. SCBSCMU ATION',’” Lv \n America, which jt?issnc,spr»"S into®" WcVUATlOS. JuSl’RECroKiT^ m the I ISM. and wn “ Lithe Proprietors hare em- Itheexpense, the iS OF AMERICA. I4 >vi Y Paoer wbicb contwp^ Tiical Geuins. and „ BOMMI'-ST, _ OrKSIBC B. D- Itch alone is worth the whole lub5.Tipiion. l .\ ATIO.V DtTED BY Biglow, S. SOCTBWWTH, loWN AS ONE OF THE fKITEUS 15 AMEKK'.A. lee we hare engaged as Con- pbators; lenrr W. Herbert, W.’W. FosUick, C. A. Page, pet. 15en. Casseday, Iraiii, W. P. Brannaii luneroas Others. ■e rim pend onr sheet. Their depatt- fith the utmost care and no ex- render the columns devoteu „ heuefit. unusually Iii*trn«tiw« Sfc Orw»n»eiif»l = PtATrf»5» fOB.YIK Suggestions and Af^rcultura' culled from sources the most K information which will prove ^fa single year, of almost in- *|s of our paper will receive the Itivelv demand, each being e^ f prepared to raeet tbe rufied IclLses of its readers. Among land Vnms, Editorial Ram- Mas -^cybitylh'eurs, H osA- J5'w York Ckit Chat, the iasAions, Practical Receipts ^oW and Toilet, " 1 he \ Depart meat. Gems from foetry. Readers Guide, ^Sketches, Transla- b»s, tyc. d*f. J issued in Quarto Form, (eight Inmljer will contain at least two thus furnishing our Snoscribers f with a volume containing 416 ^utifnily printed pages of ilVEL[.ETtE.S. SKETCHED. Ac., FOGETHEil WITH tftiClYlL liirSTitTlOYs. 1 sent at the following remarkshly I>'n A.N'U CUUBU1.NG TEUMS : $2 00 per anaum ■0 one iuldrss?',) ^ 6 UO 9 00 15 00 lopT frfe to the g*-*Uer up of the IClubofTtN. iending us subscriptions from the Inwt euclose in addition to the sub- leuls for each subscriber, as we are 7 the United States postage, lining money should be registereu. It. and they’ will come at our ri.*k, |l te.-rpousible for them. I copies will l»e sent free lorost Ld ail who wi.‘h to get up {eipt of four cents ia stump-- Jhe Kng is only cents. It A BIC?I?OV%'; S3 riofek Street, Thilailrlpltias **»• of coraplimeniary notices, we i newspapers ia every -tciioa ot the llhe following extract from : in clear larspe type on souw : riehiyddorned with iUu.struiioii?.'* . a bitfh p'‘sitiou in the literary ,'i.y >iEW2i. best weeklies now published, and 1q bringing it to the notice of the IHakkiiWCkg. I’a. Herald. 1 energy ot the proprietor!*, its ori- coiktenis, and tLe beauty ot the ^ fail to secure for it a general cir- i-'BURG. Ua. l.M*ti’EM>ENT i'KEsS. Ind family journal, we have no he^-i- png it the best among our exchange?- i to pi'ocureil without delay. — SI.ICA>*. i u- kijfiug city emanation.'; hut m inis Itogi^eway to merit biilik- r.iany E. the !?aticn is cotnpustd ot sound pifiil mattei". and i.'iioi tilled up with jrfv. w>hesy-i\ o?hey stulf from the liued auihcr?.—KrikCitv DiSPATCH. beflUtIVul engraved head we ever tnt.s are deeply entertaining, truly Li-absorbiug."—WiLLiAM^m i;-5. Va. I lor just puch a paper, and it ha? se- leadsani hearts to control it? columns I social world bolds.—Weli.:-doiu>ugh, ^ome a leading paper at the fireside." IOrsekver. ^ . Horse northern papers, hot in this in- ced to overcome our prejudice, and [Nation" to our reader?."—Tkoy, 5e-4t tl> PASSE^GEU I.IXE BE- IIXGTOX A PAYETTEVILI-E. LleavcB FayetteTille on Mooday Bad Thur«- bnte* aft"? .aYiB-rb^. Ldoo TueaSay *o!l Friday niorniDp?. otteri'-fc. JeiT***: KayetieTiUe ou Tuesday 1.15 mioaUB after son-rif**. *11 Wednesday and Saturday morDiDga. ,i»t and Paasengera. Bith full seta of Lighters, runs regularly I our Boats on all Ptagos of the Rieer. and roiBptucsa in delWering goods, are too well JsinmrDt. e tender onr thank? for the very liberal s bestow**'!- a.id caa*n?*nre all .«hipp*TS that ^rvd in f»tnr*f. and ferl confident that onr i ar** C'Tual If hot superior zc any xine on W. P. KLLIOTT. .\gent for Lntterloh k C o. .Oct. ISofi 21-tf I. PKMBERTON rUST KECEIVED Lost desinibie STOCKS of xSII-K nnd FlK ODOHS ever offered by him, fce NEWE.ST Sxri.ES of [KS DUKSS pdcol'd Entique Silks, Rich Dm- lpeliind plain Silk Valencia, PoplinetJU ’ Erocade 51efmf», Plain Plaid and DeLains, and a great many other |so, a large STOCK of Velvet. Cloth lias. Cloaks and Talmas. Bay State, d Tiftic Shawls. A great variety of of ;s TRIMMINGS, leries. Honeton Lace Collars, every quality of KIl) GLOVE.S and Oaunt- aiid Gent.'. A few very handsome ,J Cufftnn Dama.«k. with tnznmings to handsome Oil Window' Shades. 1, for geats wear. iird Olive Broad Cloth.®, black and fancy nd Vestings. Avery large Stock of* fndv-mnde Clotliing rife and BOYS made in the latest \rkman»/iip irarrantrd. W‘k was selected with gr^at care as :*d prices, and will be offered at whole- . very accommodating terms. The pub-' respectfully invited to call and ex-' selves. J. A. PEMBERTON, re-tf W.M. F,_WIGHTMVN & CO. Proprietors, Editor. [ EAYETTEYILLE, T^. C*, SATURDAY, JA?iUARY 17, 18*57. VOLUME XV!n->0 033 ) TERMS OP SCBSCRtPri05 TO C.1IIOI.ISI A5 Fur a single copy, if paid in advance, per annum, $3 00 " '* “ at the end of 3 months, 2 50 " u at the end of dmonths, a 00 • « at the end of the year. 3 50 No subscription will he received for a shorter period baa one yaar unles? paid in advance. lYith the view of cxt-nliiiR the circulation and en hancing the u.ef liness of the paper, the proprietor of- f-ers the fallowmg rema''ivabiy low CLUB R.1TES, lXV.iIil JBLTI.\’.inU-i.'\CE: 5 copies of the Carol! :uan, 1 year, SS 00 .. ' “ 10 00 E.ntc3 oC Adsertshtg: Sixty cents per sqn.nre of l.G linos, or les.s, for the first and 30 cenij for each subsoinent insertion, unless the advertiseteent is pnblishcdd'OT more than two months, when it will he charged For thre nipatiis, . - - $4 00 For six months, - - - - 6 00 For twelve month's. 10 00 All advertisements must have the desired numo-r of in. sertioas marked on them, ortherwise they will be in serted till forWd and charged a.ecordincly. Special attention is directed to t\is requisition. W.M. F. Wir.HTM N & CO. Professor Wood’s Hiiir Restorative, for sale hy S. J. HINSDALE. .Aug. 30. 185G. 913-tf KNCCKLE CLiEHEXT G. WRIGHT. .S.»toruey m I.a-.v, Payettuvilie, 5. c. OESec at the corner of Bow and Green streets. Fe'i’v 3. ISlf. .1. A. SPMAU*-, .y¥torxey at law, ATTENDS the Courts of CunTiovland, Harnett. IVlike an-5 Joiinston. Address, Toomer. Harnett Co., N. C. Fefc. if-. 1.356. 65-y THE PI.OATISe BAt.t,S OU w.ashing m.achine. The siihscribcf having purchased the Right of the above .Machine for the Counties of Cumberland and Harnett, is now ready to furntsh such as may be desirous of Obtaining a Right, The machine is simple, both in its structure And operations, and should ^ny portion of it fail, can be easily and speedily repaired by any person having the use of tools. I do not claim for thi.s machiue more than what it is sblo to perform with that description of labor which almost cyery family is able to supply, without at fd i''tbrf'd“|K with the oriliiiavy duties. In the first place a chiW 1’ or 1,5 years Cf age can perform all,the labor, after kvhig seen it operate a few times, add if the direc tions hre adhered to, will dcras much work in one lay rtf three tir four women in the ordinary way. and the woik wm be much hotter done. Below w,l be fepnd a icertifleate from those who have purchased and now have in .me one of these -"“hines^^^^ 4i^iiprU 12,-1356. 93-lf F.atetteville, N. C.. April 9. 1356. ITc. tlie luiacrsigncd. having purchased of Mr Isham Blake one of tlie aliove machines, cordia'ly recominend it to the favor of the Pniilic. It washes very ' and tlie work is much better done than ,s usually done in the old wav, and with less wear to the Clothing. It far exceeds" our expectations, and ha.s only to be seen in operation to satisfy the most skeptical of its utility and eeonomy. tVe have no doubt of its being -enoraiiv used wherever introduced. " 1>.' a. McRae, .Tko. D. Willtaus, W. .1. Anberson, .John" D. Starr, Wm. McLavrI-v, Joseph A. Worth, A. P. Hurt, A. J. O’Hanlos, Jas. G. Smith, David Wemyss. Vt'e in companv with several other gentlemen, saw a four doll.ar tiill which was very dirty and much defiiccd. put in arid washed out ri lhis machine, re- inoviii- all the dirtv appearance ot the hill, and ieav- in- it"iierlcctlv legilde. which shows there is litt.e or no'^rubiiiiig produced in washing fine articles. . Frank A. Roberts, Jas. G. Smith. Maryland Lotteries CORBIN & CO AGENTS. A FORTUNP FOR TltE TRI.AL. '• There is a tide in the affairs of man, Which, if taken at the flood, leads to fortune. ONE TRI.AL MAY MAKE YOU RICH FOR LtFE. Splendid Schemes Drawing Daily. , SEND YOUR ORDERS TO .CO'IBIN & CO. ^ 'I’lic (did Estahlished .Authojised Agents who have SOLD MORE PRIZES Than anv other office in the Statoof Maryland ALL PRIZF.3 GDAR.ANTERD BY -THE STATL SINGLE TICKETS; , Wholes A1 Halves 50 ct.'. Quarters 25 cts, CERTIFICATES OF fACKAGBS, 26 Whole Tickets 26 ijalf Tickets 26 (iuarter Tickets nothing venture, nothing G.tIN. Ticket Bought by the Package are always the most Frdltable to the Purchasers, TRY PACKAGE. For $2.^ we send package Wlinl-3, Halves A Quarto For JIO wesenl package Halves fc two W lole"'' ' For So we sa.id p ickage Quart's A one rie.oo S.UI) 4,1(0 STATE OP NORTH CAaOLISA—ROBESON COMNTY. Superior Court of Law—Fall Term 1856. Chnrchill Walklev & .Tohnston vs Jona. W. Regan. original attachment. It appearing to the saiisfaction ofthe (donrt that the said defmdant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered by the Court that publication lie made in the North Carolinian, a Now.splipcr published m tlie Town of Fayetteville for the space of six weeks, notifying the said Jonathan W. Regan to appear at the next term af tlie .Superior Court of Law lor the couut> ot Robt- TOD, at the Court House in Liimberton.oiuthe fourth Monday in March next.and then and thereto plead oi replevy, or final judgement will be againsU him. WiTxks Alexander McMillan. Clerk of said Court. at office in Lumberton. the fourth Monday m Septem ber, A. D. 1856. _This S. 0. 32-Ct -aoxiE^ox —yor^mhe^ STATE OF NORTH CAUOUlNik— AT COINTV- Caart of Fleas Quarter Sessions- Term, 1856. Dr. H. McLean, vs. Malcom Baxter. Attachment Levy ou Land. Jud-ment nisi for Si.xty dollars and interest from 22 December 1854 and costs. It upnearing to tlie s.atisfaction of the Court upon affidavit tiled by the Plaintiff that, the Detetnlant Malconriaxter is not inhabi'ant ot this Stale or so conceulB himscif that >!;« brdinary primo^ ot law cannot be served 0.1 Imn and Millnup J. NORTH (’AKOLINIAN P-.IYETTF.VILLE. .V. C. Statfc'tifs of the Year 1856. We ri-atlier the fullowiiig facts from a until ber of tables pi’.tuis bed ill the New "York Her ald: During the yea" jrit dosed, 111. persons were killed and 539 wounded by 14'2 railroad Mecideiits in the United State.®. of law cauadttjcsurvmo.iiiii.i unva— - ..vx-.s-*- • CoiiHlable rctnrned jnto Court -Jt ?oUow-! Were 2b engineers kS firemen Jbin. 10.1857. -ROSE?OX T I 3 V t i- COIIXTY, Fall Term 1856. SWAT Superior Court of Law William Boyce &Co. vs. Jonathan W. Kcgaii ORIOIN-AL ATTACHMENT containing Ninety-seven acres more , uerty of Malcom Baxter,, .lying oa the wjitors o, laud Swanip abcut one mile trem 1 hi.a'lelphus Lli ment against the said Malcom Baxter ' eiidorsemcut to wit: Levied on a tract ol Land. r,ng 18.10 e or us Inr ju o- ntors of Rich- mhtyl8;6V were only 62 fires whore loss of life fore on •notion.rirdere.n.y .the Com*, tM I ..^mber of persons lost was be r there were Ifio killed and G wounded by 153 similar accidents. There were 89 fires in Uie U'niled States 1856, wliich involved the loss of 183 lives. Vholj Look at the fcllbwing SPLENDID schemes. - AV^nrof the Supriior Coulu ofl.aw fiw th^ One of which are drawn at it o clock each nay o e m.x^^ pobeson. at the Court, House in Liimbortou on • mo '■rvrn •• laroiitU'Hii , : Town ofl'avetteville. for the space of six weeks, noti- I fvin- tiic said Jonatliaii lY. Regan to appear at the B.IRT/rir FULLER, V t {DVIIt'y Ht l-tlAA', F A Y S T f S V I I. t. E , >• . U ., .Miv b- co i-ultH at tlie Law Office ofJe.s.^c G. her.l, Em-, on Green Street. .(Uiv" 19. lS)i*. TRADE, 1856. T'tf 0 li. A. ; t'ruiU 11 .>ru ' c>loro. BL.ACN over Dr. S J Iliiisdale's K A II C E a large and desirable Stock of WiyTEJi GOODS, . week. BKILLI.UNT. 47,2-n !>(>-iu-.8. MtRYLVND CON.SOLID.ATEl) LOTTERY Cl.vss 310. CORBIN & CO., .AGENTS. SCHEME. i the founli Moiiflay in March next, and then eiiil tliwe 4'o rleaJ or replevy or final .pidgment will be siven ! against hbn.iwitness Alexander McMillan Clerk of said Court at office in Lumlierlon the tour.h Monday in September A. D. 1856. c. 32 6t , ..unlbcr of Arcs in the L'nitcd States in ^'’coun”v*or*lLbe.soii at the! 13.50 (where tli's loss of property was over ...ca tlie I'oiirth Monday of ' nary next, men aim- ihei-e to show cause, it any he can wliv iudgnient final shall not-be entered , - , him and the lands levied oil condemued to be sold to 1.^^ Jg-- to the above tlie nur said Court: ,,ou„t of property destroyed by fires, where. at office in Lumberton the fourth i in each ilistiiiiee, the loss was less than $-0,- w A T). 1856. and Of Amei ican Indcpcnauicy i.,e , li.jU\WntVC '-us I $20,000 at each.) was 2.27, and tlie aggregate I loss $ri,158,00(1, against a loss of $13,049,000 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do I GO do G*1 do 64 do 04 do 4.S28 do 22,170 do 24,861 priies $5,000 jan. 10,1857. I STATE OP ...ROBESON *47.207 BY G iidte Au'.iiiou tiler-.' u t >,lt iv ? 'I'd ,il i‘J the 't' ;rh'‘ U' : 0.1 till -W'i lies from rayi Oct. 1. VH wraGHT ■PS M'lilGHT. iXJ 0. iiOOSTOM WOULH rtturu liis thaaks to *be publio fur the liberal patron : ll7 lUH ■t-* .'-wA-e-'T veil, and hopes, by punctuality iff bu.-iiness. lor a eoniinuatiou of the same.. He lias Gomin-cnced busm- ss on ]i;s own respi'.i.sibility, oa liv .Soiitii side of Person street, tv.i ' ■ i b,.ioa- the Cape tear i>a.i.. a 1-1 evc'T thing in his tine ot bus,.u.,.-s. VB." lie will attmid to re,,i;nngo ness. A;., a id his che.rge.s s.ia.l b ;r 13. PS-5-)- . . ri:. . Strnr.'ge will pny the high is. r . iS NC'.V OPENING. FALL AXD eonsistiiig in part of Klack and Colored .Silks. English and French .Merinos. Pl,Pn and I'Sj'd Delmnes, some beautiiAl patterns: itlaek -and I’aiic.v .Vipacas, K'lgl.igs ami Insertings. Coriavs and Undersieovas, O rel lie and Whalebone Skirts. JaooiK-t. Nainsook. Swiss ami I’lai.d Muslims, Vreii.-b. English ami .American prints, ciot'as a id Tlassiineves. Saiiuetts. Jeans and Tweeds, i'laids. Linscys and Kerseys. Carolina ami'.Marlhoro' Stripes, Bl.'aciu' l and Brown Shirtings and bkcetiag?, White and Colored Flannels, liriiiings and Tlekings, r-'sii ijiieus. good assortment. I in-'ii 'faille t.Toths, Towelings and Napkins, Shawls, Cloaks and Mantillas, I i-Ntre iiuaiitv oi'fled Blankets. I>i'-,;,cris B.dts, Glovefi. Hosiery. Se. .-ALSO— niiels. Boots. Shoes and Umbrcll-av; -enc-ral assortment of RE \ D Y-M.iDE CLOTITiyG, and every variety in tno YANKEE NOTION LINE, ivliich will be sold at a small a-dvance on time to p-aiictual customers, CAPITAL PRIZE. 5.000 DoUtus. PAT.iiPSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERYi Class 102. CORBIN & CO., -AGF-NTS; SCIIKMK. 1 r’'ize cf NORTH CAR01.IXA' COUNTY. Superior Court of Law—Fall Term 1856.^ Ciiuichill Walkley & Johnson vs. Jonathan W. Regan OPHGIN.VL ATT.ACUMENT. It nppe-aring to the Satisfaction of the Court that Ine said defendenl ia not an inhabitant ol iluh '- -‘'R-', i- is J ’ 1 u— *1... tUof Pnhlioation be luucic in tni? orderu Nortli of Favett*: ber -A. D. 1856, and of Amei' filst year. Issued the cim^. , ijy'B. FREEM.AN, y. C. Janv 3, 1857. si-fit _ CRAIN’!'' CRL'.RK ACADK.^iA• ' iliOOZfiJ COUNTY, N. C. ■ to announce to tbc public 000, and the aggregate would be increased to probalily $27,oi5b,000 in ifeoC, and to $18,- j 000,000 ill isos: 1 Tlie number of steamboat necidciitb in 1856 I was 29— persons killed 358, woniided 127 'The number of accidents in 1855 was 9.‘ killed 176, wounded 107. 1 defendenl ia not an iuliabitant ot iiiih .rsuiiv, i. .= ered bv the Court that Publication be made in the rtli Cnrolihian a Newspaper published in the Town FavetteviUc. for the space of six weeks, nolilym). rib- Trustees e.re happy ’ S i .oMi.,. died S'Sr&i,.™...;! Vi.i.-d s..... i» 1850^^ North Carolinr. and his testimonials are of ihe higl.- .et . chareeter, warranting theTru.stees in giving assuran e all who may fuel disposed to ,natyon.«me L..L^ in the I the advantages tlie said Joiialhan W. Regan, to appear at the next . it will hav team of the Superior Court of Law lor t.ie count} of i ,|,|,ri,ugh lustniction. - ofravtha"-c Hobesoii at the Court house in Lumbertou on the^ 4tn , The io do 1 do S do 200 do 63 do 63 1(7 12G do ?>.!J00 do 2.3.-130 do Robeson aliho Court. . MoudrvviB March next, and thou and there plead or re-oleiG. or liiia! Judgment will be given agauiet iiim. Witness, Alexander McMillan. Clerk of said couit at office ill LnmberLoii the fourth Monday in Srptemhei A. I., j„,„u..'N. C. S, C. Jan. !0. 1857. :V2-6t .ST YTB Ob- NORTH CA.I1-(LI.S'V —ICnHlnSO-S' COUNTY'. Superior Court rf Lnw-Fall Term 185u L B. Goila ill vs. C. W. Crawford (IIHG1-V-A1- ATT.VI UiM EN'f It appe li'.at 27.8U prizes aiiiGUiiUfis to $17,217 Clasij 255. CORBIN A CO., AGENT.S. ScUl’MK 1 prize of to the .satlsi'actiou ot tlu' b _ ^ t'.r>'saei di'fi'U'inut is not :>:i inha! itaat of lais Male it is ordered iy tlie Court tli.it i’abiicaliou ^ be m-me in tlie Norii. iGroli.iiaa, a Tow.i of Fayi'ttev.lle. tor tne spare- ol s-x a' i i L fving the said C. W. Crewiord o, Term of the .Superior C'juri o! 1.a A .oi ... vou. .. • ■ LibeVou. at the Court liouse in U'-u.ii,ercou._ on he fonrlii Monday in Mareii next, and t.e a -s - to plead or replevy, or final -O-Uiisi him.—w iaess Aievaiio.r .ecV-aua in .rK oi ion, the fourth .Monday lis Dee. tiie 221.d i.s.'io, The iiland «r Cobai The Qusen of the A iitilles is the glory of Spsiii; Siie is guarded with care and cherished with affection. Kver since tlie Ostend mam- festo innde its appearance, the Spanish forcer, island have gradually increased, and luadrotis watch around her coasts, more..-.,. --- viioa contains front thirty-two to tbirty-five adopt- , Utonsand stpiare mites uf the richest soil a.^ roducts are immensely valuable iliepopu- waa estimated at i'braslier sfort tines became so much a subject In order that the heaefita^of tlie Ifistiuition^ n^v^j.ontaitis S^u';;rG:;;b.s;':i 1855 luiios. .?L-.. , , . Ws It i.'tl5,4C.2, divided according 10 n.r Pxv.'lent Hom'd can bo ontaiiu'd at .-.Ir Aifio.-t - av ... ^ ■ and other iKiusos in tho.iioicld-oi'lure-. i(UN.--PD Vi'.i>0-nA!.P Dec'r2n, 1S5G 23-3t iioljeson liistitiitf'*. M. CDIMMD; ririNCIi’AL. — whose mil ■ of interest with liis Amcriciiii friemis- , lotvs; .... fol- vill be o:i - \V i ia Cuiivt at- Ailicf ill ScpUtinbiT A SuGlHiig.. Sd. Connn An il for lats.C-ip-N for GASH, or ither at W/Lolcsoh or lietail. a call before .VU are rcppectfuil; invited to give me purchasing elsewhere. ^ Ifay St.. F.wottevUl^, Sent. 1. 135)3. H-tt 30.:51G pn: 1 M’c invariably . . cunting to ^ $5.>,-.jo Tickets $1—Shares in proportion. answer letters liy return man Saddlop, Uar- Ri'jJierats. • .''•epu' M -Ln’-iriu A rei ca h pri'c ■ for Turpentine nnti: i'lirtner nonce. ?(>ut. 3. 1656. in M. YAljLKld'iBooti.-ho.- j^.^^.^c5t:ib!i.slinieat t-i the corner ot Gille.'pie orJp-i4''‘‘.‘ t'l: f'X'vA f.invrly Oi-ni; fj.-.t r\' ' c:l T'.IP f.k'}t.ire All \-:t. ri-i n i’, *. l"s A : ;inii iTi’unKiin streets, in and nnder the room! 1 bv I'D' S '>r T. H't has o \ hand i iM'vlXa-M FANUY, HOMF and .S:»0‘''5. «Taiters. .^e.. ami will niann H:i'' in 111- best style atsiiort gf rwoi'-'. he s ilicit.s a con 5 la a • j^nosrECTiis OF THE SaUTlIIiBN LITiaiAltY .MEier^KNGER For the Year 18.56. July to December. TAViliXr VOrjUyTl2» T,, i..,,;-.,-tim l’i-.)-nectus of the Tweniy-Tu.'.rii dd- ume of the SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER, eoinm.-neing with the July No., the Proprietors rei} .olelv on the encouraging letters and P>'"'“ycs ot the friends of the .Mes-senm-r to aid ’''riV'''''nv bIm no rirculatiou.and thcv*lieg to assure die public that iio riertious will be remilted on Hieir part to inaiutain fm 'n'di character of tlie woik, and to challenge the ■iitro'mo-o of ail win) value sterling literary merit ,• I I I W..vv_ -re I, ,. .. ^x,x. 1 .10 tic IH> rti -, . closing the tickets in a good safe envelope, aiid aiunj s observe the strictc.st confidence. After the draij'ing is over v.-e rend the official d-awing, 'vR!! a writ.en ex planation of the re,sij!t of the venture. AH Prizes bought at this office are payable immediakiy .after the drawing in Current Money, and wo take l.iuiK Notes .0. 1 Jan. 10, 1357. ST2V i'E OP SOY Kn- i-i;!, Ta\n- llie .3oph- 50. aV. Mc.MILLAN. C. i . c. »rtO»KYOX COUNTY. Superior Court of Law—Fall 7cm 1856. Nicliolas Powel vs. Stepljen H. .Martin O RIG IN .VL ATT AO 11M ENT It app.'aring pi the s;vid clel'enilent is The ex'reis -s.jfthis Institntioi M-mday the .'.ih January m-xl. Tuit'iui pi'f .8,.s.s'.on. giish. 612. .Natural Science. 6.a gnag'es. 618. Students .are pre-par 01a.s.s ill '.he University of N. G The principal has cha.i.ge of ,ar.l Hall, wlicre Imard c-iiI lie elitciiu'd at ;■ exeiu.sive of w.isliing and room lignti. ■ : Board and tnition payable in advance, li re'TuiiMl. , The travoiing pniilic are also mlormed Unit cora.oi ti- , ;-'u aecommoJatioiis can be cbtaineu at the Steno;'...' c«>maiodious St'w- r mouth. ^faclloii lif tne ; not an liihabitaut ot ! court thal the -^ered by the court AoA uf t^\x we-rks notdyritu- tiiG. ncYi Torux Sup'-rior YOU it of Law for tl.e m miiv of Robe- ' Hall on reasoiiabls terms, i St. Pauls, Dec.'20, IS56. ■'iVliiles Free colored Sinven This iioimlalioii ha iiig ratio' In 1775 it wan 1817 it was !S57 il was 1841 it WES 1850 it was 1855 it was 564,698, or 39 percent 219,170, Of 15 per cent. 652,599, Of 46 per cent, us iiicfeiiscd ill the loilow- 2o-;:t I North Carolinian a in-wspap f I'a-’ctlcvilie lor the spac Pc said 6tcnlica H- Martin luapii f ihi TBEi>€ii.4.V lU-E-lliPB It is staled tliat tho telegraph P be on. at tiie Coiir 1 Monday in Miireii 'lext ceive .silvi in the regolarit''and .safety . . or no mi7eairiages of Money happen when properlj directed to ii.s. Be careful that you meiittoii your I osl Ofi’ce. Cc'unty and Shite. Civo us at least one sing e trial, vou cannot lose much, if not gain. ' trial may make von independent for Iiic. fivV L' Tl'et'e st'cnld bond such wnr-i a. fail. A-ldress OORBIN ,t CO. Box 190 Tost Gliice, Ballimoie Md. Oct. 11 21-6m IfFW AXO CIIE--\P GOODS. Jaif.es House iu Lumborioa ‘si the tomoh liieii a I'.'i t.h-.re to pleau will be a;_riilust salJ Thori' wl'h- tlic Liuitli', as K'l:. .fter the drawiog in Lurreut .viou.;>.aiiu ccw.v -y. ,- , iul..-iPoai will be -avuu otes of any State, or Hank-U-afts in p-.tymeut Um-tick- m “v,.: -1 Th r ■^U'-M'iliai d-rk of saiJ Its at par. For odd amounts in iimk ngcnau.du we . w j:' ,': jj,pm fonrih Monday m ;eiv-e postage stamps, tlioy bcinj: inor-: co.ivt'ou v t khan - .iv.vi iH.v,>. lilver. Corresponaeutsiniiy placf ithc utino.-tcoiitaience Sept-'in *01 . . - - • \IcMlLLAX C. S. C. .. .1 ..xi.Yi.riA on.1 tfnC.'tv nfibe ma.ls.us very few Ltancl for Sale. Tlie Snbscribm- offirsfor^ku bis l^^ .D/unUc tologrupb wires wi v^re'imuvin l '5Aremk.! and lying in th'i fo^ of „ ,.,,a ; This is pretty heavy eXi Kibanie and Upper little River. I v.P. sell .11 to -vih-r or in lots to suit lb : pure.msei. iug t > purehare wil! dn well to examine a descrintlon iiore- wouid be usci- si--. ' 1 will's 'll the a’love named Lan-Um t;.c ptm Thursday the 15th January 1657. For further particular.s, apply to Joli.i hi..all : seif at Owensviile. N. 0. W. Jan. 10, Lso?. - e-t 'SWVT sd Oia rit-R'I'H C V lUH CilU-NTV. Court «!’ Pleas and ,IS V —SlOiii P>. Fr. J” Quo r Ur Sessions—Aiocem- Ur Trrm, 1856. ,-i A Co. VS. Malcom Barber. • l.T,-oil. Levy on l.aii.', uolUirs anil l.wonly cents Qwensville. Dec, 1.3, 1856. 'sx; I squire rsYD sYsje Having been appointed {n-'peetor all duties A. .SMALL, 2.S-4t ioc .on. .'f Naval Store (;r i.iir-t ' the hr ' .lau ps. . and costs, lire Coilri. upon I am prepared to perfi.rm all Uut.ess ,n u.y . - . l, ..e.„l.-s etih r at the River or m lo'-vii- H'a'.,-' convenient an-1 con.n,odious W-'liy"’t y'"'' he conierefGP.V.-oie Street, tnd -rein be loiiiid at the m. i”.* of A. M-kanipbDir^ when wanivu. I will t Ike ol-asurein nllendii'.g to the lnisitH's.s ol ..... " ivie.ols and hone bv a strict attention o ti sri itlou or r i-* i IL.'C. 15, \6j6. :-):;r V 1 !) vtrii 1 I -il irO t >3. Gl’- bifTit O’A OF V.k DU .-Y-'J is A February On t'-.-' SEC'INl) MOND.AY in Ui C.At House in tlfr town of Fayi-ttev.lle, the un- d..-d -ued will o.fer for sale, on a credit o. one a'ud t"'' " yvvriil tiM3:s or- i'.ANU i-i thn couQ bank of tl;o r-p,; Fear c >at7ilriini? aboiit fitioen —luu l^rantion of tlie lab- in two l-.nnurol SOUTl To this office it will h i HAS just ri'C'‘ivfil a v* ! mciit of (rOfiDS Ainon ib'votoil. and will be prompt loi-.p -l assaults upon the .South, -whether they emtne , .,..,0.!. ipo sweeious "arb .of fiction, or in tne direct form , of aiiLi-slavcrv pamplilct’^. At thiy critical jaiictmc. j Aileonrenriiiesaro employing btm-ature as thea , m-.d put.-nt weapons of atlnck. the Southern ■vill snrelv not withhold their eiicourftl-.'mreit Loin a | work whose aim it shall 'oe to strike blows lu their dc- j The Messenger wilt, as heretofore, preseiit Us readers 1 iriih Rrvirws, flis'.oncal and biographical. Sl-etrhrs. .Vovets. Tales, Travels, Essays, l oenis l Critiques, and Ropers on Ihe^ Army, Navy and j other National Subjects. \ W-tU a view to onpiire a lar^a'r. circulation of tbe ; lANGHlv. the Proprietors tlioui'h they intend ' r-msitiir the size of the work, have rcducc'- MES.Su of Ciuii- yearn. S'rvcrni iv • b.*rlaa I ai 1 111 f)!ie tract ou tu? SVcrii-crn Itivtir. beb>-v -S u t-Ji rf Ferry, huu Iri d a i-i-ii vty-livv ik'Tcv ei:!y:ds;A5[ption: which is.,ow o.y ^ f ,KsAu 1 5 “Arate IVom the other portion of the ; n.rec rolinrs prr. iintmm, .» Jdvanre, ; 7 “-U- , nol.L Ml.6 IF NGT PAH) BEFORE THE: 50 acr^o.n Lowu l-..tre .a . . , CLUBS-Remiiting us Fifteen Dollars m one ^ eon p.-ac-'- LUtle River, former residence i .,ii| be entitled to Six Copies. i of Nl’tA Ir i Vhe Editorial itnd Critical^ ‘'’‘= i M ■ 45 a jrc;4 n-; y larjTo anu g-.a-ral rv'^civ. whicii arc, French and H:i,£?Ush .Merino.-:: lie. J)e!;rin;~, Piaiii and Figured : I)res. .Silk.«=. Fig'd and Plain ; r»Uck Fiiiet Mirs; SieevD-i au-'l CoiliU.-'; Clolhrf. i’assiincrcs and Satiiis ; Ib-ur and Negro Plankets : Z4 to 12-J Hleuchcdand Ptown Domc-s^T'; Gcutbunen’s Rendy-Mau?* Cicthin^-, Garpeting. Good and Co'mmoii : Boots and Shoos; Anchor Bolling Cloth ; Kerseys and liinseys • Irisli Linens. Orash ; Table Diaper and Na|)kiri.s. With manv olh'T orticles. all of whicli being pur chased by the Package, will be offered at low prices bv wlicK'sr.le or lelail. Nov. 8. 1656. 23-tl I'lPinto Co-irC at this terc.i an : Mi-iccm Barter with the , . IPfC, ! It ai!p ar;ng to the tal.s.ac , , ,, Islndavt! lii-.l ay (he pia.at,ns, tliatte. P>art'-r is .ot aniiihah ia'ito. t.iis I a A,.sis or cone"..!s h.mseli' that the ordinary iun.ccs- i will -of law canno be s-rved m mm-o-fil uhk.n J. ^ Browii. 1 ! attacbnicui againsl the '“V.'Fi.v-'vU lUA j follov Inxcc^li ura;a (o a i couluin iuiieiy-seven ac«*es _ 'A M-'ieom Barter. .i(iiu::;g Mary viraham and — one iiillcfroiii Phi liulelpiius Chu’xli. , itai and ^erv reibre on niotim ‘■'y*!''*-'; nev ^utuer ^ nieiits to luarnage gc’*ei.i t.ikc ]d-‘a‘-:ui niv c »uiurv friends. :iud iiope Imsiuess to' merit a share ol the public patronage. -M} -u-'-e.s shall bo as mn'pTato as nn\ one caa u^p■. liiv dniv 10 b‘)Lli buyo‘' and sid *■ ' V, :m. iL. \V ILLt. !s over tl.f about one euse. l;C selit- tc T,ondon nml Diverpooi every ilay at three o'clock ill the afternoon, and will in coiiSC(|iieiice of the difference of lime—some live received in the leading Atlaiitie Hfitcd Suites before noon, forming the basis of (iperiitioiis here for that day—in other words_ the doing.! of the Louden Bxcliaiige will be known Imre before ’Change hours, and will be nnbli.siied in the iiaper.s of the same evening l.e- fore they are laid before ti.e Hritisb imblic. Transactiens on Hie Paris lionrse will i.e sent ill the sauio muuiiLT. hour.s—be cities of the 2n-if mciit o. Traci oi Lirii-^. 'U'pposc'l more or Ic^s, as i.l tbc lands Ol i/g others, ou U;chiar.-i riv.aiup. Chu'-ch. t on niotio 1 or«le,v ds Mc.uiiiau. Dec. 2i: rrs PaFJI.lTlRK DEfLrYE. abUsilcJ.Gralis, .hr aClti •un.re.'and : ^ U OHD-s ON THf: U.kTIONAL i UKAT ^^^^■.-i \T. with* nt Medicine, of.pci-mulorriiva oi ■Ui Deidiby. iuipolcacy, unu W- aadoin ibe fi-th Care DOB BLR' liOURE! Pl-OpPiPtDi’B. ' W. .1. Kell, the I liot’-rf MUlrf. .5.50 aTcsOji the .Juniper. A H) a • • 0.1 Little MIU Grem:. . , fiP) acres,in GP-so Ys Creek--the vinclmr p.acc. 3Pi acr-ts na.u- .McArtuur s ifrid-gc. Mill Tinib-r on 310 .icre.s adjoinin ' vi>u acres on Black Branch, near _ _ ihc Saw Mill TImb-re- on 1 0 acre.s adjoioiiig. 3') ) a'.:ro.=: uear Mu.iroj’s Bridge, Ncit.i suit ^-'loo'acres, incUi-ling the Mineral Spring near the ! Miils forra-irly Col. Murchison's. Ji.il acres ,j;i Gro-g Greek, near tli-e Favettevi.le an.I VVo^t.'rn Plaak Road. . . ' .50 acres ou the North Prong of Audersoa s Greek. Also an undivided interest being one-tliira o. two T At’ ‘n th‘' '^“•vn of FavettevUle. on. Uowun btreet. knmvu a,s tlie'Armstrong lots; ami in 28 acres of Land S the South side of Little River, ne.w Elliot 3 .Milks. —ALSO— At the same time, ou a credit of six months, will be “’ijThares of .Stock in the Fayelfeviile and Western ^’'dS'-shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and Jtaleigh ^-sha^S’iu th-eG.apo Fear and D ep Paver Naviga- ‘'Tt,S”3iLheCamberlandAcaden.y divided intere.3t in the Chemical ?, .f T’acse sales are made iiudor a power in fhe late Henry Elliot. ALKX'R ELLIOT, (Ti;\'r=. J. G. SHEPHERD, \ ‘ ‘ T>ec 20,183G. 20.f3 TfiOY. The Proprietor.^ of tliis Er^LibTi.Mi'me.ut an nounce to the public, that owing to the con stantly Increusing patronage c.xtt’uacd to them, they have been induced to enlarge the accomnio Intioii by tbe addition of an extensive Dm‘''n lower tioor. anti suite of Hooni’? on tb Also the Saw , • i be 1. 'Viiuimvj .-vx, - s. And j liusiues-s Di'partmoiit is conducted by xne unuer- themselves to an increased e.> si-*-nod to whom all coniuiunications of a business uu- patrons. ™“^ly\^UlLlNE. FEKGU8SON * CG. LiuvV.uilding, Franklin .Street, Richmond, \ a. June I, Ibod. ■ caiiou Ot'm; i printed ; cess pear Duortyr soil Mou' ; cause 1. , ,11, ! entfre.1 against hiin n.iui i.u- li-uU ; to be sold to satisly th;.- pUDU i Witness. Siudra-'-h riowr!.. ; at office In .umberton. tne I; ber A. D. 81.Sb year* Issuca nv j5. ID la; .or, M. i>. U.VCK IlonsB.s ,v\-i) Turin Wt.'tN'ix'nH.—.k Lon- dun writer, in giving n description of tlie falcn rooms of Messrs. T.vTrKR.6.’.M., in flint city, says : “ The value of the pvfperly wi.ich passes un der the liammers cf the Mc.ssrs.Tntlcr,3al! seems immeuse, when we consider tlie num'uer oflots put up for sale during tl.e year, and tl.c great prices of some of them. Maim like .sold for four thousiifid guineas ; Bay Middleto:. realized tbuiisand five hundred ; I’lcnipo, five iinmln d 'three thoii.saiu I seugor will continue under the charge of ' ” .TOS5X H. TIiO-'»IPfeOX, Esq* i \nd will embrnce copious notes on eurreiit btevature ! and rcvicw.s of all new American or I oreigu wovki-ot cnernl interest aiul value. The , eocond floor; who may thus enabling tiiem to necemmodate all V favor them with a call. -And they pTedge e.xertioa to give satistacLion Ostlers in lienr.'rcl ann eost.S. •l it of -ar snia Court : Mon'h'.y olNovein- .yniericcn liKh'jieii.lemre tire 7*0 ,\!iv 0*' liceomber i.-.'ilC SiPv'l)- lltPiVELL. Clerk. ■f.bv nvoidtfig .ganiis and cost Ire niiiti'.g ■ .lovt iiaidi two i.c iyD!:.‘l!’ib; l..MtKV. 'll l eonnrd St- 000, ill stake: nioiie, and tlie winiiiiigs cl liim- elf'aiid his half-biMtlier, Van Troiiip, wiio be- anio’.iuied to i;k 1 Bv B. FivL Jany ?>. lBd7. XORi’/i CXi'Oisi COUNTi* JMAN, J). L. Money WQ)m Five veveutbs of the FARMING AND TURFEN- NF I ■U'^D in Knruett county, known as the I arker '.ri. .riV,-, Wm HarrTigtoivs land on 200 acres cf the and McNeifl lands, joinin _ Upper Little Riven River. The up ian'ls*arVh'eavily timherert with pines, and within six miles of the Fayetteville a^ad Western Ra,!roa.L For pavticiilars apply, to U -Mc.YRTHUR. ,1. P. ROPER, J. W. McK.-tY. SpiVeicus Stables attached and carefii: '^^The eligible location of the Est.nblishinent. with the experience of the Proprietors in P™''"I comfort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a nherai share of the travel. _ „a .inuari The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and depart from this House. , . Carri-a'ges in attendauce on arrival and dcpartuie oi Sfeain Boats, for the accommodatiou of passengers. ■ Horses and Carriages fnrnisbed at any notice tor carrying travellers to any partofthcadjacentcountry. J. W. POWERS. tV..G. TKOI'. Fayetteville, May 12, 1S.56. S8-tf. Oiiart.r Sessions- Term, !Sd6. r. Pliic'Kiu'.v B. Htii niid ^ friend -iohn Hill. | Nil,lev; Sillers Yeniiirn iiiid i •lohli ll-.iiiliitun uud j Nov 29, 1856. 2(i-tf Wanted. A first rate SADDLE and HARNE.SS ■\LVKER, to whom good wages and stetuiy 1 employment will be given. Apply at > this office, or address^ H. HEATH, Dec, 13, 1836. 28-tf Clinton, N. C. P. Elliott, t O M M I S S I Oli M ER CHART; FAVETTEV'ILLE, N C. Avpnt for Lu'U-irloh k, Co.'b steamboat Line ^ 11 Kiv.»Iv. i»nt ru sTcil to al-tf STAT55 Ol’^ /-» J c rri.Ta' ,itt-l f'iuriri'i’ Sessions Court of I teas aiui her Tim IVBtio’A of .Vinos BuGcr Rnssci Hill by their father and next Eli-as Bullock and wB wife Mary; llenrvi'. Butler widow wife Sallv and i>hani ajiuRi, dia . Butler and John Butler. PetiticQ for :: ol SUT.ves. • 4 4k» C..-11 iiti’-iotjon ot the ( oun that therefore ou motion ordered by theLc.rt .5 a-. piim term ofthe Court of Pleas and i’^llbcreon^ ri'hl tfl^Mmiday of Fobri.nry next iTanLerthe petition, or the same win be nikeu p If the aiiove . po.sod of liy Is; Ja '.uarv. it will then oe otiere lie auction. Dec. 0. D ob. 2i-U il ; : *riaia]>s 'LFUy- 'longod to thcr.ainc owner, . ,ocn. OotUer.stono wen at throe yuar.s old, Wanted . ; : West -V ustralinii. 4210,965 ; nntl ftni'iilicu. UGU.SE and lot. at -1-10,375; . 1 in lower I'ay- ' A I.rcKV M'-s-utiN.—A Itlintl baud organ- trt wlio went uboiit the streets of Iloclier.tfr, XY., witii a paie sickly little daitglttcr has f .'lieii lioir to uit tTtate in M'ales, said to be 11 000,000. A promiiieiit legal firm in w cicriigeJ in m.ikiiig o'l DVfLLLlNG^ m-csent oeviipii'd by myself, sitiiu.. i-ueviile, on Person street. oppo.site Ml G. Hon.lo,i . awMltng. The l.ot'tontare-over ha i an acre t.ad i>i'> H'U^'* is ci'mi{uvi;T‘’h‘ tni a sni id i.-«. • -•* . © . thre reon.san.iagoo.lwoBcrw,.terconve:,et,L , Appiv la gtALl ic. J'. S’.\ * A.,:. or JOSEPH UTLEY, prop- rl'.- b-.i not iwivately dhs- nt pub £1. D. worto tliut city ucce.5>nry tbe Gtvtvd.K wm atteivl promptly to all business entruiitcajo his care. Oct.'21. 10,000 TalloYY' nntca, Per whi^ tbe highest cosh Rl \VIS!sU'6:*1n. to advi-ic their custoraer- nui siercnants uvue........ that they have received a ii-i-l ai"! ex'Wet to receive the balance oi their rcceni * “ ' ‘ f,;*,v days. Their Stock will be much The subscriber.s beg leav.- .Merchants generally, that the thoeks of an iI;q lust ttix iveelrs, four ; li-avc hech felt in tire ucigliborliood 1856. Oct. 1,18^6- “^A. M. CAMPBELX jer A D. 1 56. and of America '1 AT. Tweed the 27th day of fiecember aistyea.. ISC'- -- siI-AD. HOfVELL, Clerk. .By B. FREEMAN, D. C. ’ deny 3, 1^37. 3i-6t Together wiih Hardware and Vtitkry, Hollo - H are. Saddlery, Shoes, LerJUr, kc., All of which have been bought liy one ?f l--'_ ■ ' ■ Faxctievme. A«^t 13, H56. H-tf Witliin eirtnqmik of llickmnu, Ky. Cu.XVICTION OF liu.STINGTO.a. Tlicjurv ill tllB Iltii tington forgery case of New York have Ciidcred a verdict of guilty. The t oun teti- icnccd liim to tlie State’s prison for four years Iinl tell months, lie is only 33 years old. g!^v“ Tlurifig tlie past year $31,000 were raised within the bounds of the Alabama (Metli- pdist) Conference, for Missionarr purposes