Imeer, who recoin practicable sites ling Tonntl, rotting Ire now been going sever, providential •tal man, owing to tts. “The worh was ” anpreved by the away, a’id. floated '‘aeccrdKig to con- pcai work itself, the tenderly susceptible Itcly admonitory to- are been kept cloak; cos pocussed up toe ; least who own stock ark as anybody else.’’ aly. Further, sayi lat such a company Qcb a work, to be ling bond &c. The pe nor manner speci- bntracters get paid, card of a bond being gullibility of hr-ean ver read (and that reader we, can bnk knber ijf eases where: were identical pet; I of a long and nse- wish him, be may : such thing. biissions of the |itli all the stern and it is proposed to Iterprise in the same tbe same uaspices in Irrived at its present |act of wilful, delibe- is there another I ail this broad nnion kve submitted to each tall it by nd harsher 1 and capable engir.- hat it was imjpossMt Fear without the sums of money as pie and bankrupt any lj6 it remeraber- |ii who were nninfln- bi.s, hopes or anfici- ' project to that pur- lere right or not, let Ihe huif million and pd the rotten, dilapi- pswer. ad and River both,' |i)ody knows it. The |a.s been long enough |this and other deln. generons and tinic- Iwithehi their warm J more snhstantial as- Iblic ntiiitr nor from |o other coinmnni!ic5, s been nnanswered; indignation, every ty pitiful scheme cf I emolument, bandei^ lo her interest.s, nay fhonorabie coaiitioi; 'or many years 1 agaicsi iheir own ption.? of their own I willing and helping pe of public work i now when the pit- It of State capita!, Inpou bonds amply pe from contingent forme? benefie-*- |breaa and jcipent* i Road" trick is too pible enough to be fcumiing enough to lid others are stupid feasible. But me we Iht hare ricks. I to tlic subject in I last issue, we are wr no road, and we J subject during the iipon the Xaviga- eaks of “Me main fing away of the nents of the dams. Is we do that this Iht as air' compared ■tons considerations pf this scheme than Ut we have no war Drary. We agrea i to quarrel about aterial aid in the le need but refer to kemporary to rali- |to this minor dif- I few facts. From ove FayetteTille, jibe Capi i'e Fear are panj miles in va- pt.5ing but loose, I Jills for miles poken and undu- ps and branches Down these bse quantities Iwilh the wa*4r, ish pools whence lowly but surely ^navigable those pive them. Many dredging rnach- necessary, and lempty 3and Id.n. [sand were for- euher washed Intic, or washed shores, and, uniting with the allnviae brought I?own by the freshets, constitute the only banks which tlie river possesses far many continuous miles in varions places. Suppose it possible that permanent abutments could be bBitt np to thesa banks and the river eifectnairy,^{iamWd-': will it notfoirew as a natural consequence that the pools wql gradually become filled and choked up witf. these substance: which were formerly bornq away by the,CBn-ent ? h nquestionnbly it does. But enough on this ^ •ubject, .... It makes no dfteyenee.;. what our “motives” wW ■« "’*thcr of no consequence what inflnence.ruay have guided us into the pnrsm and «xposHre of this matter. The j «apersin facts speai..for themselves, and so far from having distOTted and magnified them, we have thus far :dqaltie«iently with a subject investigation would jnstly provoke the severest ^ ^ THl it H 6ARj ^ Th,e« .is a set of dirty, blackgnard'^^liwspi. per scribblers, editors and contributors, Wflo are never satisfied unless they are malighing some one, or pouring ont their bilg^-water upon bodies of men, and whose only t^qtection s\' b': .The Wiuh^jFlffiiiainer. : ^^^e^iVe *before alluded to, this excellent we feel constrained- again to speak ■ hierits “Tlie Examiner” is a literary journal published in Columbiii, S. C., and ey- from f • .1 • . | ted with Signal ability by .,W. B. Johnston, We have nod their profound .nsi|nificance.; E.,q., a gentleman well kndwn in literary circles -temporaries | as a ripe scholar, a ready, “taste and finished oflatethe most abusive scurr.lfqus, libellous i writer, and an able journalist As a purely o S; "s7een Td"‘“ -d -itical paper,,>ye place the Lnl oiairty spleen and venomous malice which ' .. r > . k ort.tlA I*- *.1 * AN, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. JI^'The Western Kail Road bjll ■.was made j the special order of yesterday. . Of,.course its j fate will be known before onr next issue. We [ are hopeful of its passage., j At a Ball given in B-dllin'jore, e> while It can neither vex nor dislionorits object .deserves the severest re^liension. An hon orable enemy never insnlts the vanquished, and ...c cuu.i.n a fallen foe but di.vhondrs and degrades him.self journals of y .upersing and abusing his conqueror. We ' ‘ contend that tlm Cterty of the press is made an miwarrantalS^s license, its dignity degraded. Its integpty violated and its honor outraged leii, through the columns of a newspaper, the mi,.l,v ^ ««tterest condemnation, and j members of the Legislature are styled g ^perhap^ were It e.xplored throughout its I heivded set of political tricksters” h UfarioBS labarynths and sinuosities, evolve I mcTc idea of legislation than Sach s system of “bargain and corruption^ as I ^cVe'ation.” an ass- haring “no swine has of .would utterly confound our simple minded citi-l.»Womi«able scnrrililj l!oJ 7 penidltt-Tto be W itl vicurs ’ ■ ifby an edi- on • . members of the . I-eg'slature have their faults as other men we arc not prepared to deny, neither do We claim for erety member the capacity of a Blackstone ... , , , - , the intellect of a Webster; bfat we C Did intervene before tWe accompli^ment of i claim that the people have sent competent men ^der” ' ‘“ke charge of their interests and rep- u ider a harden of taxation the tore mention of | resent their wishes, and we further claim timt which would .startle them; engip'seVs getting | their po.sition, if nothing else, entitles "Jem to h-ave money they | It really seems that in this day and genera- SL/'f ’, ' ^ and in ijie meantime a tion partizan vindictiveness has no limits and .-.atf dozen railroads could be built at one fifth | party malice the actual exptjnse, and the wondrous rcsour- iner second to iiOjie ii) |heiSouth, and far, illim itably far, beyoilfl nineteen twentieths of the Yankee c.atch-pei!Ky,, publications which flood the country, aH^^,ai>vuially deprive onr home journals of many,tl^qusand dollars of rovenue Justly their diyu; wefgJheir merits properly ap preciated bur .people. We cordial'y wel come the Exainiper to our table every week, and wdsh bur brother Johnston abundant suc cess both personally and in his laudable efforts to chasten, jjurify and exalt Southern litera ture. on. {>li,o night of tlVp 8tli, the proceeds cf, which we'rq to be appropriated to the relief pf. the , jvidqiys and orphan^ of those killed in the Iate> election roits, a party of know nothing, rowdieK })roke into the room, by negati-ye perraigsiofl cf know nothing policemen; and in tlie meelae , wliich ensiled several persons wei-e dangerously .wohnd- ed. AccoVding the oh\ pSalm “the Democrats wefe tlie aggressors, yeq,,vprily,” ADVERTISEMENTS^ . L. SCDTT Si CO.’S reprint of THE BRITISH remODIGALS AXD THE FARMUltJs GUIDE. GREAT REDUUTJOK IN T'lIE PRICE OP THE L.\TTEIt PCBUC-VriON. ! L. SCOTT & GO., NEW YOftK, coutinne to uut- ] Iwh the tollowiug Icadiag British Periqdicais, vis: j THE LONDON. QUAUTEiiLY (Conacrvativc.) ■ THE EDINBCKGH REVIEW (B'hig.) { 'At" la tbie.cpunty^ od .the 2SiAt., by Alfred J acksoii JMy j. ''Ev 0izgeH• of Sampsp/i to Mim-i (’Hrolim* 'fiWf-iViUiaoi IloMinirMworili. I * ^ ~ ■ '.XWRi?; I ^ii.the I2t!i in'^t. iu . KaytrtieMl!':. Ciri.^iiipiu'r Mo- : Ri’e. iir.tbe Zlst year o!' bU iiij;'.’ 'Vr-j fc'i I cut iiiiii lu i»‘i 'rii?ir of lii^ I rraiihncd: but the* meiaory virtues jwhI his worth j^‘ili cvcp.ttcfurish iu tUc hearts huu j ?ov«.*d him.' f Hip won* rouvj'•pfrit "rnllv «l.»lc awnr.'' j *ia jioft ith^oiug scareV wa?i kuuwii. iUo' ) It feared srij»e Lived om- d voice would call j It '.reiuWiRg: iiRc*i tu that ft iril caj^c Atitthi. AiMi utf it-nr^ea'i'l Us iii>>licwiujr«, t.i-re awav HJvinJ UnJ Str worta^ rye bnlh s :ic r. ai-sitft Jtwupi r Iiiffwr. li kt* TUf lirita-rii^':;.>£d«BCf :fa erhoV wojfe. UreatLuJ to tk?; U>viDgoa^^ wij*» yyejit hpAitit lUut spirit's li»>lKe|i i i'ou.*r ^ All »agvl‘a .Au. i» wrLi.; , . J^jno. W. Forney, lately nominated.; ifor i ™^ NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free CUurcb ) r 'the WESTMINSTER RmEW-CUhvrs-.I ' very delicately, ccutteously and couragcoiisly I i ■ ^ termed a .‘cascal’ by one pf oiir cotemporaries, i EDINIiL'RGH .MAGA7INI: As our clasical neighbor would say, proh pu- I JlAlt PKIfS jV}.JKKLV. I A JOURNAL OR '' O'/lizATJON. |it..Npith(*r labor imr o.vpciHp v.j'-i i dor! the State, and through the State to the peqple, would the erection of solid stone piers, ibeks and dams be, and what a weary waste of years ^®"We acknowledge the receipt, from onrj friend Dr. F. Fonlkes, of a bbx of fine opera cigars, some cf,a large lot just received by him from the imporlers in Xew York, the Dr. can amply satisfy and accommodate the lovers of the “dreamy weed „of Cnba” at his Drug store opposite the Fayelteville Hotel. The Annual meeting of the Fay. & SontHiern Plank Load Company took place on Tliar.sday last. A dividend of three per cent, has been declared! , s - - l»:uvd Id icnk*' il 5 (Tory.) jihe besl Eaniily New.-ii:ip..T in tin- W-.ivl, Tho«.. n..;-1- 1 II i phyeFl'ul and .gfiiial clmraci. r V.ill i-mmIl-i-1* u ^ *b“ thr* gr.-ht! visitci-to rvery limisel.i.M. m its c,.',v .li ,n ItiAe-il-?but Biifam Whig, lory, anil i to ilic p’riiicii>ks u( riglii uml ..hull o i- cl^wa, i, ;r ^ , " -"r ''■■''‘“'•e or then- iir.ihutiou «I tho wis.- uod Uu- I. li.. ■ in .h- OH Sciuuc'c ‘li -M-fpfMlu.imt w*-iTVr.- . t'. ^ct frti-ttf souiut vicw.s du I'uliticul. .S.w-iul. tu..! >1 ■ ' * I Ihfv t (iue;'tionir; to diliii.-i)-u.-^oful iikfonii;itii)n: hiuI to cul'J. ■is r"-Th w-M-Ui I vu.p tfi, prutks and mni-aitic. of lib-. ' -r»,being ladispcnsible to the scholar aiul iI'l] stand, ot letters, mmspcnsiDie 10 ihe sehohir and il' prolessioiial man, while to the iuteligeiit reader o' eiery clas.s they faruisli a more correct and suti.s|-uc- , lory record of the current literature of the d iv I hroaghoutthe world, than can be pos-dhlv bbtaiuJd' 1 Irom aiiv other .nil..... ' - A beautifully bound vc' of Airs Hentzl charming mivellettes is ebotit to be is- STATE legislature; copies. In the Senate, on .Monday, the bill to e.stab- ! VANCE SHEETS from the Lee I lish the county of AlleghanV wa^ afistiiTcmidl | bounds. Alen are dissatisfied with the privilege of abasing an adversry when engaged in -‘the furious fight.” 'rjley follow ,r„ ■ privacy of his own hedrihstdne- thev are nq vague no feats of fancy. Let malign his ancestors and dsfame hi' ’ ^ any hqnsst minded man, nninfiiienced by any •CCS.of the Deqj. River valley developed and made sources ofrcveiine ,to the state. These interested considerations, review the history of .this work, «ud, be may well make a dismal wraphecy of its-feture, should its continuance to ;COmpIeti->B. be Resolved upon. Should legisla pri vate character; they heap infamy upon his sup porters and asperse his perjcnal friends; they follow him to the halls cf Legislation, or the threshold of his ofliciiil station, and slrower I “curses loud and deep” upon his head. Some, sued from,j-he press of T. B. Peterson, Phila delphia. The work is complete in oti,c large duodecimo .volume, neatly ^ound in cloth, for one dollar and twenty-five cents; or in two vol umes, paper cover, for one dollar. , Copies of eitlier edition will be sent, free of postage, to any one remitting the price to the publisher. j .subscribers about .tors thrpq^ a vengeful spirit of retaliatio.; , happily, but a few, descend to low’^ul-aritv resolve,^ visit upon Fayetteville their wrath j and employ the slang of the tap-room and th'I i '*,^*.?** “Hack up» their favorite scheme, I profanity of the rowdv club uw-i! t Vf i. J,. ».u„ ..u ijp, Clc s7*r"'r' ■•''■-''=‘1 by thdr missile.,, and too p c of he State and not for the people ef Fay- , robust in their virtue and integrity to feel the ctteville alone. AVe would fain spare feeling, and ! venom of their fangs would not williagly drag to light that which | That the Legislative of .North Carolina can might oth^wise J« Wden jest as well. But I .suffer iu any manner whatsoever from should we be forced to the utiplerrfaat necessity I lignity and sciirrilitv of iiewspaom of doing that whidi our own clroice will not! absurd; ' ' ^ iifitieii ;e us to do., theu “stand from under! M-hat we have said or may say we do not: republieau deference implied In the authority i®-Oiir thanks are due to our friend, Sena* tor Holmes of Sampson, for numerons valuable Legislative Doenments. *@*Gciiin of New York is a great hatter, but Gee of Fayetteville cannot be surpassed in the manufacture of a first class tile, from Ge- mliito to Jeru^q^piii^,, C'dl on him at his old and well known stand on Gresn street and test his genius. Air Houston’.s , bijr tf remodel the County i Courts, providing liniqhg other, things for ai..' County Court .Judge for each comity, ^ was de- Reviews bated by that gentleman for, and Mr Eaton against it, and rtjected. . (j . . Ihe Western e.Yten.sion bill was made the order of the day for Tiiursday, at which time it ii ujjderstood the Senate will go into cominittee cf |,he whole on the .subject. In the House, on Monday, after Brit- to these Keprinis euu now be placed ia the hands ol as soon .as the original ediUoni. TCR31S. Bcr aun. $3 UiJ 5 UU 7 (JU X UU 3 00 a 00 10 00 Iliiruer's Weekly win uoFvt^iii a lull ami iniptjrtial Siiminary of (hr J'oUlical .S'7*iaK neli«riou>. ( oiuinf'-- ' tal. ami Literary SVw.s »»f tW li will chrcmii-l.' tl c.leadiiij;.iijD.-eiii*nls oflbe a;.'e^ reconl th.- inveii- tior Itf jreuiiiri; the discorcries . f SljieiKc. and ih.- creati' H of aat. It will, in a wonl. aoiMo pre>enl an accurate and complete picture of the ag* ij» which Ate J.ifr, o'* hare “Harpers’ Week! i*or uny two of* the four Reviewu For any th'ree of the four Reviews ror all four of the Reviews lor Blackwood'S Mu^^iac tor Blackwood and tiiree Reviews hor Blackwood and the four Reviews Payments to Ise mui/e in ail cases in advance. j\iuney current in the State lokt re issued wUt be re- ceivedL at par\ rU-BBUGi A discount of twenty-five per cent from tlie above drices will be iVllo3'«d'l)oCi.uns ordering four or more copies of any oae ipf mbre of the above works. Thus hour copies of BtackWood, or of one Review, will be sent to oue addre.s8 for SD; four copies of the four Reviews and Dlaekwood for S3il; aud .so oii . PosmE. In .111 the principal Efties and Towns;, these works will be de ivered, FREE OF PO,STAOB. When sent by mail, the Postage fo any part of the Cuited States will be hut TiVE.s n-FOL-R CENTS a year :,f Clarke, the for77cfoni;^ RVv1ew7 IFNI'S a jear N. B. The price in Great Britain of the five I criodicals abocc-iutini'A isnltfint I. the usual morning bnsines.s, a re.solution by Air Hill, of Halifax, |«as adopted, providing for ifiglit Wes sons from .spveii till ten,q’clQq£... On moticiqojlAinlSliarp, thsiToU iiy which on Saturday the Dili providing for coupon bonds i at eight per cent, by the N. C. Railroad was I rejected, was re-considered, and tlie bill taken np and referred to a joint select committee. ,, *7* P''°'’‘‘^big for the Western extension of tlic received the first ,ni!n>bqr of I order of the dav I”/’ published,bv the .lrarnk!-a i 'I'b'irsday next. cruidicals above-named isaboat l^Tper annom. TUIi K.XK.ylKIllS 'GOlIJE. ■ To Seientilie and I’racticai AgriCulturi;^ the .r.cribblers is . hut that the ineinhers ef that body are entitled to respect, and their p"ri:tion to that By Henry Stepheus. F. K. fi., ol Edinburgh, and tm* late J. 1 . Norton rrufes.-!or of -cicntilic uAirricul- ture III Yale Colleije. New lliiveu. 1 voU Ruvul Octavo. J 000 pages, and numerous Wood aud Steel hugraving!*. with tiic witii wliich the people hav«; vested them i.s or expect to have any weight J-.egisIatarc. H ealth, talent, aKSscuce, power questionable :s the quadrupled cohort agiuiist w.hich we arc : For the honor of the ore;,; for the sake of coatend.iig single Imndei DiH no, we will not (its character and its iiilcrrity as wer7 tlm' SSS-r;; ?■ S££ can thm. arm and declare wii^lou^ro'se’elii.rll!" ^ should S'lL'tirsare r.oi-i.E . I.Z THA.s TOE I of voiv owii stale pride if for iio Other ,P"hlished,,by tjfic ,ilarj^?"s ill New- \ork at the pijiee.s.wJii|Ch may j:c found j '“A f.'>®ssage from the, transmitting the in their advertismeni ■n enother cclun;i-.. Jli^rr | '■"Ii'‘“r’PO'‘'tments for Comniissiouers for pers’ Weekly is by far the handsomest newspa i .n.fMurn, was conciiired in: Dr. Col Ilia-i R®''P‘'"ded ill the United States. Its style of fo*'Ue West; Dr . . print is of the most superior ehnraetci-, ami the ! '''■ Tnvlor, -for the East; A W | A^-tl^^m^ire^^hlished. rmUn'ooier';;, 7’ve i7 reading matter, editorial, original and .selected ■ I’’’ ^ C Johnson, W \Y Holden Fd-i‘^"''^“'Hiou the imblishers Imve resolved lu rc- isofthe first literary stamp. The first No!!Cantwdl, and K. I>. Battle, for thej DuiJars ftir the fw, V.dumes-’ contains several (i-elleiit articles. centre of the State. , B'heu sent by , ■ I ^— ! The bill to rc-ehar(er the Me are glad to sec, iiniong the di.stinguished ! lias passed its .second roadi j It Avill al:«u'^ivc a due ^Iiare of attention f,i tastr. j the iiiiajihiuti'n. and the feeling.-i. Iim umii- I tcnl> will cm* ra'-i* Talet*. Inciilcnts of Travci an'l ; venture. .Sketcln*.- fif Cbaracler uuil Social ! E»ays upon Art amlWurnls. 1 he ruJili.dicrs Ijavr ♦nade arrangvincHls Avitli the American writ**mL jw}u» will contrilMite to the variou- departnienls «»f -I .The barge ?pare at their di!«po?^al will enaUle the ('ouductors to avail tlu-m-. selves of ample wlvctUuiri from the bcFt uml most Iieallliful litcratuio of the Old Wur|d. 'J’hcv Avill kci p a vigilant eye upon the isi*uc5 of the English. Krt-ach. anil (lerman IVriodieal pres.s, the lest ib^odt.ctions of tvhicli will he traiulerrod -to the paper uuder their charge. Harper's Weekly is not intended in nnyvjjy to m- per.scde or take the place of Harper's New "Moulhi v Magazine. Each Periodical will cuntirie itself to its own proper sphere; :M|d DO portion of the coiiieuts. of the one will appear in tbe other. Harper s Weekly will contain nixteen pageK of the size of tjig .“Lon don lllu.stratod News,’’ each Number cot^rislng as much matter as an ordinary dtodecimo rolunte. It will be printed in a form aud n{K>n paper puiiable for binding: and as the pages will l»e electrotypeij, tli5 tmek Numbers can always be supplied, so that .Subscrl- be«*« will be able at any time to complete thei^. tiles. At tbe cloMe of each volume, neat and appropriate Covers will be prepared for the convenience of those who ^ish to bind the paper. , , , . TERMS. One C; py for Twenty Weeks $1 00 “ • Vear 2 50 , e. , 4; v.f 4 00 Fi^e (* pics ^or Ore ^>ar » 00 Twelve copies for One Year 20 00 Twenty-five Copies for Oue "i'ear 40 00 Clergymen and Teachers siipplioil at the lowest Club Bricc.s H.VRPER *t BROTHERS. Franklin Square, New York. Jun. !7. IS57. 33-3t. J VCOU OTT.VIIIJURG I Kcep-convlauily on baud at his' r^^{ a'choict. gentlemen siigge.sted by the press of the . conn. ^ The iiiiprc.ssioii seems to be try as suitable incnibei-.s of All-1-^uj voice The Feopi.e Lxoisi.xti re ! inet, the iiiinic of tlie ifon. Chi Major Cwynn's Report. A friend in Raicigh has kindly favored ns ■vitii the printed re/ort of Alaj. Gwymi upon li.e Cape Eftkr.I'.iid.Deep River improvement. We uwite wiih the -M'ilmiiigtoii Journal in tlic rfiia-t a.s mn-h-ssiidor and frankness had existed long-bcfqrs,-on the part of those con trolling and rnpijrTising the business, as we find in the malterofThis e.stiinatc as to the cost of pnliing d-own, patclriig up, removing and re- imiiding these decayed and dilapidated striic tiires. 'fhe report says; “The sum, tlien, for completing the inipror{^frt on tlie plan of reason! batioil, b' ^ Oiir .sinceia,,thanks are due Ales.srs. Kelly Se,s.soms aiu'.^buuc-an Shaw Jr., for large acces sions to our subscriiitioii list. “Alay their shadows never grow” Our friend Jenkins, of Gartlpyge will also accept our thanks for! imiticraHa .avors hitherto rendered u.s. I'rovi- i t|,e Senate deuce J;kr. darkened the light of his eyc.s, but his SOU: is fiili of a better and purer aiiaii’.s cab- | tliat body in a shape not ., J. Faulkner ■ from the charter griiirted two years ago.,, . as the honored sou of, the, cld. Dcmi|n'ion upon j On motion of Air llplt; a fesohition n 10m the mantle of the M’.aq Department! adopted calling c/t (he I’rcddciit of tlie -should fall. His aiipointmeht would be hailed i Fear and Dpefl Company for a report throughout the^ ^ith thprough appro-the financrai condition of the companv. oatioil bsca-ise Air raqljciiqr’s whole life has ! HOUSE OF COMMONS —Tlie been devoted to the e!eva,tion of the laboring i bills were introduced, read No. o\ (rohl-strcft, New Vuik. . Pedtioat for Dower. classes, while his vast and varied informatii and particularly in the scisnee of that department i ; eminent/y qualify him for the position. 1011, I referredj:. The bill introduced bF Air Coleman, iiT coiiceriiiiig oaths, establishes the jCOmpetciiey of Uiiiv-crsalists as M^e j did not know that in any enlightened and in-. S®- We are indebted to our Clinton coterf-, community the neces.sity existed for ! =“■•‘=0 introduced bills to in corjiorate the Yulcan Alining and Alanufactnr- nscarora Alining and Alanu- J CATHARINE Jt.LEAN , i CM, y Cape j ARCH. McLEAN, and othfrs.) on! H appraring to the satisfaction of the Court, that I the defendants in this case : Phillip Walker. Elfv Walk- I er, Purcy Ltbokhsirt. George .May and wife’ .Martha, following ■ Mock and wife Mary. Rufus fI«>oks ami wife Sa nTY-rxiN,.; f , b.*yoml th? limits of the .State. Ou mo- iquopnateiy j tion. it IS ordered t!iat publication be made in the .. , i North Oarolinian. a new.spapor published ill the town •* .. j of FayeUevilK*. for »ix successive weeks, notifyin"* iUC Jie -Own 1 the said b.*fenl ints to be and appear at the next term : cf tbM.Couyt ol Ple;v and Quarter .session.-*, lo be held : for ^he C(Jibity;ot .Harnett, at the Court Jlwuse ' a bin to incorpe I of iownAvilli*, Gn'Jivillc county. ate a 15ank at Le.xington. am.1 therc’to a/iswer. 'pleKd trKlemur the said petition i Air Aleves, a bill to incorporate tlie North | j Carolina Gas C oal and Traii.vportation Com ' j porary‘■-r a splendidly blurred and beautifully ! of a special act enfranchising a man I '"''POf ate the Tulcai ‘i illegible , c-opy of his last Lsiie. AV'e ha-?o i r,e|‘o‘dus opinions. We know a -1 Jiaimed U offoa several as an ancient manuscrif-t = enivqrsalists wli,ose simplq, j Company, V. irhess. Benja'iniii F .Shaw. Cl'erk oT (iii'r s'iiu'Clurt. t : at oiT?c-3 iaSiirnm>rville.-2(l -Nfonduyin |)eCR.iFGer. IrfjO. ! : and in the Sis* year of Ame^-ibitfrlrfikT^iydeiice Clkk Cur«hii§;i- Female lusUtute. Tlic Tnislce-* wi!*h to announce to their frioiiJs and the piiiilic griifTully that the ue.\t .Session of this Insti tute will cointnenceon the 8lh of January niuler tultiMii of-Mis Jane MiHer and Miss Mary E. Rjim-ey, avIiu ary la^lies of acknoxvleilgc^d ability, e.\'perience, and r«'jHi*’ tntion. Miss Miller Arill tnkeeharge of the ikefary and' m.athematical departments: she partic4)lai ly e.xe^^s In mathematics and lias never failed to give, geinnil satisfaction. .Miss Ramsey will lake charge of ilic .Music, for wliich she is ciniiiently fitted, having l.ot'i the native talent and eiluealion iiecesFury. All the branches usually taught in the best Academiufi Avjll bo taught in this. Kates of Tuition uk hendo- forc. Board can be* hatl in good families at, from S^7 in i 1^" I"’** month, inelnding light, fuel, Ac.-'' Location plessant and e.\c*‘cdinglv heallhv JUHN Slj.vV', Scc’y Bo* "d ot Trns^^'C'p .Taii’v 17. 33-2t Jfin. 17. 1.957 B. Pf?AXKLl.N ;itiAky.c;LK KX. by A. B. HORTON. I>. Cl'k found by Lnyard in the ruins of Nineveh. ! we would rely upon sooner than the I some orthodox .cliristiswis (j) we wot thq't; siich is the bigotry and intolerance which seems I t'es? River wooden -t'ains, Jod’K-A g-c.-ywalls and abutments i eee in some of our exchanges 7 .unking a tour of tl:l | tp pervade latter dav theologians , re pectfid y advisc.^tq iiuil.l stone loek-s a-, NsistWii ^tes shortly after bi.s term of office j would, if they dared,' disfru.i “hise .oiitmeiit.s and guard -wa.!;:, the cost will be ^1,- j expires. Ho -wiJl be welcomed throughout the whose reli; iofi.OOO, or in round numbers $1,-200,600.”! South as r-p N-ortlsern pre.sidentever was before,\^ t TVrhaps vc may not iinderstaiul precisely the ! enstrue it thus >llPOKA^'IOX IKIADS Of Hie Tnvtt pf 'U'jiycHcvillc for Snle* Agreeable .U» nii iWt of the (ioiicral Asriemblv of the .State of ^^urth Carolina, ratified Dec. 2.">. 1S52, unlhori/- iiig the Town of Kayettoville to issue her Bonds tc. the amount of $IUU.(IUU, iu the aggregate, for the pur pose of paying her subscription to the We.steni Kai; Roail Company, THE undri-signud wiiul.l rc.speetfullv inform Ills i.ld i it is ordered 1)y the Commi.s.sioncrs of friends and ciistonicrs th.vt he can he found at tin-r I'mifiiror of the Town receive •Store of C. E. beete. where he will he -lad *0 | until the Isl of Novemher nc.\t, for with diem. .f. R. UcDOX'AI 1) ipurchase of S.iO.OiKI. in .“iim.s of SdOil each of said 1 ,. , It, -'an. 17, l.s.lT. S.-i-tf ■ • - - ■ | |;„nds. or.anv istrt thereof. Bunds to run twenly. evei^- man;' tu" icport sent to the oeiiate with a pre-} . ! years, with I'onpon.s attached.—interest pay-aide senii- -,0rd|51 oaths of I was read i. A iiie.ssage .from . the Gorernpr, of. But j riiansrniUing Alaj. G wymix rqport on Cape Fear vemeiitf. On motion-cf , that thev I '*'® Fe.iding wa.s tfcncii.ied meaning o! the above—-blit we construe it thus, ' '®‘*0'®f our Georgia oxcliaiiges that ■ ^ fl"®®rion in his late anii-no ether c-siiKtructioii can be placed on it; ! gertlem-ea iu that State have gone into : act for that''purposA'^ Vroodeu daiu.s,, lock.s, guard-walls and abut- - black variety of the Scupper ' jloiis opinions did not fully conform P'’'”*- to their own. Judge Battle seems to liave : of the day being tlie bill to amend i settled that Universalist iBenls will cost i,-l;50,060. M'oodcii dams witli i i> of wine-uiiikiiig I .have recci'ved a copy of the Cata stout locks,^pard-walls and abutments «-ill j “'.*'"'f“cturc] from this spe j °f®’loral College in Robeson county, and ac- 1 -of grape, and it promises to be a rcmiinerA-: flf.® oincli gratified to find tliat excellent insti- ’ ’ ^“«i‘iess. ! tutioii for young ladies in a, flourishing cindi- ,1^'°"- y5''loi-al College i.s eminently deserving -- confidence and public patronage; .‘place them with stone -vfa«r, locks, ^*'=ig;s«bl!shcd at Green.sboro, and i both on account of its thorough system'ci‘edu- alls, and almtments, ithen -may the pirogrcs-: f, * ''""'l'’®'’ '’.‘''P®® “PP®«cs too - cational training, tlie high moral chara the institution and cost $i ,200,000. If we arc right all knowledge the iiigeiuiity of the device. If we arc, v-'rong, and the report means that .$1,2(}0,- :OCO will suffice to remove ail the .old worJts and re wans, ane atmtments, Silien -may tlie progres sive history cf ithis-work be tfioe Doo—$seo,-eo9—$i,-2og;4)o6 ^ . Taxes-Taxes—Taxes-No continuous naviga-^ '.."ftod ihappincss and prosperity. 'ion—Pofjular iiidigBatkCii—^’inaJ abaiidanmeiit i ■ —Ilium Flit. M„,i wo .m-,. w„mi,i .„.k. I ^ c *eqi:er.tly get from subscribers such 5 ^ I I ifvcaaing cakc, we wish the happy couple many Hail we space we weulU pab-!, i, . . .jsh the entire report. “ ■ 'f ®^^ I chajigo my-paper from — its very liealtliy AVe.wish the Seminary “God speed.” actef of location. 'D»-4wBthie. SSrAVe are indebted to the Hon. U Q’B. Branch for a pamphlet copy of his late able Air Editor—Please 'eloquent speech in the House on the Presi- I dent’s Ales.suge. • r Yours Ac. fFANTBV. A tfeiidcman who li:is neitlicr time, i the charter of the Wilmington Charlotte and I nink-rgo the u.snal routine of courtship. I -1 J o.-'o, v-iiiiiiotie ann , wisnc.s to open a matrimonial correspondence with a. iiupierio.d Hailryad company, it was taken up ! H-'\1-.T not exceeding the .age of Sn, and posses.sed ofa j aijd read.,, Air Mertre? Spot-,, o. ,rrpnf leno-fh ‘-'hare of personal attrac-i • r . -«Uir^,.kL at great length . Uons. The adyertj.s«r..s,,.,33. yeans old,, bears a fair! in Its tavor, .and ^stejed tlio advantage tliat j "'oml nbardeffr.dsirooe’atelv prod loohing and has I would accrue to Wilmington,-bv its, adbpfion i' Air Alears occupied the attention of the House i .fan- IT 1^57 ' 33« . I co„„o romantic STORY J , ' 1 ,. w Hii a boautifiil 8nnny morning in Jannarv, when the passea its spcontl reading. Yeas 54, nays 5o. froet-work lay like a veil of silvery gossamer !t was read the third it.bne .*11111 l■)}lss^d " i itrouml, a lovely ntahlen was tripping blithc- .... , / 1 ‘ • ly along Avhen s’he met a hanflsomc youth with whom oOinc bills and rcspllUiOILS, of a private char-1 ■‘^hc Avas acquainted. -Where are you going in such acter, were finally passed. = i. o’clock the adjourned. Ihe orti to establish a new county by the narnb of Rufiin, was rejected. Ayes 16, nays 28.' ■ 1 • * ! lOiai.*>o -t^Tand phe tripped merrily away, while tin young man. with a .‘’mile on his face and hiH pocke annually. The «aid Bond-s shall be under the seal ot the Ciirporation. and binding on the, faith M- the same. \V.M. WARDEN, Town T.veanurer. Oct. 1. 1856. -if fc'AVMrTKYIF.LH MARKKr. Correried wtf'dy for tkfi.y^orik (Jarohnian. Jan'Cary it, i35T A t a rin-irfer nf len ‘ ''■*■“‘*7” rtrked she in a voice as sweet as a spring-birdi At a quarter ot ten .going, ' .said he gaily, down to MAK- JEsjSUSalcton to a rtwnin;;; plate ol liis rate Oyster.^, and to r.vY it my oi.ii Areorvr as an honorable .youn*^ men ought to do." e»,-'said she, .‘•and a«.all honest or.i) .MKN ou*‘lit t ,• r_L' . . . — — - BACON, per'ib'' 11 0 12 COFFEE, .per lb - mb :■ ■ ■ Hi 0 13 i aguira,' 14 qp 15 St. Domingo, un (.r, 00 COTTON, per lb _ 12 I2g COTTON B.'VGOING. per yard — The bill tp re-cliartcr the State Bank takiqn ,iip for ifs third reading. I fi®- He do not object to our neighbor’s , M’e learn that thi,s staple acGcle of produce I '''® ^ riie change, iwacAanf for the classics, but that some of his has greatly advanced in price, sufficiently sa to Jon’t I country readers “fmpe .and fret aud swear in , , . realize for some of our merchants a very hand-i ''® lenTe.r'l the vernacnlar” can hardly be denied when * '''°®'‘’li some margin. M'e are very glad that any com-j ‘''® fire ! f'lqy find that Quintns Horatius Flacctrs W modify of our own can be made a profitable ! °*^“ multi alii popuii Bomani are his constant au thorities. As the Choctaa- Indian said .to the V.m. , , vilieii he prayed in Latin; “Ugh l'Ugh I and Turpentine aint t^ be sneered at as North I "® ' “'® ''' ’ ’ ^ Carolina products. 'They were mtee sj^nymes ’ with poverty aiifl barrenness. They will yet be a source of wealth and prosperity to the State. export, and we hope tbe wticle will coatinue v, . to go higher, a, xome thing ii Tar, pitch i ^ m ""'I i " ’* ! .NicaJarrf and frequently a-e dont. •W- MB .. I J klxvrmdsflow axmlsobjiyeoalotoboVoiiatchee.” 'Franslate. that, oh Rustiens (Rusty ens^?) and yon will see our meaning, i a sonree of wealth and prosperity to the State i announced to this go § , , ■ jcrnmeut that the Right Hon. Charles Pelham 4©'The exceeding small potatoisliiress of tire > ■ '’rotlier of the earl of Clarendon, and Hon Air Paine is evidenced in the fact of Ids'. * ^ - Lijestj s privy councillors, haS liaving been offered tie wodefate bribe of $l - j * Womted British minister to this country -100 for his vote in CsngvMs lately. No man i^^^ ““q*®"'* e.xpected in Washingtom, whose intelligence is r^ted above par is ever so i . , ' * to a be a luan of tal- approached, and as Mr Paine did not resent ^ ^ ^ character and not tiie indignity upon the .spot, we are sorry, forj versed in diplomatic science, the character of North Carofina; that, he' pub- [ ^ '* 7 lluiv made the avowal of having been tamoeved ' •JPOS*’®P"'c Advertiser,” publish ! The facts speak for themselves, - ed by L. Johns - - pocket wa s , book iu his hand, hastened on to Jessup’s How manv ' beautifiil .‘•torie.s like this might be written, if every- jfOUSR np rnutwrivc \r'' 4 ■ , be'ly wuiild follow that nice young mall's example?' x/l . I MOR.AL OF THIS STORY. Wake, inti;odilced a bill authorizing, the Nense ' By payments heforc the first of Fehniary, interest ’ o i ""'T cost will be saved. After that time neither will e tlieir capi- he saved. .(an. 17. !t ALanqfaotnring Company to i The unfinished business Ofyc-sterday was taken coneerning the AVilraington WASTEI)’. Charlotte and J T> -i i %-i- i 'TBt «ub.'‘criber wishes to employ a responsible and C U rfoue and Rutherford Railroad. , Air industrions man. to act as a general travelling agent Alcares continued his remark.s and pointed ont ’selling patent rights for the construction of those the ttdvnntno-o. „ 11 ■ . "i' . I Iron buggies, socelehratcd. in this StafA or Out of it tile ad antages which would arise not ftaiy to asmav be agreed on. A mechanicyreferred who will Wi fmirgfpn, but the State Generally ..from the i *’* allowed to choose bis own llcia of labor. completiop.or't'his Railroad" When Air AI. j Wb'itcBali', v\^l!^e’^c™l a®’ conpludcd his remarks. Air Outlaw . moved the | i , - Cr CfEO. c. po-tts, »@“Wc find numbers of our cotemporarjesin I WP-for constructing a railroad frcfn'Coal ficldsi j*. -- Goldsboro , X. a various portions of the State endorsing pgi-1 tlFayottoville, known as a bill ..-to, aid thej course in reference to the Cape Fear and nperi IIfnilroad, be made the order of the! . .. . , . ‘‘ po r ear ana ueep ’ „y .Ai.i. persons having claims against the County of River Scheme. ^ dfty for ,,i,nday next, which w.aa agreed to. j Cumiwrland. arc bereby required to list their Jwiih There is not a disinterested newshbrief ii'i thb i Pipk-ciJt,supported the bill ct some, length.! i"?; -'IvCyirin. Clerk, on or before the I'sl cay ol ,, . “'-"’'F'-F®' 111 tU.e i . ; ‘‘ " H-cbyorihey will fail ol being pas.«ed unrr bv the State, nor a disinterested reader of o'-ir own ^GaiijKio ottered an amendment ..eonccrniiig | Committee of Finance. ■ riarier, that does not fully and entirelv smrtaii'J riie locality CT the road, whiefit was rejected County Officers. Receivers’of Count.v ‘ ’ V ii,u ciitiiLiy SREl.T,in, - ; irottey.s, are required to have tlieir acco'juts re-jdv to US. Ill fact we neitlicr need nor ask the en , Alessrs., Cansler and ; tq audited. and in their accounis they-are requin d le dor.semcnt of any bodj-. . | Afearcs. TtfO question on the pr;s.s;ige pf tlie I lor all Imes and aincrce.meni», taxonwriu. 17, mi. 33-tf dt--- Notine lo County Creditors. They ■vit;i call the atlenticn of our readers to the third cuitorial article in our series of in- vc.stigation; into tlie Cape Fear and Deep Ri'-'cr Navigation sclieine. iisou & Co, Philadelphia, comesj not be controverted a new and beautiful dress for tlii.^' | attempted by tfie rhost venturesome aliachc -and contains a number of original; that notable company. , bill being pi;i|.was announced; 70 as in quarter- and handsome designs, cuts &c. Xj* •, . J ^vi..s . -a.*lVX\ifvVH CiiiO^lVlIdd \viii vi&iu vIJC It is quite a neat and useful litUe sheet, use- this evening for inspection. . Their repor fnl at least to tbe craft, which is its design. jbe published in the Washington Union. yeas al, nays ; audit will not even, be ! ^'e hfiirinative, the! pj-’ bill passed :itE‘ second reading. ...Gn this an-i j nauiiceinentth'cre was some applause which was ‘ —v; r-— iiisiantlv checked by the Speaker. Air Little ! the Town Commissioners will visit the ditch ! ' i u u i i i. ^ ' q-beir i announced he had paired off With. .Mr IHrgaii j ' On motion the House adio'jrned J as required l*v law, G. DEMING Cl IAS. n. NIXON. . A. J. O’H.VNLON. ’ ’ 'Committee Binunec. •’ayctteville. N. C.. Jaii’y 17, ISoT. 33-2t. 5 ^. M.-VCRAE has returned and rf-sumed his Practice. Office two dcors below the FemnU; A Curd. has returned Hiuh School. Ja.o ,17. ’857 '■■it Guimy. 2.5 (g, 00 Dundee, . 27 ^ 25 Buriaps. I» qy 00 COTTON VAR-N. per ll>, Ni>a. .5 to 1". 2u Ob OU DO.MESTIC liOOOS. per jard- - Bro'Svn Sheelings, -lii'te 8 Of»nal>urgs. iui FLOCK. JMT liarrel— Family, 1 7 1.5 0 00 SujjernnC; (i 7.1 (aX 00 Fine. 2.9 (5 0 OU Cross, 5 75 (Or. 0 00 GRAIN, per bushel- Corn, no 0 0.^ Wheal, 1 10 (nj 1 20 45 ^ .00 I’ear;,' 85 90 Hye, .' . 1 00 1 1 lu L.\Rr), pcrjlb. ‘ 14 (d, 15 SIHKITS irf'dnn— PefiFl! F andy, 90 0 Aj'v’e ’ do. new 6.5 0 N.*'C Whiskey, 65 0 Kje . do. .65 0 75 . Hvetified do. 15 („> 5« NAH,S:?,’Cut. per keg •' '5 ^ 5 50 IRON, per Ih— English, H 0 5 Sweedefl. common bar 6i 0 00 Do. wide. 7 ly 00 WOOL, per lb 11 0 u TALLOW, per Ih It 0 12 HIDE.S. per lb— Dry. 16 0 00 . Grvcii. '■4 0 00 i.E.Vn. per lb , , . '. 8i On 00 .SAI.T— ■ Liverpoo’. Alum. p-.'-'iiu'vbi'I. (jq fv •MOL.t.'-ISE.S. jc;-gailoii - Cuba, .' .eo Ni-w C.rleRiif, ia SC(7AR. pf' lb— ,, V- crushed, 16 '^/ StT.oiA.PortoKi':'..&NOrleaiis. f' i,,., BEEF—Wr-alesale ' U /.f Rcidl.cholc: A POHK'--W,toiesal*. 7-, •• Jletali e" ^tPTTQv . - n (J KEMaHKS.—E^i:on—We r'-ducc our Cotton ' C -.c Atm. Sal’?:.- ibis iOOjDirz j'h

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