THi_ caliTi'O ALL. iDce he has cornmen- at- NEW YEAR’S ONE AVD Je he has « €AR|yjiLL^ "IrtPRlNG SX.'PPl'''- ^ JAMES F. FOULKES FAY£TT|Vayi TU. vic&«-tha» DR. af fiay Wonld to his coav Opposite the I tfullyca-5^ the ' PAUTFwINTER STOCK. u MOt.»^o^^• . 1 .1 rn\n from manneis i x\rhr, «;hQl uilg-e ‘I “ , • ''!;;:;sLuKao.ui«byh^ Paupers may be fit for pnnee. p;-,„eesfitfor somethtng less Crumpled sWrt and dirty May beciolb the ffoldeu ore Of the deepest thoughts and feel' g» Satin vests could do no more There are springs of crystal^ecta., Ever welUng out of stone ? There are purple bfids and go en. Hidden, crushed and overgrown ; Go,l .. ho counts hy souls, not dresses, Loves and prospers you While he v(«1hcs thrones, the I'.g' r But as pebbles iu the sea. Man, unpraised above his fellows, Oft forgets his fellows then, Masters-rulerB_iords,remem^ That your meanest hinds are men , Men by labor, men by feelings, ‘ Men by tboughts, and men by fame. Claiming equal rights to sunshine III a man’s ennobling name. There are foam-embroidered oceans. There are little weed-clad lulls, There are feeble, inch high aaplings, There are cedars on the hills, God, who connts by souls, not stations, Loves and prospers you and me j For to Him all vain distinctions Are as pebbles in the sea. Toiling hands alone are builders I'a wealtb or fanxc} of his friends plete stocky MEFICIXES, . I oai Vim’s, i^o o«.sib»s, Tbauki'uU.-- • , , , .■ vi. V Ini >1 years, uf nop tor thi, la. c j , .^.,vo eontluimuceonhS'iuur. workmen maile yf S;S: liam!. ‘ sSistkcfmn. turn varrants his work to Do own'a.aaufactnre._^.^na;™s^;_^_^ „ X 1 Bemiog Plhid. LUCUIVii*'.''^ . . but the genuine article, Oonstautly on hand IF Y3S WAM A CCiiD FAPCK Tlie most po[iuUir roR bUBiness, he ^riT* He has also Northern c„riaKe Collars; Wagon, . sale Wagon whips of every, and Baegy. ana V keot in his line. "othersxticles^s^fy’^'P^.l^^^^^ neatly and Repairing atteuaeu with ■Aetwawh. ™„„»«tsaU thosi iiidepted to N. B. We ovetby to call and settle Ihe late firm “^"^^“ntuhera. as the settlement of ‘‘ ""'32-301 January 10,1*37. ^ ! Vrrount,arer«JueetM“ “* f y^vy next, will Ull.vhofairt«¥fiyby‘b^,fi_,l,e hands of officers ! fliid their No‘« »■»' pETERP. JOHNSON, i for coll. ction. 32-31. JaiTl 10. 103^' r*- Camphene, Spirits Turpentine, Alcohol, Brandies and ^ m®-. Medical purposes.) Congress AV ater, Citrsta Magnesia, East India Castor Oil. March 15. 1856. ^ for 1^02** iidver--^ The subscriber offers for ding about eight hundred acii s. ,i™SK“S,”5=K. • uess and iluniDil'fV ,, i ims oii hand i.imc Hia - ^ (for j and fifty Vehicles finished and ^ ^ j struction. , , -,3 warranted 12 I ^.^All work- mnde bjiii s wcrkmandiip sale his entire lamls, !’’‘’pa'vetmvine. Oct 1. IS-h'- - lying fifteen miles' - I have ju^t r^.^-;; Uond- ter Stock «'snd.s, qualities, ^c.. .tc. ^ emoraci.ig qmt'- ; .44;os’ Dress tloods fiid i..dudi..gau s.s i.-s 1 lioL.ea Silks, i.laid, inmgs. to W.i: istr,;, .11 ot;^, ,d1 colors; so - stfip'id. ■m,,,.;iius. ail sba.les mid col- •il. all wool do. Alp^icluis and Utdaiurr. uriiited and pid. Id" 1’ ’ , .if (jloak.s and '' nbiias, ndso.neassorim^Ao>01o.^^^^,^_^^_ .uis im iic.iiuteiy upd i..l.viU Til’s rapid siicC" Weekly ill stmcl u its is.suc, spru- s..; Cl tctil.-t I J il;S . a,.... ;.,,,. . T 14 iiisioiri of couii-.ed for i.y Ih" luo.. t. .1 ^ plovcd. wit'joiil regaru >■■ i ]VifTE!;.s 01 -vlso. a h’lindNome aN>u. , Kmbrd. ■viui ...vlra heavy Bay .‘pioancings; do edg'i'k® Xck bacedo.,rf-ssamU uy^ and insertmgs. K bleache^b 1 ' tlie \V1 '■ .SlvKTCil ^ll) I- tsi'’i:'kSi!3S«"'?'Soe, 22-tr iSdli. .STM if Till'. N.Vi'i'lS is 111 lit; ••DHDIL k anti , 'ilial Cuiaica' n.n-. ■'■• v-av;:.:.FB ti.’ifiit •■’ KXA..1V Hi'* (If wiliell Seri's. one sir ^ Tit': ■ 1:. lA: Ti;!> I if di „ ■! can ou'.'; ^ l-i,,;,rietoi’sua" - 1-. ihe (,Ni.vrar ;i; epii,; ■]\ i-' lOTV, . .>V S'l .sI?T , .i.YO IIAf.yESS •itfu 1;; inform the pan- MAKEU, I and ail the .init lie SI .11 .N :3, no,; „.,i„„,,,,oo:,,;,T .o_fce„,„., „ ,,..011 ’las. F. WH'i I,' Vi'i’.J.i' ‘ HOST P luaddition to t .; V OR ' the mouth above ■pi^ette^iUc^i five umes fro, lower little river. The lanu ,.„e hundred well adapted “> u„deh afine state ofciilu- j and fifty ‘^''it it^all to..ether or in small tracks to 1 ■ ^^'UrtrlhJr partictlarsapply to the 1> u I c Fi S, . ratioQ. I 3o”corn Shellers ^“^*'subS“‘‘‘®P"”‘’‘t^ walker July 19. " J^S. BANSv5, COMMISSION roRxvaitoiAO merchant WILMINGTON, Y. C. January 1.1856. Ij P'1 [ ters. just received »"^g!^^“^'p'’^oHNSOK. dau’y 10, 185T. 1’LOHHH, 275 PLOUGHS ccivcd. Also 250 fer pale hy IHHS 1 PLOUGHS ! 1 n'o'S 10. 11.30 toA 80, jO** 0 D0%n Plough Pioints, assorted Nos. PETTEFvP. JOHNSCIN. for S IT REDUCED For CASH or on Sliort Time, Cavria?‘’S BaroHchP^, & BUGGIE.5 of eva-y Jesenpt^on, in ; Uou.'t.''’.i a:t nisb tii- m ^ Lin-*. 1. ■uaii'iiig.'"k V. uViiRii 250 rock.yways Many of which are finished daily; a,non {tGvv'.rtfi-e work ^ai^ndlcanaffordaudam Aug. lAiA .lust received, a few doz. 73 ^Si'OK OIL. (lor my ran.,., and CoiygrOHslt a.ei.^ j.- ViMyi.KLS ireiuiiue Ed5' Als.', Ui'i’"' CUiru Moreton, Alice Ciiry,_ :.ii’s A. T. . Mrs K. 1-. 1 j’urk Dei - Anl d TO ' Cn-ssf. r iir. iiuli ofMa:r:D?>ia I w*' Burt’cn’.iivly. v-di pOI! Id . Ciivu aiD l.V'MV- ' .11 -t i • April . loJ'l- Ak. built fjr by Jao'y more hats. aVd Wool Hats, of my own C-EE. STARR & WILLIAMS. H' [lO LE SA LE. 7iheTe,,i,ua«(y as low b“'’p.^-"Those who are indebted to nv j „p.a8 inybusiness requires in> •collected. xf August 2o. will please pay out-stanfluig debts to be c. X STAPLE AND EANEY D^ CAPS, BAO.'s- k.l-),- Fur 1 Jany. 3,1857. 31-lf Of a nation’s Titled laziness is jjmioned, Fed and fattened on the same} By the sweat of other’s foreheads. Living only to rejoice, YVhile the poor man’s outraged freedom Vainly lifteth up its voice,. Troth and justice are eternal, Born with lovelineis and light; Secret wrongs shall never prosper While there is a sunny right; God, whose world-heard voice is singing Boundless love to yon and me, , Sinks oppressiou with its titles, j As the pebbles in the sea. Vben b the «“• *• ***2 I asked the glad and happy child, Whose hands were filled with flowers, YVhose silvery laugh ran free and wild. Among the vine-wreathed bowers; I crossed her sunny path and «iedi '■M’hen is the time to diel” -Not yet! not yet!” the child replied, And swiftly bounded by. I asked a maiden; back she threw The tresses of her hair; Grief’s traces o’er her cheeks I knew, Like pearls they glistened there; A flush passed o’er her lily brow, I heard her spirit sighi -Not now,” she cried, "Oh no! not now; TTonth is no time to did” I asked a motiier as she pressed Her first-born in her arms, As gently on her tender breast She hushed her babe’s alarms; In quivering tones her accents came, Her eyes were dim with tears; "My boy bis mother’s life must claim For many, many years,” I questioned one in manhood’s prime, Of proud and feaHeSS air: His brow was furrowed not by time, Or dimmed with woe or care. In angry accents he replied. And flashed ’ailh scorn his eye, "Talk not to me of death,” he eric -For cdy age should die.” Public Sale. S.A/mILL. (in '’"^*8 nead of MULES. 1 Horae and Biiggy» Timber and 4 Road Wa^n.. &dot“fl™BEr'and all the Household ind Kitchen known on the day will be liberal, “^^^"muFAYDEN. Terms of sale. Dec. 27. 1856, 36-ts dry goods at _ bracing every «*"7 ^gilk and Straw K;e£°U:;brS0n^ Ready Made Clothing, «c. 0.11 PHE VP for Cash or appro-eo Which only. We invite Mer- NoteB. at 1^ . *o poRniine our stock. chants visiting this marke. wu,LIAMS. J. B. STARR. aui-tf Aug. 3U, 1856. SECOND STOCK THIS FALL. STAfllS, WIlUa.2Sa ABE VOW KECEIVtVQ THEIlt qpcond Fall & Winter Stock of Goods, TO Which they call the. atteuUon of Merchants mak- ^ ill t.his maiH^V. 20-tf HATS, naymont. a? their Mai'^h 18jC‘. ing their purchases iu this market. Oct. IS. CHHk’SSS SIIGAH CAHS SEEB ZB\ D. W. C. BEN'BOW. D. D. S., Baltimore Colleg' 1856. ^^NOTICE. persons ‘aA make Moore, are ':?q'?!’'’7:|,^,taershlp ceased on the 1st of W. F. &■■ E, F. MOORE. ,j,iuo9.18:,6. vZ FuiwiiS«f« sV Fixuui^ ofJHu PAYETTBVILI.e '*®J®7,.,..„iiied in soil the t i I counties, and from tlie t'-t'D' - ^ now , custom coming to, ■J ’ L j th -re's no bu-i- | For the amount of c 'i”m as ; ness that a person could en^.i^t. .T. U. KOEERTS A CO. ■ GOODS aaO RrudyMadt Clothhg- attention paid to Goods and 'frimniing3._^ HAY STREET. FAYETTHVILLb., >■ N.uvcmber bii. 1856. tf c.'.cli’., nuusually ivt Oi Oroaiii.n , , , CiiLIL'.t , tiiid Agricullnral -yf-v the IlD'-tt .vi.l.’b will vrovo oT ah’jGsi In- fi f»:n Particular Dress I ' p3'rav'’;i several classes oi iL juet received from the Manufacturer, Ira Ueiscy. . Bupulyof BEDSTEiBS call lie sold to dculors iislo' the North. Cali and evamme. iilaee. and ,w as lliey can be got from V. M. CAMI’RELL. April 0.18.56. ' Sto.r0 for-’BsaL" Tim Sicru Oil ilia comer ofGill'M'n- Aug 28 and Fr-inklin Street.^ near the ilaiik ot > Slate apr'i.v or 1.0" lo Ibe.r -p-.r r;r>niar.l. ivillc’-.- Ode V , /■ 1 odG'' -‘ ae.,. uoori s -U ibim in ■'■'''■ ■ c,.!culald(: IjfneiO. c run r vA receive toe 1 The otheAlepartni nit-o^-n ,.s -- rneet '.he varied readors. Anio:i;i' ..isiesc' the several c,- these we may ...ei-.-Oa ’ Yon'c Ckit Gkol, to- ii'gton Oc-'-p, - i>,;,ciical Reci’-P^' fnrtiir Il"VSUiol(l a rem-f'''::l rros,'R,p. The N,VTltlN D j,..Old ' n'; our . -iGmm'GirihA-wOh a voluniemAaom^ V:N.i:iU’;U3uN-VELiATTEASlUiTl’nL:hrm. lo-lf of well. .Sept. II. lS5f>. .TOSLPH arey. CO,, be had by applying to Jau 10, 32-3t GiW; OEK. MOM'OOMfilfeA MALE ACADKAiY. R. A, CHAMBERS. Ph""?"’ IS A VC EWING, JR.i Assistant. The seventh Session of this lustitution will com ‘"^Tu^on S8 312. nod Sl6per Session Board: wishing, and fuel 37 per^month, Pekili, OeCi 26, ]83bi Graduate of he DE17TJ1L Sl'BbERl. , 1^^0ifirohoursfrmn9 A.M. tolR-M. 1 i DR. BENROW may be^^nd^.hi-uU;W Rooms near the M«kcLj"’b^A^,.,, ■,^,,,,,et,„\ly iuviied to call. .Ilia. V. T, tiRB ilOBBRT U. WATCH-MAKERS Fuvetlcviiie, : services of ’^^ibrned'^uptm the 'latest and most , All 0P®'’fP'-T^thosein need of irtiilrhii TccRi. j approved pla ■ • 1 ' n,, iraproi e- i “n-om one to an entire 'o- Platina plate, which lie guaranloc.s .0 I Liotil oi i .ai-i..v y natural orirai equally as ’’i" 7, ■ "“h year is GmmIS'ofOcloberto the first of July.) i Oct. 25, 1856. __ rotiiru . aul iiU'xr Is. 0. Ijis slncoru tliaak ...1 vM LiK'rallv B b.- bii-^ coiitiau'- ui tills ’)la R. I>. G. hi nbiie for the ion ike late nterest of J. S. inaliim l>r.i.icle^s at lao ...a caure suimnnmndenee,^^ w iih him hw uirnu apart iu the^ Or'm m I'mm u.-,.,oarv reiKiTs pointed "Ut .;i for the.samo. waieii won. ;(1. llUilor I) S iidI a ■ M true f3A.«£ fS&B VAy® •.wiH com HO'Y-. tbo Blf>Y .^f'Hlis Iiistiuitiou wm mmm^ The 4th seseiou oi ui»» ai.—_ ift^ated iu on the 1 St Monday m Jauimry. ^ den county, two .1^16 arrangements have markably healthy plac^ S ite^^^ depaftnleiit. The Ijcen made for a “ale and j^ate of the Uuiver- sasf: .ws--“ «i: S rs™ “kso .5jss|.c'.. ~ ful instructress in French “'"I , TBR-MS PER. session. , I 1 Primary Class qq 1 ^ {!:rt:^t^t^^8ehra,Ac.l5 0U 4 The Languages j Susfwithdscefifistramsnt 20 00 Board in good and respectable families can ^Trrslestrfng l^nKuon may be addressed to J. C. Baker or B. Robeson. Prospect Hall, Bladen Co., N. C. I James C. Smith. i JA.VSiSS I®®"' .1" ^ ! 3Sim; orCi.OCK8 and other c. SMITH * ci>., il,.3ever’oeenoir'redu, thepnolm^ Merchants, which he will s.-il at New 1 oi w pi Dio second story of tiic j (qc two years. ’■ 1 All debts .Ine in am ! and received by August 2S. IBob- Commissicn Have removed their „ holograph Company rJ'reTheTrpVeire'd to attend to all business in the ^Tubliiness entrusted to them will be punctually '“wumugton, October 1, 1856 y ^ pL‘Ci‘Ss;Fl'. N'ortii C;‘.r«'l;'!i’ . ul.^i) v.Gir- bowman, sellers aKvaiiAL COMMISSION And Cotton Factors, os 1 - Piue sirei'i. PTiF-reiy ’5.0X211’.. j 34 1-,. ,.r,\vylA:.. V,\ !1. .■■■.il.Liiiid. F.‘5 ‘.VD. Mol’i; ■' , .Mavl. 1856. -me-iis N. B.-i’-u-tifular alt.-ntion pa d to e...-V-m.i . Naval Sioros. _ _ ■rtv T'l: A VIA I ■■• „ . ,i .. The Su’i.H'rii.ers convey the Mail be! t n ’■f..,;,,.- ’ vilV and ilavelayevu!einal'..m:ymme..,i .^ '"'‘"'’“'"'rnnn’rT!^:'eL Summerville aLt Noiire , Hry. l.nnn r an-l u -da,'=. n ;''.’ebnh.a. m.-Ke!un.s ; Thiuv.inyi^ rikI • •’ri - "- rnreliv-ni ,M.,nd"V. Wednesday ami J-. ’tN :o .-'I’.Uiii.krv.Siu v-. , ^ TOGFl'litlR Wi'Ill OR-;>’i IL ILL/- Ui K .IT:. V sen* at tie’ following reii 1,.,. : . oEmhI’TION ANU Cl.CilHlNo l„in,i;a.dy inadv'"' ■• .- (Pi j, ' \b,oueaddve.-A J .”) THRLE " n no .(-c.. OILR ‘.30 TliC NATION is 1., O.ii' AV. t’.i-r • . ;a- U )\ lY'i ' il • .1 ' K.:i^7 I'aV'- liA’-• Ati^ 2.'.. r the utlo 1: fii’in will h; T^. I). GIIK -tr 1»A :aHl ir A-.l 'fib-N -Tiip,; Oasli F, DAYISON, D. .j.irc'’'a':ers. CAIUIOLL A I’ETERSON, Clinton N. C., \\:\Y ' r.ini: ■ parcbasc.s. on the boat .Sept.l^-. IS.'l*. ^iiiess tovnis. Jan, 10, 1857. JOSEPH LYON, Suc’T. 3-2-tf considered hopeless, veil A. L. ^aUTABIiB corner Having had 1 1‘, . bana complete finish, that ' tist in the United States. ^ , teSL"rifi«^hat^thej.^^^ knowledge and ; A RCH AMD AU LT, ' *R1 ^"KjA^hiira “ial. and if he does not rodo-em STBAM E.VGINK BC1I.DER, l,ApicdglwiIlf«l’fv'‘kis,w9rk. l5(5.ndHddIi«™.sM.,fi5Wud.nPa- at^Fay^ev^ Jany 3.1857. 3>-» •v SURGEON Intending to oTall Vno inmd the ser-j , . p r,. -p s.’ r;'^a”tViS{rgAe,.im the^^^^^ ^''iVxCELLENT-OFl’O-RTUNTf Y. _ South, he pledges r-ireful thorough’.vork uiul i " , .tviilo olothlu'’- Fariiisuiii:4* (xooJ^, II- “p “Tib" c„n». my ■ BR.3N!)T, Bo.ii.s and Sime-n, Sai!ei.; r .\i,v ol’wn eh he will sell e.."ap mr iT,)daee or .m -inna pime. ^v, HUtlf Sioi’t’ '-•1 Id* iiohb.iii Hoii7 W. . I i . ;-li y (.iruDplvu t/iJ a’ICN. 'V'gl-^ . 1 AU’ •Ml will u' •> wvrbi. ■ VvTi. .. 1)1 la^ v.’c 1,.'. ■ l>h -riiie 111 lead r.; puid’. "--1 •• i i.-- IH’.C At I’Y- ' f'lllDl '•'.ElU iaa lypv ..-V-’.'- USGL.O U-. •i.’r-. i Olm. Caps, V.ilieo;^ at a vc liai'-il-? ol ■ .. h-. vyv r. I .. ... -1 l:l^ 1 io •■=.■-1-- - * :A’.-v a’.ui •'•'liiiiy in uTnnC’iac.f.E; ii 'hul vi-u lift- Uj lADvUi- .. . r. 1 - ' ■ ,y,VK.' i’-u- .- —- 1h.U; m ;g giVUVi.t.. ID 1:.' . .1 , i i-iE. ■”. I • ■’■ •*' • \ :• U; -fiM ■ ■ * • .-.G-' ->a i m’.:- - : C.U ' ■ • . A ”l • : A' 1; •-! ::1 - Vi . ^!.t V t .3 G i'^0 RG R • nth side Hay Street, Fayettev I questioned age} for him the tomb Had long been all prepared} But death, who withers youth and bloom. This man of years had spared. Once more his natSfeS d^ing fire Fashed} and thus he cried, -Life, only life, is my desire!,’ Then gasped, and groaned and died. 1 asked a Christian—"aitsWef thoa. "When is the hour of death? A holy calm wasjon bis brow, And peaceful was his breath} And sweetly o’er his feature stole A smile—a light divine} He spake the language of his soul: "My Master’s time is mine!” as- A beautiful gem of poesy, from a mind of richest pearl, is the followiag. The apprecia- tire reader can almost hear its music ripple as it gently flows in harmony with the most sor rowful sentiments o the human heart-. Softly! She is lying. With her lips apart, Softly! She is dying, Of a broken fecart. YVhisper? She is gmwg To her final rest- ■Whisper! Life is .growing: Dim within her breasf. Gently! She is sleeping; She has breathed her last. Gently 1 While you’re weeping. She to Heaven has past I Portable Steam So^ttb nlbouL lonsacforatcam tobe au^ Ss ate fiited in’from 3 to u weeks. .^&y?onand h»rc ^«n gcncraTsauiaction. Descriptive circulars will be sent wheu applied for. Jao. lO, 1857. HEW CONSIGNMENTS _a •».« anmA rtllfl.litV Of OYSTERS and LICUORS ”» Al.L aciiri^d on them old j:;a1f^sVeLt^l^eVs\toi» will not fotgCt bim.. ’ ANTIOCH sion of this InstiLitio , 1 .f. Stuart, wliuse inst., Jiiown qualifications are siimcient experience.-.. man-agemeut of the School. loard'Sn be had iu the noighbovbood on very reason- meat. Tls niy Hooks must bo clo.^e- . i , . ‘L rv tUDl ■^'OC.Ui V- i : 1.,* GO. Ohii iv . i- Nov 29 1856. 26-tf Fi)R SALE. ! The Subs^on’-’r 1 ett“viUo for tko ^ 1 ln’utod Vri'U ll}^ ! this superior Whiskey to meet dcnl...,J. oi la.: 'ivith ; itauce v.c are V t ia i i • \ iti.*lIlOVl/.cU It;;'* Uo 'Bnt call and help balance hi old books. Having a— S fofthZfficefandnotpassby his Saloon on 32-lt able terms. Jany- 3, 1857. v. vNIBL B. .SMITIi. ] JAMES A, SMiTH. I ;!i-3t Com Election. a candidate for JB3 • S^ln^ns^ teve^drawa off ^afl th^ac- covinlaonmy b^^ P as speedily as possible, nrouth, and "H* I" 1 e”smm^ will give their i^tSifnlo the settlement of their respective "‘^twill be charged on all accounts unpaid from Ut February next j HINSDALB- ja-3t ;r^i":^« mstrlc for the ensuing year. Hlecviou^m J: e^> •y'^.LLyjjg. Jan’yS, 1857. 31-te .. , T1 OUSE and Lot. The subscriber wisn-] if^ ing to kuvL Fayetteville, ott’ors ’;.7.1 ?hr;i'ot-rty is also in a good eSnditiou. For iarther j particulars address the subsciioir^^^ .^^^ : Nov. 29 1856. 2ra-26 I oTSyoLunoN. npv; VcSWAIN A McDUFFIEhavethisday dis- and couec- tlie former F-IF,. lit deny.:: Ul-i/ draughon. ■a leading pap .i.vrn. ' not i:u i'll V fovi’. ,1 t'; ONDVU i- 3- commend Tht ■■Nation” to oav Al.J. Li i.i-U’in . Dec. id’i H '>6. 58-lt repair. April 20 FOS S.ILE fitr.lP. •■*5. : SECOND HAND BUGGIES in good 1 •i2-tf A. A. MeRETIi.YN. • ' •' 5 - ---• . . M '.r, F. IV i . rsl ■ T II.JIII A1 ■ 1 '• !fl (» - Mvl.aiil ’Pi" "I' 1856. ■>. 000 Suirit Barrels for suie by ‘ McLAURlN & STRANGE. 1856 tf xl;'." Dr McSvvftiii will itUeii' fihntsfor the iiriTi- D^ McDuffie will continue to ocoupy "^MCSWAIN. Nov. 1, 18.56. 22-tf HOTEL. NEGROES WANTED, Jsn.- iC't 1857. IIS at Laurinburgh, RiCbmoad county, will have j prompt attention. ^ MeINTYRE. 1 D.ANIEL .M, McLAURIN. j Laurinburgh, .lan’y 3, 1857. Sl-B FAYE'l'TEYILLE _a The Subscriliers having this day ^ leased tills Hotel for a t-.'rra ot years, will be cleased to see their friends and the trave!io„ .^JMpubUc at this House. At Uie same time we *1. \vni bp uatieut and bear with our imperfcc the highest cash Pji.caJor j hopo X, Ji uave pul the House iu such repair as wc desire. • ' FOR SALE. i i TWO THOUPAND acres of land, nme rniics if,r F^^mViile. lying ui-etiy.on the^iuhern ! T^pomhm tmklf ?-n1yi wDb ' convenient improvements for a family residence; vvil.i a small corn mill on a never fai ing stream, ami a ust ;.ate situation for a Turpcutuio 'W Feb’yfi, 1856. ‘f vn-aim - ’laT.f.lin. l. iv » on .... a- • if ' a;::- ;■ urdnnavy .,.,d S.tnMxy raornl... runs nyuisv !vsirryhi-j cnnW t'lnjKfS »»f tb.* Ta\x>t. •“ ! TbcrtTA-R.rh.. u.i I.ur fomu on^.o^ ^ ; tbi- ib’spaU’h ana ]A- f ko. watorfqu:n‘^GUiiu.-nL.^ all ftliipiM-r? tb- f.—l t •'-..'jti-ut that nt. 'I'fi fiiir na-iroiii** wc t- tu.ur c’hsrslt.r.jri’ bf;low«l. ..-.h vn.i i -no i.ft-.'ri....'.;! . f! /rvJ’m f''*"';'/, J. tl. RoBKKrs. fliarch I, 1856 •VO- J. H. ROBERTS & CO. F. N. llOBEUTS. o-tf P. 'I’AYLOR j -rw r-’ceiviii- hi-s I'AI.L STOCK, embracing a’; li stock of Dry Goods. Hats. Caps. | hoUow-AVfvre. Crockery ! ill be sold upon favorable term'rorevchanged for prodnec, hoping to see to ivk-nls aad customers before they supply themsehe... IS large au genera Ha d Shoes. Groceries.^ aiiG aiass-WAi-e, which 14-6m. FOE SAIK ihT^bSr offers for sale the following tract conUining 1200^a^res, W0^^ as goed well drained, and about t£;fyree"?J^rfd asunder ffince, adjoining the “ A^"b®.cfeajS.“g the I'hi^ of B. Johnson and Wm. Bordaux. -r Jnhn Cain and E. Downan. fliTero^^rff^^d^^^rv^nLke'young ne- *TortX'iX^otionSms the subticriber at EUxab^town, N. C. ^ ^ Mia,yfN. Wllington Herald Lpy 3 »»«««> subscriber. iJAiVA' OF FA YETTEVILLE, 1 aist December 1856. ) the Directors of this Bunk have declared a seito annval Dividend of 4 per oent-payable on and afier the 2d day of Jan y jjkoaDFOOT, Cash'r. 31-2t TOBACCO. lit BOXES Fine and Common Ch^CTungJ^obacco. Jany. 3, 1857. 3I-3‘ loterest. wa. dnhacriber »veB notice that his books aire now Those wishing to save interest. for sale. , ,ir» Btock of CLOTHING and Furnishing ^’JdS tIIm who may wish to get in to bmimessi FOR SALE. I lleavT 4-4 Beaver Creek Sheeting/. Coffcii Yarn. Warp and Filling, Nos. -> to 10. ■ ALSO, Belt Ricker, Roller and Lace LEATHERS. Oils'and Mamifactnrcr’s Fiadings _ Winter strained. Sperm. Lara and Linseed Oils, shuttlie's Isin.gglass. French Glue, Emory. Roller Cloth and Glass Steps. „ ,a „ J. H. HALL. Pres. B. C. M. Co. July 26, 1856. ' 8-tf goods. • the subscriber, as he intend! - Ld if to whole Stock is not sold before ^ri»ehruary he Will sell at onctmn.^^^^^^. ready for settlemenU 'I^hose wi ftc, had best call and settlei p. ^ pgjiBEBTON. Wy 3, M52 « H 111 oersons who are indebted to me either ?■ api?nunt will please call and settle, and by note or A r„,;„ed to close up my business. A^tSofe having claims against me will please present them to me for payment. Jany 8; 1857. 31-«. ANDREW J. STBDMAN, \it#»vi>cv ik^ T>s*'kV» _ Havin- removed to PITTSBORO.N. C.. ■nBl^attend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties. April 14, 1856, tf ^ lilMK A7fl> CE3IENT. Just received and for sale 250 CasksJjime. fresh from the kiln, 100 Barrels Cement .50 “ Calcined Plaster, 360 Bushels Plastering Hair. 75 Barrels Mackerel and Herring, sob Sacks Liverpool Salt. 900 “ Alum Salt; 2 bushel Sacks. J. W. POWERS. Oct. 27,1350. 09-tf SciVt. 6. Fcav f«tr Sale- The subberiber offers for sale TH^E niTNDnED ami EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Land ou Capi. I car River below Smith's Ferry, in Cumberland county. filnuLg with tbe river to th'o lands of Mts Byrd. \ portion of the laud .is Cleared and fenced. It is n-elt ad inted to the cultivation of corn. oats, and the nsnal' crons of the river lands. The pai’t niiclcared has on it some good swamp, wliich may be easily pre pared for asc i;h! i,.aainnal ““i-:;-- bivcr. A’t-'nt f-'t buttirlv)! k, C'- r.y..tuwill...N. C . Oct 25.1855, il-tt ! We cull Ihe attention cf WHOLl - SALE DEALERS TO our in-escnt Stock.—and we have rcc 'u: ..- ^ 'giiU bags Rio. Laguira Maricaibo aa.l Java “0 iiiids Sugar, assorted grades, T.adibls do. Rctiael. Crushed and 1 ov. . 35 hove-s .Spern. .'ul.imantine and Tallov. ■ 66 do. Fancy and.a-ssorted Caudr.?, 'lOO coils Kentiii-ky. .lute and Manilhi Repw j V imles Bag.ging, Guiiuy. Dundee ' 30 tons Hoop Iron, j 120 bo.ves Cheese, j 20 balf-liiils Super Car'u. Soda, 49.')00 Cigars various In ands, —ALSO— 1 B- ['epper, Sp: idder. Ind:: ice,- Giug go. U will be sold on a credit of twelve mouths. Per-, Jiadder. Indigo. Spniti-U POOR wishing to buy can call ou the owner at this place. ■ -md Ear Soa])S, Starch, I o-.vili Bonswis b J. G. SHEPHERD. ; white Lead. Pntip aiid Linsccd April 8. 93-tf Clovc.t. Niiiine rirfiv.n, i*0'-.vler. i^lK"*!. on. ^viE c. GOLDEN MURRAA', tOMLIHSSKtS JlEBtHiST, AGENT FOR “UEGI'L.VR LINE” OF TON PACKETS. 63 South Street, YORK. The nndersismed maybe found at tlie Office of C Golden Murray'. 62 South street, where orders for every description of Goods will receive his prompt and per- ennH.! attGUtiOIl. P. MALLETT. March 20, 1856 y MURRAY’S Fiinff in Boxes. Eagle Mills do., in Hal; Pi"!• and Black Teas. HoViow-Ware. Sweeds Ivoe. German, and Cast Steel: Plows. Straw Co - ; Shclicrs. Sausage Cniters and StutVcr.s. T; ■■■ Solo Leather. Ac- Ac.. ! Tiic above Goods w« offer on the H:-." - lYILMING-; tev™^’“Prompt time or eash^pu^.'.^ Nov 1.5. 24-tf A. M. Ca’-uRB.-’l. A.I!CTI0XEF.R t COMMISFKV 't' East side of Gillespie -tri- Fatkttkvit.i.s. N. f October 1. 185.’. liL’ i:;t i.i ^ '!!••• i*i' ’irli' 1 ’. 'fijikiiA *' '*■•■: t!i*’ ;* . j' ■. .L.iii 1)1’ V 1 >.’1 l?D‘ S!’> I')" «■ ■■•Ml -. -r il I»tI” •|•l ;l ! J i 1.1 I’ll «l;r il l ? tui ['l It*'>■•! ■ ■-■ 'h’j jlU!)‘|:’ • I ti’/l •«!'. il.’iiry I'liliGt. Il a.!’^ u'’r ’ 'ifl J'll* 'I’liM i’i*f ml th-- il 1'. IMaiitiiiioii. .*»'» a.•!•••- -jn L-) -'»:i ijitr, \it?\'r V, i;;;,i 4‘» Ai-r ■- ii t • tV»!| ;l 1 ,Kl th ; !■’ :i' ' •■•’ :»n Ll B ;■> - ii'i ;f .11 -• a u - '• *1 Ttiii’- -p '»tj :;j .1 .I T -- f):i iij ‘!i- -‘-v Mai TLj :'/*■) n-'iiv} iiivi •I'.iH ■ T”'. i.i :J Mills iGniD-T-ly wi'U aur**' ‘*H * •I -■ -rn i'hink lif .‘»0 a^rt's »)*z I’d au nii.ii. I L‘»tr ill l’)” Til a-a i)iit Ar:J ou the South '-’lid A t . a ■ - lai-: i; tj - >).l- 12 .|‘h;)rc« of St| i'i.iuk lio.i'l. to v-h iPr-. of S'tJ I’lk • hart*-^ *11 I V'.oi r-*iiij».iii\. il) Ojares in tli liv - I In’.f T‘ ’ ■ -a'. '. ".I- la?' IT’i’.rv ■ -B. f.wt;

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