krLR ss-ascster los inosr ,, \u America, \v!iich i'iisub, Siiraiig iato aii iRt-rt-vnos. fM-ueCEDE^iTEP "m il>e ami eaa «alj- -a- lit tiiL' i'roprietors have eiu- llii! expense, tbft liy Ui' AMERICA. l\i V Puu T wbicU contain' aU Ml>K-?l'LiTTlXG |r:il (ienia>. and mnoR ST, ^OCK^I5»il 5i» Ih alone i? worth the «holo A nos lUi B\ [glow, l.\D sa: rjavouti!. •tVN' AS (>nt: of Tiu-: ITEl?!* I\' A^IEISICA- \vf have engaged aa Cou- sUor> : nrv W. lleiduit, W.' \V. Fo.-aick, C. A. Ttigc, lieti. CaeseiTay, |itu. W. P. ISraiiiiaii. Olhers. Fi-R s::x _ i iiitr eh-Tt. Their depai i- it the utmost care ami ito I'X- reii'i-‘r the eoiumus devuted lie iclit. iiausually jstriictivc .t Ornamental. n.lTTEni* foRTER otrextions and A.uTictiltnral uiled lioni smree.s the most iforniation tvltich will prove a sioale y, ar. of almost iu- iofonrpap r tvil! receive the "^Iv demand, each heiiitr es- eparvd to meet the varied Is-t’s 01 it.s readers. Amouo Poeta.c. E/Cilorinl Rnm- Rpint C'if ltaVt'If.t, U i'o/i C'/nt Chut, the r./tv, PructiT-.I Receipts a utl 'ItfVet, *' J he t/ rrtmve', (rf.vA Reu-JeAs tru’tle, kiches, Tru^islu.- i\r. Ar. .*•1 iu FoViii, vcit\ c^ulctin At iviOt i tt *> our Stitisor.- llU a vuluiu-* cunliiuiag U'j Y.iiiy |>r!ntod pag*-' of CLLHITE-. SKi-rrcHES. iKTiiEu wmi . tiotv.u^ rvuarkAldy ii- • oaiinm I! o-i ■* * u ‘ l.-tt, TO tl’.e g '.‘.er np oi'llio A'? iVoia il:o ■; Li al'i.i.on to III- -u!- • r el* d.iii 1&. % a • *'Oi i . wira VVd LaiTC .- L . St.v-- - _ Ill'.Ai »>- r'.*'-';-"*’ T' d. . oouie-ii. oai r.-'k. i‘-t tU-. . ■r tviS h»* ^e^ frop I-* I'uv'L Wiio • .-'ll la Up a ciiin;— .f It'ia TliiJ 0 ily . •» . Dack SliCfct, oi' frtJupij.f.eiitur;. i.c: upers J.i c* I’j. .-cftiou uJ t.j- • Ii vUi: iarg>? Typ.-on b't,./.' |,.y U'iurueti iiiu>irut.v. -poiLon in the lilenuy lioA'.' pUOir~l,rJ. Ui:d p::! r ir the n«^;;ce of iL*,* p‘ • .t.' u;‘.- -Ut'- ‘*f Jut; ti ..•^v .j'-'-ii .:;K VV vii 1’. . 1 Le?*!- "ui' yt- u .luolll dtlay." — •'iy • lii.iuut'ori.'. l-ut iatLi' '. lo • rli. L’alL.*- i*..i;iy •>-t i-f couiJHf.' • ' A.:‘ • i r.»! i. P. la ilt>L Li.vt. Vt ill. ■MR. l>. —hiiiwl'iTV itii.'l ‘.'.i...-.f. wii w- ••'. r ■ d I'iiieriA. . L .. '.VlLL;AAl>Kri \ .A. * * , -vpI Irha^ rt' tstiii-isfroi 'j. 1 i ..• . ws.— o m K'»* i- . (a iyu-jiiiA j>ap.r at liie ii;c^Mt. * our i-i cjiid;':-. ai.*i lull" lu t.*ur idavcr.'. ■—Tiidv. i^lNK IJK- i. !aL:. •J titiT-Ji.* .JO ..tOutlitj atiti Ahur.'* I y fritlfT tnornin;:*. lii. it avtt: l-Ryt-t;. vitife ou Tuet'iay §iriii(f.- attfP -'Uiwijtr. -'...y iisid oatUitl^y ru'iriiin^ii. •M i.J'l-rR. I'ii jvi.' of Liiihur.*. ruu5 r«-^ular;y l.-'.lst ■>r. ;.I* cT.-i. s «.f Jhf Itirpr. an-I x in dpiiv erinff i;o*ds. art- too wuit , r onr ibanki ftr tl>e Tt-ry iib-r;-'. 5-fJ ri m1 enn a-t.'Ur ibat Pfu'.-Uf. ttuu iVi-i eocutleul that orr : uwt p' r’l'T i'» anv Huh on VV. P. KLLi’o'lT. A f T I-uikerioli x n. It; |i J xfi IlHidA T llEtltlAED Ai-uhle .STOCK." 01'.'ILK :in-] 60>DS t.-V'*r okA-red Ty biui. ■E-sr Si VLt.? oi pHKSS f;OGDS. • Muir.KutLiUo* Silks, Kich Om- ’u. ; IL Vi.k'ncLa. I’ojdlnctt oti* M 1’la‘n Plaid and u.’i.i .« gn at inany tuhir yge .STOCK oi* Veiv-t. (doth I'iak-t and Tanp js. i’siy ."Uvo . ’r.noTiAGS, |lKt:o‘t.o'i Collai-. '-‘Ty ^ Of-KIP OU^VES aiit: T- '.'liiS. A lev; A'fi"- ’.CAi.-i-oiTii: !: I’ama-'k. with trii.>::-iL.- - lo (»il Win-ioH* SJ.atl* OKNTS WEAK. [ e Uroad black and fancy A ir'iA large* StucL oi bilde ('li)lli!il;r |fi(: LOli S *n',dc in iL - latent whip f’tfratttuK ! f *Ad viih great C'«re a? :*;!d v. ni trfi red jiT v. i.i It-- “inodatTig t'-no-a. TJjf. ^t.uily iaviUd iw call and ox- A. I’EMPLKTOy r:^f F. WlGllTMVN & CO. Proprietors. EAYETTEYILLE, I. C., SATUEDAY, JAMEAEY 10, 1857. T E R AI S OK SUBSCRIPTION TO TflE CAROIhlNIA^' For a single ctfpVj if paid in advance, per annum, $2 00 “ “ “ at the end of ;> months, 2 oO “ “ ** at the end of (i mouths, 3 00 “ “ “ at the end of the year, 3 .'>0 No subscription \\ Ul be receiverl for a shorter pc'i’iod ban one year unless paid in adv-ance. With the view of evt^n ling the circulatioH and en hancing the a^efiiln*^ of the paper, the p.’oprietor of" fers the following remarkably low CLUB RATKS, UWARIABLY US' ABVA^TCK: 5 cupies of the Garuliniau, 1 Vi-ar, $8 00 jQ it « •• *• 15 00 Rates of Advertising: Sixty cents per square of 16 lines, or less, for the first and 30 cents for each subsequent insertion; ntikss the advertisement is published for more lhart iS\ o uijithsr when it will be charged . .. For three months, ----- Si 00 For six months, - - - » 6 00 For twelve mouths, - - - ~ lO 6o All advertisements must have the desired number of in. sertlons marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forbid arid charged accordingly. Spcciaf attention is directed to this requisition. WM. F. WIGIlt.M AN & CO. Profe.ssor VVodO’s Huir Rest(H*ativ*e, for sjxle bv S. .T. HINSDALE. An-. ;i6. 1S5C. THE EI.n.VTIViO RAI.US Oft itXUCItl.E AV .VS5II VG A1 ACH I NK. The above Harnett. desirous of obtainiju. ... l>otb in its structure and operations, and should any j portion of it fail, can be easily and speedily repiviivl i bv any person having the use of tools. I do not claim j for this machine more than it is able to perform with that de,‘^ription Of labor which almost every Maryland LkOtteries. CORBIN vt CO AGENTS. A EOBTCXE FOU THE TRIAL'. “ Thfiro is iv tiile in the affairs of man. Wliich. if fcakea at the tlooJ, leaihv to fortimr." .MAV MAKE YCU RICH EDil LIFE. .Nonrn (' vou'Mt: xvrii—NO. na2- Me RHiMTifrlfy Sujrsrsli F,irETTF.\'!t.I.K. .A'. C. CRAiV’S nilMKK ACADEAIY. MOORE COUAfTY, N. C. The Trustees are Imppy to announce to the public that the (ith .'Session of tills Institution will open on .Monday tlie 12lh January next, under the .-^upt-rvisioii of .Mr iVrchibaltl .Melaaughlin as Principal. .Mr McI.angliHn is a graduate of the I'nivorsity of so pcrvf'rtcd Ev late hours and the* dmraLViTwluLi'nlEMAA'Y'i’LLL't'ivinK htlire., liii.s oiitni-fd , 1,^. ‘■,.„„stniitIy tin liall.'i. niul cIkm)) tor A fr’-v nioiiih.s airo, .sonic y'ciiinf, (IcspisiBC jintl ntijiirinir the old-fnstiioncit, coinmon-s.tnse I’!!YSIU‘.\*S EHRLTfE 0\ i niotlioi] ofcallili? nttobti''" ''i liis WHivf by acl- 4’liat Ijcautil'iil, irniccfni aceoniplislmient ofj j,, jij.i'ji, .cej lilirase.nnil in'o'.li'st lyin', Ills tVicinls iinil tlic inililic," mill .sintinir tiiiit The Oiil Established Anthorised .-V- .SOi.l) MORE RRIZEd Tlian ativ ntlirr ivliee in tlie .“^tate of Mar -YLI. FRIZES IIU.VR.VXTEEI) I?Y StXOLE TtCKET.S: : .. , . . 1 .V ,v- ,.h„!()XE TRIAL MAV M.UvE YCU Rlfil FOR 'he sniiscritjor harm- inirchased the Li.-ht of the ! .S-d.-ndid Seheme.s Drawine D.-dlv. ve Machine for the Opuut.ies of Cumberland and ; ^ VOnt OllDEES i a , . . . . i . • ; . > riiett, is new readv to fdrnish such a.*? may be j “ . . I to all who may led disposiMl to jmirosnzo the liut.iu- j pciisiblc people, nnd led them to de]»nve ! ’• r^j,y jiundier of brown pipkins, Ac., el(‘0- irons of obtaiain-a'Ri-ht. The machine is simple. 1 TO COUBIN & CO.^ who have I''"‘“'‘‘'‘Y'the you,., of one of the siinplo anil liealtli-j ...ifiod ,1,; .•oniinnni.y by a novelly ii. mlverfis- ! TIIP .\.cademy is Sifnab'd nine miles east ofCartha-e f,,] enjoyineiit.s beciui.s" it lias lieeii nbu.seiV. I j,,,,. nilvcrtisc arvlaml. I near Iha Fayidtiwillo an.l I\'e.steni I’laiik Road, in the .. ■ n-l,„ ,ltl, I v i I” state : nii.iA. ofa vfry Iioaltli.v.iiiora! andiiitelli-eiit nei-hbor-; I'or myself, 1 cmi testify not ono to ifs hcaltli-, eoliinins id palu-r, \ I hand, and if will ther.-fbre be free Irom nianv^ of the ' ' - . •■ - ■ (Viartcrs 2.'i ct.s. ; viiia'J.i-iiiiluences w'.iicli .so miicli endaaser the hcaltli - A,,. , ; and merals ol'sliideals ill Town and Yilla-es, enients ‘.Vi-re sio'cad over Soinetiim-s these fulatina- family is able to supply, without at all interfering ^^1 Halve.s .>0 els witli the ordinary dntie.s. In tlie jdacc a child j i lERTfFi'd V i'ES OR r.\CK.VGE'. 12 or la years of age can perform all the labor, after _ SKI.00 Iiavinff seen it operate a few times, and if the direr- ll-ilf Ticket.s , ... tions arc adhered to, will do as much work in one day j ;j. Tickets LUO I"'’’ session, p.iyable in a^ as three or tbnr vyoinen in ti.e ordinary wav, and Lie ; vEYTURE. XOTIUXG C.UX. 1. and if will ther.-fbre be free Irom niany^ ot the ' 1,,,^ reeiiporntivo iiowcr. T'he 40ili, i (joins wonlii lie Irailieil in verse; again in pros IS&’TXGZS. CI.B.irE.\T a. WRIGHT' Altorucj* at I-aiv, PayettcA-iUc, N. C. Office at the corner of IJow* and CJreen ttreeVs; Feb*v 3. 18.>6. J. A. SPKAUS, ATTORyEY AT LAW, ATTENDS the CoiirU of CumVjrlund, Wake and Johoixton. Address, Toomcr, Harnett Co., N. C. Feb. 16, 1856. fi5-y 77i- / r F ULLEll, Attorney at, F.V V E T XE Y I G L E , A, f Iflay be consulted at the Law Office of Jesse G. Shep herd. Esq., on Green Street. July la. IS-ia. 7-tf ' J- black. t'FFME Front Ko-nus, over Dr. S. J- Hinsdale's 'xl’.hemist Drug Store. Feb'y 7, LSoG. S4-tt M .V 11 B G E P .V C T O R V, BY GEO. L.AHDER. Xeaidv opposite to E. M. A illkin-s Auction store, Fayett-’ville, X C', Oct. 1. IS'ld; ■ V w'ork will be much better done. Below will be found a certilicate tVoin tliose who have purchased and now Tickets lion,aht by the raeka.g: are always ilie most have in use one of these maCRiiies. i I’ro'.itahle to the I’urciiaser.s. isHam blakl. ! ti£y package. April 12, ltt.)li. !)3-lf 'For S2n we s-.'iid paclta-e ViTiole, ILtlves A (guilders. , , For 3ia \Fe sen-I n tck.ya ' Ilaives X 1 aT 'J iiob-Pck.-ls F-VTETtevii.i.k. X’. C.. .Vpril '.). IS.Iii. . j.-q,. 5,5 p.ick,i-e Qnarf.s A one Wiiole T.r'sei. IVe. the nndersi-ned. hnvin- purclia.sed of Mr l.sham : Look at tlie foiiowing Blake one of the above maeliines. eerdially recommend i Sl’t.EXDll) Sb llEMK.d. it to the favor of tlie I’nlilic. It washes very rapidly. : ofwhicl'. are drawn at 12 o'clock each day of the ' nay, tlid^bKtli year of niy foninl me ! onre shonhl be taken by pnrents tliat it is uniler-j Bieir cnterprisincj ami ingenious publisher I "11 all oei-n.sions they were typo.graiihically la m-.ler that the b-aelits of the Institution may be I tins life-cheerin,- exereise. It shonhl be | j,, gothic v’vle iniagiliablo. n til'* r'*ii'.*!i ofiill. til'.; l(illo\viijg li.*\v rates ot tut- , i* ^ a • * r ,j *1 i i ' * i w n 'IvuMco. hiivo bCcn adopt- ! one of the curlit'st ..niu-oitioiits c. n-uroii, and 'Flicsc iidvort\\t’rc sotiu the lown-tiilk, cd: ' ‘ . Lu-dish. according to advaiic-’mcn. 810 to 81- Lui-hi. fJrt'-ok. Frcuch. ami lilg nmtic--. ^l'». iL\c'‘li'*iit Board can be obtained at Mr Arnohlbs 87. and utiier cousus in tin* iifighlmriiood. D?.»N'AL]> MriMtNAl.D B-*'-'!* 2U. IcS.'iO 2!) :M and the work i.s much belter done than is usually done : in the old way. and with less wear ti» the Clothin.g. j It far exceeds our expectations, and has only to bti ; seen in operation .to satisfy tlie ino.^t skeptical of its j utilitv and economy. M'e have no doubt o! its being ■ generuilv used wherever inlroduced. ••eek. BUlLLiAN T. n-s. MAKYLAXI) COXSOT.IDATKD LOTTKBV. Mobesoii .M. CURRIE, .•u. -T J 'J ‘W -.'I-'. 1 , , -l-l-l -IT .1 • 1 In-.iaoliesof.Mathe-; ftood as an aniiiscnient. U liile lam on tlii.s ! topif, I will mention a case that oeeiirtoil in ! niv ]iractice. A thonghtful, anxioii.s inoiher. j who had lost throe cliildren, lironglit to me her onlv remaining child, a daughter—lier tempera- Tiiont nervon.s bilioas-- tlie nciwDas fearfully prodomiii.ant, with great irritaliilily of the sy.s- : tcni—peevish, passionate, dyspeptic, sleepless r'oitrar'.' and iinconirurtn- institote, i’RINCII’AL. was at once on the higli road 1 o opulence. But envious mortality is ever on llie alert to fiathcr its at the v.;'ie' sc of others. Anon ca-ii'g a host of followers in the track of tlie ''Original Jacob.s" of the faiita.slic advcilisemeiit.s, and cormorant follower.s are .steadily iniYcar- ing. .Some of them make up a foot ol advciTi.s- ing oI three words, wliich arc rejieated over and over again iintii they have filled their ht- 1). G. McR.vk, TV. .1.^ .\xiieP30~; Wsi. .Mi li.a'mx, A. 1*. Ul KT, J.vs. G. Smith, J.vo. D. Wii.i.i.vMS, Jons 1). Srlnp, JoSKPH .\. Wor.Tii, A. J. O’lI.rsi.ox, ri.vTin Wemyss. IVe in coinpnnv' with several other gentlemen, saw four ilollar bill which was very dirty and iiiueh , defaced. ],ut in iiiui waslied out by thi.s machine, re-' moving aii the dirty ajipearance of tl\e bili,^ and leav-1 Harnett, ing it perfectly legible, w-hich sliows there is little or iioYiibbing produced in washing line lU-tieles. i*u.\sK N. BoTiriiTg, J.\s. G. Smith. FOR 13 n ij S14 .kcr.'s of I; iqjl, lying onO.ip; Fear River—ftbire. Uwelliug. Out Hoa->es all in first r.ite order. Tlie .Store U lit i tide Iiu3ine3.s stiiad at the Crows Romls and tiie and is not to be excelled by any in Xorth Carolin.a. Anv (lersoa dt-siriag to (mreliase can o'dain tnrtlier particulars re.spieting tic- prop.-rty !iy ealliag’ eii either of u» at Willis' Creek ou th-a Wilmington Itoad la miles from Fayetteville. KARAH WRIGHT. iS-tr JAMKd WitlGHT, Bet. 4. [lOUSTON J WOULD roturu thank*^ to the public for the liberal patroii- he Uftv received, ami hop'i?. bv puuctuality in bur^iuc.'ij^. for a contiauation of the samc._ Ila ha.« commenced bu?in'‘s.' ou his own responsibility, on the ^ ^ South side of Fcrstin street, two doors below the (L.ip'- fear LaiiK and three doors above his old st.ind where he would be glad to sec all his old friends. He wpects t.. kyep on hand a -o.hI a3.sortinent orSad Hes. Bridle.s, iS .nps. a id everv thing in his line of Imsiiiess. .V I! ' He will attoivl tc i-epainng of a-ubU’-.s. H.ii neW Ac., and hi.s charge's sliall be nlodera'e. .Septemlwr IJ. 1S->'L 1’''*"' 8^ .MeLauviii A Strange will jmy the high est cash pride for Turpentine until (nrther notice ■Sept. J. ISoS. ^'ri ^M. rATJLKS««2 fc.W«rf8e.stiiblishment to the corner of b4c Gille.s-pie anil Franklin streets, opposite the State B.vnk. in aid under the rooms formcrlv occupied by the .S of T. He has on liniid a first rati-stock of PI.Atx and F.VXCYL HOME and DRI GS, .MEDICINES, &e. F.kLL STOCK, now- receiving, by .S. J. HIX,SDALK. .Yug. 31), IH.'ili. 9i:;-lf F.lLh TR.IDE, la-'C. B. 5-'. V M A 31 C F. I.SXO'.V OPEXI.XG. a large and desirable .“Stock of FALL AXD WiyTER GOOFS, coiisisttii;jf in part of T')lack and Colored Silks. Euiilish and French Merino.s. Flaiii aiitl Fi^:‘d l>«.‘Lan*s, some bcautif*.! patterns, Black and Fancy Alpuca-s, Eljint;s and Insertin.z's. Coilar.s and Uuderslceves. ('.ictii*'^ and Whalcbimu Skirt.s. .J-.ICOnet. Nain.sook. Swiss and L’taid AluXims, Fr-*uch. Kn.allsh aud Am-rican i’riuts, Cloths and ftassiniDin.'S. Satiiietis. Jean.s ami Tweeds, Plaids. Liiisi'vs and Kersey.s. Cait^lina and .Marlboro' Stripes, . Bl ‘aeliDd and Brown Slurtini'S and Sheetings, WhitM and Colored Flannels, Drilliuiis and Tickilll^s, IrL-^li loiueiis. i^ood assortment. Linen Tabh* ( botlis. Towelinjrs and Xupkiiis, Shiiwls. Cloaks -and Mantillas, * Fvtru (juality ofBed Blankets. Jiibbons. Belts. (Moves. Hosierv. itc. —ALSO— Hats.Caps, Bonnets, Boots. Shoes and Uiiibrellas: pnieral as.eortnKMit of REA DY-MADE CLOTIirXG: and everv varictv iu the Y .YXKEE XOI I(.)X t.tXE. wliich wU! be solil at a small advance for G.V.“5H, or on time to piiactiial customer.s. either at A~hiilesalc or Retuil. All are respectfully invited to give me a call before (laieliasing elsewliere. i Cl.vs.s 31u. GOKiUX * CO.. AGEXT.4. ifCllEME. nriz" of 8.7,(501) i (it) . j.iXii) 1 do 500 1 do i 7)0 i do ■ 1 :;7 IHl) do oc 6 1 da 20 64 (iv y. 61 «':* 1 4.:‘.2S do 2 22,176 do 1 2LJ^G1 prizes amounting to jri7.2(J7 , T!i.,’ ex-reisesof tins lii-.t‘iInLioa wi"- be resimv d on —of coui'.sc c.vacting ■'T'LL,n1wr‘sSi;L'sailing, si;. Common ,e„. ble; the [lOor cliiUl looked sad, old, morbid and jouod tweHc inelica oL a column. Then we 812. Xaliirai Sci *iK-.‘. si.'i. Anei'-ut Luii- niiseiv.ble. She h:ul iieon to scliool lK.‘C" her |i,g o-lorics of certain boots aiiU shoes, lur iiK* ^lOjili. : fbniurlif- it. jiti suniiscincut foF liei’ to l)e 'rii-* irav'.-Iiua jia!>l:c uri! als-) in"' ra’i-il tiiat cuintbria- bli* a('ft)!iim:> iatio'is (.‘an !)•• ohlaiued at t!:e .Sle\\'iinis Hall, oil rfa-^oiiabl'/ t*riiis. Sb Pauls, LU, 18-h;. 2t.‘-''t , ii;iruiif.s thought it an iimn.scmciit lor tier to be j,, (i,^ form of a cross; the benefits of ■: With other children. After critically '’Ytimin- priiitcd iu the slnipc of a iiig her |iliysiognoniy, ! said to her mother: i-lnircli-.steejilc; the advantages of u.sing Smitlvs I .intent ^oni-nia '“The same as mv own!'' .she rejilieil. CAPITAL ritK'.E. 5,01)0 P.VT.AP.'Cll IX-n'iTl'T:: LOTTEia'. i02. CDUBIX A CO., ACi:XT.S. , .'SCttCMC. 1 I'lrizo of 10 (Ju Sion. i\i iSci- f;';i;m\‘s, ;sl,8. .S^u;l';n;S tUN* ]>r‘p:irftl i.'la-*^ ill tile* riiiv('r-*^ity ol'.X. C. Tir* jirincipal lias' of I’s',* CG'jnmodfoiis Sti' lU-.I llall. where boara.-i,i...-.,a:ii;iiediit.-:sii -ri;.iintli, iilivsiognoinv, 1 sani lo ner miiiiie. ; ,.l,nrcli-steeiilc- c.NGp'.stVD ol waJ.iiiFr a:i-i.i tiuii' befits. i .. . *■ . lyjj ? Beard a-id taitiea ji.iva.iile in a-h a ace. if rr|uired. | “W Imt is the temjieraineiit ol your lin.sbaiul. | 'door-mat,s descanted upon in lines radia- linglv angularly from a made of the “Then the ehiiil is doubly stmni>ed," I ‘■'on-1 business; and now timu-d, '‘nnd very vigorou.s inea.snrcs must 'a'we find a busiiie.s.s announcement in used if yon expect to restore her lo | (^pg simpe of a star, or else zig-zagging all Divorce her immediately Iroii: anj thing men. | ^ page, in rude resemblance of a flight i uf ntail-S. It appears to ns that tins mama lor I luivertising; in unique styles has about reachtd t ii3 cnlminatiiifr point. The ingenuity of the novelt v-seekers .•'lecnis to have been exhausted. Fiaatatiori 8i Megroos. TUF MO' fXHV PiL.\.VTATH)X. t>:i i!io we.-t sM.* olM'a]''-* Ffiir !liv t. r-i.N lailus IigIiiw I'.iyotrovijId. will bf iNGilt'd Oil Satiinliiy tli',; •JTlii (iii.teai’i of Jan'y 1st. as ativiTtir-eii.) o.i flit.* ]i.'-,*!iiist‘s. at 12 o'olock M. Ai'-o. at till' sam • tim • an I j'lat.*-*. will bu h:r«‘'l tin Xi A’.’oi's iH'l'iniriiig i'* sLiiii l-Lslatt*. i’o.sscasion glvon January l.^t 18.>7. C. IL LLi'H'L, Anci’r. L'dc. 2n. Ll'-J.t- her lo iiealtli. I i: an; tal fill* a.s nieinorizing is eoneenieil-—theli j soiHi her lo tlaneiiLU' school, that she may com-; biiiC c.xoreise with order a!id melody, and some of lior rou.nh cdires may be rounded. ’ Tlie ehild -her lary,e eye.s wide open oniler and deliu;ht—interrapted with: with 2m (iJ e> (It) (iu .i.Oiio i .'lit!) j j l] i Till! tClbs, ;■(■) ; C'lUiity -a 1 -A-iV' !Laid'd £br Sale.. loribt'i* oa'Di'.s lor sal-*, his LAXI>;-i m ilar- ;i=!.-li:ej of Till- I'O. "I 1 Lil i i** -I ! ill- I') H.aoa 2;Li:: do .SM pi'i.-'A aoiini aa-I ri>i* ,);■ iii loL-^ i‘) I'ii.t- '1 -.•'aa-* will do v.-'-! .h‘;i Id-:’;* wo-ald !)»• 0,.' t J:.laiiiiary 3 iia.Dh-. 1 I iviae' 1 Fivt'i'. 1 ,ireoa''i.*i'. i‘,*ai';:i!ie.’ tii .i ail I -Ntai* ;i LoD fork "1 A-;!! -•'■11 all TiD)-'* 'aLIi- i.aiid. us “.Daiieia.i** sehool':' O —but niorher says i'ls \viek‘*d''e*'>.*' What a diienima for a pii;.- how i'vc loiigred to p;o wrone:, and lead.s to •!an! What a ■d ‘D.ui'l oa la" ■ to Joiia Sii.a’!. Class 2.7.7. COUBIX A- Cc.. AC \» . iisville. 15 . S^iALL. 2s-lt 1 1' •ize of ^L.O.l 1 do 1.7.1;;; i de 1.00.) 2 do 7.i70 2 do :;-)0 ') d-* .D'O 211 t’lO ft 60 do 10 06 do •i -L22! do 2 3.7.7-10 do 1 anted. 'o'; L '^v L; lii‘ri raiD SAi L—M.MxKK. 1-) w- jy ejl, ","M' V/t' lai.' OoiOD, i. ■: and HA!L\i*:. • la ,c«'o;l Malta's a-ul s’e:;" !1 i*e ryivcii. Apply ; liilcmiua Fur a ciiiidl “Did you ever iiiicnd yon tlie iiiiiiio, gnitiir, orulher musicnl instrument.' c;i'd I !'J the mollier ( ‘‘O, ves," wiis the nnswer, “M'hy,’' 1 ciintiimcd, '‘why show .such ptir- liiiliiy to the nrper e.vtrcmitic.s.'' '1 he hiimls lire r'-mlcrc ' hn|ijiy ns n mcdiimi of moiody: the feet nrc rendered cijimlly Impi'.v in the same J. !. lIE.ATil. eiiiitoa. X. C. Tlav B. F. FEARCK. = F:iye*tt.eviU(". Sept. 1. 18.7!!. A i-;t ■P.llfli 4 ja.JHi prizes. aaiD.nadn,"- to 8.7''>.2JJ Tiek'-ts SI —.'•^liare.'^ ill ]ua»} oriioii. 7Ve iiivarlaiily aii>WDr l'-*tter.s l»y rt*Uuai mail, e.i rloslii": th" tiekels ill n .j^ood safe envelope, and alway.' observe llic striete.-'t e,'n)tid‘'ii.*e. gVfter the di'a)\ lae. Is over, we send the otlL-Ial 'Irawieif. with li 'iCen ex- j)!au:itioii of the result of tlie ’I'eiiiui'u. ^ All Frizes Ijou^ht at tills oiliec are payable ii-iiacdialv’iy after the drawiii"- in Current Money, and we lake Bank Xoto.s of any Slatti. or Bank drafts ia »i:iyaD'Ut for liek- et.« at par. For o;ld amouiils in uiakiii"'eimaee w,- r"- ceivo postage staaips, they nion.* eoiivi-aieiit than silver. CorrespontleatsiiLiy p-i-.u*:* tii'' ntaiD.-teoedidcnt'O in tht* reiriilarity an I -S'lfCty of the iii as very f-'w . or an niiscairia^e.s of Moat'v happen when profierlv i direet-.el tons. ib*eTr'*fiil ileit you m.‘n:i"ii year I’oL At-U, M A yx'iii : irutd way." i A nice artcrnooii roocivod tlie e:irl. who ^rew in lu.'nith and iiarmony ' month as little every 1*: followed the liV"'ienic rales pro- ^) •LV.’ U all •'Lb. lit M iioal Wb'tikii'*;'^ (;u:f DelAL. .'dieiiK'. '-I Xeetiiriia! Lm;s: , 1’. Tlt.a T In'riiialoriiu a or Ibit let them make nhoiher effort before they [ liivc tip the 3hip. How wouM it do to try ^ I little ndvertising after this fashion? Par ex- i ample: The editor of “Tlic T\*ec-kly Blaze” } wi.shes to add half a million or so to Ids already I eounlles? legion ol snbseribers. The triangular ! oct-'gcn:tl, .square, and cireular "cards” are, we Inughtcr to i,„(b’ (that’s a vile jiiifask but it menus what it says). Let him attempt a mas ter-stroke: LLllOOdKK IIIIEERUEE ! ! I I -ITTlinUEKE T'WEEEEKKI.LVY BBl.LAAZZi.F. 1 lI.()(ltl.'IOU,UOI).UUO CCHRUCCUFLI.-VATTHOOXX I WWULI. CeOOKXTTAAlIXX .\A XXEEWW bSTTOORBYY BBl’UYY lITT i 1! B I’ F V Y I I T T ! U « F i: Y Y 1 I T T ! M’e cliarge nolldrig for this suggestion. It i.s at tlic free .service of all who can derive profit Sunday Tithes. 'iUl Th * imnortan* IU rauv. UK LANKV. filet that tile M. U. I (IiiiciL (kjunty I trial, yon Ciinnot h i trial u»'.>y nnik" yo; ; 'fhi'r..* siiuiiid iu; no : •Stan , (He.Misal uch. if lit)*; -St () He Oc!. 1 I 21- - , .-.i natroria**e of all who .value stcrliii" literary merit. IMFf^UTED Boots, .sho I For Twtmty-(ino Year.s. tiic .ML*.ssonL;*er lias endeavored foeture all art-iclc.s in his lina in the best .style at short noUco. Thankful for past favors, he solieiU a cori- tinuatiori df the Uberoil patronari ' Due. id, ISoG. 28-tr : herct‘7forc bestowed. ■ tiASiGE SALE OF VALUABLE LANij.S. rtii the .SECOXD .MOXD.AY ill Febniiiry IfiJT, at th» Court House in the town of Fayetteville, the iin- •-If-rsi-med will offer for sale. on a ereilit of one aud two yeaVs” several tracts of'LAXD iu the counties ot Ciim- b-i laiiil ami Harnett. * , One tract on the Westeril hank of the Cape I-ear River, below Smith's Ferry, containing about fifteen httiiflrea anil si.vty-five -acres—the I’lantion of the late Henry Elliot. There is a life-estate in two hiimired ami fifty acre-s of this tract, which will not he offered for sale. Tlie intei-est in reversion will be disposed ol on the Lie Jay, separate from the other portioa of tiio riantation. 50 acres oa Lower Liltle River, known as tho t.ib- ■‘^fiOfi’aerit on Lower Little River, former residence of Alex.r Williams, Jr. 45 acres near Elliot’s Mills. 550 acres on the Juniper. 300 acres on Little Mill Creek. 600 acres on Gibson’s Creek-tlic Sinclair place ,340 acres near .McArthur’s Bridge. Also the Saw Mill Timber on 300 acres adjoining. _ . . y 500 acres on Black Branch, near M . J. KolIy s. Aim the Saw Mill Timber ou 110 acres adjoining. i^ixOSPECrrs OF TIIK jiOU rn 27H N I H i’ V F^or the-Yciir 185G. July to December. TVYKNTY-rillRU VOlalLHE. | In is.siiing the Frospectus of the Twenty-Third Vol- j umeofthe SoCfliElvX Lll'ERAiti .MLSSb.NGl'di. j commencing with the July X'o., the Fiaiprietors rely j ^ ^ _ solely on the encouraging letter.^ and promises i>f the i Ty yy ^ |;) (;- S1p friends of the Messenger to aid them in extending Its j circhbltion. and they beg to as.-ure tlie public that no | WiYITS-GS £^-,"y’AC (‘xertious will bo remitted on tlioir p irt to iiiauitnin j a verv lavg" un-l g' ner- neait- of MLL Among wliicli are. i'rencli ami L:igii.~:ii 7i TBV g!-‘ dill'le r.-G ns l.iil. \ 1 ■] eiiaoU'u lo e'.iic ]*'.* a>t pos.-Ujic cost. ihi-reliv avoidii:,. mo-’tni:i'is o;'!!*." day. i') any aildia .-s. gaatis and lio.-r ir- e:iv.'‘li)l)'-. tiv Vem‘‘H:ig t JUid- i'-V'ip' U1 Da. iL ]'•; La.nkv, J7 Leonard Strcj lu;y. i;;. L'.7ii. s'rii)0'I for her. .Hauciug is ;i lieuithful, Ijcuutiful, graceful recroalion, and is not responsible for the abuses j from it. luNuiy has liirowi; ai-0'i:;d it. The vulgarisu! ' end Impedl- excitements of the ball room have no more | Onf ok thk Sfkkciies.—Job Kolic was one to ilo Avith the sln'.]ile enjoyment of the daiu-ejof ’em ou the stump. A double barrelled llm.u the rich wines and sumptuous liampieLs ol i throat and lungs as large as two bushel baskets^ enabded him to electrify his coiistitrieuts, up to iitiugpoMit ill less tinie than it wouid take qiiehantia raft to go oyer Niagara jljru'tl A. arming cmii- jiiuiiits, or.gmaiuig m luc imp: ioh-i.v.v amlT-. otod ol .] , jn whom thev im.iuce disease, ! enal'd( voalii. mav h" t-a-dlv removal wirnoui .•-U'dieMK*. ism • _ ♦ .f f},.,' i-i tills smalt'irae.T. uKarly deiimnstraied; ami the entn ely have t‘) do with tiic temperate l•epu.^t.^ Uial , a tigll new ;U’.d liigiiiy .vueee-^ful irealmcht. ns auopted i*\ }j,^. nauiral waiit.s-of liie bodv.—J)/'-' n ^wni the Author, mily r:-;]de.i;i"d !.v nu ans o! a meu every * ii-.,'-- Ot!" i.'eiiaoieu 0) eaic hLii.'elf j*«.*rieeTiy and at lie- jljnctt !\. .^/. it .li-. '.M j H is L nn-vi lii(' eii.^t . ihcl'cbv avoid:il~ all ID-O wit el l:r-'-'d — 1 .i at 111" erlDed e in a sealed • steii-.p-s . .\. \ . tia ‘ of Fropfrly. 'I’o-day, Selo«» r, Vu: A- Co., ol land sale GOODS. the high character of the work, nnd to cludleiigr tin* to rerieet faithfully the Southern mind, while disdaining all narrow and .«ection:il views, and has been alone anion**" the monthlv ])'*riodicals of .Vnierica. in ile(em*‘> j (if the FK;1 IdAR IX.STlTUriO'X.S (JF TIIE: SOUTHEUX STATES. | To this oHice it will lie devoted, ami will be ])rom]d. ; to repel assaults upon the South, wliether they coriio j under the'specious gar’) of lictiou. oi* in the^direct tiu’in : of aiiti-.slavery pamphlets. At this critical juncture. ; while our enemies aiN* oiiiploying literature as iheir | n>ost potent weapons of attack, tho Southern people will surely not withhold their eueou a cement Irom a , work whose aim it shall be to .strike blows in their de-1 fence. The Messenger will, as licreloforo, present its readers i,.- ^i,;. PiuJeag*, wii/i Ixeviews, Jlintoncol and i,y ^vhnleMi!" or n'tail. Sketches. Noveh, laUi. Tr'^-Kch, Essoi/s, Poem.^. Critiques, and. Papers on Pm uirmy, Sury and other yif.ion'il Subjects. With a view to eiLsure a larger circulation of the MESSEXGEU. tho Ib'oprietors thougli they intend f^reatlv ii'creasiug the size of tho work, have reduced the price of Supscription, which is now only Tiwee Dollars per* aDfiuin, in .tdvaiKO, OH FOUR DOLLARS IF XOT PAID BEFORE THE FIRST OF JULY IN ANY YEAR. 6’.Lf77>LS’—Rimiitfiifg us Fifteen Dollars iu one letter, will be entitled to Six Copies. The Editorial and Critical department of the Mes- een"'’er will continue under the charge of JOHN U. THO.nPSON, Esei-, ! -Viid will embrace C3)pious notes on current literature Do. Delidiis. }'l:Liii-.tii'l rigured : Dr"?s .Silk?. KIg'd and Flaiti : Black Fillet Mits; Sleeves and (’oll-.irs : Ulotli.s. ^ Lissinieres and Satins : B'-ar and Xe^ro Blaiik'-*t: :;-l In i-J-l i;i.'tu‘;u'd a;-.'! r.r'n*.';i in-,.:i:'^;:es ; (b-iitlcmcn's R":idy-M;id-* (■b’d'ioir. (.'arpetiiig*". (touu and Luiumoii . = Boots and Shoes : -\m*hor i'oltiug (.'loth : Kt'rs'-y.s and I.iiisoy'i ; iri-’-li 'ruii(*n.j. Orasli : Tail!" Diaper and Xapkiiis. M'ilh many oti!'*i* orJich's. ail of wliieh b' will be (*.Tt'T\->.l at bo 1 wii! Si Ol d’.V"!Ku". App U.t'tDl ‘.»f by be aiiebon. Dec. (i. 1 Money !1 !n_\ i)7\ LLLLx eepi-.’*! by myscD’. i-i lAi-soii l . ;,i Wuuted. .-I wtii ih)b-SH and lot. at !"d iu l-o.vcr Fay- • .'-ir i /. ilo,i>lou .-mail fam-ly. having jiOlorietv, uml the uecumpnee.s and eompuniuiLS of I’aliiiL-r, Cuiik A Co , soli n liiTgc aiiioiiiit of^ roa! ijs'Liito, of whic-h, altlioii.iili it may iiolstaiiil j ill iiic iia'.ao of i’ahiior, Cook A Co,, tlit-y aio' tiiu fii'st iiuLlic slL'li of Falls. H is i>ri-ii t speecli in Bob Stubbs’ ten acre lot was a enislier. For tlie s.akc of po-sU-rity «e j-ive nil extriK-t : “ Fki.i.ow Citizens : .You. iniglit as well try lo dry up llie Atlantic Ocean with a broom straw, or draw this ere slump i from under my feet with a harnessed gadfly, a- : convince me that I ain’t gwinc to be elected ! this heat. .My opponent don’t stand a chance; the real owner.s. > I''*""*-| „ot a snilf. \Vhv he ain’t as intellectual fis it lids faiietl puiitic'il Imnking house toward wind-: Fellers, I am a hull team iiieiitiou ihis. so tout tuCj . , 111'.: v.\). I ,iauii't’c jumi)' !'i. LI .hiuiLirv. il wil 27-1D >Vo only mentiun ihis, so tnat public may know of whom they have pu-cliasi.d ; ^ and look al'tei' their titles. We take t!ie above iVoin the Sun Fraueiseo 'Fhis lirni were the ongiiiu- uf Fremont. He was ti various mining and ; O.OO'l) gT - ' ■ ’'-t ; Hartt eiiiia ;ug ]ii’.r- • j»rit*e,s. X'ov. 8. ]s,7(l. 2:Mf PO V. ! » -• * p{*.J DORBLV HOUSE! VF.n.’A X TUOY. pFDtn'ii'asi's;. The I’r.iprierors oftibs IXiablidiincnt an- iioimei} To bit* jiublic. that, owing the cou- i-'.r-Gile oy Hr"ei! Xurserit vrhic'n will ba ueiniy i S'.'iit io anv p-iFtitni oi uf Iraasporiaiioa. X. lb— b. will be r"!:! ’I:;"t Fears r'ais"d at tlie.'i; Larue eiipieii i’a* liigla'st. seal-' e.i ni-’i'.: _.ii i.a and .'•ize a! llie ,7 iii -riea'.; Foi-i;ih>gieal ?■ lit Riii-i-esli-r ir. Ill ■ Nmi - m' X.w "I-.'rk ir.-t. -V l.-ire.s.i I ,ri'--' lire, li, l.'.su. ]’. I). Ji.VYl.-s. nr .i. i.SLFIi ITl.EV , lie ii-.i ]iriviitely - 'l I'.iell in-'el-eil nf jHlIi- j.jeeniilg Billictin. , tors of the nomination as.-Oi'iated with tiicm ’ liOiCC siiecalations. At one time tlmy were joint imL M E.) . owners of the litimbug cAate. i're- inoni’s nomiiial-ion was a iriuiu upon the iit-rc S|;ecii!ative movement ol a .set i ds-L.'h \h- X CM.. '■ar (b"eF.'^b("t>' X. U., r.uirkc 1. ji.b.-ked, ami i'v oa or iioar any iiue witli two buil-dogs under the wagon and a tar bucket—1 iifii If that's anybody this side of whar the sun begins*to tjlister tlic earth that can wallop me, let Idm sliow himself I am readv Boy.s, I ,go in for the American eagle —claw.s, stars, ,slripe.= ami all ; and may 1 burst my everla.sliii’ Imllon-lioles, ef I don t knock doivn, drag out and everybody as denies me.” The Bottomh-s Bit in the .Mammoth Cave cf ected bv nmnv to run through .tiTtr lij'.* liigioi Diltl Fii*- puijlic— ui licsiitrulL' g:uiiL‘Sier.s Hud it bceii Huccch.s- Kctitucky i.s siispc fill, and Freiiianl's election secured, it would ,|,e „i,oh-diameter of the earth. The branch for; line fur the originators of the 1' V-' . r-ii-nJ i v; 35 i-ye muiT U ii i Uuuks. Wiisuu, nciiUcU, jl proved, however, u :.tea In ■fiinii a Dj Five ii'bo ^acres near Maaroe's Bridge, North side of the | ^ ^ 400 acres, incladiog the MiBoral Spring near the i fie ahvaV.s fearlessly ami honestly avm^eil. , expcueacc ot th . p Mills fornterly Col. Murchison’s. ’ ' -- --- - - - SCO acres On Grog Creek, near the Faiycltevitle anil Western Hank Road. , n i. 50 acres On the North Prong of .\mtei-son s Creek. Also »n undivided' ihtcrcst. being oiie-third of two 3ts in the Town of FayetteviUe. on Rowan Street. ' ilaviug ii'Feii eiuitt! 1 am iir''|ian*'.l ;•> pf le-LiD >. "ilb'’!- :>• t e'luve'tieiU anil fi’immi)' * euBiU'r L*f !..Mria:.piG Firet S>o"i-e t)f A. -M. Uampb.fil i wil! take phia'iire iu attei . iny (.•eiiniry l'rientl.-4. tiad hoi"' I bu.i!;!*-'? to ! charges be : huVe ilKitlC U lUOVCliiCii!. ilicU'di: Grbei''y, uuJ othui'8. sa:^lruu.-> spcciduliL'ii to all uoncL-nieu. rnai-.-d all puiitii-nily, anil driven the inme movers, ii.elmbng Fremont, into financial as well as pol.tical baiikrnii'.cy. Such siiouid aiwiivs i-ie tile bite d Lnuse v. lio . pi'ejiidiecs lo ioraard their perntc lortHnes. in a siiort time people aill be amazed liial S'Jcii a man as F'remonL have been Ihon-ght r-f—much more A' Y. . ever eoitiil voted : -vrir.'-. kaoVn tkTbUknrfsYrcffig lols; and iri -JO acres of Land on the So-ath side- of Little «iver, near Llliot s Mills. —ALSO— At the same time, oh aCfedit of six months, wilT he shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and tVestern Plank Road. , n„i„: w- 40 Shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and Kaleigh Plank Road. ^ . x- • shares in the Cape Fear and D .-ep River Xav iga- tion Company. 10 shares in the Cumberland Academy, svnd an un divided interest in the Chemical Apparatus therein- These sales are made under a power in the W ill ot the late Henry Elliot. .4LEX’R ELLIOT,, in..„ J. G. SHEPHERD, j " Dec 20,- 185C. 29.t5 The-'B'usiiiu.s.s Department i.s conducted liy the under signed to whom all commimications of a liusiiiess na- FERGfJSSttX 1% CO.^ Law BuiUliug. Franklla Street, lliciiinond, \ a. June I, 1^56.' '5- tanily incraa.'diiig jiatroiiage c.\"tt'n'le»l t-.i .•'a-4v.y^SUiini'i. tl)"y luiv" ii-Aen inibiee-.l ta I'nlarav iliv accoiir.UD'latlou by ti’e utbliLou mi’aii ervf-'n.-^ive Dining Room t)U t-be lowt^r .n->i)i*. aii-l su::-* t>f iC'K>;U. bn th" seconJ Hour; tliu-i ('luFoliug tii'-'in to accoininiKlafe ail vvhoiriav favoV tii-jiu wiiii ;i call. -\;nl lli' .v l»b':l'F0 lhcm.'^L*rvc.''( to au inciva-'Cil e.xertio:'. to give t^atDfactiou to tlu-lr luitrons. Sp icio:i-s Slalile.'? attacbi'd an l carr-i’ul in atbinUance. IHt-abli>hni-.‘n(. v.'ith experience of tde I'roprietor? lii ju-oviding lor the , comfort of their pivti-oii.-s. th-‘y h.ipj will si'cure to them ; a liberal ."ihare of tho travel. I Tho Western and Soiitheni Stages arrive at ami depart ; from thia I Iuu.=»e. I Oa'rrlagos Iu ihttou'lance on arrival and d'd'^vturc oi i .Steam Boats, for the accommo latio'.i of pa-iS'Miger-^. j lIoi‘.cs and (.huTiages furni.*(iK*d at any notice bn’- i .i>; .-t..-c.. n - - , Fayettevilie, May I'J, L't.ili. liF-tf. I _m X" ,',V,LLl,.vn tii-y have ever c-fi'^red. j ten weeklie.s nnd one monthly. In ^ the bt-li ciu-riil "asstirinieui oi' j Ini-.'-c there life twenty-five weeklies nini o-ie Willi the press .so well sifstnined, ; I will do iiiy duly to imth buyc i D.-c. 2'.l. 1806. 2fMr (It* ;p To'.vp. I have a vVARL-HOLLSE 0:1 the and ceil b'.- iimml at the whtMi wanted. Lrtemlii.g to li-.e bsi-'inv*^? of. ^ - t*- tk- v as!**!"! ntbuitiou to ; fui*—-ig pvcsiacb.t oi Uie L iiitOu oiU-e'. ..lai-e of the iiuhllc i.iarunage. My nn-denUe ms any one ei'.n expeet. ’:d selier. W.M. 1!. ivn EY. :!o;ls i'O ■’vVhoiesiti I in Ci'i.tEOiiNi.v.—Gold and news i pitpers apiic-ar to be two ol tlie pi-odm,-t.s j of Californi:i, and probfijly tlie latter have ..las great or greater elVect upon the re-al liros- Tlie snliseriiiers la-g leav- to S'Ino;" ['"jl’ j perity of Uic Slate as tiie gold it.seli'. 1 n San Five sevenths of the F.VRMIXG AXD YURPEN-j TIXB. L.YXD in Harnett county, knonn as the 1 arkci ; , , , , i-, and McNeill lands, joining \Vm. Harr.ngton's land on ; larife lot OI BliUllvet.S, Oiiill IVllitc i and coio.d thr sale ffiieap by L. BRAXDT. lands arc heavily tlmi>ercrt with pines, and within six i^ec. 15. *:iu>racing ; miles of the Fayetteville aiut Western Ra'ilr^d- For particulars apply to D McARTIIU R. J. P. ROFER. J. W. McKAY. (riUe.^pie St. near the Market. 2&-im Nov 29, 1856. 26-tf 10,000 lbs. Tallow ^- antecl, For which the highest cash price will be paid. Oct. 1/1858. A. M- CAMPBELL W. P. Elliott, C O ?i MI s s I oxr ai bu chant, F.VYETTEVILLE. n. c. Veent for Luttcrli'h Si Co.'s Rteoinbnat I.ine Will otMod to all ousiiioBS catr-asted to his csr« Oi-t2I.15«S. ~l-lt GI10CEIiIE8, Together with Hardirare and Cut levy .Hollow U are, Saddlery, Shoes, Lr.ther, .yc., 411 of-which h-ivo been boiicht by one lit the firm ex- nr’-isilv for the Whole.sule Trade. Tlieir t-i-ra: will h, as her'etofore. on the usual time to prompt dealers. To c-iih buvers a r-msonahle discount w,ii be nia.U-. GEO- iV. iVTLT.TAMS -fc CO. F.-.v-tf5vi’ii-3. -Ang- Id, l?o6. U tl monthly'. there is little fear or doubt about tiie nHimalc sucoe.s:^ and prosTLerity ot liuvl youu ijir iStatc. There is an editor- a coniirmc-d rfc. bateli who declines uceeptin^L^ he puhlisiies a inarna^xe. ooimtcnai'cing matrimony IF; ravs it looks like terminates in it. and tlic explorer snildenly finds rii. i.s'-lf brought upon its lirink, stai.diiiK upon a iirojeeting platform, siiiTOiindcd on three sides liy darkness terror, n gulf on the right and a gulf on the left, ami before him tvhat stems an interminable void. He looks aloft ; but no e-'c has yet roaelied the top ol tiiegicat .-ize fi]'”" j over-arehiiig duine-, nothing is there seen l ut^ own ties-1 (p- the water dropping from ahovc sniiling ns it siioots by in the unwonted gleam of tlic Idiiip' He looks below, and nothing there meets ids glti n-e save darknes as tldek as • lampblaek, and he liears a wild, mournful melody of water, the wailing of tlie brook for the green and sunny eh-annel left in the upper world never more to bd revisited. Down goes w rock tumbled over tlic cliff by the guide, who is of the opinion tiiat folks come here to see and hear not to muse and be melancholy. There it [TOCS—c-rasli ! it has reached the bottom. No’ — liark, it strikes again : om-e more and ;-gai'i,' still falling. 'Will it never stop ? (due s Imfr begins to liristle as he hears the sound repeated, growing kWand less, n'lkit the ear can hear it no longer. Certainly if the pit of Frederick shall be a thousand feet deep, the Bottomless Bit of the Mammoth Cave 'ue its equal. Whv is a man’s nose like a furnace? because fit requires constant blowing now-a-Ui-ya.

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