-:l:-'-15oiuh n* . ]’a. A;!Tat»k. •• U will soon bi-come a leading paper at the iiresidv.'* j:—BooNvn.LK, Mo. Jnsio’.vgn. i We seldom endorse norlherii ]inpt.s. I-ul in di'-! In- taucevveare fwrce»l lo overcome onr projiulice. and Nalioii*' to our rcauers. '—Tnor, IjiS. .■*. Ggre'i-’. Tin,''* ! pnrch'ise';. un i!i b. .Sept. 13, l.Sdt). siiiiig lo .Sell will 't business ternis. l.j-tlm who n i'h lo to all ethec.-. 1:1 rec ■ ji’ o! f-i.ir c n! exjieii.'e of reg{si‘*ring Is only VJiivc'* t.'ii.GFv T . H J £>i»(.*U Stia t . . P.A Amoug till* kniiMcn- *f coiupiFneniary ;• have received hoi,i.Mew.',.iapeis i.i e» ly .'ccwonot u. .• connirv. v.e quote d.i" fobow ing c.xii'aci fn.m : The Nation apiHjari' In clear large lyp -on son'-, uhile jRipe!', and r.' rnjniy adorned v.iiu iilustral." *. — N. y. Fi n. •Ml wiii aUain to a High po-'idon In the lib.'raiy \\'(>rid.'*—i’iiiu. .Ntws. “It I:s ?j‘u* ‘»f the tiV'-l we-klies now published, and we lake pUn.'iive Iii i-riud.ig it b- ilie lonlceofihe rci'i.1 Dg pnbl’c. ■—i’ .. . •• file 1 .ileni a!i*i cinb-gy of ili*- pi"o; r, .. is. il- o;.- •giii .1 .Old interesling cm ai.-i ll.e 3h :.uly oft..*: eai’.noi fail !'■ '’-Iv le.' Ii- C. l' m* .';*d c - W .i.T V. •;.! ..i:. i* 1. ixi.i:.-, .\j) , . i . •• .vs alitei’urv and tV ‘■'..■y joui .ai. w iio l.C'.- 1 at uni in [ i ..oili.c.ug ii rnc - B's! uniong our e.Wimn^'h . We advise i,; * Fr'!;* > procufi Jt \viiuoiild hiy. ! EXOELLEXT OPFOUTUXITV. I Tliy f.iihf=cvii)'‘i' l,.'i’i’.( .L-iiriiii,* ol clii-'inii; aiit tiio li::!- i anco .iflii,-Wiaf.’i- slociv. .'ir.-,;!-.*; liis .'atir., .'.un.-k ol j Roiitlv- iiiiulti eloiliiiiir, Fiu'iiishiihi' G.iods, Hats * Cii’is, Riiiitrf shiia.s, Ti'uilk.s, CiU'RPt ISaa-s niul ! Vali.'otf a! a van' small ii,lvnm'.' "n iii':mi.-C().ST. ; ' ' ■ CKlRGL. IIRA.XHT. .So'dlli s'ulo Huy Siro.'t, FuYi-ltt'viile. Fcaj' Lasirt for Sale. .T nfl'.-rs for .suia TIIR.EB IirXIlilEI) | Tl'i'L Aci'o.s ol' Laiiil on Capo Foar j Pinilli'.s F.Ti y. ill I'limli.-rUiii.l c.iimty, | It i.s / DOBEfY HOUSE POWKUS,& TKOV. Fi-.)iirit‘to»s. The Proprietors of this E't.iblishment an- nouiice to the public, that owing to tlir cou- jjjS|-iaatly incrca.sing patronagt' e.Mendcd to! i^^^SSthem. they hiive been induced toi'nhirge the ; accomiao-iatiDii by the adlltioa ofuii extensive Dining \ lloOTU oa the lower floor, an l .•«;iltc of Room-* o i the • |la\-e remoV'*d the The siibscr; and KIGHVi Diver Jit'low ruuiiing ividi the river to the land-' of Mrs Byrd. iiowAlrlsTmiiiy say tli.it ho is Ijoliiiid in iio imin-ov.- I A of tho lan.l is oli-ai'i-.l and fmct.l. m.'Tit 11,1 iiisoi'ts i'l'oiii Olio to an uiitii'o sot upon liiu' ivo'! u.liipiod lt> - Hic oultivalion of (-oni. oa.s. and t.ic Goltl'oi' Rlatino pinto, wliicti lio p-uni'iinioos to bo ; iisv.n! -i-niis of tlio iiv.'i' Ininls. 1 lio part iincloaro.l eqiiallv as sorvico-iblc as tiin nalni-al .n-onns. j lias on it -onio ;;oo.l sMiiinp, wliicli may be easily pi'o- He s'p.uids nine nionths oacli yo,ir in this -piace, j pai'ed f u' us- /from (irst of Octobi'i-to the iii-st ol'July.) j It 'vill I*.' Oct. !8J!i. _ -'■'.N. - : sonsicsiiin- •J-AllKS C. Slirrll. atlbKS Corfl'tx \ c. .S-MITH X, Com/iussioti Alefc/tan/.s, ; olUee to the* second story of the ! !,AS'!' CAM,. .ill nersons iud‘'bt »d to me by .Note or accouiil are earnesi'v roipicsied lo call and make im-nedhvte pay inent. as inv Books must be clo-se.L by the l.-it .Jan. ne.vf G. BllANDT. Tr«?y e2 Mai>h. near the Oct. 18. aiw.xoEs. i)bbin House. G. "W. 1. GUl-DFTON. 2(}-fr Nov 2‘.3 iHoh. 2f.-tr Pdil SALE. 7.-,8 BAG.S RHIH'YIAX: H27 lu. Ot 3FL .M Bl.VN- Noi only ha:; die cost of u.'Ing these GuaJiocs in eon* ; eomui' nd The (. , ..exion been very much diminished, but c-xperiments I A1..1. FfLl-H'^lN. . : have ]novi a dial the phosphate, so much wanting in 1 Dec. j;,. the Feruvian. not only liicrcases the yiehl. but com-^ _ iiincd with Ihe Coiiirnbian uiukcs ihe crop much more j certain. For sale by j a D. W. AloF.AURlN I . | Nov. 0. ‘2Mf i oF-It Anrii sold on a eredit of twelve months. I'er- to biiv can call on die owner at thi.s place. J. G. SIIEPHEIID. 93-ir . H OL'.SE aiid Lot. TUc .subscriber wish- i ing to leave Fayetlevllle. oilers for sab* her j iillild. House and laot. The* sitsiatlon ofthe ahov** ■ projK'riv is in a v.-ry ([(‘sirabic j.'ort.ion ol'ihe town iiiid ’ tlie TW'qierty is also in a good te-niditioii. J'or further I luu■Licular^ address the suljscriber. ! JIEFEN IL LAIN. ’ 2Tn-2f» Nov. 29 18.50. Hccond floor: thu.'t enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them witliacalF .And they pledge j ih •’QselVe.s to aa Increased e.xertio: to give satHfactioa I to their patrons. ^ 1 Spacloas Stables attached and careful O.stlers in ; attendance. _ i Tha ollgthle location of th“ TDtablishrn ‘ut. with the \ etp'rieace of the Proprietors ii pr*vMing for the ! CO nfort of iIiHr palrons. they h'>p : will '.jcarc to tlieui 1 a libor.il sh'tre of the travel. The West'-irn.and South-jraSfagoS arrive at aad depart from this House. Oarriage.s iu aticndnuce on arrival and licparture of Kteam Boats, for the accoinmo l.vtion of pa.sa-ugi*rs. Horsx'i au'i Carriages fitruished at any notice for carrying travoll-n-s toanf partofthendiac-Kit connirv. J. W. POWER.S. W. C. TliOY. Fayvtteyille. May 12. IS-jfi. y8-tf. builuing formerly uncupied 3»y the T'*b*graph F-ompuny where they are prepar'd to attend to all busuicss in the Commission line. * . .\li business eutru?.t«‘d to them wdl be punctiiauy ; attended lo. Wilmington, OctobiT I. 18"iG y Elliott, COBIMISS* OSf .11 Ell CHANT, FAYETTEVlbLlil N. C. A»-n-. f"f Lulterloh k Ca. f Sti-smbo-nt M.i, Is'ln att'ii 1 promplij W -ill bU3in.;»5 .ulrmtot lo 1.1! our'. Oct.21.1S5a. AN ENTIRE YEW STACK. The suh^isfiher rttsp'-ictfully inform^ the public that he \ixi received his ST-nXIlv OF GOODS, and would re-iuest those in want of DiiV GO(>US, F.WCV GOODS, B'JOr^S AND iSSlOES. HVr.3. TRUXKS, II-VRDWARB. &c., j Ti *'1^* K-i e‘.( soil his guo.U as low as! ayAi;;.'Cil vii-ra.its ili.-ai to give a,itiai'actiion. L. BilAXDT. GiUo.spie St., aear the Market. I 0;t4. t8">5. 18--Jia. ; ! Will be "iveii I’m- the iipiirelioiifioii iiml ooinraitti:!;; to Hail (so^tlmt I may g-t liiin) of my ii-gi-o m.aii. , EDWARD, who left on the ii,S*R n'* Lm 8t.h insl. ^ 1 f*iip_- ■ pose him to bo 'J.'i or 30 ye.vi'.s of :ig‘!. He is iiboiit .) j feet 6 Ol-7 inches high, .sp.'.i'c built anrl iveig.is ubniit 13.1 lbs, black coiiiple'iioa. s'narp leiitni'.-s. weiirs :i s-.atec. sp.jaks -piiokwlieii spoken to. an:l olten witii iiii rmpediment. He has a cnu.siil.-i'alile scar on the leic-k of one nfliis wrists, which lie says was pro l*n.'*'.l hy a ; cut with ail -axe. I think lie also has a smalt .sear over , one of his oyehrows. He wore off a new wool iia.; , carried off t'.vo coats; one a fad-r'l black or brown frock. an.l the other 51 blue ?uck coat bofh of: .satinet. Rdward was formerly 'j^-vncd by duo. A. | WilUams E^rp. near Fav’otteviUe. N. C.. la a cooper j an*l has worked at the inrpcntino busiiii'.''.s in the j neighborhood of Favott'^vilk*. and Rocklish FiLctory j for 'Several y'ars. lie was raisoi.l. or oiica owned by u , Mr Tyson, of Moore or Chat-hTU county, and h*ad ti ’ wife at Mr Tomlinson’s of Ghiithaui county. N. C. He : will orobablv make hia wav buck lo Fayotteville or Ohatliain. -A. V7. BETHFA. Little flock. Marion Dist-'t. S. C; Oct. IJi, lSo6, 20-2m C. COLHBX AirRUAY', j AtJEN'T FOn iMCnriAY’ci ‘-iniGUFAR fine” of VfiLMTNG- TON PAf’KETS. (12 Sou-fh Rlt't'A, \0RK. Tin' undGVT'ignnd. inoy bo found at tlioOfliceofC OLD UYK WiilSKEYY Tin* vSnhHcrilicr is the only autiiori'/.ed agent iu Fay i-tt.‘vil]c fur the xib* of tin* Hon. IF C. Pnry ar’.s ClIc Iniitcd (ifU RjC Uhiskey. He will be supplied with this superior Wiiiskw lo incel ilGiinind. W. DUAUGIION. April Hi. n-l-tt Coidnn .Viuriv.V, i!2 vSouth si;*e»‘t, where onlors for every (lesGi ipiiou of Goods will receive his promiitaad per- i .sonal attention. r. AIALLKTT. ■ March 20. IP.MI y We call the attention of WllOLE- S A L j'j D E A Ij Elis TO our ju’csen'. Slock,—and we have rcceiiHy re ceived— ! oOO lug.' IHo, Faguira Maricaibo and .java Coffee, : 20 hh'ls Sugar, assorted grades, j 7.V bb!« do. IF'uned. (km.slmd and Po’vdored | 9.7 bo-xos Sp;rni. Arlaaiantiiu*and Tallow Gandies j {'At do. Fancy and a.-'sorti^d Candies, j liiiJ co;U Kentucky. Jute uml Manilla Rope. j 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee aad Burlaps.) 3‘,) tons Hoop Iron, : 120 boxes Cheese. i 25J hall-bbis Super Curb. Soda. ! j dO.OUU Oigiii':: vario’as brands, j i —ALSO— DaS^SOLS: rSO\. DUS. McSVfAiN & McDL'FFIE have this day dis solved copartniT.'hip hy mutual G*onsetil. Dr MeSwain will attend to-setMements and collec tions fbr the firm. Dr. McDuJie will continue to occupy the foimcr oflice. 11. McSWAIN. M'M. C. McDI.TPIE. Nov. I, ISot). 32-Tf CU.IBIHIS CONFKCTI OXER, FAYETTEVlLLi:, N. C. Octoher 1. 185(5. Gieca aiul iLadlv at Aug. 30. :85(5. 9i:5-tf I , tti I facitities t'or't’*5H':iici iD-IS, i)*Sl (j H «l 111-\ 5 j Caet* Ecai* ihi vvr. ri. J. HINSDALE'S; lUO iiHtuA's Q,Lii.'iIN I'., (iir siile liV ■ i-upau- S. J. lUX.SUALE. Aug. SO. U3fi. 9I3-tr ! p-r full h.lLE IBIIAS*. -tik 7 SECOXl) liiVXD RUUGIKS in pood ir. 42-tf A. A. iIcKKTilAN. SECO-Vi) NTOO'ii OF OUOCF.aiFS. I am now I'.jceiving my dei-oiiil stuck ot GUHCER- lES. coii^iiitiiig ill part af. follow! ; ;i0 .siieks Rio Goli’ce, 60 llo.xe.s Clieese, 3,6 (ji- BIjl.s Xo 1 Mac'kei'cl, .6000 Ibk Iliicoii .sides, 36 boxes Griu.-kcrs, 20 “ steam Giiiidy, 20 case.s negro Slioes, iinJ 40 pieces Kersey, l-'.-ir .“ale hv E, F. MOORE. Nov. Sth ISSG. 23-lf April 20. 18.)G. ft®- -2,000 .June 1 Spirit Ijarrels for sale by McL.VURIN A- STRANGi:. I8.')8 tf FOR S.\LF. j Tb'O THOU.SAND ACRES OF LAND, nine mile: i from Fayetteville, lying iliri'cHy on the .Southern : S'ltEICHT A'-I> V.\.yr...l\(ikU i.lM'. I!K- wit.Mirvrjrox jt i.'WK-r-r p.vi i.i;. j Slt'auu-r .Ma;::joli;t-K-hvch ' -ivcllcvilb* oa .uouiiny aaJ 'Jhur.-* ! *lay lHorniii}.-r. 1a uiiuuti >• s.ft r l.cjivi-s U iJuini{;U'n on 'J urstlny muU 1-ri0:iy ninrnlngs. I Strani«*r t*':inuy butri-rJoh. Ii-hvcs !• «ycT :ca iilt; ou Tuescisy ; RoU Kriday 1-7 alliT j l.ravcs Wilmington V i'iiM-diiy and ;>aluiJay mornings. Both carrying .tnU ^’a!‘^»*ng^‘^K. j Stenmer Itowan. willi tell fccl.' of i.ighLorn. ruus ri-i;u!s»rly ; cairyiug • 'J’hf* Tf^uluriiy of (.uf Coat? on al! stagcn of tlu* anU ! the u.-qiatch Rii't }ironi»itnf*» iu delivcriug goods, art* too wcU i ku'iwn l«i rejuir*'comment I To our W4J t'-udor our ili.ank« for the very libiTal j palmnajfc hiM-ctolVrc be tt>wcd - a .id c«n as.'Uri- utl .'h.|>|>>'is liiat j nil eff'-rt.-wiil be'park'd iu fului'c, and fed cuiiuaciit that our I facitities for'h*5H':itcli arc OiiuaMf U'»t stipi-ritir in auv on VV. I*. Kl.Lfo'l'i'. Agent f -r I-uilerloh 6i J o. ^ Kajcitciillc. .N. C., Oct 2.'».18y6 Ul-tf I J. A. PEMBEH'DIN' HAS .JUST ItECEIVED ONE of the most ilcsir-.iiile STOCE.S of .-ilLK ami FANCY STARI.E COODS O'.'or ohoi'eU l.y him, cinhraoiiig all the Nk\v-k.si' Stvlks of i.ADIFS UiiF.SS GOODS. .Such as Plain aiiacojti! MoU'.EiiUquo Silks. Rich Om- liric Siitins. Sti'ipe.i ah.l plubi Silk Viilencin. P.ipliiiett Rohes, Plain aiid llroeaile .MeriiiOK. Plain Plaid and Rich fie-.t Fix‘iu:li Del.ains. and a gr. al inanyotlier neiT Styles: ' Also, a birR'e STOCK o? Velvel. Glolh i Plank Road, and on i-acii side of Rip Rockfisli. One i .Silk Ailinliiias. Cloaks and Taiiiias. Pay Slat, 'of the best Tnriiciitine sections in the .-..niily. with ' isl'-lin. piu.-li am: 1 il'tu; Shaa'is. A great varkty of I coiiYeiiient impi-pycuieiiia fur a family resiuciice: with I a S-ina!l corn mill on a ii-evcr failing s.lreum, and a lir.st i rale situation for a Turpentine llt'sliilerv and Store. ! A. A. ileKETUAN i FeVy 9. 18.7C. tf 10,000 !*»'. 'VatlQW \\ anted, •Por which the higheat cash price -will bo paid. y A. M. GAMPMa^Ir, MME ATHD, CE1IEXT. Just received and for sale 2.')ll Casks Lime. fr*csU from tiic kiln, 100 Ran-cl.-i CcmcDt r,() '■ Calciiio.l Plaster, 300 Biisliels P!a.tortii,e' Hair, 75 Barrels Mackerel ami Ilei-i-iiig, 300 Sacks Liverpool Salt, ^ 200 “ Alum .Salt; 2 bashcl .Sacks. J. V.L POiVRRS. Oc*. If, 1836. 67-tf Pi'p;r;-i'. Spice. Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Bora.vyi ' Abidder. Indigo. .Spanish Brown, Brim.stonc, Fancy . : aiid liar Soaps. Stavcli. Powd.lr, Shot. Bar Lead, i Wliil.' I.eart. PtiHy and Linseed OH. B iiuloiv Class ; leased this Hotel for a term of years, will he | Srnill' in Tioxi-s. Lngh- Mills no., in Hall libls.; Cveeu | g • i ji^ pleased to see their friends and the -h-nvcling nndiliaekT.'.as. ll.dl.-iw-'^^^are. Sweedsfron English.! at this House. At the /ivnfc lime we German, and Cast Steel: ! Ii''”!; ‘ Ifts. Cw-iv; theywill be patient and hoar willi onr innicrfec- Ciittev.s and Staffers, Trace Chaius, until,we shall have put the Hou.se iu such repair as we desii'c. i p. TAYLOR i Is now receiving li’u^ FAIjJj STOCK, embracing a I large an ' general Stock of. Dry Goj'ds. Hat's. Caps. ; , Ha .rd Sho'is. Groci*r‘e:^. holTo^Lware. Crock-'TY! ! and Glas.s-w.irc, whidb will he sold upon favorable j O'he t^nliseriliers Inviiio- this .l. „ i *■'1''™' ‘o see his ! * .IH- "'/l...;... lli i friends and customers before tiie'y supply themselves, j .Sept. G. 14-(>m. I’AY'ETTEVILLE HOTEL. lOrnian . Shpi*'*r«. Sausage I Sole Fpather. ftc.. Ac. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable ■ terms to pronipt time or cash pni-ciiasers. f • D. A \V. McLAFEIX. i N'oy 15. ’-t-tf J, H. RoiiEnTS. March i, l?6G J. It. ROBERTS & CO. P. N. Robekts. 35-tf B.lItTnrfV FULLER, .^ttdrncy at Eatv, E A YET -rETlEr. E , N, C ., Yfav ho consulted at the Law Office of Jesse 0.1 .imfuc for tfiemsclvcV. ShejUierd, Esq., on Green Streat. ' j . •‘July 14, igjG, Tl3m ■ S-^it. iH, the latest style.- of DJfESS TRIMAHA’GS, ; FiTncIi Faibr«fld»b*iei=, Honclon J-acc Collar', every I'color of the bcpt quality ofKil) GLt/VES and Caual- I let.s for Ladks and .Gcuis, A few vvrx luuidMtino j patferiis'W.^'o.'itiiKl (Nirtaln Dama.'^U. with triiuiuings to i Miit, jsouio very bandsoine Oil Window Sbadep. ALSO, FOH GENTS WEAU. I Black, Blue and Olive Broad Cloths, black and fancy CaJ'^f^Inieres and A'estiugii:. A very large Slock of " Rpiuly-uiiitle (Yiiihiiiw I For MEN 'fOCTIlS and BOV.S made iu the latest i Styiee and Workmanship iragi-avtetl. 1 The aliove .Sinck wa.s selected with great care as I Tcgards'styl.'s and prices, and will he ofi'ered at wl.i lc- I sale or retail on very aecominodatiiig t.wnis. The piih- I lie giiucraily are re.sjmctriilly iuvited lo call ami e.v- PBMBUETOy roeif w.\r. F. wfd OP surturiii f’or a single ci|J No Pub^crijUiJ ban ou** y*ar n| M'iih tli“ lian.'ing ih** ffirs the folluwia CLrB Cup;** 10 - Sixty ewnU and 30 cent** fo advr‘rtis'’m**nt when il will 1)C| For(hr For six 1 For twell All a-lv.Tii^ rmj sf rt‘.4*ns iua"k'' 1| --rt'd till f->rb^ aitf^ntion is diJ i'll .ATTEND.S Wake and Jobl Address. To*! F.'b. HI. ls:4 B.Ii K .V ^ *?av b • consul Imt'F F'1|.. otf ,1-:lv ly. iS| ■ Fi- l -K Fl OJid il Feb y 7. n 1 «44 Dwelling. ‘F|d in at a f'ul and is lint li) I A ny 1* *i p^^rticul.t.-' rJ either of lU 1.^ rniDs Iri- ■ib t. -1. 7% . t'- and thr• • di b-? glad ('» • on hand a i a i-i **rv th] N. B. H‘* u««s. .Vc.. a; S 'ptcinb. ra h frb'^ o))p'»'it * th| fnrui -'rly liro r.i'f" IMlbHlTKDl f.i Min* all rinlifi*. Thd tiiHiiitiort *«f| D t. F5. l| (1:^ th** tlrr (.’niirt 1^ M.-r-ig-iod ''i T-'ars. s**ven b 'l l 111’! a’ldl On * tr.i'-tl Uiv**r. b«*loir h'ln Iri'd ani Uciirv Klli«jf attd tifty ac] f.»r «ib*. iM til** -ah* IMaulatiou.l r»0 acres I fidn place. I (50(5 acr« of Alex.r ' 45 acntfil 5,70 acre 3 10 acreJ GOO acro4 :uu :icr« Mill Tlmh 50(J acre the Saw Ml 3-70 acre^ Itiver. 40U acr*; MilU formi 300 aenj W»‘stcrn 11 50 acres! Also. aii| Lots in lb knowu as* ou the Sod At the I sold— 12 sha Flank Ku 40 Shan Blank Ko — shan tion Comd 10 sbareJ divid'^d in^ These i the Ute 1 Dec 20.

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